THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY. JUNE -HI, 1918. ' 19 EARLY-VEGETABLE CROPS ARE PRACTICALLY. A FAILURE BUTTEB MARKET IS FOUR CENT THE PORTLAND Tl Sharp Rise. Forecast la These Report " la In Efloft Butler-fat slakes a Similar Move Loeal Market Has Been Lowest In Country. The edanee ef it g pound la tha prte of beta butter and imttarfet, which tort effect ia th loeal creamery trade daring thg Say, has eea forecast in thM reparta far rrl day. Tba adranee la du mot only to Uia higher price quoted eleewSer n4 tha shortage In tba local output, hot la dcamad assscsary, especially "fat kutterfat, haaauaa of tha drying up of tha raw, which ha mad dairy faad much more ex peneire. Tha naw priot place erumtry aitraa In parch ment wrapper at 4 No a pound, and cartona 49a pound. Thla really maana an adreaee of Be a pound In tha ratal! calling priea. By tha near advance Ma 1 oar cream, or bue terfat, la snoreg to 47a pound, f. o. b. Portland. for torn tima a natad Is these report, - tha priea that buttar man war paying for eubea pea really bayond tha basic they wara calling' Jirtnta at. Am advance In tha latter was Ultra ore absolutely necacmry. UY W. 8. 1. STRAWBERRIES ARK RULING HIGH BUawbarry pricaa ruled high during the day. BaUa wara made on tha Farmere' market at II 21 8 BO whtla along Front atraat eimilar tock gold at 13.4.6 8.60 par crate, . Quality aontldered quite fair uv w. a. a, LOCAL SOAP IHOWH ATS ADVANCE Local aoap manufacturer hire at but fol lowed tha recent uphearal of pricaa by eastern iatercats. Royal WhUa and White Linen wera both adranaed 80c a caa during tba day. Mar ket ruling firmer uv w. a. a. GOOSEBERRIES SELLING HIGJI On account of the small tock offering and tba fairly liberal demand, the market for gooae- barriea la firmer along tha wholesale way. for tha day alee wara made at 0 7c a pound for bast offering. suv w. a. I. TROUBLE WITH POOH EGO STOCK Owing to tha rather poor quality of a large par eant of the arriral of agg from tha eait. handler of thane auppllaa are experiencing muob trouble with the trade. Loeal egg have baea affected In price h the weaknea. suv w. a. a. LIBERAL DEMAND FOR CHICKENS Very liberal demand for chicken ia shown In the wholesale trade. All interest aeem to ha to decided all of a eudclen that a real shortage i to be ahown at a later date and mueb atock la being nfthed into tnrtr: suv w. a. a. BRIEF NOTEM OF FRODl'CE TRADE Apr loo U are teady at 82.85 0 2.60 arat. RaaDbarrlaa tailing around 13.00 a crate. Train of banana reported in; atock badly aaeded. Mora local .atring bean arriving, aalaa at Man 4a par pound. Cenntry killed real are lower; hog Just bold lag. uv vy. a. a. "WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau adrlsea: Protect shipments during the next -36 hour against tha following niilmum temperature: Going Berth. 80 da are: northeast orer the Spokane, Portland A Reattle railway. 100 degrees; eaat to Baker 100 degree, and couth to Ashland. 08 degree. Maximum temperature at Portland tomorrow, gbout 84 degree. suv w. a. a. J0BBINO PRICES IN PORTLAND Tbeee are tba priaea retailer pay wholesaler, aaeept aa otherwise noted: Dairy Products BUTTER Selling price: Creamery print la paraffin wrapper, extra. 48c; prima first. 46c; tint, 4tt; cube, lo lea, carton la additional; dairy, t2o lb.; buying price, cubes, 41 id 42c, BVTTBUFAT Portland deUrary baaU, Ma. 1 aeur tnta, 47a. CHEthK helling price: Tillamook freab Oregon fancy full cream triplet. 25 H 0 20a lb.; "Touag America. 26 4 17 Ma. Price to Job ban. Tillamook triplet. 38 He; Taunt America, 84 H f. a. b. Coo and Curry. Price to Job bers t o. b. Myrtle Point: TripleU, 28c; Young America. 34c; brink, llo; Limburgel. 86 . brtok Swim, 40 lb. JEQUS alllng price. ft count, 88 01 8 la par doaen. .Saying priea. 87 H M. Sell ing prioe. selected oaudled. 40c; eetccted in car- Atb'pOTJLTRT Hena. 24 026e per lb.; broiler, 29 980c; old rooster, lJ16e; stag. J I allla; turkey. 28080c; dressed fancy, 7e; No. S, ' SOe; squab. 18 dosan; gee, spring, 22c; duck. US 80c; pigeon. 81.10 par doaen. rraah V eg tables and Prultf VHE8H rBUITB Oranges. 7.7B8.25 par pox; banana. 88He lb.; lemon. t.60at A A - kA f'Bllfnrnia rnirult. 84: Flor id. l?8 8 7!o0; cberriaa, oyal Anne. feVt . 12 He; King. IRe lb. RERRIKH atrawbrrls. Uaaoona. 18.88 8.80; Clark 13.75 4.4V); gooseberries. 7c lb.; raepberri, 33.00 Crete. APPLES Various varietlea. 88.78 par bos. TtttlED FBUITB Ista. Dromedary. 15. BO; Fards. 83.KO crata. RaUtns. thraa-crown looaa afuaeatel, 10a lb. la 80 lb. baea. rig, 11.60 L.i Inr 70 4 oa. naekagas. ONION 8) Belling prio to retailer: Mew red. le; gaslio, 7HJo lb.; green onion, 85 16a doaen bunch; nw crop California sad. 1 60s 1.11 eentaX POTATOES Belling priea: Table atock. Htrhnk II A1.39. Burin price: V. S. He. 1, 75 90c per cental, country point. Naw uiiiuM. 8 t4 M 8 a. CANTALOUPES Flat. 81.78; long. 34.28; standard. 4 50 9 4.75 crate, VKUKTABLE New turnips, 11.85 sack carrot'. 12 per ssok; beats, 12.25 per ack parsnip' 11.85 per aack; cabbage. 2 H w 2 IKc; pepper, sae; neaq lettuce. per erne:, celery. I I aoaeni antennas. auasBoe dosan; cucumber, hothou. 11.25 A 3.00 per doaen; tomctoa. California. 81. J W 2.00 arat; eggplant. 25c lb.; asparagus. 31.60 do, bunches; rhubarb. SH04e lb. ; ctuliflower 83.76 per arete; green peas, lino per id.; dots raaun. 12 H per lb.; spinach. 50 6c pa? lb.; atring beans, lot id. Meat, Fish a"d Provisions COUNTRY HEATS Selling priea: Country killed beat bogs. Zze: ordinary, zsaile rir lb. ; beat real. 16 a) 16a per lb. ordinary weal, las 14c lb.: rouah beavy. 13 6)1 So lb.: guatc. it; lamb, 21 25a; mutton. 14 91e; beef. X014He. SMOKED MEATS Hams. 3934e; break fact bacon. 84 V 60c; picnic. 26c; cottage roll, Sle; bort elaar. 39 0 84c; Oregon exports, cecoaw, eve in. 4ACKEKS' MEATS Fsncy steer beof. 23c Jsncy cow beef, 22c ; freeh up ring lamb. 28 a) I0e: beet yearllna. Sle: boa. US Hal 24a. LABI) Kettle rendered. 2 go; standard. ?7c lb.; Icrd rnrapound. -3e. OYSTERS Olympie. gU. 34.60; canned aactern. 18a aab, 1 8. 40 doxen cane; eastern, gal, aalid pek, S8.BS. rRESH FISH Dred Hounders. Be; Chi noon. 31 8) 22a; perch, 7 0 8c: soles. 7a: sal rest trout, 18c; halibut, 18 0 20a; black eod, lai herring. 6e: emelt. Sc: clam, hard abalL ia IV. it pox: crab. 81.7103.60 ft dog.; mm ia. BtJGAR Cuba. 89.60 H; powdbrsd. 38.87 H fruit or berry. 37.87 H : D yellow. 