-. t 4-- ' 1 w- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL '- .Fts-- - 12 SATURDAY, - JULY 8 - 1918. c : 'r.-vSvX-; PORTLAND. OREGON of Constructive Chafaetfer eneral Welfare PASTOR SHORT OF WILBUR CHURCH Possibilities . for Building Op ' Downtown Institutional Church " Are Great 11 DR. 'SHORT FITTED FOR JOB Contemplated Structure to In T elude Many Features New to w Ordinary Church Buildings. ' ' t, ' EV. FRANCIS BUROETTB SHORT, the new paator of the Wilbur Methodist church, will preach hla first sermon In the new pastorate Sunday morning - at 10 :S0 o'clock in the Multnomah hotel assembly room. Dr. Short accepted the call to the local church from Spokane, after the Wilbur people explained to . him the possibilities that exist here for building up a downtown institutional Church. If the plans projected by the - members of the church' are realized. It : tS probable that Dr. Short is taking hold 'of one of the biggest Jobs of modern Methodism. The church contemplates the erection ' of a structure that will be a church. : ftilsslon and social center combined. It . la planned to Incorporate the most mod : ire features of an Institutional church tn the building which will probably .in elude a library, reading room, gymna alum, recreation hall, lunch room and clothing and book exchange. It "has ' been said that many of the members of the Wilbur church have guaranteed to ' stand behind the new pastor with their resources of finance and see the project teach a successful culmination. Br. Short Well Fitted Dr. Short came west in 1903 from Wilmington, Del., to take the pastorate' of the old .Taylor street church of which he. was pastor for four years. He then became secretary of the educational movement for one year and in 19.07 he , accepted a call to Salt Lake City. He . remained there until called to the First Methodist church of Spokane In 1918 Dr. and Mrs. Short and their two' sons, Mark, age 14, and Dolphus. age 12, will reside In this city. Dr. Short was born about 49 years ago In Delaware. His parents were strict Methodists. He attended the Wilmington conference academy for two years, be - ing graduated from It In 1889. He then entered Delaware college, where he com pleted the bachelor of arts course In two years. His first pastorate was in .- 'Cecil county. Maryland. He conducted this Church while attending college. His - salary the first year was $144, and the second year 8400. He did not remain long on rural pastorates, for in 1892 he was made pastor of a church in Wil mington, where he remained for 10 years. He .came from Wilmington to the coast. Has Ideal Wife He married Miss Mabel Hunt In Wll- Rilngton In 1901. In an Interview pub lished t In a Spokane paper Dr. Short said of his wife : "I have never seen her mad. unless I have teased her be yond the point of longer endurance; she has never objected to my being away from home when duties have called me ; she has never nagged at me nor been disposed to shine In society nor run me In debt; she has been an Ideal mother, patient and helpful wife, and no parson age has ever been occupied by a more beloved minister's wife." Dr. Short has been In the ministry 27 years and during this time he boasts that he never has asked for his salary. He la said to be a very Jolly man, a good mixer, and a lover of the poorer folks. It ,1a said that he was popular with the boys of Spokane who knew htm. - j- . Plans C serai Work v Sam Connell. a leader In the Wilbur church, said that the new church will . endeavor to do constructive work In the city work that will make for the future good., One of th first needs which It , is planned to meet, will be the assistance of soldiers' wives. The congregation have been looking - , for a site on which to erect their new edifice, but as yet have not decided def " lnltely what course thev will mirm They do not expect to take any further action until Dr. Short has had time to iook over the new field and make sua-. gesttons as to the best way to carry on me woric Mr. connell said: "The In stltutlonal church will be non-itrtiH.n , What We want to do la to help out the person, who Is down and out and In need , of help. We do not care about building i up a great big church, full of rich mem bers who cannot stoop to help out a : poor unfortunate brother or sister." Gold Star in Flag - The service flag of the Rodney Ave nue Christian church will be unveiled Sunday night, when the first gold star will appear In honor of Henry Earl ' Wads worth. 148th field artillery, head .: quarters company. Wadsworth was drowned In France. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wadsworth of 86 East Emerson street. The pastor will .preach Irk the morning. v .. . An .