-1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1918. HZIJ WANTED MALE I. FEMALE WANTED 1200 hup piokirv Mak your va . rarlcn a paying proposition to helping T. A. ' "J-vaaley Co pick their 660 a of hops, lo I eatsd on Uw fallowing well known yard, Leke l brook. Holmes, Murphy and Fereival, aituated at Halam and Indroendence. Hon vary heavy. Excellent camp grounds, (torn, butcher shop, restaurant fin water, tree tents, straw and wood. Apartment hotua at Lakebrook. About JS or 20 days' picking.. Will send 800 pickers about August 23, Other special tralna will leave Portland about Sert-ernber S, 4 and S. Ball' road ticket and accommodation mar ba aecured on and after August ip at 805 McKay bid., corner 3d and Stark st. Will pay 50c per box, or 1 par hundred pounds. Call early to aware tick eta and sceomraodatlons, aa Oregon baa plowed oat 19,000 aerea of hops, and many pickers are required to harvest the crop. Phone Main 1849. PAfoPr"lrifAf Libert b6nd. It to f 10 a week right from tba atart can be earned by taking magazine subscription among your friend,, right In your own home town. Hundreds of persons are paying off their Lib- arty bonds with money earned during their pare time, conserving their Income and still fulfilling their patriotic duties. You- can do tba name. Experience unnecessary. For - par ticular! write lek No. 8, Wen tern Magazine Corporation, 004-007 Spalding bldg., Portland. MOLKR BAHBER CiH.LkOU P you while learning; gives yoa aet of i tool, guarantee position. Write for catalogue, t!2$4 BnriMld t . or phone Broadway 1781. MEN. UOMKV. learn barber trade free; wage while framing; position guaranteed, OregoB Barber College, 228 Madison. WANTED AGENTS FRIENDS 1 AGENTS I ldies and Gentlemenl Lend m your note. Us and ell Egyptian Msglc Perluras. A powerful high- grade extract of flowers tnat give entire satisfaction. Mr. H, writ, "four perfume la ut grand." Mim C. aara "It't wonderful, already people take more notice.", Mr. Kebey writea, "It may be the perfume, anyhow business 1 better. Hun dred of satisfied cnatomer. One bottle, post paid, 2fio; three, 00c; five, $1; dor.en, $2; groaa, f 18. O. J. Churchill Chemical Co., Mfgr., Beaumont Texas, ; 'VkTAZtSKTiif hubsMiptTon agents EVERYWHERE W bare the lin-nt. best paying uberlption proposition yoa ever heard of. Write at once if you want to make big, money thia fall. Boms enoVe territory open now. ror particular write WESTERN MAGAZINE CORPO H A T ION , '"Western Service for Westerner," 904-807 Bpalding Bldg., Portland, Or. AGENTS Delicious "oft drink in concentrated form. Always ready. Just add water. Economt eal, absolutely pure. Every housewife wants them, 14 different kinds; enormous demand. Big mmmr eller; money cornea easy. 250 other popular priced, fast selling household necessities. W furnish free outfit. Write today now. E. M.Feltman. 86 8d at, Cincinnati, O. f0 WEEKLY and" automobile Yurnb-herT men everywhere .placing samples wonderful fuel product with automobile owner. Tliree eenta' worth equals gallon of gasoline. Outfit free. L. Rallwey, t., F, Ixmlsrille, Ky. FCBNISHED BOOMS FBIYATE FAMILY J ?t SLEEPING rooms for people employed; could be used for I H. K. ; also unfurnished suit. 188 31 at at. N. Broadway 3483. FOR' RENT In privet family, furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen.' 1 block to M. B. car. 18. . Myrtle Park eta.. 0780 42n are. B. B. PLUNISUE0 rooms, walking distance to ahip- yarda. Phone East 8181. j SLEEPING room for rent; prefer juung lady. Wdl. 4000. TJXFtrBiriSHKP BOOMS H TWO uniamiahed rooms, 1st floor, porch, pri rste family, may ba used for bounekeeping. Beautiful eiew orer rieer and Oak. Sell. 1780. FOR RENT Good front room, downstair, un furnished, cheap. Working woman prefamd. 186 Clackamas at. nOOMB AHP BOABP l ROOMS and board, home eooking. $7.60. ku waukle restaurant. Uilwuukie. 1 block east of O. W. P. ft L. depot THE Martha Washington. 880 10th. for buai nes girls and atudenta. Marshall 12B1. ?HiE I1AZEI,. outside rooms, hot water, bom eooking Hpeeial rate u couples. 88B Sd. UOOMS Afil) BOARD FBXTATK FAMILY WANTED Small rhild to care for in my own home. Good care, terms reasonable. N-949, Jmirnal. HOO.M and board' tor refined people, in small private family. A 15 ruin, ride from the heart of city. Bell. -760. ROOM and board for 2 shipyard wofkers. Horn molting. 29 Pi. 17th. GOOD home cooked meals for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Main 4167. 205 N. 21st at. i WANTED Children to board, in prirate Umr y; good care. Call Hallwood 178Q. ; OUTSIDE rooms, home cooked meals, bath, -13 week up. 284 Main at. SOMEONE to care for an invalid. Tabor 6700 W AX TEI ROOMS AND BOA BP 80 WANTED by man-and wife and 13-year-ol3 daughter; board and room in the country for 2 or 3 weoka during August. Marsh 6009. Ad dres V-5 77, Journal. i AFABTMEWTS IS rCTBlTISHEP ANP tJSFPBSrJSHBP IIATFIELD AND CRAB TREE 165 4th St... roost 89. Main 8323 88 room modern West Bide apartment, walking distance, good surroundings, clearing (200 per month; pries $70 per room; ! rent $2 per room, S year lease. 1L00 for quick action. in rooms, west stae, wanting autance, rsni $50; will net $90; half caea, balance term. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS Hew 300 room house, 2 and 8 roam bouse keeping apartments, fundebad or unfurnished; elevator, hardwood floors, 11th and Montgomery. FOB BEUT FliATS IS 5. ROOM flat, range and some furniture for BE AX ESTATE FOB WALE MOUSES 1 ale if eon wish. 14S 11th and Alder. after 12. $10 8 room flat 305 E. 1 1th. Call FTJBTTISHEP FLATS t BEAUTIFUL lower 3 room flat with piano; room for 4 or 5 adults: new place. 601 Fifth at COMPLETELY fuminlied modern upper flat. piano, gaa, electricity; also sewing machine; $22. Phone Woodlawn 400. FURNISHED flat, in Irrington; 6 rooms, aleep ing porch, fireplace, piano; rent $85 per month. Phone East 4083 or call at 40$ E. 16th. HOTELS 64 NORTONIA hotel, Portlands a own town, high class family hotel; room en suite or single, with or without board, for families and busi ness men and women. W give you all the com forts of a borne. Reasonable rates. STOBE8 AND OFFICES 11 TWO storerooms, well lighted. 45x100. $3 per . month, IOOiIOO, $5 per month. J. D. O'Don- nell, Bpalding bldg. ttENT 50i100, 3 atoriea, 16th and Jefferson, for dead storage, light- mfg., livery, low rent, long lease. 914 Journal bldg. TWO large stores, 263. 265 Bussell St.. $5. Broadway 637. THIS WILL INTEREST YOU 7 B o WATERLEIGH HEIGHTS Bungalow, T rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace. cement basement, fumaca, laundry trays, garage. An Meal modern home. $1000 cash, balanc to suit. $ 8 2 5 0 BOSS CITY PARK Bungalow, 9 rooms and sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, completely modern. Owner Is in business on Belmont and will trade this for boms closer to his business. 8 8 0 0 0 ROSE CITY PARE, 7 room house, hard- - wood floors, fireplace, cement base ment, buffet-and bookcases, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch. A modern bom. $500 cash, balance monthly. Open for inspection Sunday from 1 p. m. until 4 p. m. 400 E. 64th at. N. $ 8 0 0 0 DTVISIOJI STREET Bungalow, 6 rooms,' hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases, gaa heating system, cement basement, splendid location, 1 block to car. $800 cash, balance to suit. S 8 5 0 0 ROSE CITY PARK, in 64th st. T rooms and sleeping porcn, modern home, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays, all city improvements in and paid for. $500 cash, balance to suit. There will be a party at 400 E. 64th st. who will take you and ahow you this property today only. See W W. JORDAN, Manager Bouse Department, aCaiMEB RESORTS RITUATIOJf. MALE EMPLOYERS Wi can fin your needs for office help, male r female. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT-. BUREAU . HOUSKKEEPIJTO BOOMS 8 FURNISHED ANB UITFUBNISHEP WELL furnished rooms, privilege of kitchen, close to ocean and depot; $2.50 and up week. Mr. A. Lynch, "The Pirs," Long Beach. Wash. H. K. Apts. fine water, at Kockaway Beach, Apply at Ocean Crest Apts. LARGE, clean upstairs; single H. K. room; comfortable furniture and very quiet: no chil dren; suitable for 2 clean, desirable working men or women. Del Monte, 167 Stout, S of 20th and Washington. TWO and 3 well furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, $10 and $12 per month. 08 Knott st. Phone East 8372,. rilCE housekeeping and sleeping rooms For bachelors. 376 Yamhill. HOTJSEKEEPIKO BOOMS JS FTJBJKISHEB AND UNFTJBNISHEP PRIVATE FAMILT FOR KENT, in private family, 2 unfurnished' rooms. May be used for housekeeping. Phone Ea.st 217. - FURNISHED housekeeping looms, near hip yards. Apply at 721 1st st, 8 CLEAN furnished U. K. rooms. 640 E. Stark st. 5 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms, mod ern, piano. 892 B. Salmon st. 8 ROOM basement suite, close in. 842 Clay it. at Broadway. FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBTJTLDrNG nORPORATlOS. In tikis war time emergency and searcrty of housing accommodations, we request every patri otic citizen who has a house to rent or rooms to let to mail information of aame to Columbia, R. S. 3. Corp. Box 1202. Portland, Or. WANTED- To rent by adult couple, 4 or 5 room house, must be clean and homelike, Will guarantee best of cars, pax rent in ad' ranee and expect contract for a year. A-l reference. X-767, Journal. WANTED 5 or 6 room bungalow or house with garage, to lease for period of 1 or 2 years. Rose City Park, Laurelhurst or imngton. Phono Tabor 8283. BTiKNlSIfED H7K. room, $8 per week, loth, cor. Taylor. 201 C. a. Government 'cooperating, 247 Darta at. WOMAN'S DIVISION. 300 City 1111, my service a an all around office man. 'First claae rapid, penman and sten ographer. Have alo had considerable experi ence on book. At the present time actively in terested in a lew. easenllal manufacturing con cern in this city.. It 84 7, Journal. accountant. Over 15 yeara' experi ence, college graduate, specialty in banking and commercial law; practised law several years In thia atate;.eged 44 years, married; own home, in this city; A-l references. 8 .130, Journal FOB BETfT HOUSES UKFCBXISHEB 11 M1ETBR A ymAXTC'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 8TB FLOOsK Hers you have choice of the combined Bats of all desirable vacant house, apartments and flats in the city, with definite, reliable informa tion pertaining to each. Kecorda are kept up to date, new lutings being added eacn day. There is absolutely no obligation or charge for thi service. It is maintained aolely aa an accommodation to the public Newcomer in Portland will find thia bureau of great help in getting properly located quickly. WANTED Plowing and disking 1n the valley, with Molina tractor, or will rent tractor to mipoiiiilble parties. 831 E. Everett St. East 6703. Call after 5 -p. jn. WANTED Work by a first class steamfitter who ran plan, avtimate and install all kind of heating plant. L-947. JwraaL WANTED WoYk for"3 ton White truck haui lng: rata reasonable. W din. 707. 838 Mallory eve. CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR Repairing' a specialty. 441 East 62d st Tabor 7982. R. P., Crony. BOY, 15, wants position where ne can use Wheel: honest and reliable. Call Bdwy. 2100, room' 827. BOT' would like position in grocery store; ex perience and references. East 8441. Bahried man with experience wishes Job driving for runt class bakery. Tabor 0440 Ext 'E 1 U E N" C ED watchman 4 can give reference. Phone East 4981. IV work, reahlngllng don by contract. Phon lUacham, Mar. .706. FkinYer.. j'.b and ads, wants work thje or four oar a weea. i-wo. journal. fSXPEBIENCEI) employment clerk wishes posl tion with some large firm. T-766, Journal. MAN and wife want to take cuargs of apart ment. 15 K. 14th N. kHINGIfUH When you want hingling done. - eau Msrstisii 107 3. ELDERLY man as Janitor or houiteman. R-845. Journal. Harried rnairv handy, quick to learn, wants j worn. b4H, Journal. ROY-lfl, wsnted to learn plumbing trade. Apply 1052 Hawthorne ave, Monday, 5 p. m. SITUATIONS FEMALE GRADUATE piano learner will give lessons at your home. Iesaon, 60c. Phone Wood- lawn 2821 irTUATIOtf wanted by reliable woman Tot nemsework by day or hour. Phone Tabor 87BT, ask for Mr Munr.er. Can after Sunday, TWO ladle want positions a cook in camp where buabaiul can work outside. Phone Main 6315. apt. 0. 22 11th st. nls risu siooa tenograpii!c position: 3 years experience, good reference. "Write box 125 Keeimnnd, Or, Y0UNO woman wants work. 6 hours a day, $8 week, and no Bnwlay work. R-84 4. JonrnaL EXCltA NGTr Work "for" sun room and board. N-946, Journal. iTKNOGRAPHER wishes good position, either t Temporary or permanent. WANT day work, by hour. Tabor 1007, 7844, ask for Mrs. Kate. 36t Call Tabor DRESSMAKING 40 CALL at 979 K. "Aider for having children and misses' olothes made. WlTBSEf 0 Invalids pn vat rooms, cart trained nurse city references. Tabor 2213. FURNISHED BOOMS HELP SHIPBUILDING HOBfHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. You can serve your country -by helping ahip- bnlldgTS to locats. List your vacancies, tarnished or . unfur nished bouses, room or apartments. Write or phone. A. J. ngland. Mala 119B. ATTRACTIVE HOME 8 room house. with maid'a room, oak Onlsh and hardwood floor downstairs; hot water heav ing system. Vi block? Improved with lots of shrubbery; close to car. In good location. Will rent to party with good references. Jr-815 Journal. WHEN vou set tired Having your rent raised and being compelled to move. loos us up. w bars bouses and lots we esn sen yon for sz down, $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber cf torn meres. FOR RENT 10 room modern house; can b divided for 2 families, 5 rooms each, upstair and downstairs. ML Tabor district. Call Sell- wood 2533. 6 ROOM house: gaa, electricity, furnace.- 2 tol lets, washtrays, yard, walking distance. Fries $30. Inquire 660 Kerby st. WANTED TO BENT RESPONSIBLE pnrty desires 6 room bungalow. Must have furnace ana cement basement. No exorbitant rent. Want lease from Sept. 1. Ta bor 634. FURNISHED S or 6 room cottage with piano, walking distance) to Highland school. Phone Wdln. 4217 between now and Aug. 15. MOTHER and daughter (adults) want 8 or 4 unfurnished room. Good neighborhood. Mar-. shall 6079. PERMANENT, careful tenants want 6 room houss. (J Ire full particular. A-77U, jour nal. WANTED- 5 or fl room furnished or unfur nished flat or house, west side. Sletten, Bdwy. 1012. Be. Main 5674. Inside Property Dealers, Ground Floor Henry Building. BARGAIN $1750 $200 caih, balance $25 per month. 61st st. ' 5 rooms, basement. Vt block from car. $2650 $300 cash, balance $20 per and interest 1 H blocks K. V. car, near 43d St. 5 rooms, large basement, etc.. $2800, $400 cash, $30 per month, hi block from Sandy road. 5 rooms, modern every way, hardwood floors, cement basement, etc., $3400, $300 cash, bal ance monthly, furnace, Dutch kitchen, hard wood floors, fireplace. Ws have some real bargains. O. T. PONDS REALTY CO.. 1280 Sandy blvd. Tabor 8829. REAL ESTAJTE FOB SALE HOUSES $1 j SHIPBUILDERS ATTENTION $625. all cash, tinn 80x100 lot and $ room dilapidated eottags; f or 8 large bearing fruit trees, located on the wast aids of Courtney St., 60 ft north of Hunt $700 S3SO i-MMtt a rrm eottaa-a. complete ly furnished. 1690 Courtney st. $1260 $100 cash, S Urge rooms and 50x 100. at 90 West KUlingsworth. $1600 8400 ruh 8 room modern bua- kalow. 1788 Hearst st szioo $400 cash, large 4 room bungalow, with larg porches, 03xl0f; 18Q0 Chautauqua, blvd. $2626 8500 cash. 4 mom modern bunga low with 100x100: all kinds of fruit and ber ries, 1803 Wilbur st . lbese properties ar all located about naif way between hers and St Johns and merit your inspection. FKKD W. GERMAN CO.. tax l cam, of Com, blrlg. $ 9004 room house. MontavilLa. ' 1100 I room hou&e, St Johns. 