THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PO RTLAND, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1515. - ' fob rent houses ' "r It i v, UNFURNISHED ; " - WHT not Map at Koek Island for the summer Cuw sites, Uelnding Bull Sua water, eleotrig lights eat (in tranaporutlon, St Bin. ride from 1m and Alder, 414 pr mo. Take Oregon City ear ta Mllweukle or Mil Broadway 3456. , HOUSES FOB RENT FUBNITUBE FOR HALE 83 LL-or pert ef furniotre of room tor sslc. mt for rent, reasonable. 17 HUM. APARTMENTS M PTJBNrlHED AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APTS Nrw 960 too Www. S end S wool aeeetag apartment !niM or uatarTrtabedi elevator aadK berdweod floor,. tM 11th at HART APARTMENTS - 2d and Tambtll. Ifeely tarntshed raodera bcvBekoeping aad alec ping roonea, 42.90 and wp. ii!t MARCO apartment boat. 444aet liwk earner 4th. Furnished room apartment with private bath. Manager of San Marco apt.. 444 Kant Courh. corner 8th. ' I RATI VI B .Wlff north. hardwood flpoi ftsrrlslA 991 E. railing. 11 ow" union eve. HJAl6p UaLL R 9th end ft awthorne. wiv a, a, Wellrta otstea e aaa a apt.. gu.av at. bp; OaO STANrIELD APTS.. 204 Porter it. ahip ahipyarda; modern, Hrht. outside 2 room apt., reasonable. Phone Msin T32. k6WJf.U APTS.. feast id Mhn 1 aod . room epts., 11.69 per week op. Weeping rooma. East 111 PES' IN 8 f'LA APT 8. WoodUwn 1352. Coo rata bide, 2, 9, 4 room,, bathe, phona. FOB REWT FLATS It 1564 E. GLI8AN and 00th atraet. M. V. ear, , 2 and 8-room apta. : ona k-room flat; ona eornar atoraroom, good for drug atore. 4-K'OM, modarn. clean, cIom in; $20. 4421. 4 ROOM uppar, 877 Cnion ara. AU modern conraniancaa. Eaat 2198. 4 RX)U flat, atrlctly clean and modara, adulu" Phona KaJt 1008. 4-HOOM nnfarnUhed flat. 805 E. 11th. FUByiSHEP FLATS 89 COUPLE fE fnrnishings Ja & room flat oo wait aide - for sale, flat for rent if desired; fornUblng good aa new and complete in every detail, including groceries, ready to step in and keep house. Plat steam heated and modern conveniences. 69 H North 18th. FOR UENT 8 furnished rooms, light houw 879 E. 21st keeping, cheap; adults only. at., Brooklyn car. HOTELS $4 H6TtrTTIt6LI, 88l Delay at., 8 min. Walk from Oornfoots ahlnrard and ona block from Mlaelaelppt ara. ; under - naw management Room II ID per week and up. Phone C-2ZB8 STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Store building situated on the corner of K. 80th and Gllaan ate. A splendid location for grocery atore or meat market. Room in good condition. Rant very reasonable. Inquire , W. H. Hamilton. 1978 E. Glisan at, or E. P. Merta, 148 E. 7th st N. T--NM;KAtflCR AND PHONB FURNISHED rnvsta ouulda room la thoroughly modera suit, of efftcees; stenographer and phona fur nished: will rent to desirable Dart on oro rata beats of actual coat: good location and terries. Main 168 or X-S70, Journal. BO RALEiGHBCTtLDINd Offices for rent floor space, 6th and Wh- ington, U. E. Taylor, Manager. WATfTED TO REBTT 7 FURNISHED house wanted by physician with small family ho will appreciate and proper 1 care for a comfortable home. TJ-978, Jour nal, WANTED To rent 6 -room bungalow in Irving-, toa district with gsrsge; would like one or two-year lease. Call Tabor 8578 WANTED To rent 2 or 8 room furninhed bouse, within 86- minutes' ride of city. Must oe reasonapie, rnone Hroaaway 8020. WANTED To rant furnished 5 or 0-room house. Call Woodlawn 1468. UOIERN ' 8 or "4 iroouY house. Muat be rea- sonable. J-838, Journal. BUMMER RESORTS 99 BEACH property for sale, 7 room bouse and two lots, cleared and fenced at Ocean Park Wash. Fireplare and Dutch kitchen, water in nouae. j-noe gouv or could rue car and $275. A. snap. Sea pwaer at 866 E. 7th N. Phone i-iaitf, ... A OCTTAJe completely furnished at Besoh' uenter, sau per months of July and August. Phone East 8487. . SEVERAL very desirable pottages for rent at oawme, uinm. rricea ranaina aaou aown. Write, wire or call It. O. RaiKton At Company. UK room cottase. furnished; Newton at. f inn wni ones, iacing ocean, urge yard. Ad dria Ueo. F. Whitehom. Mo. dent. P. O. BEAwIDE. 8 room eottego at Seventh ave., seewn. East 1600. for SEASIDS furnished 4 room cottage, 1 block to beach, for season. Phona Woodlawn 1768 CANNON BEACH cottage for tieulars call Wdln. 2182. rent For par- BEAVIKW. Wash. 7-room cottage for season mall cottage tor July. Woodlawn 1705. H- K. APT8 . fine water, at Reokaway Beaeh. eppir at ireean jrest Apta. SEASlDlT oottega for rent - bellwood 2684. REAL ESTATE FOR HALE -HOUSES 91 91260 WEST SIDE VIEW BUNGALOW Mew, artistic. 9 rooms and bath, beat plumb ing and fixtures, gas and elect., hot water tank. sink, Dutch kitchen, gray wtth green roof, view oi nm aoa mu. ; lamas. suiron car to Pendle ton. No. 1868 Front. Bargain, Accept Lib ert Donua. FRANK L. MeGtJIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 10 A F6 RSALE Fine home of 8 rooms, nice lawn in.. wsjw. aw eoia in tbe next few daye. Owner's business called him to the nouna. Liocauoa BS East 7tfth st N Price J.'JL ' ,'ar .t. X- . -. It De .wan, i . . yiMwiTwff pi vommerce. Mam 1434 FOR SALE by owner. extra good 7 room "ium un, aange. nrepiace, cement lot mndr iTJ? M T' "uuur7 ways, rruit cupboard, 2 wmm oooacasea, line young ', ""Tl i"wc uonn oi A id its car. 1088 E. 19th N. or phone Woodlawn 1696 1 SrJAP 4 room plastered house, bath, toilet' elt water, furnished or nnfurniahed, lots of Tlowera and osea, nice gsrden. young orchard. od car aerrice, 20 minutes out Something ---"" 'J. a or uo price. ATTRACTIVE, ap-to-data 6 room bungalow in niButana rim. imtcn citchea and built-in iwcta; - naraweod floors, garage and chicken aoou ir BOLD this week. 2 room house, woodshed, tine lot. 40x1 oo ha S blocks from carline. water, electric lights and w iro terms. t,. j. uuison Co., 208 H 668E Clf PARK." QUICK SALE. lArga 6 room modern houaa. lot 60x100 beautiful surroundings; furnace, fireplace, waah trays; reasonable. Call Tabor T127. B ROOM modern house, bath, electric lights. mmm i .iu uuuw, line cement Deeement atraet imnnrnmanfi n.M n. . m,h. m m nn 8100 eaah. 916 par month.. Neil Smith. 6514' Foster road. Tabor 191. BUNGALOW bargain, 6 rooms, arga attic Pox furnace. Dutch kiMthen. buffet and booi f;ed reet ail paid. $8800. F. ' Vsn- 7 " viamnr too. Main 1 U DO. $2000 WILL buy S room house and half lot aSilOO. It 41J Guild st. near aier ,t inquire Mm w. a. vrard, 290 14th at Tela- jnmwtw nun iqov. - . Jk'Al . 1 . . nuua moaern bungalow, Roae City Park a. . i- . ! "-f. urepiace. iinished room rrr' ... -..nouyn. bi '""'i' w wwuiiii.,, jaain i bob. rto a a i x- a i i - 1 l i sw am.s o room aouole cod-' mtwxiami uuuh, mouern. witn iBiinn amn.j fine ehickett hoaso and run, tardea all nt in." A ?!T.'a.. I8 .vl- m,lU t- ' a I3S.0 WILL buy' I room house at 4lS fJulld st. bait lot, 29xl00t and fractioa of lot sesiuv, ana rraeuoa of lot lu6 Mrs. Vt .B. Ward. 290 14thiV W . poorer .n. in ioov. aiosu iiooern bungalow, 4 rooms, full lo "T terms. Extra good values. 1 art list of .. -V viiamoer oi voaamerca. TeL Marshall 1685. 6-ROOif gaodera Von, 2 full lota; all klhds f fruit: half block from ear. M. HinA Other good bargains 92800 and up. Tabor 91800ROSS . CITT pIAk DlSTltJCT " . Nearly modera 4-room bungalow, fine loea- wn, imp, poih, term. X srOT aaS9. 