THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, - MONDAY. JUNE 10, 1918. OTWM- -rM M-fM UXKLt. - kmouaS fUDSTRATEP S.CQOSO EflNMV -. ; , ..... umf ? Ajr stock ttAieeRa ktABVP lbwAC pRoseeoTfort I BE'caoso thcy rawt which oamgoc too i AMur Wimr; P Oe 34 AftOT OtMTAVrrtJ O.VA, MY COlORtHe f(WK WITH WB INDOOR TJJ , Ar ooercno t "mr no AtrftttfettYaTft f 9 mm 9r ftme . KANERS 1 . f J a JAMES HAS m-4 IJ I f Ww4W TTTIT Wayne Barham Pitches Puzzling Curve; Title of First Half Still in Abeyance. eOLUMIIA-WILLAMETTB SHIPgUllDtRS Woo. Lt. , riwMiM aenvamtth-rrwr 'J0 SleOarmleh ' Oornfe T tilfr.Olee luwM A Mill" 3 Hntawila Oelumsle Hirer J..- DIVIDING honore In Sunaaya aouoie header on the St. Johns grounds, the Grant Smlth-Forter and Foundation teama are atlU tied for tha champlon ahl of tha first half of tha Columbla Willametta Baaeball league season, with tha St Helens club a half game behind. Should 8U Helena win Ita postponed gim with tha Standlfer-CIarkaon team, wttch, according to present plana, may b. played this week, all three duos will t tied for tha tlUe. . Wayne Barham won tha first fame for Grant Smith by defeating; Lefty James In a twirling dual by tha aoors of 4 to I, and in tha second contest Dutch" Zwaifal. pitching hla first game for Foundation, had so mu:h sip on the ball that ha shut out file opponents. to 0. Barham Carres Highway Barham pitched a masterful game and, with tha exception of the aecond Inning, when Foundation made four tf Ha seven hits, he waa never In danger. His curve ball waa working in great' etyle. This much Slgsby. one of the leading hitters of tha Foundation, will verify. Slgsby whiffed four times. James pitched a fine game, but the breaka were against him. Grant Smith scored three runs in the first inning on Frichard's .walk. Har grove's fielder's choice, which Pri chard beat to second, Blanchard's double and Clynea' single. Foundation came back with two in the second on singles byJ Edwards. Gleason, Llnd and Ingles. Prlmley's triple and Balrd's sacrifice fly in the sixth inning resulted In the last tally of the game. Stampf Stops Scoring Fast fielding by William Stumpf saved Foundation from being scored on in two other Innings. v In the second game Or Cat Smith start ed Barham on the mound, but, after Groce tripled to right, be retired. Groce, however, lost the hit, as he failed to touch the bags. Bwarts replaced Bar' ham 'and for two innings he got by, but In the' third he issued two walks, which, with Lynch's double and 8tumpfs single, scored three runs. Harmon made a desperate try for Lynoh'a hit against the boards. Edwards' double and Qlea son's single counted for a run In tha fourth and Groce'a double, Fetchtlnger'a single and an infield out counted for two in the seventh. - The one bad feature of the two games waa the bad base running of Prlchard in the' sixth inning when he raced around the bags like a wild man on Blanchard's grounder to Zwelfel. Frich ard's mistake killed a possible rally. The scores : Flnt Gam FOUNDATION AB. R. H Baseball Dope pacifio coast intkrnatiorai. LEABUB. . Wan watt. rjv .............. a .11 11 14 Vtiwmw IB IB -mo Portlwta 1S 1 PAoirie coast liaquk. wen. Lert. fc. Lm Antalat San Lake f Varneti , S 4 300 oramenta 0 S ? San Pranelaea 1 Oaklana as AMBRIOAN tAUt. Won. Ltrt. Pet. rtoa 1 Nw York n 1 .J Ohloaeo 8 If -Ml Olal an Vk 2 at. Loui ti 2 aa WariilnvtM a PMieMshis it ja aa Detroit i4 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lott. Pet. Ohteaa. JJ -JOT mm vt aa 1 .aT4 eiaoitiMaU 2S tZ .B11 ten 1 at Phiiaaaiahla 1 a, 18 2S 1 a neklvn 1 BUCKS ARE TOO HEAVY FOR MAXEY Cupie, Clow Beats the Peninsula Team and Then Gets Old Blue Envelope. u Bluby. 