a , THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL; P ORTLAND, MONDAY, JUNE 17. 101S. 11 4 TrUWTHOH.B ACTO SCHOOL" 47 HiwTunnut iffMtn 'BTijinN meouamical AMD IU tb io a fit p Luirjt j practical betaib klUAta kutxd wome! Aii Uy H klHnpk eerv lee t beta) nil kktlki dnftina- af M lor war. Foe particulars sail at writ Telegraph Dpert ml, Boom 3 It, Beltway Exchange buildiBg. BTSi brtifc&'l BUIfiiSAa eoTTEGE. shorthand, tn viMg. boeptn. spelling, dictaphone, miiarenbia. affile training, edoia saactime. (Ulna. Allahy bid., ,84 a4 Mwnw. Mai 2 4. ' itt?fBTf 4MH.T r- Cu nnH at the Adeax AnU school, 375 Fnlea Bra. K., by payta 120 down. bsiane of tuition fee After securing employment IbCok At'TO BcHOOL TJalou itnot aad Wuh strsot, peanal Imwf Frios ObB. writ m tkm Beat 744. HELP FEMALB t0xw0 ladies wawtxd. , pebmanemt positione. ko experience biqujbxo, fib weee paid bboihnsm. sapid incbeasb w wages, oaxxi at telephone compact, boom 601. sixth floos. pabk amd oae btbeetb. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. raquire the following help for tkair reatanrant : 1 eonk. 2 dtahwaatiara (colored). A waltreeaea. No Hunday or night work, good pay and per tanent ponitiona to thoa who can qualify. Apply superintendent'! office, aerenth floor. Moo ds aaoraing batwaea and 10 a. m. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. require the serrlcae of sereral eiperlenced saleswoman for All da aartmenta. Permanent position with good pay la offered to those who can qualify. Most be able to furnish the best of referenaea. Apply superintendents office, se ranth floor, Tuesday anornlng between 8 and 10 a. m. BLACKCAP and loganberry picker wanted by June 24. at Cerraia. Twelve Mile. Waeonda. Ka tared. Salem, Wood bum, Newberg. Vina out ing and make money! Good accommodAtiona for eerhr signers. Pays 1H to lHe per lb. I'l'BU) KMPI.OTMENT BUREAU, V. 8. Government cooperating, 247 Derie st. GOVEBKMENT need 20,000 women clerk ; eiasnlBAttona everywhere July 7. Eiperlence nnneoaesary. Women dashing government po , alt lone write for f re particulars to J. C. Leon ard (former civil serrie examiner) , 1054 KaiMris bldg.. Washington, P. C, EXPERIENCED marker and sorter, machine hands, mangle bead, also inaxperieneed girls wanted. National Leandry Co., E. SU and Clajr . GOVERNMENT U'dRiJ Spinning and waaTingr praferenea to tboee Hvlng on peninsula. Apply Portland Woalen Mil I., Ht. John. AST girl la need at A friend apply t tbe talvatloa Army Beaene Home. Si Eaat ltb at. N . or pbon Eaat 128. . klXTUJHAfH I else trie) operator. Mast be expert Good salary to competent penaav Trite giving referevicea. ate. B-8I1. Journal. GIRL tor flat work department! steady en? ployment, good wage. AmerieaB Laundry Co.. 140 H Id N. WANTED Lady's clothes iroAer ; good wag: steady position. Apply Troy Laundry Co.. K. 10th and Pin. XiNlflitwMMJI aaeo or elderly lair for housework; small family; eood horns. Phone 611. 1887. WANTED Teung women to clerk in grocery and delteateseeu; experience. Phone Mais Tsbor 7209. 4c Ik Lit wanted, steady employment at good was. Apply Troy Lsladry Co.. S3. 10th aad Pin. WANT ED Chambermaid to help few hours each day for 2 room free rent 422 to Washington t, ' WAS'TED Girl, steady work, good wages, ex- prrlenee not neceeaary; not office work. 421 s. nroaqway. WANTED An experienced marker and sorter. on bundle work; alao girl to learn. V. S. Laundr Co.. 180 Grand sve. WANTET) Experienced seamstress. 80S Cen tre! bldg. 1 YoUs'G girt wanted , for real light houso- work. Call evenings. Ttber 2028 after 7 p. m, AT ONCE Girl for general housework, wages gooa. I'Bone Aiarsnsu zii. 2iv n. an sr. 331, 210 N. 22d st. Wanted WsTt for IUliin aad French res- tewrant. 298 Union are . cor. Clay st. -P?-.. ."A .l- mn 11 uio r"1 nn, n. emr. WAITRE88 wanted st once. ." w'i 1 'I ' lid A'aVrS. It,.. Central csfe. DISHWASHER wanted, 288 Front st SEWING machine operator, 167 1st upstairs. . WANTED CUmbermtld: 423 Washington. " HELP WANTED MALE AND FEHJ ALE tt TROBOTTOHLY erperleneed eemtHnstieu k eeper-eia aograp be 1. men or women: aerma- ,. ot poaltlona. g4 salaries : bt offlosi l ve sgj, npBR, swieieawe ewa rws sa. Journal Mot.a.lt BABBfB COLLEGE Pav van while learnine. 1t vow sat ef tools. guarantee positions. Writs for eatalona, 234 . Burnelde st. or phone Broadway 1731. P6RTLAND BABBKU COLLEoI Teach e men and wemea the barbs trade free, pay white letrhiag. 384 noueh. B'wy 1462. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wage wail learning : neaitiea gusrssteeo. uregea Par Her College. 333 Madison. WANTEIa A good gardener snd a woman cook : no objection to . man nd wtfs; fin bom in city. T-7, jurnL WANTEP AGENTS 6 I PATRIOTIC PICTURES gooa thing new; million being gold; agents eoinia money; secure your territory; sample 36c; particulars I for Bo sump. Fatnotw Faousbrs, zoh Wssblngtow. Fortnd. Or. SITUATIONS MALE mi iLuni t'Ull MU '1UI1 Ula!llVll"l'likklU MR. W UOLk.SALA.at 1U JlaktllUlKliK f A ma past draft , with plenty of pep but . PP BUt BUI. mlllng npewm wanU pmitloa AS salos- avvwm - -- . L. ....... .m mmMmlmmmm . . m-m llnM nuite.ea alrinr. buiieer.' bawar mi fiBsace myseu. Am familiar with tool snd and pre far thee or leather lines. win wor en commission ana F-Mll. Jeu mal. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, exam: Ire i draft, X 850. wishes position as private tot. Journal. puir.-i.- -v. i i.. L.."i. u V.. mmw vuaiae u hwuiii pi-. .ivniun . position. Call oa or add res 307 tt Madison st. Portland. H. A. Thomason. v.JKB.Hi' Lt. -.l i watchman. F-810. Jew mal. i p. . tibcKiTirT. y ' t1 m; pttnea. -Call ovenl and morning. Tsbor 4873. j. - . . -... . ... ,,. w FUBNINHEP BOOMS UNDER NjW MANAGEMENf ma Hotel. E 84 and Burwald. water every eity hall. Mala n 63 wwah us, 1-t 11$. furnished. Inuuirs of Miss Mary E. Gstm; I TJZ- itiVCi' lrlm!? riJ 1 BtiJI aotal a-. 246 Vk fcta. Brteh. kwi, oeU Seals. Or. T'rr ZZ' 'J."' ! V .b au "Sw," wetw. faAii .af rNwAMai IW I fs I LwU.3A.aj M.wi i jwt ..li a. I j 8..tj I AKiaAflj i nxaunio uroperxy, f nram dotjm i f VI - r .TfrTT. wvhsi aienaw arm wa WW VI a) 1 I ,A !1 Itl 1. sw, M. I . t-a . tAvsT U Ban TJ aemwi T fiiun Jill I . : i . i . . . I 1 tw At AlL HE H fjar a 875. te Nov.mlr 68 E Hnaaholdt at oorn'r .,or ?l D""" I" 'ntmeoiateiy. jy- " VkI-,.,.-,- ,7," i ur- i. . " J i,a..iiiiuij . a THH PRUNES : 1 1 A N n r - tramI .- BIENT. 30e UP. 413 H WASHINGTON. TWO- nicely furnished sleeping front rooms. $8 nieo yaru. nomeuae. aunnysias ear. ii YamhilL 1304 JL k2.2$ UP, eomfonabl furnUhad room, aheo Iwtely clean, bath free, hot water all hour. Hotel oaoillac, sa near Jetlevaoei. LIGHT,' Airy furnished rooms; bath, phon Ifaia FTJBNMHEP BOOMS FBIY ATE FAMILY 76 LABGB. w.li fur-L and toilet seam floor: am tiler room, mm convenience; 4 walkiaf dtstAaee. tt block to W. ear. phone .. i Hit miA m.iu. 1 C6kf0ttf lBL? lurnUhU room' for t-itt- imuin LSZ 1.1 ae xt.l- TWO" niaal favnished sleeoina good Pboaa imngtaa Born; oreaxtsst it desired. East 1540 or wall aM34 B, 18th at. N. BOOM suiUbl for one, free p ho its, electric , light, bath, sjulat horn. 2 44 N. 24th st waising nw tana to empyema. FOR" RENT One fumlened room, nUexnaa peaferred. oa earUa. ; Closw stppt . U-30, - . i.ijjw" 1 1 ' II J II "npaw US lr tront room. . sucaiy mrnunao. blork from Hawthorn . . ,11 I.' .11,1. or. Madison. - Fhotv East 234. - , . . mm : .vm, . FUBHISKED BOdlf fUFRITATK'" . '-FAMltT; ' ' ONE beautiful larg eool room, select location; walking distance. 