The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 15, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Jwst Presbyterian jfflen rganize Civic Club SChat 3s to Pecome
First tVesbyte'rian Organization
-'p Hopes to Extend Its Scope So
l' as to Unite With Others.
Club Will Discuss and Undertake
;. to Solve Problems Which Have
i.6 Do. With Lowering Morals.
HE men of the First, Presby
tenia n church organized a great
men's club Thursday noon
which they hope will soon be
come the greatest civic organ-
. fetation In the city. The main object
. ' of the club are to promote an acqualnt-
.jt anceahlp and congenial eplrlt among
..the member of the First Presbyterian
Church and to study and discuss clvtc,
" social and moral problems affecting the
'Ufa of the nation, city and church, and
to seek to apply the principles of
' Christianity to the solution of such
-. problems. The men nope to use the
great organisation of the First Presby-
terlan church to back them in this new
, ' Civic undertaking.
VWhile this organization has been or-
ganlted by the men of the First church,
- it has been said that by the beginning
V, of the fall months they hope to
Ainlte with other men's clubs In the
'.City. It Is planned Jo make this an
i,. organisation that will have as its one
aim the uplift of the city, of Portland.
The club will discuss and endeavor to
'ootve any problem trial would tend to
lower the moral standard ct 'the city
' . or Its residents and will endeavor to
. blot out anything that-would tend to
g cast a reflection upon the . city.
-Conditions that exist in the schoels,
v. foreign. districts of the city and in large
. manufacturing plants will be some of
Ith first problems to study.' ,The club
. Intends to stay out of politics and has
announced that they will not consider
' any question that might Invilve po
y , Iltlcal Issues. ;
t George N. Woodle was elected
' ; president: F. T. Rlcnards, first vlce-
5 president: George (".. Howard, second
, . . Vice president ; H. P. Coffin, secretary,
. and Ii. K. Wheeler, treasurer.
r ' The dub' does' not plan to hold reg
... .r - meetings, during the summer
months, i but- the officers will discuss
. plans and active work will b4. started
. ln September. The. regular meeting day
- has been., set for Wednesday. Accord
- tng to the plana made at Thursday's
meeting toe club will hold a picnic some
time this summer.
Views of Africa to
?-v Be Shown on Sunday
At the Atkinson Memorial Congrega
'tlonal church Sunday evening some re
cent and excellent slides On Africa vlll
be shown. These were made from pic
tures taken and gathered by Dr. Corne
lius H. Patton in a recent trip through
the Dark Continent. Dr. Patton is the
author of "The Lure of Africa." a book
'which many people have been reacting
and studying In the past year. Africa
as an outlet for European nation and
. as a country of wonderful resources lias
great bearing upon the present war. It
must figure more than ever in the fu-
tur of the world.
Sergeant Johnson of
- Vancouver Will Sing
" ' Sunday morning at the Highland
, Congregational church the pastor. Rev.
Edward Constant, will preach on "Mak-
r ing Christianity Emphatic" Sergeant
Johnson, from the barracks at Vancou
ver, will be the special soloist.
' v At the I o'clock service In the 'eve-
, nlng the pastor will give ssi address on
"Lessons for Today From the Battle
, ?ef Bunker Hill." The anniversary of
that event is on Monday, June IT, and
v.,' that great event In the war of the
Hevoluatlon suggests many thoughts
' ; which are pertinent to the present tln:e.
Sermon Series Is
Suggested by War
- Sunday services will begin at Trinity
' Episcopal church with the celebration of
'"holy communion at -8 o'clock; Sunday
- mchool will be held at 9 :45 In the parish
' house. At 11 o'clock the rector. Rev. A.
A. Morrison, will speak on a text taken
" - from I Corinthians S : 2 and 3. This Is
' one of a aeries of sermons suggested by
tha- effect of the war on the Christian
world of today. Even sons with short
address by the rector wilt be held at 8
AT la.I-J. is a ia jo.'.
visors ire being besieged
. by.cltln$ who demand that action be taken by the city to
remedy conditions in cemeteries which but a few years ago
were among the best kept and best attended. However, when
' they became full, the revenue to the association ceased and the
' scores of complaints to the city fathers are the result
. Cremation precludes the possibility of any .such fate ever
overtaking the one earthly tie between you and the departed.
r Cremation must, from every sense, be considered the humane,
reverent and satisfactory method of disposition.
v"' WKitw, pltoBw or call fer booklet r:Ad-. -r
at :
Christian eralds ' (Entertained
. rt.: "WW. v.
v. i ;
iii:aMait ' a awe.
(hristian Heralds Class, Mount Tabor Presbyterian Sunday school, Ellton
Shaw, teacher. Front row, left to right William Kirk, Gordon Slade,
Harold Shaw, Wallace Thayer, Norman Thayer. Back row Kenneth
. Wadsworth, Ernest Kirk, David -King,
ton Shea.
