The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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19, ;1918.; ;5
5 .
.1 c.
ill Ite&xire at
r. iipney,
1" :
Y. M. C. A. Worker,' Returning
';. Recentfy From Trip to France,
Promises Interesting Lecture.
Address Will Be Delivered Under
."Auspices of Service Depart
v merit of the Portland "Y."
THROUGH the service department
of the Portland Y. M. C. A.,
ltf people ofL Portland and
vicinity will be given an oppor
tunity Mundav nltrht to hear
from. Dr." Carl GreBjf Doney. president
of Willamette university, the latent word
from the Oregon boys In the European
battle llnea where history of momen
t toua Importance Is now being made so
' rapidly. The meeting wtll be held In
The Auditorium.
Dr. Doney, who has Just reached home
from France after six months' service
at the front as a Y. M. C. A. secretary,
carries, the latest personal word from
the boys at the front, where thousands
of Portland and Oregon hearts now are
In plrlt. V
Pipe Organ Recital Promised
From his experiences "over there," Dr.
Doney will give thrilling narratives, for
he was on many of the lines. In the
' front trenches and passed through fire.
He knows what It is to be bombarded
and chased out of a town by the Boches.
and details of this will be given, as well
as other stirring things, which he saw
and which go to make up a strong story.
The great general mass meeting, which
hi for all Portland and vicinity, is ar
ranged by Barclay Acheson, chief of
the. service department of the Portland
"Y. and one of the features will be
pipe organ music and singing. Mrs.
Lulu Dahl Miller, who has been. singing
to shipyard workers under the auspices
Of the Y Industrial department here,
will lead the singing. She will sing
popular airs and has asked "her boys
In the shipyards to be present and help
her In the singing, as they have done so
many times when she was among them
At their lunch hours in the yards.
. Large Attendance Expected
The pipe organ will be used for sev
eral selections, beginning at 7:30 o'clock.
Music will be featured for the first 30
minutes, after which Dr. Doney will
be given an opportunity to tell his story.
Mr. Acheson will preside. Many of
the Methodist churches of the city will
close their services for the occasion. In
honor of Dr. Doney, who Is the head of
their denominational school at Salem and
who rendered conspicuous service while
at the front Special. Invitations have
been sent to every church in Portland
.to send Its members, and it is antlei-
- pated that the seating capacity of The
Auditorium will be taxed.
President Doney at
M. E. Church Sunday
Dr. Joshua, Stansfleld, pastor of the
First Methodist church, announces that
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney. president of
Willamette university, will preach Sun
day morning in his pulpit Dr. Parkin
son, pastor of the Eugene church, will
preach Sunday night. Dr. Stansfleld Is
OS a 10 day lecture tour to Southern
Oregon and . Is attending tlss Chautau
qua at Ashland. ' From about the middle
of August until September 1. Dr. Stans
fleld will visit the beach, during which
time he will not preach. He feels the
need of a complete rest.
... .
Mrs. Belt Will 'Slnq
. 'Mrs. W. Belt will sing Sunday morn
ing at Our Saviors Lutheran church and
' the pastor, Itev. M. A. Christensen. will
-preach.'lThe service flag dedication of
the church will take place Sunday eve
ning. August 11.
"j7 .
To Alleviate
Cremation and the services of the Port
land Crematorium were conceived and
first advanced by those who established
this splendid Institution, in a desire to
aid and extend a helping hand at;
time when it is' most hard to serve
unobtrusively and with the greatest re
gard for the common affliction and
Cremation's greatest success has been
in completely removing from the process
of disposal all those unspeakable hor
rors of earth burial and giving In their
stead a modern, cleanly, scientifically
accepted process of placing away the
bodies of oar dead.
ftellwood Car to
Fearteenth and By bee
a. .' . ' -"r " .T- -"'WW'
?Bible Class eld
Py JSetroit Church
3s ut of (Ordinary
An organlxed'Blble class that Is rather
unique In its general character la the
"Whosoever Bible class" of the Wood
ward avenue Baptist Sunday school of
Detroit. Mich. This class does n6t meet
at the time of the regular school, but at
4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Its mem
bership is composed of those who, be
cause of their employment, are unable
to get away on Sunday morning. The
class includes young women employed
as maids, waitresses, telephone operat
ors, nurses, etc. This class is reported to
be thoroughly organized and Is said to
be doing much work along church and
missionary lines.
Mill Sell of
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, recently re
turned from France as Y. M. C. A,
worker, -who will speak at a mass
meeting Sunday night at The Audi
torium. Every-Day Religion
To Be Discusse'd
An everyday religion will be the sub
ject under discussion at the Highland
Congregational church Sunday morning.
