'THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTXAND, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918. 17 vex w5Kuip to f OSOTJOHLY erporieaeed iMnafJoa book keeper-etenegrapners. an ot whims ptna an, aooa wuw gig atria; -o age, rdereaco tad ptoao address, W-448. XVeliaaeur. MOUft BaM,. JoL1XgI fay yoa while teaming, fflvo you act of tool, s aranteo pedtioua. Writ fot catalogue, 2S Buroeide t, or phono Bmdwt 1711. poMLand Barber COLLEGE th barber trade free, mt wall teeming. 214 Done Bway 3481. WANTED Loganberry picket I will be at tho St. CTrirUe howl Monday, Jon, 17. Carl a urwtil. waeouda. Or. SITUATIONS WALB ML WUULMiLVU X.VD UJLNUVJLU'i'likUU A Ban peat draft ago. 1th plenty ot pap bat DHlo selling experience want posiaou as -aaaa. EiHitaia obiect than earnings. Asa familiar wttit taoia and builder bardwar and prefer that, or leather lines, in city or mu WW work commuoa and floanca myself. F-Bll. Journal. "REAL. ESTATE' fOB SALE HOUSES n LOOK THIS OVEB FIRST A strictly mod em bungTUow, peectteaHy bow. in Boa City Park, beautifully lo cated. This offer to cnap at $3860. Terms, $600 down, balaneo like rout, AU Improvement in and paid. If yew want house aomplota. aaa this one. Tde pbono Main 7881 for appointment. ' 11260 WEST SIDE VIEW BUNGALOW Now. artistic. 8 mu and hath, boat nlumb- lag and fixture, gaa and elect., not water tank.' wok. uuna aiicBen, gray wius litis xvo, view of river and mu.: Una. Fulton ear to Pendle- ton. No. 1858 Front Bargain. , Aooept Lib erty nonaa. FRANK L. MeGUTRE. ABTNOTON BLDG. To Bay Your Homo. Mala 10. wishes Job aa watchman or a. Webber, 1001 E. 12tb If., ATberta, Fa IN TING, tinting and peperhsnrtnT Wood - Uwn 4681. Hawthorne District $1950 S rooms, bath, full eemeat basement, laun dry trays. 8 block car. lota of fruit, price $1850; easy term. Geo. T. Moore, Abington bldg. . SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 UlMTlr Copying or liar work, by exp. rianred stenographer. W-464. Jonrnal. . 4100 DOWN $10 PES MONTH B-roora bunxdow. rood condition, earner. 5 Ox loo. attractiTe linea. gaa. beautiful roaet. etc. "OWN YOUR HOME." Price only S1000. clear. Mt.. Tabor car. Now is the time to buy. Bee FRANK T McGuTRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Tour Home. Main 1068. TURKISH ED ROOMS UNDER NEW MANAGES. ENT Princess Hotel. B. d and Bur ide. BOe day UP. $3 week an. Eaet 171. BYAN hotel annex. 260 tt Bth. Brick, hot. cold water every room, eteaa beat; transient. Opp. dty ban. Main 9876. YOUNG lady whose kuiband has enlisted decree Sacrifice $1250 4' room honae. 60x100 corner. 12 bearina trow trees, berries, etc a blocks to E. Gliaan at. ear, 10 minutes out. A good buy. Qeo, T, Moore, Abington bldg. 3 young ladies to share apartment. MS. Main FURBISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 70 WalLI, Vl!k".VUUEO room. iigLi ami airy ; gran4 view: .borne prirlleass: breakfast if desired. lUe Vaughn t Main 108U. TWO nicely furnished sleeping rooms, f oo3 Irrington borne; breekfast if deaired. Phono East 7640 or call at 884 E. 18th at. N FOB' RENT One furnltTied room, gentleman preferred, en carline. Close in. S2 aliaMa- alppl are. O-208O. BOOM suitable for one, free phone' electrio lighU. bath, antet home. ' 264 ti. B4tn St. Walking distanea to shipyards. NICE large room. fSiJO, near ahipyard. II per week. Bast 825. laVINOTON room, new home. I block to "I" East 410. 884 13th N. East 7540. KODERN furnished room 812. 652 Ererett St. or B ear; breakfast. TWO nicely furnished rooms. ROOMS AND BOARD It THE HAZEL, convenient of sbtpatds, all out- side rooms with hot water. 881 55 3d St. ksUt Martha Washington, 0 10th. for biwf girls and students Manhsll 1251. ROOMS AJTD BOARD FRITATE FAMILT 7J WANTED 2 unfurnished rooms with board in orivate family by young married woman em' .1 A. V. V. V. - W -r.Am . 1M M Ington ' carline preferred. Call East 6186 after p. m. 708 fiOfM and board in private family, gentleman short walk to N. W. Steel shipyard. 4th st. Marshall 4481. . CHILDREN to board in private home. Halsey st. I.1TTLE girls to board. East 1552. WASTED ROOMS AD BOARD t WIDOWER 88 desires board and room in prl rate family with hrsue privileges. Widow's fsmily preferred. N-76", Journsl. HOCREKEEPISO ROOMS l FTJRNIHHED AKD IIWFUBNISHED S NICELY furnished apartment suites, just vs cant. 4T nsy. Msjuhsu zaz H. K. ROOMS with piano. 888 H Grand are. Fl RNI8HED II. K. rooms at 480-402 Clay st. HOTJSEKEEPITfO ROOMS 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED FRITATE FAMILT FOR RENT 3 light houseaeepuu rooms or bed rooms and sleeping porch; gsa, electricity, steam neat rurnlaned: working people preferred S sood rarllnes. Call evenings, BS1 Thurmsn. IT'U.UMUKII 1L R. room..' suitable for it' ,itui .701 t. 14th. Can evenings. 12000 E. DAT IS NEAR BOTH 6 -room modern attractive home, newly sainted in and out. full lot. trees and flowers, paved at. W. of Laureihurst; a bargain; convenient to Atureny ear bams. 82650 6-rm. modern, E. 24th near Ankesy. IKAJ K U. MelitJIKK. ABINUTUN B1JH1. To Bny Your Home. Main 1068, IBTINOTON 55x100. LOVELY MODERN 8- 1UKIM HOUSE. HARDWOOD FLOORfl THROUGHOUT. 2 FIREPLACES. ON 218T NEAR CLUB; EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN AT 86500; TERMS. ZIMMERMAN, 811 BOARD OC TltADK. FINE HOME. FINE VIEW A tMiMS .vle renJ.en In lAAelAA w aj-traaxn, vMebwi uavrvaws , vraa vn( A ovaiyu Cost 86500 to build 8 ream aao. Will sao rifles for $4600. 81000 down, balance easy. uotna away, so act quickly. If you love a borne, see this ono. 801 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 78S1. MODERNIZE your building; I do an kinds of alterations ana repairs; c bancs dead realty into a lire asset; see my many designs for new houses. Mas M. Meyer, contracting architect. Concord bldg. Main 1878. Formerly superin tendent tor tne uregon Home Builders. WCODLAWN BUNGALOW $1880 8 rooms, modern, ftrenlsce. full beaement eiect.no ana gas; terms szou casti, month. AKERSON, 606 Stock Bxch. .bldg. Main 4888, REAI ESTATE ' "' 'FOR SALE HOUSES 81 FOR flALi HOtSES ON EAST TERMS ' rooms, practically modem, on paved street. mo iiuo. 6 -room furnlshad house, lots of fruit, berries. on paved street, price 87350. 6-room fur nished bungalow, pared street, $2800. 6-room furnished cottage, 84660. ' 5-roora famished eefc. taga, 81600. -room eoUage. $1250; 4-room eettaga, $050. S-room eottaga, $000. 4-room wattage, fruit, berries, garden. $1800. Most of the above boosss novo i Big torn ooen. u any of these appeal to you. call at war office. We bave antes at your service. New York Land Co., 81 Ju atornson at. - $200 CAfiH. $28 Ma PRICE $2800 8 rooms. 