3b. . Onei, If. I J.rBch. rf. , Htumpf. m. Edward, lb. OImwb, o. l lnd. ef. .. InglM, b. , Jim, p. . . 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 TO. 1 0 0 s 10 T 3 0 1 Total S3 3 7 34 GRANT SMITH-PORTER AB. It. H. PO. Mtebard. 2b. HirfWM, 8 b. BUachard, lb. Clrnaa. if. . . . Prhnlcy, f. . . Bated. M. . . . . Harmon, rf . , Sboa, c . . . . Barbam. p. . . 3 4 4 4 a 3 a 3 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 a a o l 2 S 0 A. 3 O 0 T 1 0 0 a 3 16 A. 3 m o o 0 1 1 s 3 E. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Boston 2. Cleveland Cleveland. June 10. (L -N. S.) The Boston Bed Sox won the fifth and final game of the aeries won me inaiana here, 2 to 0. Dutch Leonard was an enigma to tha locals when, hits meant rune. Twice he tightened up with men on third and first and only one out. Both of Boaton'a runs of f Coveleskle were earned. Bagby finished after the seventh. The score: R. H. E. Boston 2 Cleveland 0 8 Batteries Leonard and Schang ; Cov eleskle. Bagby and C. Thomas, O'Neill. Chicago 2, Philadelphia 1 Chicago. June 10. I. N. S.) Inability to drive in runs, often perched on sec ond and thiro, coat tna Athletlca Sun day's cami with the White Sox, 2 to I. Perry and Cicotte were in good form. the latter having the edge au we way, however. A double play In the ninth when Felsch caught Jamlesons' long drive and hurled perfectly to Schalk prevented Perkins from scoring the tie inar run and ended the game. The score : R. H. E. Philadelphia 1 Chlcaso 2 10 Batteries Perry and Perkins; Cicotte and Schalk. Washington 2, Detroit 0 Detroit. June 10. (I. N. B.) Johnaon allowed Detroit one hit in the game here Sunday and Washington won. 2 to 0. Tha Natlonala scored both their runs in the fourth' when Milan waa bit by a pitched ball and Shanks singled. Milan went to third on the hit and scored on double steal. Morgan's single scorea Shanks. Boland kept the hits wen scat tered. Cobba' fielding at first base fea tured the Tigers' play. The score: . ii.ti.js. Detroit 0 1 0 Waahlngton 2 T 0 Batteries Boland, C. Jones ana spen cer, Yelle; Johns and Alnsmlth. St Louis 5, New York 4 St. Louis. June 10. (L N. 8.) In one of the greatest battles seen nere xor many a day, the Tanks went down to defeat before the Browne Sunday. 6 to 4, in 12 Innings. Two walks and a aln gle filled the bags in the twelfth inning. Severeid batting for Male Dounaea 10 Baker, whose throw to Hannan rorcea Hendryx at the plate. Hannah had a double play before hmu but his throw hit Severeld'a back, Gedeon counting with the winning run. The score: k. t. js. New York St. Louis a w a Batteries Mogiidge and Hannan; Gallia. Shocker and Hale. ToUta 26 4 28 11 Llnd out, bunted third atrlke. Foundation 03000000 02 HH 04001 1 10 0 7 mitn-ronit 80000100 HH 31101100- I SUMMARY B track oat Barbam T, Jama T. Bum on ball Barham 1, Jama S. Two baa hits vianenara. Bna. dm. Thr tu hit rnmny. Doubl play Stumpf to Sicabr to lawinu, etampt to tawartu. saortfloa hit tilaanon, Prtmlar, Balrd. Stolen baaa Prlchard, Edward, Iaila (3). Hit br pitched ball Intlea. Tim of cam 3:10. Umpire naociB ana unntnn. Second game: GRANT SMITH-PORTER AB. R. H. PO. Prlebard. lb 4 FargraTM, 8b. ... 3 Blanehard. lb. ... 4 Clrnaa. If. S Prl inlay, ef. 4 Balrd. aa. 4 Harmon, rf. ..... 3 Rbaa. o. ........ 1 Barham, p. 0 Bwarta. n. a Hocaa 1 Xe CtuMa, o. .... l ToUla 29 '0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 1 o 0 0 0 o 0 o 1 a i 3 2 4 3 0 1 0 a a o o l 3 2 O a o o E. 