THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', . P ORTLAND, MONDAY. JULY 15. 1918. 13 SHORTAGE OF GRASS AND FEED AFFECTS : DAIRY : PRODUCTS LATE DEMAND SENDS OLD POTATOES HERE .10 A HIGHER PRICE Buyers - Are Freely Offerlna Up to $1,33 Cental for 'Last Season's Out put With Demand Detter Than Offerings New Stock Is Small. ROOSTER CAMPAIGN DAIRY CLEANS OFFERINGS; VERY FIRM CIS IN POSITION SUPPLY IS NOMINAL Recent Swatting Agitation Disposes I Tillamook Chs Offerings Continue of Great Holdings General Chicken Situation Slightly Easier Small 3 . Broilers in 0 versupply. Below Requirements Recent Advanee In Output Decreasing 1 Even After Price Butter HAY CROP SHORTER AND DEMAND KEN; PRICES VERY FIRM Little Offering From Country Is t Yet Noted Mlllstuff Values Are Revised Flour Sales Generally Re sumed on Small Scale. Am anoMwDy lata demand (or old crop pota 1m from local Motion in tbo (too of (lowly in- ereaaiag eKerinp of w crop stock from local Jnteae wen aa from the eoutk ia shown along tk. aluiWk Damans lot old potatoes u n eentel to growers f. o. b. Portland for good euelity. and tho eall U somewhat greater then (faring at thia time. Haw arep Oregon potatoea are sorting forward tn smell Ma. Initial shipments to the local mark are of caneb amaller size than norma), tadiestlng no only a abort early rop. but generally aeaaUer aised product. In view of the long protracted dry weather that haa been shown locally. a well aa at Willamette valley points, nothing alas conld reasonably be expected. Buyers a; a generally offering 2 ' lwd far sew crop Oregons. and aalea to tbo retail trade are round Se a pound in a. limited way, with California stock, which to of larger size, selling at 3 H a a pound. MEAT MABKET QUITE ERRATIC Market for meats to erratic along the street Teal are showing considerable weakness for conn, try killed stuff with general sales of best quality round IS He. and occasional business at 17c. Vhil bogs are ruling around 22 H 23o for tops. TOMATO MARKET HOlPtSO FIRM TMutaa m ahswlna a really strong tone. An other carload of Merced stock was due during k -niH and was cenerally Quoted at 11.76 3.00 par Bos. A few bosee from The Dalles re coming, forward. EGO MARKET IN GOOD CONDITIOW Egg market b generally quoted in good eondi tie along the street, with f. o. b- buyers offering miuI a dexen for current receipt, although sow are offering 20c a ease above this. Bales I candled are around weo a w u era. CABBAGE FAMIIfE 18 ACUTE HERE Famlna of cabbage la acute in tne local marxer. If ot only to the trade unable to secure its present needs In the" territory tributary to Portland, bat eves California la showing a shortage. Market therefore firmer. m ,., VAI'tA WALtA OKIONS ARE FIRM With the onion market firm generally along the eeeet. the, new crop season at Walla Walla to opening in good ehspe. and initial arrivals are due era. Bed stock is scarce, and some of the lead ing firms ara no longer quoting. BRIEF NOTES OF FRODTJCE TRADE Lemons are quoted lower; very unusual for this time of the year. Cantaloupes are firmer and generally higher. With excellent cell -' Cherry market la weak and dragging at lower - prices. Danes aprteote arriving in small lots, and ex cellent quality. Berriee and currents were weaker and lower for the day. First eweet potatoes of the season reported in by Ben Levy A Co. WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau ad rises: Protect shipments during the next 86 hours against the following ' maximum temperatures: doing north, 76 degrees; northeast ever H., P. A S. R. R-. 80 degrees; tomorrow about 89 degrees. Poultry market situation U somewhat easier la tone along the wholesale war. Quito liberal teaks BUTTER MARKET CENT HIMlr ' Local creameries asneuneed an advance at 1 m MHni Ifk til wlM a hllttJ rfiiwlM ilia cla. wera carried over from last week by practically ptacln, pts in parchment wrappers at 48s, and alt ef the leading receivers, and in some lav-1 In eertona at 80s pound. Na ehanee was mst .Unoee tbl. ha. forced lower price rang, for auppliaa, although the changes have bean very , moderate ones. As a general rule sales of bona Dairy aroducti ara showing extreme strength ara around 2627e pound, with broilers b Weauy. aa wcu as at au leaning centers atoug ue ting 80 4? 82c pound. Market to somewhat coast overstocked at the moment for broilers, vary small Recent advance in (ha price of cheesa here aixea predominating, while little really good weight s neing nguuy mainlemea By tne trace; n raw stuff to available. I at the moment it is mm que turn of securing Geese, ara quoted neaA!ly around 18 9 17e a I supplies than obtaining Ue price. pound. Even the demand for ducks to toss favor- leading handlers of Tillamook cheese report able. A short time ago the Chinese were seeking that only a small per cent of their orders are at liberal stocks of Peking, but even theee are in Present Dein tilled, and It ia impossible tor tnem nlv fair n hii thm market fnr Indian to secure enough at the moment for their imme- runners to on nominal basis. dit requirements. Thia alone . would indioata Nntlmahla In tha ivmltr treita at tha nnmnr. 1 wa extreme sireniui oi uu present siiusuoo. to the fact that the recent campaign to "swat Similar trend U indicated in the market for the rooster" hu hn moat biiiuu u and nrn- I oquer. wiw m range qry in mol sesuona oi ent offerings ara small; in fart, most offerings the Paeilia Northwest, with hay high and ex- KOBTHWE8T GRAIN RECEIPT! ' Portland Monday Year ago. Total to data... Tear ago. Tacoma Saturday - Tear ago.. . . . Season to data. . Yge . ago. Seattle Batuiday ...... Tear aco. Season to date. Year age. Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay 14, , 6S S 1 SO ... 16 48 a a 11 I 65 44 4 44 I? ar 't i: BUTGH ER CATTLE A SHADE VEAKER HERE a WITH A HEAVIER RUN Liberal Run of Livestock Generally Shown far Day at North Portland Hogt and Sheep Show Steadiness at Start of the Trading. PORTLAND UVIiTOCE RTJN Begs, Cattle. Carves, gheee. Monday Saturday ........ Thursday ....... Wednesday , Tuesday Week ago Tear ago 2 years ago . . . Tars ago,., yean ago,,. ii 20 1 ii 17 69 seem to he been cleaned up. Coarse Grains Lose In Early Trading By Joseph F. Frltohare) Chicago. July IS. (L N. 8.) The com market was sharply higher again today, July ad vancing 'i & Se, August waa up 2 H c and Sep tember waa SH 3 Sk e better. Oata were & 1 4 e higher, and hog productta wera T H 0 i SOcc nigner. Chicago. July 16, (I. N. a.) Both corn arid oats were easy and slightly lower at the opening of the market today, as tha result of rather general local selling. The . weather . forecast for showers ever Illinois and soma of tha other states In tha belt, with better weather oonditiona elsewhere. also affected the market. Provisions were dull and unchanged. tremely scares, and the output ef milk greatly decreased, together with tha great demand for the government aa well as for the civilian pop ulation, : the situation could scarcely be improved so far as the dsmasd ia concerned. Storage stocks or butter ara below those of previous seasons, and the stock went into the icehouse so much . higher than aver before that extreme valuea are practically certain thia winter. Weak Tone With Lower Price for Most Securities aTOOKB -CLOSE 8TRONQ Hew York, July 18. (I. N. 8.) The market closed strong today. Some of the leading Issues closed t the best prices of the day. Steel comma waa finally 105 'A, Baldwin Mt. BstnieJiam BO',, Reeublla Iron ateel Ttanae of Chieaao o rices famished by tha I 80. Marine preferred 85 W. and Reading United Press: a? 'a. General Motor, from lew f 144, ciesea u ink, Sales, 47S.700 shares) bongs, 44,7tt,000. July August . . September JOBB1SG PB.ICE8 15 POETLAD July .... August . . September July September July September July September CORK Open. High. isou let tt 160 14 164 160 1B4 OATS 74H 7H 71H 734 60 4 714 PORK IlOW, ISO 1B9H 1594 Close. 163 1634 183 4548 4880 LARD 2620 2625 RIBS 2480 2437 2467 2478 T4 71 69 Ta 4B45 2615 2439 24t 78 H Ml 4470 New York. July 15. (I. N. S.) The stock market opened today with trading in small lets and most issues turned heavy after till start. American Sumatra opened X point nnder Satur- oey s close and. auickly fell off to 1104 Bteel common drocned to 102 U. . eomnared with 104 H at the close en Saturday. Reading was one of the weakest, declining 1 44 to aooui.t 43 - dropped to 42.. Baldwin feU to ! 8. a loss ot a Vt I oi 1 . an Betmenem Bteel H fell to 79 V4 . I a loea of 14. Republic Bteel dreptied from t.l. I "1 to 8H. United Cigar Stores waa also 2475 under pressure, faUing 1 to 954- The weakness was attributed to resorts that n A TP t TRATtTTfy r-m iruv rn k siv I tile uennan odensive bad started. Alio ieii wwm r.urni.ij nr., uwiof uiv San Francisco Market 8sn Frsncisco. July 15. (U. P.) Butter Extras, 51c; prime firsts, 40o; firsts. 47c. Eggs Extras, 47 He; extra pullets, 44c. Cheese- Flats, fancy, 24c. Seattle Market forenoon, most of tha selling said to be eaused by fears of the new German sirive. Losses of from 2 to 8 points were frequent throughout the list. 8teal common dropped to 1 0 1 H , compared with a close on Saturday of 1044. Baldwin fell to 84 ; Bethlehem Steel O, 19, and BjaTlaf IMB-aoriOM RULia At a meeting to ba held Wednesday y tha rain tra4e with Mr, Ueunsbury, matters paw. talnlng U Inspection by the railroada will M taken up under tha following euggaetlMSI First -4araln dealers to select or more men aa may be necessary, eempeteftt to Ma aneee eaiw piee, theee men to be stationed at The Oallee, Seceng.. Samples taken by thaea man to be placed In smell eanvaa sacks, properly tagged wtth waybill egfeeeno), car number and oenilgneea. Third These samalas to few 4wmajwaa to mr. lean the first aasangap train, acoom pan led by memorandum of number f samples taken ar.4 to which a are they apply, a It will be possible to-eheok samples reoelved and determine whether or not an wera lent an route. Fourth... Mr. Eoan remptly en receipt e samples to sand them direct to the office of the Merchants Exchange where they will be dis tributed to the several consignees. Fifth receipt of distribution Mr. tan will promptly notify thg yard in aster cars will be properly cardsd and switched to the doc or mill eenslgned. Due to the abort crop thia season and the greater demand than usual at the opening of new crop offerings, the market for hay etands in an unusually firm position locally. Country demand far hay is so keen that little ia at the moment being -offered to the coast markets from the Interior, while ia the Willamette vsl ley the shortage ia a serious fsctor and it may be necessary to import supplies. This Is condition that would, be scarcely believable In any other aeasan. Millers report a general resumption ia tha demand .for wheat flour since the ban was taken off tha market by the food administration. Grinding of new crop wheat ia expected to atart tn a small way at some Interior mills during the present week, but most of the grinding will be M Bid crop wttn a small percentage of new wheat mixed with it. riiOUB Selling price; Patent, 110.75 barley floor, 111.50; Willamette valley. ( ) local straight, 310.50; bakers' local, 0.0 (a (10.00; Montana spring wheat, patent. I I i whole wheat, $10.30; graham. $0.80; rye flour. $10.75; oat flour, $12.00 13.25; corn flour. 111.50 14.00 per barrel. HAY Buying price, new crap: Willamette timothy, fancy, nominal; Eastern Oregon-Wash ington fancy timothy, $30.00; alfalfa, $24,00 0 26.00; valley vetch. ) ; cheet, ( ) It waa a Mi run that areata! tha Hveetoek trade at the opening of the week'e activities St North Portland. Total run included lu ( cars. Run at emttla vu azeentionall heavy, and la thia line the only weakness for the day .waa noted at the atart ef- tha trading. Cattle buy, Ing started extremely alow, with buyers inclined to sit rather tight en tha price )id. Opinions differed somewhat regarding tha actual worth ef offeringa. Faney kilters were not raur weak, but the depression waa noted most la the butaher. elasa el offerings. Ueneral eattlo market range! Prime steers $12.00 18 00 ueed to ehelee steers 1 Medium, to good steers . Fair to medium steers , Common t fair steers Choice cowa and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers Psir to medium eowa and heifers flannere , Bulla Celvee atockere and feeders . Theee are the prices retailers pay wholesalers, except aa otherwise noted: Dairy Products BUTTER Belling price: Creamery prints tn Mnhntnt wrariDera. extras. 