81900 S ROOM aomi-modera''buagelow7 block If. V. ear; eidewsJke and sewer one Paid easy terms. Tabor 971T, MODERN 6- bu inasiaw. nra i, i?.iaa fall basement. 92 160; terms. 1820 Grand ave. M.. ear. ef Bolmaa: bo aeenta. rQR SAXE -Lot 60x100. with room modern 91790. owner at house. 1749 E. 19th at r ROOM' houaa and two lots, fruit trees, P. lnsul isula dUtrict. foe 91500. J. B. BatenachaaB. 979 Halleok at FOR 8ALE- 4-roosa houaa" aud-Ut 60x100. 1011 N. laonard, 8t Johi FOR. iow prieed houses oa very easy teraia, see tJamea D. Ogden, 107 Shaver, Woodln. 202. S-ROOM shark and 4 lots. 9300 cash. moTtgage . .. , sown. ,.Mig.i , , REAL' ESTATE Tor sale houses Modern Waverleigh; Heights " vv ' Residence 1 J PARTLT FURNISHED 98000; Only 9600 -Cash. . room, hardwood fltioa,- fireplace, all built is features, fall bunxnt with trays end ce ment floor; sightly locaUora. - During day aca my attornay. L W. Matthew. 722 Chamber of Com marc. After 0:80 tall ma at-WootQawa 173. - THOMAS STIPE. Owner. ' 1 JAA.1 ., . - - I loo down bur, 8 -room bouse aad acta o Gilbert road; price $1200. 950 down buy naw 4 -roam bona and acre, with patent toilet; price 91099. - 9SS0 down bya aaodern lot fenced, oloaa to ear; prtoa f 13.0. aivv aown payi o-room boom and K onsiut ara.. aatweca Plat aad 2d; IJEKTS REAL ESTATE CO. . Phona Tabor 16. LAtlHSXHUKBT BUNGALOW -A thorouahiy atdtrn room buns low wtth vary eoawanlenoa ; bnllt-ia effaeu for eoay hoaaakaaplnc; fiaa maaieroom; apaelou Hrlac room nd two diniaa fooiat: two flrepJaeaa, Putch fcltebaa aad paatry. fha original cort of tola pUea waa batter thaa 000. Lot Tlx Jm.OT,,Bnt" U paid. - Caa b had for $5800. . Royal Court, near earlin. ... .,.J-JKOPP CO. 81 1 Hallway Erehana, bid.. Main f.75 ALBER7ASNAP r. Colonial bungalow. $2000. $200 eaah. r. antotia, E. lth it, $2000. $800 eaah. r. alacaat rat, $0x100: $23BO. $100 eaah. GC. GOLDENBERG IB Abtngton bldg. Main 4809. "86 Years la Portland." $1600 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Flna 6 room houaa. nawlr oaintad ontalda and inside: walls tinted; 1 bedroom first floor ana on second floor, new plumbing throughout, located on E. 88th, 8 block, from Hawthorne are. in neighborhood. 8400 cash. baL terms. J. l. KAHvnpp a. :t. 818 Hallway Exchange bldg. Main 7 $150 CASH, $15 MONTH Elegant value in 4 room modern home, nloe lot, lota of conr., nr. 52d and Powell, blk, ear, frica 81B00. Bnap, G, C, GOLDENBERG 218-18 Abington Bldg. Main 4808. "85 Tears in Portland. $1650, 100x100 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW 5 Km. btuwalow- Verv artiarta iibm. larea porch across entire front of house; lath-' and plastered, elect and aaa. lavatory, toilet. ft. white enamel tub. 100x100; fruit, etc, large Darn: cement waix. graaea at, eloaa to I E. 74th st See FRANK L. H'GCIRE. ARINGTON RT.Dfl To Buy Your Home. Main 1098. SHAKE THE LANDLORD Anr reliable man who can tar X40 mnathlv. like rent for 8 months, and $15 per month thereafter, can bur a dandy nearly new 5 room bungalow, with lot 75x125 feet in an ideal lo cation for home, near electric carline, for $1000. It's ready to move into. THE CROSSLET-VIfJARa COMPANY 270 Stark st. Main 8082. $2900 E. DAT IS NEAR S0TH B-room modern attractive home, newlv Minted in ana out, iuu lot, treee and I lower,, paved at W. of Laurelhunt: a barcain: conveniant to Anxenv car Darns. $2030 6-rm. modern, E. 24th near Ankeny. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $200 DOWN NEW BUNGALOW B-room. lath and Dlasterod fine white unimul bath, toilet and lavatory; corner lot 50x100; auracuve lines; price aiuuo. Henderson st FRANK L. elcGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO, To buy your home. Main 1068. MODERNIZE your building; I do all kinds ol site rations ana repairs: chants dead realty Into a l;a asset; see my many designs for new housea. Max M. Meyer, contraetine architect. Concord bldg. Main 1879. Formerly auparia- tenaent tot m yjregon none Builders. UA Jl i r m 77m rr-T I b ja. uoin room piaaterea house. pantry, woodshed, lot 60x100. near Prbv- teriaa churoh, second house from crlla t shade trees, $950, $875 down, $5 per month. Immediate possession. 8210 L St. Vancou ver, Wash. ' EXCELLENT 6 room Hawthorne hnm. V A minutes to city: full basement, fnrn-r-. fin. place, large, airy rooms: all improvements in and paid; lot 40x100 with fruit bearing trees. rnc eoeov; terms. OWNER, Tabor 4298. ' WOODLAWN BUNGALOW 61100 Very ueat and attractive 9 room buncalow. not modern; 100x100. all in -garden; vary sightly; positively the cheapest boy In the Woodlawn dis trict; siou casn. gza monthly.- Fred W. Gar man. 782 Chamber oi Commerce bldg. : BY owner,- , good 4-recgn, house and furniture. locatea on gooa street, oiocx Alt. Boott car; house la good condition. Iota of vines and berries, account of leaving city $1550 takes it: W lash. See ma before burins elsewhere, v. 815, Journal. ! iltvLMufoN Beautiful, modern home, 6 rooms, sleenlnx porch; newly refinished throughout; garage; $5500; terms. 684 E. 11th st N between Knott and Stanton. Owner, Robert B. Beat, phone East 636. NORTH 1RV1NOTON sacrifice, attractive cot tage. 4 rooms and bath; large porch, electric lt.Kt. full W fraft tru. kmIm . also good chicken house. PAVED STREET PAID. Price $1600. Would like about 8600 casn. owner, r. O. box 6o. ONLY $2200, ROSE CITT PARK BARGAIN in ice moaern o-room nouse, rurnsce, fireplace, gas, electricity, beautiful fixtures, polished floors. large living room, oeam oeinng. iutcn gitcben, large bedrooms, bath, full basement nice lot. 2 blocks carline; terms. Get busy. Tabor 6559. MODERN six roran house, sleeping porch; cor ner; ciear; waixmg distance, terms. will take good lots or smaller house as part pay- ment. tjwner, J.ast 1010. FOR SALE $2800. modera 6-room hun- galow. 50x100 lot: half block from Wond- iawrt car. cau 409 Durham ave. Tel. Wdln. 3282. M ACRE, 8 room house, chicken house, fruit berries and ahrubberr: all fenced in. Price 817UU..'. Tabor 4839, 5 ROOM cottage on Millard avenue, 2 blocki from car line. Bargain, at terms, hv owner. rnone wain. eisu. FOR SALE i room house, large yard 100 by 100 ft: electric lights. uau oBtz, Apart- ment B4B, owner. FOR SALE Modern B-room house. lot 60x260: berries and fruit trees. Easy terms. Tabor 1UI. ONLY 82800 Nice new modern 8-room bungs-' tow, iruit, iiowers, snrnoDery, z blocks R. C car; imp. paid. Tabor esse 92350, MODERN 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, paneled dining room. 6T E. 78th N. lerma. iau laoor tizb, net. 2 and a o clock. FOR SALE 5-rocsn house. 209 E. 29th st. N.. Rose City ear. Price 91800. Owner. Terms 9800 down. Owner. Phone Bdwy 1896. -FOR RENT Irvington house, furnishedl i rooms, 11- with, attic, flowers, shrubs, wide veranoa, large sleeping porch. A.-B30, Journal, B-ROOM bungalow In splendid condition, 3 blocks from Irvington and Alberta nrtia. .A.AA. - . . . IT. 1 A .A,, ivvj emny mma. iiuor A huuii out. waverieiRn-iticnmond, 7 r. house. 612 E. 86th.. 82150: terms. Details Mar shall 2482 or Sellwood 8652. FOR SALE or trade, 6 room house, barn and chicken houses, 5 lots, fruit of all kinds - terse garqgra. mow hoot ooit. ..u... . . , : . iMVVY nouae, reaay tor ptastanng. on corner lot 60x100, 2 blocks from car. reasonable price, terms, m-o, journal. H ACRE, 8-room house, chicken house, fruit,' oemes ana snruooery, su iencea, price $1700 Tabor 4820. FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow. Hard - wood floors, sleeping- porch. 