a, ' : S3 . THE ; OREGON SUNDAY v JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 14,-1918. DEATHS ATfV TTJTEttALg n! rORTEO At phoenix, Arlx.. July g, ijaraa ii. , -; Porter. aged - yean, daogtbet of Mr. and Mr. Sidney Patter of 421 424 at. 8. E. Tha faoml services wiU b held Monday, July 15. at 2 :80s o'clock p. m., at the Mount Olivet Bap tist church. Broadway arid Everett sts. Friends 1 lnvitad. i Internum at Mount Scott Park eeme try. X p. Ftnley A Boa, director. KINDER The faneraT services o( the lata Ar thur O. Klader will b held today Sunday) at S o'clock P. a. at Hhe Methodist Episcopal Community ehoreh. Oak' Grove. Or. Friends in vited. Interment at Mountain View cemetery, Ovegow City. J. p. Finiey et Bon, directors. DUKE Th tunatal seriioes o( the Ute John . U. Duk. Ute of Sylvan, Or.. will be held Tuesday. July 1 6 at 2 JIQ o'clock p. m., at ttia reewewaa eTa4ment or i. Y. nnley Bon, Montgomery at Fifth. Friend invited. Inter ment at Bioo aemrtery, Bylvan, Or. CH R18TIAN8EN At the reatdenee. ' Milwaakte! Bella tuttoo. July IX Katie Christiansen, age 76. beloved wife - of Christopher Cbriatianeen and wither of Georg G. and Peter Christiansen and Mr. Bteaa Madison, aU of Portland. Fu neral service will head Monday. i . FLORISTS , CLARK BROS., Florists. 287 Morrison at. Main or A-l 805.1 line Ulewsr and floral designs. no orm. nrn stares. afAKTLN'A VOkBES C6.. Florists. 284 Wsat- Main 260. A-1269. Flower, for all occa- tone artUtlcaflr arranaed. PEOPLES r LORAL CHOP. 245 Alder; dedans I anonecoraraona. Phone Marshall 59Z2. tX'BUNKB. Portland botel. 328 Morrison. WaJKJI jjksITH. Florist. 141 U nth etreet. " FUNERAL "DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors ' EUbuhd 1877. Third and Balmoo street. Main SOT. A-l 5 11. i - Lady Assistant J. P. FIN LEY & SON Progi-essir Ftrneral Director. PRIVATE DRIVE Women AttendanU . . Montgomery at Fifth. Mats . A-l 599. WILSON S ROSS East B4 Idr .Assistant C-8163 I Idy .Assistant Multnomah at , K. eleven! Multnomah at . B. Seventh at. Dunning & MeEntee Undertaken, very detail Broadway and Pine sts. Phone Broadway 480. A-456,8. Lady assistant. F, S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Knle Undertaker. 414 East Alder St. Phone Kast 62. B-B225. A, D, Kenworthy Co. Tabor 62T. 582 2d St.. Lentt Tabor 5805. 6th St.- aftd FosUr road. Arleta. East 78i. rnATr b-1888. LtnUn Mrs. Lerch, Assistant I Undertakers. E. 11th and Hawthorne. CHAMBERS KEN WORTHY C57 248 and 260 Killlngsworth ava. near Williams sve. Woodlawn 8306. C-1138. MILLER TllAOEY. Independent Funeral DF- rectoTB. rrlce aa .low as f2T, $40, 60. iiwumiran an cua. main ztiui. A-7885. Breeze & Snook Tabor 1258. Skewes Undertaking Co. Main 4152. 1 A-2321. Corner 3d and Clay. I WlKfin Rl WilcnniJJr, ,KerbT treet. 940. C-1156 MAMIITHM it8 e.. oii ,t f,: i iriu lium neral servisea. Tabor 4818. It. T. BYRNES, new ww? GtbTZ?t 901 William are. - - - . . ., i i . : I A D 7 YA 692 WUliami ave. n. II. a-Cllrjl KjVi East 1088. C-1088. I MONUMENTS Si sgg-1 a, i- r V . iKa'i'j Al IDLrAt JlfMVJ OrVAIN I C IO i-UHiiixau auKBUE wuksb, 204-200 4th t.. opposite city halL 8501. Philip Neu Hons for memorials. , LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST or stolen, black Boston terrier, female. wnvte strip on race and back neck. Answers to name Cry Baby. Child's pet $10 reward for return or lniormauon. 143 ntu and Alder. n roadway Ztttiti. h'lTlVARDiS; no ouestlons aked. for return to 643 Latiirul st.. Portland Heights, of lady's Burberry coat, taken' by mistake from auto -irursaay nigut at Hatllg theatre. Marshall 118. FOUND At Park and YaaahiU. 1 Catholic rosary; owner may get same by calling at Journal adv. counter and describing and paying rnvTT ...rt. t'..i. t at ?-C 1 r : "c-ur VJ ln9 moreaaea cost of your traveling WILL party taking from Jrt Johns cat, last expenses by handling 1 our up-to-date pre Huaday, a handbag, containing 2 - wet bathirle mlnn .11 11 J. j !fT. """. ' '-". v-, reiom same to mm- mouth Mercantile Co., or phone Columbia 483 ? LUHT $50 bill at telephone office. PariTTE3 ouyra or uramra ino oreeiy Mtween 11 a. Z J? aTi' 'jrX.A : reWrt; fmder pUtts return. H-8J8. Journal. LOST A string of pearls between Division and 1 in sr.: aa reward will Da alven nn num. ing to ion Jjlvlsloa. Tabor 2093. I.OHT Lady wrist watch. Woodwork and CouncU Crest. W.edBasday eve. Call Tabor 91k Ra-wanri. l.flf from automnhila in Unn.h pm. Saturday, Juno 29. roll of ouilts. Fhnn. Woodlawn 8128. ' LOKT Light Amethyst ring Thursday on Alder Valuable only to owner Return to Meier a v.-. w i.4 .-a n..j tj . LOSf Hmhrell with inltiLt J'R f"1 cWn Mar 6000 M" A' 0411 r; . i r i i LOST agaU brooch, shape oblong, vslued aa gift from son Reward. Wdln. 8587. L68f A child's necklace engraved on the heart. Reward. neiu Z779. LQST Gold-rimmed speetaclea. black leather" covered esse; reward. Journal office. i. A,, " ' ,r. r; i io in u.orgs a. rratt ease. Pbone Aa i' L,,. l.i tr-s 1 V? T" u4 ,, i?0 Bodn and Uraham ave. Call East 661 8. -Reward. i HELP WANTED MALE I WANTED Stock salesman, lite wire; not oil stoca; good propotuaon. . Apply after 7 n. m. uTOiim, suuu ness isu st, Vancouver, Wash, Act quick. VANTED Instructor in shoemaklng at State AUTOMOBILE mechanic for work in large Training school; new and repair work; salary, rarage of large corporation in city. First $76, board, room and laundry. Address Thomas class working conditions and wages. Answer r. nrn, t asn. WANTED Man to qualify for trainmen. An. piy room l S. eotrte building; open all day and aU night, including Sundays. P. it. u r tmP" , WAJlTEli 'lnree llrst-clasa aheet metal work- ers; two acetylene welders, standard wagea: douhla time for overtime. Annlv timakun., t,oast culvert Flume Co. . - .- - , . i.nuua.iio wan tea tor aitcn wort; steady era- pioyment. top-note n wages, inquire northwest corner 2d and Flanders. Portland Gaa ck Coke company. RELIABLE man with light car to handle ee- tabliahed tea and coffee rout. $85 per week and eommlssinm Boyd Tea Co.. 226 8d st W 't -i I i ii , urance to substitute in office for two weak. Call Main 14 or A-1414. WANTED MACHINIST FOR LATHE WORK, STEADY WORK. GOOD PAY. FREli i vUir'iv.i''t-TS ---,.. ,i r jj . ,' a. 1 KK1E.U oarpenter wanted. Inside finish cVVs" -nincU PhoM 60X1 . - . v. -.7 - : i . A.v i r -r irsi ciasa wagon ana automobile woodworker. Main 2892. 200 2d St.. Went- wona irwin. WANTED for bank work, operators iai Ttne. rougha adding and nostinc machine. o.7 1 "mral. ri .-.-.. t T, ANTED Mn to work on riw boats, 160 -.cart tin. 1nn afwt Ka-a wA lanl. U7.t.i ton doek. ASSISTANT shipfrlng clerk with millinery ex- parience. steady position with good chance for promotion. Mailer Raas Co. OXYACETYLENB welder, fast, neat operator on steel, wagea $7.60 a day. Phone Eaat ; 7726 for appointment. WANTED Grocery clerk, 4 one who baa had experience in handling fruit and vegeUblea. Apply u. mayer es vx., ion otn st. FIREMEN, brakemen. $150-1175 monthly; ex pajnani uuuecaasary ; aena atamp. JKaUway, I a-mimai, RELIABLE man en chicken ranch; good wages! esperience) not required. V-841, JoumsL WANTED Painters, Outside work. SO sauare Call East 1974. YOUNG man for luunch counter and oyster stand. 