49e: prime firsts, 47e; tint, 4Vc; cubes, lc less; cartons, le additional; dairy. 4c lb.; selling price, cubes, 464Tr. BUTTERYAT Portland delivery basis, No. 1 amir cream, 60c ClIEESaV Selling price: Tillamook fresh Oregon faney full cream triplets, 27 A 2 So par lb. ; Toung America. 2ev2c. price to job. bars, Tillamook triplets. 2 So; Young America, 26e t o. b.. Coos and Curry. Fries to Jobbers, f. o. b. Myrtle Point; Triplets. 24 He; Young America. 25 V4c; brick. 35c; Llmburger. 85c; brick swim, 40c lb. EGGS Selling price: Case count, 40c per doa. Buying price, 39c. Selling price, selected candled, 41 (9 42c; selected, in cartons, 4 So. IJVE POULTRY Hens. 26 27c per lb.: broilers, 3082o: old roosters. 151016c; stags, ISfylSc; turkeys, 28 80c: dressed fsncy, fa; No. 2, 80c; sqasbs, $3 dozen; geese, spring. 22a; ducks, 85 Or 37c, pigeons, $1,50 9 3.00 per dosen. Fresh Vegetables and bruits FRESH FRUITS Orsnges, $8.00 8.50 per box; bananas, 8 He lb.; lemons, $8.73 a 10.50 per box: California grapefruit, $3.60 4.00; Florida, $7-00; cherries. Royal Anne, tIHa lb.; Blng. 10J 12c: Blacks. 3 5c; watermelons, 840 He; California black figs, $1.76 per crate; apricots. $1.60 91-75. BERRIES Gooeeberries, 7c; raspberries 2.009 3.25; loganberries. $1.60 2.00; black caps. $a.60f2.?5; blackberries. $2.7508.00; currents. $1.50 01.75. PEACHES Alexanders, $1.10: Triumphs, 1.151 Klbertae. $1.00 1.25: Hales. $1.00. APPLES Various varieties, $2.60 8.75 per box. DRIED FRUITS Dates, Dromedsry, $6.60; Partis, $2.80 crate. Haialns, three-crown loose Muscatel. 10c lb. la 50 lb. boxes, tigs. $3.50 box for 70 os. packages. ONIONS Selling price to retailer: New Ted, $2.p0; yellow, $2.50; garlic. 7 H 8o lb.; trees, onions, 36 & 4 Be dosen bunches. POTATOES Selling price: Table stock. Bur banks. $1.60. Buying price: U. 8. No. 1. 81.60 oental, country points. New poUtoee, IS.UV VP S.9V. CANTALOUPES Fists, $2.00; pony, $3.75 4.00; standsrds, $4.75. VEGETABLES New turnips. $2.00 2.25 sack; carrots, $2.25 sack: beets. $2.50 ssek; parsnips, 1,0 secx; eaonege, Oregon, S5 8o peppers, aoo: nesa lettuce. :M!3ie per lb.; eeiery, i.zo per ooa.; articnoaefi, mk 6o doa.; cueumbera, outdoor grown, $1.30 m 1.7$: hothouse, $1.25 4)2.00 per doa.; toma toes, $1.76 0 2.00 orate; eggplant, 2025c lb.; cauliflower. $2. 75'par crate; horse radish, 12 He per . ; etnng snii, iivizo per id. Meat, Fish and Provisions COUNTRY MEATS Selling price: Countr killed beet hogs, 28c; ordinary. 2021e per lb.: best reel, 179 17 He per lb.; ordinary veal, 1$ He par lb.; rough heavy, 1415Hc par lb.; good, 14a per lb.; lamb. 20 23c per lb.; mutton, 14 d) 16c per lb.; beef, 10 14 He SMOKED MEATS Haiss, 8185o; break- feat bacoo, S4 4y48e: pienl, 23c; cottage rolL lie; snort clears, iisjito; uregon exports. smoked, s no per to. PACKERS. MEATS Taney steer beef. 2 So faney oew beef, 22a; fresh spring lamb, 22 4) sae; peat yeamnga, 1019 .uc; ewes, lonnt baas. 232SH. . LARD Kettle rendered. 28c: standard. 27e nor lb.: lard compound. 28c. OYSTERS Olympia. gaL. $4.50: canned eastern. 6$e can, $8.40 doeen eana; eastern. gallon, solid pecs, sa.ou. FRESH FISH Dressed flounders. 0c: sal men. 219 22c: perch, 7 9 8c; soles, 7c; sal mon trout,. ise: naiiDut, zocs Dlscx cod. lie barring, Se; smelt. 8c; clams, hard shell, 6c per lb., $4 box; crabs, $1.75 0 2:50 per doa. shad, a gy ic Seattle, Wash,. July IS. (U. P.) Butter Republic Iron A Steel to 88 H. Local city creamery bricks in cartons. 40 HS Reading sold down to 10 H, Distillers' to 60c; local city creamery parchment wrapped, I 6 3 H , Mexican Petroleum to 96H. and Ana 40c: local creamery cubes. 48a40e. . I conda to 664. Egs Faney ranch. 40 50c: pullets. 45 1 The market turned strong In the afternoon. ($4 7c. I most or the active imuee moving up from 1 to Cheese -Washington triplets, 25 027c; Toung I 2 points. Sumatra moved up 7 point from America, 2028c; Oregon triplets, 627e: I the low to 136 and then dropped to 124. Corn urrgon Xoung America. 20 28c I Producta from a low oi 424 moved up t 44, I-os angeiaa marK 81 and IhsUllers waa 1 above the low at 64 74 I.oa Angeles, July 15. (L N. 8.) Butter I Baldwin from 84 H told up to 86, while Beth California creamery extras. 89c. I lebem Steel B moved un from 79 H to 80 V4.. Eggs Extras, case count, 45c; pullets. 42s, I Prices recovered somewhat after neon. United PACIFIC COAST BAXK STATEMENT ; States Steel went to 102 14 from the day 'g'low 1U TS ' Clearings: Mondsy . , Clearings . Balances . Clearings Balances . . Clearings Balancee . Clearings , Clearings , Portland Banks This week Tear ago . $ 4.463.750.&0 ' f 2,665.451. spoaane Banks DESCRIPTION: Tacoma Banks Alaska Gold am, . 11 Am. Bwt 6utr... I A rm - mjhss A: c. p.Vc::: Bui.vai.uu Am Cnttnn Oil r A T A .vw.wws g,vv As-. Hmaxltarr. tt BBUII VeWIKB 1 a Ci f'ii?"22 isrnw 'sUV Fn Am. Woolen, c. ( aueous Mia. jr. I Atchison, c . . Co. - - I Idatn 1 jvn m Beth. Bteel. B. POTATOES ALIj ALONG THE COAST Brook. Bapld T. ttatte es. Bupsnor. Open j High ) Low 8an Franolsca Market San Francisco, July 15. (U. P.) Onions- ew red. $1.00 1.25 per cental; do. yellow. l.OU 13 i.10. l'otatoes, per cental New in boxes. $1.85 S) .15, according to quality; Garnets, do., $2.00 2.20. ' Seattle Market Seattle. July 15. (U. P. Potstoee CaM- fornla new- Garnets, per pound, 8 4498 He; 0. 8 m o; California new Whites, per pouni old stock, fancy. Mr ton. $50. Angetee maraet Loe Angeles, July 15. (L N. S.) Potatoes I i-r!. c awm, o in,. vvuit xvose. ii.fs: nnssers 1 : .. 1 aa. iw.-4h.rK at tsat ax- tn. i- I . lecuiu,. . . . . - I uru.i.i AVon O w I (Znntirlfh Tttihh U. N. Ore Lands. . Money and Exchanr I G. pfd.... x Tnrk Jut ik (i v fli r-.ti I Greene un on the floor of tho New York Stock Exehanaa ?m 0s Leather, e. tAttav mlmt at A nr rant kivh n mh. I Ice Securities . , law. a r.r cent. I Illinois Central . . Time money waa quiet Bates were: Sixty I Industrial Alcohol. aays, onisd per cent; vo days. oe Per I . - cent: four months. 