V THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, v PORT LAND, r SUNDAY MORNING.- JULY 7, 1918. . 23 . DEATHS AND FUNERAL 7 JlsR&haLl July e. at hi let r-aidno. 1T6O 1 - Haven t, , WOlUm K. Marshall, age 87 tin, beloved husband a( Dorothr Marshall w tether of Dorothy Mershsll, brother of Mr. A dm Kirni of Baker City. Or. ; lira. Walter Went worth. Oreorm City, Or.; Mr. B. Midlsm. Mr. Sidney Young and Ralph Marshall of this Ity. Funeral service ' Monday, July t, at 2 p. m., at Pearson undertaking barters, BuwD t at Union ava. Friends invited. Interment Multnomsn cemetery. Deceased ' wu a member of the Proton City lodge W, O. W. COlLLVS la thi city. July 6. at bia late red den, 611 East Fifty-sixth atr north, Harry 8. Collin, at 36 years; husband of Mrs. EdJth 8. Collina, father of Robert E.. Dorothy B. and Walter H. Colltna, and aon of Mr. Jennie B. Collins of St. Louis. Mo. Th fnneral eervioa wiU be held Monday. July 8. at 1 o'clock P. m. at the residence establishment M J. T. Flnley st Boo. Montgomery at VitlH. Friend invited. Interment at Biverrlew ceme tery. 1 - iTftEEN Id thU city. July 4. Uary M. Green, ad SO year, beloved mother of In. P. T. Thompson of Tacoma, M rm. A. B. Blsymsker of Seattle. W. M. Omi of Portland. J. ft. Green of Caiper, Wyo, Funeral wlU btti the ehspsl of Miller A Tracey Monday, July 8. 8:80 a. m., . theno to St. 1'hUlpa Neri church, where mas win bo effsrsd at a. m. lntenmsnt. Boss City semstsry. Special in the City of Portland Foreman for blacksmith department, $8, igbt hours, bo carfare, steady work. 2 black smith (no horeshoio). $9.50 to $6. eight hoars. Blacksmith helpers, Si. tight hours. See sunt, here 8 a. m. today (Sunday). THOMPSON At the resldenoe of her son at Bockwood. July 6. Mary K. Thompson, area 66 years, beloved mother of James I Tyson ,ef (Wade, Idaho W. C. Tyson, Mrs. J. Sey Mmir of Portland. Funeral service will ba held Monday, July 8, at 1 p. m.. at the residential rerlor of Miller sk Tracey, Washington at Ella, nterment. Mount Scott Park cemetery. MET -July 4, Julln M. C Ueyer, aged 88 - years! father of Mrs. E. J. Etvens, Mrs. Ivy Rsmsey. Mrs. H. A. Atwtin .and George Meyer. Funeral; will be held Monday, July 8. from St James English Ixitheran church. West Park and Jefferson, street, at 2 p. m. Friends in vited. Interment I one Fir cemetery. Dunning ec MeEntee, diref-toss. liADlLfc July 8. at the residence of her da ugh ter, Mrs. F. A. Putman, 6627 Seventy-first street southeast, Martha J. Madlll. Funeral aorrioea will be conducted tomorrow (Sunday) at I p. m. at the above address. Friends Invited. The remain will be forwarded to Havre. Mont, by A. D. Kenworthy at Co., 6802 04 Ninety- aesond street soutnean. Unw. MITCHELL Charles Miichell, Union Meat company, June 20, 70 years; fracture of skull. FLORIftTS CLARK BROb.. florists, 287 Morrison st Mala or A-1B06. rine uowsrs ana uorai assign. no braneh stores. IIIRTW A F6i(BEB CO.. Florists. 854 Wash, Main 28. A-1260. Ftowan for all osoa- , etnrts artinrlrsll; arranged. "iCUl'LEa ILOUAL 8110P. 245 Alder; designs and reoratlons. Phone Manhall BBZ3. I.tilil.lN I'oriUiKl hotel. 82o Mornaon. MAX li. bJJI lH. Yu,nn, .141 V Aih street rCKEKAI, DIRECTOR". Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 18T7. Third and 8 Simon streets. Main 807. A-1B1L. Lady Assistant. JTprFfNLEY & SON ProgreeslT Funeral Directors. raTTATH DRIVE Women AUeodsnta. Monteomary at Fifth. Mala t. A-1888 WILSON & ROSS o-sies Bart 84 Lady AsskUnt. Maltnomsn st hi. Seventh st. Undertakers, Modera in Dunning & MeEntee every detail. Broadway and Pine sta. Phone Kmedwsy 480, A-4688. Lady amristairt F, S, Dunning, Inc. The Golden Bute Undertakers. 414 Est Alder st. I'hnne East 83. B-8HV A, D, Kenworthy Co. Tsbor B28T. 6802 02d St.. Lenta. Tsbor 8888. eth st. and Foster road. AH eta. Kst i. I CDrU Mr. LrcB, H-1B88. UII(Vj)I AsstatanL Undertaker. B. 11th and Rswthorne. rn'AMRERa lreNtVoRTirir ro. 248 and 260 Killtngaworth ate., near WQUams ave. Woodlawn 8308, C I 188 illLLKU es TKACkik.. lnateudent Jlansrai In rectors. Prtces aa row as 820, $4o, 160. Washington at Ella. Main 2801. A-7888 Breeze & Snookle! r12& rl CndertekinA Co. Main 4182 OKeWeb . A-2821. Come 8d and CUy. HELP WAITTEX MALK Portland Labor Agency It If. Second a. TUB T. M. a A. KMPLOTMENT DEPART MENT Are you satisfactorily emsloyedf This la the aapreoM moment is the history of civilisation. Can Uncle Saa count en yonf Tout very bast effort la toe only answer. EARN MORE, LIVE MORE. AND BE MORE Every true American will respond with ail the power of his being. Boys must im tne aolmerr places at once. small membership of S3 has bean devised to meet you half way. Tne 1. M. U. A. Employment tod Advisory department ia able to give priceless advice w puts you into the largest plaee yon axe able to till ruoceesfnUy. Phone Main 8700, A-8581. Call at one to person If possible. U. U. Kontad. Employ meat Sea. HELP VTAlrTED MAlK mwm mi World's largest makers. A few territoriaa open. Established specialty Una. LArga demand. Liberal eommlaslona. Expenses advanced. Sam ples, 22 lbs. Real salesman with auto can -'clean up. lief ere uses reauired. Csraame Harvest Hat Co., D, St Louia, Mo. WATERPBOfDF ISLITKIIfiSlSlLEiiil Slickers good sideline. LATge demand. Bam' plea, 20 lbs. Liberal commissions. Big money for real salesman. Watarbuck culckar Co., at. Loos, Mo. DOMT LET YOUB WAGES EE ATTACHED. Tsks all the time you want to pay "pack bills." Wo atop the pressure of creditors: give you a chance to clear yourself and live without worry. Keen your present lob: avoid attach menu. Satisfy your creditors, all on the money you are earning. Our plan and services are tree. We don't loan money or aak you for one cant. If you need help address P. O. Box 182. U,S. Department of Labor U, S. Employment Service ; Cooperating with Public Employment Bursa. ! City of Portland Urgent appeal is made by the government for mechanics and harpers working ia nop sciential industriee. to secure employment in I Railroad Shops Macrtfnlste Maclrtaist helpers Machinist handymen Machinist apprentices Car repairers Boilermakers Boilermaker helpers Boilermaker handymen. Blacksmith Blacksmith helpers -Pipe fitter helpers Bolt cutters Tank trackmen Oxy-acetyleno welders Millhands Hostler helpers Tool room attendants Holders Mokler helper Boilarwasher Tinner helper Coach carpenters Car painters Painter helper Car inspectors Drill preas mam Laborers Railroad Divisions Carpenter and helpers for bridge and building . gsngs Laborers for extra gang and sections , Laborers for tie plants Truckers, freight house U. S. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 247 Davis at. 817S PKR MONTH the year around, the aver aga earning last year ot a numoer 01 our salesmen over 46 years. This yesr will be the biggest yet. No experience necesmry; week ly eaau advanoe, outlrt turnisnea. iig assort ment enaranteed treea. shrubbery and vines. You can do what other inexperienced men have done. Washington Nursery. Co..' Toppenun, Wash. ' SALESMAN and collector for International Cor- respondenc schools. Mu?t be hustler with clear record. Bond and references required. Headquarters, Salem or Medford, Or. Will pay right man 88000 per year. Z. P. Bnyder, 604 Yeon bldg. WANTED Reliable fisherman who knows the lower Columbia river and would like to go in with parties baring a first class boat and out fit, will do well to call Tapor 400 aiier 1 p. m. or address 806 Marguerite ave., Portland, Or WANTED Immediately, a married man aa an equal sharing working partner on a small well tilled apple and strawberry farm, suit able for eow, pigeons nd chickens, by resident owner. Rox 78, K. 8, Hood Klver. 'HELP WAITED MISC. GOVERNMENT Bead 20.000 wo: clerks at Waahiactoau -. Eumlnui - everywhere ia July. Expooonea anneeaasary. Women daairbif government po-auone write for f no particu lars to J. C. Leonard (former civil serrioe ex amlaer), 1084 Kewoto bldg., Washington. DOVT. waste time; auk me how foa can make 10 to I220 dally, sssa or woman, start anywhere. Material cost you TS eenta; retail lor 4S. Big demand; needed la every kitchen. Craycroft, Freeno. CaL rk; HELP WASTED FJSMALB years' axparieaeo at city contract roereneaa. sT. Jpuraaj. - ruACTICAb farmer, loser of fine stock, wanes Permanent plana aa manager of turniahed ranch. J. M. Amsberry. Portland heed Co. I WH3T ooo tract tor plowing, diskiog and har- rowing ia the valley, ill E. Everett st. East 6708 after a. m. PRINTER waate aituaUoa. ail or part time, as working foremaa or manager. Control some bumneas. E-788. Journal. BOOKKEEPER, eeveol years' experience iiTaU oraaenao of ernea wore, seeks position wits rood company. Mala 7808. IF TOU want a whitewash man call F. J. TOTJKO LADZES WANTED. PERMANENT POBmONsV XO EXPERIENCa REQUTRaUX ' 88 FEB WEES PATS BEOtNNERS. RAPID DfCRBABB Of WAQES. . CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANX. BOOM BOX. SIXTH FLOOR. PARE AND OAE 8JREETS. Berry Pickers Wanted .Now 4 Families and group of and children at Res, Balem. Hopmere. Springbrook. Naal Sta- uon. newperg, woodbura, Ettacaaa. waconda; good wagea, Cherry pickers at The Dallas. lMe nar lb.: Apricut cutters, Coodao Hill. Washington. 16c; women preterraa. WOMEN'S DmSIOW. Public Employment Bureau U. S. Government Cooperating. 06-806 City hall. FREE EMPLOYMENT WE CHARGE NO OFFICE FEE AND AD VANCE FARES Wanted Today 4 planer feedera $4.20 1 dogger 4.00 1 linup man for edger 4.00 1 packet machine operator 4.00 20 mill and yardmen 8.60 6 lumber pliers 400 4 car loaders .' 4 00 2 lumber graders 440 1 tallyman 4.25 2 edgermen tut EAST TO BEND, OR. PINE TIMBER, LEVEL GROUND WANTED None but good economical cook, baker to serv only one noon meal for 300 people. No Sundays. Can use cafeteria cook, man and wife. State wagea desired. L pusol, MsruhfleM. Or. WANTED, by large shipyard, foreman capable of taking charge of all anglesmith and black smith work. No heavy forging. Make written application advising fully experience and salary expected." CX-960, Journal. , HELP pay the increased cost of your traveling expenses by handling our up-to-date premium pocket sideline. Live wire salesmen can clean up from 85 to 815 dally. Canfield Mfg. Co , 4008 Broadway, Chicago, 111. Wilson & Wilson wdWr A Ri Zeller Co.Eut toss. c-ioVS; Rami I TriM 1878 E. i;hsan st. l I UI1 FT nsral aervleea. Tabor 4818. R. T. RTHNES. new residence establishment. 801 Williams ave. Woodlawn 220. O-1048. MOW rMP.WT" 1'OtTU.SiD MARBLE WOkklS. 204-206 4th St.. opposite city ball. Neu Perns for memorials. Main 8601. Philip SALESMAN for general mercantile trade in Oregon, to sell a new proposition of merit. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract. 835 weekly for expense. UUlett, 22727 Car- lln bldg.. Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMAN Permanent position open with large Cleveland manufacturer putting on the market new high class specialty. Will yield 850 to 8200 per week to right man. Address sales manager. Box lo, station c, Ulevelsna, Ohio. IF TOU would rather work for yourself selling a wartlnfe article that people are waiting for. that others of ordinary sales ability are making 815 and 820 a day selling, call 701 Board of Trade bldg. No Investment. 6 choker setters B trackmen 4 men to work on the chains at the mill 84.00 8.84 green 4.10 We hire men for the fn tt t k Co., Eagle Lumber Co.. Oregon Lumber Co., Catblamet Timber Co., California Barrel Co., xvajujuuu uuwnr vo., Baevun mxoa Co, j ' OPEN T0DAT Employers' Labor Bureau. 48 H N. 2d St. 3. C DELANET fa charge. Phone Broadway 2081 AMBfTIOUS TOUNG WOMAN Want ambition woman. 20 to SB year old. with good voice and ability to talk convincingly over phone; must also b abl to operate type writer; most bar fair education and be free from nervousness: only women willing to start at a moderate salary and work hard for' sure advancement need apply; state age, married or single, business experience if any, salary ex pected, and bo sure to give your phone. Address F-ooS, Journal. WANTED 10 bright, cepacia ladies to travel . demonstrate and sell well knows goods to es tablished dealers. 825 to 850 per week; rail road far pid; weekly advance for traveling expenses. Address at once, Goodrich Drug Co. dept. 700, umsha. Neb. LADIES 88 to 84 a day tor your spare time. Finest line of toilet preparation, soaps and perrnmea. Permanent. No experience required. Outfits furnished free. Write today. American rroaucts w., 10BB Third st-, Cincinnati. Ohio. SlTTTATIO-WS MALE WANTED by married aaaa in draft rises A 12 Murnhv. Marshall 2458 or .i 1571. MOl at. , . 21ft RITITATIOWa. FEMALE 4 BRIGHT. neaT appearing young lady want posi tioa a saleslady, sis rs tor operator, demon strator or similar work; wall educated and com petent. Call Tabor 7B. LADY with experience wanta respectable apart- mens nous or rooming nous to manage. References. Bell. 805. HIGH school girl waate position to take care ot a child, either forenoon or afternoon. B- 87. Journal ; EXPERIENCED private exchange operator wast permanent position. Reference. (X 048. Journal. WANTED Housekeeping work by widow with cnuq. grty or country, veu Taoor tan. TOUNG lady desires clerical work. adding machine. Tabor 8578. Can run BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 4 years' ex- penence, desire position. H-719, Journal. 48 PREBSlrf AKiyg DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Wolf. 25 Cbetopa Apta. FCBITISHED ROOMS ONE nicely furnished sleeping room for rent for gentlemen, two block from boarding n cruse. 224 Halsey St.. near Larrabe. East 03o. FURNISHED- room Tot rent, suitable for women. With or without H. K. privileges. 844 Columbia. Phone Main 1025. WORKINGMAN'S home near shipyard, newly inrnisneq. 91.00 per week. Z4oH f ront st. FOR RENT Nice large furnished front room. 80 month. 1204 E. Yamhill. 75e DAT up, comfortable, absolutely dean. Hotel Cadillac, Bd. near Jefferson. WEL' furnished front bedroom for rest, near a Hotel and boarding bouse. Woodlawn 1101 FLB5ISHED BOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 76 FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms. Walking dls tance. Light, water and phone. Call Mar shall 2772. TWO furnished rooms in clean home, close ia will rent cheap .to shipyard workers, 832 E. Alder. IRVINGTON roonuLnew home. 1 block to "I" or "B" ear; breakfast. E. 410. LARGE front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 708 ,verett St. FURNISHED - rooms, 12 60 up. only. 64 N. 16th, cor. Davis. 