17.27 Hi arranulatad, 37.87 Hf beet. 87.77 H S extra C, mi.n 1 gowen kj. ) . HOW Eg w, Btru t . ... .t.i. v . e, mt a . ft. . a . . j 1 1 J , . 1. 1 . a .. A arrieane ua viiai oiua rove, a v ia eg lie par H eVAL.T coarse nau grouna. loo. ton; 60s. 817.26; table dairy. 601. 122.10) gatea,; lanoy laoia ana aaary. 830 261 lump rack, 830.00 par ton. BEAMS California (sale by jobbers) : SmaU white. IS He; Urge white, lie: pjnk. 9a lb.; Umas, 14o lb.; bayou. .He; red. 10q. Org- von eaena inuyuig pnoei : wmte mai alaanod. SH0: band picked. 8 H 0 1 oa. - CAMMED MILK Carnation. 68.) 0; Bordaa. New Perkins Hotel - lifts mad Waaklaatef Bta, ' Cleaa te WhataagJa and U Coatcr ef RataUl DlatiieU Rataa Jag par Jiaw Up. Special Lpw Rates to Permanfnt Qyeats 4 PALACE HOTEL uM, wicdsra. Hasnatlkg and tfownteww fraa bua iraaw ii gagesa. tlatai IBo all daaate. Rate Ba it aa ay. 4S aVaabingaaat 64. W Seal S HIGHER IN RADE Grain Meii to Go Over Top in Buying Stamps Artie bag been taken by the Mereharrt xehanaa gaaoclatlon tg roraa tnat araanlxatlaa "oae tha top" by rang adda In trig War Savlnge etamp eam patga for next araafe. All tha "boy" at tha grain and milling trade are aovlng up their quarter and daflare to to tha limit lit buying theae aid to tba bays aver there. Fancy Cherries in Market; Bings Sell At 15 Gents Pound Selected Stock Comes From The and White Salmon Cur rants Arriving. Dallea Fancy eherrie are reaehina tha lomal market in ntilt liberal supply with price adequate. Btnga from Tba Dallaa and White Salmon are coming forward. Tha fruit i not only of excellent quality but of liberal six. Salea of beat Bing r shown around 15a a pound in tha smaller- packages while best Royal Annas are quoted steady at 12 He a pound. Sany eherrta of good quality are elling up to lOe a pound with (oft stock down to 6c. The latter are slow sale. - First currant bar been receired on tha local market with rather farorable quality showing. The stock la priced at about 16e a pound; tha demand not ha ring started as yet. - Cantaloupes are generally showing a steady price and tone but hare grid there some shading Is reported for ordinary quality. Fancy stuff Is generally bald unchanged. Watermelons are selling well at former prices; the quality of the xhipmrnt being Tory good. buy w. a. a. Corn and Oats in A Weaker Position By Joseph P. PXtchard Chicago, June 21. (L M. B.) The entire speeulatira list on the board of trade showed price gains and tha valuee of tha day wara well held at tha close. Corn waa up tt 9 1 H e with tha June the stronger of the list Oats wara 91Ha higher and proriaione war up 80 eic Chicago, June 21. (L N. S.) Corn waa lower at tha opening of the market today on g continuation of scattered selling by com mission house. At tba tow point, July corn was tL 1 H c and 6 e under the top of Mon day. Buying stirred a little around 11.414 which ateadicd the market and caused a small rally, but it waa lost later. On tha oats side, while it followed the corn to below last night's close, the undertone was easy with houses with eastern connection selling. Tha local element waa generally on the selling side. ProTisiona ware dull and unchanged. Chicago range by United Pre: COKN Open. lit H 148 76 H 72 67 425 4280 High. Low 148 T6U 70 67 Vt 4223 4215 2470 8490 2261 3810 June July Aug. June July Aug. July Bent. July Bept Jnly Bept. 144H 147 OATS 78 H 72 69 H PORK 4245 4280 LARD 2510 3180 RIB3 2293 3843 78H 724 69 H 4845 4280 2110 2527 2t0 217 2470 2490 2278 330 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Omaha Hag 816.10 Omaha, Neb.. June 31t U. N. a tr 13.600, lOe lower; tope. 316.10; range, 115.80 m 16.10: mixed 316.89 10. ob: good choice. 315.86016.00; rough, 15 800 18.00; light. 31S.O0glA.10; bulk. tl6.83016.OS; pig. 812.00016.00. Cattle BecoTDte. 1500. steady: beevea.' 812.50 017.60; caws and heifers. 87.00 0 14.00: dockers and feeder. 17 50 0 12.50: calve, 18.50 11.85. Sheep Jteeeipta 8800. ataadr: wether. 818.50014.00; lambs. 15.75 010.50; awe. 313.00 011,00. Ohleaao Hogs 816.60 Chloaao. June 21. tl. N. H.) Hon es timated receipt. 16.000. steady; bulk. 116 25 0 16.85; tops, 116.60; butcher hogs, heavy, 816.88 018.60; packing bogs, heavy, $16,65 0 16.85; light. 310(0016.65; rough, 816.28 015.60; plgf. 316.25 016.60. ' tatue Estimated receisu. 4000. slow: haef cattle, good choice, 616.16 0 IT. 86; medium and common. 812.00 016.15; buteher stoak, heifers. 67.50 013.25; canners and cutter, 1 8.50 0 7.60; stockerg and feeders. good ehbice, 810.75 018.75; common and medium. 18.25 010.71; veal calves, good choice, 316.00 0 in. zo. Sheep Estimated receista. 1B.000. n and lower; shorn lsmbs. choice and crime. 17 00 017.50; medium asd good. 114 60 0 6.76; CDrinff lamb, eood choice. 81 ft BO A 19.60; awe, choice and prime. 812.25 & 18.21 : medium and good. 810.60 018.00. Kansas City Hog 618.46 Kansas City. June 21. (L N. S.) Cattle neeeipts. xoau. stead r to lower: crean 113.00 17.80; cows and heifer. 88.00 0 15.00; stockcrs and feeders. 18 DO aunn- ealvee, 88.00 018.60. Hoc Kacalsta. 7000. cteedv with ut. ou c ibw cioee; looe, in.a; OUIg. Blo.SOal neavis. aj m.40; medium. 316.80016.40; light. 816.10 016.46. 8 beep Keceipt. 1000. steady; spring lamba. 118.00 019.00; ewe. 813.00 018.00; weth- li.Bgl.VU. Begttla Heos ataady SeaUle, June 21. (L N. 8.) Hon Re. cevpis, liv; suaay. lttle Receipt. 127; steady. Best steer, 111.00013.00: medium ta choice, 310.600 11.60; common to good, 36.0008.50;- best cows and heifer. 38.50 0 9.50; common to medium i cows. 88.0007.50; bull. 17.000 7.60; calves, 18.00 010,00. Hheep -Nona. Denver Haas 81S.8B Penvar, Colo., June 21. (U. P.) Cattle Beeeipta 4700, steady. Steers 813.00017.00: eows and heifers, 88.00012.75; stockera gad teeners not auetea; calves, giz.uo (B IB. 00. Hogs KecaipU 400. steady to 10a lower. Top, 816.26; bulk. 818.90. Sheep Kecelpts 6800, steady. Lgmbg. $18.00 iff if.uu; ewea. a i i uu m 18.00. fUt w. s. S Caliafo Dairy Produce Chicago.- June 21. (I. 1. S.) Butter Receipt. 7826 tub. Creamery, extra. 48c; ftrvte. 42042Hc: packing stock. 8O03OHa. L'ggs Rccypu, 8551 eg. Currtnt re,- eeipU. 29081 He; ordinary first. 29H032e; firsts. S3 0 84c f extra, 84 H 0 36c; eheoks. 20 0 26c; dirties. 25 0 28c. 85.00; Aster. 86.00; Eagle. iw.OO; Libby. 6. 00; Teloban. 85.00 per case. " COrfKB Hoacted. 15 H 0 36c in saaka eg drum. DUI41 VlVStViaciathl aWtf. A IV ITI ill. NUTS Budded walnuts, 36H 0 26o pgr lb.; almond, L$H02Oe; f ilbarta, 4 7 H e In sack lou; peanuts. 