THE OREGON SUNDAV JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1918. 24 STEEL PLANTS IN AT FULL CAPACITY Ruralite Had Idea ' Big War Was Over RICA WORKING A t War Products Set Wheels Hum j ming and New Methods Are I Introduced to Meet Needs. ORDNANCE EXPE8TS TRAINED United .States Enters War With VOne Expert for Every 200 In ' Germany; Handicap Overcome. St. Louis. Ho.' June (I. N. S.) A man who did not know that America was at war -was discovered hro by a con ductor on a market street ear. A farmer boardedUth ear and stood on -f the rear platform. A squad of Bailors marched past, attracting the rurai- -fte's attention.. Who are those fellows V the man asked. They are United States sailors," the conductor Informed him. "What are they for?" "They are groins' to fleht for Uncle Sam and you." "Where T "JDon't you know there Is a wart" the conductor asked. "Ain't that over yet V was the man's next Question.' Informed that the war decidedly was not over, hls'only comment was: "Well, I swan." froc th Committee Public Information ' Washing-ton. June 8. The foundries of Jl steel planU in the United States are today dolnr capacity business. Through out the night the work will go on with , slight Interruption. The whistles that blow to announce closing time to one army of workers will be a summons to another shift to take its turn. The blast chimneys will continue to roar, and the glittering white-hot streams of molten metal will flow into the molds. A year ago only two of these It foundries where Cannon forgings are now being made were In existence. The foundries at Bethlehem and Midvale represented al most our entire resources for the mak tug of cannon forgings. Today these two plants constitute less than 10 per cent of our total facilities for making such, products. Sew Methods Introduced ' In one year a new Industry has been created. In this country. It Is new not only In the sense that the 14 foundries have been built, but that the processes . of manufacture are new. Making gun forglnrs Is different from making steel forgings for any other purpose. The heated steel must be pressed and not hammered. The methods of heat treat ing the steel, of cooling It, and of an neallng the molten metal are all differ snt- Yet, within one year, this new in dustry has been built up In this country, and today It provides the wherewithal for the carrying out of an artillery pro gram the like of which has not been projected in any other country. - Nor Is that all. In more than a score of other factories gun carriages, recoil mechanisms and other parts of artillery are being made. For the making: of those parts new Industries have likewise been created. As an instance, a new Industry was established to manufacture .glass of a quality available for use in telescopic sights on cannon. Such glass 1 had never been made In the United RESIDENCE PROPERTY IN BETTER DISTRICTS FINDING READY SALE Fred A. Jacobs Co. Reports Sale of 18 Expensive Parcels in Three Months. MARKET FOR HOMES: IS GREATER THAN SUPPLY AT PRESENT Realtor Finds Shipbuilders Good Customers,' and Predicts Good Conditions Later. States before. I .Experts Are Educated i I! When we entered the war we were " lisifi JlrtittinA Kv at la stir ' asV rt '- ism iwey yvu J sesrvsa. v wvm.uwui knowledge. We had been a peaceful peo ple; we had not trained our scientists and. engineers in the art of munitions making. Therefore, we had but one ord- nanoeexpert for every 200 In Germany. Wej went Into this war with an ord nance bureau consisting of 97 officers and 120 enlisted men. Not all of those 7 officers were ordnance experts. Some of them were only on detail to the ord nance department. In fact, not more than eight of them were charged with the designing work- in the manufacture of artillery. Before a year had elapsed the ordnance department had grown into an organisation of 6000 officers, 80.000 I enlisted men and 20,000 civilian era- Ployes. It has undergone a thorough j reshaping to adapt Itself to the extraor I dinary new condllons. The ordnance ! bureau In the first year of war did a ' total business of $4,700,000,000. In peace 1 times Its average annual expenditures . I were tl4.000.000. i ,, 1 lot all the aetlvity In Portland resi dence property is confined to selling small homes. The Fred A. Jacobs com pany has sold H costly parcels of resi dence property In Irvlngton during the last three months and probably that number of the same kind of dwellings In other sections of the city during the same period. "Specializing in the best class of dwell ings for the last several months I find that there are any number of people here who are looking for what might be termed the finer class of homes," said S. 8. Battln, associated with The Fred A. Jacobs company as a department man ager. "The lumbering people never made so much money as they are making now, and many of them are buying expensive dwellings located in the mora desirable sections of the city. Since the first of March I have sold 18 high priced dwell ings In Irvlngton and I have Veals on now for a number of this class of prop erties at prices ranging from $20,000 to $40,000 each' Mr. Battln calls attention to the fol lowing recent sales in his department : Two story Dutch colonial house on East Twenty-fourth street north, pur chased by Scott Bozarth for -a considera tion of $5500. Two storehouse at 777 East Twenty sixth street north, purchased by W. F. Wiggins for $5500. Modern home at 680 East Eleventh street north, sold by J. A. Jackson to C. O. Llmburg for $5600. Colonial bungalow at 961 Bryce av enue, purchased by Ben H. Hazen for $6750. Two story house at 539 East Twenty' yew top at AuctionSales Well-paid shipbuilders are giving to the local real estate market a prosper ity that it has not known In several years. This is the conclusion of Frank I McGuire. who has been specializing for the last- year In selling small homes and finds that the shipbuilders are his best customers. "The trouble is," said Mr. McOulre, "not to sell the houses. We can sell all that we can get. But our difficulty is to find somebody with