! i: THE OREGON; SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4, 1918. al1 BOLSH HAND IS ETO Former Legal Official Declares Hftlo Must Be Rushed to Suf fering-Country orv It Is Lost. -r f DEMOCRACY NOT IN CONTROL Present Government Has Insti - tuted Another Tyranny in Place of Representative Government. BjjKAUxU F. StaaU Chief Attorney of the Hoirow Court of Appeal Under " the Provisional Government. ' Mr. Btaal wan a leader In th revolution f 1905 and upon the collar of that nov Asnt was forced to leave Russia. He went to Parla and remained there until the March rev nintinn in 1U17 fla returned to Russia and u annotated chief attorney of the Moscow" sknirt of appeal under the provisional govern ment. Hla district embraced the terntorie mm Tvr and Smolensk, on th weat. to Ntohl-Novgorod in .the eat. and from Arch angel and Murmansk on the north (o Raxian and Kulmi on the eouth. He retained hia poet through all the three provisional govern mens. but was forced into hiding after tha Bolshevlkl cam Into power Mr. Steal has Juet reached the United State from Rossi. Where he liaa een the present Bolshevist gov rnment In action for more than six months. Russia Is dying under the heels of TletiAMlnVilam and 1 trtlr. h f vlffim. find UnleffS proper help -is ruslwd to her she will become an Irretrievable victim of Ger man militarism. h will bo perverted, .with all her resources. Into a German coloiryT controlled by the Oerman ruling classes. Ty millions In Russia recog nize the sprlousness of the crisis and call for help, j The allies must understand that the Russian democracy has nothing In com mon with the Uolaiievikl, and the best way to eliminate Bolshevist tyranny from Russian 11 fo Is through Coopera tion wltH chr.xpn rttnrnnentativefl of the Atussian oemocracy. ins xjoisrreviKi 'have endeavored to suppress this democ racy by dispersing the municipal coun cils, the zfimstvos and, the constituent assembly, and the future of Russia lies entirely In the rcestabltshment of the.ie democratic Institutions. Only such In stitutions represent the Russian peo ple and should have the aid of the allies. Tinlshavlkl litrmsn Tools "On such conditions, general and -military help in Russia will be welcomed by the entire population, and the en trance of the allies will be a triumph for democracy. Let me emphasize that I saw what Bolshevism meant in Rus sia. saw It In action for more than six months, and 1 know what Russia has had to endure under the Bolshevist regime. I have siVken with Russian leaders of all shades of opinion and with citizens In the cities and villages of Central Russia, the Volga region and Siberia. Ajs a Russian democrat and an sorganlzer of the Peasants" union In the revolution of 1905, as a citizen af filiated with the pnrty of Teople's So cialists, and close to the party .of So cialist Revolutionists, I think I inter pret the universal feeling of the Rus sian people when I make this declara tion to the American people. The allies ; should not cooperate with the Bolshevik), who are tools In the hands of the Germans, and not with the Soviets, which are domlnted by Bolshe vist elements,, but with the Russian mu nicipalities, zemstvos, local and district roveraments ; which rule by the con sent tot the people. , ConntlfM I,ts Destroyed The blfter experiences which Russia Ras lived through in the .last eight months havni caused- an enlightenment Which, under normal conditions, could not have been accomplished Ui decades. The Germans and Bolshevik! destroyed countless lives and cultural values, but they educated the people In a clear un derstanding of principles recognized as fundamental In other democracies. in ermans, tnrougn tneir policy or Violating even so favorable to them a pact' as- the Brest-Litovsk treaty, have destroved the naive faith which the Russian people had In the "peaceable" Intentions of their enemies. That faith was created by German and Bolshevist Ssrltation And ' nrnnnirnnrla tnaala la awakened now to the real?zation that the only salvation of Russia and the . nly hope of peace lies in the complete destruction of German militarism and ths resumption of war against Ger many: The Bolshevik! hare reduced Russia to industrial, commercial and financial flemnrsllzstlnn 'RAnaiiMA re v t ... . morallzatlon, thousands are dying of starvation and epidemics. The Rus sians have learned that no country in the world can 'ex'st without organized irowernment in which the intelligent - classes participate. At first the Bol- shevlkl did have a large following' among the massed, who were, attracted by unlimited promises. The Bolshevlkl had large1 credl in the country In No vember and rcember. 1917, and even In January, 1918. Population Unorganized ; After that the tide turned. The for eign policy resulting in the Brest LJtovsk "peace,f a tyrannic domestic policy expressed! in the annihilation of , clvlo rights, the suppression of the Liberal and Socialist organs, the killing of lib eral and revolutionary leaders, the dls , perslng of municipalities and zemstvos elected under liberal suffrage rules, and finally the . suppression 4of the con- - stltuent assembly by force-' discredited the Bolshevlkl with the masses. 