5 H etc 6- uer cant: va Int. Mer. Marine Tnnnthe SU 13(1 iwr cent- el nnnthi R U a 1UD. tlTT DO., C. ner cent. I Kennecott Copper. The market lor prime mercantile saner waa I Lcaawenna oteet. dull. . I Lehigh Valley Sterling Exchange was quiet, with business in I Louie. ash rule. bankers' bills at $4.75 5-16 Ob 4.75 7-l fnr I Maxwell Motors, c . demand; $4.73 for 60-day bills, and $4.71 for Mexican Petroleum. 00-day mils. .1 T Mtdigie steel , Missouri racioe j .i- f , w . i v.aua. WW, san xrancisco imports New Haven.... UGAB Cube, $0.70 H : powdered $8.07 H rruu or oerry, as.uo; u yeuow, 11.79; granu lated, gs.oa; eeet, 7.o; extra c. $7.70 golden v, T.a. HONET New, 18 per case. BICE Japaa atyle. No. 1, 04 010c; New Orkwna bead, 11 H ll4e; blue rose. 104 lie per w. ALT coarse nan ground, 100s, $16 per teeii ewe, u.; mote oairy, eus, gzz.00 New Perkins Hote Class rifU Ji4 Waablactoa Sta, ta rv 1 belaaale aad la Center of xtaut jnauieu Bates L4$ yr Day Vp. Special Low Rate to Pasrrnanent Gueata PALACE HOTEL SWtsMsW gtrrap4VanTrva hsxggawsl1ksl nartrf 4sVflSxerwtagaaswa States 7 So to 83.00 per day. 44a Wasrilngtoa W Farmers' aad Mereheter Haadquavtera, - - l si. Fetrnleum, c Canadian Pacific . Cent. Leather, c. c. u. w.. e. C, M. A St. P. C A N. W.. e. Chlno Copper. . . Colo. Fuel ot Iron, e vonaoiidated taa Corn Producta, c. Crucible Steel, e. ao pi a D. H. a., e. . Distillers' 24 82 H 47 h; 83 40 H 64 V 76H 111 H 05 54 60 H 67 H 84 874 54 H 80 H 39 H 27H 146 24 83 1 67 j 47 84 H 4i'4 64 H 77 111H 06 H 6H 67 H 85 874 64 H 80T4 40 H 27 147 H 67 H I 67 H 41 45 , 824 43H 68 H 41 H 45H 824 44 H 654 24 81H 66 45H 82 46" ' 634 78H 111 05 H 68 664 64 84 64 H 79H 89 Vt 27 H 14S, 6SH 40 H 44 H 824 42T4 63 H San Frsncisco. July 15. Recent imports la- I N. T. Air Rre.ka.- ciuae zezn oags oesns, 12.100 nags tapioca I N.e T. Central iiour. iu.uoo oags nee, owsi Dales gunnies. izuu eaiea nemp. iB8 Dales nber. dairy. N. Y.. Ont. W.. . Norfolk & W.. c, Nor. Pacific ..... Perm. By. Peoplea Una , Pittsburg CoaL c. Pressed Steel Car. c Kay wons. copper. . Ky. Steel Springs. a Rep. L A S. e. . . . Kock island . . Shattuck Studebaker, e . Southern Pacific.. Southern By., e. bales, $8.10 0 3.55: faney table and 830.25: lump rook, $20.00 Per ton. BEANS California (sales by Jobbers). Small white, is He; large wnue. 12c: pink. So lb.; Limaa, 14c 10.; bayou, 4c: red. 10c. Ore gon beans (buying price) : White, machine I Reading, cleaned. MttWWc; nana picked, 9 H 0 10c CANSID JllLrv carnauon, $0. 85: Borden. $3.25; Aster, $5.25: Eagle, $8.00; Libby, I Sears-Roebuck Co. ga.zo; leiopsn, go.zo per-case. COFFKU Koastod, 10 H la 80s tn sacks og drums. SODA CRACKERS Bulk. 17e ear Th. NUTS Budded walnuts. 25H9 26e per lb.. Tenn. Copper ... almonds. 10H20c: filberts. 27 He in sack I Texas Oil lota; peanuts. 2U(21c; pecans, 17c lb. I Tobacco Products. Hops, Wool and Hides Union Pacific, e TrnPS Nominal 1017 rmn 1KS1 ft. IV I U. O. BUB., O. . t WIT)KS Salted hides. 25 lbs and tin i.i Bteel. salted stegs. 60 lbs. and up, 10c; salted and Ut.h rS., vi ik ik. A ik- , . . . . . 1 Utan Copper ei calf. Tin tn 15 Tha.. 2B; .n Mrt os Virginia CbetB.. lbs. and up, lie: green stags, 50 lbs. and up, 8c: dry flint hides. 25c: dry flint calf, no tn lbs.. 80c: dry salt hides. 20c: dry heraa fciriaeL 91.iea4.vv; seuiaKS doem axut, cs.OQft.oo; horsehair, tail, 26c; horsehair, mane, 15c; dry long wool pelts, 40c; dry short wool pelts, 25 g80e; salted and green pelts, each (Hay take eft), SB.uoeja.uu: ary sneep shearlings, eaeh. lBHBaruci saiten wrai suesrunss. aacn. 31a 60c; dry goat, long hair. 23e; dry goat shear lings, each. 15 80c; dry abort hair goats, each. ocwei.vw. WOOL AB nrieee nominal. CHITTIM OB C ABC ARA. BARK Buymg PTatTvl loir araur wia, avg, ,-x -, TALLOW No. Is 18c; No. 3. lie; grease. mq par IB. - MOHAIR 1917. 40 65o per lb. Ropes, Paints. Oils Wabash Wabash. A Wabash, B... .. W. U. Tel Westinghouse Else. Willys Overland Ex-dividend 1. 64 H 1H 145 147H 46 H 81 H 4iH 16H $014 121H 53 H 28 H 19 S3 82 58 H e e 28 07 61 28 10H 874 ii " 21 108 aiH 60" 64 H 24 684 88 H 01H 24 44 H 88 H 23 V4 146 63 H 121 H 60 ik 104 H 804 47 4 10H a 65 16H 145 H 150H 45H 31 H . a 41H 144 SI 128 68 H 26 H 18H 88 88 H 68 H 28 07 01 23 10H AT Tin 21 108 87 10 631 15H 145 144 43H 81 ... i 41 16 80 120 03 25 82 81 58 20 OS 40 za 104 6.6 M ii 21 108 87 50 64 24 60 80 01 24 44 83 28 147 03 121 01 hk 104 80 48 10 41 24 10 T80 480 873 405 . 760 . 410 .1068 .1722 .2745 .2883 .688 2272 44 308 154 211 108 1734 1011 2885 520 34 00 ft 21 6 45 28 3 2700 T4 2T1 153 1188 4ft 310T 1430 1144 1101 GOVERNMENT Villi BUY UP ALL WHEAT THAT IS SENT TO IT Producers or Dealer. Have Right to Bill Cars Direct to Grain Administration Corporations ONE PER CENT CHARGE MADE 1.00ll.00 0.00 (3 10.00 a 00(9 0.00 4.00 8.00 8.60 0 00 .00 7.50 4.609 8.60 8.00 s) 4.60 8.00 8.00 8 80 11 SO 7.00 i 0.00 Finance : Timber : Industry Cei.e4; IcaproYement la Rasslan Create Bctta faellaff Afnoag Holders of RusUan Bond; Portlaad lavastors In Tbest S curiUes Renew J- elr Faltb t IIlt-nai5 luteome. ' . : CaaatT Cstrt AlU JJlia PyopoaaU will b raceiTed by tha county court. room 201 courthouaa. unUl 10 ;J0 a. m. July 14, for ana mala ahaft, aaparided typa, for Austin iUm roller. Bids will alao ba roealvsd uaUl tbo aazna tor I860 fast of IH I cc,1" aiua Aaba m Oavrato Strsst inaprare- at Bids wlU Ba rwealva tint ? o'clock, noon, August 1, by K. w. " lar. recorder of th elty oi uiwtc. fne areilln wnrV An tha StraeHS OX tBO city and tha daiivsry I600 cubte yarda of claan waahexj araYOl or crusnaa rs. Further prtlcuUr may ba obtain atj front tha cfflea of tha recordar. Better Fatara for ta BssglaB tloa Portland holders of Russian goy rnment honda ara keenly intarastod in development In SlberJa. Thouch there haa baan for sorno.tlme practlcaUy BO market for Russian bonda, the New York price g-olnc below 31, thore le ort dent of lata a marked revival of Inter at ' in Russian securities. Preea