THE OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL, PO RTLAND, - WEDNESDAY. .ULY -17. ' 1918. - 12 PASTORATES PALE -e . i -' V ;T0 - O ,' Rev. Dr. Charles Eaton. Says It ;ls Priceless Privilege to Be As sociated With Great Industry. HEN COMPARED SHIPWORKERS I ! mmm. m. ItfEN AS WHOLE PATRIOTIC Shipbuilders Declared to Be Act luated by Passionate Devotion to Winning the War. 5 It la a. priceless privilege to be asso- elated with the greatest Industry In the world, even from a minister's point largest of American churches pale Into ' Irislgnlflcance In comparison with the V work that can be done In the shipyards ; of the United States. s -JThls sentiment was expressed in Port land by Dr. Charles Eaton, head of the natloeal service section of the ." Emergency Fleet corporation, who was - one of the three leading members of the Charles M. Schwab party that spent '" three days in this city. Dr. Eaton, known to many Portland workmen and oyiers by reason or a visit here some ' months ago, is probably personally " known to more shipyard workmen than t ay other man In the Fleet corporation nre-anlxstlnn. He has been heard in many Oregon shipyards and his busl nasal Ike style of "preaching with a ' punch" has been brought into the dls- .. Kv mm r C t Via analrf Vi M iaa appointed. Always ready to recall a . speaker who does not adapt himself to shipyard platforms, it has become mi axiom that Dr. Eaton's appointees .111 Vrn n .1l' ...V. U... . : In-. : Aetaated by Patriotism . "The men who are building these hips are the backbone of the world's greatest industry. X take off my hat to them; I cannot speak too highly of their work. There are men of weak ness among them, undoubtedly, as there are la every class, but taking them as a whole they are men actuate by a passionate devotion to winning the war and their labors are not simply for money making ; their work is an attempt to do their honest part In the ngni just as the boys at the front are doing. There Is no class of men in this nation, bar none, mors entitled to the support and confidence and sympathy of the leadership of all classes than the men who are working In your ship yards. "Charles M. Schwab is the greatest nersonaJUv I have met In the world, and I say this : If he Is ten times as good as he is he Is not too good to give his whole life to the humblest working man In the ahlDvards today. When this war Is over there will be no Protestantism, no Catholicism, nothing wll be left but Christianity. Man will have to be great in hla-eoul to live at all In the days to come. Your nation Is in the throes of a new birth and you cannot go your way neglecting the great masses of men, for from the creative spirit win come tne energies of a new America. You must give them your leadership and your very soul. , Strength Grows Greater "tVe are beginning to win. Every day our strength grows greater, our task lighter, and when the morrow's sun shines upon us It welcomes us to a com plete and ultimate victory, 'of it makes no difference what may come or go unless you and I and the rest of us who love freedom show by our sacrifices and wounds that our very lives are in this struggle, this greatest of all menaces against happiness and liberty will triumph and the world will be broken to the dust and the time of the clock will be put back to the very beginning. W must beat the Germans, and we must do it with the help of God." Astoria Bulk Grain Bins Sooix to Open Astoria, Or, July 17-Astorla will be prepared to Invite the people of the Northwest to Inspect the aew million bushel bulk grain bins at a formal open ing Saturday, August 17. The last con crete has . been poured, the machinery has about been Installed and the plant will be ready to receive grain on August IS. But before actual business takes place the Port of Astoria commission proposes to hold a formal ' opening. Chairman Stone of the commission will arrange the program. Invitations will be Issued to the leading grain producers and shippers of the Northwest, news paper men and others. SEATTLE YARDS STILL GLUTTED Sound Facilities Inadequate to Handle Export Traffic, Says Telegram to Miller. WARNING IS GIVEN HEAD SALESMAN SAYS HIS TROUBLE COST HUNDREDS Burton Suffered Twenty Years Before Finding Right Medicine. , ,In speaking of the marvelous way in ; which Tanlac has relieved him of a long I landing case of rheumatism, B. E. Bur in, head salesman In the wholesale fruit and vegetable department at Lutey ' Bros.', Butte, Mont., living at 662 South Montana street, recently said: " "'It Is simply astonishing that just a .few bottles of Tanlac should fix me up In. almost no time, after I had spent al-.- most every dollar I earned In the last 20 years trying to get relief from that aw ful rheumatism." ...Before coming to Butte, Mr. Burton lived for 10 years In Spokane, Wash., . where he was salesman for the Imperial ' Trading company of that city. "I tell you what," he continued, "I have gone through all stages of rheumatism . and the agonies I have had -to endure , simply caTnndt be described. The trouble first 'came on me about 20 years aaro. , My shoulders, knees and ankles gave me the most worry and ached so at times that I hardly had any use for myself. About three years ago it got so bad that I was laid up In bed for six long months, and when I got up again I had to go about on crutches for three months, and till recently I never did get it out of my system, although I have spent hun dreds of dollars In trying to get straight ened out. I went to Hot Springs, Ar kansas, but without results, and then I tried the mud baths nearer home, but -got no benefit from that treatment ' either. A little while ago I felt it com , lag on pretty bad again. My appetite - left me, nothing tasted right, I was con . sjtl sated and suffered from awful head- ache every few days. The pain in my Shoulders and knees was so agonising that I could hardly sleep and I would '. wake up six r seven times during the Wight racked with pain. Why, at the time I started taking Tanlac, I couldnt raise my arms1 as high as my shoulders to save rajf life and was unable to put on my coat without some body helping me. and