THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORT LAND, SUNDAY MORNING, - JUNE 1 23, 1918. I H 'i t i J i r ' IS THE llA-EL, convenient ' J? side rocms with hot water. 686 Id it. . ."SUai Martha Washington, 880 10th, nees girts and etndsnta. Marshall 1281. BOOMS AK BOARD PJUTATB FAMILY 71 BOO- mi board' la private tonally; itt 1; home prirUegsa; 10 min. walk to shipyard. tai A,fc Mar. 4401. cmfortabLE room to-ii. bjjjt fast n desired. Sob Hill district weiring distance. Main 9488. ; KlC front room, suitable tot 1 of 2 gen- tumen, wun gooa nome w bVJT with aU eVnvenleneee, Main 4167. 20? N. 21t SEflt car girls, school Ma ot under; s p- jpg porch. East 1862. BX young man, aaat aid preferred K-78S, Journal. ROQli end" board. Hi Lovejoy. near 22nd. Mar. 6830. WANTED- An old lady to room and board. East 6484 ROT)C""noerd, eleeplng Prch two oa-tlemen. 676 Ladd a. E. 2833. .-. CTTSHUKWloltn'TA In private hme, 6B Hlr h .. near unwn. rst vi ROOM arid board, private family, $7 week 3"2s" CniEPEt' to bnard by moDth. week or day. ood care. 8404 04th B. E. WAWTP-ttOOM AND BOARD 8j WANfED Place to board two small children.. WY.7IS Jnurnal. l?ERLY lady wenta room and board in Jit Scott district Tabor 7876. unrF VPFPINO BOOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED fwb basement housekeeping rooms, si-table for bachelor. Phone, Ugnt ana uaui. " Main at. ' . CLEAN, quiet desirable front iiulte. kltehentte, ami ranc. closet, suitable for two adults, another room ideal for iy sleeper. 887 TamrtliL HOUSEKEEPING rooma. After Sunday, 669 Conch, block of 16th and Washington. HOTJftEKEEPIWCr ROOMS 71 rtTBSIMIKD A7f D UWFCRWISHED FttlVATB FAMILY PLKA8ANT room wUh small kitchenette, elee tria lights and phone. 1 block from Lincoln high. Main 1480. r fS private family, 3 nicely furnished house keeplng rooms, bath and phone, free light. 68 E. 8(h st. N. . TlTTlrTE nice, clean rojms, furnished for house keeping. 753 Albln ave. Woodiawn 888a.- rOll liBNT Vuruished H. 1C rooms in Sell wood. Call Bellwood 2898. TWO large, front H. K. rooms, free gas. bath. phone, lights, 800 14th st 8 - I(()O.M.S and" sleeping porch furnlabed lot housekeeping. 10 4 0 Belmont St. noCifKEETlNcTlTjoms tery reasonable. Vroad- way 1818.1B4N. lth; ' THREE unfurnWieoTTl. K. rooms, cheap. 10G6 E. Wash. St. Tsbor 8H82. THI1EE furnished K. K. rooms, gas and bath, cheap. Pa E. 10th st N. East 6828. b ROOMS, furnished complete for h. k., phone, light and water. HE. 14th N. LAHOK housekeeping room, also sleeping room, 82.80. 241 18th st. 484 VAMIIILL. cor. 12 th. room and small kitchenette, furnished. Adults only. 6NE very large room, with kitchenette, modern. 429 Main st. FOR RENT HOtTSES UNFURNISHED 12 MEIER FRANK'S RENTAL AND 1N1TURM ATIO.N BUREAU, 8TH Bare ynw hare choice ef the combined Bsts of sll desirable vacant h onset, apartments and flaU in the city, with definite, reliable informa tion pertaining to each. Records ars kept up to data, new listings being added each day. There Is absolutely no obligation or eherg for this service. It Is maintained solely aa an accommodation to the oubuo. Newcomers In Portland will find this bnreaa f great help to getting properly located quietly. Powers Rental Bureau A dpartneut operating for the convenience e our patrons, and friend. A service absolutely without chsrgn to you. Our lixtings of bouses, bungalows snd spartmrnts is most complete. TOURS FOR SERVICE Powers Furniture Co, Third and Yamhill Streets HOUSES FOR RENT No. 1214 .. Klanders st.. Laurelhnrst. for rent, $40 monthly. Now vacant and ready for occupancy. 6 rooms. Hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet, full cement basement, furnace, etc. Take a look and then 'see A. G. Teepe C 264 Stark st. near 8d. Main 3510. Hfc.N you gel tired having your rent raised and being compelled to move, look us up. We have houses and lots we csn sell you for $25 .down. $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 C'nsmher of Commerce. WHY not eamp at Hock Island for the sumsnert Camp sites. Including Bull Run water, electric lights and free tranaportstion, 25 min. ride from 1st and Alder, $15 per reo. Take Oregon City ear to Mllwaukle or call Broadway 2658. FOR-" BENT A desirable one-story dwelling, lust remodeled, S. E. cor. East 12th and Burnside; bath, gas snd electric light: very suitable for two families. Inijulra Iionsld G. Woodward. 104 Second st. Phnne Main 1436. FOB. RENT 4 room house. 8 acres in potatoes. corn and hay. Some fruit and hemes. l Mnrk from car. Rent 810 per month. N. C. Peterson. -Bellrose station. lie fare, Eatacada Una. - ACRE AND BUNGALOW 8 ronra shack, chicken hotftee; aorae fruit water, lights: will lease for year at $100. Call Main nn, turn nmoom mag. NINE itsom modern Swelling on one oi tEe choicest corners in Holladay's, now being ealcunlned and painted throughout; rent (4U. Bee Fred S. Williams. 92 H First tt. Monday MODERN bungalow, 7 rooms first floor. 3 on .second; oak floors, hot water heat, tile bath room; 2 lots: corner Knott and F.. 20th st N. $60. Fred S. Wlllisms. 02 H First st $800 A FINE CORNER LOT All clear, at 43rd and E. Wash, street; fruit trees; $100 cssh or Liberty bonds. Paul Waldt 1267 Belmont St. Tabor 1212. SIX room house, newly papered and painted. $12.50 month. Fruit trees. Apply corner 80th ahd Kaat Stark. Mt Tabor (M. T. 88th) car tn end, 4 blocks north, 1 east 5-ROOM cottage, bath. gas. 3 lota, chicken range, fruit trees, berries; no children. 6141 46th ave. 8. E. LARGE 7 -room house, E. 17th st and Broad way. 840. R. J. O'Nefl. owner. 717 Board of .Trade bldg. $20 H76 Junior, Woodiawn, 6 room bungalow, builttn conveniences. Dutch kltcrlan. Smith Wsgoner Co , Stock Ex. t" TTOO"5I modern houe. fine condition. 1478 B. 18th 8.. 830. Tabor 6414. I ROOM cottage. 8S3 E. 3d st N. VlGDERN 6 room bungalow, walking distance, years lease. 3o. 641 Beacon, Kaat 12th. gV ROOM modern house, furnished, $3 per moT Marshall 2I80. SPLENDID, well built 5 room modem house: corner lot E. 14th and Rhone. East 2871. 142 EAST 30th. corner E. Morrison; 6 room house; hard surfaced-street Call East 2871. ' HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE , FOR SALE 18 ALL or part of fumiutra of 8 rooms for sale! flat for rent, reasonable. 147 11th st FUKNITCRE of 6 room cottage for sale and cottage for rent Call Sunday, 809 Clay. FURNISHED HOUSES 1 BEAUTIFUL country home on elect rio line, 20 minutes out On macadam road; near riding and golf cluba. Acre ground, garden, flowers, modern 6 room house furnished. 8 bed rooms, 2 large sleeping porches, large veranda, bath room. 2 lavatories, shower bath, breakfast nook, electric laundry. . gas, electric lights, water, good car service. Win rent for July and August to responsible party. Call Main 3246 or M sin 670. 6 ROOM furnfuhed house, with smaQ garden for rent 1190 Nehalem ave.; take Esta eada or East Moreland car. Phone Sellwood 1602. I ROOMS, furnished, for 8 months; $25 month: phone and water Included; no children. Ta bor 6269. NEAR shipyards; clean fire room furnished" house, with garage; would lease to responsible adulta. 854 Vs First st, cor. Pennoyer. rUffNISluSr bungalow 4 rooms and sleeping poreh; modem. 840 East, B2d. Call 8un- . day and Monday. ' ' BT JULY 1st, 6 room house, large grounds, fruit garden, peel; fine view; references. ;. Sellwood 888. v. ; - ; B BOOMS, white enameled, hardwood floors? Oriental rug. 2 fireplaces, furnace; rent $76. Phone Es st 1895. . , FKKH furnished home to a congenial aaaa and wife, K-702, Journal, ROOMS AlfB BOAR FrRXIRWBB HOT7RFS ' tl furnished or unfurnished house for rent,-, block from cariine ; reasonabto not. 1568 E. Slanders. -. Inquire 187 front at. Phone Main 6631. . :-' ATTRACTIVE Alameda residence; rent to Sept. 1, furnished. Phone WoorUawn 8040. APARTMEWTS tt B ISHE1 AMD r KFURNIBHED Lucretia' Court Lnctetia n , between Washington and iTer e)t ctreeta. eMost baauUolly looaud hick cUaa apartment. 2, .' 4. 