1 .IE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTLAND, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1918. 13 BOOKS AD BOA1 TATB j FAMILT V ft ROOM u4 board In Private family; mUmb; homo privilege; 10 mis. walk to shipyards. 1041. Mar. 4491. BESX . oar (irk. acbool g of under; aUey Ing porch. Et 1662. BY young bud. Mat sid preferred, K,-766, JoumaJL ROOM, and board. 713 Lovajoy. mi 32nX Mar. 1110, CHILI) REX to Board by month. weak or day, , oqaw. 8404 04 th 8. B. HAVE foe 1 or 2 gentlemen food home cooked BMk. Main 4157. 208 N. -1st . ROOM, board, sleeping porch two gentlemen. T4 Ledd ave. . 3388. HOCSKKEEFaWO BOOMS furnished awp uwfurwishep TWO furnished XL K. rooma. 28s E. 1st -N. Kaat 6376. HQTJSEKEEPIWG BOOMS . 73 rUBRLfHED A9D UWFUBWISH-CD FBITATE FAMILY OS'S very large room, with kitchenette, modem. 429 Main street. HOUSEKEEPING rooma very resaonebl. Broe we 11. 164 N. 18th. J70R RE WT HOUSES It UW FEB WISHED ' WHT not oamp at Rock bland for tha summer? Camp titaa, Including Bull Baa wttar. eloetrls lifhu and free trnportatlon. 25 mln. rlda from lat and Aider. 119 par mo. Taka Oregon City aar ta MUwukl or call Broadway 3666. FOR SENT A deiirsbl one-story dwelling. Just remodeled. 8. E. cor. Eat 12th and Burnstd; bath. and electric light; very uitabl for two families. Inquire Donald O. Woodward. 104 Second at. -no Mam laao BROOM r.it. . hath, m 2 lout, chicken range, fruit treat, berries; bo children. 6141 46th are. 8. E. f ROOM modern house, fine condition. 1473 B. H)th 8 , 30. Tabor 6414. 6 ROOM house fur rent, June 26. 24 8 Montc gomry; 6 ROOM modern 6ouie. furniihed, (5 per mo. Marshall 2950, 6 Room cottage, ana e. 3i t n. HOUSES FOR REST-FURNITURE FOR HALE tt FURNITURE oi 6 rooms, mostly fumed oak, bather upholstered; walnut bedroom furni ture; also dishes and gas range; everything com plete; house for rent, $25. Eat 8877. or call B4T East 86th. Bunday. FURNISHED HOUSES $ FURNISHED 6 room eoUage with bath, . ga. electric lights, screened in porch; garden, chicken house; 1 block from ear; no children. 141 46th a. 8. B. ROOM furnished house, with am 11 garden, for rent 1190 Nahalem ave.; take Eeta- cada or East Mortland car. rbon Sellwood 1602. t ROOM, furnished or unfurnished house for rent, 1 Mock from earline; reasonable rent. 1568 F. Klandera. Inquire 187 Front at, Phoae Main 663,1. 8 IlOOMH. whlta enameled, hsrdwood floors. Oriental rues, 3 fireplaces, furnace; rent $76. Phone Kast 105. FljRNI8lTI houne for rent, July and Augruat, Good location. Woodlawn 16(2. . AFARTMEWTS 4$ FTTRWI8HED AND UWFCBWISHED KING ALBERT APTS. Hew 300 room house. 3 and room boa keeping apartment, furnished or unfurnished; elevator and hardwood floor. 866 lltb at, HART APARTMENTS jsi Newly furnished modem housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 82.60 nd up. m SAN MARCO parlment house. 464 East Coueb. corner 8th. Furnished 8 room apartment with private bath. Manager of San Marco apt.. 4 64 F.st Couch, corner hth. BlSLOl' HALL. B. 6th nd Bwtbom. Mod- ern 1, 3 and 8 room apt.. $13.60 upj walklna distance Call East 868. 8TANFIKI.T) APTS.. 5oT Porter U ship shlpysrds; modern, light, outslda 2 room apt reasonable. Phone Main 7392. MiO.NOt.lA APTS.. East Z and Belmonu sodera 1 and 9 room apis.. $1.60 per week Bleeping rooma. East 813. PENINSULA APTS. Woodlwn 1832. Oo erete bldg . 3. 8, 4 rooms, baths, phone. 4 ROOMS Sleeping porch, hardwood floor. walking distance. Portnomah. 200 E. 13th. FOR RENT i rmim prtment, modem, west aide. 110. Inquire 710 2d t. Mar. 4443. fROO"M"Twrnisiid pt.; WBlklniTaisUnc : no children. 601 Mill at., bet. mn rm tain. FOB REWT FI.ATB II lmau, E. G I.IRAN and 60th treet. M. V. esr, 2 snd room apta. I one 6-room flat; one comer storeroom, good for drug store. 6-HOOM. modern, clean, close in; $20. 4421. 4 ROOM ' tipper. 6T7 Union ar. All modern conveniences. East a ma 4 ROOM flat, atrictly clean and modern, adults. Phone Kast 1UOS. 4-HOOM unfurnished flat. $05 E. 11th. FURNISHED FLATS 66 ' COVPI.Ef E furniMhlnn in 5 room flat on west side for sale, flat for rent if desired; fiirnUhinei eood as new aind complete in every detail. Including groceries, ready to atep in nd keep hau. Fiat steam heated and modern convenience. 60 Si North 18th. 6 ROOM fumUlied flat, sleeping porch. block ta rsr; permanent, $80: references. Key ;6I Stout t. Marshall 4 220. 6 ROOM; flat. clegantTir furnished, to reliabl tenant, or will sell furnishings; terms. 290 13th street. FURNIgHETTlst $TlT 2d floor, bath, electric light, gas, garage, fruit, porch; no children. Woodlawn ZOU. H30 Height ave. FOR RK"NT $ furnished rooma, light house keeping, eheap; aduita only. 679 E. 21st t., Brooklyn car. HOTELS 64 HOfEL TlVOil."688 Delay st. 6 mln. wlk from Comfoot'a shipyard and one block from Mississippi v. ; under new msnsgament. Rooms 81.60 per week snd up. Phone C-2258. rRTOBEH AWD OFFICES 11 FOR RENT - Store building situated on the corner of E. 80th and Glixtn sts. A splendid location for grweevy store or meat market. Boom in good rendition. Rent very reasonable. Inquire W. H. Hamilton. 1973 . Glisan at. or E. P. Mart. 148 K. 7 8th at N. 7" nXiTEIl AND PHONE FURNISHED Privste outside room In thoroughly modern suite ef otfleeea; stenographer snd phon fur nished: will rent to desirable party on pro rata beaks ef actual coat; good location and service. Msln 18 or X-870. Journal. 1 50 S RALEIGH BUILDING Office for rent floor space. 0th and Wah- inglon. C. E. TsylorMsnsger. 2 DAS'Df storerooms st 1623 E. Glisan; $10 and $8. Tbor 9373. WAWTED TO RENT FURNISHED house wsnted by pliysician with small ftmtly who will supreciate and proper ly ears tor a eoinfortsbj hum. U-078, Jour- rial. WANTED To rent 2 or 3 room furnished house, within 30 minutes' ride tit city. Must be reasonable. Phone Broadway 3026. WANTED To rent small home for workshop en west aid, preferably in North Portland. War ren Moor. 230 Broadway. WANTED To rent furniahed 6 or 6-room house. Call Woodlawn 8468. MODERN' $ or 4 room house. Must b rea sonable. J 833, Journal. . SUMMER RESORTS ($ SEND your apartment house children to Sea kid where they ran get good care and fresh 1r. Boa 6. Seaside, Or. A COTTAGE completely furnished t Beach Center. $50 per month of July and August Phone East 2467. ' SIX room cottage, furnished; Newton station. Long Beach, facing ocean, large yard. Ad- dress Geo. F. Whltehom, Mo. dept P. O. FOR BENT 4 rooin cottage. Wash. Main 2384. Long Beach, SEASIDE furnished 4-rnnrn eottage, 1 block to beech, ror, season, rnone Woodlawn 1708 SeXTiEV. WASH., ft room 'cottage." hue view of ocean, elect n lights. Phone Tabor 768, H. K. APTS.i fins' wster. at Reekaway -sank. Apply ' uoeaa threat apt. SEASIDE cottag for rant Sellwood 3684. BEACH FROPERTT 49 Fob sale FINE SUMMER HOME. NEWPORT. OREGON Beautifully situated, commanding a wonderful view of 'the ocean, bay snd mountain. House with $ larg rooms, fireplace, and plate glass bay wtndow. Fine fishing, bathing and boa Una nearby. This place will be sold tor cash at a very low price, or the owner will txehangs for other property on a isir nais. VALLEY REAL ESTATE CO.. Cerium. Oregon. UFAt'll property for ale. 7 room house and two lot, cleared and lenced at Ocean Park Wash. Fireplace and Dutch : kitchen, water ia A enaw. Sea owner at $46 K. 7th N. Phone house-- price aooo or could use car ana btd. C 1819 FOB SALE Let at Reekaway beach; aaoaOeat location and eheap. . Wdln. , 24S9. , ; ' REAL ESTATE - FOB BALE HOUSES' Folks Have Got to Leave Here Are Two Bargains - A nicely furnished 6 room bungalow, bath, dot and cold water, Dutch kite ben, range and dishes, and all equipment; 2 bed room, fur nished; livrng room well furnished; in Whitwood Court addition to Portland, near shipyards, oa lot 60x120; price 61400. $800 down, balance (25 monthly payments; will take a 6S0 Liberty bond every 90 day until 4 an taken. A 6 room bungalow so 2 lots, making lOOz 100 feet aqoare, Co Tared with orchard, apples, cherriaa, peare, prune, berrie and garden; price 61800; located on MontaviUa car line; same terms as former property. Address me, Jennings Lodge, Or., or phone ma. 128 X. Stfelton Bechtel $1600 A fine well kept 7 room house. Good plumb ing, electric liahta. basement, lame kitchen. pantry. Located on E. 20th near Powell Valley at. Fine garden space. Hard surface street. Improvements paid. $250 cash, balance terms. J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. Railway Exchange Bldg., Main 6T8. EXTRA BARGAINS EXTRA $1200 Good 5-roora house, 50x100 lot. fruit, berries; 24th and Alberta; 8700 cash. $2300 Almost new, 5 room house, 50x100 lot. This is a beautiful home at Vancouver and Preacott st. NELSON Main 4818. o 315 Couch Bldg HAWTHORNE AVE. DISTRICT. $8500. Modern 6 room bungalow; living room 14x26, large dining room, 2 bedrooms on first floor, large bedroom on second floor; garage; easy terms. J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. 819 Railway Exchange Bldg., Main 075. AWFULLY pretty Rose City bungalow, 5 rooms ana attic: turnace. TireDlace. builtlns. nsroy wood floors, white enameled Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays: it will be your beart'a deeire; will accept $350 cash, balance easy. Please call or 'phone Tabor 8637 after 3:30 p. m. 1415 Wistaria. 2 blocks Sandy. LIFT this up. Those that want a bargain for their money. I have what they want. Splen did 4 -room plastered house, bath and toilet; nice garden, young orchard, large variety of es. Furnished or unfurnished: 20 minutes from 1st snd .Alder streets. You wsnt to get busy. Phone Sell. 3454. IRVINGTON PARE $1500 5 rooms, sleeping porch, bath. Dutch kitchen. buffet, blocks to school, 2 blocks to car; 60s 100 lot; price $1500, terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. MODKRNIZE your building; I do aU kinds of alterations and repairs; change dead realty into a live asset; see my many designs for new bouses. Max M. Meyer, contracting architect. Concord bldg. Main 1878. Formerly superin tendent for the Oregon Home Builders. GOT $3700f Here's what It will buy: A good 5 room home and a 5 room flat that will rent for $25 and 100x100. with lots of fruit, roses and garden; 200 feet off Hawthorne ave. Where could you get more for your money f 298 E. 40th; terms. Bungalow Bargain $1600 4 rooms and bath, fireplace, full basement, electricity snd gas: lot 60x100; fruit trees; termi. $250 cash, balance like rest. A. H. ACKEItSON. 506 Stock Exchang bldg. NOllTH" IRVINGTON sacrifice, attractive cot tage, 4 rooma and bath; large porch, electric lights, full lot, fruit trees, berries arid roses; also good chicken house. PAVED STREET PAID. Price $1600. Would 'like about $600 cash. Owner, P. O. box 855. MODERN six room house, sleeping porch; cor ner; clear; walking distance. Terms. will take good lots or smaller house as psrt pay ment. Owner, East 1515. FOR SALE HOUSE Bungalow, 7 rooms, modern in every respect, easy terms. Cor. 58th and Lincoln, on Haw thorae earline. Tabor 2469. FOR SALE $2300. modern 6-room bun galow. 50x100 lot; half block from Wood lawn car. Call 4 69 Durham ave. Tel. Wdln. 8232. $2500 Modern 6 room house, 2 blocks from Union ave. car, full cement basement and all built-in conveniences; $500 cash; easy terms. Woodlawn 3229. MODERN 6 room bunitalow and lot for sale or exchange for small place with house and outbuildings near Portland. Tabor 0509, or call 8622 49th st. S. E. BALE 8 room modern house; lots of fruit, rose and lawn; Oregon Electric, 5c fare; 2 blocks Ryan station. George Hill, pbon Mar shall 8502. lJ SEVERAL nice email bouses, small payment down and monthly payments: cheap. Also some good bung Iowa at moderate prices. Geo. Morse, 815 Cham, of Com. WELL built roomy 4 room bungalow, modern nd almost new. One block to Ut. Tabor car: only $1800; terms or Ford car as part payment. JOHNSON. 313 Lumbermen Bldg.. Bdwy. 1612. MODERN 6-room bungalow, 957 Cleveland ave., near Going; all built-in conveniences; newly furnished inside and out; (2800, includ ing street improvements. Terms. East 2188. (2000 SUNN YSIDE (400 CASH 8 room house, in good condition. Improve ment paid for, 2 block of car. Paul Waidt. 125 7 Belmont at. Tabor 1212. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Beautiful 6 room bungalow, on paved street, fruit trees; gsrden up. Easy terra. $2260. Tabor 9355. 8HIPWORKERS Will build to suit on- acre age, Oregon Electric, 8 minute from ship yards, on installments, gas, water. E. Stochr, Milwaukee. AN attractive 7 room house on East 66th st, one block from Hawthorne car, lot 100x100, fruit and flowers. Owner. East 8478. $100 DOWN, $15 per month buys 5 room cot tage. 2 blocks to Mt. .labor car. I'ne $1160. Phone Tabor 5586. $1900 6 ROOM semi-modem bungalow, one block M. v. ear; aidewaut ana sewer paid; easy terms. Tbor 8717. FOR MALE 100x100, small house; improve ments in; 2 E. 63d st Write C. A. Beyer, Tigard. Or. FOR BALE Lot 60x100, with 8 room modern house, $1750. Bee owner at house, 1749 to. 15th st 7 R. HOUSE, modern, 612 E. 86th, cor. Kelly Only S21aU. Terms, meicaii, aisranau u or Sellwood 8652. ROOM cottage on Millard avenue, 2 blocks from csr line. Bargain, at terms, by owner. Phone Wdln. 4730. FOR SALE 4 room house, large yard 100 by 100 ft.; electric ngnts. uu sbis, Apart- ment 543. owner. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, lot 50x250; berries and fruit trees, tvssy terms. Tsbor 4101. $2350, MODERN 5 room bungslow, hardwood floors, paneled aining room. OT r- 7Stn N. Terms. Call Tabor 7128, bet. 2 and 6 o clock. FOR SALE 6-roosn house. 209 E. 29th st. N., Roae City car. Price 13Ut. Owner. Terms. $800 down. Owner. Phone Bdwy 1896. MODERN bungalow, Waverleigfl Heights; Tm- provements all in; you will want this for a horn. Csll D-1580, owner. (180O BUYS 2 lots, one a coruer with 4- room house, not modern, 1 block from car line. Phone Sellwood 85. FOR SALE 8-room house, lot 50x100, gar den, berries, (860; (50 cash, (10 a month. 722 E. Buchanan, St Johns. " PENINSULA DISTRICT, (lerSO Good 4 -room house, 2 lots, comer; $1000 cash, belanee on easy term. Woodlswn 6226. NEW 6-room house, lot 100x100. attic, 'bee- ment. gang: price $1400, part cash, bal ance Liberty bonds. Tabor $$7J2. RICE home, 4 large, light, iry rooms, good basement, lovely yard, fruit trees, rrtee 17bU Borne terms. 176 West Emerson t. wain, iinei. 4 ROOM! bungalow, modern, garden, roses; nartly furnished: $1800, of owner; easy terms. Nc. 675 E. T5thtK. Rose City ear. MODERN 5 room bungalow In Rose City Park, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences. 650 E. 49th. Tsbor (482. 