a house who wants to sell it. Improved property has i.ot risen in value to any very great extent. It has not increased anywhere near in proportion to the increase of the demand. It is possible now to buy a very good, comfortable cottage, well lo cated, within reasonable distance of the streetcar, for from $1500 to $2000. while a pretentious bouse of seven or eight rooms can be had for from sz&oo to $3000. Of course, somebody loses money on a house of this type at such a price, but the man who has been carrying it for, several years wants to sell, and shipbuilders and other investors want to buy. "Of course. In my Judgment, this ac tivity is the forerunner of good real es tate market conditions, and it won't be long until all classes of Portland real property will be in active demand and selling at good prices." Mr. McGulre reports the following sales as having been closed In his office during the last week : 241 East Fifty-third street for W. H. R-oss to Joseph B. Leatherberry, $3000. 6714 Sixty-third avenue southeast for J. Asher to Anna Churchman. $850. 64 East Ninth street for F. D. Warner to J. F. McCarthy. $1750. 1246 Michigan avenue for O. P. Eillng sen to E. H. Archibald, $1000. Southeast corner Eighteenth and Hol man streets for E. S. Knight to Vic toria Heyes, $1200. 50J Roselawn avenue for H. Flatch roann to T. J. Glrmshaw. $850. Corner Seventy-third and Knlckitat streets for R. Jones to R. L. Greenman, $1756. House and lot 16, block 34. Brentwood, for F. J. Mitchell to Mary E. Williams. ?900. 1072 and 1076 Lambert place for W. A. Wright to W. W. Billings. $3100. 5319 Thirty-third avenue southeast for Lena Ayres to Frank Pruett. $1500 3100 Fifty-third street for Theodore Frazee to George R. Slater, $1550. BUILDING PERMITS AT- - WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-71 Second Street (Near Yamhill) REGULAR SALESDATS MONDAY WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A. M. xreva MDVDiV'S SALE OAK DIN' ING SUITE, COMPLETE : also BLACK WALNUT EXTENSION TABLE AND SET OF CHA1K.S, C-UUttUia, v.P9 Paninr T&hiM. Bookcases. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Oak and Walnut Bed room Suites, good Iron. Beds. Springs and Mattresses, Hail Tree, Kitchen Cup boards, Wardrobes. RELIABLE GAS RANGE. Utensils and other numerous tot WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY we sell again at 10 a. m. Attend our sales and buy good second-hand Furnishings at your own price. OUR RETAIL DEPT. WHICH COMPRISES FIVE FLOORS 60x100 IS CROWDED WITH THE VERY BEST FURNITURE, RUGS CARPETS STEEL AND OAS RANGES, RE FRIG' ERATORS, ETC. ON TUESDAY NEXT WE HAVE RECEIVED THE FIRST CLASS FURNISHINGS OF A PRI VATE HO MR IN ROSE CITY PARK. WITH INSTRUCTION a FROM THE OWNER TO SELL THE SAME AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING Comprising Quarter sawed oak library table, living room rockers, easy chair and rocker with loose cushions, Unifold bed davenport, VERT COSTLY RICH GREEN SILK PLUSH PORTIERES. Wilton and Brussels rugs, pictures, lace curtains, brass and enameled beds, best springs, silk floss and felt mattresses ; pillows, bedding, dressers and chlffon etres In mahogany, walnut and oak ; nearly new dining room table, buffet ana chairs. Kitchen furniture ana otner euects. Note The above is a partial list of what we will have to sell, but If you call tomorrow you can inspect the goods at your leisure. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. ROLL AND FLAT TOP OFFICE DESKS FILING CABINETS, SECTIONAL CASES. FIREPROOF SAFES, ETC. STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENTS EVERY DAY BARGAIN DAY in our Grocery Department WE FEEL SATISFIED that WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY on anything we offer for sale and we never had such a LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK for buyers to select from. YOUR INSPECTION CORDIALLY SOLICITED. J. T. WILSON, Proprietor. 'HE W TODAY ESTABLISHED 1892 On THURSDAY NEXT WE SHALL SELL ANOTHER LOT OF GOOD FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC SALE AT 10 A. M. WE BUY AND SELL HOUSEHOLD GOODS We will call and make you a cash of fer for your goods or will sell the same for you either at your home, if conven ient, or you may have the use oi our spacious salesrooms. WE RETAIL FURNITURE FOR CASH IN OUR ANNEX. ADJOINING OUR AUCTION ROOMS. WE SELL FOR CASH AT FAIR PRICES. W. C. BAKER & W. II. DEAN. Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. Masonic Temple Building. Yamhill and West Park Streets. Phone Main 3332. J TJVATTTfl aim r w RAM ' t$ fcEMP i At til iMidnBM, 680 Clscssmss St.. : Kmmi Susanna Vms. and T 1 yesrs. 1 months 1 dayw Widow of th 1st Jobs Kemp, mother of F. B. and H. B, Kp. Mr. B. P. Shepherd and Flora Kemp of Portland: Fred W. and Bar K. Kama of Marqnett, Mich.; A C. Kemp of Darlington. Wash.; John M. Kemp, Brewrside. Cah : also lean 4 grandchildren. Friends larlted to attend funeral serrieee, which will b bald at Holman'a funeral parlor ea Monday. Jane 10. 1918, it i p. m. Inter ment Lone Fir cemetery. VAHW1U la this city. J one a, 1918. at tie residence, 074 4th St.. cor. Grant st-. Lous Tarwis, aged 70 yean 2 months 1 day. De ceased Is sorrrred by s brother. Thomas P. Varwtc, and one sister, Minnie Terwig. both . .. : n : in i , .1 . morrow, MonHay, at 2 p.xxm.. from the chapel of tba Bkewes TJndertakint Co.. cor.. Sd and Clay. Friends inTited. Interment family lot. Klvernew cemetery, priest. HIR8CH In this eior. Jane 7. IBIS. Ella E. Hirsch. danchter of Mrs. Edward Ilirech, sister of Gny Hinch of Portland: Edward Hirach of Ban Francisco; Mrs. Richard Brady of New York: Mrs. Loa Loomis. Mrs. B. E. McMsnlll. snd Miss Gertrude Hirsch of this city. Friends inTited to attend the funeral serrlces, wluch will be held at Holman's rjarkirs today (Sunday) Jane . 