1 bedroom and beta downstairs. fireplace, ate., Hawthorne district, Johneon Dodson Co.. 684 N. W. Bank bldg. $220O Dandy ft-room bungalow, in rasTnctea distnet. streets pared ana peia. ooxiuu iot. fireplace, Dutch kttehen, full oement basement. IM can't Co bettor If- you sunt too city over; $800 eush. balaneo like rent. Jonnson-Dodaon Co.. 684 N. W. Bank bldg. 81760 INSIDE PROPERTY $1750 Great opportunity to buy close In serni-bori- nesa property. Improved with 6-room cottage, 80x100 lot. an liens raid. 4o. 64 E. th St.. bet Stark and Oak. $250 will handle. This la closer to Id and Morrison than 2 Id and Wash ington is. See FRANK Ia. HeGUIRE, ABINUTOT To buy your noma. Main 1068. gSOO CASH. BALANCE EAST B-room modern bungalow, on Woodstock car- uno, now vacant ; can take possession at once; price $1600. WATCH OUR ADS. WIS UET KMUU13. C. A. Warrtner. RITTER LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 8 WELL BUNGALOW Fine lane S room bungalow, hot water heat, fine bath, all extra laran rooms, electricity, gas. full cement basement, full lot. street imp. an paid: on Jesaup at., near Union are. Price 5H10O; $600 cexh, $zo per monto, o per cent. UKUBSl ek IHJWHfil. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 8UNNTSIDE COTTAGE 4-room cottage, on fine lot 40x100, city liens all in and paid; some fine fruit trees, on E. Main near B7tu.a race a snap, $loUU; eaay terms. GRUSSI oc DOWNEY. $18 Board of Trade. Main 7452. REAL tWATB 1J FOR SALE FARMS 30 ACRES A acrea nnder aulUvatioav T more uiu easily cleared. Balaneo ia timber. Spring water. . 8 room boo. Bew barn and outbuildings. --Good fruit trees. . 3 miles from country town, all rural advantages at boot, race only $2800, cash. 40 acres, 8 acres under cultivation, mora easily eleared. all rich, lore! land. Good 4 room hoose. good barn and ontbuildinsu, running water. a good cows, wagons, harnees, aaaeninery audi crops, ate. 3 miles from Battle Ground. PriceW only 82800. THOMPSON. SWAN THOMPSON, Third and Main ata. Vancouver, Wash. SNAP 80 acres. SB in eood en. 1 aero orchard. 25 in timber and pasture. 1,000.000 feet; 4 room house 40x40. 8 cows. 3 brood sows, 160 chickens, team, harness, good machinery, 84 BOO; gzouw oaab, balance tana ot trade. Near Canby. 16 in good eron. cost owner $5000: price $4600: will take $1500 in trade. some cash. $1700 can run $6 yean at 5 par cent interest. DILLMAN A HOWLAND. 8th and Main sta. Oregon City, Or. . 240 ACRES. 165 Df CULTIVATION. B FREE IRRIGATION. 60 WHEAT. 10 BEANS. 1 POTATOES. 2 ARTICHOKES, GOOD OAK- DEN. 28 PRUNES P. H. TO CAL-. GOOD BUILDINGS. FINE WATER. IOINB 4800 ACRES OUTRANGE. INCLUDES " GOOD STOCK. EQUIPMENT AND ALL CROPS. $65 PER ACRE FOR QUICK SALE; $3000 CASH. WILL CONSIDER INCOME PROPu ERTY OR SMALL FARM NEAR PORTLAND OR VANCOUVER. ZIMMERMAN, 811 BOARD OF TRADE. " HAVE buyer for 6000 to 20.000 acre tract. soutbem Alberta. Describe st once. ki. at- Apple Land Co.. Lewiston. Mont. FOR RENT FARMS LOOK 9 YEARS ON THIS 14 BusnrESs oFPORTtrrrTiR8) " to I automobiles accessories BAVTSO oullated. I must aafl . my general store, gaa and diet filling station, ofl tanks) and fixtures. stock ol gods new ana cmu. Rent $8 par month, including store, living rooms, largo barn and garden, gome fruit On Base Una road, 10 miles east of Portland. Portland. Or, XL A. box 408. Phono uraattam aai. . Specials This Week taseeeeeee FOR SALE At bargain, garage equipment. aista of stack of tires, aeesssnnse. alia taaa. tools. Bowser pump and eleotrta aigs; this ia Just Mm outfit for now garsaa or ono j wtantat to enlarge its stock, au Shop. Kslama, Wash. Box 824. WANTED Partner to act aa cashier and as-1 8 1 04) sist in mstanrant hnslnssa axnerlence not I necessary. I do cooking, ate. Win dear $128 to 150 per moatA -each, race lor nau inverse i 8476." Fine chance for honest party. X-eJ. I Jonrnal AN' Cp-T6-bltg arocerr sad meat market for sals at bargain if taken at one. Must sell on account of sickness. Stock and fvx turea 88500. Part cash and property dear of debt will handle. Box 442 Vancouver. Wash. RLaCKHMITH shoo, eood location, doing good bwrinoas; the only ahop 1st town; wiU take $1800; I wUl taka aa part payment a good I 1817 or 1818 Chevrolet, Maxwell or Dodge. W. A. Husbands, M osier. Or. DON'T W0RR1. CABS MAXWELL. puk Ow FORD. Spaas. .'. 860 COLE 80 CHEVROLET, elmoat, nav . . . JEFFRIES. 2-toa truck ...... 8000 TlTDEBAKEB. T-paaa. 484) MAXWELL, apeeml. 6 feea, . . . Bit MITCHELL, almost new 110 OVERLAND CLUB .,.... 8$ OPEN EVENING! AND SUNDAYS Lay- I aaa sen or trade anything anywhere, man. 148 H Breedway. GROCERY, beat location in Portland WUl in- I 2 AMer at voice, wain. xo. ' SECOND HAND store at invoice, small capital Opportunity. Box 04, Condon, Or. W. B. WALLINQFORD Broadway 3483. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 18 15 Min. to Washington St. ' 4 rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, cement bsse ment $100 down, $15 month. Price $1500. Geo. T, Moore, Abington bldg, 8UNNY8IDE BUNGALO' 95 acres, all in crop but 8 acres, clover, hnl nets end vetch. 4 miles from WUla- mins- on anto road and river, good fishing, 6 room house, small barn, school on place. Price $8250 with crops or $8250 without crops. $2250 down, balance $500 per year and inter est for A veers and X1000 per year last 8 years. If you intend buying this faU, make a deposit on this and pay balance of first pay ment November 1. (See Ott) G. 8. Smith eV Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce. FOUR lota Poloma Beach, Wash, for meat market F-812, Journal. MO VET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 17 Oth uutauweat plan turn tv4 aaa tux I method of paying a loan. $82.26 per month for Stt months or 821.24 for 60 min the. or 816.11 tor Hi months, pays 81000 loan and FORDS interest. v Other We loan on improved dty property. 'Other "tints in proportion. FORDS 1017 Ford touring ltlT Ford roadster 1017 Ford roadster 1017 Ford touring 1017 Ford roadster 1016 Ford touring 1816 Ford roadster 1014 Feed touring 1016 Ford delivery FORDS ' ATjOMOBTXE8--ACCESSORrES 4 t I , I Sofne Regular Fords BUT ONI 1018 Ford touring, with extrea, HIT Ford touring, with extras. 1117 Ford touring, like new. 1816 Ford touring, liks new. 1018 Ford touring, with extrea, WE CIVB TERMS TF DESIRED. Palace Garage Co. Authorised Ford Dealer 18TB AND STARK STS. Broadway 1872. A 2443. GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS ' FREE RENT TO FALL 1919 .50 acre farm. 100 acres in oats and Uea of 15 milch cows, standing crop should bring $5900- easily. WUl sacrifice tor 3UUO. u taken at once. Good reason for selling. Call at 420 Chamber of Commerce. W $2350 E. Wash., near 17th. modern. 5 rooms, bath. gas, electric lights, paved at aU in and paid: no mortgages no bonded to assume; terms $500 cash, balance like rent, 9. AKERSON. 606 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 4888. FARMS WANTED-RENT OR BUT 88 O'J. fTOUU wuiiin oi clear pro perry ui gooa vrwn. i j Co.. 824 Cham, of Com. Via. present income u per monin. warn coins i - - - . . alley firm, from $10000 to $15,000. Pay MoAKi to loan in amuunu ut low w 5wuu cash difference. L. K. Moore. 317 isoard of Trade. EAST SIDE BARGAIN 6-room neat cottage, abundance ot fruit trees, berries and flowers. 