5 R0031 modem bungalow and 2 lots, roses, shrubbery, etc.: 2 blocks from car line; (2900; some down, balance on terms. Tab. 2600 $2(00 WILL buy my nonte, 7 rooms, bcautitnl lot. between two car line. 1008 E. IRth st N., Vernon district Phon Broadway 8712. IF you want 7 room clear modern house, like new. look thl up; $4000. $1100 cash. 620 B. 40th N. Owner. Rossmere district GOOD 8 room house, corner lot. bath and el tne light; s lots; a.ou cash. Z-725, Journal. " v 4 ROOMS and bath, modern, completely fur nished. piano; good location and car service; $1900. cash or term. Call Woodlawn 4638. FOR SALE A beautiful place at Nye Beach, Newport Or. 671 E. Morrison. F. 1. Brown ing, owner. FOR SALE . . 5 room house ; plenty fruit; em. Woodlawn car Una. Inquire 644 Dekum ava. 4J.0DERN 3 room house, $1000; easy term. Furniture cheap if wanted. Tabor 7848. FOR 8ALF. Modern 4 room bungalow,- 6c caa- fare. Call after Sunday.' Cot 628. owner. 4-6 ROOM bungalow, full basement and full attic. fireplace, tot 100x100. Sellwood 8083. SMALL bouse and fine lot on Sunnyaid oar j line. " See owner. 1289 E. Morrison, , BE At EBTATB FOB SALE HOUSES $1 "IRVrNGTON HEIGHTS" , EXCLUSIVE NEW BUNGALOW elegant rooms and sleeping porch, elect finish, elaborate white enameled cabinet kitchen and bath, artistic fire place, beautiful buffet and built-in book cases, gorgeous electric fixtures, polished oak floor, nice breakfast room, cement basement, laundry tuba, and .perfect rlnmbing, bouse double TCnstrwcted. east rout, tot 60x100, good location and convenient district, comprehensive ia de tail. Price- are, advancing. Act without delay. S, L. JONES, Office 672 Alberta at Phone Woodlswu 355$ BOSE CITY PARK $3800 9 rooms, furnace. - cement basement, fine yard, paved street. $2750 6 rooms, oak floors; Urge attic; white enamel kitchen ; built-in. $8250 5 rooms; oak floor, furnace, mir rored doors; 4 3d St., close to Sandy. $3260 6 rooms: strictly modern; 60th at. $4250 100x100 lot; garage; 6 rooms; let me show you this modem home. F. VANDCTN, 615 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1955. FOR only $1600 a good S room house cioee to the station, 5c carfare, city water, gas, and jklectric lights. Only 1 block from tha $30,010 new scboolhouse. This house alone will cost to build today more than $2500; bear in mind that this is a modern house and we are giving it away when we offer it for only $1600; $150 cash and the balance at $16 per month or more; act quickly on this it you want a beautiful place at a great snap. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. A modern up-to-date 0 room bungalow; 2 fireplaces, music room, spacious living room, beautiful builtin buffet. 3 bedrooms, full cement basement, garage; lot 75x100; this property orig inally eot $8500: csn be purchased for $5500; located In the heart of La urelhurst. J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. 319 Railway Exchange Bldg., Main 675. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $1950 5 room, bath, Dutch kitchen, lot 45x110, lots of fruit; price (1950, terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. FOR SALE Good 4 room plastered bouse, pantry, woodshed, lot 90x100, near Presby terian church, second houso from earline, 8 shade trees, $950, $375 down, $6 per month. Immediate possession. 8210 L St., Vancou ver, Wash. A FINE BARGAIN $1800 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch, bath, Dutch kitchen, Vi block to car. 6 block to school; $200 down; price $1800. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW $1100 Vary neat end attractive 3 room bungalow, not modern: 100x100, all in garden; very sightly) positively the cheapest buy in the Woodlawn dis trict: $160 cash, $26 monthly. Fred W. Ger man. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BY owner, good 4-roosn house and furniture. located on good street, ft block Mt. Scott car; house in good condition, lots of vines and berries, account of leaving city $1550 takes it; M cash. See me before buying elsewhere. V 815. Journal. OLD FASHIONED 5 room house, some mod ern conveniences; lot 60x100; good home for workingmsn; close to shipyards, waterfront. East Sid. Cheap for cash, quick sale. Apply 410 Rosa St. 1 BLOCK east of St. Johns or WA cars! 7 room attractive home, shade trees; only 8850 cash, balance to suit you ; paved atreet and sewer paid ; yon can never find a finer location or a Abetter buy; $2450. 1048 Cleveland. REA DY TO MOVE INTO, 5 room modem bungalow, almost new. hard wood floors, full cement basement and builtin. Oowt over $3000: only $2250. Eaay terms. JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermens Bldg , Bdwy. 1612. FOR sale or trade for smaller bouse, 6-room modem house, garage , no incumbrance, hard surface streets and sewerage. 850 E. 9th St. N. Phone Broadway 2882. CaU before 10 a. m. or 4 p. m. COTTAGE. 5 rooms, bath, gas, electricity, hot and cold water plumbing, comer lot 50x100 ft., paved street, cement walk and sewer, nesr K. 40th and Sherman sts. (2000. Uattleld Crabtree. 165 Vi 4th St. Room 89 FOR SALE by owner, a 7 room house, strictly modem, up-to-date, with all convenience Nice view. 12 minute' car ride to 2d and Al der, or would trade for smaller house to (2200. For further information phone Sell. 1286. ATTRACTIVE, up-to-date 5 room bungalow in Highland 1'ark. Dutch kitchen and built-in effects; hard wood floors, garaga-and chicken yard; some fruit tree nd berries; (800 down. balance terms. Call Wdln. 64 84. (1550 Modem bungalow, 4 rooms, full lot! easv term-. Extra good values. 1 arse list ol others. Hart. 910 Chamber of Commerce. Tel. Mrshsll 1585. 6-ROOM modern home, 2 full lots; all kinds of fruit; half block from car. Price (3500. Other good bargains (2500 and up. Tabor 4363. MUST SELL 8-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS Young fruit trees, berries, Tremont Park addition. M 781. Journal or call 1192 E. 29th t. N. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ VALUE bov $2000 for $1625. 4-room mod ern, 6 25x100 lots, garden, etc.. $325 cash, remainder $18 per mo. includes 6 oa deferred. F. K. 202 Wilcox bldg. STEARNS. Main (617. $800 A FINE CORNER LOT All clear, at 4 3rd and E. Wash, street: fruit trees; $100 cash or Liberty bonds. Paul Widt. 1257 Belmont t. Tbor 1212. FOR SALE Five lots, 1 block from earline; beautiful location, shack house. Hawthorne csr to 65th st Walk 1 block outh to 3019. GOOD' lot cheap, nesr 3 earline. $1000, on terms. Paved district M-79. Journal. LOT for sale, 14th and Ainsworth ave.; terms; or trad. for auto. Phone Tabor 6274. SACRIFICE Full size lot on Francis ave., (250. X-965. Journal. ACREAGE (7 10 ACRE ranch, 2 blocks from good town; fine bldgs., 300 bearing fruit trees; nice crop in; (2850; good terms. 18 acre ranch near the above: good house and outbldgs., 82 English walnuts, jut bearing; lots of other fruit; nice creek. (2600. Terms. - Geo. Morse, 315 Cham, of Com. FOR SALi; 10 Vi acres. 1 mil east of Bev erton, on main road. Diversified fruit; ' 6 room house snd outhouses; ((500, (500 ch, balance mortgage. Mrs. Hatti Bate Beldin, 4123 65th st. SE.. Portland. .. TWO acres near Lents; fin bungalow, fruit and berries; also Rose City Park comer lot See me at Carroll' Public Market Store, 3.30. V. R. Wilson. 8UBURBAW HOMES 79 ONLY $2700 for a modern, up to date house with mors than H acre of land highly culti vated, ail in bearing fruits, small and large, on a paved highway with city water, gas, electric light. 