2 blocks achooi and car. oio c ntn xv.. irvrngton. MUST SELL 8-ROOM HOUSE,' 2. LOTS Young trait trees, berries. Tremont Park addition, as-781, journal. NICE home, 4 lane. liaht. aire rooms amvi oaaement. Nvav yara. iruit trees, rnce pitou Some terms. 179 West Emerson st Wdln. 2841. FOR SALE LOTS 19 9960 IRVINGTON. PARK 9990 Finest corner. .50x100. north and east 'front oa Gem avenue and Jarre t, 2 blocks from en trance Ao Kennedy achooi. This lot abould be worta evuv. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. r 209-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VALUE above 92000 for $1616. 4-room mod ern, 929flOO loU. garden, etc., 9926 cash, remainder $19 per mo. inclndsa 9f oa deferred. - v F. R. BTEARNft " ' 202 Wfkog bldg. Mela Sq 17. THREk sots with three imished eiaterha, gravel . wiuu, cewcu ior waocTote worxs; iruli trees and small fruits. Penlnsala district. $800. J. B Butenschoea, 2to Halleck et - IX) R SALE joarn and" lot easily" converted . into a ttotmm, azaminatua oistnct. tor geww. e. p. ssiraiqiowi( in rtauecg et. FOB v SALS Five lots. 1 block from eaiiiae beautiful location, shack house, Hawthorne car to eotn ex. vvaig g Dlocx sotfta to 8019 GOOD lot ebaap. ar 9 earlines.- 81000.' terms. Tavad. districts 9a79-JearaaJ. """ " ' HEAL ESTATE ' " -ACREAGE 97 FOR SALE 10 k aeraa, l-.mile east of Bavt erten, oa maia road. - Invemfted frutt; o-. room house and oathoaaas: 99600. 9500 eaah. balance atortgage. - Mrs, Hattte Bataa Beldin, 4129 Bth at. BE.. Portland. 12 AOTS N. 'Xdisott at. 8t Jonns. over looking river. Near ebitriarda. 92900. Will take ear am first payment balance 940 Bat month. W. TelUna. 409 Going at ' CHEAP BOxiOO lot, small Eouee, at USa ave. sear Failing st Phone Main 9999. FOR SALE FARMS 14 100 ACRES,20,ia cultivation. 40 mora nearly ready to plow, more easy to clear. 18 eeree la bearing orchard, small fruit, new 9-rooat bang alow, wide porches, beautiful view moon tataa aad valley, large barn, araal eatbnUdlnga; lease ea 400 acres graxing land Joining; plenty running water; will carry 900 sheep (good for iv eacn, income irons iamba aad wool, each Carl ; green feed 19 men the in year; team, tm machinery, mall tools, noes, poultry. 90 sheep, auto; only 9 H miles from town. 13 daily passenger trains and boat landing, only 3 hours from Portland aad 9 to Seattle; price 7600: only 876 per acre, lnoradina all the stock, crop, farm ' machinery, auto, etc. : part easo, Dai. long time. Owner, Bos 97, Castle reek, Waah. 200 ACRES STOCK, CROP AND IMPLEMENTS 20 aerea in cultivation- 26 acres slashed and seeded, - 40 aires fine timber. Large creek through property; good trout fishing; family orchard. Good pasture with large outrange. Six room houaa, barn 40x56, woodshed, -chicken bouses; 9 horses, 19 head of stock, including 6 milch cows. All kinds of farm inrplementa. This is A No. 1 for a stock ranch. Five miles from railroad; one mile from large hotel. Price $9000. including everything. Part eaah. DILLMAN at HOWLAND Eichth and Main Sta., Oregon City. Oregon. 170 ACRE farm for sale. S miles south of Canby or Grabble s prairie. 2 miles from Pa cific highway on good graveled road, 125 acres in eultviatlon. 26 more can aba plowed, balance limner, living water, e-room nouae. z barns, large, hop house and other outbuildings; beat farm In Willamette valley. For farther particu lars call or address J. K. Grabble, Aurora, Or., Route 4. Itt ACRES AH la eultiration. In good crop, 10 bearing fruit trees; all kinds of garden. 4 room house. barn iox24. woodanecU' large chick an house: 1 mtle from Oregon City; sidewalk all the way. Price 81100. 9429. cash, balance can ran 6 years at 6. DILLMAN HOWLAND. 8 tit and Main st, Oregon City, Or. 20 ACRES OF GOOD - OREGON LAND, CLEAR, 91TB I have 20 acres of land 4 miles from Ash land, Of., which I have never seen. People who have seen this land aay It good. Cost ma 91200. I will sell, all clear, including aoatreot, for $176 cash. 1. B. Thompson, 1007 ssaet lOtn at . Belt 8556. ! CANADIAN FARM LANDS) Cheap land remsrklbly easy - - terms, fad' seekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary. Alberta. Saturday. Jane 9. B educed rates. For further particulars see Canadiaa Facing Ky. Co.. 208 Bailway Exchange Mag. L. r. mormon, instnct Kepreseatatrve. 39 ACHES, 12 in cultivation, mora easy to clear, comfortable house, barn, etc., family orcnara, email truit, spring, close to neighbors. high school and R. D.; work near at 50c to 81 per hour: 4tt miles to town: 81800: small part down, balance long time. Box 97. Castle rock. Waah. MADRAS, OR. 8 miles from county seat. 160 acres for sale, ia in wheat; buyer gets ona third; will take automobile up to 8800; will give part time: it is under irrigation district; it is a snap. Ad drsea me. 287 4th at William W. Jarrett. 80 ACRES good hill land in Clarke county. 6 miles' from Woodland and Pacific highway. Telephone, 6 acres cleared, 2 small housea, achoolhouse Just across road; 800,000 ft timber.' Will sell cheap. Walter It Horton, Vancouver, Wash., care courthouse, . 160 ACRES Lincoln county, pertly improved! stgltable tor dairy or stock. 819 par acre; terms. 93 acres. Benton county, 60 timber, balance partly imp., 916 per acre; terms. JlST drees 683 Yamhill st. Portland. Or. 150080 acres, stock ranch, Adams county. laano. uutsiae range adjoining. To trade for rooming bouse or what have youf J. L. Largent, SUverton. Or. 75 ACRES, Linn county, Oregon, all in culti vation; good house and barn, family orchard; near school and station; $4200; terms. Box 184, Uoldendsle, Waah. FARMS WAXTE1V-RE9T OB BUT 98 GOOD farmer wants to rent a farm from widow woman who will keep house for myself and 8 children, 3 boys and a girl; prefer to rent on shares. L-916, Journal. TIMBER 18 NOTICE OF BALE OF GOVERNMENT Tiki BER General Land OTfioS. Washloavaa n C, May 11. 1919 Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the set ef Jane v. iia ( But, 118). end the instmetloa of the Secretary of the Interior ef September 16, 1917. the timber on tbe fol lowing lands will be sold June 29, 1919. at 10 o'clock a. m., at publio auction at the United States land office at Portland. Or., to the hiehast bidder at not leas thaa the ap- K ilsed value aa ahowa by this notice, sale to aubieet to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, Tbe purchase price, with an addi tional snm of one-fifth cf ona per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time ef sale, money to be returned If sale Is not approved, otherwise patent wilLierae for the timber, which asutt be remoreel within tea years. Bids will be received from ci tisane of the United States, associations of such citiaeas and corporations organised under the laws ef the Catted States or any state, territory a. district thereof only. Upon application of a Sualified purchaser, the timber or any legal sab. 1 vision will be offered separately before being included in aay offer of a larger unit: Ton. ship 4 8, R 2 E.. See. 31; K9 NW. red fir 916 M. 1 not to ae som at Mae thaa 91.60 per M.; T. 4 B.. R. 9 B.. See. 99: NE NE. red fir 1080 M.; NW hi NEK. red fir 1045 ill cedar 10 M.; NRti NWte. red