V. v VI 3 - ,' . . f THE OREGON SUNDAY' JOURNAX-PORTIA AND,' SUNDAY MORNING," AUGUST" V' " - - , - , "" " SSS " BACK OVER 6 II 5 (Coti tinned From- Pf One. 1918 BATTLEFRONT IN WEST had been preparing for eight days to start their , retirement from this place. i rj f. : :f - American soldiers were on the faarch all night inner following the fleeine enemy. They ad- vanced a considerable distance during the dyq ' The Boche, it is believed, is likely holding tor a stand, on the Aisne. L.'- j j : German dead fairly carpet the. jregion through . which the Americans are advancing. In addition, carefully laid out Boche cemeteries are encoun tered in the fields and beside thejroads on every ihand. ;! The last serious resistance encountered by the ' Americans was in the wooded region near Cham- Terv (four miles east of Fere-en-Tardenois) . -: Qfrnncriv Hfpnrled machine e-unl nositfons there 4 were stormed by stout northern wjoodsmen, aided 'by farmers, clerks and men who f drmerly worked at all kinds of jobs in the north and middle west. ' ' The break -came when these 1 defenses ! were ; carried yesterday. Last riight thje sky was red dened by the glow of burning supplies, inter- : spersed with the flashes of giant explosions. This : signaiizcu uie uciiiiiiu ui inc juuujtuvai Our men .pushed forward through trie night, despite a heavy rain which turned the roads into ' ; quagmires. The hard going hampered the Ger i mans -more than it did the Americans, as the enemy had much heavy artillery to move, while only our lighter pieces are trying to keep pace with the infantry. i The sky to the north was dotted here and there r today smoke?' where addi tional fires had been set by the Huns. The rain continued intermittently through the early hours of the morning, dampening everything but the : spirits of our men. The Boche retreat explains the terrific air f ight ; ing over the German lines Thursday. Enemy planes viciously attacked all allied, observation and photographic rrchmes, cerning the withdrawals M n , W ny niiu x i va A. II llKIllUlK WIS prilUllCitliy 11111' lUr;HHlC?l London. ANf. 8. Americ i accorded hours, during which a great , number of .B6che?rtfcta"wf,lcle machines were brought down in flames. .. it Lf Brit.in, ntr.nce ,into -um ww. ah rejolca In h latest news of continued victories at .thf front. and join In ex press ine th ,niw tthat ltide ha definitely turned in favor of the alltea, : Th Manchsateir Guardian Bays "Broadly, and .as far as we can mo, the period (( the-war's duration) is to be measured by , th- speed, with which America develops her .stronsth.- . : The Tiniea, coromentinEson the kaiser b declaration that he ia not frightened by America's armies : "He knows, and his military advisers know, that their decision seals hii doom ISJ 5 col, of Mil piSSSfc-. ' Q 'A 10 15 SO 23 " ' in their first four j offensives, 1 re- I GREAT BRITAIN HAS : LARGEST LOAD TO I BEAR IN GREAT WAR Writer Places Total Casualties in Four Years at 2,500,000 Supplies Most Men.: j Nw York. Aug. 3. Two million 1 five hundred thousand men have been named in Great Britain's land and sea casualty list since the start eft the great war, it was estimated here today by Louis Tra ey. In charge of the press section, of the British mission. Five hundred thou sand of these, he said. Judging by; ap proved methods of estimates, must be considered as having gone to lonely graves in foreign lands or lying hidden forever by the waves of the seas. ; Tracy, author of 40 or more novels, is sued his estimates under the heading : "Four Tears of the Great War--Oreat Britain's Great Share In It" j Tracy quoted estimates which show that .Great Britain has placed, fightitig men on 17 dinerens! ironis- annus , war. He enumerated the main fronts as being: France,; Jtaly. Serbia, Greece, Russia, Palestine, Mesopotamlv China. and North. East and "West Africa. Great Britain has ralse4 T.M0.000 soldiers, lie declared, with England having much, the greater burden. Her proportion of these soldiers is 60 per cent - One man In every seven and a half English population, he stated. Is In the array. Her per cent oi casualties Is 76.'.'. J vt"C Great Britain now Is operaflng 5.046 govemment-oontrolled' factories. -About 2.000.000 men - and 700.000 women, were enrared In munition manufacture In October. s.1917. .--Vj: .:-iV - Wife's Scattered on Sea i ' Los Angeles, Aug. 3. Accompanied by the Rev. C." Snyder Maddox. J. A. Cook today chartered a launch, and at a -point a mile off the shore scattered, the ashes of Mrs. Cook upon the water. Mrs. Cook, who died two months ago, made the re quest that her bodybe cremated. ; Will Unfurl Flag Monday ' Lbs Angeles, Aug. JL Mayor Woodman will unfurl the Is Angeles city service flag- Monday morning at the City hall. It contains 13,167" stars. ; - Another Record in Shipbuilding Made Alameda, CaL. Aug. , When the 12.