2 blocks from a (20.000 school, sidewalk leading from a 5c carfare to this fine house; bear in - mind that this is a 6 room house of new and modern construction ; all of the advantages and conveniences of living in Broadway, with other valuable condition surrounding this in vestment in the way of having enough land which will raise all of the cost of living a well as being situated in a delightful place to live: this property belong to a non-resident who has wired instruction ta sell at a sacrifice, hence the 'piece can be bought for $2700; it ia worth souuv; ii't)0 will handle the place. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. LISTEN to this. 2 acres of first class lsnd in high state of cultivation with assorted fruits. oernea, etc. ; on this land is a nice 4 room bouse, modem, city water, gas, chicken houses with a new incubator and 100 chickens will be thrown in at this price; and think of the price, only $2700; and listen aaain. only (800 cash down. the balance can b paid at $10' per month with interest at 6. M. J. Clobesay, 415 Abington mag. MODERN home for sale, just outside city limits". near Columbia highway. For particulars, call Tabor 6040. FOR SALE FARMS 17 "CANADIAN FARM LANDS Cheav land remark Ihry eaay terms tand- seekera' excursion parry leave Portland for ralaarv. Alberta. Saturday. June A Bed rata. For further particulars aee 4'aaadiaa Pacifte Hr- Co., -OS -la 11 way exchange g4g. L. P. Thornton. District Representative. (160080 era, stock ranch, Adams county. Idaho. Outside range adjoining. To trade far rooming house or what hav youT J. L. Urgent SUverton, Or. 75 ACRE8TLinn county, Oregon, all In eultt- ration ; good house and Kara, family orchard: near school and ttion; $4200; turn. Bog 184. Goldend!. Wash. 110 PER ACRE 30 mile to Portland; 320 acre (200 timber, 120 open); soceasabl to good roads, achoel town, transportation. This is rv otatu up land. Terms. Owner, Z-732, Journal. 7iAf-KE ranch. S tlks. of station; 15 in cuRf vat! wo: small house, creek, good road; Waah ingtoa county,, cheap; will take boas. Geo Mors. 916 Chamber of Commerce. . FOR SALE or exchange, 11 acre ranch, $1300, Poardala, CaL I house on place; must sell ac count alckBck. 7$S,urj-U. HE AX, BSTATK FOB SALE FAB MS" If 170 ACBE farm for sale, 8 mile aouth of Canbv or Grabble Drain. 3 mile froaa Pa cific highway on good graveled road, 136 acres in eultviation, 26 more can be plowed, balance timber, living water, 8-room house, z barns, large mop noose and other outbuildings; best farm in Willamette valley. For further particu lar call or address I. K. C rabble, Aurora, Or., Rout 4. " 20 ACRES OF GOOD OREGON LAND. CLEAR. $175 T have 80 acre of land 4 mile from Ash land. Or., which I have never aeen. People who have aeen thl land say it W good. Coat m $1200. I will sell, all clear, including abstract, for $176 cash. J. B. Thompson, 1607 East 16th at. 8. Bell. 8666. 160 ACRES Lincoln county, partly Improved, suitable tor dairy or stock, 815 per acre; terms. 9$ acre, Benton county, 60 timber, balance partly imp., $16 per acre; term. Ad dress 688 Yamhill st., Portland, Or. FARMS WAWTEP RENT OB BUT 38 GOOD farmer went to rent a farm from widow woman who will keep house for myself and 3 children, 3 boys and a girl; prefer to rent on shares. L-916, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 Opportunity to get good homesteads is not presented to the people every day. For that reason those who are at all in terested should look over the O. ic C. lands now available for filing from June 22 to July 17. We are in a position to give first hand information regarding these lands. We not only have the maps that cover this territory, but we have former government cruisers who will show you good homesteads for (25. Our maps clearly illustrate the district, which in cludes Columbia. Clackamas, Yamhill, Washington, Marion. Benton, Polk and Linn counties, made from official rec ords, ahowing only the lands open to homestead. These maps may be had at 60 cents each, postpaid. We suggest to those who want infor mation to call early the coming week and see what there is to offer in this valuable land district, which comprises 1226 homesteads, some of which are but about 25 miles from Portland. Bundy & McHardy, 411 Henry Building. HOMESTEADS O. and C. grant lands now opened for entry. Opportunity for people of mod erate means to get a home and piece of good land at a moderate cost, Can show you these lands in any locality you wish at a reasonable fee. Have assisted our government in classifying these land. I win assist you with your filing paper free of charge, government maps and pamphlet of same free of charge; to be had at land office. Free information. Office hours. 8 a. m. to 9 p. m.. including Sunday. 3U1 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak st.. adjoin ing government land office. Phone Main 3610. W. H JOHNSTON. YOUR best chance to get a homesxead on O. A C. lands open to filing June 22 to July 17 We classified and mapped these lands for Uncle Sam for over two years, and don t have to trot a dozen men over the aama claim. We have PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE of every district. and will ahow you and identify by government comers ANY LAND in ANY DISTRICT you want to visit at reasonable terras and make YOUR FILING PAPERS FREE OF COST. We don't handle cheap, useless maps. Our maps are t reliable and complete, and we show you how to use them. They cost you (1.00 for each county, or a general map of the grant ANDERSON A ANDERSON. 431 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Two parties to take each a home stead and timber claim and buy my deeded timber claim. Homesteads join. All join. Ag gregate stuaupage more than 6,000,000. Large creek on one timber claim, six miles from R. R. Call at 210 H First st, Portland. Oregon. 9 to 10 a. m., or address same. Wm. H. Smith. TIMBER 38 TIE, piling and sliip knee timber, close to transportation, near Eugene. H. A. Cox, Mult nomah, Or. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE $4 30 ACRE farm, in good condition. 20 acre in cultivation, balance pasture, house and barn and good family mt'hard. 12 miles from Portland on hard-surface road; will sell or exchang for good house and lot in city. Don't answer this ad unless your property is A-l. No agent need apply. By owner, phone B-1409. 994 Brook lyu st. HAVE a well improved 21 -acre farm, first class land with good buildings, stock and imple ments, nesr Woodburn, Oregon, for sale. Price $5000, or will trade for larger place. Write owner, R. Bcbeidereiter, Bout 1, Woodburn Ore. 160 ACRE stock ranch, slightly improved, on Yaquina highway, 16 miles from Newport and near school; will trade for modern 5 or 6 room bungalow or sell cash vlu. $2500, C 985, Journal. 1456 ACRES fine second growth Umber in Ian county; some close to R. H. Ex chang all or part for Portland income. Price $30 an acre. H. A. Cox, Multnomah, Or. a; uv c as o.. a ii, a. v.'Vj a , -ituituwtuau, va 6 ROOM bungalow, modern; 1 acre, Sandy sta- iujii , o room uuux, v.ftu noil oesyju , cree, well improved. Lake Grove, for good farm. 165H 4th at Hatfield A Crabtree. HAVE several good exchanges on our lists. See us if you want city property for your acreage. Scandinavian-American Realty Co., 212 Lum bermen bldg. TRADE 65 acres near It R. station, partly im p roved, beautifully situated, finely watered by springs. What have you to trade for itf Small acreag preferred. E-750, Journal. 140 ACRES in Clatsop county to trade or sir. Tabor 1688. 