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 FOUNDATION AB. R. H. 0 34 13 3 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 pa a. 1 o o o i 3 3 1 5 X. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 8T IT Groro, If. S rfchUntr. rf. .. S XyTtoh, ef ,.. 4 , atempf, a. 8 J-dwarda, lb. .... a ' Ctoaaoa. e 4 flbr. 3b. S tela. Sb. 3 Zwaifal. p. . g Totals 38 Batted for Shea in fifth. Baalth-Porta 09000000 0 0 uiu i x o l o l o o Fonndatioa 00810030 . Hits 01320120 8TJUMABY . ' 8 track eat By Swaifel 8. Bwarts 4. Baaa on e4ia vit zweuai -x. oil SwarU 5. Two aae aus aowaroa, uroe. lyncn, Pnmlay, ; tilaaana. Doble play Zwwlttd to Edward to Btttinpf to Inclaa to Blcsbr to Stumpf, Zwaifal to Btompt to Edward. Bwarta to Baird - to . B la ae hard. Saerifioe hit filsabr. Btolaa basea retebtinsar, Blcsbr. loci, Primley. Hit a . pitebad ball Hirarataa 2. Inninn oitehad Br Barham 1-8, rune 0, alto 0. Charaa defeat ta Bwarta.1 Timo ol aim 8:28. Umpire " rreanea ana Minn. j . Plllett Allows bul ,Two Hits Vancouver, Waalw June 10. With i Herman Plllett pitching .great ball, the ' Standlf er-Claxkaon .. team defeated, the t Cornoot toasara In an exhibition game . Sunday by tha adore of to L Plllett did not allow a alngla hit until tha ninth . Inning, when Moore and Kennedy each connected ' for singles. The lone run made by Corn foot waa registered In the first .inning on a walk and Colman'a error. Sutherland waa hit for 10 aafe Pipal Is Named at gt at b; ; n ar. Station at DILL FISHER'S Portland Buckarooa AJ . t .mnnaintxi tli at there are u.ivimm several degrees in the difference between the professionals and the shipyarde team when the Bucks beat the Peninsula team StlYidav at Vausrhn street. After building ahlpa all week and beat ing the Supple-Ballln team In the first game of Sunday'a double-header, the Penlnaula lads may have been a bit tired. But against that the Bucka had Just hopped off the train after a long boat and rail ride from Vancouver, B. C. Clow "Win and Depart Manager BUT sent Cuple Clow to the mound, and after he twirled the game gave him his release, announcing that.he had algned Pitcher LeCloustra, late of tha Stokane Indiana, to twirl. Nick Williams told Fisher that LeCloustra waa the best pitcher in the league, the Spokane right-hander having won four and lost two games. Clow came from LaPine. Or., with a gyroscope right arm and some promise. The kid had a nice curve ball in tram ing came but lost it when the aeaaon opened. Also, he depended on apeea. The main trouble in the lack of develop ment in Clow's case la the same lack of the Bucks as a whole weakneea In the catching department. An old head might have made auite a deceiver out of the husky youngser, who pitched some good ball gamea until Fisher lost confidence In him. Saeceeded OB Low Balls Dick Cox had him working hia fait ball low, because he had not reached the stage when he could put the de centlve "bus" on it. Even at that, his string ball fooled a Tot of, them. Cllff Lee did not get much of a chance to work with Clow and assist in his de velopment. Eight scattered hits were made by the Peninsula lads off Clow, andthey were good for a pair of runs. The puerile shoots of M. Maxmeyer were clicked for 14 hits, of which Kibble garnered four and Lee signalised his return to the game by cracking out a nice pair of doubles and a single in four times up. Tonight and tomorrow night at 6:30 the Buckarooa will play exhibition games at the Vaughn street ball yard with the Foundation club of the Ship yards league. It will be the first twi light baseball to be played by