14 THE OREGON DAILY : JOURNAL. P ORTLAND. TUESDAY. JULY 23. 1,1. Yi i if so:' 9 '.hi'.. Vvi. ' a i.i r V ft '-.fc. ' ; ' ''. 1 J? i' An V i srf.' 1 Mr .1 : ! ' .1" . .i r 'if:;: ' FOB gALEMIrEt,t,AKEOr It f . . UOP GBOWERS AND DKALEKS. . ' ,,. ... ATTENTION I ' W are again in ths market for gglvairlied "and blank bop wire sod will par the highest ' .cash wares ohtslnsbls. Call, write or phono. ALASKA HAU eY MKTAL CO.. v ; 173 Front t-, between - Morrison and Yamhill ats, Pbooa Main 8232. TRADE, BUY AND SELL Bicycles, furniture, musical instrument Dhow aaaea. cash registers, scales, trunk, suit earn. aa. shotguns, rifles, typewriter. UERCHANmStt AND EVEHTTHIJJO Wcwman. 138 Tint. Mam 4486. Tabor 8793. FOR-SALE New urn. 14xlLlf825. toco Plata camara Bx7, leather tarrying eaae, color screen, portrait attachment, soma , 4x5 pistes and klta (or ante, 616. gome 8U3 Baraga ammunition: also anme cold drawn round and hexagon ateel rod. 045 E. 63d at. N. AIX machines sold for laaa; cm agsnts ara employed: maoblaaa ranted, repaired. A-3826. Ilala 84 3 L Hewing Machine Emporium. WO 3d at. near Taylor. C1H CC TKN dropbead aewing macblnee with 'P lUiUU attachments; ail are In ery good f condition. Sewing machine rented at 13 per 1,1 . . . . . . j . it i r 1 . i . ,n bobu, rnone a v. or d-oovi. c. t .fkteen, 162 irand ave., near Belmont. . neaa, wagon and delivery wagon, plow, bar row and, motorcycle to trade (or Ford car or -house and lot' willing to assume in monthly ' payment on proiierty. 6404 89tb at., Lenta. MCSICAL INBTBCMKNTS." "Typewrtteimaod w-r "Household Gooda" are separate clasiliettone -Us Alt advertisements of tbeee gooda an publiabed t',n nnder their respective classification. ' LOOK THEM OVER FOR KALE nellable ge range in excellent eondition, 4 burnera and oven, 316. Tabor T077. FTJEIHTTJKE WASTED 7 Read Important Read We carry greater aaaortment of new nd ased merchandise than any store in the. city. There ia bardly an Item we do not buy and tell. We specialise in ahelf and heavy bard-, wan, porting gooda, household gooda, office (or-' itore, botel a ad camp supplies. - - . When yon bare anything to buy or sell, call er pbone Main 9073 A 7174. tEVI.1 HAKDWAIiE FUKNITURE CO.. 821-3-6 Front t. for. Salmon. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Pbone East 394. 84-86 Grand ara. Wa pay tbe highest price for your second-hand furniture. Will take your used furniture in ex change tor new. OWL FURNITURE CO,, 504 First Wa want your need furniture, your need furniture, stoves, earpeta and planoai' WiU pay blgbeat cub price. Call Main 4627. Want Household Furniture WILL PAT CASH. Pbone Main 8833. il.Call East 636 , prioea raid for furniture, stores mas. -e, snjining in nviserioia v ucosois your eld furnltnre Hfm, 1 f) OS) U you wish n9S t o obtain blhit prW for your nsed furniture, stove, earpeta. - WANTED Second liand furniture, ranges and ' atoves, etc. WE i'AY'THE BERT f KICKS. ; r' MORGAN FL'UNITURE CO.. 890 Est .Morrinnn. Phone East 2238 W1GHT.M AN-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 86-90 Grand are. East 7766 Highest prices paid for used furniture, carpets, atoves, ranges, elc. We rail promptly. 