2 LOTS, Alberta, $500 each, to exchange for Kenton district or I'eninsula. H-714, Journal. FINE Yaklina property for eastern property. r-8B4. Journal. WILL trade or U choice lot in Laurelhurst. Reingold, 147 3d st. WANTED HEAL ESTATE $1 WANTED To contract with reliabl logger to cut. buck and log several million ft of fir timber in Lane county; we will furnish good team and outfit and allow right party to pur chase outfit on easy terms. Address Pacific Coast Lumber Co., Eugene, Or. HOUSES' WANTED I want a few attractive modem houses in good repair, running, from $2000 to $3000. Quick action if price is right. Paul C. Mur phy, 270 H Stark st Main 1700, A 1515 UP TO ACRES, good soil, fair house, with fruit, good water. Close Portland and car. Low rent. Might buy. Easy terra. Not an agent Thompson. Hesse-Martin Iron Works, East 8th and Taylor. WANT 6 room modern bouse, walking distance of plants. Trade part payment Roseburg suburb small store property. A. Ferguson, 188 E 6th at SHACKS AM SMALL HOMES WANTED Mast be N. E. and priced right We have numerous buyer waiting. Fred W. German Co.. 783 Cham ot Com. WANTED To hear from owner of house and close-in acreage; hav buyer -from east; give full particular or no reply. F-825. Journal. FOR RESULTS list your, property with the tteai Estate Exchange. 101 3d St.. Portlsad. ;ROOMIWG HOUSES 63 FOR 8AIJB A first class 1 6 room apartment house, so arranged that rooms could be rent ed separately; full up and running over now; dose in and will stand investigation. If you want a money maker you'll have to hurry. Price $900. No agent. H-734, Journal. FOR SALE at a bargain, apartment house, al ways full. Will sell or rent to right party. J list tha Dlaca for man and wife: lots of won for man- with big wages; wife can clear $150 per month out of house. Write to A. N. B., Gen. Del., myraonq. Wash. ROOMING house and property owners, tha place you get quick result U railing Broad way 8264. 10 HOUSEKEEKING rooms, furniture for sale reasonable Call at 201 18th st or phon Main 6126. 14 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first class furniture; best west side location; rent $40. Income $180. Price $1100. T-7$0. Journal. BVTBIWF.WS OFFORTTTWITIES t CIGAR, confectionery, soft drink, with 6 fur- nished living rooms, on Morrison at; sub rents, make fro rent; invoice $1300; clearing (too a month; price $435, half cash. Peter. 15 N. 6th t . BICYCLE BEPAIR SHOP FOR SALE Old established business in one of th best location. Will sail ail or any part Y-787, Journal. POSITIVELY leaving city, will sell my eafe taria for $1000; best of location, low rent 8a tha busin wo are doing for yourself. 84$ 94 St. BAKEft's portable on; Blodgett i sk.lveV; used but Utile, WUl.aeu at pau pnc. w ool. Journal WANTED A lady or gentleman with $2500 to $3000 for an Industrial proposition. Se curity put up for the money. U-412. Journal. " DOMT .WORM. j caa ceB or trad aaythiag aaywhera Lay man. 14-H -troaaway. FOB SALE---Small good paying eaah grocery; ' might consider soma trad. X-835, Journal. It FOR SALfc Bast -paying Sosrthera Oraa-esi including aawwey for awe of the beet can on tha market. Owner will be called in next draft. Write car box 81. (o ford. Or. $200 BtYS ball interest in coffee Lous and lunch counter. U-409, Journal. MONEY TO LOAK BEAli ESTATE 17 OUR installment plan ia the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.2 per month for 8$ months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $16.17 for 96 month, pay $1090 loan and interest, Other amount in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purpose. No eomtssion eharaed. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 343 Btark at.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying prlvtiege. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A-4118. $300. $400. $800. $760. $1000. and up lowest Interest rates. Liberal are-payment privilege. No delay. UUHUU.1 LVESTt;?IT Wi 661 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on ckwe-in, Vancouver or Portland property. Only first class security considered. Describe fully in first letter. . In quire E. C. Koch, Dayton. Or. TO LOAN $300. $500. $800, $1000. $1200. $1500 and $2000 on improved property. L. Wells Co., 324 Cham of Com, bldg. EQUITABLE LIFE OREGON1AN BLDG. Loan on close in improved residences at 6 per cent; no cost Main 917. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced as work procr. . u. Beck. 216 nd 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. $250. $350, $400. $500. $650. $750.. $1000 nd larger amounts at current rate. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Com. $10O TO $1500; consider lots. E. H. Dowllng, 617 Cham her of Commerce. Marshall 2482. MORTGAGE loans, e and 7. Louie Salomon & Co.. 4 08 Helling bldg. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. W. HT Lewis, room 4. I-ewts bklg. Main nns. LOANS on city and farm property. 6 per ceot up. F. Fuclw, 420 Cham, of Cora. $500 to (9000 to loan, city or farm mort- gage: no commission. F. . Hoi a 7 a. CITY mortasge loans; mortgages and contracts bought. Fred 8 Williams. 92 1 1st st. (700 AND (1 500 to loan at once, on good house and lot; no delay. T-731. Journal. MONEY TO LOAK CHATTELS, SALABIES $7 g-Ury LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONET On abort notice to salaried or workingmsn on their own note. Weekly, aerai-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO TVTXJBSEB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 817 Failing bide. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed in come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds snd other personal property, legal rates. Busi ness confldenfisl; privste office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed. 308-307 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. 0. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STARK 8T. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOA"S WAWTED 39 $60O 814, 40 acre of lnd. $650 8. 7-room house, Montavflla. $1600 7. 629 acres. Clarks Co.. Wash. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 7 $2 Cham, of Com. WANT ED $ 2500 at 5 f, on new modern 10 -room Laurelhurst bungalow. 0-654, Journal. STOCKS AWD BOWDS (8 FOR SALE 200 shares Peoples Amusement stock, (5 per shsre. J-834. JonrasL HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 ONE team, mare and gelding, weight 2800 lbs.; .also one 3 hk broad tired wagon, one span 4 -year-old jennets, suitable for pack work; one pan ponies and harness; two seated surrey, to be sold chep. 292 Union ave. East 8227. FOR SALE One good work horse 9 years old, weight 1500; have no mate; will aell cheap; also 8 wagons with or without wood reck. 1 set work harness. Inquire for Wrd with Mult nomah Ful Co. Phon Min 5540 or A-2116. FOR SALE Young team of horses, weigh 3200. wagon and harness;, with steady work, winter and summer, 8 hr.. 37 per day; asy work. Phil Suetter, 3 8 (J Front st. corner of Montgomery FOR BALE ehei. single buggy nd harness ; lso by mr. 8 year old, gentle for women to drive. Inquire A. G. Guinup, feed bru, Greshm. V FOR SALE a gray mare, weighs 1500. Ill in. old; little thin, right from lumber hauling, $85 1 guaranteed as represented. Phil Suetter. 380 Front st. cor. Mont HAVE mare weighing 1160 lb., work good single and doubl. Will sell for $20; also span of good mulee and names cneap. Powell St. Woodstock car. 896 NICE Shetland pony 6 yr old. coal black, weight 4 50; very gentl saddle and bridle; auick sale $80. Phone Oregon City aou FINE matched team of loOO-pound" Belgian horses. 