s THE OREGON' DAILY "JOURNAL PORTLAND, "TUESDAYS JUNE 18, 1918.' 13 HKLF WANTED MALE AJU FKMALK ft fHOROtrOHLY geeer-ctesMSTapbsr. mi er - wmsi a seaarl. M affteet g . tad ikM iMw. W-449. WANTED A cood gardener end e a ebiecttoa to (ua eed wife; On home in eity. T-TII, InrnL WANTED AGENTS PATRIOTIC PICTURE Bsmithiag millioae being eoM: a rente eoialag mmti geeure your territory: seas pie 26ei perticulara fa 6e Mm. - Patriotic , Pubfebere. 261 Washington, Portland, Or. - SITUATIONSMALE 6 , A Bun past-draft aa, with plenty of pap But ,' Bttla selling experience waau position aa aelee man. Kinarionea aaora ordect than earning. Aaa familiar wtto tools and twiMere bard war ' and prater tbaaa ar leather line, la any or oat. WUI work on gemsaiasiea and finance myself. r-Bll. Journal. -4 CAN take aharaa oi heating plant or Watchman position. Call oa or address 207 Madison it. Portland. H. A. Thoaapaon. a-61-NdBMa with Ford desires position with' tood flam. Tabor 3164. FOR excavating and basement work call Tabor CARPENTER work, general eontract. iwaonaMe price. Call arming ana morami, repo tia SITUATIONS FEMALE tTpiat' can taka dicUtion direct to machine. General -mltc experience. Can report at one. Phone Mala 1641, Apt. 2UB. waos oa Annex, 10th and -Sainton sts. A. .W.T . OlfA.f " . , 1 'L., CI ll.L aui good wagaa wanted. Mrs. Aaderaon. 3830 Q eve. a. K. UA-411. Journal. DINNERS."', parties wedding planned, pra- nerod. served: neat ret. um oi so. ELDERLY lady 'aa" housekeeper for man with 3 children. Marshall 437b. FURNISHED BOOMS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princess Hotel. E. Sd and Bumside, 50o day an. 82 weak tip. East 111 l?Ori ' tlCVt Room for working men an women, rlosa In. $3 and 12.50 a wk. 4S5 Yamhill and 12ta ata. lilA.N hotel annex. 260 H 5th. Brick, hot. ool4 water arery room, (tram naat; transient, upn. alty ball. Main T. Tl.L'.AS air room. Dhoae bath, hot water, rloao in, reaaonabla. Main 42S8 10th at. !2SH I.lfillT air furnialied reonu: bath, phone 12 BO oar month. 472 Ralmoa. Main 8979 VttKHISHHD ROOMS PBITATB PAMILT T lARGK. well fumlahed room, bath and toilet a me floor: (mailer room, aame conrenieneea; walking dldUnea block to W. car. Phone Bnwr. 4TA2. 24 Flandera. OENtl.EMAN only. FuniUhed, room, all boma privileges, uee of piano. lU-'i iztn au romer Taylor. r.OMFOnTAni.T furnUhed room for gentle man, arirale family. Sunnyaide carUaa. Rata reaaonabla. 2 Belmont. TWO nicely furnished aleeping rooms, goo3 lrrington borne j break fact if desired. Phone East 7540 ar eall at 184 E. 18th at. K. 'OSt beautiful large cool room, select location; walking distance. 161 W. 224 at. FOR RENT Qoss to room, reasonable. 821 ffth st. BOOMS AKP BOARD 18 BOOM and Mard. home style cooking. Grand Are. hotel, 834 Grand are.. 8 blocks south of Hawthorne are. THE HAZEL, eonrenlea t ef shipyards, ell out- slde fonms with hot water. 885 64 St. THE Martha Washington. 880 10th, for busi- nea girls and students. Marshall 121. BOOMS AND BOABD PBITATE FAMILY Tt NICE front room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. with good home cooking, modern, with all aonrenience. Main 4187. 205 N. 21st St. RtCE rooms with good board. 712 Lorsjoy St.. near 82d. WANT KlSUtOe girls to board- East 1841 HOVSEVEEPiyO BOOMS FPBS18HKD AND FITFUByiSHED ONE cloe in, krge fumlshad houiexei-piag room, bath, phone, light; 80. 08 Knott sL Phone East 8673. fipEClAt. office prifilegea; good location, light, head cooking gas, electricity, etc. Boom IB. 185 4th. eor. of Morrison. TWO clean furnished H. K. reoaa, 540 Eaai SUrk st. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS ft FCBBISHED AND VNPTJBNISHZD PRIVATE FAMILY TWO furnished front room, use of kitchen if deaired. 630 4th at TWO front rooms light, airy, close-in, reasoi abla. East 168. FOR BENT HOUSES lt UNFUBNISHED "FOR" REXT- 1 room house, barn. 6 acres of land; 1 acre in potatoes, balance in garden and pasture; 6 blocks from car line; 8 fmh cows; will sell them on easy terms; lots of fruit MUlership, 461 Chamber of Commerce. WHY not oamp at Rock island for the sunamerT Caaap sitae, including Ball Rub water, eleetrte Hants and free transportation, 25 min. ride from 1st and Alder, 615 per mo. Take Oregon City oar to Mllwaukle or call Broadway 2555. -ROOM house near 8 carlines. walking dla- tanea Alblna shipyard. 620. Call Woodlawn 97S9 evenings after 6. S ROOM house, 'o08 E. 28th st ! 822.56;'trees and garden. irnr tit.. 780 K. Ankenr. APARTMENTS 41 FURNISHED AND UNFUBNI8HEP KING ALBERT APTS. New S00 fwasa Iteasa. 9 gad 8 room ana keeping e part me at. furnished or unturatahed; Urate gad aardweod flee. 185 11th at, '..i-a .ji.au E is HART APARTMFNTS u - it ii i i f,i . w w Tamhill, Kswry ' farabSM modern sotaiekeeprng and sleeping irwaas, 62.60 and up. ktiauil- MALL. H. tk and Hawthorn. Med- era 1, sad 8 room apt.. 613.60 ayi walking dietonoe. CaD Bast !. LiuKULU ArTaV. kast id aad 5eT medera t gad room apts.. II per week ap. Bleeping leoma, Beat 1 1 . VALHtni fiwell new apt! house; 1 room. s lee trie rangas: aew furaiturs. East .7648. 8R6 East Alder st I'EnInSULa APTS. WoodUwa 1851. Coa erete bids.. 2. 8. 4 room, batha, paoaa. THE Lincoln Apartments, modern j room fur nlahed, 9JV to corner atn ane litsfoiii. BEAUTIFUL 6 -room unfurnlahed apartsnent. welkins distance: recant July 1. East 8262. unfurnlahed TWO room apt tor rent. Modern, lilt Porta- month a.. Ht Jr.im rar. FOB BENT FLATS pdfLAJi5 iiEitiHt" A-l 4 raom flat, aa range, dutch kitchen. heat aad water . furnished, good location, 626; eall Monday. Main 0405. '? TB6bl modem, clean flat; goad light; walking -. disteaaa; 6th St. wast aids. Ptaon Tabot 068. 8 Afcb 4 ' room ' uppers, 871-677 Union are.; . aleotrietty. gas, sink, toust. aata, laratory. wash trays, garage. Kaat 31 ' FCRNIMHKn FLATS 68 for" VtHf4liGr room. Hght aouae keaping. cheap; aduK only. 670 E. 31st st. Brooklyn car. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 6 ROOM LOWER FLAT; ADULTS. 290 13TH. STORES AND OFFICES It i, ;.,sariteri lab phonk m'sLvisHed Prrrato eutatda room in taoroagaiy au anita af ffieaea: atanoaranhek aad naoae fuv atahad; win rent to deal rati party aa- pro rata ' basks af actual Cost! good looatioa aad arrloa. Msia 168 ar X-BT, Jsamai. FOR BEST 8 tore room; bot Inflation ia city of Astoria. jonnson-uoctaoa. Co., B( n. w Bank bklg. FOrfMNt 40x5 t iU rUadara. . Park.; ha baleoay gad base meat. Apply 804 McKay btdg. WANTED TO BKNT ' WANTED By permanent teaant amaH aottage, fswniahed or unfurnished, modern, reason able. Call Sunday. Tabor 6119. Monday ship ping clerk. East 260. , , - WAFf ED By refined, particular worktog - woman, targe elaan room furmahed for housa- k saving. N repllaa aaeandered that do not atate looatioa gad pries- -. Journal.,. BUSINESS man. wife, farniabed xaodara denes, prefer abort walk, Morrison, Grand ava. ou"st. VOUNG married ooupm want go rent 4 or ( raom modern furnished bungalow aiter Aug. w-4 an. ...Journal. -.'--,' , THREE or 4-roeia .furnished house 'close ia" sum a raasonanre. . n-vio, JonraaT, 4vAjiET 5-room Jtouaa or buagalow by July - a. ' ivuwisKH owe.. RTJMXE& SESOBTS 5 OWNER MUSISELl-r IDEAL SUMMER HOME Wndwood.' one of the tutt beaatffnl spots atfywbera aaar PartlaadV does to Mt. Hood. 20 aerea of sand bearUy wood ad. kaaatifal apriags and mosrotala streams, tin flahrer: with, large welf built log cabta and t until tog asblsa: lilr aaoooriblo by into and rat Terr ae- ciuaea; iim tor wee ena trip ana a piece you will be proud to take job friends to. A chance Uk thi will not com often. Owner la very re luctant to paK with it, but ba must aalL Price BsOVV, and It la worts consldsrabte mora. or win v m. Beuey, fxctug teeeire. Main ar A-l 122. OH BKN'T. moaUi of July, famished cabins at Cannon Beach. Pnone Aaala 282 ar Broad way B5. TKN room henae, fnroiture, grounds; aiao see- eral cottaaea and tenta. ClatsoD beaca near warrenton; rent reaaonabta. Mara JOT. H. K. APTS-. fine water, at Boekaway Beach. Apply at Ocean Crest Apt. BOOM cottage; Ocean Park, Waaa.. ( for Can East TB4. BEAIi ESTATE BUStHESS PBOPEKTY 41 FOB SALB cheap, gomer block with resUa raat, fixtaras and (umiahed lodging rooms. Lens feed barn, small dwelling, blacksmith shop. Owner unable to aandle. Will taka light automobile Balance easy' terms. G. H. pepna, Husum. Wash. FOB SALE HOUSES 81 ALBERTA HOME 8 room, in good condition. 