147 First ex. 7 WANTED EXPERIENCED FORD MACHANld Rushlight A Penny. E. 8d and Broadway. WOOD turner, steady employment, 8 hours. " Offon Cbstr Co., 1190 Macadam. TAILOR for reait work in clothing store, Jas. J.i Padden, Vancouver. Wash. 35MERCIAL telegraphers. Federal Telegraph Co.. 7 Board of Trade bldg. PBRS8MAN for Job work and book head- tnga. WelctvKtcharu Uo.. Aberdeen. Wash. F1KT class st-rni-n. Kauta Mfg. Co. . 6U and Kieoiai. WANTED A-1 anto mechanio. Good Waaea ' IO vignx man, wot inunnan st. - WANT hotel niiiht clerk. 17634.' iournaL " HELF WANTED MALE MEN Wanted for SHIPYARD WORK then who can and will work, who are pa trio tie and in earnest, and who appreciate the beat local opportunity, to help win the war. THINK THIS OVER. CaB at EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation, FOOT OF MEADS 8T. PORTLAND. OB, AN OPPORTUNITY On of Portland't largest concern has a posl- tlon a city aalcaman in which they can na a man wno is wideawake and wiMing to work hard. The work is clean and congenial and offers the riflit man an excellent future. Will consider ma without previous selling experience if be is made of the right stuff. Prefer men under or above draft age or those exempted on ac count of family or other just cause. This is no sort snap and unless yon are willing to itart small and study and work bard for ad vancement you need not reply. Moderate salary wlti more a rapidly aa you can earn it. Give ace. experience. references, aalarr expected. Don t forget your telephone number. 'Address I"i-u, .aurrja. on urn ri i o nunrn rr OlLVun irtLLO I lIVIDLr. lU FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 246 Ankeny St. 4 DOGGERS 6 YARDMEN 2 HORIZONTAL RESAWYERS 2 MARKERS ON CHAIN 2 FIREMEN'S HELPERS GOVERNMENT SCALE THE Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT Ars you satisfactorily employed? This Is tlie lunrvmn mnmant In tim nla4n of civilisation. Can Uncle Bam count nn mat Your very best effort is the only answer. aann tiunis, live aunt, aau i r. jaUKK Every true American will respond with all the power of his beina. Hoys mast fill the soldiers' places at once. A small membership of $5 has been devised to meet you half way. tzti K 'llie X. u, u. A. Employment and Advisory j ua imiu tACWV TVU BalQ KU1I W fill successfulry. Phone Main 8700, A-6B81 CsTl at nnee in person if possible. H. M. Korstad. Employ- ment Bee. $175 PER MONTH the year around, the aver- "ning last year of a number of our """"n over 40 years. This year will mem guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vines. You can do what other inexperienced men have uuuv. vveaiuugvon nursery uo.. xoppemsn. Wash. EXPERIENCED cabinet maker. Apply super intendent s office, basement balcony, af eier A Frank's. P-804, Journal. MEN wanted by Portland Gas & Coke company si uasco, on amnion road ; steady employment : pay $3.60 to $5 per day. Take free bus at aaraee. Front and fliun ata A m nr oq,i and bavier at 7 :15 a. m. AnnW at ess nlant office. clean nn from in to III rfaii. r.nfi.M - Co.. 4003 Broadway. Ohlcaeo. fll SALESMAN Large Cleveland company rrod ing merchants' new hiah class mehanl-.l Pcialty wants factory representative: position permanent; earnings $200 to $600 per month. Address E. B. Townsend, 6921 Colfax RA, 1 iftunn, unio. WANTED Representative to organize local I feld. experience unnecessary, splendid pay be- ides share of profits,, wonderful future, nothing I to sell nn InfMtmatil M,Knn,l D.. U l y"'"ct"on- " Lwt Beach. CaliH SALESMAN Capable specialty man for Orvsonr staple line on. new and exceptional terrn; I,"." f0WJ ttrotiTe mission contract. $35 w. " r,0'TS GjUett' 227 28 iarUn flag.. Cleveland, Ohio. CESSFUL salesman at once; geieral trade Oregon; staple line; splendid commission jwnna!.!, u ami; iut expenses. ueorge it. Williams. 1920 Euclid. C1b1 r.hi n.ht 181. WANTED, by laraa shtnvsnt. lnr,min Mmki, of taking chares of all analesmith smt blank. mi work- .J? he?T,T forgings. Make writun application advising fully experieoce and salary uief:ieu. va-ddu, journal. hirviTvf.Bv.'igi rgfa I ,w .wnt firat-clasa welder, one who can I weld alumnum and steel pressurs tsnks suo- eeasfully, none other need apply. Firat-clasa wages, kmok a, QUI Co.. 409 Davis. Bdwy. 26. WANTED Electrician. 66 He rate. 8 hrs.; man With aome. motor sinKiu ,rn,pj good chance to eat ahead a.Hk. nn ,n . I oouuenng eat uin mills. Apply at free am ployment office on mill walk. i m own nana writing giving age, nationality, ex- I P"cnce and phone number. G-681, Journal. WANTED, tab and coffee salesman for route In city: salary and commi,ion7chanoe , to ad- nae ood right at this time; best of refer- "noes ana oona asxea. Apply in person only. 1 Jwl Tea Co., incorporated. . Ask for Mr. Baker, I tiriwtfk 1 1 . ji. I 4... SiM49 UUDfT IE HU.1A. fll,. cak baker's helper and one bread bake?s ""'"'i guou wages, ateaay work, chance to ul" summer vacauon witn good position, I Answer T-638, Journal, I jjen wanted to carry carbon hrlnu-t. trucks to basement of our consumers; average $4.25 to $4.76 for 8 hours. Inquire northwest corner 2d and Flanders. Portland Gaa JL t nW. Mn,n. I WANTED Motor car repair men: miist H. familiar with all standard cars, good trouble workf 'iood paV "fIm DuJee bBr-waJUSS Flsnde Dundee, Broadway and WANTED, experienced feeders for color presses to ao to California' stead rtru-. ' . 7T lWaWM I w "am otenime money. r. i t. Journal. 4 CONTRACT car loaders. 4 rhit. r-- Dlaner feetiv-n. 3 lumber mdm i k.-' .4-. , -nn, vij nuujii d- j-Tjjnoennens laDj. blcLc. ' 4 -aa t . 1S t .. I I between 11 and 12 Sunday. j v.i-- Hrwvecwr, une mining prop- j ci Asa niui- ,iuirr wiLXI car on trio 1 Information at 800 Macadam street after 4 Mr ! -V. 11 i i fid shall 4406 MEN -Age 1-7 to 45; experience unnecessary travel, make secret investisstinna ,.. salaries, exiiense. Amerioan Foreign Detective AlCDCli BFV, OU 4IU1S. naiiiaii , iu aput. ooruwooa; ei..2o per iiuvi vuud evenings or mom- rags. HOY wanted, with knowledge of drafting, to wuik n i4iii room ana snop. lielser Aiacnine worxs, t9 iw. l-l .' J U. " ' . ' . .' . ' '' WAT, expreienced hotel janitor, one that Is wuung u wore ana wan una a permanent place. . onrauine notei. 