5 year old. A i- iiaasier, mt, City. Route 3 von ait r Tm hsrnass snd furniture wagon will make good ranch or express team: would sell separate. Phone C-1-9Q. "nl" WXnT ED -Teanu to haul lumber by contract Can average $10 per day. Apply 407 Stan ton st. Phone Eaat 779. . . DOUBLE st Ynke breeching harnesa with collars In goou eonaiuon, harness complete, (12.50. 380 San Rsfael. FOR-SALE Team horses, 12p0 lbs. each; also 3-in. fsrm wagon and harness, cheap. Phone A-3979. Geo. Tapfer. UTiviullll bred black Morgan horse with harnesa and bug, for aal cheap. Call 821 Garfield' ave. FOR SALE Team of light horse. Fry A Co.. Brodwy 814. LEAD Dorse ana animals hauls- away Ire. JiU Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horse and cattle taken quick. We pay the most for dead cows. Tabor 4203. FOR-aale or rent, heavy team, with or without wagon . Phone East 4989. . Lotvcs. nu wagon. S1.-6 aer; 2 Jf" on 2.so . Front. Main 2208. DEAD HORSES taken, cash paid for dead cows. pkh. calls paid. Milwaukie 69-J. A SINGLE seated buggy, good aa new, for sale or trade. Csll st 527 Roselswn HORSE, harnesa and wagon. North. Tabor 1259. 181 East Slat FOIt S VLB One bay mare, aoour nuu; gooa condition. Iusch Bros. 241 Front LIVESTOCK 86 FINE big. fresh cow; hesvy rich milker; 1000 - lb. horse, sound and gentle for women or chil dren, drive single or double: steel Ore buggy ml harness: disc harrow. 619 - E. John st Phone Columbia 711. St. Johns, LONG established dairy, with over 200 custom ers; monthly collections $900; whole equip ment; all ready to go right on; a good propo- sition. T-739. Journal. FOR SALE Toggenberg .buck. 8 months old. from good milking -train. Price $36. W. R Claridg. Grdeu Horn. . Or. Phon Main 8692. V SEVEN head of xtr good cows, giving from 4 to Iti gals, of milk pv day. and mitt route that goe with them. Will eU on or all cheap. Woodstock car to 896 Powell at 3 EXTRA good fresh cows, Jersey. Guernsey and Jersey 1 gallon extra ncn nun 7"" take stock cows in exchange. 1480 Macadam st. Fulton car to Idaho at. 1 oioca caw. EXTRA good fresh cow. Jersey and Holetetn. 6 year old. guaranteed to givo 6 gala, a day. Aell chesn. Phone Oregon City 887 J. FRESH cow. 161 East 81st st North. Tabor 1259. L. A. iter- E-nu SI! F .1 fresh Jersey cow. nrd. 9915 47th v. S. E., Lents. VERY nice heifers. 3 week old. from fin stock; 7 aallnns cow. 887 K. 6tn Is. YOUNG fresh dairy and famDy eowa. Hslstsio and Jersey. 761 East Ash. FRESH." heavy, rich . milker, reasonable. 363 Aspen st. Mar. 5SS7 4-YEAR-OLD fine cow for sale. East 1602. FRESH cow. 755 Yor st. wee days only. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. Tabor 68"2T POULTRY. FIGEOWS, PET STOCK 87 SELLING out Flemish Giants and Bufu Red hncks and doe, from z to 11 mo. rnm 35e to $2. on Sunday only. 4010 67th t 8. K. FOR SALE Young White Leg bora anoTWya. dntte hens. Tabor 4941. (BrsrWESS OFFOBTtTSriTIES FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Bock chick i day old. 25 cent. Tabor 6718. FINE strong Whit Leghorn' chicks. Master Incubator Co.. 416 J"f Wdln. 4(44. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock hatching ecga, $1 tor 15.. 795 E, 7$0 t W. Tabor 6669. " .;' ' 7 yOtHLTBT, riQEOWS. FET STOCX 17 MAGUIRE'S BABY CHICKS ' R. L Reds and O. A. C. Barred Bonkav $30 hundred. $3.66 a da in; Walt of Brown Leg bora, $1$ a handred; hatch Juno 39. July 4. 1$: order now; heavy laying, vigoTWU. Ho ganiaed stock. - J. R. Maguir. 787 Oratea at East 1806. MAuTttiE s babx "cHicKi R L Red and O. A C. Barred Hocks. $20 hundred. $2.60 a doaen; White or Brown Leg horns, $16 a. hundred: hatch Juno I0--9. July 6. Order now. Heavy laying, vigorous, lie ganiaed stock. J. H. Magum, 767 Oragoa st East 1806. 166 WHITE LEGHORN early chicken. 46 eta. each If taken at onos; Flemish Giant bred does $$; also cow to trade for hone. 34 (N. 16th st. JUST LAID EGG FARM Non-fertile nackina eaaa for aal. Marshall 14916. W. R Patterson. WANTED Thoroughbred Sicilian Buttercup hens. Young rases. Broadway 839. 32 N". 11th, Portland. . LAYING young bens. Leghorns, $1.25 each. Bocks or Beds $1.75 each. East 1A93. 767 Oregon ai. COLA EGGS, nerv strength. 2 do, and 1 Pkg. Egg Saver. $1. post paid. P. O. Box 104 Sherwood. Or. 4 . CHICKS and lertile egg. Tabor 4070. DOGS, BIRD8, PETS, ETC. ' 4 THOROUGHBRED Japanese Spaniel puppies for sale. Reduced price. Tabor 5740. PEDIGREE Airedale, 9 months old. very cheap. 532 Y. M. C A. PEDIGREED Airedale puppiea for ale. Fuller, city. U. R. 2. W. H FOR SALE: Bird cage. Eaat 2416. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1917 Mitchell. 7-paas.. 6-cyL $1050 1917 Overland. 5-peaa.. 4-cyl 650 1915 Mitchell. 5-paae., 6-cyl 675 1915 Mitchell, 6-paaa.. 4-cyt 675 1914 Mitchell. 5-pass., 4-cyl 576 1916 Jeffrey, 6 -pass., 6-cyl 70O 1912 Mitchell. 5-pasa., 6-cyl 52 5 Ford truck with body 550 2-ton truck 12 50 USED CAR DEPARTMENT MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVER East First at Morrison East 7272 B 1216 WEST SIDE SALESROOM Broadway at Oak at Broadway 515 A-S343 FOR SALE This 8 wheeled car. nst built; 9-n. p. Dayton motor and two-speed gear. good for about 4 5 miles per hour. Will sell at less than cost to build. Going to Franc 5322 82d S. E. Tabor 2560. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable kind aTe you money. Eee sam ple at 544 Hood st Main 1 1U7. Millmade Construction Co. CLEANING HOUSE REAL BARGAINS Winton Six some buy $800 Btudebaker 4. -pas (800 1917 btudebaker 4. 7-paaa (850 Btudebaker 4. 1917. delivery (850 1917 Maxwell. 5 tss.. 1917 S680 Ford, 5 pass (826 Maxwell 5-pass (600 J. S. MOLTZNER. Elgin Distributors 529-531 Washington St. Broadway 2393. BBISCOE. 1917. Only ran short dis tance. Tires new ; snap. Winton company, 531 Washington st Broad way 1614. 6 PASSENGER Grant Six. 1917. model, just completely overhauled, good tire, on ex urs, 876 seat cover, bumper post, silver beam stmt light, muffler cut out, two extra rims, full set tools, skid chains, just newly painted peacock blue. Car must be wen to be appreciated; all for (900. cash or terms; private owners. Phone Msrahsll 2289. or call at 384 6th st Ask for Mr. Fisher. Apt. 202. HATNES. 1914. recently nlnted. in fine condition; wonderful buy. WINTON COMPANY, 681 Washing ton it Brosdway 1614. 2 hupmoish.es To be sold before Tuesday night. 1 order for brand new car to be eelecterl from next shipment from factory. . 1 jut ran enough to work good. Equipped with cord tires, bumpers, etc. Mske offeV for either ear. ADCOX. Union ve. and Wco st. AUTO WRECKERS W wreck moat all mske of csn snd sell the good psrt for less then half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for old cars. , PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front st MAIN 4768. " NEW TIRES - What brand of new tire do you prefer? We have them. aU make and sise. Also we make the fa mous O V-C Double Tread (sewed) tire and do ail manner of tire re pairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 338-885 Bura ide jiear Broadway. THAYER. B HAVER-GULLY MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton. 9(70 1V Ton. (430 2 Ton. $470 Capacity Bl'U.DERB OF EVERREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Mlg. in Portia nd. Pbone Kaat 7437 193 E. Water tt FOR SALE OR TRADE A one-ton Buick speed truck, in good condition. with sid icata and top. Good vegetable or berry truck. Will consider light car in ex change. i. F. MeCLELLAN. Monmouth. Or. LAHER' Mfg. A R pairs. 