200 21c lb.; pecans, 7g Jb. Hope. Wool and Hide HOPS Nominal, 1917 crop. 18 018a lb. HIDES Salted hide. 25 lb and up, 18a; alt) stags, 60 lbs. and up, lQp; salted and green kip. 15 lbs. to 25 lb.. I3e; (Sited and green ealf. up to 16 lb.. 26a; green hides, 86 lbg, and up, 11c: green stags, 60 lbs. and pp. So; dry fUnt hid, 25c; dry flint calf, up to 7 lb., SOe; dry salt hide. 20c;. dry bone hide, $1,25 0 1.50; salted horse hides. $3.000 4.00; horse hair, tail, $6e; horsehair, man. 15e; dry long wool pt, 40; dry abort wool pelt, 86 0 SOe; salted and green pelt, each (May take off. 88.00 04.00; dry.aheep shearling, each, 16 0 Sfte; salted sheep shearlings, each, 25 0 60a; dry goat, long hair. 36e; dry goat afaearUnga. aaah. l6 0SOe; dry abort hair goat, each. BOo0 $1. WOOL AU price aoralaal. w ' CHITT1M OH CASCAJRA, BA&K Saying price for ear lota. 10c TALLOW Ma. I. 13a; - Hv 8, 11a; gaaaa. fa par lb. ' MOILpaV 1917. 0o lb. . Saw, Paints, Oils ROPE Sisal, dark. 24c; white. 33 He Uv: standard Msnila. 9? He. - ' w LINSEED OIL Haw, bbla.. 81.7 gl; kettle boiled, bbls.. 81.69; raw, asea. 81.77; boilad. case. $1.79 gal.; loU qf 250 gala., teas. - COAL OIL Water white in drums or Iron bpU., 10c gal. ease. 30e gal qA8ULDil Iron1bs.. 31e; cases. Sle; mm. In distillate, iron bbl.. 18a; a, 3$e, " WHIfbi LKA4To$ lot. 3Ha BOO Tba.. WHa. - TURFtNTlSlWTauk. 76c; caaaa. SBe; 10 ajgsa lots. Ia leea. T : l&S NAILS Baaia price. $5.85. t SODA CKACKEB8 Bulk, 1 To per lb. GREEN STUFFS ARE VERY SCARCE; PRICE RULES AT A RECORD Greatest Shortage Ever Known In Heme OfferlBfls-Early Lettuce and Cabbage Crops Are Failures Cali fornia Sends Supplies. Portland market la tada eh owl n an nnusaal aliortageof green stuffa for thla period of the esaaen, with prieee far bayond bar quoted ia prerioo aaaaona for this period. i n acareity 01 local cabbage and lettuce is especially pronounced. On tha Farmers' Market aalaa of bead lettuce are ahown up to'70o a doaen. Front street baa little of thla to offer, moat of tba scant stock c being front California. Local eabbagg is also so scaree that it ia not being generally quoted by tha trade hare, and tha bulg of the requirements continue to coma from in sours ana are nign prtceo. Aphid are blamed for the present shortage af greenstuffs generally, and there ia tittle hope of any improvement in the volume of sudd lie for soya rim at least SO far as the early local cron of these creen is concerned, tha aeasoa haa baea a complete failure, a condition never before known to tba trade hero. j ' "ii SUY W.8.S. Bull Conditions in Stock Market; First Prices Are Higher MARKET OLO8E8 HEAVY Naw yes, dung 11. (I. B). 8.) The stack market oloaed heavy today with nearly all tha important issues under pressure) in the final hour. Laaasa af from 1 I I point war sustained in tha final hour. United- State ateel common dropped to 10B'fc and Baldwin to 80. Beth lehem Steal was finally 83',; United Ci gar Store 101 ft and Marina preferred 102H. Total aalaa far tha day war BB1.B00 share. wiin nono ax . 0 New Tork. June 21.--(L N. S.) There was a show of strength at the opening of the stock market today, with alight advance mada in the leading iatuaa. but within a few minute tha . demand diminished and pricaa generally moved downward. Steel common rose H to 106 followed by g recession to ,106 H. Tha ether ateel stocks moved In the same way. Bethlehem Steel show ing gn opening advance of H at 84 and than dropping to 88 fg. Moct interaat waa attached ta the trading in United Cigar Store swhich was in brisk de mand advancing 1H ta 10014. Cuban cana sugar waa another strong feature advancing te 82 . Pittsburg and West Virginia continued active and atrong. making a further gain of 1 point to 88 H. Wabaah common waa alio strong, advancing H. American lea moved up l point to 81 H- Trading waa active all through tha forenoon witn bullish condition prevailing in .many imues, several stocks selling at new high record, steel common moved qp to 107. the highest price touched since it sold ex. dividend on May 31. The other steal industrials mada gaina of about 1 point. United Cigar Stores continued in brisk demand moving up 3H to 102 H. Many of the low priced railway issues ware unusually active. Liberty bonds were weak, tha 4 H s selling down to 95.68 and the second 4s to 93.90. Furnished by Overbeck de Cooke Co.. Board of Trade building: DESCRIPTION : Open High Low Close 1 84 H 84 34 34 69 46H 46H 454 454 81 81H BOH 80 41H 41 41H 40H 40H 77H 77 78H 76 H 68 6H 67 H 07 H 112 H 874 97H 97H 97 H 67 67 H 57 57 H 65 H 65 H 64 H 644 85H 854 86H 85 V 91 92 H 90 H 90H fi5U 65H 544 64H 84 83 H S3 H 83 H 88, 38H 38 H 38H 26 26 26 H 24 H 20 H 20 H 20 H 20 1484 147 149H 140 68 684 67 H 67 H 66 H 7H 44 44 43 H 43H 82 H 89 60 50H 49H 49H 87 41H 41 4t 41H 664 67 654 854 6V 88 4H 594 1 69 H 60 16 16H 16H 154 149 149H 148H 148H 189 H 1304 1374 188H 45 45 46 46 S3 33 82 824 90 0 90 H 90 41 41 41 41 17 17 17 17 83 83 38 82 96 123 126 133 124 62 62 52 63 28 28 28 28 18 82 32 82 82 84 84 64 83 68 68 59 58 28 28 28 28 96 96 95 95 27 37 97 37 63 63 12 62 4 '24' 24 28 23 57 67 57 56 19 41 42 40 41. 128 72 73 73 72 20 108 103 108H 103 87 87 87 87 28 80 39 30 H 42 11 ii 42H .... . . 62 69 69 87 " 66 23 23 88 28 64 66 64 65 93 92 90 90 83" 93'" 91 91 28 38 33 88 134 16 46 46 44 45 84 '84 84 84 34 24 24 24 109 169 109 109 19 19 19 19 150 150 150 149 65 65 I 64 64 122 122 122 122 59 69 68 68 106 107 105 106 80 80 80 79 . 61 51 60 60 10 9 9 : 43 36 80 90 90 90 . 4 40 48 43 20 20 20 20 .1 112 jUka Gold Allia-Chamers. e . . . Am. Beet Sugar. . . . Am. Can, c Am. Car Fdy.. c. . . Am. Cotton Oil, e. . Am. Unseed, a.... Am. Smelter, a. . . . Am. Liooo.. c . . . . Am. Sugar, c. . . . . . Am. TeL TeL , . . Am. Woolen, c... Anaconda Min. Co. . Atchison, c Baldwin Loco., e. . . Belli. Ohio, e Betn. Steel a Brooklyn K. Transit. Butte at Superior.. . Calif. Petroleum, e. Canadian Pacific . . . Central Leather, e . . Che. Ohio : Chi. It Gt W.. . . Chi.. Mil. A St P. . Chi. & N-W., a. . . . Chinp Copper . . . , Colo. F. L. a. J Cons. Gas ....... Corn Products, c . Crucible Steal, c. . . do pfd Denver k. R. G-, e Distiller Erie, a Gen. Electric Gen. Motors Goodrich Rubber. . Gt, Nor. Ore Lands. Gt. Nor., pfd Greene Can Hide k. Leather, e lea Securities III. Central Ind. Alcohol Inspiration Int. Mer. Marina. . Kan. City South., a. Kennaeott Copper. . . Lackawanna Steal. . Lehigh Valley Maxwell Motors, e. . Mexican Petroleum . Miami Copper Midvale Steal M-. K- T., c Mvxoun Pacific National Lead Nevada Con. . . . . Naw Haven N. T. Air Brake . . . N. T. Central N T.. Ont. at W. . . Norfolk W.. a. . Northern Pacific... Pacific Mail . . . . Penn. Ry People' Gas Pittsburg Coal, e . . Pressed S. Car. e. Ray Cons. Copper. Ry. Steel Spring). . Reading, c Reading, 2d pfd. . . Rep. L V 8.. 