THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JULY 23, , 1918. 15 ABSOLUTE QUARANTINE DEMANDED AGAINST THE TUBERMOTH - Edited by : Hymen II. Coben LOCAL APPLES ARE 1 RE mncA 0 ADD MP Receipts Are Small but Slight In creases In California Stock are . Shown Home Crown Consists ot . Transparent Demand Is Fair. CALIFORNIA POTATOES SHOO FORCED LD BE FROM NORTHWEST Danger Too Great From Dreado-I Tufier Sloth to Longer Delay Action in." Matter Serious Menace- to In dustry Allowed to Continue. Millers Are Making ; Flour in Northwest General Resumption of Grinding Op erations Shown Competition . "V Again la i" Trade. Local apple are coming forward in amaH let to th wholesale trade, but practically an aha .receipt to dat hav consisted of "drop. The consist ol all mU sized atock. tut ar principally of the Transparent variety. ' Sale am shown arnnnd 81.761 2 PflT box. California Astraebans are .In somewhat better Mpoly. with fair quality indicated generally. rr boxe tb trade ia quoting $2.75 in a lim ited ay. Mar and mora Ui appla trad is calling for aa crimination of much of the work of apple Barking. Haretofors several qualities were marketed, while it won Id have been better had mljr two qualities been pecked. During these tttsnuou, 'timet when labor la short and wages kith, it would be quite stisfptory to the INtilt eonsnrher if only two qtustte wre rmt up. One of then should gaonslst "f orchard run atock. traded and ungraded, while another Should constat of fancy fruit. Such packing would to a treat extent solve Ul problem of the labor shortage and not only glv the comnmn cheaper apple, but would u the nrndiirer in securing better net re twrna. V TEAL MARKET IH DOWft Market for country killed oalve ia dolnt amne ... .. iinu iha wholesale- war. with sales during the but 24 houra up to HH generally for topa- Wttle improvement is snown iu -. staff, which la dragging. OHIO MARKET QIOTF.IJ FIRMER Onion market ia cenerally quoted firmer here, with very ateady values ahown in California and at WalU Walla. The latter i aellint at $3.50 generally for but offerings, with California red at sa.oo ez. as. BERRT MARKET RULISfi SLOWER With more limited offering, market for bar rlee la ruling slower.. Raspberries were aold on the Farmers' market around $1.902:00 with $2.2$ for beat stuff along the street. JUogan harries were in small supply at $2. Currant were aoarca and little demand wal ahown. By Hymen H. Cohan An absolute fluarantin against importations oi California potatoes into Oregon and Wash ington ia nec canary to aav the local lndaatry i ram complete rutn. Every day or ao carload shipment reach the local market and aome cars are condemned on account of containing tuber moth. While the wore - or., tee Oregon inspection farces ia aa thorough aa can be made Under the circus stances. Mil it is it ted that the tuber moth K-mettmea develops after a few days and there ia danger that aome of this dreaded insect will be turned looea upon the country after the inspectors examine the cars and fail to find them.. There la no erlfJrism of the ttiafarrinfi forees- for it ia a physical impossibility for them to tell with absolute certainty whether any tuber mom egg remain in the carat From the standpoint ot the tndir-trv th matter t a very serious one and the trad ia more and more demanding a complete uuar ar.tlne against further importations from the south until such a time aa California can give the country a clean bill of health veaardin inu most dreaded of potato peat. Oregon and Washlncton hare been dill dallv. ing with the matter so Jong and hare been ao favorable to the California interests that the senous cungsr to trie wear industry Is threat eneri . " California official would not tolerate . for aingle moment th Importation ot foodstuffs suppllea into that state that would endanger southern fields. nothing but protection CHICKED TRA1E -IH HTII.L SLOW Chicken market continue plow along the wholesale way. with liberal stocks held by the trade. Prices are showing no changes. Some receivers were unahl to make more than limited ales during the 24 hours. FISH RUX roWTIXITE LIMITED Reports received from the lower Columbia tell of continued small catches of salmon. Packing operation are now on a limited scale. On ac aunt of the liberal storks requested by the gov ernment, little U being offered to the trade. the against the insect is being asked by the local gtowera, but they, say they are entitled to this at least. Those dealer who persist, in bringing" Cali fornia infected stock into th local territory are amng mticn damage to themselves a well tff-aTrower. ; . - : Grain Market Firm And Up in Chicago ' By Joseph F. rVMchard Chicago, July 23. I. H. 8.) The entire speenlatiT market on the board of trade was strong and sharply higher. Corn advanced 3 H- 4 Kc. and oat war up 4lc Pro- Tisions were 15 27 He higher. NORTHWEST, GRAIN BECZIFTS -Oara Portland, Tuesday. laar ago. Season to date. . Tear ago Tacoma, Monday. . rear ago ...... Tear ago .... Bcattle, Monday . , iw . . . . . Season to date. Tear ago Wheat Barley Flour Oat Ray 15 ... -.. 2 a i eo a s T 68 1 2 9 82 4 133 ... S3 61 55 ,. ... 1 .. A, i4 19 1 .. .. 89 . . 6 . . . . 1 S 84 35 23 3 .. 72 MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ADDED TO CROPS BY RAINS iN THE VALLEY Vegetable and Grain Production la Put in Better Condition as Result, of Downpour potatoes May Pro duce Near the Normal. ROUGH, HEAVY HOGS IN AN OVERSUPPLY; PRICE IS 'LOWERED Packers Reduce - Quotation 50c Be cause of This Class of Stock Com ing Much Faster Generally Steady Tone at North Portland. Millers of th radfie Korthwest are slowly resuming operations a th new wneat crop is a reliable. WHi the recent "reaHotinent of old wheat, practically all t&e Bills has been able to reeum at otto' by mlxlna the two rears growth and within a abort time new flour will be gSBeralljr arallable. Aa In now rule of the government allow th mia to grind all th wheat they care to. operation are expected to b on an extensir rale within til nest two weeks. Mill are allowed a maximum eric for their wheat Hour and millfeed, but they are also able to cut tnia price whenever they deem it neces sary. In other words, competition will again be ahown in the market and this may cheapen t-sMwbat th price of floor. Hay market situation continues very strong. Urastock Interest are buying so freely at grow ing centers that little is being offered to th coast except at extreme value. . FLOTJB 