The members of the "Christian Her
alds" class of the Mount Tabor Presby
terian Sunday school were entertained
by their teacher, Ellfcm Shaw and Mrs.
Shaw of 4402 Seventy-ninth street south-;
east recently. The boys met at the
church where they were 'picked up by
Mr. Shaw, taken y" automobile to his
home and returned to their respective
homes after the evening's fun.
The early part of the evening was
spent in playing bait. At dusk the
beys went into the house, where they
enjoyed music, various games and con
tests until a late hour, wnen Mrs. snaw
served home made Ice cream and cakes.
The class has taken steps toward a
Rose City. Pastor
To Resume Sermons
Sunday at Itose City Park Presby
terian church. Dr. Robert H. Milligan
will resume his series of morning ser
mons on "Faith and Fact," Interrupted
by the Children's day service last Sun
day. The subject will be, "Kattn ana
the Facts of Suffering." Christianity.
says Dr. MUUgan, neitner aenies nor
Ignores suffering, but accepts it as a
fact and a problem. The pressure of
the problem has become aeute because
.v.. .., - k, i, mvatrrv nt m n la
revealed not so much to the intellect 1"r'1 ,lB origin ana iui contributions
as to the heart ; not to those who theo- religious thought and life. On Sun
rise profoundly, but to those who are coming .at 11 o'clock Rev. Grlffls
quickest to relieve it. We shall hear nave a message designed to explain
what the latter have to say or tne
meaning of suffering.
The subject of the sermon n the eve
ning will be, "Jesus the Universal Man.
This will be the last in the series on
The Manhood of the Master."
Some Activities of
Church Discontinued
As is the case with many churches in
the summer time, Vernon Presbyterian
church has discontinued part of its ac
tivities until fall. Among these are the
Westminster guild and the boys' basket
ball team. However, the man behind the
tmlplt Is as active as ever. He will deal
Sunday morning with our heavy bur
dens In life and tell of a way to over
come our difficulties during our long conference of the Evangelical assocla
Ufe Journey. He will explain the way to t,on. '1U preach tonight at the First
receive comfort even in darkness. Evangelical church. East Sixth and East
In the evening- Dr. Landsbo rough will Mamec streets. After the preaching the
recall certain revelations that have quarterly conference will be held,
come to humanity through historic Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Culver will
events and their own life experiences. Prach and administer the Lord's sup
He will exDlaln whv there is no need for Pr- Being a former castor of thia
alarm during this present great war,
which seems a terrible disaster to many,
but which, after all, may prove of un
measured service to humanity in con
serving the best of things.
President of 0. A. C.
Will Speak Sunday
Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of Oresron
Agricultural college, will speak Sunday
evening at the White Temple. Dr. Kerr
who has been closely connected with
war councils, will deliver a thrilling pa-
trlotlc address. President Kerr was
pne of the seven men called to Wash-
fngton in March for a conference of
government officials and representa
tives of allied nations regarding the
imperative needs for the wlnntng of
the war. The music will be In charge'
of Harold Hurlburt.
Dr. Waldo will speak in the morning
on ."The Face of Jesus.
Rev. Mr. Brinkman v
To Conduct Service
Rev. W. E. Brinkman, pastor of.
James Lutheran churcn, will con3
service Sunday in his church. He:-
been 111 at his home for the past moni
At ' II o'clock Sunday a special
dren's day service will be observed .-1
the Sunday school and conereeatlort.'
program of merit will be given bytbei
nnnl A f.H,r. f
be the administering of the sacramejnt
of baptism to children. The churfcb.1
will be tastefully decorated. The cho
will assist In the service.
A Typical
9 TO' 5
Ellton Shaw, Jack Cosgriff, Wal
permament organization and has de
cided to have a regular class night,
meeting each month at the homes of
the various members for a social even
ing. The parents are lending their as-
u.uvo.t.'-t; in limning incus evenings in
teresting and beneficial to the boys. Mrs.
Shaw was given a v'ote of thanks by
the boys, for the interest taken by her
in entertaining them.
Those present were Jack Cosgriff,
David King, William Kirk. Ernest Kirk,
Harold Shaw, Walton shea, Norman
Thayer, Wallace' Thayer, Kenneth Wads
worth and Donald Finzor. one member
of the class, Gordon Slade, was not
Religioils Neighbors
To Be Sermon Topic
At the First Christian church, corner
Park and Columbia, the pastor. Rev.
