' ' V . ' . ZmTr nrrr'fsT . nAtT v tnTTOMAT. PftPTT.ANn MONDAY. TUNE 10.'- 1918.' : ' . . : ....-.., 13 1 ' I ' . t ' : : 1 .. , u- b V ... ' v UNDMAM OARBENINB I RUBBER STA8PPS . , WTCH HMIWW- -. r" Wktirw 1 I . . wmm w i i- in ii . .. . . . - . . - yrniriTPRK wasted Want Household Furniture WILL PAT CASH. Pboae Mala I ' J (JUoS.lt IUm faifc whea yoa . faraitare. We mm at oe - 4 - :"; .4 W . t4 r t it ' . Iff. ft ' . ".t ; At ' .-4t " fl . a-'1 .t art rll ' . s I 1 waat t Mil jamt fan-tare. We eosee mi oaoo ews w- - It, H. gsaisr, " r.iML. . HJT drelgbt nut oa boa-hold Lod sbipp.0 . Em od ftooui. snnin ""UT t Vi .. Oth snd li-yt- aretamr - WAP COLTJMH BROADWAY FOB G 778 MOST-"" MOBILE. BETWEEN 11 AMD a a fTTT In P. ml Irion AVE. trsd tot into, or food Cleveland. LjkMcl-J'AV U6U. luoticjci lor. N. 20th t. TW n rtufui Red rtbbiU. to trad, for wKb or -hat hiIS WWTKUMlCRI.UKliOPg Read lmportant-Read of tm the aot fen? Wo carry a attr tirtd uaort-iit IB4 aMd mbaadiM tbaa aay atoro i K.rfl a . lt.n . do Bd'aall Wo apooUUxo to tbU nd boa hard ware. eperUiK aooU. boaMnoia oo, Bltaro. botol and camp rappUaa, Wbaa foi are aoithlu to bay .. . MalB 07 A-T1T4. Letla lUrdware JTnrelture Co .i.t-k rront . corner Kalnoa. olfue lar- teU. afl FEHSOSAI, JOSEPH 1SHEBWOOD. aoUd Puchlc Ml- tao from Londol IM Aiumut, teeiureo Bandar. W. O. W. temple, at 8 p. n.. 128 lltn U K Aider; neeaagea, ate. wmnuuu, Tilford bide.. 407 VorrUon it 10th; readinsa dalljr; clrclea Monday, Wodneiday and Fndy, P. B. ULA8HK- AT A 8AV1AU , Tbo eemo aerrtee aad aty yoa pay : double the nosey rieewbere; cometly fitted claim as loo a f Ut. ' Tboaaaad of aaOafled eoatonMra. U W. toodmB, OptoMetrtot. S0 Morrteon at. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION CUBED Sarploa (Ink acieotlfloally reduced. Iroiulde lneUtute, 827- Plttoca Moek. MRS. MABEL BAKBEB. apiritaal medium. ciTeo readirica daily. 800 foweU, 10 to 6; fewntnc. Phono Bell. 8485. Woodstock car. DK. O- a HCTHMAH 418 X. Ttb at 8. B. and boreoe clipped. TotoTtnarlab boapitaL 1847. B.862 . ttaga jBpiBlttA-iSM MBS: M. L. LA UAU. Ml 5th at., corner uain, wmob p iuu; - card reading; alxo leeaona la acienco of boaltn and auccena. -- - F professionaiaNl51 BUSINESS DIRECTORY AOOORDIOK IH.CATJNO K. STEP HAN, baaatitcbiac braWit. ebala titebiac, box. eecordion. aide and aoabant kMn -. n11ortnc - button covered. GooOa nxmtrd 219 PittocH bib. Broadway 1099. HEM8TITCUINO. PLEATING ALL LATEST STYLE8. EASTERN HOVZLTY CO.. 86 BTH 6T-. BET OAK AND 8TAKK T. PHOXE BROADWAY 2000. ; AQATK CUTTKBS AMD KJXA CACK.ETTE. scientific facial, eealp traat mmta. 408 Broadway bids. Main 1807. Keeninit. Mawhall 8288. DK. ii. K ETC HUM, womene maUdlee and acute illmiee of men, Waabiaston bide.. 4 Lb nd WaehiDgton Pnono MarahaU 448. ConaulUtioB 1TKK-. At au 49W3. I r- toneuitaaoB mil Lawyer u muu bku. MBS WRIGHT Palmistry, card reading and ",.. ...,h.r 850 Morriaon. Boom 414. AUAIE8 repairing. rut and noliehefi. MUler'e, 855 Waahtngtoa at. MPO. JKWELKRS Jewelry and watch BLANK BOOK MAKERS nivix A HOLM AX. INC. 109 2d at., blaas book mannfacturera. A-8188. Mala 188. BOOK STORI KAflKK Snnirht. aold. exebanged. candiniaa book atoro. 