'The Bolshevlkl still control because the population is unorganized and un armed and the Bo'.shevlltl have the Red .Guards and the so-called Red army. , The. Red Guards, forming the police . power of the soviet government, re ' reive high wages and are led by men of extremely doubtful character, often criminals or former agents of the czar's fcgime. " Trie a-amA im tm f 4 v T5 ,1 Where to Get It" KEMMERER and ROCK SPRINGS COAL nra cleanest and bbst bttrninq OOAUk PRICES BKASUNABUL 'CLTOTAl -ICE & STORAGE 344 -11-1244. BOXWOOD Ideal imrnroer fuel. Prompt delivery. UU.TNOUAH FUEL CO.. M 3340. A-211S ftATlUNAL JTCEL CO.. abort alabvood. btosk- .wooi. 2 lo4 jet. 4 a load t a04L PRUSSI ANlSivl RUSSIA GUARD HAS BROWNING H -- -5-iA- ' III dLII I II u UU1I UUIlIUailV LUUIUUSU With Four Modern Pieces and Cycle Cars. The machine gun company of the Multnomah guard Includes in its equip ment, four of the new heavy Browning machine guns, which gun Is one of the admitted finds" of the war, and motors cycle side cars. The company, which numbers 104 men; is commanded by Captain C. T. Haas, who organized this unit in the early spring of 19S. He Is considered an ex pert In this branch of work, At the reqtlest of the army officers In charge of instruction of the officers of Vancouver barracks, he was detailed recently as instructor to them In ma chine gun work. At the further request of Colonel John Leader and Colonel W. H. Bowen, commandants of the second of ficer's training camp at Eugene. Cap tain Haas was also detailed as Instructor In machine gun work and musketry. Officers Are Experienced The other officers of the machine gun company have all seen active service. First Lieutenant George 1. Rauch was an officer of the Oregon machine gun company on "the Mexican border. John O. Stelner. second lieutenant, won his commission In the U. S. army at the officer's training camp at the Tresidlo, and C. A. Nelson, Junior lieutenant, saw acti.ve service in 1898. Of the 2 members of the Multnomah machine gun company who have gone into active service 22 are non-commls-slpned officer oday. The training given 18 considered of great value to any young man who expects to be called to the colors. The Important part that the machine gun plays in modern warfare Is set forth in an article by W. A. Du Puy, on page nine of section two, today's Sun day Journal. Captain Haas and the company will practice at range work with the ma chine guns at Clackamas today. its commander, Muraviev, who recently committed suicide, was an Inspector of the imperial police In the czar's regime. Although the Red Ouards and the Red army will run from an armed force", they are exceedingly ruthless with the disarmed and helpless popula tion. To rise against them would be difficult and dangerous. Red Guards Only Oppose If the allies enter Russia they will have' opposing, them only these Red Guards and the - Red army. This op position cannot be strong, because the Red detachments are small and cow ardly, and It will not express the real feelings of the Russian people toward the allies. The people appreciate that the military and economic assistance of the allies would have no other purposes than to save Russia from her enemies and to aid her in recovering her terri tories and establishing democratic gov ernment, Siberia now Is the only large avenue of communication between Russia and the allies, and this fact, with the pres ence of the Ciecho-Slovak 'forces In missia, must commena Siberia as a base from which to launch a relief pro gram In Russia Soldiers jCheer Solssons' Fall Albany, Or., Aug. 3. Greeted at the end of an 11 mile hike with the news of the fall of Solssons, 240 soldiers from the training camp at Corvallis forgot all weariness and discomfort when they ar rived at North Albany Friday night at 8:30 and broke Into cheers, which could be heard for several miles. Under the leadership of Captain Tooze, the men left Corvallis Friday on an endurance hike. FEW TODAY HOUSE SNAPS SQfin room cottage, bath, electrlc wUU ity. lot 43X152. 121 Bancroft ave. west side ; f 100 cash. 0 I Oflfl 6 room house, 75x100, fruit, 114 E. 74th nir Glisan ; $250 cash $1400 5 room cottage, walking dls- tance, 246 Page St., near Van- couver ave. 1 1 rtfin 6 room old house, lot 60x100, vi www H80 E. Hoyt, near 65th; 3200 t casn ; balance 6 per cent. C 1 7nn 5 room good cottage, full lot, wis ww 1203 Maryland ave near Jes sup ; 3300 cash. - . C 1 710 rom nice cottage, full lot, Vil V U paved street, 138. Nebraska, west side, J I Rnfl 4 room cottage, fine lot, fruit, vswwwiizo e. Main, near 37th. QCnE room bungalow, 1023 E. 3 2d, vs www near Alberta; 3300 cash. 0Knn6 room fine bungalow,' 63 Rey- nolds ave. near MUwaukle ave. i $500 cash. . 97Rfl Nice 6 room bungalow, 335 Ei. V A I wu 35th near Harrison.; snap. CQCn'ce 6 room bungalow, full lot, 0V I JU 405 Marguerite ave. ; near El Lincoln; 3500 cash. ; - . i GRCSSI DOW2MEY i lilt Board, of Trade : MaU-S4J I 'tit GUNS Z y- - wjews-M : - -Ml 3 - .. . . Nv tfSK Hit'."' y Vjf? X'I-whi-.o.-a:1.'! m.- "n. - tit! 2 Machine guns of the heavy Browning type belonging to the machine gun company of the Multnomah Guard, and Captain C T. Haas, company commander. Dr. Chandler Madfr Second Lieutenant Oregon Agricultural College, Aug. 8. Dr. Asa C: Chandler, assistant professor of e oology in the Oregon Agricultural college, has received from the office of the surgeon general an appointment as second lieutenant In the United States sanitary corps and has been ordered to report at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, where he will take a course In bacteriology particularly re lating to war work. Dr. Chandler is the author of valuable scientific publications. : SEW TODAY AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell 8t publio auction on his place, mile south of Multnomah station, on ; the West Port land road, on TUESDAY, AUGUST ( At It o'Cloek A. JI. the following property, as I am going out of business: 28 cows, 1 bull, 1 bottle washer. 