the Port land club and any of its opponents. About 1500 fans attended the Sunday double-header. Score: i Second seme: PESKSULA AB. R. H. Camp Director t Kearny Considered Doubtful If Success ful Coach at 0. A. C. Will Return to. Corvallis Work. Br. Joseph A. Pipal, football eoaeh of the Oregoa Agrlealtaral college, left Portlaad last week for Camp Kearny, Cal., where he will become athletic director la the national army. Despite statemeats to the contrary. It Is doabtful whether Fipal will re turn to tator the Oregoa Aggie grid Iron eleven next faJL Pipal enjoyed a very saeeetsfal season, wiaalag the football championship or the state and the aaaaal dual track aad field meet from the University of Oregon. Since mid-football aeasoa reports have been made that Pipal was to be replaced as footban 'tator. It Is known that several coaches la the Northwest have signified their Intea tloas of applying for the position held by Pipal. Pipal was said to have been nadernUned by certain elcmeat at O. A. C, bat the facal ty control committee tadorsed him aad his athletic poller. K ' DAKS'BREAK 4k, - W1THANGELS I YENS GAMES aa-aaaaaaeaaamaaaaaaaaaiaaam Sunday Events at San Francisco Are Hard Fought and Close Contest of Batteries. Joseph A. Pipal Goldman, If. . Rippl. 3b. . . Downey. 2 b. . Neighbors, ef. femDrot. o. Bhoota. a. . . Block, lb. . . Mountain, rf. Maxmeyer, P . -Alurpoy Totals . . .'. hinwi and his suDDOrt waa very poor. The score: JR. . Startdlfer . . . .' 9 10 2 Comfoot I 9 Batteries Plllett and Marshall ; Suth erland and McBrlde. St. Helens Wallops Columbia St. Helens. Or.. June 10. Oscar Haf- stad. pitching for tha McCormick team. let the Columbia; River gnipBuuamg tossers down with two hits Sunday and won his game 15 to 0. The Columbia team played, erratlo ball in the field. Peninsula Wins Game Peninsula made two more runs than the Supple-Ballln toesera at Vaughn street, wlnftoff to 7. nine errors contributed the runmaklng. The hit ting waa about equal. Williams of Pen insula waa nicked for 14 and Rynning of the losers for 13. Score: Benond game: . SDPPLE-BALLTN AB. R. H. D. William., ef . Iim, 2b. Schne. rf. . . . Laird, .lb. . . . . Doolay. li. . . . Abbott. 8b. . . . Wood, aa. . . . Ryu nine, p. . , . McDonald, e. . Ballin, If. . . . . Total Goldman, rf. . . Ripple, 8b. . . . . Downer, 2b. 1 . . Neighbor, ef. . . Pembroke, e. . . Shoots, aa. . . . . N. William, lb. Llnd, If. B. William, p.. 6 4 S 8 2 4 S S 6 2 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 PO. 8 2 8 5 0 2 4 0 0 ..40 T 14 PENLV8ULA AB. R. H. . . S 1 1 ..4 2 1 ..584 .. S 1 1 .. S 02 .. 4 0 2 . . 4 1 O . . 4 1 O ..4 0 2 25 12 PO. 1 . 8 S O T 2 . a o o 2 1 0 2 T 0 0 2 E 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 . 0 0 Totals .40 IS 27 14 Supple-BaUin ......100131! 107 Panlatola 2 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 3 Two-baa hits -Tarrow, Laird, Downer 8, Schne. - McDonald. Home ran Downey. Struck ont By H. WiUiam. T, Byaains 8. Baa on ball. Off 8. Williams 8. Doable play Pembroke to N. Williaraa. Wood to Ter row to Laird. Sacrifice hit Tarrow, Ripple, Laird. 1 Stolen Schnae. Goldman. Ripple 2. Shoots. N. WUUatas. S. Williaraa. Bit bi pitcher S. Williams Laird. Wild pitch A7XUUQ. tapuu " j aeaaon aae itnaieiL Root to Conduct Race Chicago, June 10. L N. 8.) Charles P. Root, veteran follower of the auto- moDue racing, pporu and ; newspaper man.'haa been placed in charge of the fourth : annual - auto derby to be . run at - Speedway Park, Saturday, June Z3. as representative of the American Au tomobile association. Root la a nephew of Ellhu Root and has been Identified 4 8 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 o 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 PO. 1 4 s 0 6 4 4 0 0 0 Smith, if. ... Daniels, ef 4 SalUren, if. 4 Lee, c. 4 Kibble. 