-LI--' V ' a new 'V J'tl w- ff'Jl' . : . . ! lit mm , Sellwood car to Fourteenth and By bee Sntcrestinstorp mSL'&t ott at At the' Highland Congregational church Sunday night Miss - Heien Strauser. a graduate of the State Nor mar school, will tell the story of -"A Man Without a Country." sue naa re lated thla story at number of placea In the state on behalf of the Red Cross. The oastor will follow with an outline of the life of th author of the story, Dr. Kdward Everett Hale. At tne morn ing service there will-be holy commun, lon and a aermon on Tldellty to Christ," by the pastor. NEW PASTOR COMES TO WILBUR CHURCH Rev. Francis Buraelle Short, who left Spokane eharoc to build up down town institutional church.' : , Dr. Lovejoy to Tell Church Folk of War Dr. Esther Clayson Love Joy., who re cently returned from' France, will occu py the pulpit at the East Side Christian church Sunday evening. At the morning service the pastor will speak on the song "The -Stars and Stripes." The choir, under direction of J. Frank Wil- I son. will render patriotic music. The East Side church has Just completed 1m- nrovements on the church. The audi- torlum has been finished In old ivory and gold. i 'Baffled Ambitions Blessing Is Theme1 On Sunday morning at the First Christian church. Rev. Harold H. Grlf- ...M,..l nmvMon. t.Vlnv hi. Mb. "The Bleising of a Baffled Am- mon. The pastor will be out of the city during the coming week in attendance at the state convention at Turner, where he will preside at the morning Institute sessions. - A.U.J T) " IJH.K hLIlll rHmr Ml rtlTTO T.OPIIVOC! TTot0 VJ1VO JJCULUICO IXXjL O Rev. Charles Waehlte of Oakland, Cal., will begin a series of lectures in the Grace Baptist church Sunday eve ning on the book of Revelation. He wilt use his own charts for the lectures. Rev. Mr. Waehlte was closely associated for a number of years with Dr. A. C. Gaebiein, Bible scholar of New York. 4The lectures are free to the public. Prof. Matthews to Speak on Sunday- rrofessor J. T. Matthews of Wlllam ette university will preach Sunday eve ning at the University Park Methodist church. The pastor will speak in the raw mi.. wuan oeneiicence. me service Ilag or this Church now has 43 Stars. ncuuiuii in -arwsiciies in erne Mrs. J. J. Handsaker. pastor of the 1 Laurelwood Conrreeatlonal chuiwh will - -., ..... i' " V BWIM W. HriTODI - -" .muurai olui- j day morning. She will take Sherwood! Eddy's description of trench religion aa the basis of her talk. Dr. Lane: Returns ir. I. W. Lan bas returned to Port- lano ana . will occupy his pulpit at Cen- tenary .Methodist church at both services Sunday., TemaiOTTiim. Oft Expressed Tribute: ' f I " - ?fcaia! 7 i t' ( 6nnrtnne9 CZ2ur1. ln"tlton - nd the process which it offers to the bereaved first made me decide to accept It for my fam ily when I discovered that it was the "e aatlsfactory answer to all that had troubled my thoughts of earth burial namely : the horrors of the grave, the unsatisfactory promise of the future, the neglected grave and the irreverent end avoid!" Kraveyard mlngry.an not This was the recent expression of a man. two members of whose family are already placed away In the beautiful columbarium of the Portland Crematorium. Write, , phona or call for booklet Visitors 9 to, S '"t: is. I REV. EDGAR P. HILL WILL GREET HIS OLD Fl Former Portland Pastor Here From Chicago Wilf Speak at. First Presbyterian. The First Presbyterian church will have one of Its former pastors in the pulpit Sunday. - This is Rev. Edgar P. Hill of Chicago. Many of Dr. Hill's friends will be glad to see him in Port land again, and will want to hear him preach. It was in 1895 that Dr. Hill was called to Portland from Free port,, and for 11 years he was .prominent and influential In all the religious and so cial activities of the city. In 1908 Dr. Hill was called to Chicago, where he has resided since as .professor of Horn I- lectics in McCormick Theological semin ary and superintendent of Presbyterian home missions In Chicago. Mrs. Hill Is with her husband, and it Is expected that they will remain about 10 days renew ing old acquaintanceships and. visiting familiar spots in the vicinity of Port land. ' T The music will " have several special features. In the morning Mrs. Virginia Spencer Hutchinson will sing "Gloria by Buxzl-Peccia and the duet for con tralto- and baritone, "The Lord Is Our Leader," by Brewer. wDl be sung by Mrs.. Hutchinson and John Claire Mon- teith. In the evening at 7 :45 o'clock Mr. Montelth will sing "Peace to This Sacred Dwelling," by Kevin, and an organ reel tal will be given by Edgar K. Coursen with the following program: Ca "Marche Nuptiale" Kerval (b) "Song Without Words" Lemare (e) "Chanson .Trieste" . .Tschaikosky , The Sunday school will begin its sum mer schedule. Sunday. This will consist of a series of talks on the gospel