11 BT, 22d st BOOMS AHP BOABD BOOM and board, boat style cooking. Grand At, bote!. 834 , Grand at., 8 block south of Hwtho . at. - - THE HA.EL." Ul W aWrards. .U out side too with not tor, 666 3d at. lttK AtarUa Waabisgua. 3 1W. M a. atria and atoaUata. MarahaH it 331. BOOXB 4.JTD BOABD-. PBIYATX ' - FAMILY Wa'IeD A feed country noma for a' stroa boy of IS. Only ona who like A boy and where there ara bo ethr 'children - Answer. References iweulrod. K-7SI, Jnrnai. BOOM and beard la prist family, gentleman. abort walk to V. W. Steel abiprara. TOI 4th at. Marshall 4461. WAKTElV-IittVgtri 'to board. East 1Ib WAHTEP BOOMS AKP BOABD It GIRL of 17 wanU board in country with parties who bar pienty of Batik, 'not too far front Portland. H-623, Journal. HOTJSEKXEFIJfO BOOMS 8 FTJBWI8HKD AKP TJITT PBBISHBP tl.tO waak up. eoaaplataly uraUhed booaekeep tn( raoaaa, baolataly clean, arary eenTanianea, hot aratar all hoora; dcatrabla poopta only; aara earfara. Tha Cadillao, gd naar Jaffaraon. ONB ciaaa in. larca (urn in bad bouaakaepinA' room, bath, phema. light; $4. 98 Knott at. Pboaa Eaat 8372. TWO clean furnisbad H. K. rooms. B40 at SUrk at. ATTIC houaakeeplng room, erarything inclndad, $7 per month. 15 N. 18th. Bdwy. 1818. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 78 FTJBHISHED AND TJNFUBJilSHEP ' FBIVATE FAMILY TWO furnished rooms and 1 H. K. room elaa in, comfort of borne. Marsh. 2841. Bant $8; muelc, etc. 806 Jeffeaon. UOCHEKEEPING room, clean as a pin, private family, to desirable tenants. 887 Taylor at. TWO furnished front "rooms, use of kitchen If deal red. 29 4tlv st. TWO front room, light, airy, close-in. reason- sble. Kat 168. FOB BENT HOUSES UNFUBJTI8HED IS WHY not camp at Rock island for the summer f Camp sitae, including Bull Run water, electric lights and free transportation, 25 min. ride from 1st aad Alder, 815 per mo. Take Oregon City ear to AUlwankta or call Broadway 2556. MODERN 7 -room house, fin location, walking aiatane. 845 is. at. w. 4 BOOM house, 63 E. 28 th st, $22.50; tr aad garden. 17 6 room house. 832 17th st Main 6S55. Lu : T--r si. - . riTK room nouae. so. tsu r.. Anaeny. 1 ' - I HOUSES FOB BENT FUBNITUBE FOR SALE $3 1 ir,,n F-w II in.. h t.,, for rent Call 201 18th st . 11 " r ;:ir ..ni ...i. :, i,Vm I 6126; no agent. FURNISHED HOUSES ' 86 BEAUTIFUL new 6 rooms furnished. 2 sleep ni porches, ensmeled woodwork, strictly mod ern; no small children; references; preier to CllWf, WiriBI IU lease for 1 year; fine yard. 710 E. Madison n..r 9 nth . . . j AFABTMENTS 48 FUBNISHED ANP UNFUBNIBHEP 111 li nr t3T A DTO KIINU AL.DL.nl Arlbs New 300 room bouse. 3 aad 8 teem henae- I keeping tpsrtmant furnished or WBfurniebed; elevator and hardwood floor. 886 11th at, HART APARTMENTS 2d And Tamhill. Newly furnished modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms, 32.60 and up. " I n,.V C vi.,-. ltt. UlOlAl- . au ww.-. 1 era a, m aad a room apes., k,iv j walking distene. Call East 883. - - 1 MAUNOLA APTS.. East 3d sad Beimoat modir. , std 3 rnTspt." 81.60 pw-3 o. Bleentns rooms. Bast I l,.v"e' 4 '. ..-. r ,(.K1 li.ht Trzer ' 1 - -!- . -- --J I Hi x room apartment, lunmu . u"t telephone, bath and hast. 473 Salmon; 825 per month. Main 3979. YOLHElll Swell new aot house 3 rooms; electrie ranges; new furniture. East 7648. 895 Eaat Alder st BNAP-AA, drafted and wfll mcrific. m, weet I aid apartment boua (furnisbad) with garsg j for 38500; no aeuta. Y-786. Journal. 2 ROOM apt. well located and nicely turniehed: i sub rant eheaD. Main 4819. I ..,..i.t i ;twfA ' ti 11 nn rv.' rsinouua a- I erete bMg 2 8 4 rooms, bstns, pnon. 1 ay..11 a 1 ' . n -rrr I ' nishtd" 820826"corTeTth and Lincoln. I -.. . . -Vr it1 r.r 1 - mouth a.. St Johns car. FOB BENT FLATS PORTLAND HEIGHTS 4.1 7w,m fi.t. fnui rne- dutch kitchen. ia.T.ei wrtiaTw rww. 1ir.tinn. tm.l"" cu Mondsy. Main 8405. 1?,. (AIAU rvsawma a aa. .v, . I teooM modem. lean fist: good light; welkin, distance: 6th St. west side. Phone Tsbor I 6968. I ANP, . S2.JS.JtVij eleetneity, gas. sin, wun. I w. aiK awa ares ra area 1 -- Wt "I , 1 ! ' 111 ... , - .. . t,U8 M UmYii ta ATtw ivon . , , Ta to a A.7aBAAAa -ob' - st, Brooklyn car. STOBES ANP OFFICES 11 " ' ., altljlr, lklt blilkUV CT-UVIaunt 01 Piin,nAnAn A., i' . v,ji...c,Ai.,i Private outaid. roopt in thorourtly modern 11 it a 01 oiiicetm : iwioKiwpniT Knu pbqm lur- 4-,. --4I1 4aa 4.wklm wemwrtA. r.U mt. LiS. uJSSl alPrTi5 cost: good location Ana service. IlaStlT-tJ , mjiA A vu , vya wwiw va'a v I f.w at v btvsis of actual Main 168 or X-870, JournaL FUR rent 40x50 at 386 Flanders, near T..,w . h.. w.i-n, .nH haaament Aoolv 304 . ... . , . i n a a 1 in : naa oaicouy sou vaaeuicnw , McKay bWg. WANTEP TO BENT 1 v. . . . a rr WUKtrrnh0"modn .K,iUrn5tf arterliriSm-S: able. nins clerk. East 8250. WANT 4 or 5 room house with modsrn con venience, jam, i,iuu.H., .iu.n, ,wu.u, nn Call C-221. or Wdln. 8429.. RI RINF.as man. wife. furnUhed mod real- . " . w.i. ,K. . vr ;?T,SP Morrison, GrM v H-708. JoumaL - YOUNG married couple went to rent or o .4 - UhMl .MiMinw an v. a an j nnrl WANTED To rent 6 -room bungalow within 8 weeks. FUsss eall Woodlswn 8860. BUMMEB BESOBTS OWNER MUST SELL 66 IDEAL SUMMER HOME -WUdwood." oa of tb most besntirul spots b.m1.. i, u, us a ",T"B'7 "V SC?, I ' . . . , :, . ,i,, i, ',7 TT" . "I I "v" v m V " . " . ' . . .. .11 w.,11. 1.. MM. mnA w a .11 In. with a large wU built log cabin and 8 small log ,Uy secesaibls by auto and yet very- eluded; fine for week end trips snd a place you ,u ba to take your friend to. A chanc like this will net come often. Owner Is Tory re- luctant to pan witn it, put ns muss seu. inci 35000, and it It worth eonsidarsbi mara, bee or writ F. E. Ballsy. Heilig theatre. Phone Main 1 or A-1132. i j , . ..11 l. ' 1 'I. ,J " '1 i i" MODERN 3 room Mttn with epin Prch -"AJK' f1 alS"0 JJSS I ""-'" . . . r-" t.fa DH .i. . ki .. v "r -r'v.. ... , vftnDua smvu, nun. i. mtm . u . w. I way 658. TEN room house, furniture, grounds; also ev- I eral cottar ea and tents. Clataeo beach near Clataop neacl Main 3467. Warren ton ; rent reaaonsble. 5 AbVk rl.. ' Afc w.i. Apply at Oeeaa Crwst Apt. -brWu , , b.JU ..i. '..a i TT V-.Ti -..rVa 7. ' " - " BEAL ESTATE BUSINESS FB0FEBTY in FOR SALE cheap, corner block Vita restau- T rStnKT,M. '.inHrrSf.t shop. Owner unable to handle. W1U take Ught automobile. Balancs easy terms, G. H. FOB SALE HOUSES I I Basis' Thome, wall located, convenient: real easy iarai s. Pbon East 8484. snap, easy to Jr ' T.- - o - I xaoor eaw. tn.raww. nut Panama bid. district I rooms,- turnaee 90. East 3888T trifamw. rUict4 tUstrki ROhK OITX FAJUL and firepiace; 33300 a ' DAOU t .... k...'t.M " PnooTsllT773W" TT 6 ROOM house, close la, $1500, 8800 caab. Ttrau. a-69. journal. KASTith tt.N.78 " paoma, 31050. Easy Phone Mar. 1885. - I kONTAVILLA. 4 rooms, 81460; aay terata, ii 1 . r rtiw. a.- r.k.H .ifaa II ,rs-M . . ano f oo.u , : , . f 1 . Mfjm an. a. ,ouk mi auu uf oaa, pTmnt paid. 33300. 