8000 guaranteed lorine. I- stock; prices reduced. 84 N. 15th it. 5.NE 1917 14 ton Gsrtord truck, like new good cord tires; must sell st once, will take medium priced touring car on deal. Terms on the balance. Price (1850. Call Albina Garace Phone Woodlawn 1114. 1918 Btudebaker. tun 8000 miles. fully equipped with extras, all new cord tires also new sll weather top. Bargsln if sold at 'once Bdwy. 4334 or East TOOL MOTORS. Gears. Bearings, W nee Is. Axles aad Trailer We wreck all makes of ears and aell their good parts st half price. David Hodes Co. Broadway and Flanders st.. Broadway 19 CASH paid lot eM cars, cocatiuoa ae obieet parte for all make of car. Oreaoa Auto Ex! change, 129 LewriMlale at l(ta and Washiaa ton. Broadway 266S. SrS ' Used Cars iS COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. (1st and Washington U- - Main 6244. FORD roadster, good-looking. In ftnemecha7 leal condition. New body and top. Tabor (358. dlbkcilZE TOP CO. 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664 Fords Enameled-$15.00 870 E. Morrison st (300 CASH - 6 pes., 6 good tires, demountable rims, elee. lights. Al condition. Sell. 8563 evenings. OAKLAND roadster, lat '17 model, like new. Quick sale, 3900. Residence phone Tsbor 724, business phone Tsbor 3195. L r d no 6250 to-(450 rUtlUOHaU A Caaaiday, 211 Washington. ilUST sell my 1918 MaxweU touring car at once. A-77 5. Journal 1915 FORD touring ear $335. Have enlisted, must aeU. Bee tt at 163 W. Park at FOR SALE Oakland light 8. model 191$.. Mar. 2597. Main 6836 LFOR SALE! 1917 Ford, fine condition, r Phone f East 2165. ; WILL aeU my 1917 Maxwell cheap. A-774. JournaL CHALUERS SO chaasi. Bosek magneto. $1111 Call East 813. FOR SALE 1916 Chevrolet, newly painted. Terms. Inquire 142 Shaver st STORAGE" battery charging dynamo, 3 gooa storage batteries. Eaat 1706. OVERLAND car In lino shape. Good tires. Cheasv Geo. Mors. 81S Chamber of " Com. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 BIO STOCK OF USED CARS IN TRAWtrt. WATCH OCR DAILY ADS. Thee car r all thoroughly overhauled ta eur abopa before being placed ia our used car department and arc the beet value ta Portland. BEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. 1917 Jefteriea. T pass., lik new $1100 Buk-k 4 26 1917 Haywca, 6 pas. 1100 Stoddard-Dayton truck 300 Ford 360 Col 90 $00 Maxwell. pecial , 286 l aw, 7 pass., hk new 1100 Mitchell. 7 taa.. almost new IIOO Btudebaker. T pas. 600 Jeffery truck 1000 One Ford truck 850 Ford touring 425 Franklin 1000 1917 Jeffries; like new H0 1915 Studebaker 25 Ford. 6-pasa. 400 Col 8, lot of ax Use; like new. Term U desired. Open evening and Sunday. W. H. W ALLAN O FORI). 822 Aldar st. Broadway 3493. SNAPS IN USED CARS New 191 8 3 pees. Oakland, driven only a few miles, cheap. 19 IT Btudebaker. 1013 Cadillac. 1913 American. BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO, 444-446 Stark st. Between 12 th and 13 th sts. SPECIAL SALE OF GOOD TO CHOICE USED CARS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Term ta r liable pertiea. 1918 Chalmers. Lat 1917 Buick. modal E 49. 7 -passenger Hudson Super Six, 7 -passenger, refinisbed. Hudson 16-6-40. T passenger. Paige. 5-paasenger, ref lushed. Begkl roadster. Coalman. 4 -cylinder. Hudson 15-6-40, 7 -passenger, refinisbed, Paige Fairfield, nearly new. Our specialty Is good aervic to our patron. A. G. ONSLOW, Washington. 2 3d and Cornell Bead. BARItAIN Cadillac, 5 peas., four doors, elec tric light and starter, new tires, excellent condition. Call 84 7 E. 7th N AUTOMOBILES WAWTED 78 40 ACRES near oil fields in liberty county, Texaa. Will trad for good light auto. 1000 E 35th st. N. WANTED By July 10. 6 pee, light car. (150 to (200 down; ((0 per month; no dealer. Phon Woodtown ' 14 BO. NICE lot to exchang for Ford. Phone Sell wood 1(41. HAVE a 6-paa. ear; will trad for Ford and pay difference. Phone Malna24(. HIGHEST prices paid for automobile; eondi tion no object 121 N. 3d t Bdwy. 2629. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE (3 AUTOS FOB HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new car. Reasonable rate. Fearing A Bobnett. City Gang. 80 1 0th. Between Stark nd Oak. Broadway 840. AUTG8 WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR H1RH COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN MARSH. 282 10TH A YAMHILL A-1386 HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good" car, cob petent drivers. Sixth nd Wash. Main 7080. AUTO tor lilr lot highway, f-00 Wuudiawn 8471. COLUMBIA nver highway auto Mrvio. taxi work. Main 328. We do FORDS for hire without driver. 443 Stark t Brosdway (8(2. AUTO for hire for highway. Woodlawn 3471. MOTORCYCLES, BICTCLES 66 BIOyCI.Es WotokcyClkb Large stock of new and used machine. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 68 6th rt. 1917 INDIAN, ( speed, power plus, presto and speedometer; tandem; cheap. Call 659 Kil lingswnrlh ave. after 6:30 p. m. 1914 TWIN Excelsior, equipped, excellent con dition. (125. terms. Marshall 1072. HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, snap. (60 cash. 366 N. 20th LAUNCHES AWD BOATS 84 FOR SALE One Evenrude ceaoe. $76. One 18-foot launch, 5 h. p. engine, $86. One 1 8-foot launch. 8 h. p. engine, (50. H. Turner. Favorite Boat house, foot Morrison. BOATHOl 8ES for sal or rent very reasoiT able, best location. W. II. A E. VON DEB WERTH Foot of East Morrison street Boat Swan for Charter Excursions every Wednesday night Main 4748. FOR SALE Beelhouse furnished for light housekeeping; just Us place for a couple of shipyard workers. Price 6118. Phone E. 7899. TO BUY OR SELL YOUR BOAT List it with Turner. Favorite boathousa. foot of Morrison. Main 6401. FOR SALE Good 8 room houseboat, furnished. Phone Huffman, Marshall 8790, business hours. FIAWOS, OROAWS, MUSICAL 1WSTRUMEWTS SI SECURITY STORAGE CO., ciea-ng out (800 Old English upright cash $46. $350 Amertcaa make upright eaah $96. $400 Modem oak upright cash $1$5. $4 60 Modem mahogany upright, cash $160. $875 New, stored. 1917 aaodeis. cash $216. (426 1917 models, $2((. (450 and (256. 109 4th st at Wubingtoa at Phonograph Bargains ill make aad sizes less tbea wholesale. Phonograph records 10c. NEWMAN PHONOGRAPH EXCHANGE Main 4495. 128 First, near Aider. TALKING MACHINE BARGAIN 1 Brunswick talking machine, a big bargain. Will accept Liberty bonds st full value. Also many other bargains in musical instruments 720 V, MUwsnkie t WANTED Seomd-hand flute, standard make, low pitch; doehn system. Phone Sell. 830, bet 6 and 7 p. m. WANT grand piano. Steinway. Weber. Chick ering. Knabe. Masoa A Hamlin. AU cash for bargain. F-806. Journal. LEAVING city, will aell solid oak Kimball or gan for (25: also high grade table mu-icbox very cheap. 84 2d st (216 ca-h buys (410 Kurt man piano ia dual mahogany, good aa new. Bcbwaa Piano Go.. Ill 4th t at Washington et SEW ENGLAND piano Ileal Ivory keys). (1(7 Mendelssohn Inverted), full Harold B. Gilbert, 3(4 Yamhill at A BAHRAIN IN I bKu PHONOGRAPH 1 Stendard phonograph, juet hk new. A bargain for th first caller. Bell (227. $281.23 (12 cash. (6 monthly, buys 1917 model new improved piano at Bclrwea Fiaao Co.. Ill 4th t at Washington st BRAND-new tfSS Edison Diamond" .tiac pfiv notrraph. latest model, (200 terms, or liberal discount for cash. 8 472. JournaL KINGSBURY piano, walnut case, ia good con dition. Will aell for $246 cash, or oa time. Csll 149 0th st Phone Main $106. RENT a pis no, most reaaooebl term ta PorV Und. No sqnar nor thump boxes. Bar-id A Gilbert. 