THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY r MORNING, JUNE.- 9. 1918. 25 - 1 IIELF WANTED FEMALE to0no ladies wanted. permanent positions, ko experience required, i m week paid beginners, sapid increase dr wages. cftx. AT TELEPHONE COMPACT. ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR, PARK AND OAK STREETS. GIRLS, J 6 OE OVER. TO WORK IX BAG FAC TORY; GOOD WAGES. STEADT EMPLOYMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO., 16TH AND HOTT STJ. URNlSHET ROOMS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT" Princess Hotel. XL 84 and Burnside. 60 day ap. 3 week op. East 171. - san marcO' -'H6tEu MObiBBrf " B6oMsi BATHS. PHONES; S3 AND UP; TRAN SIENT. 60 UP; 422 j WASHINGTON. RYAN hotel una, 209 6th. Brick, hot, cold water every room. steam, beat; transient Opp. city baa Main 8375. FOB BENT 2 furnished room. No children. Inquire 661-aA, N. Union eve.'. - 4 ROOMS furnixhed. Knob Mitt " district ' until Sept I; low price; adult only. Main 8682. 50 par week- Large- front room, porch, near tha eeurthouse. 94 3 5 th. FURNISHED BOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY FCENISHED 'sleeping room. nar East Side shipyard. 12 per week. East 7947; No. 6 . ism at a. ROOM in private femUy, near Foundation ehip- yaroa. goo . awn at. CLEAN, pieaaant front room in private family no other roomert; electricity, phone; walking oistancc. 481 IZttt. near Han. FURNISHED rooms to rant Private iamfay. Cloaa in. Phone East 6394. COMPLETELY furnished rooms, on ox mora, 11.25 wk. each. 604 E. Clay. FURNISHED HOUSES U FOR BENT, furnished cottage; modern. il60 IS. 8d Taka Alberta car to juiunctworui ave. CaH Sunday after 1 p. m.. alter Banuay at 486 Alberta. - - -MODERN-5" room cottage; E 26th. near S. P. ah ope. Ffione Eaat 6226. APARTMENTS FURNISHED AND UNFUBIflSEED Lucretia Court Lucretia at., between Washington and Ever ett streets. Moat beautifully located high elaa apartments. 2. 8, 4, 6 rooms. All modern cost venianeea, first elaaa service. Prieea reasonable. Reference required. Manaaer. Marshal 118. KING ALBERT APTS. New 200 room none. 3 and 8 room haass keeping apartment, furnished or unfurnished: elevator and hardwood floor. 68 1 1th at. HART APARTMENTS js Newly furnished modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms, 62.60 and up. WILL sublet a 622.60 2 room modern apt. until July 6 for 616. Call before 1 o'clock at apt. 22. Belknap apt. 167 17th st; leaving city. BOOMS ANT) BOARD 16 THE HAZEL, convenient of shipyards, all ouT side rooms with hot water. 686 8d at. BOARD and room for 2 man employed in sl3p- yarq, can A-1Q74. TUB Martha Washington. 680 10th, for boat- i girls and student. Marshan 1261. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 71 LARGE room, good, plentiful meals, choice noma. Walking distance. Reasonable. Uain 2210. MAN would like roommate, large front room. separata beds : room and board. walking distance, 65.50 wk.. 020 Ulay st. TJL?. in? . . ap COMFORTABLE room and board for one or 'i7 "J selling in vertous departments, two men. 824 E. 40th at. close to Haw- ,.,..mhw ,ua .uuiiu ,v a,awux t,v I inOTn aVe, pertmenta. . . .1 prrian-r - i experience, saleswomen ior grocery oe- I - z7 1 "T""" .v,u .,1 partmsnt 1 demonstrator for crockery department. I colored makl. 407 any, Apply superintendent's office, basement hal- VI. Ms leler at Frank Co. good dreaemaker: work for Dart rent nouaaay ate. LARGE, comfortable rooms with board: cri- vate family; walking distance; cam of young giru ( Mollanay are, ROOM and board for 2 young gentlemen. Phone Mar. 251 8. 428 H Mill st GOOD care given child age 2 to 4 years by week or month. B-1 2 0 1 . WANTED Good home, piano; board for girt 8. H-704, Journal.- EXPERIENCKD shirt otierators, factory. 233 Cuurh it. Mount Hood YOCNG man want roommate in private fam- Uy. Walking distance. Main 0486. 260 14th, NEAR Jefferson Choice rooms walking distance. Main 3893. "WANTED BOOMS AND BOARD 89 WANTED Room in widow's home or private famllv where thera are nn children, bv vouna STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED for Hood man employed nights. P-013, Journal. Biver. Osweao. Bea and Salem. Pay is good, no Arm Fine outing and make money at same time. You boy 3. girl 10 years: country, with widow naeu i.niK, eoosins uieii eou oeuuine. preferred. Jl-Bas, Journal. m nee or soape ox wwnrii ere Bipuieiij vidlvu. WOMKN' DIVISION PUBLIC EMI'LOYMENT BUREAU. - . 309 City Hall. WANTED A middle sied woman or widow KLINE APTS, 6 rooms, front and back Dorchaa. all outride rooms, strictly modern. 10 min. to postoffioe. 17th and Glisan, west side. P. A. Kline, 661 Glisan at B1SLOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorn. Mod am 1. 2 and 8 room ants.. 811.60 op; walking dints rice. Call East 882. COMPLETELY furauhed- 2 room aparunenta. REAL ESTATE " r BEACH PROPERTY "T5 8850 4 H acxas. fronts "bay. 2 room fundaned bouse. 1 mils to Newport.- Owner. 211 Mar ket at Call after 4:30. - LOT in Baloma Beach. Wash., to exchange for auto; will pay difference.- Phone Main 203. room 84, before 10 o'clock a. aa. FOB SALE HOUSES .SI FIVE acre home on 8 P. red alectxio earlina. between Aloha and Tobias; house suite new, with 6 rooma. bath and sun porch on tint floor, 2 bedrooms, sawing room and attio second floor, electririty and gas. living room has ft replace and library built-in bookcaaea; big chicken and pigeon nouaas : and .yarda. barn, water system with gasoline angina, berries and- young orchard, balance of Mad under ptow; adjoining is 6 acres free pasture. Price 80500; term to suit Ladd Estate Co.. Concord bldg. . PRK-WAR AND FORCED SALE PRICES Mod. 8-R. bungalow. B. C. P. way.. Mod. e-R. 1 Vfc story, Hawtnorna . . . Mod. -R. bungalow. Hawthorne way. Mod. 7-R. bungalow. H. C. P. Mod. 0-B. bungalow. Alberta Mod. 8-R. bungalow, Beaumont . . . . Union Safe Dep. A Tr. Co.. 284 Oak. .82200 .82300 .82760 .88000 .83600 .38500 822.60. hill. Belknap apt., 187 17th, near Yam- F0R REN with Ian Oaks park, IT Unfurnished 1st floor apartment ge porch, beautiful view over river and Sellwood 17fH: WEDDERBURN APARTMENTS, corner Grand ave. and E. Burnside at Two and 8-roosa apartmenta. MAGNOLIA APTS.. East 3d and Belmont, modern 1 antt 2 room apts.. 61-60 per weak an. RleepInT" rooms. East 212. 443 HA&SALO, cor. E. 7th. L J. ear; 1 room kitchenette; all conveniences; porch. walking distance. lawn; 8-ROOM furnished or unfurnished apt; private bath, phone; rent reasonable; adults. loo N. 22d. FURNISHED housekeeping apt.. 810 to 615 monthly; heat ligbte. gaa; all outside rooms. Phone East 8225. NICELY furnished 2 room apartment 822. Lincoln Apartments, corner 4 th and Lincoln. PENINSULA APTS. Woodlawn 1852. Con crete bldg.. 2. 3, 4 room, baths, phone. THKKE HOOM modern unfurnished apt, new building; rent 826. Classic apt Bdwy. 8571 NEW YOKE Apt.. 441 Belmont and 7th. FOR RENT FLATS 18 HOI.I.ADAY ADD. Modern S room flat, with or without garage. Close in. 845 Multnomah and E. 2d eta. N. I WANTED Koom and board; private family; reasonable, west sKle. Call Miss Thompson, Sunday morning, East 7756. lady to keep house and take cars of boy 8 rrs old. A good home. Call Sunday. 892 Taylor, New Grand. WANTED Board and room for young woman and small child. Mala 1444. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE THOROUGHLY experienced combination booh keeper-stenographers, men or women; perma nent positions, good salaries: big affiee; give age, aspenenea, raferencee and phone address. W-449, Journal, ' t Fine for Bachelors or Ladies MEN-WOMEN wanted for government war posi tinna; thousands needed Immediately; good as lanes ; permanent employment: liberal vaoa- 1 room, housekeeping fully equipped, brick building, clean; gas. electricity, water, bath, phone, etc; 82 per week; bargain. I THK MA ON, 21K Morrison st BOOMS and kitchenette baths, laundry trays. FURNISHED H. ST rooms, very reasonable. Cloaa in, 98 Knott st Phone East 8372. HOUSEKEEPING rooms near shipyards. 