8b 4 Danberta, a. 4 Fisher. Ib 3 Haney. 2b 2 Clow, p. 4 ..SO 2 8 PORTLAND AB. R. H. ..8 0 ..4 1 . . 4 3 ..4 2 0 O 0 1 o 24 14 PO. 2 4 4 7 0 8 6 1 0 Total .82 14 27 A. 0 O O 0 3 1 O 2 1 8 E. 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 E. 0 0 1 0 1 0 o o 0 ALAMEDA. Cal., June 10-(U. P.) Frances Cow el Is today held the Pa cific coast one mile swimming record for women,' having beaten the mark set by Claire Galllgan of New York. Mies Cowella made the mile In 28 minutes, 65 3-6 seconds, more than four minutes better than Miss Oalligan'a mark. Alameda, Cal., June 10. (U. P.) World's swimming records went glim mering at Alameda Saturday. Harold Krueger of Honolulu covered the 50-yard backstroke in 30 J-5, lower ing Duke Kahanamoku'a and Norman Robs' records. Clarence Lane did the 25 yards In 10 2-5, clipping three-fifths of a second off Norman Ross' record. Journal Tossers Win From the Hibernians 'Batted for Maxmeyer in ninth. Peninsula 1 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 1 2 Portland 3 0 0 0 8 1 O O 0 0 Two-baa bits L 2. Pembroke. Struck out By Clow 8. by Maxmeyer 4. Baaea on balla Off Maxmeyer 2. Sacrifice hit Smith. Double play Downey to Block, Shoots to Downey. Stolen base Downey, Shoots. Hit br pitcher By Maxmeyer. Fisher. Umoirea Jackson and Russell. Seattle Wins Qame Aberdeen, Wash., June 0. Seattle won Sunday'a six-inning contest, 8 to 2, aa the result of costly errors by Aberdeen, which were followed up by tiita by the Giants. The result of this game gave Seattle the series. 4 to 3. Aberdeen will leave for Portland tomorrow. The score: 8EATTLE AB. R. H. Smale. If Leard. 2b.... Murphy, 8b. . . Carman, rf . . . . Lebourraa. ef. Demraey. lb. . Leathers, s. . . Ritchie, e . . . . . Erifle. p. Total Bocard. 3b. Mora, as. . Ecan. 2b. . SUeott. If. Altschnl. cf. Dean, rf . . Dobb. lb. Roland, e. Eastley. p. 8 4 2 8 8 2 3 8 8 2 0 o 2 0 0 0 0 0 ..26 7 ABERDEEN AB. R. H. 3 a 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 0 O 0 1 0 1 0 o 0 PO. 1 1 1 1 3 8 O 18 PO. 8 O 2 2 1 0 6 4 0 A. 1 ' 4 a o o o l 0 1 A. 3 1 3 0 O 0 0 0 3 E 2 O 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 .28 3 Total Seattle Aberdeen Sacrifice fly Demnear. Left on bases Seattle 6, Aberdeen 5 out Eastly 4. En ale 1. 1. Eaatley 1. Hit by pitched ball Murphy. Double Dlar Smala to afri-hu Time of cam :tu. 7 18 4 . 8 0 2 1 0 0 .01001 02 Stolen base Smala iberdeen 5. Struck Baa on ball Engl INTERCITY BASEBALL LKAOUg Won. Lost. Pet. Maocabeet B 1 .838 Journal S 1 .TSO Kirk patrtck 4 Z .407 Boilermaker S .SO0 Cooperate 2 300 Hibernian S .400 eoist Squadron 1 4 00 Maroon 1 .1ST Grabbing 16 hitfe, The Journal team of the Intercity league defeated the Hi bernians Sunday on the Columbia Beach grounds by the score of 17 to 4. The Hi bernians made seven errors, which ac counted for several of the runs regis tered by the winners. The hitting of Barr, who made hour hits in five times up, and Hoppe, who made three hits in four times up, fea tured the game. Hurst ahowed up in great style in the field. The score: H H. B. Journal 17 16 2 Hibernians i. ' 4 S 7 Batteries Scott, Cregg and Barr; Noonan, Kratx, Duffy and Murnune. The Maccabees won from the Six Hun dred and , First squadron on the Sell wood park grounds Sunday, 12 to S. Erlckson allowed the soldiers but two hits. Barker's triple with the basea full