0 da t-nn u rvT ,. ., '" n f B nw ca. BEAIi ESTATE FOB BALE HOUSES "it ?2 "I RVI NGTON HEIGHTS" . EXCLUSIVE KEW BUNGALOW - 8 elagant tooma and slseptsg porea, . eelaet lintnh, alaberate whiU enameled cabinet kitchen and bath, artistio fira plaea. beauUfol buffet and built-in book case, goraeeue eleetri fixtwraa, poliahed oak floors, b4c breakfast room, pete eat basement, lanndry tuba, and perfect . Btambina. bouae donblai eaaaiTttctn, aa front, bit 50x160, good locatioa and cuTcmmi win, cwmpraneriaiva w u- tau. rncaa ar advancing. int. . . Act without oeiay, " S, L. JONES, Office 473 Alberta st Pbon Woedlawu 8888 81860 Four rootn, bungalow, V, basement. $850 cant on deferred. -'East side, close in. V W IVVIBVI Main 8617. ' 202 Wilcox bldg. $100 Down, $10 Month BeauUfuI half acre. 24 fruit tree, ouantitiea of berriaa, amaU boos; 6a carfare. Price $700. Geo, T, Moore Co,. Abington Bldg. $100 DOWN $10 PER MONTH 5 -room bungalow, good condition, corner, 50k 100, attractive line, gaa, beautiful rose, etc. "OWN TOUR HOME. Price only $1000. clear. Mt. Tabor car. Now is the time to buy. See FRANK L. McGUIBB. ABINGTON BLDG. To Bay Toar Home. Main 1068. VRAM n i . m , i FOR SALE At s Mcrifiee, owner movtog south. I v.i. uuy, wu. wui wsiijvv iw ivw i cua; o room nouse, nam. gaa, electricity, ex cellent condition, lot 45x100, berrie, 3 apple trees, garden plot, nowrs, street improvements in and paid for, absolutely clear, one block from car. see tins, snzi 2d at B. K., Woodstock I car. Get off st 4 I'd st Walk 1 block north. I IKVINGTO.-S Beautiful, modern home. rooms, aleeping porch: newiv reftniithed throughout: earaea: $5500; terms. 684 E. 11th t N., between i, , 1, ,,, " ' "', - ' cmr' f"w', Pk6tArt0n' Wner' BMMT.troM'erunHn WOODUWN BONGALOW $1100 Very neat aad attractive 3 room bungalow, not Avedera; 100x100, all in garden; very sightly: positively the cheapest buy in the Woodlswn dis trict; 8180 cash, 326 monthly. Fred W. Gar man, 782 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON 66X100. LOVELY MODERN 8- ROOM HOUSE. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. 2 FIREPLACES, ON 2 1 ST wean rtr.nw.. mrnvPTinvii. mnr.ira at 1 . n.Vo .mwVauru STi r.niSn """V, ,Vi.'mo- """lhouse; famUy orchard: Building all built in I "r ; ATTRACTIVE, up-to-date 5 room bungalow in tunlna .r; ?n ? "SiSTi? eni-cu; narawooa noora. garage ano cmcaen 1 vmrtt- sm rnilt. tnwi anrt nernee: XHUU aown. C .r.. V.11 wju. Kiji -- 1 ..na imnop.L-Pn.D Aivwv-Tinvt saro. nuuiiE'iiE'i,icn, i Here is a regular apartment on a 50x100 lot; nice, light and attracMve: furnace lull ce- ment niMmeDT, i nce . ierm. t. a. i " . . . . . wei araen I wicuman o.. m ear, at. a.o una. HrisF. riTT Almoat new 5 room end attic: no choicer location tn roniana a most popular high class residence district; aboslutely. aompleta- y. .modern: 3500 cash baL monthly: 33650. IT " ' ' "r. IRVINGTON, 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. HARD I WOOD FLOORS, FURNACE: FULL IX)T, witu mnrr kiita in rerbiits- nxi.T I 2 BLK9. FROM CAR: 83000 TERMS. ZIM- mmmaM. 311 BOARD OF TBADE AM OFFERING a dandy little modern cottage I - for less than tt would cost to build the house: nice yard and garden, a bias. t. jonns car; scma terms; come out ana see it -3 ria- I win at . , 1 11 . . D,i-uiwri v , w .-.ww . umu- . cumbered, full basement, hardwood . floors, , kl.k A Bt - AT. . 1- I r s-- s and r 82450; ."y terms. Hawthorn, car, " -- FOB SALE Fine home, 6 large roams, to , L. .11 LI.J. -I I. I V t ,i.h) i .hiu. u, iiui, ,in mrwi, u good carline, near Reed college. Come quick. for this toi l last long, tiuo Woodstock are., , . -, M D.n I . M , , cor. iat my. r nur. bcuw i v i v. "5"??J Uwn," 7 berrla7 etc ; fU aisTlot : nTc. 'n. borhood ; bargain at 83800; owner wants to go on (rm, Bm ,-, v06 Yancouver are. SHIPBUILDERS, attention, aix mom houss r and Int. water. Usbt. ee. at Multnomah ata- Hon. 15 minute ont on Or. Elee. Pric ? . . r. V exoow. "oi- mv wu won.u w money. Term. Dr. Estock, Main 9410. I HAWTHORNE ave home p. 100x100, fruk. Tosee; worth 2600j . houss worth 34000; worm izsuv nouse wortn uuu : 1 suitabis 2 families; 34000 for all; terms. Main 623. 8 SEVERAL nice small house, amen payment down sna mommy payments; cneap. Also 1 some good houses at moderate prices. iTT. 'ATlr"! i aTleut, I j --k-T 1 OA w;n..4va. Q- MXKfVJiml aUiMltri U utAitajmivr w , j v uuuu torn vut, aJSf,""' i TK-. 'of . l.TtrmT-. T. . : . . , vtkk 5 rvrr- I ne'tween BmonT" and H.worne: taT fli 1 K,.m r-iline. bnffet. Dutch kiteheff: I PtT-inas IZNDII. f.O S4?. VvU lIDDr WO, OBKn r.n a., rail Tahor 606 I a- . I - r- " ---- Ior pan, A uyjriu-Ji. vwBM, iin t A. FOR SALE! $3700, 6 room houss. fireplace upstairs ana down. nmie enamex imssn. Phona Esst 8102. 801 , Clacksms. ,t. aesr t , . i 2ln Bt. a . pqAm ' modem bungalow, restricted district i - . - - a rOOm IBOUF W7U3,, 30 6V43 131 lrU01 nd fruit: closs in. Bail $1600 below Value. 1 Lh -,i no H,. hoaM' . b'hroom- fui' 5n"t, "d 1 aiecti I r e r ..... TST J'' Mt. H. LeTsntbAl, 618 K. I 82050 8 room boua. lot 100x100: 28 min. I OA mm A a M.. aft Hfntt Km tili A.vn to ana juaer, sat. scow nm uw uown, tenni ThU 4 t accepted a $23 on 4own paym.nt D-815. JoumaL 7 FOR SALE By owner, at a sacrifice. 7 room house, 16 minutes' wslk to Morrison st: wast aide. Inquire 649 Broadway. west aide; bo agents. ro BAi.t-A. rrg.n n a aouo con- 1 tructea mrase. moaern, witn itxiuv injnmj, fi cbicken nouM ,nd gtrdta ,U put !. Address 2016 Vsn Houten st ,. p.cu w.i.. -Bthi. a r,-. I V " --"-"- ' very fin looking homes surrounding, big lot fine gkrden, fruit; price 34350; MoatevtU car to 60th, 1 north 1 east, 160 E. 61st SF.FORE you buy. be sure to see 1106 Arnold session; 82250; 8450 cash; pretty homes sur- St.; 5 swrully pretty, ngnt, rooms, quicx pos- rounding: RM car to 87th. 4 blocks north. fflNE horn. buUt right tor on. who knows; rnoma- nrva verv low. AAAOO ! BBOO aaan. Bel sure to see. Hawthorne ear, 488 E. 88th. I - - u j ' owner, ama '. " bunaalow. hardwood floor throughout and a I mi mtHm. AAB VL R 1A K ' .-i lim'Zi t www . v. I M L. 111. UHIHIIUWMU VI I. ... VMS Vm.1'1 1 - n ri. . n , - . T i 6 meats. B. C. Walter, 6 848 Foster toad. Tabor 8887 A...J 1 . 1 , Jill. ROOM sottaae. 100x100: 8 bloeka to ear: I nice location: East Bids; $18501 easy terms. i wimw, i m . 8 ROOM modern house, 8 lots, all In gardea and fnit. eloM u. Mll ikqo below Talus. 1 f nrit Hoe. in .iiwmiI si kdo v.i- I . MODERN 6-room house. 2 lots, Improremenu Paid; going away; will sell oa easy term. 651 Mlseleeippi Te, BARGAIN in Sellwbod, 8 ' rooms furnished, shed, Mar- i Fnce ibo. Jno. 1L Gibson. Phon , .1..11 i isi MODERN 5 room bungalow with sleeping porch and gxraga. on paTed street. 1 H bWk. f rom 82160. terms. 1682 B. 13th N. PUstT!-.--paTntidTcle.n. 8 ROOM modern houae. Tin. view, walking dia- tsnee. for sale by owner. 810 month and in- - 1 ' " "'"" ""'J . . ,,.11 . m, mn-W m.. W11 . , . . "l ROOM modern house and garage on Han- 1 W mm 1 - I, 11SAA IA 7 In ii. rr iiu tii t-TT "T", " . ' ' . . .. rrx I FOlt Aiifi a ton, many aino oi iruit I mm. t t, M mmiarn envanianieL mitir -- I ment Owner. Tabor 486. fOR ow priced, hoiue.on Ty y terms, j j. f 17 BhTr' d'"; f ",' I BEAUTIFUL, home. Rosa City Park. 35000; good buy. Tsbor 0988. V"k66M nice family house. Irvineton. wslkih 611 distance to town. 34360. Tabor 6986. I PRETTY modern tmngaiow. Res City Park, I 48500: term. Tabor 6986. . ssrm doubl 660 Aiaswortb are. I v-nei. Owner. East 34 TS. KB BALE or rnt. a tent bouso, parti, fur- f nished, on Kings Heights. Call 0-3368. -, WS ' od- houss.. Woodlawn, reaonabTZ ) " I CLEAB you beUer than 10 per cent; cost 14410. t take tor o.nicx saia. oau lsovk st ROOM, well furnished . born; bearin fruit tres.W.dln. 8003. I FOB SALE-' t-rootn bous aad lot' SOslOO. "1- . . . . m-. A mu. v.i. . . I i. . - I ivn . . . , v ; . . 