1018. at 10 a. m. Interment Beth Inrael cemetery. ac IS yean. beloTed husband of Mariaret Tom and father of Wm, I- Toad oi uub cny. Funeral serrtces win be bald Monday. Jane 10. at the residential pari on of Millar St Tneey. HerricM will ha enndnrted be the Portland Hi sosie lodge. No. 60. Interment at Base City NIDAY jln this city. June 7. MurnJ Venn Kiday. aced 29 yean, only son of Nancy and the lata John Amos NIdsy. Memoen or w. O. W. -Friends are inTited to sttend the funeral serrices. which will be held at the Holman funeral parlors to-morrow (Monday), June 10. 1818. at S p. m. Interment Q. A. K. cemetery. '4 OGSBCKT At Salem. Or., Jane 7. Lillian Osbury, sged 83 years. The funeral serrices will be held Monday, Jane 10. at 4 o'clock d. ra. at the residence establishment of J. P. Ttnley Sc Bon, Montgomery at 6th. Friends in Tited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. UcLEAN At the reaidenc. 871 Clinton st. Jnne 8. Arthur McLean, ace 64 years, be loved fsther of CantrCll and Merle McLean of this city. Remains an at the residential par ion of Miller A Tncy. KOE In this city. Jane 6, Baby Boe. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ector Boe. Re mains an at the residential parlors et Miller A Tncey. mrr -ttawttsd-alh AirXOClfCEMTNT THE OPENING OF THE . EMPLOYE as' LABOB BTJBEAC FREE EMPLOYMENT FREE FRS EMPLOYMENT 'WrTH TWB PRINCIPAL IN DUSTRIES OF THE NORTHWEST. FREE THE BOSS PAYS THE COST OF THIS SERVICE MUX. WOODS AND SHIPYARD WORKERS WANTED REGISTER WITH US 3. a DELANET IN CHARGE REPRESENTING EMPLOYERS OF LABOB EMPLOYERS' LABOR BUREAU, 48 NORTH SECOND ST. 'TtEXP TTAHTED MAL 1 WlMTXOCossett"Wokkeawr and eaTGTt not eoMect te draft: gd Boatttoa to flghi maax mass be caad muu aasi aarrasnondaot t -. rreMte. rsiennca sad aaiary axpected. X-20r, $100 Gash, $15 Per Month buys 5 room cottage two chocks irom Mt. Tabor car. Price 1200. Phone Tabor 6585 after 6 p. m. MEETING NOTICES 4 -H- W. A. ROSTER rww ALBERTA eamn. Tuesday. Wmiams JC -t- k. and SkUnm OREGON OAK camp. 1st and 8d - Tnesoay. jnsa ana Lomoara. BOSS CITY camp. Wednesday, Stark, (west side.) 11th St., near MT. SCOTT. 1st and Sd Wednesday. Lenta ST JOHNS. Thursday, St Johns station. OREOON FIR. Frldsy. 114 H Grand STe Cash paid for Furniture and Grocery Stocks. Call Main 1626. Income - Bearing Property Patois of "Wobbly" :; Forms Odd Lexicon second street northf sold by C. M. Har rison to Isaac Upright for $7000. REALTY TRANSFERS . ; Chicago, June 8. (U. P.) "Gang of ' wobblles battleshlpped a fink, got I Chased out of the Jungles by the Cos i sacks and some cockroaches, and freight- ed on without breaking the haystake." -1 'Which, being translated. Is : I "Several gentlemen belonging to the Industrial Workers of the World were ' compelled to use force on a 'scab,' and were chased out of their encampment f near the railroad tracks by a squad of mounted police and some tradespeople i of low degree. They Immediately board- , ed a train In such manner that they , could get hence without paying out for earfare any of the money they had earned by hard labor In the hay field." .Tne translation, from the original Botes iqf one of the I. W. W. writers. Is t made with the aid of a dictionary com- , plied by government agents who have been working on the trial of 112 L W. W. t members here. ,In the bright lexicon of the I. W. W. sabotage Is known as "cream for kitty.' "feeding the kitty," "guerilla warfare," "direct action." "Job action," "kitty," "mew of the kitten," and "the wooden , " abos;" "Sarare." a soldier; "stiff." an ordi nary workman : Scissorblll," one not be longing; "clown." a policeman; "Mr. Block,", one belonging to no unfon ; ;"home guard," one who lives and works ' la his home town. . a Gentlemen Burglars Rob Till . nicag-o, m., june S. Two armed a Bandits made a social call at the. of flees of the Williams Grain company : here. . They chatted pleasantly with Miss , Cora .Stewart and Mrs. Walter Ap plegate, employes punctuating their con- Yersatlon with flourishes of revolvers. 'Alter a stay or several minutes they left, taking along $90 that had .Men in in cash drawer. YL. s. . !. ; vy ueie 10 vaec.ic KEMMERER and ' ROCK SPRINGS COAL rBS. CLEANEST AND BEST BURN Bit) ' CLSYSTAL' ICE & STORAGE v Beet S44 B-1244. - ' Bura Ui 1'suuus Castle Gate,' Utah, Coal ECOMOMT FCEL ' Ca , ' ' Kin Agent . ,J East 214 B-234SV St GRAND ATEXUE.. 2,250 1,01? 10 10 1,200 6B0 TVinUm H. Leah and wife to M. L. Kline, L 4, B T7, Carters addition. . 10 M. L. Kline and wife to William H. Leash et si, L 4, B 77, Carters addi tion 10 Robert Kelland and -wife to Dan C. Cralc et si, L 6. B 09, Bellwood . . . 1,000 J. Stllord Nelson snd wife to Smith- j Waconer Co., L 13. B 71, Irrington , Psrk 10 Tictoris B. Thome and husbsnd to C. J. Hasselstrombe, L 23, 24, B 4, Chicago 10 J. W. Borden snd wife to Phebe Gsyer. L 5, B "E." 8t. Cloud Heights. . 10 The Bronc Co., Inc., to Knute J. Dag man and wife,. i L 75, B 14. El Torar addiUon 700 Margarets Bauer and husband to J. W. Darid, same ss aboT 10 Florence Hsnson and husband to Wil liam Crabtree and wife, L "B," B 21, Pars rose 10 Mrs. E. S. Brown to Msxlne E. Fish, L 0, B 34, Belle Crest 10 Emetine A White and husband to Otto A Harkson Kealty Co.. L 5, B 3. Thayer 10 M.. Bweney to Manly M. Johnson, L 16, B 8, East Portland Height 1 Manly M. Johnaon and wife to New World Life Insurance Co., L 16, B 8, East Portland Heights 1 R. E. Daris and wife to Florence Herren et aL L 8. B 2, Welchborouch .... 1 Mary A. Fetach and husband to Claude B. Tucker and wife, E. 66 2-3 feet L 13. B 18, Multnomah Sheriff to Felice Deals pa, parts of L 1, 8, B 148. Caruthen addition. . . Portland Trust Co, of Oregon to Ralph E. HsU. L 18, B6, Belle Crest.. Ralph E. Hell to.Alice Wright, L 18, B . BeUe Crek Msrtln Olson and wife to Jefferson D. Brown et si, L 7, 8, 9, 10, B. 3, Mabelrille Lizzie E. Lock wood to Orrllle Young et al, W H L 7, 8. B 7. Germania addition i to Portland W. V. Glascock to J. W. Bristow. 