fir 400 M .. cedar 26 M.; NW NW. red fir 285 M.! cedar 16 M.; none of the red fir or cedar te be sold tor leas waa as.ev per ss. I. xu a.. K. 9 E.. See. $, SWH SB it, Douglas fir 948 M.; 6KH SEH, Douxlaa fir 747 M.; begs. lock 144 M-; b flWa, Douglas fig 1816 M. ; aone ef the Douglas fir to be ejld for lam thaa 91 per M.. and aone of the hemlock to be sold for lass thaa 60o per M. Bee. 6. SWla MBH. Doagias fir 1692 M.. hemlock 168 ml: lot 4 or NW NW H, Douglas fir 1764 ktlSWH NWA. Douglas fir 1699 M.; ,a ik w. sAiugiaa nr svsa at.; Ma BWtt. Douglas fir 1411 M.; SEA BW14. Douglas fir 1089 M. See. T. NK NE 14. Douglas fir 600 M. Bee. 11. HS N. yauow . nr vow ja., naauoea oo at. ; nw, NE A. yellow fir 1196 M., hemlock 99 MV; Vt NW it , yellow fir 1650 M., hemloefc 90 It: NW hk HWii. yeUo-v fir 1150 M ham- Lluek 109 M. ; Bone of the Douglas fir or yel- aad aone ox toe nemiocx to ae sola for lees low nr i oe som ior less uea si.av pet At. than 60s per M. (Signed) Clay Taliiaen. Com- miasioner ieaerai Land Oftiee. Sawmill Location 4.500.000 second growth fir, near transportation, with lumber flume throuxheat Price 91 per 1000 feet 9100u will handle; balance terms. Ground fins for logging. This is a special offer far quick sale. Inquire 808 Spalding bldg. TIE. piling and ship knee timber, close to transportation. Bear Eugene. H. A. Cox. Mult nomah, Or. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS O. and C. grant lands now opened for ' entry. Opportunity for people of mod erate means to get a home and piece of good land at a moderate coat Can show you these lands In any locality you wish at a reasonable fee. Have assisted our government ia classifying these landa. I wiH assist yoa with your filing papers free r of charge, government maps and -pamphlet or same, free of charge; to be had at land - office. Free information. Office, hours, 8 a. ra. to 9 p. m., including Sundays. 901 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak at. adjoin Ing government land office. Phone Main . 9610. W. H. JOHNSTON. - . HOMESTEADS' Tear best chance te tot a homestead OBO. es C lands open to filing June 22. We classified and mapped these lands for Uncle Sam for over two yean, and don't have te pv a aosen men ever tbe same claim. We bare PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE of every district, and "howvou and Identify ANT LAND ia ANT DISTRICT yoa want to visit at reasonable tense. TOUR FILING PAPERS FREE OF COST. - we don t handle cheap, imliiet mapa. Our maps are reliable aad complete, and we abow yoa how to se them. They eoat yoa 91.00 tor each Bounty, or a general man cf the grant. , , .ANDERSON & ANDERSON. ' 491 Chamber of Commerce GOOD homesteads amy be had ""within"' fS Portland. There n 1339 heme. steaoa a ua rortlaad fend district at the S-'3, . opeaed to homertead fiana June 33. We have the county maps ia l" Htrict on larse icafs ef f lunfblai Clackamas. YamhilL Washington. MaN iea. Benton. Polk aad Linn, made from official veoords. ahowing only the lands open to home. Seed. Price 90 cents each postpaid. We have rmer govern eacn t cruisers who will shew yoa - 1 - EOMESTEAD. O. A C grant can show good homesteads. By old cruiser. , Wills rd Dili. 493 -Ross st. Portland. , . , - ' ' ' real Estate - BEACH PROPERTY ' 49 FOB BALE Lets at Rockaway beach; excalWi jocatioa ana eneep. wain. zD. - ----' - - - XXCHA9GB REAL ESTATE 94 i60 ACRES. Lincoln. Co. Or. ' Se iamuibraaee. about 99 acres bottom. Watered by creak and springs. Make Ideal dairy or stock ranch. rieaty tange. Exchange for cttr property or acreage. H-708. Journal. 160 ACRE stock ranch, slightly Improved, oa - HSUmfi . W hum. MWO f,UW aad near achooi; will trade for gaodera 6 or 9 roan bungalow or sell cash value, $2500. C 985, Journal. ' " FOR EXCHANGE Good modern six boose with lot 100X1OO. la lire faOroad town la Washington, for small aereaga sear HiUabore e Reedviile. Or. Answer Box 102. Hillsboro, Or. FOR 'SALE or trade. lO acres, 9M"cW""1w to 14 tone in prunes, s muse rrom vaa eoaver, Waah. Will consider fat exchange good house and lot la Portland. X-88S, Journal. WANT modera 9 or 6-room houaa in exchange for 8 email hnnsea eood aonditjon. navad street. Kenton Peninsula district income $81.50 per month, cash Tame 62500. L-906. Journal. 1450 ACRES fine aaoond growth timber& Lane- eonntv: an, rkxae to B K. Ex. change all or part for Portland income. Price v aa acre. rt. A. jox. Mnltnomah. Or. UP THE COLUMBIA. 48 aerea. every acre pro dacina: wheat alfalfa and asolaai fair build. ings. Take Portland iota or house for aU or part ivso, eoamai. TRADE 65 acres near R. R. station, partly im proved, beautifully situated, finely watered by springs. What have you to trade for itt Small acreage preferred. E-760. JonrnaL ihi ACRES, one half cleared, the rest in tW her: fine farm ins land: terms. Addrees 6i E. 02d at North. NEAT 4-room bouse, 40x100 lot at Lenta, 2H blocks from carline, to trade for acreage or a small farm. Phone Tabor 5410. 140 ACRES in Clatsop county to trade or selL Manor loss. WILL trade or sell choice lot in LaurelhuratT Retngold. 14T Sd at WAKTED REAL ESTATE 91 IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with me I sell houses only, and havs caan Buyers. WATCH OUR ADS WR GET RESULTS C. A. Warriaer. HITTER, LOWE A CO., 208-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOUSES WANTED I want a tew attractive modera houses la good repair, running from 92000 to 98000. Quick action if price is right Paul C Mur phy, 270 H Btark t Main 1700. A-1515 UP TO 9 ACRES, good soil, fair house, with fruit, good water. Close Portland and ear, Low rent Might buy. Easy terms. Not aa agent Thompson, Hesse-Martin Iron Works, bast ath and Taylor. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Mast be N. E. and priced right. We hers eaaterons buyers waiting. Fred W. Human Co.. 783 Cham, ef Com, j BRICK apartment, west aide, furniture and poa aeasion. if possible; 85000 cash, 85000 1919, 85000 1920; will assume first mortgage. J- 1)49, Journal. WANT LOTS Hare free and clear unimproved land or small, nigtuy developed farm, 48 aerea. F-7S0, Journal. FOR RESULTS list your property with tbe Real Batata Bxcnanga. 2U1. Sd st. rortlaad. BOOHING HOUSES 99 FOR SALE at a bargain, apartment house, IS ways fulL Will sell or rent to right party. Just the place for man and wife; lots of won for man with big wages; wife can clear 818Q per month out of house. Write to A. N. B Gen. DeL. Raymond. Wash. 44 ROOMS, steam neat, ail modern, good fur- nlture and carpets, low rent long lease-. Own er making good money but must sell oa ac count of sickness. Price 93000. Fred S. Wil liams. 93 H 1st st 80 ROOMS, part 1L R. Good furniture. Can have leaae at reasonable rent A money maker. 65000. Terms. Fred S. Williams. 92 lit at ROOMING house and property ' owners, the place yon get Quick results is oalline R mad- way 8264. 