323 Va N. 17th st. .lots of ho water. 6S9 Flanders. UNFURNISHED housekeeDinc rooms. 805 E. 11th. tions; other advantages. We prepare you and I FURNISHED and H. K. rooms, sin tie and in you secure a position or we retund your money. I auites, gz per week and op. 881 Yamhill. Ask for booklet "gK." free to cltlsens. Wash ington Civil Hervioa School, 280 Marten BWg.. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 71 , ""' , V- . . FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED WANTED 20 more loganberry pickers for 16 . PRIVATE FAMILY acres harries. 2 miles west Waconda station, FOR RENT 14 room, good location, comer UNFURNISHED upper flat; 825.60; 6 rooms. 300 Graham ave. ENT Flat bet 7th and 8th. Haw- FOR thorne ave. East 7503. BY OwSER 2 fUts, 6 large 1071 East 23d and Alberta. rooms aacl UPPER 4 room flat. 127 M, E. 20th St. N.. va caret after June 10: adults. Broadway 1762. .82660 .82250 .82750 .82600 .82000 .68600 ...88000 Ail moaera nouses, omm tjiuoui- , oa easy terms. T. as. Madden seauj i. vo Hawthorn are.. Tabor 9356. 5 room bungalow . 6 room bungalow . 6 room bungalow .. 7 room house .... 4 room houao .... 7 room bungalow . 6 room bungalow ROSE CITY -PARK a ROOMS 82800 i.mA imt son feet from Sandy bird, on a o.v. .4 ti. finast ainution in Rose City Park. Full cement basement, furnace, ate Thia is a splendid home and a bargain. It 'certainly will pay you to see tnia. lerma w u iwuk A. G. TEEFK W.. f niara v. iwi " Maid 8516. Branch office, Both and Sandy, open Sunday. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 11 $3000 T.B. modern houaa. lot 60il00; near Hawtnorne; al uasaa ave.; taae a aacc S340U 7 g. modern house, luroae. 100 It, N. Hawthona.- 266 86th at; owner aa prom ise Sunday. . $1600 S r. madam houaa. fruit, grapea, gar den, lot 80x100; 6728 44th avaw and 67th at. Bo a.a KtSaTat ePawritw $1600 6 r. aaat cottage, lot $0x128, Om orchard, barn, ehiokaa house; 6626 67th st S. E., Kara Park. $2600 6 r. modern - bungalow, fireplace paved st, II wt home district; snap. 12V0O r. moo. bungalow, rail casement, lot ftOxlOO; fruit, flowers: Mt Tabor Una. 81TOO a r. bungalow eloaa to oar; tug varoa. 421005 r. eettag. bar, chicken houaaa, IS fruit trees, lot 100x113; corner. Good terms on all tha above. B. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 168 4th at CI hoice Horaes Well 'Located RXASONABLE PRICES AND GOOD TERMS 83000 8-roeaa anodara houao. awe-half block from WIUknVaj 6804 cash ffl handle it 83700 Splendid boan oa E. Linoola at; 8800 will handle tt, 62200 6 room modern oottaae. fan tot, paved atreet, sewer eotUMctioa: oa B. 1th st N.; $600 eaan. will handle It A splendid way. 6190 S-rooca modern cottage, an-half block from Williams ave.; $800 aaah will han dle it 66200 6 room modern bungalow, wttb largo attie. good baaaaisnt. famooa. everything an good condition ; a lovely hoaaa aw E. Flanders st; I800 aaan will banoio It 840OO 0-room modern bona with full lot, pavad street, sewer oonectiona. wast aide, liberal "TRYING TON HEIGHTS" EXCLUSIVE NEW BUNGALOW 6 elegant rooms and sleeping porch, se lect finish, elaborate white enameled cabinet kitchen and bath, artistic tiro place, beautiful buffet and built-in book caaea, gorgooua eiectrio fixtures, polished oak floors, nice breakfast room, cement basement laundry tuba and perfect plumbing; bouse doable constructed, aaat front lot 60x100. good location and convenient district oomprahensive la de tail. SILAS L. JONES. 672 Alberta st Phone Woodlawn 8568. FOR flALB Large 8 room bouse, water and gas. lot 60x 100 feet; cloaa In; price 3350; 6200 down, balance monthly. 8 rocgn house and lot; price $500; soma terms. 6 room modern house, 2 lots, sB la fruit, fenced. 2 blocks from ear. price $1600; $10O cash, balance monthly. 8 room modern house and A acre; price 322B0; $200 down, balance monthly. Phone Tabor 1599. LENTS REAL ESTATE' CO. 860 DOWN BUYS ANY OF THE FOLLOWING 4 rooms. 8558 64th st 8. E Price $1500, two Iota. 2 rooms, plastersd. 6741 62d at S. E. Price NOTICE! nivr r. xf-riTTTTtK ARTNGTON BLDG. Has a Urge fast of houses, ell parte of city. aU ,a n mIHtii at hia office you nkn.rr.r,i nt tluu honsea and save I 8595 a lot of trouble, time and money. Autoe at 7 rooms,2014 E. Glisan st. $1500. your service. Show you homes any FRANK. L,. MClililttJSi, Mliiuiu.. ."..' To Rnv Yonr Home. ' - Mam 1068. 4 room California bunsalow. 6124 71th st BM S.. V1700. 8 rooms. 2118 E. Stark st. 81000. REAL ESTATE FOB BALE -BOPSEa 64000 S-room modern house; a splendid hoaae oa west aade; liberal tersaa and several other homes from 8800 up. Otto & Harkson Realty Co., 416 Chamber of Commerce bldg. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE H6C8E8 ni nnru s.NAsf 18BA S room houaa, central t Johna. 833504 room cottage, central 8t Johna. 62100 S room houaa, rou REAL ESTATB FOB SALE HOUSES TaCfi EHcrTYT" A RaT 100x100 84236 tt wtU ka 100x100. highly fan proved. Yaw would i 1 asnaet to car tlSftO fnr lhh bMSilirnl hama. srurj " ni room skfubo. anouarw. oesivw . - - ..v . m w i- Isaoo iood hooaaa. eoraor lot, 60x100; I Requiree 31600 cash. The address Is 703 E. iMlIn distrtet: 8780 oaah. $20002 tiro room boosea, 60x100 64th at Itortkw first black aorta of Bawdy. Jas A. i Mara - aadri nnssi Sunday. let: I drive by and look at this row win bay it nat sufM! aaao aaah will handW. 1 TEEPE OO 366 STARK ST.. near Sd, 618.000 A haaatiful home, large grouada nd $616. Branch offioa. 60th aad Saady magnilloent new. Fine list of aubarbaa traeta, uaimproved. at tow prices aad good terms. A. W. t-AMBERT A SON, , 404 E. Alder st earner Grand ave. Portland, or. 82SO0 82300 82500 Westmoreland bs resin : 6 room modern bun galow with fireplace and builtin oonvenianeaa: ewer and hard surface St. in. all Included In above price; this houaa la 1 block from Sellwood ; 5300 down, balance to suit: don t miss uua opportunity. Sea Mr. Gustafson. U. B. MORTGAGE 4s INT. CO, Buyers and Sellers of Modern Hemes. 607 Teon Bldg. Main 3416. SNAP For sale by owner, T room bouse, modern; fruit troaa. chicken house and run. 82300; terms if desired. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 885 Burnside street 88000. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. : " , Doat fail to took at on bode of 1007 j Zest i 11th st North, Do not disturb tenants: wul If WILL-PAY Y0C something oat of tha ordinary: new. beautifully I to see ma before you hay. Our proparUes are I rinkhed la white enamel) fireplace, hardwood ,: exactly aa repreeented ta oar ads. I floor, builtin buffet and took eases. manse I , 11000 Modem 6 room bunoaWw: fbw I All we ask ss for row to walk br aad nhoata aa , plaoe. furnace, hardwood Doors, bwitet, etc ; I u tntereated ; liberal terana , full lot, paved street, all paad. Loeased cloaa THE FRED A. JACOBS CO MP A NT, to oar; beat part of Rosa City park.wea of 1 104 6U Street Mala 6B6. 88i T1BBETS if. Kill aonMiii! terma. 81960 Modem (except fireplace aad fur nace) , 6 room bungalow; cloaa la; 16 minute ride from central Wast Side; 1 block te ear; convenient: terma. A. K. HILL. 416 HENRY BLDG.. Mala 1902. Evenings. Tabor 6136. BEST OF BUYS rrnae to hawthorn E AYE. 6 room ap-to-the-auaate bungalow: has hard- I 104 Bth St. wood floors, rtraplaoa. rarapse, cam ens oeae annt, large bath room. 1 sdroom downstairs aad 2 upstair, hallway, Al fixtures, double con structed, sewer aad hard surf ace street, garage; house faces eaat; all for 88600; $600 down, balance to suit t See Mr. Juatafeoa. U. 8, MORTGAGE es INV. CO.. 07 Yeoa Bldg. Main 2418. $2000 $8000 88004 Modem $ room bungalow and bath. Thia price lneradas street work and can be bought cat terma. Look It over if you wwatVswmethlnar within your pries in high elaaa neighborhood: bandy to ear. Will not talk any farther oa Its merits. Just took at ft and phone - . TUB FHD A. JACOBS COM PANT. ' I Mala 886; GOOD BARGAINS ..... v r . 