3CST , starting In business; highest prices paid for need furniture; rugs, earpeta, stovea A. Monner Furniture Co.. B3 Grand ave. East 6487 CUT freight rates on houaehold goodi shipped East and South. Manning Warehouse it Trans- firr Co., 9th and HoyU Broadway 703. A-1793. p A QL) paid for furniture, stovea, ranges, heat OnOn era, carpets, rngs. dressers, etc. Phone Marahall 2676. Hartaell Furniture Co.. 841-46 1st SWAP COLUMN FOR BALE A dandy 30-ft fast motnrboat, boathone with one furnished room and pit, canoe, unfloored, and all river equipment; it's a bargain; or will trade for machine. East 4622. " fTPEWltlTEK, cheese cutter, coffee mill. 120 book credit caw. Small counter with bins. for groceries or what have your Mam 9526 145H Kern at. TALKING machine and roll top desk (or car. 122 I''" r.. 1'hnne Hroadway .'!. Swap or au S drawer register for penny 1st lit. register 2114 Mil, I, trade (216 talking machine for your good eld piano. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill at. BI "NCSA LOW. half acre, for what have you? " Tabor 0325. TON truck for good farm team, harnesa and . wagon. 1111 Hawthorne. FOIl MALE Good tesm. or trade for auto. tgll 80211 70th ft. S. E. BRINGING UP FATHER r : SAT VHCRt MT TROhK? ; 0ONT E.t T Ohi THE. T-ATFORri - ', t M't ,i? , 'ilii- iff! ,,!sT'';'i';'!-:V-'i;iti;iS- . E00R.LATER- VAWTE T MICELt,A1TFOtTf SECOND4 HAND -CLOTHING aeyer. dm Ullor. par the bigneei prwe the eJty, day or evening. snnau s. - 2Z Maaisow aw . 813 ' I ' ' ot 1i. r- Portland. Front L. OnanK UO. Oregon Hide i. Metal Rubbers. Write for pdeea and shipping tag. Main 1698. JUNK WANTED Call U.4a V A f Mlllt I L Lr niw ww tV. u f. - Litv a. iSrin ttlT mi6k www VT IUC DIln sBBinen w sa JMIsag V9 WVCtJ ejajrsejg - i m i x . Second Hand Clothing Buyer IT 9 JMT tOe -", -rw w ckHh1n and ho. Call Mttn I92S- Willamette Junk Co. V2TSSt Faya higher pHee for, second-band machinery nd fnnk of every dewrll'tlon. MARSHALL ZIDELL 208 FRONT ST 1832 We bny cverytring end call promptly. WANTED Cash register, sate, etc Main 4284. 1 Call WANTED A second hand protable garage. Tabor 9581. WANTED Rifle, shotgun, cameras, lenses HocbfMd. 85 8d st. f none nam aosi. OVER HERE LU: WHLlE 15 EM-'CVlrJq HIS VACATI0M IMMEMSE1T SO FAC HE MA5 PALLEM ' OUT OF A Stc'IKG. STUBBED HIS TOE .EATETKl tTEEEK APPLES AKD MET A FLOCK OP UNTAMED 8EE5. BARON BEAN ' ' Grimes Introduces a New Fashion - ! . ; .CP&aesi " " - ' (Copyright. 1818. International Raws Berries.) CiX 0LLf; - THAT FELLER MOT eLONti TO A WRECKVIM-CONIPANX- I WONOEIV r HE ! .iki' -t--v ( ' ITT DA4CS,F- TRONK MARKEO CW.NA. J WATCTEn MIRCF.I.I-AXKnrS tKilu Eaet or ttoucui ttouMiDuJd goods snipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt at. Bdwy. 708. PEBSO?TAT 1 GLASSES AT A. SAVLNU ..iu. . ' - basis of .capable servv Tbou- -rr sands of aauafied patron. Cnaa. W, Goodman, optometrist. 209 Marrison at. COME IS and get both your feet fixed op good tor $1 by Dr. Eaton, tbe CHIROPODIST that doesn't ban you; ft year in Portland; exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg.t 11th end Wah. Idwy. -24 SUPERFLUOUS bait, moles, warts, removed by lli needle method;, trial free. Joato Finly. 614 Eilers bldg. Call Main 6888. Liu. u. U. tltj rHMA.S,' setennanaa ooapital. 416 E. Tth t. 8. fc- 1847. B-1963. Dogs and bore clipped. Consultation. e'REK. Mam 4UH4. Lawyer 5 12 imi wdg. FACE MASAG'. dandruff, itching acaip. moie removed. r iieqner oing. rwirt. ija Ll-l.A CACJs.k 1 t a, eclenuiic Iscut, acalp treatment; 406 Broadway bldg. Main 1807. MRS.