THB OREGON. 1 PAILY ; JOURNAL. . , PO RTLANP, i WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28. 1918. 15 " TUBimHTETr BOOMS rXITATX FAMILY 7 twO ' nicely fun-shed sleeping room, good Irvine-ten lorn; bveakfaet U decived. Phone Best 7640 or 634 K. 13 th st Tf. ROOMS fee gentle men. Die how, close in. Alj modem Ooaeonic IBB. .THNinHKD, light airy front room; tnum- able. 16 East 88 th st.. comer Borneldc st IFiiGHt.Vry room. " bath. 32.68 week;' trie. ' place, oieaa In. 454 Tejrlor. BOOM AH BO Ann It TH- HAZEL, convenient of snhyerda. all out side rooms with hot water. H M St THE Martha' Washington, 1st, for b- itM rtria a4 atatdenta, Marshall 1361. BOOMS AJfP BOABDFB1TATB AMILT 71 fflUfrtWl'lfcl it 'room" In" evirate famur. break fast tf desired. Nob HU1 district, walking di- toaco. Mala 9486. CHILDREN to board In private home, 3B Uel- tmr at.. near Union. Bart 8444. BATE for I "or 3 gentlemen good borne cooked la. Mat 4167. S05 N. 2l.t at. WANTED ROOMS AltP BOARD M WANTED Room and board In privst famil by young man. Call East 1688. between and 7 . m. fATHKR wente hoard and room and ear of child yaere. H-716. Journal HOrdFKrrTIHO ROOM FURBISHED AND Ulf FUBBISWET) fUHSnSllElt housekeeping room, (or 1 or i people: cat. baat. light bain and pnona In cludMl: 114 per month; no children. 472 Sal ion st FUTVNISHED housekeeping room.. 202 J.I ferson st. ana front Htrif. lieantn and housekeeping room, lor bachelor. 876 Yimhlll. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY PORTLAND HTB.. 2 room, and kitchenette flna location; all conveniences; business peo ple or man and wlfa. I-913. Journal ONE Tary larga room, with kitchenette, modem. 429 Main .troet FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED It Powers Rental Bureau A department operating for the' eonrenfenee of our pet rone and friend. A aerrlea abeolntelj withoot enarca to you. irar iniings 01 nown, bnngalowa end apartmenta l tnot complete. TOURS TOR PERVICB Powers Furniture Co. " Third and T.mhlll StreeU FOB BENT One 4 roots and on 6 room hooae, $8 each. T. X. STEARNS, 203 WUeo bld. mrr mM at Itoek bland for the rammer f Oaaap dtaa, tnalndlng Bull Ran waUr, elect rio llchta and free traiuporUtloa, 25 min. ride from 1st and Alder, lift per mo. Take Oregon City ear to Mllwaukle or call Broadway 2555. FOR RENT ft acre., well Improved: tO min utes' walk to MontaTilla car; modern 6 room house, modern poultry howe, fruit, eta. Will ll onn nnlleta and cood eow to renter. Call Tabor 2280. WHEN yo let tired netn yor rent talaed and DelDC eompellea to move, loo v. n Ww. hnna. mil late we can eell you for 121 down, S10 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. tfR Tll-.NT 7 room houee. Roee City 'Park room reaerred by cantleman, the owner, to lire In; 820 per month. N-918, Journal. FOR KENT 5 room eottaje; dote In; adnlta. Phone Eaat 886. ROOM boose for rent. June 26. 348 Mont- omery. XtBINA hlpbulklln district, corner. 14 roei or buildmf, treat demand. Kat 5222 HOUSES FOR BE-fT FUBKITUBE FOH SALE - - BT-tVITUSE of 3 moms, mostly fumed oak. leather upholstered; walnut bedroom rurnt ture; also dishes and gas range; everything com pute; house for rent, $26. East 8877. or call 667. East 36th. CHEAP rant, fine for roodrera or boarding house, near two shipyards, garden and chick ens; furniture for sale. Phone Wdln. 5610. FURNITURE of rooming house of 9 rooms for sale; low rent with lease. Call East 4564. FUBBISHEP HOUSES 88 8 ACRES, house furnished. Including piano,' new gaa range, etc., 1 acre In garden on best suMrrt mated soil, place rants for $12.50 month; we will sell fine Jersey cow, 7 per cent test, gives 4 gala., lota of milk customers. Also 60 saying hens, ducks, springers, rabbits and fine pig, garden tools, some fine new Axmlnster rugs, groceries, and feed, for 8800. Fine chance for ehtpbuUden; fin car service, 85 minutes to city. Bee Mrs. WUeon, Luther station. Estacsda line, lust eoroa creek. bHIPYABD" district clear 5 room" furnished house with garage, 2 airy bedroom.; will lease to adults. 854 H 1st st S. MODERN 6 room house, E. 2Bth, aeai S. P. B. R. shops, $25. Call East 8225. WILL share a ? room furnished bouse with oonple; rent 336. 688 E. Alder. 7 ROOM bungalow, high terrace and tree. 440 E. 6d; garage. $50. SMALL furnished house. Oregon. City car. close to ststion. George Morse. 815 Cham, of Com. 6 ROOM. fumUhnnouAe, bath, electricity and piano. 1826 Belmont Tabor 9889. APARTMENTS 43 FTJBWI8HED AND UNFUBNI8HED KING ALBERT APTS. New 300 room bouae, 3 and 8 room haws, keeping apartment, furnished or unfurnished: elevator and hardwood floor. 386 11th st HART APABTMENTS sfkwly furnished modem housekeeping and sleeping reonaa. 63.60 and np. BISLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod- m 1. 3 aad 8 room apt., 318.60 npi walking nwtanee. Call East 863. MAGNOLIA APTS.. Eaet 3d aad Beii modem 1 and 2 room apt., 31.60 pet week no. Rleeplnt room. East all. IW 1 ,t BViaee f. t l.k'l oor. Basse 11 and Kerby, bet Miaslasippi and WUliams ave. 612. PENINSULA APTS. Woodlawn 1852. Con erete bldg.. 2. 3. 4 rooms, baths, phone. FOR RENT 4 room apartment, modem, west sids, $10. Inquire 710 2d St. Msr. 444B FOB BENT FLATS IS 4 ROOM upper, 67 7 Union ave. All modern conveniences. East Z195. 4 ROOM flat, strictly clean and modern, adults. Phone East 1908. $15 West side. rooms, $2. 19th and Wash. 4 ROOM unfurnished flat 805 E. 11th. FURNI8HED FLATS 69 FOR RENT $ furnished rooms, light honse- keaping, cheap; adult only. 679 E. Slrt at, Brooklyn oar. STORES AND-OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Store building situated on the corner of B. 60th and Gllsan sta. A splendid location tor grocery store or meat market. Room in good .condition. Kent very reasonable. Inquire W. H. Hamilton, 1978 K. Oliaaa St. or E. P, Merta. 148 K. 78th st N. ai - ms.kAHKR AND PHONE FURNISHED Private outside room in thoroughly modem carta ef emcee: .tenoarapher and phone fur nished : will rant to desirable party on pro rata baste ef actual east; good loeatioa and service. Main IBs or Jt-fJTO, Journal. 3 DANDY storerooms st 1623 E. Gllsan; $10 and $8. Tabor 9373. FOB BENT MISCELLANEOUS S3 PRIVATELY owned piano; upright E. 2797. WANTED TO BENT WANTED to rent by man and wife, 3 or 3 room furnished apartment within reasonable walking niatance or ztroaaway ana lamniu. C-8.7 Journal. WANTED To rent .mall houee for workshop en west teVls, nreferably in North Portland. War- ten Moore, 350 Broadway. WANTED to rent a house snd lot, no children. or would buy on term. . M-788 ionmaL SUMMER BESOBTS 63 SEASIDE furnished cottage. $100 balance sea son, $ rooma and bath. 4 blocks front Main at. H block from beach. Mar. $03 t ROOMS. aU on. one floor, rent $35'n tr fine loeatioa; clears $120 month. Well fnr- ktshed. Price $760. See GsrUnd. 188 3d. H. K. APTS.. fine water, at Roskaway BeacC Apply at Oeeen Crest Anta. ! SEASIDE furnished 4 room eottage, 1 block to - beach for season. Phone Woodlawn 1760. CANNONBeach cottage for rent abour"the last caaooe. s none eauwoon avxs. STJMMEB BESOBTS WE RATE a doubl cottage, icmh etch, for Disked Mid etrtctly ctea, located ra Hwmh Park, Seaside 2 block, (ron beach, rent either apartment siou lor a son, tncinaing mwf ana electric Lights, some wood. C. P. Jordan. 80 E- muii fMM Tabor 899S. TO LEASE l LONG Lease with pririlece to bay property , best tm etneee tocatioa in vaneottTBT, waab, vrwoe. F-PZ0, Jo mat. BEAL ESTATE JfdB SALE HfitTSES' MODERN 6 -room Irriact-ti bunaslow. 