r 20 THE OREGON SUNDAY" JOURNAL,, PORT LAND, SUNDAY A MORNING. ; JUNE. 9, -.1918 BKAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES These Attractive Home Buys ., w r Itb t Ihmit Mew 14100 LAURELHUBST, T roam am sleeping j parch, hardwood floor apstain and daw, lull cnunt beismsat. set laundry trays, i; furnace, fltwplae. modern boroe only 2 " r blocks from the club hoase and park, and . . 8 blocka tmm ear Una, $500 eaab, bal ance to suit 1260 HAWTHORNE. T rooms, hardwood . flour, French doon, fireplace, full cement " bmrant, art laundry trsy. 1 bedroom downs tain and three np. This Is a splen did location, and house In best of repair. 1600 each, balance .to suit v T0 WAVERLEIQH HEIGHTS, 7 rooms J and at pwig porch, hardwood floor, fire place, full basement, aD improvement in, flu location on Brooklyn at. 8S0 caah, balance Hka rent Thla placa sold 8 yean ago for 14800. v ' 2460 HAWTHORNE, T roomi, fuU cement ', ' . bees-meat furnace, built-in buffet, all city Improvement la and paid. This la a splendid location laaa tlian a block from tii Hawthorn car. $850 cub, balance to suit. 12610 SCHMEERS ADDITION, 2 blocka (ran i ., Inrlhurt park, on 81t at. near Stark, 7 room, full 2 story hous, light, bath, toilet, but. and cold wster, lot 60x112. fine lawn and roses, S lull bearing fruit trees, berries. $1000 cash, balance long Umi. 12100 WAVERLY, 100 feet on 20th at., 60 .. feet on Woodward; on 1 car line, 2 blocks from another; s room bouse, lights, bath, ' " toilet, hot and cold water, fine lawn -end rosea, 24 bearinc fruit trees, splendid lo C . cation. $000 cash, balance like rent, 2300 ALBERTA, 5 room house, light. u, bath, toilet, bet and cold water. 100 feet south of the ear on 20th. BOilOO ft. lot. fruit trees, berries, rosea and chicken hous and yard. $850 cash, balance Ilka rent. 1800 HAWTHOH.VE, 6 room house, base - Bent, lights, bath, toilet, hut and cold water. 80x100 ft. lot. placa clear of in f eumbrance, 130 feet south of Hawthorne car. Small payment down, balance like , reut II BOO ALBERTA, 0 room bouse, basement, light, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, 2 blocks from car line, 60x100 ft lot 800 cash, balance to suit $1106 JARRETT street, close to Union are., rooms, bath, toilet, lishu, hot and cold water, 60s 100 It lot with fruit and berries. $500 cash, balance like rent 1000 WOODLAWN. 6 rooms, bath, toilet, full basement, 80x100 ft. lot, 6 or 8 full bearinc fruit trees, berries and rosea. $200 cash, balance like rent 11000 ALBERTA 4 room plastered house, v bath, toilet, light, hot and cold water, ' , large woodshed, 2 blocks from the oar . Una. $200 cash, balance like rent I 900 LENTS. 6 rooms, bath, toilet, lights, hot and cold water, 60x200 tt lot, barn ,' and chicken house, 2 blocks from the l.enta school, facing on main street and park, $200 cash, balance to suit Ask for W. W. Jordan. Manager House Department, mi Inside Property Dealers, Ground floor, Henry Building. East Irvington I hare been tfistrumental in the sale of S60 bonnes, 50 of which were my own. "33 yrs. In 1'ortland" has giren me a knowledge of ' values. I desire to submit a real home - lor your Inspection. It is located near 20th and K. Broadway. lias all the up to date feature incorporated ; furnace, fireplace, sleep ing porch, bullt-lns. etc. Trice only $3250, Which ta a very great reduction from original est of bldg. ' Try and arrange to see it early; it will be Worth your time. G, C. Golden-berg ABINGTON BD Main 4803. A $1750 i. 4 ROOM HOUHF . PARKROSE HALF ACHE TRACT Ftuit trees, variety berries of sll kinds, gar den, mawers, chicken house, pen, ground in high state of cultivation; the house is unfin ished inside, rough, but good for the family , who Is not against taking a place and fixing it Tip; bargain at this price. J. L. 11ARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7. Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and o-arv ta. Beat Your Landlord 100 down and $15 per month; it Is a 6 room plastered house with 110x160 feet of ground; on the Ore. Electric, only 20 minutes out; lust outside city limits; wife and kids can pay for it with cow and chickens; garden plot all ready to plant; soil perfect; price $1600 nd no more; these chances growing sesree; it's your chance and your move. Owner at AOS. North western Bank bldg. Ask for Mr. Stringer. ROSE CITT VAHK . $3250 Tbb Is a splendid buy -6 room bungalow, with ' bardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, furnace, etc. , Within 200 feet of Sandy, facing east. Full 6x100 lot, garage; owner selling at a loas. You will want this. It us show yau. A. G. TEEPE CO., 294 STARK ST.. near 3d. Main -31. Branch office, 60th and Sandy; jopen . Sunday. ' 91650 $1650 BUNGALOW ' 8 rooms, hardwood floors,' fireplace, interior i finish equal to high priced house; white en amel, built-in buffet, everything the best; must be sold to close estate. Will take $300 down and $20 monthly. This is surely a wonderful fcuy. FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Bth Ht Main 6899. v . ROOM tnodern bungalow, furnished ; fine - place, bulltin buffet and bookcase; Dutch kitchen, lot 54)xl25; garden in and up; fine lawn; rones and fruit; house only 3 years old; cost owner $2500 to build; will sejl for $2000, , or, without furniture, $ 1 H00 ; easy terms. ' M1LLEB8HIP. 481 Chamber of Commerce. 4 ' Call Sunday. Alder Hotel. 787 East Alat North ' S26B0 FORECLOSURE SALE. l?B5f ; If you are looking for a bargain not in the so-called bargain class that you have wasted your time looking at then don't fail to see mis; m rooms, modern; terms. Where can you sinu lis equal r THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 8th Street Main 6869. AT7ITTI.E COTTAGE HOME 'MIDST TREES AND SHRUBBERY . rooms, full basement, pantry, attic, close in. improved district, corner lot; 1 block on paved street te car; not one penny needed for street Improvements of house repairs; price only $2250 asy terms; move right in. Owner at bUJ - , Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Main 5446 ' ' .fa ft Mr. atringer. .' NEAT CTVrT X(J ELAW EGOUNDS ' a" roo,n cotu. lot 00x143; barn and niea ' fruit trees; clear o( aU incumbrances; price 2WO0; $200 cash, balance like rent . WATCH OUR ADS WE GET UKSTJLTS. ' C. A. Warriner, HITTER, LOWE It CO., . 203-6-7 Board of Trade. A Real Barga in 6 'room modern hmiM siwf ... n u s Clisan at; cherries, apples, pears, grape, berries and flowsra. owner lives out of town and will ell for $1400; easy terras. S. P. Osburn, 610 ascsvay eiug. 1300 C.ARlt. 123 MONTH 5T5TT75 r. bungalow, reception hall, full cement basement laundry traye. nice electric fixtures; best buy in city. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 , N. W. Bank bldg. JL ooa. convenient close 4n. near grade and high schools; rnaea, shrubbery, lawn, fruit- tree taSsnd paid; $2350; $100 cash. $25 Per months Johoson-Dodcon Co., 634 N W 850 EAST SJth near Clinton, full lot on car tin, all impnfyments tni .id or 0re on Inv. A Mtg Cow 202 Stock Exeh. bldg.. Sd and Yamhill. Marshall 205. BEAUTIFUL place in 82d st. near Hawthorn . . 't 4 lota, 4 room house, tree, berries, fur- tur' rich 1900. C. ev plngs. B-2127. w sTL-NYSlDErT" rooms, modern, al! improve 'L. ""I?. '. '" pa. on 87th and Washing ton. 2800. Will give terms. Mrs. Julia ob Ww. 801 Rsilwsy Kxch. bHg. FUR SALE 6-room cottage. Hawthorn dkt lot 80x100, fruit trees and garden patch : Italian district. Call 1197 Woodward; abo 7 . roam hone an Woodward ave. a -BOOM modem bungalow. 6roora cottage,-on . let 100x100, price 2700; $300 down, feerane easy terma, V. Uoaglin A Bird. 667 William ave. East 8398. hEW Toasa bouse, Woodlawn district. $300 ' cash, balaao terms. Call Woodlawn 8893. EAST 14th aad Bbon sta., S room double eonetrncted wsa. $8000. Terms. East 2871. 1260 OB MOBR down, balance like rent; 5 V rem,bath. ate. 871 R. 12th at N. I" kOOM'bungalow, cloaa ia, .1 block 'cat. Easy BE Aft ESTATE iOB SALE HOUSES 1 GBUSSI as DOWNET'S SNAP LIST 0004 room cottage, bath, electric: lot 4tx 182; la Bancroft are., weat aide, $100 cash, balance 8. S1S00 S room cottage, bath, electric, fine lot 80x100, In Berth wick near Peninsula Park; $300 cash, balance 0. 1800 Nice room bungalow, fine lot. E. 13th and Roaelawn are.; $300 cash. $1800 room old bouse, lot 60x100, E. Hoyt near 85th; $200 cash. $18001 room bungalow on Council Crest; BOO cash, balance 6. 1660 Niea 6 room cottage, .bath, electric, in Minnesota near Ainsworth; $300 cash, $18 per month, 6. 