1 Small garden and fruit trees. Two blocks from car. Price 82100. Easy term. - Sumner aear Ota. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriaer, BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 208-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOB SALE it a sacrifice, owner mo ring south. worm gsuov. - but wui sacrusse for less lor cash; 0 room bouse, bath, gas, electricity, ex cellent condition, lot 48x100," berries, 2 apple trass,, garden plot, flowers, street improvements ia and paid for, absolutely clear, one block from car. Sea this. 8021 4 2d st n. E., Woodstock car. Get off at 4 2d at. Walk X block north. A200 E. DAVIS NEAR 80TH 5-room modern attractire home, newly painted in and oat, full lot. trees and flowers, pared at. W. ef Laurelhurst; a bargain; conrenient to Ankeny car barns. 82880 6-rm. modern, E. 24th near Ankeay. FRANK L. McGUIBE. ABDfGTON BLDG. To Bay Yoar Home. Main 1068. MODERN WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW r 8800 cash, balance like rent. 6 room, nice lot with gerdaa and shrubbery. Now vacant. Can tags possession at once. Price 81600. C. A Wrrinr, BITTER, LOWE A CO... 208-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. 8 BOOM modern bungalow; fireplace, full ce ment basement, built ia buffet. Dutch kitchen lot 60x125. rosea and berries: garden in and no: hoaaa only 8 yrs. old; ean't bo built for 82SOO: will aU furnished for 61700, unfurnished, 81600; easy tongC Uillership, 481 Chamber ot commerce. -u aunoay at Aider note!. A MCE home, 100x200vt- of Iknd. 1 pear. 6 apple, 1 quince, 1 plum, 1 cherry trees, cur rants, goose berries, raspberries, blackberries, fine garden soil. 8 -room bouse, large uorch. wood shed, barn, chicken house; also a small grocery stock at invoice, 82500. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bsnk bldg. -ROOM hottse. modern ia arery respect, op posite Laurelhurst Park, 85000; will give good term. Also hare soma attractire Boas City Park house. See mi before you buy. I can save you some money. Mrs. 1. Bobbins, 801 Rail way r.xc hang bidg. Phone Main 7981 aoAA riair hit ivnr itru di vt 6 room house, lot 60x148; good bani and i . . ,. - run. uieu ok au encumDzancea. xtics 82000. 5. A Warriner, niTTert. T.nw-K a rri - 208-8-7 Board of Trade bldg 6-rm., rery attractire, typical bungalow; full basement, wash trays, fireplace, leaded, glass bee cases, paneled dining room, nlata rail. Dutch kitchen: best plumbing fixtures: price only 82500. Sea FRANK U McOUIRE, Abington niqg., to ouy your noma, lain -loan. Sacrifice $1250 4 rm. 50x100 corner; 12 bearing fruit trees, berries, etc; B block to E. Ullsaa st- ear; iO minutes out. A good bay. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTOJf BLDG. mvLNGtoA BeauUfal, modern home. rooms, sleeping poren; newly retiaisBed tnroughont; garage 85600; term. 684 E. 11th st N., between Knou and Btaaton. owner, Robert B. Boat. piione can aao. Alberta District $1500 6 rm. bonxalow. aleacins rjorah. bath. nteh kitchen, buffet, 8 blocks to school, 2 blocks to car, 60x100 lot, fruit and berries. GEO. T. MOORE CO., ABINGTON BLDG, ROOM house, bathroom, full basement and electricity; 10 fruit trees and berries. 2 blocks csrllne. 32800. Mr. H. Leventbal. 418 E. 6th at N. 82050 6 room house, lot 100x100; 2a min. to 2d and Alder. Mt Beott line. 6400 down. balance terms. This ad accepted a 825 on down payment D-816, Journal. 82760 Rosa City Park bargain. Oak floors. large attic, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, all white enamel woodwork; bookcases and buffet P. Vsnduyn, 616 Chamber of Com.. Main 1055. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 8 rooms, 6 rooms on iirw iioor, strictly modern, white snam slsd. corner lot ysrd, surfaced streets, paid. Price 84300. 31000 cash. Tabor 6441. NEAR Piedmont. 4 rooms downstairs, large at- tie. lot 60x100, 10 fruit trees, not oulte fin. Ished. 81800. 8180 cash, balance ranntr.lv Johnson-Dodson Co., 684 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE By owner, at a sacrifice, 7 room house, 16 minutes' walk to Morrison st.; west side. laauirg 649 Broadway. west side: no agent. FOR SALE A bargaiuT S room double con- straoted bouse, mod era. with 75x100 around. fin chick aa house and run, garden all put in. Address 2018 Van Houteo st. 1200 CASH, balance monthly. 6 rooms, bath; ry fins looking home surrounding, big lot, fins garden, fruit: pries 81860: Monta villa ear to 60th. t north 1 east. 160 E. 61t. BEFORE yoa buy, be sure to see 1106 Arnold St.; a awfuiiy pretty, iigat, rooms, quick pos e avion; 82260; 3450 cash; pretty home sur- rouading; RM ear to 87th. 4 block north, FINE home, built tight for one who knows; 6 rooms; pries vry low, 83500; 8500 cash. Be sure to see. Hawthorn car. 488 E. 68th. BY owner. Boss City Park, modern 6 room bungalow, - hardwood floor throughout and a garage, ea carlin. 445 E. 52d N. FURNISHED and aafuraishoT houses, easy pay- meat. B. C, Walter. 6848 Foster road. Tabor 8307. COZT ' 4 room bungalow, bath, eloetrio light. ois. cuii ioi near sum, S10UU; terms aggan, a so , nam per ot commerce. 6 ROOM house and two tot, fruit tree. Pen- inula 'district for 61 BOO. J. H R,,i.hi.. . n i. it ' - BARGAIN m Sellwood. 6 furnished. Prioa 81830. J no. H, Gibson, Phone Mar shall 1685. MODERN 8 room bungalow with sleeping porch gad garage, on paved street. 1 H blocks from Alberta ear. -iou, terms. 1082 K. 18th N tR'65aI cottage. "Plastered', painted, clean. neany new. con tor. amau barn. Ctear, aasimoretana car. gseo, terms, wain. 530'J jja : -4" jltj - i i i ROSS, Cl?r PAKE, hoe y. Vsndtuu. SO Vandtivn Chamber Com.. Main 1068. for 6 a 16 room bungalow. 7 . PORTLAND HEIGHTS property. 9 room house i or saw ey owner; wui vacate immediately, Phone A-8640 or Main 0488. ' ., BUY from owner direct, 6-room modern house. oil ww , irnm or . uoerai uiscoant ior caea. 4220 80th are. 8. K. W. 8. ear. 1800 FIVE room buagalow sacrifice, near onta aaa tt urisaa streets; lull lot; terms. Ed iau. gov enamber ef t'emmeree. WEST SIDE 7-roota house for sal by owner. 15 minutes' walk to pogtoffsce. Call 830 urant st. WAVERLEIGH Hu. ; 6360 cash, 325 per sae.. e room moueru Dungatow; wilt take auto. jonnson-nooaoa jo., aa.w. w. Bank bldg. 6 ROOM modern heme and garage on Hn Cocs st near BBO; rrom owner, 8B600, 303 Hamilton eve. ana Terwuiiger biro. 6 ROOM, weU furnished heme; bearing jruH ii eoa. woivj. fuwi F6R SALE l-room house and lot 60sl00, . 1011 N. Leonard, St-. Johns. FOR 6AIJS- A house on wheels; bargain, Jn- gulre 42 K. 10th st. iMALL' homo, wU, located, convenient; real snap, easy terms. i-nono Kat agaa. MODERN 3 room bousa, S10OO: eate7m7 furniture cheap if wanted. Tabor 781 BEST small buy in St J aim. Terms. Main 73o Tabor 430. 614 Panama bldg. 6 BOOM asodera bungalow, restricted district. Phene Sellwood T72. 6BOOM house, gloss in, 61600. 