82000 BUNGALOW 6 rooms and bath; fireplace, hardwood floor, finished in white enameL one block . from Mt Tabor car, for moderate priced bungalow it has no equal. Will taka SUU eaan. neianoe tuna. . CLOSE TO SHIPYARDS 6 rooms and bath, good fruit trees and berriea, I Thia ia Just as represented and wall worth ooav s oioca iron ov j unns ear in rruour siren; i alderaoon. place clear of all incumbrance: will consider I THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. trade for modern bungalow and aaeuma soms; I 104 6th St Matn 6860. I in-L-- Boaa City Park preferred; price $2260. vn Ii'Wut wtMTER ST. THE FRE1 A. jaivirh riViiPANT BITTER LowETCO 288 1 . ,S."! 10. Bttt N Mala ' lXJrVK at ' tU., hnneslnw anA ettV-r coma bnnaalowl n5rAAir..l S 1 1 1 20B-8-7 Board of Trade. I "TT u 7...; j rw,i I oowrucwu anacx nouse i.axoa. rm vwm .- " I UOTCIl BI2V. Sil flUHri Innllf1.f M AIMS l(N under roof, all plumb" IN HOUSES $$504 r.. 2 lota. E. 16th st 61260 6 r, 1 lot, t Alder st, $1460 6 r 1 Jot. E. 72d st 81450 6 r. 1 lot E. KeUy st 81600 v.. 9 Intm W QO.K mt Good terma t',' J. Oalliaoa Caw , , 205 Morrison St PROOMS ' - $1400 $1400 A very neat attractive little house: 2 lota with plenty of bearing fruit trees and berries few family use; a fine garden; atrawberrtea and flower. Needa no repair; ready to move tigbr a; graoeu street; cement walks; Bear ear; 1004 ion. vui make terma. Bee Eatrm with av a. swn waran 1, Mala 6866. - : : mnn oe Been to am suuikhwil wu . , 1 BLOCK to Mt Tabor car. moot convenient 1 look thia one. Don't blame you for tiring at noor for lsrae' house HAWTHORNE CAR 83150 a hminlit with hardwood floors In every room, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet breakfast room. Just 200 feet from Hawthorne A. G. TEEPE CO.. Z tara st. neer Main 3516. Branch oinea. .ovm anu d.i.uj. These are all our own propertiea, and we wQlieasy terms; this plaoe would coat at least 3820t arrange the monthly payments to suit you. FRED V. GERMAN UO.. 782 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 6 ROOM house. Modern, Dutch kitchen. Sleeping porch. 60x100 lot Fruit treea and berries bearina thia vear. flarden in veedv car. All street improvements in and paid. Terms, for use. 8 lota of early spuds ready to use in Sunday, phone Tabor 82 s a. a weeks. juu cnickens. Furniture in bouse .,ori cfht SIDE BUNGALOW 61250 all ready to go to housekeeping. This place can eSS? ro?ma and blthl beat plumb- be bougt for $2200 for all, or 32000 lor house in. and fixtnr. electricity and gaa. hot water ana lot lerms to suit ,15 minutes out . -l vi..k,n. wmv with sreen root: 1 ni ISQK, RUU, A'" I-" --..... , m ,nMniitl view of river and mountains; terms. & KUOM3. 64 E. Slit 1358 Front st, Fulton car to Pendleton. See I , 7 rooms. 60 Prescott st FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTOJi BUHJ. To buy your home. Main 1068. 1200 DOWN 115 PER MONTH An attractive 5 room plastered bungalow, bath, to lift electricity and gaa; large porch acrosa entire front of house, on 100x100 lot E. 74th st; great buy. Taken in unaer motv FIVE ROOM upper flat 741V, E. Pine st. gage foreclosure u Price only 51860 Bee cor. 22(1. Key 033 K. Ankeny. mee 1 axwann. , r ina 10 ouy your uums. mmw . w. v.. 4 ROOM unfurnished flat 30"5 E. llrh. FURNISHED FLATS SO HAWTHORNE iiiAAn.M trntv is a remarkable bargain, I t n n V , ,T n , I I nnr I I ! UKWkUU.HV 1 . WILL rent 6-room flat, completely furnished. jia, full cement basement Good Btark st w icwijuimiuk, wiuw, . ... ... . ... u. ... , i fnxed lot au street uopruwawiw " - l. oo r.. iuio issi oavt. 82000. 6100 down 62800. 6200 down 0 room. 529 Webster st. . . .$2600. $500 dowa 6 rooms, 821 Sumner st. ... $2000. 8100 down 6 rooms, 291 E. 42d st. ... 82850. 8200 down 6 rooms. 877 E. 64th st. . . .82100. 8100 down These are all good buys and your inspection is invited. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Cham, of Com. LAURELHCRST 89000 , HOME Modern to the last word. It's Class A, strictly new. Never occupied. MAXWELL. and direct earline on east aide 6 room, al- looking at soma bungalow, advertised, but this i. acetylene liehtiaa nlentT wmmh ts7la " rt new. modern bungalow, barge attic, fun one ta really weU worth seeing. 100x100? 16 beartn fnut trleaT berrtea ail bent bMemant firepUce. bard wood floor.. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, I grapai beauUfulawn and amauaaienT mw -. Main 104 6th Street JOHNSON. SlLumbermcna Bldg Broadway 1612. ALMOST new modern 6 HOMESEEKERS GO SEE THIS and shrubbery; will sell furniture and all at ' Bargain tor casn; located aeth and Lexlagtaat Artistic splsndid bungalow and fine sightly I ava.. only 2 blocks from Eavnaoraland achooli. ' orner; o penecuy arrangea w , i " pw. room house, with sleeping porch, fircnlaee. hardwood floors. white enamel Interior, built-in eoavieneee and I near in, air w tD4 highway;, only 82860 imDroved comer concrete basement, equipped bathroom, perfec tion white Dutch kitchen. buUtla buffet artistic porches, gaa, electric lighted, extra furnishings. cabinet kitchen, full cement basement and fur-1 ago0 cash; take tndaa.. Ford. See .owner, 207 naca; close in on eaat aide; corner lot; (lu v,nsmt bkla.. Sd and Alder. r view;, way below cost only 88500; eaay terma. i I BCAnill.AVlAM-AMKlUCAM REALTY CO.. Suite 213 Lurabermena BMg. Panama bldg.. Sd and Alder. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 88S00 7 rooma. modern la every respect : look z r: r . oo I r. sotn nonn. Dome Dungatow, Mm TWO good uousea oo a big lot on Sherman -.,1, fine condition: not the ordinary kind: 5??.J. ."tn.v f"-.." neighborhood. Kaott and $8th st Don't I BUYING A MOME.' uvsiuiu lensDis. bunnysiae uuu 7 rooms, concrete double garage, comer lot. ' street imp. paid. $ blocks S. S. or Hawthorne ear, 1 6 min. out Arranged 3 fasaiUea. Garage rent 87.60. A fine bur. 8300 down. S20 aaontls. .' u68o5oo Ge0t j, Moore, Abington bldg FOBTOFFICE. RAM, WAY1 AND' BtftpBrlLV - rES. LOOK AT THIS BEFORE side. This property is in the center of the city and cloee to all the big ship-building plants. 8460O will taka it on terms at that Thia place ia cheap enough for 86500. Owner de termined to sell. Act quickly if you want thia. M. J. Clohessy. 416 Abington bldg. Main 8062. FOR RENT From June 10 to Sept 10. fur nished 6 room lower flat at 884 E. 1st st N. Welkins distance. No children. $30. 4 ROOM furnished flat for rent 404 Mortis. East 825. COMPLETELY FnRNIKHirn ean Buy thia bungalow bargain. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Very neat 8 room doll house, concrete foun 2ft stark st. near 3d. Main 3516. Sunday, dation, small basement. Dutch kitchen, with 883 call Mr. Claytor. Tabor 9321. gas range; balance of furniture not junk; good stwitTtsw rrMtn mtviarn tuuxxidiiik. z z TJimUsB. inuejicu uiutuB . - . . 2 "FURNISHED flats, 1 ground floor, stairs, modern. Wdln. 688. 1 up- 46th st Cloee to eir. Price $2300. Like j 4 -ROOM flat, walking distance, dan st NEWLY furnished flat, nice yard, adults. CaS after Monday, 81 E. 85th st. cor. Stark. NICELY furnished 8 . room flat 1043 Gan- tenbein ave.. cor. Alberta st FURNISHED flats on earline. $15. Cole, 800 Henry bldg. nivir v. M.OTTIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. 235 Sheri- To B- your Home. Main 1068 P BUNGALOW MODERN Attractive, fine car service ; street assessments an paid but $65. Sacrifice $1950; very easy terma. . You'll never find a better home for me price. r lease call forenoons. iin.. Claude 4 ROOM furnished flat, 280 Margin at. be tween Bteel bridge and Broadway. 