1700 Nice 6 room cottage, full lot, pared street, fruit, Nebraska at, west aide. 18004 room cottage, tine lot, fruit; K. Mam near 37th; easy terms. 20004 room fine bungalow, E. 26th near Gladstone; will sell furnished or unfur nished, on terms. 2260 Good 6 room cottage, bath, ate, on Morris near Union, 1500 cash. $26008 room modern bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, etc; Milwaukie are. near Hol gate; $500 caan. $2500 Uood 5 room cottage. 100x100; fine corner; fruit, garden; Maryland near Kil lingsworth; $400 cash, balance 6. GRUHSI at DOWNEY. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. WooiJH'rAcK i'iu 1150 6 room house, garden, $100 cash. $16006 room bouse, fine corner lot, $150 8ELLWOOD CAB, OB INTERURBAN 2250 6 room house, corner lot; $300 cash and food auto let paysient, balance monthly pay. menu. 2280 B room cottage, nice lot, paring; 260 cash. ALBERTA CAB 1950 6 room house, completely furnished, fruit trees; about $350 cash. IRVINGTON 4000 7 room modern house, splendid condi tion, garage, fine lot; $500 cash. - $7000 8 room, thoroughly modern house, near Knott - Office open evenings. GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main 7260. 624 Henry Bldg. HOSE (JITr PARK $3b50 We hare (or sale one of the awellest Httla bungalows in Hose City Park right up to the minute in every particular. You couldn't ask for anything nicer. Only been built 2 years just like new. Li Tins room extending across front of house, an exceptionally attractive fireplace and Dooaoases, massive outlet, mucli kitchen, with sanitary drain-board, an exceptionally economical radiator heating plant; finished in old ivory. You simply can t resist this home: It s so comfortable. so homelike, so sttractive and well built. Let us snow you. xou will De under no oDUgstlons. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 STARK ST.. near 3d. Main 8516. Braafth office, 60th and Sandy; open Sunday. . TOO 3 BOOM bouse, lot 40x125. fruit and garden, good home; $200 cash; terms. $1260 8 room house, lot 100x100, garage, plenty of fruit and garden, furnished complete, $350 cash. $3200 Willamette Heights, 7 room modern house, full cement basement, fireplace, paved street; $1200 cash. $3200 Union are., new 6 room, modern house, large rooms, corner. Several good bargains in good location from $1600 to $2600. NELSON. Main 4613. 316 Couch Bldg. Open Sunday, 11 to 4 o'clock. IDEAL HOME FOB &IILDREN Mr. Family Man, are you looking for a home 7 We have an ideal place for you and your chil dren. Three very pretty lots, nice hedge, with grape arbors, fruit berries, lots shade and choice shrubbery. Uut be seen to be appreciated. 8 room house, practically new, hardwood floors, fireplace, bath, sleeping porch. We will sell you thU placa fer $3750. Be sure to look thla up while bomeseeklng. HAHGiiOVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St Broadway 4381. Ill V1V4 IT-fl-V'tt Ill'UT fWWU !V1I Right in the center of Portland's best East Side district; U room house, absolutely modern and up to date in every detail. 3 fireplaces, '1 baths, hardwood floors, large new garage; the grounds are 100x100 corner, all improvements in and paid. We are authorised by the owner to aeu, and believe that we can make a price far Be low any of lu class. NEILAN A PARKHILL, 210 Lumbremena Bldg., 5th and Stark Sts. BOSE CITY PARK $3500 6 room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet furnace, lull bakemenx. etc. One of the best locations in Hose City Park. All improvements in and paid far. You will want this for rour borne. Arrance to see this at once. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 8TAKK ST.. near 3d. Main 8516. Branch oltice, 00th and Sanay; open Sunday. Terms Of Course Can sell you a 4 r. home iu Lents. 2 blks. car, for $450; another in Jenesmore, 3 r. plas tered cottage, with plumbing, etc.. $750. A PROBLEM TO BEAT THESE. O. C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "85 Yrs. in Portland." Main 4803. 5 BOOM GENUINE SACRIFICE This la a splendid 5 room bouse, 1 block from car and paved street in perfect condition, built-in library, buffet, Dutch kitchen, linen closets, etc., full basement, bath, gas, lights, etc., full let, nice roses; in (act, it is as pretty and convenient a little home as you can find. Price $2000. HAHGHOVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th 8t. Broadway 4881. Woodlawn District 6 rooms, bath, large lot, fruit and berries, 2 Mocks to 3 carline. $300 down. Geo, T, Moore, Abington bldg, Nob Hill District $7000 Or. colonial; new and majestic res., with view; strictly modern. O. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "85 Yrs. in Portland." Main 4803. OWN YOUR OWN HOME ' 2 lots, small house, $800. Irge lot 4 rooms, $1400. Close in corner, 4 rooms, $1600. Almost new, 5 rooms, good district, $1900. NEILAN & PAHKH1LL, 219 Lnmbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark Sts. SEAUTIFUL new home, unobstructed-view of city and mountains; hardwood floors through out. 8 bathrooms, 2- sleeping porches, 2 fire places, close in. West Side. Shown by appoint ment Address owner. N-907. Journal. $1200 5-R0OM house on E. 4 5th at, 1 blocks of Mt. Tsbor csr; $100, bal. terms. Paul Waidt, 1257 Belmont st Tabor 1212. 6 BOOMS, bath, full basement. Alberta district, near Union; price $2200; less for cash. 1062 E. 8th st. N. 6 BOOM house, bath and toilet, with 2 lots; for sale. $1000. Corner of 71st aad 40th ave. S. E. Ask for Corak. 100x100 MONTA VILLA. 8 room house in fine shape; easy terms; price $3000. Ore. Inv. at Mtg. Co. Marshall 205. $3500 MODERN 7 room bungalow in Division at; snap; easy terms. Ore. Inv. & Mtg. Co. Marshall 206. BORE City Psrk and Alberta bungalows from $2000 to $3500. Broadway 1678. East 838. 7-BOOM plastered house near ear and school in St Johns. Very easy terms. Price $1500. Phone Woodlawn 202. IRVINGTON If you desire a nice 7 rotgn home at a moderate price, see 636 E. 21st N. and let me show you the interior. Owner. $1800 $150 down, balance monthly. 5 rooms, bath, 20 minute out. J. A. Wick man Co., 814 Stark st Mam 583. ARGA1N $1650 Good, modern 8 room house: large lot: close in: t.m q i o "Worcester bktg. osiii noe uy rark, modern 6-room oumraiow, narawooa floors throughout, and on car line. o r-. tza ?i, 2000 SPLENDID modern 6-room house, gi age, rln-e Alberta car: good terma. DUBOIS. 803 SPALDING BI.TV1 lllVINGTOIN Beautiful 8 -room strictly modT- eru iiome on ear line, lot 75x100; 37500, terma Dubois, 808 Spalding bids. NEAT1 bungalow, 4 rms.. bath, light, gas, alon- isTiua; easy terms; no com mission; $1140. viwner. lapor 8s, or Main 871. fevtt, J T IT- i n '. m . nous anu A lota, tBU3 60th ave. . h.; also lot on 55th ave. and 72d st K n i rt Okie t i vwAw. A-itfi, journal. 3 -room bouse, some plumbing, connected with .rr. it rice oou; terms. Phone Wood Iswn 202. MONTA WLI.A 4 rooms. $1450. eav terms. lohn H. Gibon. phone Mar-hall 1585. E. 74th st N.. 3 rooms. $1050: easv im.r John 1L Gibson, phone Marshall 1585. gooi s room Imuse and 1 lot direct from FOR SALE By owner. 7-room house, 15 mbv nteV walk to postoffice. Call 880 Grant st NICE home in Piedmont See owner Monday - ...g avenue. A ca?LW89T3m bt. n BARGAIN Small 4 room house"." inquire at r-erii -rs. engine nous. 4 fndkTnVw3, PtT11"1 $1?ermT7 T&T? " iStWSSl 7-ROOM modern. 100x200; fruit, beautiful enearJFirland. Tabor 5185. See owner. 128B E. Morrison. Bargain. Mawi? 0 m hungalow ia ' Wartasorefisml Addition, phon SeUwood 0- I220O-J-5 ""Place. gsTrag. J. A. Wick- " - '-"" otark at Main B8S.- . Aria'a2 fvc- v room- lurnisWM PrtO BlBfiO. , Jntin u 11 i, t.. 1 viiws, asnssii ISflS BEALt ESTATE. FOB SALE HOUSES : . ' MODEBN - FITE ROOM BUMOALOW -HAWTHORNS DISTRICT v Furnace and firepiaee, hardwood floors, fan cement basement, laundry trays in. basement, new linoleum in kitchen and bathroom, gas in base ment and kitchen, fall sized attic, floored; screens throughout; exterior painted last fall; interior aU washable flat wall paint; assessment paid; insoraaca paid; half taxes paid, balance du fat fall; location convenient to ward and high school; streetcars and stores. Price on terms: $3400. For $2200 cash down will make price $3230. For saw by owner, 241 E. 61st at. near Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 1007. G HOVE LAND PAUK $3150 Near Franklin high school. 5 room bunga low with hardwood floor In every room. Every conceivable convenience, including fireplace, bookcases, buffek, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, etc. Payments $600 cash and 30 monthly, including interest No mortgage to as sume. Built by one of Portland's beat builders. Doa't mis this don't let someone els beat you to tola. Bear in mind, all street improve mente in and paid. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark at, near 3d. Main-8518. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. WEST MOBELAND BEED COLLEGE D1ST. BARGAIN. 3600 6 rooms and sleeping porch. This is Just the home you want Modern in every way. Hardwood floors, fireplace, massive buf fet full cement basement, furnace, etc. You really would expect to pay 04 500 for a home like this. Just 8 short blocka from car. All improvements in and paid. Why not live in this highly restricted residential district? $500 cash will handle. This surely is your oppor tunity. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 3d. Main 8516. Branch office. 50th and Sandy, open Sunday. BUNGALOW Willamette Heighta. 28x47, liv- ing room, 16x27; ball. 7x15; dining room, 14x15: built-in buffet, beamed ceilings; hard wood floors; large atone fireplace, two large bedrooms first floor, one bedroom in attic: beau tiful kitchen and screened porch with cement floor; finished basement; " cement walls; first class plumbing and heating plant; gaa and electric lights; beautiful front porch. House cost $5900. 1913; all street improvements in and paid- All for $4750.' easy term. O. W. Bryan, Main 1963, 609 Chamber of Commerce. - HAWTHORNE $4000 A Ml Telusiv home a wonderfully planned and built bungalow of 6 rooms. High, sightly location. Tou would never expect to buy home like this one at a price ot 4U0O. naro wiuwt floors, flrenlace. buffet furnace in fact. everything. Plate glasa windows. You owe it to yourself to see this it's a real home with lots of class and distinction. It us show you today. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st, near 3rt Vain 8516. Branch office. ROth Sod Sandy. Sunday, phone Mr. HiUer. Tabor 8255. BOSE CITY carline. 6 room modern 1 H ftory bungalow; new furnace, well built, attractive; owner must sell, $500 cash required. Price $4000. Improvements paid. Writ owneA ).'. O. Box 855. FOR SALE IjOTS ! BARGAIN IfOxlOO lot, $350; terms or will sell 100x100 $650. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 235 Burnside street . Blk, St. Johns Car 7 lots, 6, 40x60 each; 2, 40x100 each. 1200 for the lot. All clear. G. C. GOLDEN BE BG, Abington bid. "35 yrs. in Portland." Main 4808. LOOK $500 corner lot in Good Morning Addi tion; take $300 if sold at once; terms. Call Sunday, if possible. B, E. Gearhart 768 E. Burnside. 2 CHOICE lota. Bos City Park, paved streets. cement walks, sll clesr; exchange for auto; must be Al car. C. -E. Waldron, box 140, Willamette. Or. $000 Lot 34, Bodley's addition, next to 540 Milwaukie st: look this np and give ms an offer. Ohrbeck, Washburn Home. Minneapolis. FOL'B LOTS on carline. 35x142; price $325 each. East 2997 morning. Three lots at Madras, Or., on railroad. Price 1000. 90x200 FT., business district. St Johns, on carline. Street improved. At a big sacri fice. Phone Tsbor 45 28. 3 LOTS, 240x60 ft each, in Ike Shore View addition to Seattle, Wash. George W. King, 16thand Alberta. Portland. Or. FOR SALE at a big sacrifice, lot 85x130. 1 blk. from car, 15 min. out on Estacada line. Call Robertson, Broadway 217. TWO fine lots in Albina, near waterfront One or both for $700. Need cash. Write owner, V. O. Box 855. IBVINGTON PARK choiee lot 1 block car, 60x 100.-Sacrifice. $500. Owner, F. O. Box 8.15. FOB SALE By owner, fine Irvington lot; bar gain. Call Woodlawn 4419. TWO lots for sale cheap, in North Portland, make me an offer. Arnold, 620 Henry bldg. ACBEAGE 64-ACRE farm. 4 miles south of Forest Grove, IS acres under cultivation, lota of fine pas ture, running water and good timber, house, barn and outbuildings; would consider Portland property in exchange. 10 acres, 10 miles east, 4 V4 acres in culti vation, balance good timber, near Base Line road. 5 -sere Lewiston orchard tract, in full bear inc apples; will consider Portland property in exchange. Exclusive owners. B LAN CH A BD CLEMS0N, 702-3 Selling Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH 20 A. close to Amity, Yamhill county, close to school, part cultL, some fine timber, no waste land, no rock, rich soil. $1400, $200 down, $50 per year, 6Ci. 9 A., Vt cult, fenced, oak timber; close to school; all good land. $700. $100 down, $50 per year, 6 . Close to town and electric line. 10 A., close to Amity, Yamhill county. 3 sides tenced. H In culti. Some oak timber. Close to school. $750, $100 down, $50 per year, 6 . F. E. Seachrest, 248 Stark st. CHEAP ACREAGE. , 6 acres. S250. $10 down, tli ner month buys 6 acres of land between Portland and Cen tra lia. on the main line of S railroads. 1 U miles from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills, some partly cleared and aome all cleared, running stream, some bottom land and some beach; can give you any kind of a piece yon want - BELL BEAT, ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exchange bide RUNE ORCHARD NEAB VANCOUVEB 1 2 14 acres, near paved road and carline ; over one half in fine orchard, balance in wheat; price $2250. BITTEB. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Six and One-half Acres House, barn, chicken house, all fenced, 2 14 -a. pasture. 3-a. wheat; all kinds of fruit and ber ries: on the Oregon Elec.. 25 mint out 9c fare ; bard surfaced road near. Iady must sell on account of hu-band s death. $3150, $750 cash. Be sure and see D. E. Carlock. 1011 Yeon bldg. Main 6882. Main 5458. $20 DOWN. 10 MONTH buys 40 acres of . logged-off bind, located be tween Portland and Centralis, 1 H miles from main line of three railroads; fine for dairy or chicken ranch; plenty of outrange. Price $30 per acre. BELL BEAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Hallway Exchange Bldg. SPLENDID 10 ACBES $2250 In one of tha prettiest parts Washington county, between Portland and HUlsboro, 10 acres, 8 acres cultivated, good house, barn and outbuildings. Pric only $2250. You should see the crops in this section this or sny year. Hargrove Bealty Co., 122 North 6th st Broad- way 4381. ONE chance of a lifetime, 4 acre well improved, near town, good 4 room house, good cold storage, woodhed, barn, chicken house and hog house, 2 acres in clover, family orchard of as sorted fruits, fine garden; household goods. 1 cow, 1 hog, chickens, crop and farm machinery go with the plac. Price $1750; good terms. C. J. Culltson Co., 203 tt Morrison st ENGLISH WALNUT RANCH. A nic 20-cr English walnut ranch, close to Portland, bearing; for sal at 60c on tb dollar of original cost 818 Railway Exchang bldg. FOR SALE 3tt acre, newly fenced; good noose ; all kinda of fruit; 7 miles from court bouse. By owner, U-703, journal. 1 tt ACRES, city, near station, macadam road. 2 house rented. Terms. See 8trstton, 217 Abington bldg. CRANBERRY bog, partly improved; small house, splendid location, near town, in producing district ; aell or exchange. F-804, Journal. 80 ACRES near Yaqina Bay, easy reached to Newport and. Waldport Summer resorts and beach. Good agricultural land, fin creek, good road, plenty of neighbors. Price 81100. W. H. Barley. 686 Irving at Marshall 29(13. FOR 8AI.E 1 acr. all ia crop, water and building; fuel tiding tb crop of 2 mor rented screa out at Parkrose, Richardson road, north over R. R- tracks; terms to suit 40 ACRES in Southern Oregon, well timbered; good soil, near railroad town. Geo. W. King, 16th and Alberta ta. ------ 820 ACRES $800 . Springs and running water, $100 cash down, baL term. Claad Cow, 800 Henry bldg. - 4 ACRES Convenient to- Oregon City ear. 350 par acr. Phone Oak Grove 1-M. FOR ALE tt -acr east of ML Tabor for tnforrAation eall Tabor 238a. BE ATj ESTATE ACREAGE 1 EQU1PPEB 26 ACRES, 1200 DOWN No better land around Portland than this, 25 acres. 1 8 cultivated and in crop; Ilea fin, no rook, 18 miles out, H mile electric station, 7 room bouse, - good barn, lots outbuildings. Spring, bearing orchard, berries; - team, har ness, wagon, cow,- rmplementa. Everything for 4200. $1200 cash, balance 5 and 10 yean, 6 interest. This- is in one of tha eery best farming sections east of the city. It is out Graaham way,, just 18 mile from the court house. We hare anything you want in tha farm HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Sixth St. Broadway 4881. EASY payments. 