4, v. a r,- r reigui irucaer ana stock men. 44 4 f. 4 . i Marsnaii weua iisrawsra va., 15 th and 1 oy. WAN TED- HT" men to work in foundry, aood wages and - steady employment. Columbia meet vai. CARPENTERS wanted for finishine ply-between 9 and .3 at 498 E. 43d N. be- sweea tqpneu anq nraree st., Kos ctty Park. WANTEXKAn apprentice to learn the nu- - exuniss' iraae - ana tut repairing. Henry Funk Atlto Co- 425 Multnomah st E-885. WANTED Man for laundry route, over draft - age. good opportjinlty for lira man. American Unn"1iS S .4 la WANT young man. under draft ags or elderly . with reference, to solicit data work ,h m . iS- . . V Tat I ' v ,4 w )j. f-to, gmb FIRST class experienced lumber bookkeeper, out of town position. R-840. Journal. WANTED First das machinist oa lake. Main 1846. HELP WANT ED Sf ALE U. S. Department of Labor U. S. Employment Service The railroads are sorely in need of help of aU kinds and tha government is now making an appeal to mechanics and laborers employed in non-essential industries to serve their coun try by seeking employment in WAR EMERG ENCY WORK. There is no mora patriotic duty to 'be performed than assisting in tha up keep of the railroads so vitally necessary to a successful prosecution of the war. Railroad buildings, bridge, equipment and roadbeds most be kejit in good condition for the transporta tion of troopa, military supplies, spruce for air planes, etc The railroad shops in Portland, Oregon, and vicinity, are now in urgent need of the following men: 95 machinists 68 14 to SO hr. 70 machinists' helpers 83 to 85 He nr. 10 machinist handymen ... 45 K to 53 e hr. 60 machinist apprentices . . . 19 H to 24 hr. 88 boUamiakera 6014 to 61 hto hr. 48 boilennakers' helpers .. 84 14 to 85 He hr. iu nouermaxers- handymen, 42 1 to 49 He hr. 10 botlermaker apprentices. 1914 to244ehr. 27 blacksmitha 644 to 61 He hr. 84 H to3814hr. 34 H to 38 He hr. 34 H to 36 e hr. 3814 to 40 ehr. 80 H to 334 ehr. 27 blacksmiths' helpers . 8 pipe fitter helpers . . . 57 car repairers 30 car carpenters 10 car carpenter helpers 12 painters . . 10 molders 3 molders' helpers 6 oxy-acetylene welders 75 laborers 39 to 48 chr. 39 to 58 31 55 29 c hr. c hr. e hr. c hr. There is serious need for the following men on the railroad divisions in the Portland, Ore- sou, uibi nci : , 200 carpenters for bridge and building gangs, 83.88 to 85. 10-hrmr dn 150 carpenter helpers. $8.25 to $4, 10-hour 50 bridge laborers. 3.50. 10-hour day. t 4 H1?". or tr anga and sections, 82.75 to 83, 10-hour day. Extra gang men live in ears, board fuftiished at approximately 327 a mo. The above wage fie H uJho'rii under U. S. Government U. S. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 247 Davis at. IN THE CITY omim, o upl also Wecksmith helper. $4 nrt ft v, . . I - w pay. Bieaay work. I Pay every week. Open Today Sunday) Portland Labor Agency UN. Second st. ARPENTERS & LABORERS For cantonment construction at Wnr nf... Or. Apply Dinwiddia Pnnt . uuu attA4(.. , K UriiAlIKI Air Trimmerman Bridal . Veil Lumbering Co. 1117 yeon nr.no WANT FOR Pr.VR iu-tvt. 1 AUTOMATIC AIR TRIMMERMAN AFFLT MONDAY.- 1117 YEON BLDG. OR I AT BRIDAL VEIL MONDAY A. M. : " ' 1 wnivs.u, IV a L 17 1 . I sin isilulEKllsN WANTED First class machine man for ftlsnlng mill; steady work; wages 70e hour to com petent man; good house at low rent for mar- ried man: will hold nlr nn.- . . n!7 It, 4.il I. ij. r.ZZ. . - nous .u, vuuiug , state experience. West Oregon Lumber Co. Linnton, Oregon. WANTED Few men to handle lumber and second 'dogger on carriage ia sawmill. West Oregon Lumber Co. Linnton. Or. i ? k ii 4TOVB VVAGES BE ATTACHED! km. " ir . m ,oa wnt Py "back . 4. OD V16 Pressure of creditors: give yoa a cnance to clear vnnilf mA h Iv . , r . " " wwa r. 444UIIi "7' fffP. 0ttr Prfnt Job: avoid attach- -7i ' ",'u'"'. .n ?" 1' "" anu aemces ar ire, we don t loan money or aak you for on eent. Krod Tehj 7mK?TO 'box ItZ n'.KTTr-p.ii.i.i ' ' i . . rter-r.7 l, ' .fWnenoed house car- caiit K-7T2 JourrSl "t" 1850 nvrn wi,n " - 4 IIAillf,lK,HKL II a . - to ?f T needs 20.000 women clerks at MBMllUSHU. UUUnni ..arV. , July. Experienca unnecessary. Wam.n ih.. ramttmaDt nnalHnn, . 1 . .... L . i o Tl"".l. Vur . " Pamcu- aminer,,-1054 Kenoi, WT 'wJST ii i in i i iif w iut,-AWAB. woman to Uke charge of our uay, steaa. ; no ex perience required; pay starts at once; writ to day. American Products Co.. 1076 a . finMnnati fllil4 HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL" 462 HAWTHORNE AVKNrrra EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEO- T44T T-4' T I1-MT.. . rt . JIBjV)- TRICAL. UNLIMITED: PHiPTirir. ornTm fVTr-DnpWflp ..4-4 .u rix untuiivisii NTMRER Tftran riug at 4.4-. t to prepare for telegranb aarrica anH ki iTn .it x.iv wanted vacancies caused by the drafting of men for war For particulars call or write Tlmwh i ." ment. room 2d 8 Railway Exchange bldg. MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS cnr.T rr:iT shorthand. typewriting. bookksAmns- in.iii7 dictaphone, muneographing, office training! adding machine, filing. Aliaky bldg.. 3d and 4iaa ADCOX AUTO sCHrvnr". Union avenue and Wascb sf Special Summer Prices. Call, write or phone East 7445. DON'T waste time; ask me how von pan m.k. $10 to $220 daily. Man or woman, start anywhere. Material cost you 78 cents; retails 1 or 4. mm ue-aaim; neeaea in every kitchen, iraycroiL, r resno, va 6TEBN SEWING SCHOOL Bleek'a system of ai" ,ua- uj mainu Luc taugnt; pav terns cut to mea-ura. Pbone Eaat 2859. B-S 807. lea arm rm a ,w. , near oeiaiollL MISS MATTINGLY'S shorthand and typewrit- ing school, 269 14lh. near Jefferson n. ter for aommer term. $5 a month. Main 8893. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AG EN CYFre registration. 911-12 Broadway bldg. BEHNKE-WALKER, biggest business college be- cause oesi; enrou any ume; free cataloma. LINK'S Business College, Portland. QrT HELP WANTED FEMALE AN elderly lady for housekeeper for a man and a cuiiaren. rowi nr. o. TWO nxpiencd stenographers. Call N. W. Auto to.. Aiaer ana tnapman, WANTED Mid41e aged konsakeeper. t-695, Journal. EarjERiENCED girl wanted for bakery store. apply i-ui j.aci j 4.U., vua ,. ciarx. WANTED Clean, economical housekeeper. Apt ply 1151 E. Lincoln st BINDERY girl, steady poaitioo. Welch-Richards 4v, wiun( 4. a-aa. WANTED, young girt to assist in housework, no wasnmgr gooa aome. isiior vstwi. TOUNG girl wn ted foe hebt bousework. tJJ Tabor 2026. HELP WAHTED FEMALE YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 19 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALXa AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. ; PARK AND OAK STREETS: EXPERIENCED buttonhole onerator and 2 needle operator on shirts. Mt. Hood Fac tory. 233 Couch st. DESIRE services of flrst-class stenographar and assutant saleslady for month or aiz weeks, in ex chancre for new Vkbtrol. Grafonola or Edi son. Salary 370 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. WANTED Bookkeeper that can writer. Aik for Mr. Beealey. use typa- THE CSEDCAR EXCHANGE 627 Washington st. WANTED 10 brteht. capsole ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell well known goods to es tablished dealer. 23 to $50 per week: rail road far paid: weekly advance for traveling expenses. Address at once, Goodrich Drug Co., dept. 700. Omsha, Neb. CIVIL service examinations soon; prepare .to help Uncle Bam win tha war: easr. sure, spare time., home study: wartime' demand for women. VTRfr for interview.. P. O. Box 1042 Portland. GOVERNMENT WORK Spinning and weaving: preference to those living on peninsula. Apply Portland Woolen U.I I- O. 1 1 4 nnia, n l. ,vu urn. WANTED Ladies with good command of Eng lish to call on business men: pleasant work big money. Will teach you. Give name, phone, address. P-811, Journal. MULTIGRAPH (electric) operator. Must be expert. Good salary to competent person. WANTED for bank work, operators on Bur- ruujcus auuiu sou twuui ukiuiw. vr-v w . . i . a . - 4.1 4 m i r Journal. WANTED Experienced stenographer for one month while stenographer on vacation. Stat experience and salary. 