my knees were . so stiff and hurt so bad that I could hardly walk. - " "After reading so much about Tanlac I, decided to try it and I hadn't finished my first bottle before the stiffness began to leave my Joints, and now I never suffer a bit of pain or Inconvenience. My second bottle gave me a whacking big - appetite, that constipation is relieved - and I never have a headache. I sleep ' like a log all night, and am lucky if : I wake up In time for breakfast before s going to work. I certainly am glad to . endorse Tanlac and only hope my ex perlence with this wonderful medicine . will help someone else who may be going through what I did." "Tanlac is sold In Portland by the awl .Drug company. (Adv.) Guard Inspector Warns Against Vio latlon of Riverfront Ordinance. R. A- Blyth, district guard Inspector, of the Emergency Fleet corporation, who has charge of the protection of all shlDbulldlng plants in district No. 11, has had large signs placed on the sides of the hulls which are tied up at the different docks along the water front, warning the public of the danger of approaching too close t these hulls, and also warning against taking pnoto graphs. Some time ago an ordinance was passed by the city of Portland relative to placing boats on the Willamette river. Extracts from this ordinance (No, 34087) read: "All persons operating any such boat shall, while passing through the Port land harbor, keep as near the center of the river as possible, and shall not stop, or attempt to stop, tie up or attempt to tie up or Itoiter around any docks, shipyards or mills, except such docks as are Intended for the landing of such craft." "Any person operating any such boat. upon hearing the command of Halt' or hearing three blasts from the harbor patrol boat's whistle, shall stop at once and await orders." "The taking of photographs of any of the docks, ships, mills or shipyards is hereby prohibited." "No searchlight shall be used on the Willamette river except for the purpose of making a landing." "All launches, rowboats, canoes, sail boats and other small craft running through the harbor at night are oper ated at the risk of the owner thereof and the city of Portland shall not be held responsible for the action of guards on the waterfront with respect to such craft." Mr. Blyth points out that these pre cautionary measures taken are neces sary on account of danger to interests of industrial plants along -the waterfront. COOL WEATHER "AND FINE:-PROGRAM ARE FEATURES TUESDAY Fine Car Connections Established by Streetcar Company Ath- . letics Have Place. Fuget Sound railroad yards are still glutted with railroad cars loaded with export merchandise which the handling facilities of Seattle and Tacoma are un equal to handling, according to tele graphed information received by Frank J. Miller, chairman of the Oregon public service commission. Thirty-five dred freight cars loaded with commodi- Goose Chautauqua."" This feature pr"om-1 30th - sa'' 0m Slat . .. . i aianaaa DUiOfT : lisf. lsea lO DO OX - an eiMpuowiij iwu , n. -ana- rideK. Ill H Decatur sad Edieoa: builder sum: ISO. Males tie TMttri repair umm, sea Washington M.. M. W. Lor. ma bmlkWr: MOO. ttm Bnka aad eowty road; boiidar ma: $!. nature, and Will be the' Children's con- I twa naWdm aad Cttaan; Krai H. Joaaasa MWAti m w-rm.t urogram that baa I bauda: 1290. - . .A nMU,ntJMl this aeaaon. I H. M. Jwk. anet Uiaek. Faawadw bwaa Dr. George B. Pratt of Portland waa the speaker at the 11 o'clock forum, and for an hour he lambasted the liquor In terest. "The Kaiser's Ally In America." Best Is Appreciated The Wilsonville baseball team turned the tables on. their opponents, the All Stars of Portland, Tuesday afternoon. winning in a featurless game by a score nt 1 tA a. 1 , The batterle. were : AH StarThomp- 5lamett. Valley. J .. Rrmm viiun. 700 acres ', weil fenced, plenty of water WEWTODAT STOCK FARM On of the best stock farms tn the ville Barr and Baker. and good buildings. Located In Yarn- . Tharsday, Jaly 18 8 :0O-Physlcal Culture. 9:00 Mother Goose Chautauqua. ' 9 :00 Canning' team Industrial club work, direction Miss Parker. 10 :00 "The New Man and the New Testament." Bralnerd. . 11 :00 Forum, program in charge Consumer' League of Oregon, Secre tary K. Lb Trevitt. presiding. Afternoon 1 :30-Corrcert, -Zedeler's Symphonic quartet. 2:15 Lecture, Charles Crawford Gorst. noted "bird man." 4 :30 Baseball : Wilsonville vs. Willamette Iron A Steel company. & :00 Symposium : Speaker, Miss Edna Groves, supervisor domestic science, Portland public schools. Evening 8 : 00 Concert, Zedeler's Symphonic quartet. 8-30 "Remaking the Kentucky Mountaineer," James A. Burns, pres ident and founder of the Oneida Institute. Today's gam7 heirlnnlng at 4 :80. county about I WhlU- . M - . tm K.t Va i SOa ana oma mw&u n-wmuTiua aura ...Kk ih. All St arm mnA tha Wll- I OaytOn. lamette Iron & Steel teams opposing. I P"" " fj of. r0011?: WU. VI u.V I .. .V.- Wll . I J J on the grounds and at the same time " " It T. V T, f." , " serving a general purpose aithougn I on xam w - rt"' '.""', erected by an organization. . Is that of I uounvjr vu "eauuiTUM, w. th niackamas county grange. .This : EI.I.IB ilcLEAA. na villon is provided with many perma- I Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Oregon City, July 17. Chautauquans hun- at Gladstone park Tuesday had it over those who didn't attend in more ways ties consigned to ship's tackle are being thjin OM weather at the park was nals, says the ; message received by Chairman Miller. one round of comfort and delight, and the day's program was one of the best. Such delay in the handling of active eVen thousrh one would have judged freight L e., freight sent from the I otherwise from the mere announcements. point of origin with the proper authority While other localities were suffering of the war trade board need not be more or less from the heat Tuesday, the tolerated by the railroad administration, I Chautauqua visitors were 'reveling in it is declared. All that is needed Is an the cool and delightful shade and order of diversion to Columbia river I breezes of the park. terminals where harbor room, channel I Splendid car