3300 cash! Tsrms. - a-WB. a'oumal. EAST 74th at B., 8 room. 31050. Easy wnio, emf. xx. uiorbl, s-oone aiar. sdoo. 6htA VILLA, 4' room. 61450; "easy ' torma. jno. n. i.ioson. rnone Maranall 1585. ROOM oottaoe. TIT E. 28th. fruit and ear. ooa. pavemen peia. s J juv. -4 ROOM modern, completely furnished,'1 Phone Weedkrwu 4686. TWO 1 room houses, modern in. ever snu beat af ear. service, vEat 2987. ' BAi; ESTATE ' 1 a- wVin a -r - tt rx-wc-wr ii'm i4to 7 BOOM modern house, furaeee. fall baatment. 268 E. 85th. St.: 100 ft. W. Haw thorne; owner on prejaisea Sunday. 81550 5' room modern bouse, fruit, gardass. lot 80x100; terxaa. , . , --,' lo 4 room seat eottaga. mot, aara. chicken house, lot 00x128: srio borne. 12600 5 roam modern bungalow, pared St. Hawthorne district: choice location. ' 12100 room eottaaa. ban. easekaa and runs. 12 fruit trees, lot 100x112 R. it. GATEWOOD CO., 168 H 4TH ST. CL()8K-tN BARGAIN . A IXTEt,T VSTtLSt BOMB - " Must be sold this week. Beat bidder get B. 0 room bungalow. Modern except furnace. Light. - cheerful, wen built: full lot. Street paid. Good neighborhood. : Clone in. on Kill are., 20O feet from Bellwood ear. Just aorta of Westmoreland. . Prioa 81980. Term. Maka special effort to aaa this, " A. K. HILL. 419 HENRY BLDG. Main 1002. MOVE BIGHT IN. ' Nearly . pew . 8 . room bungalow with enclosed sleeping poren; ' very large nnng room wrta maaaire fireplace, large dining room with hand some buliUn buffet, hardwood floors, fun cement basement win beat furnace, stationary tube. garage. 47x100 lot. - This home overlooking the campus of the new Franklin high school. Priie 2abU. Term BoOO cash and 828 month. THE CB08SLET-TIOAB8 CO., 270 Stork at. Mam 8082. -LAL'RELHUKST BL'KGALOW ' A thoroughly modern 0 room bungalow with erery conrcnienee: built-in ef facta for ma housekeeping ; fine maaie room; spacious living Dutch kitchen and pantry. The original coat or warn psaoe was oener inaa frvw. xiOC Tax ivw; unproreuenu au paid. - caa be had tor oauo. oyai uourt, near carlme. J. Ll KABNOPP l UCi - 818 Railway Exchange bldg. UaU 875 ST. JOHNS CAR BIG SACRIFICE T rooms, attractire. modern home: fruit berries, flowers, Peninsula are. doss to ear and stores. Pared streets. Non-resident owner need ing quick money ha ordered me to sell at low price. Going for 82500. Soma terms. Will py yon to sea tnis at once. - A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bldg. Phono Mam 1002. $1600 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Fine 6 room house, newly oainted outside and inside; walla tinted; 1 bedroom first floor aaa 2 on second floor, new plumbing throughout. tocatea on c gsm, s blocks from Hawthorns gTe. Fine neighborhood, 8400 cash, bal. terms. J. U. KAKKOFF ek GO. 618 Railway Exchange bldg. ' Main 678 81250 WEST SIDE VIRW KTTNKATrtnr New, artistic, 8 rooms and bath, best plumb ing and fixtures, gaa and aleet hot water tank. sink. Dutch kitchen, gray with green roof, view oi rirer ana mt. ; terms., rulto gat to Pendle ton. No. 1358 Front Bargain. Accept Ub- eny oonus. FRANK L. JIcGUlRE. ABINGTON T.T To Buy Your Home. - Main 1068. 61750 INSIDE PROl-ERTv glfso Greet opportunity to buy close la aeni-buei- nes property, improved with 4-room cottage. 80x100 lot all lien paid. No. 64 B. 8th at, bet Stark and Oak. 8250 will handle. This it closer to 3d and Morrison than 23d and Wash, uigton is. Be FRANK L. MeGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG, To buy your home. Main 1068. MODERNIZE your building: I do all kinds of alterations and reimirj; change dead realty into a live asset; tee my many designs for new houses. Max M. Meyer, contracting architect. Concord bldg. Main 1878. Formerly superin tendent for the Oregon Home Builders. Sacrifice1 SnaiK . 6 room house on west side will be sold for 82100. Lot alone worth the money. Not only a home but a fine investment It will make you money. Investigate this. 608 Spalding bldg. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW 81100 Very stoat and attractive 8 room bungalow, net modern; 100x100. 0 ia garden; very stghUy; positively the cheapest buy ia the Wood laws dis trict; 8160 cash. 323 monthly. Prod W. tier, man, 783 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 83260 buys 6-room 2 story. house, bath, elee tricity, gas, wash trays, basement full lot pared street, near E. 24 th and Sandy, walking distance, clear, on terms or trad for bungalow and pay difference; no agenta. Evenings, 486 E. Oak. iTfTOO MODERN BUNGALOW 31000 ' 5-room new modern bungalow, lath and plas tered, modern plumbing, corner lot, 8200 handles. See. FRANK L. McGUIBE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Tour Home. ' Main 1068. 8100 CASH. 815 PER MONTH Buys thi 0 room modern house: bath, toilet, gas. eleetrier lot 50x100: at Waodmere. lit Keott; why pay rentf Price 61450. A. 11. AKERSON, 606 Stock Exchange bldg. ' Main 43887 ROSE City Park. 5 room bungalow : oak floors. furnace, fireplace, white enamel kitchen, fin ished room in attig. builtin bookcases aad buffet; 83230. This plaee ia close in and close to ear. F. VanduVn. 616 Chamber of Commem. Main 1955. ' Hawthorne District $1950 5 rm. bungalow, bath. Israa lot trait . oernes, wesi oi o.m sr.; si lino, easy payments. T. MUUltE CO.. ABINGTON BLDG. liiiAt ait, up-to-date 5 room bungalow in Highland Park. Dutch kite hen end buitt-ra effects ; hardwood floors, garage and chicken yard; aonie fruit trees and berries: 6800 down. vm.mavm M-iin-. V ail VV OOU1SWU 09. t:bdbtaW.V BARGAIN. 8 i860" 5 room modern: flreolaee. full humuat W 60x100; terms 8250 down, 320 month; Una is we oeei ouy in woooiawn district A. tt. AKERSON. 608 Stock Ech. Bid. ROSE CITY Almost new 5 room and attie- choieer loeatkm. in Portland s meat popular nigu ciass rasuwne amnet; gboatutely, eompleto- . ...... ' cmn- moataiy; 33660. 1415 Wtotaria, near Sandy. peninsula Bargain." lboo " 4 rooms, large front and bark tmrh .i trie lights, full lot 50x100: ni.lv inn fu ff lini street.: easy Lrrm. , A. H. AKERSON. 596 Stock Ech. Ride. AM OFFERING a dandy little modern cottage iwr iJwji w wdbiq cost to Duua toe aouso; nlca yard aad garden, 2 blks. St Johns scms terms; eoa out tnd see it 428 Bald win sr. $100 Dowftr $10 Month" Beautiful half Sera. 24 fruit iraea. auanMti wi min,, an.ii bwo, o-eent cenare. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. AftlXflTnv nr.nri SHIPBUILDERS, auetuioa, six room house aad lot, water, light, gag, at Multnomah sta tion, id minutes out on Ore. Elec. Price ioju. not a pig snap out well worth thi money. Terms. Dr. Estoek. Main 9410. HAWTHORNE are. home snap, 100x100. fruit roses; worth 82600; house worth 84000 suitable Z families; 640OO for all: terms. Main ill. SEVERAL nice small houses, small payment a own ana mommy payments; cneap. Also some good houses at moderate pries., Geo, siorse. sio unamoer ot vora. -ROOM modern bungalow. 20 minutes nnr 82000. 8100 down, balance 820 per month Including iaterest 617 Cham, of Com. bid. Mar. 24 TO. NIFTY" 6 room bungalow, 200 E. 47th between Belmont and Hawthorne: has fire place, beam coiling, buffet Dutch kitchen; pnee assay. ih see- i,au laoor nun. ruHTbAAu tir.Kjtiis tiisn cjaa income property for sale; accept vacant or residence for part A rar opportunity. . Owner, Main 523. FOR SALE 88700,' 6- room house, fireplace upstairs aad dowa. White enamel finfch. Phone East 8102. 801 Clackamas at. aear ztn st. - . s 6 ROOM modem bungalow, restricted district 8 room modern house. 8 lots, all .ia eardea gad fruit close in. hell 81500 below rain. Phone Sellwood 778. FOR 'SALE 2 lot, many kinds oi fruit: 5 room eottags, modern ooavaniancea, sttic, base- ment. fjwaer. Taaor 4g. FOR lest priced houses en vary eay terms. James D. Ogdea, 107 Shaver. Woodln. 