THE i OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,' "PORT LAND, SUNDAY " MORNING. JULYA 21; "1918. 1 . , ' 1 ' 1 1BE J'HJ, - th t. if St Si 5 : i IE yr - ip -i.V VJ?'- I" ft i.aM mi.. ,w.-.-iv-. y.v 1 Ukii vvpects to remain UIl September. Piotttr. tor-m. taw -wks. . - r - - - ' Mr. J. R. ;Tbom nd Mr. - J.-- An- ThoM nloyln th Urg; bonflr and hony ot Portland ar In th Woods niarthmaUow toasting - on. tho beach suture and havs as their ruesU Mr. Monday nlfht were Mrs. W. 8. MoCutch wd"Mrs. T. W, .Thomas. . . : eon and daughter Mildred. Mr. and Mrs. Rer. and Mrs. J. K. Kratt and chll- J i waras. ra. inomuu dren of Portland are in the Rest a While I "-' in- Miss Klorilla and DorU cottace tor a short vacation. ,j Huston. Mrs- K. Lane and chlMren. Mrs! Earle Wright and children. Mrs. mi Gri Berreron " J. O. Richardson and children. Miss MUw Grace Bergeron . Laura Pennington and Miss Julia Wau- Miss Kathryn Huston, Mr. nd Mrs. garoan. all of McMliuiville. have taken C. KeUy. Mrs. .Manuel Palaclos .and the Beta cottage for a month. daughter Dolores are at the Bonita Mr. and Mrs. I. U Benn. Mr. and Mrs. Vista cottage for the season, i W. J. Benn and Mrs. IL Benn. all of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McEwen were Portland, are domiciled at the Dahlia here for.; the week end at the cottage bungalette for a week. - - Mir-a-Mar. : Mr. and Mra A. J. Winters, accom- Mr. and Mrs. R.'Kubnhausen of Port- panied by Mrs. F. A. Burgard and daugh- land .have opened thetr cottage, Belle- ters and little Miss Dortha Will, motored vue. for the season. in from Portland and are at the Kloshe Mrs. Minnie Demlng has returned and lllahee Mitlite cottage for their vaca- opened her cottages by the sea. tlori. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Irwin and Mr.and Mr. Walmski of ' Portland and Mrs. f Mrs- S. C- Holbrook hikd from Seaside Ashford and daughter I leen are in the 1 and are going to hike on down south. Marydell cottage for a three wks' stay, I Miss Grace Bergeron and Miss Jessie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckner of .Os- J plants and Marvin Plants are camp- wego are guests oi tneir uncle ana aunt 1 fog Tor a few weeks at their camp, at the Oceana cottage. s We're Inn nd We're Out. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Chown and son I Mr. and Mrs. C. Kelly are at the green Robert of Portland are in the Waverly Lawn cotta&e for. a few weeks. cottage for the summer. - Mrs. H. Gage and daughter Mary Jane Miss M. S.,Lovegreen and mother and! have returned to Portland after a few Mrs. iick are occupying one oi the kus- i weeks' stay at Camp Hope. sell cottages. v t O. F. Harkness, Mrs. F. C. Harkness Other visitors include: - F. W. Talbot, 1 -- A.nrhtr Verna and Mias Kate Al Fred Davis, C. O. Haines and wife, all J len j,ave established a new camp here or roruna , u. u. unm ot neppner. i - month, the Seaweed. f . auu WHO VL XOBCDUriC CLUU r ! " ! 911 ,f.r.:; ' V'!.' Season at Seaside Is In Full Swing On the beach at Seaside where the Pacific meets the shore llfford and Prenti Pboto. If jou'd like to im afptntin. - ' Tht would ewt ten thousand. Bund and wtch a radiant aumet At tb cloei o om linn djr ( Het at Hid. SEASIDE, Or., July 20. Seaside can well be named the "playground of !f: the Northwest." One can mu s. ..-., tfrf different pastimes. There is the batn Ing In the tank or a swim 1ft the ocean ; - nr- hnatlne on the river, auto mobiles to take you to scenic Places that can not be outrivaled one can visit tne different spruce camps and see how eachand every man is doing his bit and find Industry in the heart of the forests. Then there is fishing, crabbing, and dllng clams, all profitable i. .,,.. thrre'a huckleberries and wild blackberries to be found in the there a the ever fascinating v, .nnr BBtd bonfires and conces sions a-plenty, 'and the ever popular j i- noviiinn aomethlng to suit UMIIVllia K" every taste. He EUlson-Whlte Chautauqua is to be here from the twenty-third of July until the twenty-elKhth. Mayor L. : 'Off bin Pi et -IT ) mil H! ,'irr art ? Paget past week were "Mr. and Mrs. J A. Armstrong of Jerome, Idaho ; Mr.and Mrs. P. S. Rush of Butte, Mont.; Mrs. C. H. Gilpin. Mrs. C. L. Johns and Mrs. C. Nickerson of The Dalles, r. The Alex Redlichs of New York city will be the summer guests of Miss Getta Wasserman and Mrs. Chlpman at their cottage near Waharva. A goodly number of people have mo tored here' from different states. The C. D. Simpsons and son Horace with Mrs. H. J. Hollenbeck of Boise, Idaho, arrived last Thursday night. They have a trailer in which a complete camping outfit is carried. They toured all through Washington and Oregon. Mrs. David Honeyman of Portland, spending his vacation at Halcyon Lodge, the summer home of Mrs. Martha Moore and Miss Moore. . - ' - Another