THE OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1918. BlTUAT10BfVrEMAI.B 4 TWO teacher desire employment loi summer. Clerical work, photo work, tutoring, high school primary grades . P-649. JournaL WANTED Situation general office work, osteo path preferred. Have some knowledge book keeping and typewriting. Phone Wood lawn 28S4. DRESSMAKING 4$ DRESSMAKING, Mr. Wolf. 25 Cbetopa Apte. FURNISHED BOOKS NICK qnlat. clean, cool furnlehod sleeping room lor gentlemen, near Mttttnomab club; walking distance; 119 pr month. Dekmotc, 167 Stout, near 80th and Washington. UNDER NKW MANAGEMENT Princess Hotel. E. 84 and Burnrid. BOe day op. 82 week up, East 1T1. filAN' hotel annaz. 26ft 6th. Brick, bot, cold waUr every room, steam beat; transient Opp. eity halL Main 9878. . FURNISHED BOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 7$ TWO nicely furnished sleeping room, good lrvtngton home; breakfast if desired.' Pbon Kaat 7540 or call at 834 E. 18th at. If FOR BENT Furnished room In private fam ily; no othar roomer. 868 Montana ave. Woodlawn 326 j NICELY- furnished room, homa privileges, suit- abla 2 girls, or good home for child, room working mother. Esst 5823. ROOM H for gentlemen, nice homa dose in. All modem conveniences. Rant 2105. FURNISHED rwinu for rent, rt. S. 781 E. 15 th FURNISHED lelif . airy front room ; reason able. IB East 30th t. , corner Hurnside t. ELEGANT room and location. Marshall 5188. r!FrR!CISBKP ROOMS 19 8 Hi KIMS and toilet, clone in. newly painted and apered, IJ5. 4 roonu, toilet and bath and pantry. fin shape and clone in, $-0. C. W. barringf.r. 248 Stark. Phone Main 2568, ROOMS AND BOARD 18 TilK HAZEL, Convenient of shipyards, all cut aide riKimi with bot water. 885 3d it. ELDERLY lady want room and board, near ' Fifth ehnrch, C. 8. preferred. Tapor laio THE Martha Washington, 380 10th, for busi ness girls and tnlents. Marahall 1281. ROOMS AND BOAHTD PRIVATE FAMILY 71 COMFORTABLE room In private family, break fast if desired, Nob Hill district, walking dis- tanre. Main 9485. CHILDREN to bord in private home, .,ird i; 365 llal- sey at., near. Cnlon. Kaat Z44B. ROOM and board, private family. $7 week. 628 E. Morrison. CHILDREN" to board by month, week or day, good rare. 8404 94th 8. E. HAVE foi 1 or 2 gentlemen good home cooked meals. Main 4157. 205 N. 21t st. WAIT F. O- -ROOMS AND BOARD 89 iVANTEI Ilocim and board in private family by young man. Call East 1608, between 6 and 7 p. m. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FTTRHtSHEl) AND . UNFURNISHED NICE sleep tna and housekeeping rooms for Harhelors. 876 YamWIl. TWO furnlshedTIL K. rooms. 288 E. 1st N. East 5375. HOrSEKEEPINO ROOMS 71 FURBISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY ONE very large mom. with kitchenette, modern. 4 29 Main street FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED It WHY - not eamp at Rock Inland for the summer t Camp sites, including Bull Hun wster, electric rights and free tran-pnrtstlon. 25 mln. ride from 1st end Aider. 815 per mo. Tske Oregon City ear to Milwankle orall Broadway 2555. 1 ROOSl modern home, fine condition. 14?8 E. 18th 8 . 330. Tabor 5414. ft ROOM house for rent, June 2o. 248 Montr gome Tj. ) fftTriERN j room cottage. Beech and Wll- liams. 815.60. Wdln. 1230. A LB IN A shipbuilding district, cnnur, 14 roon or building, great demand. East 6222. 6 ROOM modern house, furnished, 85 per mo. Msmhall 2050. HOUSES FOrt RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 89 FURNITURE of 5 rooms, mostly fumed oak, leather upholstered : walnut bedroom furni ture; also dishes and gas range; everything com plete; home for rant, $25. East 8877. or call 667. East 86th. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 6 ROOM furnished house, with small garden. tor rent 1190 Nehalem ave. ; take Esta rada of East Moreland car. Phorie Bellwood 1602 ' 6 ROOM, furnisfied or unfurnished house for rent, 1 block from esrline; reasonable rent. 1868 E. Flanders. Inquire 187 Front at. Phone Main 6631. 6 -ROOM furnished house at 01 E. 10th, mod era. Phone E. 84 2 for key and appoint ment, 2 blocks from csr. 8 ROOMS, white enameled, hardwood floors. Oriental rngs, i fireplaces, furnace; rent 575 Phona East 1805. EtJRNISHKD house for rent, July and AufcTUst- Good location. Woodlawn 8S82. SHIPYARD district, clear 6 room furnished house with gsrsge, 2 airy bedrooms; will lease to adults. KR4 H 1st st. 8. SMALL furnished house, Oregon City car. close to station. George Morse, 315 Cham, of Com. APARTMENTS 41 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APTS, New 200 room bones. 2 and S room boose Beeping apsrtment, furnished or wBfaralshed; elevator and bsrdwood floor. 888 11th st HART APARTMENTS Newly furnished modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms. $2.80 snd op. BIBLOP HALL. K. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod- ern 1. 2 and 8 room apt.. 812.50 up; walking distance.- Us II Kast 883. MAGNOLIA APTS.. East Sei and Belmont. modern 1 and 2 room apt $1.60 per week at. Sleeping rooms. East 212. ROOM In private home, housekeeping privileges, V block from car. suitable for 2 -both work ing preferred. C-2691. SPLENDID nice 2 3 -room apartment house, low rent, fine location and reasonable terms. P- 918. JournaL PENINSULA APTS. Wood Is wn 1852. Con crete bldg.. 2. 8. 4 rooms, bsth. phone. 1 ROOMS Sleeping porch, hardwood floors, walk! ng distance. Portnomah.' 200 E. 13th. FOR RENT 4 room apartment, modern, west side. 319. Inquire 710 2d st. Mar. 4443 SROOM furnished apt ; walking distance ; no children. 501 Mill st, bet 14th and 15th FOB RENT FLAT! It 4 ROOM upper. 877 Union ave. conveniences. East 2195. All modern 4 ROOM flat, strictly clean and modern, adults. Phone East 1908. 4-ROOM unfurnished flat. 805 E. 11th. FURNISHED FLAT 50 4 ROOM furnished flat, sleeping porch. H block to ear: permanent, $30; references. Key ZflO Btout st Wnnill 4 220 4-ROOM nicely furnished flat with piano, electrie iigot. lurnace, reasonaDia rent, cioseln on west side. Marshall 165. FURNISHED upper flat. 4 rooms, bath, base- ment, water, garbage. 320. Adult. 858 E. 8th N. Wdm. 2959. $ ROOM flat, elegantly furnished, to reliable tenant, or will sell furnishings; term. 290 12th street FOR"S ENT 8 furnished" rooms, light house keeping, cheap: adult onlv 679 E. 21st at.. Brooklyn car. STORES AND OFFICES II FOR RENT Store building situated on . the corner of K. 80th and Glisan sts. A splendid location for grocery (tore or meat market. Boom in good eoaxuiion. Kent very reasonable. Inquire W. H. Hamilton, 1978 E. Glisan st. or E. P. Mert. 148 a. 78th st N. . . OM.ttAHER A N D PHONE FURNISHED private outside room In thoroughly modern suite of officeee: stenographer and nhone fnr- tahed; will rent to desirable party on pro rata basis of actual cost; good location and service. Main 10a or A-Bfo. journal. 2 DANDY atorerooms at 16,8 E. Glisan; $10 and $8. Tabor 9373 FOB BENT MISCELLANEOUS tt PRIVATELY owned piano; upright. E! 2797. WANTED TO BENT 1 WANTED To rent small house for workshop on west aid, preferably in North Portland, War ren Moore. 260 Broadway. ' SUMMER RESORTS $6 SEASIDE!' furniahed 4 room cottage. 1 block to beach for aeaaoa. Phone Woodlawn 1760. s SUMMER BE SORTS M SEASIDE furnished cottage, 1100 balance) : on. toon ana bats. Dices ma Main st. block from peach. Mar. 0. COTTAGE eomxdetals' tarnished at BeaeE Canter. 