302 FOR SALE LOTS 16 THREE lot with three finished cisterns, gravel within reach for coacrete works; fruit trees ana smsii iruits, fen insula district, auu. j. a, nutenscnoen, stw rtauecjc u FOR SALE Barn aad lot. easily converted into a house. Peninsula district, for 8600. remnsuia a. j. n. pntenacnoen. i naueca at. LOT, shipyard district Portsmouth ava., 50 per cent below cost Y-796. Journal. ACREAGE - 67 20 ACRES 1 H miles to electric line, fin soil, level,' fenced; small house, tood well. some trwit. bit per acre, terxaa. 40 acres, half cultrvated, fenced, two wells. tine water, beat ef una. tamuy orchard : J H miles to rail and statioa. SO miles to Portland. 8123 d acre. - - 40 acre, partly improved, fenced, aosae big ttmoer, close ta roeaea roaa. tevei good tend. ivu per acre. - itnm SUNSET REALTY " OQ-V Henry bldg. Chicken Farm Snap . 450 ' thoroughbred White Leghorns: lease yean oa 8 acres; auto, 0 incubators. 2 brood ers, 50 gal oil tank, straw cutter. 16 colony nouses, l Brooder nouse, i UouDator Bouse, 1 feed houso, 3 chicken bouses, one is 30x70 feet: 4 room reaidoaee and furniture 1 all buildings belong to lessee and caa be 'removed at expiration of lease. oeated at Aluwaukie. Inquire 05 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 8446. 10 ACRE ranch, 2 blocks from rood town flae building; 800 fruit trees, bearing: aiee crop eg gzsea. oaod terma. George Morse, aie-vuam. ai una, ., x BFALFSTATg ACREAGE - - hi BSAUTIFCt, homesiu oa Wulametta rlrar, SO . xwiatitaa from Portia adv 2-8 of aa acre, unin cdmbered will sell 40 per cent under prion of adjoining property. Pbone Oak Orora. 8-J. 1 . ACRES M. Edison at, 8L, Johna. Orer iooking rirer. Bear shipyard. 82800. Will taka car aa first payment, balance 840 par W. ToUaaa, 408 Going at. SUBURBAN HOMES Tt ACRES. a. high state cuki ration. kouaeT bam. other cnfbuildiaas. on Orea-oa Cits Una. 12o faro; prioa 83200; terms; would take bouaa had lot a part pajiaanl ; w - 1 aerea. 6 -r. - house, chicken hows as; at Jennings Lodge; O. C car Une; 81660; twrsBS. 1 acre. Jennings Lawlgs. . O. car. 8660, Columbia River Hiahwar 10 aerea in eulti vatioa. orchard, running -water, small hesasa aad barn, chotco land. leej. 82100, cash. at. M. KATEWOOP ek CO.. 166 H 4th ST. FOB BALE FARMS .10 ACRES. 61760 10 acre. S ' aerea under cultivation 17 S room plastered .boose, fair aara, chiekeo house, nnghrmsaa. etc: cood orchard of sorted fruit and all aaaaner of small fruits. fine water. Ia ' good neighborhood. V4 mile from school. Prfea. tf Bold aooa. incradtng aH crops, only 81760; 87S0 cash, balance 4 years at 0 peg cent Internet ' This plac ta aniy a mi lee from Vancouver on fine auto road. SEB THOMPSON, 8WAN ak THOMPSON, Third and Main ate, Vancouver, Wash. ' GARDEN SPOT OF OR KGOX HOWELL ' PRAIRIE For aale. 60 acre, all clear: deen black aofl M mils from Pratum. 8 mile east of Salem: modern 9 room house with bath room, base ment with furnace, large barn, machine aned and other bnUding: private water works ia house; family orchard; Building all buflt in IV IV. met. witn growing crop, si s.auu ; asse roller feed aUQ ia Pratum: gasoline power; pries 81600 Oregon. Katie A. vogt, owner, rratam. FARM for sale by owner. Bargain it sold soon; 188 aerea. in Linn county. Or., about 100 scree in cultivation ; new silo. 10x82 ft., gaso line pumping plant; one-half of crop, IB grade Jersey eowe and cream separator, all go with place; 880 par acre. 13 cash, balance terms to salt; near two good town, sehoolhouse on plana. Address 485 Crawford are.. Mekiinn Tilie, Or. FOR SALE 640 acres of land. Lincoln Co.. at Eddyville. Or. Very low prioa, $10 per acre; between 400 and 600 acres of open land; no rock, all good land and a fine stock ranch. Part cash, balance easy terms. Will taka part trade. New York Land Co. East 6S17. 881 Morrison st CANADIAN FABM LANDS Chaan lead remarklbly aa seekers' excursion party leaves Portland for f Calgary, Alberta. Saturday, June B. Beduood rate. rot rurtner pameuiam aaa tanaona Pacific By. Co.. 208 Railway Exchange hide. L. P. Thornton, District Beprasentatira. 40-ACRE farm, 10 acre in cultivation, family orchard, good o-room Bouse, barn and out huildiags, soma stock and farm implements, in cluding some furniture; must be- sold at once, aa I have to leave. Win sacrifice for 81000 sash, balance easy terms to suit. B-978, Journal. WANT superintendent for one ot the beat dairy and general larms in uregoa; present mam gar drafted and moat leave at ones. Will take some cash to haadlo proposition. Prefer m who has soma help. See Thompson. Swan A Thompson, 8d and Main t.. Vancouver. Wash. 160 ACRES Lincoln county, partly improved. suitable for dairy ar stock. 815 per acre; term. 03 acres. Benton county, 60 timber, balance partly imp.. 315 per acre; terms. Ad dress 633 Tamhill st. Portland, Or. 632 ACRE stock ranch, 90 acres in crop; 822.000. tfwluding all stock and farm im plements, soms trade, balance easy terms. R- 805, Journal. HAVE buyer for BOOO to 20.000 acre tract southern Alberta. Describe at once. N. M. Appls Land Co., Lrwiston. Mont ACRES. 6-roora house, near Oregon City, 61600. Wolfstein. 114 1st FARMS WANTED BENT OB BUY 88 GOOD farmer wants to rent a farm from widow .woman who will keen house for myself and 8 children, 2 boy and a girl; prefer to rent aa ahare. L-916, Journal. HOME8WEAD9 ' 47 GOOD homesteads may be had within 28 miles of Portland. There are 1220 home steads in the Portland land district ef the O. A C. B. B. to bo opened to homestead tiling June 22. We have the oounty maps ia Portland land district en large scale of Co lumbia, Clackamas, Yamhill, Washington, Mar ion, .Bentou, Polk and Linn, made from official records, showing only the lands open to home stead. Price 50 cents each postpaid. . We have former government cruisers who - will show ou good homesteads for 826. Open Sunday from 1 m. until 5 oetoek. Rowland Man Co.. 411 Henry Bklg. HOMESTEADS The government recognized our reliability f-by employing us to make the original field mapa and to assist in the classification of the at C. lands for about two years. Get your maps -of reliable people. We know these lands personally and can assist in getting beet selec tion ; get our services in choosing jour elaim. Only reliable maps 31.00 par county. Anderson, 481 unamner ot fjommeree. HOMESTEAD, O. A C. grant, can show good homesteads. By old cruiser. Willard Dill, 493 Ross st., Portland. TIMBER ' 28 Notice or sale of uovarnmk? liu- BER General Land. Offioa. Waahhsgtoa, D. , a. si i a i a MaiM a. w . v.. v- auhieet to the conditions and hesitations ef the get of June 0, 1616 (86 But, 818). aad th Instruction of ta neeretarj of the interior of September 15, 1817, the timber ea the fol lowing tends will be said June 26. 1918, at 10 e cloak a. as., at - public suction at the United ata too laad office at formed. Or., to the higaaat bidder at net lea thaa the ap praised vales aa showa by this actios, sals to be eubieet ta the approval of the Secretary of the late riot. The purchase price, with aa addi tioaal sum af one-fifth of ens per sent thereof, being commissions allowed, most be deposited at trsas of sal, money to be returned K sale ia not approved, etnerwise patent will Issue for the timber, which must be removed within tea rears. Bids will bs received tram citlaeno of the United States, associations of each eitixen and corporation organiseaUjBadsr the laws ef the United 8tetes or say state, territory or jatrtct taereoi osuy. upon - application of a X as lifted purchaser, the timber or any legal sab i vision will be offered separately before being Included ia any offer of a larger wit: Town ship 4 S . B. 2 K. See. 21; NMtt NWlij red fir Via as-; aor to ae sosa at jem taaa 81.B0 per M.S T. 4 B. B C. Bee, ggl MBH KIH, fix 1080 M.S NWU NEW., red fir 104S M. a. w at-, a. m jo., va. i cedar 10 M-l NBH NWV.. red fir 400 M.. cedar 26 M.; NW14 k'W, red fir 286 M. cedar IB kl. ; aoae ef me red nr or cedar to be told for leas thaa 81.60 per M. T. 10 8., R. 8 E., Bee, I, BWa a&l. Uouglag fir 848 M.S SB 88H. Douglas fir 747 M. ; hem lock 144 a,! sxmgias fir 1816 U. : none of th Douglas fir to be sold for less than 81 per M.. and Bono of the he as look to be sold for loss thaa 60s per M. See. 6. 