4 N. 8d at. Broadwoy 2284. BRASS AMD MAOHIWK WORKS raga. . Carpet KORTBAYEST BTJO -. 18S K. Stb t- -fannea Kaat 8BfO g-lZ" JOTCK BROS.. Electric Cleaning "V" pcU cleaned and Uid. refitting vat epoeialty. Belt 440. B-188. . 204 K. 18tl at. V. OHIRORODISTS BXNOLEK Daaoiag Aoadeaiy. - f.- n and Til mi and private le one for adalte gad ebU drea. Maia 8880. Uoatrone Ringlor. director MASCUE8TEK' UANClNi. kth. Get in Sao tor aam nil leaeona 88. Hova 10 a Broadwoy S887. Wo teach ; ACAiM-Bk. 8H or dancing: IS pct . ak to JO p. aa. a right. MUSIC SOHOOLS AWD TKAOMSRS DR. B. LOUISE COX Aaoe vairo p v Sui onnr to vc owen. viucmm. BWg. Phone Maia 7178. OHIROPRAOTORS DR. MeMAHON M making gooa Sl: eovea. . ane v 81 adieata DOB ARB OAT MQ8PITAL t)R. O. HUTHMAN. VKTmNAKLA, boj pltal 418 B. 7tb at. Eaat 1847. B-I003 KOUCATIONAI. PROFE8SOH of 20 yeanr ospecMaoo aOI i glee pit bo linna at yutu home for, 78a. Pboao Tabor 7208. - OREGON Coneervatory (School) of Mneio, 2d floor RaeeeU Wdg. tOvor te lJatL") Ea trance 1 65 H 4th . comer of MorrHmi. E. THIKLHORN Violin teacher, pupil 207 Plcidnrr bide. Broadway 1828. Seveik. r. 'innrn. 11T iIih. voeat praetwo ntano. 1 hr day. 8 a mo. Bdwv. wtth 288 DANOINB MBS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 108 8ECOND ST. Ballroom aad cl ia dancing. Private laeaoaa l. Claaaaa Toeaday and Friday evanlagv 8 a ii to 10. Ladlao free. aia 2100. ALTS M. BROWN, teacher of elaaaie. too. atago and ballroom dancing. 148 18th si. off Morriaon. Phmo Brood ty 2888. Send Us Your Old Carpets MIF RUGS ua. UI In. rain Bral AzmlBetot. .. A no nice, all eisea, Mail order prompt. Send for booklet Carpet Cl'ning, Refitting, Etc, 0x12 iga. eteam or dry cleaned. 81.38- WESTERN FLUFF BUG CO.. 4 Union ave. N. Phonos Eaat 0S18. Do Toa Want to Make Your Yard Beautiful If aa coanUt i Knight Landscaping Co. Eipciionood Florists and La adaeapora. Phono Eaat 8188. 418 E. 18th N. AlM M l kC. ilMlt PACIFIC COAST STAMP 88 Ptroadway. TtTnodwa ORES. IIS. A-T1 SMKCT M8TAL WORKS i.rAiaiu wii Mt thM jvuii. eaewo 81 in t Ph". Meift'1434. TOWtL gUPPkT PAINTINtt. TiRTIRB. PAP-RHAWBIWO TOCHLE PAINTIXO tX.. pointing, tinting. poring, lita 1TV t iew . PNVSIOIANS DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 8tl Broadway PaiMing Bheomattam. female d ordem, ekla troabta.' stomach. Bvet, kidaey. bowota. throat, goitre, high Mood inenre. lUHilil UlAual t WllSMlM A-44t IP M'a a wateb eryetal or a mm port e haea watea aad Jewel tfamaa. Retnee A Mlom. 122A 8d M. TRAJfRPORTATlOW TRANSFER ARB 8TORABS Oregon Transfer Co. Esubit!ed 1878 Transfer and Forwarding Ageata Storage Free Traekaea Offlee end Storage. 4 74 Mtaaa t lath and ltan. Bro.it waj 121. A-11S8. PATERT ATTORRtY GOLDBERO. 820 Woreeeter bMr Main 282 PRIRTfHO. KRBRAVIWa BIRPIRB PRINTING rndo.-iUALTPi. CO.. 1M A-tias TUki 1VK CHKaa Bmadwav 0. REAL ESTATE BEALBR8 ALWAYS -PICK- THE BEST H l ar.HtU.I' GOOD SPECIALIST Storage, peckiag. ship ping and moving, llerea aad ante vaaa, Special raise to all pointa. C. O. PICK TKANSFFR r STORAGE CO, 8wnnd end Piti Wmedwy 88. A-10fc S.S.ROSE CITY SAILS ST. M. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 FOR SAN FRAN0I80O AND L08 ANQELES Tna San Frandee A Portland 88. Oe.. Third and Washington Sta. ( with Union Paatfta). Telephone Broadway 4800, A -81 81. STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORSE, INC, 438 Flander rt. PACKlN'i MHVI.NG BTORAGK RErURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. STEAMSHIP Sail Direct foe SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANOELE8 SAN DIEBO t'.SO P. M., Tueeday. Juno 11 Pan Francleo. Portland A Loa Angelee Steamship Co. Prank Bollam, Aaant. 184 Third Streak Mala 88. b ah "i.?r zidlll FrMit at. We pay absolutely the bigbeat prlcat J ps ad tools, yunk. ate. Nothing oat of er Itoo. Call promptly any place: also tarry MJ"' ow and 2d band hardware, pipes, shinties, win ' ! and olnmbing sappliee for sale. AN U UP 88 SECOND HAND CLOTHING j Mnt. the tailor, pars nw mgnan oSrVoaU aad ebSa. Wo aaU anywhere (a the any ay o. .... Marabeu ixx. 220 Madison at 4 V v ' - , in i!'- fi ' SYB"6f)T-C:W"f0Ul We bny all notes and accounts or collect on commisalon; no mat ter bow old the accounts or where debtors are. we eaa let your money ; write for prooA and ref arences. P. O. Hoi 192. Portland. Or. Willamette Junk Co. .om. Peye higher pricee for second hand machinery and Jonk of every deeertption. K L. Shank Co. Hlilw MeUle Rubbers. Write for plecee aad . shipping teas. Main 1888. WANTED tiaa stove and water heater. Mar shall 2849. John E. Howard. 315 Chamber of Commerce. " TKUMCM. sttltceeee, blcyclea, toola, ebotguna. rifles, typewriton wanted. Maia 4486. 128 First at. GOING East or South 1 House bo Id good ahipped I at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific t Coast forwarding Co.. 408 Hoyt St. Bdwy. 7Q8. WANTED Baby sulky; must have top and be In good condition. Cheap for cash. 210 N. 22d. MarshaJl 2-1. Biilos. shotgun, cameras, lenae Hocbfleld. It U rt. Phone Maia 8881. WANTED Wicker behy carriage. condition. Phone Wood lawn in 203. first-class IfOTlCEB ALED proposals will be received at 88 office of 8 p. f ti-iaa TDWT . A TT I inA Mad I ' i i" J 1 ... n I lrinn U'H SUM.M UIIHRR II I BB "" MIAU I " m isiiwww.-w v I . . m m m B 111 I KI. dU'.i-.Vs i w " " - " aw a - - " - USm. children, afck aeo Dr. ma - ",r 19N 6. Brwdw 284S. ' 80S Dektim bid. Penoaal attention. 10 to S. I 84 Union av. N. PDonaa Aaw .. en, drugleea bealer. S08 Panama mat ' . . w fel Tl The Baron Has a Worthy Job BARON BEAN ft ,. . , - "--it -j f ,. . ( ah-ha-ha -Js5 iLi T,av nrrf PATioTiiAr 1 r. y - - l- ijL tztata Dl---4- Tata TZ- -Ss : 7cfe ySl. - m ' " -isl ArA --. 1 Caught in the Wash of the Windows I -- w "r,Ti - . . I I I H K r-l rc r. . . : . i I Mwmi i - " 1 ' t' ' "' ' " -"tuAaiii i-ys- - .t-er- "rTTTcr I i "-t -i rS Lj Av iC 1 Mr undersigned. 401 Courthouse, until j ThumdaT. June 20. 1018. for general work. beating and ventilating and plumbing of the open air school. Bid will be opened in room . 