6 rooaaa. All modem coo Teniencea. firt Uaa aerrtoa. Prices reasonable. Beferences required, kianacer. kfanhaTJ 1618. NEAT LI furo-, clean, airy, large 2 rm.. with kitcheoette, h.' k, apt upstairs; anitable for 2 employed couples or 4 centiemen ; lights, hot and eold water, lanndry priTilegee and phone. Del Monte. 1S7 Stout, 1 blk. south of 20th and Washington. KING ALBERT APTS. fw 200 roout boose, 2 and S rsoss heeje keeatog' spartment, furnlsbed at uufumlsbed; eierstor and hardwood floors. SSB lltkst. HAKI ArAnllVlhNIo x4rnS.d Newly furnished modern housekeeping and sleeping roans. 82.60 and up. SAN UAHOO apartment house, 464 East Couch, corner 8th. Furnished 8 room arMrtment with private bath. Manager of Saa Marco apta.. 404 East Conch, corner 8th. VERY desirable, airy and neatly turn, single rm. for light h, k.j Just right for 1 or 2 em ployed ladies; walking distance. Del Monte, 167 Btout st., near 20th and Wash. 1 ROOMS, sleeciing porch. hardwood floors. Garfield. S61 . Falling, 1 block wast of Union ave. B18i.OP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod em 1. 2 end S room ants.. 612.60 up: walking dtstarwe. Call. lUtt 682. STAN FIELD APTS., 554 Porter st.. ship- atxlpyards; modern, Ught. outstas X room apt., reasonable. Phone Main 7892. DELIGHTFUL Piedmont furnished apartment; 4 rooms, sleeving porch, garage; adults: 830. 1208 Rodney ave. MA;.OUA APTS.. Bast Sd and Belmont. modern 1 and 2 room apta.. 81.60 per week ap Hleeping rooms. East 212. STRICTLY modern S room apartment, hot wa- ter and disappearing bed: walking distance. 148 Grand ave. East 4501. A PLEASANT 3 room apartment, first floor. 105 East 11th. - PENINSULA APTS. Woodiawn 1882. Con- erete bldg., 2, 8, 4 rooms, baths, phone. NICE modern furnished four room apt; 830. 63 East 6th North. 4 ROOMS Sleeping porch, hardwood floors. walking distance, Portnomah. 200 E. 18th. FOR RENT 4 room apartment, modern, west side. $19. Inquire 710 2d st. Mar. 4448. 3 ROOM furnished apt.; walking distance; no children. 801 Mill st, bet. 14th and 18th. MODERN spt. 2 rooms. 487 Taylor st FOR BENT FLATS It 1806 V E. GLIAAN and 60th street, il. T. car. 2 and 8 -room apts.; one 8 -room flat; one corner storeroom, good for drug store. 4 UPSTAIRS rooms; private residence; electric lights, phone; suitable for light housekeep ing. 409 E. 12th st; 819. 6-ROOM 4421. modern, clean, close In; 920. 1 4 ROOM upper, 577 Union ave. conveniences. East 2195. All modern 4 ROOM flat, strictly clean and modern, adults. rnone Kast 10M 4-ROOM unfurnished flat. 305 E. 11th. FURNISHED FLATS 60 COMPLETE furnishings to 5 room flat on west side for sale, flat for rent if desired furnishings good as new and complete in every detail, including groceries, ready to step in and Keep bouse. mat steam heated and modern conveniences. 60 tt North 18th. CLOSE IN SUMMER RESORT 1 acre east of Park Rose, beautiful park of native trees, spring stream oentaining trout; near electric sta. Don't fail to see this at once. Price $750. 8. P. Osburn. 61 OMcKay bldg. FOR RENT A 3 room and 5 room modern apartment centrally located to station, busi ness section and beach. Write to box 5, Inquire st 1016 4th ave.. Seaside, Or. 6 ROOM furnished flat, sleeping porch, H block to car; permanent, $30; references. Key 260 Stout st Marshall 4220. 5 ROOM flat elegantly iurnished, to reliable tenant or will sell furnishings; terms. 290 lZtb street FU RNJSHED flat $16, 2d floor, bath, electric light, gas, garage, fruit, porch; no children. Wooajg-wn 209. 830 Haight ave. FOR RENT 8 furnished rooms, light house- keeping, cheap; adults only. 679 E. 21st St., Brooklyn car. 4 ROOMS and bath. 1608 Huron st. University park. Phone Columbia 784 after 12 Sunday. FOUR room flat for rent, furniture for sale If interested call Ea?t 2728. HOTELS A GOOD HOTEL 64 Located In the best hotel district in Portland, well furnished, doing good business and making money. Good reasons for selling. E. A. LTNDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 936 N. W. Bank Bldg. NORTONIA hotel, Portland's downtown, high class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and busi ness men and women. We give you all the com forts of a home. Reasonable rates. HOTEL TIVO. I, 688 Delay st, 6 min. walk Mississippi ave. ; under new management Rooms $1.50 per week snd up. Phone C-2258. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Store building situated on the corner of E. 80th and Glisan sts. A splendid location for grocery store or meat market. Room in good condition. Rent very reasonable. Inquire W. H. Hamilton. 1978 E. Glisan st. or E. P. Merts, 14 3 E. 78th st N i;AIIER AND PHONE FURNISHED Private outside room to thoroughly modern suite of efficees; stenographer and phone fur nished; will rent to desirable party on pro rata basis of actual cost; good location and service. Msin 168 or X-870. Journal. ALL OR PART of frame building, corner HVn and Pettygrove sta.s reasonable rent . KITTEeS. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. CONCORD BLDG., has outside rooms, priced from $10 to $30, in good condition and good service. Ladd Estate Co., room 401, corner 2d and Stark sts. $10, LARGE store containing living room space. Rent includes fixtures. Location near alUp yards. Inquire 409 H 1st st 605 RALEIGH BUILDING Offices for rent floor space. 6th and Wash ington, u. m. Taylor, Manager. 2 DANDY storerooms at 1623 E. Glisan; $10 and $8. Tabor 9378. WANTED TO RENT 7 WAITED To lease an acre or more with 6 room house, close to electric line and school. Will repair, and remodel house if necessary. Woodiawn 5568 after 6 p. m. O. E., 1805 E. 6th st N. FURNISHED house wanted by physician with small it uuly wdo wul appreciate and proper ly care for a comfortable home. U-97S, Jour- WANTED TO RENT 7 room modern house, near car fine: East Side: no farther out than 46th: not above 822 per montn. 'tabor Bts, Monday. WANTED To rent 6-room bungalow In IrvtoT ton district with garage; would like one or two-year lease. Call Tabor 6578. WANTED To rent 2 or 8 room furnished house, within 80 minutes' ride of city. Must oe reasonable, rnone Broadway 8025 WANTED To rent furnished 6 or 6-room house. oau woodiawn tttas. MODERN 8 or 4 room house! Must be rsa- sonable. J-883, Journal. CARPENTER wants part of shop and place for picig. material. J-841, Journal. MOTHER who works wishes a good suburban nome for children 6 and 12. P-927. Journal. SUMMER RESORTS 68 PAREUUS COTTAGE at 8easide, 5 rooms and oatn. not ana eold water, electric lights, torn- pieieiy turmsneo. 441 JSasyjiSd N. East 2884. S ROOM well furnished house at Long Beach -on tne noge, lor season; very reasonable, 484 aim st. FOR , KENT Gearhart 4 room cottage for j nix, rnone bmi am. THREE room furnished cottage. Park. Seaside. Phone Mar. 4419. Hermosse FOUR, rooms, furnished. Seaside. W-481, Jour- nai. FOR RENT i room cottage. Long Beach! Wash. Main 2884. - SEASIDE, S room cottage at Seventh ave., for earxm. aass ibw, SEASIDE furnished 4-room cottage, 1 block to lor season, rnone Woodiawn 1768. SEA VIEW, Wash., completely furnished 4 room cottage. East 2678. Monday. CANNON BEACH eottage for rent ot ner? Oculars call Wdln. 2182. SEA VIEW. WASH., 8 room cottage, fine view of ocean, electric llghta. Phone Tabor- T68. H. K. APTS.. fine water, at Bockaway Beach, appty at sjconn trees apta. . -SEASIDE cottage for rent Mallwooii iiiL' BBAL ESTATE SUMMER RESORTS 66 Bayocean Park, Oregon A beautiful seaside resort, tie expansive Pa cific ocean oa one side and beautiful Tillamook bay on the other; gun bathing, agate hunting, clam digging, fishing, exploring the wonderful eaves of Capo Hears, etc. Furnished bungalows ready for housekeeping. Reasonable rates; write for Information; make your reservation now. JOIST RECEIVERS OF T. B. POTTER HEALTT . CO., S26 Chamber of Commerce blrtg.," Portland, Or. Telephone Main 7270. BUMMER resorts. Sea view. Wash. Comfort ably furnished cottage on ridge. Banning water. 