82.50 Gentlemen 88 10th, near WEEK Front room. Stark. Call 5 to 7 p. m. COZY little front room, suitable for one. 11th st. near library. FOB HEKT HOUSES miFUBiriSHED 8TJHHEB RESORTS M KEAL ESTATE nr.ciii mist .1 - FOR HAl.vnni'KFH . 81a- mas Asrb Cana In fa tea iiwarlaar rrlffk Into I renvHTAGi) ' '. j i I ? tnaLZU,?k tLV ZJ e, -S Wsa-,'hdCoo4 fSr. II Caaaoa Beach: 10 room Bona, farakshaa, 8 iota, I flranlaAaa . 1 i . .,. i k,iLS t-T..1! , r-J5-A .h-'46xlO0r .lmtrovmanU f A devmrtimnk onerati. fM lb. motmImm I l"". J7 . . uu I . . . - , . . . . . . ., nnas. live n. w . Hnx rxag. 1 boiido u - . a 1 iwiium ana missj.i A. server wwuwi; - , , , . , . . 1 i 1 1 w vmm? even. without char to you. Our listings at houaea, RED WING cotlaga at Beach Center. Wash., I Vttj hoove. Bear emUna. ! y bungalow and apartments is most oncapleta. room, eompietaly furnished. Broadway 4788. 52750; 8860 cash, balanca as reat. . - i S. XOURS FOB SERVICE Powers Rental Bureau Powers Furniture Co. Thjrd and Tsmhill Streets REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR RE3TT FUBSlXtBE FOR SALE II I ROOMS, partly turniahed. aui table (or rooa beachFrof ertT i FOR BALE Lot at Neah-aah-sua beach. 682 Tills mnok .. eity. EIGHT beautiful lots. Byocaa 87S0; on Neabkahnie. 8200. F-B, Jeuraat A TENT. 12x85 ft with a rang and water ta IV Fbooa Oak urove sia-j. - era: also chiekan 1 and runs. tlst st. 448 N. BPSiyESS FROEEBTT 68 FURNISHED HOUSES 80 I RENT to right family. 860. very attractive 10 Income on Killingsworth Good iaaoBM property a Killingsworth, near room borne, caraite.i wall furnished, good I k-i . 4. - . . tw... 1725ft. Ml Si . I.. A V. I - . .a .v . rm wm Miuvn. Hawwv m- I m nftO lnn K. 1. km a ne OeSIC. flowers, tree, beautiful mountain mew. All I HARGROVE REALTY CO- m22!SJ,n?rT;nnU- U,001 W?..r' .. I 22 North 6th st. Broadway 4881 avwa. W UlUCata HUUt JlljT UABastg, 14savel Mara:- ear. Phone owner. Tabor 4481. I iajw pnea to aetue NICELY furnished 7 room house, urilh sleeps in porch, for 2 or B month; snfsranoea re- Charming B room modera bungalow with floored attic, bard wood floors, (iiwplaco, far aaea and aU conveniences; oaly 88506; H block to car. Laval A - - - i w..4".,1.8,.' i mederni aa kleal , ham; 84850. with terms. . baatff i IT. fxraplaaa. aataerrt i ieiblojSlpo" ,ooi r rviaa. 0i ' lpO. 62760. 8800 cash, 826 par gaaauaw Etmmerman. 86T Board or Tsada. r i' - PT if wS "DWOO FLOORS, ritlE- . PLACE. BrFFkT Aft. sfti .tw . . w f ?r"4'B.L?OjL ELECTWO AND GAB Quired. Sunday. Phono Tabor 8218. after 1 p. an. ave. and E. 05000 eaah. balance Gibson. 266 Stark St. FOR RENT FURNISHED Good 6-room house, aleenia norch. ecreened dining porch and garage, clot in. 184 E. lata st. Pbon Tabor 692. 6-ROOM house to rent. tumUbed. for two montna or longer alter July la. to adult: must give references. 200 E. 86th st. ity. SHIPBUILDERS Will , furnish and give rent ot room list tor Inside finishing 84 ts is sx. b. I WOULD like to rvnt mv Z room modera house, famished, and board with the renter. or wUl aeU. Vfoodlawa 6208. TttlCTLi modern 6 room bungalow, partly ' furnish ed. 835. or will furnish complete, 840. 245 E. 51st. Hawthorne ear. Tel. Main 6120. . I B lirxn ill. " S-l.r.MJX 1. long time. 6. John H. I (i r uu rn,n-n ..... . Phona Marshall 1 2. . -li T-".. "T"'.. m. lot ia Union ave.; .1 ? aaaa. - MODERN 6 rm. bouse, furnaoe, stationary tuba, all bniltin conveniences. Will rent or aeU. 1116 Clinton st. Call 0:80 to L2 Sunday. A MAN alone will rent, 6 room house tur niahed to couple without children for hi room and board. Tabor 8728. COMPLETELY furnished modern 6 room bun- galow, piano, sawing j machine, gas and elec tricity, gza. wain. 40O. RENT A 4 room furnUieU bouse. Ill FOR SALE Busin room house and shoo: 88600: part East 068. FOTt HALF HOUKES 81 550 DOWN BUYS ANY Ok" THE FOLLOWING 4 room. 8656 64th st, B. E. Frio giaov; two lot. ? 7 rooms. 2014 E. Gllaan at.. 81800. 4 -room California, buncalow. 8124 77th at. S. E.. 61700. 8 rooms. .2118 E. ftark St., 81000. Thee are all our own properties, and w will arrange the monthly payments to suit you. rittU VT. UEHMAN CO., 782 Chamber of Commerce bM. $100CASH $100 UNION AVE.. NEAR HAWTHORNB B room very aaat bunaalow. Price 620O0. If you beat this yen will have to rustle. Walking distance. Paving paid. G. O. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "SB Tears In Portland." Mala 4808 Irvington Bungalow : ; B room bnnealow a. - - - buut for a bom lea than 8 year ago and aa opd a new; doubly const reeled thronghent; this I a Try -desirable borne In every way aad T spuraaaeeu at me KHiHT PRICK; yo can see the property Sunday by selling at No 460 ' k. u h. or oau us up atoaaay aaal ar raag Uma a we aaa sail with aala and taka- you out. ... HAGERS REALTY CO.. 3 82B Railway Ex. Bldg. Mala 8666. WEST SIDE HOMB 11.000 Tf TO E. 75th N r'LKMSrlKi house for rent for car ot 2 "'T'l0,. WMr 1J5 Coach- This ts not on of the aid stria real modern banealow Itm kmi a BEAUTIFUL LACREIJIURaT BUNGALOW wtt" Urn,U' h"0" aoon- t 8750 . . 1 Vk-ATCll nrn sna w nm ...t-. - 7 rooms, all old Ivory and white enamel, oak nmiH iiirv m7m , tfri. firenlxt. honkMl huffaS. bnilUin I ill 1 1 k.K. 1X3 WE aV CO., ao-a-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK floors, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, built-in wardrob with triple full length mirror doom, convenient kitchen, fin garage; an ideal home. children. Tabor 674 S. AFABTXEXTS 41 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Lucretia Court . Latere an. between Washington and Ever ett streets. Most beautifully located high clam apartments. 2, 8. 4, 6 room. All modera con veniences, first alas sarvios. rrica reasonable. References required. Manager. Marshall 101. Phona Tsbor 1861. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BUNGALOW 8 rooms, full basement, fumaoa. fireplace. built-in conveniences, hard aarfaoe streets la and paid. Close to ear. Prioe 88060. WATCH OUR ADS. WK GET RESULTS. C. A. Warrtner, RTTTER, LOWE CO.. 208-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. ATTRACTIVE BUN NTS IDE HOME 6-room home. F. C basement, alee, aad ga. mod. plumbing, paved St.. rtc, in, all paid; n mortgage to aasume; face ML Tabor and B. B. car una; fruit, berries, ate.; price 62760; 8600 New 200 room bousa. ! 2 and 8 room nonae- down. baL easy. See keeping apartment, furnished or untarnished; FRANK L. McGLIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. KING ALBERTIAPARTMENTS elevstor, hardwood floors, 11th and Montgomery. GOVERNMENT WORK Spinning and weaving: preference to Bving od peninsula. Apply Portland Wooiaa Mills. St. Johns. VERY nicely furnished basement room working man, 86 per month. 832 Harrison. 83.50 PER WEEKTlarge. froat room, suitable tor Z men; near courthouse. 