8 44 feet L 19. B 2. Maearler Hiehland 10 Kobert W. Slaughter to Mabel Coop et at, l. 24, a x, Eugenia Park 10 Margaret Louis Colter to Margaret 8. voitet M u, L 11, 8 I, Tremont Place a 10 W. ii. Fisher et al to Henry B. Jensen et ai, l, i. B a, Saratoga 10 A. (jook ana wire to Jennie 8. Black' bourne, west 84 feet L 2. B 7 Sunnyside addition 10 tuawara uurman and wife to Mason, Ehr- man m jo.. l, , jc. u S4. Couch addiUon B. A. Mitchell and wife to Theodora Sfehnellinger. L 8. B 3. Omha Psrk George J. Price et al to Sam SchnlUer, L 7, B 21, Caruthen addition to Ca ruthen addition B 000 uaTia si. iranne, trustee, to Bam Schnitzer. L 7. B 21, Caruthen ad dition to Caruthen addition . Peter Haller and wife to Peter Manl and wlfd (assigned - to u U, Luse) . L 12, B 8. Haller addition to Portland 2,600 rump b. uesemer and wile to K. C. Walter. 8. of land beginning in E. line Sec. 18, T. 1 8.. R. 2 E., 1122 fet 8. of point at section cor ners of sections 7. 8. 17, 18. said township and nnce . son Aioerta n.. jouanon et al to A. Ken- ney, L 1. 2, 9, B 10, Portsmouth. . . 2,000 rrea a. Benitmtn' and wif to W. A. Baruett and wife, L. 2. B 1. Home addition io u. o trout and husband to L M Stone breaker et aL L 6. 6. B 28. Fairpon io jsbbuu a. nansQn so viasper Peng, L u, ereiante Pearl E. Hopkins to Chris Ziecer. L 11. B 43, Vernon addition.., 10 uara noBumny ana nusoana to U. Ksun et si, L s. s. B 19, First addi tion to HolUday Park addition in vuy u. Bowman and wile to W. H. B ramies, L, la, n, 2. BunueyT addi tion to Tabor Heights a a OA Auioua a. jL.ynn so aiarcants A. Porcher. L 8. B 8. Powen tract in A. W. Bankin and wif to J. B. getUe- mier. L 28 and E. H L 27. B 2. Kenwood Park t Edward 1. Church and wife to Samuel" vasweu. b i, d 2, Southmoreland., 10 Portland Woolen Mills, erect temporary barn, Decatur street, between Newark and Fessendon; M. L. Lorenz, builder; $300. News Publishing Co., repair printing office, 827 Fifth street, between Clay and Market; Burton & Young, builders; 880. Steinbach & Welch, repair store and hotel, 829 Washington, between Sixth and Broadway: W. L. Buckner, builder; $76. Orth Perkins, repair residence. No. 6 East Thirteenth street, between Ankeny and Ash; C. O. Perkins, builder; $75. J. D. Dillon, repair residence, 5620 Fiftieth street.- between Fifty-sixth and Fifty-seTenth arenues; builder, sssne; $100. John Kerkman. erect gangs, 1426 East Twentieth street, between Knapp and Bybee builder, same; $80. T. M. Mainard. erect csrace. 109S Wood wsrd arenue. between East Thirtv-ninth and Thirty-seTenth street'; builder, same; $80. . M. Albert, erect csrace. 594 Sixth street, he- tween Caruthen and Sherman; builder, same; t u. I. MacFsrland. erect csrace. 8226 Slxtv- serenth street S. E.. between Earl and niri. sion; builder, same; $70. Ueory Fety. erect cance. 172 East Fifteenth street, between East Belmont and Taylor streets; Duuaer. same; su. C. K. Hunt, erect carace. 689 East Twelfth street northt between Knott and Stanton; builder, same; $70. . IL Enderly. erect carace. 6 East Thlrtr- ninth street south, between East Ankeny and Ash streets; builder, same; $95. C. Heme, erect gsrace, 434 Main street, be tween EleTenth and Twelfth; builder, same; $70. F. Hsnkle, erect garage, 273 Graham arenas, between Williams arenue and VancouTer; builder. same; isu. Norman F. Richard, erect garage. 1175 East Main street, between East Thirty-ninth and East roitietn; builder, same; ISO. Dr. R. S. Stryker, erect gang. 1488 East Serenth street south, between Maiden and Boulerard; builder, sasne; $70. C. W. Klnemsn, erect sarare. 869 Larch street, between East Mulberry and East Harri son; builder, same: $70. Mrs. M. Kedilnger, erect garage. 829 East KieTentn street, oetween e suing ana Bharer; builder, same: $70. Floyd Brower. erect garage. 244 Nartilla. be tween Main and Madison: builder, same: $70. A. 1. workman, erect gang. 807 East Grant street, between East Twenty-fourth and East Twenty-sixth: builder, same: $80. leorge J. Cassidy. erect carace. 428 East Fifty-ninth street, between East Lincoln and East Harrison; builder, same; $80. L. B. Woltring. erect garage, 986 East Eighteenth street north, between Prescott and Skidmore; builder, same; $70. Mrs. H. A. Deith. repair reaidenc. 1988 East Fifteenth; builder, sam; $75. rieal R. Crsunse. erect gang. 876 East Eighteenth north, between Siskiyou and Klicki tat; builder, same; $100. O. W. R. as N. Co.. erect locker room, foot of East Knott street; Lindstrom V Ferguson. builders; $1000. - Kobert F. McBride. repair residence. 990 Knott street, between Glenn arenue and East Thirty-third street; builder, same; $75. Lisle Weygandt, erect gsnge, 296 East Fifty-sedond street, between Hawthorn and East Clay; A. Beauchamp. builder; $75. Washington Kealty Co., repair store. 484 Washington rtreet, between Fourteenth and Fif teenth; builder, same; $05. Mr. Thomas, erect garage. 617 East Sixty- second street, between Alacneda and Stanton;, builder, A. Bonhsm; $200. Mrs. J. K. walker, repair residence, 830 East Tenth street north, between Failing and Sharer; C. Lenchner, builder; $90. A FIWE. MODERN, TJP - TO - DATE FIREPROOF BRICK BUILDING In one of the finest districts of Portland, If Interested and wish to invest where Your Money Will Re- turn a Large Interest INVESTIGATE THIS We Also Have a Fine West 8Ide Resi dence Under Lease. Owners BLAXCHARD A CLEMSOK 70S-S Selling Bldg. Lone Australian Captures Gun Nest London, June 8. TU. P.) Lieutenant Joseph Lindley Scales, Australian, is mentioned for conspicuous gallantry ahd devotion to duty . In capturing single handed a strong point 150 yards in front of his t bf effective bee of r?s rifle he killed lour of the enemy In the post anJ two more as they tried to escape. JTe then rushed the post from a distance of 60 yards and captured the machine gun. His men came to his assistance and dded la the capture of. five prince e. Fine Location for Upstairs Store or Factory " Suite of two extra large rooms on the second floor of the Journal Building, corner Broadway and Yam hill. 1500 sq. ft. ot floor space. Fine light from six large windows, besides electric lights. Bull Run water. Steam heat. Two elevators operat ing day and night. Lrge lobby. Light, cheerful halls. Two watchmen always on duty. Thousands of people pass this cor ner daily and there is a continuous stream of visitors to The Journal business office Just below. Besides this multitude of possible customers. The Journal employs approximately 250 people, exclusive of carriers, all of whom are possible customers. Everything considered, we do not believe there isa more favorable location in Portland for a live mer chant or manufacturer. FLORISTS JAPAN FLORIST. F. IX Ifishlo. I S3 4th St., near TsmbiU. Vf. Bid BEDDING and VBOE- planta. hanging baskets and garden Plants, eu. Special sal prtoe. extra bargains. CLAKK BbOo.. Florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A-l auo. ruts l lowers and uorat assigns No branch stores. Jl I S3 4th St., ni 1 All kinds of B ,1 TABLE plants, w Japanese tub. MAK TIN A 1UKBKS CO.. Florists. 