13760: T-oom heme sms Jefferson Hick. aebeaL 84600; beaatlul bttncalew. Lavralnomt, 87500: rood -room booee, Jaet Side. 1 mmutea walk te bmlnaaa eeater, 84300; West Side raderm borne, elegant Tiew . beauUfal arounda. rlaw aav aurpaaaed. 114.000. Beat of terms am any of boots. See L. K. Moore, ewner, 117 Board or rraae. PENINSULA DISTRICT HOMB -room bouar. lot 6il00: wslkina diatanca to ahlpyard; clear of alt incumbrancoa; pries iu, easy terms. WATCH OUU ADS- WB GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriner. RITTKR, LOWE A CO. 206-6-7 Board of Trade bMr 1800 Btra 6 room, 'modem. 1400 Mtra 6 room, modern. Jane let, 81660 Haya A room, modern, close in. aisuu nays room, modern, 4 lots. 32260 hurt 8 room, modern. 60100. 82260 yBye 7 room, modern. 62600i-f-Bua 5 room, modem, terms on aU. lOUCK. 110 10TH 8T. LBGBHOCSE AND GROUNDS rooma. let 80x100. fruit trees and berries i elotirTg out of an estate: must be sold. E. 62d Hoyt. Price 81750. ). A. Warriner. RTTTER. I -OWE A CO. 308-6-7 Board ef Trade bklg. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 8200 CASH Old -roorn house, full lot. on E. Hort .t. near 66th; notue need repairing, but is a big snap at ilooo; 1200 casta ana 615 mo., nfc or wm seu lor lou casb. GRUSSI A DOkWNET. 816 Board ef Trade. Main 7453. IBVINGTON PARK 81600 8 rooms, sleenine Dorch. bath. Dutch kitchen. buffet. 8 blocks to school. 2 blocks tn ear: 60s I 100 lot: price 81500: terms. I GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. I . i .... .' ........... .... . 1 I ALdBrn IJk DUflUAUUn. IdUU LABU I ei a 1 1 ' A , a basement. Dutch kitchen. Alee electric fixture. I ?.oiqq. on E.82d near Wygant Price II ft nil Kaftfl aaah IP. waai mnnih I GRUBS I DUWMEX. 816 Board of Trad. rTfriww. 7u. : LIFT this up. Those that want a bargain fori their money. I have what they want, Bplen- ma fain 7483, did 4-pnm- nlesteMd .nt tMimt 1 nice garden, young orchard. Urge variety of i u, i . c aiueiini or uuiarmBiiva: v nunuies l from lt and Alder streets. You wsnt to gat busy. Phone SeU. 8464. WEST SLOE BARGAIN g. n - . - . I 8-room house. 100x100 ground, close to fan- wnwm ana auipyarus. isooa St.: ence 1 eaay terms. 1 C. A. Warriner. RTTTER, LOWE A CO. 208-6-7 Board of Trade bklg. $200 CASH ONLY 2250 6-room modem home, hardwood floors, built in bookcases, full cement basement, wash trava. convenlent to Mississippi, Williams ave. or R. 8. I J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stsrk t. Main 688. A FINE BARGAIN 81806 5 naom bungalow, sleeping porch, bath, Dntob 1 ximnen, oioea to car, Mock to school; uo aown; price llBOO. GEO. T. MOORB CO.. Abington bldg. $ift.8 A ws 6D bJSi tiitl 6-room house, like new; full cement be. ment. electricity and ana. beet olnmhine hlaehl to two can; sewer, street Hens paid; convenient to shipyards: sightly. Terms. Bee FRANK L. McOUIBE. AMngton Bids. To Buy Your Home. Msin 1068 EAST SIDE COTTAGE 5 rooms, abundance of fruit and 11. , a blocks from school and car line; price $1600, O. A Wsrrtner. RITTER. LOWE A fY 803-5-7 Board of Trade bide. DO look at 488 E. 68th if you want snper- uie cuunruouon, o rooma. Tirepjaee, ruu ce ment basement, laundry trays, beautifully deco rated, almost new, only $600 cash, balance 330 a month, including Interest That's cheaper . -- -vuw ws ssawwiorne car. msin 1 isw lorenoon. ilTiU vi. . . i,i i w - - - - m vwan SSVH u. UBwlJ la t,mtA mxi- a side and out, walls tiated, 1 bedroom first I o . , , . x ' , I :VTV n. ohiLiifcT Vno ".vTTTl ave. terms. . -, "uiw J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. 819 By. Exch. bldg. Main 675 VACANT. MOVE RIGHT TJU 82200 Neat, coxy 8-room bungalow, flre PJ ee, carage, new gaa range and heater goes i wiiu nouse. lerma. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Btark st. Main 683. YOU'88 WANT THIS CHARMING 6 ROOM . . - "V.-iyft'W .WITH FLOORED iiii.1'; ,5;;." .iCI!. I . . .... v-t. al,, auu wiiir,.il,nufiB; I SSKoa u. ntipir Tr nsu nuunui I ail union nip rra , r.w ' I t. l. . : ,. i i, . , i Muur.niiB your ouuamg; i do all Hnda of -. . , . "fmm' eimnge oaao realty houses. " - TT "T"" ,.n" I Concord bldg. jv, wauwujii wwsevw i tendent for the Oregon Home Builder. iiuuini Motna- HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 81 OKA S ronm. Wh TWh M1. Ma Vs., , . - ---?. "' . r. . . tvuiv, i ArrW. p.V.,i.B?.: wma. vjji.. a. awu w.. Bmgxon Diaa. $1800 BUNGALOW. R. C. PAR DISTRICT e-rm. attractive bungalow, K. 7 Bd st, close ?R- car; elect and gaa, modem plumbing. eevv w ui uawue. Dee FRANK L. MoGUTRE. Ahinetm KM. To Buy Tour Home. Mala 1068 . six Bodii bungaL6w In Rose City Park, strictly modern and a beauty. Price $3600. Will give good terms. See this before you buy. Hare other Boss Cttv Park bargains. Mrs. J. Bobbins. 301 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 7968. FOB SALE CHEAP BY OWNER 6-room plastered house. lot 60x100. U block from car lino, easy terms. J. Schmaader. cod ana Grand ave., Vanooaver, Wash. Phone 71. READT f 6 M6VE LVTO, 8 room modem bungalow, almost nawr. herd. wood floors, full cement basement and bull tins. Ceftt over ISOOOt snl. e99An IT... JOHNSON 212 Lnmbermens Bldg., Bdwy. 1612. ATTRACTIVE, up-to-date 6 room bungalow in Highland Park. Dutch kitchen and built-in effects; hard wood floors, garage and chicken yard; some fruit trees snd berries; $800 down, balance terms. Call Wdln. 6484. $2000 MODERN BUNGALOW-f2000 6 rooms, bath, electric and eaa. Hard mrfu. street; Improvements in and paid; $600 down, balance like rent Shis is a snap. Mn. J. Rob btns, 801 Railway Exchange bldg. Main T968. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN 837005 rooms and lame attin. naved at pd.. close in. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark st Main K PRESCOTT ST. SACRIFICE Corner. ITOx 100 feet: 80 bearine fniit tra T home: it impta. paid; worth 88000; sell for dduo: zooo caah. Barr. Main 1189. 223 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE S room modem house, lot 60x100. good lawn, flowers and berries; 3 blocks from station; $1500; terms. Inquire at house, 8720 i um s. aaouni ncoti line. Get oil at Nasn- vuie stauon. owner leaving city. 83500 BUNGALOW SNAP ! 6-room modem bungalow with garage: aned district Pear car; 8500 caah. balance like rent; better hurry. J. Delahunty. Tabor S438. Evenings? East 2086. LOOKi ' 8 small rooms, with garage. Dared streets lot 50x100, fruit trees, large garden; $950. terms. Owner. Tabor 6728. 60x100 CORNER, ON PAVED STREET, 6 ROOM HOUSE ; A VERY PRETTY HOME: NEAR CAR LINE; ONLY $2760; $860 CASH. BAUA.ItH JAB AVHaA. ZlABXElValAN, 811 BKijimu jr An vLrni. "u uat sell my 6 room hona on 60th a. w wortn 43400, will caorifioe for on eaay tenn. Apply 6B4 E. 88th st nwwL 1SINT AO I O FOB SAJLE T room house. 4 years old; foil basement and sleeping porch, all modem eon venUnoee. Rose City Park, price $2800. 