23 'THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL - PORT LAND.' SUNDAY- MORNING, . JUNE 8., 1918.- x ;3mi' a. " yW i-is , ' :t- hV i" ' ft. V Tr ATTTOVOBIIKS ACCKSSbKISSjM EO '-tm tnk ta oxoeBeaf mmitOom. - EaUin4 with Bod motor. Hew tire. Ex cellent eowdltien. Working eeery day. Make ap- "pointment to . 3 TOO. r-ao, journal. -.: t Fords Snaps Fords 114 FOTID DELIVERY 114 FORO ROADSTER 114 rORD TOURING 1918 FORD DELIVERY 114 FORD CHASSIS. 1916 rOBD TOURING CAR Talbot 5t Casey 1 GRAND AVENUE East 1118 Some Real Snaps vttlT Belrb 6. roadster. good tiraa, fine 81000 V : ?917 Oakland 6. tourist. mly 4800 8 875 - S1A tudehekar 4. excellent shape. . . . . 8 070 U Ovrlnd, good car for bard work 8 280 ! Motor Sales Corporation 844 Bornsld at. DUtrfinitora Oakland Motor Can. USED TRUCKS 9-ton Reo. fine shape . . . '-ton KiaaelKar truck 1-toa Leperd Stewart ' Stadebeker dallTary Flat delivery Stodcbaker Ugnt delivery . TERMS .81000 . 1600 . 675 . 460 . 426 . 275 1 AUTO WORKS & PAINT ING CO,, tC. b". 825 ALDER ST. HIQH-QRADE USED CABS. ( Tbi b) on llne-np of new buy of . ear that we are surely proud of. If you ; Mbink these can are not 90 to 8 par cent new. I know aa. : Iedaw roadster. Just perfect ..8 700 'Overland roadster, 05 new 000 I Mitchell roadster, cord Urea 900 J -fteriea 18 Btudebaker roadster. 08 new 000 li aWUe 17 Btudebaker roadster. 00 new 700 ! American roadster, will to 76 mile P. H. 850 Chevrolet 400, overhauled . 030 iodel 88 Overland. 9 new BOO Maxwell. uat like new 000 ItW V &Ma.., .VI U M.VW. ......... AWW Cola S. 7-pass. 99 new 1250 Wintoo Baby Six 000 , ' aVaoamobile, email sise. elee., L and 8... 000 ' Oakland 8. 7-pea.. cord tires 800 i i . Berarai buy from 8200 to 8250. ... New Buys Arriving Every Day. . -or Open Sunday and bvanlnga. CONLETS USED CAR CENTER. Big Brick Building. Hide Entrance, S. W. Cor 1 6th and Washington 8ts. Broadway 2(148. .If. ' vd ! " , -.at .: USED CAR BARGAINS 118 Ford, almost new J 91 3 Hupmoblle, new 917 Chandler 6. 4 paa. ."If 1 Overland, 5 pasa. 1916 Overland, 6 pass, wire wheel 8 495 lean 120 623 625 650 575 .1914 Hupmoblle, 6 paas. '1917 Chevrolet. 6 ,J91 Maxwell. 6 paas. IBM Ms.well, 6 pass. 650 375 275 250 tuaeDaxer noaaster , Buick Bog S ta We Msi Liberal Term Open Sunday, A-1 AUTO WORKS & PAINT ING CO,, 625 ALDKR 8T. I Some Regular Fords BOY ONE. 1913 Ferd touring with extraa. - 1917 Ford touring with extra. 191 T Ford touring, ilka new. 1916 Ford touring, like new. 1915 Ford touring with extra. WE GIVE TERMS IF DESIRED. Palace Garage Co, Authorized Ford Dealer. 12TH AND STARK STS Broadway 1572. A 2442. Trailers Trailers The largest stock of two and four wheeled trailers on the Pacific coast, rebuilt from trucks: two carload just arrived; sisea ranging from 1000 to 13.000 pounds' capacity, at astonish ingly low prices. Look our stock over befor purchasing. Engines Engines '1, 2. 4 and 6 ryl. engine for motorboat. tnctor and stationary uses. Any sis and H. P. AU engine guar anteed. Parts Parts Parts We carry tha largest stock of teen and part, both new and need, for al most every make of ear; bring or send us your worn parts to be duplicated ; new gears at a reduction; wed pait at 80 per cent off of list price. If you want service, see us fint. W have the largest stock of Bosch magnetos and coils en this aide of Chicago; can furnish them in tha following sixes and prices: 1 cyL. 810; 4 eyL, 380 to (38 S eyL. 13:- 6 eyL, 30 to 40 S cyL. 26: ALL MAGNETOS GUARANTEED AS GOOD AS NEW. , David Hodes Co. North Broadway and Flanders, Portland, Oregon. u.. AtTTOMOBILES ACCESSORtES 44 Automobile Owners Look If yott wan, year car repaired right, have ft don' by two A-l mechanic who know their mh Prices wry reasonable. Wdln. 6486. 1817 ft put, UumD in best .mechanical con dition. All food tire. 1 extra. $690. Privet ear. Mint leave for Salem Monday. Soma terms if fint claas references Anbhtd. Call Sunday between 9 a. m. and n m. Wdln. 242. THE beet any to tba efty. O. U. O. tea da Hvery ear .equipped with cord tires, for $1250. Call Mr, Crawford, Bdwy. 1809, between aod 4 o'clock. FORD FIRST COMES GETS A BARGAIN Am Uaving next waak; 1814 model, tha baat Hanry Ford ever put oat; been mod only aa a private ear; just overhauled and aa toed aa new. Coma any time Sunday, take St. John oar to Karen street, walk norm to Hunt street ask for Mr. Wvlie. Fbona Columbia 088. No dealer. CHANDLER SNAP 1618 7 case. Chandler, bka new. ran only 1 BOO miles ; extra non skid tire and tuba, apot lie-lit. bumper, syrinx oilers, tiro lock and eoTer, extension shift, new nodal; Bayfield car buretor. Would coat 31910. Price 81490, 8800 down. 850 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 881 Morrison sta FORD track attachments, one ton capacity at tached to your JToM (3TB. - WBNTWORTH IB WIN, INC.. Track Headquarters, Second at Taylor. G.M.C. 1 tt -ton. perfect mechanical condition. Dew tires, 8850 for quick sale. THE WHITE COMPANY Park and Couch at. 1817 FORD touring ear, Haaaler shock ab sorbers, demountable rim, speedometer, lock and several other extras. Very reasonable term given. PALACE GARAGE CO.. 12 th and Stark at. BCICK 1018. 7-pasa. Just been completely overhauled; 2 new cord on rear, others in tood shape. WDfTON CO., 16 th and Washington. B-1814. 1910 DODGE delivery 3850 1914 OVERLAND delivery S50 1918 FORD truck, almost new, cord tire on rear 750 Covey Motor Car Co, 218T AND WASHINGTON Main 6244. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 3 LINE BY OWNER New 1 ton truck, model 15. LITTLE GIANT, run only 800 miles. Will take for quick sale 81600 cash. Ask me why I can give you this 32000 truck so cheap. MAXWELL Main 8062, or evenings Tabor 6433. Bargains Every One 1918 BUIPK. overhauled, repainted, new top, good tires; this is a bargain 3 450 1914 CHALMERS 36: look good, i good 450 1915 CHANDLER SIX. overhauled and repainted; new top; looks like rww; good tires: com quick, this will not last; a snap . 750 1013 HUDSON. 4-c-rL: new top and newly painted 650 1!'7 HAYNES. convertible: driven les than 5000 miles; 3800 set of Westing house air springs, almost new cord tares and bumper; this car is in excellent condition 1760 1014 COLE SIX, looks and run like new; tires all good, with one new extra; if yon want a big rent car don't over look this buy 1000 1915 FRANKLIN roadster, good condi tion, good tires; snap 1000 Covey Motor Car Co, ' 21ST AND WASHINGTON Main 6244 AUTOMOBILES WASTED 78 BUICK or any good 5 pass., late model, car by resionsible party. Have a beautiful lot with trees at Cannon belch, right on the ridge overlooking ocean, and some cash, first payment Thone Sellwood 507. GOOD piano, grafonola, furniture and equity in nice bungalow: 4-r, bath, etc.; all or part, for light auto. Owner, Tabor 7598 or Oreido, 401 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 371. GENT'S perfect blue steel diamond ring, value $200, as part payment on late model Ford car; will pay cash difference. Call mornings, 1040 N. E. 23d st LOTS 11-12. 