6 acres. West Side; bouse. barn, orchard; 10c fare. -P-916 Journal. SVDTJKBA77 ACBEA6E 7 FOR Just the price of the land alone mora than a half acre with a 4 -room house; tb land is all in garden and fruit; two blocka front the carline and station; two blocks from a. large school; street paved from the business center of the city to this place. Who wants this place as a gift for only $17007 M. J. Clo hessy. 415 Ablngton bide VIEW HQME SITE. ONLY $400. On 9c commutation faret close to station: fine view of Mt Hood, everlooking nice body of water; swimming, boating, fishing, dogwood and cedar grove. Lights, phones, water. Can you beat itr Easy 'terms. Call at 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. BBYANT ACRES AT OSWEGO LAKE. $200 for an acre tract; -lies level, open sec ond growth, close to station. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 600 Concord B)dg , 2d and Stark. FOB SALE. Beautiful home site, on hard surfaced boule vard, H minutes on Oregon Electric; gas, water, electricity; 2 8-5 acres. Phone Main 8165. FOB SALE: 9.3 acres, 11 miles out on Base Line road. 2 blocks to 2 carlinea. Mar. 321. 288 W. 17th at $1200 ACRE, all in crop, house; outbiuldings. near car, Oo fare, good terms. Dubois, 803 Spalding bldg. SUBURBAN H03IES A $13,000 place for $6000. This is one of . the finest houses, modern, up-to-date and its location rs unsurpassed. The house consists of seven rooms with a basement furnace and all other accessoriMi which m with . K..itir,i "home. With this home is one sere and a Quar ter of land all in garden with all kinds of large ana small iruit and assorted shrubbery galore. Th location is superb, on naved streets frnm the business center to within two or three blocks or uie nouse at Courtney station. M. J Clohespy. 415 Abington bldg. lOUK choice qf 1, 154. 14 and 2 acres, all in garden with all kinds of fruits and flow. era; each of these places have modern up-to- uaie uouses, an oi mem comparatively new AU or tnem are near the carline. AU of them on or near pared streets. These places range wuiu vuu 10 aouu. All ot them are lo- u irove. At. j. Clobessy, 415 Abing VERT EASY TERMS. Parkrose acre tracts: lust water, r&s and electric connerf if n orwvi i serrice; low taxes: xood school . J I. H.rt man Company, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce flu.,., t lu mm ourf. sts. AM AC TUP. UVlt! " 4 rOOm hotlS it h uatur unrl .11 1. "-ws asaasa tAI, at Is III cuii.. cuicaen nouses and parks; incubator, brooder and gas range goes in; 10 blocks to S car. Make it your own. Onlrk . i. i. $2250: terms TI RtHn,.. im western Bank bldg. Main 5440. Suburban Home Site 1 sac, nf S.V T, I . J ... 1 . ' .u.c, uviuuiui grove ot irreo, b i ream containing trout, also water i" iwi, iiue sou; near electric station; price $760. S. P. Osburn. 610 McKav hld. THE best 5 acre tract, improved and in crop, . - m v. u. u j uuuk x W ICCb 1UUS . Oregon City car. Close to station; cheap; terms. ... "-:, oau Luimofr oi commerce. DO YOU waut a nice couutrv uln.ee istnl fiMi.' Taved ruad, carline, shade, spring, stream, new buildings. Close in. Call 10 to 2 this week. 218 Alisky bldg. KENT is high. Pay $5 month, price $4 50. for little ranch. 30 minutes out. 4 blocks to car, tan. ii to z. this week. 218 Alt-ky bldg U-WOOA1 bungalow, with 1 to 8 acre; Haw thorne line: garden, fruit Owner a.7qii journal. , FOR SALE FARMS 17 Prune Orchard NEAR VANCOUVEB 1 2 tt acres, near paved road and carline ; over one half in fine orchard, balance inVtvheat; price $2250. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 240 ACRES, 165 IN CULTIVATION . SO FREE IRRIGATION, 60 WHEAT, 10 BEANS. 1 POTATOES. 2 ARTICHOKES. GOOD GAR DEN. 28 PRUNES. P. H. TO CAL.. GOOD RUII-DINGS. FIXE WATER. JOINS 4 500 ACRES OUTRANGE. INCLUDES STOCK. ElJlil'MKM AMI CROPS; $65 PER AC HE FOR SHORT TIME; $3000 CASH; WILL CONSIDER INCOME PROPERTY OR SMALL FARM NEAR PORTLAND OR VANCOUVER. ZIMMERMAN, 811 BOARD OF TRADE. $3800 FOR WHEAT fARM 24 0 acres near North Bank road: nearly level; good house, barn and other buildings; water piped to them: good fencing, fruit, ber ries, garden and potatoes; 200 acres grain; 47 hogs and some farm machinery. Everything for $3800. It takes $3000 cash. Biggest snap in country. LIEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 80 ACRES $10,000 Lies beautifully, with gentle slope; 65 acres in cult. 20 acres pasture; 45 acres in grain: spring water pined to 6 room house and big barn: all outbuildings: orchard, berries; tool; fenced and cross fenced ; near school and church. Good terms can be arranged on this going farm. Address Mr. HeCox, Sunnyside apts., or Tabor 8908 evenings. 160 ACRES, 40 clear, in crop; fine timber, spring in pasture; well, 4 room house, barn, outbuildings, family orchard, 2 work horses, 1 1 Jersey cows, 18 head young stock, hogs. This fsrm is on good county road, convenient in every way; cream route, red shot loam soil, very productive; splendid value at $7000, half cash. O. E. Freytag, Gladstone. Or. Phone Oregon City, 269-J. 320 ACRES. GRAIN AND STOCK RANCH. 10 miles east of Madras, Or., on county road, 2 small houses, barn, 2 wells. 2 springs, 278 acres ready to plow; 80 acres now In cultiva tion; all fenced and in well settled community; best buy on the market; only $16 per acre. Terms. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg., FOR SALE 5 acres choice land. 15 minute walk from Vancouver. $800 cash. Good 20 acre farm 5" miles from Vancou ver, with 12 acres cleared, house, barn, orchard and well, tt mile from Pacific highway. $3000. N. W. Merrifield, 810 Washington st. Van couver. IT. S. A. 480 ACRES 300 in wheat, crop insured for $10,000 and looking fine; 1N0 acres tribu tary to ditch, which runs through place; build ings, tin good roads. 7 miles to R. R. ; price $40, including crop: $2000 cash handles; ad joins 60,010 acres outrange. ' Zimmerman, 311 Board of Trade. fBACTICALLY given away 330 acres oM S. L. C. : fair buildings. 800 acres bottom land; fine soil, running water: adjoining 800 acres fine timber land, 12 tt million feet All for 814.000. 8. M. VENARD. 920 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER MUST SELL, SONS AT WAR 185 acres, 25 milea S. E. of courthouse, 60 acres cleared, houe. 2 barns, family orchard, spring, $8750." Worth more money. Easy terms. Mtg. $3750. Take res. for equity. CLEVELAND, Main 1189. 222 C of C. bldg. IMPROVED 10 acre ranch not over 1 5 miles from my office, 4 room house, barn, etc; about 6 a. cleared and in crop, all level land, good soil, good road. $1650 takes it- This is good and will pay yon to look it up. J. R. Wolff, 618 C. of C. bldg. A BABGAIN 10 seres fir-tt clasa soil,, mostly in bearing orchard, 6 room farm house, good well water, 20 rods from paved road, 4 miles from Interstate bridge. $4000. $800 cash, .bal ance as long as purchaser desire. Address 1103 W. l"4h st. Vancouver. Wa'h. Phone 850R. 120 ACRE DAIRY. $S00 DOWN Located 5 miles from city of Tillamook' on Wil son river. 120 acres, 80 cultivated, house, barn, outbuilding, orchard. Price $4200, $800 down, balance 6. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 North 6th st Broadway 4881. 2017 ACRES, upper Columbia valley, 10 miles to R. It, 75 per cent tillable, 2 miles fenc ing, plenty of water, good soil, fine native grasses, 800 acres clear will produce anything; only $8 per acre. 1-8 cash, balance long time at 6. Zimmerman. 811 Board of Trade. 86 ACRES 6 milea southeast of Oregon City, about 70 acres m cultivation; 2 good springs, water piped to house and barn J all fairs. Imple ments: price $10,000; would accept home in Portland to $3000; $1600 rash, terms on bal- ance. Call Mr. Gibson. Mar-hall 1585. 125 ACBE FABM, CLACKAMAS COUNTY Full set good buildings. 15 ml. Portland on good auto road, fine soil, 45 a. in cult, fruit, running water; $12,000. Take $8000 in good exchange. , R. F. Feewrster. 809 Abington bldg. 500 ACRES al alia -ranch, abundance of water; well improved : actually worth $60,000. i Interest for 25fu00. S. M Venard, 929 Chamber of Comsaerce. it) ACRE tana, some stock -and farm iuole . aents; trill sacrifice, fer $2500. Arnold. 620 Benry bldg.-, , -.; -.r - -. REAL ESTATE FOB. SALE FARMS 17 Exceptional Offer for a Short Time Only 80 acre with 25 acres under cultivation, bal ance covered more or less wiUi timber, used as pasture, fair buiMinrs; the personal property consists of l epaa of work boraea, 1 S-year-ola saddle and driving bora. 4 good cows (S fresh). 