1 a 111a nAi .r. 1 A 1 1 1 11 1 ! oa. w 11 i unuia. la, ouir 43 S 10th at, ... I Alberta car. I AT kJVTII- am "OUTV v msssa w I BE AL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES t $400 7 ROOM modern house, faroeee. full baaament. 288 E. 86th st; 100 ft N. Haw thorne; earner aw peamtaea Bnaday. 61850 rooan modern house, fruit, garden, lot 80x100; tarn. 11500 I room neat cottage, fruit, barn, chicken bona, lot 60x126: Bin borne. $2600 6 toon modern bungalow, pared & Hawthorn district; choice location. $21006 room aottage, bam. ehiekea boosag and ran. 12 fruit tree, lot 100x11; easy term. B. AC GATEWOOP aV CO.. 165 H 4TH ST. FOB SALE LOTS 16 LOT. ehipyard district, PorUmouth Ave., 60 pet cent below eoat Y-796, Journal. ACBEAGE 17 20- ACBE8 1V mOae to electrie line, fine oil, level, fenced ; small house, good velL soma fruit. $173 per aera, tanas. AO seres, half cultlrated, fenced, two wells, fin water, beat of land, family orchard; 1 to mile to rail and station, 20 miles to Portland. $125 per acre. 40 aera. partly improved, fenced, soma big timber, close to rocked road, level good land. $100 per aera. Terms. SUNSET REALTY CO., Henry bldg. 10 ACRE ranch. 2 blocks from good town: fin buildings; 800 fruit trees, bearing ; nice crop in, $2850. Good terms. Ueorg Morse, 815 Cham, of Com. 1 ACRES X7Eduon St.. St Johns. Ovar lookinc river. Near shipyards. $2800. Win take car as first payment, balance $40 per month. W. Vollans, 408 Going st. THREE acres. North Albany. 1 mil from Main SC. for $1800. Terms $100 dowu. $100 in 6 months or year, 5 years on bal. Address 430 E. Mill st. Phone E. 959. : WANTED To rent or buy one or two acre near rortiana. fc-ioo, journal. SUBIKBAS ACBEAGE 76 I TWO a,-r. HKnA nr ftOA . mr,A uawhuuaus vAuue. ALWUh nail urtCV Ul adjoining property. Hart. 810 Ch. of Com. ttswtnorne sto. csrlme. About half price of I 'leiepnone Aiarsnau lodo SUBURBAN HOMES 78 4 ACRES. 8 m. high stats cultivation, house, Darn, otner outbuildings, on Oregon City line. lZc fare; price $3200; terms; would take house I ,IK1 m s part payment. . 1 ?re- r- nouse. emcken . houses : At Menmnl fcoage; o. C. car une; SlBoU; terms. barn, ehoiee land, level. (2100. U eaah. At. GATE WOOD & CO., 165 to 4th ST. FOB SALE FABMS 17 GARDEN SPOT OF OREGON HOWELL FKA1KIK For sal, 60 acres, all clear; deep black soil n V. V,,: th 7L,Tr JJnt with 'hnaMim hranuS b,J ment, witn furnsce, urge barn, machine shea I and other buudiags; private waUr works in I 1910. Price, with growing crop, 312.600; lao roller feed mill in Pratum; gasoline power; price tMU' ' own- I I vlnu - i- c - t . , i.j . I y "J","."""" "" men. ui uiuu wuiivj. . ..k'ul xw seres in cultivation Km in cuiUTftUUII. new mini, v, o - l C-, auo- I .... .i.n.. nn i, . i , . . , i VTZ. ""'"'" 1 "J - 1-3 cash, balance terrr I i , s a. i TO HUIL . npir LWO KOOTl LOW IIS. RT flOO I n011t nil I pi,ce. Address 435 Crawford sve., McMinn- Or I ..n 'Arpfrn' 4 miiea W of Portland a 2?, JS25J:. rfLT , M,r'of timber, 6 to miles from rsJroad 1 I mUa from school; soma buildings; ideal place for stock ranch; plenty of outside range, 825 per acre, cash, bal.. on terms it (; owner i.h' n .n hfnr aniiaHn,. tt b Tsbor 8868. M. O. Glsse. 672T 71st st. 8. JS fANAIaAif FARM LANDS oh-a land remsrklbly easy terms Land- aaakaes' excursion party leave Portland for Calgary. Alberta. Saturday, Juaa 8. Reduced ratss. For further particulars see Canadian f acllic ny. ml, svs ssuwij exensng DiQg. L p. Thornton, utstnet nepreeantauva. - . . 40 ACRE farm.. 10 aera in cultivation, family a 8 E 1 jm I orchard, good 5-room boua. barn and out, I buildings, some stock snd fsrm implements, tn. I eluding some furniture: must be sold at one. as I hs to leave. will ssennce for 81000 o"h, bslsnce easy terms to suit. B-978, Journal. WANT superintendent for one of the best dairy and general farms, in Oregon; prraent mana- aer dratted and must leave at one. Will take vTo' bauson?. n3 S?1ZjZ1&rZ Thompson. 8d snd Main .ts., T.noouTer, W 160 ACRES Lincoln county, partly improved, I suitable lor dairy or stock. 315 per acre: terms. 93 acre. Benton county, 60 timber, bslsnce partly imp., 315 per cr: terms. Ad- drees 633 YsmhUl St. ForUsnd, Or. a. . - .... . i.v. rrr tt. j r am ascniice ior quica saie, i acres, 1 acres -in bearing orchard, living water on plan.; on ount of sickn , will H. trad, or rwnw v. u u, i. $3 ACRE stock ranch. 90 acres in cropi 822.000. Including all stock and farm im- plemanU. Rome trade, balance easy terms. B- o, """ a a j"w -rwtw mf . v. Mfi - J?'" ureaoa wj, won win, li lib HOMESTEADS 47 1 GOOD homestead mar be had within 25 miles of Partlsnd. There sre 1226 home JT ? Jf T,PM JfJ!L2l a - I xi t 1 1 t- :ir . V" V I I UI kUUU lailU IA1H1 ;t. (in AAVA BID SWfTAt ITS Ul I t-- roraana isna aistnct on large sea 10 01 l o- ' . ' . I sawsAA v.ttsaa ncoru, snowmK oniy in ianas open lo Dome- I.CW - AT I IUTJ uv VrT-Ill BOO liGBUWIU. T B I1T former government cruisers who will show you . , J" ' . . 7. r P "tn 6 o clock. BowlAnd Map Co., 411 H(Sm FSTKAfiH TV. .- i 1 employing u. to maks the original field I maps and to ass let In tha laaaification of the .v. , iS map snd to assist In tha Uasification of the O. A C. lands for about two years. Get yourt map. of' reliable people. W know these Unas personally and can assist in getting best selec I tion: get our serrices in choosing your claim. Only relisble msps 81,00 per county. Anderson, 431 Chamber of Commerce. I imfvavi i rw vi rvoTTtouirvT 1 HOMK8TEAD Ki,Ll.UL'lHMt..M Eight, scTes Yam roTl Co Good auto road right to place. Borne cleared, more easily 1 .hii.v' w . . . j cleared; fine spring, good 8 room house, stabls snd wood shed. Household furniture and tools. Write Mrs. H. L. Msrston, Carlton, Or., R. j r. i. no. 1. or j. it. Atsrtton. 0322 ostn are. S. E.. Portland. Phone Tabor 1455, after ; 1 HOMESTEAD. O. A C. rnt. can show good homesteads. By old cruiser. Willsrd Dill. 482 Boss t.. Fortland. i , TTITxis-tt 11 v , ,-rn tr 11 nl K Axe .AWfaMuirwe tiu. v - - " www rt... 1 v.i nm. iv.. . , - n C, May 11. 1816 Notice Is hereby given that j awbjeet to the conditions and limit tion of tb f.jlir".?-sJL,lSj :.hJ J0 ?l Ufn18TCrT.lK,--Dt?". "-- - lowing lands will bs sold Juns 26. 1918. at i .v o cm. ., i yuww aiKuvn . an 10 o clock a. m.. at puoue auetioa at the united states xaaa sioc at rortiana, ur.. to I th. hiahaat biar at not las than tha i n raised vain as oown I mIm. . . .K k. KI. .4 t - t.blr te tha .rrev W thl BV.lT 3 anbieet to tha anvrei !? Interior. Ttajmrchae prt erlth an add. ' . " ' " . . . . . -- I tioasi sum ox oae-nna x on par cans xnereof. I Dews llimillieaiona uw aa. aaua. vm wepuaitea at I h . . r im , nrnrnaii w l- i. I not -approved, otherwise patent will Issue for tb i timber, wnaca must no rsmorea witraa tea rears. Bid will pa reoeived from cltixen of I the United BUtee, assocUUoti of such itl and corporation orsanisea Tinas tb tows of I t.-, TT. Jr I tVft ma uauw vwiw . any ww.a Mmnri or. tnareoi osuy. upon apuiieauon or auxxnaa -T eai euo- included in any oiler of a larger unit: Town- I ship 4 8., R. 8 E., See. 31: KB 54 NWH. tad fir615 at. : aot to b said at leas than 81.60 nr included. tn any offer of a toi ... -- r. , . My aJJ NTy.arUWir,4lNia1 JJ ""i fj W &Bx-J2? 