8W M KB 14, Douglas fir 1698 M.. aexawek 168 M ; lot 4 er SWiA NWVi, lseUglas fir 1764 Mi 8W54 NW14. Douglas Or 1688 Ms BBVi iw, wougi nr Lea at; vx bWH, Dougus ur itu m. ; Bts gw Dougla fir 1 039 M. See. 7, SS NB5 Douslas fir 600 M See. 11. ilk K8 yellow fir 060 M.. hemlock 60 M ; WW k u w TTn ,1. nil u - a w . h K 14 ' N W Si . yellow fir 1550 M.. hemlock i M.t MV W, yeuo-r fir 110 M.. Wdt 105 M. ; none of the Dougla flr or yoi acd none of the hemlock to be sold for leas low fir to bo sold tor leas thaa 81.60 nor VI than 60s per M. ( Signed Olay Taliiaaa. Coaa- miaeuraar uenorai lna miiee. Sawmill Location 4,500,00 second growth fir, near transportation, - vrKh lumber flame throughout Price 81 per 1000 feet 81000 wiU handle; balance terms. Ground fine for logging. This ia a special offer for guick sale. Inquire 80S Spalding bldg. TIE, piling and ship knee timber! Geo. Morse, 316 Cham, ef Com. BEACH FKOFEBTT 48 ATTRACTIVE LARGE COTTAGE All modern eearenieneet, park surroundinx; sbo aman cottages; U centrally located. - Inquire C. L.. Box 126. Sea view. Wash. EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE 81 NOTICE. If your property, either eity. farm o tgg, hag merit aad Is for exchange or sale. eaS er write fuB vrtieulaTt no Inflated vssaes oaea ehseredt hare first claaa Set to seleet from. George P. Henry, 820 Henry bldg. Befec Porttevid utealtv Hoard FOR EXCHANGE tvood xaedern sU room house with lot 100x100. in lire railroad town ia Waslucgtoa, for sraau acreage aear Hinsbore or ReedMIle. Or. Answer Box 102 Hillsboro. Or. ; GOOD exchange: dandy, aaodera seven soon house: cash value 83300 r clear: for imorevad rt or i aeraav ejoae in. j. uaas, o. Gham- ber of fjommeree. 1 ACRES, near Oregon City, buildings, . meetly ia garden truck; sell or exchange for homestead relinquishment Archie Poteet, rural route a. Oregon city. 160 ACRE valley farm. 30 heed of etock. 17 mOk cows, aU farm implements, 110 acres ta crop; will trad for apartment house or tncoi property. , a-699. Journal. - - " MTSt " get rid of 8.000.000 ' ft Cnrr. "iiS. - timwer at once or lose; make me a a offer Within reason. TB E. 63d N. MarshaU 1154. NEW brick. West Side aornor. all raatel. pWncbd toeome, for laad of part vacant oi reaiaenoe. nam zi. -. , BEAL 18TATB EXCHANGE REAL K8TATE 84 WILL trade or sell ehoica tot ta Laaraihorst Ketngold. 14T 84 at. WANTED BEAL ESTATE SI IT MIGHT ha to year advantage) to list voor with ma 1 aaB. fwosas only, aaa aw.su WATCH OCR ADS WE GET RESULTS O. A. Warriaer. BITTER. LOWE A 508 5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I HAVE saaay ehipbuildara aad other bayera for home from 6600 op to 82600: food payments; list your hooss with oid eatsblisbod FRANK L. MoGCTBE, ABINGTON BLDG. SHACKS AND SMALL BOMBS WANTED ' Max be N. B. and priced right We haa numerous buyer waiting. . Fred W. Oa. 788 Cham, af Oowa. FOR JtESCLTS cast pour prowerty with the jtoat stato Exehange, 201. 84 -. Petlaaa, WANTED 2 to 7 room house. SaaaU meat down, belanoe monthly. L-616. JowrnaJ. BOOMING HOUSES - at 44 ROOMS, steam heat aU modern, goad f Bltnre and earDota. low rent long leeae Own er making good money but must sell -am ao oount of sickness. Price 88000. Fred S. Wil- Hams, 02 H 1st-at . 80 ROOMS, part H. K. Good furniture. Caa have lease at reasonable rent A auoaoy maker. 86000. Tsrms. Frad 8. Williams. 92 1st st 23 ROOMS, very nice place, fine location, clears 180 mo.: well furnished: rent 660; T0 Garland. 188 3d st 38 ROOMS. 31600: TERMS Clearing big money. Exclusively with Goddard. 002 uooch bldg. Positive bargain. AN elegant rooming house for sale, medium eroxa, swen location, new furaiture; a money maker. Term. TJ-420, .Toaraal. FOR RENT 24 rooms in a brick building. 2d floor, newly papered, 8. W. eor. 2d and Flan dera, reaaonabla rant lna aire 201 Morrison at ROOMS 6800. SNAP Good furniture, west side, rent 820. Good ana tiring. o03 Uouen bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 86 HOOVERIZE SAVE COMMISSION Improved and - unimproved acreage ; your choice of 3-4 room bouses, beach lots, to trad for store, rooming house, automobile. OWNER, L A. Halt, 812 Pananta bldg. ATTENTION, GROCERS I Hava a good paying grocer doing a business $2000 me. owing to labor conditions and to save expenses I would hka to consolidate with some good vs merchant of mm alse aad capable toNuadle inside or outside sod of basins, Can give beet of references. For more information address X-8S2. Journal. - BE8 PROPOSITION1 W CRl ITkve fine eautnued soft drink parlor aad card- room. Doing fins' business, but hare not tints to attend to same. will sea or accent partner; cash or trade; long lease, cheap rent Call Sua. day 6603 Foster road, or week days 128 1st near Alder. $3500 for $650, Terms Confect'y. cigars, soft drink, hinche. cost 83500; will taka 8650 for quick Action. GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. PANTORIUM EAST 84th AND BELMONT. Complete plant for cleaning, dyeing aad p rawing for sale cheap. Might consider trade. For appointment pnone Tabor 415Z. Stores for Trade Several of them. Also a restaurant Bargains. fjoddard. P02 Uoucn blgd. HAVE one of the best apartment hoi the west aide, 60 2 and 8 room apartment ; will consider house aad lot up to 64000, bal ance of 38000 easn. H-800, Journal If y61t ha ve a lew hundred dollars to la' dollars to la vest we will give you liberal salary to help ma run a fine big fruit farm. Alpha underwood. Dufur, Or. OFFICE MANAGER for factory wanted; give age, experience gad reference; invest meat required. Box 288. Albany, Or. PARTNER wanted, asaa of executive ability, for the beak money getter oa the. market Call East 7083. DON'T WdB.Bg. J eea sell or trade anything any a beta Lay in. 146 H Broadway. FOR SALE Small good paying cash grocery; mignt consider some trade. A.-BHO, Journal. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES WANTED t WANTED, to buy amau foundry or ma- foundry" china ah op, eity or country; give price aad Hat. in first letter. rJ-w iz, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE 87 OUR Installment plan ia the best aad surest method of paying a loan, i 832.24 per month for 86 months or 621.24 for 60 morAhs, or 816.17 for 04 months, pays 31000 loan and interest Other areounta ia piupot tiorj. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No comission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark at, Portland. Or. MORTGAGE IX) AN 8 Any amount low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A-4 116. 8300. 8400, 8600, JtToT 81000, and up lowest interest rate. Liberal pre-payment privileges. No delay. GORDONlXVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN 3300. 8500. 8800, 31000. 81200. 81500 and 32000 on improved property. J. L. Wells Co., 324 Cham, of Com. bldg. EQUITABLE LIFE OREGONIAN BLDG. Loan on close in improved residence at 6 per cent; no cost Main 017. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property; money advanced ag work progresses- W. G. Beck. 216 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 6407. 8250. 8350. 640O. 6300. 6660. 6760. 