884 Yamhill. V IO LI N Excellent olo violin $60, foe 9124. $6 cash secure- Huh lev A Hohler upright Security storage t o., inn am or. CASH, for .Weber pUyer piano. Caa ga tt note, if rantain. r-aoa. -euma- EDISON cylinder phonograph and 75 rsaotdX $10 cash. 126 4th st ' BEAUTIFUL Kre nick A Bach piano, $260; terms. Bonle Bros., 166 10th at FISHER uprigbtv mahogany case, lata style, at big redaction. 126 4th st. KIM HALL piano at lee than half. 126 4th sc. TYPEWRITERS - 77 ALL MAXES typewriter rested and repaired. Oregon Typo Co. 94A 6th. Main 3668. REBUILT typewriter, supplies-'. Cor-oa dealers- m, W. P e ym.. m ata. . - . WANTED Typewriter, at oao. X-916. Joo-aaT TYPE WRITES S Yt Uw k.il.SW IxjN. reotai tuaarea I atip- te g srcn-w. v wste mooes. REMINGTON nrkWRmit m ' -' Bvdwy Broadway 4631. IsUAKANTtED Factory RebuUt lyvewriietal All Make" told oa monthly payment-. Bend for price Ust The Whoir-sis Typewriter C. Betel! Dept.. $21 Washington a. HOUSEHOLD C.OODS FOB SALE Look What's Here Rdfrigerator, $6.75: Perfection store. 1ft BOl gasoline etove. $2.73; ga pUte. $3.59; ga riics .(-; axira ovens, i.25; eocat eto-e. -$6.90; range. $11.60: Im tt. at as. " springs, $1.75; mattress. $2; draw-era, $4.90: J' ' dining tables. $6.90; breakfast table. $2.66) ."- -ei lamea, s u; treasure table. $310; steel couches, $4 90; steel springs, (4 35; dining " chairs, Morris chairs, kite lien chair, foadlna chairs. All good marked in plain fia-nrea. COMPLETE furui-hings m 1 room fiat oa - we( ia. uat lor rent tl desired. Furs-shinss good a new and complete in even W-il . eluding groceries, ready to step la and Taessy mi eieani oeareu ana moaerB venienoe. 69 V. North 18th n. FOR BALE Any part or all of furniture tot 6 rooms, including piano and rugs. Phnaa Wdln. 441. 92 S Kilhngsworth ave. HANDSOME parlor and dining room suite aast oioer nouacnoia rurtu tu re at a Mcnlscc ivii 178 11th t. X-880. Journal. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sal, east 'aide? 825 Wheeler st Broadway ear. U.ik south 2 blocks. MACHINERY 1 FOR SALE About 50 ft H In, and smaller sua f ting. 12 hangar, miscellaneous assortment of pulley T and leather belting, ail in good shape. J. R Roger. 92 1st tt FARM tractor for sale; trade for land or what hav yua? ' NX-903. Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WE MAKE AND BELL ONLY National Cash Registers and Credit Files Lowest price. Small month ly payment. No kDtereat charges. Written guar antee. Old register re paired, rebuilt, bought oM and eaehaaged. J. R, Mumma, Agent aH5 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER OfX. -890-93 Stark Street Broadway 1418. TORE AND OFFICE rin. I'URk-J. OOM818T " INO OF ... Bhowease and wailcaaea. Lara table and counters, sandy wra Cash register aad safes. Scales, eoeese cutters, meat aUeora, KoU top desks flat top desks. t Adding marlilaes and typewriter. 4 ' One large and one small ioebox. Large (aa range, eider preea. Two sods fountains. au n -n.n4 rvna and back oar, with larg mirror, work beard and einke complete. GOODS SOLD o- -abt TERMS HOCHFELD BROB . 812 Morrtoow a. OREGON STANDARD PAINT A home product made from the boat of ma terial. Not th cheapest but tb beet Our guarantee back of every can. Give an Oregott - product a trial. Also distributor (or tha Barry ' Bros, vsmlsh products. MILLER PALNT A WALL PAPER CO., 17Z 1st Bt Paint that roof with mm FIREPROOF WATERPROOF RUSTPROOF FAINT Prvote tb growth of mo. Btop leak and proteete from fire. Coats no mora. (Phon kiata 6976 1 411-12 Chamber of Commerce blda. Tennessee aad Port Orford cedar. epT trimmed ; latest detlan; factory price. Faetoey R Gheen. bet 76th nd 76th. Tbor gOe. Electric Motors Bought, -old. rented aad rmtreeL Walker Electric Works. 418 Buru ide. comer 10th. Broadway 6674. ALL machines sold for lea; aa genu ere employed; machine rented, repaired. A-8694, Mala 94 81. Sewing Machine Emporium. 190 8d st. near Taylor. Fruit Jars Ako jelly glasses cheaper tbsn wbnleaal. Sara money. Newman, 128 First, near Alder. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS'." "Typewriter nd "Household Goods" are separate classifi cation. All advertisements of these goods arc published under their ' respective cias -lflcaUoaa. LOOK THEM OVER. $10,00 -EN arupiMMUl sewing msciuaee with sttachments: sli sre in varv good condition. Sewing mschlnea rented at (8 par month. Phone East 2359 or B 1307. at R. Btecn. 162 Grand ave., near Belmont Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning, (1; jewels, 60c; main spring. 60a. RE1NGOLDB. JKWEI.R8. 124 6TH 8T. At'ToMoBlLES, UillUHi;li'Ul. i-ACNCHai or boat are eprBte claasilicsuons. A largo hsting can be found under those dlilsrenl ca-V-f icatious. Phone Broadway 2079 Rea Wdin. 1950 G. L. richro-der. 448 Flanders, Portland. Or. New and second hand -All si; Any amount. $12.50 to $15 SEWING MACHINES wuaraiueea. rent ana repair. 172 3d st. Main 1845, A 1818. WHY an eieriaaung aggravation by a leaky roof T Why not a permanent aad Indestructi ble roof T We oxidise and renew all kinds ol leaky roof 606 Touray bldg , Main 666. 600 ENVELOPES or 60O bond letterhead. 82.26; 23 engraver' type wedding anem ia ar rnv't's (8. Smith, printers, 204 Htark st. wei&uii Lttuuei vvuiNi Mam (2. Step extension and cherry pickers' ladders. USED hot wster boiler.. 30 gal . 9; 40 gal., . 87 50. We have up to 120 gaL Over 00 , now In use. 169 Adams at Phon East 7669.' BICYCLE f OR SALE CHEAP Newman. 128 1st st.. near Aider. FOR SALE Pi chrrlwZ 6 a IE pCk them yourself. 1889 i'eninsula ave. Wdlu. 2359. - PATENTED Fire retainer retire, used only f or demon.t ration. W ill ssve half your fuel MIL Am going into mrnr.; will sacrifine. E. 177 6. DIAMOND KING Going into service; will sacrifice exceptionally fine blue diamond. Phone K. 1778. " LARGE coffee urn. nirkel plated, rnteurant size, $10. Also dishes. I'hone li roadway 8685.' 428 Alder. BASI'BF.rfHTKS 10c box, pick them your-rlfT E. 72d and Harrison. Tabor 14 7. FOR SALE Uurback potatoea. phone A -39791 Goo. Tepfer CHERK1KH for aaje. pick them yourself. 60 lb. 126 E. 69th at A CABINET grand ptarm fur wis, Arlington; price 8200. Tabor 924 7. : TACUUM cleaner sold, repaired, rented, a. changed, bought Byntiey Co.. Main 862. EW"HOME"awlng snachia. X. F91 PjrS et. near Vamhill. SIZE 3$Sta-laimed tailor made man tuiu E- gsjrt grment. 204 Atisky Bldg. UNCALLED for tailor made suKs. (9.60 aa. Tayler the Tailor. jbkh riorns-ie. PLTJMSTIi'G-Snppli , wbola-sle prio-e. Davie Co.. 313 3d t Main 797. I OR SALE (160 Transit for $125. "Slats- : Musi hav eaah. P. O. Box 719. liKAULI aesv wheel chair, cane. iTSeT Call itala 8942. apartment eo. MOWER, rka7 wsgrms aad FnsTns . for sal eheap. Belt 119. 764 E. 34th. FOR SALE Pie cl terries, 6c lb., off the tree. Pick them yourself. 1 839 Peninsula ave. CHERRIES for ssi. 2 cherry tree. . Phon Tabor 4702. - - fioTAL aSSE chernee, l6c lis, toiO 'E 44U at Set 1$6. FOB SALE A tsnthouae, pertly furnished, "oa King Height-. M-797. JoiiTwaL T(NS of bricquetttee." East 6660 Call mornings or evening. fOR SALE Good first class Ruud heater, Kav- 4. 616. East 4601. JaEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. Msia afcki.' RQYACNN"re"rrie-- CaU Tabor 9353. AUTO woudsaw (or sale. Call East 2675. TOR SALE, 2 auto rug. 825. 852 E. 47th 8. HAND mom warp, $20.00. Call Tabor 4(1 LOVELY Australian palm. Woodlawn 2006. (C0BtlBB4 08 FoUowUS F(I) mm MB