75 E. Tremont. block 18. Welles leys Add.. Portland, to trade for good, light car. D. Soutll, Waterloo. Or. A LIGHT automobile wanted aa first payment on a $2000 4 room modern cottage; Haw thorne district, D-1110. AUTOMOBILE wanted. I Ate model. 5 pasa. car. Exchange for choice of 1 of 4 small houses. Phone Sell. . 1551. 7 FINE acres, half heavy timber, half in cul tivation; will take lot or auto as part pay- ment Owner, Main 6M82. WANTED 1917 or 1918 Ford. $100 cash, $40 month. X-859. Journal. S&jwlhCO i tlon no pr.ve paiu lor sutomooile.; ihlect. 121 N. 8d St. Bdwy. condi 82 .WILL TRADE 3 pass. Packard, in good con dition, for Ford. U-407. Journal. ON Columbia river, timber to trade for auto. Jamison, 682 Main st. WANTED Bargain in late model car. East 5779. Phone TWO clear loU. on p red street, to trade on automobile. Phone Sellwood 2545. WILL give clear lot on Rose City carline as part payment on small auto. R-753, Journal. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE 52 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new ears. Reasonable rates. Fearing - Robnett, City Garage. 86 10th, Between Stark snd Oak. Kroedwav 840. AUTOS Miiuoii uim tha c'uk tuna. COUCHMAN AND SULLIVAN. MARRH. 2 IOTH ft TAMHII.L A-1S3. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE iood cars, com- patent driver". Sixth and Waxh. Math 7080 AUTO tot hire for highway. Phone Woodiawn 347 1. COLUMBIA river highway auto service. We do text work. Main 228. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES NEW AND USED BICYCLES. JOE'S BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. LARGEST EXCLCSIV BICYCLE DEALERS IN OREGON. 204 TH ST. BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES. Large atoek of new and DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 66 6th st WILL exchange "fine Victrola. Grafonola or Edl- son for late model motorcycle. Hyatt Talkinc Machine Co.. 331 Morrison. FORD touring best of condition good tire muxt sell: 3300. Owner. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnside. MOTORCYCLE, with side seat; good condition leaving town: must sell: worth 3230. will sell lor 1119. Phone East 1373. - EXCELSIOR 1914. tandem carrier, liehta. foot. boards, reenameled. excellent condition. 8115 caam Btarsnau lura. luaa Macadam st. FOR SALE CHEAP Dayton motorcycle. 2 speed: 9 h. p condition. Call at 1192 E. 29th st N. good MAN'S bicycle cheap, 369 Monroe t Phone UK suit. - lknn""i-.-n 1- ,11- ' " 1 r tun oai e. inuiaa motorcycle, tandem light. Wm. Mason. 8707 72d st 8. K. n 60. nav a. enlisted. 1V18 Cleveland mln...i7 cheap. Like new. Phone Tabor 4904 Monday! WANTED wai buy motorcycle, if bargain. iw wm. rnong r.at ejou. BICYCLE for . sale; good aa new.' 996 E. 20tb st. N. SINGLE H.rlej-Davaiaon. cheat) for csuhTirf. Tabor HOTOxtCTCrEg, BICYCLES V U Oini taotaroycla, 18 aerie, wita tandem and - aida ear. Brand new. 8886. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, Park and Da via. . Broadway 010. WANTED To exchance Colombia grapnonola, S apringa motor, A-l condition, for lata model equipped motorcycle in cood oondition; frill pay cash for difference; must be cheap. DaUoa. 273 Dixon at. GENT'S bicycle. 22 Inch frame, alnunt new and la tood condition. Price.. 822.80. 641 E. 45 th street North. LAUNCHES A5D BOATS 4 FOR SALE A fin 22 ft. Port Orford cadar motorboat, 2 cylinder motor and reverse tear, 8105. Tha engine and clutch are worth more. Can be aeea at Island station near Milwaukia. Bring your Liberty bond. V. E. Christensen, Milwaukia. Or. FOR" SALE I 44 h. p. gas angina, 116; 24x40 K. H. propeller: 15 Ufa preservers; 10 gal. gas tank, small air tank and compreaaer. A. T. Whitman, SUndard Boathouae, foot of Madiaon. . WANTED 30 to 40 H. P. cabin boat, capable of making 12 to 15 miles per hour, about 88 to 40 feet long. Address C F. Smith. 8terenon. Wash. FOIl SALE 1 cruiser 24 eastern standard eo- gine. 80 ft. long, beam 10 ft., price 82250. inns ley Marine Machine Shop. Phone Alain 7880. Foot Hamilton avenue. ONE 15 horaeDOwer Fairbanka Moraa enaine. heavy duty; suitable for trolier. Phone Wood lawn 1120. LA HUE attractive 6-room houseboat for sal, furnished or unfurnished. Call Mala 1660. FOU SALE 4 room nousaboat. 300 Day phone Main 027. GASOLINE Bosh magnetoT" Wood- engine. lawn 424. WANTED A rowboat. Sellwood 2070. Ore- gon Yacht Club No. 6. FOR SALE 3 room unfurnished houseboat. Ft. Virginia st Main 8895. CANOE, new 18-ft Morris. $55. Lam be r son Held. 242 Hawthorne. WANTED Rent houseboat near Oaks, July and August. Tabor 5897. WAN TED Sponson canoe. Sellwood 3702. MAX OS, OROA"8, MUSICAL INSTKCMEIfTS (4 WE HAVE received a shipment of high priced phonographs that were slightly damaged in transit. Here is a chance for you to benefit by the carelessness of the freight handlen. Cases slightly damaged, otherwise machines are warranted to be In fint class order; $225 ma chines for 8182.50. THE SAHL8TROM CORPORATION. 405 Morrison st. USED TALKING MACHINES COLUMBLV GRAFONOLA. 830 size, and over 20 records, some Red Seal. The outfit cost about $70. Same as new for $37.50. 560 LOROPHONE. cabinet, mahogany, for $35. 40 LOROPHONE, fumed oak. for $19.50. GEVUKTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 1st St.. near Yamhill Public Market. LET us put a Brunswick phonograph in your noma at our risk. Owing to extensive altera tions in our store, which we will be making this coming week, you are given this opportunity to test this famous nbonocraph in your own home without obligation to purchase : call . and select the style you want to try. Wakefield Music Co.. 427 Washington. bECUHITx" STORAGE CO. closing out. 8BOW old English upright, cash 34 5. 8350 American make upright, cash 893. 3400 Modern oak upright, cash 8185. 5450 Modern mahogany upright, cash 8160, 8876 New. stored. 1917 models, cash 8215. 8425 1917 models. 3235. 3460 and 3266. 109 4th st. st Wsshington St. JUST AS GOOD AS NEW Small talking machine, just the thing for your summer camp or canoe; regular price $18. Will guarantee snd sell on easy term for $15, includ ing 5 double-face records. We do as we adver tise. Brine this ad with sou. Bush A Lane Piano Co.. corner 12th and Washington streets. Dealers in Victrolas, Sonoras, Columbia and Rec ords. A REAL BARGAIN Practically new Talking Machine and 20 dou ble-face records: total coat new 3135: will guar antee and sell for $110. on terms of $10 down and $8 monthly. We do as we advertise. Bring this ad with you. Bush A Lane Piano Co., cor ner 12 th and Washington streets, dealen in Victrolas, Sonoras, Columbian snd Records. BARGAINS BARGAINS Hornless machines, $5; double records, 25c. Newman. 