1900 5 room house, East Everett 1500 6 room house. East 68d at 1800 5 room house. East 7th st N. 1800 4 room house, Sumner st 2000 6 room house, Sell wood. 2000 6 room houss. Ross City. 2500 5 room house. Division st 8000 8 room house, Ivou t, near 89th. 35007 room house. East 42d at If none of these luit, will build yon house on installment plan. WILLIAM G. BECK. Real estate, loans and fire Insurance. 215-216 Failing bldg. 8 E. comer 3d and Washington st. $3150 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 5-room artlstio double constructed bungalow, cement basement, furnace, fireplace and laundry tray, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, built-in bookcase, paneled dinine room with rvlata nil. white enamel Dutch kitchen, best plumbing fix tures; 60x100 lot. fruit and flowers. E. 46th near Alameda. Price $3150, terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG . To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 800 HOUSES FOR SALE Over 800 bouses on our list to select from. W hsvs houses in every district at almost any price and terms you want We have photo graphs of these houses With full data. We have some remarkable bargains. Auto at your aerr ice. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Abington bldg. To buy your home. Main 1068. REAL BARGAIN HOME INVESTMENT If you want a good horns and at the same time without extra investment a sure income, here Is your chance. Pries $4500, reasonable terms. 7 rooms, exceptionally large living room, with fireplace, etc. Two stores with brick finish. Large lot. fins location, Baw thome avenue district WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE at CO. 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. TAKE A LOOK At this strictly modern 5 room bungalow, and large unfinished attic, nicely located In Rose vuy rarg, and completely furnished. No. 699 62d st north. Get busy. Pries $3300 Easy terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE A. CO.. 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. $1800 WEST SIDE Hunt' nsnn 5 room home, good basement modern plumb ing, electric and aas. on naved st- and rsrlina. convenient to South Portland shipyards. We have several other good buys in this district on easy tmjuirnia. &uio at your service. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington bldg. To buy your home. Main 1068. 6 ROOMS, 64 K. 81st $2000. $100 down T rooms. 60 Preseott t. . .$2800. $200 down rooms. 829 Webster st. ... $2500. $500 down a rooms, H21 Sumner st. ... $2000, $100 down 5 rooms, $77 K. 64th st. . . .$2100, $100 down These are all good buys and your inspection is xnvuea. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 782 Cb.m. of Oora. Pretty Bungalow, Multnomah Street ; This is on of the beat' bays la Irrington district It is a 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace, garage, etc, full lot; every thing paid; choice lot fruit, berries, walnuts. Price $3000, '$1000 cash. If you want to buy or sell, let old established firm know your wants. HargTove Realty Co.. 122 North 6th t Broadway 4381. VACANT 1 RLOOK TO OATt VATAVT $3000 Beautiful '6 room bungalow. Just be ing painted and tinted throughout fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors, full cement basement, waah trays, hard surface In snd sit nalrl Knt 411ft J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark st Msin 688. SMALL furnished or unfurnished cottage or flat Prefer Couch school district Small family. Thone Mar. 3886. 2" ADUt,TS, no children, want 4 or 5 room bungalow or apartment, Beaumont Mt Tabor district, on or before September 1. Tabor 7497. WANTED To rent by August 10, 4 or 5 room modern flat or bungalow, by couple wltnout children. K-969. Journal. y WAXTED 8 or 4 -room furnished house or ROSE CITY PARK $3660 A REAL HOME Let us show you this swell bungalow, located on exceptionally nice corner in Roee City, with all Improvements paid. Hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet furnace, etc This is way above the ordinary in class. A beautiful home In a splendid location. Sea this sure. A G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 8616. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. flat by Aug. 9. Woodlawn 6297. WANTED to rent improved suburban acreage. Phone Mam 207Z. WANTED A five or six room houss by a re liable party, east side. Call East 2268. REAL ESTATE BEACH FBOPERTT 48 MODERN, well built bungalow at Seaside, Or., on 100x100, lance living room, big fire place, hot and cold water, some furniture. Price $2500. with $700 cash, balance term. Will sell house and lot only. Trade considered. P- 818. Journal. ; ; ON Cannon Beach, tract of 14 lots (61 acres). 350 feet ocean front with good 6 room 1 H terry house, fireplace, fine view, plenty water, far sl at a bargain. Owner. No agents. TT-618. Journal. ; EIGHT beautiful lots. Bay Ocean, pretty grove and srtring, grand scenery, near cliff and sea earn. $750. One lot Neahkahnle, $200. V 846, Journal. 4 Room House, $1100 On E. 12th St', Full lot, on 12th between Shaver and Mason; room house, lots of nice fruit Price $1100, 200 down, balaace terms. See us for any thing in the house line. Hargrove Realty Co. 22 N. 6th st Phone Broadway 4381. NOTICE; Anyone owning Salano Beach lot. It's to your Interest to see B. W. Taylor, 914 Chamber of Commerce.; 6 ROOM house In Irrington, with garage, and with some furniture, $35. 586 E. 11th N. East 4960. STRICTLY modern 6" room bungalow to T&- sponsible adults. 14 8 Curry, West Sid. walking distance, $30. 249 Bancroft avs. TO LEASE ROOMING, HOUSE, 15 oh investment weft located. Herschner. Rock away Beach, Or. Mrs.1 $18, 5 ROOM house, water, garbage paid, at 4 (19 Falling. Adults only. For informa- tlon call Wdln. 4739. FOR RENT -Unfurnished 8 room house, $26 per ' month. Call Wdln. 1194; on Sunday; through the week. Wdln. 1879. GOOD T room house, cor. E. 8 9 tit and Hoi ga te. Range. 3 beds; rent 825. Phon East 3225. 6 ROOM cottage, at 338 E. 44th. Call Tabor 850. VERY desirable 5 room house, : walking dis tance. W. streetcar to Glbb. up step. 80S 2d. 4. 5 OR 9 room flat, 263 V Russell at Bear Williams ave. Broadway 637. , f HOUSE for rent, $22.00 per month; 6 rooms', nice lawn and cement walk. Bell. 128. fFROOM house with bath and gas. 332 17 tK Main 6258." 7 ROOM1 house for sals or rent. Everett Will be there 9 to 11. FOB SALF HOUSES 1 $3500- GROVELAND PARK $3500 Strictly modern, nearly new bnngalow. cheap at this price: about $1000 will handle it F. L. Btiles, East 64 68. 5 ROOMS all on one floor, bath, electric tight; an awfully cozy home; $125 ca.sh, balance tike Tent Price $1260. Owner, Main 7129 6 a. m. to 12 n. SEE 1169 Glenn are.; take Alberta ear to J, Kftlmgsworth. A very beautiful bungalow, Dutch kitchen in white, full cement basement. laundry trays; uuv casn; nslance easy. SMALL HOUSE, on lot 25x100 feet between carlines, and only; 16 minutes' walk from Union depot. Price Is right Inquire owner, East 74H0. No agents. 979 E. HOUSES FOB BENT FUBNITUBE i I FOB SALE 8 NINE rooms, completely furnished, attic, full cement basement with toilet separate . bath and toilet on second floor, front and rear lawn, excellent opportunity for housekeeping apart ments, single or en suite; finest location in city, Nob Hill district 12 minutes' -walk to postoffice. W. car. Price $800. Rent Only $80 month. Apply any evening after 6 o'clock. 624 Flanders t. SOME furniture for sale at a bargain. Aug. 4-4; house for rent 449 E. Everett st . CONRAD1NE HOTEL TENTH ST.. AT OAK Under new management; nicely furnished throughout; rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath, popular price, first class bote! service; special weekly rates to permanent guest. v HOTEL BAKER. 265 6th t. opposite City Hall. 8trictly modern brick, under new management; dandy furnished rooms, running water, free baths; permanent and transient; fine bom for htpbutlder. San maTco potel. modern rooms, -baths, phones: $2 and up. tran sient, 60a up. 422 h washington. FSSnCESS hotel, modern, fireproof running water, phone and elevator: high quality, low price. East Third nd Buruside. EYAN" HOTEL ANNE372005 Fifth; neW brick: hot. cold water In every room; steam beat. Opp. Clty JIall. M. 9875. SMALL 2 room furnished house; rent can be partly paid by work, odd times. T-762, Journal. SINGLE or double room, near Foundation ship yard; reasonable. 