of Mark., illustrated with lantern slides. The senior. Intermediate And junior de partments will : meet together in the main Sunday school auditorium, and the talks will be given by the superintend ent, James F. Swing. Ail who are in terested are welcome to : attend. The annual church picnic will be held next Saturday at Canemah park. It will be under the supervision of the Men's club of the church. Missionary Band To Have Charge The young people's missionary band will have charge of the evening service of the First Free Methodist church Special music will be rendered. In the morning the pastor will preach his sec ond sermon In the series ion the opera' tlons of the Holy Spirit. ' Mission Festival To Be Held Sunday Sunday, the annual mission festival nrltl Ka kM , 0 -f . I luiltll will in CrVCU .1 m,n Services Begin at 8 O'Clock At St. Davids Fpiscopal church the I Sunday night service during July and August will begin at 8 o'clock, instead of 7 :30' On Sunday morning the rector will preach on "Thou Shalt Do No Mur der," and in the evening will continue the series on parables. uxlUarv haa arranged a, concert to be given in the parish house by Miss Beth i r ir vvcnnfiiinnv nivnr i rnsm vrAna: Young, Miss Forbes and Miss Whiteside IK ON SUNDAY DIRECTORY sixth Sunday After Trinity Uniform S. S. Lesson , "Befinnioc the Cbrlttiaa Life." Aoti 18:18-34. Golden Text "WhoweTer will. Irt him take th Water of Life freely." IUt. 22:17. Young People's Topics Christian Endearor "All for Christ." I. Oar Abilities. Matt. 25:14-80 (consecration meetinc) . Junior Christian EndeaTor - Faith, a Fruit of the Spirit" GaL 5:22; 1 John 6:1-5 (coa aec ration meetinc). ) Epworth Lea rue "All for Christ.' I. My s:i: iz:w aantiat First White Temple 12th and Taylor Re. William A. Waldo 1 1 , "The Unknown Yet u I Know and communion act-tie l 7:49, "The visionary Laaer, I HIrwon. Preachins b ETanaelist Dr. 8. J. I Third Vancoorer and Knott Kt. Welby J. . . . . . , rk. , o . . . T 1 TT . I .1 .till.- tor (jnnax. Arleta Rev. W. Garnet Handle. 11. aer g"on ?? .: . "td. saint and 8in .1, t - Tnomaa. 11. "Our Church .What la Has Done v: V1! J, J': ' "A Qu Glencoe E. 46th and Main. 11. 7:45. preaenms y ne. u. v. wnitnt. Sellwood Bethany Bar. T. J. Broomtield. 11, s. Grace E. 76th and Ash Ker. H. T. Cash. 11 and 8. Preachin by Rev. C. J. Waehita. LectoTea on Book of HaTclanon. HishUnd 11. 8. - : Oathelle St. Peter Lenta--Re. P. Beatxen. 8. 10:80. 7:80. i i Pro-cauraarai lotn .ana utis jeer. b. v. O'Hara, e. T.lo. 8:80. ft:4B. II. 7:48 St. Lawrence Sd and Sherman Rev. J. C Hurhea. 6.8:10.10:30.7:80. Bt Patricks Jtn and Bae Bar. s. r. Mnroby. 8.10:B0.7:80. St. Francis llta and Uat Kef. J. H. Black.: B. B. B. lft:80. 7:30. i Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ava. and SUntoa Rev. W. JL. Daly. J. 8. 9. 11. 7:80. Holy Roaary Fl Sd and Clackamas Rev. E. S. Olson, e, 7. 8, 9. 11. 7:3. Bt. Rose -E. C8d and Alameda Rev. J, O'FmrnlL 8. 10.80, 4. St. Andrews E. 8th and Alberta Rer. J Kiernan. 8. 10:80. 7:30 The Madeleine E. 24 th and Siaklyoa Rer. Georye T. Thompson. 7:80, 0,11.- Ascension fc. 7Btn and laaauul Franciacan Fathera. 8. LO :SO. 7 :30. Blesaed Sacrament Maryland are. and Blaa- dena Rev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:30. .Holy Croea 7T4 Bowdotn Her. fj. 'Raymond. . 10:80. 7:80. ' - - 4 . . 8C Iaaatlaa S3ZO '43d at- 8. K. -Jeaoit Father. e:so, . iu:ao, a. St.- Stephana 13d and H. Taylor Re. War- mi A.. Wattt. .6. :80. 10 :80. 7 :80: . . Holy Redeemer roraana tld. and Vanconrsr are. Rot. F. H. illller. , 8.410:80. 7:30. Ht. rnunp worn iiwh latnera) K. ista aad Hickory hot. w., J. cartwnht 6, 8, 10 (St. t lemenia a. omiin are. ana Piewtoi SeTTite Fathers. . 8. 10:8. 7:80. Sacred Heart hi. lltn and Center Ra. C. St. Arataa E. 18th aad R Killer Rav. . J. Cbtnmtmky. 8. l:so. T:sw. St. StanWan: tfouah) Maryland ant.. and Failinat Ke. r. nattnew. s. 10:SO. 7:30. St- Joaeuh tuerman) lOtn and Coach Rer. B. IMrrrr. 8. 7:30. Bt. Mfcnael lltananl- 4ta and Mni Kee. U Cptoortft l Heague &attj 3fe; Bcftebuleb fjrift Stamp IJrije The first quarterly rally of. the Port land district ' Epworth league Will ' be held Monday night" In the Sunnyslde Methodist church. The officers j of the district have promised a book of Thrift Stamps to the chapter of the district that has the largest number present when the roll Is called at 8 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Alice Alexander,' president I of the district, will be chairman of the meet ing. The rally is called to tell the Meth odist young people the nature of the blg drive" which the central office of Washington Prays For Victory, Peace The people of Washington, D. C. ob serve 12 o'clock each day as a special time to offer prayers for victory and peace. A