12s 1st st. nesr Alder. WM L Phonographs and exchanged and 1 tag. 142V 2d. YERJB L WEME38 records bought, sold rented. Expert repair- near Alder, upstairs. $750 High grade player piano, in genuine mahogany, practically as good as new, with 100 rolls of music. Must dispose of at once, $350. WiU take Liberty bonds. Hall oc Cassiday, 126 1st st DICTAPHONE Fine combination transcribing and dictating dictaphone, pedestal, extra blanks, electrically operated; cost $110; price $65; $15 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. EXPERT player and electric piano tuning, re pairing, refinishing. V. Kremar, 254 Market st. Main 6012. Reasonable prices; promptly dona. EDISON recording and reproducing phonograph. ' electric record sharing machine; $100 outfit for $25. $35 sewing machine $25. 127 W Wygant st NEW hornless Vanophenes; fine for canoes and picnic; price only $y.50; $5 down, $2 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 331 Mor rison. PLAYER organ, mahogany. 8125. English upright piano $35. Wonderful antiques from all over the 'world. Grandfather clocks, tables. chairs. The French Shop, 410 Mormon St. WHY not swap your silent piano for a beautiful new phonograph? See us. We will give or take cash difference. SOULE BROS.. 166 LOth stu Main 2820. GOOD upright piano, eboniaed case. $85; walnut ase. $106; beautiful mahogany case, stand ard make. $200; easy terms, tioule Bros., 166 otn st. 1UST class Sterling organ, walnut case; price only $25: $10 down. $3 monthly. Ilratt Talking Machine Co.. 331 Morrison (exchange aept. ) . . . . 81.25 $12 cash. 86 moot hit. burs 1B1T model new improved piano at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st at Washington st RENT a piano, most reasonable terms in Port land. No aauare nor thumu boxes. H""M A Gilbert. 384 YsmbiU. WAST" 2d hand 88-note player piano records, in guou cunuiuou, leasonaDie. --ll, jour nal. BEAUTIFUL Reichert violin and bow and case. To; a real Bargain; oow ana case alone worth 350. Call Main 6962. STERLING upright pal no. walnut case, in fine condition; will sell at a bargain, very cbeaD. on terms if desired. Call 149 6th st $315 cash buys $410 Kurtxman piano in dull mahogany, good as new. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st at Washington t ANT1SELL at CO. upright piano, good old make, will sell 3125 cash or terms. Call 149 6th st A SNAP WDl sell my piano or rent it; want to buy a bungalow; cash. Monday. 412 Fenton bldg. Broadway 1733. NEW ENGLAND piano (real rvory keys), 8167 Mendelssohn I re verted) , full 238. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. ELEGANT $225 Victrola; used few month, and $100 worth ot new Jted Seal records. 3215 cash. M-617, Journal. FOR SALE Cheap, 1 organ in good condition. in upright piano case. Call at 668 Borth- wick. . FOR SALE 3250 Edison Diamond Phonograph ; make cash offer; Liberty bonds taken. 445 E. 4 2d st N. Rose City Perk ear. WANTED Piano, good make, cash; want bar- gain. siarsiiaii ozea. cash secures Hohler eV Hohler upright piano Security Storage Co., :o 4 th st Piano Tuning $3.00 i:x A rarer. 133. 1 H..MHrt(Ariis. tvmis, umttthi. MmX end a. ei.ned Hall A rtHfclv 12 te -t M. 7l8 WILL pay cash for used piano; must be In good condition. Phone Wdln. 19, Monday. EDISON Home phonograph. 50 records, cheap; consider trade. Tabor 3124. COLUMBIA Grafonola and records, latest model. . practically new. Sellwood 63. FOR SALE! Packard organ. 320; in good con dition. CaU or write 932 E. 12th at N. FOR RENT or sale, uprihtpiano, Terms given to respnnxiDte parties, rtuwy. dzsw. GUARANTEED piano tuning. 2 Tabo 2846. - WANTED Piano or player piano for cash. V 608. Journal. - BEAUTIFUL organ. $45; on parlor. $29.50"; - for sale 254 Market st piano ehorx CABINET Edison Diamond disc 22 records. $70. - Deaaaa Orchestra bells.-new. $28. Tab. 9373. WANTED Edison cylinder phonograph. Cygnet horn; condition no object 121 W. Wygant riA90BV ORG AITS, KTJSICAi - - - IirBTBTJMElCTS 84 WENGER'S : Phonograph ' Bargain 380 Grafonola. first elaaa. Play all snake of record. Fully guaranteed. 818. " - - 91S Hewrdaaa Talking Macbtn. Juat the thing for the canoe. Guaranteed. . IB Horn lee Talking Machine. Sight n to carry with you. With 12 dandy record. Guaranteed, 810, - 818 Hornless . Grafonola, Died very little. Like new and 24 flaw selection. Only 818. Lata model Stewart. Hornless. Like new, 88. 835 Hornleas Talking Machine with double aprinc motor and Ud. Play all makes of rec ords. With 24 fine selectkma. Only 322.50. 30 Hornlea Talking Machine with double spring motor and lid. With 24 flna aelectioo. Only 317.60. Columbia Disc Horn Talking Machine and 80 good disc record. Ftllly guaranteed. Juat tha thine fM vntir emn Pin tone. Only 818. Cabinet Talking Machine. Play aU make ef records. Almost new. With 24 fin seieatione. Only 840. 1 will gie Easy Term on all tke) Above or 10 per cent off for cash. REMEMBER Wa rani Talking Machine and Hecordc. Very reasonable terms. We do expert repairing. ' Prompt service at reasonable prices. VERN L. WENGER, The Talking Machine Man. 142 H 2d at. (npstairs). near Alder. Mala 7244 BARGAINS IN USED PHONOGRAPHS 1 cabinet machine, standard make. Just like new, ano. 1 835 type, almost, new; a bit bargain to first cauer. 1 vacation model. 820: mr nrice. 810. 1 Edison diamond xtoint DhonoaraDh, -with 100 record, at lea than half price. Will accept Liberty bonds at foil value. Many other bargain in all makes. EMIL GERHING. THE PHONOGRAPH MAN 720 H Milwaakle St Phone Sellwood 8227. $500 J, & C, Fischer Piano, $225 Beautiful tone, latest atyle. plain case : 880 down, 312.50 month, no interest; positively best bargain in' Portland. 300 Kimball; beautiful condition. 8226; 800 down, 812.50 month, no interest. These pianos are known the world over for their durability and sweet tone. STORAGE CO., 312 Worcester bldg.. Monday. BRAND NEW COLUMBIA GBAFONOLAS-AT CUT PRICES 315. 818. 325. 345. 355. 875. 385, 8100. 8110 and 8160 machines. With each machine from 825 up we will tire from t5 to $10 worth of new records, your own choice absolutely; also 357.50 Victrola for 850; 3210 vfcctroia lor 8175, easy terms. Pianos taken in trade lor phonographs. MXSH KI K-MTUILE CO., 188-190 First St. CHICKERING SNAP Genuine Chickering full sised grand piano. beautiful tone, splendid condition; this instru ment cost over 91000; it is in our way; price only 3185: 385 down. 810 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison. TYPEWRITERS Selected Stock Before buying, get our prices on rebuilt type writers from our aelected stock : fully guaran teed. Very easy payments. Machine sent on week examination free of charge. Rebuilt Department. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621 NEW lifcMLWiON. rental pian, rent applies te purchase. Visible models, REMINGTON TYPEWRITER1 CO.. 8 Broadway. Broadway 4621. i.i,AKAMLtu factor Rebuilt Typewriter. "All Makes." sold on monthly payments. Bead for prie list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. Retail Dent.. Ml Washington st. WILL exchange new Victrola or Grafonola for good typewriter. Hyatt Talking aiacnine vo., 331 Morrison. ALL MAKUsV typewriters tented and re paired. Orecon Type Co.. 94A 6th. Main 8668. Ki-BL ll.'l' typewriter auppuea. Corona deeier. K. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. FOU sale or trade. Smith Premier No. 2 type- writer. What hve yon? E-804. Jonrn!. GOOD Underwood for sale. Phone East 6304 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 44 BUCK'S COMBINATION RANGES, UNION MADE, for coal, wood and gas. Bakes with any fuel. Warms kitchen in winter, cool in summer. Saves spsce and expense. We take your old , gas rsnge or range as first payment. Balance easy. No interest charged. $55 up. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First st., near Yamhill Public Market. TRF.T PITRN ITURE AT GADSBY'S 1 kitchen cabinet, good condition $10.50 1 kitchati cupboard glass doon 15.00 1 combination bookcase with mirror.... js.du 1 oak dresser with heavy mirror 15.00 1 dining table. 0 feet, in good condition, ls.ou Dining chain J1.25 to J3.00 WM. GAD8BY & SONS. First and Washington sts. $65 ADAMS DINING TABLE FOR 835 Kluhtlv used Adsnu dining table, in beautiful figured mahogany, 48-inch top. 6-foot extension: simplicity and grace are combined in this hand some table. It's surely a great bargain at $35. essy terms. MISH FUKNITUltK CO., 188 to 190 Fint st. "TnCH CONTINUOUS POST" BEDS We have a few of these popular article, very ilichtly used, at $8.75 each. Also a lucky purchase of 20 year guaranteed steel wishbone springs at $7 each. We also have many used beds, some as low as $2.50 each. GEVUKTZ FUllMTL KK COMPAQ I, 185 to 191 Fint st. near Yamhill Public Market A HIGH GRADE Empress dreoser In sleet birds- eye maple, large bottom drawer and three smaller drawers on esch side, gracefully sliaped, 18x40 inch French plate mirror. This dresser will Instantly aiMiesl -to your good taste. Cost $58.50; for only $33. Easy terms. MI8H FUR. CO., 18-190 1st st Must Be Sold Monday Entire restaurant outfit will be sold by the piece; now's your chance; linoleum, chain, range, refrigerator, back bar. counter, stools. dishes, utensils, everything must go Mondsy. 801 E. Morrison st SLIGHTLY used 6 hole cast iron rang with 20x20 inch oven and large fire box fitted with duplex grates and double water coil; looks well, bakes well and will last a lifetime. Worth 63, for (37.60 installed. Terms. MISH FUR. CO.. ; 188-190 ltt USED ICE BOXES W have a big stock of these very seasonable articles at about H price. Look at the new ones and then come down here and buy one from us. We have small ones as low as $5. GEVURTZ. FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First at. near Yamhill Public Market A HAND8OME mahogany library table in the popular William and Mary design, finished antique mahogany, used just enough to call it second hand, sixe of top 28x48. A 845 table for $29.75. This is a snap. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188 to 190 Fint st DESKS. ROLLrTOPS. FLAT-TOPS. REVOLV ING CHAIRS TO MATCH. Also 3 office rugs. A chance to buy office furniture, mahogany and oak. for about half price. Closing out offices and must sell at once. 205 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDGO. OWL SELLS FOR LESS We have a big lot of used carpets, stair and room sizes, in Axminster and Y 11 tons, at the very lowest prices. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 First Street. REG RIGERATORS REFRIGERATORS If you want a good used refrigerator at about half new price, see us. but don t wait too long. They are selling fast these hot days. Easy terms. MISH FUR. CO., 158-1.90 Fint it. LARGE DOMESTIC GAS RANGE WITH CANOPY suitable for restaurant 6 burners oven broiler and warming closet. $75, terms. GEVUKTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First st. near Yamhill Public Market RESTAURANT, hotel or camp range. 5 foot double ovens; in fine condition; $75. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 Fint Street. BIG assortment of refrigerators for restaurants or homes; from S3 up; big bargains. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 First Street. FURNITURE of 6 844 Brooklyn at after 1 :30 p. m., m. week day. room bungalow for sale. Sellwood 2348 Sunday. or .st 2Z1Z after p. LARGE stock gaa plates, come nickel plated; as low as $2.oo. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 First Street, FINE solid mahogany sectional bookcase, com- blnation (8 sections and secretary) : f. other high grade pieces. Call forenoon. East 3011. owner. o x. otn 404 a. SOLID oak spring 'seat morocco leather uphols- tered rocker, some beauty; a $15 value for 89, t OWL FURNITURE CO.. . . 204 First Street A BARGAIN Furniture for 4 room h ousel Sunday, between 10 a. av, and p. m., 380 E. Ash at, cor. K. ltn. Anxeny ear. FOR SALE One velvet carpel 12x14. on 9x12 rug good as new, ana - paby rocking 8803 64th st, S. E. STEWART steel range. 6 holes, ta attachment. as tood aa new; must pe sola y Monday a. Sellwood 1149. 783 E. 14th st 8. FOR SALE Part household furniture. Monday. 10 to 12; No. t St Helens Court. Portland Height. , FOR SALE Furniture of S-roaea house, by owner, on sale until Monday morning. iCaiy -. ... tvll.. . . HImu V Til r 7 SOLID oak roll top desk and chair. $25."24l V Stark L Mala 45558. ' '- J HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 63 It Surely Pays To Come Out Aways FURNITURE SAVINGS TOO Bedroom set, S piece: if takes at 326. 819 Leather rocker 812.30. 818 den couches. Spanish leather, 810. 85 sectional bookcase 818. 82T solid oak library table 818. 827 white enamel dressing table 819. IS and $20 cotton mattresses, 85 and 40 lbs.. 811.60 and 812.76. S3 solid oak chairs, leather upholstered. 33.75. 883 Charter Oak range, on base, 827.50. 814.50 2 inch post bed. 1 inch filler, 810.60. Springe from 81 up. WILL TAKE TOUR OIJ FTJRNiTOBX IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 84-88 Grand At. 9x12 SEAMLESS WILTON VELVET BOO, linen fringed, slightly damaged in shipment (lams re la so alieht von can hardly find it. i 800 rut for 845. Also a few tood used ruga in extra large sizes. 