854 Wash. Main 269. A-l a 89. Flowers (or all ooca- rions srtistically arranged. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Aider, designs and decoration. Phone Marshall ftszz. LUBLIN EK. Portland hotel. 82$ Morrison. MAX U. SM1IH. Florist. 141 H th st. FUyERAL DIRECTORS POBTLAND STAR HOME- STEAD NO. 42. Brother hood of American Yeomen, win hold their regular buitnes meetinz in the new Moose temple, corner 4 th and Taylor st. , Thursday arening, June IS. Tetta Haines. correspondent. Main 6350. Res. phone. East 7990. Alias y bldg.. cor. Sd and Monibon sts. KIRKPATBICK COUNCIL No. 2227. - KnlghU and Ladies of Security Open meeting next Friday. June 14, 8:30 p. m., Swiss hall, 8d and Jef ferson sts. Cards. "500." Entertainment, dancing. Hoch's onion music. Good prizes. Ad mission 15 cents. Tou snd Tour friends are inTited tn come tor a good time. Come early. Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 18T7. Third and Salmon streets. Main 507. A-151L Lady Assistant. n ! P. ss r- Undertakers. UUIIIIWIfc; Ot IVIUCMietJ Modern in tTery detaiL Broadway and Pine sts. Phone Broadway 430. A-45S8. Lady assistant. BOT8. 18 OR OVER. TO WORK IN BAO FAC TOBT: QQPX WAGES. STIADT EMTLOTMINT. APPLT AT ONCE. AMES HARBI3 NEVILLE CO., 15TH iXD HOYT STS. cscanrra (tatu. wua syrU ea Terhead vale motors. Uaklaad. 84 Broadway. HELP WATTTEP MIWC 48 BOTS STOCK CLERKS HOC8K SALESMEN A88I8TANT 8HIPPINO CLERK BTENOGBAPUKR8 OFFICE ASSISTANTS Applications of sua and woman win be aidered for the a bore positions. FLE1SCHNEB, MATEB A COMPANY. 1st and Aah sta. SIBLE Ohio corporation wants sales men and saiesmanagars to eorer state of Ore gon selling merchants, professional men and farmers budner's Simple System of Bookkeep ing and Income Tax Record. Don't confuse this with any other system. Our is mads so the purchaser can use it with satisfaction and will reorder sure. 'Thus making permanent, lucra tive business for you; particulars upon request. The Sidner Co., 83 W. Gsy St.. Columbus, O. TWO grocery packers. Two crockery packers. One experienced hat salesman. Two Janitor. Apply superintendent office, basement bal cony. Meier A Frank Co. 170 PfcK MONTH ue year aroand. the aver age earning last year at a number of our salesmen otw 45 years. This year win be the biggest yet. No experieno necessary; week ly cash adTanoet outfit furnished. Bis assort ment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and Tinea. You can do what otter mexperienoad man hare done. Washington Mursery Cei, Toppeuah, Wssh. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 483 HAWTHORNE AVENUE -ETERTTHTNO MECHANICAL AND ELEC TRICAL, CNUMITkU); PRACTICAL REPAIR EXPERIENCE. , SPECIAL """ Com in at the beginning et our special reduced summer price Call Monday r Tues day. Adoox Auto School, Union sts. and Wasco st- KIMBKU YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prepare for telegraph eerrio to help ful vecaneiee caused by the drafting of. men for war. For particulars eall ot writ Telegraph Depart ment. Hooas 218. BaUwar Uebange MUdlac. CIVIL SERVICE ezarainstions soon. Prepare to help Uncle Sam win the war by easy, sura, spar time horae study. Wsr time demand foe women. Write for interriew. P. O. Box 24, Station C. Portland. LEARN accounting, sslssmtmhlp nr srlTsrtis' tng by easy, sure, spare time home study. War time demand lor women. P. O. Bos 24, Station C. Portland. SUtUJL ALT1U BlllLTOL, Union aTenue and Wasco street. Special Summer Prices Call, write or phone East 744 8. MISS DECKERS BUSINESS COLLEGE" DON'T LET TOUR WAGES BE ATTACHED'. Take all the time too warn In "huk tIlls." We stop the pressure of creditors: giT you a chance to clear yourself and lire without worry. Keep your present job; avoid attach ments. Satisfy your creditors, all on the money you are earning. Our plan and serrices sr free. We don't Joan money or ask you for one cent. If you need help address P. O. Kox 192. FLNEKAL DIRECTORS Come and see it. very reasonable. The rental Is Apply at the Office of Mr. Hamilton, Third Floor, Journal Building FIVE hundred and dance will be given by the Marigold club, Oregon Assembly, No. 1. United Artisans, Tuesdsy, June 11. in Swiss hall, 3d and Jefferson streets, at 8:54 p. m. Eight valuable prises giren and a prixe waits. All proceeds are for the Red Cross fund. Ad mission 25 cents. Men in uniform ara wel come. Good floor and good music Chairman. Anna Aplanslp. R- E. A. card party. 500 Manchester hall. 854 om sr., Monasy and Saturday afternoon, 2:80: spring chicken, hams and fnuwrf nriiH also Tueday night, 8:80; Ssturdsy night with 2 parries, o :ju and 10:80. there wid be spring chickens, hams and groceries for prizes; all welcome: admission 25e. COSMOPOLITAN Lodge No. 109, K. P., meets errry Mondsy evening at W. O. W. temple, 128 11th st. Visiting Knights welcome. Not change of meeting place. A. O. Thompson. K. R. S. BIG W. O. W. picnic giTen by Webfoot drill team No. 85 at Crystal Lake park Sunday June 9. Dancing, bail game and sports. EMBLEM eharms. jewelry a specialty, buttons, pus, Jseger Bros., 181-188 6th st. VIM Stetistizs matTi9cs.Birtbs. Dzalbs MARRIAGE LICENSES E. V Peck, 23, Dalles. Or., and Myrtle Garner. 19. 737 E. 49th st, N. Jess D. Jewell. 27, 899 E. Everett St., and rla B. Beekner. 25. 85 K. 1 6th st. John E. Leber. 40. 834 Shafer st . and Gertrude Honia. SO. 143 Webster St. C H. Lash, 88. Walla Walla. Wash., and Helen Si. Cornett, 20, 509 H btn st, James A. Strokes. 20. 0118 95th st S. E. rut Blanche M. Tost. 19. 