delightful dinner party was given ; by Mrs. Clyde Mason for her little daughter,' Mtlo Mason, Tuesday evening, at their home on Seventh street. The table was a bower ot roses and each little miss was presented with a little French bouquet. Milo's guests were Geraldine Peterson, Margaret Webb, Donald Webb, Martin Lewis. Ruth Wll tor, Jean Wilton and Master Teddy Jobson. As this was wee Miss Ma son's fifth birthday she received a lot of pretty gifts. During the next few months the uammond Lumber company will em' Belgium relief fund. This Is the. queen of Belgium's birthday and the sale will be conducted by Portland women. T. M. Davis of the Camp Xewis Y. M. C. A. was a Seaside visitor the first of thef week. CANNON BEACH who is located In Gearhart for the sum- pi0y 300 soldiers in building a logging mer, frequently motors to Seaside. Oth ers who drive over almost daily are the Julius Langs, Mrs. Russell Caswell and Mrs, James Zan. f Mrs. Frank Peterson of Portland was one of the many week-end visitors to Seaside. Hortense Blecker will be the summer guest of the Eugene Aliens. Helen Rus sell, who has been visiting there, left for her home in Rainier Friday. Mrs. Allen's sister-in-law, Mrs. John Vassie of Portland, will spend August In Sea side. Mrs. Roy McFadden is in her sum mer cottage at Surf. Mrs. Sanford Whiting and sons are domiciled in Shady Pines for the sum mer. road up the Necanicum river. Last week. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. of Portland made a number of trips to' the spruce camps in this district lecturing under the army Y. M. C. A. Twin Spruce cottage is occupied this summer by Mrs. Nellie Blair and Mrs. F. E. Snodgrass of San Francisco. Mr. Solgren of Cambridge. Mass.. and Frank Davis Oil North Carolina were dinner guests of Judge and Mrs. E. S. Abbott, Sunday. Their son, Manley Ab bott, graduated from Harvard last April, and since that time he has been a tele graph and wireless operator on a sub marine chaser. At present he is in New London, Conn. Mrs. F. H. Peterson and Miss Melba Peterson took a trip up to Portland this F.' J". Coop of Mount Falls. Mrs. W. R. Volheye is at the Nobody Home cottag for the season. D. C. Craig, wife and daughter and Mrs. A. M. Pearce. all of Portland, are at Camp Comfort for a week's outing. Mr. and Mrs. Meinhoff and grand daughter of Portland have opened their cottage and expect, to be here for the remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Yarnell and son of Portland have rented a cottage of Mr. Jones and expect to be here for about 10 days, t LONQ BEACH MANHATTAN lieutenant Ho'lman has be$n '.pro- j weet " . .1 All 1 .1 1 J. . L. , .t. "' iiillVD Ul from T. A. Burns, secrei&rjr u . Portland were guests this week at the Portland-Gladstone association, m j . ,.VuuU j beacon. Ur nurke says "tnis yearn pi"B'"' Is the best ever held here in 25 years. Besides the splendid, program the Mother Goose Festival should oe a great drawing cari ior me Zzl ... .v,ih means a fine time boys." He says "a cleaner, finer lot of wih the story lady. Then from a mys- chaps can not be found anywhere," and wtii mint all the dresses the people of Seaside can verify the and fairy costumes ot her faraway land. fact. During the past week the men 10 hours a day as they wish to hasten shr .-50 Slit .'.Hi ' MC. JSC There will be Little Miss Muffett. Little Bo-Peep. Little Boy Blue. Jack Horner and all the little people from Mother Goose Land. ..' Lieutenant A. C. Smith, with Mrs. Smith.-left last Thursday for Denver, Colo Lieutenant Smith received word that his father had bee killed In a rail road accident. - Major T. A. Mills, recently of Camp Custer, was a Seaside visitor last week. Major Mtlls will go to Portland and take up his duties in the spruce divi sion under Colonel Dlsque. H. B. Noble of the Noble Logging ft Lumber company that is operating a camp at the foot of Tfllamook Head, was a recent Seaside visitor. Mr and Mrs. Amos Benson are domi ciled In a cottage on' the board walk for tha aeaaon. Rest-a-Whlle is the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds of 'Portland. .Quite a number of seaside visitors motored over to Astoria to sse Mar- caret Anslln in "Billeted" Monday night. ia um proraoiea lo B8- cott&ge - Raniona" on the Board walk, for S!' ?f. 