8 9x15 Body Brussels rugs at 825 aa.; 8 12x12 Body Brussels rug at 20 ea.; 2 12x13 Body Brussels rugs at 60 ea.; 1 lL6xll.6 used Axminater rug in fine shape, only $30, and last but not least a splendid se lection of new rugs at prices so much lower than uptown high rent prices that yon will be pleas antly surprised. And essy payments can be arranged; no interest charged. Call on us and save money. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, e 185 to 191 Fint St., nesr Yamhill Public Market NEW BOUGHT OLD SOLD -209-211 2ND ST. Between Taylor and Salmon. Dai' Main 6331 A-1209 Night Main 0783 A 8061 OWL FURNITURE CO. BELLS FOR LESS Iron beds. 81.73 un. Springs. 31 up. Msttresses. 81.60 up. Chairs. 76c up. Dressen, 88 up. Dining tables. 58 up. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 204 Fint Street. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale very cheap; must be sold todsy. 452 4th. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Eleetrte Works. 418 Burn side, corner 10th. Broadway 3S74. Abo Jelly (lasses cheaper than wholesale. Save money. Newman, 128 1st st. "MUSICAL iiValtooMa.iNin. "typewnten" and "Household Goods" are separate clajaifi eatltrn. AU advertisements of these goods are published under their reepective claasUicatiena. LOOK THEM OVER. LARGE lata cabbage plants 5c per do., 8 dox. 25c, 20 dox.. 6Uc; guaranteed recipe for cab bage maggots with each sale; no deliveries. 5 E. 70th st. nesr Ash; M. V. car to (40th and Ash, 1 block west. trf rf dropuead sewing machine, vb I UiUU with attachments; ail are ta vary good condition. Sewing machines rented at 38 per month. Phone East 2359 or B-8307. bL K. Steen. 152 Grand eve., near Belmont. $10to$12 USED DROPHEAD nalWlNU MACHINES. Guaranteed. We rent and repair. Mala 1846. A-l 818. 173 3d st. 345 VICTOR horn machine and record; cost $55; price $22.50; $5 down, $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 831 Morrison lex; change dept.). 14 K. SWISS chronograph. Strike hour, min utes and seconds. Cost 1 year ago $375. Now 8100. Be Wing the Jeweler. 245 H Alder st Main 1692. SPLENDID Edison phonograph and 75 records. only $11.50. $5 down, $2 mouthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison (Exchange Dept) ' Al !O.UUillxJ). MUlUkUlOUkS. lkCXkCiUUt or bcata are separate cl saturations. A large bating can be found under these diltereM claear ticationa. ' FOR SALE -Gas range, electric carpet cleaner, ohild'. bed with sDrings and mattress, wood and wire for chicken house, cut ready to act up. Phone Eaat iOS. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof! Why not a permanent and indestructi ble rooff We oxidise and renew all kinds of leaky roofs. Main 6886. . XEW and second-hand bicycles for sale at rea- sonsble prices; lull stoca sunurios. E. Ilohon, 408 Hswthorne ave. FOR SALE baker. $12. side st Jouk htove. good condition, fine K. K. Gearhart. 768 E. Burn- in in ml.K Plata sod. 8 ft. showcase, re frig .r.tr.r wall case, shelving, coffee urn, etc. single or lot Call 734 Hoyt st Tel. Main 1562. o.-i-ra TTmrZi its r.nt. French dry cleaned. 31. Why pay moref Uniuue Tailoring Co.. 104 4 th street FOU SALE Small sawmill; 1 ou and 1 75 b. p. engine; by owner. A. B. Loud. Recds- pbrt Or. I'OOLROOM outfit, consusting of safe, back bar. frunt bar. 4 pool table, cash register. .hnwrases. ice box. ' etc. Inquire 160 l.t st WELL equipped sheet metal shop, good location for lobbing. 00 urana are. 1 uou. jur L.h.ll mm. FOR SALE Practically new wood and coal range : blue rieei top and hot water coil. Fhone Tabor 1176. A SNAP 3 K. dUmond. besutiful color, $700 Belding the Jeweler. .19 yt Aiuer av. 1692. POWER lay press for sale, or will apply ee rt nMt 011 eooa iisnt usea car. au- dress 3807 73d st 8. E.. or phone East 695 nou KX VELAJPES or OOU bond sstteTnaauxs. 32.26: 25 engraven type weaning anemia er inv t's $3. Smith. Printers, 204 Btark st COI.LAPSIBLE wicker to-cart, 17-Inch electric fan, fwhing basset, orass pipe in su wa- tinn. 286 Eugene st. 3-A FOLDING kodak, extra back for pistes and printing frame, siz.ou casn, net. iu boo. 12 a, m., Sunday morning. ubi coroett. FOR SALE Practically new 1100-Ib. Primus separator, band or power, as. van xusurc, Linnton. Or. LshU hot water boilers. 3U gaL, 88; 40 gal 87.60. We bare up to 120 gaL over sou now in use. 18W Adams st raoo Bass 10a. Wkl Have a large assortment ot plows, hand enlbraton. sard en tools, oicyciea. eta. B1TTMAN HDW. CO.. 213 Front at Main 8611 WILL exchange fine new Victrola, Gralonola or Edison and records for adding machine. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 831 Morrison. FINE toned Hamilton piano, walnut case; cost 8450. Price 3170. 520 down. $10 monthly. Hystt Talking Machine Co.. 831 Morrison. WOULD like to buy fir proof metal booth for moving picture machine, for cash. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 331 Morrison, FOR SALE Baby high chair. porcbgat an. gocart in good condition, reasonable. 863 Montana ave. Woodiawn 826. USED Vaughn portable drag saw. 6441 66th at S. E. Tabor 021. t.utM Liuu.r. eoui. repaired, reated. s chanced, hrroeht Bent ley Co.. Mstn M53. L.NIiAU lor tailor maae suiu, 4.t Tevlnr the Tailor. 289 Burnsida. 4 IL P. stationary gas engine, good aa new, 866. 6848 Foster rd. Tabor 8397. PLUMBING Supplies, wholesale once. Darts Co.. 213 3d st Main 797. a)iara WOOL : velvet 2995. Mrs. rug. 82x104 inches. Tabor Luke. NEW No. 10 Iteming ton typewriter $65. Northwestern Bank bldg. 1022 YOUR diamond sold on commission by Belding the Jeweler. 241V, Alder st Main 102 MOWER. Aka and cultivator for sale. TTibT JournaL TWO 54 Inch D. C. ceiling fans. Phone Main 804 Monday. 110 volts. 2 BEAUTIFUL Australian palms. Woodiawn 2005. WASHBURN mandolin. 2995. Mrs. Luke. Tabor SHOWCASE, mariner's quadrant, bread pans. sea lee. 842 Front SEW HOME sewing machine. 111. . FIT sea a bargain. 191 Park st. near TamhilL GASOLINE engine, excellent condition, for cheap. ManhaO 060. FOR SALE Carpet rags ready for loos. Call Main 6001. 393 Carruthers. DIAMDND8 sold en commission. Belding the Jeweler, 246 H Alder at asm i2. FOR SALE Automatic 1a gauge shotgun! Tabor 1667. Call 29 E. 61st N. FOR SALE or rent, hospital wheel chair. 1124 liseen. FOR BALI-'. A new white enameled baby bas sinet S0 JR. Ankeny. Phone Kaet S72I BEFRIGJRAT0R. chea. 23 W. J St. f ohna car. AAA.a.R VACUUM. BVVliUus.'. iaeta 4aX EOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS " 19 FOR SALE OR RENT STEAM RHOYILS. ROCK CRUSHERS. DER- SUUJLS. liUCUMOTlVES ANO , SAWMILLS. 1 A O. Thaw many gu round gleam above. 1 8 H xlO Lidgerweed reader and rope. 4 Mill. 20.000 to 30.000 capacity. 1 18x42 Bates Corliss etaa. 1 American I. IX. eleetrte boast wttn motor. 1 7x10 American 3-drum hoist. 5 Bete derrick troaa. 2 Drag line scrapers. 1-yd., 1 H -yd. 1 2-yd. Stock to clamshell bucket. 10 Gasoline engine. 