2 blocks from car and school. Price $1600; $200 cash. C. A. Warriner. HITTER LOWE A CO.. 20S-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ALAMEDA PARK WOODLAWN BUNGALOW $1100 Very neat and attractive 3 room bungalow, not modern: 100x100. all in garden; very sightly; positively the cheapest buy in the Woodlawn dis trict; $160 cash. $26 monthly. Fred W. Ger man. 732 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. HOUSE with large living room, dining room. This is a snao. Going east 7 rooms and out., , . t . r . . .... -n rr steeping porcn. r-xtreraeiy low price li taxen " 1 ti I - . t . u . , : .1 , - . i , neighborhood. Phone Main 7981 for appointment $1900 IDEAL BUNGALO $1900 6 rooms. F. C. basement, built-ins. elect and gas; Al plumbing fixtures, practically mVw house; $400 bandies; 50x100 lot; this side Westmore land. No. 724 Ellis st FRANK L. MeGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. $100 CASH. $15 PER MONTH Buys this 6-room modern house, bath, toilet. kitchen, pantry, sunroom. hall, first floor; ,iTCtrie, lot 60x100, at Woodmere. Mt 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath, second floor; tun sue concrete basement, furnace; lot 60x100; bargain, $2350; terms. $500 cash, balance like rent J. C. Corbin Co.. 80S Lewis bldg. FOR SALE By owner, extra good 7 -room house, corner lot. garage, fireplace, cement basement, floor, laundry trays: fruit cupboard. 2 toilets, window seats, bookcases, fine young fruits; essy terms, 1 block north Alberta car. 1088 E. 10th st N. Phone Woodlawn 1686. Scott car. Why pay rent? Price $1450 AKERSON. 506 Stock Exch. bldg. Main 4388 ROSE CITY PARK bargain. room bungalow; fireplace Nearly new 5 Dutch kitchen ; living and dining room across front ot house, full cement basemsnt, large attic, $3300, easy terms. can nave possession at once. . Vanduyn, 515 Chamber of Com. Main 1955 IrVLngton Beautiful, modern borne, 6 rooms, sleeping iiinisned tnrougnout ; gsrage : SG500; terms. 684 K 10th st N. between Knott and Stanton. Owner, Robert B. Beat phone feast oii. NORTH IRVINGT0N COTTAGE 6 rooms, semi-modern, hard surface streets. E. 18th near Shaver. Price $1800; easy terms. C. A. v sinner. RITTER LOWE Ac CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED FOB RENT $12 It B acres, 1 acre in potatoes, about 1 acre In garden, 7-room house, city water and tolephone: wiU Sell 8 cows, 2 calves, some tools, all for 6460, including lease on place. Millerahlp. B1 unemner ot commerce. 4-YEiR 1. $2750 HAWTHORNB DISTRICT $2760 " Modern 8 room house on lot 60x100. You porch; newly reflnished throughout; gsrage wn ouy xius 9 oj aown, oaiance terms 10 suiu This is a bargain. M. 3. Robbins. 801 Rail wsy Exchsnge bMg. Phone Main 7931. KEVEN room modern Iioum. near Willamette blvd. 4 sleeping rooms, full cement base ment wash trays, hot water furnace. Small payment down, monthly payments if desired. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade, owner. FOR SALE Fine borne. 8 large rooms, ii block with all kinds of fruit and berries, on FOR SALE Peninsula park 4 room house, at- food.J?'rhne'.,,rtl RMd A'f '. C?me u- cement basement will sacrifice for cash, for this wont last long 4166 Woodstock are., restricted, nice location, modern, furnished or cor. 4 1st st Phone Bcllwood 1014. unfurnished, kas, electric, shsde and fruit trees 81500 ANABEI 8200 CASH of all kinds, 1H blocks Kenton car. Owner 4-room modern home, not far out ready to I 187 B. Buffalo st move m, set now. 1 IF you want a 6-room house read this: Fur , CZr?, nacs. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bookcases, buf- Abington bldg. Main 4803. fe. COTe ceiHng. windowed sleeping porch, full FINE, west side, 8 room home, largo elegant ?,?Wn, ,31,0' wortfh,5000V TerI,?3,NterSs imnnrti wrtrin. m roses, snrnniterv. tree., l " . -. ... elegant view. 8 large view porches: consider Bank bldg. other good property in part payment L. K. I TWO houses. South Portland. Moore. 817 Board of Trade, owner. -7-rooxn bouse on east side, walk Wdln. 337 R. FOR SALE LOTS 16 -55" easy paymentar also colonial bungalow in Irnna i ton: also 7-room house Hawthorne district close acre., all klnrfm ' 'fniit 1 'n oner leaving city. .East 8015. and berriea. crop all in. good 8-room house I" $2000 ALBERTA SNAP $2000 furnished. 2 cows, 1 horse, rubber-tired buggy. 6-room modern neat attractive bungalow; 1 sow, 100 chickens, all kinds implements and nice lawn, roses, etc.; BOO cash. toola; 6c carfare. Price 8700 for aU. Miller. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON BLDG. shin, 431 Chamber of Commerce. "85 years in Portland." Main 4803. DESIRABLE, partly furnished. 12 room house for ROSE CITY PARK car. $450. 2 room shack rent furniture for sale; fine location, $40; I with pantry and closet Lots of roses and privilege of lease. 204 N. 22d, near Kearney. fir trees. 2 blocks from car. 50x100 lot t ' ROAM Vmu. in Irvtnetnn hardwood fnr.' Other houses from $550 to $8000. Sea Mr. . T W. . au.l, H.uw hl garage, oas Wasco st rrlce $42.60. Phone """" "-"" FOR SALE ing distance, all furnished, less than cost and FOR SALE Lot in St Johns, and other prop- erty. East 433. LOT for sale. Seaside. Phone Broadway 4190. ACREAGE S7 FOR SALE ACREAGE IB acre fine bottom land in Clarke Co. Wash.; close to car line and on good road to Vancouver. John Bain. 507 Bnalding bldg. Portland. East 2010 Friday. FOR RENT Good 9 room house. 5 mins. to P. O., west side, for 1 year at $18 rent snap. Phono Main 2853. WWf side, good 6 room house. OU7 Everett HL. Phone East 8. SEVEN room house, very good condition, east aide, close in. only few minutes walk to business center. . $4500. Small payment, best of terms. L. K. Moore, 817 Board ot Trade, owner. 20 ACRES $800 Springs and running water. $100 cash down. Claude Cole, 600 Henry bldg. SUBURBAN" HOMES 78 VEST EASY TERMS. 6 ROOM modern house, living room room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, large attic, Or tor building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS at LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark sc. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount low rates, promptly clossa. nvie 1016 Ford deli Ford one-to trui noeJ Attractive repaying prit A. M. BIRR ELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A-4118. Open eu Sunday until noon. FRANCIS MOTORCAR CO, East STT0 East 18 th and Hawthorne eve. - HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS Government opens O. A- C. lands near Port land. Wonderful opportunity. Near hardsur- faced roads and electric lines. GOVERNMENT KECOUNIZKB ABILITY. The fact I made government maps and employ SIT I 'h.mh., f t'ltmmerce. only former government cruisers who classified . , , . . ,i i . K 4 these lands to show them to yon is assurance MURTuAU "1. " en eltr nroperty. ' A. H. BELL, 301 Gerlinger bldg. BU1LDLNG loans on dty or suburban property; money advanced as ttora progresses, w. L. Beek. k!6 acd -1H Ksilme-nkls. Mils 34irT. 2oO, aaw. 'too. too. 4uau. btew. Iiuuy and largsr amounts at ourret rates. Vlulc ertion. Fred W. Ostom" Oo.. T32 Cham. Com 100 TO 1600; coOjuU.! Wta. a. H. DuwUng. aisrsnaii ti Lotus tuttumom Some Real Snaps 8 pass. Ford, axtsa food, with lota ot ex tras . . . r; I 860 of reliable service. Don't buy worthless maps of those who do not know. I have the only reliable maps, $1 per county. Free information. ANDERSON, 411 CliAMHKK HOMESTEADS on O. A C. show good homesteads for eovernment cruisers. Save money, maps and information. Co.. 411 Henry bldg. CAbtl tor mortgages, loans, contracts. '. Lewis, room 4. Lewis bldg. Main ess. 1017 Oakland 6, muea touring, only 4 $00 $ 876 67B !R COMMERCE. LOANS on dty and farm property. ' per eeai Studebaker 4. excellent shape..... $ grant We can up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. 