804 Courthouse 4 p. m. came date. Deposit of 10 la required for general work plan and specifications, and 89 each for heating and ven - tllatlng and plumbing plana and specifications, all of which nfay be obtained at office of super intendent of properties, 803 Courthouse. Cer tified check for 10 per cent of amount of pro posal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, jnnat accompany each proposal. Board of di rector reserve the right to reject any and all proposal. R. 1L THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated 8-8-18. CinCL'LAU NO. 341. Healed proposals will be received at office of general purchasing agent. Alaskan Engineering Commission, Seattle, Wash.,! not later than 11 a. m . June 18. 1918, for furnishing general hardware, packing, belt lac ing, handles, rubber hose, plumbing supplies. Mils. etc. Copies of this circular may be ob tained upon application at this office, from Alaskan engineering commission, 102 Custom Huuao, Portland. Or.; or from Alaskan engineer ing commission, 807 Custom House, San Fran- claco, CaL C. E. - DOLE, General Purchasing Agent. GOSH". tWiSH UJIKJ DOlyS rOULD BE THROWN 1st THE UVH5HTUS AND WASHED THIS . WASHWC 15 AM AU)PUL DUMB J0Q H0N" DOESN'T LIKE To HAVE DEARIE." SOIL HE P2ETTY UC HAMCX5 50 HE WASHES THE. )iMDt5 roe. HEC THAT rSNT fHET UJfWOOO. ! I C0U.D HAVE WASHED THEM fLTTEW M TSca-t . MOM FT I 1 SgSii S.f 1 ' MfrU 1 2-S Owl WB.fTP-6 ! W-WW?r 7 tfUMfS -A J' Iff A EW' W ' fly If ss'ff i3 m-A fe-J Cw I V-J3rfSWl V " ,4 A Afiffl vvo, BV,7 Jtf ffl (J3C-r ,S"5 U.'X ? VDGTP kT ,u w siww ; Mi iv Pwn v- rr ri y t& 'c? ; . iim3t thechpi is irvE? w i.-.v: l f-. u&w fv. rhn, umn i j i'iui i l, Lnuri uahhes i fi - iiiiv ill iiarvv :i:-.y i i k n i v rorm i 'r- in. i ..,i-r f i .1 i . i i ii. utti.triLi w i d r 7 v i u i &L..:r 1 ii i i i 1.aiiv r f j t t rn ursi i ii i pEMn,n, sir t,T jzrAtii m i a m aL?fflhs-r ' u -j-,ii .Ae rn v i. j SIPKRFLTIOUS hair. m8les, waru. removed by j ' Sr 52 APES. WN5 1 N I 111 ' I W . Or UJ Tt ' I ffi2liS T iCA? X i I 10 needle method; trial free. Joel. Kinly. S TO" 1 ' AWAJr 1 il IT 111 WWH J H t J (I THr(T'- J J xr- M 1 ' I S AcVTC ,y I , j iaME. UhKNELL seientlfio facial scalp treat- . ; TS YV. gS :VrV 1 MMM.MM,MM-a- 1 11 Iff Vtwmm wmmm - j ' I j : j f . meat 280 Fleidner bldg. Broadway 1888. UmmmmJLli i I 111 Ii I mmm-m llin riB r in ---- I 7 I BRINGING UP FATHER . By George McManus MR. JACK - By Swinnerton j J " 1 , " : v - I f rBY GollY. , J . - ZZ3 1 j f . SHE'S WlKlKJM T I rZ fijvruii fl VZ' I !; OW-h'-HELLO- SUt,E- . v III Hpl I fi I VE: UH-.HUH! XE,! FIN. A I'-HI rLJ zrrg 0V, I j 1 -rt'b W "UH " VB..: J ' (fiG " I , , V ' ia) . li . v ' - - t) -- I NErOfeR. comin back. I 'i, r---J CVV s2 I trV- r -TS ' (-. ,1 L jpM' AM' VpuRS 1 I lv V f" WAIT MB I VgJ .! K- S' I 1 HAVE TO WASH WIWDOIOS A-M05T EVE BY DAV. I KKiOU I'M G01N t PALL OUT OF THIS WINDOW 50ME DAV. ' HATTiE" DOESN'T ACTuAU-7 IX? AN7 WINDOW UJASHINC EOT SHE DONATES HEB. OLD OOSTlwa OPS AS u)iND0U) l CIjOTMS 1, THE rAlM ANP FSKICV COlMDOiO -LEAWINQ CD. WIU0OU3S OE"AKlD BY. THE HOtX2.oe PAY. THE PC.TS SAY THE EYES ACE THE u)iMD0uj5 0F THE 50UL , THEJ2E FOH I rLN you Sleep stupid I YOU CLOSE THE WIWDOJS, AEfc YU LALXTHDsl' 7 POM T WASTE" SOAP J; WHEK1 CLEANlNu WINDOUH. USE.MCRE ElBou) qfSEASE! : ,-