0. . . Rock Lland Sears. Roebuck eVCc Shattuck Stndebaker, e ... Southern Pac. . . . Southern Ity., c. . . Swift ". Tenn. Copper . . . Texaa Oil Tobacco Products.. Union Pgc, c . . . . V. a. Rubber, c. V. 8). Steel, c. . . . Utah Copper .... Tirginig Chenu, a. Wabash ......... Wabash. A ..... Wabaah, B W. U. Tlegraph. . . Westingheasa Elee. Willys Overland Wool worth . . . : Total aalaa for the dv were 841.000 share. : BUY W. 8. S. . POTATOES ALL ALQSO TUB COAST Ban Francisco Market San Francisco. June 81. fU. P.) Onion, now red. 75c 11.00 per' sack on the wharf. Petatoea -Far -cental, old. $125 01 60. re packed, according to duality; naw. in boxes, $1.60 01.75, according to quality; do Garnets, $1,60 0 1.7ft L b. Colrog. . r ' - . -tte Mark - Seattle. June 21. (U. P.i Pnlitim en. fornia new Garnets, pound. 8 Ho; California new wnites, pouno, aae; isastern. Waatungtoa Netted Gems, ion, 830 0 83; local No. lT ton, $38 026. Law Angolee Market Lea Angeles, June 21. L N. 8.)- Pota to Idaho ruceeta. $1.$0; Northern. $1.86; sweet. $2.28 tag; new. 65 070a lug. $3 60 sack. SUY W. B.S. . MaaeY aad Exsksaro New York. June 31. (L N. S.) Call money on the floor of the Wbw York stock exchange to day rulgd at 4 per cent; high 4 per cant, low a M. Ml Mint c . .. - Time money waa quiet. Rates wart 6 06 rjer eent., Tba market for prime mercantile paper waa dull. Call moay In nio teday arga, 8 per WUl. .: Starling exchange wa endet-. with bnxraesa'in bankers' bill $4 76 6-14 for demand ; $4.78 fat 60 da bma. lad $4.T1 for $0 4jbUlZ Sheep "Situation Is A Very Slow Affair i InPortland Market """?""ewwwaeaaaen. . . Prices Are Held Stationary but the Call Is Slow Hogs and. Cat tle Maintained. POBTLASD LITF-STOCK BUS Hogs. Cattle. Calve. Sheep. . 410 . 800 . 767 . tit .'224, . 471 . 428 .1045 . 393 . 484 68 8 293 395 .. 110 199 .. 385 45 6 2242 88 1368 142 14 87 920 31 31 118 6 628 488 T2 933 147 26 334 21 1618 Wednesday . , , Tuesday Monday ...... Ratnrday ..... Week ago Tear ago ... two years ago Three yeara in Four year ago OeneraHv atecutv tin.. wn .Wn fn Vw. atock at erth PortUnd tor the day, receipt totaling but eight can. Mutton and lamb market condition are gen erally alow with tha trade hard to atart. but nevertheleaa former valuea are being maintained whenever suitable quality is preaeutd. Genera.! nntta. wf? "OTn4a lambs $14 00014.50 oid. Yearling v Wethers veg 18.60 014.00 B.00 0 8.60 T.60 0 8.00 8.60 0 7.60 Cattle Market Holding Steady No chanae in nrice or trade condition wa shown in tha market for eattle at North Port bind during the day. Only oaa full load cam forward, beaidaa soma odda and ends. General ectrie market nnr.- Fvime steers...... 812.00018.00 Good to sbottM ateer 11.60 018.00 Medium to good ateera 8.00010.00 Fair to medium steers 8.(00 9.60 Common to fair steers 7.60 0 8.60 Choice eowa and heiferc S. 000 16.00 Medium to good cow and heifer 6 00 0 T.60 r sir to medium eon end heifer 4.60 0 6.50 8.00 0 4.60 6.00 0 8.00 8.60011.60 7.00 0 9.00 Cannara Bull Calvea 8 tock art and feeder Swing Price Maintained Only Willamette valley hoaa cam forward beaides a small supply from the Goldendale sec tion. Demand waa good and steady and former top price level ware maintained. The itu tion hare contiauea the moat favorable ia the country. Genera ben xxnaa: Prime mixed - .816.60016.76 . 16.45 016.60 . 15.60016.16 . 15.50015.76 . 18.50 0 Medium mixed ........... noqga neaviea ........... Pigs V... Bulk Friday Livestock Shipper Cattle Fred Haacall. Pilot Rock. 1 load. Mixed atuff M. M. Hoctor. Goldendale. 1 load settle and hog; F. B. Decker, Silverton. 3 loads cattle, calvea. hogs and sheep; L. A. Thomas, West Stayton, 1 load hogs and sheep; J. C Davis, Shedd, 1 load hogs and- aheep; Hout V Snodgrass,, Lebanon, 1 load bogs and sheep. Crabtree, 1 load hogg and aheep. United State Bureau of Markets report live stock loaded June 20 in carloads; doubledecks counted aa two cars. Cattle and Hoga Sheep Mixed Total stock 3033 498 801 4678 138$ 440 256 8851 1031 443 275 3804 calvea ..lt43 ..1687 Total . . . 1 weak ago 4 weeks ago 1390 State angina at livestock loaded June 20: For Portland California 2 4 1 7 60 12 Oregon . . . Washington Totals Portland 3 I week ago . . 13 4 weeks ago . . 6 86 3 For Seattle' Washington . . 1 Total Seattle. 1 IS 2 1 18 6 1 week ago . . 4 week ago . Thursday afternoon Salea 8TEER3 Ave. lb. Price. I No. Ave. lbs. ...1030 $10.00 J 8 1090 . . . 680 6.60 I 11 870 ... 900 8.75 2 785 . . .1018 9.00 j No. Price. $.8.80 8.00 7.00 87. 1. S3. 8. S. 1 . 8. 13. 1. 8. COWS , . . 415 $ 6.00 I 1.. . ...1110 6.25 1... , . . 940 7.00 I B... .1060 .11150 . 970 . 980 $ 4.00 8.60 6.50 6. 0 . . . 767 5.26 1 , . .1080 9.00 I HEIFERS . .. 465 8 6.25 Friday Morning Sale COWS No. 1. Art. lbs. pric. I No. . . . 840 $ 6.00 8 ...1060 4.001 HOGS Ave. lb. . . 990 Prise. $ 6.50 1 . . 188. . 27. . 8.. 81. . 71. . 195 $16.50 219 16.20 855 16.60 132 15.60 14. 8. 1. 220 $16.60 165 15.75 610 16.00 LAMBS 63 $1300 I 15. SUY W. 8. 8. 56 $ 9.00 BIDGEFIELD HAY CHOP PROVES WITHIX FRACTION OF NORMAL Ridgefield. Wuh.. June 21. The harvesting of the first hay crop of the season in this part of tha eountjr baa commenced and ia being rushed during the present good weather, which appears will give way to rain soon. Despite the drouth tha yield is nearly as heavy as that of but year, but the quality is not so good. Hay making will continue around here until after the first of July, unless rain sets in. On account of the scarcity of farmhands, which is dua to the fact that g number of tha young men gra serving their country while oth ers are at work in the various shipyards in Van couver and Portland, some delay is being experi enced in taking care of the hgy cropc Under normal conditions each farmer gener ally had one or mare hired hands-to help him during haying season, but now nearly all of tnem have left, and the farmers are helping each other. In some instances women and girl are helping make hay, gnd are proving efficient in every way. suy w. a. a. TACIFIO COAST BASK STATEMENT Portland Sank Clearing this week. Tear age. 8 8.572.949.80 4.281.301.36 2.662.824.12 2.278.S68U1 2.522.069.14 Monday . . . .