44,3 N. 21t t. FOR RENT Desirable room to gentleman. Call Sunday a. m. 325 E. 12th st. THE KIN G S LEY Furnished room for rent, reasonable, walking distance. 67 Trinity Place. CLEAN, furnished, outside rooms. Single, $11 double. $12. 127 N. 12th. FUBNI8HED HOT7SES 88 NON-RESIDENT is forced to sacrifice modern 8 room cottage on account of icknes. Phon O. A. : Cobb, attorney for owner,. Main 9052, Beliwood 4 20. $400 CASH; BAL. EASY PRICE $2750 Overlooking river, close in. 5 rooms, room to finish 2 up; spacious veranda. Barr, Bdwy. 3120.' NICE 6-room house on E. 16th st. furnace fireplace, etc.; garage: $0x100 lot: roses $3000, $500 cash, balance monthly. Johnsbn- Dodson Co., 634 N. W. bank bldg. KENTON district llnOO. $50 cash, halanc like rent; 4 room house; 75x100 lot; Jut painted and tinted. Jphnsou-Dodson Co.. 634 N W. bank bldg. BUNGALOW 5 rooms down and 1 mom and sleeping porch upstairs, lot 40x117; $250 cash, $2 S monthly. Bee it at once; it s vacant Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. bank bldg. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY ?8 LARGE, clean room." suitable for couple or 2 men. Lights, bath, phone. Adults. Near Northwest shipyards. 180 Sherman st. fOM RENT Pleasant, furiiihed room, near R-C carline; gentleman preferred. 503 E. 45th. Tabor 2562. ' ; N.JCE, elean deeping rooms; walking distance to 2 Foundation shipyards; rent reasonable. 772 Unimby. near zod. A REAL home for rent in Walnut Park; a beau tiful 5 room modern bungalow, completely fur nished every detail, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, piano, lawn and flower ; no children ; references exchanged. 1078 Rodney are. Call Woodlawn -4635. 6 ROOMS, modern.! on Peninsula, near ship building; lot 60x100, on corner, 1 block to carline?; $2300. Terms, $300 will handle. Phone Mam 7276. $1500 Sacrifice 0 room plastered house, $400 FOR RENT For 1 year, my home, completely furnished, west side, close in, 8 large rooms, attlo and basement, 2 baths. . L. T. NEWTON, 501 Pittoek block. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6 room bungalow", daintily furnished, delightful location and grounds, 1 blk. car, to be leased -"for 1 year at $60 per month. Marshall 4827. i FIVE room furnished cottage, good neighborhood, 542 Greenwood ave., Richmond car. Phone Sellwood 3513. FOUR-ROOM furnished bungalow, garden, fruit Oregon City cst. $1250. Benedict 267 H Oak. Main 1743. 6 ROOM furnialisd1' cottage, east aid. CaD. East 7792. i RENT furnished house free for car Of 2 chil dren. Tabor 6743. FURNISHED 6,roc house, in Irrington, for rent, year or more. East 6269. i STCE" front room, bath adjoining; large porch. Ta uverton near d st. i BOOMS 'with, private family, gentlemen pre .; frred;j reference. Sellwood 8702. 8 NICELY" furnished rooms, private family, good ear service. 408 Going t SICELY inmiahed whit tna,airS sleeping $-l.B-sss.Cit J Jp IJLXu.. FURNISHED AND UNFUBNISHED" ABABTMENTS ( 43 BUSINESS man desiring unfurnished1 2 or 3 room modern apartment, includina srivate bath; will pay $20 and over, including maid seme for cnoic location, wast aid preferred. E-7B3, journal. i MoT UADT ADABTMCMTQ soconu1 and i inn i ri rwi i iiim i o Yamh Newly furnished modern housekeeping sleeping rooms, $2.50 and up. - HISLOP HALL. . 6th and Hswthorn. era 1, 2 and 8 room apts., $12.50 cp; walk ing distance, call Kast 882. MAGNOLIA APTS. East 3d and Belmont ; mode 1 nd 2 room apts., $1.50 pr -week Bp, Bleeping rooms. East a I a. j STANFTELD ants.. 204 Porter at: shipyards nradera 2 room sots., completely furnishsd, reasonable. Phon Main 7S92. PENINSULA APT. Woodlawn 1852. Ocas crete bldg., 2. 8, 4 rooms, bsth. phon. FURNISHED or unfurnished, 2, lit 4 toon. we on rrssf biosv cm azw cash, $20 a month and Interest 8tsrk. Phone Marshall 12. Gibson, 266 $5.00 MONTH. Small suburban place, 80 min ute out On carline. la to a. 18 Alisky Bldg. - CAN YOU BEAT ITT Her is a neat 5 room modern Hawthorne bungalow. Completely furnished. Hard ; sur face in and paid. One block from car. Clear of all incumbrance. For $3000, terms. This beats paying rent. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. O. A. Warriner. RITTER, LOWE at CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trad bldg. 6 ROOM modern house on improved street Sioia. i(0 casn, io montn, interest 0. 8 room modern house, full cement basement. near carline, larg lot in fruit; $2100; some terms. 6 room modem bouse, furnished, on imm roved street including furniture; 11075. 8200 cash, 7 room modern house, lam concrete sarase corner lot on Division ave.. S2400. 8350 cash Neil Smith, 6614 Foster road. Phone Ta. 1831. Attractive 6 Room House, $2300 $300 down takes this 8 room house. 1 block from ear; flreplac. full basement laundry trays. bath, etc Price only $2300. We can show you Just the home you want and at the right price. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st Phon Broadway 4381. HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES TT0N'T MISS THIS UNUSUALLY CHOICE BUNGALOW REAL BARGAIN Bos City Park Better part, do to ear. Very attractive -Weil arranged, strictly mod ern. Larg uving room. unu oming-room with maasiv buffet J hardwood floors, fireplace. furnace. OooS cases and otner twin eixecta. Pleasing den and breakfast room, delightful bed rooms. Dutch kitchen, larg art to with fin ished room for maid: or sewing; neat, light con crete basement. Larg porch, nic lawn. Paved street all paid for. j t A classy and .substantial bungalow far aa' perior to usual properties offered for aal. 1 need the money and for quick saM nave re duced th price tol $4350. Here's your op portunity. See it today. Fnrni tare If desired. i'non ka lo or Tabor Bias. ro agents HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES IT HATFIELD A CRABTRES" 168 H 4th at Room 89. Main S2$ $18005 room bungalow, sear 41st and 47th ave. : lot 60x100. ail in fruit and bernea. $300 cash, baL 6 yr. mortgage. 5 room house, partly modern, large grounds, St Johns district Your m terms, for $1750. $2400 Can you beat it i loom modara bungalow, completely furnished. Good furniture, nice lot; $350 cash, baL easy, near 87th and Grant This looks good and i good. Tw 4 room bouses. 43d t between Richmond and Haw thorne eara. Full lot lmnrdvements sU paid; $1250. $250 cash, baL easy. Have other good bargain.' Call HATFIELD as CRABTREH pie " '" 1 1 . Ar-A 't ia I iAAJS AJmVAJmS - For aal! S roam. hou. beautiful view. 5 Ox 100 lot house sold at on tira for $2600,- but needs some repair; near shipyards, clear of incumbrance and worth twice the prlc asked of $750. Snap. Large. 4 room, modem bungalow, bath, lava tory, cement basement and built-in conveniences. Lot 80x128. with ulentv of room for gsrage. chicken, cow, etc Price $1800. Term $200 down and $15 month and per cent interest. 5 room, modern bungalow house, bath, lava tory, basement built-in convenience, chicken house, fruit trees and berries, garden, lot 42x 80, near shipyards. ' A desirable property. Price $2625. at reasonable terms, on monthly pay ments at 6 per cent Com and ae ma. A. t. PKiSTUM. 422 Hnry bldg. t , Portland, Or. HOUSE BARGAINS 6 I. modern bungalow. lik new: good loca tion; fireplace, full basement. $2300; terms or auto as part payment 5 r. mod. bung., paved tt. Hawthorn out. snap at $2600. $350 cash. 5 r. bung, on oarllna. pared St.. west aid; $2000, term. 5 r. modern houseboat, $850; term. 6 r. cottage, 2 lots, fruit, berries, $1600; easy terms. 6 r. modern bungalow, hardwood floors, firs place, all built ins; it la a dandy. $8800, term. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 H 4th t MODERN 6 room cottage, large lot lota of fruit, street improvements in and paid, $2100, $600 cash. baL terms. Modern 6 room bungalow, full basomsnt street improvements in and paid, $2500. $500 cash, bal. terms. 