'ff Tandc" .K -mrner. Her guests for the past assume his duties. two weeks were Mrs. Alfred Leiharamer, XT lea T .a! Vi o mm at o tA XT Ion "CI Major Hill is very proud of -'his 17 .7.. " - ... I - J A V WM.11U Mrs. Gladys Mercer and mother of Colorado are domiciled in the Adalse cottage for the summer. Mrs. C. E. Nero, advance agent for the Chautauqua, and Miss Nero, with Mrs. K. Bashor of Portland, are guests the work. This new order affects about 20,000 soldiers and civilians and keeps Mr. t. M. p. Rn"Vdr H.11rhf them more closely confined. The boys, Je88 are BumTnering .In The Rock cot however;. are enjoying their club rooms t. .v. ... ..,. and are very appreciative of the kind- Mrs.. Franck Eichenlaub arid daughter ? L , v"1" al"ere"1 lammes have opened the Eichenlaub cottage on fT NAOSliA Wn l A 1A wiA("a this vOas nn I . ivT, o , ' V, I Third avenue for the summer. possible. Several Fortland women have The Astoria Red Cross headquarters .Vk . iv . I nas received 1500 pads from the Sea wjjiius m 1 ide chanter. nate their time and services. vw of ti Lieutenant MUo Robbins of San .m. w. -. '. T." CI " ? tTranlDnA An & . . . , uv;, 11VKKI, niw J1H.S Deen . . v4aW( vi wj. mo iiiuol uvuiuar men hMns in i7n nnA v i Th.ri;kt T. ),. but- vp td Oate, the family has received Thursday night when he married Miss nffMa t t.- r.r.t Zm r tt 7 .JL , the marina engineer corps shortly after f"r: ' " " Z:.:. .I"" outbreak of the war. ,vss ui mu uciuio CllLCnilK LIHO 1 ItTi onH Vf vt tT- TMAk.A. 7U T ZZ. ZJZ kIT , hav been enjoying' a successful two t0?ll- ift. ."1"J 1 . week, in fishing and hunting, have re- 7u 7 . .V . J-Iley I turned to their Portland home. . pvauuueu bi me nammono camp. Cantaln R. T. Strn nf Pnrtl. w- Mm M. TT O.l T I ' . u.o vtuBu coiiage. aar. nams Mra. A. K. Dleman nd rhIMrm dr. ECOLA, Or., July 20. Cannon Beach h)ads the list In the variety and beauty of its scenic attractions. Every day at low tide scores of vacationists motor or hike down the eight miles of hard sand, passing Haystack rock, the huge coast sentinel towering 190 feet above the waves, Silver rock and Pockey Cap, Hug Point with its wonderful road hewn out of solid rock, the caves and waterfall and on down to the double arch at the cape. North of Elk creek are the Bird rocks, Seal rocks and Til lamook Head. 200 feet beyond which if Tillamook rock and lighthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers and son, with Mr. and. Mrs. Ed Reed, motored from Portland and will occupy the Reed cottage for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stringer and daughter are spending the summer in the Grimes cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gradon and daugh ter. Miss Florence, are at the Gray Den for the season. Dr. and : rs. H. G. Bradbury and child are visiting Mrs. S. E Gumm for a short stay. Miss Gene Gumm will remain at Fern Basket for the season. Mrs. H. C. Day of Portland, with Misses Helen and Florence Day, are re cent arrivals and are occupying the Zieeler home. a Mrs. Ben W. oicott and tnree sons or Salem and Miss Helen West of Portland are in the Oswald West cottage with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hutton. Mrs. West will join the family later. In the "White House" are J. D. Was- sell and daughter, Miss Mary Wassell, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wassell and little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. L. . Hosford and son are housed in the Kellogg bungalow for a month. Mrs. Clara Blglln and son Wallace are comfortably housed in Elk Creek Park for the season. Mrs. Jean Adkins with her niece and nephew are located in one of Max Smith's flats. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon motored down MANHATTAN. Or., July 20. Mrs. Nellie Mahle and Misses Frances and . Margaret Walker of Portland are with' Mrs. S. F. Angell for the season at the Sea Shell. Mrs. Carrie Morse has returned to Forest Grove after a week's stay at the Sea Shell. Miss Emma Leitner Is here for a few weeks' stay with her mother and sister. The guests of Miss Bertha Leitner dur ing the week were Miss Dorothy Phillips ana miss uertrude JUanning. Mrs. C. P. Campbell and son Howard have returned to Portland, after a very pleasant stay with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gray, at their cottage. In-gleneuk. Mr. ahd Mrs. S. D. Cole and Miss Lor raine Achesori are at Cole's camp, We-Li-kit, for a few weeks. . Mrs. Mattle Snyder and cousins Misses Elizabeth and Irene Snyder and Mr. John Snyder, of Dayton, Or., are at LONG BEACH, Wash.. July 20. One of the beauty spots at Long Beach is the lawn and flower garden at North Beach inn. Situated as it is, close to the railroad, it greets the eye of the way farer. whether he be passenger or pedes trian, with a cherry welcome. The shady lawn is an inviting spot on a warm day and the garden is a show with its gor- sreous dahlias In full bloom. Miss M. Dwyer and niece yiolet, ar rived Tuesday. Mrs. James Hughes has gone to Gear hart to visit Mrs. J. A. Sonvey, a former North Beach resident Guests at-the Driftwood the past week were : A. B. Ford and wife, Oregon City W. C Wright and family. South Bend H. L. Funk. Vancouver: M. K. Kelso, Portland ; A. J. Taylor, Astoria ; A. R. Drew. C. B. Wood and T. W. Noble, Portland: C. P. Ilea and wife: A. Mark and wife