-OZIN. spiritualist, teaches palmistry and card reading. 150 11th at. i MRS. WRIGHT fatraiatry. card teading and spiritual teacner. sou1 Morrison, ltoom 414. ELf.CTKIU cabinet baths and massage. Ironside lmtitute. S27-H-9 Pittock blk. ELECTRIC lieht, bath, osteopathic massage. Health Institute, 913 Broadway bldg. "HATTlE" HAS 0V0 RED HAT BLACK OkI G0UUT OP A CD0JS Atssw au. f n. k yaVLriaV3 i i f-if- ivi r r-. at f i j mi l i 11 jii i 11 . 4 . g x hii i i a ir i.asi rsi .bbbbbk. aw- r x : J . - X ni itch .' XrlJ A-i-t?; gave the family , U VU! oTV .J 1 JjF-zzT t) A Y" I'LL rVRTE. CHINA on nr an: hel'll think ITt OT CLAtA itLaT AN' HANDLE. IT VlTH CARE 4; I RHEUMATISM of J1 kinds positirely cured; no cure, bo pay; 172 curee without on misa. ' I never turn down a cnaa na mat ter bow bad you are; can give tba rery beat reference tn tha conntry. King-'a UeaJUi Bath. 826 H BUrk at. Gentlemen only. SPIRITUALISM MRS. M. U LA MAR. 336 -. 5th St., comer Main, teacbea palmistry and card reading; alao lessons in science of health and success. GOITRE, enlarged glands; people curs them selves permanently. A. B. Stracban. Hilla boro. Or.. K. 6. DR. G. V. KETCHUM. women- maladlea ' and sent diseases of men. Waehincton bldg.. 4 th and Washington. Phone Marshall 448. TRY Modern Drugleas Methods for bowel, stom ach, liver, kidney, female, nervous disorder. Dr. H. CoUina. 913 Broadway bldg. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACOOROIAN PLAITIfia ACCORDIA snita and box plea tins, nem? stitching yd.; embroidery, buttons cov ered, tucking im1 beading. Mail orders prompt ly attended to. Eastern Novelty Co., 85 H 6tb st k.. S'I'KPHAN hMoutitehing. braidina. enaia stitching, box. accordion, side and sunburst platur.g, scalloping, buttons covered. Goods sponged. 219 Pittock blk. Broadway 1099. T0M IS THE OMLY OWE UHO IS KiOT HAVIMG A QOOO PKE-Tfey ljOtJtlet her. GET FAMILIAR WITH THE" TAMS ETC. Ahll? SHE'S lOST. By George McManus asaA r AXJL S-lbVV LOST. AC uie. C CHINA WELL -THAT C TDl KI1 i m. . . HANCHA,,: - a. . tH 6QOK HAWTW: DATIS HOLM AN. ISC 08 3d at.. 'bUnk book manaftcturers. A-3183. Main 183. ' -'; ' OOK STORK BOOKS booghc. void, aachansed. Scandraavsaa atore. 4 n. M a, nroaaway Z2a B W A 66 AMP WACMIWK WOWKS HARPER'S BRASS WORKS. Brass eastings and machine work. 106 HV 6th. Broadway 3343 CA8MT CLM8INO FUUFj- BUIB! Kross okt earpeta. rag rug. Carpet laltts a;rYHTHWF.RT V.V.C. CO.. 188 B. nth t. Phone East 8386. B-13B0 JOYCE BROS Elecrrte Cleaning Works Cnr peta cleaned and laid, refitting ear spacaslry East 440. B-1963. 204 E. 19th st. W. CHIROPRACTORS'' DR. McMAHON la making good: 81 adjust menu 616; seven. 38. Easiest terms. CHIROPODIST DR B. LOUISE COX Aseptic Chiropodist. Successor to Dr. Owen. Offices. Journal Bldg. Barber shop. Phon Main 7178. CO a. I. AMD WOOD NATIONAL FUEL. CO.. short slabwoad. block wood. 2 load lota. 83 a load. East 2041. I'Hc VAniLN'7-OO'' HAS 2.CCK.E ACOUA'MlO uXTH ALL THE CHSKENS ow the FAtm AS HIS .;AWE ;S HAViuci A CCOO T'e AS L-SoAL jJTX SHCUiS. MR. JACK AT-4f WT O - , rdr I A PERFECTLY kgOVCL-Y Ft! I TT Il3n J V f' ll6i'0H ALGERNON PATHEftS J I - sJ ' 1 5 11 syr-) TlRETP HJMSELF AU-OJT WfJ U LVH -f UCKIK'A FTlXOW AHDHA51 11 J 1 ' &ONE"TO D, I'LL BB aX tV ' - W3 ft A V DOWN IN A vJlFFY.1' Aj ) , 1 J f'SO VQU ARE. J I (I (OUOATtQNAl BANOINO MANCHESTKR Dancing Aoademy. b vk 6tA. . Get tn Bae for aommer danetng: 10 peivste ksssnna S. Hoars 10 a. m. to 9 30 p. Broadway 2337. Wa tench yon right. BLNULJtU Dancing Academy. aU btancsMai of nsodan. fancy, ataga and hallronm daacisg. Class and private hinsi for adultm snd rbU- i rbU- ssssoae ren nam Msntrove Rrngler. 