v. t ; I ! ' '.- ' 'i .u 12 SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, ! 1918. Portland Prominent pastors who may be V. U. I(inon of the East OF CHURCHES TO ; BE TOPIC SUNDAY Pastors of City Plan to Talk Re union of Christendom in Plain and Practical Manner. ?."E of the subjects demanding the attention today of the Prot estant churches throughout the land Is the suggestion of the reunion of Christendom and es pecially the reunion of the Christian churches throughout the world. This subject has attracted so much attention In Portland that many of the Portland clerg y have announced their intention f preaching on the subject Sunday. The pastors plan to discuss the matter lh a plain and practical manner Sun day and several of them have announced that discussion classes will be held at the close of the service to talk over the plan. In talking of the plan. Rev. Edward Constant, pastor of the Highland Congre gational church, said : "The things which used to stand In the way of the larger communions may now be overcome, thus showing that the day has arrived when the different Protestant bodlies at least should make an honest attempt to get together." Union Is Demanded Dr. John II. Boyd, pastoR of the First Presbyterian church, has issued a chal lenge "to. every church in Oregon that believes In the Son of God, to join In - some form of a union, federation, or ganization or to adopt the community church plan." Dr. Boyd said: "The Presbyterian church is wlllirig to practice baptism under th form of immersion where the communicants so desire, and we will welcome to our sacrament all persons desiring to sit at 'the Lord's i table."' By this plan Dr. Boyd does not Intend that anyone should give up his Individual belief, but suggests that the Churches might Join In the essentials. On Wednesday evening at 8:15 o'clock. . the men of the First Christian church '.will be addressed by Dr. Boyd ori "Church Unity, as a War Time Measure." Dr. Boyd has a definite message on re ligious unity and all men of the city are cordially Invited to this meeting. The-ddrees is to be followed by an .open discussion with the privilege of ' asking questions: Many tlle Time to War Work In a rerent survey made by The Jour : nal It was found that about one fourth of the Oregon clergy had either given Up their pulpits entirely or else they were giving the six days of the week to war work. It is argued that if the church union plan were adopted, many .. more ministers would thus be liberated to work as army chaplains and camp pastors and thus assist the nation in the great struggle that it is making for the cause of freedom. Rev. J. F. Ghormley, pastor of the Rodney Avenue Christian church, is to speak Sunday morning on "The Timely Challenge of the Presbyterian Church for a Union of Christian Forces to Meet . the Needs of the Hour.' Sunday morning Rev. J. E. Thomas Is 10 npean ai calvary rsapiist cnurch on "Two Ways of Trying to Secure Church Union. He says; "This is a timely topic in view of the fact that th& bureau of census for 10 years ending December tt, 1916. reports 201 denominations in the United States, or an increase of 13 nsw denominations in 10 -years." At the First Christian church. Dr. Harold H. Griffls will speak Sunday morning on "Goi's Answer to Denomina tlonallsm." Chastened Church Is Topic "A Chastened Church" is the subject or the morning service nt mornlrig service nt the Third vnlted Brethren church Sunday. .This la the second in a series on the seven churches of Asia. An evangelistic serv ice will be conducted In the evening. Portland Crematorium More Beautiful in Any Light Cremation Is time and time again the choice of people not on account af the scientific reasons for Cremation, but be cause from any Viewpoint It Is the most beautiful and satis factory disposition of the bodies of th dead. Nothing short, of a visit can 9 BU. .i ii ri .!.. milW r MBfcawui.w j.wwwww t p i i iiiiwmnmifim.iiiiiinii 1. ""'" B Err , i,,.,!,,,. f-rW ' CONSOLIDATION what a plant such as this means. Your first impression will reflect our constant endeavor to make a trying