7 room modern house, son ser lot $2800 $300 cash, bal. terms. W have several 6 and 7 room house. Wall built close to ear Una, at sacrificed' prices, easy term. P. M. MADDEN REALTY CO., 1028 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 9856. LARGE GROUNDS AND HOUSE REAL BARGAIN Closing out of an estate, must be sold. 8 room house, ground $0x100. first' class gar den soil; fruit tree and abundance of berries. One block from car. East 62d and Hoyt Price $1750 cash. WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. 0. 1 A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. BOOM nous. No. 1006 E. Washington st. In a maoDsr new and modarn; aay terms. Prir...A275U. ... . i room nouae, no, iv ,Bsa sv.; raicu modem; tk Hawthorn car to Lincoln at Pric $8500. 7 room house. No. 624 E. 20th st N.. Irrington proper; a strictly odrn bungalow. Pric $4500. . , p. h. -To a dot propet-u oar nam surf so street ail paid and bo city whatever. HENRY F. COVER. 64 Union Arm. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES Tt - HOME BARGAINS 100x100 near lUau-y at. 17 fruit tree, fln garden, berries, 8 room plastered' hous. cement basement gas and light. $1000. 6 room house, 1 block M-V ear, unit, fruit, grape and berriea, $1450. 100x100, near Mt Tabor car, good t room houss, fin fruit $1900. S. P. 08BURN. 10 McKay Bldg.. 8d and Stark. ROSE CITY PARK horn. 6 room, two balk PRICE -$3 160 ' 160x60 and good 5 -room bungalow, plenty fruit and berrtea, and flowers. Easy terms. 872 Watoo at. tor 38 60x1 00 6-room bungalow in first class condition, modern. 2S3 E. ; 70th at N. Easy terras. MALL &" VON BORSTEL 104 Second St and bath on first floor, fireplace, built in bookcase and buffet, hardwood floors, largs kitchen, linoleum floored attic, full cement basement, laundry tuba, 'gaa and electrio fix tux, rM. . T"..v. T lZJZ I "era, candy. it us show you. ouut lor staoiiuy ana eonTOnnc.. owun- ,nrlnMt A T- . oa t by owner who will llv eity soon ; numeaiaw , . Bn ffic- ROtK . Sandy. HOUSE SNAPS 11880 s room bouse, central Bt Johns. $22606 room eottag. central st John. $30006 room house, modern, central t aid. , $2000 Two 6 room houses, 60x100 lot, Brook lyn district; $650 cash will handle. '." $15.000 -A beautiful home, larg grounds, mag nificent view. Fin list of suburban tracts, improved and unlmprovad at low prioas and oa good terms. . A W LAMBERT SON 404 East AMar at oorner Grand av. Portland. Or, , ROSE CITY PARK , A WONDERFUL HOME $4100 Lex us show yoa on of th most beautiful bungalows in Rose City Park. You could not hope for a mom beautiful, a better planned or v better constructed bungalow. Everything yo would expect to find in a real modern bom. There ar 6 room and breakfast room, hard wood floors, fl replace, furnace. Ere neb doom b tween living and dining rooms. French bvlett os, U, ros, tin, rdn. ',t; 50x100 , pUta d Located Just a block, L. Band,. Let u. show you. You will b. $8.7 DOWN. $8.75 monthly; 100x100 lot In E. 62d and Hovt st.. near 280. Twohv enm- pany'a large railroad .car building shops; pries nJ pius aoout iu unpaid, sewer assess ments and taxes: a former owner of this prop erty refused $1000 for it 6 yes, ago. Fred W. German Co. $100 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH 2 -room cottage, citr water, fruit and fir an Pric only $450: no lien. No. 4729 7Sth t 8. E. Bee FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 5 Room House, Kenton Price $1600 Thia la a good buy In a neat 8 room bungalow near Kenton carline, hot and cold water, bath, gaa and is splendid oondition. It 1 a well built house. Pric $1600. $500 down. Hargrove . Realty Co., 122 North 6th st Broadway 4381. 7 ROOM hous . $ 2 6 00 7 room hous 1900 4 room hous 1200 7 room hous 1700 6 room hous ', 1700 All of th abov bouses can be had on easy terms. MOORE! A ROBINSON, 825 Lumber Bx. Main 1588 poaeeasion; deal direct ana male commission yourself. Tsbor 791. 649 B. 55tb H BY OWNER, 4 room bou. modern. Itawthorne district, 1 block to Richmond school, walking distance to Franklin high. White enameled throughout Dutch kitchen, . built-in effect and electrio light, big basement war garden, lawn, cement sidewalk, hard surf seed streets. Ths neatest and most convenient little hous to be found. Newly painted insid and out, freshly tinted. House 3 yeara old. CaJi $1600. 422 E 43d. Hswthorn or Mt. ScottVara. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, fumao, full cement basement, hsrd surface streets, 1 block from car. Very neat and attractive. Price $2900. term. C. A. Warriner, e RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 308-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. $3250 ROSE CITY PARK Nifty 6 room bungalow with all modern Con veniences. Price include paved streets all paid for. Ideal location. Close to car. Don't fail to see thin. A-l condition. Ilk new. Phon Hill. Main 1902 or Tabor 6188. $1300 Northeast, between Union and Williams avaa.! 4 rooms, basement, toilet bath and gaa; term reasonable. East 3877. BY OWNER New 4-roem modern bunsalow. kit 100x100. cor. 77th and Fremont. Rosa City car. FOR SALE 3 room cottage, also larg new outbuilding, all in good condition; city water; best of garden, fruit trees and flowers; lot 50x150. 1608 Stephens st. Hawthorn ave. car to 6 Oth st, 1 block north. $1200 HAWTHORNE COTTAGE $1200 8 room cottage, Glenn ave., 60x100 lot, fin garden and fruit; $200 down, balance terms. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington bldg. To buy your home. Main 1068. 9 ROOM modern residence, with two bathrooms, built-in conveniences, street improvement all in and paid; restricted district: close to car. A big bargain at $4 500; some terms or .vacant lot as part Sellwood 2857. BARGAINS New home, kitchen, dining, large living, two bed rooms, three sleeping porches: nice lot: near fine school. Number of cheap Pomes, irrington. East 278. w. H. Herdroan. MODERN 5 room bungalow, lot 50x100, berries, fruit and garden, close to Irvineton and Al berts car line. $2700. half cash. 996 E. 18th N. Woodlawn 5364. MODERN 6 room house, comer lot '65x100 on 02d st close to school and carline: pric liiDV, sau casn. taenia Ileal Mtate Co. phone Tabor 1699. SPECIAL COMPIjCTELY FURNL"sHED Artistic bungalow. 6 room and den. beautiful grounds, flowers, shade trees, 60x160 lot and fruit trees, all furniture Included; price $3100; $500 cash, balance easy. This is one of the most beautiful home in Portland, located within block of Columbia park. See Mr. Comte, 727 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4522. WAVERLY-RICHMOND Well built modern 6-room bungalow. full MT. TABOR 4 room house, lot 50x133. fruit trees, berries, beautiful view. $2200. on terms. Mt Tahor car to 68th, walk 2 block north. 1 .west. 63 p. ft" th st- Nelson. ATTENTION. SHIP WORKERS I For sale or exchange, 4 room shsck. dandv lot. fruit trees and berries, hard surfscs street, on carline. Tabor 14 63. BUNGALOW 337 E. 41t st. 1 block south of Hawthorne ave.. 6 rooms, tleeuina norch. fireplace, hardwood floors, basement; all Im provements in; $3000. Csll Marshal 648. BUILT BY OWNER. LEAVING CITY. $2100, $500 : down and monthly payments. Attractive cottage. 4 rma, and whit anameled Dutch kitchen, city water and gas: new garage. Lot 100x174; plenty room for 2 or 8 more houses. Fin for chickens or cow. Berries snd nice garden, fir : trees, southeast near Tremont station. Mt Scctt car. REALTY A MORT GAGE CO.. 63$ Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. I $5200, ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW, $5200 1-10 down and 850 per month including int.. or small modern bungalow. Hawthorn dlst pre ferred, part payment : 1 Vfc story. 8 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, fine view, all complete with good Honrs, cement cellar and garage. xot (tux 170. Fruit trees, berries and ' nic garden; N-8 streetcar $ block. 1101 1st . St All as sessment paid. ; Realty A Mortgage Co., 63$ Chamber of Commerce. Main 205L ATfANT6TFTlNrlirf $250 DOWN. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW 5 room bungalow, attractive lines and well built whit enamel bath and toilet and lava tory, elect and gas, 60vl00 lot, st lien all paid. 1 block to car. No. 4948 E. 78d st 8. E Price $1800. $250 down. See FRANK L, M'GUIRE. Abington bldg. To buy your home. Main 1068. FTnEVIEW, OVERIOOKS RIVER" " $2800, $260 down. $36 monthly. Include Internet 1095 1st t . 1 hi story. 6 room, sewer, else., gaa, city water, fruit trees, garden, berries, cor, lot 75x160; income 8264, taxes $20. Paving assessment included in pric. N 8. treetcer 8 block. REALTY A MTG. CO.. 683 Chamber of Com, Main 2051. $7000 $2300 CASH FlNEHOME IN ROSSMERE 2 story, 9 rooms and fin aleeping porch, hot srater heat; everything fine and complete. Inside and out; gang; lot 100x100; lawn, garden, flowers. 481 E. 38th t N. REALTY A MORTGAGE CO.. 633 Chamber of Commerce Main 2051. $1500, $300 DOWN, $26 A MONTH SOUTHEAST Coery 4 room cottage, modern except furnace. 69th st, 8 blocks Mt Scott car; doubl floors, cement cellar, cherry tree. lot 46 Hill 8. A bom you can b happr in. at an attractive price. REALTY A MORTGAGE CO., 638 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. Branca office, 6 0th and $900 WOODLAWN. 4 room boos. tl-BO 6 r. bungalow; $300 cash. $16 mo, $1800 Roas t. near Broadway bridg; B. modern; $$00 cash. $2500 Hawthorne. r., $300 cash. $2500 Piedmont carbarn, 6 r. terms. $2800 Rose City. r.. bnngalow, strictly mode a, fumsc. fireplac. paved st i , 500 caah. . $3200 rliawthon le, elegant bungalow. $4 200 Ron City, 7 r., gar-, fin bay. ! $4500 Irrington, 7 r. bungalow. CIIAS. R1NGLER A CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. ! $T3O0 $150 DOWN.' $15 I KirONTlC-" 8 room, pls-stered. bath. Unlet fruit and ber ries. garage, chicken hous. near car and only few blocks to Franklin high. Another, ssme price. $7$ down, $1$ pet -month, full 60x100; good boms and a bar gain. Should sell at one at this pric oa the terms. , R. W. FISHER. 408 Stock Exchang. NEW PEN IN8ULABCN6"aLOW B room bungalow, 75x76 foot lot, very aU tractiv and well built full basement.' whit enamel plumbing fixture, elects block ttt ear; convenient to all Peninsula shipyard. Price $2600. term. Se FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. " To Bay Your Horn. Mala 106, $3750 M 1681 5fiTI Coxy 6 rm. residence.: verv mMarn mil t plet. About S blocks from Jsffersnn blgk school. 60x100. Owner pressed. Would Sub mit your offer, only $450 essh. G. 0. GOLDEN BEHG. Abmgtoa bldg. Mala 480S. 85 1 ears in Portland." 6 ROOM MODERN BUMJAl.OW All built-in effects. Hawthorne district Price $S00O, 1700 cash, balance $30 per month. 6 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW $1700. half cash, balance monthly payments. Alberta district. r. B. HOLBROOK CO . 214 Lumber Exrhsng Ill.Ig $2850 Beautiful 6 room house, furnsce, larg bedroom. 2 closet in each, full ce ment basement, street improvement in nd paid; small lot but big buy; near Jefferson high snd convenient t Mii siaaipi snd Williams ave. cars. J. A. Wlckrasa Co..814 Stark at Mala 683. NEAT 'BUNGALOW, CLOSE IN 5 room, largs unfinished attic, hard surfac treet. 2 blocks from car. Pries $2850. $500 cash, balance like, rent C A. Wst Iner. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 208-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg attlo and basement, expensive elo. and gaa fit tings, fin lawn, flowers snd hrubbrv: eratt be seen to be appreciated: 88 1-8100 ft oa H. S. Kreet. on block north from Richmond ear; improvements in and paid: excellent condition, nwly tinted end decorated; $2850 and terms; save commission and deal with owner. 929 Division st, nesr E. 30th. $2650 HAWTHORNE $2666 SNAP Her is your opportunity to buy a modern 8 room hous. with furnace, fireplace, oak floor, etc. On a paved street; lot 60x100, with an abundance of fruit It is a snap and will adl at once. Terms, 8500 casn and 835 per montn. A. G. Teep Co.', 264 Stark st nesr Sd. 3516. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. A REAL bargain, $5500; 6 room modern bouse. with extra 6 room eottag to rent: ground 100x127 4 ; fruit trees and good garden. An- piy to owner, dzi nenaiem ave., Kenwood, NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $3500 Beautiful horns, 5 room, sleeping porch. Hardwood floors, rireplace, bookcas. buffet Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, street improvement paid, comer lot con venient . to Mississippi and William cars. J. A. Wickman Co., 814 Stark st Main 583 OWNER must sell 6-room house on paved street., nice lawn and cement walk. $1850, Sell. 128. STORE building with. 6 living rooms, lot BOilOO in Maryland ave. : big sacrifice and easy term. Inrjuire at soy. Minnesota ave. $350 CASSTT25 MO. PRICE $2350 8-r. residence, Vernon st, near Alberta, anao. Barr. Bdwy. 3126.1 IRVINOTON Modern home, finest condition. 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms; price reduced. No agents. J636 Es 21st north. BRENTWOOD. $450, 3 rm. shack, lot 87 Hx 100. Good terms. GEO, T. MOORE CO., ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE by owner on easy terms., ft room house on St Johns carline. Pric i $1750. C. F. Johnson, Ysl Laundry. $1500 MONTAVILLA $1500 Five moms, bath and toilet, basement, gas age, abundance of fruit; half block to car; im provements paid; terms, $300 cash, and $$0 per month. If you' want a comfortable hous at a sacrifice don t fail to see this. A. G. Teepe Co. 264 Stark at, near 8d. Main 8516, Branch office, 50th and Sandy. 13760 E. 14TH NEAR BELMONT $3700 6 rooms, fully modern, furnace, fireplac, dandy caved street all paid. value fully 35000. Owner leaving city and offers for quick sale at $3700 on easy terms and low rat of in terest B. W. FISHER, j 408 Stock Exchange. ! WAVERCY-HEIGfiTSBUNGALOW 6 rooms, full basement, furnace, hard Surface streets, one-half block from Richmond car nice location. Price $2500; easy term. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 208-5-7 Board of Trad bidg $1350 BUYS new; 6 room cottage, west side, modern plumbing, $250 cash, bal. $1$ month. M. E. L, 505 Corbett bldg. 3 ROOMS, $1000:; lot 50x100 feet, near ship buiding on th ; Peninsula, Terms. $200 will handle. Pbon Main 7276. FOR SALE House and tot More lots if want- ed. At S517 63d st 8. E. Tabor 6316. HOME, - by widow leaving city. K-798, Journal. No agents. 6 ROOM house, bargain this $600 down. Call Tabor 9373. week. $1350, SMALL home, easy payments. Owner, 1239 Burrag st Wdln. 3544. OWNER Modern B room Hawthorne bungalow, $900 cash, $25 monthly. 233 E. 50th ct CITY and country property, sell and rent BENEDICT, 26H Osk. Main 1743. SMALL house and lot, in Lents, at sacrifice. C-979." JonrnaL j . j OWNERS $2950 i modern 6 room Hawthorn bungalow, bargain: easy terms. Tabor 7247. $9006 room bouse. 100x140 in garden. Ta- Dag" izbz. iKuau -avtsa. .: ,-' $3700 Nen-reaident has instructed us to sell his beautiful 5 room bnmralow. Located in the heart of Rose City Park; strictly modern on a full size lot Be sure and see this before you buy. 8500 cash, balance like rent A. G. Teep Co., 264 Stark st. near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE . 2 complete 5 room homes; rood restricted dis trict: fine comer lot: all street Improvements garage. Live in one, the other w" pay interest on your investment- $1800 under actual value, S11UU in cash is sufficient. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-7 Lewis bldg. $700 CASH Neat 2 room house, fruit and berries, lawn and flowers; lot 40x120, with alleys; cement walk. 6523 62d ave.; Mt Scott car, Tremont sta. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 3000 Attractive 6 room bungalow, hwd. floors, all built-in fixtures. 1 Ms is. a nice one. Term. GEO. T. MOOKJS l-O., ABINGTON BLDG. 5'ROOM modern house, with 401125 lot, fruit trees, 2 blocks tram Mont villa car; $2200 8Q ast 7th it . TapoT 1839.- I FOR SALE4', by owner, $1600. Nic 4 modern bungalow down, balance to suit room side: small Payment Marshall b210. $2600 -On terms, strictly modern bungalow, on St Johns line, including gaa stove field. 