8elling price: Family wheat flour, 914.15; barley flour, $11.60; Willamette valley ( ); local straight, $10.90; bakers' local $9.80 9 10.00; Montana spring wheat, patent. ( ) ; whole wheat. $10.30; . graham. $. ry flour, $10.75; oat flour, $12.00 12.25; corn flour, $11.50 14.00 per barrel. HAT Buying price, new crop: WillametM timothy, fancy,- $28.00; Eastern Oregon-Wart tngton fancjr timothy, $34.00; alfalfa. $27.0( valley vetch, t ) ; cheat, $28.00; clover. $27.00; grain. $28.00 per ton. URATN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta. 26 Ha in ear lota; leas amount higher. MLLL8TUFFS Mixed feed, bulk. $24.44; at mills, sacked, $30.00 $ 80.50. ROLLED OATS Her barret, $ 1 2.00 12.20. ROLLED BARLEY Fey ton, $69.70. CORN Wool. $76; cracked. $77 per ton. OAT8. Millions ol dollars literally war showered wpon Portland and th WlUamctt valley during the last 24 hours by a very liberal rainfall. Fall wheat ia not aided, but spring planting win be helped. Until the rains arrived the vegetable crop of this section promised ma eloa to an absolute failure aa this section ha ever known. Th oldest inhabitant fail tt remember when th vegetable crop needed rain aa recently. The thowem mean a grater potato crop by far than would hav been poaaibl without them. While the rain came too late to do tk early crop ern th slightest gocd, the lata planting will receive very liberal benefits; In fact, th prom is ia for almost a normal yield of tb latter providing a few more showers fall quickly. To th cabbage, cauliflower and email garden track fanners, th shower meana elimination of disaster for their season's work. It was on of thoeai tfmehr rains that could not be more welcome. Tun. Mm. Yctul 6100 6100 Sat Kri. Thurs. -Wed. Week Ago BRIEF OTKS Or FBODTJCK TRADE Celery demand better at $1.15 125 for bent. New potatoes continue srarre and firm. Cabbage market booming, with little local stock available. Indications pointing to lower prices for canta loupe toon. Tomato supplies Incresaing; demand good at price. WEATHER XOTH'E FOR SHIPPERS Wather bureait ad vines : Project shipments during the next 36 hours against the following maximum temperatures: Going north, 70 de gree; northeast nrer H.. P. A 8. It. K . S. de grees; east to Baker, 85 degrees, and south to Ashland, 85 degrees. Maximum temperature at Portland tomorrow about 75 degrees. Chicago, July 23. (1. N. 8.) Both grains were slightly firmer at th opening of th market today. As a result of rather light offering, with local traders at variance in their views, shorts were inclined to cover, while commission houses have been on both tides. Th buying, however, ha bea of a' rather bet ter claa than the selling. Tb market ia firm and ateady, and seemt to stand slightly abov yes terday's close. In provisions there, was a trifling advance, though trading is Blow. 6150 6150 6800 5800 5400 6400 6100 5300 6500 5650 5800 6800 6600 5600 SHOO 6800 6600 Chicago range by United Press : CORN. JOBBIICO PRICES IK,. PORTLAND These are the prices retailers pay wholesalers, except as otherwise noted: Dairy Product ' RUTTER Selling price: Creamery prints in parchment wrappers, extras, 49c; prime ftmtv 47e; firsts, 46 Vie; cubes, le less; carton, lc additional; dairy, 34c lb ; selling price, cubes, 45e. RITTTERFAT Portland delivery basis. No. 1 eonr cresm, 53c. CHEK8K Selling price: Tillsmook fresh Oregon fancy full cream triplet,-. 27 tn 28o per lb. t Toung America. 2 8 2 9c Price to Jot Vars, Tillamook triplets, 2 Be; Toung America, 2 So f. o. b . Coos and Curry. Trice to jobbers, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets. 24 He: Toung America, 25 He; brick, 85c; Limburaer, 85c; brick Swiss. 40c lb. t .EOGS Selling price, ease count, .41 42c per do. Raying price. 40 41c. Selling price, candled, 44c; selected. 40c; selected in cartons. 47e. - LIVE POfLTllY Hen, 22 O 23a per W.: broilers, zazoc: Old roost am. l a s? roe stags, IftftlAc; turkey. .28(a) 30c: dressed fancy, 97e: No. 2, 80e; squab. $3 dogen; geee, spring. 22o; ducks, 8ft37c; pigeons, $1.50 9 2.00 per doaen. Fresh Vegetables and trv IU -' FRESH FRUITS Oranges." $8.00 8.25 per box; banana. 8o lb.; lemotts, $8.75(S 10.60 per box; California -grapefruit, . $3.50 4 0 Florida, $7.00; eherriei, Royal Anne, 6 Hc: Bing. 12012HC Blacks. 8 () 5o IbJ; watermelons. $ H 3 H lb. ; California btack figs, $1.76 pr crU; apricots, $101.75. REKRIES (Gooseberries, 7c; raspberries, $2v2 25; loganberries, $2: black eapa, $2.25 S2.80; blackberries $2 50; currants, $1.00 1.T5. PEACHES $1.00 01.40 pe-- box. APPLES Various varieties, $2.50 2.75 per box PEARS Bartlett. $8.60 box. - DRIED FRUITS Iiates. Dromedary. $5.50; Frd. $2.50 crat. KaHns, three-crown loos Muscatel. 10c lb. In 50 lb. boxes. Figs, $3.50 box for 70 o- packages. ONIONS' Selling price to retailer: New red. $Jy2.5; Walla Walla. 82.50; garlic, 7 H (B 8c lb.: ereen onions. 8 Be 4 6c dozen bunehea. POTATOES Helling price: Table atock. Bur- banks, $2.25. Buying price: V. S. No. 1. $3 rr rental, country point. New potatoes, H if 4- CANTAI-OTjrES Flata. $1,90; pony. $4.75: standard. $5(9 5.25. i VEtJETABLEK-HVew turnip-, $2.00 2.25 sack : carrot. $2. 2ft sack: beet-. 2 no sack: arsniTM. $1,25 sack; cabbage. 44Hc: pen- pars, 17He; head lettuce. "$2.50(8! 3.25: celery. 11.25 Der in. : artichokes. 80 85c do.: cu rnmberv tl.25atl.75 per doz. : tomatoes, $1.S0 3.75 crate; eggplant, 20a lb,; cauli- fUnrr. $2.50 9 2.75 ier crate; hor-e radish. 13 He per lb.; string beans. 12c per lb. Meat, Fish and Provisions COUNTRY MEATS Selling price: Country tilled best hogs, 23tyZ3He; ordinary, 2031s lb,; best veal, 18 W 10 Vic per lb.; ordinary veal, liuaile per lb.: rough heavy. 8 9e per lb.: good. 14e per lb.; lamb. 80 23 per lb. : mutton. 14loo per id; peer. i9Me. IHOIED HEATS Hams: 31 fit 3 sc. break faet bacon, 34 48c: plcniea, 25c; cottage roll, 81c; abort clears. 310 84c; Oregon exports. aaaokad. SSo Def lb. '' PACKERS' MEATS "I Fanoy steer beef. 20 it J Jc; fancy cow beef. 15017c; fresh spring lamb. 24026c; best yearlings, 0(9 22c; -ewea, IBiAIAet km. 2Be .. . LARD Kettle rendered. 2 8e; standard, 3 7 nar lb. urn compound. 23. OYSTERS Vlympia, gal., $4.60; - canned astern. 6fte can, $8.40 doccn cans;, eastern, gallon, solid pack. $3.60, FRESH FISH Dressed 'flounders. 6c: sal aaoa, il& 22c; perch. T8c; soles, 7e; sal- anon trout- 18e: halibut. 20c: black cod. 11c herring, 6o; smelt, 8c; clams, hard shell, 6e per Bt $4 box; crab, $1.75 0 2.00 per dox. shad. 407c Open. High. Low. July 147H 1614 146H August 149 152H 147H September ...150 163 H. 149 OATS. July 73 Ta 74 H 724 August 8K . 