hour of life, when th dead are called away, pass in a manner consistent with the finest sentiment. BELLWOOD CAR TO CREMATORIUM r Churches ' affected if Side Baptist war consolidation plan church; Dr. F. Burgette i?oted Speaker to tEalk Sunday at Jfirst Presbyterian and Every Eligible Is In Nation's Service The East Side Baptist church an nounced Friday that every young man of draft age, who was a member of their congregation and who was eligible to go- Into the army or navy, had enlisted In the service of his coun try. Now that bo many young men from this church have gone Into the nation's service, the young people's union intends to do greater patriotic work. "A call to the colors" has been Issued to every member remaining to be present at. the Sunday night service, when new patriotic plans will be talked about. The young people are also plan ning to enter their new church building this coming fall with a live and large society. They have been giving special programs Sunday evenings during the summer months. Dr. S. J. Reid of Vic toria, B. C, is to preach at both church services Sunday, during the absence of the pastor. Dr. W. B. Hinson. Sunnyside Churches Hold Union Services Encouraged by the success of former years, the churches of the Sunnyside district have again planned to hold union Sunday evening meetings during the month of August. This arrange ment not only solves the problem of the scattered and depleted local audience, but answers the growing desire for more fellowship and ; cooperation .among ; the various churches serving in the same district. The ischedule adopted is as follows: August 4 United Presbyterian church ; speaker. Rev. J. J. Staub. August 11 Congregational church ; speaker. Rev. H. L. Cox. August 18 Friends church ; speaker. Rev. H. F. Given. - August 25 Methodist church ; speak er. Rev; R. Elnaer Smith. Dr. J. J. Staiub's subject for Sunday evening will be "The Mission of the Prophet of Today." ' Rev, A. C. Moses to Preach Last Time At WaverJy Heights Congregational church Rev.. A- C. Moses, just returned from Asilomar, Cal., will preach at 11 and at 8, Kenilworth and Clinton-Kelly, churches uniting with this church for the evening service. At these services which terminate four years of pleasant relations between pastor and people, Rev. Moses would like to see all mem bers and friends of the church. Here after he will be at "Y" , Camp Lewis, where he Is director of religious work. Dr. Powers WilfiBe Speaker on Sunday Professor Harry Huntington Powers ' Boston is to speak Sunday morning at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), taking for his subject the place of art In social progress. Dr. Powers has spent several years abroad and Is the author of several books. At present he Is lecturing for the summer school of the state university and is distinguished as a popular lecturer on patriotic and art subjects. Bi-Monthly Business .Meeting Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the the Trinitv T.nther.n rh,,m, i n I held at the church. All voting mem- ! bers are urged to be present. The pas- I tor will preach Sunday morning In German. Xext Snndav n urvlxa rioo-l Is to be dedicated at Our Savior's Lutheran church. give you a true concerjtlon of VISITORS. 9 TO 6 I l ilin i mi 1 1 in iw nm m m in rr i .., 5 . t ; " . . - ... . i . k .... .. Sre Seriously ODphsidering Consolidation uring of churches is consummated. Left Short of Wilbur Methodist church; NOTED SPEAKERS WILL BE PRESENT Christian Endeavor Training Sta tion Will Be Held at Jennings Lodge, August 15-19. "Camp Multnomah," the Christian En deavor training station, which will be held at Jennings Lodge from August 15 to August 19, inclusive, will bring before the young people of this, county all the phases of the Christian Endeavor move ment. The speakers have been selected from among the best trained workers of the state, each of whom will have a very forceful message for the Endeav orers. Miss Edna Whipple, president of the Oregon Endeavor union, will deliver the keynote address and conduct all the "watch" services. During the evening