10 HOUSEKEECING rooms, furniture 'ior sale reasonable. Call at 201 lath at. "or nhnna Main 6126. WHEN others fail to sell your rooming houses or property call Broadway 8264. BU8IKE8S OPPORTUNITIES i0 FOR SALE Best paying garage business ia Southern Oregon including agency for one of the best cars on the market Owner will (be called in next draft Write care bog 810, Med- ford. Or. AS UP-TO-DATE grocery and meat market tor sale at a bargain it taten at once. Must sell on account of sickness. stock and fu tures 33500. Part eaah and property clear of debt will handle. Box 442 Vancouver, Wash. BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP FOR 8ALE ' Old established business ia one of the best locations. . Will sell all or any part V-787, Journal. IF YOU have a few hundred dollars to Invest we win give you liberal salary to help run a fine big fruit farm. Alpha underwood. Dufur, Or. BUSINESS chances. I want a lady or gen tleman with from 87000 to 99000 to take rice o residency of growing company: no perienoe required. C-9S4, Journal. WANTED A lady or gentleman with 92500 to 58000 for an industrial proposition. Be- rarity put up for the money. U-412, Journal. FOR SALE Small shingle mill, running order, slso donkey engine. 6,000.000 stumpage. H. E. Spencer, Soappoose, Or. DON'T WORRY. 1 can sell or trade anything anywhere. Ley- man. 1 4 n H Broadway. FOR SALE Small good paying eaah grocery- might consider some trade. Jt-886, Journal. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE SI OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 months or 821.24 for 60 months, or 815.17 for 98 months, pays 91000 loan and Interest Other amousta in proportion. We loan oa improved city 'property Or for building purposes. No comission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark at. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Aay amount low rates, promptly Attractive repaying privileges. A H. BIRRELL CO.. 317 Northwestern Bank bide. It .... 630U, 6400. $500, 8T50, $1000, and up lowest Interest rates. Liberal ore-navment privileges, ino delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. en unamDer oi- commerce. TO Loan $soo. $soo, $soo, $10.00. $1200. $10 vo and gzouu en unproved property. e. u. weiis to., tz inam. or lorn, bldg. EQUITABLE LIFE OREGONIAN BLDG. Loan oar close In improved residences at ner cent : t no cost Main 917. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property: money advanced as won progresses, w. O. Beck. 218 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 9407. $260, 8950, $400, $500. $660. $750. $1000 and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Free, w. uarman Co., 7gz Chasm. Com. 9100 TO 81500; Consider lota. E. H. Dow ling 817 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2482, taOKTGAGE loans. 6 and 1. Louis Salomon A CO.. 4Q8 Selling bldg. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. F. Lewis, room 4 Lewis bldg. Msin 68S. LOAN'S oa city and farm property, 8 per cent no. Fnchs, 420 Cham, of Com. $600 to 89000 to! city or farm morV gage: no commission. P. O. Box 878. MONET TO - LOAN CHATTELS. SALABIE8 97 Salary LOANS . WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short 'notice to salaried or wort1sgmeu oa their eta notes. Weekly, serai-monthly or monthly payments. Each . transaction atrlctly eonfidentiaL NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY Ws also loan an household furniture, pianos. etc, WBawsi TesaoTsa. - CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPART. LICENSED. 817 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS . Loana nude to persona oa salary or fixed in come, ea household furniture, pieaos, diamonda aad etner personal property, legal rates. BaaV . eamfldential: nrivate offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPART Licensed. 906-807 Dekarn bldg. PORTLAND kEMEDliL LbAH ARSnT Eatoblished by Portland barinsss men te protect but tower. C. MTER8 HERMAN. Mgr. 994 STARK ST LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS, ' . HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURES - -- y LOAN 8 rTANTEP " - -. "- 99 WILL sell my 91000 inetalimeat 1st tat. -for 9900. Hale. Maia 9917.' ,-- - " WANTED 8C500 it 14 w new modera 10-' roem LearvlSmrst bangalow,- 0-494. Journal. 99 900 9. 40 acres ef Mad. 9660 S, T-room house. Moatavffla. 91600 1 . 929 aerea. Clarke Co.. Waak. rKAli w. UAjlMAM JO.,' 1 S3 v&am. at STOCKS AKD BOJCD8 81 FOB. HALE 200 sWas Peoolea atocs, ao per anare. J-B34. Jemraai. HORSES, TEHICLES, XTC - II FOR SALE Ona good work horse 9 years eld. weJabt 1600: have aa mate: will ecu eness: also 8 wagona with or without weed racks, 1 get work harness. Inquire for Ward with MuhV noanah Fuel Co. Phone. Maia 9940 or At lid. FUR aVALB a gray saare. weigne lBww, 1 yra. eld; little thin, tight from lumber $96; guaranteed aa tspres anted. Phil aaanng. Suettac. 980 Frost St. co. Meat. - - 890 Big boned 1164-1, blooky 9-yeax-3S sound eentla black Clyde brood work saare. aiscla. double, light wagon, baraeaa. 929, break, tag cart 626. 146 E. 91st N., M on ta villa car. REPLACED with aatoa. have two. good bay herses left, weigh 1200 lbs. eacn; a years old. 650 each. Da Kooing. State Laundry Co., 896 R. Broadway. - kiVfi'are weighing I Hi lbs., wort, good ainxla and double. Will gall for 910s also single and double. Will sell for 920; spaa of good mules and harness cheap 999 Powell et Woodstock ear. NICE Shetland poor years old. coal black. weight 450 1 very gentle saddle aaa orvue; quick sale 980. Phone Oregon City 967J. FINE matched team of lttOV-pound . T. Haaalar, Bel la horses, 6 y City. Route 8. Oregoa WANTED Teams to hanl lumber by contract, Caa average 810 per day. Apply 407 Statv ton at Phone Eaat 779. DOUBLE set Yankee breeching harneaa with collars, ia good eonditioa. 620; heavy single harneaa complete, 912.60. 990 Saa RafaeL BIG auction Tuesdays aad Fridays at 3 p. as. Briaa us roar stock: we caa sell R for you. Col. Auction stables, 203 Front et FOR SALE Pony, hai rubber-tired buggy and saddle. Col. 119. 860 Willamette blvd. FINE big pair of work mules. Mast sail b7 fore Monday. Leaving city. Can be seen at 803 Front at F6R SALE Team horses. 1200 lbs. each: alao 9-tn. farm wagon and harneaa, cheap. Phone A-S979. Geo, Tapfar. FOR 8Al ti Team of light horses! Frye Co.. Broadway 814. LKAD od animate hauled away tree. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Oo. DEAD horses and cattle taken quick. We pay the moat for dead cows. Tabor 42VB. liO.rU: and waaoa. 81.24 aav: H vogoa. 82.80 . . Front Mala 3S06. DEAD HORSES taken, eaah paid for dead eows." Cuu uvttoivo aeaaaeyaa, am mi t y sag iui Phone calls paid. MUwankie 69-J. LITE STOCK 9 9 FOR RALE Tocxenberg buck. 8 months on: from good milking strain. Price 885. W. R. Claridge, Garden Home, Or. Phone 8692. SEVEN" head of extra good cowa. giving freea 4 to 6 V, gala, of milk per day. and mux route that goea wtth them. Will sell one or all cheap. Woodstock ear to 896 Powell ,t iXJR BALE 140 awes. large croea breeds years old and under. 91. 114 tombs 86, Lee Steers, Rogue River, Or. EXTRA good fresh cow, Jersey and Holstein, years old. guaranteed to give 5 gala, a day. sell eneep. rnone oregoa City 857 J. FOR SALE White Pinkeyed Angora guinea pigs cheap. 841 ft William, ave. barn. E. Smart FANCY milk goats for sale and a pair young onea. . Call Mar. 279. week days. FOR SALE 2 fresh Jersey eows. I A. Bar- nerd. 9915 47th ave. S. E., Lenta. 14 MILCH 00 ws giving milk, for sale, 1 mile sontn oi Muirneanan atauoa. wm. Bichterich. FOR SALE 1 large cow, fresh ia fall, oure urea rferevy. set. asu. ovvv. FOR SALE 9 sows aad SALE I 19 pigs. Wd 6424 after 4 p. ra. WANTED A few milch goats; state breed aa3 pnee. E-755. Journal. FOPLTRT, PIGEONS, PET STOCK 97 MAGUIRE'S BABY CHICKS R L Bed and O. A. C. Barred Rocks. 