243 6th at. ELEGANT room and location. Manhall 51S. 5 HART APARTMENTS 2d and Yamhill. Newly furnished -modera housekeeping sleeping rooms. 62.60 aad wow UloLOP HALL. E. 6tb and Hawthorne, Moo- To buy your hoase. Msla 1068. BUY FROM OWNER . B .aks ft a wAVm VI H . m -AeaWhl ay bsibbb m walking dlstanoa. Call East 882. E-aT 12.60 ROOMS AND BOARD li ASTORIA shipyard want A-l experienced stenog-1 THE HAZEL, cooveaient of shipyards, all out' rapner waui Business oiiiee raining. neier i aide rooms wltn not water, aaa-ad at. eneee required. Apply 608 Concord bldg.. 2d rnh! w..t,1.., ,an .. ,n. ZZ. ""pl"' rr rT and SUrk sts.. dt. Main L378. rt- .r 'tfavJblMl STAN FIELD apta.. 204 Porter st.. shipyards; ' I "es girls sna- students. Marshall list. I mnj.n, ? ,.. -nta. cnmnletelv furniahad. and MAUNOklA APT 8.. East 64 and Isetmsau modera 1 and room apta., ll.sv pec wee oo. nleepln roena East 813. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for drugs toilet goods departments. Reference ta cniired. Apply superintendent's offic 0 to 10 a. m.. Olds, Wortman Bj King. EXPERIENCED marker and sorts rs, machlns bands, mangl hands, also inaxperienced girl wanted. National Laundry Cow K. 8th aad Clay. ; WANTED Responsible party to care for 2 children part of day in exchange for very desirable housekeeping room, us of piano and sewing macnine. r-none Broadway zzofl. WANTED Experienced operators; both double BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 71 modern 2 room apta.. completely furnished. reasonable. Pnone Mala 7302. BROOKS APTS. 'Newly furnished brick bulld- FOR BENT, in private family, nicely furnished oi l Grand ave. East 6864. room, eonnecpng witn batn good toeauon UODERN 2 room turniahed apartmehte. 620 and ronablrcnt. Apply 061 Kerby .C to 82. Tb Unoola, 4tb and Lincoln GOOD bom cooked meal for two gentlemen. Main 4157. 205 N. 2 1st St. BOARD and room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. at 205 Cherry. East 5117. and single needle machines, on shirts, mack lnaws, overalls. Apply Hirsch-Weia Mfg. Co., zu3 uumgiae st. Main 1877. THE DAVENPORT apt.. 606 Jefferson sL room furnished apt. for rent. Brtck pqiming. Phon Main 04 90. DELIGHTFUL Piedmont furnished apartment. 4 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, etc. 880; MIDDLE aged man. would like very much to ami ft. 1208 Rodney ave. WASTED-BOOMS AND BOARD 80 get works; room and board near Willamette Iron would like to have it home like. Give 3 AND 8 room furnished apartment for rent. 111 B9fl IVR Hall ...... .... a. .. . . I a.W WAV, " .- WANTED Chambermaid; no hall work; stand- "r" '., ' " 0lMZ m"" FUR. or unfur. 5 room plastered Lous ard wage. New Soott hotel. Broadway and Anxeny sis. MULTIGEAPH (electric) operator. Must be expert. Good salary to competent person. Write.' giving references, etc., B-831. Journal EXPERIENCED girla for candy department. Apply 0 to 10 a. m., superintendent s of fice. Olds, Wortman A King. REFINED Japanese gentleman wishes A-l fur- niahed room with breakfast in modern first class hom close . to business section. Address Mitsui at Co.. 702 Wilcox bldg BOY 12 yean old wishea to board in country with private family during vacation. i-b07. Journal. abl. Marshall 6055. FURNISHED apt. with garag. lor rent, 854 1st st. B. 4 ROOM3, 8 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors. Portnoman, ' 200 East lBtb. Cosy 2 room house, woodwork white Ivory, gas lignts, bath. trairUa drawers la clothe closet, bathroom, basement, woodshed, lot 60g 1 oo. Improvements- paid. lawn. rose, garden. 80 minute' car tide. 8050. Terdh. 604 K. 77th at. N. Boa City ear to 77th St.. 8 buck aotlth. ROOMS. 64 Is. 81st 82000. 6104 down 7 rooms. 40 Preeoott at. .. 82800. 820 dowa t rooms. 620 Webster at. .. .82600. 6600 dowa 5 rooms. R2l Sumner at. . . . 2000. gioo aowa B rooms. 877 E. 64th at. . . .82100. 8100 dowa Tbeee sr au good buy and your Inapecttoa is Invited. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 7S2 Cham, of Com, PENINSULA DISTRICT rla. char of ad Incumbrance. Short walk to shipyards. Price 82000. Easy term. C. A. Warrtner. RTTTER, LOWE A CO., 206 5-7 Board of Trad bldg. tl 00 HOME 8100 DOWN. B-na. house, 60x100 lot, la MontavtHa dis trict Owa your home. Bee FRANK I. M'GUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Tour Homo. Mala 1068 2450 SEVEN ROOM BUNGALOW 82460 Corner lot. pavement paid, good 7 room : bungalow, fireplace and modem, only 1 block to car. Walnut Park. Call Tabor 1888 or Jos. O. Othsnn. Gerlinger bMg. OWNER 8800 8 roran bungalow, oak floer. far. " B7;,."p1.'. h" n1 Dateh kitchen. 52760 Modera B room bungalow, furnished: t easy payment. 88&OU 6 room bungalow with garag; Una yard. 688008 Boom hnnnln. mU M.va ftie. flreplaoev furnace; paved street ail paid.. W . , " i 01 a ana o room bnnga t tow ia Rose City Park on very eaay term. Let m show you. Auto at your service. F. YANDUYN, 616 Cham, of Coop. Mala 1068; ..BOOM ALBERTA BUNGALOW , - 2000 32000 12000 320OO 82008 .'J Very attractive, neat ground. 1800 eaah. " " O-.C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngtoa Bldg. ' T 6 Years in Portland." Mais 4808. ' A . -J THOROUGHLY experienced waitresses. Apply to iu a. m.. superintendent s offlca. Olds. wortman oe King. EXPERD3NCED woman or girl in sewing mat- WANTED 2 live wire young men not subject to draft, quick and accurate at figuring, in offic large manufacturing establishment. Un limited opportunity for right men. Address O- 676, Journal. BRIGHT and energetic office boy; excellent opportunity tor advancement. Apply after 8:80 a. m. at offic of H. Liebes Be Co.. 140 Broadway. LOHT AND FOUND 11 THEt following articles hav been found on ears of the Portland Railway, Light Be Power t o.. July 5. 1918: 8 purses. 1 check book, 1 bnnch keys. 1 bsby shoe. 1 baby rattle. 1 pair gloves, 8 packages. 1 bag clothes, 0 lunch boxes. 1 roll music. 1 horn in case. 1 travel Ing baa, 1 grip, 14 umbrellas, 1 book, 1 fish ing rod, 1 iron rod, 1 bundle sticks. Owners may obtain property at in and Alder sts. f station. FOX terrier, male, left ear light brown, right ear 1-8 light brown, from head white scarred and shows team in one ear; stub taiL. Answer to nam "Catch." Reward 810 for accurate in formatlon or return to 700 E. 13th st. g. LOST 1 black puree, ia Yamhill market, be- tweea 6th and 8d, Bat. afternoon, contain In pink slip for pictures at Sandy' Kodak Shop. Naros Tic on slip. Valuabl to owner only. Reward, call Mar. 2878. LOHTTan wallet in St. Helena bus or be- tween 16th and 10 th sts., containing pension cheek, bills, etc. Reward. W. M. Green, 804 Roe St., evening or Broadwy 8108. 00 afternoon of July 4, in ladles' toilet. Circle theatre, on 3 pearl gold engagement ring. Party la kaown wbo took it. Phone Bell-nod 2525. WANTED Instructor in ehoemaking at State Training school; new and repair work; salary, 375, board, room and laundry. Address Thomas P. Horn. Supt., Chehslis, Wssh. Wanted tor shipyard work thoa who can and wiU work, who are patriotic, and In earnest. and who appreciate the beat local opportunity, to help win the war. LOST Between Cbehalls and Castlerock, suit TUll OI IlTUa eftllrtran'a elnthM S num. bar of large picture of Lorslne Piatt, on pair pf ballet slippers. 