connections and accom depth and handling facilities assure I modatlons are now being maintained prompt forwarding of freight. fby the Portland Railway, Light & Power It was announced on Monday that I company, so that visitors going to and Director General Charles Schwab and I from the park have practically no waits Vice President Pies of the Emergency I at either the Gladatone transfer nor the Fleet corporation have turned over to I park entrance. John H. Rosseter, director general of jr. Bashnell Speaks operation or tne neet corporation, au- lecturers of Tuesday were Dr. C. tnority governing me disposition oi Bushnell In the afternoon and D. F. cargo space on vessels constructed on Fox ln the evenlng. Dr. Bushnell is an tne uoiumwa river. -resiaeni . u. 0tticttr cf the reserve corps, and one of Corbett of the Chamber of Commerce 200 men sent out by the federal gov- announced that Mr. Rosseter bad as- ernment to lecture to Chautauquans and sured him that every vessel constructed trlng close to home the duty of the peo- on tne coiumota river wouia De loaaea pje m the great world conflict. He re here with commodities Important to the uted incidents leading up to the war government in winning tne war. me and of the great Prussian propaganda commodities of first Importance to. be that had been carried on in this country. loaaea under tnis oraer will De wneat declaring that Prussianlsm has always and flour, especially the latter. ' This been an enemy of the American nation, means that, with the cbroperation of the A change, had. been made in the pro food and railroad administration there gram by which Mr. Fox spoke ln the will be a larger westward movement of evening In place of Judge Baggott, who wheat and wheat products this year than speaks tonight. Mr. Fox's address was ever before in the history o the North- in the nature of a lecture-sermon upon west, and that all handling facilities The Phillsophy of Common Sense," ln will be taxed to the utmost. I which he claimed that a man attained success only through a "right relation- fry, al ?tv,CUfr8 ,huVccntl which he set out to do " 6 included the following : L. H. Holman I relieves Percy Davis on the steamer I Concert Pleases America; Percy Davis relieves C. I. No concert has appealed to or so Hoogklrk in commanding the . steamer nearly won the hearts of the Chautau Iralda: N. J. Patehina- takes the nlace Quans as did that of the afternoon and of a L. Carpenter ln command of the evening by the Fenwick-Newell corn gas schooner Myrtle ; Dash Early is pycoPrj8i" New,?u Fenwick. vocal Lmm.ntno. th ... u,hn vflrri, soloist : Miss Lillian Shank, 'cellist, and m r r.ia. of t w r-i.rir w t Kin Mrs. Newell, pianist. Their afternoon nent comforts and has been the refuge of Sae vera! cases of sick people so far I durine the Chautauqua, as well as being used as a rest room Dy nunareas oil women with babies and by the elderly people. First aid attention has been s-lven bv Mrs. C G. Dallas, Mrs. C E. S pence and Mrs. Mary iiowarav tne grange committee. Medical Men Meet sattia. July 17 (U. P.) Army and nivr medical men and Health Com missioner McBrlde 01 30.11 uo, hi scheduled to discuss ways of ciim- v.9ttin- virm diseases when tne Tri- A. Barlow, deceased. BOXWOOD . 840 Sum mar Pual. Maltnomah Fuel O. Oall.arT a-ii AtTCTIO AI,E TOMORROW THE BAKEU Auction Houa, aUaonie T.mpU bids.. l.mliUl and Vf. Fark ata. Sate at 10 State Medical association convened at Towpaand. gaereury. th. mica' eluh today. aioaicai men from Oregon. Washington and Mvo are here to attend. After sessions to day and Thursday the doctors wUl go r-amn Tewls ana were inspect u"- nwarch facilities, and cb- st-rve methods of handling ooldlers from the health viewpoint. MEETI7CG NOTICES 41 PALESTINE Lodse No. 141. A. F. and A. II. Btatad comma nlcation Wednaadar, July 17. 7 :80 D. bl 11. M. daaxaa. -Kefi manta. Vialtor wclcoma. Ariata atation. Honnt Soott ear. W RF.C.II.AR maetiu thU (Wed- naadaT) eTraios. E. Ath and Alrt.r. Vlaitora cordially tn- Tlted. Sacood dasr. C. C. BTARR. N. O. W. W. TERRT. &c. REAL ESTATE TRAS8FEB8 C. J. Mendenhall to Ed Mandenhall. m- dirided part oi nnmraw x- 01 r-. 75 fact of S. H U 8, B 8 (al .8-8 ot eleTator) In Portland, and lota s. 4. 18 and 14. Lora'i 1 Add. . . . . .. . . . 8 Amelia Ethel Bennett Malone to Thom as A. Oalrin et al. L 8, B B. Or chard Home. Harmon L. McKinney and wife to E. U Kirk Patrick. L, 1, 2, B . Lowell Albert L Parka et al to Bamael J. MrKee, 70x100 -4et beflnnins at NW. eorner L 1, B "C." PorUand Homeetead 1" W r' Rom City Park aaociaUon to P. I BUhop et il L J, B 60. Roaa City Maud It. Hunt and' hui.' to iizaie Meln- toah. It. 12. MareeUna 3. H. Ahlf and wt. to Kathryn J. Kahay .1 r. in "R 2. Roaa City Park. . C E. CalTert to Grace E. Calrert. L. 8, tut. wx nr. A BEES .1 m t . Vn 1 Rrralar reTiaw aT.rr -'"T L -V w.n ifla Alder at. All eUWBJ WlKWUt. 1 "' EUBttk iawalry a specialty. 0O"ona. pu- char. JllSt Broa 181-188 6th rt. 1.850 100 Vital Statistics matri$ts.Blrtbs. Vzaths. - - ETTWEHAI -PtBECTORB Holman U ndertaklng Co. Funeral Directors EetaMMted 1S7T. Tolre aad Sahaoa rtreeta. atata 51. A-lill.- Lady Aaatataau J. P. FIN LEY & SON rroeraarlre raaeral tMraetora. FSITATE DRIVE tVeeaea AtteadaaU Uoatsoasary at Flfta, atata t. A-Ilt. HELP WA5TEP MALE Butts & Westrom Employment Co. 28 KOBTH 8D ST. CITY WORK WILSON & ROSS East 84 Lady Aadataat C-S18 etnMseeaab at K. Beeeatn et. Dunning & McEntee very detail. Broadway and Pine eta. Broadway 0. A-4a. Lady L ad.rtakara. alodera m Pboae F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Role TJndertakera. 414 Eaat Aider at. Phone Eaat (3. B-8225. A. D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor 8297. 8803 I2d at.. Lenta. Tabor SS0S. eeth at. and Prnter road. Arteta. Eaat 781. B-1888. Undertaker. LERCH Un. Leirh. Aaatataat. 11th and Hawthorne. CHAMBERS KENWORTHY CO . 248 and 250 KUllnceworth a.e. near WO! are. Woodlawn S30S. C-llIt. atHXER A TRACEY. tndepend.nt runeral Ih- rectora. Pricea aa low aa 420. 140. ISO. Waemne-taa at Ella, aletn 2SB1. A-7885 Breeze & Snook 2 moot at 8 B ih. 544. Tabor 1218 Skewes 28?" Wilson & Wilson "Co: Ualn 4151 Come Sd and Ulay. Kerbs atreet. Wdln.4840. 