committee, so formed as to be representative of all the people with out regard to religious denominations. creed, sect, or race, promoiea mis ob servance, according to John.G. Capers, chairman of - the committee. The president has authorised the heads of all ' government departments to sanction this observance through their chief clerks. The secretary of war permitted a signal for the ringing of the bells to be fired from the top f an "office building. The district commis sioners issued a statement giving their sanction to the observance. "Thla sajic tion carried authorisation through the public utilities commission for the ob servance of the movement by streetcars and traffic, which stops on specified days, during the time of prayer," said Mr. Capers. Posters similar to those of the Lib erty loan drives and the Red Cross cam paigns have been made and will be hung in all churches, Sunday schools, clubs, hotel lobbies, banks and restau rants. "Give a moment to God," Is the suggestive phrase of the posters. These posters call the attention of the public to the necessity of prayer ror tne suc cess of our allies and an enduring peace. Navy Chaplain Sells Many Liberty Bonds The sum of (80,000 was realized from the sale of Liberty bonds on one of the ships belonging to the United . States navy. The captain of the U. 8. S. Illi nois appointed Chaplain Bart L. Ste phens to take charge of the sale of bonds of the third Liberty loan. Chap lain Bart sold more bonds than the cap tain or any of the officer thought would be possible, according to the re port from the Federal Council of the Churches. During1 the second Liberty loan bonds to the amount of $2800 were sold, and the officer 'who had that sale In charge predicted that the $3800 mark would not be reached in the sales of the third Liberty loan. Dr. Eeid Filling In for Dr. Hinson At the East Side Baptist church Sun day. Dr.' S. J. Reld, pastor-evangelist. will preach both morning and evening. The pastor. Dr. W. B. Hinson, has been granted a leave of absence during July and August, Dr. Reld will occupy the pulpit until the pastor returns. -Gospel Meetings Attract A large attendance is reported at the Gospel tent meetings at Alblna avenue and Shaver . street. Rev. Daniel Hoi strom - is preaching. These meetings will continue through next week and are conducted in the Scandinavian lan guage. OF CHURCH St. Clares Canitol Hill FYanciacan Fathers. 7:30. 9:18. St. Charlee 83d and Alberta Rav. I. P. O'Flynn. 8. 10:80. All Saints E. 80th and Glisaa Ray. Father William Cronin. 8. 10:30. Christian First Park and Colombia Rer. Harold H. Griff is. 11. "The Rleaainta of a Baffled Am bition"; 7:43, "Union and Liberty Tbronth Loyalty.' MonUrUla E. 76th and Royt Bey. J. W. Jenkin. 11, "The Beginnuv of tha Chris tian IAfa"; 8. Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Rev. J. F. Ghormley. 11, 'Tha Evancel of tha Church tn tne world a Reconstruction : ' 8. memorial services in honor of Henry Earl Wadvworth. Woodlawn E. 7 th and iJbertT Rev. Joseph T. Boyd. 11. "Tha Trail to Happiness": 8. Revelation of God." Christian Sctanos Lesson subject: "God-" First 10th and Everett, ill. 8. Second E. 0th and Holladay. 11. 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Taneonver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8. Fifth B2d and 42d ave. 8. E. 11. Sixth Masonic Temple. W. Park and Yamhill. 11, 8. - Bt. Johns Holbrook bloek. 11. OoAeeejattonal First Park and Madtn 1 0 :30. 7:18. , Atkinson Memorial E. 20th and Everett Rev. Warren klovse. 11. communion servica; 8. talk by Miss Frances B. Clapp of WaaboasaU Bunnyatde E. Bl'd and Taylor Rav. J. J. SUnb. 11. "Friend'" Christ": 7:45. "Divi dends on Christian Investraenta." Hiahland E. 6th and Pre-eott Rev. Edward Constant. 11, "Fidelity to Christ"; 6. "A Van Without a Country." , ; Waverly Heuthta E. 83d and Woodward Rev. A. C. lioaca. 11, "God's Hand la Our Nation's r Ufa." and communion sanies; 8, patriotic 'union service addrssnd by . pastor on Lessons Learned at Camp lwta." Laurelwood 4Sth ava. and ftlith st. S. IS. Hra. J. J. Handsaker. 11, "Rliion of too Tranches." . . - . , - . , Trinity lth and Everett Rav. A. A. Morri son. 8. 11. 8. Pro-Cathedral of fit. Stephen' tha Martyr 18th and Clay Rt. Rav.,W. T. Sumnar. biahaa. Very Rev. F- H. U cCollister. ' dean. - Sundays 1 7:48 a. m.. 11, 7:4k p. fa.: enure n school. : a. m. Week days. Wadnaaday 7 .80 a. aa Fri day 8:80 a. m. ; Holy day,- 7:SO. Stt DavkH E. lZtn ana Belmont r. Thomas Jenkins, rector., 7:30. 0:80. 11. "Thou Shalt Dc No Murder." 8, "Judgment on Na tion's Leaders." ! ';' . ' s St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. E.H. Slmpsoa, rector. Rev. J. G. Hatton, aaanriata rector. 7:80. 11,- 7:48. -St. Andrews Hereford at.. Portsmouth Archdeacon Chambers in eharsav 0. 