In this discourse. Rev. Edward Con
stant announces that he "will make clear
the practical side of Christianity, show
ing Its workableness and. application to
the common affairs of life, whereby the
whole world becomes the sanctuary of
Qod and is made a better place for a
man to live In.V The emphasis of the
sermon is to be laid upon life, and 'not
upon theory or creed. In the evening
the pastor will give a brief sermon,
when he will discuss the. different sum
mer evening thoughts of the average
Molalla "Editor in Pulpit
Gordon J. Taylor of Molalla, Or., edi
tor of the newspaper at that place and
an experienced platform man, has con
sented to preach atiCllntOn Kelly and
Lincoln Methodist churches Sunday, ac
cording to an announcement by the
pastor of the churches. Rev. K. B. Lock
hart, who will be in Salem over Sunday.
The service is held at, 11 o'clock at
Clinton Kelly and at 8 o'clock at the
Lincoln church. In the evening the Clin
ton Kelly congregation will unite with
the Kenilworth Presbyterian church in
a .neighborhood union service.
Special Song Service
At the Rodney Avenue Christian
church a special 'song service will be
given Sunday evening under the direc
tion oAMrs. K. S. Rosenberg. The pas
tor will preach on the fall of the Bastille
and In the morning on "Christian Optim
ism." . .
II mm - f st 4a-. II '
II wpw V t Jf s't II -
" 1
Albany College Situation , to Be
' Discussed Tuesday; Prominent
Speakers Are Announced.
The Presbyterians of Oregon will meet
at Eugene Tuesday in . their twenty
eighth annual session of the? synod of
Oregon. The session wtll close Friday.
The morning meetings and the business
sessions will be held In the rooms pro
vided by the courtesy of the Univer
sity of Oregon. The evening meetings
wtiTbeJield in the Central Presbyterian
churchf, Among the prominent clergy
mentioned on the program are Rev.
B. P. Fullerton, Rev. John H. Boyd,
Rev. W. W. Youngson. Rev. C. F. Swan
der. Rev.. C. A. Wooddy, Rev. J. M.
Somerndlke, Rev. S. R. Ferguson and
Rev. W. O. Forbes. An important busi
ness' session wtll be held Tuesday after
noon, when the Albany college situation
will be, discussed.
The program for this session of the
synod follows :
1 :30 t. m. Call to order.
Conttitdtion of nnod. a
Enrollment of memben. .
Election of moderator and clerki.
Beport of committee on program
Kt. A. J. Montgomery
Report of treasurer.
Call for record and reference of papers.
2:15 Education day.
Kepon oi committee on colleges and educa
tion Ber. W. II. Bleakner
Beport of committee on furthering -work
amons enrtsuan students . . Bar. E. H. Pence
Beport of committee to confer with simi
lar committees from other churches on
teducatknsl matters in the Willam
ette ralley Be. C W. Hayes
Beport of trustees of Albany college.
Beport of president of Albany College . . .
Rer. Vf. H. Lee
Report of San Francisco Theological seminary.
4 :30 Recess.
7:30 First lecture on "Some Historical
Aspects of the War." subject. "Bel
gium.' Ancient and Modern"
j....Jsmes F. Ewing
8:15 Sermon by retiring moderator.,..
Rer. William Balrd
8 :30 DeTotional period, conducted by '
BeT. O. B. Pershing. "KeTelation by Prayer"
0:15 Second lecture on "Some Historical
. Aspects of the Wsr," subject. "Berlin
to Bsgdsd Railway". . . .James F. Ewing
10 Conference on eery member plan,
conducted by Ber. B. P. Fullerton.
western secretary Board of Home Missions
11 UniTersity lecture.
1:30 Heine Mission day.
Beport of the committee on home mtssjoiu.
including church erection, every mem
ber canrsss, evangelism. Indian work,
country life work, logging camp work,
Report of Home Minion council for Western
Oregon . . Her. John H. Boyd
Report of Home Mission council
Re. John H. Boyd
Report of fraternal delegates to Methodist
. Episcopal conference.
Address Dr. B. P'. Fullerton
4 :80 Becess.
8 Fraternal meeting, the moderator to pre
side. ' General subject, "The State of
Religion in Oregon as My Denomina
tion 8ee If' Addresses by Rer. W.
V. Youngson,. district superintendent
Portland District Oregon conference
Methodist Episcopal church; Rer. C.
F. . Swander. secretary Oregon State
Missionary association of the Chris
tian church; Rer. C. A. Wooddy. gen
eral superintendent Pacific ooast di
visidn American Baptist Home MU
. sionary society.
8 :80---DeTotions.
9:15 Third lecture "Some Historical As
pects of the War," subject, "The War
in Bible Lands".. James F. Ewing
1 1 University lecture.
1:80 BeHgious Education day. 1
Report of committee on ' religious education.
Address . .J. M. Somerndike
Superintendent of mUion. Board of
Publication and Sabbath School
Address . -. .ft . ReV. 8. R. Ferguson
District superintendent for the Middle
Addreu. Rer. W. O. Forbes
Superintendent for Oregon and Wash- ,
. ington. .
3 :30 Report of .executive commission . 7 .
- .Rev. William Balrd
Report of committee on boundaries of Pres
byteries. . . Rev. Charles W. Hayes
Miscellaneous business.
4 :30 Recess. .