2. caive. i Droaa sow. 2 wagons, cart, a sals of harness, all necessary implements, good cream separator i then is also a good orchard with all kinds of fruit and berries; place is well watered; all growing crops included for the small suga oi syoo; $1000 mortgage to assume at 7. do 3 ytara front last December, leaving a balance of $2,000: must have shout 11800 In cash: would consider equity in small home in Portland to tne amount of about $600 or $700. Otto & Harkson Realty Go,, 418 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MODERN FABM HOME AT SACRIFICE 240 acres in Linn county. 200 acre now in cultivation. 40 acre in ash and oak tanber along creek; land is suitable for wheat, clover, oats and corn; land baa about 7 foot fall to th creek, which nrorides aood drainaee: the build ings, which ar new. cost the owner 87000 in IU15; 11 room bouse, full cement easement, furnace, fireplace, pressure wateg system, toilet bsth. all builtin cupboards etc. r 2 new barns, silo and all outbuildings; has beautiful view of the mountains; ideal borne on good land; the beat buy iu the Taller at $20,00o. F. KINNEY. FABM SPECIALIST. dorsums, Oregon. IN PARADISE PART OF"6r"EGON 463 acres, 8 miles from Boseburg on gravelled auto road; about 270 acres under plow; good 7 room house, brick foundation, large barn and other outbuildings, family orchard, good sise all year running creek; bind slopes enough for perfect drainage. Uncultivated bind baa small oak trees, easy to clear, good for pastur in its present state. Similar land there held from $75 to $100 per acre. Our price only $50 per acr. wortn your while to investigate. B. A. LINDGREN . Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bHg. ALBANY DISTBICT 92 ACRES, 60 IN CROP This is a good place at a real bargain. Would consider renting the place and selling the live stock, crops and implements. Price of entire outfit $7500. WATCH OUB ADS. WE GET RESULTS. BITTER. LOWE & CO., 208-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM $3230 20 acres, all in cultivation; family orchard, 4 room - house, barn, chicken house, hog bouse, and other outbuildings: 2 wells, cows, horses. chickens, sow and geese, all kinds of . farming implement and tools. Adjoining 35 acres with buildings and orchard rented; 20 acres in cul tivation, 19 acres summerfallowed. of which 2-3 goes with this bargain. Act ' E. A. 'LINDGBEN. Savon Land Co. 936 N. W. Bank bldg. BANCH. STOCKED COMPLETE 480 a. 10 miles from Lyle. Wash.; 6 miles Warwick, 6 room house, fram bam. 40x60; new granary, chicken nouse, other outbuildings, all in good repair; 60 a. wheat and oats; 33 a. summer fallow; CO a. more sod to be broken; 80 s. fine bottom land: all fenced hoc tlaht: 17 head cattle, 2 horses, chickens, hogs, machinery; school, church M mile: mail route, telephone. Price. $25 per acre, H cash. baL own time at reasonable rate. L E. Foes, owner, Lyle, Wuh 4 ACRES. 3 a. high state cultivation, house, barn, other outbuildings: on Oregon City line, 12c fare; price $3200; terms; would take house and lot a part payment. 1 H acres, 5 r. house, chicken houses, at It a nings Lodge, Oregon City line. $1650; terms. 1 acre, Jennings Lodge. O. C. car. $650. 10 acres, Columbia river highway, in culti vation, orchard, running water, small boos and barn, choice black land, level; $2100, H cash. n. M. OATEWUOl) & CO.. 165 H 4th st. ALBEBTA"" FABM 800 acre, every foot fine farm land, raise big crops wheat, oats, barley and flax; considered one of the best farms in Alberta; it is wrll im proved, good bldga., fully equipped with horses mschinery, new tractor engine with plows, black smith shop, etc.; 60 hogs. 240 acres in wheat, in a splendid locality on fine, level road; I own and operate this farm and it is for sale. For particulars' see Claude Cole, 800 Henry bldg. LOCATED 3 tt miles from Newberg. All level bottom land. Fair house, new bam. silo. 100 A. in growing, 30 A. in clover. ndln.tn8H '?ir C!,0?.,U iPena I calves. 1 3-year-old full blooded Holstein bait. 2 tste"r.i,o cutterb.m,irato,r .Tf.rm snoats. 1 silo cutter, cream separator, all farm tools. Price, stocked, $21,000; without stock and tools, $18,400. Apply to J. C. Pope. 517 1st St.. Newberg. Or. "Poor Health Big Sacrifice 80 acres, I mile from Hillsboro. 73 acres of the best kind of bottom land and 5 acre upland in various kinds of crops, ot which on-third goes to the purchaser, and 2 acres uncleared; this of fered for only $150 per acre: good terms. K. A. Lindgren, Savon Land Co., 035 N. W. Bank Bldg., 80 ACRE. STOCKED, $5000 12 miles from Inrtland, on hard surfaced rnsd, 25 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture; little timber, 5 head of stock, team. 6 pigs. 123 chickens, plow, mower, rake, harrow, wagon and other tools, 60 cords of wood cut family or card: usual buildings; one half cash. D McChesney, 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. BARGAINS IN TWO ATTRACTIVE FARMS. Both well improved with good building, fences, etc., on crushed rock roads, 3 tt miles from a good town and 30 miles from Portland. One of 78 acres, 45 in cultivation, $10,500, some trade accepted. The other 87 acres, 00 in cultivation, (11,000; good terms. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co. 035 N. W. Bank bldg. WHEAT FARM AND CROP 1240 acres. Eastern Oregon, over 1100 in cultivation, 600 in crop, completely stocked arid equipped; fair buildings good water. Take part in trade, balance easy terms. Price $35 per acre, including crop and equipment LUEDKEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 12.000 ACRES 6 miles from R. R. : buildings 30 miles fencing, several thousand acres ready for plow, deep soil, fine climate, cattle can feed out all winter, convenient to 2 finest markets of world, plenty of water for irrigation; only $10 per acre; $12,000 rash, balance 10 years at 0. Zimmerman, 811 Board of Trade. 73 ACBE farm, 2 miles from Vancouver., Sifton car, all in high state of cultivation, 21 head of stock, 17 pigs, teams, good buildings, new farm implements and machinery; crop, stock and everything goea for $16,000. The old man's eon has enlisted and he must sell. W. H. Burley, 685 Irving st Marshall 2963. 95 ACRES, 55 in crop, balance wood and pasture; water piped to house and barn; big silo, 23 head Jersey cattle, 3 work hones, all larm machinery; income averages 17 3 per month: cream route; good business proposition; $11,000; terms. O. E. Freytag. Gladstone. Oregon. CANADIAN FARM LAN Da Cheap land remark lb ly easy termsLand seekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary. Alberta, Saturday. June 8. Reduced rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Ry. Co.. 208 Railway Exchang bldg. I P. Thornton, District Representative. FQR'SALE 2mUernbRidaerieldTW'aah., 40 acres, 20 in crop, bal. in pasture; 1 acre in beets, good bouse and barn on good road, rural and cream route; good orchard, all kinda of ber ries, living springs. 3 good cows, 2 horses, all farm tools; price 44000; good terms; for 10 dsys only. W. A. Finney, Ridgefield, Wssh. R. 1. THE best bargain in Willamette valley, 440 acre stock and dairy ranch: 180 acre of richest creek bottom land. Trout stream with several springs on the place ; 6 room- bouse, 3 barns, orchard. Price $83 per acre. Owner, 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. 40 ACRES. 10 in crop. 20 slashed and seeded and very easy to clear: renord; running "water; family orchard; old buildings: close to neurhhnrs H. D. and school. 4 miles to town. 2 hours to Portland; $1800. part cash. oaL terma. Box , lameroca. tvaan. 480 ACRES. $7tt PER ACRE Located 6 miles from R. H., 40 miles from Portland, lota cedar and piling. Several springs ana creeks. t'nee only st.oo per acr. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4881. STOCK BANCH , 4000 a. not far from Kelso. Wash. : fin running water, lota of grass for stock, tt can be culti.; good county road; enap; $5.50 per acre. F. E. Seachrest 248 Btark St. 8TOCK ranch.- 1800 acre, controie beet grass range in Central Oregon: 106 acre alfalfa land: excellent buildings, plenty of water, will car for over 1000 head of cattle; price 810.000. Zimmerman, Sll Board of Trade. FOR SALE or trad 149 acre farm in Wash.. county, ao raiies irom roruana; noase. barn, running water, farm implement and team. $4000; 20 head of livestock will be sold separate. V-812, Journal. 40 ACRES rich sol near Grants Pass, good buildings, some fruit, grain and pastur land, with farm toolt at great bargain. Owner, Wax. Jeffers, Murphy, Or. WHEAT 1 WHEAT! WHEAT 1 10. 000 acres, in heart of Judith basin; $82 per acre, including 2000 acre crop. N. M. - APPLE, LEWISTON. MONT. 160 ACRES near Mosalla. 4 r. house, barn, S acres cleared and in bearing fruit fine stock or dairy ranch.