1B13 Overland . w , f, v.-. a $15. By former 5uo TO $0000 to loan, city or farm mors. 1813 wJ. a good ear for hard work.$ your time and ft. bo commission. P. O. box 878. Motor Sales Corporation Overland roadster, just new $ 600 Series IT Stadebaker, S-pesa. roadster.. k750 Mitchell, t-paaa. roadster. 05 new.... 000 American roadster, perfect 400 Chevrolet 400; just overhauled 650 1014 Hup. looks just new 6.10 1018 Bukd, runs good 230 1012 Rao, rune fine 250 1013 Studebaker. overhauled 230 Series 17, 'Studebaker, 05 new..' 800 Chalmers Master Six. just new 800 1014 Reo, perfect condition 600 Pope Hartford bug 500 MANX OTHERS OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Conley's Used Car Center Big Brick Building. Side Entrance. 8, W. Cor. 16th and Waxhincton Sta. Phono Btly. 2656. PIAJTON, : ORGANS, M USICA1.' INSTRUMENTS ' Bargains in cssd PuoaooRApiU 14 tfxi 1 cabinet marklna atandard aoaka. lust ow. 666.,. . , . 1 SSS type, almost new; -Vg Urgalu niw eauer. ... . 1 vaoatiea modal. $20; my price, $18 ' 1 Eduoei diasnoBil noint BboBnerash. with 104 raeorda, at lava than wait price. WiU acoeps , Liberty bonds at full value. . - ' ' - - - K" gaine ia aH makes. EMIL GE RHINO. THE PHONOGRAPH VAN. - ' S t Muwanalo Bt. Phono Bellwoosl IT. - . ba'LKiTI STORAUE CO. dosing euk . eevw mat sagna wpraght, oaeh . 8830 American make upright wash IIS. $400 Madera oak upright, cash $186. $450 Modern mahoraay wpright. cash 1160. 8876 New strd. 1017 models, oas 6118. $480 101F asodela. 8Z8B. $450 and i$$fw ' 100 4th st. at Waahinetow at. i . LET" us put a Brunswick phonograph in your noma at our nag. Owing to extenaivw altera . tfons in our store, which wo win be task trig thst eoming week, you are given this opportunity te . test this famous phonograph ia your own homo - 1 witnoui oHigatioa to pure bass; eaU and select -. tho stylo you want to try. WakefJeke Aiuat , Co.. 427 Washington. Piano Bargain A $478 Ludwia nltsa in aaanlaa snahacan - ease, paetieally aa good as new; must dispose ot' at ence on aeoouot of tearing eity I will taaos , 8226. Can at 68 Grand ava. or phoao V 7746. $750 High grade player ptano, la genuiao manogaay. praeacauy aa good as new sat 100 rolls of musso. - Must dispose of at onoe, $360. Win taka Liberty bonds. Hail Caauda. i in R. PLAYER piano, bungalow style, nearly new and mTte eAnditi,n ,lu.n mt I1BU tnelndlna -. 40 recordv WUl accept Liberty bonds. Kenf rtetn aicnay. aie tuiamook st. Eaw ease. t FISHER upright piauo, mahogany easo. Jut like new. only used 6 moot ha, Sell at big reduction. 126 4th et bet. Wash, and Aldee. 8216 cash buys $410 KurUmaa piano 1 JuSi mshoasnr. good as new. Schwan liana Uo.t 111 4th at at Washington at - it KIMBALL upright piano, will aeU for ieea than half: just aa good aa when it came from factory. 125 4th at bet Wash, and Alder sta. , . NEW ENGLAND piano Ireal ivory keys), 17.C Mendelasohn (reverted), full siae, $21$. , 1 Bsrold- 8. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill St. lUk BALK New beauuful ptano.' Party leav ing town. No dealer need auolr. A-twOe Journal $231.26 $12 cash. $6 monthly, wuyak HIT Piano model new lmnroved Diane at Sch CO.. ill atb at. at Washington st, ' , RENI' a piano, most isanntbio terms la Port-, land No aouare nor AOnaap buxaa, Harold S. , Gtloert. 34 YsmhUl. - t AEOllAN Orchestrelle. originally a $1100 !' strument Will sell at $205, oa terms, sritkf' music Call 149 6th st ... PIANO case organ, in iwrfcct walnut case. 7 ocuve, guaranteed, $43. Call 149 6th st USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1017 Mitchell, 3-paaa. roadster. 6-cyl.. 1017 Mitchell. 7 -pass,. 6-cyl 1014 Mitchell. 6 peas.. 6-cyl 101$ Mitchell. 6-paas.. 4-yl 1012 Mitchell. 7 pass.. 6-cyl 1012 Mitchell. 6 pass.. 6 cyl 1014 Studebaker. 4 pass, coupe. 4-eyl. Ford truck with body and top Two-ton track with cab.. Bampaon truck $1250 1100 700 676 600 650 600 650 1250 360 Rowland Map TIMBER 18 NOTICE OP BALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM- BER General Land Office. Washington. D. C, May 11, 1918 Notice is hereby given that baiaxy subject to toe conamons ana limitations oi ins act of June v, ivio lav Dtat.. 2101, ana tne instruction of the Secretary of the Interior of September 10. 1017, tbe timber on the fol lowing lands will be told June 26. 1018. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. Or., to the highest bidder at not lest than the ap- MORTGAGE loans and mortgages and 00 a tracts bought Fred 8. Williams. 02 Hlst t MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 Coastal 844 Burn aids st Distributors Oakland Motor Cart, LOANS WE LOAN MONBY On abort notice to salaried or working men aa tbeir own Botes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly AAnfidentiaL kO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO 8ECURITY. iv. mi, limn on bonsebold turuiture. pltnea. praised value as snown by tnis notice, sale to tic., without removal. Light truck, can be pat in running con dition at small arpenee. only 76 Brand new camping trailer; will sell at cost MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVES CO.. USED CAB DEPT. East Morrison at First st. East 1272. B-1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadwav at flak at. Broadway $15. A-3343. be subject to the approval of tbe Secretary of tbe Interior, it. purcnase price, witn an addi tional earn of one-fifth cf one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if eale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within tan years. Bids will bo received from ' ettiaens of the United States, aseoeiations of such cltiaeni and corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a Sua 11 tied purchaser, the timber or any legal sub i vision will be offered separately before being included in any offer ot a larger unit : - Town ship 4 S. R. 2 .. Sec. 21; NEK red fir 015 M.; not to be sold at less than $1.60 per M.; T. 4 S , H. 8 E., See. 83; NE14 NE Hi red fir 1080 M. : NW NE 14. red fir 1045 M cedar 10 M.; NEK NWV. red fir 400 M. cedar 25 M.: Nwi NWi. red fir 286 M.. cedar 16 M ; none of the red fir or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 10 8.. R. 3 E., Sec. 8, BW 8EK, Douglaa fir $48 M.; BE 14 BE 14. Douglas fir 747 Al.; hem-' lock 144 M. ; 8E14 KWil, Douglas fir 1316 M. : none of tbe Douglaa fir to be told for lees than $1 per M., and none of the hemlock to be aold for less than 60o per M. See. 6, SW14 NEK. Douglas fir 1682 M., hemlock 168 M ; lot 4 or NW 44 NWH. Douglaa fir 1754 M.: SW H NW 14, Douglas fir 1638 M. ; BE 14 NW 14 , Douglas fir 1483 M.; NE 14 BW 14 Douglas fir 1411 M; BE 14 BW14. Douglas fir 1 030 M. See. 7. NE 14 NE14. Douglas fir 600 li. Bee. 11, NE 14 NE14; yellow fir 960 M.. hemlock 60 M. : NW H NE 14, yeUow fir 1183 M., hemlock 55 M ; NEK NW K. yellow fir 1550 M.. hemlock 00 M. : NW K NWK. yello v nr 1160 M.. ham luck 10B M. ; none of the Douglas fir or ana none of tbe hemlock to be low fir to be sold Jot less than than 60c per M. (Signed) Clay T alius n, Co, missioner General Land Office. , SPRUCE WOOD FOR SALE CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLOMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 817 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on talaiy or fixed in come, on household turnituru, pianos, diamonds and other personal property, legal re tea. Busi ness confidential; private offices. PORTLAND- LoaN COMPANY. Licensed 806-807 Dekua bldg. filKn ilili ur.Uf.i.iAL, LOAN AS.V Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr., 804 STARK ST LOANS ON D1AMON6S, JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. USED TRUCK BARGAINS WE still bave some excellent buys in used can. 1 H -Ton G. M. C truck, nearly now. $1600. Terms. 