8600 caah and terms. Owner. E-761. Journal GOOD Srooin house, W.U located, gas. electricity ..! J1"5. treeta, fine bearing u - tiivv, terms to SOIL. B70 BL 11th N.. between Shaver and Maann $1260 FOR my 4 room bungalow, also have- good .houee equitlee te sail at a great bar gain. M. A Cobb, Marshall 4976. oT SweE ntUU 3U3J. ABSENT owner mast sell room' bungalow in js-s. w-uujs, av nw ev es ouu. vary aaay tetlna. Located near Franklin high ennooL W. AS. BCW, AAVV IS. TV. OSng PStlg. BQ8B CITY PARE baas-low. 7 rnonsa. -U-pn,g nraur m sw. ra . TTnrraj ens TS .1, lot, streets paved, paid. Prioe $4600; Tabor 6441. $2500 Modern S room house, a kinek. , Union ave. car, full cement baacaunt and all muiviw convenienoea ; save Cnsn, easy terms. Woodlawn 3229. WELL built roomy -4 room bungalow, modern and aha oat new. One block to Mt Tabor car; only 81800; terms or Ford car as part payment JOHNSON. 213 Lumbermen Bids., Bdwy. 1612. BIS A -iSTAfg FOB SALE HOTjeI' Home Owners The Eanitable Life Aera nee Boatety will make sa approved noma property te he repaid by monthly inatallmenta over a period of 10 years, with- additional prt- riaion that tn event of death - of borrower loan is e nee lied by a policy of life insur ance issued therewith. Interest 6 per cent. No bro aerate or costs. These loans are made only ib eloee-in residence dirtneta of Portland, and oalr on mtoreeed bomea. Others need not apply. Will take up exist lnc snorta-ces or aasist in buying. Owner". equity must he BO per cent of appraised value. Call at Equitable offices. Oregonian Bids. Edgar W. Smith, Usnater. HAWTHORNE 88000 A BEAUTIFUL 6 ROOM P.T7XOA- LOW. HAS HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIRE PLACE, FULL BASEMENT, LARGE ATTIC ALL BUILT-IN FEATURES; LOCATED WITHIN ONE BLOCK OF" HAWTHORNE P. AVK.-lUK. t'AUMI tT. THE STbEET IS S-A.CIS J&rLf f All' fUtt. IVU ' A.'N MMl X i THIS PROPERTY ON TERMS WITH 6 PER I CENT INTEREST ON THE UNPAID BAL- ANCE. THE HOUSE IS NOW VACANT AND YOU CAN MOVE IN TOMORROW. A. O. TEPEE CO.. 264 STARK ST.. NEAR 8I. MAIN 8516. BRANCH OFFICE. 60TH and 350 DOWN BUYS ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: 4 rooms. 8556 64th St. 8. E. Price ClfiOO. two iota. 3 rooms, plastered. 5741 52d at. S. E. Price 85B5. room. 2014 E. Gllsan st.. 81500. room California bungtlow. 5124 77th St. S. ., exiuu. rooms. 2118 K. Stark t tlftOO. mn ' T. . ... soeee are 111 our own Drooenies. sna we WUI in month wmenU to juit you. 79,- rMZi Z rw bh. .. . . ROSE CITY PARK . unnw V vn tTffpK- Trti .WTV KOOM8 ANI1 UKIJL ATTIC. HARD- FOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE, BOOKCASES, CEMENT BASEMENT. FURNACE. (4ARAGE. ET HAS EXCEPTIONALLY IJIRGE LIVING r' ij. . - " - . . . . -. . OWNER BELLING-FOR MCCH LESS THAN. i wbi iu, r iiihkui at r ba.1is. flu I ASSESSMENTS TO ASSUME. A. G. TEE PE I CO . 264 STARK ST.. NR. 8D. MAIN 8516. 1 wv., awai hsami, pi., Dl, sUA -Tw O v . I BRANCH OFFICE. 60TH AND SANDY: OPEN srwriir 1 - .. 1 FOB SALE Some of the best buy in the city I at. low oneae: tneee are all modern bums. lows on easy terms; 3 B room," hardwood floors ana modern 1 price 8Z90O each; 6 room, 33000; o room, 42000; o room, 52260; 5 room, 82000; 7 room. 83760: 0 room 81800: room, 38000. We also have torn as low aa 8500 and np. Before von buv call and see us. We have autos to show you. New York Land Co.. sal East Morrison at. Phone East 0317. ROSB CITY PARK ea enn YOU SHOULD SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW ON S. E. CORNER 56TH AND I THOMPSON. SPLENDIDT.Y ARRANGED AND FINISHED. EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. HARDWOOD FLOORS FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN BUFFET, FUR- NACE, ETC. LET US SHOW YOU. A. G, TEEPE CO., 864 STARK ST.. NR., 3D. MAIN 8516. BRANCH OFFICE. 60TH AND SANDY I OPEN SUNDAY. $1200 BIG BARGAIN PLACE TOO SMALL FOR OWNER Strictly modem 6 room bunealow. laree living room. Dutch kitchen, dining room. 2 bed room. 4 block from car, 25 minutes' ride from center of town. $300 down. $15 per month. see Staysa, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 8th st HAWTHORNE RICHMOND -$3200 8 ROOMS AND LARGE ATTIC 'HARD- .Bs.- r:-JSc e'1;"' WWU rLOOKS, riKKPLAUK, BUILT-IN nil mm If. I H IV I I HI N 6f I . H Ml ST.'I't T I A M a STREET IMPROVEMENTS PAID IN FULL.' I k,.b,j.j. AjaLmw x a raur i., xt ifil X.1JL0- ,LETUSSHOW YOU. A. G, TEEPE CO.. 4 BTARK ST.. NEAR 8D. MAIN 8616. BRANCH OFFICE BOTH AND n s vnr . nnwu a rr?y . -v- 1 OPEN SUNDAY. TWO BIO SNAPS AS REPRESENTED I960. 6 room bungalow, close tn and eloaa to car. Street Improvements paid; full lot Term. $2500 Good I two house and garage on 47th st, close to Hawthorne ave.. full lot, st paid. Terms. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. Main 1902. Residence. Tabor 6188 cook o WAnrftw 60 MODERN BUNGALOW 822o'o' V err attractive bunealow. dotihl.,it4 "suvio ouiiev. ear wmte enamel Dam. toilet and lavatory, electricity and gaa, cement base- ment ana lurnace; comer lot; fine garden, "owers. etc; one Diocx to car; east of Laurel- nm, eouw usnaies nee iwia a nnjuia. ahlmjiiin ri.tmj. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. T.ATTPlT.I.HITP'iiT Tl 1 P (11 1 V A mnrfan A 1 1 n l. .7T . 'T"" iuvc, uuw room, spacious uving room. Beautiful bnUtin buffet. 8 bedrooms, full cement oasement, garage; lot 75x100; this property orig- mauy cost ooo; can be purchased for 63500 locted h, heart of Laurelhurst. """"rr as 819 Railway Exchange Bldg., Main 675. 3100 DOWN $10 PER MONTH- 6-room bungalow, good condition, comer, 60s 100. attractive lines, gaa, beautiful roses, etc. "mine vnnn n wt- ,, t,i , ;M.A cliar Mt. Tab c7 Now U tie' tlm. to' f Aaoo car. wow U the Urn to bay. See FRANK L. McGTTTRK ARTVOTOV m.nn To Buy Your Home. Main 1068, $1400 COTTAGE NEAR BROADWAY. BRIDGE Good 6-room cottage, basement, bath, lot 83 1-8x100, city liens aU paid; walking die- tanee, 6 blocks from E. Broadway; price $1400. eovv can ; act quicxiy. GRUSSI A DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade. Main 74K9. 100x100 CORNER. S blocks from FDartsf road: lAndv R FfsOTTt nt nr) r tin I bungalow, full cement basement, wash trays. first class plumping, garage, chickenhouse, some fruit fine shade and ornamental trees. Price 62200. House could not be built for that price now: terms on part Have many other rare bargains. Neal Brown, 207 Panama UKlg. ROOMS, 64 B. Slat. .... .82000. 6100 down 7 rooma. 60 Preseott st 12300 i?nA 3 rooms. 62$ Webster St. . . . 82500, 8500 down 6 rooms. 821 Sumner st. ... $2000, $100 down 6 room. 877 E. 54th at. . . .82100. $100 down These are all good buys and your inspection IB JDTlieU. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Cora. HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT. ISSOO. Modem 6 room bunealow: Urine ran i 1 1,1. large dining room, 2 bedrooms on first floor s-ra usuruom on secona lioor; garage; easy VGA 111.. J. L. KARNOPP A CO., ! ,' 319 Railway Exchange Bldg., Main 676. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW tl 1 0(1 neat anil n S am ...! . modern; 100x100. all in garden; very sightly; positively the cheapest buy In the Woodlawn dis trict; 8160 cash, 826 monthly. Fred W. Ger man. IBS Ubamber of (Commerce bldg. $160 CASH, balance just Ilka rent, 6 rooms. fine condition, big growing garden, fruit trees. iJ-7"j;,?""' .fem"un":. Jl? aw Mns-Ja. -AUHMTUW V a a t-UAtlUHAA aJCKUlAllU A-uxemuis. to a oioca nortn ana east. avwu v a. vw vuiui SU-asias I As, V a UlTJUuVUSi A DREAM IN WHITE tAVVr V .aonu AWT ITHCsnin nsv--rrr BUNGALOW. ALL IN WHITE. AND SO , vM4-., V. W . Am.Al AA IA.IAJ UV91El, .19311 WITH TXTiMR. tlMVEHUlN 911 RAlKn Of TRADR! $3260 LAUHELHuBS T BUNGALOW ' 32Sd """-T""" Li.A"""" -"v. floors, nice yard. 60x120 feet Terms. Another 6 room cottage on corner lot with a nwflu. moaern. mm iirsoiseii. BiMwnm aQ street improvements paid. $1900. 