7:30 p. aa. Grace Memorial E. lTth and Weidler Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8.11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. . 11, 7:80. .. Bt. Michaels and AU Saints E. 43d and Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowem, vicar. B; 10. 1L and . ' -3 . ' Church of Our Savior 60th avet'aad lst st. S K. Archdeacon Chambers in ebarae. 1 1. 4 Bianco Morris - Memorial Good Samaritan L..1 V. VmJI-mi IT m 1 ,A K St. Paula WoodasereIUv. Oswald W. Tay All Setnta -28th aad Savier Ra. Frederle C Howard. 11. : - , 8t- Johns E. 18th and Ilamey. Xellwoed 'Archdeacon Chambars in ttharsw. 11.7 :30. - St. Matthew Corbet and Bancroft. Rev. W, A. M- Breek. vicar. 11. , ' Free atetnadist , - . . , Central E. 8Sth and Flanders Rev. W. K. Coffea. 11. 7:80. 3s tb VSt ffereu the league ts conducting to secure 10,00 new members for the society. Rev. H. Hetoey of SL Helens church, "big drive" secretary, will be one of the main speakers of the evening. Dr. W. W. Youngson. superintendent of the dis trict, will give the returns from the centenary convention of the church, re cently .held in the East. - Dr. T. W. Lane will relate points about the 'summer in stitute to be held at Jefferson. Or. The music will -be in charge of Mr. Gould of Vancouver barracks. Mrs. Abbott will ytve a number of .vocal selections. , ihristian Church Opens Convention Notwithstanding the ' many demands upon time and money, the Christian churches of Oregon are planning to hold their annual state convention July to 14 at Turner, Or. They have a camp ground of eight acres in a bend in the river. The camp is a beautiful grove. H. O. Breedon of California will deliver a series of lectures on re ligious themes. S. G. Buckner, formerly from Pennsylvania. will give a series of Bible studies on social questions, and Mrs. Louise Ketley of Indiana will rep resent the women's work of the church. A. McLean of Ohio, 35 years connected with the Foreign Missionary society. has promised to be present. , This denomination has just closea a campaign In the United States for $1,500,000 for a war emergency fund. The fund was raised and the victory will be celebrated at the convention. Oregon was apportioned 820,000, which has been raised. Young People Will Give Something New The young people of the East' Side Baptist church have preferred charges against themselves to the effect "that organizations composed of young people of the churches are hopelessly Ineffec tive and should be dissolved and dis banded." They have chosen officers of the court and counsels for plaintiff and de fendant from among their members. Some of the witnesses have been called from the outside, and a Jury has been empanelled from the older members of the congregation. The young people have entered into this procedure with a spirit of enjoy ment and expect to come to conclusions of considerable Interest to their union. This is one of a series of programs "new and different" which are being planned for the coming months. In the belief that f "he who renders 1 goodness uninteresting, sins against virtue.". The trial begins at 1:30 p. m. Calvary's Choirister To Sail for France Professor J.'H. Street, director of mu sic at Calvary Presbyterian church, is to depart for France on July 10 to engage In T. M. C. A. work. He has also been superintendent of the Sunday school. Special music will be rendered Sunday. Ira D." Morgan, soldier soloist, will sing at the morning service. Rev. O. C. Wright to Preach At the Glencoe Baptist church. Rev. O. C. Wright will have charge of the services Sunday. There will be special music under the direction of Miss M. C. Beable. At the morning service a trio will be given. "Let the Words of My Mouth." by Miss Edna Swlney. Mrs. H. P. Bloxham and G. W. Downs. In the evening Mrs. Bloxham will sing "Spirit of God." SERVICES IN "Tha Spirit of Burainc. or God a Consuming Flra." 8, servica in charaa of young people. Jewish Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath services Friday at 8 p. m., Saturday. 10:80 a. ra. Sunday. 10. ia Portland ' academy bids.. 1 8th and Mont-a-omery. Religious school. BthU classes at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays. Congregation Ahavta Bholom Park and Clay sta. Rabbi R. Abrahantvm. Lutbaran St. Pauls 12th and COnton Rev. A. Krauaa. -9:30. 10:30, annual mission festival. 2. Missionary earmons by ministers from abroad. 8. On? Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A. Christenssn. 11. Trinity Williams and Graham Rav. 3. A. Rienbach. 9:18. 10:18. preaching in German. Central Vancouver and Farsw Rev. C. C. Ita rick. 11. "The Comrade in White." 8, "Tha Recognition of God in National Ufa." First 12th and Taylor Rav. Joshua 8 tana field. 10:80. 