1 H -Ton Roe, aw motor, good tiros. $660. Terms. 1-Ton Federal for sal cheap. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Bumaide Sta. Broadway 621. 1017 Ford; every possible extra $ 675 Price I 1016 Buicfc roadster. B dandy Urea .... 650 1014 Overland bug 400 Overland .touring, good tires r 273 Reo the 6 to, perfect conditloa 000 Price I Chalmers roadster, wire wheels, tlaas lono maimers. i'pejs.. nxe new 1150 Btuaebaker o. repainted, good tires, snap. 600 Franklin. 4 cyL Tho economy car. . . 630 OPEN SUNDAYS TERMS GIVEN (Western. Motor Car. Sales Co, Broadway at Bumaide. H IH'Vl"'rTl'ri'liT iihoniqjrtiih ani 7 reoonV $10. 123 Fonrth st. FOR SALE Piano, mahogany case, lino coeflC - eUon, 2Q01 te. Burnaide si. , era K u..i.i-. x. t. neennty prorage o.. :v eta sx. Piano Tuning $3.00 E0& TTPE WRITERS) TT Kfc,V MS.MLS010.N. rental yuan, rent aptiiise SO purrbee. Visible models. t , KEMIKWTOM 7IrkWIim CO, PR Broadway. Broadway 611.1 WtAita.s taaD k actor y steouilt lynrUMs( "All Makes." sold on monthly paymeata. Bead . ' for prieo Bet Tbe Wbeleaaia Typewntef C, , Retail Hent.. 831 Waablngtoa et WE hive a few No. I t'bdetwood tyvewritsraX A Typewriter Co.. XOlay for rent Underwood and Stark. Broadway 60S. .L AlAavavS lyfoiwriters rented and repatiwA. Orecan Type Co. 04A Btb, Mala $. I NEW portable tmewrtter with one half prire. X-H74. Journal. Ue tW saivis Lrikl. iuims vrima n. I i.raf E. W Me Co.. 110 6th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALB $' OWL FLUMTCLE Co. BELLS OR LjjSi Iron beds $1.75 up. Spring.. 81 up. Mattresses, $1.60 up. Cliaira, 7 Be up. Ireasers, $6 up. Dining tables, $8 up. OWL FURNITURB CO., 204 First St IMPORTANT LOANS WANTED to $600 8. 40 acres of land. $650 8, 7-room house, Montavilla. $1500 7. 629 acres, Clarke Co.. Wash. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 782 Cham, of Com. wivTEfi hum nrivate party a loan of $4800. well secured. 0-937. JournaL HORE8EHICLES. ETC. 18 FOR SALE Pair of mares, steel grey. 4 years old. 1350. with a good Keirian eoit nine, -u Ki..k a vmts old. 1350. hsrnesa snd ...n ,ol as new: outfit $450. Phil GARAGES HOUSES CHIOHIN HOCSEB. The portable i ejovo yea Saw tira What brand of new ctret do yoa prefer? We have them, ell makes and stats. Also ws sake the fa mous O-V-C Double Tread (sewedl tires and do all manner of tire re ps tring. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. 3a-3A Bara sMe wear Broadwer, MACHINERY 61 OH nALa, ebea4. 0s lu 4. L Case OasUoa eo (ine m good rnnntng order. Ooo, Barrett- For. est Orove, Or. aa at 044 Mood Mala 1167. las fir or yel- Suetter. 380 Front tt. cor. Montgomery. aold tor lest I T , ... 77 $1.60 per M.. FOR SALE a gray mare, weighs 1300. it dining I "arkrose acre tracts : just outside city ltmitu nil I . . i . u , vuiiuuvui, .uvu vp . .. i iX4 RENT-Irjington 8-room furnished house. ct' .nt. f ucT, streetT' paveS' and 0i- 5" 'Ctlllr ol large garage. $75 per month. East 4515. Laid for. all for 33500. indudln. furniture ??",n C..mPan?' No-. 7. Chamber of JTtOOM house, partly furnished, for rent or sale, very reasonable terms. Tel. Broadway 51. FURNISHED HOUSES $$ ST. J OHNS 1 117 GRSHAM AVE, paid for, all for $350Ca including furniture, i 329 Sacramento at. MY ton having enlisted, I am offering my beau tiful homo on E, aids at a sacrifice; cash or terms; other income property outside of city for ssle or exchange; what bare you? 165 10 Co- bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. good L. Hart- Commerce FROM THE VANCOUVER CUP-UP PLANT We win seU a limited amount of 4 foot spruce n k ... i . f ... . r f Csrs will contain about. 15 cord-t. Send your I Snetter, 880 Front 1 l. i . w I . tucv. , mi uiuei. H. 8. MITCHELL, Contractor. Vancouver, Wash. 0 yra. old- little thin, right from lumoer iiauiuis. $85; guaranteed aa reprasenteo. rou ouevwi, 380 Front st. cor. Mont iFTvp Mil IT r.rar more. 1560. 9 years old. $85: HtUe tbia bay hoTse. chunk. 10 years old. 1300. wsgon and namees, uv. r Millmade Construction Co. 1017 HAL TWELVE Used but little aa demonstrator. A very fine car. An attractive price that will interest you. Call today, it may be gone tomorrow. WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO. Broadway at Bumaide AUTO WRECKERS We wreck most aU makes of ears and sell the good parte for hwa than half prieo. We have all i kinds of used tfodies for saia. Highest Y rices paid tor eld cam. PAC1F1U JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front et MAIN 4T0S BUICK TRUCK good Ursa, fine shape -ton with body. I sue. THE WHITE COMPANY, Part and Couch eta. BEACH FROPERTT 43 Furnished 4 room bungalow, plastered, eood lonial Apt. Room 0. Main 826. 5lumhOOBor"U ,bfct' 61 000; easy terms. LAURELHURST bungalow, quarter block, fine ny luw yymeqfa pew owner m V1 oq s. NINE room furnished bungalow, garage, $76 ATTRACTIVE LARGE COTTAGE All modern conveniences, park aurroundinr; also small cottages ; all centrally located. Inquire C. L., Box 126. Bcevfew, wash. - FOR SALE BY OWNER MILL SITE and TIMBER on Evans creek in Jackson county, Oregon. The S. W. K of . o n.,n fMtv Sec 34-83-8 W.. in a good timber belt; $50 per I" "'. , V. " . I i acre; some tenma if necessary. Address F. L I FOR SALE One dandy Gibbt, 1023 Pine st, Seattle. Wash. WANTED From 1,000.000 to 6.000,000 ft per mo. 440 E. 63d. lawn, trees: no more attractive home in the dty; $7500. L, K. Moore, owner, 817 Board of Trade, 5 BOOM house, fireplace, hardwood FOR SALE FARMS DAIRY AND FRUIT RANCH 17 of second growth timber, close to transporta tion, tor small portable mill. Bell Real Es-I light aon sua nsroew u. no tate Co.. 818 Railway Exchange bldg. 145 E. 81st tt North. Moots villa 32300 Moors, built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen: modern. Kenton carline. Fart eaah. . 1608 Minnesota. APARTMENTS 48 FtrRNTSHBP AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APTS. mmw 1VV FIMBBfl nnnsa. -m mrva al TOC1TB nrm faawa I . -. , . a S konn spert-eet. tarnished or unfumlshS S "rlT?,""' md floora. 686 11th at I elevatef and hardwood HART APARTMENTS "jgf Newly furnished modem housekeeping and sleeping rooxns, 62.60 and up. H1SLOP HALL, E 6th and Hawthorne. ara 1, 3 and 8 room apts.. walking distance. Can East 883. 