- 009-ton freighter Invincible slips from Its ways tomorrow a record will have been set In shipbuilding. . This freighter was built in 26 days, one day better than the previous record for the same sised ship. The keel was laid" last July 4 and tomorrow will find It ready, for Its launching. A force of J500 men was required In the building of It. . , Shipping Board to ; Approve Charters Washington; Aug. 3. TJnder a procla mation issued by the president today, charters for American steamships and sailing vessels must be approved by the shipping board before they are effective. Steamers of 250 tons and over and sail ing ships of 50 tons aifd more come un der the- proclamation. It also requires the boards' approval to any charter oft a foreign vessel sough by an American clUsen. ., been reached out ! of court. Attorney J. B. Lacey today withdrew the di vorce action of - Joseph . W, Townes. apalnt his wife and -also dropped 'the 6:5.000 heart balm suit -against Wil liam Hogarty, Oakland street railway official. i . ,.. j; S4it Is Withdrawn San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 8. (U. P.) Explaining that a settlement had Flying Instructor ; Dies From Wounds San IMffo. Aug. 3. CI. N. S--l.!eu-tenant Clement K. Jacomint died at 10 :35 this morning ss the result of a fall late yesterday afternoon in an airplane. Developing a tall-spin, the machine fell , 150 feet. Lieutenant Miller, who was la the plane with Flying Instructor Ja eomtni, escaped unhurt. It was at first thought ""that Jacsmlni'a Injuries were alight, but today complications set In and he died suddenly. Lieutenant Jaco mml's parents live In Pasadena. i Munitions Blow Up; Kills 100 Germans Amsterdam, Aug. 3. A hundred Ger man soldiers were killed or Injured in the explosion of a munitions train at Zuevy, the Echo do Belga learns. Fifty Germans. were killed in an explosion at Mons, causing 'enormous -damage in the city, the paper adds. Black shows ground gained by Germans March to June, cent fighting. . Shaded portion shows ground lost by Germans in i S0ISS0NS-RHEIMS POCKET PRACTICALLY ELIMINATED i t By LoweU Mellett With the French Armies In the Field, Aug. 3. (TJ. P.) The famous Solssbns ,. Rhelms pocket has - been practically eliminated. Allied trpops have pushed northward until they have cleared the Germans out : of almost the entire region south of a .line drawn between Solasons and Rhelms and, they are still advancing. . Folia Threaten BraUae General Mangln's poilus, pushing east ward from Solssons, successively oecu- 1 pled Serches, Couvrelles and Cerseul, and are threatening Bralsne, second .In Importance only to Flames as sin enemy bse on; the Vesle. (Serches Is six miles southeast ef Solssons. Couvrelles is two miles east of .Serches. Cerseul la 1V miles south east of Couvrelles and only a mile sduth west of Braisne.) To the eastward, American troops, 'representing the center of the allied ad vance, are progressing northward along .the D'Orlllon valley toward FIsmea Freach Cavalry Take Fart French cavalry, operating on the eastern flank, duplicated the feats of Mangln's men. Riding westward through the Ardre valley, they occupied ThlUols, Gueux, Tlnqueux, ftosnay, and are reported to Jhave reached Joncher rr. xne oaring norsemen rode across bridges to which the Germans had set 're. r (Tlnqueux is a mile west of Rhelms. ThlUols Is a mile and a half west of Tlnqueux. Gueux Is two miles south west ef Thlllois. Rosnay Is two miles west of Gueux. Joncherry is three miles northeast of Rosnay, on the south bank of the Vesle. and Is only five miles and a half east of Flames.) Tanks Keen TJ "With Is tan try .i Despite the bad state of the roads. artillery, tanks and transports are keep- lag well up with the infantry. The ad Vance Is backed up as well as it was at ! any stsge ef the counter offensive. ' . The Boches are abandoning more and . more equipment and material as they v. flee northward. The amount of booty ! i taaen in the last 24 hours Is staggering. . , The total ef prisoners also Is steadily . swelling. , -- - , ' Berlin, via London, Aug: 3. (TJ. R. Retirement of German forces, before the allied advanc was admitted today In the statement Issued, by the war office. ssirong abacus Dy tno British were beaten back, the communique declares. Boumeasi or x pres we Deat oir a strong British sjttack.": the statement sajd. "The successes Of the army of the crowji, prince - mi Thursday's battle con tributed to. the Complete success of Fri day's movements. The enemy artillery ing was du-ectedagalnst our old fighting tone unto early morning and in isolated points to 11 a. m. The enemy Infantry and cavalry follewed us cautiously. "Northeast of Boualn we engaged in successful combats, taking 100 prls ohera" i The night communique reports fighting worthy Of mention. . - .. " - j , 9x12 Wool and Fi Priced for This Week' iber Service -Weave Bungalow Rugs $1 (C. eek's Selling at Only . . . . . . . . 