2. S- na ui .wo. i - m m , m w a... cedar 10 M. ; NE HW. red fir 400 hL, i - n sr xi . VISF tZ sVIlaV 1Z - SI si sr a ear 16 MTt'aoa. of the red fir or to bi rru.K . jbk. n n Tm mow im.a tti.'aJH.S ilt 747 M. ; 'bent- Uf 1318 : Be sold far ass than $1 par M and no of the hem lock to ITwirNEni.'S. STloTs .. xUk I . . . . . . . . ' - . 168..: Wt. 2". "tt. isouglas I 1754 M. ; n VT n w , pougjasnr 13 I K U M W 4 . 1MQXISI TIT 1BS S. SWU. Tlnnalaa fir 1411 1LI 8RW 1 IWaa fit 1038 M. See. 7. NB Douglas fly 600 M. Bee. n, NBli rllow : lit u au, nemioe ov aa. yellow fir 1185 . M., hemlock , "VVT . J.n Jit 1650 M.. hemlock hck 105 H. BOO of th Douglas fir I and bob of tb hemlock to b sold for kern I 1 fir tm K. id U than Sl.aa U 1 thaa 60 no M. (8ignd) Clay Tallin a. Coxa- m iocer GnrI Land Offioa. - BEACH FBOFEBTY ATTRACTIVE LARGE COTTAGE ' snooera - eonveniane-s, park surroundiax; oSview"' IaIU, - g ' llIT'JT.lt- L.' l?? Alt xeodern - eonvenianc , park surroundiax; n.!AVrort- 271 U- - 1 ' 1 j fYPtr 1 wowRF. 1 1, cmtitk a llfST et rid of 8.000.000 ft Curry' 'Co. M fmw It Iface, e nlto meffl. t within reaaon. - 78 ft' 88d N. - Marshall 1184. 1 m . . i . i . , i, i t NEW brick. W sat- Side : corrtar. an rented. 1 t Ji J , 1 . , . 1 wnuuiu iiauiw. r lux uuu a. un ncui iwuenca, AUla 0Z3. . - ...,. EXCHANGE BE AL ESTATE FOB EXCHANGE Good modern six twees hoaaa with lot 100x1 0O. ta live railrwad town in Washington, for (mail acreage near Hilleberai or ReedvUle, Or. Answer Box 102. Hilhtbora, Or. BI6 sacrifice for niek sale. 21 aeraa. 14 aera In bearing orchard; Bring water en place, en seconnt of sickness will- aeB. trad) or rent G. L, Webb. 414 Eaat Btark at SMALL farm to trade for let or small house and mt. 7 acres under enlti ration, old bense. bam. fine aratar piped to the bo nee. 3 aera in strawberries. Q-6ttI. Journal. 160 ACBE valley farm. 80 head of stock, if milk oows, all farm irnplements. 110 scree in crop; win trade for apartment bouae r tncoPM property, ft-60 6. Journal WILL trade or aell caoie lot in Lauralhurat Reinaold, 147 8d st. WA3TTEP BEAL ESTATE 81 IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house with me -I saU house only, and have sash buyers. WATCH OUB ADS WE GET RESULTS C. A. Wsrrinar. . BITTEB, LOWE A CO.. 206-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. fi HACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED ' Must be N. E. sad prieed right numerous buyers waiting. Fred 1 We baa Co.. 712 Cham, of Uom, IX)R UXStn.tS list your property with the AteaJ EsUto Exchange. SOL 8d St., Pvrthvad. WANTED 2 to 7 room hou. 8 rnaL ment dowu, balance monthly. L-015, J on BOOMING HOUSES (8 44 ROOMS, steam heat, all modern, good fur niture and carpets, low rent. long lease. Own er making good money but must aell on ac count of sickness. Pric $3000. Fred S. Wil- liama, 82 Vi lat at en Brimri i.' i 7TZ hare lease st reasonable rent A money maker. 80000. Tana. Fred S. Williams. 82 to 1st St 23 ROOMS, very nice place, fine location, clear 8166 mo.: well furnished: rent 830 8750 Garland. 188 8d st AN elegant rooming house for sale, medium aise, swell location, new furniture a money maker. Terms. U-420. .Tonrnai, ltTTSTN"RlA OPPOTtTTT'VTTIFS SO ATTENTION. GROCERS Have a good paring grocery on west side dninv a hmiinaaa S2000 mo. owinc to labor aiSllmt iad to aava expenses I would like OI nail mmvmmm ii.i.". ..--. v. outside end of buninaas. Can girs beet of reference. For mors information address A.- Journal. BEST PR6P0SITI0N IN CITT Have fine eauiDoed soft drink parlor aad card- room. Ootng tine business, out nave dot. uase cash or trade; long lease, cheep rent Call Bun- day 6608 Foster road, or week day 128 1st ' PANTOftrCM EAST 84th AND BELMONT. Complete plant for cleaning, dyeing and preeeing for sale cheap. Might consider trade. For appointment phone Tabor 4152. . 7 - HAVE one of the beet apartment bouses on ,V miAm AA wA 9 mam. ,n.fttl,lltf ,111 Mnn.iXar hMu, imI 1m tin a linon h.L. - - - $6000 eaen. K-o. Journal IF TOU hare a few hundred dolUra to invest will irf - wtm iiptsnrsi uiarv tn riiri m. - - - - " - TOn " 0, ,rmt trm- A1n t-nderwood, Dufur. Or. OFFICE MANAGER for factory wanted: give saw. experience and ref.rene: investment required. Box 288, Albany, Or. PARTNER wanted, man of executive ability, for the be money getter on the market Call Eaat 7068 FIXTLHES. 120 Books MeCasUe coffee mill Dayton cheese cutter, typewriter, oak count cheap for cash. 1453 Fern t DON'T WORBt. 1 can sell o trade snythiag aaywhara. Lay man. 145 to Broadway. 11 - - a I I WILL sell my grocery stock for 81600 oaah or Invoice; located at 7 03 Mood st rhone r u.11 kqi " , Z kT T k T - FOR SALE Grocery atore in ehipyard district I Good business. Sal account ill health, 674 I Hood st FOR SALE or exchange, cranberry bog. partly improved, small house, splendid location, near town, in producing district K-769. Journal. nUALL. well eaUbliahed restaurant and lnneh a u v 1 ou , I i " " WANTED wantfiV 1 hu ZnTH fm:i .h,-. Vhoo ritV or ountre- 1hv7 S1 chine shop, city or country: sir erica and I tu i. fir. Uf., B.B71 ,.l - . I MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE 37 I MJU insiaii acui piaa is us bawt ami siiraal method of paying a loan. 12.26 per month for 86 821.24 (or 60 mintha. e 815.17 for 96 month, pays 8100O loan aad Interest Other nta Tn proporaea. Ws saaa oa iesprovad eity property. Or for building purpose. No commission charted. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 343 Start at.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly Attractive repaying privilege. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bid. Martha 11 4114, A-4118. I - .. ;-r: ----Z Iflnn (111 Skill ITPill TA 1 r ft r at , . lfwwJaast intret ntjaL l.iKPml fit-nawitiAat 1 Dn YPv58. iO Qfrial 7 . i GOKIXlN INVtBTMLT CO., I 3 1 tlUniltf Ot lmmAK. a,Q lo.n. ISOO. 3600. 8800. 31600. $1206. 81500 and 52000 on Improved nrooert w.lla Co.. 324 Caaavf Com. EST atUlUDIAU loans ob city or suBurbaa property; I money awF. r1 w. y. I rWk. 215 and Xin Fsilm old. Mats 8407 2i)U. eeu. 4uo. 4ow. s.ew. e.uoo snd Isrgjr smounU st ewrret rates. Quick setion. Fred 'V. Germs- o.. 733 :br. Com $luu TO e!500; consider lota. H. Oowung. 617 tjnsmber nr commerce, atarsnau X4S3 MORTGAGE loans, and 7f. Lotti aaiua At Co.. 406 SeUln Bid. . a'''U'J0t?L . two- 4, Law bid. cwatraeta. F. ' H. Masn 888. 1 1 -1 LOANS on eity and farm property. per eeat up. F. Fuens. 420 tjiam. of Ceo. 530P TO 39000 I leea. eity ew farm gage: no esaaianea. i. m. nog ata. ?"A JJsAA, -'-' w t.otaal WB LOAN MONEY On ahort notice te sslarWd ; or workln. nteaj oa their own aotea. Wsekly, semi-monthly of I mnriy paymaxna. AXa tnnsaeUoa auictly MnlldnatlSL I 7 BO MOBTGAQB NO IF DOBS XB ABSOLUTELY NO HECUK1TI. W im loan on household turmtara, pianos. Vlthout rmo-X CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLL B1A DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 317 Failing bldf.' If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS ta audi to Darson on salair or fixed ta- eem. en aousenoia inrxutare, pa.no. euamono and other personal property, kraal lata, KaeS- oontidentiai : private oiucea. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licenaed 806-807 Dak urn bid. POK'iLANl) KKklKl-iAL LOAN AbSM. aw.Wi -. .w. ' . .,.. . a . ia.m ar mf C- M x KKB Binaxs, MP. iaa ei LOANS ON DIAMONDSJEWELBY, PIANOS. HoriRBHOLD FUBNITUBX LOANS WANTEP tt $600 8. 