67 acres, very beat toil, located in famous Prune Hill district, overlooking tbe Columbia river. Vancouver and rortiand. Z8 acres under cultivation, 7 acres full bearing prune orchard with iM. ..Mm .hi. ar lwrifiM a familv iw. BARGAIN IN IRVINGTON 1 i.ot1 nt .Hiwtl fmlta T m nrnf.iK.nl, eon- 6 -room bungalow. Bleeping porch, garage. fuTA . of a 6 room house, 2 bams snd a silo. 496 E, I fruit drier and fine wall. This place ia situs ted in a thickly settled community, convenient to Price only $eooo. tt 6-ROOM modem house, large corner lot, ever- I church and schools. green shade trees, near carline, $1600, $200 cash. Neil Smith, 6514 Foster road. Tabor 1981. 6-ROOM. close in on Belmont tt. bath, laundry trays, etc.; street paved and paid. 50 ft cash, balance to suit THOMPSON, SWAN & THOMPSON. Third and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. Med- $13.60 up; I front room for garage, only $2250; $200 cash. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. MAGNOLIA APTS., East id and BeimonC 1 $2800 MODiStN bungalow. Rose City, 6 rooms. FOR SALE 80 acres, 6 K miles east of Ridge- field, Wash.. 60 acres under cultivation. 20 acres pasture and timber, all fenced; 25 acres hi crops: extra good buildings; tine young orchard; team, stock, aU kinds of farm ma ssed era 1 and 3 room apts.. $1.80 per week an. t Sleeping rooms. East 111. FOR RENT. 8-room apartment IMJUM. I , . . . . . . . oak floors, fireplace, Dutch, kitchen, full at- ?.,ne.r' m .rTt.. . f. 1 tic. F. Vanduyn, 515 Chamber Com. Main I R'r'V" " ...I" ao children. And 16th. $87 E. MAIN, furnished apartment Pbo East 6660. PENINSfLA APTS. Woodlawn 1852. Ikln. dla. 1955. 501 Mill it bet 14th PORTLAND HEIGHTS property. 6-room house ; for sale by owner; will vacate immediately. Phone A-364U or Main 04S3. WANTED From owner, bungalow or house; bMg.. 2. 8. 4 rooms, baths, phone. KIW YORK Apts.. Iii give price, description and location. 8-817. Journal. Belmont and 7th. I 5-ROOM modern bouse in Firland. lot 60x100, Co. To see is to buy. 8it down and answer this and you will never regret it, and I will ten you how to find me and give fuller descrip tion. Price 812,000, or $9500 for naked place when crops arc removed. Address D. M. Bog hart. Box B3. K. 1. Kldgefield. Wash. FOR SALE Ranch, 164 acres, 80 acres in cul tivation, all farm buildings, stock, crops, tools. I lots of fruit all kinds; fine dairy and stock f FOR RENT FLATS FOR BENT Lower 4 room flat, all conveu- ieejro; kitchen floor covered. 880 Ivy at. 4 ROOM flat 806 E. 11th near Hawthorne! I FURNISHED FLATS . 80 FURNISHED Oats, $16. Claude Cole. 800 Henry bldg. $1650, $150 cash. Neal Smith. 6614 Fos I ranch; good outrange: It 11. past doors; aaw- Tabor lvol. I HUUB tou togsraa umie won nwiHi; goou markets; running water year round; team, o cows, bull, 6 yearlings, 8 calves, 2 pigs, 60 hens, 12B chicks, $40 per acre. Lyons. K F. D. No. 1. Oregon. Thomas Barnes. TO EXCHANGE OWNERS ONLY LOVELY 6-room semi-bungalow, beautiful lo- cation, special, going east; terms. 1068 E. 80th at. N. 31 BOO. MODERN 6 room bunaalow. Wood. stock district; nice lawn, fruit trees, lot 50x 100; good school. Phone evenmgs. Belt 3484. FOR SALE By owner. 6-room 20 acres land all in crops, a little over SO miles from Portland oa Oregon Electric. 40 rods from station, au new buildings, good team, aAA. e.nw . . . . . I hoot, oer onmoe, aw inu. uvw, pnea l naraess, cow, cmcaens, uogs, T mite irom FOR RENT 6 room furtujhed flat 665 tt 2500. CaU Wdln. 4810. - church and school; will sell or trade for dty East Daria. Apply at 02 E. 8th et N. STORES AND OFFICES 11 Ir.N'txiKlttKR AXD PHOS'E FRS'IsflED Private outside roam in thoroughly modern suite of efficeess tenographer and phone fur nished: will rent to desirable party on pro rata baaia of actual eost; good location, and eervlce. ,Msla 166 or X-570. Journal. 102 Give description and price, O-041 NEW modern bungalow for sale, reduced to 1 property. $1700; ail conveniences. Call or address 1 Journal. - 8104 69th are. 8. E. . . CANADIAN FARM LANDS vnn mi.v s.mam hnnae. lot Kiivinn ZZZZ I Cheap land remerklbly easy terms Land- dm ana nemes. aaou: iou caan. xio i . . wwm .w. .k too ip. Ttk.n.n st i uiaary. Aioena. eaturuay. June a. xteanaea mcee. En iuiuici imrin;u4Aas ... Maiaiu MODERN 6 room buricalow. Una yard and I triru - 20S Raiiwa IMirm hMp Mtlltii.MinM Mrxtrn Hfw Ta,t-V tOOAA, . 1 . -T. . . . w . VUvuMuiua. awe vu asHs. wMAVVi " - 1 u 'I'nnrntAM I Itaf Iwt lfmflt.nl. lift WILLIAMS, avue. living rooms, with g? '441. , : : CANADLtNTarm lands. Cheep " Una. remark garage. East 81 0 5. fun BAL1! atooera a room bunaalow. Hani- I .ki- - .. i. j i . . wood floors, deeping porch. 2 blocks school i'i.'Ti 7H rnn WF.VT MUtrriT iwrnrt n and car. 675 E. 13th N.. Irrington. I i ,i .. v,'.T.7T ' ONkl te 4 Urge office rooms for rent equipped $1300 R. C. park bargain, nearly new 4-room I Canadian Pacific Railway company, 208 M Ti yj V ". V w. W IVUIIt UVUW WHS I 1 I -1 1, nr without raraaa. WUl lease. Adnlts: rf- I UNFURNISHED, for rent, near Kenton, inn i C4Uv,,a . " .'u1"' ".orreo. . ai.T7 j.t - hmu. Bas. water, aarden. fmit hi.w: I a i navo v leave. will aaemico for $1000 j j house, woodhonte. Woodlawn 8208. I cah, balance easy terms to suit B-078, Journal. Sen. i2300-2 block. R..C carUn nice new modi ".ta ,'1 with heat light, cooking gaa. electricity, etc.: bungalow, line location, imp. paid; terms. I Hallway faxobange bldg. L. P. Thornton. Dis- 2d floor, room 18. 165 Vk 4tb. corner Morrwon. I Tabor uaou. . - -- - l trict itepresentaovo. - - FUR South Portland property, to buy. sell a mm. 1 40-ACRE farm, 10 acres in cultivation, familv WANTED TO RENT 7 1 Change, see joon niager. zu Chamber of I orcnaro, gooa o-rooin notue. Darn and out- WiHTElwTa rent B or 8 room bona, mui Commerce, mia gistner My Bpedalty. I buiimnga, soma stock ana farm implements, in- " - " T 11 -- . , r.i.., m.rfwrl S 1 1 I attlflins aaOITVaB T Tl m 1 m Twa ' inniT aTtam . asyIw at immi n . THRaCB or 4-itMMn with larza yai VsTawSrS nC"M: 6-roo-hn?alo., frufC 0. TthOxtgon Eg cS BbsiKESS man. wif., furnished modem red- Proremeut. paid. Tabor 6569. fr)TioMfo300of Vortdck denco, prefaa short walk. Morrison, Grand are. 6-ROOM I rv ington bungalow, full basement firt turn, $2000; terms. L. K. Moore. 817 Board H-708, JoaraaL - - pjace, furnace, sleeping porch, close to carline. of Trade. - - - . Want ....wa" fnenlahi k d ltPT Price $376. L. n.. Moore n Board of Trade. 1 160 ACRES Lincoln county, partly improved. JIM .. .1 MrtA . KIWW. TIM, 1 , H , 1, u x nCU " I L- nl I TIM tt-Mmn. Rn. H , . .V. 11.11 , u. HM... X .1 UK, ri. low, tine location ; leran. Tabor. 0569. verms. acres, xenum county, ou umber. SUMMER RESORTS IS I l.l.V.Ak vou better than 10 nar cent-eo tioiih I .P g Ia- T Ad a ttuoM eottaga. ac jteaca center for season; I -ts w - i a.y . . , .j water la house. ereTythina- clean. Addreas UtAkuAlNll sWlenia asd aaorteae. a i' I EOR . SALEA nice BtUe place dose in, good 8813d. - . .. mi. . . I water ana js oeaa . ot muea cows and better. Ea . i , i I - , I , i . u - - , I i oa iwo wo iuaa; juaa ine ptaca ror a ramuy K. APTS.. fine water, at Rockaway Reach, I 6-ROOM modem house, $1000; $600 cash, to make a Using, etc Address T. H. F- Lino- . MWIW . . . K . .mmmm M - , - I . ...I. . R , B . , , . . A A FOR SALE A bay team. 6 and 8 years old. 2900. with harness; guaranteed in every respect. $375. Phil Suetter. 