The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 04, 1918, Page 17, Image 17

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Rearrangement of Affairs When
.Soldiers Come Home One of1
Most Serious Problems. .
Additional Task Is to Find Way
:to Provide for Those Who Will
Not Enter Agriculture.
'Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniininiiimiinimiiiiiii AUGUST 6 RED CROSS DAY AT THE OAKSEVERY CENT GOES TO RED CROSS GO! niiuiiiHiiiiiHintiiHiHiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiuiiHiii'g
By Colonel 1. S. Desalt of the Canadian
. . Army.
One of the moat aerloua problems which
Canada must face at the close of the
Swar la the re-arrangement of our affairs
Upon the basis of normal civil life, wlth4.
, the- incidental question of labor unem
ployment. .
; Labor cpndltlons In Canada today are,
- in many respects, very similar to those
which prevailed In the United States
' during- their Civil war and the recon
struction period. . Our laboif conditions
Immediately previous to th-j war had the
same chaotic aspect. The, start of the
war first brought depression In industry,
followed by a rapid return in, the -demand
for labor as manufacture of mu
nitions and other war supplies extended,
. and today in Canada there is little If
any unemployment, and skilled labor Is
In strong demand.
At the close of the Civil war the
United States had a population of about
. 13,000,000. The Union army at the time
of Lee's surrender numbered slightly
more than 1.000,000. .It was estimated
that another million men and women
were employed in the northern states
tat the manufacture of munitions. Durlncr
the four year period of the Civil war Im
migration had fallen off, and recruiting
had depleted the workers on the farms,
nd drawn largely from the laboring
Classes In the cities. The call for muni
tion workers was supplied from other
branches of industry, with the result
that ordinary enterprises were compelled
to run short-handed or pay a high pre
mium, for labor.
Compared With War
i Corrlpared with this situation we find
Canada's army of about 400,000 drawn
from a population of about 8,000,000. It
Is estimated that some 200,000 men and
women are now engaged in munition
work, nly 12 per cent of our army,
however, has been enlisted from the
farms and more than half of the total
has been recruited from among the
killed and manual laborers. The com
parison shows the same situation re
garding the scarcity of labor for ordin
ary enterprises, because of the drain
through the army for overseas forces
nd munition workers.
; During the Civil war period wages
gradually increased. Trices of commodi
ties also advanced. The laborer,, how
ever, skilled and unskilled, was pTaitfedt
I t disadvantage because his wages
did not advance in proportion to the
price of necessities. Even with this sit
uation conditions were better among the
mechanics and trades than anions; the
cierics ana salaried people, whose ln
come did not advance at all in propor
tion to. the increased price of living.
t vvnen me unwm army started to
muster out. In 1865 at the rsite of about
$00,000 per month for the (three sum
mer months there was for a time a glut
of the labor market. This was but
temporary, however, as 1866 witnessed
an active industrial and agricultural re
vival. The' returning soldiers, a large
percentage of whom had volunteered
from the farming districts, went back
to production or migrated to the home
stead lands In the newly opened Mis
sissippi Valley states. This wholesale
homesteadlng brought demands for new
railways ; more than 15,000 miles of rails
were laid in the West during the five
years directly following the war Thi.
railway work took ut mianMti.
labor from the Eastern centers and
assisted io a marked degree the settlers
who had gon.e Into the new country
without sufficient funds to tide them
through the breaking and growing sea
aons of the first years.
. Heed Por Farmers
A general surrey of the labor sttaa
..n.Jn Canad Indicates that about
150.900 more men will be required after
J?A.TWr Hi" "r now "ployed In
Canada. This would about take care
'ivS. 1rPPort,on of returning soldiers
which will require employment after the
war. The problem thfn arises as to
. what we win do with our munition
aMirT" MUmated totJ of about
100.000 being employed In this work at
present fully 75 per cent of which num
ber will be called upon to find other
employment when the war la over
We will also have the problem of flnd
lnr employment for those Immigrants
seeking work, because It will be autl
eult to restrict immigration to those who
wish to engage in agriculture.- Our
greatest need today Is more farmers and
"... s"u'urai production, as will
readily be recognized from the fact that
our. population Is half urban and we
Consume more than u , i
... i . nuuu, mere
Will be great obDortunitv n .