876 season. iL N. Millard, Milwaukia. Phone SEND your kpartment house ehiltlren to Sea side where they can get good ear and fresh sir. Box 0, Seaside, Or. A COTTAGE completely furnished at Beach Center, 860 per months of July and August. Phone East 2487. I SEVERAL very desirable cottages for rent at r Seaside. Oregon. Prices ranging 8350 down. ("Write, wire or call R. O. Ralston 6c Company. SIX room cottage, furnished"! Newton station. Long Beach, facing ocean, large yard. Ad dress Geo. F. Whitehom, Mo. dept., P. O. BEACH PROPERTY 4S FOR SALE FINE SUMMER ROME. NEWPORT. OREGON Beautifully situated, eoasmsjiding a wonderful view of the ocean, bay and mountains. House with 6 large rooms, fireplace, and plate glass bay window. Fine fishing, bathing and boa ting nearby. This place will be sold for cash at a very low price, or the owners will exchange for other property on a fair basis. VALLET READ ESTATE CO.. Carlton. Oregon. BEACH property for sale. 7 room house and two lots, cleared and fenced at Ocean Park- Wash. Fireplace and Dutch kitchen, water in house. Price 6000 or could use car and 827S. A snap. See owner at 866 E. 7th N. Phone U-1B10 CANNON BEACH For rent, furnished 6 room cottage; line view of ocean; 300 per month. 812a for season. F. 1. Bailey, La Center, wash. FOR SALE Lota at Bocks way beach; excellent location and eneap. Wdln. 2409. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 Hawthorne ' $3000 a beautiful 6 room bunga LOW. . HAS HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIRE PLACE. FULL BASEMENT. LARGE ATTIC. ALL BUTLT-IN FEATURES; LOCATED WITH IN ONE BLOCK OF HAWTHORNE AVENUE. FACING EAST. THE STREET IS PAVED AND PAID FOR. TOIT CAN BUT THIS PROP ERTY ON TERMS WITH 6 INTEREST ON THE UNPAID BALANCE. THE HOUSE IS NOW VACANT AND YOU CAN MOVE IN TO MORROW. A. G. TEPEE CO., 264 STARK ST.. NEAR 8D. MAIN 8516. BRANCH OF FICE. 60TH and SANDY OPEN SUNDAY. FOR SALE Some of the best buys In the city a low prices; these are all modern bun galows on easy terms; . 8 6-room. hardwood floors -and modern, 'price $2900 each; 8 room. $3000; 6 room. $2500; 0 room. $2250; 6 room, $2000: 7 room, $3780; 0 room. $1800; 0 room. $3000. We also have some as low as $800 and up. Before you buy, call and see us, we have sutos to show you. New York Land Co., 381 East Morrison st Phone East 6317. " ROSE CITY PARK. v 84800 SOME SWELL BUNGALOW OF 6 ROOMS. LOTS OF CLASS AND DISTINCTION, 80x100. CORNER. WITH ALL IMPROVEMENTS IV AND PAID. TOU CAN'T IMAGINE HOW NICE IT IS UNTIL YOU SEE IT. LET US SHOW YOU. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 STARK ST.. NEAR 3D. MAIN 3510. R RANCH OF FICE. 60TH AND SANDY, OPEN SUNDAY. NOTICE Do you know that most of the bouses being sold are being purchased by ship workers. They want houses and cottages from $500 up to $2500, on terms. I have four salesmen with autos to show property. I can sell yours for I am making a specialty of this class of property. Have a large list of prospects. I'll inspect and advertise your house. Now is the time to sell while there is a market FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington bldg. HAWTHORNE RICHMOND $3200 5 ROOMS AND LARGE ATTIC. HARD WOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN BUF FET AND BOOKCASE. ETC.; GARAGE, STREET IMPROVEMENTS PAID IN FULL. LOT 44X110. LET US SHOW YOU. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 TARK ST.. NEAR 3D. MAIN 8816. BRANCH OFFICE. 60TH AND SANDY. OPEN SUNDAY. ONE of the best homes in 'Irving ton, bungalow with 7 rooms on first floor, corner Knott and E. 20th N., lot 97ttxS0; oak floors, tiled bath, hot water, furnace, very satisfactory and eco nomical; everything complete. Price is less than the cost of the house. A chance to get the most comfortable in Portland at a bargain. Fred S. Williams. 02 1st st FOR MY FAMILY'S SAKE I BOUGHT IN IRVINGTON;" WHY NOT TOUT Lovely 8 room house, $6500. Very modern 7 room home, $6000. Excellent 8 room house, $4B00. Nice 6 room bungalow, $3000. ' Ask to see them. ZIMMERMAN. 811 BOARD OF TRADE. $1100 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW 4-rm. plastered bungalow, best plumbing fix tures, living rm., kitchen, 2 bedrooms, close to school and car. $200 down, baL $15 per mo. More berries and garden than you can use. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. EAST 14TH NEAR MORRISON 6 room modern, furnace, fireplace; caved street and paid; two blocks from Morrison car at East 14th; should sell at once for $5500; we offer at $3750, with only $1200 down, bal ance long time at 6H . Farmer & Fisher, 408 stock Exchange Bldg. Clear of Debt 6 room modern house in 30th St., 2 blocks from car; lot 88x158; fruit and. berries; $2300, $8O0 cash; will sell furniture. D. E. CARLOCK, Main 6882. 974 Colbert st A FINE BARGAIN $1800 5 room buncalow. sleeolna norch. bath. Dutch kitohen, H block to ear, 6 blocks to school; $200 down: price $1800. GEORGE T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. $200 DOWN WEST SIDE HOME 4 rm. house, bath, toilet, elect and gas. Corbett st near Iowa. Price $1800.- Have several other houses in this district Terms Bee FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Abington bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. GOT $3700? Here's what it will buy: A good 6 room home and a 5 room flat that will rent for $28 and 100x100. with lots of fruit, roses and garden; 200 feet off Hawthorne ave. Where could you get more for your money T 298 E. 40th; terms. t EAST OF LAURELHURST $1800 4 rooms and barn. 60x100. corner: 12 fruit trees, garden planted; $100 down. Price $1600, GEORGE T. MOORE. CO., Abington bldg. Bungalow Bargain $1600 4 rooms and bath, fireplace, full basement. electricity and gas; lot 80x100; fruit trees; terms. $250 cash, balance like rent A. H. ACKERSON. 606 Stock Exchange bldg. $100 DOWN COTTAGE PRICE $850 Small cottage, 148 Graham, near Borthwick bath and toilet close to shipyards and r. r. shops. See FRANK L. M'GUIRE, Abington bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1089 63x168; FINE fruit; 6 rooms, sleeping porch. floored attic, real tiled kitchen, bathroom and shower bath; beautiful art tiled fireplace, fur nace; hardwood floors, garage; (5000; good terms. Zimmerman, Sll Board of Trade. WILL take good 2d hand auto, late mods! as part payment on our modern 0 room house. practically new; Hawthorne district; lot 60x100; full cement basement, paved at," elegant home, complete; (90UO; no agent Tabor 7749. YOU'LL want this charming 6 room modern bungalow with floored attic, hardwood Doors. fireplace, furnace and all conveniences; only $8800; blk. to car. Zimmerman, 811 Board of Trade. 60x100 CORNER.' on paved streets; 6 mom bouse: a very pretty home.; near ear line; only $2780, $360 cash, balance as rent Zim merman. 811 Board of Trade. S ROOM modern dwelling, 60x100, comer lot, in Holladay's add., worth $10,000; will take $6500 for quick sale. Fred. S. Williams, 92 1st st 4 ROOM eottage. 100x150 lot West Side handy to car, for -$1180; $180 cash, bal ance $15 per month. IL E. Lee, 605 Corbett Bldg. $1600 BUYS 8 room house. 160x120 ft lot $200 cash, balance 1 10 per month. iL E. luee, ooo ooroett oiag. WILL take a Ford aa first -payment on splendid" 6 room house, good garden, 50x100 lot Ta bor 9569. FOR SALE 8 room house, corner tot 60x100; very reasonaoie, es s must wave town on ac- eonnt of sicsnwss. Apply at 12a E. 40th -st WELL built 6 room bungalow on paved street Vi block from "A" cariine, for sale reasonable. woodiawn 44. BY owner, on easy terms, modern 8 room bun gsdow. partly furnished. Hawthorne district; gmraen wpo. sat c. sua n. soutn. MODERN 6 room cottage bungalow. 31st and invn St.; terms reasonable, owner. - ' Tabor 7896t J. 6-ROOM, aback and 4 lota, $300 cash, mortgage REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES Home Owners The Equitable Life Assurance) Society wtll make loans on approved home property to be repaid by monthly installments over a period of 10 years, with additional pro vision that In event of death of borrower loan la cancelled by a policy of life, insur ance issued therewith. Interest 6 per cent No brokerage or costs. These loans are made only la close-to- residence districts of Portland, and only on improved homes. Others need not apply. Will take up exist ing mortgages or assist in buying. Owner's equity must be 60 per cent of appraised value. Call at Equitable offices. Oregonian Bldg. Edgar W. Smith, Manager. 