4lretor. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 BtOU.Nl) T. BaOrooaa and esaasae dancrna tnvt laosa daily. . C hiss as Tnsiday and Friday eveainc. to 10. Ldia freo. Main 21 Oo MISS IKELAND 10 LESSONS 83 6f TWIrwsa bldg Personal attentlnvi. 16 ALTS N. RHOWN. teaMiber of rsair. toe. stage and ballroom dancing. 14 13th sC off MoWTWisi. PHcme Rmadwsv 3566 MUSIO SCHOOLS AND TCACH8RS PROF. T. E. UWSON. 20 vrsr." expertenc Piano leasena at yonr home. 76e. Tabor 7?oa E. THIKI.HORN Violin iraelwr. -I Beseia 307 Fhedner Mda. Rroadway 1639. - MAIL ADVERTISING CRANE LETTER CO.. 31 2 Rosi bids., muilf grspblng. mimeographing. Marshall 6823- PAINTING. TINTING. PAPIRHANGINO J. H. CLIFTON, painting, tinting, papering. 153 N. 17th at. Bdwy 4414 Wdln. 2126. PATS NT ATTORNEY GOLDRERG. 620 Worcester blJE Mam 23Ji 0EAfiE" riAS WRffELlS OZAMP fCCM WPlTlMC "H0M" TiaJEMTY lil: akcels IWOUlSlTlvEVOESS A (POD GIAWCE FEIkia CUEED, TO Gc I Hfcti TEUIC f-Wuj 5HF BsdM the 1 ' . Send UsVfour Old Carpets fluff mm Mads frosn aid Ingrain. B Smyrna. Assa rag rugs, ail i T proaapt. Bend fo, bask 1st. 1 Carpet Cl'nmg, Refitting, Etc. i 9x13 mas. ataaas er drv rl tl "l 8x13 rugs, steam or dry cleaned. tll WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. 64 rnwen ave. N. Phones East 1. R-14T6 FHT6ICIAW6 bit K. A. PUUXIPS. KU4 Hrosuway OaiHliajaJ Rbeaaaatlam, female disorders, skin iroabMe. stossecb. hver. kidney, axiwei. tbroau gustre. bisi bod prsssure. BOWEL, stomach. User, rbeuaiati-m. high blood pressure, female and nervous diMrder Dr H. Oilliiw IDnnlesal. 013 Broadway bldg. PRINTING. ENGRAVING. BIN0ING PRINTING.; . HALlLe. v. '. . i t lll nd tk sts. M. 1.t lUb l i-KES Rmadwar 4ns. 82 Brk rt. REAL ESTATE DEALERS CARL K JtNEt. 4U4 Vt ilcox buildina . RUBBER STAMPS AUO STENCILS. Trade Cbecaa. Mnsl .u. 63 Broadway. Breadwtv Mil ?T10 j HAS OF MAS SAV STUPE WHAT flAKJES' THE CAS 8 AGE SO, J UUnr.N mfc V.UrCAJ Jy 50 HLSK:Y ?i riMxo v -? j-. facmer. ( Ltnt.w ' T TOWSL 6WRvv -r-- - - iritluAJ.l LllMmV lor prwaapu eTT masse Mnsadway 4 1 a. A-e 1 . Oregon Transfer Co. : EaUbUsbad 18TS Transfer and rorwardtng Agena Stavase rree Trackagw - OffWs and Storage 474 Onsnw 18th and tt w. hroedsy 1361. AH6S ALWAYS -l'ICkL' CHK BUT UUl'sa'UuUi GOODS SPECIALIST Btoraga. packing, : hhKtng and moving. Hons and sale - vane. Special rates la all points. C O. PICK TRANSFER STORACS CO. - Second and Pipe. Broadway 696. A-14M STORAGE AND TRANSFER. CUVS". MORSE, INC., 1426 Flanders street. ' CENTRAL TRANSFER CO. 633 Thnrman st. Pttone Broadway 138. locai ana song distance moving. PACKlNtl MOVING STORAGE ftECTRTTY STORAGE TRANSFER CO., 106 Park St. Main 6196, A-16SI. . WATCH REPAIRI.no ; IF IT S a sratch crystal or a watch part nasg K. First cbua watch and Jewel rv rspalrias. Prompt as-rvica. Reiner A Bleta. 132 A 84 ae Enjoying Their Vacations DOKTT WAVE AWTHlKiQ RED AT A uu. - unless XDO'tee; A TOfZEAVOQ By Swinnerton