7:80. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rav. Eliaa Gierdica. 8. Vsneouver Ave. Norwegian Danish RkVimore and Vancouver Rav. Eliaa Gjerdins. 11. Mt Tabor E. lst and Stark. 11. 8. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Bar.' T. B. 8bort. 10:80. District superintendent. Rev. William Wsllaoe Youngson. D. D., 091 E 82d st, N. Tsbor 2790. M. g. aavtli First Union sad Multnomah Rav. James T. Franca. 11. 9. erlutafcrtafsifv' First 12th and Aide Rev. John H. Boyd. 10:80. 8. Preaching by Rev. Edgar P. Hill of Chicago. Central K. 13th and Pine.- 14. aermon by Rav. wars! Mace Henry or Ht Tabor eburcb. Calvary 11th and Clay Rev. R. W. Roger. 10:80. "'Tha Most Important Thins ia Religion." 8. "Tha Last Step to Freedom." Vernon 1 9th and Wygant Rev. J. R. Landsborough. 11, 8. Piedmont Kev. A. 1 Hutcnason. 11. S. FourUi Rev. Henry G. Hanson. 19:89, 8.. BeviUt Day AaventlsU Note Regular eervieea of - this daaoatinatioa are iaa eat naruroay. WILBUR METHODIST EPISCOPAL ; CHURCH Re. ' Francis Burnett! ' Sheet, 0. Dr' fasiar. ' Divine gervloaa, 10:90 A. fst.' 9UMDAV - ASSEMBLY HALL . MULTNOMAH HOTEL :-WHmom MOrr ' . Several oUsttngusshed vasHofa tn the ' - ' : c esty will be ptsssnt ts abow their faatereat la this new pastorate : - t - J-tiOOD MUSIO sT OHOItUg OHOtR Tow are earnestly invited . and will receive a . . 0 . cordial welcome ia thai service far snail frMre COM! tARLV '; EVANGELIST BULGIN VILL;0PEN, MEETINGS IN BIBLE SCHOOL . ' , - l irst Sermon j Will Be Given on Sunday at East Sixth an k East ; Market Streets. Evangelist E. !J. Bulgln. known to Portland churchgoers, has come to Port land to conduct an eight day series of meetings in the Oregon summer Bible school conference tabernacle at East Fifteenth and Boise streets. He will preach his first sermon Sunday morn ing at the First Evangelical church. East lxth and i East Market streets. The evangelist will begin his sotcial meetings in the tabernacle Sunday aft ernoon at z :so. tie will preach everv afternoon and evening .during the week at tne tabernacle. Dr. Bulgin conducted a series of revival meetings for 'the east side churches several years ago at East Kieventn and Belmont streets. Evangelist Bulgln la considered forceful speaker and has conducted re vival services la many parts of tmt united stales. His last series of meet ings In Portland attracted a large num ber of people, and It is predicted that tne present series will do the same. It was previously planned to close the Bible' ' conference Sunday night, but when arrangements were made to bring ur. ouigin 10 roruana. it was decided to extend them for another week. Miss Clapp to Teach Japanese to Sing sunaay evening Mlas Frances B Clapp.of Waahougal. Wash- will sneak at the Atkinson Memorial Congregation al church. She haa accepted a call to teach music In the woman's department oi tne Dosnisha, university of Toklo. Japan. She has received several calls to teach In different mission' fields, but accepted the call to Japan. . The last observance of the Lord's sup per before the summer vacation will be held at 11 o'clock; Sunday. Women Will Usher1 In July in Temple Holy communion will be observed at the First Baptist church. White temple. Sunday morning, with Dr. 'William A. Waldo officiating. Since ' Dr. Waldo came to the pastorate five months ago, over 90 new members have been received into the church, t In the .evening a short song service wilt be conducted, followed by a talk from the pastor. During July the women of the church will have cbarga of the ushering. All are Invited to the services, j Union Service en Lawn j Beginning Sunday evening and con tinuing each Sunday evening during July and August, the Protestant churches of St. Johns will hold union services on the lawn of the old city hall property. These services will begin at 8 o'clock. The local pastors win preach. The song services are to be made a feature : of the meetings. Rev. Mrs. E. Burton, chorister of the Baptist church.. will lead the music during July. Evening Service Suspended Rev. Ward W. MacHenry of Mount Tabor Presbyterian church will fill the pulpit at Central Presbyterian church at Sunday morning's services. During the months of July and August the eve ning service at Central church will be suspended. PORTLAND Central E.' 11th and Everett U K. Dick son, paator. 11 :18. Tabernacle Arcanum halL 1 Itn and waah- ingtoru. 11. 7:48. MonUvilU E. 80th and Everett Elder J. A. Gerhait. 11. , - Ints 94 th t and 8 8th ave. Elder W. D Huntiagten. 11. St, Johns Central ave. and Charleston Elder A. R. Fnlkenherg. 11. lr. Tabor E. 80th and Balamont Elder W. T. Hllgert. 11: Albina Skidmore and Manor Rev. A. A. Meyer. C. F. Knott, local alder. 11:18. Scandinavian Oeden hall Mieaiaumcd and onarer. J 1. SatvatfcM arm Corns No. 1 248 Ash at- Adintant Frank uenge. 