3. Dele - hnnty. Tabor 8488. Enenings, Eaat 2086. MODERN 6-room bungalow. 95? Cleveland ave.. near Goine : aU bnilt-ln mnii newly famished inside and out; $2800, induct ins street improvements. Terms. East 3188. It rootna, fine corner with larga aTounda, On aceoTint of sick nee, will sell at sacrifice. uaii -b ssain st. ijoreer 4th. A,n A. AAA' J 1 9 un eauvu. cosy, atnouy mooera room bun galow, near Franklin high school. Owner. Ta. i me, mm ' ' VAJA O O MAI. $160 caah. 835 per month, buv a nnrti.TI. tAjZrtrJH.',a- Laurelhurst 210 Z?Ll , , FURNISH ED and unfurnished honsee, easy pay- menta. C Walter. . 684 Foet-e muL Takn. eai. bnncalow. full attia- fnll m. anon t beeement lot 60x100. waUrir f ti,,T. a enga, too Minnesota ave. elaV&eBVa.U'Mg-l "T-- '" J' am atuucAut a room House. SIOOO; eaay terms. Furniture cheap If wanted. Tabor 7848. ht " jAitnb dkrtrirt., a , . i2S .XTH., , i T nd Aster at ?9PM-otul eom furniture, good locaUon. DVS M ' J . A mm S .ST. AgeSaBW 834 Clinton at Mar. 4727. ' . FOB SALE HOUSES 81 OWNER MUST SELL IDEAL SUMMER HOME "Wild wood. ens of the most beeatiful spots anywhere war Portland, close te hit. Heed. 20 acres of land heavily wooded, beautiful springs and mountain stream, fine fishing, improved with a large well built log eabin and 8 small log cabins, easily accessible by auto and yet very se cluded; fine for week end trips and a place you will be proud, to take your friends. A ehasiee like this will not come often. Owner Is very re luctant to part with it. but he must sell. Price 65000. and it is worth eonsmcreble more. Bee or write F. E. Bailey , Ueilig theatre. Phone Mala 1 or A-11ZX $2350--$100 CASH 6 r. very mod. buag., fireplace, best phm X100 lot. Hens pd; H blk. Alberts, ear. $1500 $100 CASH 4 r., stucco tmngaJow, near 62d and I , large lot, liens pd.. mod., blk. ear. $1300 $400 CASH 4 r.. med. bungalow, near Pattoa are and Humboldt, rH seeuon, close ear. S, C, GOLDENBERG 315-316 Abington bldg. Main 4808 "35 years in Portland room "house, woodwork white ivory, gas lights, built drawers in clothes eloeet; Bice bathroom, basement, woodshed, lot 00x100, ira proreraents psid: nice lawn, roses, garden; 8050 terms. 694 East 77th st. North; Rose City car to 77th st.. 3 blocks south. Call after 6:30 VCtn aifv T.OXW 16 . 1 LOlo lor sale. 40X1U, zu toot auey, cmcien nouss sna ran, xeneea sua ensae ireee, Jmt the place to build jour home. ACREAGE 67 CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres. 3250. 810 down. 85 per month, buys 5 scree of land between Portland and Centralis. on the main line of 3 railroads. i mues inn i town oi ouu popuiauon, uwrnuie " mills, some partly ciearea bjiu hhs civsitu, running stream; some bottom and some bench: can give you any kind of place you want. BELL HEAL r.a TAX j t:0., 31i Railway Exchange Bldg 820 DOWN. 810 MONTH Bars 40 acres of loeeed off land located between Portland and Centralia ; I Vt mile from mam toil m vellums, 1 .,wi um.u i of 8 raUroads; fine for dairy or chicken Urn ranch; plenty of outrange: price 380 per acre. RKIT, RFAL ESTATE CO siTi. dV SIS Railway Exchange Bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES 73 . , . . .. . . i i GARDEN HOME HOMESITEs, 55X117, only asuu; .29 aown, .iu moron, umy so mm. 1 , on Orecon Electric: 7c commutation fare. Bight- ly. cultivated acre 3800 to 81200. Phone tj , tMI"' eeV"" ey-1. v 1 MeCormie, owner. Main 9818, .-ll.l' 1 1 : .1 . 1 i. ., 1. aiuii&un numv mi, juh uvwu ii , Tsbor 6040 near v omiu ui. ins 11 w sj. , uiiucsisn, mu FOB SALE FABMS IT FARM AND CROPS $66 PER ACRE Must be sold st once. 92 acres, 65 in culti vation, 60 in growing crops, and in fine condi- fcvu , . . ' nvu. . rwtw wiiu, j family orchard ; small house, barn, etc. ; good J040-. 7bu a real bargain. Located 6 railee r7?;X VCi WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 25 ACRES. Mil good level land; 18 acres in fin state of cultivation. 5 acres now in fine potatoes, balance in fine oats and har. Bnild- ings are old but tenanUbla. Assortment of choice fruits in full bearing. Good water. On Pacific highway, about 20 minutes' drive from Vsnconver. 4 mile from school, in thickly semen locaxiiy. rnci omy aouu. S1O0U eaan, Dmu"?.il " . .L"'" Tnyl' 170 ACRE farm far aale. a mllee Booth r r'.nh or nrihhlj m-aiH. 9 t. ,11 . t. dfic hiihwav on cood craveled ro H in eultviation, 25 more can be plowed, balarfbe timber, living water, 8-room house, 3 barn., large hop house and other outbuildings: best f,n. In vail. --. lars call or addree J. K. Cribble, Aaron, Or., Rnnt. A 187 ACREa near A.tor, g4800 in ' a' f . . e - cu,t-' 60 A slashed, some 20 Man ace: 4 of orchard, poor buildings, three miles irom rauroaa. A3 mues rrom Astoria, Vh t V -! ,5f "ff1..- ra. l uocee. a young eow, weaou, uiow, tin. j BBiining outrange. Tba ts the biggest snap la the coast country. Photos at office of Fred W. German C,n 789 Cham, of Con. tivu f , ToT . fJtlll i. Pnrti.u' .nui wt-i.T est soil, no rock or gravel, running water, food house, barn, silo, machine shed and other build- ings. In fine community, near ehnrch and school Price 815.000, $5000 down, balance 6 hk per cent Loeddemann Co.. 813 Chamber of Commerce. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Cheap land remarklbly easy li nns Ls inaV seekerr excursion party lea Tee Peruana: for Calgary. Alberta. Saturday. June S. Koaueea rates. For farther partienssrs tee Canadian Fadnc Ry. Co.. 208 BaOway Exchange bsda. I i v Thnmrn. matrix if n....i.n.. F0R SALE or trade by owner, 360 acres Men' t,M. W)M . l.n 1 Mil. fMMn ... .1 atk I i i a n . i 1 I n,' " ' vu ."cr?- J" ?r WUAITBUO. IOr UUU tTSCt I of land around Portland. Box 178. Geraldlna. Mont inn A(iv i ,i 1 1 suitable lor dairy or stock. $15 ner acre: serms. no acres, Aienion county, oo timber, balance partly imp., $16 per acre; term. Ad- qreee oaa xamniu st., portisnd. Or. HAVE a well improved 1-acre farm firstTm land, with good buildings, stock and lmole- menu, near Woodbum, Or., for sale: price 5000' or ,or - l-rfr.nUca WriU t i nT-.'C rw owner, R. Schetdereiter, WoodburWS Or. 20 ACRES for sale, about 8 acres cleared! house and bam. about 1 2 miles southeast nf vsncouver, wssb. Tsrma. See owner, 321 N, lvin st., poruana, or. UTaCRES IS miles out; good road, running water; about 1000 cords of wood; good soiL $60 per, acre. Woodlawn 1481, evenings. HOMESTEADS 47 Opportunity to. get food homesteads la .not presented to the people every day. For that reason those who sre at all In terested should look over the O. A C lands now available for filing from June 22 to July 17. We are in a position to give first hand information regarding these lands. We not only have the maps that cover thia territory, but we have former government cruisers who will show yon good homesteads for 325. Our maps clearly illustrate the district, which in cludes Columbia, Clackamas, Yamhill, Washington, Marion, Benton. Polk and Linn counties, made from official rec ords, showing only the lands open to homestead. These maps may be had at 60 cents each, postpaid. We suggest te those who want Infor mation to call early the coming week and see what there is to offer in this valuable land district, which comprises 1328 homesteads, some of which are bat about 23 miles from Portland. Bundy & McHardy, 411 Henry Building. YOUR best chance to get a homestead: on U, I fi la , at In Fi I Twin. OO 4s Tnl. IT w. cUaified and mapped these lands for Uncle Sam for ever two years, and don't have to trot a dosen men over the same claim. We have I msinmt irvnnii crs . and will .how vou and identifv br roreremant WHHTO All A HAUL, UI A., A 1lOlAlV.i TUU I want rn at r..r,n.,1 Inn, anH I vriT-u pit riin pipitr nrr nr rnT aon'thsndle cheap. nselea mane. Our I ... m.m i.,. ., . i r -.......... . , .uu you how to use them. The cost you $1.00 for each county, or a general map of the grant I ANDERSON A ANDERSON. . 