8414 95th St. S. E. Lester L Ogden, 20. 1109 MaUory are., and Lena A. Childers, 19. 51 H Union are. N. William U. Burns, least. 984 Hawthorne are., and Zylpha lUrper. legal. 224. E. 85th st. Henry Walter, legal. Ablegate, Or., and Mabel L. Steele, legal, 107 E. 69th st. Robert McCabe, 25, 542 Carl St.. and Mamie Daily, 24 542 Carl st J. ?4 FINLEY & SON ProgrenlTe Funeral Directors. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. Main 9. A-1599. STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED tot Hood Riser. Oswego, ltex and Salem; pay Is food. A fine outing and make money at sam time. You need tents, cooking utensils snd bedding. Families or groups of women are specially wanted. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 247 Da via at WILSON & ROSS East 54. Lady Assistsnt C-8183. Multnomah at 8. Seventh. st. F, S. Dunning, Inc. Ths Golden Rule TTndertaker. 414 E. Alder st Phons Esst 52. B 5223. A, D. Kenworthy Co, Tabor 8287. 6802 92d st. Lent" Tsbor 6895. eeth it. and Foster road, Arleta. East 781. R-1888. Undertakers. LERCH Mrs. Lerch Assistant E. 11th and Hawthorn 1111. 1. ER A TRACEY. Independent Funeral Di rectors, prices as low ss 820. (40. boo. Wsshington st EUa. Main 2691. A-7885. A. R. ZellcrOo 692 Miliums aee. East 1088. C-1088. HAMILTON 978 E. Gllsan st Fu neral serTleea. Tsber 4318. SALESMEN wanted; excellent line signs and njTelties; traveling expenses advanced: liberal commissions; exclusiT territory; give age. height weight road experience and 8 late busi ness reference. Stanford-CraweU Co., Ithaca, SALESMAN LACK AND EMBRoiDERs LU POUTERS WORK Established trade Oregon and Washington excellent opportunity right man with eitab- luhed trade smaller towns. Fuld. 1140 Broad way. New York. TWO men over 40 years of ag to work on tea and cone route in city; salary and com mission; permanent work: tbes ara established routes; apply at once in person only and be able to turnian best of rsIereBces. Jswai Tea Co., Ino., 21 Grand ava. Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping, rxumeographing, Ea hsh speUmg. Alisky bids-. 3d and Morrison. WANTEr Men and woman under 65 and bay IS. or vr t work si laborers and belDer la store of S. P. R. R Co.. at Brooklya kbopa. steady work, store Keeper. STEEN SEWING SCHOOL Bleek's systaTo7 ladies taUorinc and drums king taugbt: sat- tams cut to nseasura. Phone East 8869. B-1107. 152 Grand are., near Belmont MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand and TypewriU lng school. 209 14th near Jefferson st S3 a month. Register for summer term. Main 8898. BEHNKE-WALKER. biggest business eoIUge b- eaos beet: earolj any tiasei free etaio-L HELP WAlfTED-FEMALK 9 WANTED 10 bright capable ladtee le Uavel. demonstrat and sell well known goods ta es tablished dealers; 523 to 850 per weekt rail road far paid; weekly advance for trsTehag expenses. Address st one Goodrich Drug Co., Dept 700, Omaha, Neb. GOVERNMENT seeds 20,000 women clerks; sxsminstions sTerywbere in Junes experieno nnnrosssry; women desirmg grrerament pem tiona writ for free particular to J. C Leonard, former drll aerriee exs miner, 1054 Ksnois bldg., Washington. D. O. FRESSERS FOB LADIES' WORK Broadway Dye and Cleaning Works MARRIED man. experienced farmer la grow ing apples, hay and stocks. I will provide free 8 room nous, chicken yard, garden ground, quart milk a day, apple m season. Salary 805. C. T. Robaru. Route 4. Hood River, or. Phons 4633. D - P. CnAl, Betaont UlVUnW OIHJVIN B-2 st 85th. 540, Tabor 1258. CI--,.,.- Cndertsktng Co. Main 4132. V,PWP; A-2321. Corner Sd and Clay. Wilsnn (? Wilson idSoTtftsi R. T. BYRNES, new residence estebllehment 901 William" sve. Woodlawn 220. C-194S. CH AMBERS-KEN WORTHT CO.. 1111 Kerby st. Woodlswn 8306. Q-1138. WANT superintendent for on of the best dairy and general farms in Oregon. Present man ager drafted and must leave at one. Will take soma cash to handle proposition. Prefsr mas that has som help. See Thompson A Swan. dm ana Main sts., VancouTsr, Wash. AUTO MECHANIC We want a first class repair man. one who can do starting and lighting electrical work ; will pay top. wages to good man. Cook A OUI Co. WANTED Young man. 18 to 20 years of offie work. Experience not necessarr. Arml I WANTED Lady eapal in own handwriting, siring address or tele- I hemstitching and but pnone number. Address P. O. Box 524. GIRLS wanted for ell departments cracker and candy factory. Experience preferred but not necessary. 8 hour day. good wages and condi tions. Apply 7:80 Monday morning, rsaiio Coast Biscuit Co . 12th and Paris sts. . SALESLADIES, school teeobers. the Chicago Portrait company require at one 80 womea for permanent city and road position, calling on beams on Pacific ooast. 816 weekly salary whil training. Address bog 840. Portland. YOUNO lady stanographcr and bookkeeper, op nortunity for on who haa lost finished busi ness course; work light pleasant of lice, good salary to start Inquire 601 Selling bids. Mon day morning. MUST hare at once, woman or girl for gen era! housework. liout all mndernly equipped. Rest of was-e oatd for tint class hslp. Pbona Tsbor 2269 nr address K 754. Journal. WAITRESSES wanted; must be experienced; x- oeuent positions for dependable gut; no Sunday work; high wagea with table board. Cat 'n Fiddle. 145 Broadway. PARTY llring in Ticlnity 14 th and Clay to ear for girl of 7 wnu motoer woras. risw Mar. 2074 or call apt D. Banner apt.. To ning after Sunday. ble of taking charge oC MOXtMETfTS UUHUmtw vm w i si t v.-; bldg.. utereund. o. SALESMAN For general mercantile trad in Oregon, to ell a new proposition of merit; vacancy now: attractive commission contract: uiuett. ZZ72S Carlin 67- 3Rp,5T AT. MADIsrv PORTLAND UAkRI.R WORKS. 204-206 4tA at. opposite city halL Main S684. Philin Neu Sons for memoriala. LOST A TCP FOTJlf D 81 tton department ExpeTW ence necessary. Refer nces required. Mais 2188.-. 382 Washington st WANTED Nurs girt to take entire charge ut 2 small children, sees 2 and 4. Will ttk to the beach for the summer. Apply at office the F. A. Jacobs Co.. 104 6th st. ANT girl in need of a friend apply te ta Salvation Army Jtesrue come, avast aeia st. N.. or oboe East 128. Fred Dundee. Broadway and I WANTED Middle-aged ScandiasTlaa or Ameri can woman for general nouseworg, i caita. 