610 reward. Phone East 8737. WANT reliable middle aged , man with some : knowledge of automobiles. Join me In best proposition - on Pao. coast. 3600 handles. K-7B8. Journal. - A FORD truck driver, one who la experienced to mak shipment around depots and under stands how to take car of Ford engine. United Mattress Pad Co., 427 Hancock st. WANTED A reliable offic boy; good pay and chance for advancement. Apply, circulation department The Journal, Broadway and xamblll, between 8 :8H a. m. and noon. POSITION a district manager open July 15 for man who can handle salesmen. Wartime article recommended by government off: No investment. 701 Board of Trade bldg. SALESMAN to sell to logging trade, one who is familiar with logging districts. Call between a. m. and 4 p. m. Pressed Steel Calk Co., zoo Asn st. SALESMEN to tak orders for auto specialty in general ute. ' Something new. Liberal com- mlsalon. Call at old P. 0. store, E. Alder and Union. CHERRIES Royal Anne, Oregon Bing, Black uepuDueans, pi cnernes, from 4c to 60. Call xjo i jn oig canvas on Pactflo highway or ' between Oregon City and Portland. Please ... return to 0 victru c Reward.- Phon C- 2641. LOST July 8. black leather grip on road be tween Portland and Kalama, Wash., contain ing optical goods gnd other article. Finder leave t 744 Belmont- W. MeBride. AN ASSORTMENT of article left at PubUo Auditorium durfn the cast year will na tn. ruled to the Red Cross unless called tor by July 1 5. . ' . LOST SmaH brown and wait speckled male pointer dog with large brown spots. License number 680. Finder cell SelL 2058 Sunday and after Sunday call Sell. 251. Reward. KJFt In O riand pharmacy. 20th and Waah., handbag containing sailor' letter, key ring, bearing 2 soldier's indsntificatioa tag. Leave at Journal office. WlLi. tb party wbo took the Indian rob and blue sweater by mistake at Eagle Creek July 4. lease call Tabor 7008 1 LOST Diamond ring, Friday afternoon, on Yamhill st. Can be eaily identified by owner. j.inarsi rewsrtl. r-fc"l OZ9. after Sunday, Wdln. 6072. Haas, 60th and KUlingsworth. WANTED 5 upholsterers, wages 85.60 a day. steady work. Apply at the Court-Wright Fur niture st wig. vo., union ave., corner Ankeny. cast oiuw. MAN with motorcycle for 2 hours' delivery work in eariy morning sna a nours in late after- noon. Adjustment Bureau, 641 Pittock blk. WANTED Good kiln men. prune dryers, night and day men. . T. Chapman, 524 Eliza beth st. 1.0ST Collie male pup about 7 weeks old, ia Alberta dUtrtot. tea with white collar, breast mi -. nwini. f-none I -1 H o LOUT Diamond ring, keepsake, given by dier ia France. Liberal reward. Call sol. 4628. . TJ5T Blsok leathsr grip. Portland confeoT ttoruvry. Reward. Reed CoUeg Hospital. 10tb and GlUan. Bdwy. 666. oP"J. FOUND Purs containing some money. Owner oan have ho. by describing oontenta. X-064. Joamai MAN and wife for janitor work In small aperC ment house for room heat, light, gas, water and email salary. No children. Mar. 8405 STrnvtsf Steet pay ehck ' lost Rim 1 Malone, No. 81. Return to 05 Woods st. STOLEN Dodge touring ear. Wednesday nlgnt"; Oregon Itoense 8088; motor No. 151073: --- - .... ..... . . i,uu, nam i nnu WStTotrayaJ or Stolen FromTTloTsCTotS N lag cream Persian neuter oat reward: aa neeUonsaksd.TsboT 2617. x . T0TOOlaay i.avirr)mC"ot. flag, on' ' float uif amu niitwwu JlpiV. ! iTr-ail" MU pte, Jlv mounted: -Call East B1B0. ' LOST Tuesdsy, pointer dog, whit and blacl .'! spot, finder phon Sellwood 2707, please. LOST, Jua 2t, agate Bug, heavy getting, "ili Vhrn ta Journal offic. TORTOISS shelf Baward. glass, June 29. . Reward. Marshall 8866. ZOp A lady' SUrlnar pU. UarshaR STOT aeTWmrOi BLUE aoat lost, on AlberU L Phona Mar. 4435 EXPERIENCED vulcaniaer wanted, and strong younrman to learn the business. Wolf Auto supply, Z3 Burnsiq st. MAN wanted to run extractor, steady employ ment and good pay. American Laundry Co., itu a. oa bu xv. WANTED Boy or young man as helper in auto paint dept. Apply Monday. Robison Smith Co., 8 til and Madison. IF YOU are an old man, willing to do chore on small place, near Portland, in return tor a home, wnte.H-oas. Journal. TWO first clsss oxyacetlylene welders. Portland ii rising sine nine works, a a and Gliaaa sts. oroaaway ou. MIDDLE AGED man for light work in service department. Apply snop superintendent North- wen Auto Co., Alder at Chapman. WANTED Men to work on river boats, 860 and up. Boom and board. Apply Weehing- WANTED Man for general farm work. Good wages. Apply at W. K. Clark ranch, on mile eaaaway wa liu" ifl ACTIVE driver for grocery delivery. Ford ear. Btat age, pnona numoer ana eelary ax- peciea. xeivi, journal. FIREMEN, brakemen, 8150-3176 monthly ; ' penence unneoeaeary ; send stamp. Railway, care juurnsi. WANTED Ford truck driver at once, also teamoter and freight trucker. Manhall vteus narnware v;o.. aotn ana Lovejoy. WANTED EXPERIENCED FORD MECHANIC Rnyhlight tc PENNY, B. 3d and Broadway. BOY to learn machinist trade. . 63 Park ai. N. Bdwy. 2852 or SelL 8003. WAX TED Man to do horseshoeing and black. miuung. xaoor ias. FREE wood for the cutting of the trees, "F& and dogwood. Close In. Tsbor 2852. ' WANTED Experienced blacksmith hsTper. 200 Aa es. main issx WANTED Milk driver, ratail route, 84 par alai aa AAt " UBjr A Wa aT4m(U. EXPERTSnCED lelUng machine man wanted, Portland Furnltaro Mf. Co.. 1249 Um. tOV wanted, over 16 yra. . Portland Fnrnitur - ami, m, ijny waosoam ro. - : STEADY man fur aUaroand work. - Levin Hard. war Js Furniture Co.. 221 Front St. - : WANTED Automobil mechanio., 52f Wal IngtOB t trass ticks. Hancock at. SALESWOMEN for women's wsist department. Apply superintendent s office. 0 to 10 a. m.. uiai, wortman at King. MEN GIRL for flat work department: steady employ ment; gooo. wage. American inunory uo.. u ti. oa sr. n. . WANTED Lady about 85 years old to weave fluff rugs: must ba steady: 812 per week and bonus. 04 union ave. N I . mmmmm J A SA.IAA riwi s ., . : t fWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, eleo- IRVINGTON flat for rnt. Call 840 E. 16th. block Hawthorn ear. "82200. 6 mall payment ..JL Arw "jw iar!SJS v tricity. gas. bath, phon; walking distanc; Phon 1648. down, balanca 7 per cent. Would consider - - - - Mtal mrA 1 Ml 1 7th at MrMT Tsmhill. Pin. THINK THIS OVER. Call at employment offic of Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation, FOOT OF MEADE ST. PORTLAND, OR. 2 CAMP carpenters, 88.60; 2d mmwrigbts. 95; edgermen, go.io; rcsawyer, 04.80. Laborers and helper on low treatl. lust starting, st.ou to o.iu per a noun. 10 men for state highway work, 34.40 to 85, Hundred of man for sprue and fir camp just opening. Be n toaay. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Guaranteed Employment. 285 Burn rid Street. WANTED By retail stove house, aa experi enced snop foreman: must b acquainted with city and be capable of handling men; must be familiar with gaa appliance as well a wood and coal ranges; state age, experience, reference end saury expected la first totter to L-862, Journal. WANTED Electrician for work at Fort Ste ven, or. Dluwlddl Construction Co.. 1021 xeon oiag. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE t HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNB AVENUE EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND WTWr. TRICAL. UNLIMITED; PRACTICAL REPAIR ixi-f.Kie.a. NUMBER aOUMG WOMEN AND 'MEN -anted to prepare for telegraph service ta help fin vacancies caused by the drafting of aaea for war. For particulars call or write Telegraph Depart sent, noon sta. nanwsy agxenango building. BfISS DECKER'S BUSINESS OOLLBoC shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. ey-Mlng. dictaphone. mimeographing, effio trainin. adding machine, filing. Allaky elite-. 84 aad Mornaon. main sx. MEN Aga 17 to 45. Experience annrtnasaarr Travel, make secret invmtiantiona. vennrta. Salaries, expenses. American Forsixn Detective Agency, evu bu lxroi. YOUNG aaaa for inside work and delivering must writ good band and drive a Ford. Cell Monday, 8 p. nv, Oregon Vulcanizing Co at at tl. a Oaf OUIlUsUV gW BTEEN BE WING 8CHOOL Bloeks srUem of mojea nuono aon aressnninig taught; pat terns cut to measure. Phone East 2850. B8 807. sea wmim a . aw neiBHSK. ADCOZ AUTO SCHOOL Union avenue and Wasoa slnaL Special Bummer Price. Call, writ or phon East 744 B. WANTED Mea and women under 56 aad ho. . 16 or over to work a laborer and harper in noma si a r, s. s. cat, st asrnoauym shops, rteadywsjrovfc. Store Keeper. MI83 MATTLNGLY 8 shorthand and typewri ing school. 260 14lh. Bear Jefferson. Reeis, xer i or wnnmir term, so a monta. Mala 8808. TATE3 FISUKR TEACHERS' AGENCY Frii retristraticn. B 11-1 2 Boadway bide. BEUNKE-WALKER, biggest trastness college" 'pa! catalogue. , causa b2t; enroU any time; free PENLNSTI APTS. Woodlawn Hit. 0o rret bldg.. 2, 8, 4 rooms, baths, phone. WANTED Room and board, by workingman.' I APARTMENT for rent, weat aide. Furniture tor Terms. 480 E. 80th sv 8. Phona Tabor 6352, Fnrnlsbed bangslow for sals, B room, fire place, built-ina, cement basement, laundry trays, newer and street la and paid. Price 62750. ROSE CIT PAllF. ! BARGAIN "V FractlcaTiy new bungalow of B ream tsar-. aughly modern rUbt up to the minute. On of town owner ynst Usted this sad prle l aaa, Mow V1 market. Splendid location on Blag t. near Bndy blvd. Garaga. Only 88660 with ell street Imp rove menu ta and paid. Terms. Let, 'how you. A. O. TEEPB CO.. 364 Stark, 'and Bsndblvd"" '"" t0th, De.Young's Installment Snaps! ; ijjpu a room cotteg. barn .....8100 cava 000 5 room bungalow ago eeh ..SSI i nom banxlom 160 sash ? roora eott- fumaOied .. 160 cash1 tVS?. f tocm ""d bungalow .. 200 a 11004 room modera rot tags ... 200 eaah" 8004 roosns. lAAilA an Open Banday 818-17 Henry bldg. if sta 410O. ALL FOR ICtf T rooms, rec hall, bath reom. fnjrj t toon " plumbing, electrio lighu, aoaerwl wail baa. nwni. launory tray, faraaoa. 60x00 lot. street 'graded, oonorete aidawalk gad curtr. Easyi tanas. -A. H. BIRR ELL CO.. v 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. w Marshall 4114. XAIa United Mattress at Pad Co.. 427 Has to be good table in private family. 817, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 8 FURNISHED AND TJNFTJBNISHED FRONT room - and kitchenette; also single rooms; nice deeping porch. 655 Flanders. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS - 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY TWO communicating rooms for light house keeping, all modern eonvenianc. Close in. pnone East ale. N-917, Journal. NEW TORK APTS. East 238. Furnished. No agents. FOB RENT FLATS WE have a beautiful 822.50 month. Gai IS 8200 DOWN BT. JOHNS HOME B rm. home. No. 412 Philadelphia st.. aa 50x100 lot; prioe 81500. 8200 down, 816 per ..CLOSING AN ESTATE "T. JOHNS BARGAIN. 8 BOOMS. 1 BLOCK TO CAB-. 1 00, 1 on rrrr n. mortgage. 4 rm. flat, aaat side. T. Moore Uo., Ablag- FRANK T M'OTTTRE, ABINOTON BLDO. trm Bide I To Buy Tour Home. Main 10BS FOR RENT 5-room upper fist, 267 i Clay BOSE CITY PARK Comer 6-room modera st.. near Auditorium, 520. 4 ROOM, partly fu ave. um, 52 rnished flat 740 Minnasote DOWNSTAIRS 2201. fist, walking dktenca. Mala bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. A fin home for some one. Th price ts right 83600. 8500. th rest tike rent. J. Bobbins. 301 Railway Ex. Mala 7631. BIX room, larg attic, modern, Dutch kitchen. full "taaae. gaSO ruk k,i,u. - .....- J- L. 1IARTMAN COMPANT. f Cbass! ' Ml awT" 4tb d Dl Main '' k6sE glfT piKK B Boota Bungalow, 83006 ' Ton WlU Want this a&ndavw tmnaalna, . within block of R. C. P. car lor 68000 an3 term of 6500 eaah and 826 monthly. Including Interest. Na imcnto ta - a n.- v una . ... - . "re v., BtSrt aa 3616. Branch offlca. 60th and Sandy. Main'. Alberta Home WANTED An experienced woman" tor eooklne ONE or 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. FLKNlSHKli rLATB 60 and Ttor. cSt olnln. Trcm IS khal . M-t. dean, large, clc-et, with or without FOR BENT B room, furmehed. west rida. 446 (0 and to take car of dining room and kitchen on rancn; wagea 53a. Call Tsbor 6702 GIRL to care f or ajB-year-old boy and help with housework. 825 per month. Phone Tabor 0456. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, or some one to board a 8-year-old boy. Call evenings. Tabor 4101. EXPERIENCED lady baker wanted; good pay. 284 Washington st. . WANTED Kitchen helper, institutional C3 sleeping porch, dose in. modern. 682 Flanders. TWO dandy housekeeping apta. at 1163 Bel mont. LTwlIT housekeeping rooms for rent. 206 N 2 3d st FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 250 Ivy at.. Alblna. Near Vancouver ave. Take Upper Albina car. I WANT com girl roomers. Can do light house keeping If desired. Matn 1104. Main 67. Bornside St. Broadway 1878. 827.50 6 room upper flat, clean, lights, water, walking distance. No children. East 8810 MODERN 6 rooms, heat, water and phona. No children. Tabor 251 a. HOTELS it A GOOD MONEY MAKING HOTEL In bast hotel district la Portland Wall fur- good auto. Phon owner. Tsbnr 1816 50x100 LT, B room house, extra tic cement basement, wsan um; let. ete. Pne 85000; eaab. K. Everett. 1Z.9 c 'lay. rnona " A BARGAIN 5 room bungalow, corner lot 100x100, close in, walking distance. For aaj cheap, terms. Inquire owner. 618 E. 8 th St. . GOOD 7 room house for sale by owner, cheap. 887 E. 60tb st. N . Rose City Park. Ad- I dress particular Ed Nyman, P. O. bos B3S, Astoria, or. 2880 - ft room In st-1 "oaT .rooms, a lots. 2 "4 black ta can. vs. bath, toi- I I,' me; aoout 620 aasb, balaBr.- By owner, a. 17.-' rV. "yiT'n , " ?"" 1 VY., . UUli I Matthews, 722 Chamber of Commarra. LARGE airy H. K. room raasonabl. 206 18th. nlshed and doing good basin. Good reason I ROSE CITY PARK, 32850. 6 room bungalow. GIRL marker and sorter, good pay to right party. American Laundry, 140 E. od st. N. WANTED First-class manicure girl at Board of Trade bsrber shop, 4th snd Oak sts. WANTED By working man 82. housekeeper in FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 11 logging camp. Give age. Z-781, Journal. WANTED Waitress. Royal Bakery. 