0-116B flAMILTON 1671 E. GIImd c Ti: neral aarrieea. Tabor 4818. R. T. BYRNES, new nsidence 801 WOlkni m Woodlaw 220. C-1S4S WOKTJMEXTS lBLAE5ING GRANITE dri J aC73RD. ST. AT MADISON PORTLAND UARBLE WORKS. 304-304 4th St., oppoatte city hall. atala 850L. Philip fea Bona for mamonala. , .84 00. 8 hear. ,.85.77. S town .fins, a honra .84 00. 11 heara auchinlata saacainarta' aerpar aaaa ta keb ataamnttera 0 laborer, bids, cooatrortlon , 8 4 50. 8 bonis concrete) earn 5 oo. R hoars 10 stdewnlk saea 84 00. 8 hours 4 carpenter betpets 44 50. 8 hours 2 rooah - carpenter. 85.70. n honts 8 men to paint roach timber. 14.50. 8 hour. 8 an tor 2d hand machinery ehop - 84.00. B haen IB timber pOers and earloader. 84.00. S hours B men so mnieea and nandbt fcnUdlns matenals 84 50, 8 boar. 8 dossers 84.00. 8 hoar. 2 planer feeders 84 20. a luf Laborers for shipyards 83.75 and np 2 milker! 875 mo., tn and board OUT OF TOWN Man and wife for .mall camp: woman to cook tor 8 men 885 00. board Man to work aroand miU 8 4 00. 8 honis BUTTS & WESIR0M 28 NORTH 2D BT. . MARRIAGE LICENSES "ft K Bailer. 81. 890 12U sU. and Marnawa 2.T00 Hollon, 28, 8 9 01 2th St. B. 68, Lanrelhurat 1 R. Haines and wf. to vunam a. 2, B. 2. Franklin LOCAL BUILDER CONGRATUATED progTam, like all at this time, was en tirely too short and only served to whet the appetites of the audience for the eve ning, and to bring: out a much larger crowd. An Interesting feature of yesterday morning's program was the first aid lec ture given by Mrs. Allse Dolman, from relieves T. T. Smith of the gas schoon er Bay Point, and Patrick Kelly gives way to J. B. Ryan as master of the schooner Montgomery. The Willamette river has droicd within the past few 'days to a stage of 10.06 feet, according to official Standifer Corporation First to Launch wetnr bureau readings this morning. tne Oregon Agricultural college faculty. Si Shin In Tlnv iwuijr -""- o"'m bmmuu v- ln place or. the lecture-demonstration by sei inspectors completed ineir iirst an- i Miss Lorraine Parker. "This is the best performance that has Praisal of the powers of the Grant a recital of Portland work at canton. ever been done ln one day by a contrac- Smith-Porter steamer Bollston. Tues- ments was given ln a highly entertaining tor building wood hulls In this country." day's inspection was. confined to the manner by Mrs. William MacMaster of Such Is the conclusion of a congratu- steamer State of Washington and to- Portland at the 6 o clock symposium, in- latory message received today by Lloyd day the new Northwest Steel company's terest and attendance ln which is grow-- J. Wentworth, district supervisor of ship. Western Light and the ferry wood ship production, from Manager Queen at The Dalles, are being ln Heyworth, of the division of Phlladel- spected. On Thursday Inspectors will phla, regarding the launching of six go over the towboat Maria and the snips in a single aay try tne u. m. stand- Columbia Engineering works schooner, uer construction corporation. m manager Elvira Stolt. tieywortn s message says lng dally. The topic for the hour was "Y. W. C. A., in the War," with Miss Ada Jontz, executive secretary, as one of the speakers. Fine Featare for Womei v Hearty congratulations upon the sue. ceosLui launcnuiK ot six nulla oy MaTia- . i. j , i - v lfer company on July 13. This is the best Portland il ltr the Oregon Agricultural college, for lec- ' ' .v... w In Portland on an official Inspection .mnnnii, perfornance that has ever been done in one day by a contractor building wood hulls ln this country." ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT Nurses Recommend Z CuUcura Soap It aDDeals to them because it is so pore and cleansing. It does much to keep the 8kin dear and healthy es peciallr t assisted by touches of Cu r mirs i iinTmFnr iri nrsi aiafiia ui uuii' pics, redness, roughness or channgi Ideal for toilet uses. tuU Saah iea me HaiL Address "Oatteare, Pe. SA, Sieiia." 8eM every wi Bea me. Omtaaes 15 aad Me. law TtTVi an . tVt A PtiBlitflllrtl.fl Tvia na 0aw. An. John K. Bulger, supervising Inspector o.,rii th ..rvi. of Mi TrJn- for district No. 1 for the United States Parker ot the extension department of inspection ,,- it.mnnttr.llon. t h-v nmvMal trip. He is ln charge of all territory featur6 for tie women campers at the west Of the Rocky mountains. r-ha.nta.uoua that la nrovinsr a rllaHrW- The San Francisco & Portland Steam- int-retin- n.rt of tha nmrr.m ship company has given command of lectures, each day ai 9 o'clock, are tne new steamer rianaon, assignea to en topics that are of vital Interest to tha Portland-California, run hv the I . , , i . "n.Ans-A r. .o.a.. , I . in. nouwwiirai mil i wuvm sr. rwceiv- Cbanges of masters of well known Emereenev Fleet cornoratlon. to Can- . i craft as entered by Captain Montgom- ta,n Tlbbetts. formerly master "STX aT commandeered Beaver. Chief Engineer rMll liu,iunen tho- from the of a Jackson, late of the Beaver, will be years to 18, are being rapidly coached in charge of the Blandon's power house. for presentation of the Mother Ooose j Concluding their tour under the aus- festival to be presented Saturday after- plces of the national, service section. noon und)r the direction of Miss Carol vn Emergency Fleet corporation. Dr. David sUverthorne, who Is leader of the Mother nugnes ana juieutenani t. u. scna- Harrr Kuhfus. L. 1, Square Add Grace Hutchens and has. to Corey Motor Car Co., It. "A." School Park, in ho mas W. Gates claim. See. 16. T. Bank of SeUwood" to B. B. Brum well et al. W. U L. 8. 4. B. 01. SeUwood. . Marie L. Panlsen to Fred Handrickson at al. L. 18. B. 8. Mallory Add Frank L. McGnire and wf. to Lewis E. Klump, L. 11, B. o. atapiewooa aoo. Tom Johnson and wf. to Ella Daris. L. 8. B. I. WUdwood Flora E. Bailey and has. to Andrew Kraft. L. 5. B. 1. Salisbury mil. . . . Elden B. Shaw and wf. to W. R. Bearer, L. 5. B. 41. Beaomont Gustar Kuyath and wf. to Henry Bederks, L. 16. B. 8. irrtntton HU Frank N. Leahy to Vf. V. Thompson. L. 8. B. 8. Hancock St Add C. F. Tigard and wf. to Robert J. Cpton. v a OK . T A B 1 1 W ' XJ. O . IDU MT.. AW 1 k. AJm v. k, Portland and B. 12. Corrallis Add. . . Bobert J. Upton to C. F. Tisard and wf.. L. 8 and E. 25 ft. 1. 