6 ROOM modern house. Queen Ann style; fire plaoe. full basement lot 60x100, corner. 2 blocks to ear; newly painted and tinted, like new, $2300; terms. Very cheap at this price.. S room modern bungalow, paved' at: Haw thorne district; 82600. terms, 4 room modern cottage, neat and clean, lot 100x112; several fruit trees, garden, chicken ran. sheds, etc. a good home for $2100. $300 cash. . 8 room. 1 story bouse, modern plumbing, electric lights. 80100: all kinds of berries and fruit; in first class condition. Price $1860. Easy terms. 4 room cottage. In Sellwood. $1200; easy terms. , 7 room modern house, fun basement furnace; close In, near Hawthorne; worth $4000. Price $3500. terra. 5 room bungalow, on cariine, west side, paved sts. ; near river; 10 minutes' ear ride; $2000, terms. 4 room cottage, near ear; $850, terms. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 H 4th st BUNGALOW SNAPS $2200 0 rooms, E. 12th and Everett; terms. $2750 6 rooms, Irving and E. 30th; liens. $2850-7 rooms. 714 E. 73d st. N. $2300 5 rooms. 7 2d and Sandy blvd. $3500 8 rooms, 36th near Schuyler. 83575 5 rooms, 55tb near Stanton. 3700 6 rooms, 50th near Hancbck. $4850 8 rooms, 414 E. 38th st N. $5500 7 rooms. 43d and Alameda. G, C, GOLDENBERG 215-218 Abington bldg. Main 4803. "85 Years in Portland." 8 ROOM house, close to Union ave., lot lOOx 100; fruit and berries; price $2650; $500 or more down, 6 . B room house, lot 60x100, in St Johns, all rooms on 1 floor; price $2000, $800 or more down, 6 . 5 room cottage on Fulton car line, lot 60x 100; price $1200; $100 down, balance $20 a month, 6. 7 room house on St Johns car line, lot 50x 100: fruit, grapes and berries; price $2700; $700 down, balance $25 a month. 6. I have lots of other bargains. HERMAN PEPER, 517 Union Ave. N. East 4285. Extral Extral Here is your opportunity to save on furni ture, rugs, ranges, go-carts and complete home furnishings. We have purchased a large stock from a country dealer which we must close out at once. This is a rare chancel Come and be convinced. You will find new goods priced as low as second hand. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 166-108 1st st. WE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE. CLASSY ROSE CITY BUNGALOW ONLY $3250 Has 6 rooms oh one floor, sun room and conservatory; white enamel finish throughout; mirrored door, windows in closets, Dutch kitch en, furnace and fireplace, full cement - base ment with laundry; fine lawn and garden: extra select roses; improved street This is a good buy which we fully recommend. STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. 802 Oak Street Broadway 8644. FOR only $ 1500 a good 5 room house close to the station, 5c carfare, city water, gas. and electric lights. Only 1 block from the $30,000 new schoolhouse. This house alone will cost to build today more than 82500; bear in mind that this is a modern house and we are giving it away when we offer it for only $1500; $150 cash and the balance at $15 per month or more; act quickly on this if you want a beautiful place at a great snap. M. J. Cloheasy, 415 Abington bldg. $2350 BUNGALOW, MODERN $2350 65th and Flanders; snap. $2800 Rose City bunealow, modern, 6 room, street paved, furnace, fireplace. (3000 Beaumont, 7 room, hardwood floor, furnace, fireplace, street paid. $1550 Modern 5 room, 87th ave., value. (1750 Modern 8 room and earsee. CHA8 RINGLER A CO.. 22S Henry bMg. $2000 BUTS my cozy 5 room bungalow in IrV mgton Park; 1 block to care and close to good school; it is strictly modern and like new: cost originally $2600; it has first class fire place, Dutch kitchen, large attic, high base ment partly cemented floor, with full concrete walls and laundry trays; full lot: will sacrifice to anybody who can pay me about $300 first payment. Call Mr. Castle at Broadway 3644. LAURELHURST $4500 7 ROOMS. FURNACE. FIREPLACE. BUF FET. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. ETC. ALL CLEAR. ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID. TERMS. NON-RESIDENT OWNER INSTRUCTS IS TO 8Lli AT K.MJK. A. U. TEEPE CO 264 STARK ST.. NR. 3D. MAIN 3516 BRANCH OFFICE, BOTH AND SANDY, OPEN HLNDAt. ROSE CITY PARK $3150 5 BOOMS AND LARGE ATTIC. FURNACE. FIREPLACE. BUFFBT, LAUNDRY TRAYS. ETC.; BLOCK OF SANDY. SEE THIS. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 STARK ST.. NR. 3D. MAIN 3516. BRANCH OFFICE, SOTH'AND SANDY; OPEN SUNDAY. $1300 Buy 6 room, modern. $1400 Buys 6 room, modern, large lot $1650 Buys 4 room, modern, close In. $1800 Buys 4 room, modern. 2 lota. $2250 Buys 8 room, modern. 50x100. $2250 Buys 7 room, modern. $2600 Buys 5 room, modern, terms on all. HOUCK. 110 10TH ST. SWELL BUNGALOW, YOU'LL SURE LIKE Five splendid rooms, bathroom, concrete base ment, enameled Dutch kitchen, buffet, mirrors. full plumbing, gas, electricity, shades, linoleums, wood hoist; sightly corner; flowers'; everything to mase nome nappy. only (zsuu. Terms. Call Sunday, 4830 62d ave., Woodstock car. Phone Monday, Main 7938. Owner. PARTY is going to leave city! Three room house, psntry. electric lights, gas. full case ment; 10 fruit trees, berries; full lot, fenced. Chicken ..yard, park place, garden planted; one block from car. Price $1100; $250 down. Easy terms. Furniture for sale if desired. 943 E. 40th st Woodstock car. $200 CASH ONLY $2250 6 room modern home, hardwood floors, built in bookcases, fnll cement basement wash trays convenient to Mississippi, Williams ave. or R. S. ears. Sunday, Call Tabor 9317. J. A. Wick- man Co., 314 Stark st Main 588. Modern Home nAWTHORNE DISTRICT Will consider light truck aa part "cavnieTit Inquire of owner, 1189 E. Main. Price $3250. ROSE CITY DISTRICT " Modern 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, roses, shrubbery: in swell district; only $4000; $500 cash, bal ance monthly. Job nson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. SIX room house, one floor, orchard, garden City water, quarter acre; $1450; win add other quarter acre with barn, making half acre, $600; terms. Phone Sellwood 8661. 1487 East 21st street DON'T PAY the high rent but come and let me seU you a home at a reel bargain. I have them from $f000 to $3000 that can be nanaiea by people oi tanau means. Meal Brown, 207 Panama bldg. beautiful Hawthorne residence, 6 rooms, fireplace, oak floors, buffet cabinet kitchen, sleeping porch; street paved; nice lawn, some fruit; $3250: $500 will handle, Jobneon Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. OLD FASHIONED 5 room house, some mod ern conveniences; lot 60x100; good home for workingman; close to shipyards, waterfront. East Side. Cheap for cash, quick sale. Apply 410 Ross at ' MODERN 6 room bungalow and1 Jot for sale or exchange for small place wirn house and outbuildings near Portland. Tabor 9609. or call 8622 49th at. B. E. - MODERN 6, room bungalow, near Walnut Park. all built in conveniences, newly finished inside and out, $2800, including street improvements. East 2188. ' $2500 LARGE, modern bungalow, 6 ' rooms," beamed ceilings, fireplace, built-in china closet; 62d st. half block of Mt Scott Cariine, Owner. Main 7273. ' " SALE 8 room modem house; lots of fruit roses and Uwn; Oregon Electric. 6c fare; 2 blocks Ryan station. , George Hill, phone Mar shal sou j. 8100 DOWN. $16 per month auya.B room toC- tare.- 2 - blocks to Mt Tabor car. Prise $1160. Phone labor 666. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 $1400 60x100 6 room one story hawse, sit uated No. 8b5 Lg ave.. corner aveaU- veno.' xerma. $2250 od 6 room . No. 1087 $2250 80x64 Good room house, all Ire prevementa in. No. 1087 . Grant at May terms. 66x76 S room house. No. 688 Coea coardal at All improvements to. Teresa. $2500 60x100 Oood 6 room bungalow, modem, situate Na 490 B. 86th st. ear Clinton. Terms. $3500 60x100 Good T room modern bun galow, with garage. No. 068 E. Ever ett st, adjoining Laurelhunt Terms. $4000 100x100 Oood 7 room house. No. 874 Clinton st List your property with us for sale. Mall & Von Borstel 104 2d St Five rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet full cment basement furnace and beautiful yard; 50x1 . lot Splendid location. Oood car service. PRICE $4800 By OWNER. 