850 sac asontha of Jul and AimL Phona Eaat 2487. FOR RENT 4 room cottage. Long Beach. wean. Ham 2184. SEA VIEW, WASH.. 6 room cottage, fine view ot ocean, electric lights. Phone Tabor 788. H. K. APT 8.. fine water, at Rocaawsy Reach. apply at uoean crest Apta, REAL ESTATE fOB SALE HOUSES il Httd. idoxido ATtRAcrtVt BLJNdALow Km. Dunxxlow. vary artistic line, larra Torch acrom entire front of bouse; lath and plastered, elect, and g, lavatory, toilet, C ft. white anamal tab, 106x100; fruit, ate., large barn; earnest walk, graded aC cloae to ear. K, 74th at. See FRANK Ll M'GUIRX. ABDICTON BUM. To Buy Your Homa. Main 1088. rokb fitTT vivvr nm Dandy 8 room buncalow. aemi-nuvVro B6t 100 lob. fine aardan and frnia in OA M-k nam car, iui pascmeni, f louo; terma. 2 room aback, nantrr and IhmL BAtIAA lot, fine fir traea and lot of roaea, 8450; wmu. vuier nooaaa up to fsfMHI. pea air, jenaa. Bath a ad Bandy bird. 82250 MODERN BUNGALOW 12210 Very aUractira bungalow, double eonatmeted. builtrin buffet. Beat whiU enamal bath, toilet and lavatory, electricity and gaa. cement baae menj and furnace; corner lot; fine garden, nowera, etc; one oiocjc to car; eaat of Laurel hunt; 8300 bandies. He FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 1088. LATJBELHTJRST BARGAIN. A modern np-to-dato 8 room bungalow; 2 fireplaces, music room, arjacinna ivinm mmn beautiful bull tin buffet. 8 bedrooms, full cement paeement, garage; lot 75x100; this .property oris inally coat 88500; can be purchased for 85500 located in Uw heart of Laurelhurst. J. L. KARNOPP II CO.. 819 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Main 675. 81260 WEST BIDE VIEW BUNGALOW New, artistic, 8 roonu and bath, beat plumb ing and fixtures, aaa and elect., hot water tank. sink. Dutch kitchen, gray with green roof, riew of rirer and mta.; tenma, Fulton car to Pendle ton. No. 135o Front. Bargain. Accept Lib- va Kg iuinu, & FRANK L. McGCIBE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068, 55TH ST. SNAP. K. C. P. bungalow, exceptionally large rooms; ery modern home; neat and new; 60x iuu; 1 1 replace, hardwood floors; paved streets i blocks to car; 83600; terms. Main 4808. o. tj. WLDE.NBEItli ABINGTON BLDO. "85 Years in Portland." 81600 A fine well kept 7 room bouse. Good plumb ing, electrie lights, basement, largo kitchen, pantry. Located on E. 20th near PoreU VaUey i r ine garaen space. him aurTaca atreet. Improvements paid. 3250 cash, balance terma. J. L. KAKNOPP & CO.. Railway Exchange Bldg.. Main 675. 32900 E. DAVIS NEAR SflTH 6 -room modern attractiTa hnmr nwl ..... . . - . in ana out. iuu lot, trees ana flowers, paved at. W. of Laurelhurst; a bargain; convenient to Ankeny car barns. t nit Kn , m ...... . Minuern, r. iui near Anaeny. FRANK L. McGL'IUE. ABINGTON Bl.nri To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT. 53500. Modern 6 room bunaalow: livine room 14t26 large dining room. 2 bedrooms on first floor. large bedroom on second floor; garage; easy terms. 3. L. KARNOPP A CO., 319 RaUway Exchange Bldg., Main 675. NOW VACANT 8300 CASH. MOVE IN 5-room bungalow on Woodstock carllne. fruit irees, oerries ana snruDDery; price 51H00. vtsajl UUK A1JS. VVB GJCT RESULTS. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER, LOWE ac CO.. 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. $200 DOWN NEW BUNGALOW 5-room. lath and Plastered, fine white enamel oath, toilet ana lavatory; corner lot, 50x100; attractive lines; price $1000. Henderson st. Bee FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To buy your borne. Main 1068. . , 71 i AWFULLY PrBttvRoee Qty bungalow, 6 rooms . IlrBY"i0V. . o nu tins. narawoon 'v I . aiicnen. i uu oe- I YTi ATkr ffA gATrl alTtt lannjlvw eadMAe . " s . I J... wl" 00 joux 1 um.i. iuuib, win aowp eoou casn, naiance easy. Please call after 8:80 p. m. 668 E. 87th st. is., ueaumont ear. A FINE BARGAIN 61800 6 room bungalow. aleeDine noreh. hath TW1 sicnen, v, oiocx to car. o DlOcka to school: $200 down; price $1800. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Ablngton bldg. .... .. t u,jrbvir- iuu laoii i Good 5 room bungalow, buffet, Dutch kitcb- en, cement Dasemeni; lot 40x100. on K. Sher man, near 84th. Price $2200; $300 cash and $20 per month, 6. No city liens to assume. GRUSSI A DOWNEY 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BUNGALOW COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-rOOm. modern, nice fruit tma anif Karetaa hard surface In and paid. Price $3200; terms! u. a. v arnner. RITTER, LOWE 4b CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. LIFT this up. Those that want a bargain for their money. I have what they want. Splen- uKi t-rami piaaterea noaae,' bath and toilet nice garden, young orchard, large variety of roses, rurnisnea or uniurnubed; 20 minutes irom jut ana Alder streets, busy. Phone Sell. 8454. You want to cat "" 4 ROOM bungalow, facing east, large porch kitchen and bath, white enamel; large lot ouii, wwii, auaae txees, garaen, perries, etc. nur lujimnu ou uregon uiectnc or r Til ton ca to end of line. This is a bargain at $1650 iuuo cash, balance mortgage $650. M. F IRVTNGTON PARK- -$1500. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, bath. Dutch kitehan ten buffet, 8 block to school. 2 blocks to car: BOx xuu 101; price siovv; terms. UtU. X. MOOBS CO.. Ablngton bldg. ALBERTA DISTRICT Five room house, bath, cement basement P"10' IKv,eornelot: plTed eet; 2 blocks to car; 82000; small payment down and month- ly payment to suit buyer. This is a bargain for shipyard workers. . . . T.m.uj.1, m namuer m wn. main moo, n- I i . Kt K fL w . r . . $200 CASH ONLY $2250 6-room modern home, hardwood floor hntu. in bookcases, full cement basement wash travs convenient to Mississippi, Williams are. or R. 8. cara. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark t Main 588. MODERN bungalow, Waverleigh Heights; fin provememe an in; yon wui want this for a home. Call D-1580. owner. $1800 BUYS 2 lots, one a corner with a 4- room . bouse, not modern, 1 block from car line. Phone Bellwood 86. FOR SALE 3 -room house, lot 60x100. aar- den, berries, $850; $50 cash, $10 a month. 722 K. Buchanan, St Johns. PENINSULA DISTRICT, 81850 Good 4 -room bouse, 2 lota, corner; $1000 eaan. balance on easy terms. Woodlawn 5226. NEW 5-room bouse, lot 100x100, attic, base ment, garage; price $1400, part cash, bal- ance xAoerty Donas. isoor o73. NICE borne, 4 large, light, airy rooms. good basement lovely yard, fruit trees, price S176U. Some terms. 178, rt. Wdln. 2861. nartlT furnished: ' 81 800. of o--,. A . Wn alTK 17 VKtk ar Ibf T A . 3 kTXT.riJ ' ' , " r"?"': MODERN 5 room bungalow in Rose City Park. hardwood ' floors, built-in convenience. 660 E 49th Tabor 8482 - ' ...v. 3 z ' ; , a- . modern bungalow and 2 lota, roaea. , " " r une; epuv; some uowi, rauon oq lersns. xao. ZOOO Jatiu hl ouy my noise, i rooms. PeauHful lrrf liil aaieaBt tarn Hnam 1 41 Aft a, v. . v was vv vwse, siiko 1 VVU u. I ULM " ' U''U !m.fU?S ".2 i .7.J " ' ... V"- "u GOOD 8 room house, corner lot, bath and eleo- trio iignt; a lot; 140O cash. Z-726. Journal. ROOMS and bath, modern, completely fur- nished. piano; good location and car service; tiuini, casn or terms. lui vooaiawn 4 039, FOR SALE A beautiful place at Nye Beach, newport. ur. on n. Morrison, t. J. Brown ing, owner. FOR SALE 6 room house; plenty fruit; on Woodlawn car line, inquire nee uekum are. JTL'RNISHED and unfurnished house .... nav menta. IL C. Walter, 584 Foster road. Tabor 08UI. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, full attic, full ee- mem casement, lot ouxiuv, walking distance Aioina tnipyaras. Terms, (oo Minnesota ave. WEST SIDE 7-room bouse for sale by 15 mm. walk to poetoffloe. Call 880 Grant. 4 ROOM cottage, near car. $750; terma. Dubois, nva oparatng osog. MODERN 3 room house. 81000: easy termal g-urnunro cneap h wanton. Tabor 7848. FOR SALE Modern 4 room bungalow, 6c ear- tare. tii alter Hunoay. cot. 2, owner. 