0. B. IT. rort-land James Lair and wf. to William Henry. S. H L. 8, B. 8. Cad well . Add., except . S. 80 it of S said L. 8, also und. H int in L. 2, B. 8, and all L. 1, B. 9. CadweU's Add. JoMphine Chancy to Clara E. Bowen, L. 8. B. 9. Tremont Place Hall W. Xasterson to John T. Huber. L. 17. 18. B. 19. Gresory Hts Charles S. Dimmlck to Joseph Klenlen. L. 17. B. 8. Maybrook Add. Wills c N. Roberts to William J. Ward, besinninc 8. E. or most easterly cor. Amos Roberta, trustee. Sees. 1 and 2, T. 1 N., R. 1 W.. thence tree. oen. line county road -and division lino James Loomls claim N. 22 def- 81 min. Y. 222.89 ft to S. E. cor. trsct herein described, containins 2.20 acres .' Cbsrles 3. Schnabel and wf. to Frank N. Leahy. U 8, B. 8, Hancock St Add. Leonard Robinson and wf. to L. E. Mor ton, becinninc at point in Bee. 8, T. 1 8.. R. 2 E., 821.8 ft N. of S. line said Sec. 202.068 ft E. ot Una Pine st. Kent Darid M. Kliewer to Vfary KHewer. L. 28. 24. 25, B. 2. Hills Add. to St Johns Mrs. Harriet J. Preston to Thomas T. Fuller, L. 8. B. 8. Crystal 8pnnts Add. to E. Portland Hibernia Sarins. Bank to Jessie Snasy. L. 15. B. 15. Capitol Hill . F. Baatty and wf. to Harriett Ireland. L. 23. 24. B. 8. Orchard Homes Add. W. L. Shuss and wf. to W. Clifton John son et ILL 22. B. 18. Woodmere. . . Joseph Scheidecker snd wf. to AucuH Koelblen et al. Lt. 41. 42, a. 19. Grecory Hts. Frank B. U pshaw and wf. to Ladd Es Ute Co., U 11, B. 20. Lsdd's Add. . S. E. Stansberg and wf. to Pater G labels, L. 14. 15. B. 6, Lowell Add. Anna Cully and bus. to Rsleigh C Wil son, 1 S, 9, B. 99. Seliwooa 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8.200 10 880 10 1,000 1.278 10 L0 10 10 275 650 Frederick E. Fsiling. 28, 348 11th st, and Barbara Holeomb. 22. oos lacaain Art r Tull. 28. 860 MUwaukia at. end AnnTHWilUs. 22, 860 MUwaukia st JhulTsheely. 25. 425 Trsnrtatlon. T.n- couer barrack., end Charlott M. Maekrodt, 22. bKats. 22. Rita hoUU and Bak.rd. Olsen. 23. 80 N. 17th t PercWsi Luckett 88. 61T JI7artV08-t"e' Wssh.. and Mrs. Edith Endemby. 29. 600 Tsn- WUltanTsimea, 82. 2002 E. Stark st. . 4 on r.rnithun at anna naiprnu. -. ---- . v j William H. LatUn. 21. 95 E. 8th st-N. and Cora M. Black. 17. 82 E. 84th .t Dean Vincent 86. 491 E .f "d . . r. . ' ill OA T?5 E. 44th St uenruae iv. ' ,a rkr. G. D. Bennett, 20. wsrrenuiu, v... De Bordeaux. 22. Benson hotel. . R. M. Fannock. legal. 511 N. 21st st. snd Nellie Vsnderwall. legal. 516 Guild .t fcRESS SUITS for rent U sises. WWQUe is- loring company. iu. em v ORT A7TT FOTIfD 81 THE FOLLOWING article her a been found oo ears ot the Portland Hallway. Light at Power company. July 16. 1918: 2 Duraaa. 2 Dins. 1 bunch of keys, 1 kej. 2 pair gloree, 1 knitting needle. 15 lunch boxaa, 12 packages. 8 baskets. 1 halter, 1 wrench. 3 suit 1 trare g bag. 2 gripe, 8 umbrellas. Owners may obtain prop erty at Fint and Alder Streets station AN OPPORTUNITY " One of Portland's lareeyt enmerrna has a posi tion as city aaleaman tn wbirh they can was a sun who is wideawake and wifkng to work bard. The work ia elaan and congenial and offers the right man aa excellent future. Will coosidar man without previous ' selling experience If ha Is made of the tight stuff. Prefer aaaa under or abore draft age or thoae exempted on ac count of family or other Just eeneea. Thie ai no aoft anap and unleaa you are wCling to start email and study and wsrk bard for ad--ancement you need not reply. Salary to etart 816 to s-o a weea wttn more aa raoullT aa roe eaa earn it Give age, expertance. references. Don't forget rout telephone Dumber. Address, W.480, na- 4 POCKETBOOK containing ehecka aad currency. lost between Portland and Vaacourer. Waah. Owner will diride currency with finder. 706 YaneouTer are.. Portland WILL the party who picked up on Sunday at Eaat 15th and 8chnyler ata. basket of auto mobile acceeaoriaa please return them to the same place f L08 T Lady'a pocketbook oontaining money and two railroad tickets. Finder keep money and return ticket for reward to Mr. Watta at Woodard-Clarke Drug Co. Phone Marshall 4700. BOTS wanted. We need tha sen ices of a Busa- ber of grammar school beys for permanent part time work. The boys we select will be weU paid and siren an opportunity to earn, learn nd adranoe. Apply to F. N. Hay. 270 4U St. Portland. Or. and LOST by hard working woman. 33 in green backs. somewhere between tha Lumbermens bldg. and Aider, bet 2d and Sd. Please lea re at office of lumbermen bldg. Reward. LOST Large, long haired, yellow neuter eat white chin. Last aaen in -iclnlty of Park and Morrbon. Reward Phone Eaat 4640. LOST Black leather pocketbook containing check, and eaah: finder can bate half of cash. Phone Woodlawn 1958. LOST Necklace with Elk teeth charm. Names Da.e-KtbeL Return Perkina hotel. Hoe 212. Kew.ra. 10 10 wni HELPLESS FROM HEAOACH E HEED THIS TONIC gel. veterans of the British army, left ! today for Coos Bay, where they will address shlpworkers before going Into California yards. They are accom panied by C. W. Tebault, Oregon chief of the national service section. The Supple-Ballln company has of ficially frowned upon any effort to or- Taint; Subject to dizzv srtells. fn. at which emnlovea mlarht buv at r-nat. fluent headaches this is the storv of The company takes the stand that mer- xnisery that thousands of women cancla'ns are entitled-to -the -trade of its tell. Happiness under such condi- workmen. tions is almost impossible, despon- LJoyd j. Wentworth, district super- wavy is aimusb llieYltaDie. ;- v If TOUT life iS One continnftiie; rnnr.l luo ni corporation, wni of Suffering without any particular ill- SeaM,e tonigl?t,t? atte?d on noea Koir, ,.;f4- -.1 m Thursday a wage schedule conference mt?A?.?V,TS: yU reCClVe U! to be he,d Sector General Charles htUe sympathy because no one but m. Schwab and Vice President Charles yOursell understands vnur fnnrlif in T't. f .i.. n . . Help may be sueested bv this stat- Tn drdere in th.'rh.nn.i th- wa-- Judging from. the cuntless prepara a. e -. . - i - i i Ana ani in.flrmtnu wnicn &ra con- eJ?? Ir?m ra JosepU Vanaeimff at Oregron City th government