481 Chamber of Commerce. " WANTED Two parties to take each a home- 1 stead and timber claim and buv my deeded I timber claim. Homesteads Join. An Join. Ag- gregate atusnpage more than 5,000.000. Large creek on one timber claim, six mile from B, R. Call at 210 H First st, Portland, Oregon. 0 to IV a. va., or address came, - Wm. H. Smith, rv- ,..ur. lii:,,.. 'ILL Wt.. yon these lands In any locality yon wish. former government cruiser. Free information. out Tiuicoiier uius. on .uu jm la e. M lojow insi land office. Phone Main 3610. W. H, John- I etosv. SOMEONE to locate to. on cood boaeatead. W. Vollane. 406 Going rt 1 ' BEACH FBOFERTT FOR SALE I wne-SJ srrrir-rern Tsnvra MEWVABe riu-nnw! t UHtifnii- e i am . .au. . s..i i new of the- ocean, nay aad mountains. Houee m 1 mm m si e I wren - large rooms, rinepiaoe. anq pinto giaai.HI m..rtn.M. loans, eont-u-t-. r I bay .window. Fine fishing, betlimg and boating nearby. This place will be sold Tor aah at a I . . . . " "ry low price, or the owners will exchange for0 to -' V othtT pTO,'rt. r, fir basis. gage; no eemm-Mon. P. Q. Boa 873. . VALLEY REAL ESTATE CO- - I CITY mortaasa loans: -mortgagee and contract. . . SI . m-m " - .- B . . . H ai at mt m ml Carltda. Oregon. BE AI ESTATE EXCHANU REAL ESTATE 34 Vt nave 348 tvares left front the 'sale of our boUiass and want to cleaa no eraickty. Ttua Umi in several tracts, the mrgcet 185 aerea hi one wedy and the ssnaUest 10 aerea. It is in the alfalfa belt and under government lrrlga- We win trade clear or take back mortgage to snatch. Value 610.000. What have yon ts offer In land or city property f Dodd A Knapp, Herniate. Or. HAVE weU improved 11 -acre lams, first elaes land with good buildings, stock and imple ments, near Woodbum. Oregon, for sale. Price 86000. or will trade fox larger place. Write owner. B. BchcidsreiUr. Route 1. Woodbum Ore. ALBERTA WHEAT FAB2 00 acres, all steam plow land, wall lm pro red. crop, horses, hogs, machinery includ ing nsw tractor. Will take clear property here aa first payment. Crop payment on balance. Claude Cede, 800 Henry bldg. 820 ACRES wheat land. 186 in summer fallow. well cultivated, clear of Incumbrance, fenced, fair buildings, good well. Klickitat county, 820 per aere; will exchange fox city property. Dodd A Knapp. Hermiaton, Or. DA ACRES in the Takima vallo. all improved. 12 in alfalfa, house and other buildings, fully paid up water right. 8 miles from town ; price 41500. 61000 cash knd terms, or good trade on balance. Dodd A Knapp, Hermiaton, Or. HAVE severalgood exchanges on our list. See us if tou want city property tor your screage. Scandinavian-American Realty Co., '218 Lum- bermens bldg. TEN shares Lawyers Title A Truft Co. stock, also business lot Tabor 886 evenings. Tabor 866, 182 E. 80th. MONTANA wheat farms for Oregon property. NT M. Apple Land Co., Lewistown, Mont. WILL trade or eell choice lot in Laurslhurst. Relngold. 147 Id rL "WANTED REAL ESTATE tl WANTED To contract with reliabU logger to cut, buck and log several million ft. of fir timber in Lane county: we will furnish good team and outfit and allow right party to pur chase oatflt - on easy term. Address Pacific Coast Lumber Co., Eugene, Or. HOUSES WANTED I want a few attractive, modern bouses In good repair, running from 82000 to 83000. Quick acuoa if price U right. Paul C. Murphy, 270 Stark st Main 1700. A-101 5. HOUSES WANTED. I want a few attractive modern houses in good repair, running from 82000 to 83000. Quick action if price is right. Paul C. Mur phy, 270 V Btark st. Main 1700. A-1616. BUNGALOW WANTED Have client with 81000 cash to oar down on - - - , . . T room bunplow not over 32500. Hawthorne or Rose city. Cham, of Com. .wTI.'Sv Or AUayfJ 1.111. eV A4 ft e VtllWW VV.. SELL WHILE SELLINO IS GOOD We have a number of buyers in the msrket for 4 te 7 -room houses. List it today. Oregon Tn.., I Investment at Aug. uo.. 17 u S3 st. rnone att- SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Most be N. B. and priced right. We have Bumerone buyers waiting. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. WANTED To hear from owners of houses and elese-in acreage: have buyers from east; give full particulars or no reply. F-836. Journal. FOR RESULTS list your property with the Ueai Bstate Exchange. 20 L 3d at.. Portland. BOOMING HOUSES $3 Get in My Automobile And let me show you ths best buys in room ing houses of all alzes. I hsve them from 8800 np, according to your means. If you need financial help, I'll help you. J. BRUCE OODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDO. FOR SALE at a bargain, apartment house, el wan fulL Wilt sell or rent to right party. Just the place for man and wife; lota of wort: for nun with big wages: wife csn dear 8160 per month out 01 house, wnta to A N. B.. Gen. Del., Raymond. Wash. 18 ROOMS RENT $45,00 Dandy location, modern, rooms always fun. well furnished, a money maker; if sold at once 8525; terms. Peters, 15 N. 6th st " nn rT 4 rr T" cjy nooms, iduu lerms Brick. Lilt new. Bent 0. Clears ZOO per montn aoove cxpenaea. onsn. BRUCE OODDAKD. 603 COUCH U. 15 Rooms, Vancouver, Wash, 8850. Terms. S nsp. 602 Coueh bldg. ROOMING house, 10-room brick, very close in. west aide, well furnished; a snap, $550. Bee Garland. 188 Sd at 17 ROOMA WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT MODERN. ELEGANT: 81250: EASY TERMS. Exclusively with Ooddsrd, 603 Couch bldg. ROOMING house for sale! Good furni tur. Reasonable. Owner. 405 Madison at 10th: BTJSITTE88 OPFORTUITITIES 36 SOFT DRINK PARLOR Located close In on East Side; brick build- Ine. rent 830. laaaa for 3 rears: nlace ha Urge ahlpyard trade; exceptional opportunity for restaurant man; price $450. GARAnsj Excellent East Side location, brick building. I rent $115, lease for 18 years; does shout $2600 I gram business; clears 3500 to 3000; price 32500. LAUNDRY Well established business in good town near Portland; one-story building, 40x160. lot 70x 200; fully equipped with all up te date Bs- 1 ehlnerr owner bee otiiev ntisineeBf mnt Ml) 1 ffi.. f, .... nlr, nr SflKflfl rrT. .V v",:" JL " I w-u-w wj. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nile. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Take 20 Minutes My Time I snd tell me what yon want terbuy, sell or trade I houses and lota, storaa, rooming houses snd of all kinds. I get results, I I. A hall hi 9. Panama n L. A. HALL 613 PANAMA BLDO. BEST PROPOSITION IN CITY Have fine equipped soft drink psrlor and card room: doing good business, but have not time to attend to earn; will eell or accept partner: r iUZitt mU"' "B rlm.ttrt- eash or trade; lone lease, cheap Tent Par- near Alder. i FOR SALE Baat paying garage business in Southern Oregon including sxency for one of the beet oars on the market Owner will be called in next cirart Write care box 819, Med- ford. or. COMPLETE equipped pantorium, everything needed for cleaning, pressing, dyeing; low rent; owner compelled to sacrifice. Bock. I J. A. Wiekman Co.. 314 Stark st Main 688. FOR SALE General mdse. store, invoice about 82000: eash sales 860 per dar: 10 miles rrom Portland. Dandy location, cheap rent OX 089, Journal. GOOD PAYING ice b urines for Bale on ac oount of sickness. Call quick. 