- $1150 take it 1'his I a splendid buy. J. H. Wolff. 618 C of C. bldg. FOR SALE Ranch, mast sacrifice for cost of improvements. W. A. HufrvlL 118 W. Mala St.. Medford, ur. HAVE buyer for S00O ta 20.000 acr traet. sou mere Aioerut. uescnoe at once. . m. Apple Land Cev. Lrwbrton. Mont - - - 65 ACBES 2. aores in cultivation; school; good sail; 860 per acre, only $76 down, time. on a lane. Be Atrapar. 41 Board er Trass. ' BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 11 !CATto ' FdB".SHKEP"-INbt"stBY ' Th warm, nasi and ahaltewd tlnvs of tha Columbia basin ar th envy of sheen raiseiw. ureea rrs-s .earner in the aprtac thaw els when, and th favored location, make tb un usually high percentage of increase saved during the lambing season. Very tittle feed required. mora than th open pasture during win tar and' ones nnar flusiM nMift - we nav an exceptional opportunity witn aiyi in a Dove conditions to oner m a ntgniy im proved property of 1335 aeras, abundantly watered ay springs in Klickitat county. Wash. 200 acres in wheat and 240 acre mora tillable: balance pa stars. tlna piae has an annsually wen built barn of sise suited to tha reouiremenU: good boos and other buiMinrs. All in a highlT favored locality near tha North Bank R. R. Price 810.80 per acr. One third the crop to th purchaser. n. a. cook co., 002 Stock Exch. bidg.. Portland. 80 ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY. 86000 Located la Washington county. 80 mQa out. 80 acres. SO acre in crop, balance second growth fir. 5 room hous. nmne drier, shoo with potato cellar, good barn 22x100. silo, etc spnof water piped to hour and barn. Searing orchard. Personal: 8 cows, 8 heifers. 4 year lings. 6 calves. 3 broad saws, chickens, team. binder, mower, rake, hay tedder. 2 cultivators. potato digger, drill, gas engine, ensilage cutter. Dean thresher, plow, harrow, disc, wagon, back. buggy, etc Price for everything $6000. tt cash. " We are headquarters for anything you want in the farm line. Above is a - splendid stock and dairy ranch. Joins abundance outside range. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 North 6th at Broadway 4881. A FINE Tarahill Valley farm. 180, acres all unacT cumvauon. ou m orchard, 7 years ou, 50 in winter wheat, about 25 in oats, 8 in vetch and oats, 8 in barley. House, barn, fin granary and potato house. Large hog bouses, 50 a. bottom land. The finest of soil, no rocks. A fine tubular well at th house, with water piped to barn and hog houses, with large hog cooker. I-ocated mile from B. K. etation. 2 miles from town on main road; this farm com mands a fin view of surrounding country: $10O0 worth of hogs. $1200 of sheep, csterpillar tractor engine, with gang plow and -aTtt -h. p. engine for pumping purposee. U interested to a farm look Uiis up. Owners. B LAN CHARD & Ci.EMSON. 702-3 Selling Bldg. 163 ACRITS 50 acres in cultivation, lo acre slashed and seeded, 1 acre family orchard. 2 tt million tim ber. 8 room house, barn, outbuilding i, 2 horses, 2 cows, 2 heifers, 200 chickens, good machinery. "OU4e- lTing in pasture. Price $8750, $400 cash, balance long time easy terms. 28 ACRES 2 acres In crop, about 15 acres can be put in cultivation, new house, barn, chicken bouse, plow, harrow, cultivator, pony. cart. 3 doaen hens, on good road, 3 miles from Oregon City. Price $1600. Dillman & How land. 8th and Main su. Oregon City. Or. SPLENDID 52 ACHKH H m pa nt-T Here la aa good a farm as there is east of the ity. 52 acres, practically all cleared. Very coic flne loam. o rock. Juat 8 mile from the city limits. A modern bungalow, that would do credit to any part of Portland. All mod ern convenience. Large barn ami outbuildings. Fully stocked and equipped. Price for evcry tliing, $13,000. Crops always good in this location regardless of season. Bee us for the beat to be had in the farm line. HARGROVE BEALTY CO.. 122 North Sixth St. Broadway 4381. IMPROVED FABM STOCK AND CROPS AND TOOLS $75 PER ACRE 92 acres. Albany district good soil, good roads, small builUings. family orchard, 60 acrta in crops. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 666 ACRES IMPROVED FARM 3 tt miles from Portland ; electric car. good buildings, fine soil, plenty water; $200 per acre. i WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE V CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 60 ACRES. 30 miles from Portland. 3 mile, from Ta.U s'timber h-?.4, .n : r,?,,,", TXlTlStfw-lFSZ rmh hsLno. i. .. .i i,ii.ii. n rough, balance lies fine: fsir buildines. well stocked and equipped. 15 in crop: price for all, $3500, $1700 rauh, balance on time. Neil Brown. 207 Panama bldg. FARM BARGAIN 230 acres near Yamhill, 140 acres in culti vation, balance good but in pasture; good baild ing,new fences, running water. Price $70 per acre, one third rah. LIEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 100 ACRE dairy farm, full equipment. 20 milch cow.. $100 a month income from cows; spring hou-e and separator, 2 large barns, smaller building , large modern houe, ' abundance of water, 75 acres in crop, 100 chickens; 25 mile from Vancouver on highway. Tabor 8C97. 5301 87 th ave. S. E. FRTJIT LAXD 45 PRUNE ORCHARD 12 acres trees in prime condition, splendid crop in prospect; 4 acres in loganberries, new house, fine well, near high school. 4 mile to electric line, 6 miles from Vancouver. $4000. DOVE A GARDNER, 410 Board of Trade bldg. 160 ACRES at Mosier. Or.. 40 in commercial orchard. 80 cleared, rest in timber and brush; other fruiti for family use. Will sell st less then half cost Eat 20D7. FOR RENT FARMS 14 2 tt ACRES on Powell road, between Gilbert and Bell Rose; small house and barn, some garden planted; $60. R. F. Walters. Gresham. FARMS WASTED RENT OR BTJT $ WANT to rent CO to 100 acre of good wheat land, not over 8 per cent grade. 831 E. Everett st Phone East 6703. WANTED 1 or 2 acres, near Portland; small rash payment balance to b paid like rent F-803. Journal. WANTED TO BENT A good place for dairy. close in. H-H70, journal. HOMESTEADS 47 VALUABLE FABM LAND FOR HOMESTEADS O. at C forfeited Ry. lands near Portland open this month for homest ceding ; numerous valuable claims conveniently located near towns, etc. Remarkable and rare opportunity. Ar range now in advance for expert locating service end early selection. I guarantee accuracy, effi ciency, extensive selection and utmost satisfac tion. Service fee only $35, including auto 2 days. CALL THIS WEEK. DAT OR EVENING OR SUNDAY. Am leaving Sunday eve. to complete -surveys. G. 8. EHLE. Govt. Lsnd Cruiser. 227 E. 49th st S. COUNTY maps of Oregon and California R. R. lands on large acsle. showing only the lands open to homestead, filing June 22, in Multno mah, Columbia, Clackamas, Washington, Yamhill, Marion, Polk, Henton and Linn counties in Portland land district Pric 60c each, former government cruisers to show these binds for $25. Msp of the state of Oregon showing the entire grant free with each county map. Good homesteads can be had within 25 miles of Portland. Open Sunday from 1 p. m. until 5. Rowland Map Co.. 411 Henry bldg. HOMESTEADS Government ojwns O. . C. lands near Port land. Wonderful opportunity. Near bardsur fsced roads and electric lines. GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZES ABILITY. The fact I made government maps and employ only former government cruisers who classified these binds to show them to you is assurance of reliable service.: Don't buy worthies msps of those who do not know. I have th only reliable maps. $1 per county. Free information ANDERSON, 481 CHAMBER COMMERCE. 107 ACHES near Astoria. $4800. 8V A. ia ruR.. 60 A. slashed, some 20 yean ago; 4 acre of orchard, poor building, three m0 from railroad. 12 aula from Astoria, S milea cows, 1 bifr. 2 yearling heifers, 1 ball, a bone. 1 young sow. wagon, plow. etc. : anllaaited outnnge. This I the biggest snap ta tb coast country. - Fboto at office of Fred W. Germs n Co.. 732 CI tare, of Coaa. 40 ACRES, $1600 In Clark county. Washington. 12 acres ta cultivation around tb tnmpa. family orchard 8 yean old. 6 room house, large barn, root boos, chicken boue: $50w caah, $200 yearly. Plenty of t work ka vicinity. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Pons. FOB SALE. 160 acre farming bind in Lineola county. Or. Addreaa owner. Glea Beldon. W. 703 4tb ave.. Spokane. Wash. 67 V ACRES, of a beat land, part ta crow-. 300 acre caltivaUd. Photo at office. Equipped. 6000. term. George' Mors. 816 Ch. of Com. TIMBER M ABOUT 6,000.000 good Umber, akw about 12.000.000 good timber near river; pay as yon log oa on, and small psy't en other. Hoock. 