8 Conference to discuss problems growing
out of the war and the part which the
Presbyterian church must play in the
reconstruction of the world.
- JULY 26
8 30--Annual communion of the Svnod of
n . i ,on.I KeT- B- J- Griffin presiding
0:15-Fourth lecture. "Some Historical
Aspects of the War." subject, "The
, Dunocracy We Are Fighting For" . . .
,, i,- James F. Ewing
11 University lecture.
Eighth Sunday After Trinity
Uniform S. S. Lesson
"Praying- to God" Luke. 11:1-13: Pss.. 145:
Golden Text Let lis therefore come holdlv
unto the throne of (race, that we may obtain
mercy, ana una grace to help in time of need.
Heb.. 4:1.
Young People's Topics
Christian Kndesror "Lessons Prom Firarito
Psalms." Psalm. 103:lrl8.
Junior Christian Endesror "Thnn MtmH Not
Bear Falsa Witness." Exodus, 20:16; Psalm.
Epworth Learue "Jeans Ixvra nf the ftntnf.
P?or." Matt-, :18; 12:1; 18:1; 14:ilS-22-'
First White TVmnl 12th and Tsrlor BT.
Willistn A. Waldo. 11. "The Way to tha Cross."
7:45, "A Uasnificent Dream."
East Bide E. 20th and Ankeny Bev. W. B.
Hlnson. Preaching by Erancelist Pr. 8. J.
Reld. 11. "Tha Victor's Crown." 7:45. "World
Cono,nerers. .
Third Vancourer and Knott Her. Welby J.
He Ten. 11. "The, Unfinished Lessons of Jeeos."
7, 0. i. r. v. joint meeting wtta ennrcn: topic,
"The Lessons From Faro rite Psalms."
Arleta Rev. W. Garnet Haadley. 11. "Seek
ing Best by Flight." 8, "Memories and Morals"
(sermon-lecture) . '
CalTsry E. 8th and Grant--Rav. J. E.
Thomas. 11. 8.
Glencoe E. 45th and Main. Preaching by
Her. F. C. Laslette. 11, "The Discipline of Life,
or Lesson on tha Life of Job," 7:45, "The
World's Needs and Christianity's Response."
Sellwood Bethany Est. T. J. Broom field,
Grace E. 76th and Ash Bar. H. T. Cash.
11 and 8. Preaching by Rer. C. J. Waehite.
Highland Re. Ed C Cofer, 11. 8.
St. Peters Lents Rev. P. Beutsen. 8.
10:80, 7:80.
Pro-Cathedral 15th and Darls Rer. E. V.
OHsra- 6. 7:15. 8:80. 8:45. 11. 7:45.
St. Lawrence 8d and Sherman Rer. J.- C
Hughes. 8. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. .
St. ; Patricks lth and , Barter Bar. E. P.
Murphy. 8, lO:80, 7:80.
St, Francis E. 11th and Oak Rer. J. H
BleckV , 8. 0. 10:80. 7:80.
.Immaculate Heart of Mary -Williams are. and
Stanton '-Rev., W. A. Daly. . 8. 9. tl, 7:30.
Holy "Rosary E. 84 and Clackamas Ray. E.
8. Olson; 8. T, 8. .-11. 7:80. ,
St. Rosa E- 68d - and Alameda Rer. J.
O'Famll. 8. 10:80, 4.
St. Andrews -E. 9th and Alberta Rev. J.
Klernan. 8. 18:80, 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 24 th and Slsldyoa Bay.
George F-Thompson. J ;80. 8, 11. .
Ascension K. 76th and IsmhiU Francisesa
Fathers.- 10:80. 7:0.
Biassed Saerament Maryland are. and B Ian
dens KeT. F. W. Black., 8. 10:30. 7:80.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdoia Rer. C. Raymond.
S. 10:80, 7:80., : f
- At. Ignatius 8220 4M it 8. E. J era it
Fathers. 0:80. 8. 10:80. 4. - i -.
- fit, Stephens 42d. and E. Taylor Rer. War
ren A. Wattt. - . 8:80. lt JO. 7:80.
, Holy Redeemer Portland bird.' and YancosiTH
, aTa. er r. a. asiuer. , o, iw:su, T:30
Sire disked, to
Sphagnum itloss ?EB6fjkers
Rev. John H. Boyd, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, "announced that
hereafter two weekly meetings would
be held in the basement of the church
to pick sphagnum moss. Last Monday
night 250 people attended the meeting
at which time 13 sacks were picked. Be
ginning Wednesday and continuing every
Wednesday until farther notice, the First
Presbyterian church will open its base
ment from 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. for this
work. The basement of First Presby
tertlan church Is a cool place and work
Unnyside (Church
o Study Hife of
hChrlst by pictures
An Innovation that promises to be In
tensely interesting and at the same time
solve the problem of the loss of teach
ers and pupils during the summer
months, is about to be inaugurated by
the Sunday school of the Sunnyslde Con
gregational church. , .