69H 67 V SepUmber ... 68 69 67 H PORK. July .... ... . Nominal September ... 4530 4365 4550 LARD. July 2887 2647 2637 September . . . 2625 2635 2625 RIBS. July 2450' 2465 ,2430 September ... 2482 2495 '2482 RAISS IX TEXAS TORCE A Close. 1614 152H 153 74 H 89 H 68 T 4565 4585 2647 2637 2465 2495 LOWER OPEXINfr FOR. COTTOJT New York, July 23. (L N. 8.1 PrivaU reports of showers in .Central and East Texas dominated the cotton market at th opening today, causing sharp decline in the face of a bullish national ginners' preliminary report. The latter fixed the condition at 75.5 against trie government July figures of 85.8. . Shortly after the opening prices rallied few points and tb market developed a steadier tone. 6100 6100 6000 BARLEY. 8300 8300 5300 5800 41300 Brewing 6500 5450 5500 6500 5300 Thirty-day delivery: OATS. Ko. 3 feed BARLEY. Feed Blowing , eastern oats and corn in bulk Oats, No. 3 white Oats, 3 8 -lb. clipped white Corn, No. 3 yellow Com, N. 8 mixed Thirty-dav delivery: Oata, No. 3 Clipped oats Corn, yellow ................ Corn, No. 3 mixed Broomhall a Argentine gram summary says: Wheat Favorable weather continues in m. vail and the condition of the new croo ia re ported a satisfactory. Aa a reeult of rain the early seeding received a favorable atari. Clear ance are of large proportions, this week's total being the record -to far this aeaaon. However. part of these large ehiDmt-nta were made at th expanse of port stocks. corn Price hv advanced due to a brisk demand from industries caused by the high price prevailing for fuel. Corn on the cob is being purchased to be used as a combustible. Export demand remains inactive and shipments consequently are of negligible proportions. Oats Exporters have been absorbing liberal quantities and prices hv firmed as a result o( this buying. Ksport offerings, however, re main In fairly liberal suddIv. Hhiument ik increasing with the major portion of the clear ance destined to United Kingdom, although Some quantifier are going to continental ports tinder order, Tonnage Conditions Situation as reeards tonnage ia generally favorable, with more boat available in th Argentine, and shipments from tner raeieanng. lum tumily ol freight oom remain mod era ta, but some improvement in the Australian shipments is r.oted. Early Losses Give yyay to Advances v In N. Y. Market MARKET CLOSES WEAK Havr Vert. July 2a (I. ft. .) The stock market cloved weak today, ateol common eon. tiiMMd io uract th most attention In th lat dealing arhast it brok to 104 H. closing only y nbov this. Baldwin, was finally 88 V . Biln- vnvm mi m mm TS . ana piefnisnio iron as mmm 90 '. American Sumatra, after drooping to 131 V. rallied to ISSV. Sales, 860,800 shares f bond. $4,618,000. New York. July 23. L N. S.) The stook market opened quiet and fractionally lower today. room trader offering stocks simply because of th absence of outside interest which they thought would make it easy to force declines. There were no offering from any other sou re. however, and shortly after th opening upturn were in order all around the room. Steel common rose from 103 to 106 H. and Industrial Alcohol was 1 points higher at 128 H. United Cigar Stores, after opening point lower at 99 . soon regaineo? all this loss, while Tobacco Product moved up 1 H to 68, and American Sumatra was 2 point higher at 182 U . Corn Products showed a gain of H point at 43, while Reading at 88 waa unchanged. Th telling by professionals was quickly ab sorbed, and the market moved upwards, but later in- the forenoon it turned abruptly around and new low records for the day were toon stab- rORTLAND LITE STOCK RTJN Tuesday Monday narorday . . . . Friday Thunday ... Wednesday . ., v eek ago Tear ago. . . . 2 years ago. , 8. years ago . . 4 years ago. , Hogs Cattle Calve Sheen 200 150 1550 1150 1250 60 1600 100 66 .... ST 700 160 750 900 860 11 50 198 188 13 889 131 121 69 46 70 27 134 28 16 2 44 821 .... . 256 137 26 782 NINTH STEAMER IS LAUNCHED BY THE PENINSULA CO. The Braeburn. Fifth for Emer gency Fleei Corporation, Glides Gracefully Into River. MISS FRIEDENTHAL SPONSOR Showers Do Not Dampen, Delight of Loyal Force of BuudOs as Vessel Leaves the Ways. . In general there wa a good tone in tke live stock trade at North Portland for th day. Receipts were light, with th exception ot theep, and arrivals cleaned up readily. In the swine division th only exception in dicated wa in the rough and heavy stuff. Killers had been paying $1 below th top quo tation . for this clan of stuff for,- aa extended period, but of lata they hav received so much ot this stoak that their want hav been eome what overfilled, thi resulting in tb (hading of that quotation SOc during th day. While on load of extra good hogs M late llonday afternoon -at $18.10. the market re main at $18 for tops. Th an loaa wt wot only of excellent quality better than th average top but it carried no extra freight Charge to outside points. G-er. nog rang: sPriT . . ?d lie. -aed Itnn, ..a vies Pigs Bulg' Cattle Situation I In tha cattle division th market showed a rather steady tone daring the day'a trading. Receipt in thi division were mall and killers gtacraUy were bidders at former values. Subscription Books Open Today for the Sale or nu.000.D09 of Xn I ted States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness; Oregon's Quota, of this Issue Is .fixed at 14,662,000. i ..$17.76018 00 .. 17 63017.85 .. 16.85017.60 .. 16.75016.33 . . 17.76017.85 Steady North Portland Steel common, after telling sj to 106 4 , broke to 105. Baldwin Locomotive dropped H to 89. and Bethlehem Steel B fell 4 to 81. The "Tobacco issues were, strong, American Su matra selling up 3U points to 133 H. while United Cigar Store moved up to 1004, and To bacco Products to 68 H. Industrial Alcohol dropped from 128 H to 126 H. In the lata afternoon the market showed pronounced weakness, with Steel common in in creased aupply, being offered down from 106 to 104;, with continued talk of dividend uncer tainty. Other steel larue wer also pressed on the market at concessions. Baldwin Locomotive fell over 1 point to 874, and Bethlehem Steel dropped 1 point to SUfT Canadian Pacific, i&er selling at ioj, reacted to 1S0H. In duetnal Alcohol sold down to L26. The copper aiocas wer sao toy. Range of prices famished by Overbeck aV Cook vo., oixraae building : AMERICA LIVESTOCK PRICES " Furnished by Overbeck & Cook Co., Board of xraaa puiiaing : Open. High. Low. 2462 2462 2317 2453 2457 2885 2855 2855 2710 January March. July . Angust October . t December 2560 2483 2560 2485 2480 232T Close. 