watches Miss Whipple will speak on "A Glimpse of Him," "Not My Will. but. Thine," "The Zeal of the Master," "A Mirror of Christ" and "His Keeping Power." The leader of the song services will be. Harold Humbert, secretary of tffe Oregon Sunday School union. Mr. Hum bert has already won the hearts of the Oregon Endeavorers by hia active part in former conventions, especially in sing ing. Bible study classes will be conducted each morning under Rev. Harold Grif fis, one of the city's prominent pastors. The study consists of the factors con stituting "The Gospel for a World . at Is War." Besides the officers of the Christian Endeavor union, who will conduct the DIRECTORY Tenth- Sunday After Trinity Uniform S. S. Lesson "rcrowinir Stronger." Luke 2:42-52; 2 Ptter 1 :6-8. Golden Text: "The. Pith of the Just Is as the Shining Light, That Sbineth More and More Unto the Perfect Day." Pror. 4:18. Young People's Topics Christian Endeavor "All for Chrt." II. Our Ambitions. Phil. 3:4-11. (Consecration meeting) . Jnnior ChnHtan Endearor Self Control, a Fruit of the Spirit." ial. 5:28: I Cor. 9 24. 25. Consecration meeting, "All for Christ." (My Pleasure-). 1 Cor. 10:23, 24. 31-33; 11:1. Baptist First White Temple, 12th and Taylor ReT. William A. Waldo. 1 1 , preaching by ReT. James Wtattcomb Brougher of T.oa AnKeles. "When Thrift Cornea Again. Will He Be King or Presi dent"; 7:45, "A Preacher at a Boxing Bout." or "The Philosophy of a Fight." Eat Side E. 20th and Ankeny ReT. W. B. Hinson. Preaching by Evangelist Dr. S. J. Reid. 11. "Triumphant Certainties": 7:45, "The Two Doors." Third; Vancouver and Knott ReT. Welby J. BeaTen. 11, "Behavior Toward the House of God"; 8, "Our Ambitions for Christ" Arleta ReT. W. Gamet Handley. 11', "Ser mon, and the Lord's Supper"; 8. address by Edwin Rowden of the Anti-Saloon league. Calvary E. 8th and Grant Rev. J. E. Thomas. 11. "Two Ways of Trying to Secure Church Union" ; 8, "Two Ways of Trying to Build Up a Church." Glencoe E. 45th and Main. Preaching by ReT. Jj. C. Chapman. 11, 8. Sellwood Bethany ReT. T. J. Broomfield. 11. 8. Grace E. 76th and Ash ReT. H. T. Cash. 11, "The Crosa"; 8, preaching by ReT. Charles Waehlette. Highland ReT. Ed C. Cofer, 11, 8. Catholic St. Peters Lents ReT. P. Beutgen. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E. V. O'Hara. 6, 7.15. 8:80, 8:45, 11, 7:45. St, Lawrence 3d and Sherman ReT. J. C Hughea. 6, 8 :30. 10:30, 7:80. 8t. Patricks lKth and Savier ReT. E. P. Murphy- 8, 10:30, 7:80. St. Francii E. 11th and Oak ReT. J. H. Black. 6, 8. 9. 10:30, 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave. and I Stanton ReT. W. A. Daly. 6, 8, 9, 11, 7:80. Holy Rosary t. 3d and Clackamas Re. E. S. Olson. 6. 7. S, 0, 11, 7:30. St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda ReT. J. OFarrell. &. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta ReT. J. Kiernan. 8, 10:30, 7:30. The Madeleine E. a 4th and Siskiyou ReT. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9, 11. Ascension K. 7 tun ana xamnui rranclacan Father. 8, U0.30, 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blan- dena ReT. F. W. Black. 8, 10:80. 7:30. Holy Crosa 774 uowaoin kt. u. .Raymond. 8, 10:30, 7:80. St. Ignatius 3220 43d at. S. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:30. 8, lOsSO. 4. St. Stephens 4 2d and E. Taylor Rt. War- ...... n a. a . . . i -r . m r rn A. waitL. o. o.ow, xv. ov. i .ou. Holy Redeemer rortiana ditol and anemaver ,Te. ReT. F. H. Miller. . 8. 10:30, 7:30, St. Phillip Neri (Paultst Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory- ReT. VV. J. Cartwnght. , 8, 10. St Clement S. Smith aT. and Newton SerTite Fathers. 6, 8. 10:80. 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center ReT. G Ttnhl. 8. 10.30. 7:80. St. Agatha- E. 15 th and Miller ReT. J. CfimminskT. 8. 10:30. 7:80. St. Stanislaus; (Polish) Maryland ave. and Failinfj ReT. F. MatUiew. 8. 10:30. 7:80. St. Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Her B. Durrer. 8. 10 .80, 7 :30. St. Michael tltalianV 4th and MO! HeT. M. R.lntn. 8. IX). 30. 7:80. St Clare Capitol Hill Franciscan Father. 