6 ROOM bungalow, Jull basement and fall attic. l t. , n a v . ... . ,.,,.. - iixeptaw, mi jwuvv, DCllwooa suss. SMALL house and fine lot on Saanyside "ear Una. Be owner, 1288 E. Morrison. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES Folks Have Got to Leave Here Are Two Bargains A - nicely 'furnished 6 room bungalow, bath. bot god cold water, Dutch kitchen, range and rjisnaa. ana an equipment: z bed rooms, fur nished; living room well furnished; in W'hitwood Court addition to Portland, near shipyards, on lot 50x120; price 81400, 830O down, balance Z3 monthly payments; will take a 550 Liberty eoiKj every vu oays until 4 ara taken. A ft room bungalow on 2 lota, making lOOx LOO feat scuare. covered with orchard, armies. cherries, pears, prunes, berries and. garden; price lauu; joeataa oa Mont villa car line; same terma aa former property. Aaarees ma, Jennings Lodge, Or., or phona Shelton Bechtel 8 BIO BARGAINS IN LAURELHURST No. 1 5-room modern bunaalow. 80x120 foot lot, 88260. No. 2 1 story modern 6-room hururalow. beautiful lot. 1 block ear. 84450. No. 9 I story 7 room modern house with aleeplna porch, close to car. 84 BOO. Ail oi tnese nouses ara in excellent rrmriiHnn. the street Improvements are included in price and they will be sold on small cash navment. balance like rent. Call for keys today kt Laurel- nurst tract office. .. 89th and Gusan. or Dhone J. DELAHUNTY for auto. Tabor 8433. Eve nings East 2088. NEAT EAST SIDE BUNGALOW ' 8 room and large attic, newlv retinted and painted; 2 blocks from car; price 52830; easy terms. C. A. Warrlner, BITTER. LOWE It CO.. ar 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW Nice 5-room bungalow, fireplace, buffet, book cases, laundry trays, lot 60x100 with alley, on E. Slat at. near A ins worth; price 82850; 3450 cash and 320 per ano. GRUS8I DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 63x188; FINE FRUIT: 5 ROOMS. SLEEP- ing porch, floored attic. real tiled kitchen, bathroom and Shower bath; beautiful art tiled fireplace. furnace; hardwood floors, garage: 850o0; good terms, zimmerman, 311 board of trade. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN 82200 Neat,, cozy 6 -room bungalow, fire place, garage, new gas range and beater goes with bouse. Terms. 3. A. WICKMAN CO., 814 Stark st Main 58S. YOU'LL WANT THIS CHARMING 6 BOOM MODERN BUNGALOW WITH FLOORED ATTIC, HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FURNACE AND ALL CONVENIENCES; ONLY 32500; BLOCK TO CAB, ZIMMERMAN. 811 BOARD OF TRADE. WEST SIDE COTTAGE. $900; $100 CASH. Good 4 rocsu cottage, bath, electric light, lot 43x152, on Bancroft ave.; price $900. $100 cash, balance 6 per cent. A big snap. GUL8S1 DOWNEY 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. MODERNIZE your building; I do all kinds of alterations and repairs; change dead realty into a live asset; see my many designs for new houses. Mar M. Meyer, contracting architect. Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly superin tendent for the Oregon Home Builders, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 1 1 9 K O 6 roonu. bath. Dutch kitchen, lot xrwun lota of fruit; price $1950; terms. litAJ. t. MOOKB CO.. Abiugton bldg. GOT 33700 f Here what it will bur: A good 6 room home and a 5 room flat that will rant for $25 and 100x100. with lota of fruit, rosea and garden; 200 feet off Hawthorne ave. Where could you get more for your money I zus 40th; terms. Bungalow Bargain $1600 4 rooms and bath, firenlsce. full basement electricity and gas; lot 60x100; fruit trees; terms, $250 cash, balance like rent. A, H ACKEKSON. 506 Stock Exchange bldo. NORTH IRVINOTON sacrifice, attractive eot- iuu uauu, targe purcu, eiecuie lights, full lot. fruit trees, berries snd roses; also good chicken house. PAVED STREET PAID. Price $1600. Would like about $600 , . . eaan. uwner, f. o. box 855 WOODLAWN BUNGALOW 31100 Very neat and attractive 8 room bungalow, not odero: 100x100. all in garden: very slabUv positively the cheapest buy in the Woodlawn dis trict; 3160 cash, 523 monthly. Fred W. Usf 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 33250 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW 13250 o rooms, mooern, wun iirepiace, hardwood or, nice yi Another 6 room cottaae on corner lot with au sxreet improvements paia. s l uuu. all street improvements paid. 51900. 1. Dela- hunty. Tabor 8433. Enenings, East 2086. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN $27005 rooms and large attic, paved st. pa., close In. 'ierm;. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark st. Main 583 OLD FASHIONED 5 room house, some mod ern conveniences; lot 50x100; good home for workingman; close to shipysrda, waterfront. East Side. Cheap for casn, quick sale. Apply 410 Ross St. - 1 BLOCK east of St. Johns or WA cars. 7 room attractive home, shade trees: only $350 cash. balance to suit you; paved street and sewer paid; yon can never find a finer location or a better buy; $2450. 1048 Cleveland. READY TO MOVE INTO. B room modern bungalow, almost new. hard- I vrood floors, full cement basement and builtins. Cost over $3000; only $2250. Easy terms. JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermen Bldg., Bdwy. 1612. WALKING distance, 7-room house on Grand ave. and Broadway, fine corner lot, furnace. fireplace, many built-in conveniences, street in and paid; only $4000; very easy terms. Johnson- Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR sale or trade for smaller house, 6-room modern house, garage, no incumbrance, hard surface streets and sewerage. 850 E. 9th st N. Phone Broadway 2382. Call before 10 a. m. or 4 p. m. COTTAGE, 6 rooms, bath, gas. electricity, hot and cold water plumbing, corner lot 50x100 ft, paved street, cement walk and sewer, near E. 40th and Sherman sts. $2000. Hatfield & Crabtree. 168 4th st Room 39. LAURELHURST bungalow, 6 rooms and break fast mom. nk floors, frrnuce. firenlsce fni attic, basement, lot 50x120. 1225 Senate st. B800 cash, balance easv navmenta. Phona Ta. 1 - - - bor 6934, after 7 p. m. FOR SALE by owner, a 7 room house, strictly modern, up-to-date, with all conveniences. Nice view. 12 minutes' car ride to 2d and Al der, or would trade for smaller bouse to $2200. For further information phone Sell. 1288. ATTRACTIVE, up-to-date 6 'room bungalow in Highland Park. Dutch kitchen and built-in effects; hard wood floors, garage and chicken yard; some fruit tree and berries; $800 down. balance terms, call warn. 0434. $150 cash, $25 mo., price $1760, 7-rooxn house. lot 100x100, near Columbia park; a bar gain. Johnxon-Dodson Co., 684 N. W. Bank bldg. MUST SELL 8-ROOM HOUSE, 2 LOTS Young fruit trees, berries. Tremont Park addition. M-781, Journal or call 1182 E. 29th t N. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, strictly modem, white enamel, corner lot, street paved, paid. Price $4600; terma. Tabor 6441. FOR SALE HOUSE Bungalow. 7 rooms, modern in every respect. rin.. TaW 2469. easy terms. Cor. 58th and Lincoln, on Haw- $2500 Modern 6 room house, 2 blocks from miilt-in conveniences; $500 cash; easy term. Woodlawn 8229. z c , r-r i r- MODERN 6 - room bungalow and lot for sale or exchange for small place with house and outbuildings near Portland. Tabor 0509, or can 822 49th st. S. E. St T V K vnm mt,n f.l. .nd lawn: Oreeon Electric fieT far.- 2 I.. 7 " " T Mms-b Uwasi araHnM f lueu 1,1411 Aha. If.. shall B902 SEVERAL nics. sm.U nouses, small payment down and monthly payments; cheap. Also I Morse. 