920 hundred, 92.50 a doaen: White or Brown Leg horns, $16 a hundred; batch Jane 20-29, July 6. Order now. Heavy laying, vigorous. Ho gaaised stock. J. R. Maguire. 797 Oregon at Eaat 1805. BEAUTIFUL Light Brahma eggs for setting, 82 for 10; also Pekla duck exes. 82 ner set ting of 10. D-994, Journal, or phone Maia 218 before 6 p. m. 100 WHITlS LukO&N early ehioksns 50 eta, eacn u tax en at once; jnemisn uiant orea does 99; also cow to trade for horse. 249 N. lata st JUST LAID EGG FARM Hon-fertila necking ess for sate. Marshall 9915. W. R. Patterson. LAYING young hens. Leghorns. 81.25 each' Rocks or Reds 81.79 each. East L806. 787 Oregon st 4, COLA EGGS, nerve strength, 2 dos. aad 1 pkg. Egg Saver. 21. Dost naid. P. O. Bos 104. Sherwood. Or. U H FOR SALE Mother hen lnd 10 Rhode Island Bed emoka 8 days old. 84. Phone Tabor 4628. FOR SALE Toung White Leghorns sod Wya- dotte hens. Tabor 4941. FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock chicks 8 days old. 25 cents. Tabor 5718. FINE, strong White Leghorn chicks. Maatei Incubator Co.. 415 Jeeeup at. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock hatching egge. i ior 10. TWO u. tbui st N. Tabor 6559. TWO doaea White Leghorns tor sale. 4911 exa ave. B. g. CHIC'iS and tertile egga. Tabor 4070. POOS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. . RABBITS 44 Pedigreed New Zealand and Flemish Glaata. Utility stock. All breeds. 8tud buck Flemish Giant Peerless Produce Co.. 175 Front at. THOROUGHBRED Jgpeasea Spaniel puppies for sate, iteouceq price. Tabor S74U. AUTOMOBILES ACCE8S0BIES 44 ME W f IRES What brand of new ttias da yoa prefer! We have them. aO makes and sixes. Also we make the fa mous O-V.-rj Double Tread sewed) tires and do all tanner of tire re pairing. Oregon Vnlnenlstag Co 338-389 Bara- skde aear Broadway. AUTO WRECKERS Wa wreck moat all makes of ears aad asB the good parts for less thaa half price. .We have all kinds of usee? bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for old ears. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 338 Front st, MAIN 4769. BARGAINS IN USED T&UCKS 1917 1 Vt ton Federal, worm drive, last over hauled and repainted. 2 ton Velle. lost the true ior wood nauliag ia fate mechanical condition. 1 H ton Indiana cheap. KOEHRINO MACHINE CO., N. W. 354 Hawthorne ave. East 6493 FOR SALE OR TRADE A one-ton Buick speed truck, in good eonditioa. with side seats ana top. uooa vegetable or berry track. Will consider Bght car ia ex change. J. F. McCLELLAN. Monmouth, Or. THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE COMPANY 1 Toa, 9970 BUILDERS OF 1H Ton, 9420 EVER READY TRUCK 3 Ton. 9470 ATTACHMENTS Capacity Mfg. in Portland. ' 199 K. Water st Phone Eaat 7497 1916 EIGHT eyl CadOIae. need 6 n Price 91760. Deal direct with owner, old S. Gilbert. 994 Yamhill st the. GOOD used Ford tires and tubes, Presto tank. eheen. 9911 Woodstock are., eor 84th. Mt Scott earlin. FORD roadster, good looking, in fine aasehanZ leal eonditioa. New body aad too. Tabor osss, FORDS 9250 to 9440 HaB A Caaaaoay, 311 Waahiagtea. M-6hE bug, a classy ear." leaving towa; toast sell. gl'JO. i uraaa eve. n. MUST sell m Hi 8 Maxwell torln gay "3 A-779. JowrnaX FORD tooring. fine eeradiaoa. good tires; saa aeO. 9995V 90 Oraad ave. W. 1916 OAKLAND 4lg fat sale. Pheae Taher eons . . gfiR HALE Oaklaad Ught I. aoitlint Mar. 2697, : Maia 499 195. POR SALE 1917 Ferd, flae eoaditioa. Phoae East 3iao. FORD delivery, a baxgala at $lTsT . Phoae Eaat 16T6, WILL aell my 1917 Maxwell cheap. A-Jfi" JonrnaL. ' 1919 CHALMERS ear ier aale cheap. Mela- 6913. MAXWELL 19 i 7. best of eonditioa: must m riftee. t 30 Grand eve N., near Bnrasid. BUICK roadster, E. starter and Bghta. fine eoe , anion; arnag sen. - w. is uraad -ave. N CHALMERS 80 chass IWh aaagaete, 116, uu jua " LOAVS WAWTEB AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 FORDS FORDS FORDS 1917 Feed tearing. 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford roadeter. 1919 Ford tearing. 1919 Ford tea ring. 1919 Ford roe Arte r. 1914 Ford touring. ' 1919 Ford ana. 1919 Ford dehvarv 1919 Ford delivery paaaL FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO,, E, 9770, Eaat 19 th aad Kawtherae ave. BIO STOCK OF USED CARS IN TRANSIT. nswvxa ula uau,i ADa. Tnese cars are all thoraushlv M.rfi,nw 1- eur shops before being placed In our used car uepartmens ana are tst beat values la Portland. SEE US BEFORE BUYING ' ELSErWHERR, Chevrolet like new. extras, like sew . . I 760 760 460 900 985 1100 ttexon. 0 p Stadebaker. joie su txwell. special f , use new ....... Mitchell. 7 naaa.. almost naw . 1100 1000 860 950 900 900 Jeffery truck rord. 6 pase 3 Ford deliveries each Btowsaru-ueytoa track . . , Cole 8. like new, all extras Ford Terms if desired. W. H. WALUNUFORD. ... ... Pn evenings aaaVSandays. 933 Alder at Broadway 3492. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 191T Mitchell. 2 peas, roadster. 9 191T Mitchell. 7 peas.r eel. . . oil. .91250 . 1100 . 700 j"i asiteneu. a pass., a eyi. . . . . . 1919 Mitchell. Speae.. 4 eyl. . 1913 Mitchell. 7 peas.. 9 eyl.... . 675 . 600 . 650 . 600 . 660 . 1250 . 250 f 75 ssiicnaii. a peas.. 9 eyl. . r,i: "it taaeoaxer. 4 paaa, coupe Ford truck with body aad top Two-tea track with cab.... Sampson truck Light track, caa be pat diuoB at amau expeaee, only . . Brand new ceatBiac trailer; will sea at cost MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVES CO.. USED CAB DEPT. East Morrisoa at First st East 7272. B-1219. WEST SIDE SALESROOM, Broadway at Oak st Broadway 615, A-8S4S. SPECIAL SALE OF GOOD TO CHOICE USED CARS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Terms to reliable parties. 1918 Chalmers. Late 1917 Buick, model E 49, 7-paaeengtr. Hudson aper Bix, T-paasenger, refinished. Hudson 16-9-40. 7 -passenger. raige. n-peesenfer, refialahed. Regal roadster. Chalmers, 4 -cylinder. Hudson 16-6-40. 7 paseanger, refinished. Paige Fairfield, nearly new. Our specialty la good service to our patrons. A. G, ONSLOW, Washington. 33d and Cornell Road. USED AUTOMOBILES Jerrris Given Chalmers 9-30, repainted Ford bog. a bear eat .9980 . 900 . 800 . 680 . 840 . 600 . 450 . 900 . 600 . 700 . 979 fJil overland, aew tlfea. good spar. 1913 Franklin, a good ear Bntck roadster Buick roadster Garford Six, a 96000 car Chalxeera Model 92 nutcx tooting, A-l aaxoa bis Overland hug OPEN SUNDAYS WESTERN MOTOR OAR SALES CO., BROADWAT AT BURNSIDE. HUDSON "94," 1919: good ttrea. Car la splendid shape. 9450. Twin States Motor Car Co. 514 Alder st Broadway 494. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN Houses. The. portable kind ear, . v money. See a. Pie at 944 Hood sx Main viae Millmade Construction Co. BEO Baeaabout: ni nine condition 1 starter, bat ta good ru Painted yellow, trimmed in black. Price 9179. Twin States Motor Car Co, 914 Aider at, Broadway 494 1917 PAW! 1917 Newly painted aad like new. cord ores all round. 101 10th at Stark. . J. H. Graham. LAMER' Mfg. A Rpoira. 