$ 6,427,544.53 .. 3.805.479.48 .. 4.470,089.67 8.777.714.06 .. 5.073.901.97 Spokane Bank Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ,. nday Clearings Balance .8 1.224.640.00 171.082.00 6,707.762.00 Seattle Bank Clearings Balance 2,782.777.00 San Franclaco Banks Clearings 817,617.797.00 La Angola Banks Olearingg $ 4.58$.287.00 -aui w. a. a, DAIRY PRODUCE OF THE COAST San Francisco Market Baa Francisco, June 21. (V. P.) Butte Extras. 4' He; prime firsts, 46e. Egg Extras, 43 He: firsts. 40 c; extra pullets. 81 Hp: extra pullet. 88c. Cheese California fancy flats, 25c Seattle Markets Seattle. June 31. (U. P.) Butter Local city creamery, pound, in cartons. 44 0 45s; oo print. e; as cuua, aseyaec ' Egg -Select ranch. 46c; pullets, 48c Cheese Waahinaton Young America. 2 6 3 28c; Oregon triplets, 35 0 27c; Oregon Youni America. 26 0 28a; Waatungtoa triplets, 21 03T. Lea Anaeiee Market ' Log Angeles, June 21. (I. N. 8. ) -vrButter Egg Extras. 39; .cae count. 37e; puTH let. 36c 1 Orwooa Choeeg n South Ban Francfeco. June 21. (I. X. 8.) gon cheev: Younc Amri-. 24a: triplets, 25c. ,.. ... BUT kVr S. a. SHARP LOSS II? PHICE OF COTTOH AT THE OPEXI3TQ New York. June 11.-(1. N. 8.) An easier tone wag in evidence at tba opening pf tha cot ton market today ana pnoeg aroppeq 1 to ss Dointa. After the call July, which bad recorded the smallest decline at the start, reacted 18 point within a few minute. The close waa steady at a net decline of S to 38 poiata. . Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co., Board of Trade building. Month Open. 3698 2886 High. 3418 2405 Low. 2888 5386 Close. 3401 2897 2890 2652 2607 2457 January - ., . March .. May ...... July ..... September . October . -. . Pacesnbgr . 2660 2668 26,26 24SO 2474 2438 S4IS 330 3898 -SUY W.S. Bv- Kew Terk Sagas aad Coffee few . York. June 2 1. ( U. P.) Coff. Spot. No. 7 Bio. 8 He: No. 4 Santo. lOHc cBuor trfTugaV $6.0$. . . v Edited by , , map EL Cohen VALLEY HAY CROPS VILL BE SHORT; MUCH E IS REPORTED Outlook ia This Seetien Is Poorest Known and Similar Condition Is Shewn for Grain in Sams Section Dairymen to Suffer. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Car-. Wheat Barley Flour Oate Hay Portland Friday Tear ago 'a 1 3 S 6 3 7 12 618 1411 1868 3686 288 1828 2831 3604 te data.. 8816 Tear ago. 47T T acorn Thursday Year ago. . . . Season to data. Tear ago 8 1 6 SOS 1677 $26 2141 18 .8665 .7649 106 ISO Seattle Thursday Tear ago 0 Season to data. .4868 Year ago 6534 1 5 4 344 1769- 1126 $140 868 1825 1447 8984 Willamette valley grain eropa are even in a won condition than had been generally reported. Vast areae will not be harvested at all this season, du both to the ravage of tba aphid and the extreme dry weather. While the fall wheat in aoma (actions of tba Willamette valley is quite favorable, tha general condition is the worst known to the local trad. Tha shortage in the Willamette valley hay crop win be moat severely felt, and this ta already affecting dairy interest. The damage to thia crop extend from Portland to the Oakfornig line, and beyond that Some sections will have no ha v ernn to aneak of at all. while other will have about a quarter of tha normal output. In no instance is the pro duction of hay in tha valley expected to reach mora than half the normal. Reporta of the interior grain cropa are very conflicting. Various reliable interaat reporting to Tba Journal from tha same aactlon sY.r bo far aptm In their rlews regardinc tb outlook that It u nra to pi4c an tocurtu wUmu upon oovtu- UUUi. Hill Linn Crop Report W. D. Skinfier of the 8., P. A 8. raifway re ports the following estimate of tba prune crop by field agent Fowler, after disruasing the present condition or the crop with the prune people: It ta estimated at thia tima that tha Clarke county prune crop will harvest about 10,000.000 pounds. The Willamette valley, between Port land and Springfield, between 35.000.000 and 40.000.000 pounds, and the Willamette valley south of Springfield 10,000.000 pounds, making a total or approximately 61,000,000 to 60,000,. 000 pounds. The normal crop in tha North west has pro duced 42.000,000 pounds. From present tndlca- bona and tha splendid condition of tba trees this year's crop should be the largest in the his tory of tha state. Telegram from agents today concerning con dition or the gram crop as follow: Lamont No rain. Cropa not suffering aa yet. but mut nave rain soon. Weather warm during tha day and cool at night. Majority of farmer state grain crop will stand 10 days more witnout rain, ana still produce average yield. Goldendale No rain. Weather cooL Wheat mould make 81 per cent of normal crop. Washtucna Hot weather continue, vith no rainfall. Cropa beainning to feel effect of west lie r and lack ot moisture. Roosevelt Crop reported in good condition- no particular damage from shortage in rainfall, and from hot weather. Metolius Winter wheat should average IB bushela or better per acre. Decrease from fim reports due to frost and dry weather. Prospect for spring wheat good. No rainfall past twa wsex. Southern Paclfie Oroo Raoort Southern Pacific crop report, compiled by H- A niiuusw. Newberg Weather continues dry and the aphis bava affected th small grain in thia vi cinity. Hay has made good growth, but both small grain and other cropa are beginning to need rain. Potatoes in good condition and looking promising. Prunes looking well and indication are for a large crop. Cberriaa are nqw getting ripe and will make a fair crop.' Monroe Vetch field have been badly dam aged by aphis. All small grain and hay needing rain. Prevent Indication are that tha yield will be somewhat better than last year, or about normal. Crops needing lain badly. Lebanon Wheat, oats, hay look very good. Very little damage by aphia. All cropa require rain. Potato acreage about normal, and with rain in a abort time indication are wul yield good crop. Woodbura Weather condition past week : Pay warm, nights cooL Light showers, bnt not Very beneficial. L'nleec rain cornea soon spring grain will be very short and hardly any crop. Some clover has been cut and yielding fair crop. Fall grains looking good, and indications are for normal yield. Onions and potatoes in good condi tion, but are needing rain. Ixwanberriaa are be ginning to ripen and harvest will soon be in full progress. Labor very ace roe, and it ia feared