11, a:io. 8. 8sasasflaa New Chun-h Society 881 Jefferson Rev. William S. Recce. 11. "The Divinity of Jesus.' - UnMartan Chureh of Onr Father Broadway and Tarn. hill Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. Breaching by itev. twuar as. jauiae. HI laoai laaaessl Christian and Mixionmry ATliaaee K. 9th and Clay Rev. John E. Fee.- 11. 7:48. " RealisatVni Learne 188 8th Rev. H. Edward Mills, -11. "Chsrging Purpose Wtta Power. New CivillaatJow Church 401 Central bide. Dr. Betn Nortnlngton. Flrt Divine Scaenne 181 12th at. Re.- T, M. Minard. 11. "Tne Fusidamsataas of Divine Science." by Re. Moaa Brooka ef Denver. 2 aad 8 p. so., uaioa meeting an Areausam ball. Church of the Universal Meastanie Meeaag 414 E. Everett 11. 8, "Infinite Light aad Life." . . I FintFresberianChnrcb Conor tit, and AUer Sta. ,- 7.1 trt a V. KPOAaj P. MILL, ' D. Trean otsteaaya Paator ef this Cbareh 1898-190 " Moraine 8 si ilea 10i99 Sola by Tlrgrnla 8pva- eer Hatchlneon. Duet by John Claire . Montieth and Mrs. Hntchineout Kveetne; Ssevlea .7l4 Organ. Recital , . Edgar E.I Courses Solo by U - John Claire Mesrtlech la "4 .' iV 3&marfsable (Sam itlabe bp Qatittp Portland Endeavorera now claim "so peri or Christian Endeavor society I In the Sunnyslde Intermediate society. which haa passed the required goal of T81 points. This la considered markable record, as the society is but eight months old. The 14 members take an active part In the-work. One bun d red per cent are patriotic workers and pocket testament leaguers and a large percentage are - members of the other special departments of the work. Frank U n Roberts is president and Miss Mar guerite Hlne. superintendent. . PENTECOST MEETING . WILL OPEN SUNDAY Rer.lWill C'Trolter The nfth annual-camp meeUng of the Pentecostal assembly will open Sunday In the large camp grounds at East Flf- tv second and Powell Vallev road, or at Anabel station .on" , the ML Scott line. ?j 1 Mi-sj' ' i : -.': v. ; i fir I t if ... - . 3 x 'b I B,ev. Will.C Trotter, pastor of the as- Sunday schools, young people's socle sembly. will have charge of the meet-' u n women's clubs. A vesper srv- Inri. SarvtMa will Kb YinlA all d&v Run. I ice Will be held each SVenlnJL day. beginning at 10:0 In the morning. nd avrv .vnninr dnrntr thm it is planned to have afternoon services twice a week, but the dates have not yet rrT." " ' ln larger conxerence. been decided. The camp meeting will wlth th n'P ofcoJrPtt advisers the laat untU the early part of September. 'I"" P0?'' wl 1 g1Tn trUnln ,n The mission teaches Justification, sanctl- toup leadership. In self-governing or-.- ,.-.i .w- ganlsation. pracUce In teaching the Bible Ghost and fire. They differ from other oreranlsationa of similar name In teach- lngthat aanctlficatlon ia not necessar lly a second definite work of (race. Thursday a Jubilee meeting; was held on the grounds and many of the mem bers pitched their tents and helped raise the lartre tabernacle tent. Red Cross Is Aided By Portland Irish J. M. Toomey and L. Shannahan ef the committee for Ireland'a participa tion in the anted Fourth of July cele bration, have donated to the American and British Red Cross associations each f 10. of tha unexpended amount contrib uted for tha program, tn making? these contributions the donors nrtre the die- play or the American flat? from all resi dences and places of business. Denver Speaker To Lecture Here Rev. Nona Brooka. president of the Divine Science coilesre of Denver, will speak Sunday afternoon' and ehrenlnr at the Arcanum hall,. 108 Thirteenth street. This will be a union service of the science churches. Postal Receipts and Savings Show Gams Aa Increase of over It per cent fea tured the postal receipts for the month of June, aa compared with the receipts ef the correspondina- month of last -year. accoraiiur to nrures announced by Post- master Myers. The flanires for last month were 1111.861.17. and for June, 117, 1100.412.17. A net g-aln of IS00 was made in pos tal savlnrs. despite the larre withdraw als for the purchase of War Savings Stamps and for payments on Liberty bonds. i Yakima Men Go to Seabeck Taklma. Waah-. July tW F. o. Waller, former principal of the Nob Hill school ; Charles Ghormley. physical director ef the T. M.j C. A and La Roy, Harlan, boys secretary; left Thursday for Sea beck. the T. M- C. A. summer camp. Mr. Waller win take apodal work to fit him for T secretarial work evereeaa, aa ha haa given op hla arefaool work for that service, . ' "GreatyFpotprin ona . r - IS THB BUBJBCT OF,. THE ; ; SKRMONj BT J: REV. EDWARD: H; s FENCED D.iD. 7 ' ':. : ..AT .THE ' .,. r.". ' ,11 aUsJtilUllUiaJU PresbjrtemnV Cnivcli. EAST IJTK aad SCHTJTLKK BTS. . s- ar-v. aval - , v -v Sunday Mbrriirig' -;, July; 7, 1918 . : szbticzs r Bzonr at-. im : s Dr. ' Papoe pro poeea : to bring- to the hour the consideration of some arrest Biblical theme. In no other times haa the Bible shown so Itrami nously against a dark background, . .