66500 NOB HILL HOMK FOR axir 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace and fireplace, lot 27Hxl00. 662 Irving rt Street work all paid for. 81500 cash, balance 6 per cent Place shown by appointment Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Oimni.fra Oregon Elertrlc: gaod camping grove, wood, wa ter and plenty of straw free; provisions deliv ered as needed ; will pay 1 Ho par lb. for those who .stsy season through: commence picking about July 1. W. Al Jones, R. 2. Gerrais. Or. aJW cash necessary or bond. Inquire of Myers at 24f 774 ETratt' property, close to tha ahiobnildina nlanta in Alblna. Telephone owner. East 5222. $16 H of cottage; $ rooms, furnished; sep arate entrance : walking distance. - near ahro- yaros. oiu ist sr. . . . : - : . . 3 rw tr trxkn a ml mum IA Uli piurn. nz smell I x u t.-nu .t... . ,n . if I iAtustu sicove room, cool and ouiet Terms yen can raise a garden you can do this; $100 ! - ,?T10nV.! I?,rlfft prtJr" Fhon Marshall 201 3d st women to learn the barber trade; shortage all over the country; big wags. You ean earn your way through tha school. 8 BOOM flat in private family, gaa. bath." ivu n. rnone East 0326. "9T3 SINGLE room for housekeeping, third floor. Broadway 1818. 134 N. IRth wM-V"1- MUr B"b" 0oU, 334 THREE furnished H. K. rooms, with garage. M-W.0-M'-.ra,..-rblf. SW,;W.V? PGR RENT 2 or 3 light nousekeeptn) Oregon while learning: ooaition auaranteed. Barber Cnllege. 223 Madison. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Teaches msn and women the barber trade free, pay while learning. 284 Couch. B'way 2482. LAUNDRY help wanted. Experience not nec essary. Multnomah Hotel laundry. LOGANBERRY pickers wanted. Call East 2809 for particulars. 460 E. 11th st B. FOR RENT Partly furnished tent house. Woodlawn 1575. TWO or mora furnished H. K. rooms. 540 E. Stark. UNFURNISHED . H. K. "rooms, private family. separate entrance. Sunday. 260 Ross st 617.50 WEST SIDE, i rooms. 32 19th and Washington. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 12 WA N T E D AGENTS 6 VALUABLE PRESENTS - and commission to agenta for Multnomah Grit Hand Soap, beat mechanic's soap made; Ojbsolutoly cleans. Pos itively will not Injure. MULTNOMAH CHEMICAL CO.. 871. E. Morrison st, Portland. Or. 'AMERICA and the Great War. greatest seller in years; every American wants it; lavishly il lustrated; low price; we will pay you 3225 to distribute it; sample Jree. International Press, . Philadelphia. AGENTS i0i profit: wonderful atrmmer date, new listings being added each day. sellers: something new: sells like wildfire: There is abaolntelv as ohliaation n ebarea carry in pocket; write at once for free sample, for this service. It Is maintained eolely as aa METER A FRANK'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 8TB FLOOR Bare yen have choice of the combined Bats of all desirable vacant houses, apartmenta and flats la the city, with definite, reliable informa tion pertaining to each. Records are kept up to American Products Co.. 1006 8d at, Ctncln nau. u. SITUATIONS MALE 1 FIRST elaaa mechanic, stranger, desires to tie up with reliable firm; have bad experience with automobile, gasoline engines and tractor troubles ana specialise on carburetors, mag netoe, ignition and electric systems. Phone Woodlawn 1840 or write Mechanic, 045 Gen tenbeln ava. " BOYS WANT JOBS accommodation to the nubile. weweomers la Portland win find this bureau of great help tat getting properly located quickly. Powers Rental Bureau A department operating for the convenience of car natrons and friends. A serrise abeolntale TO employers. wh," "boy. after June S2t3,S lJSJSTu LT YOURS FOB BXBVICX Powers Furniture Co. Third and Yamhill Streets it , liir. hesntlful grounds and a clean " " cut home, with aU the shabby features elim inated, you should follow up tne irau to oux office immediately. .. , , G. C. GOLDENBEKU. ADingron mag. 86 Years in Portland." Main 4803. " A I x " V.A'. ' til'VP A T Air . TT?tJff H 1UUU; AVlnj3fl r I rvvo a I t'j- r? - i 50x100 lot. 4 room house, piaster!, moaerri j evil oAX.1l By -owner, modern 6 room house. r31umbinc. uew. 502T 65th te. . fc--. nevr puemeDV, cement tUdewmlk., rM and . I as i A nr 4a liehfs Iab Kt 1 rA . . i x 60th st See , 1. x ' '"". rui irees, snaae FRANK L. McGUIKE, ABlUTU.-v ri.x.. "YTx 1 "usnea; price 917UU cash, To Buy Your Home. Main mm. mm. 004 fc. 77th st N. Rose City . . . . r.n.v n.w I " v 1 itusr. LIU a Trrt nnvriAIlW 83000 n. . ui. cnlnaid borne, complete wiui fireplace, buffet furnace, etc. Within 1 block of Sandy. Faces east. INO aasesemenie vo A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at. near 3d. Main 8516. Branch office, 50fh and Sandy. GOOD for any Una of business, with living rmwN ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $1900 IDEAL BUNGALO 81900" jnnmi in connection: 89th and ET Lincoln nnrf kiwm.nt. electricity and 5 rooma. F. C baaemant. bnilt-fna w mwtA sts. ; rent reasonable. Call 604 Dekum bldg. .... modern plumbing; nice lawn, flowers, eto. gas; Al plumbing fixtures, practically new house: HOTELS 64 f tt . ; . . 37 r- mi us ina lurnuure lactory; fio. X ax x K 8ALiC"AMfu,,,il0,n Cottrtn, n"; street. South Portland; price $2800; easy t ' a a . vw am MVMIa, e- - " " FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. I , rTl T.M. Ix 104 6th St. Mala 6869. Drotrtv dii ZZ .kTJT "171 WEST SIDE BARGAIN value property ia thia district: 86300; twaaoeK, 6 room house, lot 100x100: cloee to lumber I able terms. 811 Rasa at. Pluu EimmI mills and furniture factory; No. 1321 Hood 1416. businea hours. t Oregbn City line; 10 cent fare to ail part of city; lot 50x205, fruit, garden; house 6 rooms and baaemant recently painted and in excellent condition; gaa, electricity, water, aewaga. and in all respects a most desirable property; 52600 will buy and satisfactory terms given; no agent; owner w. st Moore, mono Oak Urove in-at. IN LADD ADDITION. 6 room boose, bath, toilet up aad dowa stairs; hardwood floors; built-la buffet aad bookaase : . fireplace ; full cement basement fur nace, floored attic, Dutch kitchen, paved street and allay; $6000; walking diatapoe. 69 Mul berry st Phone East 1897. WORTH 60000. you can buy it for $3700. Thia is a 7-room house with a full lot one block from Hawthorne ave., oa E. Madison be- ment $100 dowa, $16 month. Price $1600. tween 14th and 15th ate., everything paid and everything finished. $1200 will handle thia. Grab thia If you want a great bargain. M. J. Cloheasy. 415 Abington bldg. VACANT MOVE IN TOMORROW" WATCH OUR ADS WE GUT RESULTS. C A. Wsrrtner. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Bosrd of Trade. HAROLD AVE. Near ear, 6 room cottage. Electricity, gaa. basement 60x186 tot $1600, 8800 down. Sunnyaide Theae beat rent: 6 room bun galow, $1900, $300 dowa; 6 room cottage, gaa, $1600, $800 down; 4 room cottage,' electricity. $1276. $800 down. Tabor 1811. W. H. tSswtrlL 15 Min, to Washington St. 4 rooma, bath. Dutch kitchen, cement base- Geo. T. Moore, Abington bldg. WHAT are you going to do when the war ia over? tio back on the larmr 1 nave weu amproveo Division Street Bungalow,,- 5 rooma, hardwood floors, boomed celling,' Urge attic, bath, fireplace, earnest basement St blocks csr 8400 down. Price 8289S. jGeo, T. Moore, .Abington bldg 62360 ' 4il5J 1 Otst m IsiV anA - ALBERTA ADDITION. 6 rooms, modern; lot 76x100, ifrutt treaey fine garden: 2 blocks to oar: took it over and. If interested, phone H . TMK FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, - . 104 6th Street Msin 6866 Sacrifice $1250 - 4 room house. 60x100 corner. 13 bsarW fruit treea, berries, etc $ blocks to E. Glisan st' ear, 20 min. nut A good buy. MONEY MAKING HOTEL In best hotel district in Portland: 74 rooms, well furnished, income from $1000 to $1200 per month; low rent; $7500, terms. E. A. LINDGBEN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. STORES AND OFFICES ,11 100x100 SN 100x100. 