1939, Journal. GIRL for flat work department; steady employ ment; good wages. American Laundry Uo.. 140 E. 3d st. N. A YOUNG girl to assist with general house work. No washing. 699 Lovejoy. Apply mornings. HOUSEKEEPER wanted; owner of house and property, age 46. wants housekeeper, in Jose phine county, Oregon. U-609, Journal. I GIRLS wanted, steady employment -j at good wagne. Apply Troy Laundry Co.. . 10th and Pine. WANTED A lady preseer; teaay position ; apply Monday a. m. Panatorium Dye works. 167 E. 34th st.. Tabor 25U6. MIDDLE aged lady desires position as typist; some office experience; does neat work; lair penman. M-811, Journal. YOUNG girl wanted to assist in home; will go to beach in August. Call Tabor 6699 until noon Sunday, or Monday. EXPERIENCED girl to figure rates on auto mobile liability and bonds and write policies: take shorthand. Phone Broadway 694. ANTED Working girl as , housekeeper in logging camp. Write for particulars. StaU age. P-805. Journal. MAID wanted at Medford hotel. 122 N. 6th st HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE n MOLER BARBER COLLEGE T Pays you while learning; give you set of tools. guarantees positions. Write for catalogue. 284 Burnaide st., or phone Broadway 17al. WATTED Man nd wife, dairy wort.- some hniiwnrk in citv; hnnae and arardennrnlnhed ! commence aborit July 29: reference required. " Oli, rfuuruai. ELDERLY snsn or wife to do general house- work for 4 elderly people: good home, back of Vancouver; plain cooking; no washing. Phone Woodlawn HBO. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wage while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 223 Madison. PORTLAND BARBER fOLLEG"E Teaches men snd women the barber trade free, pay while learning. 284 Couch. Broadway 2482 WANTED AGENTS TAKE orders under the 'Madison System" wonderful combination set of fine toilet prep arations. Ea.y sales with free premium to your customers. We make all deliveries to your cua tmners Ton merely secure the orders snd we send you commission check every Saturtlay. No money -Pr letter of credit required. We mean nst wnat we say. Write immediately for ter ritory. Nortnweqtern bales uo., -Uo- t- J Smith bldg., Seattle. Wash. , AGENTS Deliciou. soft drink in concentrated form: always ready, lust add water: economical absolutely pure; every housewife wants them; 14 different kinds; enormous demand; big rummer sellers; money comes easy: 250 other popular priced, fast selling, household necessities; we furnish free outfits; writ today now. E. M. Feltman. 8o 8d St., Cincinnati, unio. AMAZING, new invention, marvelous adding ma cnine, reiaus em; auua, suou-cis, muiopues, does work of $200 machine-, 5 year guarantee; offices, stores, factories buy from 1 to dosen; enormous demand; every demonstration sells; ...t.i. t.t f.. i.m chine, retails $10; adds, subtracts, multiplies. I Vl U V .vww. tory. Dept. 807 Calculator CorporaUon, Grand Rapids. Mien. NEW wsrtlma arttcle: demand waitln,: salary commission: do not answer unless yoa cat pay your own expenses for, short time. 701 r cf Tt,d9- - FASTEST selling patnouo novelty on market . ... . " . . ' 1 sous at sisxiw AKen- maae id wj f iu uij, I Write at once for protected territory or aend I .4 n- mnl, nMnlU 4 m .pi. n -V nW.lt w 1 n ikh nth KA.rti. i - ' , AGENTS stop here, positively biggest teller out 2LF1&72& I 1 lOl-U VI Quarters. Utah AGENTS to sell accident insurance; best eon- tracts on tha market. O-703. Journal. SITUATIONS MALE WANTED Job aa working foreman on ranch. clearing cut over and brush land with goata I and sheep. Experienced stock and poultry man. I w,. klli. T.k. mm 4 i aiuwMui v v .......u... . . v mw ny kind of ranch. O-709. Journal. I MARRIED man would like work from 6 p. m. I to 10; willing to work Sundays. K-627 I Journal. . CONSTRUCTION auperin'tendent open for en- I gagement; largo work preferred. 4. 1013 I Journal. CHURCH organist, 15 years' experience, open for engagement through summer; also oon- ritrT winter nositmn. Phnna K. HUM JUST bought a new G. M. C truck; will carry from 3 to 4 tons; will take contract ion by day, week, monta or year. Call Alaranau 219, WE do team work by day ot lob. , Transfering, hauling and wood for sal. Phone East 669 or call at 426 H. Ash. CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR Repairing a specialty. 441 Eaat 62d at Tabor 7982. R. D. Crony. YOUNG man, 20 years, reliable, energetic, good education, wis ties position, clerical preferred knowledge or Typewriter. Marshall 1598. I KALSOMINING. painting, plaster patching; I aonable. Main 9689. STEADY work for a 2 or 8 ton buck. Broad- way 183. - . MACHINIST want position, understands HZ stalling of marine engines. C-968, Journal I flAV eradnnted out nf nuhl achnnl -anla-144 sition. D-510, Journal. BOY, 17. wants work until 2 SO ar nights; drive Ford. Phone Eaat 7082. RELIABLE watchman wants position; refar- I ence. Hot CUctamas. Or. j WANT contract to do light hauling sulUblo Tog 1 a 2 ton truck. Pbone Main 5804. I U.4NTrrpinmhi.t In -Tehanf, fne p.'"t'g' 1 R-8S5. JournaL WANTED To exchange painting for dentistry.' 1 B-8-7. Journal. - - 1 I HorTifii; paintiny parwtring d ajanrinlngi, dy I or contract East 1911. I IF you want your hous painted call East 84 j" I - JODnSOn. j MAN de-ires position of trust To" city I , trawliBj. Marshall 1ST. SePAATOR' tender wanu job' ihroog-' tiresh- I 1 lag. Box 1. MUwgukie. Or.- J BITTJATIoir FEMALE 4 MARRIED lady with boy 2 H year old wish worw rTKme wnera etuM earn be ens aev; eaoabla tt taka full chins! hast reference: eod homelike place more than wagea. M-81T, rfowrnaj. WANTED By middle aged woman, posltioa of honaekaenar iat a rasneetsbla widower's or bachelor home. Call at 141 Lounadale at. Mrs. LneUa Winter. GIRL. . a boot TT. do light housework and act as eotnpanloti for . yoonc lady ana baby. Call Bcilwood 8756. after 11 Monday. - SWEDISH widow wants position aa housekeeper for soma ChriatWat aridawer or haehaloc P- 810. Jowrral. ' BY YOUNG wosaaan aa apprentice la automobile repairing and driving or (leva tor operator, a 886, Journal. WILL contract for plowing, discing and har rowinc in tha valla. 811 Eaat Everett street. cast niua. WOULD like to manage apartment house; eould give first class refereneea. Mar. 197. Mrs. Hafris. " A PLACE to help care for young child during day bv eirl between 11 and 12. Go home nights. Phone Tabor 7986. ELDERLY lad wishes work 8 or 4 davs a week as companion, looking after invalid. K-786, Journal, REFINED lady, used to meetina tha public wane a position aa night clerk in a mt class novel. K-7 87. Journal. LADY wants work by tha hour. Woodlawn 4518. wamlD Position as pressfeeder by woman with some experience. 