and G. Kelsey, fTacoma : Mra W. II. Walter. E. E. Hart. Portland ; H. B. Lemmson, C. W. Raymond and wife, Astoria: H. W. B. Hewen. South Bend; Captain O. T. Wlckhand. Fort Stevens, Or. ; Captain William H. Pat terson. Portland and Henry Ash, San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ward had as their houseguests over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Williams of Astoria. There were dances In Sylvan , hall on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Good music and a good floor made the dances enjoyable. Miss Mary O'Conner of Portland Is having a restful time at North Beach Inn. On Sunday - as 1 Claud- Wooham was driving along Teatens road east ot Long Beach, he encountered and killed a black bear.-. : ,.''.-" ,i Guests at lLona Beach Inn over the week end were: Mr, and Mrs. A. Zu- flush. F. A. Purdin. J. R. Roberts and rwtfe. Portland: Harold Mann. Sand Island ; Kelley . Brandstef i er. Sand Island : Roy Powell. Fort Columbia and Edward Hart,- Astoria. Red Cross r meetings are being held every Tuesday and Thursday evening and the rooms are-opeif every day from Z to iv nv, so that any one who- has spare time may go there to work. It is hoped that those who are staying among us win remember that there is no va cation on the front In France and will use some of their time making sphagnum pads and other Red Cross necessities. Guests at Roelfs cottage Are : Henry Trout. Frank Trout and family, n.. T. Johnston, wire and children ; Miss Dor- otny O'Hanley, Mr. and Mra Dan Allen. Cart Fro berg. Albertlna Froberg. A. V. Severance and wife, all of Portland ; Mrs. R. M. Robinson and children. Mrs. C. C. Ralph. Mra Ed Durst and daughter of fortland. About 60 coast artillerymen from Fort Canby, accompanied by an ambulance. hiked to Long Beach on Wednesday. After resting, lunching and some man euvering they started on the return hike. Mr. and Mra John Stack of Walla Walla have returned to their cottage after an absence of five years. Miss Roderick of Portland haa opened her cottages here. E. W. Ring and family opened their cottage here the past week. E. L. Shaeffer and family are here for the season. Mrs. Louis Strube and family have opened their cottage for the summer. Man K. Mors. C T. "Ronndtre and Clyde Lovelace of Brighton. " .""" ' ; Registered at the - Edelweiss are li. Coleman. A. J. Henderson, 1. R- Ktsus ser and wife. Mr. and Mrs. William Proppe and Werner Frelsche. - Those who are staying at the. Ocean Crest apartments this week are: Mrs. J. W. Blake ot Oroflno. Idaho : Mr. and -Mrs. Paul Corey of Portland. L. L Par-1: meter and family of Schofleld. Mrs. D. J. Parmeter of Canby and Mrs. A. Ausve of Barlow, Or. Mr. and Mra. R. Hlbbard of Spokane ar in the McKlnley cottage for the sea- son. -Registered at the Saltair hotel ar: J. E. 8 wink. F. L. Curry. M. Spencer.' W. J. Swlnk,- A. Ford. J. M. Ray and wife. C. F. Harris, all of Portland : Irts ; Pennington. Mildred Gilliam. I. Brigh ton and Jim Harris of Telford. 4 . Mrs. J. H. Thorns and daughter Hilda are In their cottage for a few weeks. and Miss Hulda has for her guest Miss ' Frances Effinger of Portland. . Mrs. John Gilmore. Mra W. W. Har vey and son. Mra George Howard and. Alvena Howard, all of Portland, are at the Jones camp for a six weeks' outing. Mrs. Harry McQuade and son Billy, and Mrs. Cook, all of Portland, are la Camp Canby for the season. OCEAN PARK OCEAN PARK. Wash.. July 20. The . American vacationist Is proverbially a souvenir hunter and too many times finds his trophies useless dust gatherers. On North beach, however, one can get mementos that have the three-fold qual ities of being ornamental, valuable and useful. Each season the Indian women come to the resorts with baskets of all i kinds which they sell for a sonr Lieutenant H. G. Reed and bride are One of the prettiest collections la that domiciled in the Woods cottage. So of Mrs. David Beechey who has baskets many newly-weds have occupied this cot- of all klads and designs. Her collection tage that it has come to be known as the Honeymoon cottage. Lieutenant Reed is the fourth lieutenant who with his bride, has spent his honeymoon In this cottage. J. O'Hara and family and A. O-Hamlin and family are in cottages here. Mrs. Charles Hussy and family are spending their vacation here. E. Hesenmire and wife are enjoying the season by the ocean side. Isaac Gratton and family are sojum ing at Long Beach. A group of Indians Is camping on the meadows here and are an Interestlna- slght as one strolls around town. The women are going among the visitors of fering their baskets for sale. ELMORE PARK .! ; :l ROCKAWAY. Or.. July 20. At the Elmore hotel this week are regis tered : C. M. Pearson. J. R. Krause and wife. Helene G. Johns. Myrtle Goodwin. D. Hellman. Earle Jones. F. H. MeCrea. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kdwards, Mrs. S. Newcombe. F. B. Mallory. Miss M. A. Ohern, all of Portland ; A. E. McKerr. Lizsle Glandon and Harley Yost of Yamhill. Or. ; Jane Doran of Los An geles ; Jim Whitread of Nehalem : Wil- includes many dainty designs and won derful specimens of weaving. She haa waterproof baskets, cooking baskets. -baskets of grasHes, baskets made of roots and of bark. Mr Beechey has . also learned some of the secrets of the Indian and can herself wesve cleverly. Mra H. W. Monnastes also hss a cholc collection. Mrs. TL P. Newman and daughter of Portland have taken the Linger-Longer cottage for the summer. Mr. Newman la lumber spotter In Camp F. Mr. New- -man's mother. Mrs. M. L. Newman, is also sojourning in Linger-Longer cot tage. Mr. and Mra Robertson are at The Bil lows for the season. Mra Dan Baker and grandchildren of The Dalles, Or., are In one of the Baker cottages. Mrs. Ne house and daughters of The -Dalles are at one of the Baker cottage. Dr. Harkens and family of Portland ' are at the Kendal camp. Mrs. D. B. Newman has gone to '. Scotts Mills. Or., to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Warden. A silver tea was given at the Red Cross roms on Thursday for the benefit of The Red Cross treasury. The Ocean Parlt Red Cross Is one of th most active I? (Cnntlmwd on r Snrn. Thai Section) 3 IUUA rie Great Northwest -America Natural Resort Section. v -"iU WHAT TO SEE- WHERE AND HOW TO GO WHERE TO STAY OVKRLOOKlIfG THE OCEAX HOTEL MOORE American PIm Sld, Clatsop Beacft, urecoa atad at the water's edge. Reached via S.. P. ft a Ry. and Str. Georgiana and O-W. R. ft N. Boat to Astoria, where the A. J. Auto Co. makes connections for Hotel Moore. Autois take the beautiful Columbia River Highway, which terminates at tioiei aioore. wm fine trout fishing near Hotel. Kates on application. . HOTEL SUNSET BEACH CENTER STATION Ideal soot, modern family hotel. Country and seashore combined, ocean in full view, large yard for children, croquet ground, best cuisine and table service, fishing, surf bathing, electric lights. Buy railroad tickets to Beacn Center Station. Trains stop right at door. Postoffice, Long Beach. Wash. Rates reasonable. MRS. DED MAN-HUNT, Proprietor. Croton $oint Chalet HENDERSON I l d NER. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY UNEXCELLED CHICKEN DIN WONDERFUL UNOB STRUCTED VIEW. SON PHONE LONO DIS TANCE VIA CORSETT. SEA VIEW WASH. The Hackney Cottage Located on NORTH BEACH, universally conceded to be the finest beach in the Pacific Northwest splendid surf bathing within a few hundred yards of the hotel. Excellent table, airy and comfortable rooms, reasonable rates. For rates, wire or write Hackney Cottage, Seaview, Wash. BAYOCEAN PARK Beautiful Beaalde Kesort Expanalra beach. Pacific ocean on an aids, beautiful TUlamosk liar on the other. Surf bathing:, asata hununf. clam olSainc. fuhlni. eiDlorlna waadarfnl earn of Wn are pleasantly situated in Avalon COt- I Mean. Natatorium, swimming and -porta ttuniahed bunsalow. at ore. Hotel Baroceao. popular tr-rm Pnrtlund Inst- Nundav. Miasea News of the death o one of the Sea- -yanda and Dora Gordon are the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Dalton, who are occupying one of the Cornell cottages. The P. H. and A. H. Edelfsen families Is connected with the spruce division. spending., the summer in their cottage V: VTm -ot tt tj i - men Willi Mra. O. U. . ! Ulion oi, Aawria ' b""oi ""ici i . SAttlar mntrtrtvl frnra Pnr anl n tained a bevy or attractive women nu i moare. spend the week at the Dlgmani cottage. Mrs. Alice Benson Beach of Portland Dr. Sam Foster arrived from Portland Ai vista is th timmf bom, nf Mr- gave a little dinner for 5-year-oiO m- this week and is a guest ot his parents. Robert Hulme and daughter Haxel. Miss ther Beacn in nonor oi ner oinnuay imi arpiain ana jmxh. a. a. r osier. Hilda is spending the week there with Saturday at tne inning uar. mere w mrs. acnneiaer ana aaugnter oi waua ner mother, Mrs. Hulme the proverbial cake its canaies ana waua are located in "rne kocks" cot- Mra. e. clary and daughter Salma, all sorts ot good things, to eax. EKniiiage on tne tsoara waiK. are domiciled In their cottage for the little guests participated in the fun. I Miss Margaret Hlckey of Portland is summer . Dr. H. R. Marsh, secretary or tne x. the house guest of Miss Catherine Nlel. Mrs. Jean Silver and daughter have M. C. A. at Fort Stevens, has been ap- Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Wascher, William hMn th hoim e-uesta of Mm r v pointed assistant field director of the Wascher. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wascher I Mrs. M. Techner of Portland has also Red Cross with territory covering tne and Agnes Wascher or Portland mo- recently enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. coast oersnse oi me v.ommui nu v-iai- i iorea aown ana spent several aays at i j,exy tne aidvi conage as guests oi Mrs. u, tags. H. R. Letcher and daughter are com fortably located In the Bailey cottage. Mra J. W. Foster of Corvallia is visit- insr her mother. Mrs. Baker. H. H. Stewart and wife motored from Portland for a short stay at the beach. Clifford Anderson of Portland is the niast of Frank Koehler. Mrs. George B. van waters ana son. Miss Rebekah Van Waters and Mrs. Norman Burton are recent arrivals In Elk Creek Park. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clark, son and daughter are very pleasantly located in their summer home nere. The Coes of Astoria are occupying one of the Chapman cottages north or Elk creek. ' and well known, best on Oregon coaat. under management of lira. IL J. Martin, with cooperation of Sirs. W. a. Hutcmnaon. beaaon round tnp rauwajr tickets from Portland. It. 72. Send fot . u.b. vniir .M.r,, t 1iti, nnw aiftalwaa ana awAMVAa. m k k . a TW. Main 7Z7U. 8 Chamber f Commros Dlgay orUan. Oreon. TheShelbumeN-rBr A quiet and restful summer hotel Justly famous for its service and appbtntments. In sight and sound of the ocean. Lone distance phone in hotel. Special rates for families. Buy your tickets to Shelburne Station. Address T. J. HOARE, Prop., Saviw, Wash. ' ROCKAWAY sop district of the spruce production division. -,j Mr. and Mra S. B. Duffey of .Port- 7 land ar spending th aummer at Home ; ' port cottaa in Hermosa Park. They . . recently entertained Mr. and Mrs. P ,' ' Duffey of Indiana and Martin Duffey '': h of 'Portland. July 20. Mrs. R. R. Irwin and children of Heppner M. Lowell. They drove home Wednes- and' Miss Clara Shea, Sunday, July 14. have opened up their new cottage and Psons aay morning. Rev. r. c. Blackwell. pastor of th Sea- are here ior tne . i The Moore hotel continues to be the I . I Mr.-and Mrs. A. M. wnit or rort- i niua iUi aa- vuuavua fi aui mvu uiu s-a 7 . vs. center of attraction for the officers' monv. The bride, whose home was in land are occupying ' one or me ireDs dancing parties on Saturday nights. Portland. Isa sister of Mrs. Joe Dilllan cottages and have as tneir guests airs Kev. and Mrs. Short or Portland are Uf Seaside, and Mr. Warner la a marine ! R- I Ban ana aaugnicr. guests at the Colonial. They will re-DUot. They are spending their honey- COLONIAL HOTEL AND APARTMENTS SEASIDE,. OREOOJT, one block from ocean ; electric lights ana electric stoves i for light housekeeping ; free auto bus to and from trains. F. V. LINDSLET, Fro. Rooms BOe ana Up R. W. Schmeer or the united States main until September. moon at the Beacon hotel. jfvj'f National bank ot i-oruana was a guest The Red Cross has been quite busy Mrs. David Henshaw returned to'Sea ,rs .at Hotel Moore. ; this week. Great quantities of sphag- 8jj the first of the week. She attend- - OJTf Frederick 1. uraite, inuea states num moss are being made into Dads. ft,.1 nitinn nf tha 'RMinf.nn rin. commissioner, of Portland was a Sea- The Morris Gojdstlena and children t.M in Newberr. Or.: at-the residence side .visitor tne past ween. or Portland have taken the Neltra cet-1 nf s. P. Timberlake. There were nearly Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Tamlesie or Pen- tage, . , nn rr,brfinrient and thev came from dleton spent a few days at the Moore ThetOdd Fellow lodge gave a dinner alj part of the stat'When the service hotel, leaving Monday for Seattle, where Wednesday nieht honorlnr four of its 1.. m,t ... tnnA tn w . m I I. ...Ill mH-A .t 1 w " t . . - . I"" . ur. ra. " v.. vv i.i.i 1 momuors wno leave snoruy . ior service. ntatn 25 atara. denoting the number of xney are Clarence Mays, p. Mathelson. I relatives llghUng for Tjncle Sam. After iarreu ouuon ana o. ts. xnompson. inner a reminiscent oroeram was held. xars. t. m. Mcuoweu qc porUand is 1 Mra. David Henshaw nresidlncr. Rev, summering In the Kelson cottage on Niel Johnson, . a -pioneer ' of 1851. came the Board walk. Ifrnm Illinois and located -in French Mrs. C. C. Howard and children of 1 nr,lrl. in Marlon conntv. His w'lfe was Sand Point. Idaho, ara hera fnr nnl. -r rJ1 ou1"' - ' - sturdy family tree, was started that has earta Content for their vacation. nine nr.uV i..uBv uo- Jars, ueorge c. Flanders of Portland ainee branched out and reached even : .. sinaa and Will Sloan Ughtful bch - picnic party, honoring Ma the house guest of Mra Willis to Europe. The reunion was formed tn IT.Vh, thir new home, which Straugh. I honor of William Roelofsoiu who died a i v..n mmnleted. toward Rankin of PorUand is reg- year ago. In March, at. the age of 96. 