8 rooms. E. Wash., 31000. 100x100. 6 rooms. E. 75th, 3L800 100x100, 6 rooms. Piedmont $2500. Terms on att, (Sea Ott) G. S. Smith A Co.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. 602 WILLIAMS avenue, living rooms, wltn 4821 IS. 130. ax, near aoixi n I rVT. T.T "." tveauuore- BXr, EaSt "9L T-H "pRaVtKU McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. FRANK L ABINGTON BLDG. STy.ra.0r ft4:iArt ' To buyour home. .Main 1068. Two 6 room house, small payment downbei DESIRABLE office rooms for rent 166 M, 4th A BEAUTIFUL home - " .R".. r-.-v v. comer Morrison, room 18. earUnes. in the city, at Fulton Park. There comer Sandy blvd. Cheap; terms. Geo. Morse, RENT Part office with desk. $5 per month. are two lota 100 ft square, which go with tha 818 Chamber of Commerce. D-002, Journal house. This ia a finished pUra cheap 4 B60M float house located foot of California $6000. Who wente it for 200f $2000 cash ,t. riat 1, tooA outbuildiriga year', 7 will handle it M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bid, supply of Woo. Also furniture, chickens h! Mt Tabor car; all modem c on r science, full cement basement hardwood floora; only 3ZZ&0. worth $3000; 825U down, balance easy terms, JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermena Bldg.. Broadway 1613. FINE 8 room modern home in Westmoreland , must be seen to be appreciated; almost new; will make a special price ior cask or may tgade for improved acreage. SCAN DIN AV IA N-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. Suite 21 X Lumbermena Bldg. X I . ... .a. farm .in beautiful spot to Idaho where you eea .art Mr(ra. AhintTtnn h fit?. - i - . . ,... ,..,.,0,. O" T7. buU'.5 room bungalow-1 block to I - "'"U'loOOO 111. room' Ina bouse or good city property, merenaaaiae or good auto; will consider any good, legitimate proposition; will go with party to show farm. W. L. Crabtree. owner, 165 4th st N. E. Section TWO-FAMILY FLAT $4760. Corner E. Davis st; close ta; handy to cars and achooL RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bVig. f f 1 6J00O8S00O 82000 $3000 $3000 , j 60x100; 6-r. bungalow; coar. to ear, ebareh.' school and park; very elaborate home with ; beautiful grounds. Only $400 cash. Mala 4806V i . C. GOLDENBERG. Abrngtoa bid. . y ., V. 1 MR. HOMEBUYER! V! we nave noons at au pneee ana cermet sec e nnaF i-itt Park kAitGAIN 6Lt 42200 kno Toat nuv ' Our autos at your .aervioaJ f . . Nice Lnd.mA6 KrclmhoB.: flreLe! fu " i. a pleejur. 7 i'-' fc 2 'r,L. $15 Stark jj W'CA W - Mala $$$; WANTED TO RENT WANT to rent at once 6 or 7 room house 1. mnnA Hlctrfof' will ,f vx K, rtf a r. to property; references if desired. Call Eaat I toilet, electricity and gas. cement walk. E. 74th 4299 today. WANTED At once. 1 furnished sleeping room. cloaa in. modem conveniences, by young women working in city; wul exchange references. C-836, Journal. MOTHER and son (12) want to combine vaca- tiou with outdoor work, country or beach, board self; no canvassing, paid by hour. X-821, Journal. $200: ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW; $1650 oil Take xUverruw car to Cal. at 100x100 ana o room ouns-uow. i e ON SU WOODLAWN bU.Miii.uW 81100 Very neat and attractive 8 room bungalow, Btaxata, lOOwlOfW all In x-xn . . - xixKl, miiini'. Kx .hxinut h. in tha 'vrnraiisn die! I i.tuMl' fknn. lam Mving room, beamed ceiling, tnct; 8160 caab, $26 montuly. Fred W. Uer- Dutch kitchen, fun basement aire large tot, 2 man, 782 Chamber of Commerce bldg. blocks earline. Reasonable terma. Tabor 6689 $100 CASH $16 MONTH tRV tGTO.V A LOVEt 8 ROOM HOME $1450 TOTAL PRICE. 2 FIREPLACES. LARGE LOT. IN BEST 6 room modem, electricity and gaa. fun set RESIDENCE PART OF IRVINOTON. IF of plumbuioS0wk.t TuS Tia pood buy LOOKING FOR SOMETHING GOOD SEE for you. Wilww "fc a a s . .i THIS. $6500. TERMS. ZIMMERMAN. 811 A. H- ACKERSON. 666 STOCK EXCHANGE. BOA BP OF TRADE fireplace, hardwood floors, lull cement Foreclosure Sale St. Johns m,KU J,' '1 ."""i -r i176; 3200 4 odem bungalow. Th. It soma bsr- jon-o.. itl Lumoerraens Bldf.. r. nUT. 718 Swetland bldg. WAVaHLEI HEIGHTS BU.NUALOW - ; S room modem bungalow, oa hard eurfaea, streebvl block from car Use; prtog $2500; ( C A. Warriner. BITTER. LOWE A -CO.. 208-6-7 Board of Trade. EAST SIDE. EAST TERMT" E. Ix, )N SUXNY MT mrifc" nvn room MODERN COTTAGE ON 61st NEAR BELMONT. 82000. EASY TERMS OR DISCOUNT FOR CASH. MUST BELlT TA BOR 2075. WANTED TO RENT Furnished house or lower flat. 818 to 620. in Alblna district, or on nia mv Rsrvaln. See FRANK L. Meuuiliis. ABuiun dx.jj-1.. To Buy Tour Home. ; Main 1066 HOUSE AND ACRE ONLY 3800 Mostly In cultivation; water, light, some frutt; elosa to electric station, only ' ."""1. x isnfi rs. r r;--! bu minuiea uuv, vmj iww i per montn; take MV car. cord bldg. acrosa the afreet s THREE ABSOLUTE BARGAINS 7-roonu. 2 hi fine corner lota. $2600. 6-room modem bungalow, choice location. $3oo. 7-room modem, hot water beat. 1 block Bandy blvd., dandy, $4250. Pbona Main 4986. 7 LARGE rooms, fireplace, bath, eiectrio lighte. , , , I . -,J " new imi BiilXil iruit; lot 0UX105' 8 room house, clcea to dectrie station only 90 E. 69th st; $2660; 8300 cash, balance 820 Bee Mr. Sampson, $100 DOWN PRICE $1250 6 ROOM house in E. 13th at near Dl virion sf eiA a mom nlaxtsTed cottage: bath, toilet, f,,n i ..- i !7 ,; ,1 """.u au. una uiatnct, or on . "". - jr z vi v.. ..k a- i ..-rr . w-wum sui in; eiectna Mississippi car line, by couple without children, electricity ana gas, a ti x..- ugnt gaa, Datn, toUet basement; look at this Phone Woodlawnj 2480. wxJaaAr' 'WfmRE. ABINGTON BLDG.. IkT, Moore A Robinaon, $26 SHIPBUILDER wants 8 or more years' lease T bnr your home. Main 1068. I - . of 1 or Z lou. buud small nouse. i-reter - i.. . , , i.v in '""""T0' owner, o room i story house being near river., bet Overlook and Willamette A f'VxM? r"" with ll the citv coirenlenceA I v..Z!. vft! . r'l.. front near THE beat 6 room house you can buy for tha price. 82800. 8800 cash, 88x108; Bo ettl irhinnn. liens; will sell furniture; 22 minutes' rids; 2 take Liberty bonds. Diocas so ov; swww csvx, annua ec I noDt St. count oi war. iis arenaa ave. aaaut aaoe, week days. 82666 6vkRL60.t. 2660 MODERNIZE yout building; I do aU kinds of and rlin. ;c f ut urw; $ S 00 Xwn. bai: Wdt 12$7 Belmont t Tabor 1212. lak a. x.amJ X,- la . xk a a,x A . 1 A I I Jfc mtm A afcxl Xi XwS Skaax- XX Of 9 i a"aV O X. X" aiierauona svms iisiji; yiisnee wsv I 1 1 j i snce tenma. Into a Uve aaaet: see my many designs for aaw R. y. FT EM ST ER, $09 Abington Bldg, f.""". x.,r,CDD,' BEAUTIFUL Boa. City bunw. 6 Undent for tha Oregon Home Builders. 16, When school is out. the city of Portland publlo employment bureau. 847 Davis st, has a number of boys listed who want work when school Is out Employers, send us your orders for boy. EXPERIENCED reliable carpenter want stead Position in mill or shipbuilding plant aa repair rrrm nnnvf oottx.. with lxr. .nrnnm . fl 5STJiT Biwrtobt. L PlS id garden, furnished complete; one block ,.1?. !lrv x 888 JournVt from Rose City oar. $30 per month to re- only; atete salary. X-886. JonrnaL sponsible party- T18 7 3d st N. Call between , OPEN for position at once, first class livestock 12 and 4 o'clock Sunday. Phone Main 4618 buyer or saner with life xperieno ; west Rocky week days. -vita rssV1. "-iW "aanclally. Ad- WHEN you get tired bavin, your rent raised dress F-565, Journal. t and being compelled to. move, look aa up. Wo WANTED Position with lumber company; have have houses and lota we ean aell you for 823 bad years of experience la retail lumbar bust- down. 310 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 am employed ; ean give good raierence; can 1 Chamber of Commerce. station. Wdln. 6332, evenings. WANTED Small furnished house, no children; will give best of care; references. z-722. Journal. WANTED To refit 5 or 6-room houaa, with or without garage; will lease; adults, references. N-775, Journal. WOULD like to rant a cottage at Seaside for Bargain. a week or two. 883 Thurman street YOUNG couple want furnished 2 or 8-room Ws. 