" xarrn laborers all
through Canada after h ,., . :
unless a. proper governmental plan is
Vk. "vi our immigration
:"'"" . ""'"kyea in our cities and
. our xarms
S. &, H. Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before the Tenth Day of Each Month Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash, Fourth Floor
Visitors to G. A. R. Encampment Must Have Accommodations If You Have Rooms to Rent 'During Week of August 19 to 23, Register Them at Victory Yam Booth, 1st Floor
S t7 j fl I A , Oi tl n
mm a
I : .
Olds, Wortman & King
The Standard Store of the Northwest .
OUR 67TH ANNIVERSARY SALES, beginning tomorrow morning, mill be, for our customers, an event of more than
ordinary interest. Anniversary Sales of the past have been made memorable by the notable bargains offered this year
there will be even greater opportunities to save, for we have cut prices on fiundreds of special lines throughout the store
including wearing apparel and household needs. With economy the watchword of the hour, and rapidly rising costs in
practically all lines of merchandise, thrifty shoppers will need no urging to Share in these ANNIVERSARY Sale Offerings.
Women's Summer Dresses $9.98
Final Clean-Up
Of Odd Lines
second rloor The above price is far under reg
ular, but we must have the room, consequently
out they go at a sacrifice. Not a dress in the lot
but what is thoroughly up to date and desitable
in every way. Some are of fine quality ging
hams, others of voiles and ratine in various good
colors, trimmed with laces, embroideries, frills,
etc. Many charming surplice effects-1 and
straight line styles. These are ex- CQ QO
traordinary values. The sale price Dieja0
Summer Dresses
At $11.95
Second FloorThis group embraces the grfater
pan oi our line wasn irocKS, many of Which
are worth nearly double the sale price. Ex
quisite models for party and street wear, made
up in voiles, crepes and ginghams.' Included
are a number of famous Betty Q" - Qfr
Wales Dresses. Anniversary Sale 5xXeD
3 Great Specials in Women's Silk Dresses
At $10,00
Second Floor Women's ; and
misses' dresses of high grades taf
feta, foulards, satins and checked
silks. Attractive styles and shown
in a good range of colors.
Second Floor Beautiful dresses,
made up in net and organdie com
binations and in taffetas. Tailored
and novelty styles, with tunic,
draped or plain skirts.
At $24.65
Second Floor Embroidered and
beaded Georgette dresses, also
foulards, satins and taffetas. Splen
did assortment of models in
good colors. Ask to see these!
"Beauty is the first gift Nature give to
woman, and the first it takes away."
Visit Our Newly Equipped
Beauty Parlors
Constantly tncreasing patronage
made more room necessary. Our
new Beauty Shop has been enlarged
and thoroughly equipped with latest
improvements, including
N estle Permanent Hair
W aving Machine which is
proving a great success.
who understand their business.
Complete stock of dependable hair
goods and cosmetics on display.
Don't fail to visit this department
Second Floor.
Anniversary Sale
Crepe de Chine Night Gowns
9 $4.50, $5 Grades $3.95
toj create lively interest among women
nts. Made up of fine, quality crepe de
Some' styles have lace yokes and sleeves,
sleeveless. Gowns well worth tfJO OC
ly iDOUO
second rloor A sale that is store
who like these dainty, cool garments
chine in flesh color and white,
others are plain tailored and
,$4.50 and $5.00. Special for the Anniversary Sale at on
Wash Satin Bloomers $1.98
Second Floor This is a very special lot and at the price they should
all be sold long before closing time tomorrow. Splendid QQ
quality wash satin in flesh colr; Small sires only. $2.50 value DJLe0
Boys' Straw Hats
Main Floor Our entire stock of
boys' straw hats sharply reduced
for the big Anniversary Sale.