7:30. 8:15. St. Charlea 33d and Alberta Re. J. P. ft'Flvrin. 8. 10:80. All Sainta E. 39th and GHsan ReT. Father William Cronln. 8. lO'.au. flhphttut rint Park and Columbia Rev. HarnM H. Griff ia. 11. "God Answer to Denominational tem"; 7:45, "Idols of the Market Place, or Bul lied bT a Word." East Side E. 12th and Taylor Ber. B. H. Rawrer. 11. 8. MontTilla E. 7th and Hoyt Rev. J. W. Jrakin. il. 8. Rodney Avemie Rodney and Knott- Re. J. ekoiiiiln. 11.: "Christianizing the Church 8. "The Son of God or the Son of Abba Which ? " . Woodlawn E.-Tta sad liberty Be. Joseph THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL to right: Dr. John H. Boyd of the Dr. Edward H. Pence of the Westminster Presbyterian church; Dr. William For eight years a resident of Turkey, where he saw the atrocities upon the Armenians, is the - experience of JRev. James L. Barton, D. D., who is in port land to address several gatherings on the Armenian and Syrian relief -ork. t is expected that he will bring an in teresting message to every audience which hears him. xDr. Barton left America for Turkey in the fall of 1885 and went into the eastern part of the empire, wher for seven years he was engaged In general missionary and educational work and was, toward the end of his service, made president of Euphrates college, an Amer ican college in Harpoot, Eastern Tur key, with, a registration of about 600. After returning to this country, ha was ymade foreign secretary of the American board of commissioners for foreign mis sions and he also became secretary of different American college corporations carrying on work in Turkey. Sunday morning he will occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian etiurch conferences, other leaders will be w. J. Palmer, T. M. C. A. secretary the front, who will picture life there with the Red Triangle," and from 'over Miss Gladys Miller, director of the pafeeant to be held, entitled "Endeavorer, Carry On." All prospective delegates should in registration cards at once, in mail brder that the proper amount of accommoda tions be obtained. The total expenses of attending the convention, including 25c for registration, 25c for slejeping Quarters for five days, and mealsL will not amount to more than 80c ped day. The fare to Jennings Lodge is 32cJ All delegates are asked to bring theW own bedding, as everything is to be con ducted in camp style. College Head to Preach President Lee of Albany collegA will preach in Calvary Presbyterian church Sunday. Rev. R. W. Rogers, minister of the church, is taking his vacation this month. OF CHURCH D. Boyd. 11, "A Complete Man of Gcd"; 8, "Christian Unity." Christian Science Tesson subiect: "LoTe." First 19th and ETerett. 11. 8. Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11,8. Third E. 12 th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth VancouTer ave. and Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth 62d and 42d ave. S. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple, W. Park and Yamhill. 11. 8. St. Johns Holbrook block. 11. Congregational First Park and Madison Dr. James R. Smith. 10:30, preaching by ReT. James A. Jenkina of Chicago; 7:45, union service of all Congrega tional churches in city, preaching by Dr. James L. Barton of New York. Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Evsrett Rev. Wan-en Moore. 11, 8. Sunnyside E. 3 2d and Taylor ReT. J. J. Staub. 11, "The Courage of the Final Step"; 7:4 5, evening serTtce at the United Prest yterian church. "The Mission of the Prophet of Today." Highland E. 6th and Preseott Rev. Edward Constant. 11, "Obstacles to Church Union.". WaTerly Heights E. 33d and Woodard ReT. A. ('. Moes. 11, 8, union meetii g with Clinton Kelly Methodist and Kenilworth Presby terian churches nniting. Laurelwood 45th aye. and 65th t. S. E. Mr.. J. J. lland-aker. 11, "The Work of the Public, Welfare Bureau," by A. It. Gephurt, su perintendent of bureau. Pilgrim Missouri and Shayer. ReT. 'Villiam I Loomis Upshaw. 11. Finnish Mission ReT. Samuel Nevada. 6, 7:30. Episcopal Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A Morri son. . 