380 Front. of 1600 lb. G. M. C. LAHER' mm RAI.E Hue matched Belgian horses, o years oia. A. P. Hastier. 1000 lbs. One draft team and hsrnesa. anno lhe, 44 E. 6th st N. $65 Gentle 9-year 1100-lb. bay horse, sound. liffht waaon ana nmn.se. ; nmwm oa mmm u. lH-toa truck. A-l merhtnlctl oeaditioa. i Urea. $$60. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Coach eta. THAYER. BHAVEB-tiULLl MACHINE COMPANY 1 Toa.$8(V I BUILDERS OF 1 Ton. $420 ( EVER READ I TRUCE 8 Too, $470 1 ATTACHMENTS Capacity Mlg. la Portia ad. I OS XL water st Phone Bast 7417 Mfg. A Repairs, 8000 guaranteed tori net la tterk: price reduced. 84 N. 16tb et PACKARD LOGGING TRUCK Completely overhauled : new tires. TBI WHITE COMPANY. Park aad Coach eta. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 v.-. nto ,w i. .ok -JH I water Wt. after 5 n. m.. Saturday or Sua- I EARLY '17 Dodw. rua li.6o6 raUes. mf bor 6433, ONE ton truck, modal IB. Little Giant Con tinental motor. Tin ten bee rings. Schebler carburetoc. This 81800 track for $130o. quick sale. Rua only 800 milae. A bargain. Come and see. Mala $062, or evenings Ta- WHT not exchange your 5 or 10 acres for 4- room residence on 60x100 lot with garage. $1800 my consideration; will assume if within I 1,i-aij hones ana aninuus nauied awty tree. Cau reason. day 248 tutu m. w I W WhlA aVT mf' MUST sdl today. Ford touring: hat. shork FOR SALE -Team oi aorjea sna oaroess. i tr Albina Garage. 886 GarfUbl Tr. I . t,rt"- MlI r- eloetrla light etc.; iu weight 128 eeen, J i" I Phone Woodlawn 1114. 1 Al conaiuou; l.su aown. Dale ace easy. Ta- 2019 E. Coucn ax. rnone i.ror oiw. Tttts . ' i or OIB7 - -w - w-iw, lavrauur over. 270 Stark tt MAXWELL Main 8052. ROOM bungalow, new, all conveniences, full basement 6c fare. Price $2000. no in cumbrance. Want farm with some improvements FOR SALE Brown horse. 1250. 6 years old, $125. Phil .Suetter, 380 Front good soil and not high priced lands. Farmer L mKBj snd wagon. 1.2j day; 2 hones and fit risner, ivo oioca ucuiiki. waaon. 12. BO n Front. Main ii. FARM wanted. I have $10,000 first mort- GOOD heavy team for sale or rent. East 4989 suae on a iarm ana i city iois wiui meaem 8 room house, near carline. value 88000 clear. W. H. Burley, 685 Irving st Marshall 2063. . .. : , n f. x,., , W I vwniiiwi, nw went tiret Sll 1 wuun wtw -w nw vrw, in awm ssevrnanirsi Woodlawn 20. Portland Bendenng Jo. 1 BKH,n anno u.v . . I n- i . vii.- -1 77 DEAD hones and cattle taken quick. Wo pay Bodhaln A VoUnm Garage. Park and Flanders. $00 dossa. $40 par month. Fletcher A Jam as. the moat lor ueea sows. i.iw vo. , MOTORS. Gears. Bearing WVI. 1 m as . Breaaway. Trailers Wo wreck aU make ot can and soil AUTO track. Sunday picnic Parties of 15 or their good parte at half prieo. David Ixodes Col, 20 people taken to any point oa the high. ... uvu . J - . W , DTWlWlf JDS, von ian ids ora can. aoofllUAw - parte for all awake of ear. Oregon Auto change, lit Lowueoalo at 1BU aad WaahSl ton. nroaaway mt SOUND young horse for ade, or will trade for good cow. Main way. stay an day, 820. Sloughterback. Sell wood 986. Harry AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 i -;'-v 1 . : 3 r , f Country dealer aad hotel keepers and room ing house, closing out slock ot dightly aaed carpets and rugs. - GRAND BAPIDS FURNITURB EXCHANGE" 84-o ucand ave. FOR HALE Folding bed. 4 siae, ia sood condition. Call East 49. SMALL cook stove. table, cheap. heater, bock case, chair. 807 Emerson tt FOR HALE MISCELLANEOUS 18 raist liae tout wtta I FIREPROOF WATERPROOF SCSI PROOF PAINT . PrevenU toe r'ewtb of wtoss Staoe teeka aad protects from fire, frosts no more. (Phono Mala 6876.) 411-12 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 9 I btae t aold tot agent are emnlored : rented; repaired. A-66I6. Mala 0481. Sewing Machine avaipanam, lto Sd at. aaar Taylor. Electric Motors Beacht eold. rented aad recelrwA Walker Eleetrie Works. 418 Bor Mde. corner 10th, Broadway 6674. T 4 r ff 1 aS drobbeed sewing ssa O I J,AJ with attecbasents; all are ia erv good ewndltioa. stewing macntaat re tea at . a r month. Phone Kaat 2369 or B-3S97. Bteea. 168 Orand are., near Belmaat. "MUB1CAL INBTMLMENTS.' 'teMwrtters and "Hows hold Uoode" are separate doaatf. cations. Ah sdvertieeavtats of these goods art publish sd under their respective elssslfios rtoaa LOOK THKM OVER. . CefcO DHliPatAAAv aaWvUltf MACHINES, Wo rent aad repair. Mda 184. A-IBIa, $10 to $12 Gas rant eed. 172 8d rt. M1Y an everlasting agrravatioa by a leaky rooff Why not a permanent and IndestruatV" blo roof t We oxidise and 'renew aU .kinds of. lemky roofa 606 Tonrny bldg.. Mala 6880. I Phono frTl(l1),n ir- rxnroaoau t-.M... "I(i74 n l rT P 448 Flanders ReTwdln. 100 W i - ' Portland. Or. New and second hand AU drao Any amount! fu H t fl ir- O. L band AU aires Any amount. t - Watch Repairing Specials 4 - anlng. tljjeweks, 0; mala stirinc 04 LIVESTOCK 86 ssu bTOCK Used Cars Y MOTOR CAB OWNER will take good lot or smaller house, part payment on modern 8 room house, deep ing porch, clear, close in, good neighborhood. East 1515. COVET uvSr Rlr.E. iovelv vouna Jeniey-Uuemsey cow lit sod Ws.hlngtoa sta. a'RiCa.d vas vjo. Mala 6344 lechanical TO TRADE for auto, lot 62 Kxl5 Ju. en 7th tt. 1 block from Eastbam school. Oregon City. Splendid view. Will consider touring or delivery car. J. O. Btaats. 883 E. 0th N. with heifer calf J was. oia: aiso yeanina FORD deuvery. good mechanical condition netier, same ihun, . - . i uw ... . .Winn ua otner extras; sell. zas2. i ri n. vui morning at CLOSE in acreage highly Improved for sale or FINE young fresh gentic family and dairy ' cows, 1Q4Q L. zd St. h. trade for good modem nouaee in city, clear ana o tear, goou rouuu.i, e-w v i run sa s-ton ora truck, 3405: terms. ac clear. Tabor 2574. Owner. take dry cows in exchsnge. T.1 a. Asn. I Bennett Meat Co., 4th aad YamhilL Maia 40 ACRES timberland, Clarke Co.. Wash., auto, FOR SALE Grade Holstdn bun 8 years old. bH.aaal prices eMI lor euloasuoiw.. moat- tkm no obiert 121 N. 3d M. Hdwv. XH'iW i house equity or what have you 6161. FARM WANTED Income city property to exchange. Cole, 800 Henry bldg. CaU Tabor also cow . and heifers. near Burlington. Inquire Felkenberg, WILL taade 6-paas. Packard, in tion, for Ford. A-705, Journal. PAY spot cash late model Ford. Maxwell or Chevrolet Kent aio Broadway Hotel. FORD roadster; consider on equipped for selea- Claud VERY fine Jersey, fresh this month, second calf. See any time at zu wiiiameiio dit, 8th.. St. Johns. Home after 5 p. m. FOR SALE OR TRADE 0 good lota in Marsh- FOR SALE 140 ewes, large cross breeds 0 yra. field. Or. Phone Woodlawn 8180. old and under. 