'ft ' bBtoeitedto in 1 city. Woodlawn 2028. close to the car, with Thia nlaee can be lovely home, rnce eoouw. i. . . u - . Jonesmore 81400 cash is an you have to have. 1500 Good 4 rooma, bath close in, amal. M. J. Cloheswy, 410 ADingion oing. -WW. XWW,, WXUBW W, 1HI.I lot sewer and gas. imp. paid, eomfnrtabu .nx CLOSE TO SHIPYARDS -$1800 HnTlnt S W. nSX i 86600 NOB HILL HOME FOB 64600. 2 blocks to car. Dandy buy. 6700. Wifl give o rooms ana aieemng porou. lurnaoo ana lire- x-x w JnHx Bahriin. nni Ksltwsv kxcb. place shown by appointment Fred W. Carman .ROOM HOUSE EAST "f0 wA.Vi ai ann . . x 1 Li.. X Awl OK A O room Dome, moaern piuxnuui, lot: Stanton, near Borthwick; 6o nanoie. No liens. oee (SACRIFICE, modem 7 rooms, fireplace, fur nace, beautiful half acre, block Hawthorne ear. 33760; terma. Owner, 209 Mohawk bid. Tabor 1883. Go., 78il woamner oi lonunrce. $300 CASH. BALANCE EAST Near Alblna and KllUngsworth ave.. apartment Jhly or August 1. Y-791, Journal. SUMMER RESORTS t$ FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG Vn vnn hxma MSIII 1UVB. , . i.x' mn nt.r fi...i- k ,i..k A HOME near SOtn ana nawuiome. tie u i "J " ra luviiuu -r: - 'j""v i-rixini, moaem. show you a newly painted 8 room house, all corner lot; full cement basement odern. fine oak floor., newly enameled wood- P"fd ttreete. 2 blocks from Irvtngtoo -OWNER MUST- SELL IDEAL SUMMER HOME h' mnm. sleeping porch. Faces aaat Price 86500. P. B. van nice. ii vwncoru bMg. Mar. 6454. '$200 DOWN OWN YOUB HOME earlina. Call 554 Prescott st ATTRACTICE LARGE COTTAGE All modem conveniences, nark nimnulh. also email cottages; ail centrally located. I do aire f T wt . , a A a t ww. Knnu. eood condition: close to M-V O. tx,. Box 180, Beaview. Wash. "Wildwood" one of the most beautiful spots ear. on E. 79th; gaa. electricity. Data ana $2300 6 BOOM bouse, nreplaee. hardwnmt anywhere near Portland, close to Mt Hood. 20 toilet Price 02000. See floors, built-in buffet aad Dutch kitchen; seres of land heavily wooded, beautiful springs FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO., modern. Keatoa earlina. Part aaah. 160$ and mountain streams, fine tuning; improved to ouy your imm, xvo. i minueeuisv. Sim t am mu mis wns.uu unm . i v-nRTH Irvlngton bargain; pavea ireei am I HAWTHORNE district: modem fi room easily accessible by auto and yet very secluded; niA for; rooms and bath, eiectrio lights, .! galow. on earlina; builtin oonvenieneea. firm- con-686. fine for week-end tripe and a place you will be tin9 rt fruit berries and roses. Need 8600 place: Urge basement everything in fins' eoi proud to take your friends to. A chance like I ..h v.i.n.. aiooo. can .run 8 years. Owner, ditktn: cash or terma. Call owner t.i .ki. ... -nM. nftM, AnMt ix Mr. vxjn. I " J I xwo XU1B WXiX UUl v - - , - -- . HOX OOB. $100 DOWN PRICE ONLY $1200 handle truck. ZX-718, Journal. e k .. n x..,v . n , - . ... I . I 1 fi w .wiM umux, " . X, .via) iw w WILL doeultlvaUng, harrowing and mowing. garden, fruit trees; berries, chicken race; 5 " - mono wooaiawa oi, evenings and mom- blocks from car. 6141 45th ave. 8. E. No chil- laga. dren. ' TRAVELING SALESMAN covering Oregon by SEVEN Urge room. $16. Fireplace, bath, eleo- t- -u uu uxu iih you; wriie iuu tThs light soma cherry treea and small fruit particular. X-864. Journal. Small garden now in. 90 E. 69th st Take M. V, PARTY with automobile wiahaa employment; car. See Mr. Sampson acro-a the street tant to part wih it but he must sell. Price 66000, and it is worth considerable more. See or write F. K. Bailey. Heilig theatre. Phone Main 1 or A-1122. WILL rent for season, nicely furnished bungalow prefer real estate and " insurance. Journal. X-852, 6 BOOM bungalow. June 15 te Bept 15, 1918. Nine vard. earaxe. chicken house. f t Unni 6HINGLER Patching old or new work. Mar- riew. Main 4585. 676 Bavensview drive, $55 snail luia. per moniu STRONG hoy, willing to do any kind of work. FOR RENT Good 7-room house, thoroughly wants steady )ob. Call Woodlawn 6072. renovated; fruit garden; walking distance. WANTED Contract haul 8 to 10 000 cord. 705 B. Oak st wood with truck. Cal! 81 N. 10th st I 111 Six rooms, toilet and bath. 403 East 12th st SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 MODElNT room house; fine location: walking WANT any kind of clerical position: ean use cutanea; so. Z40 K. ZZd at N. typewriter, with soma stenographic work : ex- VrmFRV o MAn htinaalftw lrxx m- ffiMm.. penenceu, -Htssxeni. uepenuaoie, ana witn ex-1 nent tenant; 333. 541 Beacon; E. 12th. eeuuve aoiiiLy. u-on., journal. HOUSEKEEPING position in gentleman's home X-828, by widow with girl 7 years old. "jhfji t-s , , H'RNITURE for sale, house for rent Price A iuim gin wants a ugm piece to neip wixni 8125. Liberty bond or cash. 576 Lexington. FOR SALE 82 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE TTOR RENT At Beach Center the Gcvurta housework. Phone East 6631. TR. Broadway. rV WINtEr---Preserving and canning to do by iTKruirs 853 Sellwood ear. 12 BOOM house for rent part furniture for 22d Tabor 146. ElPERIECltB woman wants apartments to Clean. Phone East 6304. EXPERIENCED stenographer; can furnish best sale: bargain: no dealers. 204 Kearney. I FURNITURE for sale, small house for tent; walking distance; garden in. East 6700. CaU E. 128. TfiACliirft waste bookkeeping or light ' eflce 'work. X-620. Journal. WANTED Copying of circular work, by expe- rleaeed stenographer. W-464. Journal. -KURSES S$ FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale, house for rent Central, reasonable. Bdwy. 2052. . . ' t t ' I IWU.II'., , . NURSE, guiet home, nnlortunatea. confirmed I Ban. 2647 Monday. FURNISHED HOUSES $6 WANTED Some one to share furnished oot tage; cheap rent; light service. Call Mala 4968 after p. m. X-824, Journal. FOR RENT For 8 moctha. furnished 6-room buncalow. rent 385 ; reference m.uired. Call Box invalids. Reference. Gresham. Or. R. A. MODERN S room bungalow, clean, coxy, 60x100 111. .. - - ' lot; fmlt garden; 826 no. : June, 2 5 te Aug. S'' rA-rfcr-c ' J. .(..I . I 1 5S 1108 E. 29th N. Alberta ear. Seat I 6-ROOM bungalow, new turnlture. 440 E. 62d valid or convalescent ta own home. 6698. PRACTICAL Call East 662. at Phone East- 6394; garage, adults; 845. SIX room furnished house. . 689 . Powell at Brooklyn ear. FURNISHED ROOMS r ' - $ I tmvviaxtmvnTiLm,' aig w.tK. runwviT LOOM for rent tot man and wife. S94 Hall st I 800 Henry bMg. - -011 M(moy'' ' ' ' ' I FOR BENT S room bouse, wall fuxwefee ONS gtoepias rooaa log lenv Aast 81. s, . " S2T IMA gt Wsst side aeuUb V-T a A r TJ, r 1.11. 1 ... XL. csx oax rooms. efevu. HI Txhop- ideal location; fruit treea and plenty of gar den. tJouid be occupied by 2 families. See owner, in riroics pioca. rnone aroadyay 784. 6 rooms, bath and toilet, electricity and gas; comer lot 66th st 53d ave. See FRANK Ix. McUUlius, auijuiiuji dixltu.. To buy your home. Main 1068. sn nnwS: OWN YOUR HOME mom neat house. COT. lot bath and toilet Rmith 8514 Foster road. electricity and gas. rnce oniy ex sou. oee nmvtf T. M1TTTTIP! IRTOflTON RI.IX1.. NORTH BEACH, WASH. 3 room bungalow "gl , Toor Hom.. Main 1068 , . r HMnoi. um rooms svna uvmiui uuivu. aTl modern conveniencaa. close to Locksley Hall, block from beach. Apply Lena Hardware A Furniture Co., 221 Front st 6-ROOM modem house, cement baaament gaa sua crkmk; txsuv. oa isuprovea street Beer ear line, 81260; 8100 caab, 820 month. Nail a. xi abor 1931. YOUB OWN TERMS t , m x. - mAA 1mx,1mA August 6. Apply 10O4 to. Everett, rsoor sixs. i omnw. ""r ... , . - TOi. ,,l.a attic, every built-in convenience. Better see Xir.X,l i,1HixX, mnui wux auixwirau , , 8 room house and 2 lots ia Vancouver. Wash. (A ,x.x , . a n a. . . . tivvv iuiwa uujiuiwi iirty uouarsi oy owner. L. n. naymona. nenaiem, or. 107 E. KAth st N.. cor. Flanders st nouse, rupniDK waier; ,u, .iuj v. Mta'vflla ear. Tabor 8498 season; fine location for private tamuy; Vt ciocx i from beach. Main 1611. 