8, 11, 8. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr 13th and Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop. Very Rev. E. H. McCollister. dean. 8iindays: 7:45 a. m.. 11. 7:45 p. m. ; church school. 9:4 m. Week days, Wednesday 7 SO a. m., Fri day 9:30 a. m. : Holy day. 7:30. St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont 4 Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:80, 9.30. 11, "A House of Prayer, A Den of ThieTes"; 8, "The Transfigured Life." St. Marks 21st and Marshall ReT. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. ReT. J. G. Hattoo, associate St. Andrews Hereford St., Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9, 7:30 p. m. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidlei ReT. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. Speaking Scovell on "My Experiences in France." St. Michaels and All Saints E. 43d Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. ricar. 8. and 5. Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 8 E. Archdeacon Chambers in charge. hospital ReT. Frederic K. Howard. " 7, 7 45. St- Paula Woodmere ReT. Oswald W. Tay lor A All Saints 25th and Savier Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 11. St Johns E. 15th and Harney, Sellwood Archdeacon Chamber in charge. 11, 7:30, Evangel leal First B. 6th and Market ReT. E. Dl Horn- Fchuelt. 11. sermon b"ed on ReTelarion 20: 8. preaching by HeT. B. R. Wiener, field ecretary ot tne j. p. A. Free Methodist Central E. B5.th and Flanders ReT. W. N Coffee. 11, 7:80. First East 9th and Mill ReT. A. Beers. I 11. 8. Jewish Congregation Beth Israel 12th and SJaln Rabbi joiah B. Wise. Sabbath service! Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday. 10:30 a. m. Sunday, 10, in Portland academy bldg., 18th 'and Mont gomery. Religious echool. Bible classes at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays, Congregation Ah via Sholom Park and Clay sts. Rabbi R. Abraham&on. Friday, 8 Saturday, 9:30 a. m. Latter Da Saint Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sainta c iam ana aiaaison. lu. i :au. Lutheran St. Paul 12th and Clinton Rev. Krause. 9:80. 10:30. 8 Our Saviors B. 10th and Grant Re. M. A. Chrntensen. 11, sermon in English. Trinity Williams and Graham Key. J. A. Rienbach. 9:15. 10:15. sermon in English; M-mnntmy onlne sew. Bethlehem Norwegian 1 4th and DTi ReT. WUheim IViteraen. 11, "The Jadgaent From wnicn mere ls-o Escape, sermon in English; 8. sermon in Norwegian. "Th Prophet DaniaL" Grace English Mason and Albina tPreacb ing by Rev. M. Krenxachnun of Swanviilel Minn,, at v:jv. . authodlst Episcopal Centra Vnccmvr and Fargo Bar.! C. C ' oancs. ll, a- "A t First Presbyterian church; Dr. Joshua : I 1 i v- . ' 1 t Vv Jfirst Congregational on bufferings of tortured Armenians and Sunday evening he will address a union meeting of the 15 Congregational churches in the city at the First Con gregational church. At these meetings It U expected that Dr. Barton will thank Portland- and Oregon for the noble part taken In the last Armenian drive, when Oregon went over th- top by giving more per capita than an other state in the union. It is planned to conduct an other drive before the year closes and Dr. Barton may offer some suggestions at these meetings for carrying on the new campaign. At First Methodist church at 10:30 in the morning, C. V. Vickrey will speak on "The Armenian Situation." Mr. Vick rey was In Portland with the speakers In the great laj-men's missionary move ment. He was one of the creators of that great movement and had a respon sible part in it. He was elected chair man of the American committee for Armenian and Syrian relief and has a remarkable address on that subject which should insure a capacity house. Elders Will Preach At Vernon Church An . unusual service Is being planned for the Vernon Presbyterian church Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor. Rev. J. R. Landsborough. when the elders of the church will preach. Sun- day's topic has been announced as "Love." Hearty cooperation of the members of the congregation Is urged to make the August services a success as the pas tor will be away the entire month. Dr. Lovejoy Will Speak Sunday evening, at the First Methodist-church, Dr. sther C. Lovejoy Is to speak on the destitute condition of the women and children in France. The speaker has a number of interesting ex hibits from the battlefields with which she illustrates her address. SERVICES IN Clinton Kelly -E. 40th and Powell ReT. E B. Lockhart. 