Instead of the classes retiring to their
respective rooms for the study of the les
son, they will practically all remain in
the assembly room . for a consecutive
study of the "Life of Our Savior." These
lessons will be taught by competent lead- 1
ers and will be illustrated with copies of
the world's masterpieces in superbly
hand-colored stereopticon slides. The en
tire course of study is to be accomplished
in 10 consecutive lessons beginning Sun
day at 10 a. m. Visitors will be welcome.
'The Harp of David1
Topic for Program
"The Harp of David" is the topic of a
program to be given at the Sunday eve
ning meeting of the young people's union
of the East Side Baptist church. The
greater part of the program will be
musical. It will be opened by relating
the legend of the ancient Jewish rabbi
which represented that, over the couch
of David, the great shepherd king, hung
a harp which was set to vibrating so
melodiously by the night breezes thai
the j great monarch and poet was con
strained to rise from his sleep and con
tinue to set words to Its music until
the break of day, thus giving expres
sion to the heart of humanity as it is
played upon by the hand of God.
The place of .the Psalms In music,
including their use in psalmody of
early days, and especially their use In
the first hymns and sacred music, will
be featured In a talk by one who Is said
to be qualified for the part ; and also
the music, which Is Illustrative in thii
connection as' well as in connection with
other numbers on the program. A read
ing will be given from Browning's "Saul,"
in which David's harp is described as It
affected Saul's disordered mind. A
paper on "The Psalms In History" will
be read, and an open discussion will
follow, dealing with favorite Psalms,
including the Psalms connected closely
with the lives of great men. The pro
gram will begin at 6 :30 o'clock.
Glencoe Church Announces Program
Rev. F. C. Laslette will have charge
of the services at Glencoe Baptist
church Sunday. There will be Special
music under the leadership of Miss M.
C. Beable. At the morning service the
choir will render an anthem, "I Am
Alpha and Omega," and In the evening
George W. Downs will sing "Saved by
12 a
'ayment commissioners' expenses by
Finance committee
1 :80 Report of the committee on For
eign mission. . .Iter. E. H. Pence
Report of the committee on iiirihial Life
Rer. B. J. Giffen
Report of the committee to cooperate with
otWr bodies to secure Rnndsy rest day
legislation . . V Rer. A. L. Hutchison
Report of stsndinr- committees:
Bills and overture (final report).
Presbyterisl records:
Coos Bsy, Grande Ronde. Pendleton,
Portland, Southern Oregon, Willam
ette. Finance (final report).
Leave of absence.
Miscellaneous business.
St. PhUllp Neri (Panllrt Fathers) E. 16th
and Hickory Rer. W. J. Cartwright. 6, 8. 10.
St. Clements S. Smith are. and Newton
Set-rite Fathers. 6. 8. 10:30, 7:30.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Cfntar Rer. G.
BobU 8, 10:30. 7:80.
St. Agatha E; 15th and. Miller Rt. 3.
Comminsky. 8,10:30.7:30.
Rt- Stanislaus: (Polish) Maryland are. and
Failing Re. F. Matthew. 8. 10:0. 7:80.
St. Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Rer.
B. Durrer. 8, 10:30. 7:80.
St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rer. M.
Balestra. 8. lO:30. 7:80.
St. Clares Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers.
7:30. 9:15.' t
St. Charles 33d and Alberta Rev. J. P.
O'Flynn. 8. 10:30.
All Saints E. 38th and Glisan Rev. Father
William Cronin. 8.10:30. .
-"" First Park and Columbia Rer. Harold H.
Griffis. 11, "Long Mindedness. or Loyalty to
Law." 7:45. "A Miracle of Might the Might
of Man. tha Might of Money, the Might of Mas
ter, and the Might of Missionsry."
East Side E. 12th and Taylor Re. K. H.
Sawyer. 11, 8.
MontariUa E. 76th and Hoyt Rer. J. W.
JenkJn, 11, 8.
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Her. J.
F. Ghormley. 11. "Christian Optimism." 8.
"After tha Fall of tha Bastille. What?"
nwnuwi r.. i in ami uomy jter. josepn
D. Boyd. 11. "Tha Christian Outlook on Life."
7, special .Christian Endeavor program. 8,
"Christ. His Claims."
Ohrlstlan Science
i Lesson Snbject: "Life."
First 19th and Everett. 11, 8.
' Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11,8.
Fourth Vancouver are. and Emerson. 11, g.
Fifth 62d and 4 2d are. S. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple, W. Park and Tamhin.
11. -8. -
: St. Johns Holbrook Mock. 11.
: . " OonBraoatlonat
First Park and Madison r-Dr. Jamea R. Smith.
10:80, '"Tha Old Earth and the New World."
7:45, "Tha Significance of Our Work and Art."
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett
Rer. Warren More. 11, "The Ufa of Washing
ton i Gladden:' A Great Christian Teacher and
Patriot." , 8, program by T. M. C A.
Snnnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staub, 11, "Unworthy Material in a Great
Structure." 7:45. "A Great Meaaaga Written is
Dust." -
Highland E. 6th and Preseott Rt. Edward
Constant. 11. "An Every Day Religion." 8.