2340 2335 2710 2684 2440 2355 DAIRY PRODUCE OX. THE COAST San Francisco Markat San Francisco. July 23. (U. P.I Butters Extra. 62 He; prim first, 4 Be; firsts. 47c auggs Extras. 40e; extra firsts, 45 He; eg- tra puiiets, 47c; extra first pullets. 44c' vneese California fiats, fancy, 26c. 6ettl Markat city creamery in cartons, 51 H1 52c; ditto wrapped, 61c; local creamery cube, 48 061c. Eggs Fancy ranch. 50 51c: nulleta. 46 (S48C. Cheese Washington trinlata. 2627e: Wash. ingion x. A., ioase; Oregon tripleta. 20 0 2it; urrgon x. A., in p :se. Lot Angela Market Lot Antelea. July 23. IL N. fl.t Ttutti. California creamery extras. 60c Eggs Extras, 46e; case count. 44a: nulleta. ae per aoaeu, SUGAR Cab. $9.70 H : powdered. $8.97 H fruit or berry, $8.06; D yellow, $4.76; -granu lated. 88.06; beet, $7.93; extra -C. 67.T0 golden C, $7.85. HONEY New. $6 rer caae. i.: BICE Japan style. No. 1, 9K10e: New vjrieane bead, lltigll c; blue rose, 19, 9 lie per lb. . SALT Coarae half ground. 100a, $16 per ton; aOv, $17.25; table dairy. 60s. $23.60; bales, as. to ay a. a; fancy table and dairy. $10 X6; luaan rock, $20.00 per ton. BEANS California (alea by Jobbers). Small Whit.. 18 He; urge whiU. 12e: rink. Be lb. Uaaaa, 14 lb. ; bayou, 91c; red. 10c. Ore gon beans (buying price) : White, machine oieaned, 8 H e; hand picked. 6 H 0 10c CANNED UILK CarnsUon, $6.20: Borden $6 3$;, Astsr. $4.10; Eagle. $).00; Libby, $6.2$: Teloban. $6.26 per caae. . lAirttac noaawo. ue in tacks eg Vura. t r- SODA CltACKEBS Bulk. 17c per Tb NUTS Budded walnuts. 25H0 26o per lb. almonds, 19 H0 2Ocr filberts. 27 H in tack sou; peanut, zuoyaie; pecans. 17c lb. Hod. Wool n4 Hid ROPS-Jfominai; 191T crop., 15 018 Tb. HIDES Saltad hide. 26 lbs. and up.. IS. atltad slags. SO . lbs. and up, , 10c; aaltad and '. rn kip. 15 to 25 pound. 18c; aalted and Ohtoaoo Hogs $19.20 Chicago. July 23. (L N. S.) Estimated receipts, 10.000; strong. Bulk. $18,700 18. VS: top, $19.20; butcher hofs, heavy. $18.70 019.10; packing hog, heavy. $17,75 0 18.20; medium and mixed. 818.20018.60: light, $18.76019.20; pigs. $17.25018; roughs, $17.25(3)17.70. Cattle Estimated receipts. 14.000: strone. Good choice, $17 018.35; medium and com mon, $11017, butcher stock, heifers. $7,50 0 l.Z3; cows.$l4; canners and cutters. $0.50 0 7.50; atockers and feeders, good choice, $10.50013; common and medium. $8,250 10.50; veal calves, good choice. $16.50 017.50. nneep estimated recertits. 0500 : firm. Shorn lambs, choice and prime. $18.50 019: medium and good, $17.26 18.50; feeder lambs, good choice, $15 016.50: ewes, choice. prime, $18 013.50; medium and good, $10.75 01a. Omaha Hogs $18.80 Omaha, July 23. (L N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts, is.aoo; nigier. Top, sis. 30; rang. $18018.50; mixed, $18.20 018.35; good Seattle, July 23. (U. P. ) i BVter Local-4 choie $18.25 018.40; rough, $18.10 018.15; POTATOES ALL ALONG THE COAST San Franelsea aaka 8n' Francisco, July 28. (U. P.l Onlonc per cental, i.uu. Potatoes, per cental, new field run. Tkeltaa. iOBi.ou; extra lancy, $2.60. Stattl Market Seattle, July 23. (C. P.) Potatoat, East ern Washington, new, 3 He: California. - new (.arnets. a & c; t antornu new Whites, 8 H 16 a ) c ; oia stock, iancy. per ton, 855. Los Angela Market Loa Angeles. July 23. i L N I I Pntatjiea Northern, $2.00; aweeu, 7e sound: new. ow ivc lug, per iju pounds. light, $18.35018.50; bulk. $18.10 018.40; pigs. $14 016. .Cattle Beearpt. 8000; atedy. Beeves, cows ana natters, w i : atockers and feeders $7.30012; calve. $70 13.60. Sheep Receipts, 13,000: steady. Yearlings, $14.25016.20; lambs, $16.50018.75; ewes, $12016.60. Denver Hooi $17.80 Denver. Colo.. July 23. (U. P.) Cattl( Receipts 1100, steady. Steers. $11.00015.00; cows and heifers, $8.00 012.00: stackers and feeders. $7.50012.00; calves. $11.00 013.60. Hoes Keceipta ISO". 15c higher. Top, $18.70: bulk. $18.85 018.60. Sheep Keceipta 1100. steady. Lambs. $1.7.00 017.50; awes. $11.75 012.50. Ottttl HOg 1B.Z5 Seattle, Wash., July 23. (L N. S.) Hogs -Receipts. 208; strong. Prime lights. $18.13 01 8.25 L medium to choice. $17.75018: me dium heavies, $16.75 017.25: rough heavies. $15.75016.75; pigs. $1575 016.25. Cattle Receipt, 99; steady. Beet steers, 811(813: medium to choice. S10.S0 0, 1 1.80 : comsaon to good, $00 8.50; best cows, 8.30 0 v.ou; - common to medium cows, 83&7.50; bulb, $5 0 7.50; calve. $5 010. 8hep None. PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT Portland Bank 'Clearings: Thin-week. Monday . ...$ 5.08&.835.95 $ 3,972.429 08 Tuesday ; Clearings Balanoea. Clearrngs" Balance Clearings Balance ' Clearings Clearings' Spokane Banks Tacoma Bank StU Bank San Francisco Bank . . . . .... . . . .$21,007,751.00 Lea Angal Bank . $ 4.832.626.00 Money and Exchange New Tor. July 23. (1. N. S.l--CaU money on -the floor of the New York atock ex- ebAngs today ruled at 6 per cent: high. 6 per cent: low. 6-per cent. Time money was firm. Rates wer: Sixty days, 54 per cent; 90 days. 5 i per cent; four months, 5 per cent : five months, 5 per cent; sit months. 6 per cent. .The market for prim mercantile paper waa steady " i, , , . .y ... i uui maiivy in iuuua ujui; wkb a ts, per 727845.00 I cent. ; Sterling exchange was steady with busir 88.T16.00 tne m bankers' bUlt at $4.75 5-10 for demand, : I 7 for It ft- da hills and X4.71 for SO dav .a b,ubz,o7.oo l bills. 1.7O.IZ.OU Tear ago. 2.976,367.55 2,250,129.88. 1,128.852.00 488.458.00 8H 83 H 69 9H h4 42 41 66 77 110 1)6 1.9 H 66 H 54 H 82 41H 29 H 152H 67 i" 41N 30 H 46 H is" 60 M 57' " 145 H 154 H 314 91 48 18H green calf, up to 15 lbs., 26ef traan hide. 25 lbs. and up. lie: green staas. bo it , w-ws " atsaaw VVy W7 DOriJ ningM. $1,25 0-1.50; salted horse hide, $3.60 04 00; horsehair, tail, .25c; horsehair, mana long wool pelts. 40c; dry short wool pelts 36 miwj wna pwiui, til ! A1SV Ull mil, M.WBI.V.; ury aneep anearunga. each. 13 030c; salted sheep sbearlinsa. each. 11a owj; nry goal, long oair, 20e; dry goat abear lings. each, 16 0 30c; dry short hair goats, each. wool AD. price nominal. Cktcao Dairy Prodaee Chicago. July 28. (L N. 8.) Butter Re- eeipt 16,632 tuba. "Creamery extras, 43 He'; tints. 42H043BS packing stock. 33034c Eggs Receipt 19,777 cases. Current re ceipt, 14-0 88c: ordinary firsts, 83 0 36 He; first. 