11. 8. union service at Waver- ly Congregational. First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30. "American Situation." by C. U. Vickrey: 7:45, Dr. Esther C. I-ovejoy will apeak on "Destitute Women and Children in France." First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt ReT. Elias Gjerdirg. 8. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian Danish Skidmore and Vancouver Rev. Ellas Gjerding. 11. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln Rev. E. B. Lockhart. 8. Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. 11. "A Life Worth While"; 8, "Successful Endeavor." Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. F. B. Short. 10, Sunday school; 11, '"Diligence Rewards in the Life of an American Business Man," and special music. St. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse ReT. J. H. Irvine. 11, 8, outdoor sing and sermon on city hall lawn. University Park Fiske and Lombard Rev. J. T. Abbett, 11, 8. District superintendent, ReT. William Wallace Youngson, D. D., 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790. m. K. South First Union and Multnomah HeT. James T Frer. 11. 8. Naxarene Sellwood E. 9th and Spokan Morse. 11. "Who to Follow"; 8. "Walking With God or With the Deril." Presbyterian First 12th and Alder ReT. Jonn H. Boyd. 10:30, preaching by ReT. James L. Barton of Turkey; 7:45, preaching by Rev. Henry Marcotte of Kansas City, Mo. Westmuiiter East 17th and Schuyler Rev. Edward H. Pence. 10:30, special service for Companies H and G of Multnomah guard. Central E. 18th and Pine. CalTarjp 11th and Clay Rev. R. W. Roger. 10:30, 8. Vernon - 19th and Wygant ReT. J. R. Landsborough. 1 1 , sermon by elders of church on "Lots" ; 8. Piedmont ReT. A. L. Hutchison. 11. 8. Fourth First snd Gibbs ReT. Henry G. Hansen". 10:30. sermon by Rev. W. O. Forbes of Seattle. Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone ReT. SEE WHO'S HERE! DR. BROUGHER Preacher to the Largest Congregation In the World at Los Angeles SPEAKS TWICE SUNDAY WHITE TEMPLE 3 11 A. M. "When Christ Comes Will He Be King or President?" 7t46 P. 31. "A Preacher At A Boxing Bout" First in series, "A Tenderfoot Preacher Abroad" Fine Music HAROLD HURLBURT, SOLOIST Seats Free HEAR HIM TWICE Church of BROADWAY AT YAMHILL SERYICE AT 11 A. M. 8TJIFDAY, ATJGTTST PROF. HARRY HUNTINGTON POWERS The Place of Art SEATS ABE FREE "LET (With Special Application to Present mmmmmmmmmmm w m wwbw j--" ; - , V"jv ; a ! . r i c 'A - L-.lr ll .Lrnm - j i L, '1. ,,J Stansfield of the First Methodist A. Waldo of the First Baptist church; Dr. J. J. Staub of the Suunyside Methodist church. YOUNG FR ENDS TO HOLD CONFERENCE First Annual Gathering Will Take Place at Tillamook, August 20 to 30. August 20 to 30, the young people of the Friends churches of Oregon plan to hold their first annual conference on the 6hores of the Pacific ocean at Tilla mook beach. ' They have prepared an extensive program, and have chosen the local leaders In their own church as the main speakers. The program calls for religious sessions and conferences in the mornings, the afternoons and evenings being devoted to recreation. It Is very probable that this conference will be held In true Quaker style. This conference is planned to be an inspirational summer school, as well as an enjoyable vacation. It Is planned for all ages, and every monthly meet ing in the state has been Invited to j attend. Among the leading speakers j announced are : Levi T. Pennington. Russell Lewis and Floyd Perisho, all of Pacific college ; Rev. Homer L. Cox, pastor of the First church. Portland : Lurane M. Terrell, pastor of the Second church ; Lewis I. Hadley, pastor of the Piedmont church ; Anna Span of the Biblical department of the Greenleaf semlnarv : Fred E. Carter, pastor of Kewberg church, and Carl Miller of ! Springbrook. The dally program will be : 7:15, Quiet Hour: 8. breakfast; 8:45, personal evangelism. Miss Span 9 .35, 10 -.80, lectures in prophecy, L. I. Hadley PORTLAND Paul E. Ratsch. 