"Summer Evening Thoughts."
Wavarly Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Mosea. 11 and evening aervice at
Kenilworth Presbyterian church.
laurel wood ftth st. and 65th st. 8. E. J. J. Handsaker. 11. --
Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. 1.1. "Believing
on the Son of God," by Rev. William LooSua
t'pahaw. - -,- - ,'" .
Trtnity 1 9th and Everett Rt. A. A. Morri
son. . 8. 11. 8. ,
Pro-Cathedral of U Stephen tha Martyr -13th
and Clay Ht Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishos.
Very Rev. E. H. McCollister, dean. Sundays:
7:45 a. nu, 1. 7:45 P- m.; church school. 9:45
Come and elp
ers can avoid the heat of the day and
perform a patriotic, duty . at the same
time. Dr. Boyd - Is especially anxious
that all who possibly can. attend these
meetings. ,
Dr. Boyd "has bei, teaching army
songs ami telling stories about army life
to his Monday nignt class, which Has
added rreaOy, to the interest of the
work? Dr. Boyd has a printed Hst of
the official army ' songs sung In nearly
all the cantonments In the country and
many of them 'are new to those In pri
vate life.
patriotic Services
&t Wilbur Church
Sunday ittorning
The Sunday morning service at the
Wilbur Methodist church in the assembly
room of the Multnomah hotel will be of
a patriotic nature? Dr. Francis Burgette
Short, the pastor, has been with his fam
ily at the seashore all week and returns
to have charge of the service Sunday.
He will preach a patriotic sermon and
by special arrangement a new patriotic
hyrrm written by Francis Randall of the
Multnomah hotel, will be sung by the
choir,, the accompaniment being played
by the author.
Another feature will be the singing of
the "Star Spangled Banner" by Miss
Harriett Leach and a duet by Misses
Harriet and Florence Leach and special
music by the Wilbur chorus. A cordial
invitation is extended to the public to
attend. The service is at 11 o'clock, with
Sunday school at 10 o'clock.
Will Give Report
On Turner Meeting
The Sunday morning service at the
First Christian church will include a
brief report of the recent state conven
tion of the Disciples of Christ at Turner.
The pastorr Rev. Harold H. Griff is. will
speak In the morning on "The Judg
ment Day as a Phase of War Time
Thinking." At the Sunday evening hour
Rev. Mr. Griffis will Indicate the mod
ern applications of "A Miracle of
Might the Might of Man, the Mfght
of Money, the Might of the Master and
the Might of the Missionary." '
The Y. M. C. A. club, organized a few
weeks ago among the members of the
church, meets regularly on Wednesday
evenings for athletic and social work at
the M. C. A. gymnasium. On Thurs
day evening each week In the lecture
room of the church the pastor ts giving
a series of lectures on "The Christian
Idea in the Modern World," to which the
general public is cordially inWted. The,
Bpecial topic for next Thursday eve
ning will be "Fighting "the Good Fight
of Faith."
"Victory and the
League of Nations"
At the Church of Our Father (Unlta
rlan), the pastor. Rev. William G. Eliot
Jr.. will speak at 11 o'clock Sunday on
"Victory and the League of Nations,
The sermon will be based upon the pro
ceedings of the "Win the War for Per
manent Peace conference," held recently
in Philadelphia and upon Important and
significant European documents. The
remainder of the usual Sunday services
are intermitted for the summer.
Irish Evangelist
Will Preach Sunday
Dr. S. J. Reid. the Irish evangelist of
Victoria. B. C. will preach Sunday at
the East Side Baptist church. In the
morning service the speaker will make
special reference to the splendid bravery
of the American troops in the face of
the latest German offensive and In con
tinuation of the same line of thought,
the evening sermon will be on "World
Conquerors." The other services of the
church will be held as usual.
a. m. Week days. Wednesdey 7:SO a. m., r ri
ds y 9:RO a. m. : Holy day, 7:30.
St. DeTirt E. 1 2tn and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:80, 9:80, 11, 8.
St Marks 21st and Man-hall Rev. J. E. H.
SimpMOti, rector. Rev. J. G. Hatton, associate
rector. 7:30. 11. 7:45.
St. Andrews Hereford St., Portsmouth
Archdeacon numbers in charge. 9, 7:80 p. m.
Grace Memorial- E. 17th and Weidler Rev,
Oswald W. TstIor 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 7:80.
St. Michaels and All Saints E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. vicar. 8. 10. It
and 5.
Church of Our Sarior 60th ave. and 41st at,
S E. Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:43.
St. Pauls Wood me re Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
All j?aints 25th and Barter Rev. Frederic
K. Howard. 11.
St. Johns E. 15th and Harney. R 11 wood
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11, 7:30.
St. Matthew Corbett and Bancroft. Rev. W.
A. M. Breck. vicar. 11.
Free Methodist
Central E. 5 5th and Flanders Rev. W. N.
Coffee. 11. 7:80
I Flr-t Est 9th and Mill Rev. A. Beers.