7H e; checks. 27H029Hc; DESCBlPTION : I Open Alaska Gold Allia Chalmers, c . Am. Beet Sugar. . . Am. Can, c Am. Car Four dry, e Am. couost Uil. c Am. I.inxoed. c. . . . ilni. Ioc3.. e Am. .Smelter, c. . . . Am. Hugar, c Am. Tel. ea TcL . . Am. Voolen, c. . . . Anaconda Mining Col Atchison, c Haul win Loco., c. . u. O.. e Bethlehem Steel . B Brooklyn B. T. . Hutu & Superior Canadian Pacific Cent. Leather, c Ches. Sl Ohio. . . C. Ac Gt W., c C, SL & St Taul. C. as N. W.. c Chino Copper Colo. F. & Iron. c. Consolidated Gas . . Corn Product, c . . Crucible Steel, c . . D. & Kio G.. c Distillers Erie, C General Electric . . . General Motors Goodrich Rubber . G. 'N. Ore Lands. Gt. North., pfd. . . Greene Can Hid aV Leather, c lee Securities .... Illinois Central . . Industrial Alcohol . Inspiration Int. Wer. Marine . . Kan. City South., e blennecott Copper . Lackawanna Steel . Lehigh VaUe .... Louis. & Nash. . . . Maxwell Motors, c. Mexican Petroleum . Alia ml tapper . . , Midval Steel M., K. & T., e. ., Missouri Pacific. . , National Lead . . , Nevada Cons. . . , New Haven N. T. Central N. T.. Ont. 4 W . Norfolk A V ., c. . . Northern Pacific . Pacific Mail . . . . Per-n. Ry People's Gas .... Pressed S. Car, c Ray Cons. Copper Ky. Steel Springs . Beading, e Rep. I. & 8., e. . Hock ' . Island Mtndehnker. -e . . . . Southern Pacific . . 1 Southern By., c. . Tennessee Copper. Texas Oil. Tobacco Products.' Imon Pacific. . V. S. Rubber, e. U. 8. Steel, c. . . do i.fd TTUh Copper'...., Va. Chemical, c -Wabash Wabash A AVaba'h B .-. W. . U. Telegraph W'estinghouse Elec. Willy Overland . . Woolworth ...... Total sales, 356,300 shares. 3H1 83 H 67 H 47 84 H 42 41 66 774 110 96 511 H 66 H "89H 54 82 41 29 H 151 I 67 8 41H 39 H 43H 44 H' 654 57" 145 154 31 4 904 43 18H 127 H 58 27 88 ' 83 -99 29H 514 234 41H 72 High I Low I Clew 128H 68 27 88 H 83 28H 99 14 29 H 514 28 4214 72 3fs 82 H 67 H 46H 84 41 10 i 054 78H 100 95 H 58 65 "87 H 54 H 81 H 40 S 29 H 1494 66 14 " "b" I 40s ' 39 H 444 48 H 64 65 H 144H 154 81 H 904 43 18 126 62 H 26H si' ' 82 H 28 974 29 H 604 28 H 404 71 H Til 822 .$11,730 12 33 . 10.76011.75 9.RO01O75 S.6O0 9.60 5.500 6.00 0 6 000 6 00 0 3.OO0 5. SOW) 8.60011.30 6.000 8 00 8.80 8.60 7 80 rt 00 6.00 7.80 .$18.75014 25 . 13.60014.00 9 60 010 00 . 6.00 0 8.00 Vew York Sarar and Coffee New Tork, July 28. (U. P.l Coffee Soot No. 7 Kio.' 84 010 He; No. 4 Santo. Ue. , Sugar Centrifugal, g.005. New Xevr York Mrtal Market . Tork. July 23. (I. N. B.) Lead. CHITTIM OR CASCAKA BASK Buyiaa 'Z1 J"pot J2.l5r ','. nric for ear lota. 10c TALLOW No. 1. 18e; . 2. 11; grtaaa. F; yw ' - MOHAIR 1917. 40 055c per lb. Bo, Paints, Oil ROPE Sisal, dark, 24; white, 28 He IV: taadard Manila. 82 He. LINSEED OIL Baw, tots.. $1.87 gal: ket tle boiled, bbls., $1.89; raw, ease. $1,7; pwiro, cmw. ,1... aas-i hhb 01 jsv gai., sec. COAL OIL Water whit in drum or troa bbia., loe gai.; case, zoo gai. - GASOLINE Iron bbls.. 21e; ease. Sle; cine eistinaie. iron aula.. lSci eases- sie. . WHITE LEAD Ton lots, lSe lb.; 600 lbL. 13 He. - - TURPENTINE Tanks, 79c; oaae. 89c; 10 , rota, 10 less, - WIRE N AILS Bade price, i 6. 8 5. Sa... . Vk. fir T saaiaa-aaaava l.lw Dpviwis wassrj a a sw f'nmm nrva, gaans a Ai 8850845; jtaaguat, September ad October, 886 0 649. ; jsew i wra-xtvnaon onver . v Sew York. July 28. (L N. 8.) -Cemmerc Ul bar ailver Is unchanged at 99 He. Loodon. July 28. u. N. S.) Bar ailver is unchanged at 48 13-lSd. ilTerpool Cotton Qalet Liverpool, July 58. (I. N. 8.1 Cotton fa tnres were auiet at the opening. . Snot auiet. price teay; ' sales. mu oaies. - SeatUa Barley Market Seattle, July 23. (L I.) Barley No. 1 teed, xoi.ou. . : 80 80 29 H '65H "68H "66H 24 24 23H 00 H 60 H 60 H 88 88 H 86 H 91 91 H 90 46 46"' 4$" 884 e34 834 'i9H i9H "i9 ' 149 150 148 H 6 t-8H 66 H 1224, 122H 121H 1 Hi 61 H 61 106 10- 104 H 1114 -11 W1H 48 H 48 H "isW 10H 10H 10H 40H 40 H 30 "si"" si" 'sin 414 41 41 H 20 H 20 HI 20 I 38 H 46H 83 H 41 to H 65 4 i6 100 H 95 59 4 !5H 83H 88 54 H 81 H 40 H 2ft 149H 66 H 66 H 7H 40i 92 39 444 85 43 H 85 H 4 85 H 1SH 143H 154 H 45H 81 H 90 H 42 18 32 06 126H 52 26 H 17H 33 814 58 h.12 28 98 29 H 50 H 5 28 H 68 H 194 41H 71H 20 H 1024 87 29 H 43H 43H 67 H 23 H 0H 86 H 90 H 23 45 83 H 23 H in 148H 66 H 121 61 1044 111H 80 H 48H 10H 39 24 H 82 41H 20 110 General cattle range: Prime steers Good to choice steer. , Medium to good steers Fair to medium steer ........ Common to fair steer Choice cows and heifers Medium to good cowa and heifers Fair to medium cows and heifers fanners Bulla Calves , Stoeken and Feeder. Excellent Market for Sheep Varv eood market is showing tor sheep and Iambs in the North Portland yards. Day's run warn eveellant. a total of 1 S BO neea being eeived overnight. Some rather fair quality stuff u .inr atuf fnr this demand ia keen at tntl price. Ordinary to poor quality is in reality celling for more than it ia worth compared with th better class offerings. General mutton range: Ka-t of mountain lambs. . . . Valley lamba Yearlings Ewes Tuesday Livestock Shippers Cattle U L. Miller. Pillard. 1 load: J. 8. Flint. Junction City. 1 load. Sheep W. E. Smith. Condon, 4 loads; T. G. Hodenu. Turner. 1 load; J. H. Meyer., Cor valHti- 1 load. Mixed Stuff W. A. Leaper, Yonralla, 1 load hogs and sheep; J. H. Meyers, Corvallis, load hoes and .heep. United StaUa bureau of market reports livestock loaded July 22 (carloads, idoubledeeki counted as two car) : Cattle and Mixed Calve Hogs Sheep Stock Total Totals 8249 1900 648 852 6163 One week ago. ..8345 2166 628 Four weeks ago. .2658 1967 961 State origin of Uveatuck loaded For Portland Oregon Washington .... Totals Portland. . One week Vgo . . . Four weeks ago.. For Seattle South Dakota. . . Oregon ........ Washington .... Totals Seattle . . . Dne week ago. . . Four weeks ago. . Showers attended the launching at 2 :30 this afternoon of tha hull of the steamer Braeburn. flftft craft tullt for tha Emerarency Fleet corporation by the Peninsula Shipbuilding company, but the mild and welcome downpour failed to dampen the dellch't a local force of shipbuilders took in the event. Mine Frances Frledenthal. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frledenthal Peninsula company stockholders, waa an attractive and highly successful sponsor for the Braeburn. and with christening- fluid dripping- from its prow tha vessel glided Into the water with the grace of a great waterfowl. The Braeburn Is the ninth contribu tion the Peninsula company has made to the cause of ' war's emergency and to the upbuilding of the American mer chant marine that will -be "a product of the war. The company built four light craft for private account, and the Brae burn Is the fifth of its Emergency Fleet products. In recognition of the work of the company and its employes. Charles SI. Schwab, director general of the Kmergency Fleet corporation, an nounced new contracts when he was In Portland recently. The Braeburn, launched today, is of the distinctive Peninsula type, and some Of the salient features will be Incorpo rated In the designs that are being worked out here for a 5000-ton wood ship. Bids for Bektval Baildlag Laura F. Wooden, dark of school district No, $. Jewell, Clatsop county. Oregon, will re ceive bids for tha construction of a new school house at Jewell, until 8 p. m.. Au gust It, Malhear Irrigation DUUleV-Accord ing to advices received from Malheur county. Stat Engineer Lewis baa been asked to assist in organizing an irriga tion district to Include 2300 acres near Snake river In Malheur county. The land lies west of the Malheur Improve ment company district. According to present plans, water will be pumped from the Snake river. Bids on Cast aad Wrong at Irea Pipe- Bids will be received by tha Portland dock commission until August 1 at It a. m., for furnishing and delivering cast Iron pipe and specials to tha SL Johns terminals. Bids wilt bo received .until 10 a. m.. July 24. for furnishing and de livering wrought Iron pipe to tha same terminal. New Chrome Ore Mine Oregon Mountain Advices from Grants Pass state that W. S. Gassan. a Seattle bank, er, and W. H. Sea grave, a raining en gineer of international fame, are open ing a chrome ore mine In Oregon moun tain. They are constructing a road six miles in length, branching from the Crescent City road to the mine. Work of opening up the ore deposit will begin immediately. Bids Called for Highway Grading The state highway commlasloa will re ceive bids at the office of the chairman. 464 6 427 6138 r 6 21 "1 86 3 ... 8 11 21 1 80 8 3 4 S IS 6 aa aa. ft 4' 4 1 2 2 . . . 6 2 1115 8 ' 8 1 14 9 7 . . . 24 9 17 2 3 31 Monday afternoon Bale STEERS Foreign Bond Market Furnished by Overbeck eV Cooke Co., Board of Trade building; Bid. Ask. A. F. 5s Oct. 1920 98 H 93 H U. K. 5a Sept. 1918 .... 99 H 99 IT. K. 5Hs Nov. L919 97 H 98 IT. K.-5H Feb. 1919 99 99 H U. K. 6H Nov. 1921 95 954 A..F. Sec 6 Aug. 1919 97 97 H Kep. Franc 6s 1981 136 146 Pari 6 Oct. 1921. .. ....... 88 89 Marseille 6 Nov. 1919... ... 98 94 Russia Extn. 6 H 1921...... 68 , 66 Russian Intl. 5H 1926...... ' 93 97 Dom. 6 Aug. 1919.. 97 97 H Dom. 6 April 1921,.. . 94 97 Dom. 5s April 1926 02 94 Duo.' 6s April 193L 90 98 Argentina s May 1920 94 H 67 H China iJ01. ............ 92 97 Dom. Canada 6 1987 ........ 91 H 92 H French 5 H 1919......... 974 9$ V4 : - -. - - 7 San Francisco Grata Market San Francisco. July: 2$. (U. P.) raini;; - .-....-"'-----:-"-; .i--s.- Barley -Per cental New market. " nominally arouni sz.oa tor teea. . Oat Per cental Bed feed, nominal sad St $2.69 0 2.801 ditto eeed. higher, . FINAL PLANS ARE BEING DRAWN for room 1101 Toon building, until II a. m. j , August t, for six miles of grading n tho 1 old Oregon trail between Union and Telocaset In Union county. This grad ing Involves approximately 31,000 cublo ' yards of excavation, of whleh about SOCS cubuo yards la solid rock. Bids will also be received at the same time and pi see , for $.65 miles of grading on the : I . Orande-Enterprise highway between Elgin and Minam In Union county. This grading Involves approximately - 4 SCO ' cublo yards of excavation, of which, , about COOO cubic yards Is solid rock. , . Proposal blanks and full Information may be obtained at the office of the , atata highway commission at the state , house In Salem or at the office of the . state highway commission In th First National bank building at Pendleton. 1 npon deposit of $i. v .. , Increased Batlaess ot Railroads DU ) rector Oeneral of Railroads W. O. Mo ; Adoo gave out Information recently re- , gardlng the performanos of Clasa I rail roads In the months of April. 191$. and' 1917. Revenue ton miles Increased 2.7$5. 410.641. or I.I per cent; freight train' miles Increased 703.006, or 1.1 per cent. , This large increase In business was han , -died with a decrease of 7l.844.7Jl freight ,' car miles, or 1.4 per cent, which was ao-. compllshed by loading Into each car 21.4 tons this year as contrasted with r 2S.7 tons las year, an Increase of 14.6. ' per cent. There was an average ot 4T1.J tone moved by each freight train per ; mile as contrasted with 461.1 last year, or an increase of 16 per cent. the master of an American steamship by radio that on July 18. 1911, at I a. m.. when In latitude 37 degree north, longi tude 125 degrees west, and for SO miles west, passed a large number of logs from 30 to 60 feet long. OSCAR y. SCIIWARZ. Nautical Expert U. S. Navy. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT No. Ave. lbs. Price No. Ave. lbs. Price. 8 1000 $ 7.50 14 -054 $11.75 8.... 1000 10.60 1 900 5.00 1.... 800 6.00 13 1041 11.50 80 063 10.75 16 1110 9.75 2 970 7.00 26 1142 11.50 54 1075 10.00 COWS 18 700 $ 5.00 I 1 760 I 6.75 12 1080 7.75 2 1075 5.50 1.... 560 8.25 3 620 4.00 IS 1047 8.00 44 1082 8 25 18 986 6.00 S3 6T6 6.23 18 1066 7.25 8. ....1280 8.60 8 940 5.00 24 891 6.75 24.... 981 6.00 6 703 6 25 CALVES 11 308- $10. 15 I 8 595 $ 6.75 1 160 11.00 I BULLS 2 1500 $ 7.00 I 1 1200 $ 6.50 8 1288 6.76 HOGS 381 196 $18.10 28 803 $16 60 64 281 18.00 11 253 17.00 8 238 17.88 7 340 16.50 4 142 18.75 20 186 16.25 33.... 187 17.65 2 175 16.00 70.... 