avn- nounoennenU that tha new covornmont In Siberia will aruarantaa the payment of all Ruaalan obllgraUona lend now hope to owners -ef these bonds and thera Is a decidedly lesa panicky dealra to un load. A few vary capable financiers in tho United States have expressed their confidence, from the betinnlngT of the Treat political and economic erlfla In Russia, that tha people of that country would ra-anlae an established trovern ment and maintain tha Integrity ot the nation. Recent eventa ara favorable to a fulfillment of thia propheey Cltr nf Waadbara latBraTemeat Boa's The Lumbermen Trust eompany of fers improvement bonds of the elty or In denominations 50 64 24 67 88 J8H 8 48 82 28 148 61 120 OK 101 80 47 10 40 24 10 Close' 2 33 68 46 83 40 41 64 76 111 06 53 67 84 85 64 80 80 27 18 146 68 H 7 41 02 H 38 45 82 44 64 80 in 148 140 44 81 00 42 16 80 06 122 03 H 26 18 82 83 68 ne 28 87 .60 Za 10 37 123 71 20H 103 87 43 44 50 63 28 60 87 00 28 187 16 44 82 23 10 H 146 62 Va 121 60 108 111 80 47H 10 40 24 67 41 18 clover, 832.00 per ton; grain, 825.00. ORAlN BACKS Nominal. Mo. 1 Calcutta 24 8 25c in car lots; less amounts, higher. MILXiUTCrra Bran. 381; shorts. 838 middlings. 633 per ton tn sacks, f. o. b. cars ROLLED OATB Per barrel. 812 00 12.20. jtULrLjjuu BAetLKt far ton, lenwio. COBN Whole. 376.00; cracked. If T.00 tea. JUerrhaDta' Exchange July hiss: OATS Week Mon. Bat. Frl. Than. wed. Taes. ego. Feed 6200 81 60 8200 6000 6000 6000 - ma tn .r.r Feed 5300400 6300 4300 6200 . . . Brewing- - r ' 5400 500 5500 5500 5400 . -. Thirty-day delivery wee quoted: - OATS Feed ... B4BLET Feed - Brewing Eastern oau ana corn in puis: OATS No. 8 white 68-lb. clipped wmts COBN No. 3 yellow No. 8 mixed . . . Thirty-day aenvery waa quoieo-OAT8 No. S Clipped COBN Yellow Mixed . American grain visible supply, la bushels: Total. Decrees. 725,000 871,0OO Swine Market la Steady Steady tone was sreaerally shown for serine at the opening of the week's trade at North roruane, , -i ne rvm was pmy sair ana w a rather good call right from the start with wall enaiBtainsd nricea. Tone of the hog trade la the east was areaay to Strang rer ue nay. GaHaral haa ranee : Prime mixed 17.00 17.80 Medium mixed 16.76173B Honah heaviaa 16.OO016SO Pjgs , 18,75 16.24 Sheep Situation ravoraWa Quite a fair run of sheer and lambs waa shown in the yards for tha day. although there waa ne general ehange In sentiment er priee at the epeatag ef the weak s aetlviuea. Mun was smaller than last week and this induced, gome rller buying. ftanaval mtittan vanaa! East of mountain lambs 318.50 914.00 Valley lambs 18.0013 80 Yearlings 0.00 10.00 Wethers , 8 .oo Ewes 5.50 8.00 Monday Livestock Shippers. Hogs O. M. Johnson. Byasa. 1 load; A. H. Porter, Condon, 1 load; Phillips A Gibbons, Hilton, 1 load. . Cattle W. O. Ifemrat, Myrtle Point, 1 load; C F. Playton, Dillard. 1- load: George Kehlhagen, Beeehurg. 2 loads; i. E. Ford, Cedar Point, 8 loads; I. W. Veateh. Cottage Grove, 1 load; Bauer A Biggs, Glendsla. 1 load; Biggs & Tucker, Grants Pass, 1 load; S. Applegate. YoneaUa. 2 loads: C. Horton, Dil lard, 1 load; C. W. Ashpole. Medford. 1 load; A. T. Hunt. Ashland. 3 loada; C. White. Salem. 1 load; O. H. Watkins, Corvallis. 1 load; Ed Heckler, Maupin. 1 load: F. McCoy. 1 load: Mike Dukeek, Condon. 1 load; F. Msttier. 1 load; Frank Lee, 1 load; Pat Carty, Arlington. 1 load; W. H. Harris, The Dalles. 1 load; T. A. Connelly. Shaniko, 1 load; E. T. McUrear, 2 loads; F. Welch, Condon. 2 losds; J. J. Menaban, S loads; Clark A Gray. Heppntr, 1 lead: Frank Young. Heppner, 2 loads: 1. Apple- gate. LaCrosse, 5 loads; Elgin Meat company. Pilot Kock. 1 load; T. a. snannon, weuer, 1 lead i J. T. Gray. La Grande. 2 loads: J. W. Remittances Will Be Made as Soon as Weight and Grade Returns Are Made to Officials. i Washington. July 15. That the United States food administration's train corporation stands ready to buy all wheat of the 1918 crop ahlppad to it. was announced by the food adminiatra. ton Sunday. "Producers or dealers have the right," tho bulletin of the administra tion says, "to bill cars of wheat direct to the grain corporation at any ef the principal primary markets at which it maintains purchasing agencies. When the wheat Is unloaded In the elevator and weight and grade returns are made to tho food administration grain corpor ation, remittance will be made on the Woodburn. Or.. basis of weight and grada so reported 1150, $200, 225 and 1300. dated May 14, an4 nn the, hie n th aovarnmsnt lilt, and due Bhortly after May 18, price, leas 1 per cent admlnletration 1919. Price to yield about MO per cont. charge for the service. of This flrm alao offers odd lots of Aeh- - land refunding beads to yield MS per cent, and Ranter. Or. Imprareenent ' , bonds to yield par cent ' Oeveraragat Orders ler Doarlas Tlr Orders for 4i.000.oeo feat of Doagles fir ' lumber for use la the XHugherty type ot , upa. now being built ia the Kaat, wui , ee placed with the roUlS of Oregon and , iMuingion wiinin vne nexv iiw imisi,: according to telegraphic advice rocalvwd Saturday morning from Robert B. Alien. eecretary of the WestiCoaat Lumbar- men's association, who ia repreaentlng ; the industry at Washington. V. C Mr. 1 Allen alao advlaea that ha haa doaed contracts for 3.400,000 feet of fir lumber for the navy and that the government 1 will require large additional ernaatlUea of common fir for tha mammoth muni - tion plant now being built near Pitta, burs. Pa. - laterestlag Booklet ea Silo Coastrec tie a One way to conaerve food this year la to pack It into a silo, then, teed tho silage to the eowa. Is the substance ot a message contained In a booklet on " Douglaa fir alias. Just Issued by the West Coast Lumberman's aagoclatlan. While the prime object of tho book la to Increase the aale of Xtougtas fir lum ber, its publishers bpe that It will be a means of both conserving, and Increas ing tho food supply of (he nation. Cople are being distributed through the re tail lumber dealers. It eonslsU of pages. Is Illustrated with views of alios in actual uaa. and of eattle that have been fed on silage. The text consists first, of an argument on why the far mer should have a sUo ; nsxt, a descrip tion on how to build It, and third. In structions on how to t use IL This Is the flrat of a series of booklets on pree tlea.1 farm buildings new under way "by the West Coast Lumbermen's aseeelae tion. . Bute Prlee Wheats Segregated. The basle price wheats are No. 1, Northern Spring, Hard Winter, Red Winter. Durum and Hard White. The No. 1 Dark Hard Winter. Dark North ern Spring and Amber Durum are at a 2cent premium, while tho No. 1 Yellow Hard Winter. Red Spring. Red Walla, Red Durum. Soft White and White Club are at a 2 to 7-cent discount, and No. 2 wheats are at a t-oent discount. No. 3 at 7 cents and grades below No. 3 are to be dealt with on sample. On the basic wheats the prices range from 12 at intermountaln points east ward. f2.24 Chicago. 