Harold H. Griffis, has been delivering
through several weeks a series of Sunday
evening addresses on our religious
neighbors. The sermons havn drawn
v-- "a-vc "ecu receivea
w"h; great )nterest.
fne address for this Sunday evening
w,u be seventh In the series and will
""-" "ie ospun denomination, set-
" , l-llnsu&n re-
w'"". m topic oeing, f ootings lor
The evening sermon will h nno.ri
by a special praise service with music
Dy quartet and chorus. In other years
at the First Christian church the
quartet choir has been discontinued
during the summer months, but this year
arrangements are beinsr made to hav
the full music force for all the summer
JBellingham Pastor
Will Preach Here
Rev. F. B. Culver of Bellingham,
Wash., newly elected nresidinr lw nt
the Puget Sound district of the Oreeon
church, he will be welcomed by his many
I friends. Rev. E. D. Hornschuch. pres-
ent. pastor, will preach Sunday evening.
Will Begin Sermon Series
Rev. C. J. Ledin will deliver
of sermons Sunday eveninsra at 7 -so
o'clock at the Swedish Tabernacle. Gli
san and North Seventeenth streets, on
topics In the light of the prophecies.
These sermons will bejjin nett Sunday
e -enlrg with the subject, "t.ia .t
Kraei and God's Plan With H"s Chonn
Illustrated Revival Planned
An illustrated revival rVi m
held for the children at the St. Johns
Methodist church Sunday morning and
in the evening the Children's day' con-
cert will be rendered.
Third Sunday After Trinity
Uniform S. S. Lesson
Jnu on the Crofm." Mark IS. 1-4T.
Oolden Twit: "Truly thii man waa tha son of
Hark 15, 89.
Young People's Tople
Bantint Tnion: "Cooperation With the Sun
day School." 1 Corinthian. 8:4-9. (Th pur
poaa of th Bibla school; how tha yonne peopla
may help and how tha aoeiety may help).
Christian Kndaaror: "Cooperation With the
unday School." 1 Corinthians, 4:4-9.
Junior Christian Endeavor: "Lemons From
felt fin. ut . ' . I-- IK. 19. XT 1 1
tlOnM air mHn I '
w ""'"E Jrir: HawUcp of
Ef" 1 Cor. 18:4: GL. 5:2: I
i Jiam., is:o-9.
1 V a
r First White Temple 1 2th and Taylor Ke.
fVBllam A. Waldo. 11, "The Face of Jeus";
1:45. "Tha War Situation," by President W. J.
Ker of CoiraHia.
' ' Bast Side E. 20th and Ankeny Re. W. B.
Hinaon. 11. "The Same Jesus"; 7:48, "The
SaViar of the World."
"Thifd VaneouTer and Knott Bey. Welby J.
BeaVen. 11. "Tha Coat of a Divided Trust";
7, merad concert by the ebolr.
Arte Ray. W. Garnet Handler. 11, "The
Manifestations of the Holy Spirit"; 8. "God
Standing in the Shadows.
Calvary E. 8 th and Grant Her. J. E.
aUnee E. 45th and Main. 11. 7:48.
v Sellwood Bethany Bey. T. 1. Broom field.
11; S. i
St Peters - lHt Be. T. Beutceaw 8.
10:80. T:BO.
Pro-Cathedral 15th end Davis Rev. E. V.
OUSTS. 6. 7:15. :80. :4S. 11. 7:4t.-
St. Lawrence -So and Sherman Bev. J. C
Buthea. S, S:0. 100, 10.
St. Patricks lfrth and o. Tier Rev. B. p.
llorohy. 8. 10:80. T:80.
St. Francis B. lit and Oak Rev. J. a a. a. . 10:80. 7:80l
Immaculata Heart ef Mary Willlaasa ave. and
Stanton Be, w. imiy. jo. r . h. t0.
Holy Bflsary B. 8d and CUekas&ae Bev. K.
S Olson. . 7,8. 8.11. TJO.
8U Boae B. 8Sd and Aiaaeda Bay. J.
O rarteu. S. sw:aw. v.
Bt- ABww?rJfe J Attarts Bee J
iuml S. 10:80. 7:80.
The lfadelatne B. 24th and Sisktyon Bev.
F. Thmima. - T :80. . 1 1.
Ascension E. 76th and TamhUl rranetaesa
Fathers, s. - - -
. Blessed Sscrsmsn t Maryland ave. and Blaav
a.n Bev. r. w. aimem. ie:iv, 7 ISO.
Holy Cross Tie nmwan at, u.
SlBjtt.t-.ltf -
St. Uuatius 32J0 4d at. S. B. Jasui S SO. 8. 10:8a. 4. '
St. Stephens 2d and B. Taylor Bev. Wa-
ntn A. Watt. 9. J:ia, 1:9m.
Hely RodeeWMC Portland Mvd. and Taaeoui
.-R. -m. H." Miller. SL 8. 10:SO. an
Bt. fnuiip sin irtuu. ssBtn- c ista
Hlesory nen ; w. . vanwncot. 7:SO.
99 PER CENT V. S. S.
Thriving Organization Formed
Mondayj Young People to En
tertain Soldier Boys.