210 17.76 Confrrrnco Derides, on Drsirjn 5000-Ton Ship. . After a conference lasting all day. In which suggestions, criticisms and changes of the first draft of the plans for the 5000 ton wood ship to be built in Oretron for the Emergency Fleet corporation, details wer all aatanged lato Monday afternoon and finnl plans are now being drawn to be dent to headquarters of the Emergency " Fleet corporation In Philadelphia, for ap proval. The plans, as adopted by the com mittee-Monday night, do not differ ma terially from those first drawn under the direction of Lloyd J. Wentworth, district supervisor of wood ship con struction, and J. V. Hall, assistant supervisor. They provide for the use of great timber? produced in th North west and which cannot be usfed In eastern built ships becaus of difficulty in shipping them. A better and staunch -er vessel, more easily built, will result from the ue- of the big sticks. The eWimlftee sitting Monday with Messrs. Wentworth and Hall was cojn pojed of J. H. Price, formerly designer at the St. Helens Shipbuilding com pany's plant and at other yards along the coart : Charles Ruelinr. superin tendent of the Peninsula Shipbuilding company, and f. IC. Thayer, chief en gineer of the Mc' acherTOJfhip com pany. In acting upon the- plans and considering designs, suirgf-Mion of the American bureau and Lloyd's were con sidered, as both are to approve the plans before final acceptance by the government. To lessen danger to workman. L. H. DeForde. employed In the Grant Smith- Porter shipyards, has devised a plan of placing wooden shoots arranged along the ways. Into which Iron, bolts and stray bits of wood may b thrown with. out danger to the men blow. Sertoua accidents often occur from th fall ing of a piece of wood and DeForde's plan would obviate many accidents of this kind. The new French auxiliary schooner. Commandant Holseln Is berthed at the Fifteenth street municipal terminal after a trial trip down the river Monday. The Commandant Rolssln is the first ship launched by the Foundation com pany of the 20 being built for the French government, and the third to bo com Formal dedication of the new com munity building of the Grant Smith Porter company took place Saturday night. Dr. William T. Foster of Reed college making the dedicatory address. District Supervisor Lloyd J. Wentworth gave an address, and there waa splendid musical program. Tha club house will be under the management of Charles Pitts, with Miss Maym Barry as assistant. There Is a splendid danc ing floor and assembly room and show er baths. Individual wash bowels and lockers are provided. The cafeteria on the main floor, which will accommodate 750. has been in operation successfully for some time. United States Steam Vessels Inspectors Edwards and Wynn today went over th auxiliary schooner Elvira Stolt. built bv the Columbia Engineering works. Tomorow they will Inspect th Western Light launched last May by th North wewt Steel company. William Lumm has succeeded T. P. Cambell as master of the steamer Hustler. '" 1 1 -" ' 1 ' ' ' - with today's precipitation, most of the ; fires will be- brought under centroL Will Xet ExUagalsh Fires - The rain will by no means put out the fires, however, and It will be mateasary to hare patrols In the foreata all arts ra ni er. Forest service official cite in stances of .a 10-day rain failing to ex tinguish a forest fir, , The fir e moulders along la th soil. said Mr. Jackson, "and In old tree ' stump, which are much th earn aa : punk In their fir holding properties. . Much of the rain never reaches down r far enough to wet thee stumps and layers of humus, and as soon as thet smouldering fire reachea a place where coadltions are favorable it may flam . op again." Forest fires hav bean known to smoulder for weeks. living through In numerable rains and even mow storms. and breaking out when least expected. Tuetday Btoenlng gala STEERS Ko. Ave. lbs. Price. No. Ave. lb. Price. 1 930 $ 8.00 3 608 I 6.00 17.... 1040 10.00 1 876 7.00 9.... 990 9. SO 27 1024 11.10 2 90 8.60 6 1118 1126 8.... 688 5.00 2 670 6.60 84 952 7.26 1... . 860 6.50 COWS 10 1020 I 6.25 19 772 8 5.35 13.... 1037 7.50 8,... 1800 6.50 2 848 5.00 2;... 985 4.23 8.... 1220 6.00 22.... 1009 8 50 14 1000 7.00 1 1140 5.50 1. . , . 930 4.00 BULLS 1....1410 $4.00 I 1.... 810 $ 6.25 1....1210 6.00 I 1 105O 6.50 2.... 865 5.00 I 6.... 1034 6.50 HEIFEB8 8.... 540 $ 8.60 I 2 835 $ 6.00 1 960 7.00 I 1 830 6.23 IaAMBS 01 69 $18 25 I 63 70 $13.75 24 69 13.60 I YEARLINGS S57 88 $ 9.60 I 1.... 110 $10.80 48. . . . 108 9.50 I EWES I.... 100 I 5.00 I 3 120 I 9.00 HOGS 16 218 818.00 I 4 187 817.85 WILL SI0VE TO LOWER RIVER Government Dredge. Getting Ready lo Take I'p Year's Program. Government dredges Wahkiakum and fultnomah are completing operations round Portland and Vmcouver In preparation to taking up the year's program on the lower river rext ek. The Wahkiakum was . towed to Van couver Monday from the Llnnton moor Ings to dredge a few days off the O. M. Standifer Construction corporation's steel shipyard, making a fill at the west end of the property and complet ing a fill on land adjoining, which is being prepared for the American Can company's new plant by the Port of Vancouver commission. The Multnomah Is working on the fill at the St. Johns municipal terminal. Preparing for the new plant at the Pacific Coast bunkers, the Port of Portland dredge Tualatin was taken from Mock's Bend to the company- property. Material taken from the rivj will be dumped behind a bulkhead that has been constructed and the fill will b completed In less than a month. It is expected. ' Xew Tork Bond Market Furnished by Overbeck A Cook Co., Board of Trad bunding: Atchison Gant. 4 s Sal. sY Ohio Gold 4s Beth. Steel Ref. 5s Cent. Pacific lt 4s Chicago N. W. Genl 4s. . C, B. k Q. CoL 4s SL Paul GenL 4Hs. .. L. N. L'nL 4s Ntw York Ry. 6s Northern Pae. P. U 4. . Reading GenL 4s Union Pac 1st 4s It. S. Steel 6s , Colon Pae. 1st Bet. 8a ... . Southern I'ac Conv. 5s. . . Southern Pac Conv. 4s. Penna, Conv, 4 H t I'enaa. 4t.4H Che. V Ohio Conv. 5s. . . , Ore. Short Lin 4s Bid Ak 80 H 81 76 76 H 86 87 77H 774 82 83 94 94 14 80 82 83 H 28 H 24 80 604 83 83 H 844 86 9 99 H 79 OH 91 78 79 94 H 88 H 88 H 81 81 H 87 67 H LIBERTY BOND SALES Liberty bond told in Kw York: SH 1st 4s 2d 4 Wednesday 9960 Ttraraday ...... 9962 Friday 9964 Saturday 993 Monday ........ 9964 Tuesday 9970 9402 6400 9460 434 9460 9394 9400 9410 9398 9394 9396 4H 9696 9594 9399 9434 356 9364 MARINE A LM Alt AC WXhr aa River's Mouth North Head, Wash.. Jaly 38. Condition st th mouth of th river t soon: Wind. northwest, 10 mllee; Weather, rJoody; tea smooth. Sun ftacor for July 14 Bun Haas 6:44 a. en. San arts 8:50 p. m Tide far Wednesday Hiab water. Low water. 