11. "The Wind a Type of the Holy Spirit." 8.
talk by Miss Effie L. Southworth, missionary to
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Matn
Rabbi Jonah B. Wiae. Sabbath aenaiea Friday
at 8 p. m.. Saturday. 10:80 a. m. . Sunday. 10,
in Portland academy bide, 8th and Mont
gomery. Religions school. Bible classes at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation Ahavia Sbolom- -Park and Clay
sts. Rabbi B. Abrahamson.
Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of I .after Day Saints
K. sstai and uaaiaon. id. 7:SO.
St. Pauls 12th and Clinton Rev. A.
Erause. 9.30. 10:30. 8.
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A. Christensen. 11.
Trinity Williams and Graham Bar. J. A.
Rienbach. 9:15. 1015.
aaethodlst Keseonal
Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. C. C
Rarick. 11, 8.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev.
E. B. Lockhart. 11. preaching by Gordon J.
Taylor of Molalla. Or.
First 12th and Taylor Rev. Johua Stans
fleld. 10:80! preaching by Dr. Cart Gregg
Doney. president of Willamette university. 7:80,
preaching by Dr. Parkinson of Eugene.
F)r-t Norwegian iJanbli Ism and - Hoyt
Rer: Ellas Gterdirg. 8.
Vancouver Ave. .Korwogian THnish Skid mere
and Vancouver Rev. El Us Gierdina. 1 1.
Lincoln 8. preaching by Gordon F. Taylor
of Motaua. ut.
Mt. Tabor E. 81st and Stark.- 11, 8, -'
Wilbur Multnomah bote) Rev. F. B. Short.
10 :80." patriorie aervice . topic. "Tha Causa for
Which the AUiaa Fight. ,! .
St. Jobna W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev.
J. H. Irvine. 11, 8. outdoor sing and sermon oa
city hall lawn. . - - - -.- - , .-.
DUtrict aupermtendent. Rev. William Wallara
Toaogacas, D. D.. 891 E. 62d rt. N. Tabor 279.
Turner Convention Pledges Sup
port to Cause and Urges
War Time Prohibition.
-With 21 ministers already in
service and several others' accepted for
T. M. C A. and. other active war work
and awaiting their assignments, the 105
Christian churches (or Churches of
Christ) of Oregon are well toward the
top of the laddef in the matter of- per
centage of preachers doing duty for
their country.
The ' sentiment of the Christian
churches of the state was well expressed
in the following resolutions which were
presented and unanimously adopted at
the close of their twenty-ninth annual
state convention, recently held at Tur
ner, Or. :
"Resolved, by the Churches of Christ
of Oregon, assembled in annual conven
tion at Turner, that we express our
sincere loyalty to our government In
her righteous world war which she, with
her allies, is now conducting against the
central empires of Europe; that, as
body of Christians, we believe it to
be our great privilege and duty to sup
port to the full measure of our ability
her sword of Justice, her defense of the
weak and her unselfish purposes In the
interests of humanity
"Resolved, that in the interest of good
morals, the conservation of food, and
for the utmost efficiency in protecting
Society in these days of national peril.
we heartily approve and Indorse the
resolution now before the congress of the
United States, to make the nation bone
Both resolutions were signed by a
committee composed of Rev. J. S. Mc
Callum, Eugene: Rev. J. F. Ghormley,
Portland, and Rev. H. H. Hubbell. Pen
dleton, and the "bone dry" resolution
was wired to Representative W. C.
Hawley and Senator George E. Chamber
lain, at Washington. D. C, by request
of the convention assembly.
Rev. C. F. Swander of Portland, who
was reelected to serve the eleventh year
as state secretary and superintendent of
missions, was granted a considerable
increase in salary and given a vacation
with expenses paid, which he expected
to spend attending the North California
convention of
Christian churches at
Santa Cruz.
Missionary From
India to Be Heard
At the First Free Methodist church.
Rev. Alexander Beers will continue his
sermons on the operations of the Holy
Spirit on Sunday morning. In this dis
course the pastor will endeavor to show
the necessity of the Christian church
relying for success upon the presence
of the Spirit.
Miss Effle L. Southworth. for 16 years
a missionary In the heart of India,
will deliver a missionary address In the
(evening under the auspices of .the 'young
peoples missionary society. Miss
Southworth has just arrived m the city.
having sailed from Calcutta about two
months ago. This Is her first appear
ance here.
Washington Gladden
Is Sermon Topic
Sunday morning at the Atkinson Me
morial Congregational church. Rev,
Warren Morse will preach on the life
of Washington Gladden, the editor, lec
turer, social reformer and writer. He
will discuss the influences left in the
world by this man. At tte evening
service It is planned to have reports of
the special Y. M. C. A. training school,
which closed this week. The school has
been conducted for the training of men
who intended entering the Y. M. C. A.
work in France.1 One of the speakers
will be J. O: KHpack.
M. I. South
First Union and Multnomah
T French. 11. 8.