A War Savings Stamp society that
promises to include 99 per cent of the
membership of the New'Church society
(Swedenborgian), was organized Mon
day evening in the church. Mrs. I. II
Wells was elected president and Car)
B. Wlntler secretary.
This action was taken following the
appointment by the minister. Revl Wil
liam R. Reece, of a committee of five,
to take steps to cooperate with the
government in its nationwide savings
campaign. Some of the needs and plans
of the government will be presented to
the congregation by Attorney Wlntler
at the close of the morning service
To provide entertainment for 12 of
the country's defenders a ' little out of
the ordinary, the young people of the
society will . provide baked "under
ground wheat" and "American liberty
sausagettes" at a picnic dinner Satur
day evening. The picnic will be held
near the Jefferson street reservoir
about 6 :30 o'clock.
Children's Ohoir to
Sing at St; Davids
Even though the summer, season Is
almost here several things of interest
may be noted at St. liavlds Episcopal
church. The .large children's choir,
built up in the last two years, will sing
at the 11 o'clock service Sunday. The
adult choir will assist. In the evening
the rector. Rev. Thomas Jenkins, will
begin a series of sermons on "Some
Parables of Jesus." The night choir
has been enlarged by the addition of
several new members from the parish.
A summer program is in contemplation
for July and August.
.During the coming week each Of the
boys in the choir is to receive a choir
Cultivating Habit
Of Prayer Purpose
The First Presbyterian church has
started a new movement in Portland
looking to the cultivation of a habit
of prayer during the war. The church
bell Is rung each day at noon and the
church is open for those who wish to
enter for meditation and prayer.
Dr. Boyd will start a new series of
sermons Sunday morning on "Three
Needs of Man's Inner Life." The time
for the evening service will be changed
Sunday to S o'clock on account of the
long daylight. At the evening service
there will be an organ recital by the
church organist, after which the usual
reception will be given for the soldiers
and sailors.
Heague lects 2111
At the recent convention of the Port
land district Epworth League at As
toria the delegates erected an "all
women'' cabinet. This was done at the
suggestion of the district superintend
ent. Dr. W. W. Youngson, who thought'
It advisable not to elect young men to
church positions at this time on ac
count of the war situation.
Mrs. Alice Alexander of Sellwood
was elected president ; Miss Zimmer
man of- St. Johns, first vice president ;
Miss Altea Leo of Centenary, . second
vice president; Miss Pansy Full of
First church, third vice president ; Miss
Lula Gill of Woodlawn, fourth vice
president; Miss 'Pearl Sinfield of First
church, recording secretary ; Miss Irene
Johnson of Central, corresponding sec
retary ; Miss Clara Manny of Sellwood,
treasurer, and Miss Ruth Benton of
Montavllla, Junior league superintend
9, 10:80.
St. Clements o. Smith ave. ana Newton
Servite Fathers. 0, 8. 10:80, 7:80.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Bev. a.
Rob I. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Antha E. ISth and MiUsr Bar. i.
Ccmminsky. 8. 10:80. 7:30.
St. BtanlsUus (Polish) Maryland ave. and
Fsilluc Bev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St Joseph (Herman) i-lotn and T rmrh Bar
B Durrer. 8.-10:80. 7:80.
St Michael (IUlun) Itb and Mm Bev. M.
Baleatra. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Clares Capital Hill Franciscan Fathers.
7:80. 9 16.
8t- Charles 33d and Alberts Bev. J. P.
O'Flynn. 8. 10:80.
AU ttainta K. Bath and GHsan Bav. Father
William Cronin. 8. 10:80.
First Psrk and Columbia Rev. Harold H.
Oriffia. 11. "Fastlnas for Faith "; 7:45, "Our
Religious ISeishbors.
East Sidf E. 12th and Tsrlor Rev. R. H.
Sawyer. 11. 8.
Montarills E. 76th and Hoyt Rev. J. W.
Jenkins 11. "The Church and the Children";
8, Faithful Saylnc.
Rodney Avenue Kodney and Knott Rev. J.
F. Gbonnley. 11, "Count-in tha Coats": 8.
riaa rieu Been Aoousnear
Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Rev. Joseoh
I). Boyd. 11. "The Name of Jesus Its Pre
eminence' ' : 8, "The. Name of Jesus Its
Christian Seleoe)
subject: "God. the Preserver of Man."
First lth and Everett 11. 8.
Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12 to and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, S.
Fifth 6 2d at. and 4 2d ava. 8. E. 11.
Sixtb Masouia Teaapte. W. Park and X amain.
St Johns Holbrook Meek. 11.
First Park and Madison. 10:80. 7:48.
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett-
Rev. Warren Mors. 11. "Enlaratnc the Mean
ing- ot BalraUou 8, atareopncoa views 01 AT
Sannyiide E. S 2d and Taylor Bev. J. I.