9000 guaranteed springs la a.Jal V awaa RWU MV. O . A CJb af QhS 1917 iH toa OaWora truck, liie" 1 w mw,; must sou at once, will take medium priced tearing ear on deal. Terms aa the balance. Price 91950. Call Albina Gsrsia. MOTORA. Pears. BaarinaTa. Vyni., s.i1 a r" pnee. xsavw tUnlm Ue. r . mruwtw , cnMaway J , b. WILL sacrifice '1 91 4 t-i Btadebeker, la eood tana nlag eonditioa. Ood tirae- saiuat mmlt .wi- t. Mass offer. Call 264 . 87th at. Hawthorne. klrto far ail toakes,e ears, oreawa Ante Z srroaVwrr - - CTg I I i 11I.WI siocK - usea uars zzra . .. wvAks aviva KXf. Slat aad Washington sta. Mala 6344. bUBBUILLK" . TOP CO. 9th sad Oak. Bteadwaw lads . Fords , Enameled $15.00 v - - '379 E. Morrisoa et lftil f mi I gyliader kitch.ll. iW cS. nadirlsai will sell at- a bargala or wta cem- gsneg a svaau ear as para payment, ij-mg. , FOB SALE Spiesidtd ear for termor, 7her haarr vrerh ar plaeaaret 9279 it aald PSoae overling Tabor 9990. A-T99, Journal. FOR. SALE 1919 Studebaker 6-passenger la A-l soape, anmon www ana; price 6660. teres. Apply 990 E. Morrtaoa. FOR SALE J917 Ferd tew ring ear, fine eesv ev CBtsoa. reesnneiiie. - tsu vveccuawa 3746. rOB BALE, by owner, 6-paas. ear, in rnnning order, 9375. Tabor 9070. iTl4 MARIOX 6 eoaaoietaly ever rrpainte Ban far eaah. East 4146. 1914 HUPMOBILE. good" eonditioa, apotllghx, 4 tires, 9400. Owner. Mate 9999. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USED TRUCK BARGAINS Wa heve ea hand ta 1 A Baa of repuiB tracks . ha- ease -Thai BMlodea X to S Peerless 9 toi aaraaalal raehard S toa. soeapletery U In O. M. OL, drive Bsarly 1 tarn Baa, mm 1 toa Federal, bargala. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY Teeth and Burnaide Sta, Broadway 931. S ' 1917 8TUDEBAXER "4." T-peasitwtsr. Weald snake a dandy stage or rent ear. Splendid eoaoiuoa. $iaw. Twin States Motor Car Co. 614 Alder at Broadway 494. 4300 CASH 9 pern., 9 good Urea, demountable rims, alee, lights. Al conditio. Sell. 8563 eveainga. AUTOMOBILES WANTED T9 TRADE good 6 paaa. Franklin,' eoat 92850 (aak 9390) and pay cash difference for light 9 pass, car or Ford worm drive track. Tabor 9592. Gabaer. 1109 Hawthorne. ANC parUion. $Ux60. electrie lighu. boats. bathing suite etc Worth 9650. Trade for Bght auto. CaU Eaat 7187. WOULD like to buy good Ford; no objeotioe te old model: no dealers. East 466. HAVE a 6-paes. car; will trade for Ford' aad pay difference. Phone Maia 242. WANTED Light oar. Buick 4 preferred; must be in A-l eooditkm. Phone Woodlawn 1009. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles : condi tion ae object 121 N. 8d et. Bdwy. 3629. TRADE for lighter ear. Ford preferred. This car ia good condition. Tabor 8076. WluL pay cash for 1917 or 1918 Ford; pri- I vau pa rues oniy. xiaorand ave. n. AUTOMOBILES FOB HIRE AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Bread new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing A Robaett. City Garage. 88 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 640. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN MARSH. 283 10TH A YAMHILL 1-1111 HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good ears, cova- petent drivers. Sixth end wsaa. Mala TOSO AUTO for hire for highway. Phone Weodlaaa 9471. COLUMBIA river highway aula acrvice. We" taxi work. Mala 229. AUTO for hire for highway. Woadlawa TT. MOTOBCTCLEB, BICTCLES 44 B ICTCLE8 MOf 0R0YCXE3 Large stock ef aew and need DAYTON CYCLE CO. 68 9th st. 1917 INDIAN 9-epeed. power plus, presto and speedometer; tandem; cheap. Call 969 KU- Ilngsworth sva. after 6:80 p. m. FORDS for hire without driver. 449 Stark st Breed way 8632. i9i8p6wX WXR" 1-LlS Indian in At shape; equipped. W, F. Tews, HUlaboro, Or. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 44 FOB SAL One Evenrude canoe. 476. . One 18-foot launch, 5 h. p. ehglne, eea una lB-ian BOBEaco. a n. w. wuatue. 690. M. Turner, favorite Boatnouae, toot Mccnaoa. BOATHOl'SES tor aale or rent, very reaaoa- able. best location. W. H. A JC. TON DER WERTH Foot of East Morrisoa street Boat Swan for Charter Exearalons every Wedneaday night Mate 47. turniahed or nnfurniahed. ItWaR lf)aaaw orvjae -, t Must move. Will sell reaeeoable. Call Woodlawn 2269. fOR' sALk rWthous iumlahed for light housekeeping ; lost the place for a couple of shipyard workers. Price 9119. Phone E. 7899. To BUT OR SELL YOUR BOAT rt with Turner. Favorke beetheae. feet ef Morrison. Main 6402. WANTED A first Call after 6:80 p. m., Woodlawn 1967. PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 94 ON THAT vacation don't forget to take along some of tbe wonderful EMERSON RECORDS. Just the thing for summer tripe; they are not expensive and have eome of tbe very beat art iste si rutins and playing for them. Emerson records are 7-ln. in diameter, double disc, and nlsv thrae-auarten aa kmc aa the average tea- inch record. 86c each or 3 for 91.00. The Behlatrom Corp.. 405 Morrison Street Bdwy. 2700. SECURITY STORAGE CO., eleeing eat 8300 Old English apright. cash 846. 8350 American make upright eaah 898. 8400 Modera oak apright cash 6186. 9450 Modera Btatiogsny upright, cash 9160. 9878 Nsw. stored. 1917 modsls. eaah 9219. 9426 1917 mod, is. 9226. 9450 aad 9266. 109 4th at et Washington at $475 LUDWIG PIANO This pieae haa been left wtth as for sale by a young lady Who has left the city. This Is a tare opportunity tor yoa to secure a aaja graoe at little cost No reasonable offer refused. WIGHTMAN-JOHN SON FURNITURE CO., 89-90 Grand Are. LET us pa a Brunswick phonograph in your . price 9300. Tabor 9247. -Jr? "r-hSra -Virin LaTe Cabbage pUte lie too. 11 U coming wees, yoa are given toa capenwiity to test this famous phonograph in your owa home without obligation to purchase. Call and select the styls yoa went to try. Wakefield Music Co.. 427 Washington. Phonograph Bargains All Bsakes aad giaes less thaa whelms Is. Phonograph record 10c. NEWMAN PHONOGRAPH EXCHANGE Msin 4496. 128 First, aear Alder. i - jeewl-liand liUU. stand, -ei jp. low pitch; deehta system. Phone Bed. 930. bet 6 Bad 7 p. m. 9219 eaah bays 9410 Knrtemea pasna la dell mahogany, good as aew. Ben waa i-mao vol. Ill 4th et st Wsahtagtoa at MEW ENGLAND ptaao I real trory keys); 9197 Mendelaaoba I reverted ) . full eta. 9299 Retold B. Gilbert. 964 TambiH et 9391.26--912 eaah. 96 monthly, bays model new improved piano at Schwaa Co.. Ill 4th at at Washington st 1917 Piano BRAND new 9265 " Ediaon Diamond "Dise pho- XJkMJ DfW 9S7J9 9TUJ6wl7n aaBUIgaA AaeBQ VDeje noxranh. latest model. 3200 terms, or liberal diaconnt for eaah. S-672. Journal. rrvriaRtTRT nlano. walnut eaa. is, good coa- dition. wm sell for 8249 eaah. br on CaU 149 0th et Phone Mala 9106. RENT a plana, bm Ne sqaare terms la Psev bad Ne ae Barold A. Gilbert. 984 Yamhill. Uif-.Utkf wrlnea oaii lot used eraaha and musical tiwArameata, ; v7Krrnmf. piaao Repair Shop. 294 Market st VIOLIN Excellent goto violin nr. at 24. r?iNCIA-Piane or player ptaao for eeebT 48. Journal. ITT HoUeg A Healer upright pteao. Security Storage Co., 104 4th et TTFE WRITERS KEW kUlNGTON. rental paaa. teat appUea to pore base rem: aRlalbla toodela. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 89 Broadway. Breedway 4491. CCaIISTICB raetory BibWiit Typewriter! -All Makes" gold ea atoeUly payaventa, Bad for price) hat The Wholesale Typewriug Ce ReteU Dt. 991 Washingtovl St. ILL UaXES typewriter rented aai rairaa Orggoa Type Co. 44 A 9th, Mate 449V REBCILI1 typewriters, eappliaa, Cereaa drnTirZ K. W. Feaee Cow, llw ataw - . HOUBEftOLl POOPS FOB SALB 44 COMPLfif li larnUtiaga ' ia T flat oa st ssde. flat for rent K dseirsd. Farirtshtngs good as aarw aad eomplsto IB every detalL te- eluding groeansa. reaay e surp in hoase. Flat steam heated aad venlencea. 