1 4-h. p. boiler, 1 .bottle filler, 1 milk cooler, 1 No. 6 Simplex separator, 1 BO-eallon milk tank. 1 wash tank, 1 24-crate sterlllxer, 1 J-h, p. gas motor, 1 feed cutter, 1 3-lnch farm wagon, 1 hay rake, 1 hay mower ana otner arti clea too numerous to mention. LUHCH AT 2TOOK Terms of Sale: Six i months' time at 8 per cent, bankable note; 3 per cent off for cash. - JOHN DENLT, J. C. KURATLI, Owner. Auctioneer. View Mt. Hood From Your Office What's the use of having stuffy, cramped quarters which depress you, your office force and your clients? Why not have your offices in The Jour- j rial Building, where thousands ot peo-i pie pass every hour, and where you have every mdern convenience? On the fourth floor Of this most modern build ing there la a suite of three rooms, one of them a corner with a splendid view of Mount Hood. The rooms have every thing that goes to make comfortable of fice quarters hot and cold water, clothes closets, hat racks, etc. ' There If. a large entrance lobby on the ground floor, and two modern elevators. Day and night elevator service. Janitor ser vice, night watchman.- Light, cheerful, airy halls, and the entire building has Just been washed. If you want the best offices In the city, well located and reasonable In price, call and see MR HAMILTON, Snpt, Third Floor ! Journal. Bldir., Broadway !l and lamnui &l We Write Fire Insurance Realty & Mortgage Co. 333 Chamber of Commerce Phone Main 2611 i Oregon Standard PAiNT MADE tS OREGON Give it a trial X: guaranteed. UK rt 3.: 9 1 ygy top at - - ESTABLISHED 1891 UCTION EXTRAOR DINARY ! TOMORROW (MONDAT) AT MB. T. W. BTJISTS PRIVATE! RESIDENCE, 683 EAST SEVEN TEENTH ST. NORTH. NEAR KNOTT ST. TAKE IRYINGTON CAR ;TO KNOTT ST. .WE SHALL SELL THE BEAUTIFUL AND COSTLY FURNISH INGS OF THIS LOVELY HOME. Comprising : CHICKERING BABY GRAND PIANO AND BENCH This instrument Is equal 10 new. -ine case is njppenaaie iae- sign, In mahogany. j IN THE LIVING ROOM as follows: Hand-Made Overstaffed Davenport, Fumed Oak Stlckley Rock- ers and Chairs m genuine Spanish up holstering, costly Electric Floor Lamp 3, Pedestals. Rattan Jardiniere; with coo per containers, Tabourettes. two large Palms, Massive tfrass Andirons, ire Screen, several pictures (copies from fa mous paintings), Anglo-Persian Wilton Rug, small Wilton Rugs, GENUINE TURKISH HALL RUNNER (3x12-6 leet), Phone stand, umbrella vase. Hanging Flower Vases. THE DEN Rich tone Columbia Grafonola in ' ma-I nogany case, complete wiin pusn-Duton cabinet ana aoout tu r cor as oi gooa se- lections ; Table Lamp, Library Table. Desk. Bookcase. Magazine Hack, pic tures. Small Ruga, etc IN DINING ROOM QuartervSawed Oak Pedestal Table, Buffet, set of eight Stickley Chairs with leather seats, about 100 pieces of Old Fngllsh Blue Willow Dinner Ware, White China Chocolate Set, Fancy Plates, Trays, Vases, Rose Jars, Glass ware galore, Quarter-Sawed Oak Eng lish Breakfast Table, Small Rugs, Wil ton Rug (9x12). BEDROOMS No. 1 A complete suite In old ivory (the celebrated Widdicombe make), as follows: Bedstead, large Dresser with French date mirror. Highboy with solid mahogany trays. Dressing Table with triplicate mirrors : costly utana, Kocker, Chair and Bench, upholstered in old rose plush : De Luxe Spring and Ostermoor jfeit Mattress. rpucha cost ovee? fc recen Body Brussels Rugs. toom 2 This is in brass and Circas sian walnut and equal to new, as fol lows: Massive Brass Bed. Do Luxe Springs, Silk Floss Mattress, Highboy with large French plate mirror. Dress ing Table, Writing Table, Chair, Wilton Rug (9x12), etc. Also Vemis Martin two-Inch post Bed, complete with springs ana mattress, uoay Brussels Hall Run ners, Wardrobe Trunk, etc. IN KITCHEN A. B. C. Gas Ranre. Aluminum and Granite utensils. Kitchen Table, Step Ladder, Garden Tools and many other iota, , this is an exceptionally Fine opportunity to buy furniture- OF THE BEST MANUFAC TURE, AND THE CONDITION OF THE GOODS IS EXCELLENT. AUCTION WILL START PROMPT LY AT 10 O'CLOCK TOMORROW (MONDAY) AT 689 vr TEBNTH ST. NEAR KNOTT ST. Everything must b removed day of naie, as in new owner takes posses slon Tuesday morning. ON TUESDAY NEXT AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE, MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING WH iriVE nmrvrvtm tvtv tttp qt -t iaa il t, T. . . FTRST-CLASS r umnoniiua, un' a xsr.A.U- MONT HOME. ALSO FTTRNTTURE, RUGS, ETC.. FROM MRS. MORRI SON'S FORMER RESIDENCE, AND HAVE COMBINED THE TWO LOTS INTO AN AUCTION ON THE ABOVE DAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. Comprising large Pier Glass, 8x6 feet. In gold frame ; a good collection of rare old Indian Baskets and Beadwork, costly Mahogany Parlor Suite of three pieces. Solid Mahogany Bookcase, a few Antique Turkish Rugs, Wilton and Body Brussels Ruprs in various elzes, Quar- ter-sawea uaK uDrary irurniture, viz. Three-piece Suite In epmilne 1-,la.v leather. Arm Chairs with leather seats, Pictures, Portieres Mantel Clocks Ra tan Rockers and Chairs two Dining- Room Suites In quartered oak, as fol- lows : ' " Pedestal Tables. Buffets and Chairs. White Enameled Breakfast Room Suite, as follows: Table and three Chairs with linen cushions, Glass and China Ware Fancy Plates ' Table Linen, several Bisque Figures, Mahog- ?;n Bedstead, Dresser and Chiffonier. Full-S!se Brass Bed. Vernis Martin and Enameled Beds. All beds are complete with best Steel springs, felt and Other mattrsses, pillows, sheets and spreads. Maple Princess Dresser. Birch Chiffo- nler 48 Inches wide and another extra high with eight drawers. Oak Hall Tree, small itugs, neingerator, rtltcnen Uten- alls, and many other lots too numerous to mention. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE Intending purchasers will kindly (call lumorrow, IOU win una u goods as I aavertisea and well worthv- of vour at tention. Tou are always welcome to ca.Hr wnetner you purchase or not. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 11 A. ftl. On THURSDAY NEXT we sell furniture, etc.. for various eon flrmorf. Don't overlook this auction ON THURSDAY 'NEXT AT 10 A.i M. We buy and sell Household Furnish ings. Phone us and we will call and pay you c&sn. W. C. BAKER and W. H. DEAN Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. Masonic Temple Building Yamhill and West Park Sta. Phon Mala 3333 j 1 HTKW TOPAT Auct ionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-71 Second Street (Near Yamhill) REGULAR SALESDAYS MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A M. MONDAY'S SALE Includes large as sortment of. GOOD SECyNU-riAf.il FURNITURE, including xa BLES, set Dining Chairs, COM BIN A- tio thima f-ISET and BUFFET aiso a GOOD QUARTERED OAK BUF- fet with leaded glass aoors, several good Sideboards, Rockers of various styles and good Mahogany Parlor Pieces, Library and Center Tables, ' rtV. T.nn RAfla 53 riT-t Tl CT t ATA 1 fit - tresses, Wjr. S44- Ward- Pictures, Gas Range, Refrigerator and other effecta wbaJistusiJAX ana (kiuai we sen again at 19 a. m. DON'T OVERLOOK Private Sale Department We positively have the LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF HIGH-CLASS SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any house in Portland. WE SOLICIT TOUR INSPECTION. All goods sold at private sale are In FIRST-CLASS CONDITION, and you can find almost anything you want from a Kitchen Table to an OVER- STUFFED DAVENPORT, All goods sold In this manner GUAR ANTEED and DELIVERED. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OFFICE FURNISH INGS, ALSO STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENTS Grocery Department WE SAVE YOU MONEY on anything you buy. GIVE US YOUR NEXT OR DER and let us PROVE IT. 0 UP-TO-DATB RESTAURANT AT AUCTION ON WED- NESDAY NEXT, 2 P. M. We are instructed to sen the entire con tents ot EBELING'S RESTAURANT AT 2084 FOURTH STREET (Between Taylor and Salmon) Including Cash. Register, large Tile Refrigerator,' Tables, good Oak Chairs. Counters and Counter Stools with backs. Crockery and Silverware and the usual Cooking Equipment. All In first-class condition and worthy the attention of all restaurant men. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. USED ROADSTERS 1314 and 1916 The PRACTICAL and BUSINESS CAR We have two for sale at bargain ,-Knam Y. TV , , - V. 1 t1"11 out nd 'ound to be In good condi tion. Starters and other modern appli ances. COVKT MOTOR CAR COMFA1TT Slst and Washington Sti. Main 3344 CARPENTER or BUILDER Ytm c"-n make big profit or get a home nd Income by doing a little finishing on tjiis place. East 30th and Harrison streets. Go look It over. About 38000 rorth for 14600. Watca Our Ads We Get Retralt BITTER, LOWE A CO. 303-3-7 Board of Trade Bnlldlag MEETiyO IfOTICES 41 ktrktatriok ootjson. 2227, Knight and Ladle of Security. COME SPECIAL COME Grand picnic next Sunday, August 11, from 11 a. m. to 10 p. m. at beautiful Crystal Lake park. Plenty of fun for old and young. Baseball, Kirknatrick Sta-a vs. !'- bee. Ladies' game. Royal Purple vs. Ever- I freena, rviripamck Jurtors vs. Artisans. Sd ""ich'. bT'oroTi ."" STf'i c?th.' UrTost ona'lxiTnp 7our baaket. bring your relative ui friends for a good thing. Com and help the soldier boys' fund. Refreshment sold on . grounds. ' . rr- TX TOTXAn STf ? 2l1 f u5 T?Ua' SJSn LgTsS hoU iu rhZmZ fQtt-TCirJ Sg in therw MooaateSpli Vl I comer 4th and Taylor ta7. V Nr- Thursday, August . a iw TETTA HAINES, Correspondent. AKaky bldg.. enr. 3d and Morrison. Main 8856. Phon'L E- EUREKA COUNCIL No. 204. K. and L. and L of 3 "At home" Monday evening. August . alter council jnerong. -rogram : xteaoing, Marl Hoff, pupa of Mrs. C. M. Kiccin: fancy aanca. aiargam vyooa. ot Mrs. r lecx s aancing academy ; ont number by Fred 17. Hohn. Lois Muir. France Johnson and Evelyn Heps; ac Minnsnist. Inns Earart ' and Marion lans. Dane. r" tfurwrt- t 2227, Knight and Ladies Of Security, com to th big open meeting next Friday. August 9. 8:80 a hart). Swiss l hall. 3d and Jefferson. Card. "500. Kirkpatrlck mandolin and banjo orchestra. Danc ing. Hocb' union xnuaic. Good prie. Admission 15c EMBLEM charms. Jewelry a specialty, buttons, ptca. Jaeger Bros.. 181-118 eta at. DREH8 liUlls tsr rent, all Cn4U Tat- loring company. 104 4th st XI jtal statistics matriagcs.Bfrtbs. Dzoihx BIRTHS NAULE To Mr. and Mrs. Belden E. Nagl. MagnoKa Apts., July 27, a son. CARLIN To Mr. and Mr. Thorns W. CarHn. 