8-829, Journal. WANTED An infant to car for In private nome. G-682. Journal. NURSE girl wants to go to beach. ReL Call Tartar 4737. today. MOTHERLY- woman wishes oar child over 2 years; good bom and care. Call B-1201. HOUSEKEEPER No incumbrance, wants work. Good home more than wages, 486 Flanders. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A5D FEMALE M PIANOS and furniture refinUhed and polished. reasonable. Bellwood 1198. DRESSMAKING 46 DRESSMAKING Mr. Wolf, 25 Chetopa Apta. , NURSES EXPERIENCED nurse, best of references, will take confinement r in her home. Call East 8663. FURNISHED ROOMS 60c A DAY ud. 825 a wbek ud. Comfort- able furnished rooms, absolutely clean, baths free, hot water all hours. Hotel Cadillac, 8d near JeffeMon st. RENT Cool front room tor girl: ona block from Richmond ear. 489 E. 41st st. So. Tabor 7882. 1-2 ROOM sdU. : also several fine aleenina rooms hot and cold water in all rooms; rent $10 and $12 per month- Maxwell hall. 207 14th street. SAN MARCO HOTEL. MODERN ROOMS' BATHS. PHONES: $2 AND UP. TRAN SIENT, 60o UP. 422 H WASHINGTON. KATHERINE APTS.. 14 9 N. room with bath. Mar. 190. 23d. Furnished SINGLE rooms $1.25 week; 2 room flats, week. 842 Front. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY CLOSE in. walking distance. 1 or 2 nicely fur iiuuieu rooms on upper uoor wiu pnraie bath and phone; dandy view; for 2 or 8 gentle- men: no other roomers. 449 11 th st. Phone Marshall 4263. PLEASANT airy room near bathroom, in a private family 01 2. for employed centleman: t of bath, telenhone and Diano: aniet location near z car lines: breakfast If desired. 7 IS a.. Davis at. East C58, or Tabor 1295. QUIET, pleasant room, lower flat, 2 in fam- ily, reasonable. Gentleman preferred. Ta bor 8856. PLEASANT room with hath, for 1 or 2 eentu. T men. in private family. 418 E. Pina at.. near .rna ave. fnone st 030. FIRST floor, modem house, well furnished, large porch, basement, furnace, walktna- distanrai enipyard. Mam 2879. SLEEPING, very private, reasonable, bath. phone, light, clean. 634 Taylor. Call Mon day. NICELY furnished mum, walking itiaai- " 493 Montgomery . near 14th. RLKKPINfl mom. i,r.akr.c 4r 4 .i. i- near eaat side shipyard. East 7947. ROOM for rent near Union ave. and Williams ava. car. Call after 1 o'clock. Eaat 1408. A NICELY furnished light room close to sbip- yarq. si.ou par wees. -4 OH r rant st ROOM suitable for neat shipyard employe, $10 per mnntn. ii in. .'.d st. 3 FLU.NISHEp housekeeping rooms. 441 Roes I sl. st -yn. SINGLE furnished rooms. 1003 Water st- end N. 8. car line, one block west. CLEAN, nicely furnished room, 2 blocks to car; re-jonaeie. I a petore - p. m. BD5 Hkln st. ELEGANT rooms and location. Marshall 6188. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 16 CTIOICE rooms over store, on car, 41st and noigate, 'labor 0008. ROOMS AND BOARD It THE Martha Washington, 880 10th, for busi ness girls snd students. Marshall 1251. THE HAZEL, outside rooms, hot water, home cooking Special rates u couples. 883 8d ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 71 HAVE for 1 or 2 gentleman, good home cooked meals. Main 4157. 205 N. 21st St. WANTED Cafe of small child. Wdln. 8720. WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD 3$ BOARD for Invalid lady In country near Port- ianq. ini. jenrnai. BOY. 1 3 years old, wants board in country for few weeks. B-833, JourrtaL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS S FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED I8 60 WEEK ud. conuiletalsfurnishad hnnit keeping suite, absolutely olean. Deatrable people only. Bay carfare. Hotel Cadillac. 3d Jafferson. TWO Urge H. K. rooms and porcb. Ught and Datn included. $10 par mo. Also room. 83 per week. 464 E. Oak. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. reasonable. 560 Conch st. ona block from loth and Wash ing-ton Sts. CLOSE in. well furnlsW R. g. rooms. Very reasonable. 98 Knott tt. MU-iaslppl car. Phone Eaat 8372 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 2 basement rooms suitable tor i or gentlemen to bach. 2H2 Page St. IN private family. 3 large furnished houseksep- ing rooms. Woodlawn 6674. 1289 Karby st - " HOUSEKEEPINGS ROOMS 7 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 2 LARGE, light, furnished housekeeping rooms. cooking gas. electric lignts and rhone free. walking distance, for $15. 182 E. 2 3d, corner xamlull. 8 NICE H. K rooms. 718 E. 21st and Sandy Diva. , I'none east 7000. ONE room suitable for baching! 310 E. 7th near Clay. PLEASANT single rooms for light H. SL. 262 7 2d st FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED ia FOR RENT Five room bungalow, Datch kitch- en. hardwood fleers, built-in bookcases, etc. Best location in Rose City Park. Rent $27.60. Call Sunday. 631 K. 51st st north. 6-ROOM house, newly papered and painted; fruit: $18 month. Including water. trots ewr 8QtJ ann V. Htark lit T.anr IUtmi, th and endT 4 car to en a, niocxs nonn, l east MODERN bungalow, 655 E. 20 th st N Irvington corner. 7 rooms first floor. 8 ripetairs, hot water heat, tile bathroom, etc.. $80. Fred S. Wtniam. -H 1st NINE room modem residence, newly tinted. 321 E. 9th st N.. $37.60. Fred B. WU- Ham. 92 1st -ROOM comfortable mod, house. Woodlawn district: aond vard. fnnt trees, barrian. all for $15. Phone East .7820. Con Pl-VTUl.- B.rnnm lnml.k-1 K,u near Multnomah dab. Inquire 235 Nartilla tt Main 4171. . FOR RENT 9 room hmse on Weet Side; eloa In: rootna au fraahiy tintea. gsa. 4SB 14th2 NICE H. 5 front room, running water. vt Main o0 7. S PLEASANT rooms aver store, it; ai Kara Park. Tabor 4090. ' BUNGALOW; modern, with or without garage. 788 Overton street, near -ata. 6 ROOM' house for rent Thon Tabor 120 A Chaa. Strellman's gvooery, 4604 67th av. HOUSE" law rent 125 Staotoo. Call Waod lawo 1111. itr-Kn-aV a v'v v .-- 'ii m K " . . I"" OlvRl MU JLUUS UOwM, UCW -r ft,BV 1BOBIA. ft-i nt ZJ1"' i aaw swi;.A.4 nungsviow, Htrsv j. 1 . vnv v ancoovar ave, .,. vtoooiawn io. 5 A 2 t honse, good water; 0. Ex Ry. "CaB ' Monday. Main 8594. X AN 8-ROOM house for rent, amaU -mo-atToT fnrnitor for aale. C-2327. 6 ROOM -ouae. 6420 bath at swoU-sast. IS yard. 66. Main 128. FOR- RENT 3 boaaas. West Sid, walking "dia- T tanoa. M. Urn, ago tjoroett bide. 110 R. HOUSE ; $8. A ! $25, 4 t. bl 8 wank. 017 Henry bldg. II Ifmcw A nurt RENTAL AND INFORMATION BURBA O. 8TB FLOOR Hesw rsaj nave ehoaoa of H all deatrable vaoaat k ma. apart anata flats fa the ntty. wit aWlBita, swhahl iafoi ttesi pertaining to each. Reoords are kept a u te, There la absolutely so porta Host eg- eaara few this aarvioa. It is sastntsined aoleiy as aa accommodation to the pwbhau 9 ewaoaasrs la rortlaad wui naa tnis snrreaa f great hahy la getttaa proferty located ante!. Powers Rental Bureau A deuertaaent enerattna' for the eoareaaiene et ear patrons and friends A service absolutely without charge to you. Oar listings of booses, bungalows and apartmenta ia most coaapleta. YOURS FOB SERVICE Powers Furniture Co, Third and Yamhill 8 treats HELP SHIPBUILDING NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. You can serve your oouatry by helping ship builders to locate. List your vacancies, furnished or unfur nished houses, room or apartments. Call or phone. A. I. England. Mala 1193 or atarabau 4193. WHEN yoa get tired Having your rent raised and being compelled to move, look as up. We have bouse and lota we caa sell yoa for $25 down, $10 monthly. Fred W. Osrmaa Co.. 733 t.nsmber et Commerce. FOR RENT Fine 10 room double house. 