that soma berries will be lost account inability to obtain labor to pick them. Sheridan Weather conditions have not been mot favorable ; day warm and nights eool. Anhia doing considerable damage in thia vieinity. espe cially to vetch, oat and wheat. Indication are tbat fruit will be a fair crop except cherriee. which are falling badly. Pear tree are heavily laden. Apple will b about normal Berrien yielding. cugene Prospect for all cron In this vi cinity fair. Hay and grain not doing aa well as expected account of continued dry weather. Grace 1 Becoming dry and gracing ta not very good. etch crop wag injured by aphia to come extent. Indication are fruit crop trill be normal. Albany ao rain during past two weeks. All gram, potatoes, beans, onions are badly in need of moisture. Indications are fall grains will be normal yield. SAme clover being cut; and ia of normal average. umpqua valley Roseburg Weather sen warm ami Hrw nrmin and hay cropa will be short on account af con tinued dry season. Fruit cropa in good condition. Rain would be very beneficial to tha fruit crop. nogua nivor valley Medford Weather during past 10 days very warm and dry. - Light shower during weak acre of no real benefit. Unlee rain coma coon grain crop will be vary short, and oaa only be utilixed for feed. During past 10 daya farmers continue cpnyiug a no. cm circling fruit in the orchard. A yet no particular damage to fruit crop on Mnuum vi wry wewiaer. FLO UR gelling price: Patent. 110: bgrhry flour. $11.60; Willamette valley. $9.60; local straight. 89.60; baker local, $9.80019.00; Montana apring wheat, patent, $10.60 010.80; whole wheat, 89.60; graham. $9.48; ry flour. $10.75; oat flour, $11.00 0 12.26; porn flour. iu.ih.u par Parrel HA t Buying priea. paw crop: Willamette timothy, fancy. 324 per to; Eastern Oragon- wacnington lancy umotny. 884.00: alfalfa. $V'3 QQ; valley fetch. 1-e-) ; cheat, $28.00; clover, aza.uu per ton; gram, gzs.08. GRAIN SACKS Nominal No. T Calcutta 24 H 0 25a in car lots: leas amounts hisrher. MILLSTCFFS Bran, $30 00 0 80.60; short. j:.uuws;.ou; mioaiings. ssv.HB ay 80.00. ROLLED OATS Pgr barrel, 112,00 0 12. 20. ROLLED BARLEY Per ton. 369.09 70.00 t-Uttn vvuqe, aio.pu; cracaeo, gll.uu ton Merchants' exchange June bids: utsa June hifia: Merchants Exchange June bids: OATS Fri. Thurs. Wed, Tuea. Mon. Sat. 19S Feed- 6960 Feed 6000 Brewing S9B0 6960 8960 BARLEY 6ft9 8090 BQ0S 6000 $980 K200 6200 1200 8200 Thirty day delivery: OATS No, J fed 8980 BARLEY Feed 6000 6200 Brewing .. . ' lias tern oat and corn in bulk: OATS No. 8 white 88 lb. clipped , COBS No. 8 yellow No. 3 mixed Thirty day delivery: OATS No. S Clipped COB Yellow Mixed .1 . . . , BUY VV, 8.S. 6400 8600 6400 6200 6400 $800 64 ee 6260 yew York-Loadoa Silver K'rw York. June 21. (L N. 8.) Bag sil ver I txncbaifged at IIbc. London, June 21. (f. !f. 8.) Bar silver I unchanged at 4ft Hd. Liberty bonds- sold in New York: - SHe 144 ; 8d Saturday ..,.. 99.64 ,94.68 94 6i Monday .,-..99.64 .... 9.0S Tuesday 09.6! 94.36 84.2. Wednesday 99 51 .... 94.14 PrS.:::::Jm:!llitSti! HERE DAMAG LIBERTY BOND SAtES ' L 1 " ' I" 1" 1 1 " 1 1 1 11 ' 1 I I - GERMAN STRENGTH ON WEST DECLINES If Allies Keep Up Showing Made poring Past Few Months, Be ginning of End in Sigh). B7 William raQlp Sgmi With the British Armlea In France, June Jl.r (U. P. Todar three raontha from the beginning- of Hindenburcr'a colossal offensive, hta promised "speedy victory" is not achieved- From now on. the strength of his army must decrease. If the allies fight during the next three months aa they have In the peet, the beginning ef the end la in slghL This does net mean that peace will then be at hand but the road to victory ought to be stretched out straight ahead. The west front la now seething, rum bling and smoking, like a chain of vol canoes betweeen eniptjone. One thing a certain, the Germans to day are weaker, numerically and mor ally, than at the beginning of the of fensive. From prisoners, it la learned that fewer German divisions are now on the west front than there were a montago. Today there are not more than five dlviaions which have not beeen in thla offenaive. Barely a baker's desen which have not yet participated in the drives.' In addition to these, mora than SO divisions have been withdrawn from one active front and have been training and resting for three weeka. Altogether, Hlndenburg haa about 60 diviaiona available for immediate action, whereas 81 were used during the first week of the Sonune thrust these being absolutely fresh and specially trained. German Attempts Fall London. June 21. (I. N. S.) An at tempt by the Germans to recapture lost ground at Merrls was repulsed, the Brit ish war office announced today. There waa raiding aad patrol activity at Aveluy wood (north of Arras) aad in the sector of the Scarpe valley (eajt o Arras), all of which terminated suc cessfully for the British. The British captured prisoners and machine guns and inflicted many cas ualties. The text of the official state ment follows: "During the night we captured a few prisoners and machine guns and in flicted many casualties on the enemy lu raids and patrol encounters at Aveluy wood. In the neighborhood of Hebuternj and Boyelles and on both banka of the Scarpe. Several hostile attempts to re capture ground gained by us Thursday morning northwest of Merrls were re pulsed -with losses to the enemy. There is notning rurther to report." German Patrols Suffer Losses Washington. June 21 fj. P.) Ger man patrols suffered considerable losses from American machine gun fire In the region of Chateau-Thierry and the Woever Thursday, Oeaeral Persh ing's communique said today. "Patrolling has again been especially active. Northwest of Chateau-Thierry and In the Woevre, hostile patrols suffered considerable losses In patrol encounters and from our machine gun nra. Artillery righting oontlnues in these regions and fh Lorraine." French Take Prisoners Paris. June 21. (I. N. S.) "W im proved our positions north of Faverelles and south of Hautevesnes, taking 20 prisoners in the course of the opera tion," the French war office announced today. Hautevesnes is eight miles northwest of Chateau-Thierry on the Marne riont. ravereues lies lartner north. The lat ter place Is slightly more than four miles southeast of VHJers-Cottereta. SUY V. Miss Steiner and Earl Hegel to Wed Salem, June 11. At 8 o'clock tonight Miss Barbara Steiner, 'daughter of Dr. and