69H North 16th et. FOR BALE Any part e all of faraitare foe 6 - rooms, iaeloding ptoaa and raga. . Phoae Wdln. 44 1 92 H Kmrngaworth ev. HANDSOME parlor and dlaiag room eulte"ead other boaaahold furBltnre at a aecrlnce. 172 11th et X-840. Journal. - FOLDING bed for aale. 474 JioJaiay ave," 91 foT" 990-eel. - Bewaat gaaou Bewsat aasev Bead aa aseatha. Will aei fcaaaa waed ante akxml at aseatha. Will eeU rsasoaabls for eaah eaiy. Address Nlehel A Oe. Of Moater, Orvrna. - TARM traotor for sals; trade farVa4 or vLst neve row 1 hx-905. Joarnal. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS 19 tlOMei AJ.lV.lJAiicBalCUaA-ieJ:- Vrga tablee aad aaaatays, Oaah Newtesa aad aalea. fl& "5fr deaks, .., - Oae large aad eae ri -11 V iT iai . ' ; ' Laraa saa raaara. eider aswav Two soda leantalaa. ah ems . SS4ae9 ftoet aad back bar, wwaTtorge mures, wwrh heard aad ginks eoenplsle. . -. PIPES PIPES PIPES Galvanised and black, new saw aa Va-A as - to 12 tnch. its. He; 3 laea. 19ei SwTTSOa icov . . 9 TTiaa triutlsaala wvio , POSTLAND PIPE SHOP. 369-971 Free cage OREGON STANDARD, PAINT. A home Bind lit aaeAa rvnea tttm tet mf u asrial Not the cheapest, bat (he beat Oar guarantee beck of every caa. Give aa Oregon Drodaet a trials AU JUnki. A. k. a.,.. Bros, varnfah prodaote. aOLLER PAINT A WALL PAPER CO aiiiia at Paint that reef with . .' ' FIRETROOT WATERPROOF V RUSTPROOF PAUTT Frevaate the growth ef ssoav Btana Wks imA- aTJrf f'". .mot (Paoae Mala 9979.) 411-19 Chamber ef Oommeroe bid. . nuu. nraarliia 1 v ' with coeahinatlon wood and eoal crate. Oood teed evaa; 3-baraer gas pleta Wedge. Call at agls itK a a ar , a.i 1. weed. below 47th aad Dirialoo. Ke tank- lasUn wealed. ' - Electric Motors w Bought, sold, reared aad rapatesd. vraiaaa; aunm werca. 41g Bora : svta. Broadway 6614. ALL machines said fat less! ae . ageaU are employed: msehtaas ivated. repaired. A-8419. Maia 9491. Sewtag Machine Esxpertaxt, : 190 9d st. aear Taylor. . "UUllCiL IK'oTai'UEWTH.' M'yB.wrtaae.'' Heaeshuld Meads" are aaperate alaeatfl. All adrsrlissmsum of --- snsA. s.. waoer tnetr rsspstave LOOK the; KM OVEI OVER. 01 a rm "TTvS" 'head sewing Hf l VpUU with attachmeats; all are la ta; aU ara good condition. Bewtag ssaehiaas rented a9 99 per aaeana. raoae aaaa III! or B-gSOT. hi. R. Steea. 162 Oraad eve.. Beer Beteaeaa. TWO aerea aacat hay; 2 aerea gaaeral garden! fine state mt ealtlvarloa. ta laiiu - iJ half growa chickens, a buach of tools 1 eea t care for them; must eeU. Bee 44 999 X. Uat neon, eor, 80th. CHtRftlEs. redueed arleea. Coma niak th. yourself, or I arlll nlee. rnu, aaik .- E. Btark. Mt Tabor (M-T 98th) ear to aad. four blocks north, oae eaat; vi'Hiia ear to 89th. five block, eouth. Watch Repairing Specials Cleaning. $1 ; Uw,U. BOe: maia serinaLt I&a. BELS GOLDS, JKWKLBS. 134 9TH IT. Fruit Jars Also Jelly ehaeoer Bare Newmaa, 196 let ICTOMO&ILEb. MOToaCTCLU. UUnMII or boats or aeparate elasatfleaUons. A Urge listing eaa be found under these diffartat t 't- -fieetioaa. $1 0 to $1 2 WtS J Ooarantead. we awes aaa fwpeiA - Maia 1944. A-l 8 18. 173 94 st Phone ,GABL' U. 1. Bchrswder, Broad war 9.079 eea giaaaera. Rea. Wdln. I960 aVU .IStV UsUa ForUaao. Or. Bew aad second hand -All slsss Any amoaat. WHY aa everlasting aagravatloa by a leaky T Why not a twaaaaamt aad '- -- - Me tooff We exldiae aad renew aU kind of leaky roofs. 006 Tearny bldg.. Mala 4A CUtiitLtU. clean Boyal Ania aad - Whig can; oome and pick them i food piaee to I Pnle. Come ta nurlinrton. so roes the ferry. for Van Tseairk. Ferry Mads en piaee. u... i.. i t 1 . t. . " , , -I' ine Metner, mirrors, etc wm gscniaat. Caul 180 1st or Msin 4778. iOO k.VVtLOPti or 00 Uid UterUaXC 93.36; 25 eagravenr' type wedding aa'e'm'te or tnv't's 69. Smith, Printers. 904 Btark - st neiauii uauuei; Mau 4344. Step, extension and cherry picker tactdera. USED hot water boilere, 90 get. 99; 40 gaLt we nave up to igu gat, war euo hv in use. 189 Adams . Phoae East 7469.' BICYCLE FOR. SALE CHEAP Newman, 134 1st st. Bear Alder. CARfrtN'TtR tools la excellent coodJtW eluding tool chest Phone Tabor 337, r. .91 81 Derrla ave., Leata. FOR SALE Pie cherries, e-e a Ib7 1899 Peninsula ave. Pit Wdln. them yourself. Z89. PATENTED Tire retemer range, used only for demoastration. Will aava half your fuel bilL Am going into aerrice; wiH aserifiee. E. 1779.' mjsimrsum t-z Oofag into aerrioe: will sarrlfiee axaeotiaaafl fine blue diamond. Phoae E. 1779. FOR SALE Barbaak potateea, FheBe'A-lel'b.' ueo. I spier . EDISON moving picture hl K-164. Jottrnel. CHERRIES far aale; pick them yourself. 6e T in a eata ex. A CABINET erand oUno Lw asV "ArUiutl.'! city VACUUM1 cleaners sold, reoeired. rented, an. changed, bought Beatley Co.. Main 4lti. SIZE' 99 anclaimad tailorvawade man's aultT'E- gant garment, -zv Alissy Bldg. - UNCALLED for toiler made suits. 69.1 'SZ Taylor the Taller. 939 H Buraeide. PEUMBInA SapplleaT'waoUale prices. lurk: Lasvts ajet 111 St Mala 797. Searlt ehaeT chair. Call Mala 8643. Spartmeat 849 MOWER, rake, wagons and Fraanog cneap. geu. 1196. 794 E. 84th. - -FOR, SALE Pie eherriea, 4e lb., oil the taaa! Pick them yourself. 1999 Peniaeala as a. RA3PRERRIES 10. t box; pick them roar- self. E. 7 2d and Harrieom. Tabor 1947, Ctittxkizk for aale. 2 cherry treee. I'Uoe Tabor 4702. BOYaL xHit cberrU. Ceil'.Talxir 91S3T" ! AUTU woodsew for sale. Cell aat fOR BALE. 3 auto rugs. Hi A. 4Ttk F. HAND loom warp. $20.00. Call Tabor 4157 I I j - . I, JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. Uaia a la 3! I . ' ' I I BWAr COLUMN -- 19 fSTT exchange dor poultry, stock eg what have if New 16-liaiba aAtasvlAMaa atss Iam former whoieeale price 91741 will take Slot) valoatloew X. B. Caevrvaaaa. 998 K. list. HOUSEHOLD goods for poultry, raobita. pige ron' 'f8'- Iatvu, tamer puppy log aale or trade log gar dea hose or what have yea? Cau Tabor 4 so. gPBNITUBE rTANTEP u Want Household - Furniture ; WILL PAT CASH. - f" -'. ; Phoae Mala 9992. " : 3 Call East 636 iSTf price paid log furniture, o atotes. anything fn hgejsshald gee da, -. W ex- aha ace year old fumrtwre for aew. - 1 km Cusisrn CumUiiM ls 14-4 alaia Cs.i., C..m!s... r. i74 caoicm i uiniiuitJ ivh Want rear farultara. eg large amoaat. Phone and we WIH cell WANTEl Berond hand farnlture. raagea and rteve. etc WE FAT THE BEST FBICRA, MOROAN FURRTTURE CO 990 Eaat Morrtooa. - Pbcme Beat 9229. ' PHONE Eeat 7$i4 wheal yoa wast m sell your rernltar. we eeaae at euee aaa pay yo aa. M. R. Seater, 690 Bawttoecaa ava eoc. , Union. ' - - ' ' - ' ' wk.HfMAi.Joii.VBoM ITk. Aa . BB-40 Graad are, ? East 7790 t r flRtierl priees paid tor aaed furniture, ear t. aaevea, raagea, eto. We eaO preeaptiy. O A QU paid tar furartara. stovea. UnOU era, earpeta. raga. 'dressers. Fboae Msnhan 24T6, Hartxefl rwrmttare Co.. 841-46 lag MOST atk . paid for f ami tore and eauaioal ia- eti ruaveut. Hail A Caasaday. 120 First. Maia 7098. MACBTNERT 1 fflms, I NkV UakAVLTUU U VatV U U lim Vs! U NktV trBBmeds latest earless i faeten geieea. Faetery B GHaaa. bwt. 76tb atd 74th. Tabs AOS IV BALJt ust kltahM aew iCavBtiaaed XwRowlac Pate) is