1 31 A.M. 9 1 feet. 8:38 A.M. -1.4 feet. 2 44 P.M. 7.6 feet. 8:39 P.M. 2.2 feet. DAILY RIV ER. HEADINGS 8:00 a. ra.. Pacific "Mammer" time M e STATIONS 18 J-V ?C "SJS A1 a riiafll Umatilla I 25 12.11 0.1 0.00 Albany 20 1.8 0.4 0.53 Halem 20 1.3 0.3 0.60 Oregon City 13 1.7 0.1 0.89 Portland 18 10.1 0 0.13 Hull Launched at Raymond -Raymond. Wash.. July 23. The launching of the second ship built on the Wlnapa harbor at the Sanderson Ac Porter yards In Raymond occurred Sat urday night at 11 o'clock, when the Kenosha slid Into. the water of Wlllapa river. The vessel was known only as Hull number 90 until her sponsor. Mrs. E. E. Carpenter, wife of Manager E. E. Carpenter of the yards, christened her Kenosha by breaking the bottle of bap tismal champagne over her bow and of ficially gave her a nam. Owing to th tide condlUoriaf) the hour was fixed lata at night The vessel waa launched bow first, and th sponsor. Mrs. Carpenter. together with 4BJlon Porter, a member of the Sanderson dc Porter company. wer on. board tn ship, riding down with her aa ah slid down the ways. Will Register Small Craft Registry and licensing, of all small craft not previously, tinder government regulations will begin at one, papers for this work having been received by Special Deputy Collector Pike at the customs house. This new order has no effect on inland vessels previously reg istered which have been given official numbers, but provides a separate classi fication for smaller boats. Penalties for failure to take cogni sance ot th law will be Inflicted after a reasonable time has - been given for action. . . () Rising! ) Falling- RITER FORECAST Th WiUaaMtt river at Portland will n ! pearly stationary during the seat two or thro day. RAIN HAS ADDED MILLIONS TO OREGON (Cotrrtaaed fr Page On) Helpg L'mpqua. Fruit Roseburg. Or- July 22. This section of the atate was visited by a good anowor Monday afternoon, which wa welcomed by the fruit growers of th Ctnptju wal-. ley. Th long dry spell had caused con siderable worry among prune growers. as the trees had begun to show th ef fects of the continued dry wealh. While the rain will not greatly affect th present prune crop. It will hav a ma terial effect on th nw fruit buda tor th nextseason. Experiments in irrigation hav tyrbred very successful along the South Umpqua, sdovs i;anyonviue. ana a noted increase In the sis of the prunes ha been made by the use of irrigation. But the Irriga tion 01 ore nam a is sun in the experi mental stags here. - ' Heavy Rain Near Salem , Salem, Or.. July 22. A heavy rain and thunder storm broke th long drouth tn this portion of th Willamette valley yes terday artemoon ana last night. Lightning struck and killed two vala- able Holstein cows belonging- to Old eon V elty, a farmer living east of Salem. Oregon City Is Soaked Oregon City. July 22. A rain of the real soaking kind visited this locality Monday afternoon and last night and gives indication of continuing through out today. It Is th first of Its kind sine some time In April. British Shipbuilding Grows; Teutons Lie . London. July 23. Th German wire lea a of July 21 discovered a decline In British shipbuilding and expressed the belief that the desired production for 1918 could not be reached.' It gave some figures to "prove" that "there has been no extension of th production." This concern for the British future was quit unnecessary. British eh! re building la going on splendidly, as the following correct figures will show : During th year ended Jun 19. 1117 -th output of merchant tonnage la th United Kingdom yards was 112,(82 tone gross. During the year ended June 20. 191$, It was 1.421.160 gross tons, which was an "extension of production" of exactly $97,217. gross ton. This la an extension of more than 71 per cent.; i . Oregon -City License t ; Oregon City. July 23. A marriage license was issued Monday to Anns Katherln Kerr, aared 19. and Hart M. Ray. aged 22. both of 200 'Jeff erson I two limbs attached. v street, Portland. , ; - ' - : -1 ; Information, has been received from Notice to - Mariners Information has been received from the master of an American steamship by radio that at 7:30 a. m. on July II. 1918. when la latitude 42 degrees north, longitude 124 degrees 60 minutes west, passed s log about 30 feet long and 6 feet In diameter, also a tree about 20 feet long sad 2 feet m diameter, with showers were reported In rather liberal 1 volume. The weather report showed a ! fall of .12 inch at Portland end .14 Inch at Roseburg up to an early hour this morning, and it was still raining. Helps Valley Sprlsg Wheat The spring wheat crop of the Willam ette valley will be greatly aided by th showers, the ralna appearing just In time to save many, fields from destruction. Winter wheat of the valley will not be aided because it is now about ready for harvest, although the showers will do no harm In thia regard, for It will re move much dust from the grain. Most good will come to the vegetable crops as a result 1 of the downpour. While nothing mill aid the early potato crop because it is practically ripe, the late planting will receive great benefit and there is promts of a near normal crop of that planting if a few additional shorn era are received. Onions will be aided somewhat by th rain, although th crop has suffered greatly up to this time, and production will be somewhat lees than in normal seasons. Big Help to Cerdea Track Such crops Is cabbage and cauliflower and small garden truck will receive big benefits. Previous to the rain, th crops were in a dpIorabIe condition in all valley sections. Fruit crops win receive only limited benefit from the showers, aad this ben efit will be confined aJrnoet exclusively to apple. The berry crops have meetly been gathered, therefore -will not be af fected. Pears, however,' will improve greatly aa s result 01 the moisture. Much benefit will come to the dairy and livestock Interests of the valley as a result of the showers. The grssa has generally dried up, but the moisture will revive it and ena.ble the dairy en to cot somewhat .their feed bills, besides In creasing tn output of milk. - Forest fires have been - checked by the rain, according to A. Q. Jackson of the district forest service. A rata la th Wind river county Monday helped to subdue the fires la that region, aad With a population of 40.0O0.000. France Is mothering more than 5,000,000 refugees. aswas 1 aa-a ajw a MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. 201 EaUfeliebeJ 2S Years Railway Cxckaag Bs atlag rortlaad. Oregea THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON Manicipal Bondt Yielding ; , ' From 5J25 to 7 . , . Ir Fw tmrtt SELL year'. Lsbartyf Binds, SSLL l US, tf re ess SUT taw Lakarty eskg. eVT f m , Mfe UT ad 6 SIX tee tsasra. ' TaUphoa Mala 340 - if! . sMecasV Beads. Cettoa. Simla. Xta. 0 ; tlt-dll Jevxd of Trade Bella f -. Overbeck&CookeCo, DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES ' TO ALL EXCHANGES Mas be re Cklcsg Beard el Trad Cjemrseedeats of legs a a Bryan . Ckkage. Kew Tsrk