1029 E. I Yamhill st BUTTER and egg conceanlona for rent fixtures for aale. Aonly J. Conetantlne. City Market i 171 4th st corner Xamhlll. WANTED A lady or gentleman with $2500 to $3000 for an industrial proposition. Se curity put up for the money. U-412, Journal. DON'T WORRY. 1 can sen or trade anything anywhere. Lay- man. 146 H Broadway. M05ET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE II OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paring a loan. $82.26 per month for 86 months or 821.24 far 60 months, or $16.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and Interest Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for Jjnilding purpose. No comiasion charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark at, Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS I "7 nmoiiBS ra IB ipro a citj esq una lprawlJ' "V' A' 4-'Zlaa- 1 ,Jn .,1 , j , 9 . ,W I M"" " A-2815 I 8800. 3400. 3500. 8750. $1000. and ns I lowest interest rate. a dciba pie-paymeni I privileges. No delay. i - - . ?. r.TK.. ?l J.. '" I nai member of commerce. TO LOAN $300, $500, $800. $1000, $1200, $1600 and $2000 on improved property, I J. L. Wells Co., 824 Cham, of Oom. bldg. I KOTTTTARLS! LIFE OR EfiON IAN Rurxi I Loan on close in Improved residence at I per cent: no cost Main 917. unvc-r in .monnt. r 11 AA to. unnn on city property. A n BPIT. 9A1 rLmrnmAmm, S.M. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property money advanced as work rrngraaaa. W. G, Beck. 218 and 31$ Failing bldg. Mala 8407 I , i t l j IFOR MORTGAGE LOANS see OREGON INV. at HUBiuius biocc Bixenanga Diag. a nd YamhlU irta. $250 $$50. $400. $600, . and larger amounts at i $660, $760. $1000 current rates. Quick an I action, rrea w. uermen uo., i x sjnass. tjom. $100 TO $1600; consider lota, E. H. Dewling, 61T Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 3432. 1 uhuti' Atir -. . a a eat. t -.i. u.i. I' at Co., 408 Belling bldg. I - H. I i.-t.. a. i bid. u.i. at. contracta bonsht ied o. W una ma, h irt st MONETTO LOAW BEAL E8TATB If MOBTGAOB LOANS Any amewnt. lew rates. DromptlT Attractive repaying priTUeeee, A H. BIBBeLl CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bHC, Mamhan 4114. A-4116. MONEY to loan on doee-in. V.neonver e Portland property. Only first class security considered. Describe fully la first totter. In qtrlre B. C. Koch. Dsrton, Or. - AIOBET TO XOA CHATTELS, SALAB1KS t Salary- LOANS Chattel WB LOAN MONET On short notice to salsrled or outklngmen on their own notes. Weekly, asaai-menthry or monthly paymenta. Each transaction strictly eonfidenttal. KO MORTGAGE BO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Wa also loan on household fa ml tare, niaaos. ate. without removal. CALL AND INYESTTGATB COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. IJCEN8ED. 218 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed In come, on household furniture, pianea. diamonds and other personal property, legal sates, Bnat, ness confidential: private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed. 806-307 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL I.OAN ARAN. Established by Port Is nd business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr . S4 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WAHTKD 3600 8. 40 acre of land, 8650 8 . 7 room bouse, Montavffla. 81600 7. 629 acre. Clarke Co.. Wash. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, ef Com. WANT 3-109 1 year en 160 acre : pay cent. Claude Cole, 800 Henry brag. HOBSES, YEHICLES, ETC. 19 PUBLIC auction sale every Monday and Thurs- day at 2 p. m. Horses, wagons snd harness. I Hi will sell your stock st 6 per cent commis sion, star Stables. 808 Front at. John S. Willlsmson. proprietor. FOR SALE s gray msre.'weigha 1600, 10 yrs. old; little thin, right from lumber hauling. $85; guaranteed as represented. Phil Suetter, 380 Front st. cor. Mont FOR SALE, cheap, 1 campers' wagon, good top. light Tunnine gear; set double haraeea. In quire Green Hills Grocery, Mount Eien crees roods. Marshall 5210. ONE-HOUSE gooseneck wagon in good ooridl- tion. cheap. One-horse Champion mower in good working order. $35. Belie Floral Co., 412 E. 7th st N. FINE matched team bf 1 BOO pound Belgian horses, 3 years old. A. T. Haaaler, Oregon City. Rout 8. FOR SALE, cheap team of horse, suitable for farming or delivery purposes. Apply Lyons stable. 222 Union ave. TEAM of gray maree 6-7 year old with good harness for sale cheap. Tabor 769 alter 6:30 p. HEAVY draft horse with harness for sale cheap. Tabor 769 after 6:30 p. m. 1000 LB. horse" buggy and harness, $30. Phone Marshall 4055 LEAL horne ana animal hauled away free. Call wootiiewvr z. Portland Rendering Oo. DEAD horses snd cattle taken quick. We pay the most for dead cows.- Tabor 4208, boUSE and wagon. 1.S day; 2 hones and VAgeo, $3.60 Front Main 2208. DEAD HORSES taken, cash paid for dead cows. Phons calls paid. Milwauki 6 9 -J. LIVESTOCK 3$ FOR SALE 2 good -family cowa. 1 fine big Brown Swiss bull calf 6 weeks old. 1 miles southwest of tHwege. ur. p. 1 Emory. FRESH cows $45 to $63. calves, fat HoUtain heifers. A. Fotect. 3 nules S. E. Oregon City. MolaUa road. WANTED A few milch goata; state breed and price. E-755, Journal. FINE Jersey cow. $$0. 4303 67th t fi. E. Myrtle Park sta., Mt Seott car. FOR SALE A good cow. Apply 842 N. WU- lamette bird. Columbia 46S FOR SALE. 3 fresh cows. Cell T a. 724,9. YEAH Old fine cow (or sale. East 1502. POULTRY, PIOEOyS, PET STOCK 8T W A III tL V' mi I) I D V A IT 1 ' tV t MAGL IRE'S BABY CHICKS R. L Red and O. A. C. Barred Hocks. 8x0 bundred, $2.60 a dosen; White or Brown Laj' horn. $16 a hundred; hatch June 20-29. July Order now. Heavy layinx. vlforous. Ho - East lo ASH PRODUCE CO. Ill o - - afArrt. son. All kinds of poultry, rabnlts. Bogs, veal oduce wanted at top market price, special sales on Fridays and Saturdays. Main 4883. IIIQT I A I Il Pfift FARM uhu ivvs ....v. Non-fertile Decking ecas for aale. Marshall 6915. W. R. Patterson COLA "EGGS, nerve .trength. 1 do., and 1 pkg. Egg Saver. 81. post paid. P. O. Box 104. Sherwood. Or. hi hi FOR SALE Mother hen and 10 week-old Rhode Island Red chicks, 84. Phone Tabor 4628. 8 RHODE ISLAND RED hens and 17 chicks 3 weeks old, cheap. 850 Sandy Road. CHICKS and !erale eggs. Tabor 4070. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 4$ YOUNG ALASKAN MALEMUTE goals dog, a dandy auto and watch dog, very smart Main 8105. P. O. box 61. Multnomah, Or. . . AtlO.ilUnll.hS AUtEBSUKIts 44 SAVE MONEY on GOOD USED CARS HIGH RENTS on Broadway MAKE PRICE3 HIGH. OAKLAND, at 844 Bumsida, off Broadway. CAN SELL CHEAPER Buick Four, touring 84 50 Chevrolet Fonr, touring 473 1917 Maxwell, economical to mn 650 Studebaker Four, touring, very dur able 660 light Six Oakland 875 GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable 'S kind save you Or money. See sam - pie st 644 Hood st Msin 1167. Millmade Construction Co. AUTO WRECKERS Ws wreck most sll mskes of cars snd sen tfca good parts for less than half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for aale. Highest prices nJd for old ear. ' paM PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front st MAIN 4768. LAtlER' Mfg. A B pairs. 