876 Rodney aee.- Williams or Colon ve- osrs. WANTED Motor tirs repass, men. Must be familiar with all standard cars. Good trouble shooter, able to scrape and set bearings. Steady work, good pay. r landers. SALESMEN Permanent LOST. Past matron's pin. "Minnl A. Mason, Naomi Chapter No. 22, Dallas, Or." Suitable reward. Return to room 426 Medical bldg. Phone Main 1729. LOST On Hawthorne car. a largo Klondike gold nugget ring with figure of lixard. Suit able reward. Finder please can Silas Burnett East 651. oosition ODen . with large CleTeland manufacturer nntrine on tiie isnarxet new xugn class specialty; will yield 550 to jzuu per wees to rlgbt man. Address E. B, Townsend. 0821 Colfax rd., ClereUnd. O. SEVEN DAT ADVENTISTS Wehare open- PERSIAN cat aray with bleck strip, lost Tues day night Liberal reward 11 returned" to S4 0 Clsy st DRESS SUITS lor rent ail wring Co.. 809 Stark st sue, Cniqu Ta LOST June tween Th west side. Call Main 666; reward 75 For Rent 25,000 FEET STORAGE Trackage Center of Shipping District Large, Llcht Of flee7 fiteam Heated CLAY SMORSfi. Inc. its Flasders Street DEATHS AITD FTJ1VERAL8 EPTON In this city. June 7, Olire Atteen Epton, aged 1 year, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fernando E. Epton of 17 K. 74th st. N. Th funeral services will be held Monday, June 10, at 2:80 o'clock p. ra.. at the reaidenc establish ment ot J. P. Finley A Son. Montgomery at 6th. Friend inTited. Interment at Mt Scott Park cemetery. OGSBURT At Salem. Or.. June 7. 1918. Lil lian Ogsbtiry, age 83 yrs., beloved daughter of Mrs. Sophie Ahelers and sister of Mrs. Robt Rhinehart of 1181 Gladstone at. Friends in Tited to attend th funeral service at Finley's Undsrtaktng parlor, 5th and Montgomery, 4 p. m., Monday, June 10. Interment Mt Scott cemetery. FITZGIB BON'S At "Ssa IVancisco. J una 7, 1918, Catherine A. Fitzgibbona. Funeral from Holman' funeral parlors at 9 s. ra.. Monday. June 10, 1918. thence to th cathedral. 15th and Davis streets, at :80 - a. m. Friends in sited to attend. Interment u. A. B. ceme tery. LOST On road between Tigard and Newberg a mans coat; checkbook in pocket; reward. Western Ssddletree Co., 1586 Macadam st Man Dies of Anger VYnen Bonds Cursed Chicago, III.. June 8. Apoplexy as th result of anger against "the d tCalserites," was the cause of th death of Dominic Malatesta, a retired fire man, ie became excited t a. Liberty loan parade when some maa told a bond salesman "To h . with you and votir bonds!: 'Malatesta' nerves gave way ne , Drones into violent lnvecuve. fell tin. xoonaciou ua . oieo. w. TIPS TO THE HOME OWNERS SeUwood It V B-lIM OREGON DOOk CO. SASH AND DOORS Geseral SI 111 Work Foot Spokame ATeaas, Fortlaad, Or. General Insurance BONDS McCargar . Battss & Lively Yaron . Buadinw . Main 1 68, A-Z694 For Quick Sale The greatest 12-cylinder ctr in America- My 1918 Hil. Twelve, 7-passen'er, almost new. Cord tires all .around, big discount Phone Broadway S3 68 or Tabor 1575 after 6 o'clock. SOME BUY 1918 Chalmers Six 5-passenger, almost new; hi sacri fice. ; - .Broadway 5368 '. -Ask forMr. HemphilL CLC'E At the fsmilr reaidenc. Island station near Milwaukia. Jean ttarcaret Cline. ased 18 rears 7 months 11 days, beloved danchter of Dr. and Mrs. Jean Clin. Funeral services will be held at th Portland Crematorium. 18th and Bybee sts., tomorrow (Moods?) , Jnn 10, 1918 it 10 a m. Pleas omit flowers. COFFIN At W sua tehee. Wash.. Jon 7. Lester Coffin. Th funeral services will be neM Monday, Jnn 10, at 10 o'clock a. m. , at to residence tabnsnment of J. P. Finler st son. MoateooMrr at 6th. Friends invited. Interment at auTCTTtew cemetery. ANDREWS In this city at her late residence. ea Si. 4tn at. N.. alar S. Kat Andrews. seed 74 Tears, mother ot Mrs. W. A. Leidich. To remains are at th residence estabuahment ot J. P. Finley A Son. Montgomery at 6th. notice oi funeral Hereafter. MASON--In this eity. June 8. 1818. Charles It. Mason, as 41 years, beloved husband of Clara Mason. Hemain forwarded by th Hot- mars Cndcrtakins company ta Stevenson. Wash. wher services will be held and interment mad today 8anday). June . 1918 JACOBS At the family residence. 632 Salmon street, Bolena J scobs, seed 68 years, mother x ta lata Fraed A. jscoos, sranomotaer oi Elisabeth and Fred A. Jacobs, Jr. its mains at Holman s funeral parlors. IvkAU The funeral cortege of the Ut Char lstta BeesewUl Ism the residence. 818 Smith st.. at 10 a. m. Barries will b held at th Methodist eharcb at ou J odds at iv;i a m. Incineration at Portland erematornim. TODD In this city. Jnn 7, J. Todd, aced 76 Tsars. bloTd hnsbaad ot Margsret Todd. No- tic of funeral later. SUmains are at the reat- dential parlor of Miller A Tracer. . 5E Th remains of Baby Soa were Interred Bstnrday, Jon S. at MnltoomaB rare terr. nader diractioa of Miller A Tracer. Clun. aced 67 years. r.I.ITNE June 6. Jai Remains at Daaaiac s AlcEatsa'c ehapL rssOTl svotic latec Mbl.'lK'SlAr'M tslectn! aparats. Ms arnert. Good salary te competent Writs si vine referenees. ete B BI 1 . Juaiissl GIBL for Cat work department ; steady eas- plormnt, sood wsgs. Americas La unary inn for laborers (TGrars Harbor. Wash. Ton I Co.. 140 K. Sd r. can ooserr Bataroay II you wton. as tbey work I gilAKT gixis to press ladle dresses, 810 V uji iu ties. a-HouB employment ssoreao. week to start, STS Uraas ara. Alerts, near 247 Dans St. ftmaAwse. BLINU MAN We want a position for blind VaVT IID -I stoat women. Clean cars. Good man. who can handle a typewriter and take I far ataadr srnrfceaa. Fwtlaikd aaraee. oraers on puone, or similar wora. nuiH svav Bth and Taylor. nlrrvment HnrMU 247 Lmtis st. I ' j - i. ,-.nt ....nhlr.. rKn r.ln b rvT ,i 1. i . r-r. I WILLING womaa I or BooseworK ; sessaimvisa . AudTum and 388 12S st T I ?2ZZ ' - !! JTJS '' WUB pay vt nns pany. vsui xaoor oei evenirtgs and Sunday, Tabor II 50 FOCN'H Amount of money, at Woolworth's; owner can have same, call .bast