Rev. James
Sellwood East 9th and Sprsne Rev
H. Morre. 11, "laying Up Treasures."
nsve ion Let CBrlatT
Plrt 12th and Aldi Rer Jol-n H HovH.
10:80. "The Duty of Setting Oneself on Fire."
Patriotic service, topic. ."A Terrible Question: Can
God Be Trusted f"
Westminster East 17th and Schuyler Rev
Edward H. Pence. 10:80.
Central E. 13th and Pine. 11, preaching
by Rev. P. S. Ferguson of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Calvarv nth and flay K-v R W. H-er
10:80. "The Unselfbhnesa of Christ." 8. "Nico
demos in Portland."
Vernon lftth end Wygant Rev J. R.
Landshorongh. 11. 8.
Piedmont Rev. A. I,. Hutchison. 11. S.
Fourth First and Gibbs Rev. Henry ;.
Hansen. 10:30, 8.
Kenilworth E. 84th and Clsdtne Rev.
Paul E. Ratsch. 10:80. preaching by pator
R. union service with Clinton-Kelly Methodist and
Waverly Heights Congregational.
Hope E. and Everett Rev Floyd E.
norris. 11., "Kings and Liliea." 8. "The Open
Ways of Endeavor."
Seventh Day ASvemiats
Note Regular services of UiU denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick
son, paster. 11:18.
Tabernaele Arcanum hall. 13th and Wash
ington. 11. T:4S.
MootsTill R. 80th and Everett Elder J.
A. Gerhart. 11.
Lnta 94th st. and 88th ave Elder W. D.
Huntington. 11.
St Johns Central ave. and Charleston j
Elder A. R. Foikenberg. 11.
- M Tr E. 60th and Belmont Elder W.
T. Hilgert. 11.
Albina Skidmore and Msllory Rev. A. A.
Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:13.
Scandinavian Ogdea hall. Mississippi and
Shaver. 11.
SafyaUoa) Army
Corps No. 1 248 Ash at. Adjutant Frank
Genge. 11, 8:1. 8.
New Church Society 331 Jefferson Rev.
William R. Recce. Services will be resumed Sep
tember 1.
I Unitarian
Cimneh r ' Our Father Broadkay and Tim
hill Rev. W. G. Ehot Jr. 1 1, "Victory and the
League of Nations."
UnNed rath reel
Third Rev. E. O. Shepherd. 11.
Christian and laiseianarr Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. .11. 7:43.
Reaiiaarinn League ISA 8th Rev. H.
Edward Mills. - 11, "Extracting the Good." by
C'harlaa E. Spencer. ' 8. people'a aervice.
-Vn CrvllisatMai Cburca lei Central Wdf.
lr. Beth North tngtosw 8, I WiH Be What I
Win Be." Wednesday. 8. "Seaae Fnxlaasental
Problems of Being Hsnsa" - .
'- First TMviaw seieaee 181 12th st. Rv.-T.
M. Miner. 11, 8.
. .Church of the rnfeeraal Measianie Message
414 B. Everett.. 11, 8, "Oar God. God of
Truth," . . ....
decent (Graduate
Accepts pulpit in
53Hoodlavvn Church
Rev. Joseph T. Boyd, a recent grad
uate ol the Eugene Bible university, has
accepted permanently the pastorate of
the Wood lawn Christian church. For
the past year he has been regularly
ministering to the needs of the church,
but beginning Sunday, he becomes offi
cially the regular pastor. He comes to
Portland accompanied by his bride of
a year. Mrs. Zona Vernon Bord. who
Is also a graduate of the university.
She was recently ordained for Christian
service. Woodlawn Christian church
boasts that it la "a harmonious, ener
getic and patriotic congregation."
Arranged program
r . t rrtiss sin . . V- ..
k .-...-
Dr. A. J. Blonfaomcry. chairman
of program committee of Sunday
School and Missionary Prebytrrial
"Can God Be Trusted?!' Is Topic
to Be Discussed by Dr. lioyd;
Special Music, .
Sunday night Dr. John'H Boyd will
discuss, the question "Can God Be
Trusted"? This sermon will e patriotic
and will deal with the war time think
ing of a great many persona In the
morning Dr. Boyd will talk on the duty
of every one setting himself on fire.
Just what Dr. Boyd means by such
a topic has not been revealed, but he
as promised. an interesting sermon.
The music during July is carried on
by the baritone and contralto of the
regular quartet, Mrs. Virginia Spencer
Hutchinson and John Claire Montieth.
In the morning Mr. Monteith will sing
a solo, "Fear Not, O Israel." In the
evening Mrs. Hutchinson will sing "The
Evening Prayer." A duet. "Day Is
Dying in the West." also will be ren
dered in the evening. At 7 :45 o'clock
Mr. Coursen will give a recital on the
great organ, with the following program :
"The Question" Wotstenholsns
Orrtur to Wllhclm TU" Rossini
The Sunday school of the church Is
having illustrated talks at 11:15 o'clock
each Sunday on the gospel of . Mark.