Staub. 1 1. "Tha Present and Future Dominion
of the Kins of Kings': 7:48. "The Curs of
Twanueta century Molatry in Terms of War.
with' -patriotic motion pictures. ,-
Highland E. 6th and Preseott Bev. Edward
B-uuK. 1.1, - uajcing Unnetiantty Emphatic'
8, "Leaaona for Today From the Battle of
Bunker HJLU. , ,
Wavexly Heights E. 88d and Woodward
Kev. A. C. Moaea. 11. "Are We FH to Uvaf
8. "The Path of . Freedom. "
8. The Connection Between U nranw Wlion
We Have Seen and the God Whom We Have
ol Been. . . ,
Tilultr ' 1KB and Bvsiwu -Bev A. a. Ubv.
8. 11. teat takes fmaa I Cnrintkna.
o ,a-m. e, oven sons. .' - .
- Pro-Catnedral at St. Stephen' tne ' Mai til
n ana uay aw. nev. w. x. numnsi. hunop
7:44 a. as.. 11, T:4A p. as.; cmuea school. 8:43
a: m.; week days: f edneeday 14 a. nv. FoV
riglit (girl (Editor
- ? 1 ' -
i - - I i -; -
I s v
r- ; y f -f
S s-5. ' I
Josephine Sand I
Miss Josephine Sandle of the Mt.
Tabor Presbyterian church is editor of
the weekly church bulletin. Mt. Tabor
church is one of the most comprehen
sive chtfrches in the city and has long
recognized the valua of placing young
people in charge of different offices in
the church. Miss Sandle gained promi
nence while connected with the Mult
nomah county Christian Endeavor
union, in which organization she was
publicity agent for about two years.
(Episcopal Sunday
lcnools S23ill ive
lenic QTuesaay
The Episcopal Sunday schools of
Portland will have their third annual
picnic at Peninsula park on Tuesday.
At least 700 children usually attend and
a big time is in store for them this
year. The scholars will meet at their
home churches at 10 o'clock, going from
there to the park, where they will revel
In sports and games during the after
noon. One thousand ice cream cones
have been promised the youngsters.
Norwegian Church to
Have Children's Day
The morning service at the Norwegian
Danish Methodist church will be given
over to the Children's day pKagram. The
superintendent. Miss Edith Jones, assist
ed by the teachers and the pupils, has
prepared a splendid program of songs,
readings and dialogues. The pastor will
give a short talk on education.
In the evening the service will be held
at the First Norwegian Danish church,
when the pastor will talk on character.
On Wednesday evening the women of the
church plan to give a strawberry social
ia the church parlors.
Will Continue Special Classes
Arthur Ralph of the Unity Brother
hood will conduct special classes at the
rooms of the Realisation league, begin
ning Monday afternoon.
vEiHomen Cabinet
ent. Two new offices were created by
the convention, that or war service sec
retary, and "big drlve secretary. Miss
Mildred Bartholomew of Sunnyslde
church was elected to the former and
Rev. A- F. Hlsey of St. Helens to the
Central church of Portland won the
silver loving cup this year, which is
awarded to the church having the larg
est percentage of Its membership pres
ent. Central had 27 per cent registered.
The society which wins the cup for
three successive" years Can claim per
manent ownership.
An unusual rally or all Methodist
young people tinder the auspices of
the Portland ""district, will be held Mon
day, July ' 8. Future, announcements
will outline the importance of this
meeting which should tie attended by
a full quota of delegates from each
day 9:80 a. m.: Holy day, 7:80.
St. Davids E. 12tb and Belmont Bev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:80, 9:30, 11,
Divine Judgment on . the Lost"; 7:80, "The
Final Trial" in "Some Parables of Judgment"
St Marks 21st and Marshall Bev. J. B.
H. Simpson, rector. Rev i U. Hatton, asso
ciate rector. 7:80. 11, 7:48.
St . Andrews Hereford si. Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 9. 7:30 p. us.
Grace Mcmonml i.. 17th snd Weidler Bev.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Bev. John Dawson. 11. 7:80.
St Michaels and All Saints--E. 43d and
Broadway Bev. T. F. Bowen. vnc 8. 10.
11 and 8.'
Church of Our Savior 80th ava. and 41st
at. 8. E. Archdeacon Chambers la charge. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7. 7:4.
St Pauls Woodmera Bev. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
AH Saints 25tb and Barter Bev. Freds rie
K. Howard 11.
St. Johns E. I Bib and Harney, Sellwood.
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11, 7:30.
St Matthew Corbett and Bancroft. Bar. W.
A. M. Brack, vicar. 11.
Fees asasne'.lpl
Central -E. BSth and Flanders Bev. W. N.
Coffee. 11.7:80.
First E. 9th and Mill Bev. A. Beers,
11. 8.
First E. 85th. and Maui Rev. Homer L.