ZZ0V. C wiles. Pay for ad. MEN Ace 17 to 43, experience unnenesssry; CIAL8 wanted for factory work. Good ween. Portland Fu ml tore Mlc- t;o., 1Z4 Ma cadam st travel, mak secret inTssticsuons. raportt; 1 .t-.j . i I i " salaries, expenses. American s oreixn Jtective ELDKBLJ T"t JV"JA .b7 s..n sun st. ri. I worm, wooa oomm tor rm ymw. vis, sous are. 8 K. 1A48 assist LOST Csmero brooch, either at Couch school WANTED Door man. Apply Liberty Theater, tii;Lvdw)';J:1L! irdssImrelS .Tn.0" Ki-E 4oth2 TU' 4 corgrwork" tfTffAjSr X LOST June 1. white fox terrier with tan fsc WANTED Men to work In foundry Btsdj W J,F VZIffr. i!?!??! emnloTment. Waeee SS.TB iixt hoaai i . - and ears snd tan snots on body. Answers nam of Spike. Tsbor 8318. Rewsrd. v start with. Good opportunity to learn business. LOST Moleskin fnr. between Sd and 4th on Columbia Steel Co. Morrison St.. or Sunnyside car; reward. Mar shall 8776. WAftTUU An Northrnp st. ftlRIJt wan tad. . steady exaoloTassnt st wsgss. Apply Troy Lainory ua., jl. ivts asss apprentice; good position for I boy or young man under z i ; agreeable work 7 s.ji Ml , L ' i ' and a good, chance to learn th newspaper bast, WANTED OtrL staady work sxpii nesst AddTess X-VS1. JonmaL rvsruired: not office work; sood was re. Broadway. K. P. VETERAN'S charm. C. L. Weaver, nam on it. Howard. Oregon Vulcanising jo.. 333 Burmide.- WANTED SeTeral A-l Ford mechanic. Will GIRI. S sweater, color old rose, between 22d P' f00?? wm eompeiens men. Apply nd Hoyt and tn alarsbau Apu fnon i " --" - "--7 -551 421 Tabor 8604. LOT Wednesday, on Alberta- I'd too ara. cars. crochet bag containing pictures (baby not liv ing) . Woodlawn 2338. LOST Multnomah fob. initial B. E. L. ward. E. 8270 err Msin 8898. B- WANTED Common laborers. Can as sbie Bodied men up to so years. Apply Jiroom factory. 21 York st, A-S0Z0. WANTEU Sslesmsa and collsto foe eity work; tost re ani to rerassa auao. 4ftZ Waabingtoa st. WANTED Experienced asansl giris. aleerra iroaers. body trooere and ass appretrucssk Kational Lanndry. E- 6th and Clay. WANTED Girls 16 to 20 rears of ss to Warn Apply la peresm to LOST Gold bar pin with pearl,, between 14 th. Alder and Yamhill; reward. 268 Tetn. LOST Diamond sunburst pin. Reward.. -i'hon or call H. Liebes no. FOL'ND Package, on Z0U at. Owner call 996 jalB u737. 1 B. xutn n. WANTED avxperstacea soda dkpeaswr of young man to seara bimnsea Call 84 F Washington st WANTED Janitor (asaa and wlla) lor asssrt- ment bouse; no, obction to colored a la. FOUND Package containiag old shoe and new clothingf Owner call at 464 K. 11th at ta mark and amort. Crystal Lanndry Co. WANTED Women ta ope rat body iroaers. Exnerieae not aeceseary. Apply ia persoa ta Cryst! laundry Co. WANT School siil to 8 ta th beach. Ta bor 6916. GIB.L wsnted to Wars to trim men's hats. Z06 4th at., bet. Taylor and Salmon. I EXPERIENCED button nsis Sifhina eyerator. anrr as e nni v. HELP VfATfTED MALE WAN TE1 Touna man of 18 to work ta deli- catessen stors; good opportunity Tssmhta WaVTED Girl to work In oflo U 1 day wbi Bxarcet. is ana iismii eta., eisii so. i eMU soerat typewrtser. Can BrosvSwsT 29. tlO FIREMEN, brsksmeo; uptrissM wnn ry; I WAttkESd wanted. . x . - i eiw - - w. jooratL jAilr-t maaer .wkiu. rwv i journal. - a"". land Furniture Mfg. Co., 149, Macadam st. JANITOR wants steady Job. P flivi, ,,rimi. PboiM Tsbor WANTED Party to take used wood s shares: good proposlUott to riant man. dot 7823. ,Ta- MAN and wife, waiter and waltrass. also kitchen helper. Mamnall si so. WANTED A ahingl sewyer. Address B. E. BDencer. Bcsppooee. ur. XOt'NO girl to assist with wora. Pboa Mala 6316. 686 W. Broadway, ooraeT Linooln, GIRL wanted to work ia aonfactsoaery. board. WANT ED MA dt IN 1ft I rOsl UTltt WorC , AVr,, iJ'ZVJr. b"T hTkJr STEADY WORK. GOOD PAT. FRED DUn! I A LESLADT far bakTy ator. Koral Bakery, DEE. BKOA DWAI A.D FLANDEKS. "" " , .. FIRdl-CLASd autoavebil mechanic; bigW GIRIA aUd at u Oolusabia Paper ltes. was paid. Apply shop superintendent- MorLh- 1 Co . E. 26th Sd Hotladay. - west Auto Co.. Alder at Chapman. I PUPIL nurses wasted. SeUwood Geweral boa- . pital. Sell. 647. - ' once, airl for aoweaork. sood wasaa, Mat" sUU salary axpeeted. V-807. Josrnat I shall til. 216 W. 22d et WANTED Glass bevclar, anion shop, "high j EXPERIENCED seoond girl la! desirsbU hoasel wages, nget sound Art Glass Go., rimttle. I 64Q per mo. ; references, siaia tiss. - - W,n- I YOUNG girt to assist with . light housewortL WANTED A middle-aged timekeeper, expert-1 CaD Maia 7087. no ia aost crsrHns. Apply ta general I w .v-f y-f, tl- i' r le rMi-aA Mmekmw, Amwricaa Can Oo., 14th aad Front, ?AErT J aZL'ZZ'cJ " , WAN f ED M to work i oa rteer boata, Ms I WANTED Witrs aad stora sirL Bayal WANTSD-Wrlns, man. Imperial Laundry I ttsux. Bakery. 844 Morriao, si. C., asa nuweu. I -x-- ' i - i , ,i I av.-i i r.i-a-xissci aranncoisi msrnini ' - - - , '- eneratov ana srmrevrure. n-ziio. - Portland Furniture Mix. Co., 1249 Ma- I ....ilv i. ,.i j . t ; i; j FIRST CLASS machinist for brass work wanted. Apply Oregon rJrass worss. WANTED Offic boy ia architects offic. Call Broadway 29. WANTED Experienced hotel night dark. Call American hotel. 92 N. Sd st. WANTED A porter and' bU boy. Itadxuer boteL WANTED A dentist to ear for dental office; mast be registered. WANTED: A sood track driver for CsU 488 Union ave. N. Telephone East 8066. ilk rout. WANTED Night watchman familiar with steam bouers. set vregoa ouc I .m rt TStjNG" WANTED Tailor. First els eoatxaaksra, W. P. Eraser t Co. nnde: draft rarx aae to wora ta gro- I ,i . i or. -..- x snTt.Bs esowired Csll Main I WATk.U UOtsa FAINT. ta pay aoauactins euuit anil buss- I ss xtoaoay. 219 N. 22d. Marshall 221 ehambermaldT Gl (our Pboa asrsnber. B-811, JowraaJ. Phoa Hansen. Maia 8118. r : '- I tsr.isTVrt Kni. fee aM atraes bUbs.'Im. I IBI to aasUs with housework. Wdln. 286; IbVERfl&LNG solicitors at ace. 84' Stark si. quire TamhlU Market, 2d and Yamhill tail 16 I DISHWASHER wanted. 166 Froat st. ' PLUMB OC. call at 212 4U tA . . . PLUM-BER, cail at 212 4ta st, , . I REWtSG saachiaa overs tors. 17 84, aotUsia. a , " - - ' -