40 acre of !?52 .8J 7 I. vlf'.t,? mrn w GERMAN CO.. 783 Cham, of Cwm. WANT-34000 loan on Clark Co. ranchrlTj 1 pay 7, 3 or o years, t-b, journal.. I 1 HOBSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 I FOR SAttVn. team o( bay awmos, wgkt BIO auction Tud.y. and Fridays at i p. m. I Bring us your stock; we can aeU it log you. r-i ah atM. so F nt 0.Ti . ..' L , . i.U HAA w. I 17 sTawnU amiU h orae e' heap P orUaait Pur, Fur I 1 m l n . ti mm. i, i iiwi. . , . - - a . iv hie hntb n.Mi. waunine liiou xna.. a and 1 war old. am I 2 wagon for sal. Call J wagon for sal. Call TEAM of ponia..-wagon exp - or eampsa. I L-AA. ken. na aa-ii s aims is bauled away tree. tU Wood atw 20. Portland RcnderiB Co. DEAD hi and cattle taken quick. w pay 1 G v B" 1 FOR SALE Si I t,. o. 1 --a - - wa 1 n n u lu aravi ami, aaipwa nvw. iwa l ,in l, , 1 w (111 111 Aw Bit It. XT I , T .V .11 -.L 1111 Ml wTIIBl DODGE run 2AOO mile. Apply 618 M ..ujsa pssaw ivwu rv ory ay, ii. i .hMt 7 sua ina- z.sw awa em aaraiw am. m . 1 .. . iii. I i... j . . , . , . . . -! I Vr'L I Railway Exehang. Marahall 249. Mendelaaohn 1 reverted). tJI sta a, 838. ; Him emu ay i,. I m I Jl.i -..x I Harold ri Gilbert. S laeabiu at. WtA.I A wific littli ha no a. nerfaet' aeatle. lust I tlsoi,-'" . "" wi.o. - i . . .a. N U I ,KIW. t- HA. r 'AriTa. weiibt MQwukee. or ueirweoq wan, "rT--"i?w:.?; iT." N SI 650 cheaa Addr-a 180 8 Gay Bt. 6-PASSENGEB Or.rl4 car, fin condition ; 17 'aTwaahTnet. "T"" : RW I jj, . - i t i 1 i ihaan. Gaa. alone. SI asm. wf ceu. I r - , 66 Hi aA1"P.Pifw. ,'T v-v. .1 j.J l. vT-t LUENT Po. aaoat reaeoaabl term ta Tmry oa 1 cneap. sppiy si ax iw avw, aw. i jsit vi-iui' . vmuuau, x i Wad, K awuar no taamp boxaa. AtASWia 4V " ! Woodstock ear. 1 3848. I riim ill T.WU uw anaea ior warn, wwb, i vv. 1 . , . I.. . . . 1 1 a,.... ., , 1 , 1 . . .1 ... .... .1 FOR cVA otuooar a. 1 1 1 , tn gooa eoav I juuiotKi cjun auawanya am recoroa. '""4 I20T , dition: going to tbe front; 376. East 6866. 31Q. 125 Fourth at. . h 7 143 F 2d N I ONE ton Franklin track, worm drive. A-l eondl- I ml ssij 1 neuw a. n sail buggy. 143 2d, N. owner; called away. Main 6745. Be rtty Store Co.. 4tB et ROBSES. TEH1CLES, ETC- II JLST la from the ranch and mast aell nios bay mars 7 yean old. sound, weiaht About 1600 lb., fUAmntaed in very way; Ala bar mate, brown geldiag years old. sound and tree weak er; heavy double bam and light form wagon: also 8 bead of 1100 pound bars ana aerneee. eneen, sis Knott rt. aau block east ot u at., phone East 688. TEAM of horse, weight About 8000 pounds, guar anteed sound and true, with gooa set or nar aa. for AlSfi. Have alas aood wagou for log ging or lumber hauUng. Can be seen at 5O0-J foweU Talley road. Take Mt Root! ear ta urea ton, inquire at miU. or call Tsbor 706, aftar 7 P. m. MUST bs dosed out at ones at soma price. 1 good surnr. 5 farm wacons. sereral fin spring wagon suiubls for fruit or berries. 3 buggies, 3 good saddle. 3 carta, all kinds of hameee, 1 good burro, horaea from 800 t 1400 lbs.. 2 fin well bred driving family mares. 60S Front. ONaTapaa of 1800 lb. boras. 6 and 8 years old: set of Boa taw harness double seated rubber tired surrey, one goad wagon, but old. aU for $400. Call or address T. H. Snud. linn ton. Or. near old Cliff Inn. MUST more; will offer for sal 1 team of mulea. ws 2400. 8 horses. 2 good cows. 8 sets bar- nee, 8 plows, other email tools: no reasonable offer refused. 806 Powell Valley road. Wood stock 'ear. 2100 LB. team, sound and true to work any where; 4mm and wagon, steel tired buggy. beery spring wacon and diaa barrow. Pric right 418 K. John at St John. Phone Col. 711. FOR SALE a gray mare, weigh 1500, 10 yra. old; little thin, right from lumber hauling, $85; guaranteed a represented. Phil Suetter. 880 Front at. cor. Mont 360 Big boned 1200-lb. blocky 8-year-old sound gentle black Clvda brood work mare. single, double, light wagon, narneae, SZS, Bfeas Ing cart $5. 145 K. Slat N.. MontavUla car. CHEAP, mare, at your own price. Sunny side ice uo., au ana .. lamniu u LIVESTOCK 6 FOR SALE 6 young fresh Holsteia and Jar st cows with ealva be their aid. All are heavy milkers. C. W. Hyre. Fourth Plain and at. Jobns road. vancouTer, wean. room 680-J. FOR SALE 6 young.' fresh. Hoktein and Jer aey cows with calves by their aide. All heavy milkers. C. W. Hyde, Fourth Flaih and at Johns roads, Vancouver. Wash. Phone 580-J TWO extra good young fresh Jerseya, 4 gal per day. 6 to to 6 per cent test. 1480 Ma cadam t Fulton car to Idaho t, l diqck east FINK Tonnf fraak awaua (aaailr and dairy cow. and 8 teat, good condition. $50 to $80. Will 1-aake dry cows in exenange. 70s aw Asa. FOR SALE or lease, to responsible party, first else retail dairy. 85 cow, modern equip meat, over 200 customers. W-478. Journal. FOR SALE 140 ewes, large cross breed years old snd under, 812; 114 lamb $6. Lee Steers. Rogue River, Or. FOB SALE Fine young Jersey cow with twin heifer calves 7 weeks old. 580. L. A. Benard. 15 47th are. 8. E., Lent. 13 YOUNG fresh dairy and family cows. Soma well bred, high grid Jersey family cow. Very rich milker. 365 to 365. 751 East Ash. NINE bead of sheep 370. A. R. Rogers. Hill- dale. Or. Main 9426. JERSEY fresh. 3d calf. 386. 6657 82d st. 8 .K.. Tsbor 7100. FINE big. fresh cow. heavy, rich milker, cheap for quick sale. 619 E. John at, Bt Johns. WANTED A few milch goats; state breed and price. E-755. Journal. GOOD testing f gal. cow wanted. Cash paidT Tsbor 2600. YOUNG desirable family cow for aalaT East 1502. U-418, Journal. 3BRBET1 cow cheep, nch milk. Tabor 2600. LARGE Jersey cow, teat 6.2. Sell 8401. POULTBT. PIGEONS. FET STOCK $7 WE BUY AND SELL All kinds ef poultry, masts, produce, pet snd Wsj-jjusj !.-. S. VCIII A IWIt-w UW.S t., or. Morriaon. Phone Main 4883 breeding stock, tasn produce CO.. 1 DO I ront 1000 O. A. C strong White Leghorn chick. Ill 1AA, . - - J 1 U., June 2$. Wm. Homshuh. 748 E. 10th st. Portland. Or. . SIXTY thorouahbred Urine nunau"Whlte . horns. Barred Bock, B. L Reds; reasonable. 145 E. 81st st N. MoaUvills car. BABBITS ' Utility Belgian hare.. 2' months old. 60o w in a, umuis atoc. aa. A thin Unn. T.I n.iT -a..kiS? 0 A dote n; mother A "I " 9' . Ti' Z 1 ,k :mT uelivereq. 1st. Bellwood 3192. tir-v-o .t.i.i. -. - .. " ctana ior aai. i-ail oeu. WANTED 8 bantam hen. Broadway 18967 DOGS, BIRPS. PETS. ETC. 44 RAISE RABBITS FOR MEAT. We hAve BeUriens. New Sesland Flemish Giants. English Loo Kara, and White Ensliah. all a and siset; utility stock ss wsll ss fancy pur orea. vtnte for prices snd catalogue. it out ledge Seed as Floral Co., 143 Second st, Portland. Or. RABBITS Pedigreed New Eealand and Flemish Giant. Utility atock. All breeds. Stud buck Flemish Giant Peerleaa Pmdwe Co.. 175 Front st. FLEMISH GIANTS, food, thrifty stock; o Belgian hares. For table snd utility. If in terested, worth investigating. Pedigreed Flemish stud in service. 4 81 Going. aViR AAIT. nr rnla. Q mAsfrt -.lH A rr1a1m 1 D11A.U, D4-. ptTUltirV Ul mMUC. Ou. I. Ai C. A FLEMISH giant rabbits, young and old stock Woodlawn 1388, 641 Going. Call after 7 n m fy St Andre. berg singers. 68 eech. Young singers. 83- Batterson. Take Oregon Electric to Bran Place. PL'RE BRED Japanese spaniel puppies; pries reasonable. Tabor S740. BOARD your dog at the Bungalow Kennel. Everything up-to-date Main 8165. THOROUGH BRED Airedale pups 3 months old for sale cheap. Tabor 4203. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOBIES 44 SMALL. CLASSY CAR?" twin sroru roauaxer: just new 0111 jBjT light . six touring: dandy. . . 1050 lg,T oklnd six 1000 .8 610 FLETCHER aV JAMES, 33 N. Broadway. MOTORS. Gears. Beating. Wheels. Axle and Trailer. We wreck all makes of ear and aell tli4r W pam at half prtoe. Daeid Hode Co.. 1 ATrtjsawmw auu - misuwia w , pfuwuwii la. 1 tlAaH na lor old ears, condition no .ni.. parts ior an maaea 01 ears, uregoa Ante Ex- , rasa. 139 Lwvavdala at 16th and Washing- ton. Broadway 3668. gnu STUCK Used Cars rsticis.3 BIGHT OOTEY MOTOR CAB CO. Slat and Waahington sta, Mara 634 4 FOR QUICK SALE" M V 1V1H onge louring ear. a linnet n. extra. Phon Bdwy. 6368, ask for Hemphill. 6-PARSENGER Chalmera. model K, god me- I. . 1 MAflltL,. 1 A L , g8t,hs"- u 688 Bpo"' Te-or Fords Enameled $15.00 870 E. Merrtmn at HUDSON snd Reo touring cart in 1st class eon- dition: 1 Buick 4 cylinder touring. Mnltno- mah Motel Oarage, 2d and Ankeny. FOR SALE 1917 Case 4 passenger road ster, fin condition, owner going Eaat; 81000. B4X Broexiyn at., neuwoou Boe FORD tea truck, good condition, cheap W I rellslsen. lis hsis street, oreaon t:itv. or nhon 466 J LIGHT 4s delivery ear. 8450. 1 Hrly-Dvid a .Pe5d- Rodhain 4V VoUum Auto Co.. 8$ N. Park. Pbon Bdwy. 609 l9il Suiek. 4 eyUnder. 7 passenger. In ex. cetlent shen. 2 new cord tire. Wlnton Meter (Jo., iota and veaan. Bdwy. 1614 DUBHUILUC TOP CO.. 9tb sad Oak. Brosdwsw 1 set FOB SALE Splendid ear for farmer, either heavy work or pleasure: 2I it sold ouk-s Phona e min Tabor 6950. A-798, Journal, i gfUDEBAKER 11 four. Ms; flrrt c j aumdiUon; 6 new tire. Tsbor 7098. trnaT aaU sav 118' Max wall twanna eat A-776. Ja.ll nL 1 t t...l. .k r i. nun u!U a ..... 1 wooa .in. iR CaU E. 1963. ItPUWU, i y , wi 1 vAnBn 14f( ' IT. a tuuln Jr. . Atk I -. $386 eaah. . i , T , 4,,t I M. ,.. u a una iw . " .0.0. 1 z 1 1814 tn r.i'.t ca-i tog a cneap. ai.baa j I Rvfi AAI.B 1617 Maxwell, awod , eondltioa. 1 EDISON Horn phonos rat with racorda. cheaa. tame tor nrsoain; lo I - ,r.i rn v. is4 ' I tva.li. Kellwonrf A. -tjSVLi-rTr. "WILL U iit siaAWril Aw. a-1i FOB SALE for 3160. eaUaet'yB4 Voaa' pi.no a a wTJT.i, Jrnt . to ood oondHion. HE, 4th st - 166. WoodlAwa 6611.1.., ...j. . 1 a i.i 1 ..-rt -1 ' v.. l n a sm ww aawa awaw 8 mWJTV M H A I BT-1 Ml 1 A lTsanaPiml SI 1 Bri Ilflg at 1 I WBI AV I P.I 1 W t X J AAAT Dasww DiaaVB XaT smsn . AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USED TRUCK BARGAINS W have n hsnd in our med truck depart ment a line of rebuilt truck in capacities ranging from 1 to 6 tons. This Includes Purls 6 ton. oeapsrtaly ererhauled. Packard 8 ton, completely overhauled. 1 to ton O. M. C. worm drive, nearly new. long wheel baa. 1 to ten Bee, new motor, good tires. 1 tan Federal, bargain. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY Tenth snd Bumsids Sta. Broadway 621. BIG 8TOCBT OF FSED CARS IN TRANSIT. WATCH OL'H DAILY ADS. These ears are all thoroughly overhauled in our shop before being placed in our uaed-ear department and are the best values in Portland. SEE TJS BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Chevrolet, 8 past., lik new $ 710 etudebaker. 7 -pass. 4.10 Ford 850 Col 80 S00 Maxwell, special -JR5 Case, 7-pae.. like new 1100 Mitchell. 7 -pass. almost new 1100 Studebaker, 7-paa. 500 Jef (try truck 1000 Briscoe 88 600 Ford roadster .' 305 Ford, 6-paaa. 350 Terms if desired. Open Evenings and Sundays. . ... W - WALLINGFORD. 522 Alder it Broadway 3482. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1917 Mitchell. 3 pus. roadster, 6 cyl.. 81250 iwn aiitcneu, 7 pass., a cyl. 1914 MitohelL 5 paee.. 6 cyl 1915 Mitchell. 5 pa., 4 cyl 1912 Mitchell. T peae,. 8 cyl !... 1912 Mitchell. 5 peas.. 6 cyl 1914 Studebaker, 4 pass, coupe. 4 cyl. . Ford truck with body and top Two-ton truck with cab Sam peon truck 1100 700 675 600 550 500 5f.O 1250 250 ognt vrucx. can be put in. running con dition at small expense, only 75 Brand new camping trailer; will aell at coat. MITCH ELI- LEWIS A STAVER CO., USED CAB DEFT East Morriaon at Firat at East 7272. B-1216, WE.T SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak at. Broadway 615, A 3343. GARAGES BOUSES CHICI.ES HOC8ES. Tbe p o r t s b I s kind Save you money pie st 644 Hood sisia 1167, Millmade Construction Co. NkW tlati What brand ef new Urea do you prefer t We bare them, all makes ana sues. Also we max a tn le mons O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) cwieiT nreeon Vnlcanixms Co.. AAA 33 atara- tit sad do all manner of ura r side Rear Broadway. AUTO WRECKERS W rreet meet all makes of car end sefl the good parts for Lea thaa half price. W ha all kinds of used bodlea fa tale. Highest price paid lor aid ears. PACIFIC JUNK OOMPANT. 328 Front st, MAIN 478 THAYER. SHAVEYl-GCLLt MACHINB COMPANY 1 Tea. SS7V 1 BUILDEHS OP 1 to Tea, 3430 I EVEHKKADY TBPCK 3 Tea. $478 1 ATTACHMENTS Capacity I M(r, in Portland. 18 E. Water st Pbeate Eaat 74A7 1916 EIGHT cyl Cadillsc, naed 6 month. Pries 81750. Deal direct with owner. Her ald S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill tt. Mfg. A Repair. 30O guaranteed SDrtnas la stock: prieea redurwd. 84 N. lttb st AUTOMOBILE WANTEP 7$ WANTED Bt buTi light car for Tu3 h: no oeaiera. Atuat be anap. A-791 Journal. WANTED Ford. Maxwell or other good liaht car; win pay spot. cn. Be tanneron achonl l nion are. ami nurn at. WANTED Ford or light auto ; pay cash. I'hone Columbia f65. kUi.iicai price 41 Kl lor sulumuoila.. ronou. tion no obiect. Ill N. 3d et Hdwv. 2Si rSKf) Ford 6 pass. monthly. W-462. Journal. AUTOMOBILES FOB HIBE tt AtTTOB FOB BIRB WITHOUT DRIVER. Brand aew earn. Reasonable rstea, Feariag . Beboett, City Gaalg. 6 lota. Between Stark and Oak. W mad war 4. AU'Iua WiTriOtA UBlvkai -Ust atiAtaV COUCHMAN AND SULLIVAN. MAHHH. 33 I0TH A TA WHILI A-l 3 . . I:ul.i. h..K-.. .... -LT I -! mMk Ta. in CLEAN, rktaay Hudson, .t ... .u-n hb careful. experienced gTrTxitfeaT aitt,, .rRHiT-TT potent driver. Sixth and Wh Main 748 MOTOBCYCLES. BICYCLES 66 BICYCLES FOR SALE New and aevond hand at reasonable price Full stock awndrta. first class repairing. E. Rolion. 408 Hawthorne. BlCYCLEtt MOTOKCYC Larea stork of new and uvea mee! Dayton ctci-k co . tb at. 1914 EXCELKIOR tandem. Treto lighU, foot Doerd. excellent condition, 3115 cash. Mar hsll 1072. HAItt.FY rAVnW? motorcyrU. 885 eaah 366 N. ZOth st. I 240 EGG incubator to trade for tent or what bare you f Phone C-281I. evening". MOTORCYCLE land era 58. Phone Woodlawnn 2821. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 FAST 2 5-foot runabout launch. 25 h. o. tor, 16 mile. VsiR sell or trad tor nun suto. Woodlawn 2415 tO BUY 08 8EIX YOUB BOAT n,t It with Tnrner. Favorite boatboua. foot of Morriaon. Main 6403. WANTED 24 hand rano. with equipment Give desrnnuon. A-BZ. Jonmai. LAUNCH for sale A bargain for 3125 Call Standard boat bouae, or paon Main ftl 4 ROOM houseboat at a bargain, "j. H. New ton. He 11 wood ferry, west side. Atsln 927. PIANOS. OBGANS. AIU8ICAL INSTHUMENTS 84 H6L1AN Orcheatrelle. originally a tH6dfaC rument Will tell st 3265. on terras, with i I music Call 149 6th st I uhittt a. natria lU J. I.i. ' I 4.1 - vh .i.. it, iu.i-i . vi.... u u , 1 ww. v j .f.u.1. , , Du-r. , , t. 949, Journal. I tllMO ..... ii nW .... e I octave, auarantewd. 