Mrs. It, E. Lee Steiner, and Lieu tenant Karl Flegel, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Flegel of Portland, will be mar ried at the home of the bride's parents. Ceremony will be performed by Dr. W. G. Miot Jr., of Portland. The couple will leave immediately for Camp Fremont, where Lieutenant Flegel Is stationed with the Thirteenth infantry. The wedding will be very simple, with only immediate relatives present This is the second daughter tbat Dr. and Mrs Steiner have given to a soldier in the last few weeks, as about a month ago Misa Rita Steiner ws married to Pan J. Fry Jr.. who ia con nected, with the ordnance department at a military camp in Georgia, from where he expects to sail for France soon. Lieutgnant Flegel graduated from. Willamette university In 1917. while Miss Steiner is attending the Univer slty of Washington. r Better Service la Sought Salem, June 21 Two hundred and fifteen residents of Linn ton and along Linnton road have petitioned the public service commission to require the Portland Railway, Light A Power com pany to extend Its street car lines to Linnton. The pettlpn says that workers In the Industries at Linnton have no adequate means of going to and from places of work, and tnat employers are nqw required to provide trucks for haul ing these employes. Sheep Man Pays Claim J. W. O'Keefe, prominent ghpep man of Silver Lake, Or, against whom a charge waa filed April 27 by Assistant United States District Attorney John J Beckman for running sheep without permit upqn the Fremont national foreat reserve in the Klamath lake country, ac cepted the government's equity claim of $14$ damagea and expenses and sent in the check this morning. The total cost was $256. - my W-S.S., , , ... . Divorces Are Asked Oregon City, June 21. Desertion Is charged as the important factor in suits brought in (he circuit court- Thurs day for divorce, Anton Fischer being plaintiff against AJma Fischer, and ask ing custody of two minor children, while Hoadley Shupe is the plaintiff in the second case against Grata D. Shape. The Fischers' were married at 8alem Or, in May. 10$, while the Shupea were married n Adaraa county, Illinois. Angust a. 1808. try yr. s.s. y I BSl eat J S B ft BB MCCH FOB LITTLH ss ; T)e govern peat asks little aad k 9S giros sssek. It asks yea te leaa B pTf; year savlsf g that the cads ef pB$ si wag raa pm property served aad ySj )b) psys yes .UkerpllT for the ae- Sag eegaaiodatloa. ' " m n m n n n m n n Finance : Timber ; Industry Portland Ladder sad Screen Manufacturer Kinds Business Prosperous' to. His Llae and lfusi Enlarge IBs Working Fortes to Bandit Qrders . for His Preduets. - , - . ; - ; ; Pert' ef Aiterla Beads The port ef Astoria haa awarded an Issue of $11,- SOO of f per cent bonds to the Lumber men's Trust company of Portland. The award was mad Tuesday afternoon, the price being. ?A. Other bids rabmltted were: Wild. Roth It Co, Cincinnati, 8.70, and Keener Bros.. Denver, 81.32. The price paid waa the highest paid rot Port ef Astoria bends since before the war and reflects thy strengthening mar ket for municipals en aeeount of the demand for tax free Income. The funds secured from the sale ef thia Issue win be used for the erection of a grain ele vator and ether harbor Im pro v am eats. Ofpertaalty for Iadsttrteas KanAn opportunity awaits some enterprising person at 116 Eaat Harrison street, eer of Thirtieth. Two acres ef unout bay. two acres of garden in fine etate of cul tivation, IS laying hens, 10 half grown chickens, a let of tools and other eejntp ment await a purchase. The preeent owner la unable to care for them and will aell at a reasonable price. Irian Katloaal Trade Mark The new Irish trade mark, consisting of the words "Made In Ireland." to Gaelic en graved on i. distinctive da vice, is now used by nearly 1000 Irish manufacturers. The trade mark la the property of the lnan industrial Development associa tion (Inc.). of 81 Westmoreland street, Dublin. It is permitted to be applied only on goods manufactured In Ireland. Owing to the high quality of the goods upon which the trad mark appears. manufacturera are said to be keen to acquire the privilege of its use. X direc tory of the user of the mark haa been Issued by the association. Weodbare Street Impreveineat Beads An issue of $9115.09 of street Improve ment bonds of the city of Woodbura. Or, waa purchased by the Lumbermen's BASEBALL IS HELD E President Has Power to Make Exception; Specific Case to Decide Question. Washington, June 2L (I. N. S.) Baseball players are engaged In a non-productive occupation. Provost Mar shal General Crowder officially ruled this afternoon, in interpreting hla re cent "work or fight" order. The ruling in effect- held that "all persons engaged in games or sports or amusements, except special perform ances In legitimate concerts, operas' or theatrical performances, are engaged in non-productive occupations or employ ments." It will be up to the local boards to make a specific case In regard to tha ball players, it was pointed out unless the president specifically ex empts them from the, Crowder ruling". Prssldest Can Make Chaage Officials in General Crowder'a office declined to discuss the specific status of ballplayers and smilingly referred to the ruling. If thla literally is carried out. baseball players must either engage in a productive occupation or else be Inducted into the army. It, s within the power of President Wilson, however, to make an exception In their case. Whether the president will do this is not known. It Is understood several baseball magnates have made repre sentationa to the president that ball players should not be covered by the "work or fight" order, but his attitude on the subject has not been mads known. In addition to the decision on sports and games. General Crowder also an nounced several other Important rul ings explanatory of the "work or flaht" order, prescribing what occupations or employments are non-productive. Re ferrlng to sales clerks employed Iq stores and other mercantile establish menu, he held that the regulations do not cover store executives, managers. superintendents nor the heads of such departments as accounting! financial advertising, credit, purchasing, delivery, receiving ana snipping. Masy Eseritloa XoUi Registered pharmacists employed in wholesale and retail drug stores are also exempted from the regulations, aa well aa traveling salesmen, buyers, de livery