77 Morrl st.. July 80, a son. SIMMONS To Mr. and Mrs. -Hush Simmon, 173 E. 85th, July 29, a son. KENTRAT To Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ken- trst. 520 E. 19th, July 31, a daugntcr. SMITH To Mr. and Mr. William W. Smith, Linton, Or., July 24, a daughter. PLANT To Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer M. Plant, 16 E. 22d st.. July 81, a daughter. BURET To Mr. and Mrs. Benson M. Rurey, 1000 E. Holrtdaj. Jul) l. a OAognxat. DEATH ATO TTnrgltAI. t BClIACriT la tlile cit at bar lata reeideooe, BS East Twenty-flfti stoMt. Ansnft . Suat BcWht. aed tl jreara. saotbar of Mrs. Anna Kaahlan. Boa aad Walter Schacht of this dt. and Uanry Scbacbt. with C. 8. inaf ba Franc. Tba funeral aarrloaa wui be bald tomorrow (Mon day) , Ausaat 5. ait S :80 o clock p. nv, at the reeklenoa establishment of J. P. Flaky cV Bon. UantsoBery at Fiith. Friends lnrtted. Inter DMqt at Looe Fuf cemetery. 2TKUAS'SBtf l'n tbla city, ' las. I. 1 if. Jacob fibemaaak. ajted 77 Tears. months. LIS dare, belored husband of Dora Shefciansiy; latrier of Alma and Badla Briytnsnay. ana 4. D. Sherman of thia city; brother of Mrs. Dora LrriMon of Napa. CaL Friends tantexs to at tend tba serrlcea, which will be bald at Hai nan's funeral oarlora at 8 d. m. today (Saa- day), Ang. 4, 1918. Interment Ahaval Bbolom. Please omit liowerv Sao Francisco papers please copy. GOODWIN At her late residence. 6085 East SeTeutielh street. Maliaa A. Goodwin, ased 80 yean. She ts aurriTed by her husband. Frederick Goodwin, and four children. Perry L . Horace, C. T. Goodwin and Mil T. W. Fleck. Funeral aerrice will be held at P. L. Lerch undertakins iarlors. Eaat Eleventh and Clay etroete, tomorrow (Monday), at 2 p.' nv. Friends invited. Bait Laka papers pleas copy. Interment Mt. Soott oemetery. CPTON In thU city at his let residence. 488 Church st. Aoarust 2, Jama B. Upton, aced 74 years. Tha funeral serrlcea will be held tomorrow (Monday). Aufuit 6, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the residence establishment ot J. P. Finlay A Son, Montcomery at 6th. Friends inylted. Interment at Rirerriew cemetery. SPKAK In this city, Aug. 2, Earnest Spear, aged 84 years. I Funeral aerrice will be held at tli Portland Crematorium. Monday, Ang. 8. 1 p. m., tinder annplce of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiner? Union. Local 226. and I O. O. F. Arrangements in car of Miller A Tracy. MITCHELL Funeral aerrtcoa of Robert Mitchell. infant eon of Pr. and Mr. A. K. Mitchell, will be held Monday, Ant. 6. at 9:30 a. m . at the family residence, 881 Wheeler at Serrlcea priTata. Interment Mt. Caralry cemetery. Ar-raPa-ementa in car of Miller A Tracy. BAIN At Albany, Or., August 1. Mr. Henry Bain, mother of John Bain, Henry Bain. Ida Hix. Edwin Bain, Walter Bain and Viola Mori aette. Funeral August 8, at 9 a, nv, from St. Philip Xeri church. Friends invited. PATS The funeral aerrice of . the lata WTI- liam 8. Payn will be held at P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors. East Eleventh and Clay streets, tomorrow! (Monday), at 4:30 p. . m. Friendi invited. Interment Mt. Scott cemetery. MATES O. H. Mrya7"Portlaf"OrT"dled Au- mt 1, 1918. Brooklyn, Masa. UPTON Jamas B. Upton. 459 Church sU, 74 years, August 2, senility. LAIRD Martha laabell Laird. 250 Tarto, B7 years. August 1, acuta Indigestion and heart failure. RICE George Rice, Multnomah hospital. 00 years, August 1, pneumonia. POLLOCK John E. Pollock, 210 E. 11th at, 37 years, July 25. acuta pylorio atenoeia. ALEXANDER John C. Alexander. 1078 Rod ney, 05 years, July 81, malignant endocartis. HARNOIS Adlbrt Harriots. 1278 William are.. 02 years, August 1, cerebral hemorrhage. SODER8TROM Johanna Magdalen Soderstrom. Emanuer hospital, 07 years. July 80. choleo- cyBtltls. FLOHMTS CLARK BROt.. r'lorwta. 2S7 Momaoa au staia or A-180S. Fme flowers and floral -f 'g-i No branch store. MAKTLN A rXiUBkS CO.. Flonat. a4 Wean. Main. 289. A-126. Flowers (or all eooa alona artistically arranged. PEOPLE8 FLORAL SHOP. 243 Alder; designs end decorations. Phone Marshall BB22. i.rW.IXKH, Portland bosel. 82 Mormon. MAX M SMITH. Florist, 141 H 6th street FUNERAL DIRECTOR?. Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon street. Main 607, A-1811. Lady Assistant. J. P. FINLEY & SON ProgTeaslv Funeral Director. FBXVATB DRIVE Women Attendant Monte oar at Firth. Main . A-18SS. WILSON & ROSS 4 lady Assistant C-8181 VnMoomah at E. Seventh Dunning & McEntee Dndertakew, Modern m ersry detail Broadway and Pin its Phone Broadway 480. A-4668. Lady assistant. F, S. Dunning, Inc. The Ooldea Rule Undertaker 414 East Alder st Phnne Eat 82. B-8328 A. D, Kenworthy Co. Tabor 8297. 8802 B2d St.. Lswta. . TaboT 8898. 86th t and Foster road. Artata. East 781. -1858. Undertaken. P. L LERCH Mrs. Larch. Assistant E. Htb nd Hawthorn chamberSenwortht CdTi 248 and 250 Kiillngirworth ave. near William av. Woodlawn 3306; -! 138. MILLER A TKACET, Indepeudent r'uneral In rectors. Prices as low as 820, 840, 880. Washington at Ella Main 2!91. A-7885. Breeze &, Snook ti& Skewes ZSR Undertaking Co. Main 4152. Corner Bd and Clay t A M O At! 1157 Karby street VV ISOn Gi VV l5UIIWdia.440 C-1151 HAMILTON 1973 E. Glisan st. neral aerrice. Tabor 43 IS. A. R. Zeller Co. 692 WUliama av. East 1088. C-1088. R T. BYRNES, new rssldenc eaiabuahgaent 01 WUllmt svs Wrodlawn 220. O-1048 MOITTJITEKTS ICaEsino granite CI PORTLAND MARBLE WORK'S, 204-203 4ta t.. opposite city baQ. Mala BftOTu PUlil Neu Sona for memorial. LOST'Ayp ropyp n LOST Between Front and TamhllL Ladd A TUton bank or Woods rd. Clark A Co., a black leather pun containing about 860. Finder pleas return to peerless Produce Co.. Front A TamhiU. ; FIVE dollar reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of thief robbing motor cycle of lamp night of Aug. 1, in front of K. of p. building. P-817. Juiirnal. LOST Between 13th and 19th In Marshall.