83.38V New York westward, $2.20 on the Pacific Coast south, and $2.28 along Gulf ports. Warehouse Receipts Jffotlable The corporation will also buy ware- house receipts In approved elevators at the primary markets at wmcn it mam tains purchasing agencies and in the inter-mountain district where there Is no elevator facilities, its ft basic price will be paid for the No. I grade, f. o. b outgoing car, available for transports- row Uon to a public terminal elevator, GRAPPLERS RECOVER MORROW COUNTY FORBES BODY SCHOOL TAX ROW IN GETS V. A. INTO SUPREME COURT FROM CRESCENT LAKE I t . County Officials Cited to Appear Canoe Brought Up From DeptKi w 8200 8400 0200 5200 6300 8900 8000 7100 8900 8000 6000 7100 8900 and Show Cause Why Tax Not Collected. Saturday; Search Continues for Ralph Poindexter. Bend. Or, July 15 .The body ef Ver July 15. 191 July 18, 1917 July 17.. 1916 July t. 1915 July 13, 19L4 . 0.984,000 .39.681.000 . 5,761,000 .15.269.000 2,683.000 2,188.000 1,425.000 3.021.000 Increase World's shipments principal exporting countries, flour included: ewnt Total since period last July 1, '17. season. 6,898.000 18.088.000 7.510,000 516.000 Australia . 840.000 1.560,000 Z.VZB.UUO India .... 810.000 850.000 Week From ending TJ. S.nd July 18. Canada .8.643.000 Argentine .S.08T.00O m .i . li 1 J . n. 1 Toner. Milton. 2 loads; J. O. Stull. Dnrtee, 1 load: Im. Olsen. Los tine. 1 load. Cattle and Calve J. W. Chandler, ta C rends. 1 load: J. W. Power, Wallowa, 2 leads: H. 8. Neal. Condon, 4 leads; A. R. Wilcox. Msupin. 1 load; O. C. Clark. Halsey. 1 lead: W. C off man. Riddle, 1 load; W. A. Laapeg. YoncoUa, 2 loads. Sheen Tj. C. Piaens. Wast Sclo. 1 load O. J, FhiUippi, 3 loads: Meyers & Co., Cor vallis. 8 loads. Mixed Stuff O. E. Gomline. Joseph. 2 loads cattle, calves gad hogs; Cole 4c TJodd, Hsinea. 3 loada eattle, calves and hogs: J Ia. Wells. Weiser, 1 load eattle and hoc; Gritman Bros., Fendlsten, 1 load eattle and hogs; A. L. Steiner. Stanfleld. 1 load cattle, calvee and hogs; C P. White, Heppner, 1 load cattle, hog" and sheen: J. I. Maxwell. Wallowa. 1 load cattle aad hogs I Lester Wsde, Condon, 4 loads eattle and hogs; C C Miller, Natron, 1 load hogs and sheep; J. S. Flint, Junetten City. 1 load eattle, calves and hogs; M. L, McFaddea, Harrtaburg. 1 load cattle sncTbogs; J, N. Mo Fsddsn, Corvallis, 8 loada eattle. ealves, hogs and sheep; J. Hodson, Myrtle Point, 1 load hogs and sheen: C. U. Carter. 1 load eattle arid hogs; Alex Kvans, Oakland, !t loada eattle, calves and bogs. United States department ot agriculture bureau markets renorta livestock loaded July 14 (carloads, doubledecks counted aa two cars) : Cattle and Mtxed Carves Hogs Sheep Stock Total Totals 1208 604 180 84 2112 One week ago. .1011 4T 87 76 1786 Four weeks ago. . 1823 496 196 83 2137 Bute origins of uvestoeg loaded July is : For Port lend RaUm Or .Tnlw 15 The validity of Si peelel school tax of $22,700 voted last non A. Forbes, who we Tovnel s November In school district Ho. 15. Mor- v.recr,a -ur v" county, will be te.ted by manflamu. day artoon art.r a .rca proceedings which were Initltutetl in the .,- Vl. i-atinv f i. R Tlanerr. t At all the principal primary markets -r, court Thursday. The court Ii- naas suvmmnllahel ; tha. task. Tha -. there 1 an open market where all I ., ... a I ....t. th. g Ur. FerasL earn. . m. . . .... i an i eagi am n ss iinrnM.LivB wiil ul iiituiuevi uue w - e - - - frw' ;. DUyer" ,tU rfPJena'" I". cT""7 l" j j wells Pnlo. Ralph V. Potadeter. sonttouee the bulletin says, "and the producer and roctlns County Aaaeaeor a. j. wens, eTery promlee of eueoees. as Ui vjonoumer will be amply protected Sheriff Oeore MeDuffee end County .wo mn Vent down within a few feet " inrous-n tne cornpeutive i aciivit jee or me clerk j. A. Weters to appear July 23 to j of each other. The rrapplerg worklnf wmiuiwe- , ., .i .v,.i4 I at the. lake hart their flret ancouraae- BriOW cauecj, ll.siny, wiy uw wuwisua ' I : . . ' . Ili ' - - extend the tax on the roll, and collect V XL evT,, Z IDe Same. ' Knat rnn wlitli tVtai mam erare . fl.hl.v tk. a .wf J.hI rtwA talis : Attacks W. 8. 8. Solicitor xy found Mr. Forbes body about 4S, fialem. Or.. July 15. S. 8. . Howard, feet from tho boat, end In about 10 tion rrain corporation being- prepared to buy and protect the fair price basis." Frleea VTT11 Be Frotected It is then the purpose or the corpora, tion to allow the grain to flow throush ltg normal channels so far aa la poe- t Extra dividend 1V ir cent. Total aalea. 478.700 aharee. . Jtew Tork Bosd Market Furnished by Overbeck A Caoka i'n. nne ok . x rsoe puiimne. Bid. Ask. Atchison Genl. 4a, tlOfA ttl BaL 4s OhloUolfl 4a. 77 77 Vs BnOr.naa so. ea. ........ . 87 88 Cent. Pacific 1st 4s......... fiu va C. B. es Q. Cot. 4e.... ...... 94 - 9414 TtOPU SIsaL dark. 24e: white, ttu, Tk . I ai n.i ei au.. .... a4"MwJ- I Chicago N. W. GenL 4s...... 8a . u25,?fiUw,iff,.,.M)B'' 1-87 Sal ket- 1 L. 4s N. lint 4s J2 tie boiled, bbla.. S1.89: raw. eaaaa. ai OT-lw t.a b. a. boiled caa II 89 aaL; loU of 280 gala.. Urn. Northam Pac. P. U 4a:::".:: SI COAL OIL Water white in drama or Iron Reading Uenl.4e.. .......... 88 ., ; eases. 20c gal, , , t Union Pae. 1st 4a. ........ ... 84 "frinf-: t7mSt't-ilc: sea, Sle; en- 17. S. Steel 6a.....; .... 