featured. The score : R. H. E. Maccabees 12 14 4 601st Squadron 2 2 7 Batteries Erlckson and Saub ;" Toung ana pevy. The Klrkpatrlcks shut out the Ma rooms Sunday, 4 to 0. Each team made three hits, but the lodgemen bunched their blows. The score : R. H. B. Klrkpatrlcks 4 3 0 Maroons 0 3 0 ' Batteries Boland" and Boland ; Morris and Andrews. The Boilermakers were defeated by the western Cooperagee company team Sua day by the score of 4 to 2. Dorney and Bean in Tie for Golf Trophy Dick Dorney and O. R. Bean tied for first honors Sunday for the Heitkemper cup at the Portland links, with net scores of 70. Dorney's handicap waa 22 and Bean's 23. They will play of f .the tie this week. ine new nine noies or the course were tried out yesterday, and found trjJ be very sporty. CAN FRANCISCO, June 10. (U. P. r BUly Mlake. back from Los Ange les after his fight with Willie Meehan. says he will not box on the Fourth of July because ha doesn't believe tt shows the proper patriotic spirit. After his bout next Friday night wita K. O. Kruvoaky, Mlake will go east. - G. 0. P. Wins Annual In Base Ball Game . Waahlngton, June 10. TT. P.) Demo crats and Rapublicana of the house played seven innings of baseball Satur day. The score atoed 13 to.e in favor of the 3. 0.'P. The game waa called cm account of darkness .when the sun went under' tha .eclipse and , President and Mrs. Wilson had to go to dinner. with the 4uto racing sport aince ita In ception. He .started the first automo bile road race ever held here,' Thanks giving day, USB, , " to) aBnTnTTTsBlBBBal m BBBBBjJBnaaj -, UNION LABOR EMPLOY ED . 332 Washixigton St Opposite Washlagte Street Ea . traaee ef the Imperial Hotel The most talked -of and beat - tnought-of eating place la Port. 1 land. - ' -. There Is n Benson ; Rave Just opened an annex at 124 Broadway. In the base ra ant, doubling our capacity. - There Is a Reason -: : .,: UVSIO I TO 91 TO U ' ' JUNIORS ACTIVE IN SPRING RACE MEET OF CLUB Billy's Pedigree Is Given and He's a Valuable Young Horse. AN FRANCISCO. June 10. L N. S.) 1 Two long gamea were played Sun day, Loa Angelea taking the morning affair In 12 Innings, 1 to 0, and the ai ternoon contest going to Oakland after IS Inninga of battling, 3 to 1. The aeries ended five gamea to two In the Angels' favor. Not a man scored In the morning game until the twelfth inning, when, after pitching a fine game. R. Arlett weakened, giving the Angela three hits on which they scored aa many rune. Valencia pushed a good brand of ball throughout, keeping well scattered the 10 hits he allowed. In the afternoon game the Oaks scored one in the first and the Angels put man over in tna zourtn. after wmch a long series of goose eggs adorned the scoreboard, with P rough and Pertlca both pitching air-tight ball. The An Kela garnered three hita off Prough in the thirteenth, but couldn't score. The Oaka ended it in the fifteenth, putting man over the .Plate, on two aafetiea with none out. The score (morning) : R. H. K. Loa Angelea 3 10 3 Oakland 0 10 1 Batteries Valencia and Lapan ; R. Arlett and Mltae, Afternoon : R. H. E. Loa Angelea l 10 4 Oakland 2 3 Batteries Pertlca and Lapan ; Prough and Murray. Junior members of the Portland Hunt club held a successful cross country ride Saturday under the direction of James Ntcol, M. F. H. The trail waa a hasard ous one but all rode over it aafely to the clubhouse, where they watched the eclipse and had an enjoyable time aa yie guests of Mrs. J. R. Bowles. The Juniors will take a most active part in the events of the spring meet next Saturday In the selling of tickets