1007 15th st 8. E. : Bellwood car to Schiller at. 1 blk. E-. second house south: open Sunday, 9 to 12. HOUSES FOR BENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 FOR SALE AU or part of furniture in 8-room house.- cheap ; 8 rooms to rent out cheap rent, close ia west side, nice and clean. H-928, Journal. FIVE room flat, furniture fer aale, 4 rooms rented. 149 H 11th st- Broadway 2500 FURNISHED HOTJSFS 86 BEAUTIFUL 10 room furnished home for rent. near city limits and oc ear line, garage. acre garden, broad lawn, fruits, flower, trees, library, city water, ess. all modern, good furni ture. Phone owner, suddenly called East. Tabor 4481. MODERN 8 room house, nicely furnished, com plete for housekeeping or will lease tor year beginning Aug. 1 to responsible party. 1 a ursl- hunt. near prk. Bent BO. Tabor 7f68 MODERN 8-room bouse, 8 baths. Risers dis trict, eloa to transportation; ample grounds. K-790. Jonna t rrv .1 . . jrrr ' - " , . , iwm . 44.-4 MUUD! 1IIIC.4.J IUI- nished. gas and drainage; beautiful location. B-30S1. ... . . .... . - . . 5 lLEASAN.T -riverside place. Jennings Lodge electricity, gas; $15 per month. East 73 J 5 ROOM hou.e. nicely fumiahed; Gearhart- Woodlswn 24 80. AFARTMENTS 41 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Lucretia Court LKta sv . between Waahlnctoa and Kver- ett stxaeta. Mt beautifully lurated hlah class apartmenta. . 3. 8. 4. 6 rooma. AU modern eoa- venience. fir.t class servie. Price reasonabla. Weference repnlr-d ttsnaaer. Msrsnall 1011. I KING ALBERT APARTMENTS New 200 room bouse. 2 and 8 room house keeping apartments, furnished or vnf urnished : elevator, hardwood fraors. 11th and Montgomery. HART APARTMENTS SeY.huInd Newly furnished modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms, $2.60 and np. HISLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. MorT ern 1. 2 snd 8 room n $12.60 up; walk- ing distance. Call East 882 MATNOLIA APTS. East 3d and Belmont : modern 1 and 2 room apt., $1.50 per week up. Sleeping rooms. FaPt 211 PENINSULA APTS. Woodlawn 1352. Con crete bldg., 2. 8. 4 roomy baths, phone. aTix!n-;.uAr7 .....j.-. . - . -. - . -. OOI stun. NEW furnished 4 room apartment, yard, rent 830. 14 52 Hawthorne. KATHERIN'E APT8 . 149 N. 23d. 3 mom apartment, enmpletaly furnished. Mar. 190 noti-a-W business. Call on or res fll 4 Tansne bldg NEW TORE APTS. East 238. Furnished FOR RENT FLATS 13 3 ROOMS and aleeping porch, modern, first class, unfurnished, 691 Everttt (west side). I'bone East 8. IRVINGTON flat. $30. 4 room., hall, bath and porch. Adults only. 340 fc. 10 N ., Irvington or Broadwsy car. $10 8 ROOM flat. 305 E. 11th. FURNISHED FLATS 68 FURNISHED and ' housekeeping rooms, alng! and in suits. $3 per week and up. 381 Tamhill, comer Wot Park. FOR RENT Furnished 4 room flat, $15 a month. 789 Kenilworth ave.; no more than 1 child. HOTELS 81 NORTON IA hotel. Portland s downtown, high class family hotel; rooms ea suit or single. with or without board, for families and busi ness men and women. We give you all the com- forte of a home. Reaonebl rates. FOR SALE Only hotel in town of 900 popu- 1- lation. and county aeatg three sawmills and I terminus of logging railroad: ona of livwrt town MfM "ft" vU 0t J' J' CwCk' 2t - STORES AND OFFICES II FOR RENT Stare and completely furnished modern 4 room apartment above, $15. Com- f"1 MtSHm "i ."1 2 DANDY storerooms at 1628 . Gllaan; $10 and $8. Tabor 9378. PRIVATE office with stenographic servic. 310 Plttock Mock. Phone Bdwy 1 07.1. STORE, $76 month Washing ton st near 11 th. Chaa. Ringter 4k Co.. 228 Henry bldg. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 88 DANDY LOCATION REASONABLE RENT Donbls (tors room at 1 6466 Unirm ava. right on th traffic. Just th place for auta repair or painting shop or machine shop, will rent very reasonable to reeponsihle party. STANLEY H. THOMPSON. 302 Htark BARN or stalla. East 288. WANTED TO RENT FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RIVER BHTPBUTLDINO CORPORATION In .tnis war time emergency and scarcity of . . ""j"r , . . wrong awrommounwosw, - nquan emry paio- etic citiaen who has a hous to rent or roorns to let to mail information of same to Columbia R. ft. B. Corp. Box 1202. Portland. Or, HI permanent raspunsmie oust nas man. B or -room modara -nfornlsned bongalow hooM with garaaa, U rent Is right wUl pay severs- month in aavano. unly 3 in family. Addresa I37JournsJ jphone Jl 672 WANTED TO RENT aqulpped farm or rand I of aay kind; have family and plenty help. Bos I 1, MUwaUkl. W, 1 WANTED to rent, 4 or 6 room hone or flat 1 West Side; most be clean. rhone Tabor 1 eiecuieiu; aauits. Taylor st I 5 OR 6 room boose, north of Union sve. I of Claekamaa; no enudren. Ks-t a 188 I WANTED, to rent good bouse with Vt a ers or 1 more near ear. liox 1 Milwaukie. Or. STTMMFR RESORT) 66 I FOR RENT -Nicely furnished 4 room eottag. 1 at iJOna Bench, WaV- Phon Main 6629 or 2S4 11th st ImiwT.y . "s-,.1 , T t w n-ikl I fV-rnnrm ratt.ee. K(i Itccinf DCTCii al Beach, from Joly 21 to Jul, 81. Eaat I o2 1 5 FOR RENT 7-room fomisbed cottage on board - walk at Seesid by tnonth or see-on. Call Seaakie real eatat offlea or Tsbor 3207. I U, K. APTS. Fine water, at Rockaway Beach. Apply at Ocean Crest Apta. BEACH COTTAGE. Beariew. Wash.. 6 room furnaabad. T. J. eofert, 825 r"-7, oog. 4 ROOM J ul7. ISaaview. Wash. -l 1518 7 ROOM furnisl aheT $43 for Aagust AUia 1086. FOR KENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED SnfKEK BF90RT8 CAMPERS. ATTENTION I Cnhtmhia Beach "BY THM SEA" Moat economical vaoatioa for ywa and tha faaa Uy. Beaatifnl grovea, fresh water atieaasi and lakaa af ferine- anod fkthina: finest stretch of ocean beach aa tha Qaowp above. Abaadaaea of Sea Food ta eat tha "High Coat of Living " 1 arse box tonta. tally wiurpped. Inelading light, wood and par swsima water. Moderate eharga. For leainatioae and partienlars, call COLUMBIA KKalJI IxjuyaHI, 212 Iombermswa Bldg. B road way 1612. LONO BEACH. WASH. For rant. bungalow facing oeeaa VLU Ana. 6; reason able rent; sleeping room for 7 or 8; aka 8-room aova for Anguat. 828. indndlng water. CaU Tabor 6128. RENT for seaaon. 6-room eottag. Agate Beach. near Newport. Or. 2 wen fwrnlahea. nreniaee. electric light, water. Bellwood 1798 ee Tabor 106. FOUR room furnished cot tag -for rant at Bea side. on block from ocean, aa pavement. Call A 2456 or aea Mra. W. H. Moor. H-kryoa Lodge. 8kla, BK-SUjE 2 eottagea near K scan) rum Inn, tot August. Broadway 1762 NEAHKARNIE beach, furnished eot'ag. Aug. i. $33 per month. Phew Eaat TI-. REAL ESTATT BEACH FROPERTT 49 ETGHT beautiful lota. Bayooaaa. $750; pretty grove and spring; choicest ioaatloav. cm tha eosat; grandest scenery, close to cliffs and aea eavee; Urge bay near at hand: semnines all .ad vantage of ooeen and bay plsasnrsa. v -o-. Journal. kEWPOBT property for rent or nU: rarnisW 4 rm. plastered house, full ha meat, eleotrve lights, plumbing: au new; ssaioa rt, $49. Ue- car Thorn, Gresham. TO LEASE 88 TO LET Fin 9 room house. 2 lot, cor. 28tn and Skidmora. Call morning and evenings at 663 6kKtmor: rant very reaaonabla, FOR SALE HOUSES 1 HOMES AN iTTN VESTMENTS HARGROVE REALTY CO. 81 tBO--8400 down, balance monthly. I tsv- terest; very desirable 4 room bunga low; bath. gaa. ligbta, pretty lot, with alley; bearing Ens lish walnut, fralt and nice shrubbery. 67 th st con- V veniant to Uwthorna aax. $1600 $800 down, balance monthly. 6 In terest; 8 room hooaa; bath. gaa. lighta. two lot. EngUah walnuts, bearing trait. nice shrubbery and garden ; beat velae you caa fiad. $8060 $1000 down. 6 room bungalow, Irv ingtoa danrict; hardwood floors, fur nace, full lot. Improvements la paid; vear nice fruit. $4000 West 8 Me. 3 houaea. full lot, aa Ovwr- toa street. Invest!-ta and maka of fer. $7250 $1000 down, balance 6: 8 etery boslaeas property. 2 storas and 23 Br ing room, above. We have some splendid homes and tavast- mentavin rortland real aetata, aUARGBOVK REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th at. Broadway 4881. 150x170 TRACT 4 -ROOM HOLRE A big living room and kitchen, pantry, bath, with all fixture In. 2 lark bedrooma upstairs, house newlv stained and painted, wall eoa- su-ucxeu, ocuea tnrougnout. $800 ALIiOWED FOB THE WORK Y00 DO Not a tree or berry bosh nlanted. but tha ground is au cleared. line for gardening. Ton take It as it stands, we allow $800 off the purchase price of $2160. Yoa plant flowers and trees. $560 DOWN BALANCE 8TRAIGHT TERMS NO MORTGAGE WHAT CAN YOU PAYt MAKE US AN OFFER 1 block from Sandy blvd., pressor water pipea 10 tracx. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY No. 7 Chamber of Commerce tn ana tars I treeta. Main 208. A-20S0. ROSE CITY PARK a 1 a a. a s spit iMitxrm T- ahnar x,n thU t.n.aln l-t4 I on exceptionally nic eomer ia Rosa dty. with su improvements pain, naruwooa iioors, nre- pUc. built-in buffet, furnace, ate; this is way above the ordinary in class, a beaotifal homo la a splendid location; see this sore. A. O. Teepe Co . Z04 nurk st. nr. 3d. Mala 8516. Branch office. 60th at Sandy. R08K t ttt PAfcf 82780 Owner moving swsy most sell. 8 splendid location just block from ear: no menu to assume: furnace heat: garag partially completed; let 0 show yoa;xaa will want this for a home. A. G. Teepe Co., 264 Stark at. nr. 3d. Mala 8516. Branch office, 60th at nanay. Rose citt parK : 100x100 BARGAIN $4500 See this beaatifnl 6 room boagalow, located In one of the best street of Base City Park; 100x100 in shrubbery and tre; bangalow has exceptionally larf In leg room, tirenlaoe. ,.,... .. ..a.. , aaawt 4iw ?,,nr..,Ai -.L C?;-- 28i7-, V- tnmtu o-nw. nimcu oiiicv. owui PtB-7. Only One Like This tot. $2200 hous. Inclading pa r line oa E. Salmon st : rv $1600 tot. $2200 house, iocladlng pvd ata.: bet 2 oar line oa E. Salmon st ; retady for nceiiriaiwy July 21. for the small torn ot $2360; foreclosed ami redeemed through offica, n nni nvvuran G. C. OOLDENBERG. 215-16 Abtngtoa Bldg. Msln 4808. $500 DOWN"" Near "Franklin high schooL 100x100 aormer. 1 blk. to car. dandy 5 room modern sot lass with sleeping porrh fruit berrias. shrubbery. large garden, at 6040 82d are., eoroer 81st; ta.au inciuaes eryng OWNER MAXWELL, 270 Stark st Mala sfot. Look aT ThT 81950 0 room modern bungalriw real asodgfa a wonoaTTiiu uws noaa wim ssrswga iara. nm- piece ana an uaukis leataraa. sieafif uinaiif Blea ii 71' SZr.!..0-. ly. bullet; Bote the price; Co . 264 SUrk st nr. office. 60th st Sandy. ALT-HEAD Rixrtariu'ft clohe to irr. Tinnt ran Saweral modern.' ahanat new. 4 aad 8 loaaa bungalows: full eemeat basement, flreplaaa- hard- bungalows; full earned basement flreplaesv hard wood floors, boilt-ins; prices $li00-$2230; easy terms. JOHNSON 212 Lumrwrmeas Bldt. nroaaway 101.. E6sC" CITT VxXX. T Owner offers for aale modern 6 reon kenes. low with lot 100x100, aa aausoally large living room, fireplace, loraao. at.: ta grounds are most beautiful: this place most be seen ta be arnraciatedl: lean than a hinrk trnai Kaf-l. I. 64th st (naraall Call VOX K 4th L M 4.s v - B fr !. Hawthorne, 6 roorna. eement baismsat fur nace, lichta. bath, toilet ata.: laaa than a block from Hawthorn ava. AD dty Improvements la and paid for. Price $2430. $60o cash, balance lira rent X-7B1, Journal "ioWcitt lAR 82900 Reautifnl S room Kttnrslow haMwAod I .1 , 1. 1 44 . 4. 4.,.i 1 IUVV"W, lW a 1 L4T U4TT1. fumaee, fall cement baseman t. wash trays, strv-t paved. I A. v it K.MA.-V i 1. . s 1 rtar. at Msi a ana. BU- YOL'K 6WN ilMi W have a Bt of beaatifnl koaaeo. PrkMa $1000. $1600. $2000 and op at small pay- meats down, balane nk rent It will pay yoa to consult our Ust before baying. GEO. T. MOORE CO , Abingtoo bldg MODERN 4 room bungalow. Doteh kitchen to white, paftel dining room, ravaesaeat. garage; kta of gaHeo $200 aash. ML Morriaea at almost new and awfully cory, pace, roses and fruit : $ 1 600 ; Tabor ear, 1 block to 2130 E. Merriaoa at BY OWNER No 4 room modern baturalow, lot 100x100, cor. 77th and Fremont rtosa taty car. $3100 CHOICE ACRE $$100 Mod. 5-rm bang-brw. near FowoU and thorn ear; termv f J. GOLDENBKRO. 216 Abingtoo bldg. Maio 4608. Baw- LtTtl.E 4 room bungalow. 116160 ft. U, fruit and berriea; prir 611001 8200 eaah. ba'.snce 815 a ownth. M. K. Lea, 80S Oortwtt bldg. SIX mom bouse. 60x1 or lot fireplaoa. basaw ment fir tree. 81700: terma right CaU Sellwnod 8023. KOi H room modarro bnacalowT Lit TaUe 81260 Eaay Urot Be-edlct. 267 HOak. Main 1748 SPECIAL bargain. $1900. "", .. w.w. ..., iin-pjacs, wear car; $500 down. Dubois. $6$ frpm)4i Bldg. SMALL Iwmaa and 60x100 .. . tarma Owoar. kss 8844. 1238 Borr-g st Waod- a-nwjs -- 1 r.w smj mj wnr, trrtc-y nnqais, I1-T4 naaTwuaas I7J agOOSaV 607 -0 B. liwr nnw. 2nOM hnoae U sen ria L. I. 41aA $10O down. $16 a B-mth. M. E. Law. 80 coroeu aiag. 60 HnrSF.S FOR SALfc." TET Or r.CIAIa. PAGB SI BY FRANK U McGUIRE A. l ia 1 1J o-ncaiew alms to aawtboraa ear. aorner lot fralt trees, 88260. Tabar 6691. FOR BALE J room St Johaa. rastad ana ma bldg. $19. Mala 7309. 6L4 Panama bids. RfST boy io PWdmoct and la Waodst-ck. Mala 7809. 6 1 4 Panaa-a bid. MAX, 1 STATE. FOB SALE HOUSES John B. Matthews ITt-i And ATbarta ata. V-a-a Wa-rw 4888 Offer tha foll4rwtg aa top giliihm. a te real . . vJo for the aaonay: 67M0 Pabbla oeww-t; ltwrkns tvaaa. IS -aatlrng neog lovely ahada trees: ata at 3, L lAOslOw. Tha hs-aa It light I aad ekssrfal, prsctte-Ry stew, with every awl- :' era seaveaisaaa cnervaMa. bitt by aaa wb knew and appraelatad the varasaof tha kaat t . vcaiteetnre, wortassnshtp and aaaterlaL 1 w . Bavw this to be Uka-bewt boy ia the Oty. Ta Cat to $.350. Mow. tha By Sunt . Uk a draam of aa aver aaabrUowe advactiswr. bat I caa datlvar the good. I said tat anod era home, with slawping pereh and all athar modern craveaieaeea. to this present owner see " 1 oral year ago for 88250. Hs baa aino spent ! i1 ovr 3500 cash aa tha place and kept it np la - u pina or eemao. Itg'a real, rati bar gain; won't Mat long. --; vn tn ank of tna clear, eooL apart U- Clackamas: the ideal nlaoe far a ao-ntre 4ava: . rly aa acre: all kta mt k-Hu ti W-iu. taa ta anod eoaditioa, Prto 81600. . af etty oar tin, ea hill aaraai front the Oaks- hut tha sou Uta A rnnsii (Two nd 8 Ox 1 2 8, aU improvod. U .. 82460 Modara a -aa, -.. 1A.V arw jus gooa as aa kiv-rU-ent mm John B. Matthews 2 "t and Albert St. Pboaa Woodlswn 411$. 3 1 Take Alberta ear. get off et 17th. 32250 6x7 N. 658 asareUJ at. Improvemenu La. Tena. 8 6 r AU IBM - - ; v. 1 - ; i iWi ip ,taf f; , - - f - 0x100 Good 6 roots bungalow, mod an. art-ate No. 499 K. 86t sC. m. VUBVOB. Ta 80x160 Good room house. Ka. 4T8 N. 23d sC 41x100 8 room hooaa. We. 1021 E. 11U St.. Baa AJhexta. Tstaa. Mall & Von Borstel 104 HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS FOR SALS - rt- EAST 6 IDE ..-I 81600 Divialoa. near E. 62 sC. 6 nisi. '' 1 aO E. Clay. Bear E. 42d SC 200 K. 8th at, N near Maaoa aCl a0 Bas t1 na id. 9009 2SU ava. S. E. (Ivoa at). Baai u s. 4 rreas IMvnaoa at, - f .v ss. avta st. N., aar Alberta at, . ,, 8360 Knott at. near K. 87th at, N. . ',!, 4250 Cor. E. 29th St. N. and Wsseat st, A WEST SIDE $800t) Blackston at,. Bear WOeoo at, ,.( a 4 a (i a,.L a, - m 7 1 - -v, .i au 14., near isarasa aa. i Tbaa are aU good buy and cava be portbssid J: m easy payment piaa. ' F. ?, ANDREWS CO., 6ta Fir. Matt Bldg.. Park and Washlngtoa Stv, .t Telephone Marshall 602$. ,,,,, BUNGALOWS. HOCBEB. LOT f'r ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAK '-.jgt 16 ft DOWN AND 1 MONTHLY. I . CARSON HEIGHTS. 3 At ROLAND STATION, on tha Oravaa " : trie railway, 15 minute ride aad straight aaat fare; also Bear Fallon Park -earUn and ea . t Taylor Fairy road; Bull Boa water, eUctrieity. . , -gas. eemeot atdewalka, atraets traded! hswiss front $676 to $2500; lots 60100 ft, $2a ' and up. IF W E I HAVEN'T A HOME TO.fW SUIT IOC, WE WILL BUILD ONE THAT : 1 , . V . i.. . . . aau; we wui aii yew mw. ta aa auto ana saow yow tna property at aay urn. THE CARBON CO.. OWKBBJ. th Floor Piatt Buildlna. wssninrtoa at, at Park Tel Man ban 602$. . A SNAP A BARGAIN , t $8000 TERMS -7 Pertlands biggest bargain a real bey. fast ' think of it a new 8 room bangalow with hard- k wood Coora. flrepUeav furnaee. full ram sat beta H msnt, wash trays, eta., fusisraed ta white enemet. sU street tmprevesseau in aad Baid. last 2 blocka ,-r " oar on ui s 9 or ooaaaas aaa. ooa s as: let aa show ra Ua baraW.a a real aodera bangalow; eaay tataa. A. A. Teepw -" Co.. 264 Stark st, sr. 3d. AUla $$16. Branc iv. Otfioa, 80th at SaBdy, $60 DOWN BUYS ANY OF THE FOLLOWINj rooms. SOB otto .. Frioe $16601 two Iota. , T rooana, 2014 B. G liana at. $1806. 4 room California boagalow. 6124 77th ga. I B. E.. 31700. f.i rooms. 2118 E. SUrk at. 11000. Tbeee are aU aor own DTTmarrs. aad es srfll . arrange the monthly payments to sort ran. xnaj y. bLIUUK CO., -.- 733 Chamber af Oomaesrae bldg. - 4-r A- o!j ri-li " ' v C-l OIUO tvUIUIIIdl Exceptional Opportunity New 8 rm.: avert model eoa. toov. laearaaral Owaar. 8.1 1 tail -as ears 12 sa-u. ; view; taraas. eian. U. O. OOLDENBERG. ABrXQTOJf KLJVl. T gToVELAND PARK BARGAIN BeaaUfol 7 -room bongalow. with hard I lumra iirmiap. rit. ii.-ia, ., a n . M---H farnaea. Out of tow. "owner Una' I IM MU UlM f-WltMlMl fflrttf-L A a i a Dtij ia inu Mnturi Tmtnc AmtkeU mt of Mt Tabor and near the Franklin high school. Ij-. d Main ilia .- 7r aAT- "Til 1" Saady. ' -J . I a pr-Sua ki t- ai-, 9ZZL' an iili' I arrsssou 1 .. 866. li6AiawB f at 82100. 1906 it--a. id. 8 rooms. $1$ Wobatet St. ... $8600. 3666 darn v 6 rooxaa. 821 Sumner St.... $2000. 8 160 , Saawatoa ITT t Silk m .4IAA ilAS 4. I Theaa are ail aaaA hnatal V ' -- I at hmtal " .44 rKP W. GERMAN CO. T82 rbam. af Cmm. .Ai I vam kJtff sae avs ' , 1 " . 1 I , , - , , . fat L.5?'mi wm hngiown AlWta t. mrnmi t vm mow ym. a u. Tt-trp c. 194 a-? I Stark st or. Sd. mjua 6816. Breach aff-n,.,.. 1 90taj at Saady. $17505 Room Bungalow I ALBERTA DISTOtpT; VOriKBW '. I ALBERTA DISTRICT: MODEBS I lltss a rnoox. aad I two lots ao 60th at I B. F. KEIXY. TIB wead Mda. I FOB SALE 8 lota 2 su t Plaoa. t bia War." a earner. Tremoct plaoa. t blocka from Waod -fx stock ear. Beet loeatioa far aslaiss or ms. , deoca. 46 fruit trees from 3 te 6 years ad."'i it a uierenx smaa. rnc f J SOU. Eaey pmt aaenta. Call Soaday or evaa-nea, 6434 tTth $2600 Terms 100x100 6. room hopes, flaa kaatlng skst ' ' I Bang, chic Iran hooaa. fruit aad twrrlsa. AC. great bargain. New aotosnobila. 800. Mala , - 6466. Eaat 4784. 700 K. $66IiOWl 1.4 jit month 4 room bungalow, attraetlta aad la Biro dltion; Blskiyoa tt. Rasa Ctty ear. Price 11180. . A good boy. .1 I . vr. fintiZa, 408 Star. Fjeheng. 1200 XeOvVW I ttSIS a - 4.14 a ii a . . I 4 . UW1, a. 4M. U SSManTl W WBSO V l1 I tray, hardwood floors, bullvia Voak ' . I f aaae, wrltiag dank. Ivaffet. Data T-4lThTii' i swnvwaieai to at ua. ana wtas. ava, eases. LA. WICK MAN CO.. 614 Stark stWata . S-IlOOM nienly tarnisbed kangalow. lot SUSiiSl 1 block ta ear; $2000. easy tar. $0x100, 4-toaot bwagaWw blocks frao ' ay vw t -OMtlaOl, 411 Chamkwr af Coanasst M-rrta. ,t A REMABKABLE BUY L Mr ,74 tW PVOTMrrty, wtth I f00? ?? Ubu water, very coare-ksrt j. T I ' ahipyard -organ; hasaa is not aaaapialad. ta new an- . .. . a 1 On ..4 t Cn 600 Concord bldg. Mat 66. ' !ntWOTAEBrNGAL0vf " um.1 i7a Fhnt view arm aad 8-fta ligr.ta aad water. fa la bargain at 61 76. with I Uarso. Call 9: ' 1 concord bklg. Main 85. ACRE AND "BtrffGALOW V"6k 4li.6"" i new a roosa pisa.ee a bangs low aad tnc roar acta, eloa ta elee-ri statin. 36 sals."" a awt: flaa for sWpowildars: oriaa For easy terms call $00 Ccocord bldg. Mala ..- $ 1 4 00 Modern bongalow. fireplace, bard od :. . floor, buffet. Doteh kitabesv. foil kasa .1 Burat attic; eaay tsrass; eant aa i artractlv ham, aawly palattd tad ' tinted uirrsibost T- 3. A. vtTCKMAN CO.. $14 Stark at, Mala 868. I ftOOn i-rooto " bo'rsxalow a 76il0 lot. Raw. M too daWriet; a good place for a workiagoiaai nrt tinted and Data tea mreognoot; arvw 1 . IM enaa. asiaaee uaa raam-i shw yenns. !rlaoO Co., S4 Ft. W. Bak bldg. 9x100 LT. 6 roata hooaa. extra rvota to at-'e wist tatanaiat. waaa uaya. vnus. na. , I1IU-. L . n. a i a a O. aaa- een. rnar m www . p - --, R Rvarert, 1266 K. CUy. Pb a D-1764. ljk 8-I.E CHEAP" 61806 - - - r ;- toaas hows aad aa ha aera af Wad.-., Sooaa taraas. Caa abaw yoa SaaiAy. CaB tA-aer betai. reoaa 26 ' ' . I40O6 a T44- mess-, stanalag . pr7: , laraa grnoo-t. fralt and ahada trosaw - rhaoa Evt 4301. 746 Maltavnovah k -, Laaa k- jOxlO-Q. hatwai A4,. I .4- llwtoT aar. CaB hub hefnan far I S p. as.. Tabor 444. . I W.5'Asti tm awnaar . 1 i-o-i La-.s s IT I 6 tweat hBOis.aea-oer lot. Bear J.trersoa . , tdffc anhiioli , Lao aire 94$ Vsoeoovrr 1 - ! v t'A f V 1d rtlis . -4