812; 114 lamb $6. Le ... . -L.i i i r. ti .' I Steen. Rosrue River. Or. VV LLjIj irau or wmix chuibi wi ia ia.iiuiu M. I . - , Reingold, 147 Sd t I FINE Jersey cow eneap; ncu saier. feeder. Tabor zouu. DUBMUILLM TOP OO. 0th aad Oak, Broadway 14 Fords Enameled $15.00 870 EL Morrison et 1018 FORD roadster with elect ri kght and etoraca batteries and an good tirso $328 xva vsxs avenue jsortn. man. BX-081, JournaL RE1NGOI.DS. ir.wn.aa, i i "r. l aUlUMOillLl fc. tlolOttClOit, UAVhL.t-aJ or boete are separate claaaif atloaa, A arao) (toting eaa a touaa aaoar ibbib sun firations. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE It JZZ fc,.SVKlA)PBB Ut bead letter $3.26; 2e engravwrr type weooisg aw ev inv't's 18. Smith. Fvtaters. jot Nelson Ladder Works 8tf. extension and cherry pick Vfl.TiiN eo-eart. nursery dialr side crib, good conduioa. reasonable. E. Oak st neade.1 mu! AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Bread new can. Bee sons bio ratea rearing m Bebaett, City Garage, 86 10th, WANTED REAL ESTATE Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 64a. altos wirao.i drivers For OOUCHMAN AND SCLLIVAN. MAU8H. 382 I0TH m YAMHILL A-tU U WANTED A few milch goats; state breed and fOR cheap, 6-paas enger O-ortand. good L oi.LMblA olver highway sate I nrin K-7S5. JoornaL irlr nd tinmT Simlv r! . I "u.l l"' ! . NOTICE IS YOUR HOUSE FOR SALE FRANK L. M'GUIRE, 411-414 ABINGTON BldX. I , . . m oy a. 11 llttl Phono Main 1068. ia making a specialty of r ",w- rjrtaa. E-755. Journal. FOR SALE One 4-enontl -old nanny goat 9 837 E. 14th st N condition aad good Urea, Apply Crown 8 ta bles. 284 1st sc. 1916 FORD, to flrat-elam condition: aew tiret all arouno. awo. aerma, BUpee Garaca. moderate priced houses, for ship workers. They I , .., c. I xteave on. a- buying modern, and semi-modem home . . P -.. .. from $800 to 32BOO oa tuottanuai payments, i FOR SALE 600 B. C White Lognora yeaning i .v, . ,n -- today. aiti wwi one hiuiu. He nas the baver. I - h a .it Min' mm etacB: at tne nana 1 . - " We do text wot. Maia 338. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Goed cars, com- petent drtvera, atxta aaa wsao. maia i MOTORCYCLES, B1CTCLES. BICYCLES MOTOMCIOLES. (1 U. -" ..11 nn kraiu Tl Km ia knMM. I k . ., M . awt Sk at In Vteht U. il - . nVnaMnh art hp,iu mwtA .Vim. t l . , ,, . . Ut.A m 4.UnhMi. m I lit ujcti'W m . v. , iii I yii IHJW . M, . "I " - r Moaat Soott ear. your' hoose. Deal with old established firm. I jour wants. Addr I WANT to buy a well improved two to 'five phono Tabor 7271. Route A. Box 620, or acre tract of land near Portland. Must have I SIXTY thorouaLbred laying pullets. White Le traikiinsa. win nay casn. bin iuu ueaviuiuon. prieo and direction. C-040. Journal. ' 1018 FORD the an, jutt th thiag far a dandy WUB ,, ......f.... ...... . $$00 zvw tBs a bo nona. f . .mt, mt aew aad 185 HAtetEYDAVIDSON 866 Ft. ZOtB motorcycle. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Must mM.IL and priced right We have numerous buyer wdting, Fled W. Gi Co., 733 Cham, of Com. IS YOUR HOUSE FOR SALE? List with at; we can sell it for you. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bids. horns. Barred Reck. SL L Beds: 146 E Slat tt North. Montavilla car. RABBITS Utility Belgian hares, 3 months I old. boo each. Fine, proline atoca. I Thin Hnma Tel R-1717. WHITE LEGHORN chickens over a week old for sale cheap. Weodlawa 108Z CHICKS for aale,ecgs i 'BARfeilN. Boy-i bicycle, hearty new. only 617.60. Frame 22 inch. 841 E. 46th K. FOR SALE Ford touring oar, 887B 1121 E. Grant at pbom Tabor 37 aftog 8 p. m. ill 6 Buick, t ayUader. 7 paaoeagar. (a est of aking 13 to It miles per hour, about canoe shape, 3 new oord Urea. Wtatoa 1 86 to 40 feet long. Addram O. F. Smith, Motor Co.. 16th aad Wash. Bdwy. 1014. I Steeeaaoa. Wash. LAtfNCHES AND BOATS WANTED 80 to 40 H. P. oabia boat capable' IF you bare improved worth tne price results. J. C. Corbin Co., SOS Lewis bldg. WANTED Farm up to 80 acres. Give price. reasons for selling and full particular ta first letter. J. F. Wachtman. Hubbard. Or. FOR RESULTS ttat your property with the Real bor 4070. jf. -Tj MY 1016 Paige," W prioa. Umediato gala; fine FKRRO . outboard motor with for hatching. CaU To- J dltlc phone Broadway 044. new. $66. Bread ae- 7 -tod .- iJ I , , , .. , J" r1' "jr - - THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock aatehiag ogga. asked, list it with us; we tot $i for IB. 796 E, 78th t N. Tabor 8669. my 1018 MaxwoB acw. A-771, Journal. MUST O. A. C. Delivered SB. I WO Ska ISIS w. f. .a w w. - , , ,, , , a 1, a saTTtxonT Leghorn chkkg. iU GS. W"r " MWB d fma. Sdlwood 8103. loll MaJ.U-LL. I pam.. HH. WOT trunk. . aearl: 7-toch gill aet B64 Umatilla aew. SeU. 408 "tu! BdT' or bLL T6cft BOA-f V & 4. mmitm mmmmr. gVenrttA hnafiwaa. font -. I M Merrisoa. Maia 6403. Estate Exchange. SOL 3d at. PeTtlandV DOGS, BIRDS. FETS, ETC RABBITS 48 I I L 1 1 nil i ""7T" iiTTT.ZihTa,riiiiT7T7"' , , , Y taaa . ,ib- I . . . i . m . . uf. -- - ku r . .-.in u.mt I . " r " 1 ' ' ' -" I 17, SAVE your old tiret aadj add Z0, Cito ONE"" 1 1 horsepower f sirbenka Morse engtae. your new qneo for $1. Frank. Woodlawn 786. " daty; auitablg for troUor. Phoao Wood- ROOMINO HOUSES 23-BOQM rooming houee, brick bldg. ateam - beet ail on one floor, always ruu, beat tran sient street in heart of -west dde; price $646, half cash, Peters, of oourse, IB N. 6th at .. I ., . . M I BRAND new Ford delivery ear. hasn't rua a I laww 111. - . VtEtoTiZ - Stud 'buck Fiem adla. Woodlaw, 1437. . - - I ii-FOOT Uuach, good , mler. , $. . hvoU. OVtULJlAU oar, a .suae, ensnp. LA nil, I rwusm st nap. Journal. Peerless Prod ace Co..- 176 Front at Aadreaeben Roller auweg for ! Giant WANTED tt, a trainer. Wdln, 8653. Ua V. lrwia. 118 14U et Mr FUR SALE, mcdera houeeboat A rawoaaT O. box 103, Bt. joaaa, tblkU but water botlem, $0 gaA, ; 4 aai. av an we. nave nn . ii, I ktwwt -wvv bow ia we. 180 Adams t rnooe KM Tw. - ntsr av. a7 OKOOii Maia S266J en' Mdder.l aaikey. dropf 464J. J ,1 m ..til WB have a -ktrge aa -meat at plows, eulttvators, garden tools. Jrteydea, ta at TMAN HDW. CO.. 818 Front at Mefa j-OR SALE Rag. 012; New LeWr Tlal' Tabor 2348. Mr. M. Larson. -f- X)R BALE Plata tup. 8 ft abo caaa. refng eeator. wall case, ahelviiig. coffee am, etc., dngie or lot CaU 784 Hoyt st Tel. Mara 1652. fcVf 1x14. B-o. duck, in fioe condition. Z. .... . ..1 I'.KU m T.W 1287 ' vA i.;.l. nrirea here, best union tailorina. Men OJ aoita to or r, te np. acuu, ,vi arw bldg. ; Unclaimed . $ taUot ad a n ut.) 204 AUaay Quia. ; X"G65D nam ,Dd B. A L. ieoa for-sal. cbeap. laauiro as se ta. i , . FOR BALE lldrigeraton, cheap. 22 W. ie oup at. at. .owe "r l rTTTTca cmm so, repaired, reated. ' 'enhanced, b xnt. ? Hent ley .. Matw a3. 4 thorn : 40 tt 6th at N.. 2 fin wU caaaa, e, 1 'safe. ' UtauAi tor mm o aous. , - "a. l.TleTia. Teflor. Wa Bwnwdde. fn.UHLM. snaovuee, wnul lis pnea. . tun- iMvw l. 213 6d t Maia 767, ! '1 1 . . 1 ' ! 4 H. P. stationary gas engtae. gooa aa aew, o 5843 Foster rd. Tabor 3307. ' FOR SALE Jeweler' shop toola. B-973, : JoaraoL ' FOR ft ALE NsUonal ca.h register. eaccUeot, conditloa. m v ec a 280 E, Mor JTSTT 'drag saw; Hit. TAlLTiKH VACUUM sWrtEfaH. M e.X t FIXE folding bed. Mra Luke. Tsbor 2903. " ICwaliaaod aa 1 wine Pagt " -V.--.' '-'I ,- --