Cox. ,
OongrecaHon Beth Israel 12th and Mam
Kabbi Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath services Friday
t.S p. a. Satarday 10.80 a. m. Sunday, lo.
in roruana aeaaemy Diag iarn ane aiont
gomery. Religions school. Bible classes at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesday.
Congregation Aha via Shalom Park and Clay
eta. Kabbi R. Abraham son
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Bev. M.
A Christenaen. 11. preaching by pastor with spe
cial music: 8, new members' ion in.
Trinity- Williams and Uraliam Bev. G. A.
Rarick. 11.8.
Central Vancouver and Fargo Bav. C C
First 12th and Taylor Bev. Joshua 8 tana
field 10 40. 7:45.
first Norwegian Danish 1 ttth and Hoyt
Bet. Eliaa GJerdwg. 8. The Backbone of Char
acter." Vancouver Ave. Norwegian Danish ftkidmore
and Vancouver Rev. . Eliaa GJerding. 1L, Chil
dren's Day excrctaes and talk by pastor on "Mak
ing Education Safe."
. rnireriity Park Rev. I. T. Abbott 11, 8.
Mt Tabor R. Slat and Stark Rev. E. O.
Eldridgo. 11. The Secret of Strength"; 8. "A
Bword Bathed In HeaVen."
- Wilbur Maltneeaah hotel Bav. W. T. Kerr,
10:80, -
St. Johns W. Leavttt and Syracuve. Rev.
J. H. Irvine. 11. Sunday school revival serv
ice with illustrated aeiaaoa; . 8. Children's Day
District superintendent, Bev.' Wimam Wallace
Tounsson. U U SSI a. S2 at. N. Tabes
4 1790,. - .
Local Ministers Will Preside at
Sessions Which Will Last
From June 23 to July 7.
Portland Bible teachers will be glad
to know that among the many teach
ers and preachers to visit the city for
the coming Bible conference. Dr. W. P.
White will spend a good part of a
week giving his interesting Bible lec
tures and charts. The conference lasts
June 2 J to July 7.
At the last conference in Chautauyua
Park. Gladstone. H. A. Ironside, one of
the greatest authors and Bible teachers
of our day, gave the people such a
taste for Bible teaching of books of the
Bible by chart that hundreds will en
Joy his coming lectures three times
About twenty local ministers wllr
preside at the sessions and give open
In Bible teaching addresses. The
large conference hall Is being well
seated and tents are going up this week
surrounded with many acres of grass
and some shade trees.
Dr. A. L. Hutcheson, president of
the Portland Ministerial association,
gives opening address at 2 o'clock, June
23, in large auditorium, and Dr. H. A.
Ironside follows.
Great Revival Held
At Highland Baptist
The people of Hlgland Baptist church
witnessed a great revival last Sunday
night. At the dlose of tfte sermon on
the "Victorious Life," 22 men and
women volunteered to be missionaries
of the cross, and one accepted Christ
as her Savior. Mr. Troy, who is the
singer of the Reid-Troy evangelistic
party, will speak again next Sunday
morning and evening. The pastor will
preside at both services. At 11 a. m.
Mr. Troy will preach on "How Edna
Got a New String of Pearls." His solo
at this service will be "Jesus," by B.
D. Ackley. At 8 p. m.. sermon, "Justifi
cation." solo, "He Died For Me," by
Newton-Excell. J
Rev. Alexander Beers
Is Back From South
Rev. Alexander' Beers of the First
Free Methodist church has returned
from California and will occupy his
pulpit Sunday. Rev. Mr. Beers reports
an enjoyable, but busy time during his
stay. He preached 14 times, delivered
a special lecture on evangelistic work
before the California conference on the
Free. Methodist church, spoke a num
ber of times on patriotic themes, de
livered three missionary addresses, and
preached the baccalaureate sermon for
the Los Angeles seminary and college.
Dr. Montgomery Will
Talk at Kenilworth
Rev. A. J. Montgomery of the Port
land Presbytery will preach Sunday
morning and evening at Kenilworth
Presbyterian church. The pastor ex
pects to be absent from his pulpit for
twp weeks. He Is at Rockaway with his
famlry. During his absence from his
pulpit he will preach In the home mis
sion churches at Rockaway and Clov
erdale. The activities at Kenilworth
church will continue as usual during
his absence.
Special Musical Program
The special music Sunday morning at
Rodney avenue Christian church will
be furnished by Mrs. J. B. White and
daughter, who will slrig "Gethsemane."
In the evening the moslc will be given
by Miss Thelma Boyd and the Welch
M. C. South
First Union and Multnomah Rev. Jamei
T. French. 11. "Echoea of tha General Con
ference." by Dr. A. K. Higgs and Children's
day program; 8, pastor on "What Is Liberty."
Prasnytartaw I
First 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd, i
10:80, "A Satisfying Thought of God": 8.