805 Water st QUTTYO WORRY cottage. A50. July. Aug. a rooms eomDletelr furnished, fireplace, run ning water, close to ocean beach center. Tel. East 1145. DANDY bungalow" irringtoe, close to earline. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace. full baaament wash trays, 84000. L. K. Moore, nAor fTTV lifl K A I HDair-suoo Vxxx vx I i vrinxt i l x o ., 3" 8 room artistic bungalow, au mat a nome " uum- wnM innl. Rui. Main 4808. G. C. UOLlJrJirJg.rm, xtpingi.CTO mu. SNAP 81495 EASY TERMS 120 87th ave. S. E., 6 room bungalow; mortgage foreclosed; do not want property. Can East 2871- FOR RENT at Geaxhart B. B. Caswell cot tage, on Cottage avenue; completely lur- Bished. Phone Broadway 1148. rAgwoi. i , ,j fa. n-n.V 4-room home at HiehT. Ttf 1 TV nEK a room oungaiow, iruii. exnx . :. , -. x.wxk Bllll,l.., , wia, VH XUW OCOtl fi"ai X block to car. fine location, aetuallv worth gzaoo; ean oe naa ior givoo. 8500 cash. Moore & Robinson. 825 Lumber Erehsnea 4 ROOM cheap house at Lents; lot 82x104; let us show you this; cash price $600. Moore at BobinsoB, gxo iwumber JUenange. NICE 5 room cottage, lights. everything furnlsned: mistress. Twin Rocks, ige. lighu, bath; close in; "Vv--" eloaa to (nxtmsr and high school. I $125 d: $75 for oa. mSJt abm. monthly. '-i STa bargain aee this. 123S Mo. ave. A PEA $1250; $100 down, $15 month, interest t cottage. 7 rooms, running water: block from beach; by month or season. Main 1611. TARELIUF cottage, for rent 6 rooma. bath, completely furnished; July and August Call East 2804. or apply 441 E. 23d N. BOCKAWAY BEACH 2 room furnished cot tage for rent Can Sellwood 1877. Mia. Johnson. 494 E. 14th. FOR RENT, cottage. Bear Long Beach, Wash tngtoa. until xuiy 13 Sunday or. evenings. FOB RENT Seaside cottage, S rooma' aleeotng porch: would like to rent for son. Phone Sellwood 2684 or eaO 644 E. 33d. FURNISHED cottage on the PEACH of a bungalow, ouarter block, aar. 8 BOOM modern house at "fiL?? M"i7 of Tre ewn7r ' "0", ; im tXnOO 8500 cash. I 01 xraoe, owner. ulullrul a 'OBoveSAa wasee xk. a a. a, m T - t awax i waw , 1 wawxxwaww 810 monthly. Int . Injuire 018 B. 18 th I 31000 7-roomJousa i and tot. .tot near school st 1. I-J or A-15 ear. I ana oh, o. ... 'xiw, ua oargaia. tmtt fa A LE 6-room cottage, good location, let " " 1 T m x: ntlca IITSVM I2DUU o room neuse. au vuiu-m eoBvesueiseaa. SBOO down, easy terms on balance. HoagUn A fuU basement. 2 blocks to Union ave ear. nt kt xvmum. v. Eaat 3505. I Wdln. 8229. age K. wta FIVE ROOM house on Belmont close in, $800 I 6-ROOM tnodera home, fine view, waiking dC v k.i.M g2l TU V . xxM)A 1 - """" "ae, i Henry bldg. a month, Arnoia. uzv I xaace, ior sew try owner, esw montn aaa imereei, vau asam iai ov asaranaxi as s 1 , BEE TODAY Fine 5 room. Lexington Hta. TOR SA1 E 5 or 6 c bungalow "3 " banploir, $2850. 8850 cash; saap. Pbona Kw .Bna r rUwood 11$. make data. 298, after 6.60 p. am. Tabor 6566. wur oaah. Tabor $2800 HOME LIKE RENxT fOB ALE Hoase and tot 100x164, very ridaw. "Tula. - ""-xutVr-. -"S-anTSee owner. Lenta. -Or.. 9104 tiik Tbch- arranged tor one or two families, AnSrtin,; "in good oondition. Fxtst 2871. ave. f. 3. Pai-soae. SNAP 82500 EASY TERMS I FOR Souta reruaaa property, to pay. sail or ax- 6 room house. m hardsurf aced street, near earline. 80th and B. Momaon. Eaat Z871 U-4 08. Journal. SEASIDE 4-room cottage. $1 a day. Phone Woodlawn 176$. -U-404. Journal. Chamber of .ka.n aee John Slrxear. 420 Commerce. This district My Specialty. yCRnKH!P."U' S-ne-- T"ior 403- BEFORE you buy see So. . 4 72d, Monta- I BARGA1N lT "rrr 7 rooma. beswment, 106 83d at tiiu ear; 6 beautiful romm, fun basement, 1 fruit 1 $71 East 8th north. biiA&iUtv s room lurnianea cottage, 1 block I 8200 down. I" none atam ( 1 2. XXEAn yoa anttr uss itr; eeai susn. tilt - trom ocean, tor season. wooaiawa 1TBO. unnrgV 8 room bnnaalnw. aoxsrl W.ti. xr. I 63100 lor a-anca ease. vtn i era at FOR BENT -4 room cottage at Seaside for June priced very low: good terms. . I BARGAIN 8 Foreclosure aad asottgage koaaeeT and July, rnone Marsnsu 1Z48. 1 ' J. It WOLFF. Ch. of JiJom. Bldg. I CaU ap'Bxasx aai. " ROOM cot tans at Seaside. furniahetL I SSB i fi5uSE that cost 8220OTwlu aeBthia weakllrATl SALE 6 room bouee 81200. 1942 fc Kaat ZOZ. - I 1M.O, lVO dnva. Toena Tiber V97I. . I Alder at - Mt isser car.' A-Toi. Journal. 6-ROOM furnished eottaxe. fireplace gad bathl I FOB SALE or trade; Irvington home. Y-taoams MODERN S room house and garage. $0xT00 x- en. .a nt..t vx . a x x " ft a . -a r . i. mm, eaaa S m x a x. aml- S g A A 'xigb W.T Ag wocan g-Bia. rvasa, aias. a. aaa steeping porexv. caw aaoa, .wot sot-... ce tssvv. ;aiw . ssi sa. Bruadway 1612. aS3NB S room and large attic full cement beee -: meat hard sarfaee street, 2 blocks from car,1 , K. 41st Bear Taylor; price $2650; easy terma.' A, wsmner, f - BITTER, LOWE A CO.. it 208-6-7 Board of Trade, i k x. euuiAuinii nves IIUV1otvi.K ,xxxxx..xx l niu n Wl'ux nvas 4 6 room bungalow, builtina. white finish, pretty I S rooms, fireplace. fuU cement baismen. ta fixturee. This is one of the neatest bosses ta I rage, fruit treea and berries; clear of all l the district Lot 90x90. Fmlt and luaaa. I cumbraBoes; price 62600; teams. ?' ; Txxb st ttm nrlce ttlSO. Oaiy 8600 down. I C A. Warriner. 'i ' Mr. Thomas. Main 7102. I BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 208-w-T oard of Trade. itAoo stNNfst&fc. kf. TAfioft. S-reocn strietir modem eery attractive b Paul Waidt. 1267 Bet- oa Bebaoat at Bear 424; first-ela fmraaee. LOT-TiiOO titt : Comer lot 60x00, 8800, at 43d and E. $100 cash, bat term. we fireplace, hardwood floora. beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen; clear, att street Improvaaaents paid far: . a genuine bargain; ready to move tnta. raw. alao breakf room, ytoaping poreb .ga- I XC,' VllnrTn .Wur i w iw .TiiiaT n n i rage, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. Juai , iBvtNGT0i Twd teLocfs FB6M CAk' I. ' ROOM BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD FLOORS," FURNACE. CEMENT BASEMENT, 60x100. j GARAGE, rKtlT. HUTS, HEKKLES A It 4 -room bungalow, bath, toUet, full sment GAIN AT $2760. $860 CASH. BALANCE LIKE BENT. I IM MERMAN, 811 BOARD OF TRADE. . 32600 ROSE CITY PARK OF TRADE. Lithtiiiraflt nam. T rooms, aleeping poreb, fireplaoe, hardwoo , floors. Dutch kitchen, modem coaveaieBcea, full cement basement furnace, laundry aad f rait ) rooma; 60x100 tot; built occupied aad (off gala. by owner. Y-793, Journal. roousET " i-- x ki. . . -x ix . .... I anoo eaan. aico rer mowin stoasrs e rosw fn.i. rricx a 2 7 aa. lnxiniM dsV. wu. I bungalow, bard sorface atrseta, ImprovemenU fruit, berries : pi liams, 1 1 1 KiUingsworth ave. 1 tot one 7. one r clean, mod em: rdee ceighbomood; fine bam eg' for ship builders; get the 2 bouse! for price of one; live la ewe and teat Uve ot&er; aloes east side of Union ava., within $ blocks Broadr, l . ii j I I wy uuKwn eve, wxxs, wrsne. I DA.V rlTV Dinr atvlatlv mm!.,, kttu.lne 1 . ., : bath, pantry I i" ' ?, rivr i sv.i. Zt ZZZi. 1 ROSE City Perk Beautiful 7 reota modem 1 TT--i.-a Owvxi terml . bungalow; buiUin ewavrntoaeaa. neid: Uaa than block from ear. R. F. rLEasTta, BU AmngtOB Bug. BY OWNER 8-room nlasterad bouse. mod ,h . . O V ..J ,n. .V. X ana wunacui, x. ikiiw,, saw uv, x v ,i - - -. imx. l. ov a lota, hard surfaced street, ell el-xvr I Fine corner lot with garage. 