844 Mor rison st. FIRST class waist and skirt finishers, also a? rsna gin. zus Doinmoia bldg. WOMAN to work in kitchen far room and board bus band sna sell, zs Mam st. WAN TED Experienced waitress! Inn, 153 Broadway. WOMAN for general housework Th China and meal. 283 E. 44th. 1.25 a day Tabor 2020. MEIER AV FRANK'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUBBAU. STH rmost Her yon have ahosca of the emblasd Seta 4 ll desirable vacant bona, an Has at aad fiats in the city, witn definite, reliable ln! tJon Dertaintna to eaah. Records are kept as to date, new listings being added seen aay. There Is absolutely no obugsOoa for this service. It is maintained solely a aa seeommodaaon to the public. for selling. E. A. JUlNLXiRFTN, Ssvon Land Co., 035 N. W. Bsnk bldg. NORTONIA hotel. Portland a aowatowu, high elaaa family hotel: room en suit or single. with or without board, for families and boat men and women. : w give yon au the com fort of a home. Reasonable rate. bath, toilet, buffet, fireplace, fruit, ber ries, paved etreet. Reasonable term. Johnson- Dodaon Co.. 68 n. w. Bang aioa. elTourra, a p-glToT" B room residence, f III nm firanlaaa ili.i r ing porch, builtins, cement mnisait. narsd tract; in 00th st ; terms. .. U. O. GOLDENBERG. Abrngton BMg, "85 Yasrs is Portland.9 ' Main 4608. SUPERFINE construction. 4 rooms, bolit'l5 architect for hi owa home. Large ysrd. fin . full baarinc fruit tree. Everything la fin eon-, ditioa. Wall artistlaaUy dMorated try artiat, 2S, EfrJhoc.oar. paved atraat' Prioe aoly; . eevu saan. nets no very easy. a 1C. unnrnM fenmaalnw. B rooana. lot 80x100. all I 68th. aor. 6) has man Mala II? 1 , . ctty improvemevm. snaoe; wui maa vacant a HOME near 20th aad U'.-iW ' uautelo. l .bo. . i a.Tvn' IT, . STORES AND OFFICES It STENOGRAPHER AND PHONE FURNISHED I Morrison. Private outside rooxa site of offieeee; stenographer sod phona far alahed; win rent to desirable party aa pro rata bast of actual coat; good location and servloa. lot in part payment, 32600, 4 th at ' MODERN buncalow. with aleevin porch, ia choice Mt Tabor district, furniahad if de si red. Sea owner oa place. Sunday, 1818 E. modern, fin aak floors, newly mauled araod' wors. areas 1 sat room, sleeping norab; tec aat . r.H. Van BU. 404 Caaoori' bldg. Marshall 6464. 6000; MT. TABOR COTTAGlT to thoroughly modera I IxTr SALE By owner, modera cottage, white woodwork, gzoou; 1 uuu aown. sa-iw, I sink, sewer ewnaacttone. asaeadam street, sid- B room cottage, elartrie bgbte. gaa, toCet and slain 163 or X-870, JoamsX Newcomer In Portland will find tht bnreaa I WILL erect one or two story brick on 76x100 EXPERIENCED woman would Ilk dsy work irom o to 12 rnone labor 4873. GIRL to aaalst with housework in family of 8. Tabor 0271. wiM macnine operator. 167 1st, upstairs. of great help in getting properly located quickly. business corner st 4th snd Everett for perma- nent tenant Fred B. WiHisma. 02 H First st LARGE tram building in central Albina, ilt able for garage, warehouse or chop; 840 a month. Fred S. WHIUms. 02 1st. 2 DANDY storerooms st 1623 E. Gliaan; 310 Journal. 4 RaOM eottes. full else lot St John ear- Uni. I860. Easy payment. MaUlaM. .165 ti 4th at, NEf house, sore. 82000. Larg bnsa cites HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE snd 88. Tsbor 0378. PRIVATE offic with si MOLEK BAUUER UOLLavtsk Pay you whtl learning, rive yoa set at tooss. guarante ' positions. Write for eatalogn. 834 iMirnaui sc.. or pnone Broadway 171. MEN, WOMEN, leara barOM trade tree; sragn Pittock block. Phoae Bdw EE" semoa. 1076. ITS Orsgea white learning: position guaraatead. Rarber College. 323 Madison. PORTLAND BARBER UOLLEGB Taachas men and women th .barb trad free, psy while lesrnieg. 284 -ouch, b way 2489. FREE RENTAL BUREAU COLUMBIA RTVETt SHIPBCTLDINO CORPORATION In this war time emergency and scarcity of liAuitfna- accommodations, w rOUt every natri- oue dtlzen woo na s nous to rent or room I MOliiaot ana mamea osainver wsos nu- FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BARN or atalla. East 28A II WANTED TO RENT WANTED AGENTS TAKE orders under the "Madison System"' for wonderful combination et of fin toilet prep aration. Easy Bales with free premium 1 to your customers. We mak all dellvcria to your- cus tomer. You merely secure the order snd we send you commission check every Saturday. No money or letter of credit required. W mesa just what we say. Write immedistely for ter ritory. Northwestern Bales Co., 203Z I C Smith bldg.. Seattle. Wsab. AGENTS Big summer seller. Something new. to. let to mail information of asm to Columbia B. S. B. Corp. Box 1202. Portland. Or. WHEN yoa get tired Having yonr rent raised aad being compelled to move, look us an. W hav houses aad lota we can sell you for 826 down, 810 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 733 Chamber of Commerce. band ia ial army i would Ilk to ear for hom or apt during ' sbsence of owner during summer month or would snbrent apt can give references a to character and reliability. W 474 Journal. COUPLE will take ear of your home d taring anmsaar monta for Tree reference. Call Marshall 3198. WANTED to rent by August 1. rent, will give tl mud- mi Xl TJ DPVT a O 1 BArn OI nuil-BWW j Mvwe. iv WMg BTUW iwuila- Good 4 room housZ toSrt and Uth! i. good tar. Reasonable rent. J-846, Jounml. shape and close tn. WANTED A modern B room house, walking U. W. BAUtLL.UE.B, I uistsnc iwoaj wop. BaspvnaiDi party. 1 a- 248 Stark st Phon Main 2558. bor 8401 Concentrated soft drinks: tost add wit,. Delicious drinks in a Jiffy. Pooalar for the hom. picnics, parties, social, etc. Small pack- knriF.RN 7-room house, lust and I WANTED 1. 2 or 8 -room modern houva near tinted. -not far from sbrpbuiidiag punts, and Union ave., vviusanu ava, ana ssississipui Jefferson high school. 840 per month, or will 1 ve. csrs. Coi. pot. : Mil very reasonable on mommy payments, owner, L. K. Moore, 817 Board of Trad. WANTED Small Oat or 4 an! urnishad rooms, anlkina? diatanoa. State tarma. etc Clitt . SOBS, piciuca; .larun, BDCJais, etc. DDUl PCB 1 w . i I v - , " " ,a. a.t-t, in f-irt K.n..n iT. I FOB RENT B room hoss in country for rum- Journal. . laiwiuua i nrii(l aonnla want a room noose, neat, rat- making 86 to 812 a day. Outfit frea to work. era. Just a postal today. E. M. Faltman, 86 3d st, Cincinnati, vmo. I MAKE 850 to 3200 weekly In email TX-786. Journal. erencea. WiU B BOOM house, gss, electricity, furnace. 2 toilet. Tsbor 2730. tak toss. Call asornlnga. nent busine man or woman star narma. I waahtrays, ysrd, central location, price 130. tOCNO cusU'le want -a 4 rt sav-l Inquire 660 Kerby sti hasted tlior apt; west 1 or I tide. Call Main 104 Lto.ili'iae!ri-l8S'jreUw il4iLbITroB LEASB or rent. 10 room boos. WiUam- ITRNISSED modera houkeepi ag roomi; pr- demand; needed in every home, hotel and restau rant, raycroii, sreano, l.ai. SITUATIONS MAE CARPENTER AND CO!tbACrrdR ' arte baight:. large grounds. Inquire room B.I f.r Mr John district. W-475. Journal U nam Per oi iommercc piqg. MODERN bungalow, 7 rooms on 1st floor, B oa ! SUMMER RESORTS FURNliiHED cottage fur rent by the Repairing aspecialty. 