drivers, electricians, engineers, carpet layers, upholsterers and em ployes doing heavy work outside the usual duties of clerks. However, "sales clerks and other clerks' Include the clerical force In the offices and In all departments of stores and mercantile establishments, both wholesale end retail. Managers, olerks. cooks and other employes in public places, Including ho- tela and social clubs serving food and drink are Hot exempted by the regulg tlpna unless actually engaged In the serving of food and drink. It is also held that, persona engaged In domeatio service are engaged In non-productive employment, but this does not include public or private chsHffe urs, unless thr are engaged In some other occupation or employment defined aa nop-produe- tlve. "When It is determined that a per son a a oerexreq classification is an Idler or is engaged in a non-productive occupation pr employment,' said Gen eral Crowder, "the classification and order number of such person will be withdrawn and he will be Immediately inducted Into the military service," , Boardg to L' CeatatOi Sepia Bellboys and porters, unless such por ters are engaged In heavy work, are included in the regulation providing that passenger elevator operators sad at tendants,, doormen, footmen, carriage FARMERS ATTENTION This cunnfry will pay cash and give yon the hf hesf m sr cet prices foryour Royal nma Chsnriasy Rasp harries, Blackherrics, Bart lett Per. etc, STARR FRUIT PRODUCTS CO. J Off if 9 eTnrf Plant '?. W, East Yamhill gt.' ;. r Portland, Oregon - NON-PRODUCI eV Trust company this weak. The-bonds are issued to cover the eaat ef paving Ureadr tsnipleted. , Settlers Mail Pay er 3e VTHkest Water A aeore of settlers . under the Boiae-payette Irrigation project have failed to pay the installment due tba government for water on their land. The settlers claim that the failure of their crops last year makes It Impossible to raise the money. - The governsnent in sists that the Installment be paid before water will be furnlahed the settlers. Relief haa boon asked Irons Washington by the delinquents. They elabw that: their cropa will be ruined it water Is not . available at an early date. slew Palp aad Laar If HI far Brltlth Ceissabta -Construction work baa com- . nvenced en a new pulp and lumber mill at Beaver Cove, B, d. 115. mUea north of Vanoeuver. according to advices re celved from the latter city. Tha enter- prise, it Is said, represents an . invest' ment of between $1,000,000 and $4,000. 000 of American capital. The firm will be known aa the Beaver Cove Pulp A Lumber company, limited. The daily capacity of the plant will be 40 tons of pulp and lOO.OOe feet of lumber. It 14 expected that the mill wUl be In eperav tlon within one yeas. Timber resource)! j of the oompany aggregate 1.000,000,006 feet, said to have eoat $2,000,000. . Ladder If aaafaetarer Treed 1 Hslpr-c . j George Victor Nelson la proprietor ,ot s " email manufacturing esUbliahmoBt '- at 267 Second street. His product consist -of stenladdera, oherry packers ladders, window and door screens. A special lock attachment for ladders. Invented by Mr. Nelson, makes his ladders very popular with fruit pickers and orders are coming, at a rate that necessltatea the enlarge- ment of his workkng force. : Half a dosen men. may find employment at light work by applying at the factory. - v , BATTLE EXPECTED Passage of Water Power Bill by House Anticipted,-Senat8 Is Doubtful. Washington. June 21. (WASHINO- TOM BUKKAU dF TUB JOUiLNAU- The water power bill, ordered reported by the house special committee, probably will pass tbs bouse with little change, but faces a doubtful fight in the senate because of its atrong federal control feav turea and refusal to grant the principal demand of Investment bankers : and powerful financial interests for proteo tlon of the leasing term beyond the Initial 60-year period. The bill agreed on places the Issuance of all water power permits in the hands of a com mission comprising the secretaries of war, Interior and agriculture and follows the outline proposed by the administration. Including the definition of net invest ment and unearned increment, upon whloh property may be taken by the government at the end of $0 yeara for itself or for another lessee. The amount of annual charges la te be fixed ty the commission, 60 per cent of the proceeds going to the national treasury, the other 6u to assist' the res ervation from which it is derived. Thus half of the proceeds In national forests will go for roada and trails and half from public lands into the reclamation fund. The regulation of ratee la left to state commissions, except where they fall to agrwo on Interstate operations. The bill applies to all power at tec oa lands owned by the United States pf developments on navigable rivers.. " 1 openers and other attendants in clubs, hoists, stores, apartment houses, ufflci buildings and bsthnousea are engage in non-productive occupations. ', 'Local and district boards were inr Structod to consider caeu of withdrawal ' of doierrod ciuaeiticauon and late erdei numbers 'with syrupauiy and coramoa sense." The regulations provide ; thai they shall accept aa a reajsonable ea; cusm for temporary idleness or tor beiuf engaged in a pon-prouuetive occupation the lollowing: bickneaa, reasonable va cation, lac of reasonable opportunity for employment in any occupation out aide ot those described as non-produo . live ; temporary absence from regulag employment, and where there are com polling domestic circumstances ' that would not permit change of employment by the registrant without disproportion ate hardship to his dependents. BUY W. S. B. - ' W. C T. V- Its Tuesday Vancouver, Wash., June 2L-rTae Vancouver Central W. C. T. U, . wU meet Tuesday, June 25. at 2 p. nt, wiin Mrs. Flora Sunderland, at 810 Wct Hlxteenth streeL MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. EtablUbe4 2S Years 201 Railway Exchange BuOdipg Portland, Oregon THE PREMIER ' MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON It's, up to you to iee it tbremgli PLEDGE YOURSELF and encourage others TO BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS fATIONAL WAR AV!NQ$ DAY, JTJJSP ?S, 1S18 Stocks, Beads, Cettea, Grain, St. . tl6-s!f Beard ef Trade BaUtUas; : 0?erbeck&CookeCop DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO AIX EXCHANGES Xfesssers CkleageiBeard ef Trade CemiposlaBti ef Leg sa a Bryss ' ' Caksge, JTew Jerk', .