08 , Cine dwtniaU. iron, bbla., lc; eases, S3c. ! I'nioa Partfie 1st Bef. 8a...... t WMlaJStl son BU, IM 16.) 600 Tba., I Southern Jacifie Con. 6a. 81 TURPEVTINB Tanks. 79e. eaaaa. Sft. in 1 ..h. i'b.. 4 Ua. . aiu easal?!. letosa. mJ . rPaoaa, 1st 4Hs. ........... 88 WUUS rmui oasie pnee. 85.18... '. 'Ore. Short tine 4s.......... 8144 83 85H 23 81 H 83Vs 84H : ? sTa 91 H 7 944. 88 li Total ..7.880.000 18.218.000 18.582.000 AMEKICA3T MYESTOCK FKICES Ohtoeee Hesa S1S.1S o.wm. July 15. (t N, 8.) Hogs Ka- .1 tn. 42.000: strona. Bulk. 817.26 ISIS IO: too. ouiouar uub, wij, naekine bogs, heavy, ill ,uu m it'toi mlzail and medium. 817.25 17.76 ; Bght. 817.85 18.15; rough. 316.40 0 18.80; I 10,,eA,.. i-a. .. -a. Beet eatUe. good, choice. $16.75 18.10; as ai ami eonunon. II 1.76 S 1 6.7 9 : butchers stock, heifers. 88.2514.75; canners and out- .n aiocaers mm inuan. swv. choice, 410.60 18.00; common and medium.; vcai caivea. gooa cnuica. eso.vv m 1 6.7 A. fthaevj Estimated reeeipta. 24,000: steady Shorn lambs, choice aad prime. $18.25 018.75; medium and aood. 816.60 18.26 ; apring lambs, good, choice. 312.00 15.00; feed l.nla. anod. choice. 818.80 16.60 : choice and prime. $12.75 J 18.50; medium and good. 610.00 Omaha Heea SI 7.40 Omaha. July 15. (L M. S.) Hogs -Be- eaiota. 10.600: steady. Top. $17.40; range, 816.90 917.40; mixed. 817.05 9 17.26; good, choice, 817.20 17.85; rough, $16.80 17.06; light, giT.aoe dqu, Bias. 814.00 18.00. uatue neceiius, eauu; lower. jseevea, 812.00eSlB.Z0: oowa - and belters. 87.290 18.50: atockers and feeders. 8 7.00 18.00: esJvas. 8.00 13.60. '-- Sheep Receipts, ll.oo: steady. Tearllags. 811.00 9 14.00; jambs. 514.60 w 13.00 $10.00 13.50. Kansas CKy Hogs SI 738 Kansas Cltv. July IB. L N. 8.) Cattle Beeeipta 21.000, market alow, steady to lower. Steers, $12.00018.00; cows and heifers. $7.00 0 15.00; stockera ana leaders, gg.ooeio.00 aatvea. "88.00 at 14.60. Hoars Receipts 13.000. nsostlr 10a his her. Top. $17.85; bulk. $17.65 17.80; heavies. 817.7V ey IT. ss; meorama. glT.ea&iT.SO liahta. 817.40 17.70. Sheep Beeeipta 8000, ateady.te 26e lower. Lambs,; ewes. ii.vvs;ii.g wethers, w la.uu. Denver Hoes S1S.OO Denver, Colo., July 18. (D. P.) Cattle EeceroU 2000. steady. Bteera. 312.00 16.2$ eowa and hellers. $8.00 11.80: stockera and feeders. 87.60 10.60s ealvae. $12.00 016.00. Hogs Receipts 900, le to 20e higher. Top, 818.00: belk. $17.60 17.66. Sheep Beeeipta 5800. steady. Lambs, $18.60 0; awes, ejis.wv. SeeUle Meea Streng SeatUe. July 15. (7. N. S.) Bogs Be eeipta. 4: strong. Cattle Beeeipta, 105; "steady. Beat steers, $11918: medium to choice. $10.60 011.60: common to good. $4 98.60: best cows and bailers, $8.50 ) 9.60; , common to Trim -a eowa. $3 7.60; bulls, $707.60; calves. $$ 01O. Sheep Hone. -.--?;' -.- -t V v ? . :" ' ' v . . Wow York Metal Market New Tot. Jabr IS. It H. S.) Lead DulL - Bpot ano uiy, mer. - Spelter Dull. Kert - St. Loins Spot aad July. August, eepwmoer ana vctooer 88.60 0 Oregon Washington Totals Portland . . One week ago. . . Four weeka ago.. For Seattle- Oregon Washington Totals Seattle... One week ago . . . Four weeka ago.. elble, only stepping 'Into buy when the who attacked E. C. Todd and another so- feet nf water. Reports from the Jake priee fixed by the food adminlstrstlon Ucitor when they called at his farm home are that the canvas boat is not broken and the president la threatened, but near Salem to get him to auoscriDe xor or damaged In any way indicating tnac ready at all times to aocept all wheat War Saving Stamps, waa convicted ef the accident was caused by the boat ahipped to it at the price fixed. If the assault and battery in Juatloe of the. inking. open market Is above that pries, the Peace Webster's court Wednesday after- Arrangements are being made for farmer or dealer can sell in it, but the noon. Howard gave notice 01 appeal to joint funeral under trie direction of the government will not permit the market the circuit court. Elks lodge, to which both get the to break lower than its guaranteed m win naa exietea Between tne two drowned men. belonged. price. men for some time, tut tne testimony Restrictions on the millers' profit el-1 showed that jiowara naa evaaea maamg m , w . a ready have been announced, so that he subscription for War Savings Stamps XrUOK Ell CI JulOOirlU cavn nut ym-y more wr wnssi man me "i . - - - licitor to see itowara me latter orove ftnva Uifi A Uirr4- them Off the place with a chair and a Jal II 111 1 XViUCU .1 ... 1 - C1UD. guaranteed price, which, plus the cost of milling, win leave him only the "reason able profit" permitted him by the food admin utrauon. Floor Pst os SeaaoaaMe Basil The maximum "fair price" on flour 27 '27 68 27 4 - 1 6 7 1 4 -4 SB 4 80 63 42 4 6 0 8 2 Mentay Morning 8 alee STEERS Ko. Ave. lbs. Price. No. Ave. lbs. Priee. 38.... 1100 811 65 7. .. .1135 311.63 1....1410 11.36 24. ...1188 12.35 1. . . . 820 6.60 v BULLS 28.... 950 $ 6.50 2.... 1485 8.7.00 1....18S0 6.00 1.... 960 7.00 CALTES 1 280 $11.60 I 2.... 283 310.00 COW 8 3. ...1083 I 9.00 I 1....1100 $ 4.60 1....1010 8.60 J WETHEKS 96 128 $ 0.50 1 HOGS 7 187 $17.60 I 6 210 $17.40 2 145 16.00 0 168 17.88 4 327 17.00 2 385 16.76 Ro.d Wnli to Close Sl.tlon W J ZZErJ21 Salem. Or.. July It. Because ot the in K.nitaia aa the eait n MiiiariM Is based upon a reasonable allowance scarcity of men. the Southern Pacific has iMt night at Tort Sheridan between an above the fair price for basic wheat, for applied to the public servlee commiaalon ,0tomoblle truck ant an electrte train. handling, mining ana marketing ex- ct aumoruy 10 cioo iu muwi i yne accident occurred near tne fort en pensea, 'freight charges on products and lond, on the Klamath Falls branch, dur- tr4nCfJ and injured were taken to the profits. Ing the period of the war. Tho company hospital. "It is expeeied," says tho bulletins, esr" ne agent, w ii mamiainmg wmrm Tn- truck wag 104,4 with rienlcltere. that competition will eventually re- neeaea at a more imponani piaw. fleet reductions from these prices." I 1 In the'hande'of the dVpartment of agr" Ml CD. W 81V Of f 1013(1 tion mil I V " - . Goes to Washington