315 Cham, of Com. irnn sur n Rn.inn $850; some down, balance aa rent, close to I South Portland shipyards, 30 minutes' walk to heart of city. Call A-8828 WELL built roomy 4 room bungalow, modern and almost new. One block to ML Tabor car only $1800; terms or Ford car as part parment JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermen Bldg . Bdwy. 1612 MODERN 6-room bungalow. 957 Cleveland ave.. near Going; all built-in conveniences newly furnished inside and out: $2800, includ ing street improvements. Terms. Kast 2188 BOARDING HOUSE 17 rooms, fin corner with large grounds On account of sickness will sell at sacrifice. Call 284 Main St Corner 4th. AN attractive 7 .room bouse on East 6th st on block from Hawthorne car. lot 100x100 fruit and flowers. Owner. East 3478. $100 DOWN. $15 per month buy 5 room cot tage, 2 brack to Mt Tabor car. Price $1150. Phone Tabor 5586. FOR SALE Lot 60x100, with 8 room modern house. $1750. -See owner at bouse. 1749 E. 15th St. 1 R HOUSE, modern. 612 E. 86th. cor. KeUv. Only $2150. Term. Metcalf, Marshall 2482 r Bellwood 3652. j ST. JOHNS district. Modern ft room, Iumuov 1226 Midway ave. sad A. tor st. RE AI, ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES "IRVINGTQN HEIGHTS" EXCLU8IVB NEW BUNGALOW 8 elegant room and sleeping porch, elect finish, alaborata white naaetad cabinet kitchen and bath, artistic- fire place, beautiful buffet and built-in book cases, gorgeous electric fixtures, polished oak floors, nica breakfast room, cement basement, laundry - tabs. - and part act plumbing, boose double eonstrnctaa. oast front, lot 60x100. good location and oonvenient district, comprehensive in de tail. Prices ara advancing. ' Act without oetay. S.;L JONES Office 672 Alberta st Phone Woodlawn 8688 ATTRACTIVE BUYS AS REPRESENTED 81950. Cloae in. Close to ear. 5 room bun galow. Full lot. Convenient terma. Immediate possession. 82500. Modern, semi-bungalow typo. 7 rooms. Paved streets. Bt John car. Terms. Hawthorne. Close in. Modern 6 room bunga low - Full lot. 83600. Terma, Hawthorne, 6 room house and garage. 82600. Rose City Park. High class bungalow. 86000. The above are exceptional propositions. I am exclusive agent for same. A. K. HILL. 41 Henry bldg. Main 1902. Rasdenee, Tabor 8188. FOR SALE Some of the best buys in the eity at low prices: these are all mnrierw hnnn. lows on easy terms; 8 5 room, hardwood floors and modern; price 82900 each; 6 room, 53000; a room, jiouu; o room, Z2ao; 0 roc 32000; 7 room. 83750: room 81800: room, 83000. We also have some aa low aa vouu ana up. iiefare you buy call and see us. We have autos to show you. New York Land Co., 381 ta-it Morrison at. Phone East 6817. DO look at 438 E. 58th If you want super fine construction, 6 rooms, fireplace, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, beautifully dec orated, almost new, only 8500 cash, balance ou a montn, including interest. That a. cheap er tnan renting. Just south of Hawthorne car. $150 cash, balance Just like rent, 6 rooms, line conaiuon. big growing garden,' fruit trees location excellent, very pretty homes near, but not crowded. Montaviila cars through beautiful iaureinurat, to 60th; one block north and east. 160 blst st. Owner Main 7129 forenoons. SHIPWORKER8 Will build to suit on acre age. Oregon Electric. 8 minutes from ahiD yaros, on install menu, gas, water. E. Btoehr Miiwaukie. FOR SALE LOTS IS LOTS for sale, 40x120. 20 foot alley, chicken nouse ana run, fenced and shade trees, i bushes; just the place to build your home. journal. GOOD lot cheap, near 3 carlinea, $1000, on terms, ravea district. M-79, Journal. LOT for sale. 14th and Alnsworth ave.; terms; or trade for auto. Phone Tabor 6274. SACRIFICE Full size lot. on Francis ave., $250. X-066, JournaL ACREAGE 67 TWO acres near Lenta; fine bungalow, fruit and berries; also Rose City Park corner lot. See me at Carroll's Public Market Store, 3 :S0. V. R. Wilson. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 78 ACRE in crop, buildings, near car. 31250; terms. Dubois, 803 Spalding bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES 19 MODERN home for sale. Just outside city limits. near uolumbla highway. For particulars, call Tsbor 6040. , FOR SALE FARMS 17 SUBURBAN HOME 13 acres, rich loam soil. 10 acres in culti vation, fenced and cross fenced, fine well of water, new 6 room plastered house and new barn and all necessary outbuildings. 6 acres fins onion land all tile drained, 3 acres fenced with woven wire fence, wood for family use. Including fine Jersey row, 65 chickens, 14 geese. 26 ducks. 9 goats, $80 worth of wood, harrow, plow, cul tivator, wagon, harness and all small tools, crops consist ot 2 seres or potatoes, beets, carrots and corn, balance of place seeded to oats and bar ley. This place is located 3 H mile from In terstate bridge on good auto road, all rural advantages, price 53600; hk cash. THOMPSON, SWAN It THOMPSON. 3d and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. 170 ACRE farm for sale, fTanhv nr Grihhlea nr. Iria 8 milA aonth nf 2 miles from Pa- rffic hiahwsv on eood urateled mad. 12H in cultviation. 26 more can be plowed, balance timber, living water, 8-room house, 2 bsrns. large hop house and other outbuildings; beat tarnvin Willamette valley. For further particu- tar can or aaoress J. & Grtbble, Aurora. Or. Route 4. 18 ACRES, all tillable, very best of soil. 7 acre in cultivation; au lencea ana cross fenced, spring and small stream, orchard of walnuts, ap ples, years, and all kinds of unall fruit; 5 room house in good condition, good barn, wood shed. gooa cellar, ana necessary buildings, together with team, wagon, harness and all farm tools, crops snd household furniture; located only mile 1 rom school and railroad station in thick lv settled and prosperous community with all rural advantages, on county road and only 12 miles irom Vancouver, race 32860; 51200 cash, bal- ance 3 to 5 yean. THOMPSON, SWAN THOMPSON, Third and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Cheap land remarklbry - easy terms Land- seekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary, Alberta, Saturday, June 8. Reduced rate For further particulars see ''---'-i Pacific Ry. Co.. 208 Railway Exchange bldg. L. 1. Thornton, uistnct itepreaentative. WANTED Man and wife with some help to su perintend snd run one of the best up-to-date dairy and general farms in Oregon. Will - take some cash to buy present superintendent's in terest, who has been drafted. See Thompson, swan tt Thompson, aa ana Mam sts.. Vsn- couver. Wash., or Mr. Dryef, 510 Lewis bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE or trade by owner, 360 acres Mon tana wheat land. 1 mile fitim afjitinn 1 MA acres broke, 40 acres crop, fenced, buildings. $50 per acre. Lasy terms or will trade for small tract ot lana arouna iforuana. Box 173. Geraldine. Mont ONE of the best, up-to-date dairies and general i arms in uregon; gooa Duuaings. modern plumbing, electric light, fine land, good orch ard, ov cows, I neaa horses, auto truck, auto mobile, farm implements, etc. One of owner oxaitea only reason lor selling. THOMPSON. SWAN at THOMPSON. Third and Main st., Vancouver, Wash. 160 ACRES Lincoln conntr. Dartlv iminine suitable ior dairy or stock, $16 per acre: terms. 93 acres, xtentoa county, ou amber. balance partly imp., $16 per acre; term. Ad dress 638 Yamhill st, Portland, Ot. HAVE a well Improved 21 -acre farm fint-claas land, with good buildings, stock and imple ments, near Woodburn, Or., for sale;' price $5000. or will trade for a larger place. Write owner, R. Seheidereiter, Woodburn, Or. 10 PER ACRE 80 miles to Portland: 320 . Ann ; i too . ... . good roads, school town, transportation. This la not stump land. Terms. Owner, Z-782, Journal. 71 ACRE ranch, 6 blks. of station; 15 in culti ration: small house, creek, good roads: Wash ington county, cheap; will take house. Geo- Morse. 