-or In front of Alton apt., black purs cant 321; in dir need of saake. Finder return to Journal office. Reward. STOLEN 1918 6 pas. Ford ear, Oregon H- eens No. 89580, factory No. 2483447. No tify E. Cord no, 178 E. 16th, or call East 4682. He ward. LOST, PORTLAND. JlVQT. By hardworking man out of employment. purse containing 331 currency and 88.60 silver. Finder pleas call Tbor 774. Liberal reward. LOST Purs at Meter A Frank's neckwear counter by soldier's wife, containing 837. Party finding am call Woodlawn' 6462 and receive reward. LO5T On Morrison bet Grand av. and bride. duck hunting coat. I'bon East 1165 Mon day evening; reward. LOST A gold nugget watch chanra at Larrabee and Broadway. . Finder pbon East 212; reward. LOST July 17. at Sellwood swimming tank, a 32.00 gold necklace; girer now in rranc. Phone East 969: reward. LOST An autographic raroera. on Columbia Beach, July 81. j Call 783-J. Vancouver, col lect: reward. I LOST At Columbia Beach. August 2. la lies' baa eontalning glaasea. purs, knitting. Find- er. call Tabor 1816. LOST At Laurelhurst band eonoert. Sunday, July 14. a mink fur. I.iber! reward. Pbon East 2841. Address 891 E. Pin st. POCKET BOOK conUlning draftcard and paper of no t1u. Return to Donald B. Catton, 90 First street, receive reward. LOST On Columbia RTver highway. Friday, about norm. Toy Jt.-wton Bull, whit with black sp'Tta. Telephone Trnr lioerai rewarq. $10 REWARD for 17 ft Morria canoe, dark 8Tn, F. II. IL No. 1, taken from Favorite Boat Hotas. OST On "2d and 53d are., at Mt Scott car pawed, purs containing about 34. belonging to widow. Titwr 134Z. L08T Wdnodyj Maltese kitten, neuter,. whit no, breast and feet. Return 493 f. AWta East 71 lO. Reward. 850 REWARD For puna containing 380. 2 paychecks end diamond ring Retnrm to Journal. LOST An openfae. Hampden. 17 Jewel, gold eaea watch, engraving on beck. R. ft. Lib- mi reward will b paid to finder. Call Wood lawn 1810. I FOLND-r-A ring, at aVsllwuod awlmming UnE Khun Msr. 128. FOOD Suite . lWhing- S.H ar.etn. lost Ayp fopsp ; ti THE foBowins arnclea bar been found eat can of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co., August 2. 1918: 1 letter, 1 pan. 1 pin. 1 chain, t keys. X tap meajnre, S paia gloraa. 1 glor. 4 packac. 1 cigarett caw, 1 bo, sticks, I rtahtng baakat, 8 suit -lias. 1 traveling hag. 8 loach boa a. S amhrauaa, 1 coat. Owners may obtain property at let and Alder ta. L08T Bloodhound pup from 810 Waalungtos at. Phone Ildwy. 2652. Reward. HELP WAJITEI MALE MEN Wasted far HXPYABto WOKX tfaoa wb raa aad wdl work, who are paOieOa and ta aaraeat, and ss appradat tb beat local opportunity, to help wia the war. THXNK THIS OTXB. . Can at EMPtOTMINT OmCl of Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation, FOOT OF STEADS IT. PORTLAND. OR. MIX HOT NOW ENGAGED IN WAR WORE ARB ASKED TO COMB TO OREGON CTTT. SEVENTH STREET. AND WALK ACROSS THE BRIDGE TO WEST LINN MILLS. WHERE THEY CAN SECCRE AGREEABLE EMPLOYMENT AT 42o PER HOUR FOR EIGHT HOURS' WORK. STRIKE ON BUT NOT BOTHERING. BOARD SOo MEAL; BEDS lOo NIGHT. COME MONDAT MORNING BEFORE EIGHT. OR AFTERNOON BEFORE FOUR. FUR Operator, also nailers wanted. 10 a. m. at It LTEBES A CO., 149 Broadway. Apply befor HELP WASTED T. M. O. A. Tber are posttlons open to you. la tb bet two weeks 217 dissatisfied man were placed tn satisfactory poitina through this department A special mrkyment membership has been devised for the unemployed man. It coeta nothing to investigate this modern sr-.temati position securing Institution. Men in harvest ine the new crop of splendid opportunities daily. Call at one. In prsou. On of th position is for you. Main 8700. A-O&ol. Employment Ad visory Dept 8175 I'ER MONTH the year around, the aver age earning lat year of a number of our salesmen over 45 year, "f, T his year will b the biggest yet No eiperienc necessary; week ly cash Advance, outfit furnished. lilg assort ment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vines. You can do what other inexperienced men have don. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppaniah, Wash. MEN wanted by Portland Gaa as Cuke compear at Gaaco, on Llnntoa road; steady employment: pay 33.80 to 88 per day. Take free bos at garage. Frost and Glisan sts.. 8 a. to., or 28d and Savier at 7:15 a. m. Apply at gas plant fflce. MEN wanted to carry car Don oriquets from trucks to baemnt ot our consumers: average wag 84.23 to 34.78 for 8 hours. Inquire northwest corner 2d and landers. Pertlaad Cat A oke company. fa AVE an excellent opening for wagon sales man at Pendleton, Or : very liberal guaran teed salary at start Wa famish everything; Bona required. Apply at one in person only D. K. Baker, sales manager. 