1 Mr. D. Hallock and Mrs. E. Minor of inicrwj ai uu . naeara notai. Mr.. T a i m. i.ta TTimv xr - iutm a Tnini. I . u ( ih. , with natriotie caps, buckets and nn.v t prtl. 7. l.Z" iJlVk:""! roruaaa rw "v meeting to be held there. ' Everyone was glad to meet the 6 o'clock special Saturday from Portland. This has been christened "Daddy's train." and is a welcome sight to the children. - , Mrs. I. K. Hume of Fortland. assisted Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kelly and children have opened up Frontier Lodge -for the summer. ' - I At th Brownie camp are located Mr. and Mra. W. Padrlck and four children. D. W. Baism. Mra M. f. aaism ana k. E Balsm. Mr. Warren Merchant, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bank -of Yamhill,. Or.; Mrs. J, 1. Banks of Bank ; Mane Hen dricks of Seattle, waan. ; aira. a, ra ir and daurhter. Private Rosco wooos, mattery tu. SLrtv-nlnth artillery, of Fort Stevens. wa a beach visitor Sunday. J. S. Raffetv and wile oi sanies ar in their summer cottage her for th sea son. . . . Miss Zelma Sauvaine and miss Kiisa- hth Johnson or i-oruana ar at The Beacon Hotel ,J. A.' MclNTIftg, Prop. CONCRKTC BLDO. HOT WATiR KTerrthin Modern 7as sioDwav agatpg. on. PACIFIC VIEW HOTEL Furnished rooms and tents for house keeping. racing me ocean. auuiw L, P. Harresehou. Prop.. Seaside. Or. MEARS HOTEL aV-S? r- house : center city : not ana coia WftvOr ,llClVAt7Va JJ V ve MRS. A. MEARS. Pro. u.nrffltE'S HOTEL, SEASIDE. UV. uvv A pleasant place for strangers; man ae-awl bV owner ; commoaioua aiwi' mehu: clean beds i fin tabl. in, - MBS. OaUlTE ncOulJix. llttl Francea Virginia , Drake" and Ger- aldln Peterson. The children met at th horn of Mr. Wilton and were pre- NORTH BEACH INN l.iirsi avirn. WASH. Facing ocean. efiwnv nr a im wnrTmg n 1 . r w uwov w - - . shovels and a flag. They then marched ner of Oregon City, ar. al there. M ; & Mng are descendant- of -.this family. 7vt. and Mrs. Georg Barker ar at Room. VommCITT KITCHE5 AhS down to the .and and after an hour . There is nothing nult utt.w Uu tann r pnr a.A .aai.M L.fV" " . . m antm I use of A COM t .1 1 1 1 ' ' "i "I" pent in wadlnf they wer served with tory as. entertaining th little folk. I honorary president : Mr s. avid 4 Hen- a' n. Ray. from Etrn Oregon, la iC dellclou ubtaniiat iuncneon ana 1 laaurepce Woodfintof JPortland gave a haw. Seaside. first vice president, and I at the Sunset cottag for a short out- e- "teach llttl mis wa given a doll, Thel charmlng affair for several: bova irri. TAia: Woodlawn. aacratarv. I - ' -in-. impromptu tame " ,"'ut y nonor,ns Harold Brumfleld. who. Recent guest at the McGuir were K. I - John Sax and famUy or Portland ar t . rosebud in.mutpi aUB ur. i,lu, ai, momer. nas been Spending the W.i Johnson and J. E. Hoefler of Port- 1 in the Jones camp for .a iv cays outing. . -an abundanc. of home mad canaies. 1 past month in Seaside. Mr. Woodfinland.'.r u. ; --T.f The Misses Sibyl and Ion Elliott of .' Those enjoying -tne, aay. oesiaes ne seems especially adapted In the art of There have been several meetings -pre-1 Portland are in Eumore lo. 1 for a two : Wi-llttle guet wr margary ooocien n nappy and his dinner '-on I oaratory to & the entertainment to be week's vacation, v ' Mr;:'and : Mrs.' i,' ownerwaia euia TEXT HOUSES furnUhed. Ss week. 4uial Marahall 2109. A-S21V, or Box 191. Long Beach. Wash. w v Grant PasS,Jan Gaddls. Cleo- Nichol- this occasion was a huge success. Those I given for ' the benefit of the Seaside -r on. jea wuwn, . I X r. " were Harold Brum-1 branch of -the Red cross about, August o -Betty Lou Drake. ' ' j "fja. . Boatner Chamberlia, Sanford 1 10. A committee of Mrs. George Mc- s" CJ1" nWheT. Richard Math. Mr. Henry . Metxger : and Ueu-'( "ign wooann and th host. ! tenant Hoffman 1 In charg. . .. Later they formed a tin nartv at th I on -J.iiv vt thar win ha a aaia of Ainanr tha, atueaU t Mor.hota41aJprh Woodfla-11 litu-f oretmnoU auwl.aaowr ior th r Mr. Rushlight ana aaugnter 01 run. land were recsnt guest at th:Minf . cottag on Third 1 avenue east. CAMP GOMFY rMiaru and TenU for rent, rents. . a. a. fA Sa, (II 16 to weex; oe)a. i AUaa - ROYAL RESTAURANT TILLASiuua, untuuj children of Portland ar In Eumor No. : 2 for a. short stay, i . - - '". ' " -A " ' '- Mis Marion Hawlay of Portland Is her. for th summer and ha opened I o-' Fooda Specialty Moderate Price . .a. ,L. TT-.rl.iraiiuul - . . I . ri?7iiZi'7l -Portland ha. . ' T. HAMILTON. Prep. Heart's Content tKKg LVTLK rarnUhed cottar sad tents for rent, wsur sod Ucbt free, lixiuire ' FRANK HART.