6 to 60 H. P. 1 13 H. P. horiaoatal Poos gaa engine. 20 Wataoa dump wagon. 1 Z4-tnch Simons suae erunsr. 1 No. 5 Austin crasher. 1 No. 8 Staonde Brasher. . 1 15-toa Avery tractor. 80 to SO H. P. 1 So H P. 920 enlt TV (V motor. 1 20 H. P. 220 rait A. C General Else trie motor. 5 A Btjwn mmns aTl alssa 2 68 -inch by 16-foot tubular boiler. lZe tea. 2 No. 6 Gate eruaker. 2 No. TH Gates crushers. 1 OHxll Willamette roads and Una. 1 10Hsl2 Half-breed and Una. Taoocaa. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 29 NORTH FIRST STBEET BROADWAY 1046-1047. - A-1046. STEEN'S USED Sewing Machine Dept. ALL KINDS OP SEWING MACHINES RENTED BY THE WEEK OR MONTH 1 N. Horns R. 820 4 W. W. dropheed. 820 1 Standard drophead. 822.60 2 White V. drophead, like new. (45 0 Davis V. F. drophead. 835 1 . Singer cab.. $20 1 Singer cab., 922.50 2 White R., 920 1 White V.. $16 10 Stencil makes. $12.60 Don't fail to Inspect the new Standard (two la one) machine. Dressmaking school tn connection, cut to measure. Bleek's system taught .Se If -calculating Patterns E. R, Steen East 2359. Bdwy. S307. 152 Grand av., near Belmont PLUMBING SUPPLIES What wa can give you 1 6-foot bathtub complete. 1 lowdown closet complete. 1 corner or flat-back basin complete. FOR $58 F. 0, B. PORTLAND All foods guaranteed. Pipe and fitting at lowest possible price. W also have some (lightly damaged good. ' A, L, HOWARD 312 Fourth st.. Taylor and Salmon. 8TORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES CON SISTING OF Showcase and wallcasea. Large table and counters, candy lara. Cash registers and safes. Scales, cheese cutter, meet sllcers. Roll top desks, flat top desks. Adding machine and typewriters. On large and one small icebox. Large gas range, cider press. Two soda fountains, slso one 20-foot front and back bar, with large mirror, work board and sinks complete. ' GOODS SOD ON EAST TERMS HOCHFELD. BROS.. 212 Morrison st SEWING MACHINES Srnger $18.00 WhIU $16.00 New Royal (22.00 Deris $20.00 Standard $25.00 New Home $18.00 Singer $10.00 Domeatic $8.00 Minnesota A 820.00 National 836.00 SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 8d st. near Taylor. Main 9431. A-M26. SNAP FIXTURES BARGAINS ft cigar floor case $25.00 It counter ease 10.00 ft counter case 7.60 Small turn case 2.00 right counter ceae ........ 7. 00 dtiplay racks 1 5.00 Medium sixe safe 17.50 rge ice box 10.00 -lb. candy scales 1.50 30-lb. electric scale 60.00 other scales. Area oil tank 15.00 small truck l.o Wiir-sell ny part or all these fixtures; must be aold at once. Call at 192 Grand ave. Selling Out by the Piece Complete restaurant outfit, new chain, lino leum, large refrigerator, hot plate, beautiful mirrored back bar suitable for restaurant or ccnfectlonery. counter and brase rail, revolving stools, dishes, a lass ware, u tensile, awning. Pen insular gas and coal range, and numerous other articles. Sale on Monday, sll dsy. 801 E. MORRISON ST. waiDt that roof wttn FIREPROOF WATERPROOF BCSTPROOF PAINT Pre van ta the growth of xaosa. Stops leaks and DrotecU from fire. Costs no Fnoa Mala 6973 G Teaneasee aad Port Orford cedar. trimmed; latest d sains; factory prioes. Factory B. Gbsaa. bet. 76th end 76th. Tabor SOS SAVE $50 TO $100 Vulcan Gaa Range, practically new. 12 good lawn mowen, (2 to $7: 25 dressers, new and 24-band. If you only need a rocker you will feel well paid tor coming to our low rent atore. WIGHTMAN JOHNSON FURN. CO.. 88-90 Grand Av. ALL SBaehine sold foe tees; a agent, are employed; machine T5r MoT VVOsXU 190 , tented; repaired. A-8626, Main aewtna ataehlne Emporium. 3d St. near Tsyloe. MACHINERY 81 BOILERS FOR SALE Two 54x16. on 60x14. one 54x15. one 6x6x8. one 123 h. p. Corliss engine. Room 5. Hotel Oekley. Marshall 2809. TUKNITUBE WANTED 14 Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH. Pbone Main 3333. PHONE sad 7816 wsysa you want to tall yosu furniture. We come at once and pay yea ib. as. JL Beater. 8S0 Hawthorne are ear. Dale. Call East 636 Highest pnea paid lor need furniture, atsrvw earthing te bonsebold aooda. we ea chance your old faiallaie for new. es.UU B.cuod baasl lurmiur. taages aad stoves, etc WK PAI TH BsvBT PRICal MORGAN FURNITURE CUl. 890 East Mormon Pbone Eart 233. A Q r- paid for furniture, stores, n V''J 1 ers. carpets, ruga, dressers. rang, beat- . eta. Phaa. Marshall 2675. Hart sell mmrture Co.. 341-46 1st CUT freight rate oa sMttsahoid good seuppaa Kaat and aoatn. atennrng warenonse at Trans fer Co.. th end Hoyt Broadway 708. A-l 793. WANTED Sanitary desk and chair; mast be in cood coucuaon: pnee reasonable. rred Dun, dee, Broadway and Flanders. NEED secoad-hand tutnttura. carpeta. etc.. t ship esxt of town; will pay more than Port. land dealer. Slam 4 T7 a. liMai c f paid lor mrButnr aud musacai in- strumcata. Hall at tjaasiday. 12 Fitat. "ala 70SS. FURNITURE wanted: will store or care for fur. nlrara rnr as. Main aZ4 MbLtKOsUel Faraitawe Hospital pars ugaej eness lee sxsea turwitarsv aT wtsa. Si a 44, swap coLrxjr ti LOT ON E. BROADWAY FOR GOOD AUTO- MOBIT.E. 779 MONTANA AVE. CALL BETWEEN 11 ANP 3. WOOD range, tood eondiUun. lor small rangA 77 Morria st Woodiawn 3238. FIREPROOF safe, desk and cash, for 1200 Ib. horses Route 1, Bos 248. Milwaukie. Or. t IOTS in Pendleton; trade for aato. or good wot. W-40S. jowrnai. WHAT War yesl to swap for rin thoroughbred ktHe Belrwood, 2279. WHITS drophead aewing machine te trade for cow or chsrfcevia. P-912. Journal. 4 LOTS fax Newton,. DL; what has you to ehaBget 469 E. Market at. mm mm copper FOB SALE ee trade.' Tooth, wood lathe and scroll aaw combined: kite baa ne asnss maato eabinet: bell bearing lawn mows, leather reclining chair, tailor's tab lea, trows, stand ana pressing boards. 3 3 East Oak. East X46. - FOR SALE or trade.-Indian saoterycle 2 speed. fully eaulDDed. kick starter, tires good, una Columbia phonograph. 1 man's bicycle with coaster brake. Call Monday Wdln. 1248. 848 alias, are. NEW mahogany eabinet phonograpn and rec ords for building material, pain tins, brick work, plastering. 1621 Fremont, corner 62d. R. C- car. POWER bay press for sale, or will apply a 'part payment on good light need ear. Ad- 8807 TSd st. 8. E , or phone East 696. 60 FOOT lot on Weak. at. .near city park, for late model auto, mad at MStera property. J-700. Journal. WlfJ. .U- fin. ... tio.rola. Crafonoia or vai i . i. ti.. I Edison and records for otano or orcaa. Hyatt Talking Maehine Co.. 831 Morrison. WILL TRADE a home, a 4 room house, lor a rooming house front 10 to 15 rooms good furniture. T-729. Journal. A SMALL gaa range for sale or trade for sew ing machine or other useful articles. 6031 61st ere. 8. E.. Woodstock ear to 60th. EXTRA fine $73 violin and Premo camera. for cordwood or bedroom furniture. 