culture and the food administration and the grain corporation announces they are working In complete harmony with It- Hun Aviator in TJ. S. Uniform Is' Caught FREF, WATER ALFALFA HAT SELLS "WELL AT $18 PER TO! Salem. Or.. July 16. O. IX Roes, who has been secretary of the Oregon state highway commission for tho last three and a half years, will leave Weo nee ds.? morning for Washington, D. C to accept a position with tho war de partment as supervising end traveling New Tork. July 15. (V. P.) A Oer- accountant. F. Lv . Klein will servo ss man aviator rldlnr in a British alr-niana acting secretary until tbo commission ...i...a a- v. makes a new appointment. Mr." He is ....... I ueuuivtt aMAwiuua esvmii uvv cnine. ana witn tne puot wearing- an being used by the highway depart- American uniform, recently was cap- ment and which has been pronounced tured in France br American fivers, a, one of the best in use by any state. cording to word reaching hero In a let ter from Miss Violet McAllister, Port land, Maine. The letter was made public today by the Salvation Army, of which Misa McAllister is a member. The aviator was brought down from above the American linee when he failed to give a countersign. Freewater. Or- July IB. The second cat ting of alfalfa in the Hudson Bay district ia well under way and will bring extra good prices. It ia expected that $30 per toa will be reached. If. O. Beanebaop, R. K. Bean, jonn uineoa ana J. E. Jones pooled their holdings sod sold 360 tone fat the gteck for $18 per ton. Mfltos Is Harvesting Milton. Or.. Jnly 16. Harvest ia general tn this section. In the semi arid diet net below Freewater tha average yield le about l to ZO buahela to tha acre. On toe Oat eaat of Mil ton the grain ia ia mueb better condition. The barley crop compares fairly with other years. Chicago Dairy Prodaee . Chicago. Jnly 16. (I- J. 8 ) Batter Be- eetots. 16.348 tabs. Creamery extras. 48 49 4SVse; firsts, 42 942 He; packing stock. 37 He. Eaas iBeoeipts. 19.87$ eaaaa. Current re eeiDta. 16.840 tube. Creamery extras. 48 4" firsts. $7H09ci checks. 28 0 80c; dirties, $10 83c 3few TorkLosMos Sliver Kew Tork. July IS. (L IT. S.) rial har ailrar as emehenoed at 99 H e. London. July 16. L N. 8.) Bar silver is unchanged 'at 48 18-1 SO. New York Ssgar and Coffee New Tors, July 16. (U. P.) Coffee Spot no. 7 iuo. see; no. a panue. 111c Sugar Ceatrtfttgal. $4.06. St. Louis Metal Xsrket St. Leoxa. July 16. (L X. S.) -Lead- Steady. 8T.T5. Spaltee Fires. 38-62. - San Praselaeo Grain Market Sag Frandaco. . July 16 (U. F ) arratn : ' Barley For eewtal few market nominally around 83.66 2.66. - Oata Far cents! Bed. nominal sad $2.63 2-66. . . . ' - He was formerly employed with the government reclamation service. McAdoo Sails Into - Accumulated Work Hundreds Die Daily Of Cholera m Russia MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. CsUblklvesI 25 Y 201 Railway Cjeekanr BnDatUf rrtlanl, Oref mm r THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OP OREGON - - t e . Municipal Bond$ YUlding From 6J2S to 7 Cakiset Offlelsi Takes r Unties at San Fraseisco AfUr Three vTeeka Beiti Meets Railroad Offlclslg. San. Frsncisco, July 15. U. F.) William O. McAdoo. director 'general Stockholm. July N. 5.-Flve "-5. 'Ta viTL esses of Asiatic cholera were brought Weeks' vacation on orders of his pby- nere or a steamer wnicn arrived from I slcian.v retrograa toaay. uns vreum is dying. MeAdoo's first action after reaching The vessel brought word that hun- ;. wvanrluro Sunday was to announce dreds of persons are dying daily from I that thereafter the Santa Vs. Western 1 3 the plague in Petrograd and that It Is waif ic and Southern Pacific lines s spreading widely. , u tn- QakUnd mole of the S Southern Paclf in eompany. Hereto Foreign Bead Market frra ths Western Pacific has main-1 S Furnished by Overbeck es Cooke Co.. Board I i nl ant thai Manta w I of Trad, building. ! ..." "T, ' w, " " ; 7.- nl" w." -7" T I S SI eVB as ugVeefM m aSF avssass) ear ese. tawv aen.eW assS eengers at Richmond. ' " 3 A three-dsy conference with rail 3 road officials of the west wss opens 1 3 by MeAdoo at his 1 hotel thlg roorntnr;. 3 tr pee smest SClt. fee tSjang SBLL e VS. tYreejeenSWT enes. BMT rwaa am, ke WT-aed we K1X at she ToUpUaej Main 40t fiiiiiiiiitiiiiuiiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuitiinn 5 Set S - -4o Hall & Co) Liberty Bonds mvieTOefrr eoaiDe rtsSSSSRSO STOCSS L4VOA4. ssownmss Bid. Ak A. F. 5s. Oct. 1820 82 U S3 H V. K. 6s. Sept. 1918 0 a 99 U. av. IsL nor. 11 Ta 88 TJ. K. B Ha, Feb. 1918 88 H 99 H U. K. 6 He, Hew. 1821...... 04 H SSH A. F. See. 6s. Aug. 1919..... 97 87 H Hep. France 6s. 1881 186 146 Farts 6s. Oct. 1921 S3 A3H MereetUee Ss. Nov. 1819 82 93 H Russia Exta. 6Hs. 1821 48 40 Busatan latL 6Hs. 1824 84 06 Dom. 6s, Aug. 1418 7 97 H Dom. 5s Apr. 1821 95 97 Uom. 6. Apr. 1881.. 93 " 95 Dom. Se. Apr. 1926 91 08 A run tine. Ss. Kay 1820 96 H 97 H Chins 6a, 1019 86 96 Dom. Canada Ss. 1987 00 H 08 French 6 He, 1810.: .08 86 LIBERTY BOND SALES Liberty taali add tu New Tor: ' y ...,.. ssee - ttes saws ysve IVednesilar 9944 9400 8400 8639 Thursday 43 9406 0410 9483 Friday ......... 0068 0403 0400 ,0684 Saturday ....... 0003 088O ' 8888 0684 Uoadas S40 0t0 9403 t400 Tlllsmook Gets Professor AVhlte 3 Brownsville, Or.. July lSFtfeaaor 1 2 ?i T..whWhif-Tr "Ji. 5i!!inmiHiniH!Hi!in!i!!nHi!imnirar. the past year, haa been elected to tho ptincipeJsblp of the Tillamook schools, and with his family will soon remove to that city. Mr. White, who waa nrsw vtoualy st tho head of the Sclo schools, has been teaching for a number of years In Linn county with msrked soccase. KeBtiate Buolcr . Klilea .Gary. XixL. July IS. Joe Ma rulers, who was recently killed to action la Franco, was knows hers as the Tag time bagler." - He was an expert bu gler and was one of the) few buglers tn tbo army who ployed his calls to ragtime. Stocks, Bwads. Cettotw rata, Zta, ' 314-811 Besvrd ef Trade attalsf - Overbeck&CookeCo. I DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES K sabers CalMsgo BoarC e Trade ttoireeywuSaalg erf IVofaa BrTSSa Cklcage, Vew leik