618 Fenton bldg., Broadway 6371 Ruth 4-ACRE, small hous, $1400; per cent N gravel, ho city assesame ts. Alberta car, Ken nedy school. Cary, 1219 N. W. bank bldg. FOR BALE 4 room bouse with bath. Woodlawm 6004. Fhon BUY from owner, good 7 room hous and lot. clear, IZDUO. or more lots: roil cement base ment and plumbing. All in .fin condition. Ad dress 8915 68th St. S. E. A TWO-STORY bona, arranged for two fam Uies, 2 bathroort i7 separate entrance, largs sleeping porches. $3750. Might take some trade. Phon for appointment to inspect. Sellwood 2857 FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow, fur nished, $2500; $600 down. bsl. monthly pay ments. 461 E. 37th st Call Sunday bet and 4 p. ,m. FOR SALE $750; large 2 -room hous. wood- shed and chicken bouse: 13 full bearing fruit trees; winter's wood. Apply 1293 E. 84th st N. Alberta car. MODERNIZE your building: all kinda of repair. 8 my designs for new houses. Msx M. Meyer, architect. Concord bldg Msin 187$. Formerly Supt Oregon Home Builders. ICE 5 room house, sll modern conveniences, with asraee. bv owner, at a bamin. - 1 n"ri E. 26th st. N , Albert car. FOR SALE, by owner. 5 room cottage; block from carline: bargain, at 31400. Innuire ooau sistn. sr. . J. rnone Kenwood 1835. A BARGAIN Buy from owner, 6 room house and 2 fin lots. 41300. terms. 4148 66th st; mt Scott ear, 3 blocks from Arlet station TWO small bouses on H acre near Mootavilla car line: lots of berries and fruit: 8200 down, easy payments, lsoor uoti'j. 8 ROOM house, 5 lots. 50x100 each. 8 blocks from car: good family orchard, smsll fruit $5000. Phon Columbia 458. FOR BALK, by owner, modern new 7 room bungalow, lot 7&xiZ3 leet; z block to ear. 619 Bryant st OWNER leaving city this week and wishes to sell direct. Can save you not only a commis sion, but nesny $1000. A fine Investment fea ture. If you want an absolutely modern and beautiful 5 room horn and inch a saving Is any object to you, phon Wdln. 3528 today and I will eall in auto and snow yon th place. 2 HOUSES. 6 LOTS. ALL OR PART. 4 room hous. 60x100 lot $1200, terms. 8 room hous, 50x100 lot $2600, term. Both houses and 6 lota, 60x100 each, $6000, terms. E. 29th St., bet Clinton and Division. REALTY A MORTGAGE CO.. 633 Chamber of Commere. Main 2051. NEARLY new modern hous. 6 rooms and bath, full basement large attic. Three larg screened pore tie. Lot 60x100, fruit and ber riea. Mt Tabor district near school. 82500. on term. T big discount for cash. Z-619. JonrnaL $2900 Beautiful 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitch en, lurnac, full ient basement wash traya, street paved. J. A. Wickman Co.. $14 Stark st Main 688. SOUTHEAST $900 BUNGALOW 4 rooms, fruit and garden: lot 60x100. re eeci; east front: lust outstd city limit. REALTY A MORTGAGE CO., 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. : 13000 6 room hous .with all th Iatat convenience built in. Situated about 8 blocks west of Jef ferson high school. See owner. Room 200 Alisky bldg. BUNGALOW SACRIFICE Modern 6 room bungalow, 60x100 lot, fins location. $2000, on good terms. J. R. WOLFF, 618 C. of C. bldg. IHV1NGTON. east front: 8 rooms: 4 larg bed rooms, sleeping porch end attic: $6750; or will sell this place; attractively furnished for 7. 10(1. A chance to .move into a real bom at a great caving in cost time and tremble. AU bonded assessments paid. Owner, 608 East Zitn sr. ,N. rnone Kast 4fltt3. IRVINGTON. eaat front: 8 rooms. 4 larg bed rooms, sleeping porch nd attlo; $6750, or will ell thia place attractively furnished for $7500. A chane to move into reel home t a great saving in coat, time and trouble. All bonded assessments paid. Owner, 606 E. 27th st N. Phon East 4668. ROSE CITY PARK PROPERTY FOR SALE Flv room bungalow under construction. 80th st. half block north of Bandy road; will finish interior to nit purchaser. Se Herman Nelson on property Sunday afternoon. Aeguxt 4. from 2 to 5 o'clock or phon or writ him t uiadstou. phone 4 13K. 100x100 DAVIS-Nurth 9th, $50,000. Fair income: Would leaoe long term. 100x100. 2 five room fist, lot fruit, 200 feet to Hawthorne, 40th, 83750. Modern bungalow. Dandy, close in; $3000 Term on any. 914 Journal bkig. Pretty Piedmont Home - Thi is snmathln virv ehnbv. In ! fv borne In best part of Piedmont Lot 76x100, room couse, fully modern; pric $6200, $1000 down. We hav many attractive bo in beat residence district of th city. Usts grov Realty Co.. 122 N. th st Bdwy; 4StU. FOR SALE On of th finest and bet lo cated reaidenc in St Johns. Unmm tm mnA. ern and contain room and bath; lot ta 100s 100 ft oa comer, with streets improved ; aa abundance of flower, be trie and some fruit a large quantity or furniture goe with th house. The pric for short time 1 $4 000, part cash. Joseph Kirech. 633 S. Ivanhoe. $T500 BUNGALeOV2T(TT5oWjr 4 room attractive bungalow, omeist baa' ment. fireplace, electricity and as. n.n.!4 hi.. ing room with beamed ceiling, A-l plumbing iiiunn. near ranxun cign achooi. Pric enlv $1600. $250 down, balance Uk rent See , FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Mala 106$. $2500 BEAUTIFUL bu ngalnw. ioeetednrr th Rose City carliae; ft rooma, larg atUe. all built in features, full basement, furnace, lot 60x140. Terms. 8600 cash, and $39 a month. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 2$4 Stark f., near 8d. Mala 3518. Branch office. Both and Sandy. $2500 KENILWCrRfjOlOME" 6 room modarn bungalow, full lot, 11$ fUmu,,: ,OOT- K . on VT-S carline; $SOO csab, balano Ilk rent Look th na today; do not bother tenant Shewn by an- r, nUCn'm'r- 287 1an Gardner 410 Board of -Trad. - SACRIFICE BY OWNER 4 -room bungalow, well built, is good eondl tion, located on good street, hi block of Mt Scott car: leaving ctti;. $1630 take it; also furniture for Ie cheap. Se this place before buying elsewhere. Phon Tabor 6118, BARGAIN- For aal. nifty 6 rom bungalow larg living room, burned ceiling, Dutch kitchen, whit enameled; glassed in sun porch refrigerator room and all built in eonvenienoa larg kit, fruit flowers and garage. Owner East 8225. $2600 BUYS a nice 6-room modern bnngalow, close la, in first-clas condition; ba recep tion hn. larg bathroom and full basement; on paved street and close to car Una; easy terms. New York Land Co., 381 E. Morrison st Phon East 6317. FOB SALE by owner, modern bungalow. 8 rooms and aleeping porta, fireplace, built-in book cases, buffet; other built-in effects; $600 will handls. Take Woodlawn car, get off at Hoi man St.. 2 block east to 1305 East 6tb N. Call Woodlawn 2866. HAVE 3 swell 5 room bungalow. Rose City, hardwood floor, full basement fumac. built in effects, paved tret close to carline. $3400. $3500. $3600. Se them and you will buy. Easy terms. Tabor 7271. $36u0 7 room bungalow, strictly modern; hartf wood floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, full sis lot; In a atrsrtly restricted district. This i a wonderful sacrifice and moat be nid. Caa b handled oa vary easy term. A. O. Teep Co., 264 Stark at near Ad. Mala $61$. Branch office. 60th and Sandy. $sddRmsTofjreEAiT n Houe and lot 4$Hxl0f 4 r. sad larg ahed for summer kitchen or work house; variety of fruit fenced. Part down, bal easy Low taxes; Jnt outside city limit on flat at ' REALTY A MORTGAGE OO. 031 Cha.ber of Commerce. Main 2061. west- siCk '? Good 5 room and bath eottag. close In: good surrounding. Will seU on terms; might con sider a little trad and cash. Mo pheaa Infor mation. J. C. CORBIN CO., 808-T Lewis Mdg. t easy: Term3 For WOderM bCWaTTTw $ rooms, built-in kitebea and dining roe u bathroom, hot .aad oold water, cement base, meat, fumsc. nice 60100 lot. Mootavilla smaii paymM flown. SMITH WAGONER CO.. TfOK rX. - 7 ROOM, modarn boas, nicely finUhnrt. wltii either 2 or 4 lots. U ta garden, fruit .and flower; a blk. from car; a besuUXoi pUm. For pric and term eall MOORE A ROBINSON . " $38 Lumber Ex. isil PIEDMONT CORNER SNAP $450 nd assume balance of street assess ment takes it. This Is less than half its value. Forced to sell at once. Inquire 219 Lumber men bldg.. Fifth snd Stark. BEAUTIFUL 5 room and bath bungalow, mod ern, all built-in conveniences snd fireplace A bargain, $24 00; terms. For particular sd 1r 4 852 7 3d St. 8. E. t.n. a . . -i : FOR SALE, by owner. 