dredse Hnuliirtwin- advertised for the Dur tW W . M OI I . . . . . I -' . . . , . , v.narapQe( was lowea mere on iuesaay. I pose Of makung; win people siesny, as- vslDDlir arma. iimk ng oust, aua re placing; USiy nonowa ana auigien oy ixie soft curved lines of ha!tt. and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men and women who Keenly irei tneir cfaalva thinness. Thinntn snd weakness are usuallv due to starved nerves. Our bodies need THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE frothier Like Plain Bltro-Prosphate te .at oa iirm, neaitny xieso ana to Iierease strtBfta, vigor and Nerve -ores News of the Port lIASnfE ALMANAC . , Weather at rrers Meuth ' 4 of West Grove. Pa- She savs "I Was in a ffreatlv rnn-rinim nnnI. tionandwas so weak that I would laint away and have dizay spells. I could hardly retain any food on my stomach and suffered constantly witn headaches. I w tnxi iur Hf.TRnu mnnT.n i-iiit- Mi.Ar i . . . r " r. . i rt.rm nnonnn.ia inau its cuiiuujivq in Tf iTZ.'7" at noon: wind, north- " ",!, fd- Phvsiclans claim there W nothlns that will mipply this de ficiency so well as the orKanlo phos phate known amonj druifElats as bttro nknanhita which la inoxDensive and is sold by most all druggists under a guar antee of satisCsction or money back. By feeding the nerves i curescuy ani oy tha body cells with the. nec essary prosphorks food elements. bltr nhoanhate auickly produces a welcome transformation in the appearance; the Increase ln weicnt jrequenuy oeins as tonishing. , ........ This inrreaae In weight aleo carries with it. a general improvement lu the Health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy, whicn neariy aiways ac- n . ,, .In. thlnnaM anr.n Ama , ' wiut '..v ........ . r- pear, dull eyes become bright, and pale U, , , iwiw. i nnw ok use nw as noon; wma, norui- was through reading a newspaper 24 mUw: w"er, cloudy, ucht tot; sea. eVVkMaV Jl X J. es . w S. . I Viamnaal AhsMaat wav x uwiueu k try ur. Williams t i-iu; rius ana it wasn't long before my headaches left me and T waa cot. ting better. I kept gaining in strength until I was well." Dr. "Williams' PlnV Pil! tne blood and have rimrni nf th. greatest benefit in many disorders due to undernourished nerves. A tendency yl wioooiessness, is also cor rected by these tnnin nm Two useful books, 'diseases of the Nemras System" and "What to Eat Sun Record for July 1S Sua rises... 6:8 8 a. m. I Sun seta.. . 8:64 p. a Tide for Thursday, July IS Hia-h Water lew Water S:SS a. m. . . .8.2 feet I a :39 a. m l.S feet :24 p. m-...7.8 feet I 2:6 p. BV...S.S feet DAILY SITES BEADIXGg 'i XOUr 2 druggist Sella Portland .... ... .. . Dr. Wflluuns' Pink Pills or you can (-) Faiiius. STATJOWS l lit Cat K- 5f 5i rmatilU .......... 25 112.8 1-0.1 I 0.00 Albany ........... 20 1.2 0 0.00 Salem ............ 20 -1.2 -0.1 0.00 lOrecon City ....... 12 l.T -0.1 0.00 I FonUnd - -I H 10-0 r-0-2 1 O.OO order them direct by mail. rostniri at 0 cents per box, six boxes for $2S , . . 1 t - AdV.) CAUTION Although bltt o-phosphate Is unsurpassed for relieving nervoumiess. : iliumtnTiu and sreneral wsakneaa. it SITES FORECAST : ., . I should not. owlnsr to its remarkable flesn- The Wfllametta freer at Portland win faH J srrowlrur properties, be used by. anyoite aunns im next two or tares aara, . . v wno ooes not oesirfto jnik a iicao.vA.u-j BISTH9 . , . tn. GRIFFITHS To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel i. 4B0 Yamhill. July i, a "-"""r., ,BlB VEL.DE To Mr. and Mr. Osmond Velds. S18 E. 71rt, July s. a afni. .. . SASDSTBOM To Mr. and Mrs. Emir Sana .trom.. 78 E. 15th July 4. V" McCOWN To Mr. and Mra. W. E. McCown. 681 E. 4th. July 2. a son. THOMAS To Mr. ana Mrs. i.nmr. v.. RAPP To Mr. snd Mrs. Henry A Bspp. BBS H m i K ss ann JEXSEN-To Mr'and M Jam- Jer-ea. 285 E loth. July l. a oaugniei. DEARINO- To Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Dearin., 395 6th. July O. a son. PB1N8 To Mr. snd Mrs. Gsrrit Prtns. 7501 4Sth are., July o. a oausun". . vvumv r Mr .nd Mrs. Huso M. Ooenran. DAVIS To Mr. and Mn. N. F. Dstm. 49S8 42d ars., July 12. a aaufnwr. KEL.LEB To Mr. and Mr, narry ...n v atu int. Q (tauehtar."ir; IUa v cart J. Glennon. Linnton. Or.. Jul; 7. son ana ' STEWART To Mr. and Mr. D. Stewart. As- . -k. lnl 11 urn vr . otiv t Mr. and Mrs. Prank P. Martin. 690 E. Tlat. Juy i. a"'Hl"- T .,. DAVIS To Mr. snd Mrs. Adelbert J. DstU, a rt. Tnlv 1 a ann. BURR To Mr. and Mrs. Georis F. Burr, 11TS Lexington, July 8. a son. m, MeCANN To Mr. and Mrs. J. rrana saovann, Atmxj. vo l. .k ln) a a ion. HAROLD To Mr and Mrs. Arthur Harold, T64 Michigan a.e.. July ia. a gammer. LOST By workins man, pair of slaaaea Sun- am r afternoon, hetween 0th and 1 Ota at. B. Kewsrd. SOB Ksrl at. ....v ; . . .i . . . iii ruoju laari watch. Columbia hlcbway. utre tun descrlsUon. MUwaukia. Or.. R 1). 2. box 1SSF. BOO nviTHH AVD FCXIHA18 - 7 id uiv Tn ihU 0t. Juli 16. Jane Irwin. aed 84 years, lata of Lincoln. Cel. mothr of the lste Mrs. Jam mmmoa , as mother of Mrs. Fred T. Merrill of this city a i i ii . r f "aatarirfer nr Kjn iscroiumo. v-avi "" The funeral r7W h fcdd Friday; Julfl 425 I 19. at 1 p. m., at the residence esieDiimn-m. o. j p. riniey at son, amuuuni; - Friends inrited. Interment at xvoae uu, 10 10 DDivnra i. thla cite. Jul 16. 1918. Effle Shurtleff Brands., aced 51 years 6 month. 14 ri. - bcloTed wife ot Otto . uranoes. av t .v. rri.iuli inTited to attend the fu lO -i ..rriM. which will he held at Unitarian .... .1. nmutwir and Yamhill, at 2 p. m.. to- 10 .morrow (Thursday). July 18, 1018. Remains I . .'