and in the sale of the colt, Billy, for the benefit of the Red Star. Billy la valuable colt, his dam being Polly Prim, a standard-bred trotting mare, by Squire Chester, an English Hackney stallion. No. 766, imported from England by Steve Britton. Squire Chester Is also the sire of Klilamey, James Nlcol's hunter, which will be ridden over the jumps on Saturday afternoon by E. J. MacManus of the United States army. The meet Is a Red Crosa benefit. Sunday waa a busy day at the Hunt club oval, where many of the club mem' bera and officers from Vancouver bar' racka were schooling their mounts over the jumps and working them out gen erally. The officers also practiced polo and have arranged to continue thla practice dally so aa to be in the best possible condition to compete at the meet with the team captained by Ches ter c. Murphy. Jess Troeh Winner Of Local Club Shoot Jesa B. Troeh won the merchandise shoot, staged on the Portland Gun club traps Sunday in honor of H. R. Everd lng. who returned from Loa Angeles Sunday morning. Troeh shattered 49 out of 60 targets. Frank M. Troeh and Charles Leith tied for aecond prise and E. H. Keller and Frank Templeton tied for third price. In the shootoffa, Frank Troeh and Keller each made straights. Jess Troeh and Frank Troeh each shattered 98 out of 100 tarreta and E. H. Keller scored 97 per cent. In the doubles leitn and Hawman tied for first place. breaking 18 out of 24.' Carey broke 16 and Downs 13. The scorea: . Templeton harles Leith H. K. Ererding ........ 0. B. Preston K. O. Hawman H. B. Newland E. H. Keller W. F. Carer Ira Wlthrow A. K. Downs R. K. Martell A. L. ZschrissQB ........ Y. M. Troeh H. B. Dee ton . . 1. 8. Crane J. B. Troeh 25 voubies LeiUi 18, Hawman Downs IS. An English scientist claims to have discovered a gaa that has the same re iaiion to nyarogeo, that osone has to oxygen. 25 25 Ttl. 24 23 47 25 23 48 22 24 4 21 22 43 10 21 40 IS 24 4 25 23 47 23 1 80 IS IS 82 23 21 44 21 21 42 17 17 84 23 28 48 IS 21 8S IS 17 S 23 24 40 18. Cany l. Inter-Shipyard BOXING Star Card Trambitas vs. Bronson Geo. Ingle vs. Lee Morrissey Billy Williams vs. Stanley Willis Joe Gorman vs. Frank Pete Abe Gordsm vg, Billy Ryan Sammy G or dan-Joe McCarthy Benny Levi va. 'Kid Herman Ice Palace Arena I Twenty-firtt at Marshall Wednesdays Night, Jpne: 12 $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 ' Seats Now Sellinsr: I fStiller'a, Broadway at Stark 5i Kich's, Washington at Sixth $32,000 Paid to Red Cross Golf ' Ball Foursome Chicago, Jaae laWTJ. T.) A record sigh srlee far golf talli waa set teaay when sheet t were casket for tear at the rata ef tss yer ceiea. Caleare golfers, throats the yarehaae ex halls need tn a aaatea ty Calek Xvaas, Behert MaeDoaald, James Barnes aad Jack HntcalatoB gave the Sat Creas tstal of Itl,!. Tigera took both from Saoramento yesterday. 3 to 3 and 3 to 1. The after noon affair went 11 Innings, ana waa a real ball game. R- Mitchell, the Tiger hurler. held tha Senatora scoreless until the seventh, when they chased home a run on three hita. Vernon had taken the lead In tha fourth when three hita off Brenton netted them a run. Mltcn eU Ditched winning ball from here on Brenton allowed two aafe hita In the eleventh cm which the Tigers chased In the winning run. Morning R. H. E. Racrunanta ...3 13 0 Vernon 13 0 Batteries Leake and Easterly: Fromme and Moore. Afternoon I- H. E. Sacramento 1 3 Vernon t 6 Batteries Brenton and Easterly; R. Mitchell and Moore. FIRST FOUR of leagues: CAN GARNER Tigers Best Sacramento Twice Loa Angeles, June 10. (I. N. S.) The Salt Lake 4, San Francisco 1 Bait Lake, June 10. . N. & Sheely hard hitting first eacker of the Be cleaned tha baaea with a home run in the first Inning of Sunday'a contest and Salt Lake breesed heme a winner. 