845. CaH 149 6th at PiaSoTuning $3,00 Uii Are rev, 8166. riAvos. oboajts, musical " ' INSTRUMENTS U aJKCtlklTY OIOKAUX CO. etoeieg out, . 8800 eld Engliab upright. eab 846. - 8850 America make upright, cash $$. ' 8400 Modern oak nneiehi. awab 1168. 8440 Modern mahogany upright, oaah 3180., 387$ Mew, stored. 1817 model, ejaah 8316. Z LZ tWwtS, llll smjU IASJaV emmw3 4B 9m $426 1117 models. 8236. 646 aad $313. 199 4 th st st Wsshinglaa s : WASfKU nec.ind-hand flute. sUattard maAe low pitch. Phone SelL 830. bet. bad 7 P. m. . . FISHER upright piano, enahnpny case. ftZ - ; like new, only aaed 4 ' month. BeU t big reduction. 126 4th t bet Wash, aad AMer. i 3215 caab buy $410 KurUmaa men la dull ' " mahogany, good as aew. aohwaa tfas Caw ' 111 4th at t Waatedngtea st,' SLMBALL upright pisno. will sell few keas v than half: just as good as when tt gam frwm ' factory. 125 4th st. bet. Wash, sad Alder sta. ' TYFEWBITEBS IAW vhl..M. . U.S. ila w.- Sent agaMaaa purehaa. Visible model. . ' BEMCfGTUM atikivrBmcB Of, ' . 68 Broadway. . Broadway ' 8SL, WtAHAAlaAV gaeUMy KelHliil iypeautera, - r "All Makes. " sold oa monthly payaveats, Sm ' for pric hat The Wholesale Typewrue Un, . fin T'l-. nil fTiMuvuia a WE hare a few No. 6 Underwood typewriters for rent, Underwood Typewriter Co.. 10tb and Stark. Broadway 303. ' v FOR SALE New No, 10 Remington typewrite 846. 1022 Northwestern Bank bid. AXi. At A . typewriUira feulaas eou tena irwA Oregon Type Co. 64 A 5th. Mam 6646. svAttt'ii.l lypewrttara, aupiMtea. Miswas tewes K. W. Peaa Co.. 110 6th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 46 IXIROI'UON'E CABINET TALKING MACHINE for 335. This Is 860 instrument ta food as :..' new shape. Alao a $40 ona for $19.30. Ftna v big "Master ' Victor, in genuine mahogany ease, t wun 10 111c record eases ana about .e aimae - new reoords, mostly Blue and Bad SeeL Tbia outfit coat about $226 and is goad a new. . Our price $150. $50 Columbia Grafenola. in poUabed --:. case, and about BZO wortn or record, ids . complete outfit for $87.50. Terms. , ' GEVLBTZ FUBNITUBE tXJ. 185 to 191 First St, near TamhlU Public Mbt, ' THE SALE at 208 Madison: gas rang $8.73, electrie st J 7. BO. cook stove, .WU. range ill Dv, ins 1 beds 8166. apring 81.50, mala 62. dreaaer 4 $4 90. breakfsat tabl 92.63, round 48-laeh pedestal dining table 89.75, china eabMtet 31173. chiffonier 810 60, at tablea i fo, r sanitary coucbea 36.86. kitchen eabiaats 84.33." library tables 85 5, buffet 812.76, bt std board 822 60, fold chairs, 31. pillows, aew. pair J II 4ii, libra carpet, new, yard wtae, use y w 2d hand carpet, room sisaa, 3.7B; rockers ' . 32 65. K. Treaaurs 88.10. Everythin marked 1 with big yellow tag. New good go. too. Com. T IMPORTANT Country dealers and hotel keeper sad mass . 1 ing house, closing out stock of slightly . used carpet end ruga. . , GRAND RAPIDS FUBNITUBB EXCHAN0B. 84-86 Orsnd av. - GAS range elieap, ass Urge r4ireat rA ' and eeveral auller oo; alao a plat. ' f HsU A Cassiday. 126 1st. 4 BOOM new furniture for sal reasonable! ' -r CaU between 611 a. m . 6-7:80 p. m. at , 464 6th at ICE boxea and sas stove for sal cheap. Hail A Caeaiday. 126 let GOOD furniture of 6 room flat, ressontbk tl taken soon 147 11th at - ' , . i 1 I 3 t MACHINERY Bt t FOR SALfcV One 800-gaL Bowser gasoline pumo. good sa new; been need only About . mimw . V. . L'i I I ..II HAUH.WI immm . W I . Address Ntcbol A Co. ot Moaier. Oregon. ' 1 i'0i iAZH "ekeap. 8x10 3. L Cass traettea : gin in good running order. Geo. Barrett, Fa. eat (irova. or. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS It SECONDHAND FURNITURE STORE . -FOR SALE ' On aereunt of other burin sal I mast sUspee my second hsnd furnitar star at suae. , Phone Sunday or After 4 p. m. week dArv East 805ft. FTBPPBrVfrF WATEBPBoOF. BC8TPBOOF FAINT Pre wt tb eewwtb r mee Stop tawks e4 rotecu rrem firm. Coats no more. (Phone Mala 976.1 411 13 Chamber of Cess mere bid. G Tennessee aad Port Offer ewdaa. Hums trimmed; latest dswiens; factory artes. Fawtery B. GHsaB,bet 73b and 74tkv Tab 68. MU (B&UESTS Electric Motors . v Bougbt, eeid. rented aad tapstsaa, ' , Wslker Electrie Works. 418 Bwm ade. comer lOta. Broadway $61. rio nn Ik.N - aropbead eAy , I W a ava ttaNUansja a ax-aa mrw aa www good condltlow aewiag maeniae rente a raaoata Phone East 236 o B-8307. Steen, 162 Urand av.. naar Bel meat - i -MUbUJAL l.NSTULM NTS." ''tywwwntem'" Uouwhom Ooooe" ar BUoas. Alt sdvarUsemeats af thaae goed ara Mbtiaaea under tneir reapectrre UHJA 1 nis urss. $10 to $12 CasvD DKOFUKAi tA,Mls4 MAUHU-AV. r G wars nt sad 1T2 8d t Ws fewt and is sir. - - i Mala l47A-ieis, , Ifr4i L. sVhroader, -i 448 Flanders,,, Hromtiway 2079 ftFt. ail 1 sf.YW - ' wsweyew, ww- V ...4 -A fejt 111 SwBAUW-lB BmmalL. Y Fortland. Or. Watch Repairing Special Cleaning. 31: Jewebi. 60e; msm vVriTi. Oa, '. BElNGOLim, JtWf,l,B, IZ 1B . . WHY sa everlaetln aer ration by a leaky.'' reoff Why aot a permanent ana inoeexrwew- s.1. rt W Midi and renew all kind a leaky rnofa. 606 Touro y bldg.. Msta 866, Fruit Jars Ala icily glass cheeper than wholesale. Se . money. New man, 128 1st Bt AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLE. 1UNCHa7 r boaU ar prat ciaaa an t a. .aa -a m tketing sat SH fkeatlona. X kNVEIAFES o 600 Bead IstlerBeaaa. 32.381 36 ewrs vers type wedding aa'a'm't tee t a . Saawh. Prtatee. 34 Stark sr. Nelson Ladder Works Step, extension aad cherry pick era' ladder. Sill bot water boil. tU gat.. 86; 40 aai, 67 60. W have a - 124 L Ova na tn wae, 19 Ad at. Fbow Eaat 765. - nrC n re a ears aeaortm-! t plow. mi euttiTators, garden toon, kwftlst, sat PITT MAX HDW CO. 313 Ft t t MiUlMl N6 high price here, beat union tsilerin. Me' utt to order. 828 wn. MeMallan. 204 Almky M1s , , , iOn RALE Burroughs adding macnin N. 9. good as new; used but very tittle. Apply 304 McKay bldg. - r6 RESALE 8 tab rata. 2 Jardiniere. 1 eia- tur. 2 can seat dining chairs. Phone Earn 65H fthlT hive yju 'to trade for 1214 ten t. eoe wr tnaka caab offer. Main 4496. Ta bor 479. . roTTTAla -heap, baker portable oven. Good a new. M-T44. A rnal. . ' ' FOR- BALK Baby buggy. 4428 24 sv. 3 a. E. WW car. f 1 FOR ALF. Sec . d hand euit. 84 snd wp. , At The Nobby rieaners. 885 Salm" at Ft. rXTE Csbbag plante 2o 100. 6 E. 7ftta at.. cWy. - i OAS tractora. wn drille. mwmUls. drag mwa, ' ItiMB Machinery Co.. 1296 Macadam st, FOB'SALEJ. I Caa setiarator. 38x8, good randKion. E A. Schelx, Aarora. Or., B. 3. ' y KttW carpenter bench for sal. 63.76. Ea4 " 29. 128 E. 10th at, ' " TW mower. 100 ft. he, aba eaaary bird. . . pbow MHwauki 92J. - t r6fe IlLfJ PisBo, mahogaay cass; Also as. nttar. 2Q31 E. Bartde i st, ' : fori BALE by privat family 4x8 pool tah-, t T-7S2. Jewm L 4 itOM cieanar eold. repaireA. ranted, a. . er7d. bowebt, Pwttoy Cw., Msta 3. 40W 6th at N- i fine wall cases. 4 ike,' I naia. FLLaikttbG anppnea. WBIs fce prkja rL. n. 112 84 . Mala 797. COPPEB ajkT stiewt-b-oa te tabte. aw aa3 90S Jaffenoa.' TCALL kit tu ta Bd seut. 830 wiC ftwwlBs TaBwr. 369H Burwajda, i 1.1 . iiy.Kii aanfc .BSleeils pnoaa, a4aaw PTJk kAL JswsW A shop toobtv VBTC JmtL - ' F6R SALE cheap, ladder, ropea and bnckete far painter. E-752. JournaL ' HAND loom warp. 410, Call Tabor 4810. ' j FOB' SALE 3 tlonoo switch. Main 370S;, , j fiSki drag saw. 41i. hft E. UorTUon ' , lAtGEH tACLtM aWEEPEB. Mia HkilT i (CostlBBtd t)B JeUowUs rKt " '1 - 1 -, t ' t ;: ,1 t -t x - -