. ssinaral narkm. Intermsnt at Rlr- I .nU. p neterr. II IKtklLAU m mi 1 w - w, I . I a? n luilnTKl hnahand nf u n.11. Traetens- of 448 Broadway. The funeral serrlcee wiU be held Thursday. July 18 St 1 O ClOCK p. m.. at ids reaiuence eaimo of J. P. Flnley A Son. Montsomery st Fifth. Friends urrlted. Serrices at Port land crematorium prirate. GTTCIIET In thfi city July HT Charl c.trh.t. late ot Ze xamnui atreei. ne LOST At Laurelhuret park concert Sunday. mink neck fur. Keward. East 2841. or sddreas 891 E. Pine. HELP WANTED T. M. C. A. There are positions open to yon. In the last two weeks 217 dtaaatiafted ma a were placed te satisfactory poeiUooa throuch thia d lertasent. special smployment mamberahis baa aeea derteed for the unemployed man. It ooete nothing to mrestftste this modara syste-smatss position aecqrinf instltntion. Men are Im lees lot the new crop of splendid opportunities daily. Call at once, in parson. One of the poettlona at or you. Main 8700. A-6661. EmsloTsaent Id. riaory Dept. WANT an unanarried man. Between 82 aad 18 yeara ld. for aaalatant aawne eaahier laraa old llne life insurance company, aalary 8188 per onto, excellent prospects promotion lor nsnt man. Insurance experience deelrabla pot not ntlal; bankine, oommarckU or a ooo unties experienca. lact and ahUity to plaaaaatly handle puouc requireo. vtnte ma smns aye, fall data, and will arrange Interview, la confidence if de aired. L-898. Journal. WILL lady who found ilr and peart handled umbrella at Laurelhumt Park Sunday after noon pieeae cau st 0 2 11. Keward. LOST Child', hat. at Union are. "between AI- berta and Killinasworth. Call Woodln 4695 LOST Hicyrle. foot of Nerada St. Gall. Mar- shsll 6181. FOUND Bay horse In SeUwood. oa 17th at. Call SeUwood 2607. 644 Spokane see. E-782. A GOLD watch lost south of Jefferson Please return to 958 21st at. X. LOST Purse. Paulas theatre: finder please leaTe at Pantaase window. LOST Parse containing roll of bills; liberal rewara. n-psz. Journal. LOST Jet bar pin. set with pearl, rained as keepsake only: reward. Woodlawn 8461. LOST Gold watch and chain between Portland and Balrm. Return 811 Dekum bldg. Reward HELP WAULED MATE MEN Wanted for SHIPYARD WORK trtooe those who can ana will won. who are pal and in earneet, and who appreciate the local opportunity, to help wis the war. THINK THIS OVER. Call at EMPLOYMENT OITICB of Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation, rooT.or MEADS ST. PORTLAND. OS BUILDING PESMITS P. A Breden. erect stand, Fseaenden between New York and Talbut; ouuder same; 6100. F. Marconi, repair residence. 5727 57th see. between 57th and 60th at.; builder same: 8300. Southern Pacific Ry. Co.. erect warehouse. 68 r,nnt .t hctween Darts snd Everett? HflVn. rh.mhera fi bnilder: 81500. fnneral serrices will be held Friday. July 19 W. H. Ke-ey. repair residence. 66 E. Lorn- 2:80 . clock p m. at tne bard near Minne,U: C. C. Culpan bnUder; 835. ' .'"TJ, w.-n, .7 rL. P. V. Palmer, erect garage, ills Montana be- " - --,- tween Emerson and KlUingsworth ; builder same; City cemetery, -per-cee at grar. Pr,.. 45. his late residence. 498 East Eler Walter D. Scott, repsir residence. 1784 Phelps erfth atreet North. Melrtn D. Snow: belorrd at. between Linn are. and Ochoco; builder husband of Beaaie Ma ttm sly Snow ; ued July seme; 850. 16. Serrlcee at 10:80, Portland Crematorium. Charlea H. Heuer. repair residence. 492 N. I tnmorrow (Thursday) . July If. mends in- 28d between York and Reed: builder asms; 886. I rtted. .Remains at Holman'. Undertaking par J. Proka. erect snacs. isvi Chase between lnr. Wlncbel and nuipatncc; ouuder same; 7o. L. A Richards, erect shack. 1700 Waah- bnrn st. between Winchell and Kllpatrick: build er same; 875. Mrs. Ola Gulllkson. repair residence. 7172 40th WANTED AT ONCE Machine man. patch ma and 8 jack men; highest aalary paid; man out Tbe of draft age preferred. Write pital." 114 Poet at.. Spoksne. foe Shoe Hos- VtANTKU Man la aualiry to trafeav. Ap ply room sis Kieetna udiaej; e ra lay snd all nigbt. sneluding Sunday. P. at ar P. rompaae. WANTED Apprentice boy for eoppenmi abop; do not apply anises yoa intend to learn the trade; must De lo years ot age or or.r Jiorthweit Proceas Co.. 808 14th ec N. LABOKEIIS wanted for ditch work; steady ess nlorment. top-notch wages. Inouira aortbwast eorner 2d snd Flandera. Portland Gee A Coke company. HILL The funeral serrices of the late Molly E. Hill WUl De neia 'inunaay. juiy i, ai 2 'SO p. m. at the reaideoce eatabllanment of I " v FHnleT A Son. Montgomery at Fifth. aee. between 7 2d and 71st; E. Southard builder; Friends InTtted. Interment at Roaa City ceme- 150 J. vf. Goasett. repair residence. 6547 S8d st. between 68th end 67tB are.: bnilder same: S95. Alblna Engine A Machine Works, renalr am. preaeor, Lewis sr. petwaen iurar and Loring; bnilder same; auu. Mrs. Alice M. warts, repair residenee. 1901 Berkley between Hudson and Newark; John A Swarts builder: 8800. G. E. Miller, repair residence, Borthwick be- terr. LENNON Tbe funeral Berrices of the late James T. Lennon wui he neid Tnnraaay. Jniy 18. at 0 a. m., at tbe reaidenee caUbUahment of J. P. Finley A Bon. Montgomery at Hfth. Friends inTited. Interment at Moant Mcott Park cemetery. GREENE Tha funeral set-rices of the 1st William It. ureene wtu be neid 'innrsaay. tween Buaaell and Knott; Mr. Mitchell builder: July 18, at 4 p. .. at Jhe reaidenee estabUah- 88S. I soent 'of J. . . enniey es dob. Montgomery ai Willamette Brass rem nary, erect foundry. Front I Fifth. menai rn tea. St. between foot of Hoyt; builder same; 82500. Dr. J. J. Maboney, repair reaidenee. Ill E. NORTHWEST STEEL CO. oorrrLANO. eng. iet BOAT SPIKES SHIP RIVETS Bolts and Upset Rods GERMAN Frederick W. German. 761 Cpper Drive. July li. w months, mairmtnuon. HCWTINOTON Dr. John Huntington. St. Vincents hospital. July ia. es ysars. caraiac asthma. SINU-Ke-g Btng. Good Ha marl tan Hospital. JuiyJS. 67 rear., organic heart lesions. BICE Richard V. Rice, 837 H E. Slat, July IB. SO veers, carcinoma ef stomach. KENMOTSL' Midori Kenmotra. July 14. 25 mn tuberetllae sneninertia. CHAN Be id Chan. Multnomah hospital. July IS. 40 yeara, lobar pneumonia. WATKINDft ParmeUa Welch Watkinda, 6022 Powell Valley road. July 13. 67 years. STEWART Charlea Andrew Stewart. 780 K , Main. July IB. 80 yeara. cboleeystlUa. THOMPSON George A. Thompson. 1005 Sen eca. July 14. SI rear, eel ilar heart auaa.e. SMITH William B. Kaaith. SB K. 78th. July IB, 4 a years, tubercular peritonitis. MARINE ENGINEERS United Statea shls- plng board free marina aaulnaere' aehaal a. Vnirenity of Washington. Seattle. Tralne en gine room officers for new merchant marine, bhort cut to licenae. Natfre or ' " dtisena only. Stationary, locomoUea engineers. ollera, water tenders, eligible. Course only one month. No enlistment. Address W. J. Grambs. 