441 Bast 6 2d ' at Tabor 7 Wo;:, it. u. rony. SHTNGLERS Rashingling on 04 roof a pa- cuuiy. Hsrusu xv t a. 2d: hot water heat, til bath. 2 lots, one of to beat corner tn Irvtngtoa; goo. Mala 125. I ag Rackaway Beach. Gsone BualL 0 ROOM BsoAern dwelling. No. 821 E. 0th at. N.. 877 Williams ave. ONE or two roosns on the ridge, nee of kitchen. BsoAern i now being decorated, 840. Mafca 125. B BOOM house, not modem. No. 6420 88th St.. 86. t Msla lift, Monoay. Lock box IB. Soavicw, WANTED. -a poalUpn by a capabte man havini L,BrVs shlobnlldln. district, comar 14 an a yer wa. journal. I m knlMiiiir mi Aevnand. Eaat 1991 EJKC 04? rJ?" WU ""to FOtTKENT six room modern coUage. garde. ELDERLY man desire position a Janitor or 1 watenmaa. o-o i v, journal. and berriee. SeUwood 1844. for July; a children. Waah. H. K APTS., flna water, at Boasawa- Beach, Appry st Ocean Crest Apt. B-ROOM eotte-. Ocean Ink. July 21 August 1. Taaor m ioo PIANOS and furniture refiniahad and pelisheX reasonable. Sellwood 1188. A-l auto track driver wishes position In or out : or city, rnona Beuwooo- T4g. . IF you want your house painted call East 840. Johnson. : . - . . . HOUSE moving, raising and general carpenter - wors:. isoor ias. , BOY want work on ranch. M modern house, perfect conditio, I FOUR room furnieiied cottage with firepiao r. 080. Main 6238. at Long Beach, Wash., for Jury, 820. I SEVEN room modern house, yard, walking dia- I LARGE modern house at Baseid. Call Mar- tanca. 021. ago stars ex. ahall 2tt. SEVEN room 2 bioeks car. (IS WEST SUiE. B room coUaga. t I FOR RENT 4 rooag aotlaga. Saaviaw, Wash, Quimby it. - I Phon East 1618 FOUR room house for rent, furniture for sal J TWf mrrra f- f-g- F-img Brh. on easy terms, zas v sowiu sx., g,ssg zsgs. I Wtn., z vor vna wsim wain. 1241 tin 2864. " PAINTING,. Unung. paperhanging. Wdln. 326a FIVE rooaa hoaaa, 743 Fern ava.. Portland Height. 825. Mta 80S. . MODERN bungalow, west Uw 145. Garag if I TWO" room - cotteg with sleeping , porcb, oa uwuw,, wiiii vaa-a. ... bbcmswii Afwm. n. : s in ins rorn i i fr'- i Vt , nfm' n r uTis" Can Mm ion. Cary, in fruit 81 per weak. 6c tars. B. W. Main 1377. FOR BALE or trade, modera 6 room bunga- low for Improved acre: near city, dear. Address H. TL Miniron, E. 84th t FOE SALE H acre, S room hoaaa, chick fruit tree, nemo aaa snrnnocry, su fenced in. 8170O. Terme. Tsbor 4320. walk and earn. om berrte. Can anake tsrvjt' A. II. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank bldg. MarvbsH 4114 A-411-V 76 bowS'. til m6nthL 1 -room bangslow with frroplae and bwDt-ia effects, large attic, fall basement, atatlooery tube.-i on paved street and earhna; nria 62160. 2080 E. Glisaa. not an Broadway and Waahingloa. . Fred W. Gertasa Ca,, 733 Cham, of Cosa. IN 'TUB HEART OF 8r7NNYBrDE78"240T Neat IHti 6-room baagalow an paved street,' strae work inclodad ia priaa, namely 82500 1 7 8200 cash. 626 monthly. Fred W. German i -o., ia iota. wt. un I r- I v., aa .uan. in, m. A FIVE room house, 81060; 60x100 lot; cash T. ; 1 ' AnnC otn ZTl Vk4rxin- " ,10? Union Avenue, $2000 MODERN bungalow, B room and (leering porch. E. 30th st, near earUna. 88600. 1 rim', liv aa'.iv.. ...... I hi . . , . r peninsula and BOBS CITT Tour heart dosira. Almost ' m nm amngajow, siue, urepiaos. Lraten rm. cottage. A block Union ava lot SBx 142. 12 fruit tree; eaay terms. '- UIXJ. T, MOORE CO.. A bins-ton fcMa. -( W,vyt. I L... nM 1.., nuua niwii. u.iiiu , i , . -aw. i Bt Johns shipyards. Call 1661 Wastanna st. St John line. Phona COL was. FURNISHED nd unfumlsbed auussa. oasy terms R. C. Walter. 6848 Foster road. Ta bor 8807. ff?T5 ftit.t: Small house and lot near Piad. moot ear nam. uu as ia. usavcu fter 6 .30 p. m. U6DERN room house with 2 lota, B block from Bt Jonas snjpxsru, liivu; veraxa. sau Wdln. 3842. iron anai.traciad. ftreplac. Phona after 7 ar siondays. Tabor 7502. HOUSES.-1 for sale. B room bungalow, tarmacs kitchen, full cement bssemsnt. laasdry tray. . Barely ee 668 K. 87th N. B. U- oar. 64 6, cash. Mala 7120 forenaow two houses Fob 4600 TTi West aid, walking dUatanaa. A Teal bargain. BITTER, LOWE CO,- t 203-6-7 Board af Trad Wdg. THE bigger th payment to cheaper yon gat 200x100. 4 room lion, fruit: BL John aarUne; atoa near Kcatea district; or wdl U 11 1 ."I mm . 1 aivuM av , or wui eu BALE 6 room modem bangalow, double I half with hoaaa cheap lor eaah. Owner. S. Bar. . a ri ran lace: built in buffet, book case and dreeser. Look this up. Owner. Woodlawn 8667. riB-t.mtriiirl'L new Piadmont bane slow. vara attractive. mewa r-a-awow wy owuaara. l j16o eaafa. balanca, 81109, Ilka rent 6 roocBa. bow, S3II 624 st B E-, WoorLtock ear. -city. ITHaTE a plac worth BeObTin EL Wsdisew sC ' . between 14th and 16th. In tb ban-ton earl, of East Portland; yon eaa hav this aaodarn, - strictly nn-to-dat buncalow for 81700; tersss.-' -Bee M. J. Clobe-ry, 416 Abington bUg. 1?S2 Rodney verroe. nvr A mooa. 1 bnnaalow. ona B owner. Reasortbl terns. Fbooa East morning. i.6; bath, newly decorated, larg m. fin soil, excellent rMtebborhaad. growing gsr-v B4MXL M. V, 160 41C , FIVE room bouse, larg tot, fruit trees, fin hom lor eZ9Uv. su isoor asou. dan. ear to 40th. 1 buck north, 1 Owner. Main 7120 forerxwrns. MORTGAGE FORECLOBfJU 6660 6206 cash, balanca assy. Largs lot- 7x100. SmaH kea. snd woodibad. gas, dty) water, rtc. Big bargain. , . j B. F. FEEMBTKH, Abington bldg. .-, a t,, i i xiiit-ar aivna 1 BEWB room eotxsgs, W TlxfoO. nearGlna I coodittea. Win sell to Napoaatbla party aa' lUTts aro-. . - I ay tarsas. rariasnissa, 21 s lyeriaarsssns aamg , FOR SALE Hons aad 2 lots. aor. 86d aa3 I 6th snd Bterk. -T B. Balmon, by owaer. Tabor 7617. I CHARMINd hens. SL John ear. " 1 block,"" t i l-ROOM howas, plastered, gas, alee tricky, water. I rooaa bungs Ww, paved euwet fpaidl, ssrtw by owner. 3776. 8730 66th st. S. EL i Bring rooaa, fireplace, dengkunt awtanawrTiood. , 2250--B R. -mod.. 143E. Salmon. Pared st.. fireplace. Owner. Msla 4803. FOR BALE 8 room boathona. $7. Inquire Bsumsna noui. aia d. saw s. o wsy z vo ONE B room hones and lot. 50x184 It A raal ?xm' w.i la Maarbesw. Or. 1141 1 Jeamal I FOR BALE B room bouse, eornar lot, in Self wood. BlOOe). FOR BALE 81126 Maryland ave. Call Tabor 8707. room house. 662 i 1040 Maryland ava. I Bkftz Arrf piRif 1 ' New T rooaa bungalow will ba fUfchsd aapnt: all pksto giaas ssindows, oak floor snd evary tning to snake modera basse; 66600. - - r. VANDlilJ. ai l-sa. w K-mm. ain irto. E. 74th st W. S rooms, 81060. Eaay term. FOR only 42200, a good S rosea Jaw. H. Otbwm. 266 Stark K. Mar. 12. kardisrfac-4 street with 2 tote?. aa a - rigDt in the kONIATILLA 4 rooms. 61550; easy term. eft y an an of the best ear 11a. Vt ba wanta I H Oibarm. 244 Stark at Mar 12. I that teksaa f 8000 aasb i wifl haadl tbtj plac. ROSE CITT PARK 6 room,, sard ftoor. La- tT ZTT'' LlikT. KK-F- . nae, fireplace; 62800. East 2836. J2200 Good 7-room botua. tot 80l00. fm - . y variety af Irak trae. eecaent wslks. 2 kWts COMFORTABLE boms for 343S, 40 eaaa. to car, 66th at. A J, Farmer, 468 Stock fci- 288 Kueaeil st. East 2088. ' ghang bkig.