These are, given by James F. Ewing
and an Int'tatlon has been extended to
all Interested to attend. All the depart
ments of thejiunday schooC except the
primary and beginners, unite for this
D. D.
Services at 10:30
No Evening Service
U if
ill i ' : I
i k r Vx - !
10:30 A. M. REV. CARL DONEY, D. D.
Dr. Doney. has beven for six months lir Franos (or the) T. M. C. A, whert
hs -svas attached to tho Fonch army. Hs vlsltsd and spoks in 128 camps front
th Spanish border on tha south to Chaumont on tho cast snd to th western
coast. , - . .
He was in the front line of trenches snd was bombarded and chased out
of one town by the Germans. .- . -1
.. ; , X " 11 MllCHDAT . SCHOOL - f H ,r '
5e Erealsf Serrlest Hear Sr. Deasr at The Asdlterlaai la -lae E'esia( .
. - .'come. eaelt;to get a good uzat ij.v''ii'i
Fourth Annual Institute Will
Convene at Jefferson and Con
tinue Until Sunday Evening.
Work in Various Departments to
Be Conducted Under Various':
Leaders Each Day of Meeting.'
ONDAY the fourth' annual ln- ;
stltute of the Epworth
leagues of Oregon will open '
Jefferson. Or., and will
. ' eont
continue until Sunday night.
There are about SO such gatherings con- :
ducted throughout the United States dur
ing the summer months under the di
rection of the central office of the league
at Chicago.
Rev. Ernest M. Smith la' president of
the Institute for this state. The dally
morning watch will be under the dlrec
tlon of Dr. George H. Parkinson, the
daily Bible study under Dr. T. W. Lane
and the junior league meetings will be '
under Miss Milllgan and Miss Klssell
of the deaconess home. Personal evan
gelism meetings will be In charge Of
Rev. W. S. Oordon: foreign missions.
Rev. Joseph Knotts ; Christian steward
ship. Rev. O. O. Oliver: recreation and
culture. Rev. A. S. Hisey ; home mis
sions and rural -work. Rev. Edward
I -alrd Mills, and Christian eJtlxenshtp
In war times. Dr. E. 8. Hammond.
The dally program as announced is:
ln of Fscult. Ir. T. W. Um; Dun of
Womwi. Mrllie II. Cnrtis.
6:S0 Morning Wtcb, Gsorga H. Parkin
son. 7:20 RrwskfMt.
8:0 Bible Study. T. W. Lone.
9 10 Pontes Missions. Noons!. Joseph
KnoUs. Fenonsl Ersnrvlism. W. 8. Gordon.
Junior Lniu, Miss Millicsn and Uim KtaarlL,
Christian 8lewanshH. Oar Ufa Work. i. U.
Olirr. ifecnrtarjr's Hour. Dr. C. E. UuthrU.
BU Irir. 1'nitiratioB of Lua. Cantaaary
Allicnment. General Methods. Spiritual l
relopment. Recreation and Culture. A. S. ICaer.
Methodbm. W. L. Airheart. ChrlsUaa Cittsea
'hip in Wsr Times. Dr. K. S. Hammond. Hove
Missions and llaral Work, Dr. E4wia Laird
12 :80 THnner
1:10 Quiet Hour. Recreation. A. g. Ekw.
6 00 etupper.
S:S0 Flai Haluie.
7:00 Hong Fast, H. K Aldrfea. Inspira
tional Hour. World Conditions. The Ontn
try Procram. Missionary 81da Lecture, fcptr- "
ituel Ufa.
10:00 Taps.
The registration fee will be 11 and all
delegates are urged to bring their own
tents. The institute will be held on the
old camp meeting style.
The conference board of control is :
E. M. Smith, president; Constance
Gelger, secretary : Virginia Mason, treas
urer and registrar; Itev. T. B. Kord,
Rev. James Moore. Rev. W. '. Young
son, Rev. II. J. Van Koiuien, W. J. War
ren. Mary Tinker.
St. Paul Speaker in Pulpit
The Sunday services st the First Con
gregational church will be held as usu
al. Dr. James Robert Smith of St. Paul
will be the'sgeaker. Dr. Smith is a pleas
Ing speaker add the public is Invited to
hear him. The Bible school meets at
noon, under the' leadership of Superin
tendent J. L. Bowlby.
Iowa Pastrr to Preach
Rev. R. 8. Ferguson. D. D of Cedar
Rapids. Iowa, field secretary of Sunday
schools for the district of Iowa. Kansas
and Missouri, will preach at Central
Presbyterian church at 11 a. m. Sunday,
There, wtll be no evening services.
Chautsuqua Program Arranged
A regular Chautauqua program has
been arranged for the Sunday evening
service at the Arleta Baptist church.
Miss Myrtle Schuman has been secured
as soloist snd Mi Catherine Darls will
be the violinist. The pa'stor will deliver
a short sermon-lecture.
tl l.l .1 gggM
First Presbyterian Church
Comer 12th and Aldor Sts.
D. D.
10:90 M. St.
rino onisiLr om
S P. M.
. 7:4(8:00
TtON 9:18 P. Si-
F 1
-. '