"Does the World Tragedy Justify Christian Op- t
timimn?" !
Central E. 18th and Pine.' Preaching by1
Rev. Boudinot Seeley. 11.8. '
Westminster E. 17 th and Schuyler its.
Dr Edward Pence. 10:30, 7:45, "The Soldier
and His Bible."
Cslvsry 1 1th and Clay Rev. R. W. Roger.
1 SO. 7:45.
Mt Tabor E. BSth and Belmont Rev.
Ward McHenry. II. 8.
Rose City Park E. 45th and Hancock Dr.
Robert U Milligan. 11. "Faith and the Facta
of Suffering "; 8, "Jesus, the Universal Man."
Vernon 19th and Wygant Bev. J. R.
fondsborough. II, "Beholding Divine Glory in
the Light of God's Creative Activity"; 8. "The
Earth Aflame but Not Consumed."
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein Rev. Wil
liam MeLeod. 10:30. 8.
Kenilworth E. 34th and Gladstone Rev.
Paul E. Ratsch. Preaching by Rev. A. J. Mont
gomery. 11, 8.
Seventh Day agventtets
Wots Regular eemoas og hia Senominarhai
are hekt on Sarurda)
Central K. lltn ana Everett I K. Dtefe
son pastor 11:18.
Tabernacle Arcanum hall. 18th and Wash
ington. 11. 7:48.
, Montavllla E. 80th and Everett Elder J.
i. Gcrbart. 11.
Lenta 94th at and BSth ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 11.
St JohnsCentral ave. -and Charleston
Elder A. H. Folkenbvnj. 11.
Mt Tsbor E. eutn and Belmon EVJer W
T Milawrt. 11.
Albina Skidmore and Msllory Bev. A. A.
Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:15.
Scandinavian Ogoea naU. Mn.i.ippi and
Shaver. 11.
Salvathwi Hrmy
Corps No. 1 248 Ash st Adjutant Frank
Gang. 11. 8:16. 8. .
Corps Ka. 4 12a Vs 1st st Ensign K. H
XcOTCOfVlle 1-1 Sn ft
Bwedjab Corps 8 BunMdde.
Kew Church Society 881 Jefferson Rev.
William R. Reece. 11, "Privikcea of Christian
Church of Our Father Broadway and Tam
hUl Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "The Perth)
and Glories of Democracy as Revealed by the
Chrietian and Missionary Alliance E. 9tb
and Clay Rev. John K. Fee 11. 7:48.
BeattserVra Leagw 18S Fifth Bev. H
Edward Mills. 11. "What the Truth jls"; a,
peopla-a service.
New Ctvuinstioa Church 401 Central bidg.
8. "The Kew Story of Health," by Dr. Beth
Nerthington. - m
First Divine Science 131 12th at. Bev. T.
M. Minard. 11. --
Swedish Talmcnerta 1 1. "The Call of Israel
and God's Plan With Hie 'Chosen rjople."
I f "x - 1 1
J. Evert Detson
J. Kvert Dotson was elected presi
dent of the Multnomah county Chris
tian Endeavor union at the annual con
gress meeting held at the Sunriyslde
Congregational church. Mr. Dotson
was elected to the position upon
recommendation pf the nominating
committee, who took into consideration
the work he performed during the past
year as chairman of the lookout com
mittee. Mr. Dotson's election was
Jflen s Club lans to
lve Slnnual uting
in Haurelhurst 33ark
The Men's club of Central Presby- j
terian church is anticipating a good
time Tuesday at its annual picnic In
Laurelhurst park. There will be a pa -
trlotlc program, with E. Maldwyn
Evans In charge of the music. Justice
w.n Mom.. -ui k- .k.
t&r the day. All the cnurch people are
Invited and will
bring baskets for a
S o'clock supper.
Church of Nazarene
Holds Convention
The Northwest district of the rente
costal church of the Nazarene held Its
convention in the First Methodist
church south of Portland. Tha meet
ings closed Sunday night. At the ordi
nation service Sunday afternoon, the
following; were named elders: Samuel
lrlkorlan. Weaver W. Hess, Mrs. Ber
tha J. Baker, Mrs. Harriett O. Smith
and Mrs. Florence Wells. Those con
secrated deaconesses are Agnes Gardner
and Mrs. Jessie A. McCall.
The pastoral appointments are :
Northwest District District superin
tendent. T. K. Bee be ; district secretary,
A. M. Bowes. Condon, to be supplied;
Madras, to be supplied ; Pendleton,
Charles Maxon ; Win lock, Myron Blanch
ard. North Pacific District District super
intendent. J. T. Little ; district secre
tary. Frank Blackman. Albany, Gua
Wachsmith: Ashland. Dorman D. Ed
wards ; Canby. J. Butcher ; Camas. J.
W. Frailer; Hemlock. Mable M. Holmes;
McMtnnvttle, to be supplied ; Newberg.