310O0 and larger amount at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham. Com. tlOO TO 81600; consider lots. E. H. DewHng, 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall Z48Z. MORTGAGE kn, 6 and 7 . Louis Salomon ft Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH for mortgages, leans, contracts. P. H. Lewis, room 4. Iwla bldg. slain ting. LOANS on city and farm property. "6 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. $500 to 89000 to la a. city or farm mort- gage; wo eovejwlestoa. P. O. Box 878. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 47 Salary XAN8 Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or workingraen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly eonfldentist NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECUKrTI Ws ska loan on household furniture, pianos. etc., without removal. CAT AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISOOITJT COMPANY. LICENSED. 817 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans mada to Per aooa en salary or fixed ixf com, on house no id rumiture. pianos, euajneaos and other personal property, legal rates. Bus st confidential; private effleoa. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY I ice need. 806-807 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. 'Established by Portland basin ess men to protect borrower. r rwono uOousw u. sea gvisr aw LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWKMll, f 1A?U. HOUKHOUJ rtHSITLSIS. LOANS WANTED 86 860O . 40 acre of laad. 3650 8. 7-rooai house. Mon ta villa. 31BOO lit. 629 seres. Cterke Co.. Wash, FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 783 Cham, of Com. WANT 34000 lean oa CmrkeCe, ranch. Will pay 7, B or a years. -gx. Journal. HORSES, TEhICLES, ETC. tig BIG eueUe Tuesday aad Friday af 2 p. Brina ua your stock: w can a 11 it for yoa. CoL Auction staoies, suz r root at. FOR SALE 1 grgy horse, weight 1300 lbs., 375 several exoall horses ebeap. Portlaad Pure Milk stable. K 2d aad Broadway TEAM oi posies, wagaa and-haraeaa. good lor es proas or camping. 865. Woodlgwa 6611, LswAD heraaa ana animais hanled away trea. Can vvooaiawa aw. fortianq nawoenng siw. LEAD horse aad cattle taken, quick. Wa pay tae aaeea for eeaa cow, laoor agoa. hOUsK and wagon, 81416 day; 3 bono aad tarea. 82.BV a met. alata 30. FOR SALE Small buggy., 148 E. id N. Phono East 2961 GOOD all around work snare. Tabor 1259. 161 ' E. 81st N FOR SALE Cheap, act double harness aad wragoa pole, tan ztv heridfsa at HORSES. TEHICXES. ETC " ' It JUST ia fresa the aaaeh ami must eeU'nioe bay t ream old, waigbt about save ay; also her mate. waraatoed ta arery rasdtac t Mars oad. er; hear aomble aa also S bead f 1104 aheap.: 888 Knots at halt btook east at Cnioa sva. phsai Kaat BBS. TEAM af liorsea, weight about SO uuuada. salsid sound and true, with good sag f hag. few ggSa. Maoo aJaa OBSat wssamtt far lea ging or hrmber hauling. Cast be saaa at BOoOi- Powsll Valtoy toad. Taka Mt Beott ear ta vras ton, inqnire at gailL or aaB Tabor TOO. after 7 P. av MUST bo closed ewt aT i at aoeae prioa, 1 good sorry. B farm saiiaa swvaral fin aprhsg emgeaa saitahla for fruit er hirriss. S bwegtea, 2 good saddlea, 2 carta, all kinda at harness. 1 good burro, horses from 000 to 1400 lbs,. S Baa wen bred driving family xaaros. SOS FroaC ONE apaa of 1600 lb. homes. S aad S yean aid; sot of Boston hraosa. doubla Seated rubber tired surrey, ana goad wagoa. hut old. all fox 8 tOO. CaB er address T. H. Saood. Lfaxatoa. Or. near old Cttff lna. - - MUST move; will etieg tog gala 1 team af sanies. wt, 1 4(M. B horase, 3 goad eawa, a aata aa neaa, 6 plows, ether ami II tools-, no xaaaoaabas after refused. 66 Powell TsOay road. WaosV stock ear. FOR BALE a gray xaara, weigh 16O0. 10 yra old; little thin, right from lumber hauaag. 866; gnarantood ag repraeeated. Phil Swatter. 880 Front st. ear. Meat, 860 Big booed "l206-Ib. bloeky 6-yoar-old Sound gentte black Clyde brood work mar. ing cart 826. 145 E. 81st N.. Montevula car DEAD HORSES takan. cash paid tor dead cows. Phone calla pead. MBwaukie 69-J. CHEAP. mare, at your own pnee. Buanysid Ice Co.. 84th and E. YamhUl st LITESTOCIC 86 FOR SALE -freah Holateia aad JeT- a with nlM h their aada. ATI are heavy milkers. C W. Hyre. Fourth Plain sod Ht. Johns road. Vancouver, Ween. jraoae FOR SALE 6 young, freah. Holateia and Te? ley cow with calves by their aids. AU heavy milkers. C. W. Hyde, Fourth Plata gaa ot. John roads. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 680-J. TWO extra good young fresh Jersey. 4 gai ner day. 5 to per cent test 1480 Ma cadam st Fulton car to Idaho st, 1 block east FCyK SALE or lease, to responsible party, tint class retail dairy, 85 oowa, modern equtp- ment, over 20O customers. ' W-473, Journal. 12 YOUNG freah dairy aad family cows. Some wall bred, high grade Jersey family cow. Very rich milker. 656 to 365. 761 East Ash. BINE head of sheep 670. A R. Rogers, Hills- dale. Or. Mala 0426. WANTED A few mflcb goats; state breed aad once. E-755. Journal. YOUNG desirable famly" cow for sale. , 1602. U-410. Journal. "East Coat" for sal cheap, 837 East 14th north. I I JERSEY cow eheap. rich milk. Tabor 2600 FOPLTRT, FIOEONS. FET STOCK 87 WE BUY AND SELL AB kinds of poultry, meats, produce, pet and breeding stock. Cash Produce Co.. 165 Front I st. cor. Morrison, rtiono Main 4z. 1000 O. .A C. strong White Leghorn chicks, 811 ner lOO: aruarantee aata arrival, iialcjl l June 28. Wuv liorashuh, 748 E. 10th tt. Portland. Or. SIXTY thoroughbred laying pulleta. White Leg horns. Barred Rock, R. L Reds; reasonable. 145 E. 81st st N. MonteTula ear. IRVINGTON bungalow, strictly modern and elegantly furnished, for rent for 8 saoatha 009 Tillamook. Phone East 6866. THE PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY 1614 E. 12th N. Wdla. I486. White Leghorn baby chicks, 12 a. BABBITS Utility Belgiaa haresT a months eld. oOa each. Fine. DroUOa atoeh. M. ATbla. Home Tel. C-1787. FOR SALE Rabbits and baby chickens. Phone Woodlawn 8998. FOR SALE: Fine Carnaaux pigeoaa, 12 per pair. Pheae Tabor 2847. WiNTED-Han. aw MJUtal What have .out Ih 120. Braeh iri-. VuL 27 WHITE Leghorn chickens, laying. 31 each. Tabor 338. O. A. C. large strong Leghorn chicks, 12e eachT DeHrered free. SeUwood 3192. WANTED 8 bantaaa hnX Broadway lTIT DOGS, BIBDS, PETS, ETC 46 RAISE RABBITS FOR MEAT. Wa have Belgiaaa. New Zealand Fleatttsh Giants. English Lop Ears, gad White English, all age aad stses; utility stock a well aa fancy pure bred. Write for prices and catalogue. Reuttedge Seed A Floral Co.. 146 Second at. Portland, Or. - RABBITS Pedigreed New Zealand gnd Fhxaiah Gianta. Utility stock. AM breeds. Stud- buck Flemish Giant Peerless Produce Co.. 1TB Front st FLEMISH GIANTS, good, thrifty stoak: "ak Belgian hare. For table gnd utility. If in terested, worth inras tlx ting. Pedigreed Flemish stud in service. 481 Going. FOR SALE T-months-old colli. Take Oregon Electric. Get off at station, first house south station. Mrs. Bertie. Box IS. Route 2, Hills- QAle. rr. FOR SALE or trade. 0 months old Airedale bitch, best pedigree in state. 682 Y. M. C. A. XT' Y ffOII swiaaoa sakkUa wah a. m " a. wa Jt '"A .4 TC" A? uriAinil Bwui igvi"i ivwii aassu viu rsvasasa, WoodUwa 1888. 641 Going. Call after 7 P- m. v. TWO St Andreaaberg ainers. 63waeh. Young (ingen, 88. Itettenoa. Take Oregon Electric to Ryan Place. BOARD your dogs at the Bungalow Kennel. Everything wp-to-date. Main 6165. FOR SALE Beautiful singers, females and cages. Call A-6462. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOBIES 44 1916 EIGHT eyl. CadiOae. used 8 months. Price 81750. Deal direct with owner. Har old S. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill st. i AHFDV aVrn " ssjaailii -. Mfg. A R pairs. 3000 miarantosd iprings in toes; pncea reaucoa. gg m. i oto st MOTORS. Gears, Beatings. Wheel. Axle sad Trailer ws wrocx au make of ears and sell their goad parte at half pries, David Modes Co., Broadway and Flanders st, Broadway 194. CASH paid teg old cars, oonatnoa ae oblecti 1 parte for ail maa as of ears. Urease A aeage. 120 Lswndslg at 16th aad V Auto Ex- ton. Broadway 2668. BIO ' I l,sA Pv PRTCE8 STOCK UdCU Oaid. RIGHT tuvtl stinurl Lis co. 21st and Waahington ate. Main 6244. Fords Enameled $15,00 T 370 E. Morrison st. zttiUBua ana neo touring can in 1st class con- uitiow . i nuiw m crunoer touring. Multna- man nam osrstv. u ano Apaeny. 181 H uuiiujs lourmg car. only run 900 miles, naa extra ure. Booiiiams ana nttmnor to i eeie si a otg aaerusBa. juv ifmrn ava. It. FOR SALE 1917 C Passenger road 842BrolyntSel1554: ,10U- aiA frAfaK V L , , . t 1616 FORD e hassle. Jut completely over- hauled; .an absolute aaap at 6300. 200 TTniosi ave. N 1816 Buicg, 6 cylinder. 7 paaseager, in ex cellent- shape. 3 new eord tiraa. Wlst Motor Co., 16th aad Wash. Bdwy. 1614. DUBRUILLE TOP CO. 0th and Oak. Broadway 1664 FOR SALE Splendid car for farmer, either heavy work er pleasure; SZ73 if sold quick. Phone evenings Tabor 8930. A-793. Journal. LOOK, For 3195. 6-penger car. goad ranniaa eoadltioa ana au gooa urea; wui demonstrate. : Apply Crewa livery stable, 284 1st st Vila MAXWELL, brand new, for tale etTa - reaaowable diacoutit 200 Union are. N. 1914 MARMON 6-paae. eompletely overhauled aad reparnted; sell for cash. Call East 6804. 1018 DODGE run 2300 milov Apply 318 Railway Exchange. Marshall 240. B-PABSBNGEB Oeclead sr, fine coaditioa; eweap, ooo. morse, as a uaaav oi torn. ; 1917 Ford with over 1200 extra equipment for tela cheap, xona aie, oroaqway noteL fgil fO&D roadster, with lota of extras. 832..J 200 t aioa are, tt. 1 140VK.UUND..A1 gwmUUoa. $lj9. East TVBEJLkti i8iIJour 8360: firat gates ewadHioa; 8 new tires.' Tabor T096. MUST eU my 1818 Uaxwall touring car A-775, Journal. JaAX WELL i-pam.. Bwea order. 8li0 caah. CaB 198'E. OtK Phone East 6206. B-1692. WTLL sell say 1917 , Maxwell cheap. A774. JeaxraaL - 4 F6fe & At fc BtudebakA 4. ilT;'a geei eoa- f HARLIT-DAVtDSON asotoreycle. 666 caS - dilhm: goiag to the front! 6478. East 6644.1 866 N. 20ra at ONE ton Franklia truck, wwrm drive. A- eondC tion. by owner; caUod away. Mala 6746. 1918 CHALMERS car for sale cheep. Maia 4912. . F6R SALE 1614 Buick in perfect mdiOoe, BB04. Call after a. Wood la ww i47. iSli OAKLAND SIX fur sate. Tag-ec - 690 A TJTOMOBTLF8 ACCESSORIES 44 USED TRUCK BARGAINS '.- We have oa hand ia ear need track oeparV a line of rebuilt trucks la ranging from 1 ta 6 tone. The) sncludea S tea, remptetily srertialad, Packard 8 too, eosnplotaly eewtliawaod. drive, nearly aew. 1H toa Baa, sew motor, good tirss. 1 tarn Fsdaral. hargala. ' yfORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY Taath aad Burarlde Ste. Broadway 631. BIG STOCK OF USED CABS IN TRANSIT. , WATCH OUR DAILY ADS. These can are aU fAoroughly overhauled tn our shop before being placed ia departmeat and are the best rahtee la Portksad. ' SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE , .$ 760 StndebeksT. t-nasa. , 4 SO . 850 . SOO ,. 285 . 1100 . 1100 Ford . ..." Cole SO . Maxwell, asocial Caa. 7-paas.. like aew Mitchell, 7-paaa.. almost paw. Btudeaaker. 7-paaa. Jeffery truck Briscoe 88 Ford roadster Ford, 6-peas, Saxoo, 6 peas., like new... , . BOO ,. 1000 , . 600 , . 898 360 .. 750 Terms If desired. Open Evenings and Sunday. W. H. WALLING FORD. 622 Alder st Broadway 2462. W hV 'LvTkJ? J- "1 J L V to look them arrr. Tou wtU find them Just about new. Series 17 Sradehakgr. 3 pass. R 8750 miseaeu a. a -pass, roadster, cord Urea 900 Pope-Hartford roadster 600 Asaertcaa roadster 600 650 800 600 600 250 250 SOO 1914 Chevrolet 460. perfeet I Series 17 StBdshaker ir.. eora urea. Boo tearing, iuat nerfoct Veiia touring, flag shape Studebaker tearing, good tire Rao touring, runs good unaimers Master Six Fjtfson "touring. . . . . . 630 maa """ i-oti Of outers to select from. Open Bunder and evtaiagt. COXLKY'S USED CAR CENTER, Big Brick Building. Side Entrance. 8. W. Cor. 15 th and Washington ate. Phone Broadway 2661. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1817 Mitchell. 2 pa, roadster, S eyl. 1617 Mitchell. 7 past,. 6 eyl. .81250 . 1100 700 . 676 . 600 . 550 600 . 550 . 1250 ii asrtcnou, a peas., eyl. 1916 Mitchell. 13 Mitchell. 7 pesa.. 4 eyl..;!! J'? Mitohen. 5 paa.. 4 eyl P i.'? , pta. eowpe. a eyl. J gk A Bla..-wl a J?." ..'?" ? top. with cab. Sampson track 250 Light track, caa be pot ia running con dition at amall expense, aaly 76 Bread aew camping trailer; wfU sell at eoet MITCHELL. LEWIS A STATES 00..' tin ed UAJC oicn. East Morriaon at Plmt at East 7873. B-1214. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak at Broadway 616, A-8S43. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable kind save yoa money. See sam ple at 644 Hood ai. Mala 117 Milimade Construction Co, USED AUTOMORILEB TERMS GIVEN Light Buick touring, 6 A-l tiros; snap. . F 600 Big 4 Buick roadster. 6 A-l tires 600 Ford bug, come early 825 Overland bug 400 Willys Overland, swell job 850 1917 Chalmers. 8-80, 7 -pesa jiro 1914 Studebaker 4; repainted 400 1914 Charmers 0-80, repainted 950 WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO., Broadway at Bumside. 1017 CHEVROLET, fine condition, 6000. 1916 Ford, A-l. 1918 Chevrolet roadster. 8678. Model 83 Overland, $600. THE USED CAR EX., ' - 527 Wsshlngton at Where Washington and Burnside Meet. NEW TIREf ' What brand of new tires ds yoa prefer? Wa have them, all makes and sixes, Alan we make the fa mous OV-C Double Tread (sewed) tires sad do aU manner of tire re- nairinc Oregon Vuleanlxlng Co., 888-886 Burn- tide aear Rroadway. AUTO WRECKERS Wa vrrark moat all anakao at easa ajut aall tha I good parte for leas thaa half price. We have all kind of used bodies for gala. Highest prices paid ior oin cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 328 Front t MAIN 4746. , 1BS1S, StUICKHitU.! ' MACHINE COMPANY 1 Tea. 8870 Tea. 8480 2 Tort, 6470 Capacity 193 E. Water st BI'IIJ)ERS OF EYERREADY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Mfg. in Portland. Phone East 7487 1917 OVERLAND, first clam condition, extra equipments, tn-e. spot light aad chaina: Price I s imi esan. rnone seu. sua j r sfv i.i ti.. a i ,i . . , I mechanical eondltiqa. 8796. Fletcher A Jsmes, U a. nrosdwsy. FORD ton truck, good condition, cheap. W. Feiteloon. Tie slain street, Oregon City, or phone 4 oa. uregoa i.Mty. l15HT delivery ear. 8450. i Hariey-Darke, PmL 890. Rodham VoUum Aato Co., 08 N. Park. Phone Bdwy. 609. AUTOMOBILE. WANTED & fS WANTED Fordi Maxwell or other awed Bah" car; wis pey spot easn. Bo tirmoroa geheei. linmn ave. aaa whm ex. ' WANTED Light pass, ear, mwet be in good condition, caa pay bi0 daw and 816 per- week. Phone 0-2761. HAVE g 6 -peas, ear; wiH iraie for Ford and pay diffeewaea. Pnowe Maaa 39. . WILLtrade Caaaoa "BoacFTot vale 81000 for hght ear; aa yaak. Owner, Tgbor 6028, HlGHE8T!price paid for QtonhUosTeolf- tion a aesaet ill at. fsdwy. zZ9 AUTOMOBILES FOB HIBB 61 AUTOS FOB BTRE. WITHOUT PRTVERS Brand new gar. Reaaonable rate. .. Fearing A Rabaott City Garage, 86 10th,' Botweew - Stark aad Oak. Braadway 440. AtTJs" W'ltHOuYfcBJtEKS'FOR gllkJ! " COUCHMAN A SULLIVAN t - ' MARSH. 282 lOTH'oV YAMHTLL--A-ISSS rTlcTllWAT ICtO SBBtlCli Gaol cert' eonV peteat driver. Sixth and Wash. Mala 700. I 16 hlra far highway." faoa WoodSwa COLUMBIA rirer highway. a. to gervite, ' I taxi work. ' Mala -538. We'de at j AUto for hir for fcixKway. Woodla. 