433 E. 42d st N.. one block north of Sandy blvd. $50 DOWH RUTS ANT OF THE FOLLOWING": 4 rooms. 3556 64th at, & B, Price $1500. two lota. 2 rooms, plastered. 8741 52d at 8. K. Price $695. 7 rams, 2014 K. Glhu at, $1500- 4 room rvxy mragmtow. 612-4 17th at, S, E, $1700. . 5 rooms. 211$ X. Stark 1OOl These are all osnr own peopertiea. and we wJa arrange the monthly payments to suit ycev FRED W. GERMAN OO-. T33 Chamber ef Oommeroe Bldgj. ROSE CITY PARK $4200 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH; LO CATED ON 44TH 8T.. RIGHT NEAR SANDY; EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE LIVING ROOM; EVERYTHING OF THE BEST. YOU WILL WANT THIS FOR YOUR HOME. , LET US SHOW YOU. STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 8TARK ST., NR. 8D. MAIN 8816. BRANCH OF FICE, 60TH AND SANDY; OPEN 8UNDAY. ST. JOHNS CAR BIG SACRIFICE Paved streets. Semi-bunaalow tvoe. Attractive modern home, 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, full concrete Dasement, laundry trays, well built About half way to St Johns on Peninsula ave. Close to car and stores. Owner non-resident Going for $2300. Some terms. Investigate at once. A. K. HILL. 410 Henrv tariff. Main 1902. Residence Tsbor 6138 BEAUTIFUL west side home, large grounds, with worlds of trees, shrubs and flowers, view unsurpassed; might consider part in trade. Elegantly finished Laurelhuret bungalow. quarter block, garage. You must see it to ap preciate what it is. $7500. Terms if desired. First class modern 7 room home, near KU- llngsworth ave. $4500. Your own terras. 6 room Irvington bungalow. (3750. tSOO cash, bil. monthly payments. See owner. 317 Board of Trade. $1760 INSIDE PROPERTY $1750 Great opportunity to buy close in semi-business property, improved with 6-room cottsge. 80x100 lot. all liens paid. No. 64 E. 9th st, bet Stark and Oak. $250 will handle. This Is closer to 3d and Morrison than 23d and Wash ington is. See FRANK D. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDU. To buy your borne. Main 1068. $100 DOWN $10 PER MONTH 6-room bungalow, good condition, corner, 60x 100, attractive lines, gas. beautiful roses, etc "OWN YOUR HOME." Price only $1000. clear. Mt. Tabor car. Now is the time to buy. See FRANK L. MeGUlRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. A SWELL bungalow with 2 lots, close to the car line, for (8500: this nlace is located in Jonesmore; if you ever see it you will buy it as u is tne most complete bungalow in every respect and will suit sny person. Who wants an up to date home 1 Call and inquire about this. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. 6 ROOMS. 54 K. 81st. . . (2000. (100 down 7 rooms. 60 Preeeott St. . .82800. 8200 down 9 rooms, 829 Webster st. . . .$2500. $500 down 5 rooms. 821 Sumner st. ... $2000. $100 down 5 rooms, 877 E. 64th st. ... (2100. (100 down These are all good buys and your inspection is invited. FRED W. GERMAN CO . 782 Cham, of Com. (4000 8UNNYSIDE. MT. TABOR 6 room strictly modem very attractive house on Belmont st near 4 2d; first class furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, Dutck kitchen; clear, all street improvements -paid for; a genuine bargain; ready to move Into. Paul W aid t, 1257 Belmont st Tabor 1212. A GREAT BARGAIN" 6 room modern bouse and garage. 1 block M.-V. car; all kinds fruit, berries, grapes and flowers: ownor out of town and will sell for $1400. S. P. Osburn, 610 McKay bldg. HENRY F. Price. 348 Fargo. ROSE City Park 5 room bungalow: cozy home; all light rooms; fine fireplace; Fox fur., ce ment basement; built in bookcases and buffet large attic, fine lawn, roses; paved street all paid, 1 H blocks car. (3300. F. Vanduyn, 515 C hamber Com. Main 1933. $3250 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $3250 5 rooms, modern, with fireplace, hardwood floors, nice yard, 60x120 feet Terms. Another 5 room cottage on corner lot with an street Improvements paid, $1900. J. Deia- bunty. Main 1700. Evenings East 2086. LAURELHURST Modern bungalow. 5 rooms and breakfast room; fuU attic and basement furnace and fireplace; lot 80x120. $800 cash. balance easy payments. 1228 Senate st Phone Tabor 5934. A 7 ROOM house with lot about full size, right in the city, in Ross st : this Drooertv Is of fered for only $2600; it is cheap enough for (iOOO; $1000 cash is all you need to buy this place. M. J. Olobessy. 418 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow, large lot. 50x140; improvements all paid, berries and other fruit; best car service to all parte of city; walking distance. Terms. Owner out of city. Address T. A. Hayes. 925 Gsntenbetn, SIX ROOM FULLY MODERN Bungalow, furnace, fireplace, 60x100 lot nice surroundings', Woodstock cariine: $3000 value, take $2600: $500 cash, nearly new nouae. J. riaaa, au ensmoer of (Commerce, ROSE CITY PARK bargain. 6 room bnnnlow oak floors, bnilt-ins, cement basement furn., attic, mirrored doors; 48d st N. of Sandy; $3250. terms. F. Vanduyn, 618 Chamber Com! nam iwoo. FIVE room modern California bungalow. Fire place, all modern conveniences. fuU ment, 60x100 ft lot, fine view. H block to carune. (.an be seen Monday. Owner. 1361 lirana ave. in, SEVERAL nice small bouses, small payment down and montuy payments; cheap. Also some good bungalows at moderate prices. Morse, 318 Cham, of Com. Geo. $1900 8 BOOM house, 60x100 lot on 46th st, 8 blocks of Mt Tabtor car; fruit trees. Basement furnace; gauo, balance terms. Paul Waldt. 1217 Belmont st Tabor 1212 $2000 SUNNY8IDE 47x100 8 room house . with furniture, clear, $200 cash. baL $16 per month. Paul Waidt 1287 Belmont at Tabor 1212. $2000 SUNNYSIDE - $400 CASH 8 room house, in good condition, improve ments paid for. 2 blocks of ear. Paul Waidt 1257 Belmont st Tabor 1212. FOR BALE by owner, modern 6 room bungalow. New carpets, shades and linoleum. 1722 E. Flanders st M. V. ear to 67th st Price $1900. Easy terms. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Beautiful 6 room bungalow, on paved street, fruit trees; garden up. Easy terms, $2260. Tabor 9365. SHIPWORKERS- -Will build to suit on ecre- age, Oregon Electric, S mlnutea from ship yards, on installments, gas, water. E. Btoehr, Milwankie. AN attractive 7 room house on East' 66th st, one block from Hawthorne car, lot 100x100, fruit and flowera Owner. East $479. FURNISHED and unfurnished houses. Easy payments. R. C Waiter. 6649 Foster road. Tabor 8897. ' $1800 SUNNYSIDE $200 CASH ' 8 room bouse, 80x100, on E. Taylor st Pan Waldt 1267 Belmont Tabor 1212. $12505 "ROOM house on E. 46th st. 1 Vs blocks of Mt Tabor ear; $100. baL terms. Paul Waidt 1257 Belmont st Tabor 1212. SUNNYSIDE 8 room cottage. E. Alder near 37th. paved street aB paid. $2860; terms. V, Tandnyn, 616 Chamber Com. Main 1936. MODERN 6 room house on fractional lot Price $2200. $800 eah. $26 per month. J. IL Ofberm. Marshall 1885. SELLWOOD bargain. 8 rooms, funushed. Price - $1860, $650 cash, baL $18 per month and Interest Call J. H. Gibe. Mar. 1 666. GOOD $ room house, ia stiendid condition, 80s 100, easy terms, $1850. I Ceil Tabor 8568. ' ' V , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 11 $860 Small house, some plumbing. Part eaah,' eL 810 a month. per eons interest, 6800 -3 rooaa house U KeBtov district $1600 Small house U poor condition, with 1 full lota, concrete walk and sewer included. Easy terms. 31500 7 room plastered house la St Johns. Tery easy terms. Poseeestoa at once. $16506 room house sear O. W. shop. Terms. i JAMES D. OGDEN, 107 'Shaver st Woodiawn 202. ROSE CITY PARX $860 TOU SHOULD BEE THIS BEAUTTFUL BUNGALOW ON S. E. CORNER 66TH AND THOMPSON. SPLENDIDLY ARRANGED AND FINISHED. HAS EVERT MODERN CONVENIENCE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. BUTLT-IN BUFFET. FURNACE. ETC LET US SHOW TOU. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 8TARK ST.. NR. 8D. MAIN 8818. BRANCH OFFICE. 60TH AND SANDY; OPEN SUNDAY. NOW VACANT $300 CASH. MOVE TN. 6 room bungalow oa Woodstock car line, fruit trees, berries and shrubbery, rnoe giuuv WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriner. RITTER, I.OWB A CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK $3800 ROOMS AND DEN; HARDWOOD FLOORS, FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN BUFFET, FURNACE, ETC., GARAGE. LOCATED ON 45TH ST. OUB AUTOS AT YOUR SERVICE. LET US SHOW YOU. A. G. TEEPE CO . 2G4 STARK ST., NR 8D. MAIN 8816. BRANCH OFFICE. 60TH AND SANDY; OPEN SUNDAY. $2800 6 "ROOMS. MODERN $2500 $200 down. SS6 Der month: full basement double construction, modern plumbing, electric lights, gas, sewer connection, 2 Vs-' blocks from oar, 60x100 ft lot. trees, shrubbery and garden; big value. R. r. FEEMSTER, 809 Abington Bldg. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW 6 room modern, one block to Sellwood oar, 17th and Bybee, lot 60x100, hard surface St., sewer in. Price $2500. furniture included. $300 down, balance terms. See Mr. Gustafson. U. 8. MORTGAGE A INV. CO., . 607 Teon bldg. Msin 2418. $1000 TWO ALBERTA BUNGALOWS One three room and one two room; clear of all incumbrances; one block from car on 16th street; easy terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. I OWE A CO , 203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1500 Country home on main boulevard over looking city; 4 cheerful rooms, green bouse, spacious grounds and shrubbery; So fare; all ad vantages of city; bis; bargain. JOHN B. MATTHEWS, 2 7TH AND ALBERTA. Phone Woodiawn 4893. ONLY (3700 for a 7 room house with a full lot between 14th and 15th sts. in E. Madison, 1 block from Hawthorne; this place is inside property, walking distance, all improvements in and paid lor; it is eneap at eovuu, terms. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. ROSE City Park 2 story house, full lot. cornel 60th and Braze : see sign on property! $3600 I have a large list of bungalows from $2760 up to $9000 in Rose City Park. Auto at your service. F. Vanduyn, 618 Chamber Cdro. Main 1955. FOR SALE An almost new furnished 6-room modern bungalow, near Mount Scott car, at Millard ave. ; upholstered furniture, used only a short time; (2000, about one-third cash. . 8ee Griff King Monday at 6607 Millard ave. ONLY $2500, $50 cah. the balance (25 or mnn nee month, for a 8 room bungalow, a tull cement basement with a full lot right off Killings worth ave. in Campbell at.: go and look at this place, the number is 1355. and call M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. ROSE CITY PARK 6 room bungalow, quarter block, corner, fireplace, furnace, oak floors. sleeping porch, built-in bookcases etc , garage, beautiful grounds with plenty of shade; faces Bandy; (4250. F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber Com. Main. 1955. HOME near 20th and Hawthorne let u show you a newly painted 8 room house, all modern, fine oak floors, newly enameled wood work, breakfast room, sleeping porch; faces east; price $6230. P. B. Van Nice, 404 Concord bldg., Marshall 6454. WOODLAWN DISTRICT 6-room new bungalow, fireplace, all buOt-ln; 60 big bearing fruit trees, H acre. 4 blocks to car; $2550, terms. 18th and Buffalo sta. Owner. FOR SALE CHEAP 6-room cottage on Mt Tabor car line, with bath and toilet hot and cold water, electric lights and basemnet; price (1500. CaU on or address owner, 1942 E. Ysmhill st 1 BLOCK east of St Johns or WA cars. 7 roogn attractive home, shade trees: only $350 cash. balance to suit you; paved street and sewer psid; yon can never find a finer location or a better buy; $2460. 1048 Cleveland. $30 DOWN. $30 MONTH 8-room bungalow, E. 29th, near Broadway; lot 60x105; walks and sewer paid: fuU cement basement; one block from car; price e500. Owner. Woodiawn 6C92. A 6- ROOM house completely furnished, ready to move tn; 60x1 OO lot and S lota in pota toes, 100 chickens; garden is ready to use. 940 E. 30th st 8. Phone Sellwood 2018. J. Fox. owner. ROSE City Park, brand new 5 room bungalow; can move in at once; on paved street, close to car. This la a modem bungalow home for (4000. F. Vanduyn. 615 Chamber Com. Main 1968. MUST SELL 8-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS Young fruit trees, berries, Tremont I'ark addition. M 781. Journal or cell 1192 E. 29th st N. 4 ROOMS $1600 4 rooms, on full lot : bath, toilet, elec ; paved street all paid. 2 blocks of car. $500 cash. R. J. McUUlKE, 045 Union ave. . $2 500 Modern 0 room house, 2 blocks from Union ave. car. full cement basement and all built-in conveniences; $i00 cash; easy terms. Woodiawn 8229. ROSE City Park 6 room modern bungalow with garage, (8000. Why pay rent? Can get F. Vanduyn, 616 Chamber possession at once. Com. Main 1955. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Very attractive bungalow, on paved street fireplace, garage; easy terms; (2660. 9368. Tabor FOR 8AI.E Rose City Park. Modern 6 room bungalow. Hardwood floors throughout snd a garage. On rarline 445 E. 4 2d N. 5 BOOM cottage on Millard avenue. 2 blocks from car0 line. Bargain, at terms, by owner. Phone Wdln. 4730. FOR SALE 4 room house. Urge ysrd 100 by 100 ft; electric lights, ment 545, owner. Call 8842, Apart- FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, lot 60x28 0 : berries and fruit trees. Easy terms. Tsbor 4101. $2380, MODERN 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, paneled dining room. 7 E. 7'.h N Terms. Call Tabor 7128. bet 2 and 6 o'clock. FOR SALE 8-rooxn houe, 209 E. 29th st N.. Rose City car. Price $1300. Owner. Terms, (800 down, owner, rnone itdwy laae. TWO modern houses, clean, good repair, good Phone neighborhood : will sell cheap; terms. owner. East 7076. W-470. Journal. PORTLAND HEIGHTS property, 9-rouui liou- for sale by owner; will vacate immediately, Phone A 8640 or Main 6483. FOR RENT Irvington bouse, furnished. 0 rooms, 1 1 with attio, flowers, shrubs, wide veranda, large sleeping pore a. A-sso, Journal. 8ET.LWOOD $1800 buys a 4-room house with 2 attic rooms; gas, elec trie light, paved street, fractional lot 468 Spokane ave. MODERN bungalow, Waverleigh Heights; im provements aU in; yon will want this for a home. Can D-1580. owner. $25 2 ROOM shack; can be moved; wTU trade for piano, organ or gas range. Tabor 6657. $1600 BUYS 2 lota, one a corner with a 4 room house, not modern, 1 block from ear line. Phone Sellwood 85. FOR SALE 8-room house, lot 60x100, gar den, berries, 8850; 830 cash. (10 m month. 723 E. Buchanan, St Johns. PENINSULA DISTRICT. (1850 Good 4-room house. 2 lots, corner; $1 000 cash, balance on easy terms, troodiawn eZ2 6-ROOM bungalow la splendid condition. blocks from Irvington and Alberta cariine. (Ziuv; easy terms, laoor veov. NEW 5-roora house, lot 100x100. attic, baset ment garage: price $1400, part cash, bal ance Liberty bond-. Tabor 8872 $1800 Terms. 7 room house. 2 apartments. income i.7.u. rait trees, wrrm, garage, some furmture, snap. 490 Bldwell era FOR SALE or trade, 6 room house, barn and chicken houses, a lots, fruit of all kinds Urge garden, rnone labor eg 14 FOR SALE Modern 0 room bungalow. lUrd ' wood floors, sleeping porch. 2 blocks school sne car. e 1 9 lata n., irvington. NICE nome. 4 Urge, light airy rooms, good basement, loveiy yara, iruit trees, price $1750 Borne terms. 178 West Emerson st Wdln. 2861 4 BOOM bungalow, modem, garden, roi partly rumiMied; gieuo, of owner; easy terms. o. eia a- lain sx. n. rtose I lty ear. MODERN 8 room bungalow ia Rasa Cue P.rk hardwood floors, buiit-ia convsniencea. 650 . 