Boys 75c straw hats at i 50c
Boys' l.25 straw hats at ! 84c
Boys' 11.75 straw hats at $1.17
Boys $2.00 straw hats at $1.43
Fine Silk Coats
Second Floor A rare opportunity to select a beautiful
high-grade silk coat at a big saving. Many attractive
models in the lot some in pleated effects, others with
gathered waistline. All are styles that can be worn prac
tically the year around. Taffetas, s atins, A Qff
moires and poplins. Black and good colors. DJLx0
Women's Coatees
Second Floor LOT 1 Women's ' coatees and shoulder
capes in various colors, also coatees of JPy fffl
satin, silk and silk Jersey. Priced special at&'Ov
LOT 2 Women's coatees of Baronette satin,- gros de
Londre and Khaki-Kool in beautiful color- t 'A A
ings. Special Anniversary Sale price is only D-a."Ul
Huttinm jfasljions
Preliminary Showing of Favored Models in Women's
Suits, Coats, Dresses Dept. Second Floor
Women of Portland and vicinity are cordially invited to visit the
Garment Salons and see these new styles decreed by Dame Fashion
for early Fall wear. Already our showing is large and varied, em
bracing the very latest creations in Sutis, Coats, Dresses and Skirts
and new shipments are coming in daily. SEE WINDOWS!
$28.50 to $150
Second Floor There are beauti
ful suits made up in the popular
mannish mixtures in the rich fall
colorings also in serges, ve
lours, tricotines, gabardines,
homespuns, broadcloths and sil
vertone velours. Furs and braids
are" again popular for trimmings,
as many of the new suits show.
Women who have bought their
suits here in former seasons need
not be reminded that every gar
ment we sell bears the OWK la
bel of style, service and quality.
New suits. $28.50 to $150
$29.75 to $175
Second Floor Keen Interest is being
shown in the new coat and already
many very choice garments fcave found
new owners. Although early in the sea
son, we have a splendid assortment
both in street and dressy coats. Made
up irr velvet, velours, pompons, Boliv
ias, homespuns, mixtures, silvertone,
dovetone, Evora and other fabrics.
Some trimmed with fur, others with
velvet braids and buttons. These are
priced specially at $29.75 to $175
New Dresses for Early Fall Wear
$15 to $52.50
Second Floor Broadcloth dresses In
fashionable new fill models and new
colorings new serge dresses for street
and business wear, as well as many at
tractive models made up in tricotines,
. wool Jersey, gabardines, satins and taf
"Uetas. Some are made in combinations
of satin and Jersey, satin and serge or
foulard and serge. Also many dressy
styles In satin and Georgette combined.
Asltf to see these new arrivals. They
range from, $15.00 up. to $52.50
Women's Fall Skirts
$15, $23.75
Second Floor Block checks, broken
plaids and novelty stripes are prominent
in the new fall skirts and the range of
colorings is more varied than ever be
fore. Particularly attractive are .. those
models made uj in the rich new street
shades. Many are pleated at side or all
around others gathered at belt. Prices
range fnom $S.OO "P to $23.75
Anniversary Sale of Linens
Domestics, Wash Goods
lot lace centerpieces, scarfs, QP p
and at, less than half price
MERCERIZED Table Damask In a
good range of patterns. Full 2f7K(
yards wide. Special at, yard I OK
prices: 18 inch, 20c; 20 inch, 25c
-i-72 In. Bleached Sheeting, yd. 65c
slight Imperfections. Priced PO AA
special In this sal, at, doz. DOUU
A a. m 2000
yards of wash
goods. Odds lines of va
rious kinds, consisting of voiles, ba
tistes and dimities. Values up to 40c
a yard Special sale price, , yard, 19c
PLAID GINGHAMS In a beautiful se
lection of plaid and $tripe pat- AtZg
terns. 32 inches wide. fast colors
REMNANT SALE Cleanup of white
goods, toweling, ginghams, Devonshire
cloth, percales, crepes and wash goods of
all descriptions. SPECIAL LOW PRICES.
S. & H. Stamps Given With Purchases Ask for Them j
remain un-
Fake. Seaman's Shoes
Caused -His Undoing
. JNTew York. Auj, s. a jj. S.) The
"work or fight" edict hM resulted In
many alibis, both pathetic and humor"
S n6 0f the m,?re recent on 1
inat of a young man who stole a uni-
a?dJ? .Ue1 State 8eaman
L collect money for the
. Teneflt of wounded searfien "
JP?, "?man" had collected nearly a
boxful -of sliver when h. met Edward
Smith, a gunner's mateU. S. N.. at
tached to the runners' school at Wash
ington. Smith was skeptic, but became
positive when he looked at the "sea
man's" shoes. They were tans'
. The seaman" was In the midst of
describing how "to make direct hits"
whlje In the navy, when Smith trained
two "bunches of fives" on him and let
aro. ' .Smith showed how to give both
direct and Indirect hits, blacked and
closed both of the impostors' eyes, split
hi nose, cut his lips and tore his uni
form from stem to stern.