815 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES for sale, about 8 acres cleared. house and barn, about 12 miles southeast of Vancouver, Wash. Terms. See owner, 821 N. 1 9 th st , Portland, Or. 40 ACRES 18 miles out; good road, running water; about 1000 cords of wood: good aofl. Snfl ner Birr. Wnfgikwii 1491 vni-iei " Tjti." V . r m. AUKfcS, improTea nock fann, near Oreton City, per acre, terms, iniDoU. 803 (3LBWLllIla lIU. FOR SALE or exchange, 11 acre ranch, $1200, Peardaie, Cat. ; nouse on place; must aell ao- count BicBun. a-too, journal. HOMESTEADS 47 Opportunity to get good homesteads la not presented to the people every day. For that reason those who ara at all in terested should look over the 0. A O. lands now available tor films from Jrme 22 to July 17. We are in a position to give first hand information regarding these lands. We not only have the maps that cover this territory, but we have former government cruiser who will show you good homesteads for 825. . Our maps clearly illustrate the district, which in cludes Colombia. Clackamas, Yamhill, Washington, Marion, . Benton, Polk and Linn counties, made from official rec ord, showing only the lands open to homestead. These mapa may be had at 60 cents each, postpaid. Ws suggest to those who want infor mation to call early the coming week and see what there i to offer in this valuable land district, which comprise 1226 hssnesteada. some of which re but about 25 mile from Portland. Bundy & McHardy, 411 Henry Building. O. A C. land now open for entry; csa show you these land In any locality you wish. former government cruiser. Free information. 801 Worcester bldg., Sd and Oak sts. Adjoininx land office. Phone Main $610, W. H, John ston, - T BEAL ESTATE I HOMESTEADS 41 IQUR beet, ebanoe to get a bom as O. ' C made open te filing June 22 to July 17. We clean fled and snapped the lands for Uncle Sam for om two yean, and don't have to trot a dosen men over the same claim. We have PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE of every district, and will show yon and identify by government corners ANY LAND m ANY DISTRICT yew want to visit at reasonable terms and make YOUR FILINO PAPERS FREE OF COST. We don't handle cheap, on I see maps. Our mapa are reliable and complete, and we show yon now to use tnem. They cost you fl.oo lor each county, or a general map of the grant, ANDERSON dt ANDES SON. 431 Chamber of Commerre. WANTED Two parties to take each a bome- atead ana timber claim and buy my deeded timber claim. Homesteads tots. All join. Ag (regata susmpege more than 6.000,000. Large creek on one timber claim, six miles from R R Call at 210 First St.. Portland. Oregon. 9 to 10 a. m.. or address same. Wm. H. Smith. SOMEONE to locate me on good homestead. W Vollan. 408 Going st. BEACH PROPERTY 48 FOR SALE FINE SUMMER HOME. NEWPORT. OREGON Beautifully situated, commanding a wonderful view of the ocean, bay and mountains. Howe with 6 Urge room, fireplace, and plate glass bay window. Fine fishing, betnmg ana Boating nearby. This place will be sold for rash at a rery sow price, or the owners will exchange for other property on a fair basis. VALLEY SEAL ESTATE CO., Carlton, Oregon. BEACH property for sale. 7 room house and two lots, cleared ana lencea at Ocean fan,. Wash. Fireplace and Dutch kitchen, water in bouse. Price $600 or could nse car and $275. A snap. See owner at 868 E. 7 th N. Phone C-1819.- EXCHANOE HEAL ESTATE 24 SO ACBE farm, in good condition. 20 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, bouse and barn and good family orchard. 12 miles from Portland on hard -surface road; will sell or exchange for good house and lot in city. Don t answer this ad unless your property is A-l. No stents need apply. By owner, phone 'B-1409. 994 Brook lyn st. ' NOTTCR. If yon property, either city, farm or acre age, baa merit and la for exchange or sale. eaD or write full particulars; no inflated values con sidered; have first class Hst to select from George P. Henry. 829 Henry bldg. Befer- PoHland Realty Board. HATE a well Improved 2 1 -acre farm, first class land with good bunding, stock and imple ments, near Ytoodburn, Oregon, for sale. Price 85000, or will trade for larger place. Write owner. R. Seheidereiter, Route 1. Woodburn Ore. 6 RO9VM bungalow, modern; 1 acre, Sandy sta tion ; 6 room house. Cannon Beach ; 2 acres, well improved, lAke Grove, for good farm. 1 85 H 4th at Hatfield A Crabtree. HAVE several good exchanges on our list. See u if you Want city property for your acreage. Scandinavian-American Realty Co., 212 Lum bermen bldg. 2 LOTS. Alberta, $500 each. Kenton diitrict or Peninsula. to exchange for 11 714. JournaL FIN E Yakima property F 824, Journal. for eastern property. WILL trade or sell choice lot in Laurelhurst. Relngald. 14 7 3d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED To contract with reliable logger to cut, buck and log several million ft. of fir timber in Lane county; we will furnish good team and outfit and allow right party to pur chase outfit on easy terms. Address Pacific Coast Lumber Co., Eugene. Or. HOUSES WANTED I wsnt a few attractive modern houses In good repair, running from 32000 to $3000. Quick action if price Is right. Paul C. Mur phy. 270 Vi Btark st. Main 1700. A-l 515. WANT 6 room modern house, walking distance of plants. Trade part payment Hoseburg suburb small store property. A. Ferguson, 18s E 6U1 at SriACfct A.M siMALL HOMES WANTED Most be N. E. and priced right We have imertra buyers watting. Fred W. ttermaa Co.. 732 Cham, of Com WANTED To hear f rom owners of houses and close-in acreage; have buyers from eat : give full particulars or no reply. F-825. JournaL POk RESULTS 11st your property with the Uaai Estate Exchange. ZUL Sd St.. Portland. ROOMING HOUSES 58 FOR SALE at a bargain, apartment house, al wavs fulL Will sell or rent to right partr. Just the place for man and wife; lots of work ,or man wun pig wages; wile can clear iioo Per month out of house. Write to A. N Gen. Del . Raymond. Wash. I ROOMING house. 10 room brick, very close in. I west side, well furnished; a snap, $550. See Garland. 188 8d t 14 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first clsss furniture; best west side location: rent $4 0. Income $150. Price $1100. T-730. Journal. ROOMING houe. 19 rooms, part housekeeping. modern, close in. some good furniture; snap. $500. Garland. 188 3d. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2$ BEST PROPOSITION IN CITY Have fine equipped soft drink parlor and card room ; doing gooa Dusmees, out nave not time to attend to same; will sell or accept partner cash or traae; long tease, cneap rent. i ar ticulars. 128 First street, near Alder. FOR SALE Best payistg gsrsge business in Southern Oregon including agency lor one of the best cars on the market Owner will be called in next draft Write ear box 819. Mea- ford. Or. POSITIVELY leaving city, will sell my cafe teria for 81000: best ot location, low rent See the business we are doing for yourself, $48 2d st. BAKER'S portable oven; Blodgett 5 .helves; used but little. Will sell at half price. J 851 Journal. WANTED A lady or gentleman with $2500 to $3000 for an industrial proposition. se curity put up for the money. U-412, JournaL DON'T WORRY. 1 can sen or trad anything anywhere. Lay man. 145 H Broadway. $200 BUYS half interest in coffee house and I lunch counter. L -1U. journal. MOXF.Y TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR intallmeut plan is the best and surest method of Davina a loan. 382.26 per month for 36 months or 121 24 for 60 months, or 316.17 for 96 .months, pay $1000 loan and interest Other amounts In proportion. W loan on improved city property Or for building purpose. No eomisnion ehareed. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark at, Portland. OT. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges, A. H. BLRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114 A 4118. $300. $400, $500. $750. $1000. and up lowest interest rates. LJberai pre-payment P v GORDON INVESTMENT CO OS 1 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on close-in. Vancouver or Portland property. Only first class security considered. Describe luuy in iim letter., in quire E. C. Koch, Dayton. Or. TO LOAN $300, $500. $800. $1000. $1200, $1500 and $2000 on improved property. 3. L, Wells Co.. 824 Cham, of Com bldg. EQUITABLE LIFE OREGONIAN BLDG. Eoan on close in improved residences st p., no coM Min 817 1 r I HL1UJ1AU KJ$MBa OD CUT Oi NOUrDsUI VIWKttJ maoer mdmuxA as work immM, W. G 01 n .rwi 01 x-.iiirtT Ym taoT $260. $360. $400. $500. $660. $750, $100 and larger amounts at current rate, tjuiek svt xu rwm.n rn 75 rtham Com $100 TO $1500; consider lots. E. H. Dowling, 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marsnau Z42 MORTGAGE loan. 4 and 7 Louis Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH for mortgage, loans, contract. F. H. Lewis, room 4. Lewtabldg. Main 688. $500 to $9000 to loan, eity or farm mort- mge; no commission. f t. box e i CITY mortgage loans; mortgages and contract bought Fred S. Winiam. vZ H 1st st $700 AND $1500 to loan at one, on good house and lot; ao delay. T-781, JournaL MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALABIES . 47 Salary LOANS Chattel WB LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or workfngmen their own note. weesiy, Berm-monuuy or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly eonfidentiaL NO MORTGAGE "O INUUHSEB ABSOLUTELY HU BJSOUBirX Ws also loan on household furniture, pianos. etc. without removaL VALli JU x 1 v CO iiuaia COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Leans made to persons' on salary or fixed in come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property, legal rate. Duss- ea confidential ; private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed. V 806-807 Dekmm bide. . MONET TO LOAN CHJLTTEL8, SALARIES ? PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AJUsN. Established by Portland bneinses ssven te protect boirueet. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 884 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTED $ feoo 8. 40 of land. 3660 8, 7 -room bouse, HMttvun, $1500. 7 . 2 acres. Clarke Co.. Wash. FBED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chaaa. of Oom. ' ii750 WANTED. 6e INTEREST Security $5000 bungalow, restricted district. A. K. HILL, 419 MEN BY BLDO. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Take 20 Minutes' My Time and tell me what yon want to buy. sell or trade in houses and lota. tores, rooming houses and buiineea of all kind. I get results. L. A. HALL 612 PANAMA BLDO. ONE team, mare and gelding, weight 2800 lbs.; .also one S hi broad tired wagon, one . (pan 4 year-old Jennets, suitable for pack wort; one span ponies and harness; two seated surrey, to be sold cheap. 293 Union are. East 3227. FOR SALE Young team o7 horses, weigh 8200, wagon and harness;, with steady work, winter and summer. 8 hrs., 87 per day; easy work. Phil 8uetter. 880 Front ft. comer of Montgomery. FOR SALE cheap, single buggy and harness aleo bay mare, 8 Tsars old mis for to drive, inquire A. u, Gresham. Gain up feed barn. FOK HALE a gray mare, weighs 1600. 10 yrs. old; little thin, right from lumber hauling. $85; guaranteed aa represented. Phil Buettar. 880 Front St.. cor. Mont. FOR SALE General mdte. store. Invoice about 82000: cash sales 860 per day; 10 miles from Portland. Dandy location, cheap rent. OX 683, Journal. ONE big horse for sale, cheap. Weight 1500 lbs. Free trial allowed. Eaat Side Wood Yard, 9th and Hawthorne. fc'INE matched team of 1600-pound Belgian horses. 5 year old. A. T, City. Route 3. Hasaler, Oregon FOR 8 ALE. cheap team of horsea, suitable for farming or delivery purpose. Apply Lyon stables. 222 Union" ave. TEAM of gray mares 6-7 year old with good harneasX for sale cheap. Tabor 769 after 6:80 p. m FOR HALE Team, harness and furniture wagon. will make good ranch or express team; would sell separate. Phone C-139B. warn. ei. STANDARD bred black Morgan horse with harness and buggy, for sale cheap. Call 821 Garfield ave. HEAVY draft horses with harness for sale cheap. Tsbor 769 after 6:80 p. m. FOR BALE Team of light horse. Frye A Co.. Broadway 814. 1000 LB. horse, buggy Phone Marshall 4055. and harness, $30. LSuAU Dorses sua snimsl hauled away irea. iau Woodlawn 20. Portlsnd Kenderina Uo. DEAD horsea and cattle taken quick. We pay the most for dead cows. Tabor 4208. ay: .ins. 8Z.BU rmnc. ssain zsun. DEAD HORSES taken., oath paid for dead cow. Phone eelle paid. Milwankle 69-J. SMALL fine team, harness and wagon. E. HaUey. Tabor 4896. 1450 A SINGLE seated buggy, good a new, for sal or trade. Call at 627 Koseuwn. HORSE. North. harness and wagon. Tabor 1269. 161 East 81st FOR SALE One bay rnarn about 1100; good condition. Leueeh Bros. 241 Front LIVESTOCK 8$ FINE big. fresh cow; heavy rich milker; 100O lb. horse, sound and gentle for women or chil dren." drive single or double; steel tire buggy and harness; disc harrow. 619 E. John st. Phone Columbia 711. 8t Johns. LONG established dairy, with over 20,0 custom- ers; monthly collections luu; wnoie equip ment; all ready to go right on; a good propo- aition. T-739. Journal. .EXTRA good fresh cows. Jersey, Guernsey and Jersey 4 gallons extra rich milk will take stock cows m exchange. 14 80 Macadam st. Fulton csr to Idaho St.. 1 block east. FOR SALE 2 good family cows. 1 fine, big Brown 8wt bull elf6 weeks 01a. 1 miles southwest of Orwego, Or. P. L. Imbry. FRESH cow. 161 East 8lst st North. Tsbor 1259. VERY nice heifers, 3 weeks old. from fine stock; 7 gallons cow. 387 K. BPtn w. YOUNG freh dairy and family cows. Holsteins and Jerseys. 751 East Asb. FRESH, heavy, rich milker, reasonable""" $63 Aspen st Mar. 6837. -YEAR-OLD fine cow for sale. East 1502. RE8H cow. 755 York st, week days only. FOB SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Tabor 582. POULTRY, PIGEONS. PET STOCBT 17 MAUL IRE 8 BABY CHICKS R 1 Red and O. A. C. Barred Bocks. $20 hundred, $2 60 a dosen: WhiU or Brown Leg horns, $16 a hundred; hatch jane zu-zv. Juiy Order now. Heavy laying, vigorous, no- ganized stock. J. K. Maguire. 787 Oregon st Bast 1H0.V JUST LAID EGG FARM Non-fertile packing eggs for sale. Marshall 6915. W. R Patterson. WANTED Thoroughbred Sicilian Buttercup hens. Young stock. Broadway ss9. it n. 11th. Portland. LAYING young hens. Leghorns, $1.25 each. Rock or Bed $1.75 each. Kast lbuo. ioi Oregon t. COLA EGGS, nerve strength, 2 dox. and 1 pkg. Egg Saver. $1. post paid. P. O. Box 104. Sherwood. Or. hi hi CHICKS and ten lie eggs. Tabor 4070. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 44 YOUNG ALASKAN MALEMUTE male dog. a dandy auto and watch dot. very smart. Main 8165. P. O. box 61. Multnomah, Or. PEDIGREE Airedale, 9 months old, very cheap. 632 Y. M. C. A. PEDIGREED Airedale puppies for sale. W. H. Fuller, city, K. K. 2. FOR SALE Bird eagea! East 2416. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable kind save y money. See sam ple at 544 Hood st Main 1167 Millmade Construction Co, BRISCOE. 