4tB. TSbor 84BZ. , LALHKUiLKST bungalow, j rooma, garage, etrictly mederi as- reesonabU price, half gash. uwner, Tanor euze. b - - BE AXTirt'irK rsnick tt Bach ' piano, ' 4JTo" . . yarn. touie xsroa,, 100 ivux ax, REAL ESTATE FOR ALK HOI SKS $1960 CLOSE IN MOVE IN TOMORROW s B rooaa bungalow, modern except ftrraaee. Light, cheerful, well built home. Full lot Street Improvements paid. Good neighborhood. Only 16 minutes from central west side. Near river. Located oa ElUa ave.. 200 feet from Sellwood car. Just north ot Westmoreland. Convenient terms. Quick artioa essential. A. K. H1LLji41 Henry bldg. Main 1902. Residence Tabor $188 IRVLNGTOS 8 ROOM HOUSE 100x100 corner. All street improvements paid. The house la modern ia every detail. Three fire places, 2 bathe, hardwood Doa, flee heating plant The house without the grounds would cost $8000 to reproduce today. Corner sold originally for 86000. The whole property now of iured for 86000. Ketlan es Park hill, 219 Lumbermans bldg., 6 th and Stark. 8 Room House $300 Down $1600 will buy thai house and two lota, $300 down, balance like rent; 8 rooms, bath, lights; ground $0x100 with alley. Lota of nice fruit shrubbery and garden. Can't be duplicated for the money. Hargsove Realty Co., 122 North 6th tt Broadway 4381. " PENINSULA DISTRICT HOME 6 rooma and reception hall; choice fruit trees and berries: one block from ear; walking distance to shipyards; will Consider trade for bungalow and assume some; preferable lioM uity. mce .82250; terms. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, lOWE A CO.. 203 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1260 WEBTbIDE VIEW "BUNGALOW New, artUtie, S rooms and bath, best plumb ing end fixtures, gas and elect, hot water tank sink, Dutch kitchen, gray with green roof, view of river and mts.; temna. Fulton ear to i'endle ton. No. 1858 Front Bargain. Accept Lib erty do nut. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your home. Mala 10(8. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 6 room modern bungalow: nice fruit trees and berries; hard surf so. in and paid. All fur $3200; terms. Arnold street near 84th, C. A. v Warriner, RITTER, I OWE A CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EAST GLISAN STREET $1000 t-rm. sleeping porch, beautiful lot 60x100 lautitul lot ovxiuu, ; price $1000, only Abington bldg. 2 biks. school, 8 blks. oar $100 down. " GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. AWFULLY pretty Rose City bungalow, 6 rooms and attic; furnace, fireplace, builtins, hard wood floors, white enameled Imtch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays; it will be your hearts desire; will accept $850 cash, balance easy. Please call or phone Tabor 8837 after 8 :80 p. m. 1416 Wistaria. 2 blocks Sandy. Mo.NTAt LLLA bargain, i-ruuu house! lull basement electricity, gat, some fruit barn. 60x100 lot one block to car; $2000.' $500 down. Glisan st, near 60th, 6-room eottage, lot 50XSU; all improvements paid; $1600, $300 down. Tabor 1811. W. H. Sawtell. , ST. JOHNS R H 5 liri rrl Itamiv at ivuvm Vin m erat 1 svaw furnished or unfurnished: close to car; good gar den. with use of 3 lots; berries; chickens go with place; $2500; terms. E. Vanduyn, 516 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1958. WHY pay rent! I have a nice 8 room bunga low in Rose City Park, 5 rooms, oak floors, fireplace, full cement basement laundry trays. builtins, white Dutch kitchen, good attic, tor $2750 on terms. F. Vanduyn, 615 Chamber torn. Main It) SO. 6 AND 7 room bouses, modern, close In. cheap; small cah payment, balance like rent O il r . W. Barnnger - 248 8tark. Phone Main 2588. HOUSE AND ACRE i iv i v anna Mostly In cultivation, water, lights, B room tion. water, lights. 8 room to electric station; only SO Call at BOO Concord bldg.. Uain 85. house; toilet close minutes out: terms. 2d and Stark sts. Main 85. $300 DOWN $300 DOWN 5 room modern bungalow on 41st near Haw- thorne ave., newly painted and in A-l condi- tion. Price $2700. Terms. See Mr. Uustafson, , U- MORTGAGE A INV. CO,, 607 Yeon bldg. Main 2416. FO RSALE Fine home of 8 rooms, nice lawn, fine lot 40x125. Alut be sold in ths next few days. Owner s business called him to Uie Sound. Locstion 88 East 7th st N. Prtrs l1?'' J?? .VJ?1!, PZLJH11 vft.",',.. .- ... . OR SALE by owner, extra good 7 room house, corner lot- garage, fuvelace. etman basement floor, laundry trays, fruit- cupboard, 2 toileta, window seats, bookcase, fine young Vy!h '"'."'""i 1 t,05" .f' 088" E. 19th N. or phone Wotxilawn 1896. A SNAP 1 room plastered house, bath, toilet city water, furnished or unfurnished, lota of flowers snd roses, nice garden, young orchard. good ear service, 20 minutes out Something you don't see every day for the price. Call owner, Kenwood S404. $16 PER MONTH $2000 Good 4 room house, full plumbing, electricity, gas. fine Urge lot 75x160 with bearing fruit 4rw h.rrii- V. KM mt tt T.hnl ,.r: lUn. ... ' . : value. it f PT-rAfq-rrn una tM. - (2000 MODERN 6 room house and garage, V block Alberta car: easv termv e-v wv Jioaera room uuntsivw, didu oi TI .V . . . . iii Hiiin Rfis R p A i rirvri ni.TMx . .... $12506 rooms, in good condition; .small payment down, small monthly payments; handy or shipyard worker. Why pay rent r F. Van- duyn. 616 Chamber Com. Main 1955. ouse. nunprn. luniui. iwduu iHirrn Ann Ail Bum- In conveniences; at 14th and TilUmook sts. 682 TilUmook st; price $6500. Apply to J. C. Pope, 517 First st, Newberg, Or. HERE is g gargaln, 2 good houses on Sherman st between Sth and 6th, bringing in, good rent: the lot alone is worth the price. Who wants this place for $4500; $2000 wtll handle this. M. J. Clohesey. 416 Abington bldg. FOR sale or trade for smaller house. 6 -room modern house, garage, no incumbrance, hard surface streets and sewerage. 850 E. fcth st N. Phone Broadway 2(82 CaU before 10 a. m. or 4 p. m. (650 IF SOLD this weeaT 2 room hci woodshed, fine lot. 40x100. on 63d street, a D loess irom cariine, wster, electric ugnn sad gss; good terms. C. J. Cullison Co.. 206 H Morrison st ROSE CITY PARK. QUICK SALE. large 6 room modern house. lot 60x100. beautiful surroundings; furnace, fireplace, trays; reasonable. CaU Tabor 7127. 6 ROOM modem bouse, bath, elec trie lights. rie lhibts. raa range with house; fine cement basement:! street improvements paid, near cariine. (1800, (200 cash, (la per montn. neu smith. CB14 ROSE City Park 5 room bungalow, buiftin book- cases and dqii.i, lurnare, on jiaveu m reel, line neighborhood. (2650 Why rent? Can make terms to suit F. Vanduyn. 516 Chamber Com. Main 1955. "2 LOTS AND SMALL HOUSE. $850 Good car service, only 20 minutes from center of Port Is nd. Little cash and easy monthly payments. NeiUn A PerkhiU, 219 Lumbermans bldg.. Sth snd Stark. ALBERTA DISTRICT $2250: the most attractive. praeticaUy new. 5 room modern home to be found for the money. JPHN B. MATTHEWS, 2 7 Til AMI ALBERTA. t'none woodiawn eus. 2 FIVE room houses. Brooklyn district,- $800 and $900. Lots 2Sxl00; ea-y terms, lire. Inv. Mtg Co.. 202 Stock Exch. bldg. Mar. 205. aAAnn svf t f u... k -., ..J k.l l. 25x100. at 413 Guild st, near Sevier st Inquire Mrs. W. S. Ward. 290 14th it TU- nhnn. Main 7680. . . . -. .. 1. J 2 O ntA,Ji uufisAiu, lu.ti.'nm uda, vicmni, caraen. line view. soauu. terma isse s-U nlace In exchange as Dart Owner. X- 780, oumal. , HAWTHORNE ate. 6 room modern bungalow. fireplace, furnace, oak floors, eement base- I ment Uundty trays; $2800; $800 down. F. ' aikjujii. . Inquire Mr, W. S.JVard. 290 14th at 'TaU- v Z ' . j $16 50 Modern bungalow, 4 rooms, full kit easy terms. Extra good values, i arge Ust of Sfi,r!rllH1,58510 Cb-Bb" 01 Commerea, TaL Msrshau loiso. 6-BOOM gnodera home, 2 full krts; aU irlnds of fruit; half block from ear. Price $8500. Other good bargains $2500 and Up. Tabor 4863. 119006 ROOM sevni-raodera bungalowTISS block hL V. r: srlewalks and sewer paid; easy terms. Tsbor 71T. FOR SALE Lot 60x100'. with 8 room saoora nouae, iiidu. sea o bcv at noose, 119 g 18th rt 100X106. fcOSTAVILLA. 8 room house, la fine shape; easy terw. Price $3000. Ore. Inv. A Mtg. Co., Mar. 206. NEW 6 room modern AS tAA A AAA . buna-tow in UovTZZZZ prte. $1700. $800 cash; easy terms. fr IflVUW I w . m W i , vama V-IAA, W e tet it 202 Stock Exeh. bldg. Mar. 208 . hM. U.. SAS $2250 ITfE Sad sleet) ta noreh 29ta near MawinoTn avenoei half ens. Ore. Ine. t Mtg. Ce- Mar. 205, BrOA-OW! H acre, orchard. Mt Tabor. garden. $8760. terms. Owner. X-740, Journal. ' - - TTtTftOUSE. modern, 612 E." $tb, eor. Kelly! Only $2159. Terms, . Metcalf, aUrahaB 2432 or Sellwood 8683. ROSE CTTf PAR! Ungalow. floor: furnaea: $2760. Can East- 2888. itj..i.....a.' . ' ' as. i 1 i t i.xi, i u.v Dargam, siuscu aoeai aome, 4 bedroon-. Call East -2 8 33. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES ' R6SE CITY-parIT" tljio niRii:e BOOVS ixn T.aiK-iB! ivrrfl nmt WOOD FLOOR H rtRCPl if-r sifirrisrii M1EnT.BAfiKireNT. FURNACE. GARAHHL -J" I IU.1SU.I 1-JLtlL.C Lit IN ?,;:CTESUL,ia WIDTH OF BUILDING t VH?0. rOR MfCH LESS THa4 i.Iv-HtJ. IMMEDIATE BALE. Ti't ASSESSMENTS TO ASSl'MB. A. O. TEEPH , : - ,,, - BU. 919. 6CNDAY WilCS "U AiiD SAAiDX; OPts Modern Waverfeigh Heights Residence - PARTLY FURNISHED f;) J. 6 rooma, hardwood floors, fireplace, air VuCJ I in features, full humMi uk .t -2 saeut floor; sightly location. During day see my attorney. L. W. Matthews, 722 Chamber of tosintres. After A -art u . u:-4i. 1729. THOMAS STIPE. Owner. . I..BUCK F I.AURKLHUB8T PAR55;1 S,??.18 ND large Attic owneh ia ?.A,?IFIi:lKO NEARLY $1000 ON THIS IN ORDER TO MAKE IMMEDIATE BALK, IT H A BARGAIN AND YOU WILL WANT TO BUY ITA.A-NU 600 W,U' HANDLE IT. NO I MORTGAOB TO A8UUME. IrON'T LET ANY ONE BEAT YOU TO THIS. A. O. TEEPH CO.. 264 STARK ST., NEAR 8D. MAIN 881. . RANCH OFFICE. 60TU AND SANDY, OPEN BLNDAT. . s ., v 5 Room Bungalow . Irvington District "ft. This Is a very choice property bnngalow. r roams, with attic, hardwood floors, furnace, gar age; lot 60x100; very choice fruit and ahruo.-j bery; on Multnomah at Priea a anon II. r. . grove Realty Co., 123 North 6th at Broadway 4 381. . - ; t 43M1. NEAR UNION AVE. AND klLLLN4G3WOIlfii , (2050 6 ROOMS. FIREPLACK. BrTFTT. fTCVFvw, ; BASEMENT. WASH TRAYS. 1CTO. WOi. DERFUL CAR SEBVlClj NEAR WOOI LAWN. VANCOUVER, WILLIAMS. ST. OHNS'! AND ALBERTA CARS. ALL ASSESSMENTS'"' ta.a.i aiiu aasii ivn t OCCUPANCY. REQUIRES $800 CASH. BUY., THIS BARGAIN. A. O. TEEPE CO..v 28 j STARK ST.. NR 3D. MAIN 8616. BRANCH.' PAID. NOW VACANT AND HEADY FOR OFFICE. 60TH AND SANDY, OPEN SUNDAY. '. $100 DOWN 8 room bungalow. 80x100 lot: liens paid: half bloek Alberta ear. Prie : $2350. $200 down: 6 room colonial, on 24th etl . Te,t bu: block Alberta ear. Price $2000, 1 Non-resident owner writes to sail.. This la aAi p ,,n! ?12' . - $300 down: room modern Alberta bunea low. oa lvtft st Price 82000. G, C. GOLDENBERG Abington bldg. Main 480$. "86 Tear in Portland." FOR SALE., $100 down boys 8-room ffbuse and acre, oat Gilbert road; prioe $1200. au down buys new 4-room h arr?- .wJtb. Patent toilet; prtoe $1060, $860 down hnn lot fenced, close to car; price $1260. - j $100 duwn buys 6 -room house and H acre,' 2" are., between 91st and 2d; prfctj LENTS REAL ESTATE CO. . i Phone Tabor 1699. BIG BARGAIN IN MT. SCOTT DlStklcT 4 8 room modern house and eares. lot BOxloOi-. afl kinds of fruit and berries. Price (1600, te. i . . . , I ' 7'". - """'"' : iumu iuiui sows saa Balance "Z-?ztlJJZ'rmrn k. , I n e have other eood barealna and raehajtm I In city end farm nrooertv. aie I, l M HE It KX. BLDG.. Mara 8908. RICHMOND $2600 8 ROOMS; BUILT-IN EFFECTS, FIRE-. PLACE, FULL BASEMENT; LOTS OF FRUIT? AND BERRIES ; SPLENDID I .AWN; ACCESS , TO TWO CARLINE8: SPLENDID LOCATIONS $600 CASH WILL HANDLE. LET US SHOW YOU. A. G. TEPEE CO., 264 STARK i ST.. NEAR 3D. MAIN 8516. BRANCH OF- . FICE. 60TH AND SANDY. OPEN BUN DAT.' 8IUPTARD. WORKERS T' ALBERTA DISTRICT s-s $1800; T rooms, bath. $300 cash, $20 tea. $2400 ; 7 rooms; fine yard; full cement Nit ment; $500 cash ; 'balance to suit 61200; S room noose: $800 cash. " $2K: room bungalow, modern: easy term. r-. vA.m TN, 615 Chamber Com. Main 1 1966. 5 Rm. Bungalow, $200 Down $1500 takes this dandy little bsrmb ss East 62d street; $200 down, balance like rent! 6 rooms, bath, lights, etc; fuU lot eement waias, in and paid; Immediate poeseaslon. Hargreva . Realty Co.. 122 North 6th st Broadway 4(81. ROSE CITY PAR $4750 ' J A REAL HOUSE EXCEPTIONAI.T.T -J- BUILT; 7 ROOMS AND 2 8LEEPINO PORCHES; EVERYTHING OF THE BEST.. LET US SHOW YOU. A. O. TEEPE CO., 2041 mv. in iT. J- ilTl" .'.fST I U''""-. - ". ?sll luriii suth a i i haiiy citvsr r 1 1 & 1 ' ' - - ' a. nTTft.75 n r r- o uuuso mudeu. siuou - mjckw m nna ajstrici: nouee eatua ssne built today for (2500; (600 below whet ton can buy house and lot for at this time. The i ,,,-.,1 . , w ... . -,, ., l ... tvt' ,V UUIUW U1V SBU U i . . . r: ""- - , , ..... .UM I.f la. A. V.Akill I a . - . . 1.1.1. . . V. 1 u-.k I TTSTR i7..ino .fTLn-riot.' t,,n-,t . I Autt I ,; ,'" i .1..7i . 1 6 Rm. bungalow, very artlstie lines lr porch across entire front of house; lath and , ,ww hhi a. sAvaiory. toues, white enamel tub, 100x100; fruit etcZ piasiereu, eiect. ana gas, lavatory, toilet. . t fu . Urge I 9mw . ..i, .ia i . e. 74th st See " FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. u.l. ism WEST SIDE BARGAIN B room house, ground 100x100: dots ts lumber mill, furniture factor iM ihhinX Prte, (2500- eesyterms ahtoyards. WATCH OUR AD8. WE GET BE8CLT8'1 C. A. Warriner, - . t RITTER, I OWE A CO., : . i -I ' 206-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg.' TWO nice homes for sale like rent 8 essd 4' rooma, enn m, eizeu and aieao, gu cash and baL $20 per mo. Including int. at 8 . I n m' j in uaniiici 248 Stark. Phone Mala 6S$. $2900 E. DAVIS NEAR $6fH ' ' " 6-room modern attractive hosna. newl ern4 . In and out. full lot. trees end flowers, paved sc', v. 01 lAumonrrt; a eargau 1; eonvealeat te- Ankeny ear barns. 1 (2650 6-rrn. modem E 94th sms ltM..t 4 FRANK U McGUIRE. ABIN'HTOM Tst.on. ',, I To Buy Your Home. Mala 106$.'' NEAT nnxr.llm' gitf am- - 8 VmniA la ... .tfl.. ...I. ...i.l t.At I painted; two blocks from ear. Price $2869; I easy sersna. C. A. Warriner, . I RITTER. I OWE A CO.. 208-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALBERT A D1STBICT ' T. $785: bank roar rent ia a hosne ef emu- town; 2 room plastered boose, garage and ehiak- 1 en bouse; easy terms; If Urge enough for yoar, need, an opportunity on cannot afford tn UmmJ JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 27TH AND ALBERTA. f DhMsa- aX'tlaa-aa a. a aauisv vv wuiawu -i r av a . ALBERTA DISTRICT " I have a Urge list of Alberta homes handy - to shtpyards ranging la price from $1200 mt to $8000 oa easy terms. Why pay rentf Own yoar own home. . - ,4 F. VANDUYN. 616 Chamber Com. Main 19B6., BObE City Park brand new 7 rosea bungalow. strtetly modern; win be finished aaeta; ri. "l-1 ,H-, ,u windows, tvM.tofleW I 1' 7.."- wt I 71- w see oiaoe. 9vu. sue aa I ot Cow u; I . , .AMMUO, , VWIAf i .t , se mr. 11 a I Jgaill K(3 I j. j - i j irm . 0. WWN-anw BUROALOW . ..",'. .,T prtmJ! C? ( l la CrallA-t at say. iataf.wy ash .gie lga-8i IAe IAAi Attractive la: uric k'lOua. llmt. a I FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON V To bay your home. Mala 1068. u TwSteTZii house. Max M. Meyer, coatractiag. arcaReet,1 Concord bldg. Mam 187$. Formerly' supetla tend rot foe the Oregon Hovae Builders. . . y6a giiX iiod 4 room pUterea' house.7 . w4.i.4 b an.iAn 1 " teriTa church, .secood house from cariine. a shade trees. $950, $$7$ down. $ per meatA. , lauaediaie posssssl.a. 8210 , C. VeoocaT eer. Wash. tiCELLENT ' room lU.lhom Loose, i$ gain-tee to city; fail hesemcnt fay-see? fire- place. Urge, airy rooms; all improeemenar tn and paid; tot 40x100 with fruit Bearing trees. I s-i tt,, t. OWNER, Tabor 4288. I . WOODLAW BU.NWaLoW (ll6 " I Tery swat and attractive. 8 rwosa Ira as-low. net modern rat loot isviivv, aa ia aaruea; eery guatiyt fST ia tne WeodUwa d Fred W. Usri to - I "7. vsV f tZZZZ. bldg. I 1 BY. ewaer, good 4-raaa bouse and furniture," located on good street. blocat McBoott ear; bowse tn good condition, feu ef visas and berries, account of tearing city $1654 take it; tfc cash. See ma before buying elsewhere. Y. 915. Journal. J J--, HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $110 -I ra, bath. Dateh kHehea, lot 46x118, lota trait: prtee' $1950, teraas. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. -tgtO- bldg. . ' JT m i FOR SALE 4-room house and lot (OalOd.. 1011 if. -aonaro, nr, oa