680 E. Ankeny. NEW 12 tuage hammerleas Marltn pump gun, for Victrola. Call Columbia 909. HA RLE Y-DAV 1DSON motorcjda for Cleveland. 366 N. 20th st. EIGHT 4-Months old Rufus Red rabbits, to trade for couch or what have you? C-2162. WAHTED MISCELLANEOUS Read Important Read We carry a tester varied aasortmant ef a and used merchandise than any store ta the city. There is hardly aa item we do act bay and saO, We specialise ta ahelf and heavy hard ware, sporting goods, household goods, office rar- BUture, betel and camp stsppUea. When you have anything to buy cr sett. Main 9072 A-7174. Levin Hardware A Furniture Oew 331-3-3 Front st.. corner Salmon. -7irfTI I 108 1383 .1 U L.L.L. Front at We pay absolutely the highest prices tor 3d band toola, yank, etc Nothing out of our line. Cell promptly any place; also carry full Una of new and 2d hand hardware, pipe, shingles, win dow glasa and plumbing supplies for sale. 66 AND UP 86 SECOND HAND CLOTHING J. Meyer, the tailor, pay the highest price for nits, overcoats and aboea. Wa call anywhere tn the city day or evening. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison st ANYBODY OWE YOUf We buy all notes and accounts or collect on commission; no nut ter how old the sccounts or where debton are, w can get your money; write for proof and ref erences. P. O. Box 12, Portlend, or. Willamette Junk Co, 272 Front Main 6068. Pays higher prices for second hand machinery and junk of every description. ITJ Ls Shank Co. Peruana. Oregon, Front Hide. jg etato Rubber. hipping tags. Writ for p Main 1699. WANTED Gas stove and water heater. V shall 2549. John E. Howard. 316 Chamber of Commerce, Til L.N ha. suitcases, bicycles, tools, shotguns, rifles, typewnten wanted. Main 4496. 128 Fint at. GOING East or South! House 00 Id gooda shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Paelfte Coat Forwarding 3o., 403 Hoyt st Bdwy. 708. WANT 16-foot awning top. and restaurant dishes. X-860. Journal. ANTlvD Rifles, shotgun, eameraa. lei Hocbfleld. 86 3d st Pbone Mala 3681 WANTED Wicker baby carriage, in Ilnt-cUa condition. Phone Woodiawn 203. YOUR diamonds sold un commission by Heiding tne Jeweler. 245 V, Alder st Main 1692. WANTED Diamond up to 1 karat; Sr. price and description. 8-701. Journal. WANTED Second-hand flat top office desk. Phone Main 9021. WANTED Baby uikiy: 210 N. 22L Ear th U 221. BABY carriage wanted. Call Tabor 8032. PERSONAL GET WELL FREE. FREE. FREE. Every dsy, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m . and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 8. and Sunday from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief In any other way are invited te in vestigate Chiropractic methods, which are per manently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a complete diagnosis of your case and direct your treat ments WITHOUT ANT COST TO YOU WHATEVER CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing dis ease. CHIROPRACTIC will penBA neatly cur 95 tta cent of ell discs ses. CHIROPRACTIC remove th cause health returns. The above service is all free to you at the col lege building and may be had in private if deaired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had in college building by members of the faculty. by either laqy or men practitioners PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and Yamhill. TeL Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. WiU handle out-of-town patients st s moot reasonable rate, in order to show what Chiropractic can do. Address all communications to DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. iOOv. CHiROPRACilO alBTaM Dr. McMabon, Macleay bldg.. Portland, a cniroprsFtor of experience, a past-amateur, a 100 CHIROPRACTIO SPECIALIST, with hi sheet testimonials from patients from Eastern states, familiar with the beet; also from West- era aad local patient oaring unfortunately had lea than 100 chiropractic elsewhere, with, of eoarae. corresponding daappotai meot la delayed relief. These different else a of natlenta ere fulty satisfied with my 100 ebirepracttie philosophy and experience ana superior sxiii aeuonetrated k consultations, examlnaitnna. adjust taenia, rate and, finally, resalta. Uecemmendatlona file fur year. Eighth year in tlue city. Rental East aad Wast aide offices 3800 a month. Credit food. All ease PERSON ALLY exam la ed and adjusted BY MYSELF AT ALL TLMib. Phone, call or write. Bix psoases t-ift-"-H Day or evening tnauueata. AIM rare. 81 adjustments, S13. 4ta and waaningtoB 3 let and Hawthorn ava. IF VOUR ailment is asthma, gultrs. rheum. I Um. lumbago, neuritss, neurasthenia, insomnia, in digestion, liver, stomach, bowel, kidney, bladder. female, rectal and prostatic trouble, sain dis eases, paralysis, high blood preaaure. ur other chronic diseases, my physical therapeutic meth ods will accomplish more for yon than any thing else. iovesCgste. It will oust you nothing. Always glad to explain. Dr. It A. Phillips, V03 Broadway bldg. JOSEPH ISUKUWOOD. noted Psychic Med ium from London and Australia, lectures Sunday. W. i O. W. temple, at 8 p. m.. 128 11th st st Alder; messages, etc. Consulted. Tilford bldg.. 407 Morrison at 10th: readings daily; circle, alonday, Vednesdy and Jrriday, 8 p. m. biAsSU Ai A BAvsU $9 yalydoubl eorreetlv me service sod gaaUty yea double the money correctly fitted classes 81.30. Thousand of satisfied custom in U. W. ixkIimii. rxoestrit. 2lw Morrieoe) et SPIRITUALISM M It a. M. J- LA MAll. 235 6th st. corner Main, leaches palmistry and card reading; also lessons in science of health snd suceees. ERICKSON 8 White Shield Maternity Home lor unfortdnata girls; no publicity, 798 E. 72d at, N. C-1279. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called Balm "of Figs, for disease of women. 44 E. 83d SelL 3213. Phone morning. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION CURED Surplus flash scientifically reduced. Ironside Institute, 327-9 Plttock block LOCAL teacher at Seaside for vacation will Grades only. take limited number of pupils. Call Main 34 78. REYNOLDS' MONEY -BACK TONIC TanA knock your dandruff). Sold at Barber Shop. Only, or addrewi p. O. Box 29. Portland. MRS. MABLE .BARBER, spiritual medium. gives readings dally. ev PowciL Phone Bell wood 3486. Woodstock car. DR. G..H. HCTHMAN Vet. 416 EL 7fb t, V K. 1S47. at-1963. tMl sas7V4M cttppCsaU De ELLA CACRETTE. acieattfie faeasl. seeks treat. mailt. 406 Broadway beds. Mala .SOT. teenmgs. Marshall 8396. DR. G. V.' RETCH CM, weeaea a saatedkes and acute aisir of mea. WaaMagtoa beds.. 4U and WaabiBttoa. Pnoae MarebeU 448. Lawyer CoSMUtaUoa VBEE. 613 aVlilng Mdg. MRS W BIGHT Palmistry.; card feadmsi aad avirttual teacher. 