1917. Only run short dis tance. Tire new; snap. Winton company, 631 Washington st Broad way 1614. NEW TIRE8 What brand of new tires do yon prefer? We have them, all makes and else. Also we tasks the fa mous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire re pairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. 338-333 Bum- side near Broeaway. THAYER. 8HAVER-GULLI MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton. $370 1H Ton, $420 BUILDERS OF EVEBREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Mig. in Portland. Phone East 7487. Z Ton. 84 7 0 Capacity 19S E. Water t DUBHUILLE TOP CO. 9fh and Oak. Broeaway 1664 Fords Enameled $15.00 870 E. Morrison st 1917 BUICK light six; want to trade for late madH Ford or Dodge. Fletcher A Jamea, 83 North Broadway. BARGAIN Cadillac 6 pass., four doors, elee trlo lights and starter, new tire, excellent condition. Call 847 E. 7th N. FOR used track ba resins all sixes call Portland Motor Csr Co.. 10th and Bnrnsidc at. Broad way 621. - OAKLAXD roadster, late '17 model, like new. Quick ale. 8900. Residence phone Tabor 724. business phone Tabor 8195. CAD HQ 2B0 60 rUnUO Hn A Caanday. 211 Waahlngton. MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell touring car at once. A-776. JournaL 1015 FORD touring ear $385. Have enlisted, must seil. See it t 163 W. Park st FOR SALE Oakland light 6. model 1916. Mar. 2597. Main 6838. FOR SALE 1817 Ford, fine condition. Phone Eat 2166. WILL eU my 1917 Maxwell cheap. A 774. Journal. FOR SALE 1916 Chevrolet, newly painted. Terma. Inquire 142 Shaver at STORAGE battery charging dynamo, 3 good storage batteries. Eaat 1 705. OVERLAND - car in fin bap. Good urea. Cheap. (tee.- More. 815 Chamber of Com 6-PASSENGER Maxwell, $250 cash if takes st sacs. Phone Tabor 2411. . AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 BIO STOCK OP U8ED CARS- IN TRANSIT. WATCH OUR DAILY ADS. These ear ara ' all thoroughly overhauled tn our shape before being placed la our need car department and are the best values in Portland. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE 1917 Jefferfea. 7 pass.. Uke new $1100 BmVk 4 925 1918 Stodebaker 6. like new 960 Stoddard-Derton track 300 Ford 860 Cole 80 800 Maxwell, apeeial 285 Case. 7 pass., like new 1100 Mitchell. 7 nam., almoat new 1100 Stodebaker. 7 pas. ... 590 Jeff err track 10O0 One Ford track . 360 Ford touring 428 Franklin 1 000 1917 Jeffries; like new 1100 1916 Studebaker 626 Ford, t-paaa. 400 Cole 8. lota of extra; like new. Terms it desired. Open evenings and Sunday. W. H WILLLSCIXIRD. 622 Alder C Broadway 2492. ALWAYS ON HAND FINE BUYS IN USED CARS 1916 Oakland Little Six $750 1917 Oakland 8. cord tires 900 1914 Oakland 6. 7 pew., enrd tires 60O Series 1 8 , Stodebaker : fine buy 900 Series 17 Studebaker, cord tires; 95 per cent new 1 . 800 Series 17 Studebaker. 3 pass.; looks new.. 750 Chevrolet 496; Just overhauled 650 Keo. 6 pass: looks and runs liks new 600 Velie. 5 psea.; great buy 60O Chalmers Master Six : 90 per cent new .... 800 Winton Bsby Six; elec, L.. S. 90O Mitchell , pass.; cord urea 900 Stodebaker four; good Urea 250 Reo. 6 pa.: runs fin 260 Chalmers six. alee. U and 8 500 Ford 1 ton track; Just new 660 Light delivery 400 Open Sunday and Evenings. DONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER Big Brick Building. Ride Entrance. 16th and Washington St. Bdwy. 2656. WE HAVE A STOCK OF FIRST CLASS USED CARS. TERMS GIVEN Chalmers 6-80. repainted and overhauled 81000 Hal 12; like new 100 Chalmers 86; good tires 350 Willys-Overland; Kniabt motor: like new 850J i,naimers m; rovu aires) a gooa spares. . vi Oakland six; light economical 860 Peerless six; a fine big car $00 Franklin 4 cylinder, 6 paaseegsr 600 Overland touring 226 Apperson 6, 7 passenger; map 660 Studebaker. 4 cylinder. 5 passenger; iust like new 760 Studebaker 6; repainted; good tires 600 Garfnrd 6: good tire; a high priced car. for 4 60 Chalmers 82, Overland; good tires 660 Reo the 5th; like new 800 Bulck, 4 cylinder; 6 good tires; extras. . . 600 Dodge Roadster, wire wheels: practically new 1180 Butch roadster. 6 good tires; good buy. . . 600 Overland hug 873 Bulck roadster, good tire 835 WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO., BROADWAY AT BURNBIDE. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1917 Mitchell. 7 pas.. 6 eyl 1917 Overland, 6-pea.. 4-cyl 1915 Mitchell. 6-pasa.. 8 ryl 1915 Mitchell. 5 pass.. 4 cyl 1914 Mitchell. 5 pass . 4-cyl 1916 Jeffrey. 5 pass.. 6-eyl 1912 Mitt-bell, 6-pass.. -cyl -. Ford truck- with body 2-ton truck $1050 630 . 675 675 675 700 625 650 . 1260 U8ED CAR DEPARTMENT MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVER East First at Morrison Eaat 7272 B 1216 WEST BIDE SALESROOM Broadway at Oak st Broadway 816 A 3348 5 PASSENGER Grant Six. 1917. model, just completely overhauled, good tires, one extra. 875 aeat covers, bumper post silver beam spot light, muffler cut oat two extra rims, full set tool, skid chain, rust newly painted peacock blue. Csr must be seen to be appreciated; all for $900. cash or terms; privste owners. Phone MsrshaD 2289. or call at 834 0th st Ak for Mr. Fisher. Apt 202. HAYNES. 1914. recently painted, la fine condition ; wonderful buy. WINTON COMPANY. 581 Washing ton st Broadway 1614. 2HUPMOBILE8 To be sold before Tuesdsy night 1 order for brand new ear to be selected from next shipment from factory. 1 just run enough to work good. Equipped with cord tires, bumpers, etc. Make offer for either car. ADCOX. Union sve. snd Wasco rt AUTO WRECKERS We wreck moat an makes of car and sell the good parts for lees than half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest price paid for old cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY, 228 Front st MAIN 4 768. LAHER'e-'CQ Mfg. -A Rpairs. 8000 guaranteed springs in stock; prices reaucea. s is. jotn St. 1918 Studebaker, run 8000 mile, full equipped with extras, all new cord tire, also new all weatner top. Bargain u sola at once. Bdwy. 4834 or East 7001. MOTORS. Gear. Bearings, Wheel. Axle and Trailers We wreck all makes of ear and sell their good part at balf price. David Hode Co.. Broadway and Flanders st. Broadway 196. 1 Vi -2-TON Packard truck, worm drive, all nearly new tires, covered express body; truck Is just like new; wonderful bargain. Call Tabor 769 after 6:80 p, m. CASH paid lor old ears, conaiuon no ot)a-t; part for all make of ear. Oregon Ante Ex change. 129 Lownedale at 1 6th and Waahiag ton. Broadway 2668. iro Used Cars S COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington st. Main 6244. 1917 FORtTfor sale. $4 50 cash. E7654oT AUTOSIOBILES WANTED 78 40 ACRES near oi fields in Liberty county, Texas. Will trade for good light auto. 1000 E 36th st N. WANTED By July 10, 6-pass. light car. $150 to $200 down; $50 per month; no dealers. Phone Woodlawn 14 60. NICE lot to exchangs for Ford. Phone Sell wead 1341, HAVE a 6-pas. car; will trad fol Ford and pay difference. Phone Main 248. HIGHEST price paid for automobiles; oondi tioa no object. 121 N. 8d st Bdwy. 2629. AUTOMOBILES FOB HIRE SI AUTOS FOB HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Srand new csr. Reasonable rates, ng A Rebnetx, City Garage. 86 10th. Between Bbxrfc and -Oak. Broadway 84 1 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR Hiatal COUCUMAK A SULLIVAN MARSH. 232 10TH A YAMHILL A-1286 HIGHWAY AUTO iJEUVlCE Good ears, eom petent driver. Sixth Sad Wash. Main 780 COLUMBIA river highway sou service. We do taxi work. Main 238, FORDS for hire without driver. 44 Stark st- Broadway 8683. ALTO for hire for hsgbway. Woodlawa $471 MOTOBCTCLEfl, BICYCLES U BICYCLE MoTOBCYliLEs Large stock of new and need ma DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 68 tb L MOTORCYCLE, aingW tpeed, twin Indian, fine shape, tally enjpredV. cheap. 