21 Grand av. BiL(.siuB t'ermanent rxxltion or .en with a larg Cleveland manufacturer, putting on the marget a new mgn class sperialty. Will vieM 850 to 8150 per week to right man. Addis K. .cli. liot HI. MUHoti r. Cleveland. O CHINAWAKE salesman, fine otiportunlty for producer seeking permanent profitable con nection with responsible maniifactnrer1!: light am pi outfit- Writ today to Box 26, rtebnne. ()l:io. BOT wanted for office, mnnufacttiring plant; must answer telephone, take order, etc.; one who can take shorthand and operate typewriter preferred- Answer in own handwriting. V-847, Journal. WAREHOUSE- truckman, atoady, dependant po sltion, good opportunity; Saturday afternoon off. Apply MarshaU Wells Co.. 15th and Love loy sts. LABORERS wanted for ditch work: steady em ployment. tofMrotch wage. Inauir northwest corner 2d and Flanders, Portland Caa A Coke eempany. Wanted, one timber cptofk man. 4 mill hands, government scale. northehn pacific lumber, ft. of 81IER1XX;K AVE.. PORTLAND. OR. WANTED- A general farm hand who la good milker, married man preferred; will furnish good house, garden, with small fruit and some orchard. John A. Mohbs. t orneinis, trr., it. 1. MEN, age 17 to 4 5 Exprirne unnreuary. Travel, mak acrwt inveittcsUoiu. reports. Salaries, expense. American Foreign Ietective agency, 590 St Louis. FREIGHT ELEVATdR OPERATOR Matt b willing to work: reference required; good salary for right man. Apply 9 to 10 a. m.. superintendent s office, Olds, w ortman at King. BOY WANTED -To take clisrg of informa tion dek in otlr of fx. Mut b pot Ves than 1 8 or more thin 1 8 years of as. Penin sula BhipbaiMing company. IRON workers, 1 a day! f!rt class helpers. good wages, lathe hand sl-o wanted. CITT IRON WORKS. 107 N. 2d t MACHINE men wanted to work on stiokers. aha pars and other wood working macblnaa. 8 honrs, good pay. 607 Oregon nldg WANTED Sash and door machlneman. miS wriaht and aawfiler. cutter and other ma chine men. Nlcoll-Nepjch Co.. 227 Davis. FIRST CLAB3 utomob!U merhanle wanted: higheBt wage paid. Apply shop superintendent Northwest Auto Co.. Alder at Chapman, THREE dogeers. 3 laborers, man for trimmer pit. day shift, top wage. Portland Lumber Co.. foot of I inroln t- Tak N. A 8. ear. WANTED Esperienrcd helper on log boom. wages 84.60 per day. 8 hour. Apply Weat Oregon I .umber uo. Linnton. Or WANTED Experienced aoto electrician Apply Mr. Walker, John A. Walter Co., Sixth and Hoyt sts. Broadway 2490. STOREKEEPER WANTED W prefer man familiar with ship chandlery. Peninsula Shipbuilding company. WANTED 2 nailing machine hands, 1 cutoff or ripsaw band. Oregon Box A Mfg. Co., 132 8 Macadam road. WANTED Reliable party for cesspool work, at 2619 62d at S, E. C. A Oppegard. 1183 E. Oak st I SHOIIF.BS WANTED Men under 65 rears. I for general labor work lor store department at Southern Pacific t o., Brooklyn shops, steady work at 33.90 per dsy. Storekeeper. WANTED At once, first-ciaa Ford mechsnlca. good lary to competent workmen. C. L. Idleman, Caldwell, Idaho. WANTED Men to work o river boats. 88t and op- Room aad board. Apply Washing i-i dock FIREMEN, locomotive. 3150-3176 monthly; ex perience annecaery, mm! atsmy. Railway. car JournaL FI'P.NISHED front room for 1 or 2 m-rj : 2 blocks from boarding house. 204 McMillan; downstairs. HOOKS opened, closed, kept pp. audited, curt systems installed, etc.; reasonable charge. Smith. Broadway 245. WANTED Mattreaemaker. Portland Furniture Mfg Co , 1249 Macadam roafL MACHINE man wanted. Portland Furniture Mfg. '.. 124 9 Macadam road. BLACKSMITH wanted, good pay.' Call at 727 Powell St. WANT man to build cement concrete cellar in Portland, P. C. Hanson. Preecott, Or. BAKER wanted. Leighton'a Dairy Lunch, Broad way and Washington eta. WAN 1 tLl Experienced rose! buddr l'o wages. Thon Tabor 121, WANTED Salmn for city work with or without a Ford. CH 402 Washington st- EXPERIENCltiD ianitor for apartment house; reference. 8-839, Journal, SHEET aasul worker wanted. J. C Bayer. 204 Market st- . PAINTER with fall and brush at one. East 3468. . : WANTED driver for Ford car in greoery. Doony A Fox. East 24 th and Bdwy. MAN wanted to work in creamery; 34 a day. lUverrTw Dairy, 1008 Belmont W ANT F.I) Man to drive milk wagon at tmt wag paid. Rose City Dairy. Woodlawn 251. TRAINING and protection for American boys. Web foot team. Broadway 2776. MAN . to driv truck on oodmiexiop. C-616, Journal WANTED Experienced snn to bud tree la narsery. Basgdiet Namry Co. Call Tabo 431. i HELP WASTED MALE, 1 MEN SOT NOW ENGAGED "lN7WAaw6RK ARK ASKED TO COME TO OREGON' CTTT, SEVENTH STREET, AND WALK ACROSS THE BRIDGE TO WEST " LINN MILLS, WHERE THEY CAN SECURE AGREEABLE EMPLOYMENT AT 42o PER ' HOUR FOB EIGHT HOCRS' WORK. STRIKE ON BUT NOT BOTHERINO. BOARD 30 VEAL; BED 10 NIGHT. COMB MONDAT MORNING before eight. or afternoon before four. : MEN wanted who are not now encaced 4a a- j aentlal war work. Apply West Una aula acroaa river from Oregon "Ky C tu im men every day. so kbm alon. Btrik oa bat not Dotheiina uv Wasea 42 hour. S boors work HK1.P WATfTKIItr. 49 GOTERNMENT needs 20,000 women clerk at Washington. Examinatioru everywher In An- "fost Kiperionre ntn---ry Wnrosn deaising overrrment poitinns write fur free particular to J. J. ( eorcsrd (former civil serric tita- tumtt, mi nenots DiUg.. Washington. D. O. CIVIL SEKVK'E EXAMINATIONS IrTportland . 