-- - . . . , - . The evealag- aerwlee wta be, enittted dsrtag the taaataa et Jaly aad Aagaft. -..-i.. rLti?-L---'- ureainignvay SEABECK ffilllG PEOPLE JULY 30 TO Third Annual Conference of Mis sionary Education Movement1 to Convene at 'Sunset Slope.' PORTLANDERS TO ATTEND Miss Faye Steinmetz, ex-Presi dent Multnomah Union, and Miss Violet Johnson to Go. HE third annual conference of the missionary educational movement will be held July 90 to August t on "Saneet 81ope" at Seabeclc. Wash. This la on ' of the greatest annual gatherings of young church people ia the Northwest and is also one of the national gatherings which the missionary education move ment holds on behalf of the educational department of home and foreign mis sion Doaras or the United States and Canada. . . Rev. John H. Matthews, chairman of the Northwest territory and executive '. chairman of the conference, haa made the following appeal to the young people: ..w m vuu nifjw ana young women who are expecting to enter col lege or who are In other training' for their life-work : those who desire . to broaden the vision of life aad to deepen Ita meaning: those who are seeking to anderstand the world movements of the oay: those who are eager to become leaders rn local churches: those-who would like a vacation with a purpose. A part of each day la to be devoted to study and conference work' followed by nZ InteTTntV the home churches. "Up-to-the-mlnuta" methods are to be presented by experts In missions "fresh 'from th flrin Una" aiscussioits on ways and raeana of in- Courses will be given for workers . 1n Toung people between It and SO years " age are invited to Seabeck to loin, the 8nrant of the Kjng group aad to be- ITv,?! d.lbat mn nportant " ".. lu" i dal and recreational programs and leara- -ing to pray In the open aad In private da- votiona - i Several tf tha Portland Christian En deavor societies will be represented at the conference. The Kenflworth society la raising m fund for two delegates and most of tha other organisations are elan. ninr to send one representative. Many ef the delegatea have arrang-ed to take their vacation! at thla time and will pay their own way. Two of Portia nd a lead- taa; young people's workers will attend Miss Faya Steinraeta. ex-president of Multnomah county union, aad Mlsa Vio let Johnson, county missionary chair man. Miss Johnson will direct one ef the Seabeck conferences on "Efficient Junior Work In the Sunday School. Prominent men and women, who will attend are : Franklin D. Cogswell, sec retary of - tha Mlawionary Education movement. New York, fcrmetiy a teacher at Allahabad.- India : Miss Orace LAjvd ley. New Tork City, general secretary of the woman's auxiliary to the board of ml anions of tha Episcopal church ; Mrs. Paul , Raymond. San Francisco, field representative ef the Federation ef Women's Boards of Foreign Missions of North America and tha Council of Mis sions for Home Missions: Mlsa Miriam 7U Wood berry. New Tork City, secretary woman's department of the Congrega tional Home Missionary society: Rev. John K. Brown. San Francisco, mission ary of the American board In Turkey for 40 yearn : Professor James F. Ewtng. director of religious education, , First Presbyterian church, Portland ; Raw. Krnest F. Hall, San Franclaco. district secretary of the board of foreign tnla- ' elons for the Presbyterian church In tha U. 8.) A.; Rev. Henry H. Kelsey, San Francisco, Pacific Coast secretary of tha American board ; Rev. J. D. SprlRrston, Portland, director of rellaious education for American Baptist "Publication so ciety ; Mrs. B. A. Thaxter, Portland, : woman's North Pacific board of mla slona: Rer. A, M. Will lama. Albany, a specialist In rellrtous education. Hear Rev. James Rob ert Smith, D. D. af SC. raal, Jflat. at tie - Pint Congregational Church A i Park aad Kadlsea Street if V coxxritiow MRBTICE 1189 A. X. "tut. BAnis or ah EXOrBIXO FAITH f H F. Tal, "A -G001 OOO AVI) A BUFFER. 13 0 WOUP" 0 - "-.. m. asaita wni have a worth while Message at beta. 9erv. Ues. Taa will Tee weteemg. ' oood xrsic FIRST M.EJ CHURCH TWELFTH AHD TATTuOft -ITt, ' V .".' . - . - Dr. Joshua Stan field, D. D., Pastor .,19i80 A. 9L aAORABIf KTAt, SCKVICS "Making. Whh ef YOUNG OPEN ,11 ssOOM, aUHDAT MMoOt. - . M THt CVtaisa. Ti89 e'Ct.OOK L ....- 0OAM RKOfTAk ',--''.' ' f,,"'. ; V ' Cisgamsai Slag i , tttmoai bt tn. TAmtritx on U "Somrn By-Prod act a of thm t .. ' agoiAL aoi.oa sy "f. . iaa aoLoic ptrriRto-r - - aersies far 80 ailwtftes Came " ' Baleatis, , uo;au 1 :o. First E. 9U aad Mill Kev. A. TSeers. 11,