481 Flint St. East 862. 1914 TWIN Excelsior, equipped, excellent eon- dition. $126, terms. Marshall 1072 HA RLE Y Davidson motorcycle, snap, $60 cash. 866 N. 20th. LAUNCHES ABB BOATS 64 Boat Swan for Charter Excursion every Wednesday night Mala 4748 TO BUY OR BELL YOUR BOAT List tt with Turner. Favorite boathouse. foot of Morrison. Mala 640Z. FOR SALE Good room bomsboet. furnished. Pbom Huffman, Marshall $790. business hour. VP1AX08V OROATC9, KrSlCAlV-' INSTRUMENTS . 1 H BtCt'rUfY STORAGE CO 8800 Old Enahah woriaht cash 848. 3360 Amerteaa make wpright. cash $96. 8400 Modern oak nprlgbt. eaah 913$, 3459 Modern mahogany wprWat, eab $lffl. 8375 New, atared, 1917 models, east 8218 $426 1917 model. $336, $460 nam 6266 108 4tA at at Washington at, ' : Talking machine" bargain - ' 1 Brunswick talking machine, a hi bargahw Will accept Liberty bonds at fall ealaa. Alw many other bargaiaa in musical tnetremiatis 72QH Miiwaukie rt " " T - WANT grand piano. Kteiaway." Weber. " ChicVI ' ering. Ens be. Mason A Hamlin. AR oaskj for bargain. F-806. Journal. . - LEAVING city, will sell auiid oak aUmbeU""or? gaa for 125; las high (rada table muetoboal eery cheap. 848 2d t. ' $al6 cash buys $419 Kuruasaa ptaoo la mahogany, seed aa new. tea 111 4th st. at WaaMnrtoa st KEW ENGLAND piano (real ivory keys). 81671 Mendelasobn (reverted), fall ssae. 2$$ HsroM n. Gilbert. 864 Tmhfll at. A BARGAIN IN l8Kl PHONOGRAPH " 1 Standard phonograph, lust Ilk bargain for the first caller. Sell $227. f2$1.2S $12 easb, $4 monthly. Ways Hit model new Improved piano at Schwa pigmy Co., Ill 4th st at Washington at. BRAND new $263 Edison Diamond TJCi eho nograph. latest model, $30O terma. or liberal discount for cash. 6-872. Journal. - - KINGSBL'RY piano, walnut ease, m 'good eoOM dition. Will sell for $245 cash, or on time Call 149 6th St. Phone Mats !. RENT a piano, most reasonable term ta Par? No square nor tnamp boxes. Harold sV Gilbert. 884 Ysmhfll $76 cash sen res Hoiiler Hotuer aphghl Hae Security Storage Ca, 109 4 to au CASH tor Weber player piano. Can aa note, if bargain. r-H0a, JournaL EDISON cylinder phonograph and 76 record? xin ran izb 4tn st - FISHER upright, mahogany case, late style, ai big reduction. 123 4th st KtMHAfX piano St lea than balf. 126 4tb' at!' TYPE WBITERS fT KbUa la , fcavW REMINGTON, geotai piaaT parchaee. ViaiM models. REMINGTON T X PE WRITER CO., 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621. gL'aIiaS'T sitHl FMtory Rebuilt Vypewritar: "All Makes" sold on moathly paymanta. Bead for price list, The Wholesale Typewrit LeUU Dept.. 821 Washtngtoa at ' . ALL MAKES typewriUrs rented and repaired! , Oregon Type to. 94A 8th Main 8468, llEB L'iXT typewritors, supplies. Ouswna desUsrss t W. reaae Co.. 110 6th, WANTED Good typewriter; must be aaaatv P-919. JournaL . . WANTE1 Typewriter, at once. N-Wla. JeurusT ' HOUSE H OLD GOODS FOB SALE Look What's Here ?L Retfrigerators, 36.75; Perfection stove, $ 6. 5 ; gasoline stoves, $2.76 gaa Plate, $2.5w; aa. ranges. $9.75; extra oven. $1.26; oook stove, -$6.90; range. $11 60;' iron bed. $1.46 . springs. $1.7$: mattress. $2; dressers, $4.90 y-e dining tables. $6.90; breakfast table. $2 J8l . leaf tables, $$.15; treasure tables, $$.10( llsej couches, $4 90; (teal springs. $4.86 dining, . chairs. Moms chairs, kitchen chairs, Inarllnt -chair. All goods marked tn plaia figure. - JUL k'L'sUSilTUkki CO. BJbLLai Foit IXaJ Iron beds $1.76 up. Springs, $1 up. Mattresses. $1.60 an. Chairs. 76e up. Drsesers, $4 up. Dining tables, $3. up. -OWL FUBNITUHB CO., 204 First 8t FURMTt RE of 6 room lor aaia, east side! K 826 Wheeler Broadway ear, . Wela south 2 blocks. MACHINERT FOR SALE About 50 .ft 1H la, and smaller shafting. 12 hangar, miscellaneous assortment of p-ulleyt and leather belting, all in good ahapa, J. R. Rogers. 92 lt st CORN HARVESTER 1-man, 1 horse,, 1-rowj self gathering ; equal te a era Madey; eold direct to farmer lor 22 year; only $2$ with tedder binder. Free catalogue anowma picture et harvester. Process ' Cora Harvester Mta, C& Saline, Kan. FARM tractor for sale; trade lot land or hai have yout NX-9U$. JotyrnaL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS II Paint that rout with FIRE PR OOP ' WATERPROOF ' RUSTPROOF FAINT mm Prevents the growth of mass. Stop leaks asd protect from fire. Coats no move. (Pboae Mai 6976 ) 411-12 Chamber of Commerce Mag. . Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and rapatredi -Walker Electrie Work, 418 Burar aide, corner 10th. Broadway 6674, ALL machines add for semi ad agent are employed; esse nine rented, repaired. A-8624, Mala 431. Sewing Machine Emportami 190 3d t, near Taylor. Typewriters1' at. IVMT&CUENTa. Househosd Goods'' ar separate eieanr eationa. All advertisement of ttteee gooaa arc published under their respective cJaasiiioataoass) IXXK THEM OVER, : asa rr TEN dropiiead 2) I UiUU with attachments; all are ta vsrf good condition. Sewing Bsc bines rented at $1 per month. Phone East 2$6 or B $807. . E R. Steen, 162 Grand ave.. near Belmont " , Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning. $1 Jewel. 80: main aprtng BElNGOLDS. JKWKLR8. 124 6TH ST. aI'TOMUBIXES. MOTORCYCLES. LAL'NCRkJ or beau ar parat elaeaitieatiowa. A atra Bating can be found under thee different lliuli Phone .GABLE G. L. Be broader; Broadway 2079 44B FWndera, Res. Wdla. I960 Portland. Ob -Any s mount. New and second band All Aift rn, m4 r USED DROPHKAD S 1 2 , 50 tO S 1 5 SE WINO MACHlNta GuarabteedT We rent and repair. - -- . 172 $d st. Main 1845, A-191S, fCrt BALE Choice Royal Anne cherriaa. picked, delivered to you for 'lOe ID. or pica tbem yourself for 6c. E. 7 2d and 73 Harrasoa Mrs. Burks. GAS rang, refrigerator, cash regie term, dishes, utensils, showcases, steam table, roillop oeaaa, counters, front bar. dandy outfit cheap. Washington st - OFFICE desk and chair. twin motorcycle, 1 ton truck with dump pox; also room musss; with one lot and garden.' C-2699 or Ta. 7$91s 600 ENVELOPES er sou Dona jet tern oa, $2.25; 25 engravers' type wedding aa m H or ur'ti $$. Smith. Printers. 204 Stark et, Nelson Ladder Works uL aeeuads Mais 8244. Step, extension and cherry pickers l64ea 8ED hot wsur boilers. SO gal.. $6; -4w gX, $7 60. We have up to 120 gaX Over ow in use. 189 Adams st Phone East 7$69, BICYCLE FOR SALE CHEAR Nnnis. 128 1st sc. . near Aider. ' LARGE coffee am. nickel plated, restaurant' sixe. $10. Aw 4una. rnona nroaaway 428 Alder. " SNAP Circus tent 45x90. with extra ceotsf section $0x65. one. two or three mast, $221 cash taken at ance. XX-966. JournaL A CAB4NET grand piano fur sale. AliKlgXeeii nrtee $200. Tabor 9247. - VCLCAN g rang, used 10 month, v Caa 4180 63d ave. . .. PLOW arid harrow lor sale. 680 6th at. Phone) Main 961. FOR SALS Infertile eggs for packinsT day they are laid Wdln, 8878. LAWN mower and boa or sal. Call" H3 "MUSIC and ' wood 27 . ' : --, VACUUM cleaner sold, repaired, rented, ex- Changed, bought, BrnOey Co.. Main 868a. pEW'HOME sewing machine, IX. 101 Pari et. near TamhilL ' ' UNCALLED tor tailor made eniU. $9.60 us Taylor the Tailor, xew l bstsssis. fLL'U BrNGilpplies. wholesale price. Starfci Liana Co.. 212 3d rt Main 797. - FOR SALE $150 Transit for $126. Jam hav cash. P- U. pox t i . CHERRIES for mi. 2 cherry t TSob) Tsbor 4to. - --. ftof AL ANNE cherries. 10c lb.. Uli g 44th t SeTI 1836. Fuss SALE A tenthoswo. partly turpi, bad. "oa - Kings Heights. M-797. JournaL 6 TONS of bricquettte. Eaat $690. snornrnaa er evenings. FOB SALE Good first class Baud heater, Ka,' 4. $15. Eaat 4601. ' Mrs. John Lark in. 492 E. 24th C N. " Jaeger vacuum sweepers. Mia stn LOVELY Australian palm. Woodlawn. 2005. . (CosUsseA sb EeUowUs PA6) , "