7 room bungalow, strictly VERY good 4 room house, close to car, school 1 , twv, k4.,H. n k . . AUtERTA BUNGALOW tsnns k . h.Oi v,,u k . u-. . fine condition:' only 80 ft oft Al- I R- J- McGnirc. $46 Urikm a N berta; easy term. J. A Wickman Co., 814 Stark st Msin 683 ALBERTA BUKriatwvur $2800 5 mom, bath, ta fin eondl Una, block to ear, beautiful to, garden, r t,."LH k"r-'rUn.?!.ir- "!t 200 dowaT A. Wickman Co., 814 Stark et Main 683. $2500 NEAR 8 8HD7YARDS$2800 v ? Ja-09, nd 211 e'bto u; baL lik rent; old house ia extra good condition. REALTY A MORTGAGE CO.. 3Cbjane7at Commerce. Main 2061. WELL located "Corner. 100x100. 3 block from car, fruit and ornamental tree: good S room buncalow, gang and chicken boue, $2200; term on part Nat Browa, 207 Pnma bldg. $160 CASH $20 a month aad Interest bum 8 mm ent. tag a ear Ptodmnnt carbarn. Prlc $l$5tt. $3800. $1100 cash. $23 mo.; pas 'aad eonZ. pleteiy furmsbed 6 room modem bangalow: $500 shack and good lot 7 fruit tree and garden; half cash. Inquire 687 Liberty at Woodlawn car to 18th t FOUR room modern bungalow, 8 blocks of Lenta station. $1000. Terms. Phon East 649 5 to 7 p. m. 5 ROOM cottage, 1 block north, of E. 78 th t Mt Tabor car. East 8280, owner. gas. lights. $1100; terms. FOR SALE, 2 five room modern booses be tween Buffalo and Holland and Mtsa. ave.. 1 block from Kenton carline. Call Main 8947. $2150 9-ROOM hous snd lot 60x100, on Preseott' st; 15 bearing fruit trees. 245 hi Washington st. COTTAGE 6 rooms. 33 1-3x66 2-3 lot WiH sell or trade my equity reasonable. 1045 E. AMer. ' FURNISHED and unfurnished houses, easy terms, it C. Walter, 5843 Foster Road.- Ta bor 8397. GOOD small house. 251 Morris st, cheap for quick sal, owner, ueo. aierten, e4 fast 13th st N. FOR SALE, Rose City Park 6 room bungalow, 1st class condition; no agents. Phon Ta bor 2881. MUST SELL MY HOME A real, doubl constructed modern home. $2600 takes it Owner, phone Sellwood $63. 6 ROOMS. Dutch kitchen, $ bedrooms; near car- line; a good location; reasonable pric. Wood lawn 2050. SOUTH PORTLAND 4-room house and S lota. $1600. easy terms. R-848, JonrnaL UNPARALLELED location and ideal Piedmont home for sal. Woodlawn 814. MODERN 8 room house. 844 Belmont $2650. Term. By owner. 894 Hall st. FOR SALE & room . house, modern and $ lot mmd trail. ISO dU False Pack. and high school, cheap for cash or might consider good lot as first payment Phone Tabor 6989. FOR SALE 8 room modem house, beautiful district; Iron furnace; ground 85x144. Ta bor 862. YOUR own terma, house and two lots In Eaat Vancouver; prioe 81050, by owner, T. M. Raymond. Nehaiem, Or. , NEW 4 room bouse, never been occupied-; 50x100 lot: St. John district; only 81125. $75 down. See Draper, 401 Board of Trad. FOR SALE by owner at a bargain, a nic 5 modern, Dutch kitchen, full basement, porce lain wash trays, fruit cellar, 6 large bearing fruit trees, 1 block from car. 2 blocks from school, new ties ting system: term. Sellwood 1854. 8 ROOM-modern boos, 2 blks. to ear, lot 60x 100. Will sell for less than cost of hous when built Price $3000. $1000 cash. MOORE A ROBINSON. 825 Lumber Ex. Main 168$ FT) it SALE- Fins home. 6 room modern house, nearly new; 100x100, berries, fruit, good garden, chicken run; block M. T. car; $2000. $S00 cash. D. Higgin. 208$ . Tsyiot st room bungalow in University Park, cash or j $3200 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace. term. U-621. Journal. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS SNAP Tib bet ta t near E. 80tb. 5 room eottags. must be sold, or trade. Main 8914. FOR SALE by owner, o room bong alow, 5 Ox 100 corner lot $2700 $1000 cash, balance $20 month, Csll Tabor B021. FOR SALE by owner at bargain, 4 -room hous oa a good carline snd close to car; cash or term. V-849, JonrnaL LET me show you my reasonably priced, sb aolntely modern bungalow in Rose City Park. Easy payment. Wdln. 6447. hardwood floor, buffet fall cement bssement practically new, attractive and up to date; 1 block to car; term. J. A. Wickman Co.. 314 Stark st Mala 583. WHY pay high rent when you can buy a three room houseboat, woodhouae and enough wood for the winter for $100! J. IL Boyer, foot of California st, Marshall 5666. WILL sell nic 6 room modern bangalow. beo tiful built up dist Paved streets, Richmond car. Price $2280. Terms Y-818, JonrnaL CHEAP, modera 6 room bungalow. $0x100. 3 blocks car and school; terms. . 6641 5 2d st S. E. FOR SALE $ room bouse, 50x100, in Brsnt- $850 $500 cash, bat 6 per cent; nice 4 room cottage, hi block Mt Scott car. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bnk. bldg. FIVE room eottags. Tsk Kenton car. 187 E. Stafford at FOR SALE A I furnished modern bun- gatow, on easy trm. Phone Tabor 4897. FOR SALE A .well Improved lot with Sma house. Phone owner. Tsbor 8360. $ ROOM bungalow.-near Holy Redeemer 1 schooL Phone Woin. 1040. $3500 BEAUTIFUL pome, $3000 cash. CP sr. Woodlawn 4244. t K)l bata. $1.8$. aeag Arlata. aUU. 1X CHEAP HOME for working man. 6 rooma. lot 50x100; fruit trees snd rose; near Haw thorn car; paved street and cement walk. Price $1200, phone Main 5832. FOR SALE- Newly completed 5 rrom bunga low oa Willamette boulevard. modern throughout, gsrage. C C. Riar, 1417 V il ia rd ave. $150 CASH 8 room , on beautiful lot near Peninsula Park. Pric I81SOO. J. It 1MGCIRE, 845 Tnlon ay. N. SNAP $t750EA8T TERMS On 57th st S. E.. 1 bit F. V. road, cor ner, full lot. bungalow, 3 large room, at tic, cement basement, garage. t 2871. 6 ROOM bnngalow, 1 acr ground, garden, larg orchard, fin view. Mt Tabor; sal or exchang for hnue and lot. Owner, X-f 65. Journal. IR V I NGTON modern home. A genuine bar gain. oak floors, fireplac. furnace, buffet street Improved. Cash and term. Owaer, OBS E. 11th north. FOR SALE by owner, a 7 room no w, strictly modurn, up to data, all entenimMsea. close in, 2 carline. For particulars phone 8nwood 1286. 8 ROOM nous, price $1850; lot 100x10$. This a a bargain; easy terms. - T. MOO EX 0O ARXki GTOJT. XUbA. hi blk. Woodlawn car. Cary. 1219 N. W. kk bkig, , FOR SALE. 8 room eotug. freshly tinted and varnished, gas, eleetrte tight, hull Knn water, paved street, lot 62x110; only $1$00. uu sushi n -xv siier Bunaay. 15 MIN. FROM WASHINGTON SI nn. bautaalow. eric I22UO. . Kio tray. JEO. T. MOORE CO., ABINGTON BLIVI D7 YOU want good bom, aot a ejka ocm, pbon owner. East 1616. Modern. 6 room with steeping porch, corner, walking diaxane; 1 isiubwm vmrtam, SOT7fHPRTLANI-l647 Corbett st: lot 60 110 ft mntirSm .Illn. k f carline. asphalt st ; all asses nta paid. Pric IZBOB. inqulr own er, 009 Piatt bldg- . SIX room modern bungalow, $6x100 lot 10 mt car rid from three of th bis cert shipyard on Pulton car. Cheap, $500 cash will handle; l7 las do st. 6NE gesxPa room house, lot 60x100 ft; fralf tree. Ail ta good snap. y owner, paond Sellwood 212$. eACRIFIOTS 5 room modern bungalow wlt hi acra, on Mt Scott car; terms ta suit. Roth field. 61$ Fenton bldg., Broadway 437. ; $1300 BARGAIN. Full lot, fnut trees, 6 rooms; $300 cash. $20 a month. Gibson, BUrtt thoa M"U 12. i liOOM bungalow, 4 lot, card 1. tree; shrubbery. fin view; Hawthorne Una. S$750; terms. Owner . -7$6, JoYimat. 1X100 SMALL bouse and tot $0x100 fee, on Albina ave. and car. all hard ' surfac sA, imp. in .sad paid. 245 H Waah t. 2 REASONABLY priced house ' for sal by owner, hi block from , Richmond school. Sellwood 75tV BUNGAL&WS. eottags. lot, cheap; 2 lots, $500; Pvtd st, lot and shack. $4$0. Trm Inquir $128 Bid st Woodstock car. .. WILL ell fin lot, srlth lanfbec to buOd bosne' Easy terms, near ahip asd. factotie. goust ovpoytonlty. f-$17. JoamaL IlAV bora, food district $1200 te $li,0s. - asy tersaa. O. O. Slettca, Bdwyi 1612. RaU denoe Msin 6674. A MODERN ft room bungalow, newly paiausl beautuul lawn, asm, ursp e. wus wx 1 teaatuai mw n, wm I till j Taa 1 C