11, 8, union service at Waverly Congregational. Hope E. 78th and Everett ReT. Floyd E. Dcrris. 11, 8. Seventh Day Advsntlst Note Regular services of Uils denomination are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th and ETerett L. K. Dick son, pastor. 11:15. Tabernacle Arcanum hall. 13th and Wash ington. 11. 7-4 5. MositaviJIa E. 80th and Everett Elder J. A. Gerhart. 11. Lents 94th st. and 58th ave. Elder W. D. Huntington. 1 1 . St, Johns Central ave. and Charleston Elder A. R. Folkenberg. li. Mt. Tabor E. 60Ui and Belmont Elder W. T. Hilgert. 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Rev. A. A Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder 11:15. Scandinavian Ogden ball. Mississippi and Shaver. 11. Salvation Army Corps No. 1 243 Ash st- Adjutant Frank Genge. 11. 8:15. 8 cnurcn ot tmr ratner orravv .no iam- hill Rev. W. G. Ehot Jr. 11. The Place of Art in Social Progress and Its Influence in the Present War," by Professor Harry Huntington Rev. B. H.jpowers of Boston. Mass. nir.lu.. f I I. I , United Brethren Second E. 27th and Sumner 11. "Looking Forward," by Rev. G. E. McDonald; 8, preach ing by Rev. E. O. Shepherd. Third 07th st. and 32d ave. S E. Rev. E. O. Shepherd. 11. "A Chastened Church"; 8. evangelistic service. Miscellaneous Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 11. 7:45. Realization Leaeue 18 6th Rev H. Edward Mills. 11. "Love Tonr Enemies"; 8, "Spiritual Remedies for Physical Disorders"; Wednesday. 3:15 p. m. New Civilisation Church 401 Central bldg. Dr. Beth Northington. 8. First Divine Science 131 12th t ReT. T. If. Mlnard. 11. 8. Church of the UniTersal Messianic Message 414 E. ETerett. 11. 8. "The Inner Peace"; Wednesday. 8, study class Our Father in Social Progress" ITOXE BE 8TRAITGER HERE" War) --1 i . ALL WELCOME 1 church; Rev. William G. Eliot, Jr., of special lectures and talks: 11:20. second series of special talks; 12:15, dinner. Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'clock the young people are to hold a 'vesper serv ice. The business session will be held Friday afternoon, August 30. Informa tion concerning this meeting may be secured from Chester Hadley. Oregon yearly meeting superintendent of the young people's work in the Friends church. Evening Services Omitted in August i During the month of August the Sun- t day evening services of First. Third and i Fourth Christian Science churches are J being omitted. Second church only has not announced discontinuance of the i Sunday evening services. Two sessions of the Sunday school are held by First, Second. Fourth and Sixth churches and by the society at St. Johns, at 9 :45 and 11 a. m. Third church conducts two sessions, also at 11 a. m. and 12:10 p. m. and Fifth church at 9:30 and 11 a. m. Open Air Services To Be Held Sunday The Norwegian-Danish Methodist churches of the city plan a union open air service for Sunday, weather permit ting. The Instructions announced by the ciergy are: "lake the St. Johns car t6 Portsmouth avenue, walk four blocks ! ""rln ;vtBirK street, to tne grounds." ! Everybody is requested to bring their lunch and remain for the, day. The first service will be at 11 o'clock, followed by the Sunday school at noon. The evening service will begin at 4 :30 o'clock. Rev. CO. Bell to Take Church at Corvallis On account of 111 healthRev. C. C. Bell has resigned from the pastorate of the Alberta. United Brethren church, of which he has been pastor for more than four years. He Is going to Corvallis to take. a smaller charge, where his duties are to be lighter. Rev. Mr. Bell recently conducted a financial campaign in his church that resuTted In freeing the church of Its Indebtedness. Woman Pastor to Speak At 11 o'clock Sunday morning at the Church of Ciod, Mrs. H. O. Neal. the