The lmposter showed good footwork
and. escaped. - He left the box of money;
, which was turned over to the Red Cross.
1 JL I imi, j U I
Steam Clothes wasners $2.00
Metal Polish priced at Only; 20c
Good Grade Whisk Brooms 15c
Egg Beaters priced only 15c
Fly Swatters priced at only 10c
Third Floor
No matter what you need in
ihe way of Kitchen Furnishings,
we have it. and at the right price.
r wash Boilers in all styles,, sites
and grades, priced $1.50 and -up
House Brooms at 75c! and up
Sanitary Wash Boards at 33c
Hatchets of good quality 45c
Food Choppers at 98c end up
Fruit Pressers priced only 35c
Good Clothes Lines only 20c
-Vegetable Brushes priced at 5c
Wire Fruit Jar Holders, very
handy and useful, priced !at 10c
Kitchen i Knives priced at 10c
We give S. & H. Trading Stamps
Traveling Bags
Fourth Floor 18 Inch black walrus em
bossed leather traveling bags in medium
weight Sewed corners and leather lined.'
These are splendid,, serviceable bags. A lim
ited number in anniversary sale af $6.50
Extraordinary Savings in Anniversary Sale of Furniture
Living Room Furniture
$18.00 Oak Settee, leath
erette cushion, P1 CT, ETA
specially priced OJLUeUU
J12.75 Oak Settee $9.75
124.75 Jaco-flM Q ETA
bean oak rckerD JL7eJlJ
J22.50 Jaco- d1 rj QET
bean rocker UU
7.50 Ivory Table ChairJ
with cretonne cov-d A PTES
ering. Special at U
5.25 Golden QA
Oak Table Chair 0. V U
21.50 Break-d-ir7 ETA
fast Table, price 0 I .UU
21 blk. en. Table $17.50
55 Walnut Dining Ta
ble. Specially &A ET ETA
priced at only tDOOV
86.50 Mahogany Dres
ser, special price, $75.00
$85.00 Mahogany
Chiffonier at $72.50
7.5f Mahogany
Knitting Stand $4.95
Stand $9.90
IIIM.A 1 $12 L'p
Tapestry Covered
$120 Davenport at $95.00
59.50 Rocker at $53,50
60.00 Chair for $49.50
35.00 Chair for $27.50
$48.00 Chair for $39.75
110 Denim covered Dav
enport, special at $95.00
60 denim covered chair
specially priced at $48.50
54 velour covered chair
specially priced at $44.75
35 tapestry covered chair,
specially priced at $29.00
33.50 chair only $27.50
Furniture Department
Third Floor
Willow and Porch
Genuine hickory chair In at
tractive design, f5.5oCJyl.QK
value, on special sale w'rttO
6.00 hickory chair at $5.40
7.00 hickory rocker $6.30
Willow furniture with cre
tonne covered cushions. Prices:
16.50 Willow A QET
Chair, special, only D XteOD
18.50 Willow Rocker $16.65
23.50 Willow Rocker $21.75
23.50 Willow Table $16.75
$100 Ivory
Bedroom Suite
At $78
Fourth Floor Beautiful Ivory
decorated bedroom , suite of 4
pieces bed, dresser, chiffonier
and dressing table. Reg
ular 1 100 set, spedal xt OiO
Sale of Silk Lamp Shades.
Rug and Carpet Samples
In Anniversary Side K
Third Floor Manufacturers rug and carpet samples
another large shipment Just received Pieces are sewed
ready for use.. Velvets, Brussels, Axminsters, all colors.:
18x27 samples 25c, 48c
27x36 samples 98c-$1.19
27x48 samples, on sale
at, special $1.48. $1.98
Rug corners In size 54x
72 inches. Brussels $3.98
Velvets . $4.95 nd r Ax
minsters at $6.00 each.
We Give S. & H. Green Stamps
! ', i-
.1 i"