H. C. Baker : Oregon City. C. A. Kettler ;
Portland, First. C. Howard Davis;
Brentwood, C. U. Fowler; Sellwood. B.
H. Morse : Scandinavian, J. O. Brlnire
dahl ; Highland Park. W. P. Keebaugh ;
Hogue River. E. D. Patterson ; Salem.
Aaron Wells ; Tillamook, to be supplied.
Sunday School to
Give Fine Program
The Sunday school scholars of the
First Methodist church south will have
an Important part In the Sunday morn
ing service. They have arranged a
splendid program of song and reading.
Dr. A. K. Higgs. who has returned from
the general conference at Atlanta, Ot.,
will speak briefly- on "Echoes of the
General Conference." The pastor. Rev.
J. T. French, will speak In the evening.
Rev. T. .W. Hughes
of Las stag, Mich at
First Congregational
Park aad Madison Streets
.WCLOOml Ia . I '
eg Mutte. Prof, titk SJJ 5 V
itale C. Becker ft:C fJF,
raenM and and 1&tr J ATa!''m i
8. 8. 1 1 Neon.
Junior O. 8. S:8(
titter meglata 8:3t
Old Taylor St. Church
BET. W. T. KERR, raftor
IN) , :
. Public cordially Invited to attend
- : this helpful aervte. .. r..
Trip Will Be Taken on Barge
Swan to Mouth of River, Leav
ing Jefferson Street 7:30 P. M.
New Industries Established on
River Bank Lend Novelty
From Scenic Standpoint.
HE annual moonlight excursion
the Multnomah County Chrls-
n F.ndeavor union will be
Id this year on Tuesday. J una
-a. i nis trip will be taken on
the Swan to the mouth of the Willametta
A "trial" trip was recently taken by a
prominent Endeavorer. who reported to
the union "that sights now exist along
the river that were never there before."
By this statement he meant the many
new industries which have sprung up
along Portland s waterfront during tha
past year.
The committee In charge promises a
better trip this year than ever before.
The boat will leave the foot of Jeffer
son street at 7 :30 p. m. shsrp, the round
trip fare being 60 cents. Refreshments
will also be sold on the boat. The ar-
I rangeinents for the trip have been in
i charge of Frank Forrester of First
I Christian church, and the recreations
I will be under the direction of LeRoy
Kobtnson. newly elected vice pesldent of
the union.
Coos County Recall
Election Is Planned
1 Petltloas Caa Be Clrr slated Tkrsa
Eleetloa to Ba Held as alfklj at
. ... .
' Sostli Ead 3iaa Candidal!.
CoQuille. Juno 16. Two hundred and
fifty voters attended a mass meeting
here Thursday evening to name recall
candidates to oppose members of the
present Coos county court at a special
loot Ion to be held as quickly as peti
tions can be circulated and tha
lection called. As a matter of pro
tection for Its sponsors, the petitions
for the recall allege almply Incompetence
Instead of tha unfounded charges oa
which tha agitation has been based.
George P. Topping, mayor of Ban
don, was named as a candidate for
county Judge to oppose Judge James
Watson. Neva Harry was nominated
for commissioner to run against tha
present incumbent. Ar"ale Philip, and
John Yoaitam, who defeated George J.
Armstrong at the primaries, will - op
pose Armstrong as recall candidate.
All three nominees are from the south
end of the county and. If elected, will
leave the -Coos Bay end without repre
sentation on the board.
Dr. Pence to Preach
At Both Services
, Dr. Edward H. Pence will return from
Camp Lewis and preach both morning
and evening at Westminster Presby
tertsn church. In the evening he will
relate some of his experiences learned
In the camp.
Will Sing Sunday
Miss Grace Rudd will nlng Sunday
morning at Our Savior's Lutheran
church. In the evening the pastor. Rev.
M. A. Chrtstensen. will accept new mem
bers into the congregations.
First Presbyterian Church
Comer 12th and Alder Su.
0. D., PASTOR.
18:19 A. M.
8188 P. M. fote
Caeage of Time
Orgs a Recital, 7 4
Role by
loha Claire Montieth
Reception for Soi
diere after servioa.
10 48 A. M Bev. H. P. Blase win preach
12 Keen Snaday chowi.
T J9 f. M. Pipe organ recital, with Mrs.
Gladys Morass farmer p media g.
7:48 P. M. Mrs. F. H. Bodkin ef Lea
Angeles. OaL. will apeak em a
Thia will Va a yma meeting of
'the Women's Bowse Missionary
aad Forelsn Mlasiaairy Societiea . J
Or. wtaeafitld ejM he at taaaa Oe tee tha
asialaFsan gar ems ta tne nraewtlas eiaaa
ml the UnlvavsWy ef Oralis H tne fspaasan.
and tm the awanlna lie wtM aalrsop tne se-
J :. r