assistant pastor, will speak on "Grow ing Spiritually." Mrs. Neal says: "Un less Christians grow they will become spiritual freaks." U. G. Clark, pastor of the Eugene church, who Is making a tour of the state In behalf of the church exten8i0n work will speak, at 8 o'clock. j Guard to Attend Service Companies H and O, Multnomah Guard. Captain Howard P. Boardman and Lieutenant Lloyd Smith, command ing, will attend Westminster Presby-1 terian church Sunday morning. Lr. Edward H. Pence, the pastor, wlli have a special message for the guardsmen. Every Congregationalist Should Hear REV. JAMES L. BARTON, D. D. Seeretary American Board of Com missioners for Forelga Mission Sunday Evening, 7:45 First Congregational Church 3IORHISG WORSHIP 10il REV. JAMES A. JENKINS, D. D. Deaa Chlcaro Theological Seminary. Pastor Warren Are. Congl Cnareh. CdME AKD . HEAR HIM Special Mnsie Both Morning and E renin g FIRST M.E. CHURCH TWELFTH A D : TAYLOR STS. Rev.JoshuaStansfield D. D., Pastor 10:30 A. M. MR. O. V. VIOKKRY WILL SPEAK ON "The Armenian Situation" Mr. viekery was on ot the artiv . men ia the treat Layman's UlsatonaiT Movement. Three years ago h was started chairman of th iairlctll Commit t for Armenian Relief 1 NOON, SUNDAY tOHOOL 7:48. ADDRESS BY DR. CITHER OLAY0ON LOVEJOY "The Women mmi Children of FratKe" Dr. LoTsjoy has been -for a year working- smonc th destitute sronsen and children of France. Tinder the , , auspices of tne American Bed Cros. and ha an interatin( and instruc tive meant lor all Americans Ha Special OelleeOen Will Tassel ' Com and Hear Theae T lntrUnt ., Addresses i -.-, PORTLAND. OREGOtf the Wm the First Unitarian church; Dr. OCCUPY PULPIT OF THE WHITE TEMPLE Former Pastor. Announces Double Series of Sermons. forNext Three Weeks. EV. J. WHITCOMB BROUOH- - ER of Temple Baptist church. Los Angeles, has come to Port land for a three weeks' visit and for the next three Sun days he Is expected to occupy the pulpit of the First Baptist (White Temple) church. Dr. Brougher m as pastor of the Vhlt Temple for six years and during his stay in Portland made many friends, many of whom will be glad to hear him -preach again. Dr. Brougher has an nounced a double series of sermons for " the next three weeks--one series to be given at the' morning service and the other evening. The morning sermons are to be spiritual interpretations of war and democracy, and the evening series will be popular and evangelistic The main theme of the morning .ser mons Is: 'Christ. War and Democ racy," and the evening theme: "X Tenderfoot Preacher Abroad: The) topics for August 4 are: "When Chrlet Comes Again, Will He Be King or President?" and "A Preacher, at a Box ing Bout" or "The Philosophy of a Fight." August 4 "Will Christ Com Soon?" and "A Preacher at a Circus" or "The Philosophy of a Laugh." Au gust 18 "The Religion for Today la the Old-Time Religion a Failure and Will the War Give Us a New ReUglonT and "A Preacher at . the Theatre" or "The Philosophy of Amusement." Missionary Will Preach N Rev. K. H. Jackson, a returned mis sionary from Central America, who is expecting soon to sail to India as a missionary, will preach Sunday morn ing at the West Piedmont Friends church at Borthviick and J"essup streets! Ben Sroiell to Speak Ben Scovell Is to speak at trie Church of the Good Shepherd. Vancouver ave nue and Graham street, Sunday evening at 8 o'clock on "My Experiences In France." Weather permitting, the eer-r-ice will be held on the church lawn. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. 17TH AD SCHUYLER STS. REV. EDWARD H. PENCE, D. D., Pastor Morning Service 10:30 Companies G. & H. Multnomah Guard Will Attend EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD MUSIC No Evening Service First Presbyterian Church Cornel 12th and Alder Su. (TTn SUNDAY, (AUOUSr 4 10:SO A. M. REV. J. L. BARTON. O. D. Secretary of AmeHen earn' of - Feeettn Mis sions. Boston, Mass. I r, M. REV. HENRY MAR- OOTTB, D. O. Former Pastor of West minster Pi aitiyfrln Church citato Omitted Dnrint f DR.BROUGHERWLL 1 ' V : : ' ' ' ' . ' ; '-; . . - . '4:i - V. ':;-.,':?:"-v-:--:...(: