The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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I. v
regori Clergy Wiill
An Average of Ten Per Cent oT
. Preachers Engaged in Y. M.
' C. A. and War Work.
Sacrifice Reflected in Pulpit
and Parish, Where "Bit" Is
- Done With Rest.
'it AVERAGE of almost 10 per
cent of Oregon's clergy have
either partly or wholly given up
their church, work and are now
enured In army or Y. M. C. A.
. work. Many of the ministers have en
. listed as T. M. C. A. secretaries, others
hare received appointments as camp pas
tors and still others have been advanced
to the position of chaplain. The Pres
byterian church has given the most men
, . In Oregon, their percentage being about
SB. The Methodist and Baptist churches
almost tie for second place, their per
centage being around 15.
Each church is working hard and is
saying little about the creat sacrifices
being made. The leaders find it diffi
cult to fill the places of the men who
- have left.
Preibyterlaaa ta Frasee
The Presbyterians have about 100
churches in the state that are supplted
- by 80 active ministers. Of this number
20 have enlisted in the service. Rev.
George L. Clark of La Grande church
la now engaged In T. M. C. A. work in
France. Rev. R. E. Blackman of Pen-
dleton and Sunday school missionary,
v is also In T. M. C. A.1 work In France.
Rev. X. A. Thompson, formerly pastor
' . of the Mlspah church here. Is in France
with the Y. M. C. A. Rev. J. E. Youel
of. the Tillamook church is sergeant in
the coast artillery at Fort. Columbia.
.. Her. W. S. Gilbert, pastor of the As
. torla church. Is chaplain with the rank
of major in the lS2d regiment, A. E. F.,
France. Rev. Carl H. Elliott, pastor of
tha Salem church. Is with the Y. M. C.
A. tn France. Rev. C. J. Greene, pastor
of the Corvallls church. Is chaplain of
Base hospital No. 46. Rev. A. R. Hodge
of the Gold Beach church is with the
medical corps at Fort Sill. Rev. A. L.
Laoey is with the medical corps at
y Waco, Texas. Rev. F. W. Gloeckner,
.. Sunday missionary for Southern Oregon,
is with the Y. M. C. A. at American
Lake. Rev. Horatio H; Marsh of Glen
dale Is with the Y. M. C. A. at Fort
Stevens. Rev. D. A. MeLeod, pastor at
Cottage Grove, Is at Camp Lewis with
; tha Y M. C. A. Rev. J. M. Cornellson.
- Indian missionary at the Tutuilla
church, is with the Y." M. C. A. In
Franc. Rev. Barclay Acheson is with
. . the Portland Y. M. C. A. Rev. E. W.
Warrington, pastor at Roseburg, Is with
the T. M. C. A. In France. Rev. D. A.
McKenxle of Dallas. Or., Is working at
Vancouver. Rev. John H. Boyd of First
church, Portland, and Rev. Edward H.
Pence of Westminster church. Portland,
are working during the week at Camp
Rev. B. J. Glffen of McMlnn-
. vUle and Rev. J. E. Snyder of Pendle
ton have been giving part of their time
at Camp Lewis.
Baptists Give la Per Ceat
.. The Baptist churches of Oregon have
- given about 10 per cent of their pastors
to assist in war work. Besides this,
the Northern Baptist convention Is rais
ing 110,000 a month to support these
men. It Is the duty of the Baptist camp
, pastors to locate churches for the sol-
dler boys and also to get the people of
the city 'to entertain the boys. They
also preach In the huts and conduct
Bible classes.
. t Rev. F. H. Hayes of Sellwood church
j -it a chaplain with the army In France.
- Rev. Henry W. Davis of the Eugene
church is with the Y. M. C. A in France.
?. Dr. William A. Waldo of First church.
.... Portland, has been devoting his week
.. days for the peat two weeks at Camp
Lewis. Rev. H. E. Marshall, state su
perintendent, of evangelism, has enlisted
with the Y.Ti. C. A. and will soon leafje
s '2r, Rey- Ervln C. Laslette
of Prmeville u assisting In the Van
couver barracks and Vancouver ship
yards. f ' The Astoria pastor. Rev. R. F. Jame
,j ton, Is working at Fort Stevens. Dr
W. H. Eaton of Roseburg Is camp pas
tor at the Bremerton navyyard. Rev.
D. H. Young has been assigned to assist
'. In tha work at Fort Stevens. Bjev. T. S
Mosher of Powers, Or., is working In
, spruce camps near hla home church.
SRer. C H. Hall of McMlnnville is soon
V to leave for. Newport, where he will
- work In the soruce camn. aamnin. j
Tallroad camps. Dr. C. A. Wooddy of
. uuu uu oeen given cnarge of the
m war work for the Northern Baptist
, convention In the Northwest district. It
. ? w" ty to appoint camp pastors with
tha consent of the government and also
. to secure additional workers. Dr. Wood-
dy has given up his other duties in an
. effort to carry this work through to a
- successful culmination.
: The Method i s t churches of Oregon
T IS far easier to make occasional
visit to the homo of the remains
twhea these , have : been placed in the
Columbarium of the Crematorium. There
la never that saddening feeling of lonely
neglect and the more grewsome thoughts
of, nature's .process under tha ground.
Everything in L and about the Crema-
torlum la bright, with flowers' and
. green that memories may ' be awoeter
. and nor comforting, i
Write, Phoae or Call for Booklet Y
OponfoVhlfors '' fourteenth ond&ybi
.1 ''u;-ir :
JULY 13, 1918.
Sitvigence to 4pea6
3Co 10,000 eototerjf
niHorale at Camp
Dr. Edward II. Pence, pastor of the
Westminster Presbyterian church, has
been detailed to speak to battalion
groups of 2000 each at Camp Lewis on
the subject, "Morale." He will address
10,000 of the boys In khaki each week.
These addresses are to be given in con
nection with those delivered by army
officers and have for their' purpose
speeding up the making of soldiers. Dr.
Pence seems to have a wonderful hold
on the men at American Lake and- is
said to be doing very effective work.
Conventions, to Be Held at Sea
beck and Jennings Lodge to
Be Attractive.'
Local Christian Endeavor members
are expressing interest In the coming
annual missionary conference at Seabeck
ana tne "Camp Multnomah" convention
at Jennings Lodge. . The third annual
conference of the. missionary education
movement will be held July 30 to Au
gust 10. The nurnoHft la tn Imnrnn th
missionary efficiency of church workers
by means of instruction and Inspiration.
Courses In grade Sunday school work
and mission study will be held. The
afternoons are reserved for recreation.
Four tennis courts, warm and cold salt
water bathing, hill cllmblnsr and walking
through wooded paths are some of th
attractive leatures. Information con
cerning registration wmv Via auvi.-t
from Rev. John TT HTnfthowa nt
or from Miss Vera Henderson, 1165 East
zammii street. .Portland.
8:30 Rising bell.
7 :15 Breakfast.
8:00 Study hour.
9 :10 Devotional Bible hour.
10:00 Mission study classes
11 :10 Graded mtmtoniirv
and discussion groups.
iz :so Dinner.
1 :00-2 :00 Rest hour.
2 :00-5 :00 Recreation.
6 :00 Story hour groups.
6:00 Supper. .
7 :00 Vespers. .
8 :00 Miscellaneous program.
10:00-Retlring bell.
The training cunn at .Tnntnra t
will be held August is t 10 -n..
themekof the convention will be "Carry
v.i. uiiierences, jioie study and gen
eral parliaments will h
- aA Ail Ujfj
morning. The afternoons will be devoted
io recreation ana tne evenings to pop
ular leciures, rouowea by bonfire
"watches." The camp will be conducted
In military style. Th r.rict.. t
will be 25 cents.
Sermon Series to Continue
Rev. Alexander Bear win Mnii.,,. v.-
..... j. 1 1 uta
sermons on the Holy Spirit on Sunday
morning at the First Free Methodist
church. This Is the third in the series.
Sunday's sermon will deal with the
operation of the Holy Spirit. Donald
L. MacPhee will sing.
have given 14 ministers to assist In the
camp work. They have 182 ministers
In the state. Rev. Frank James of
Lebanon has been' appointed chaplain in
me army ana is soon to leave for
France.. Rev. R. M. Jasper of Lents
Is working at Vancouver. Rev. W. E.
Ingalls of -Amity is taking an examina
tion to enter the Y. M. C. A. work, and
the followine have ben
are now with the Y. M. C. A. and Red
cross: Rev. A. O. Hammond of Grass
Valley. Rev. R. E. Gornald of Pendle
ton, Rev. R. C. Young of Oak Grove.
Rev. Stanford Moore of Dundee, Rev.
H. N. Aldrich of Salem, Rev. Carl G.
Doney of Salem, Rev. George H. Parkin
son of TCnsfrLA T? T r Tvffi .
- -- -- . v.. nuiiinB oi
Medford, Rev. W. E. Kloester of Wood-
iwn cnurcn or Portland, Rev. R. C. Lee
of Sumpter and Rev. U. S. Crowder of
Wasco county. .
Eliot la Forest
Rev. William G. Eliot Jr.. of the Port
land Unitarian church, has been work
ing in the spruce camps and sawmills
of Tillamook and Clatsop counties during
the past week. Rev. J. J. Staub of the
Congregational church has been devot
ing much of his time to assisting In the
Y. M. C. A. work at Vancouver. Bishop
Robert L. Paddock of the Episcopal
church Is now in Italy where he Is a
chaplain In the regular army. It is
understood that he is with about 2000
American ambulance men.
Many others of the Protestant clergy
are giving their services to assisting the
boys who are giving of thetr best to the
saving of the cause of freedom. The
list of clergymen and laymen engaged
In this work is Increasing dally and the
Y. M. C A. Is flooded With applications
from patriotic ministers, who have it In
their hearts to do al in their power to
Instill In the boys the proper principles
of morality, courage and justice.
M . ni a
Lremaforrum- V' '.;i
W '..--Tl-L.-.-rt:-- -J5,.-jt. r.i ......
. - - i . ' wax uniw, UlUiUUfl :
Work as Cmp B
Organization of Women's State
Missionary Society Is Pro
posed Feature.
The 28th annual meeting of the Pres
byterian synod of Oregon will meet at
Eugene from July 23 to 28. All Presby
terian pastors and one elder from each
- vw vi.ciiu. una ox
the interesting features of this year's
luevunK win oe ine anticipated organi
sation of a woman's state missionary so
ciety, which will be called "The Women's
Synodlcal Society of Oregon."
Short devotional services will be held
In the mornlne. af for- nrhiv .v.
will give Itself up to the summer school
ui me university or Oregon.
The afternoons will be devoted to the
business sessions of the convention.
Popular addresses win rn i .i. -
Ewlng to Give Lectares
James F. Ewing. superintendent of the
First church Sunday school of Portland
and educational director for Oregon In
the church, will s-iv v v-. .
lectures. enUUed: "Some Historical As
pects or tne War." The Individual lec
tures are: "Belrhim iivim mA r
ern," "Berlin-to-Bagdad Railway," "The
war in jsiDte lianas'' and "The Democ
racy we Are Fighting for."
Rev. B. P. Fullrtnn - .v -
board of home miaelons. will be present
At All nv. Mfn j 1 1
- - .v.aueo mu wm ueuver a popu
lar address at the Thursday evening
Important Session Toetday
Wednesday afternoon J. M. Sommern
dike, suoerintandent nf thi
- . UUilUHJ
school mission work of th Tr..,...i
church, and S. R. Fergusbn of Cedar
xmpias. iow&, wui speak. Wednesday
evening there will be a fraternal meet-
Koaresaea ny leaders of different
Protestant denominations.
One of the moot imnnWan
. ' . WUOUIOB9
sessions will be Tuesday afternoon,
when tha Albany college situation will
bo discussed. Wednesday afternoon win
be devoted to Sunrlav iKiinni mt..i.-.
Thursday afternoon to home missions.
rriuajr iternoon to rorelgn mte
slona .Rev. W. O. Forbes, superintend
ent of the 'Seattle district, will speak
Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Andrew J.
Montgomery of tha Portland
is In charge of the program and left
r-omana naay ror Eugene to complete
the arrangements.
St. Paul Pastor to
Fill Pulpit Sunday
Dr. James Robert Smith of SL Paul
will occupy the pulpit again at the First
Congregational church at both services
Sunday. Tha Blhl viinni .
" - . v v r. ... luvci ftl
noon. -The other departments of the
church are not meeting during the sum
mer. The women of the church are
working at the Rod Cross headquarters.
The church choir for the summer- Is as
follows: Soprano, Miss Doris Bagley:
alto. Miss Dalsv nthimn i-i-
- , iuuuiru
H. Robertson, and bass. R. Welles Love-
gron, wiui .Duoien a. Becker as organist
im uirawr. ai tne morning service
they will sing. "The King of Love"
(Shelley), and there will be a tenor
solo, VLead Kindly Light" (Hawley)
in the evening an alto solo, "Hold Thou
My Hand" (Brlggs).
Dr. Lovejoy Speaks
At Sunny side Church
Dr. Esther Clayson Lovejoy will speak
Sunday evening at the Sunnyside Con
gregational church. Dr. Lovejoy re
cently returned from France.
A lawn festival will be given by the
church for the benefit of the Red Cross
at the residence of Dr. J. A. Pettit. East
Taylor and East Tvunhr-.tMh
Monday evening. Orchestra and vocal
raumo. as weu as other entertaining
features, will make up an attractive pro
Seventh Sunday After Trinity
Uniform S. S. Lesson
"Retdinc God's Word." Acts 8,28-89: PiaT
Golden Text "Ye ahajl know the troth, and
the troth shall mk joa free."
Young People's Topics
Chrbtian Endearor 'Xenon. From Favorite
Parable." Mark 4:1-8.28-82.
Junior Christian Endea-ror "What I want
to Do With My Ufa." Eph. 6:1.
Ejmorth LeatiM "How to Hare a Good
Time." 1 Then. 5: 18-24.
Fin White Temple 12th and Taylor Rav.
William A. Waldo. 11, -Tha Enlargement of
Christianity"; 7:45, "Tha Heavenly MessenceT "
East Side E. 20th and Ankeny Her. W. B
Hinson. Preaehinc by Evangelist Dr. 8 J
Re Id, 11, 7:45.
Third Vancouver and Knott Rev. Welby J
Beaven. 11. "The Prayer Test"; 7, B..T. P. V.
Joint meetinc with church, topic, "T eaiiius From
World-Known Parables."
Arleta Rev. W. Garnet Handler, 11, "Tha
Parable of tha Sower"; 8, "Bapuam of Mew
Calvary K. 8th and Grant Rev.
Thomaa. 11, 8.
j. a.
Glencoe E. 48th and Mala. 11. 7-45
preaching by Rev. F. C. Lealetta.
BeUwojd Bethany Rev. T. J. BroomfleM.
Grace B. 78th and Ash Rev. H.- T. Cash.
1 1 Di 8. Preaching by Rev. O. J. Waehita.
Highland Rev. Ed a Cofer. 11. 8.
f Ostnelle
St Peters Lents Rev. p,
10:80. 7:80.
Beutgen. 8,
Pro-Cathedral 18th and Paris Rev. E. y
O'Uara. . 7:1B. 8:80. 8:45, 11, 7:48.
8t Lawrence 8d and Sherman Rev. J O.
Hnihes. , 8:80. 10:80. 7:80.
St Patricks 19th and Sarier Be. E. p
Murphy. 8. 10:80. 7:80,
St Francis E. 11th and Oak Rev. J H.
Black. .8. . 10:80. 7:80. ' U"
Immaculate Heart of Mary WilHamt ave. and
BUnton Rev. W. A. Daly. 8. 8. 9', 7:80.
Holy Roeary E. 8d and Clackamas Bar. K.
& Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:80.
St.- Rose E. 63d end Alameda -Rev J
O'FarreU. 8. 10:80. 4. , , .
- BC- Andrews E. 9tb and Alberta Rsv.' J.
Klernan. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
The Madeleine B. 24th and Siskiyou Rev
Oeorte F. Thompson. - 7 :80, 9. 11.
Aseenaion S. 7th and Yamhill Franchcan
Fathers. 8, 1j0:80, 7:80. . Tma
Biassed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blaat
dena Rev. XV W. Black, 8, 10:80, 7:80.
Holy Croea 774 Bowdoin Rev. C. Raymond.
8. 10:80.T:SO. .
St. Ignatius 8220 4Sd si 8. E. Jesuit
rather. 8:80. 8, 10:80. 4.
- St. Stephena 42d and E. Taylor Rev. We.
MB A. Waitt. S. 8.8O. 10:80. 7:80. v.
- Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Tsncoaiai
eve. Rev. F. H. Miller. , 8. 10:30, ImT
St PhflHp Nerl P.nlfat Father.) E? 16th
and Hickory -Rev. W. J. Cartwright 6. 8 10
St Clements S. Smith are. and Kewton 1
Church of (god pens Camp itleeting
: - .
Tabernacle ai Woodburn where anuu
The Church of God opened Its 84th an
nual state camp meeting Thursday at
the camp grounds In Woodburn. The
meetings will continue over two Sundays.
The church owns a beautiful fir grove of
10; acres In the city limits of Woodburn.
where the state camp meeting is held
each year. The meetings are held in a
large auditorium, which has been erected
on the grounds.
Many people attend these5, meetings
from the surrounding country. Part of
them camp on the grounds during the 10
day session, where wood, water and
straw are furnished free of charge.
'About 200 are expected to pitch their
tents this year ald about 600 attend the
church services on Sunday.
Able ministers from h wUi....t
w-- . wa baa rv cov
states will be present to preach at the
three sessions ueh Hav a i
are : F. H. Ebbings of Daisy, Wash. : O.
a. surgess, apoxane ; W. W. Crist. Mid-
Protestant Churches
Report on War Work
How the Protestant churches In France
work with the army and navy through
a committee embracing all denomina
tions is told in a recent letter:
"Our, committee Is working on similar
lines with your own," writes Andre Mo
nod, corresponding secretary of tti
French Protestant committee, from Paris
10 Henry a. Autinson, executive secre
tary of the national committee on the
churches and moral alms of the war.
"Democracy and International Justice,"
says Mr. Monod, "are the French com
mittee's basic principles.
"The Protestant committee has been
one of the most active of our organiza
tions during the war. It has
extended Its scope of action in a great
number of different countries by means
of literature and the sending of delegates
to Holland, Norway. Sweden. Denmark.
Switzerland, tne united States and
Canada. -
"Early in 1917 the same committee
found a way of taking its part In a
wide and permanent campaign,' tending
to maintain the spirit of the nation on
a lofty level and to give moral support
to Influential organizations which could
help in said campaign. We thus brought
to a national campaign the help and the
work of our churches which were espe
cially prepared to understand the moral
alms of the war.
"We have been the means, by our
close relations with the United States
and by the mission of our delegates, to
make our people more fully realize the
moral significance and the value of
American friendship and American sup
port In the war."
Memorial Services
For HiUsboro Boy
Sunday morning the First Congrega
tional church of HiUsboro will hold a
memorial service In memory of C. Car
roll Gates, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
O. B. Gates, the first Washington county
soldier to die of wounds received on the
battlefield of France. Dr. A. D. Shaw,
the pastor, will deliver the address, his
theme being "Till the Day Dawns and
the Shadows Fade Away."
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Rev. G.
BobL 8. 10:80. 7 :80.
. Bt Agatha E. 15th and Miner Rev. J.
Comminsky. 8. 10:80, 7:30.
St Stanislaus: (Polish) Maryland ave. ; and
Failing Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St Joseph (German) 15th and Conch Rev.
B. Durrer. 8.10:80.7:80.
8t Michael (Italian) 1th and Mill Rev. M.
Balestra. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St Clares Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers.
i:iv; vmo.
St Charles 88d
and Alberta Rav. 3. P.
O'Flynn. 8. 10:80.
All Saints E. 89th and Cllsan Km cm...
William Cronin. 8. 10:80.
First Park and Columbia, Rt. Harold H.
Griffis, 11,. "The Human Lock and tha Gospel
Key"; 7:45, "The Sin of Secret Discipleahip."
East Side E. 12th and Taylor Rev. R. H
Sawyer, 11. "Lest Wa Forget"; 8. "Is There
a God Who Sees?",
MonUrllla E. 76th and Hoyt Rev. J. W.
Jenkin. 11, g .
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Bar. J
F. Ghormley. 11. "Tha Humanity of Jesua":
8. "Regeneration." x
Wood lawn E. 7th and Liberty Rev. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11. "Parabolic Teaching Concerning
the Kingdom of Heaven"; 8, "Tha Teat of
. Christian Sclenoe
Lesson subject: "Sacrament"
Fliat 19th and Everett 11, 8.
Second E. 0th and Holladay. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 1L, 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emenoa. 11. 8
Fifth 62d and 42d ave. S. E. 11. '
jjSUth Maaonle Temple. W. Park and TamhEL
St" John Hottrook block. 11.
First Park and Madison Dr. James R.
Smith, 10:80. "Power From On High" r 7:48
"Freedom Through the Truth. "
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett
Rev. Warren Hon. 11. "The Spirit of France":
8, Home Fires E renins.
Sunnyside E. s82d and. Taylor Rav. J. J
Staub, 11. "Front Root to Branch in Christian
Servfcw"; 7:45. address by Dr. Esther Uayaoa
Lovejoy. j
Highland E. 6th and Pwieott Rer. Edward
Constant.- 11. "The Fraternisation -of America
aAd Franca"; 8, -With Jems at tha Lake Bide."
Wayerty Heights E. SSd and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Mosea. 11, "All Oar Cera on Him."
Ho evening service.
u L"r'w th ave. and 85th at S. E.
Mrs. J. J. Haadaakar. 11. ....
i Trinity 19th aad . Everett Rev. A. A. Morri
ton, 8. 11. 8. ,
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen tha Martyr
18th and Clay Rt Rev. W T. SuwussThShopT
Tery Rev. b. h. MeCoIHstw, cVaaw SuadayT:
7:48 a. mu. 11. 7:45 p. aa.; church acbaai. 8:45
J. m. Week ays. Wednesday 7 XtTZTm Fit
day 8:80 a,- m.j Holy day. 7:80.. - . .
8t Darid. .E. 12th and Belmont Rev.
T"5 k',rrcl- r:80. holy commtfnkm;
9 -0 euchanrt; li, "Tha Emotion of aa Ideal '!
8, "Judiment of a Nation's People."-
Et. 1 rks ."21t and Xar' . " r. J. E F
astors Urmy Chaplains
i.i j-f, MJ) M , mmmm
Nr -"-OX- -
i m ir iuj .dtLUif t ..
v v .fc,:--';V.ii;y.?V:.s.:.J
al eonventlon of Church or
God is
dleton, Idaho; G. T. Newell, Norton,
Kan., who will remain in the state after
the meeting ; Eugene Clark. Eugene ; Os
car Lewis, state evangelist : Rev. Harry
Neal, Portland ; Edward Holcomb, Har
rlsburg ; Frank van Lydegrax, Bandon ;
Mrs. Olive Myers. Rainier, and J. J.
Gilllsple, Salem.
A large chorus choir, under the direc
tion of Mr. Gilllsple and Mr. Neal. will
assist In the singing. A young people's
meeting will be heid dally at 6 :30 o'clock,
a daily children's meeting will be held
at 1 :J0 o'clock and the evening evange
listic services will begin at 7:45. The
forenoon and afternoon will be given
over to study classes for the benefit of
the members of the church. The annual
ministers' meeting will be held during
the meetings, when all appointments for
the coming year will be made. The
Church' of God teaches Justification,
sanctificatlon and divine healing. The
public is welcome.
Rev. Mr. Reece to
Close Sermon Series
Closing one of the most successful
years In its history, the New Church
society (Swedenborglan) will observe the
Lord's supper at the 11 o'clock service
Sunday. Rev. Mr. Reece will also close
tomorrow the series of Sunday morning
addresses on "The Great Teachings of
the Savior." with a sermon on "The
Universality of Jesus." At the last
monthly community dinner, the largest
In attendance during the year, a review
of work accomplished by various de
partments was given tn short alks by
officers and members, suggestions afso
being made for future and enlarged ac
tivities. The annual picnic of the society Is
being held today at Peninsula park.
Regular services will be resumed Sep
tember 1, following tlte six weeks' vaca
tion during which Rev. .Mr. Reece ex
pects to engage In war work.
Future Life Will
Be Sermon Topic
"Suppose There Is no Future Lifer
"What Then 7" "Would 'It Make Any
Difference? These three quest 16ns will
be asked at. the Vernon Presbyterian
church Sunday morning by Dr. Lands
borough, who will also endeavor to an
swer them. In connection with his talk
he will present a picture of the highway
of life and endeavor to renew the faith
of his listeners In the life to come. In
the evening he will speak on the law
of love.-
m m
Methodists Plan
French Orphanage
Property for an orphanage In Gren
oble. France, requiring an expenditure of
S35.000. haji been mirrhou h .v.
Woman's Foreign Missionary society of
wie xaeuioaisx episcopal cnurcn, accord
ing to a statement of Mrs. William
Fraser MacDowell. president of the so
ciety. Two women have been sent to
France to .care for this orphanage, where
60 children will bo accommodated this
year. f
Simpson, rector. Rev. J. G. Hatton. associaU
rector. 7:80. 11. 7:45
St Andrews Hereford at, Portsmouth
Arcoaeacon Chambers lnseharge. 9, 7:80 p. m.
Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler Rev.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11. 7:80.
St Michaels and All Saints E. 48d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vicar. 8. 10, 1L
ana e.
Church of Our Savior 60th are. and 41st et
B. Arenaeacon unamDera tn charge. 11
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:46.
St Pauls Woodmen Rav. Oswald W. Tay
lor. .
All Saints 25th and Barter Bar. Frederic
K. Howard. 11.
St Johns E. 15th and Harney. Sellwood
arenaeacon cnamoers in charge. II, 7:30.
St Matthew Corbett and Bancroft Rev. W.
A. M. Brack, vicar. 11.
Fraa Rtetheo'ltt
Central E. 8 5 th and Flanders Rev. W. N.
Coffee. 11. 7:80.
Fire East 9th and MUW-Rev. A. Beers.
11. "God s Process of Refining Christian Char-
J swish
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath otrricea Friday
p. m., oaaruay. iv:su a. n. Sunday, 10.
in Portland academy bide, 18th and Mont
gomery. Religious school. Bible classes at
Central llhrarv. nanml nt fmrth TJt74--.-
Congregation Ahavia Sholom Park and Clay
mim - niroi xu Aoranamson.
Lattar Dav Saints
Church of Jesue Christ of Latter Day Saints
St Pauls 12th and Clinton Rev. A.
Erause. 9:80. 10:80, 8. ,
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A. Christaosen. 11. preaehinc by Rev. Mr.
KnoU. camp pastor at Vancouver.
Trinity Williams and Graham Rev. J. A.
Rienbaca. 9:15. 10:15.
Methodist taboos!
Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. C. C.
Barick. 11. 8.
Clinton . KeUy E. 40th and Powell Rev.
E. B. Lock hart. 11, "Has Christianity Failed J"
8. union service with preaching by Rev. Paul E.
First 42 th and Taylor Bev. Joshua 8Uaa-wk..?0:82-.-Vn
Proper Conesption
Godj 7:80. JSona Remember The Why
tha Way aad tha Worth of Memory."
- FSrf ScT!"a Daaisli 18th and Hoyt
Bev. Eliae G)erdicg. 8.
- Vancouver Ave. J orwegian Tto nixh Rkidmore
and Vaneouver Rev. Elias GJerdtng. 11.
Lincoln 8. "A Record Breaking Coaversioa."
, Mt Tabor E. 1st and SUrk. 11. 8.
Wilbur Multnosnah twil Sam v n sv
10:30, "Personal BesponsibUity ta Life's Pra-
St. Jhns--W.
J. H. Irvisw. 11. "A NaUow Bon fas a Day";
8, outdoor sine and sermeai on old city hall law.
District superintendent, Rv. William Wwllaoe
Toungsoa. D. D.. 691 E. SSd st N. Tabor 2790.
'M. at. South
f:-t Vr'-n t-J l ::-r...y rv. J,-,
Astoria Too Crowded to Entertain
Delegates, and They Will
Come to Portland.
The coming session of the Oregon
annual conference of the Methodist
church will be held In Portland In Sep
tember. It was originally intended to
hold the conference at Astoria, but.
because of housing facilities which are
overcrowded and congested on account
of the shipbuilding program there. It Is
found Impracticable. The conference
will be entertained by a joint commis
sion of the City Church Extenslop so
ciety, the Methodist Men's Social union
and the Ministerial association of Port
land. The sessions of -the conference
will be held in First M. E. church, cor
ner of Twelfth and Taylor streets.
Committee. Set to Work
Committees have been formed and the
preliminary work of the commission for
the entertainment of the conference is
well under way. The conference will be
presided over this year by Bishop
Shepard of Chicago.
An event of interest. to Methodism Is
the coming visit of Bishop Stunts, who
comes to the Northwest on his way to
China. He Is to hold one conference in 1
this area while here. He will be avail
able for several addresses In Portland
and vicinity, and the Methodist Men's
Social union is makiag extensive plans
for his entertainment. Bishop Stunts
goes to China in place of Bishop Batch
ford, recently returned to this country.
Dr. 8taa. field to Speak
At the First M. E. church Sunday
morning. Dr. Stansfleld will preach on
"The Value of a Proper Conception of
God." "Many people have a miscon
ception of God ; wonder what and why
he is, and suffer and fear because of
false Ideas," said the pastor, "and they
are weakened rather than strengthened
by the thought of God." The sermon
will endeavor to convey the value of a
proper conception of the creator.
In the evening Dr. Stansfleld will
preach on the subject, "Sons, Remem
ber." "Man's conceptions are not only
of the present, but of the past and to
Lsorae extent of the future." says the
pastor.' "tie is peculiar In this respect
ana superior, also. The sermon will
show the why, the way and the worth
of memory."
Moot Court Finds
Defendant Guilty
In the moot court proceedings, held
by the young people of the East Side
Baptist. church last Sunday evening, the
Toung Peoples union was tried and
sentenced to CO days at hard la
bor on the charge of Ineffective
ness. Upon the advice of the jury
the "Judge" withheld judgment upon
the second charge preferred against the
defendant, to the effect that young peo
ple of today are Incapable of making
a young people's union In the church
effective. This charge will be dealt
with more conclusively in the early part
of September in a debate on. "Be It re
solved, that the young people of today
are too frivolous to form and carry on
an effective Young People's union."
Last Sunday's service was one of a
series of programs planned for the com
ins; months with anticipation nf
and profit. Sunday night the young
people win nave a "Hound Robin story
Rev. F. C. Laslette
To Preach at Glencoe
Rev. F. C. Laslette will have charge
of the services at the Glencoe Baptist
church Sunday. Special music will be
rendered under the direction of Miss M.
C. Beable. In the morning Miss Edna
Swiney and Mrs. II. P. Bloxham will
sing "In Heavenly Love." At the eve
"Jesus. Word of God Incarnate."
nlng service the women's chorus will sing
T. French. 11, 8.
Senwooil East 9th and Spokane Rev. R.
"What Is the New BirthT"
' Praebytarlan
, 12th and Alder Rev. John H Boyd.
1Q:30, quarterly communion, baptism and re
ception of new mem hers, topic, "Frultfulneaa of
Sacrifice"; 8, patriotic meeting nnder auspices of
Rotary club.
Weetmlnster East 17th and Schuyler Rev.
Edward H. Pence. 10:30. "God of the SUra
and Creeping Thing."
Central E. 13th and Pine 11, preaching
by Rev. Thomas S. Anderson.
,ACiTJ7r"JltB.,d Clay Rev. R. W. Roger.
10:30. A Sound Heart; the Source of Religi-
ZSLSZi. 8-..','WU1 Christianity Become the
World Religion T
Vernon 19th and Wygant Rev. J. R.
rjadsborough. 11 . "Suppoaa There Is No
Future life. What Then!" 8. "Tha Law of
Piedmont Rav. A. L. Hutchison. 11.
Hansen. 10:80. "Faith and Reason"; 8. Whe
sma uiraie.
Kenilworth - E. 84th and Glsdstone Rev.
Paul E. Ratshh. 10:80. "Lamps That Failed."
Seventh Day JlSvantitU
Note Regular services ef this deaomlnatloa
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett- L. K. Dick
son, pastor. 11:18.
TbernaclAreanam BaU. ISth and Wash
ington. 11. 7:45.
Montavilla E. 80th aad Everett Elder J.
A. Gerhart 11.
Lenta- 84th ,t. and 88th are. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 11. ,
St Johns Central ave. and Charleston
Elder A. R. Folk en berg. n.
Hh. TorTE- 0th and Belmont Elder W.
T. Hilgert 11.
Alblna Skidmora and Mallory Rwv. A. A.
U1n- E- KboU. local elder. 11:15.
Scandinavian Ogdea hall. Misslmlppl aad
Shaver. 11.
Salvation arwiy
Corps Ko. 1248 Ash et Adjutant Frank
Genga. :1, 8.
Hew Church 8odaty 881 Jeffersoa Rav.
William R. Reece. 11, "Tha Cnivcrsality of
.in"Seb nr Pether Broadway and Tam
"5 Rev. W. O. Eliot Jr. 11. 'Tha Watch
word of tha Haw." Patriotic Bandar.
Thir Bev. K. -Q Shepherd. 11, "Eztrsaae
Salvation"; 8..The BlaairT Friend."
CThefflMan ; .n( ' ' . . m w
and Clair Rev. John E. Fee. 11, 7:45.
neauzanon seagns 188 nth Hew. H.
leeUon or Imagery of tha Coming Self."
Dt BT-. irit- 8, "Modern MirackaeT
M. Mtnard. 11. "Pmnf't HihU
A .ft em ejsa sfeawaita lmm aTr) a as
y wti j . BBkaaw s rifBUBUBITa 9 . aft, 1
rrmwk mM vVa I'.U ,. w " I
J1;1" .T'rtntt- "11. .-faiUi fc,iTa trtry
Ft- ::."t." ' j
!lid in m
?t3tjlanij Paplist
Cbuvtfy (Sets gnttng
pastor of abilttp
Rst. Ed C Cofer. Uy ranKelljt. ass
bavun tha .work of minister with the
HlrhlSJld Baotiat rhutvK srtse elMinv
series of services at Kelso, Wash, held
vrjin xtev. jr k. oale of the Baptist
Chapel car, "Messenrer of Peace." The
church Diana tn male tha atraiMi V
the remainder of the summer both help-
xiu ana attractive, and to meet all the
needs of Its larse productive field. Rev.
Mr. Cofer is a. young; man who is Just
entering- the ministry.
"Spirit of France" Will Be the
Subject of Sermon by Rev.
Warren Morse.
July 14 Is to the French what Inde
pendence day or July 4 is to the United
States. It commemorates the destruc
tion of the Bastille, which had become
the symbol of oppression to the pcopia
in the days of the French Revolution.
Owing- to' the union of interests between
France and America, many Portland
pastors have announced that they will
preach on topics appropriate for the
occasion in their Sunday sermons.
At the 11 o'clock service at Atkinson
Memorial Congregational church. Rev.
Warren Morse will preach on "The
Spirit of France." The feature of the
evening will be "Home Fires Burning."
Letters will be read from the soldiers in
France and some of the favorite army
songs will be sung. Lantern slides of
notable scenes In France and Italy will
be shown.
Rev. Edward frm.t.n .t .v.
land Congregational church announces
his Sunday morning subject as "The
ri.itrnusiion or America and France."
This subject will be dealt with from the
Christian and humanitarian v4..i.
furnishing lessons and encouragement
for the work In which the American na
tion Is engaged today to make real for
the world the political . Idea of liberty
equality and fraternity. The evening
Side5" "W,th J'U at h6 Lak
The rector of St. Davids Episcopal
church will speak Sunday morning on
the significance of the fall f the Bas-
"uo na Americas cooperation with
Rev. E. B. Lockhart will dwell on the
same subject in his morning and evening
sermons at Clinton KeUy and Lincoln
auoutvuiai vourcflef.
Pastors Eeturning
From Turner Meet
The Portland pastors of the Christian
churches have returned to the city from
the convention at Turner to take charge
of their Sunday services. Rev. H. II.
Griffis. pastor of the First church, has
been presiding at the morning institute
sessions and delivering convention ad
Services Begin at
No Evening Service
First Congregational
Rev. James Robert
Smith, D. D.
St. Pawl. Mian. . mfS'
18isO M. H
-FOWIft mo ON MIOM" Kc?:..
Tvaa a a " t?,'-i- f
Willi Is Pertlead
aa, sees f-; 1
Tea wll
eajey eer sarvlcei
8. 8. at 18 see
r I
A 7 S
Church df Our
lafcBTICE AT ; It A. X.
, '7 szmjcox
"The Watchword of the iHoiir
Observance of monthly Pitriotlsm Sunday and reading of the Bints
:' anted on the fiervioe Fla ; 7 T9r
;V-;AW ELIOT, Jr-f r:Miklrr
: ffl. c. m
Dr. David Hughes ind Lieutenant.
C. R. D. Schajel Will Speak at
First Presbyterian Church. .4
. t ... -
Annual Church Picnic Is Being r
Held Today at Canemah Park
Under Direction of Men's Club
fjayHE First Preabyterlan church.
I Twelfth and Alder streets, vrtll
11 1 . have a special patriotic service
SsJ Sunder evening at S o'clock
unaer tne auspices of the Hotary
club. There will be special patriotic
music, and addresses mill be given by
two men from the British army, who
have spent much time oh the western
front and have been sent home to re
cover from wounds. Oae of these men is
a chaplain attached to the Welsh Fuai
leers. Dr. David Hughes, and the other
Is Lieutenant C. R. D. Schajel, of the
British Royal Field Artillery.
The Rotary club w ill attend In a body.
At 10:10 in the morning the quarterly -communion
service will be held with
baptism and reception of new members
following. The pastor. Rev. John H.
Boyd, will giv a brief communion ad
dress on the subject. "Frultfulneaa of
Sacrifice.- The Sunday school will con
tinue its summer session at 12:18 vsKh
Illustrated talks by James F. Ewln
on 'The Gospel of Mark."
The annual church picnic Is being held
at Canemah park today uifder the aus
pices of the Men's club. At :1$ o'clock,
or Immediately following the eventn
service, the soldiers and eat lore are en
tertained In the church house by the
members of .the Christian Endeavor.
Knights Will Hold
Service at Barracks
An open air mass will be held out
side the Knights of Columbus hall at
Vancouver barracks. Sunday morning,
at o'clock. The Cathedral choir of
Portland will sing. Two weeks ago
over 500 soldiers attended a similar
mass. On Wednesday night la dance
will be given for the soldlerf by the
knights In the upper cantonment pa
vllion. Cards of admission will be
required of all persons not in the
military service. Officers of Portland
council will have charge of the initia
tion of a large class of candidates st
Hillsboro Sunday. The degree work
will start at 1 o'clock.
. Camp Pastor to Speak
Rev. Mr. Knoll. Lutheran camp pas
tor at Vancouver, will preach at Our
Saviors Lutheran church Sunday morn-
ing. Mr. Knoll was formerly Lutheran
pastor at Chthalls. Wash., and has re
cently been transferred to his new
post as camp pastor.
First Presbyterian Church
Corner 12 th ami Aider Sts.
10 s. St.
o. o.
"Fruttfuliteea ef
(Commonioe Mesas r)
8:00 P. M.
Greet Patriotic garvfe,
' ender Anspfaes et
Bearjr Club
ftedreaaat er
Reyal Wets Fuel leers
HUsh Herat PMd
Ortas Beeital 7:4-8
I W.JoshuaStarufield
U D. D., Pastor
10:8S ft. M.
!Vaae of a Proper
(Conception of God9
Mm U poee ef Th Ileea and Coneeptisas ef
W tbe Baler of the Cniverse
V:se r. m.. ohoan RiotTAt.
' Ht. OUdrs Mortan fajuiei.
f prassdins (Jocreaational Slaa.
1 Special Untie ii.JL.ii. Male
. Quartet
T4 P. 88.
"Sonm l?mfnl..rW
Service fee State Minute
7 1
s i A