2 block to earlina. dose to S. P. shops. Call Main 4168. at 727 PoweU at for information. 4 ROOM modem bungalow, almost new. cement basement cabinet kitcnea la, wTute enamel; $1850, eaay terms. JOM-vBO.'o. gia lAuaoermeaa xuag.. Broadway 1612. 7 BOOM house, in very good coodlttoa, close id on eaat aide, is minutes' walk te business WILL sacrifice beautiful 8 room modern. lOOx 100 lota, fruit laws and roaea; ideal borne. Ryan Place, Oregoa Electric. O. E. MiU. phono Maraban 8502. 3 atory 6 reeaa Saitl ' a.a ' basement artth furaaoa. oak floora, larpe sloes tag 100x100 comer with garage Caa give pea-. aeastoB at onee; 84280. F. Veoduyn, 616 Chamber of Commeree. Main 1936. 1 BOOM MODEk.'s HOL'fcg No. 410 E. 6Sd st. Hawtixeme car; bard- -wood floora, furnace and fireplaoe, paved gtiwetr ' tPVTVUTOV reaidenee for sale. boast oa 14th and Tillamook, No. 683. New I lmprorevaect paid; total purchase press rented for 845 par month. Price $7600. $8500. Thfe is a very good aad pleaaaat 1. V. rope, o 1 1 in St.. isewperg, ui. Home. Henry a. oover, oe uniow eve. - center, $4500. $250 to $500 down, balaaoa $ BOOM cottage, bath, gaa, electricity, gar- MY sua having enlisted, I am offering my beaa- - monthly IX aesireo. ix, sv ssoore, til jsoara I age; corner lot in IM' u 611 i improve- i tifal borne oa K. sede at a eecrtfieo: ceea w". of Trade. menu made; dose in $2200. Hatfield A I terma; other tBewtae property outside of Hy fog ' sale or exchange: what have your 165 1U 4J-i 5 room house I soniai apu. stoom e. maw wtm. - .-yt t-Ab bat.E Rv owner. 7 room hotux mnd.n Crabtree. 168 H 4th st with 2 large lou an in garden and fancy I FOB SALE Eaeiaot terma. rosea, 8 blocks from Woodlawn car line; price 83000, oa terma, ia xi. low n. Woodlawn 1868. MODERN 6 room bouse near 84th aad liaw thorne; well built and roomy; a good buy at $8760; some terms. iUiutBua, 2X2 ixumoei mens jiag., Broadway 1612. NEWCOMERS. Attention. 81800. 7 room house. 88300. T room FOR SALE, bv owner. 2 room hoase. modem.? ' Phone bouse end 4 tots, $6000. 604 Ellen bldg. hard surface streets; aU paid; fine basement;;' Phone Main 8790 ; lot 60x100. fmlt and garden; glaOw; earyt vrlft MIRSISSIPPI I pretty bttlo neaae. 987 Gomaaereial tv-x v Mnwx .Ixxrxnt answOtlflsii ttsaa. I Woodlaara 8796 etv.,1 In etiwata imnroved. said. Only I s 4 ofiKZZJl tH S YKTtiV $2600. $500 down. Mr. Tboarae. Main T102. 1 8-room house ta good cowditlon; clear, gfl I a ntnu tuwxse. aasall renaira aeedad. lTiksar- I street tesprusementt paid for; oa E. Taylor at ..- .-.I. .-, nxnt w.rk. I near 85th; 8tOO caab, bal. te built-in effects, ail couTenlencee. garsge- large ! paid; 2 blocks Tabor ear; $60 dowa. Ayla- I Tabor13la naXurxH ...... w, - - . , , Mmamm I bbjq. X pitch xxwv i and eonifortahie. furnished or unfurnished : im- ernrth. 19 McKay bldg. mediate posseeawn. .v may-osus as. oeuwooa 6h SALE Hawthorne district, a modem 4 642. I mtun with alaaoin noreh and fvwit house, large at- treesTla E. Sainton st asar . 44th at; $2000; D-1110 term. Paul. WaidWj FOB SALE or trade; north Alblna; S reoati t berriea. gar r; reasonable. PENINSULAR PARK 1-room tic. moaera. gaa, eiecmc. cement oasement. I teraia. Call' restricted .district ; Urge garden, fruit; do rea-lx,.rT ..A... ftogfc OltT PARK t)!sf WWt'. 1 I jonabl. ohsr rrfmwd. Owner. 1 btod east I 08 laodernV 5 room Irungsbw? beautirui J P Kenton ear. 187 E. Buffalo St I rTix bt.IOO wmamantal treea. fruit I like t ill cvrixws - MODERN 6-room house, aleeping porch, good I treea. flowers, etc. Tabor 8539. neighborhood, walking distance; terms; will take good tot Of email bouse good district part payment Apply oa premises, 661- E. Ankeny, lata. BUNNYs'IDE 8 8th aad Washington; modern. rooma: noma improvements la aaa paid; worth 64000, for 63160; will give tana. Call Main 7981. 82700 6. R. modem bungalow, builtin book- chicken bowse ; by owner; Woodlawn 8916. LAUBKIxHUBST bargaia Splendid 2Vs etory Laurelbufet heme. 6 Urge rooma, alawptag eoreh. breakfast room. Urge receptiaa BeiL all c fruit I tike new. Tabor 6049. 1266 E. Daria. tioOO 5-ROOM boose. 60x100 tot, oe E. ttXQQ- riise tttf CARLinE. 1 hm BLOCkH 46th. at. 8 blocks of Mt. Tabor car; fruit. . L V Jr"-'Y?:.' Psnl Wdl 1 36 7 -Belmowt st imprvr-mejHw va- - e-. i ' - I'j' il bANDY 6 room bungalow la pared atreat. weTJ SIX o-. jm. uooe. "T'tIl a Mx . if 1u AV M' esall xwlwasa B-mBl TWt.W wlW. J MM I I Bajiw, 9IVV aw 1A VtUU, f ' I -' x-'AxsW fta. ..biats. Wxa1 xaow, tRAA. ain. Wood-ww 4649. Y S"-.jr..Sl wit Vxxi ALBERTA district; 8-room buagatow bpa. I 1 1st street - - mooerai wmenw-i . . . " 1 xjx i-i . . k,.L eA.i An W ' seraeaw 1 x. j 1 s in(l K. XTin aa. r. aiovns eer; ma mmwrnim. t i . - -- -. ---- f, eases, burfst, astro swnace at,, eon van lent, z ; 7 , .7 ... . , 1 . m iratt tree, garoen. cniraew aewsw; awe nunvr UrmsT Alberta ov Irvlngton cat. Vohaaoa-Dod- $3600 Nr Wsaark; S toojmr froTD dty ear. S. E. cor. 80th gad Fro-! son Co.. 684 N. W. bank bldg. 'ure. rwved atreeta; term. Owner Phone act. Rertsia for eaxh. KOOM modem bouse, aU coavmiUacea; 2 'ffiJ'- uui ,.. $1660 Eaay terms, room modem bangalew. ; blocks from earline; 82000. $100 dowa aad ."T" x A?'.1, TZ? TaT eement beeement, wash trays, etc.! Alberta t $20 per month. 617 Chamber of Commeroe. 8 2 2 OO. 3800 down. baL terms. 993 E. at5 K. 26th st W,; open Sunday; house, t phone I Marshall 2433 - . 10th street North. vacant - ' - ;j, $ BOOM bungalow la" 24th" st. Bear AtberU COTTAGE. 6 reoaaa. 3 tots. .?Jjf HtTa- ILlWtUOxbili district; owner leaving city, want . . ear; modem aad up ta date; eaa make at- bot' nic hoD,; mtt H: $00. tarma. te aaU modem S rooaa bungalow; oak floora; t tractive price; must have $500 cash. Boa owner T-Sll. JoansiA . fireplace; cement basevneat 32 s 00, sag Utw. at 207 Panama bldg. rOR SALE J room houaa. 60x100 lot. berriea F. V and gyp. 616 Chamber of Cons.. Mesa 19.r A FINE house Wi W lot, all kinds ot fruit end garden; $$60. 30 eaah. $1 a nseoth. A BARGAIN. j and flowers, close in. adjoining Westaaore. T23 E. Boehanaa. St Jobaa. Kaae Cfty Park, strictly saodem 6-roeaa ewty land. Thia to a anap. Price only $1600. M. 4ROOM hooae with 1 or 2 tote, also 3 roam galow; bard r10 1 ' 2 0, terrna. j .M x . . a ,u.-u vu- . - , . x.xa. x . 1 ra'mjim sAi saii.nriKi wt rxn - . i, ciniissaj, use xsoiuaww oiag. 1 noaae, k tea. eaww vmm Susies, wip, 1 viaJvto, - , . 3 ' S-BOOM v - 1 in , - . mmm, , . -, lmm I a... SB W x OOM "house oa lot X0xlO;tsll tmnrove- T "' . - rlwz: seata in. hard surface atreeta; 8600, 3160 1 7-ROOM modem boose Bear Thompssn eehool. I bb n, 816 per month, lndoding interest. Hoag-1 Only 82654. Jaasos D. Ocdast, 107 Shaver cash. 4k Bird. 667 WiliUme ave. Eeat 3695. j at WeodUwa 202. I bar down. tin KAJL X e-roova nsfsiew, wtxa, wins "t.T i Btoeste Irom Aaanei. ass. Beota ens- n, . baaanee asoathly. Teggert ti uaw , of Cummsriae. " 7-. i-KoOM house aatl lot, bearing fruit trees"; fbR SALE Modem S rooaa bemgatow. eaat I ROSE CUy Park. 6 r luaisleeea Ilos, Fulton Park. 6a fare; 3100V. teraas. CaS aide, nart eaah. Pheee fog Barttulars. SaO- I nreplaee. famaoa; $2660, eaay mowlhry pay- f Mala 6246. owner. wood 2588, owner. mente. F. Ysndnya. 815 Chamber of tm- tNTESTIO ATE- Bungalow, Richaisad aapw; FURNISHED and anfnmiabed bosaase, easy -j ji,. .j e-- E. 86tb att eafy 82160; terma. Metealf. payments. K. C Walter, 6848 Foster twad. FOB SALE S room bouae Beer 10th sod"Jack- - Marshan 3462. evecinge BeUweod 3662." V- Phone Tabor 8367. - - - - aoa; tersas or trade for ether dty property, "ROOM" bungalow oa acre oa Hawthorne fROOM modem houaa, lot $0x100. frait trees. vnt. Tabor 6680, , L 1'4 Use; garden. lrutt $1760; Uoos; gamag. 1$ min. oai, y gwaac. $7$ &KftA t tL fcARGAIN. awoaa Iseam $$7. b traaa. . T-724, Jooraal. - - . ,, . r . . Eir $ - -.---. Call 8aadV g grsitltui. flSS SStb. ; . ?