1S?Bi. 0 0 womrn clerks to be appointed at Washington: women dennng gavernrneat clerk snip write for for particulars to H t Terry (former civil servic ea.miuer). SIS Cvlutablaa bldg.. WashincUin. HAWTHORNE AUTO BCHOOL 462 HAWTHOKNK AVENUE EVFRTTH1NC. MECHANICAL AND ELKC rwSJ.wi?ir,UITtD: ' RACTICAL BEPAIB FTC PFTnFNCB. t MMKIvK lUl.Nli W'liiKN ANb WEN wanf'eii to prepare for telegraph sercie and Bets fill vacancies eaneed by the drafting of men for war. Far particulars call or writ Telegraph DparV eaent. room 2 1 Railway Eicbana bldg. ADCOX AUTO SCHOUI " Union avenue and Wasco sL Special Summer Prlcea. CsTl. write or phone East 448. blEEN MEHlNtr MCHtKiL Bleek s syalam of ladies' tallohng and dreaamaking taught: pat terns cut to measure. Phon East 2389, B 3307. 1 32 Orand ave.. wf Belmont I write ailvertwing letters folciers, booklata and brochures that win. lyt me write yonrs for the benefit of your business sod puna. 8 84 0, JournaL MISS T'KCKF.R'8 PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE AT.ISKT BLDG. 3D AND MORRISON. T A TKS-Klf llfcit TEACHEKH' . AtaENCI fee verttrat!on. 911-12 Krnsdway bidg. BEH.NKE-W ALKKlt. bicaest ousinaaa euUew rx cans best: enroll any time: free catalogue. LINK'S HISIVKSS CuLI.EtiE PORTLAND. BF.Gt! HELP WAITED FEMALE I TOCNG LADIES TOR TELEPHONE OPERATCTO NO PREVIOUS EXPEHIESCB J NECESSART; 30 TER WEEK PAID WHILE LEARNING., RAPID ADVANCTMEXT IS 8 A LAST. PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PATMENTS'FOR BUNDATH AND HOLIDATS. " APPLT TELEPHONE COMPANY OPERATINO SCHOOL. BtXTrt IXOOR. PARK AND OAK STS. BETWEEN 8.30 A M. AND 6:80 P. If. FUR Operator, atao Baiters ainted. Apply be for 10 a m st IL LIEBES A CO ; 149 liroadwsy. Stenographer Want a thoroughly capable f4riarapher; tntli b quick and neat; only competent girl need applv: good salary; ap-jly lit ov. handwrlUng. giving agn. erpertenoe. references and , telepaoo number. Addfee P-S18, Journal WANTED Olrl as stenographer and assistant record salaslsdv. on preferred who can tak dictation. Position permanent; Hyatt Talking . Machine Co., 3.11 Mornsinn. WANTED Ten bright ctM ladies to travel. demonstrate and sell well known goods to established dealers. S2 5 to 860 per week; railroad fare paid; weekly adra nr tor trs vrling einenses. Address at once. Goodrich Drug com- any Dertt 700. Omaha. Neb. V ' AT mice, a hright young lady not afraid ot hard work for collector in th city. Salary or comniission nr both. Bond required. Ap ply at once. WESTERN M t-i'AZINK CORPORA TION. POT Spalding bldg . Portland, Or. AT unre, brig'i. energetic young lady, capsbl of meeting the public, one with some riling experieno iireferred hroall salary to sign. commensurate wi'h al-,!fy to learn. 9 to 10 a. 9'7 Snaldirg Mdg. vTX N TV! i 7"sj li.-jiekeeS' r. " holiest lady Un der midd age. on ranch 15 Toll out of Portland, only 2 in familv i who car more for a good home than hih wage. No objec t ion to one child TX-8 10. Joumalt WANTED -Elderly woman or girl for general housework viho ts looking for a good home In small family. Inquire st Hat 8 tor. 887 Mor- rison St. ' WAN I"K D Fmal help: first class millinery maker aad hat trimers for hot, city and ant of town position: -good wage. MuUar A Baas. , . REFINED and intaTltgent young ladle who hat high school education to act aa ushers ; good salary. Apply Monday, 2 p. av. Liberty tlietre ELDERLY lady will give horn to eheerol woTian eompenion. One with home occupa tioc of her own, such a dreesrnaking prefsrrad. Piano in house. Box 838. Bandon, fsr BTkONti-irwn or girl to work fn mattras factory, rd-ady work. United lavattxeaa pad 42 7 Jtancijck. I WANTED A button hole maker. good wage I snd steady work. 408 Mersliants Trust , bldg IlorsF.KKEPER for 'derly omipl la coon try, good wages to right party, Norweglsa preferred, Marshall f.210. A-468.1. WANTED A young lady, good at gnanicoring and hair work. Marinello shop. 210,- Cen- tral nldg. j W ANT ED An Eastern woman for aoqkepr by man of busines ability, abov 31 years. ! p. O. box 291. Portland. YOl'S'ljlady assistant in offic. Must b good writer and accurate at figure. A-769. Joar- I naL MIDDLE aged woman for light housework, good home, small wages. Call 756 Alblna av., ot phone Q-2187 after 6:80 p. m. COMPETENT woman for general houaawork. No washing. Telephone Mr. Voorhia. Ball wood 1 (ii2 - WANTED Idy for gensrsl housework, small fatally, good horn for right party. Call Woodlawn 81 17. GlftLS wanted, steady employment at gd wag. Apply Trey Laundry Co., kl lOtn and Pine. W A N T ED Woman to do hand Ironing, good pay. steady work. Apply la parson. Crystal laundry Co. '- W ANT ED Experienced feeders and folder, and mangle. Apply in person. Crystal laundry Co, WANTED Womari to rim dry room. Apply 1n penon. Crystal laundry Co. - EXPEIttliCElX mctiin"ovrator. 167 1st; nps'airs, W OMAN FOR light h.'ms work.' 734 AiUaa.'- Ca II C-2 1 8 7 after 6:3 0. ti , , , rrr, " r . .1 .u r niwil eciiuJS tii I os si Le.r nKu vuu. Allans Pre Clipping Bureau, 267 Oak st. MIDDLE AliED lady. houaakMpcr. Call Colaus- iia 479, after 3:30. ; " C Kl 1 cook for general housework; ao waalucZ 205 N. 21st et. S . ; WANTEi; Bakery, Waitre and store "iK Soya) 844 Morrison st WIVES and mothers Wehfoot will protect you. Ask Barbae, Broadway 2776. WANTED Good maid for general .housework, small family, 340. Call Marshall 1684. WOMAN , for light hotowork." lour in "lamiTjf! miiwooa sis. . E.'vPERIENCED witra wanted, .. U'yi wgtnn, Majestis retawrnt WANTED By refined lady, working girl ' U hr pt Mln 1803.7 . HELP YA t-T D MALE .AICl y w -. itswH, ami vuw.. DrgMwiy 2 ) ; fToXlNRit wialie to meet :piu ,Xut atataal hcaaOt. L-982. JwnV, ,v r