- Rockaway, Orsaan Wood. tH IL'I rrk WW L-r 1 eWaamTMaaaaBaMaaa aa eait-v AUTO STAGES V Conduct rd along lines moat lnrltln t i Bra and wnmn of refined taataa 5 en for Illustrate Beoaiet O. W. J. RICKtRS, Hett WhIU Saimam, Wash. e Ix-t ROCTI.EDGE BEET at FT XI HAL CO 145 SECOND 8T. r "" Man. ITS. A I'll. CEDAR ISLAND A ini4 aaiwl niaft n rsMri ra r mrf rtm t Via W (1 lai asatgsi 4aUy 8 a. m. eicer SarnitUr 7 a. m. and MO , vWd4., breh for bathln. dlrla totret. ssrta P- m , for A r rail Wanna a, Wcfehea. Tawser and ; 71 , . T7 -JT Shododendron. Round trip ll. Uorernaaent bord;i" VoU. fcl Tr -Camp f 8 80. Owned and operated hf Irvlnatoa " ,Tul HuncU afUrnoon. Whj aot eaaia Garae Auto Ce., Inc. J. L. 8, Knead. Pre - ' here for a week ar more tola aaauaert Taaa Mgr. 1-hone. E. 11S. C-S162. F. Mth and , Ontan CtJ car U Janin' Lodja. rttotM Oak Broadway Maa raaarestloas In adtance." oroi.. 12S M. or write Jooa J.nnlaca. atf. Rhododendron Inn, Mt. Hood Beaottrnl Monstata Raaort. setweea Hancbnack and Zl(-Zac Mountain, on Zlf Za river tad Still creak. Lent cenented open sir rwtmminf vol. modern dance ball, saddle horae. trnnia and croquet gTrnnda. headquarters for fib)cg Foe anto atatea call E. 1J4. er Main 311. MK. EMIL KllANZETTl. lro . Zi-Za. Or. TOURING CARS FOR HIRE In. TYRRELL TRIPS OO its auta atrMt flisfataeains Headqaarters PIkmm for ReliabU Serrlea Free iGlorstatlo Barea fttaln a-urr um 142 Atlarta mn4 Way Iswslnsa Aa m t If e if ' ana izs wafia an wsy a-swsinaa aagg Tawneys Mountain HoraeiorpR GFORGTANA On the Salmon rier. between llucklebrry and i O 1 Ut VJ aLa VaXVVJ ITUlrt The Tbdd Hotel Tot years ths Todd Hotel has bee well and fa Torabl' know for tt excellence of its tar-Ice. Clean sad air, woau. comfortable bedi. well eookad SMalt with (tnaroua porUons sad reason able rates make tt a place jtxa will be pleased to patronize. Wbea roa eons to Tiliamooa maa. the Todd Hotel your headanavrtaira. 1 a. Uiuh. beck. Prop., Tills nook. 4fcoa. Hunchback Mountain in the brart nf tbe t'aacadea. I near baa of Mt. Hood. Airy and comfortable moma or Indtrtduai bunnlowa Horn cooains. fine chicken unrnere. Wonderful icaatry, excellent trout Rhine. Write or phone "La-C z . H. TAWNCY. Fr WelehM P. O, NEHALEM HOTEL V rTaaVarev)aa VeS.'wfSarvV Come to Nehalem and in adjacent mountain atreame, danclnc sad sparklin as their waters bound from rock to rock, enjoy a aeaaon with th faetir trout. Sptendid salmon fbhinf, too. rn the Nabaiem rleer. Good boatinf and delichtful easairy. Uood toosu sad board at Mabalem botai. M. W. TOttL. Prrietor VILLA CAMP "ALL kMCRIOAN" On Bar View Beach, oa the Tillamook Shore. On, two sad three room cottaces completely furnlahed for lisht hoaaekeepinx. Pax mountain water, eaeclrio Hafats, aanitary toUeta. Protected front sea btwas. etoea to beach. Clanu. crabs, trout flshinc. Orarlooks Tillamook Bar. Ideal Summer Vacatioa spot. For reeereatioaa aad ratea, addiaa L, al. TOLLS, Bar V taw. Or. ROCKAWAYLOTS " Finest beach tributary to Portland. Low price, easy term. Mrs. F. p. Miller, Rockaway. Oregon. ' ALLEK . HOUSE, Tillamook. Orefoa - A homelike place for visitors, where their comfort is our pleasure. Rooms 6oe to 7so day, C. T. i)E PORD, Prep. ' HU2TT COXFECTIOXEKT - - Midway, Xwprt Confectlonry Io Cream , Clears , , . . .'Tobacco:-'. . - . I - ' Journal Agency ARRAH WANNA, MT. HOOD Splendid mnrtatam vscatlon. No finer plae on the coaat. Mountain traija, bis tre-e. rer trnii, rood flabin. table uasarnaweaj. TUtea. 4 day. 120 week. Ante rUfn daily, Irnncton (arae. BI2 Kaat Broadway. Phone East US. or Bontiedse -cr4 Company, 14S' 2d at. Pbone Ion CMUaee) far teaarisUona ts Mr. sad Mra. Ceort Bpeneer. Prop. Leaee Alder St. Dock tt T A. If. daily Friday. Ketununs. iearea Aaterie 3 P. M. Ll'BUKE, daily, eseept Sunday, at T:4i A. M. Betunuas iearea Astorta at 7 r. M. CSUINE. daily, vscept Saaday. at S F. K. Betanun ieataa Astoria tt T J A M. TROUT LAJlE. WASHUSGTON Mountain Brook. Inn HOME-LIKS SCMMZB HEBOHT Eirt, mils, cream. Teaeteblea sad lru It niahed from oar farss. Craowet. lassie. ftahln. Situated aear kvka. Troat eraek as White Salsaon rrrer. Anto saeets anew train at White Salmon. For furtber Information call M. Bfltine..iO McKay bids.. Portland. Or. Pboae Uala live. StrJEWPORT 5ETTOKT, OREGOIT Connects with all trains at Taqulna. Subject to charter by-plaaaur parti. O. F. JACOBSOK, MasUr AutomobOe Tourists . CASCADE LOCKS -MOOD RIVIR BOAT y KITTY; MORAN ' ' Law Meeaf Rlrer S4 A. AV. .' S. ' LMeee Caeceato Lock 14 A. M, . St, - SEA CHEST COTTAGES . . , - 9wprt Orta ' k Ideal pleasure resort. 2. I and 4 room houses, frontln beach ; light and -water In each. - --."-. - , 4Ar CHHIS aiJUfSp Sftwpsrt. Ob Specialties FOR THE CAMP, PICNIC, CRUISE. AUTO TRIP KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES Sand U Your Films Prompt Service Paper Picnic Plates Paper Napkin -I.unch Sets. Ic Blanket Thermos Bottles and Holders Gill's Tklrd Alder. Portia. Or. MAIL TUEX TODAT Films Developed FREE : when prints ar ordered. " . -W pay rtura'potc.' " FJaht-hour expert svrvle, . . - Iaarreat Photo Supply Hon " la Lb X4orUtwct, Woodard. Clarke & Co. Wood-Lark Bld Aider at.W. Park . vviMm WTltinD. or clixnz on ad. B ans I BBslBl 1 UADsaVaBSB IIITIII aas AaaWD wura Bale - :; iAflr.)