75 Japanese pBjisinesa f Men tilake Visit Toklo, Aug. 3.-iA special commission of Chamber, of Commerce delegates will shortly be dispatched to America foi: the purpose of promoting friendship j and consolidating business relations between the two countries. I HUiimniiiiuiiuiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii no London, Aug. 3- (U. P.) The frreater part or the ground previously held by the enemy in the Albert sector, west of the Ancre river, is now in tH hands pf the British, Field Marshal Haig reported tontgnt to the war office. Southeast of Hebuterne. this moralnr nosuie raws were repulsed, the state Break Food Rules; Hotelmen Penalized New York, Aug. 3. The exclusive St. Regis, Plaza and Imperial hotels were penalised today upon conviction of food hoarding. Investigation under direction of Arthur Williams, New York food administrator. disclosed that the three big hotels had on hand from two to four months' over- supply of sugar. A month's supply is the maximum allowance. The St. Regis and Plasa lost their li censes to make, bake or sell Ice cream or i pastry for a period of 80 days. The Im perial penalty; was the closing of its restaurant for two days. ment added, and sin the region of Robecn east of that place, raids were dispersed. Bulgariaj-Turkey Relations Critical wasnmgton. Aug. 8. Relations be tween Bulgaria apd Turkey have reaclled a stage where albreak is inevitable, un less tne Turns jback down from their present attitude,; accord in e to utmLnffl. clal advices received 4n diplomatic cir- British Casualties for Week Total 11,240 i London, Aug. j 8. The week's casual ties, published In official British lists, totaled 11,340. divided as follows: ; Officers Killed. 83; wounded. 393; miasms, as. ; ; - Men Killed,-U7M" - Wounded, W59 missing,ss. i ' i Hun Press Regards Letter Peace Feeler HUE Thompson's Teet S Are Better (Trsdesuik StsisUrM) THE SIGN OF PERFECT SERVIC II Amsterdam,- Aug. 3. The German press, as has been generally predicted among the allied nations, is regarding tne latest iansaowne letter as a British peace feeler. Copies of the Koelnlsche Zeitung. received today, say the newspa per sees a perfect agreement between Lord Lansdowne and Chancellor von Hertling. The Rhenische Westphallsche hoDea the moves of Lord Lansdowne will bear fruit. On the other hand, those In touch with official circles doubt that Lansdowne is speaking for anyone but himself. Eyes carefully examined and S SS properly fitted with (lasses EE EJ without the use of 1 drug s by EE 5 skilled specialists. 3 IWhere Skill Counts Much Two cameras may take; exaejly E the same picture of a bit of lartd- scape, but let t,wo painters put; it E 5 upon canvas, at once Individual- s ity and character and skill in ex- s ecution become a frtiat factor S Pay the Edwards Way $2 Cash $1 Week No Interest Don't think for a minute that two or three patterns There's more wool in these rugs than you expect. Color combinations are rich,, warm and well blended. -Fill your home, with sunshine and cheer for the price, it would be extremely hard, if not im possible, to duplicate these Wool and Fiber Rugs. is th extent of your choice there are blues greens, browns, tans, reds, as said before, in rich, warm and well blended combinations. These Rugs are all re versible tndl'can be worn on either side. FJni ii H int 9tL This Unola With "TEJi" Bonble-Blse Records $69 $7 Cash U Week Bring the famous artists of the world into your home the best or chestras, the best singers, the cele brated comedians ; makes no differ ence, your taste may call for classical or ragtime.. THIS UNOLA has a motor that's a marvel of smoothness and silence, a tone modifier and a speed regulator. Tone chamber is built entirely of wood. Reproducer and tone-arm were cor rectly designed so a continuous and ever-expanding passage for the sound waves is provided. Please Arrange to Shop Eajrly This Store Closes Saturday Evenings at 8 l 1 Yf Mmmmmj "rag i, i (i --flBiySjff l ninlHSi Day In and Day Out Year In and Year Out, This Suite Wins Unsolicited Admiration! appeals to the most discriminating taste Is embodledS? in each piece of this set. You could pay 195.00 for ay similar set. but you'd never be better satisfied than with this one at 4 98.00 CASH 9I.6O WEEK 79 INSECT BITES NEED K GIVE NO DISCOMFORT "A A FEW applications of SantisepUo Lo , tlon will Instantly relieve stop the itching, irritation, swelling and Inflam mation of mosd.ulto and . other insect bites. BantlsepUo. is. Indispensable for skin comfort and for relief from prlckley heat, heat rash vchaf ing, hives, sun . and wtndburn. TJnlrke any other prepare tlon. Neither sticky nor greasy. Keeps skin - eeelf -soft and clear. - It la ; re DANCING taught by professional instructors at DeHoney's beautiful academy, Zld and Washington. New classes for beginners siaxx -ruesaay ana Thurs day evenlnxa this week. I e, Ail oancea taugnt in. eight v. lessons -ladles , $4. gents 5. Tne only school teach ing the entire evening, I to 1L Every step and fig ure of all dances thor oughly taught. - Separate step room and extra t e a 0 h e rs for backward pupils. Plenty of practice. No embarrassment. Ton will meet refined people ana are sure 10 .earn cor - TLxwV 1 mmraaoie soouimg and healing lotion. Men use it arteri shaving and women for the complexion and for babv's akin Santiseptie is easify procured at drua I structlons for dancing teachers. mmA . . ... . 1 ... t.aun, all hnura. A full I ucuaiuuciu Bioru. M. KQOfl 9w.t. I " 4 T tie costing but .lOc. If your rin.rri.i cannot supply itj send his name and 85c in coin or stamps to the manufacturers. Or., for large introductory bottle post paid. - . : ;Adv.). rectly. One lessen from us Is worth six In the-av erage school. Normal in- :ners. Fri full ortnted description of all modern dances given to all dupUs free.. Start this week. Call afternoon or evening. Remember, any person can conduct Public Dances or attempt to teach Dancing, but real dancers and successful Instructors are very fewv Phone H, 7S8.- O t i.L. A- , i . 5 The rrindinr of t lens is urgfly a matter of the operator's skill, t I 45 ry Here in our urescrtnilon partment we use the llatest el trie lens-jrindlnt machine which insures promptness and ss accuracy. But nevertheless the Ss ss skillof the operator Is of the greatest importance. ! And you S ss may be sure that in ratheriht E ss knowledge In the school of ex. E perience we have not been let- ss ting our buckets down into an E ss empty well. ! 1 , f s Bring your eye troubles to s. E Complete lens grinding 5 factory on the premises S If SAVE YOUR EYES ITHOiPSON OPTICAL INSTITUT E Portland's Largott, Most Mod Beat Equipped Exdnstva UpUeal fcstabUshmemt. S 209-10-11 CORBETT ! B FIFTH AND MORRISON S SINCE 190 siumuiiuiuiuiiuuiiuuiiiiniiiinmirn 1 A: IDG. August Sale of Fine REFRIGERATORS $15.45 S18.75 $21.85 $26.85 $33.50 Top Icing Hygienic" White Lined Refrigerator, 30-pound capacity 40-Pound, Top Icing "Hygienic" White Lined Refrigerator Top Icing "Indiana" White Lined Refrigerator, 75-pound capacity 50-Pound, Front Icing "Gibson" Refrigerator. This is a wonder for. . Side Icing "Indiana" (side and bot tom compartments). This one is 100 pound capacity This "E-Z-FOLD" BED DAVENPORT $53 50 That'll be ea the Job J4 hoars seen aaj, ealy., eywwewyr Back lifts up with a slight touch, seat opens so "E-Z" youu inma hi wotiw by magic The link spring thst comes forth when opened Is braced with helicals, making it Just as comfortable as those used on brass or steel beds. Frame is built entirely of solid oak, finished in golden wax; seat and back are upholstered with a rich brewn leatherette. Sleepwell Mattresses $23 $3.00! Cash, $1.00 Week " The "Sleepwell" referred to Is made or 45 pounas ef felted cotton built up in layers is absolutely guaranteed not to lump. Try It for SO nights If It lumps your money will be refunded. The price of this wonderfully satisfactory mattress is only Lace Curtains, Cretonnes and Draperies are being featured this week- Spend a few extra minutes when down town. You'll enjoy looking over the dainty laces, even though .you don't want to buy. ; SXLECT OXB SUTOtt FIECI OR A HOCSEFTJ1I. - V tlT8EAST"TOF-sVTTHEEDW.AJtDSWAT -WW. Ua TWO BLOCKS VOSTU OF: WASJUSOTOJI MALLEABLE "The Stay Sat isfactory Range," has Viterousj en ameled flue linings, that's why soft coal and wood (which always has a certain amount of moisture) does not affect the inner linings. When you're in to see the pew window hangings, ask the Range Man about "Viterous Enamel" lin ings in Monarch Ranges.. j 9 I .