3000 gnsrsnteed mrinn in mux. , V 1 i ia' Ti. o . lout St, CASH petd lor old can, condition no eteeE paita for all makee of cars. Oregen Ante Es change. 129 Lewnsdele at 15tb and WuU. Washing- ton. Broadway .008. stock Used Cars RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st snd Wssbington sts. Msin 6244. AUTO SNAP 6 pass. Overland, just overhauled and palnt- u, pteuir oi us; gooa snape ail around. wraw ana mase oner. 1 eiers. in w a, v. m FOR SALE or Uade Ford deUrery, fine, condT- tion. for Ford tourlnc: will ns, .k hic.. -.icji. uv ii. idsi Anquire at 1040 E. 28d st N., near Alberta. PACKARD SIX. 810067" hnnH nr twA 4- sll around; A-l ennditloa. Call Adams. Ta- van v bUBBUILLE TOP CO. 0th and Oak. Broadway 1664 1917 Ford, run very hUle, $496. $200 down and $39.60 a month. Fletcher A James, 88 N. Broadway. 1917 FORD touring, good as new; very reason able. Can 328 Burnside at FORDS $2&0 to UIV Ha B. A Caaaiday, 111 Washington. MUST sell my 1918 kaaweU tenring car- once. Ai775, JonrnaL i9ii rgRD touring car 3836. Have onlistect mast seu. nee it at lee w. nn at. FOR SALE-1917 Ford, fine condition. Phone East 2165. WILL Sell my 1917 Maxwell cEaapT A 774, jonmai. 6-PASSENGER Maxwell, 8250 cash If takenal onoe. Phone Tsbor 2677. 1915 FORD touring ear, be bargain in city If taken today. 209 Union ave. N. MUST sen my Ford touring ear at onoe. Call Tsbor 680. , BRAND new Ford roe deter, tor aale aheap. B SIS, Journal. .. V.. sgiS rtanP AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 BIO STOCK OF USED CABS TN TRANSIT. WATCH OUB DAILY ADS. These cam sre aQ theeesuhlv wverhenled la nt shops befera hat no Biased tn on need ear department and arc the best valaea In Portland. SEB US BEFORB BUYING. KLoEWHERK. - 191T Jefferiee. T nam., like suoo nmes B3S BSO 800 860 800 338 1100 1100 600 1000 860 426 1000 1106 111 40V 1818 Stadehakac . like Steddam-Davten trnek . Ford . . . . Cole SO Maxwell, epeeial C-, T pass.. Use new MitoneO. f Mas., slmsst new . Studebaker. 7 pass. Jeffery truck One Ford truck Ford tourlai Franklin 117 Jeffries; like new 1818 Studebaker Ford, 6-paas. Cote 8. lota of extras; like new, Chevrolet roadster 626 $6 alaxwell touring oar, 5 Terms If desired. Opea evenings and Snndaye. W. H. WALLINCFORD. 623 Alder at. , Broadway 2482. GOOD USFD CABS ARB SETTING VERY SCARCE. BETTER BUY NOW WHILE YOU CAN GET A GOOD ONE. 1816 Hupmobfle. like nsw .$1050 . 1850 . 1OO0 750 650 . 700 . 700 . 900 875 . 850 660 1817 Hunmoblle. like new . 1917 Buick 6. 6-pasa.. newly painted. Chandler 6, exceptionally fine .hape. Maxwell, o-pcaa.. good as new. Saxon, 5-paaa., light and economical . , 1916 Grant 6. fine shape Chalmers Master Hlx, like new . , Chagnsrs 80, runabout Old-mobile runabout . Old-mobile runabout Late model Loxier. best bur in town . And More Coming in every dsy. MAN LEY ATJTO COMPANY. The House of Fair DeaUajt. 11th snd Oak at Bararid. Rdwy 217. FORDS FORDS We have them. 1918 Fords 1917 Fords 1918 Fords 1313 Ford at th right prtcu, $a1o. CKEVROLETS 19 IT Fine shape. 1916 Demountable run; a bag. TBB TJSED CAB EXCHANGE. 627 Washington st Where Washington and Burnatde Meet WE HAVE A STOCK OF FIRST CLASS USED CARS. TERMS GIVEN Chalmers 6-80, repainted and overhauled 31000 Hal l; like new. 1800 W?u" OvarUndfWotorr ii. I s - a. . , , -mm. m rialsaer. Be; good Urea 850 850 Chalmers IS; eord tires; 3 good spares. 700 800 800 1 vn.. .. . ., . . . .. " Psuksitii't f m hie r...". y.k,tB . ,.iinliM a" 600 1 rw.rl.r im-s.'1-.. ... ' 225 630 Studabaher. 4 cylinder. 6 passenger; Ut ilk new 760 500 450 850 800 600 Studebaker 3: repainted ; aood tires. vnUi , .ws no, " Friu-u cr. "or . . Chalmers 33, overland; good tires Buick. 4 cylinder: 6 good' tires'; Vxtrsi Dcd,, Bcadster. wire wheels: practically 1160 600 876 386 Buick roadster. 5 good tires; good buy. Buick roadster, good tires WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO.. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1917 Mitchell, 7 pass., 6-cyl. $1050 1917 Overland, 6-paas., 4-cyl 650 1915 Mitchell. 6-paas., 6-cyl 67 6 1915 Mitchell. 6 -pas.. 4-cyl 676 1914 MitebelL 6-paas.. 4-cyl 675 ..IAV1V ..II. .J, -!., VAugt .. ........ i " . n , . t . . a 1 Till, 11912 Mitchell. 6-oeas.. 6-cyi 62 Ford truck vttb body oao 2-ton truck 1250 USED CAR DEPARTMENT MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVER East First at Morrison . East 7272 B 121 WEST SIDE SALESROOM Broadway at Oak at Broadway 616 A-8343 . NEW TIRES What brand of new tires do yon nrsfsrf We have them. aJJ makes aad eisse. Also ws make the fa mous O-V-O Double Treed (sewed) tire and do aU manner ef tire re pairing. Oregon vulcanising Co., B9S-BB3 Bum side neer Broadway. THAYER, SHAVER-GULLT MACHINE COMPANY 1 Tea. $$70 1H Ton, $420 3 Ton. $470 Capacity BUILDERS OF EVEKREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Mfg. in Portland, Phone East 7487. 198 E. Water st MY 1918 Dodge roadster, almost new; over 1 $200 worth of extras on It Big discount Phone Broacway eaoo, alter o cioca a aoor I 1575, ssk for Mr. Hemphill. r SALE 1915 7 Msrmion; splendid Msin 7191. C. B. Wood worth, 214 Spalding bldg. MOTORS. Gears, Bearings. Wheels. Axles and Trailers W wreck ell make of car snd sell tDeir sooa parts si nan price, ass to iiooe Broadway and Flanders st.. Broadway 196, their good parts st half price. David Hodea Co.. Fords Enameled $15,00 ST0 E. Morrison st FOR need truck bargains all sixes call Portland Motor Car Co.. lutn ana bu rankle sts. Broad- way 521. FOR SALE 1916 Ford roadster: good eondt- tion; 4 good tires; cheap for cash. Phone Mein 2148. FOR SALE Buick 1916 Big Four; excellent condition: good tire. Phone Sell wood 861 fBTcEal0 Tabor 2518. I FOR SALE 1918 model Ford; fine condition; with extra equipment; $550. Cell evenings 6:30. 583 Marlon ave.. Sell wood. ONE Ford 3 pees., tearing car for sale; best buy in city for cash; must be sold at once. 209 Union svcN. ' FIVE pass, car , cheap. In draft Must aelL East 5843. ON ACCOUNT of trouble wUl eacrlflce cream colored bug for $160. Mam 6260. AUTOMOBILES "AlfTETJ 78 WANTED By July 10. 6-paea. light car. $160 to 6200 aowa: ISO peg ntoaus: no aaeiers. Phone wooaiawn I HIGHEST pneee. paid for antosaobUee; eondT tion no obleet 131 N. 3d st. Bdwy. 3429 AUTOMOBILES FOB HIBB $3 AUTOS FOB HIBB WTTHOCT DRTTERS Brand new ear. Reasonable rate. Fearing A Bobaett City Garage, 86 10th, Between IBUit ana tJeg. - Broaowey S40. at AUTOS WIT HOC bRlVtRS FOK ISSS COCCHMAN A SULLIVAN MARSH. 332 10TH A YAMHILL A-H86 I ClcUlflT ALTO SERVICE Good can. eon. pegent drivers. Sixth and Wash, Main 700, COLUMBIA river highway ante-rtfarviee. We do taxi work. ' Main 838. FORDS fas' hire without driver, 448 Stark at Broadway 3333. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES H MOTORCYCLE, aingle speed, twin Indian, fine shape. foUy equipped, cbeap. 431. Flint st East 862. ' - --- - -; 1914 TWIN Fceisior, eouipoed, exeallant e-ev- dltlon, $126. terma. Marshall. 