119 10th st WILL you buy tt lot in 30 M. mill in opera- tion, ran th mill end, present owner the log glng endt Hoock. 110 10th st. FOB SALE Leas oa aaili cutting SO.OWO "ft , per day, now operating: good proposition. Fan nrtienUn 316 Lumbermen bid. . WANTED Second growth, timber. Dear PoW kaad for small Portland saiO. . SIS Railway Exchaiige bldg. - - FOR SALE 8.0OO.0O0 teat second growth : fir. Fin location for a a was ilk Oa taUoa. Uubot. aOS apalffin, eklc. - j i REAL ESTATE TIMBER- 8 TIB MUX and timber for aalai cioa to K. R.; lost started ; nav ta aril on eeeoont of draft; about $000 for am and timber; lota of ahk kneaa and piling. l'X-40.. Journal. EICHAKOE REAL ESTATE U EXCHANGE For smaller place, 10 or 15 acr; must be well improved. In good Voca tion; say 68 tt acr, 4 i acres la crop, wheat, oats, vetch, core; in fin eonditaaa; ra best part of WlUaraetta valley ; large garden: all kinds of garden stuff; 1 acre potatoes. 19 bogs, horses, 8 cows, 2 beifen. harass, wagoa. farm equipwseut cream separator, stand bee. 140 chickens; 8 acre evergreen blackberries. 5 acres timber, acre beaverdaaa land, balane pastur (no cqmmbwfcm ) - Owner. Price $10, 000, ray equity of $6 2 CO, balance long time at per cent; fair baildinga, good family orchard, small fruit good fencing and. good roads; good well and everlasting spring. J. P. Pro Tinea, Orvat. Or.. B. F. D. No. 1. 632- ACRES all stocked and equipped; will aell cheap or take. part in city property. Have good wheat farm. 200 acre in crop, to exchange for city property; 14 tt acr at For est Grove to exchange for borne. Good 6 room modern hous to trade for acreage. 160 acr Willamette valley farm. 110 acres in crop, stocked and equipped, including 17 milch cows, s horse -and all farm implements; will trade for apartment house. ARNOLD. 620 Henry Bldg. 02 ACRES, 1 6 acre in cultivation. 7 room hou. good barn, springs and creek, over 2,000.000 feet saw timber; $00 month Job goea with place; stock and machinery: SO ml lea from Portland. Price $6000. mtge. $1800 7'i 2 tt year. Want 5 or 6 room lion; will assume. Morris, 431 Chamber Commerce. 3 Acres Cranberry Bog Located in best producing section, tracts ad Joining now being cultivated. Want business, rooming house or hous equity; might put in aome cash. Sell. 1036. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm er acre age, has merit aad 1s for exebsnge or sal. eD er write full particulars: no Inflated values con sidered; have first class bat to select from Georg P. Henry. 829 Henry bldg Keler-ertre-. Portland Keerrv Board 20 ACRES, fin place, about 11 miles from Portland and L mile from Willamette: 13 in ! cultivation and In crop, balance in pasture and some barn timber; good soil, well fenced, small house, I end outbuildings. Will trade same for a1 modern bnne-alow in Portland. C. J. CuUison I Co.. 203 tt Morrison at 10 Acres Near Beaverton A 11 in cult, lays fine, on good road, no buildings, value $3000; mort $1500, 8 yrs. Trade for anything of value I can use. Sell. 1036. SNAP (Stock and dairy ranch, Lincoln Co., Or. Good buildines. fences, water Diried in house. family orchard, berries, telephone, mail route. The plac you want $1800 will handle. Will take an auto as part pay, balance at 6 per cent Owner, 1183 E. 16th st. N.. Portland. Or. rri'ii i vet' j n . , :. crops; house, barn, orchard, chicken houses; near uregon city; lor good O room House in Sunnyside or Hawthorne ave. district What have you? No agents reply. Address C-983. Journal. TO EXCHANGE 10 seres unimproved. ner Milwaukie. Orecon Cltv car line: choice Quar ter block Eaatmoreland : choice half block E. 4 4th and Division sta.; 100x100 with 4 room hou-e in Lent : will exchange any or all. Owner, Matn8 503. or -805, Journal. LARGE, modern 3 room house', 3 lots and 14 large fruit trees, 6805 83d st 8. K, for trade for house and 1 lot near Hawthorne ave. or for sale on good terms; price $3500. Phone Main 202. Room 40 after SO p. m. 6-ROOM cottage and barn, all clear; $1200 in surance paid for 3 yesrs; to trsde for late model, good make, touring car or good equity in Seattle property. Inquire 1031 E. Broadway. Phone East 2507. OVER 1 acre, Hawthorne line, modern buuga- low; fruit garden. Take small bouse or larger acreage farther .out as part payment Owner. T-725. Journal.' 5 ACRES on Section Line road, 6 miles from Portland postoffice. all in cultiation; 11. '. straight mortgage at 8 against it: value $40(M. lor lsrger plsc. J-830. Joumsl. TO EXCHANGE for bouse in Portland. 40 acres; one of Hood Rivers most beautiful orchards: completely equipped: estimate 6000 boxes apples this season. X-833. Journal. ONION or gardening (15 acres) improved. 83 minutes from Portland, on Oregon Electric; part exchange, part cash and rest on time; $500 per sere. Z-723. JournsL COLORADO ranch, unincumberedimproved : 15 acres; in fsmous Grand river valley, far Oregon ranch or residence. Owner. 467 E. Taylor st. Phone East 3580. NOTICE : Good house and 2 lots for trade in county seat Eastern Wash., for good relinquishment Dallas. Or.. Box 402. WISCONSIN res. property, live town, on Wis river; railroad renter, manufacturing, paper mills, etc. ; trade for proiierty this vicinity. Own- er. 464 E. 8th st N. East 501. FOR EXCHANGE From- C'FOOO to $6000 worth of good real estste near Los Angeles, CaL. for Oregon acreage. Address Harry Bertscb, R. F. D. No. 1, Redondo Beach, CaL 22 ACRES in Sams Valley; 875 pear trees in bearing; nice modern 8 room house: beautiful view; will trade for small farm or acreage near Portland. Zimmerman. 811 Board of Trade. FARM WANTED Income city property to exchange. Claude Cole, J00 Henry bldg EXCHANGE modern home. E. Morrison and 29tb sts.. $9000, for Canadian farm (im- proved) or Seattle city lota. Owner. Tab. 6029. WANT house equity, two lut.. m improved land, clear: also small houe for modern cot tage at Seaside. 932 Chamber Commerce. TO TRADE Is aires of apple orchard near Stevensville. Mont., for good car or equity in Portland property M-7t2. Journal. SUNNYSIDE home and lot lo trade for sev- era! acres, close to car. within 30 minute: ride. W-469. Journal. " I EXCHANGEMy-homr-Elrt-1 SA7 WanTTm- I proved -mall acreage. Speer Co., City Tabor I "j42- I FOB 8 ALE Or trade. 14 acres, fine buikiings, ' be-t sod, 15 mile from Portland. Woodlawn i civs, or oos rjumner st. hi, from H ACHE, modern 7 room boue. mi rf rrttla ait i 1 1 aKki fnr Tn-t 1 as rsf rrAn. etv. Owner. 1458" Fern s't. Main 0526. A DANDY view lot on wet lot Mt Tsbor. bargain for cash, or would trade for car. late model. East 6779. WANT to exchange 20 acres. Hood Blver. for equity in bungalow, automobile or Lanrelhurst lot X-869, Journal. 120 ACRE farm. Salem. Wood enough to pay for it No. agents. Take bona in good dis- trict in part. P-917. Journal. 480 ACRE Alberta farm, close to town; will take good machine shop in part payment. No junk. No agents. Q-680, Journal. WHAT "Lave you tor 60x100 lot and old 6 room house in SeUwood T Call Kat 5779. LOT 60x100. corner 58th and Couch sts.. for what have you? J-831. Journal. FOR SALE or trade. 2 bouei and lot in The Dalles. Add. A. Hetsler. Dufur. EXCHANGE $1800 Modern borne for un improved acreage. E-803 . Journal. MONTANA wheat farms for Oregon property. N. M. Apple Land Co., Lewixtown, Mont $26 Two room flat, can be moved: win trade for piano, organ or gas range. Tabor 6657. FOR SALE or trade income propert). Z 414. Journal. 10 ACBES bearing fruit; exchange fnr timber or property in Portland. Hell wood 1030. WANTED REAL ESTATE I HAVE buyers for modern or semi-modern mod era re iirioed home in Peninsula district Deal with old establUhed firm, we can sell yours. FRANK L. McGITRE. ABINGTON BL1 HI. HAVE bnyen for modern moderate priced homes in Alberta district . Deal with old established firm we get results. FRANK L. MeGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. WANTED Ts buy or rent, rmall modern bouse or cottage, with shaded yard, in good locality ; west aid preferred. Call Marshal 1742 before 10 a. an. HAVE buyer for heme in nic diet to $1500 all G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. "85 yra. in Portland." Main 4 60S. t HAVE many shipbuilders and other barer for homes from $MOO up to $2609. goad pay utenta. List your bnwee with old-eetahliakted firav FRANK U M GUIBE. ABINGTON BLDG. is YOUR HOUHE'FOK SALE"? List with as. we can sell it for Ton. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington Bldg. WANT ta bay S or A room bungalow. $1600 to $2800; scar ear; a agents. X-868. JowraaL MAKE your task' of selling easy by listing whr the buyer congregate. Main 4 80S. . C. GOLDEN BERG. Abington JiHg. r.LrXJANfLTfUTntndlow, wet side enr.. best wast aide residence district for family wHh reverence. Main 77S. WANTED to buy saodern home where let (large sise) can be tamed la sad balance caah. Tabor 760. I "WANT to bay direct from owner a modern bungalow. Can pay cash. Give details y te first letter. Q-642. Journal. WHO sold yoar aeiahbor's bonvsf list years with A. G. Tease Ca.. 24 Stark at. ar. Sd. Mala 3616 . WANTED Medium prised boas: bwyer wait : Inc. JtM H. Gibson. Marshall 1686. - WA N TED the beat thai $2600 -eeah will bay. Ka R-4U2. JeaaaaL. . REAL TSTATE WASTE TsKEAlf ESTATE " If Uorssjt wivTcri House selling baa ban oar specialty fog If rears. W want SO small boom, or shacks, n net beast Asm several bungalows ia Sanay- sida. Also want cottages or bungalows la Boa City and Hawthorne. m GBU8SI A DOWNET. " , 316 Board of Trad Hide. WANTED REAL ESTATE -Lot m sell yoar home. Have aay number of elUats wanting- modern bungalows oaa bar all cash. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St. ar. 8d. Main $516. Branch office. 60th and BSOUJ. BL'.nuAloW wivfeh Have client with 810O0 cash to pay down oa 5 room bunaalow not over $2500; Hawthorn or Rosa City. Fred W. German Co.. 783 Cham, of Com. HAT K clients waiting for bungalow aud bouse; for quick reaolta to aell your see us. we hav auto to tsk out our clients. Jubnson-Dodaon Co.. 884 N. W. Bank bldg. SELL WHILE SELLING 18 GOOD W hav a number at buyers in th market for 4 to 7 -room houses. 1.1st It today. Oregon Investment 4k Mtg. Co.. 170 Sd st Phone Mar shall 205. WANTED To buy, within 1 or 2 blocka HawT thorn arc. modern 6 room bungalow, with 2 bedroom 1st floor and 1 upstairs, or alt on 1st floor: give lowest price. No. and street, terms; no agents reply. Address B-971. Journal. WAN TED To buy. on wt slope Mt Tabor. tnodern 6 room bungalow, with garage or room for same; give lowest pric. location, terms; mttot be bargain; no ageata reply. Addreaa C-B32. Journal. DO TOU know of anybody selling ntoinouses than the A. O. Tee Co., 261 Stark St., nr. 3dr Main 3316. Branch office. 60th and Waudy. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMESWANTED " Most be N. E. and priced right We bar numerous buyers waiting, Fred W. Uerasaa Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. HAVE buyer for 2500 hom in N. E. section. Uukk sale. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington bldg J83yrs. in Portland." Main 4 SOS. WANTED To buy. by working man. 4 or room house, full lot; small payment down, balance Ilk rent State location and beat terms V.snt 1 .... - i w irlvf-irrV v V, ,T JrttD 01 "Durban property for three J" fai Tscoma worth $1500. Will Las- "-u"u ucoj. u. r.. wuj js. if,,,. lA-ir-r rm . r i rotir property witn th Baal .... cimiw. jut, an st.. rorviaaa. IF YOU DONT SELL ' i. not list your hous with me. F. KELLY, 715 SwetUnd Bldg. Main 7776. ROOMING HOUSES IS hWeXsT BRICK BUILDING 66 rooms. 20 wiUi private bath, rent J250. Central location and nicely furnkhed. runrdna 1 lull capacity at all times. nice $0000, $4000 caut 4 3 ROOMS Jlodern down town location, good leas at $128 tier month. Hhuwa net Income of $250 to $276 J1' """"O- ThJ 1vbr,, for 3600. APARTalENTM MODERN BRICK BUILDINO One of the most prominent house in tb city; 170 rooms arranged in 69 apartment, very agreeable 10 year leas at $350 per month. Will consider a residence up to $4000. Pric 12.000; sum terms. 110 BOOMS 1, 2, 3 and 4 room apartments. Central loca tion, brick building, sU-aui heat gross income $875 per month. Bent $2.76 per room: 66 rooms furnished new in last three months. Pric $6300. terms. EXCELLENT TLACE 134 rooms, 4li apartments, fine furniture and furnishings. Brick building, automatic elevator; good lease at $600 per month. Grot ineorn $1430. This is a good wast aid location and the price is only $8000. CLASSY LITTLE Place of 10 apartments, completely and nicely furnished. Located close in on east Bid, with good lease at reasonable rent This la aa A-l place and strictly up to data. Price $1800, $1100 cash. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 22 ROOMS Clos in on east side, very neat and clean; rant $40 per month. Clears $100. Tula ia a money maker and a snap for $1600. 20 BOOMS Good wert aide location, rent $30. Gros in come $154; clean about $100. Price $1800. $1100 caah. BOOMING HOUSES 18 rooms, good wast aid location, catering to shipyard employee. Moderately furnished and doing good bunineaa. Owner leaving town aad must be sold. Pric $650. 8 rooms located right down town; income $80. Rent $33. All nice clean furniture. Price $660. - Mk 0 rooms in Nob Hill district good furniture aad a nice place for $830. We have these and many others of all sirs, styles and price. We furnish free informa tion to buyers. See us before buying. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Mies BITTER. IXJWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Bosrd of Trsde Bldg. Best Down Town Buys 1 5 rooms, brick, transient landlord furnish the heat: $1100; very central. 20 rooms; rent $40, clears $100; never of fered before; price $1100. 88 rooms, spartment and steady roomers; rent $100, income over $400 month; pric $2500 on terms: hurry. 4 8 rooms, strictly modern, lovely furniture, clearing $300 each month; $8500; bargain. , 73 rooms, almost new furniture; $6000 oa , easy terms; this hou-e takes in $1200 per 1 month, clears $500 to $700 per month 'l l,. am lust a few of mi aood buvs. (let . j in my automobile and I will quickly and quietly show them to you. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. White Temple District Snaps 10 rooms, large yard, good; $550, terms. This plsc is worth $760; real bargain. 12 rooms, furnace : $550, term. 1 3 rooms very 'swell, atrtctly modern, first time offered: $1260. terma. ? ,nV C' :, 1H0' ,U(I rT'"'J.k . ".' ' 70m ,40' prbm' -rtnTbt "b'STt. thla dUtrict-l have others. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDO. 38 Rooms $1600 Terms t . Rrn a.: bric; ineorn $800 pot month; cios in. wnere easy so oe sept iuii; xnsi piece will aell this fall for $2300; now'a your chance. GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDG. A. J. DeFOBEST, 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDO. PHONE MAIN 6967. F0U RENT 14 rooms, good location, const property, clos to the shipbuilding plant te Albina. Telephone owner, hast 6222 NICELY furnished 9 tton ; easy terms. room bouse; fine loesv Call Main 6708 before a. ra 20 fcoOMS. close in. fine furniture, rent $50, clean $126 month $1400, good terms. Da- boss. BOS Spalding bkU. SPLENDID 20 rooms, clow, clear $126 month. fine furniture; $I40v). good trm. DUBOIS, 60S BPALUrNCi PLUG. NICELY furnished 9 room house, fin lucataim, easy terms. Call Main 670W before a. av BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' ft What Have You to Trade for house, lou. agreaae. beach Iota, free of Incumbranc, good location. U A. HALL. 512 Panama bldg To Be Sold Mon., Restaurant Complet equipment for restaurant win be sold at whatever It win bring Monday. SOI E. SJorrHon t AUTO GARAGlt Excellent location, sell suppttea. gaHn. re pairing and fail of steady stong. This at a rm-y gang and a bargain at $8.1. Call room 463 Isekura bldg. ' A PARTNER WANTED Handy man with $660 aad willing te learn caa bny equal half Interest la a good eats ga rage with a rsIiaM mechanic Profits ar extra goed. Csll room 403 Defcwa. bldg. WOOD and coal Good opening tor steady la tsMtrid baetnesa. Profit good. Only S&OO rash reqairad. Fully aacarad. Call rooas 4S Dea-um bldg CON FKCTION EU Y aad popcorn rtaod. nice ' tie bastaeas; baramla (er quick as!, C O. Potter. Emerprise, Or. BTACKSMtTif tools for 1 firm. $10. worrit 600. Wichita etatioa. 10c far. Estacada tin. FOR SALE ot trade, dancing parittoa: ImeLT.. bathing suit, eta., at Oak Grov Beach, Cad East 7127. bOW't WOBEt 1 aaa sen or trade anything aaj allele. Laa- n. 146 tt Broadway FOR SALE G roeery aad aseat aaarket; beet la . town. T1. Joe mat WELL equipped meat market, doing ' $60 ' day bnneaa. Caa Tabor 140. LAST chance ta get a complete restaurant oat." fit for $150. Catt Marshall 24S8. - tXXCH and .oU drink fog aeli B-6Q4. Joarnal. . - , - FOR BENT Grocery store. Stock for ! .; S Being rs ass. Ease 38?. SOS Xarraaea. - 1 TOOK In $7000 but yar. PreTTT sT! Siulor 160t aeol ball. Isuaca. etc Broadway l7a.. FOB 8ALK100 grocery etcnan4fli. ' tares; will laveaos aaef dieeouat, , 702 E. Polk, "T t