3471 MOT0ECTCXE8 BICYCLES U 1614 EXCELSIOR taadem. pTsatoliallta.. foot. 1 board; exooUeat oondiOon, 8116 caah. Mar- I shall 1073. 1 840 EGG incubator to trade for tent, ot what have you? Phone C-28I1. evenina. 1 EXCELSIOR asotoreycle. good eooMliUon. cheap. . Cell Marshall 6708, 6 to 7 p. m. J MOTORCYCLE toadesa6A Phone WeaUlawaa Z831. A 1 LADY'S bicycle (or aaa. ' Tabor 2788. MOTOR CYCLES, BICTCLFB - 66 NEW; ANDSEC0i HAND.- ;B1CYCLES5tS:: - AT THE OLD PRICE - ' V: B. BOHON. 408 HAWTHOBNaV U BICYCLES FOR SALE New aad ' eeeond hand ' at reasonable ' price. Fun stock sundries, first clam gwpsiring. X. woon, iv, lUWUMm. Larga stock af new and wood mrti1ng DATTON CYCLE CO.. 48 4th st LAUNCHES AND BOATS 44 FOR 8AIE One of the finest cruising anofor boats ia this locality: an cleat nrlnad rahia ' 441 Benton ot Phone East 7689. Boat Swan for Charter . Inquire 806 Northweatem Bank bldg. Mate 6444. , TO BCY OR BELL. TOUR BOAT Last H with Tumor, raverite knOi sassy lead of Morrtsoa. Main 4403, LAUNCH for sals A bargain lor 6126. Caj Staadard boat house, or phono Mala 6681. 4 BOOM at a bargain. J. H. New-, r. west side. Main 027. ton, Sellwood fairy, FIANOS, ORGANS, MUJSICAIi INSTRUMENTS J . tt SECURITY ' STORAGE CfX. olaslag' ovt 3o ua Eagiiah upright cash B45. - -8860 American make upright oaah 60S. 8 40O Medera oak upright caah 6186. 8460 Modern geahegany upright, cash 6160. 6876 New. stored. 1917 models, sash 8316. 6488 1017 gaodaia. 6888. 6460 and $266. 100 4th at at Washiagtaa at . W.VNTED Seoood-haod ' Date, gtaadsri' m.Ve. ' low pitch, Phoae Sen. 830. bet. 4 asm I 8216 caah hays 8414 Kartamaa pmae k dsl aaahogaay. good aa now. Bohwaa Plana Uew 111 4th at at WMbtagtoa st KEW ENGLAND xrtane treat Ivory keysj, 6167.- Meadelssoaa (iwrtdl. full gga. Harold 8. Gilbert. 864 YamhUl at. 6281.25 512 oaah. 46 sooathly. bust 1917 ' model new Improved piano at Schwaa Ptaae Co.. Ill 4th at at Waahlngtoa t BENT 4 piano. ' aiost rrasonable tonus ia Forv . land. No square nor them? boa. Harold 4L Gilhort S84 Yamhlli. HALLE TT A DAVIS euare grand piaao. Lat est model. First elaaa coadiUosi, Beautiful tone Tory reasonable. Phone Bdwy. S784. - -COLUMBIA graf oaute .' for aajs, Wgsia. S' 8166. EDISON Home phonograph with record, rhaajj : er eenaader trade. Sellwood 63. FOR SALE for 6160, -ooblast tnai'Xi"plmi in gooa eoaaiuati, u , wtn ex. 76 cash socures Hob lac A Hohlor upright PteBo Security Storage Oa.. 10 4th at, - - . TTFKWBITEBS -V ? T N'EW REUUiGTON. route! plan. rnt appUas to . -purchase. Vast bio coodela. - , , REMINGTON TZPEWBXTEB CO., 68 Broadway. - Dioadway 4481. . . CUiBlNTEED Factory ' ReVullt Typewriera,- "AIT Makes" geld ea monthly paymerUa. , aVand a for prior ItsB The Wholesale Typewrite Co., Retail Dept. 621 Washington gt - . WANTED Aa Oliver No. 0 typewrites1 "la seal ' oondiuon. aheap. 331 Vg Mela st Mm. M. A Simpson. . i ' FOR SALE New No. 10 lie mi ag ton typewriteg ; 666. 1023 Worth western Bank bldg. ----- AU. MAKES' typewriters rented 'and riJrL ' tregon Type 940 6th. Main 8666. f REBUILT typewritera, aunpliea, Coroa. deaioral E. W. Pa Co.. 110 6th. HOUSEHOLD POOPS FOE BALE 66 THE SALE AT 208 MADISON gas range 39.78. electric stove 67.60. eook u 66.90. range 611.60. ixoa beda . 8164. apriags 61-50. mattrass 62. drasaor gs.uu, cress last table able 82.66. round 48-inch hie 69.76. china cabinet -610.60. K, tablet 81.60. ; ; 15. kttebea ethioett 86.88. . pedestal dining table 811.76. chUfonier saauary ooucho 85.. library tables 6 6, buffet 612.76. ate aide board 823 60. fold chairs, 61.- pillow, aew, pear I. so, iiore carpet, bow, yard wide, eg rare. nand caryete. room akses. 66. TB; roeaar 65. K. Treaeure 68.14. Everything gaarked with big yellow teg. nrw goods ge, too. Com. Special Notice ' i W are In a pc"?" to save yoa saetwy ea rangea, eerpets, yagw) frnolenms, go oarts, trrmks and suit eases and all home rurn ash tags bsa - we have purehaaod a largo stock from eoaa - trv filler at k eeeaX vedmiiaei as? f aa ooa.! doaft buy anywhere until you have loan what we caa do for you. , WE BUT, SELL AND EXCHANQE. , . . FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.,. 166-166 1st Street . OWL FURNITURE CO. fcCLLS FOB - LXSJ iron aed 81.70 Bp. -Springs. 61 up. " " r Mattraasee, 81.60 BP, Chain, 76e up. , Draasir. 86 up. Dining tables, 88 up. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 First St JMP0R1W Oewatry dealer and betel k seers aad last Ing house, closing out stock of slightly need carpets and rugs. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EXCHANGE, sranq ave. HANDSOME parlor aad dining room suite gnd . other household furniture at a sacrUica, Call T8 11th st X-680, Journal.. r , GOOD furniture of 6 room flat, resaanable If taken soon. 147 11th st - - MACHINEET SI FOR SALE One SOO-gaJ. Bowser gaooUne sumo, good aa new: boon used only about six montht- Will sell reasonable for eaah only. Address Ntenol (Jo. of Mooter, Oregon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 ALL machines sold for fees ne agent are employed; saaenlaog rented, trpaired. A-8826. Maia -9481. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d at, aear Taylor. . ANRCO kodak 4x6. never asodTilO; fishing oat fit, sad. 3 reels, nnos, nooas, etui mi, baas. st all just same as new, 810; repeating Beyaiag- toa .23 rifle and case bt. call gr phone 1141 c iiarrwoo. ignor niz. $i o to $1 2rr; tnrnieeq we rent aaa repair. 172 3d st Mala 1646, A-l 81 8. Broadway 2079 II niii inSIP , 4e rlaaaere, Bea, Wdln. 1650 WUUUV lixVa ' Portland. Or. New and aoeood head - An stsee Awy amoaat. Watch Repairing Specials . Cleaning. 81; ), 60e; aula aprlng. 80g BEINGOIaJSo JEWKLHS. 1X4 O I M Si. Fruit Jars Also )elly glaaae cheeper thaa Save money. Newman, 1ZS 1st at- --- -- AtJTOMOBlLfcS. MOTORCYCLES. LAUVCHRS or boats are separate cjaaauieeunvie, . A asrge Hating can be found under these different els est f icatinna. ; Hit ENVELOPE.1) or 300 bond letterheads, 82 23; 25 enarareTs type wodeMng sa'e'm'te or InVts 83. Smfth. Printers, 204 Stark at Nelson Ladder Works &S7l Step, extenaioa aad cherry pick eve laddsra. TJaVED hot water boiler. 30 gaL, 85; 40 gal. 67 60. We have up to 120 gat. Over 600 wow in aao. 189 Adage st Phew East 1909. WE hv a large sjaortoaent ef plow, hand eultlmtora, garoew vr , mr.jmm, -vo. BITTMAN HDW. X., 318 Front rt Maia 8611 ; NO high prieea here, heat asaea tailoring. . M7 mS to order. 626 wcv McMaiaa. 304 Aiwky F68 SALE Buxfough adding machine No. f, good as new; asea ww very nuw. ssppiy 804 McKsy bldg. . - fOBSALE 8 tebourete. 3 Jardiniere, X Pla ter. 2 cane seat dkuas chairs. Phoae Last 6666. - - ' ' WHAT) Lave you to trade for 12x14 tent, eoat 435. or make caah offer. Maia ' 4496. Ta wer 4798. ' ' .. . TV) ft. SALE cheap, baker's "portehi area. Good as now. M-764, JoamaL FOR"" SiXE Baby buggy. 4428 .43d ava, . E. WW car. " RIPE currants. Iivmir:919 Woodward v : or phone nU- 1661. ' FOB SALE Keoond hand suits, 64 and up. ; At The Nobby Cataoers, 866 SaJssoa at Park. HAT- mJi 1a aaa for aale reset. Charies Kteafcv. 226 Lowwadaie. Pheae aUM 1M. LaTC iUbbegai plMte 26a' 100.' 6 E. 79tb mt . ei. TlcCVk cleaners eoM. repaired, eg. ehaagod. bought Rentier Co-. Msia 6682, , VOlC SALENS 'burner gaa eteee with evaj - practically now. 610- SO Msooa st - -S'(7aLLED for taQor made suite, 86.50 aa, 7 Taylor the Taflaw. 260 Vt Burnside.- " : TCTBlNOniurjpllas, wholesale prices.- Sterfi- Iksris Co., 21a aa s. sssm in. COPPER end elteet-4rea steam tablea, aew 'used. 206 Jef ffTsoa. - - - " - HAND loom warp. 8l0. Call Tabor 4B10. FOR SALE 3 blonde switchoa. Main 8705. Jaeger VAtVtU. SwEEPEftii.' Main s2, BUaBd aa FallowlBS Fa 4