860 Stuart bldg., Seattle. Wash. 3175 PER MONTH tha year around, tha a rat- ago earning last year ef a number ef ear leemeu seer 46 rears. Thai ease will ba tha biggest yet. Mo experience n.cmiry; week ly eaan aasenee. outfit lurntehee. Big aaaee. meat guaranteed tree, ahrubbery and Tinea. Ton. can do what other toea-periauced mea ha.e done. Washingtoa Nursery Co.. Toopeaiaa, Wash. HELP WATTTSP MISC. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL at Gaaoo. oa Linnton road: steads e mutinies at: pay 83.50 to 85 per day. Take free bus st garage. Proat aad Gliean ata., 6 a. a., at 3 Id and 8a Tier at 7:16 a. am. Aonlr at aaa nlaat effice. HlVE proposition with a strictly psctfio eoaat eoneara for B axperienosd soUdtors aeUtng tea and coffee; permanent poaition with guana- teed aalary and commtaalon to mea who eaa. get results. Apply Ideal Tea Co., Ill Union are. N. WANTED Electrician. 6Sk rata. 8 Br.; maa with aosna motor winding experieaea required: good chance to get ahead; atrike oa but net bothering Wast Liu mills. Apply at free ess- . ployment office on mill walk. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from trucks to basement of our consumers; average wage 84.28 to 84.75 for 8 hours. Inquire northwest eorner 2d and riaodsta, Portland Gas At Coke company. WANTED Instructor la ah n making at Bute Training school ; new and repair work; aalary. 878, board, room and laundry. Adrtraai Thome. P. Horn. Sopl. Cbahalta, Waah. ABLE BODIED strong mea to work around creamery, hours 8 p. m. to 12; alao man for order clerk, good places for good mea. Inquire 137 N. 3d at WAREHOUSE men, good steady poalUon; ehaaea to learn tha hardware buatneas, Saturday after noons off. Apply aopertota lent Marshall-Walls Co., 18th and Loreioy. 49 462 HAWTHORNE AVENUB EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC TRICAL, UNLIMITED; PRACTICAL SKPAIB EXPERIENCE. NUMBER YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prepare for telegraph eerrlce aad hah. till vacancies caused by the drafting of mea for war. For particular, call or write Telegraph DeparV men t. room 218 Railway Exchange bldg. "MISS DECKER'S BUBTNZSS COLLEGE. ahorthand. typewriting, bookie eng. spelling, dictaphone. xBimeograptalng. office training, adding machine, filing. Afceky bldg.. 84 aad M art-won. Msla 824. ADCOZ AUTO SCHOOL Union avenue aad Weaeo at. Specs! Susssser Prices. Can. write or phone Eet 7446. WANTED Oxr-acetxlene welder, able to weld aluminum, steel, cast lroa and all kinds of b raxing, good wage, steady position. Fred Dun dee. Broadway and Flsnders. WANTE1 Motor car repair man; familiar with all standard ears, good trouble ahooter, able to acrape and fit bearings; ateedy work, good pay. Fred Dundee. Broadway and Flandera. riRSTCLASS ironmoider. li 60. 8 hours. Married maa preferred. An year Job. Short distance from Portland. Mostly plain work. W-491, Journal. EXPEDIENCED vuisaniaer wanted immediate . ly to take ear of cut repair shop. Apply risk Rubber Co., 84 N. Broadway. WANTED Boy sot afternoon and e.ening work. Must be 10 rrs. old. 10th snd Yamhill. Apply public library. WANTE D At once, maa to clerk In general merchandise store. Dee. Or. Phone Mala 032 or call at 880 Northwestern bank bldg. PLOKIST8 SHIP KNEES t PilingHewn Ties Larce orders promptly handled. Home of nee, Portland. Opwration and ahla- plngr point, ttarton. or. . - H. J. BAM LET, ataaafactarec I CLARK BROS-. Flortsts. 287 Mornsoa st. Mate aw -l sua. gai Ooeia aaa flam n "-. He fctaneh ernre a, - MARTIN A XUBES CO.. Florteta. 354 Waaa. Mala ze. A-12 S. nowen fox au oocav- atons art tioaily arrsaged. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 248 Alder; design aad deeoratioras. Phone ManhaU B9Z3. LCBLDfER. Portland hotel. 328 Merrteeo. MAX H. Sal ITU, Floriat. 141 H eth street. rrHKRxt DtRFTTOKS JA. R. Zeiier Co. Eaat XOBaV' 418A WANTED Experienced hotel Janitor. Japanese or colored, single maa. 616 per week aad room. Conradina hotel. HELPERS, sheet metal worker.' helpers want ad. 140 Page sc. Low ar Aibtna. Ouather A King. SO M EON X ta a poaltioa to sell era high claea English bull pups and 12 Persian kMlena, all pedigreed, on .bares. Can Bdwy. 4686. WANTED Man ta work est ftee boats, 860 and up. Boom and board. Apply Washing toe dock. WANTED Machlntat; Bt be ftrst clam lath hand, 87 a day. WlUametae Gaa Engine rka East SBBB. WANTED Cook for restauraat, 412 Main at, Vancoueer Waah. ; X MAN for hoe a. hoeing aad repair work. Call Tabor aaoa EXPEklENCED ahoa mlesman. good aalary U right party. noaemu a. iiv lis ex. COMBINATION nUbt clerk and porter" fiarrieoa aotei. rnai ana asamee et. BOT 14 to 17 for light work oa ranch, oo whs can milk preferred. Tabor T90B. WANTED Buaheimaa and ai.f riine prsea.r at oooe. Phone Bdwy. 1838. BLACKSUITH helper wanted. , Tucker shop. 420 Belm t at.. - , . . . - WANTED Maoafacturing efHkciaa. 833.30 a week. Staptes the JewestT. . WANTED EXPERIENCED FORD MACHAJiU BoabJ sght A Pea y. E Sd aad Broadway. . TATES-F1HHER TEACHER' AGENCI Fie registration, lll-n wroagwsy piqg. BEHNKE-WALKEH, biggest business eaUeg b cauae beet; enrou any lime; iree eetaioa e. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND. OREGON HELP WAKTEP FEMALE TOCKG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITION A KO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 38 FEB WEEK PAJD BEGCfNERA. RAPID INCREASE VI WACESV -CALL AT TELEPHONE OOMPAJTT. BOOM 001. SIXTH TLOOB, PABK AND OAK STREETS: C1RL for flat umrk aevartaseat; steady employ ris laaaory vs good good wages. 14e K. ad - y. WOMAN ta laana tevairing and pre pay wUa aaarasag. Uarna taUortag Uex, 104 4th at. - - MIDDLE ACED eapesVaoed eheaUwrssaid ; no ethwa aaad-aaslr. Call at Seed awtaL 260 Salasoa St., robes IT. GOOD girl wanted for general Apply 846 E. 87th. raahing, 885 per usaerth. CHAMBERMAID, xrwriss sd " cWy' mrb" 2300. -' - GIRL for kiiesa ork ia anstitatkm. Bruud wayll86. HIGH school girl wanted for light bona. work at beaeh for 3 wewha. Can Mala 782. FIRST CLAM waiat aad akirt Uxmbmn. UTi Cotn bia bldg. Main 10S6. - . ' , - .tCeatiaaed ea i'oUawia s"acei - ... -- . . . ' - i