360 Vj MorrUoa Room 414. LADLES, ehildrea. akk sew Iw. sea. drugksss heeler. - 60S Jsnama bldg. GOITRE, enlarged gkuad: enre yeareelf safely. rely. - A. it ptraoian. iiiiwooeo, ur. B. ax - 1 MMaV U REM ELL aaaaatttio laesat oaw traav 230 Fkrsdaew beds. Reosdway 1SSA UU. UlBEL BARBER, swirlta. medium. s-reea reedinc daily. 800 pi owalL 10 to 3; rneate BelL 14 S3. ear. KOTICES STAT or nhAAY PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES ' s The Orecon state board of contra Q re eel ve seeled bids on Jane 12, 1918, it 1 a. aa.. for famishing aupphe to the various state tn stJterttens. mnsirting of dry goods, slothing, far nkabinta. gsoeertas. shoe, hard wars. I niaai drags, stotiosiery. crockery, ptuxebts. etw fee the eemiasnaal period ending December 91. IBIS. Bpwanoatloss sad schedules will be far atabed upon appliecrton to the secretary at Salem. Or., also from the tlxraWrU. uaiha. tures bureau. Chamber ot Commerce, partland. r- EaA bid to be acoompaniad by a certi fied cheek representing 10 per cent of the whole s maun l of bed. payable to the Oregon state board I f?""Sh " guaranty -'"" i.iu.iu.oo. oi toe contract. board reserves the right to reject any or all i w ewi. any pan or a bto. R. B, UOODIN. Secretary, Oregon Bute Board of Control SEALED proposals will be received st office of undersigned, 401 Courthouse, unttl t p. m , Thursday. June 20. 1918. for general work. nesting and ventilating and plumbing oj the open air school. Bids will be opened in room 804 Courthouse 4 p. m. asms dsta. Deposit of $10 is required for general work plsns and specifications, snd $3 each for beating and ven- uiaung ana plumbing plans and specifications, all of which may be obtained at office of super intendent of properties. 803 Courthouse. Cer tified check for 10 per cent of amount of pro 'nUn,dent of Properties. 803 Courthouse. posal, payable to R. li. Thomas, school clerk, muxt secomusny each proposal. Board of di recton reserves the right to reject say and all proposals., R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated 6-8-18. PWOr55IONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY aOOOKDION PLIATINfl t STEPHANA besmstitchlna. brsldlna. ehaia stitchina. box. accordion, aid. and M.knMS Plaiting, scalloping, button covered. Gooda ponged 319 Plttock blk. Broadway 1099. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. ALL Uiul BULKS. EASTERN NOVELTY CO . US 6TH ST.. BET. OAK ANL H Tall If sit . PHONIC BROADWAY 000 AQAT1 CUTTIB3 AID Mrp. JtWtlRS AGATES rut and olMti-d. leweiry and watea repairing. Miller'. 355 Washington t BLANK BOOK MtKIM ! DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC.. 109 2d at. hUI book manufacturers. A-8183. Mate IBS. BOOK TOMB BOOKS bought.sokl. excualigea. ooos store w. q st Broadway 2834. WA88 , NO MAOHINI WORK Harpers braas muusb Uraw ca.Ungs a ad" Broadway Z343. sac nine work. 106 N. 6th. OARPfT CLEANING fudif mm rum aid carpeu. rag ruga. Carvel c Waning. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. th st Phones East IS0 B-11S6X 188 K. JOkCal BbCMt.. Electric Cleaning Wt pets cleaned and laid, refitting our .soeclaltr. East 440. B-196S. 204 E. 19Ua es. N CHIROPODIST Lit E! LOL'laE COX AsebUe ChuolxxLuI. Successor to Dr. Owen. Office. Jasxmai Bldg. Phone Main 7173 CHIROPRACTORS DR McMAHON 1 making good: 81 adju. tinsels lis; seven. a ttilwt terma, OOP AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. G. N. HUTUMA.N. V fc 1 k,tll.S AitiA.V. noa- pilal 416 E. 7ui t kAst la47. xt-ibSA OUCATIONAI, OANOINa KLNGCER iaaucuig Academy. All braueuea of modern, fancy, stag and beuroom dancing. Classes and private seasons lor adults and chil. area. Main genu. Montrose Itioaler. director. MA.NCtOveTbU UANCLNt. ALlusal, a s. 6th. Gt la line for rammer dsncuut: IB an. vat lessons 6. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 .30 n. av Broadway 2337. We teach you right kits. FLfcC. 8 ACADbUsl. lww ae.CO.ND 7 Ballroom and classic dancing Private laassnsa daily. Claasas Tuesday aud Friday evenings, a to 10. Ladies free. Mem 2 1 ud. AX 18 M. BROWN, teacher of classic, toe. etaa and ballroom dancing, 14S ISta at. off Morrteoa. Phoue Broadway 2666. MISS IRELAND. 10 LESSONS 36. 609 Dekum bldg. J'snossl attention. 10 te 0. MUSIO .SCHOOLS AND TtAOHIR PRO Entrust el 20 year expera.be. xiii give piano lesion at yonr bosm lor 76c. Pbeas Tbor 7206. OK EGO. N Cuawervaiory iBchooil ol Uuuc 73 floor Russell bldg. tOver the "Lioa.") Ks tnnee HUH 4th et . corner of M.ttWb, a. THlaI.HOMN ;Vsonn teach.!. puiu awveiA. 207 Fleldner bldg Brwadway 1629. TI CAHHOL DAY. pun, vocal lewna, wit practice nisno, 1 hr day $ mo Bdwy tS r-LUFC WUai AND tAO WUOS Send Us Your Old Carpets FLUFF MS Msde from old Ingrain. Brussels. Axaslaetee. Smyrna. Abe rag rugs. aU eisse. Mall erdan prompt Send for booklet Carpet Cl'ning, Refitting, Etc. 9x12 rug. tem or dry cleaned. $1.23. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. 84 Tnlon v.. M "h,.m r.f r.Sl R-1473. Do Ton Went to Make Your Yard Beautiful If ao. eonrait Knight Landscaping Co, Experieneed Florists and Landseaners. Pbone East 6768. 413 I., 13th N. PAINTING. TINTINO PAPCMHANQINO lOCHLk PAl.Vti.St. CW. Pewuug. usual. paring 163 N 17th t. Brnadwav 4414. PHVSIOIANS DR. U A. e-HlLJ-lt-e.. 9Ui struad.ay buiidiaa. Rheumatlam, female dlsorderv. skin treoblea, stomach. Uvr. kidney, bowel, throat goitre. Men Wood rrfore. PATCNT ATTOriNCV GOI.DRfcKi.. C2u Worr-t.f bldg Mam ttth WStlNTINa. (NOSSVINO INOIN PRINTING SiblSS -vi . 1., A-USS nd ik -f. M ISA. S iUk, IV 1 PMSWOB 82 Stsre Hrnsdw.v 4A. A-40S3 RIAL 1STATC OCALCNS RUtltR STAMPS AsaVU s I k.n.li.s, 1 i.a. t.tMa., aseiju BiCkM. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WllKkt. S3 Brnadway. Brnadwar 7I. A-71 HUT MITSL WON MS liJcl'AlKI.NG Un and srstu ruvla IIP 1st wt Phon. Main 1434. STOWAQ3 CUi-PklCk, Motag. pacKing. ate. Adwaxus Furniture Gu. Mala isjf. A-2SJ6. ur 6b and Oak TOWtt, SUrPLT ruuiUA. . um 1 10 piwMt. ... .. eervW. IW. Hfrlws. 41u. A Win 7lANkael AND STONAtit Oregon Transfer Co.' EstebUabsd 1876 Traasfer aad Forwardlag Ageau Storage Free Trackage Office and Storage. 474 Glsaaa st 13th snd OIHn. Brwdway 11. A-ttS ALVvAYB "Pick. Ina. uLsi uutki.ai'i.u GOOD SPECIALIST 8 torse, paefciag. ship, ptng and moving. Mease end ante vsoa Special rate to "1 point. C O PICK 1 RANSFER STOItAGE CO. Imed snd rne HmiIik .-1e STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORSE, INC., '438 rtander et PACKI.W MV1.(, BTUKAOa, SECURITY SIORACB TRANSFER CO " 1SS Park- at Main Ale. A-v)tf. WATCH mAlWINS1 ta tt'a a watch erystal at m watch itcb Ml JsMTWITT L aTF"B V4tWt0t St Blom. 132A 3d TKAFrORTATI07f ST EAMS HIP Sen Obwct fee ' SAN FRANCISCO LOS AMBUSS SAN OIKOO t:SO P. St.. Toeeeav. Joes 44 u Baa Francisco, Portland A Lo Angabej a. ateemsnrp rrasiB SMKm, Aeea 1 Tsd Dteeet. mim to.