1072, nfOTOBCTCXES, BICYCLES 4 56 BlCYCi- uoiRctcuar tnrce rtoak of new and DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 8 6th St. FOH SALE S speed Indian metosnyelel miT3 trade in on antomobtla. Addrem 41 8d ave. Call after 6 p. m. LATjyCHEB AND BOATS v- ' Boat Swan for Charter; Kxewrstows every Wednesday nighf Main 4748." MAKE me an offer m u II It, OM Town tn aood condition, with 'qalie t. Tsbor 1088. evening. TO BUY OK LL IOUR ' BOAT List it with Turnea. FaiorUa kesUousa. foot waorraoB. sua osvy. F1AKOS. OROANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS t SECURITY STORAGE CO.. Clealna ent ' . ' 8300 Old English nptigbt, cash 846. ' i . 8350 American make upright, etah I6S,.' $400 Modem oak upright, cash $1$A ' $460 Modem BBahocany upright. eh 8160.' $375 New, stored. 1917 mod sis, cosh $316. ' $426 1917 models. $236, 3460 and. 1386. 308 4th at. at Washington at 0 MM I. WEra . Phonecmpbs and records benght. Sold, exchanged, and rsated- Expeft msH lng. 143 V. 2d. pear Aldee. npUtr Sia easa buy 6410 Kurtsmaa ptaoh n auA maabogany, fed aa new. Scbwfa f tana U 111 4th at at Waahlngtoa at liEW ENGLAND Plane treiu Ivotj heytl. Itlfl Mendelssohn (reterted). tuU gUtb $3$ A Hsrold S Gilbert, 6K4 YemhiU at - $65 GUAIONOLA. just liAe new. and $54 worth of lau reeerda; will saorifiec al tag $66 caah. Bee machine at 663 Glisan at ' $381.26313 cash. $8 monthly, baya'llf model new improved piano at Bah was Piano Ce.111 4th st at Washingtoa st KING8BURfpUno, walnut case. S good teal dltion. Will sell for 245 cash, o on Laa. u i oin sv rnone sssin stve. RENT a piano, most reasonable terms In f ery -land. No square nor Uiunut nous, si'- a.. GUbert. 884 YambilL 76 cash secure Hohlar liaklst uprwbt tft!S ' Security Storage Co.. 109 4th ft EDISON cylinder phonograph and 7$ eeunt- $10 eash. 12$ 4th st. COLUMBIA gmfooola foe sale; bargain. 'JUIT- wppq sua. . IIONOGRAPHS. records bought sold. 1 ex-" ' ensngeq. iiau at 1 assnuy. aij Waahlngtem . FISHEU upruibt, auhoemny case, late Stla, si . . liUI, Arnrn ,111 .V. KIMBALL piano at lea than ball. 1.1 4tb" at TYPEWRITER'S It - NEW kkllIS'i, lu.M. rental uian, tent ap-a te ' purcnaae. v uuoie moneia . . , , REMINGTON TYPEWRITER OO.. V------ . 88 Broadway Broadway 4621, GUARANTEED Factory Rebuilt ' f marker! "All Makes'' sold on monthly paymenta. Send " for price Uat The Wholesale Typewriter Co- hetail Iept. 331 Washington st , ALL MAKES typewriur rented and WaireX Oregon Type Co. 94A 6th. Main 3368. sUEBUILT typewriters, suppUea. Curuna -eaiara, . A-eae va, nil oin. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE IS Look What's Here Li Madias RetfrUerator. 34 7(1 Perfaetien atevo. 66.601 gasoline stove. $3.76; gss Piste. $3.56 1 gai rangaa, 7 0; extra ovens, $1.25; cook Steve. o uu; rauges, S1A SWJ irea springs, $1.76; mattress, 83; dressers. euning taoiee, grj.vo; break last tables, 6S.63 leai lb Die. B 10; Uesaure tabiea. $3.19; steel conches, 84.90; steel springs. 84.31. alaiag ehaira. Monia chairs, kitahea ahaira, faidiag chairs. All goods msrkod In plain figures. - CAalPEBS. ATt.stl6N'i Brand new army cote at 34. 75 each,. Also used comforts, blank. ts aiut nfTteaas cheap. mish furniture co.. ise-ivu tst a. AXX. or part of furniture ef $-roem flat. eonable. 147 1 1th at FOB SALE MISCELLATTEOUS ' It Paint that roei with " 1 "' "" ' ' - FTREPBOOr WATERPROOF BU8TPUOOF PAINT Preveau tue growth of moss. Step leak and protects from fire. Coat no mors. iPkoaa llsis'' 6976.1 411-13 Chamber of Conmerceblds. TRADE, BUY AND SELL bicycles, furniture, musical instruments, ea.aa. cash register, at ales, trunks, ruit raiisae, a-otxun, nUas, swains machine, - type- vrttfft, Newman, 128 First Main 449$. Tabor fTSS. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented snd vepelsa. . Walker Electric Works. 413 Barm aid, corner 10th. Broadway $61 A ALL mschino sold few ascst M agenu are employed : taacblaea twnted, repaired. A-$4I$. Mala 94 $1. Sewing Machine Emsesiaa. 190 $d st. near Taylor. ''MUSICAL tNSf Et'kEJftS.'' . Typewriters and "Household Goods" are separate claaalV cations. All advertiaemcnta of these foods are pubUshed under their respective classifies LOOK THEM OVER. M r fr TEN dropiieau sewing DIUiUU with sttachmenu; all are la vers good condition. Sewing aaschines rented at $ $ r month. Phone East 8$69 or B-3S07. . B. Staea, 1 58 Grand ave., near Belmont Watch Repairing Specials , Cleaning, 81: Jewel. BOe; main spring, 60. REINQOLDS. JEWELRB. 124 6TH ST. ' AUTOMOBILES, MOlOKCkCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate elasaifica-ona. A asrse -biting can be found under these different - f icattona. , ' Broadway 2079 f(nSi!L II." Sleisder. ' Re. Wdln. I960 V.uUi'UaUa Portland, Of. New and second hand All sises Any essonat. . $12.50 tq$15 GuaranteedT We USED DROPHEAfj SEWLNO MACHINES tint and repair. Msin 1346, A-1816. 172 3d st For" SALE Choice" Roys Anne ehenC picked, delivered to ron for 10c !b. ox nick ' them yourself for 6c B. TSd and 73 H-rriaon. Mrs. Burka. CHERRIES Save, pick them youiMlf. or I will pick. Corner 89tb and East Stark, Mt Tabor (M. T. 88th) car to end. 4 blocks north 1 east, picnic ground. Loganberries. GAS range, refrigerator, eash registers, d lie. utensils, showcases, steam table, roil top desks. counters, front bar, dandy outfit cheap. 430 vtasningum at. - WHY an evetlssting aggraretion by a leak " roof f Why not a permanent and InAastrne-u ble roof? We extdtse snd renew all kind at leeky roofs. SOS Toumy bids. Msin SBSS. OFFICE desk snd chair, twin nsotoreyelo, i ton track with dump box , also 4 room house with one lot and garden. C-2699 or Te. 7691. 600 ENVEIX)PE8 or 0o bond letUrheada. 82.25; 25 engraven' type wedding an'e'm'tg or inv't 33. Smith, Printers. 204 SUrft st Nelson Ladder Works mi Msla 836S. Step, ettenelon snd cherry pldters tsddeva, USED hot wster boilen, SO gX. 66; 40 gaTT 37.50. We have up to 120 gat. Over 604) now tn use. 169 Adam st Phone Eeet 7669. BICYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP Newman. 128 1st st. near Alder. ' LARGE coffee ura, nickel plated, rests nrsnl - sine. 31V. Also a net. pnon Broadway sose. 428 Alder. BETWEEN 4 and 6 ton of nneut hay. $25 take it 896 E. Hsrriaon comer $0t Cad Tabor 2910. FOR HALE 1-A Jr. Antegraphic kodak, with leather ease; good as new; $8. Call Mala 534 between 13 and 1. -. ' i" 25.000 DANISH BALDHEAD CABBAGE patnte for aale; first-claa stork, Call Woodlawn 203. or address Box 404, R. 1. Portland. ONE extra good pruteetograpb and one Webster's leather covered eetioaryi . real bargain today at 613 Royal bMg. ONE large letter and legal blank filing ease suitable for real eatste or lawyer's office; M reaaoriable offer refoseS. 613 Royal bldg. -ONE sanitary base typewriter desk and chairTt reel baragin. Call immediately 613 Royal bid. - BOYAL ANNE eherrtea for ssle. wTs? ear te 48th ave., wast 4 Mock-, B. K. ffeaenreat FOR SALE 5 ton No. 1 wheat hay; loose; rose- so-able. Call Woodlawn 4897. ROYAL ANNE cherries 10c lb. tiSO E. 44Ui st Phono SeUwood 1336. ,'EW and second hand rent s suite Tor aaiei, , :- 38.50 and np. wooee' iieane rs, goo naunon. VULCAN gas range, used IS montha. C3X 4160 8$d ave. E. PLOW 'end harrow for sale, 680 6th at Phone Main 961. - LAWN mower and hose for sale, OaH 8sU' wood 378. . TACt'tM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. "eH changed, bought Ben Gey Co.. Main $532. TJJJClXLED or tailor made snltsT $4.60 Bv Taylor the Tailor. 389 H BarnsldA -pAjMBINO'S-ppU-, wholesale prieea, StarC Devi Co.. 312 3d at Mans 797. -llEGEA ffACt'-JU SwllEPERi. Ifaia 4T1T (CosUsb4 Fttllowlss fsstl