4 to 1. The aeries ended four gamea to two with last year's champions on the short end. Sheely waa the whole thing, for, be- aides hla circuit wallop, he got another hit, figured In two double plays, made IS pu touts and one assist. Barring the fateful Initial round. Slump of Giants and Rise Yankees Is the Talk of New York. of1. By Jack Tleeek NEW YORK. June 10. (L N. & The tightening- up of the two major .' ' league pennant races is a source of great s eausraouon to tna club owners. . Early tn the aeaaon It appeared that . no mora than two, or at beat three elubs -tn each league could figure tn tha pea-: nant hunt. Today any first division , club In either league may be figured aa-- possible pennant winner, and the eeo-. ond division cluba cannot be counted out altogether, for the aeaaon Is not halt over by more than a month. - , The alums of the Giants and the lis ; hot the Tankeea has bee's a surprising feature Insofar as New York la eot earned, and for the first time In many ar aeaaon the Yankees are really strong enough to hold their place among the ' foremost clubs of their league. . -t la other major league cltiea tha tight" pennant race are keeping interest keen-v ly alive and the western cltiea of both leagues are particularly Interested.' cause the west la coming Into its own -aa a factor In major league circles once again. O'Doul pitched airtight ball, allowing -MoCredle'a crew but five hits. Leverens allowed nine hits, tha fast; fielding of hla teammates aiding mate- rially In holding down the Seals to a- lonely tally In the third, scored on ' three straight binglee. The score: R.B.B. San Francisco 1 " 0 ' Salt Lake .4 T ,': Batteries O'Doul and Brooks; Lev erens and Konnlck. r aUpha is not a substitute, not an imitation it's a real drink. aseaaiaaai Try some 'Alpha today get acquainted with the nation's best new drink The deHghtful flavor" of this golden, bubbly beverage will appeal to everybody it's the drink for all, at all times. Ammo. Is a Wonderfiil Drink "THE TEST IS IN THE TASTE" Alpha is a beverage of quality served wherever soft drinks are sold Order a case for your home. Drink it with your meals serve it to your friends enjoy this sparkling, delightful drink. ALPHA BEVERAGE DEPARTMENT Chicago, IHinoU T. W." Jenkins & Co. . Lanj Jones & Co. DISTRIBUTORS Portland. Oregon aSBBBBBBBBBfaSBSaSBBW --'"' f SEBVB COLO I . - t il r I . m I . .e u.wwi wr wmmw . -II MlMMaMMMH' i if u,r' mm , OaWKTOXICATlM ' lajrowmouT paw s AlC NUTRITIOUS. Jt AT IERVB . V'-ua311iMlMpii:- a Ask Yotzr Dealer j 1L . ; i : r .. ''----7 - . - - . S He Win Welcome a poaen ol Real GRAVELY Cbewlng Ping Any gift from tKe folks bck hom mesuu a lot to the bly. ' When you tend hSm tobacco, let it ba food tobacco tobacco worth tending all that lornr way the flat, cxmipieiaed plus I of Real GraYely Gr- any snsus a utv f RaalTlraTefr Phtg, aad km WO tail r ikmt'm tJ Uad te aaad. SaJ tka iel . . - OrrTraary plaw b falaa aceaeray. , It.coets lass par aak ta chew Reel Gravely, hscaais ssaaQ chenr af It lasts a fee wkiW. If ra ssneka a nisa. aCea 'CraTalr wit Tear kaifa add a lUtla to yew siaK)fc1ig taacca. U wiU gira ax?a Toca mxxo tn tkk tx a. szzvics . A FOOCH OF GKAVELY mil K iai lf fjaaiih A Se a ae staaaa erta take M IstMaaakas U.S. A. a eriU sake M Seaa. . P. B. C1AVUT TC3ACC0 CCA.T, DxavCIe, Va. . Tie faaaar rW aWeas it Frcal mi CUm aae! CseeT iaai Seal 5 1