The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 08, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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14 - SATURDAY, - JUNE - 8, 191.
: '-:
': if 1
: Exercises iji Portland Churches
1' Sunday Are Aimed to Serve as
Rally' Day Service.
Pastors and Sunday School Su
j, perintendents Announce That
Many Features Are Arranged.
M CHURCHES decorated with
Portland's famous rosea, the "real
roses" of Portland will recite their
'readings and sins; thetr songs
Rundav morn In ir and evening, for
Ban'day is 'Chlldfen,s day." For sev
. eral years past It has been the custom
to ' celebrate one Sunday In June as
Children's day," but the churches have
rnbved away from the haphazard cele
bration and now almost unanimously
calibrate this day the second Sunday
ttt the month.
, nhs ekerclaes on this day are aimed to
kw In the form of a rally day service just
lis fore the scholars leave with their par
ants on their summer vacations. Many
pupils are out of the city during the
rammer and the service often leaves an
Impression which draws them back to
the school when they return home again
t . the fall. In many' churches where
the traded lessons are used, this day
is the occasion of the annual gradua
tion exercises. Many Portland children
wIl proudly carry hfcne diplomas of
graduation from, their Sunday schools
tomorrow. Prominent among these will
bo those of the . First Presbyterian
church. Some churches think so much
at tha day that they will turn over both
services Sunday to the young people.
Portland pastors and Sunday school
superintendents have announced the fol
lowing programs In their respective
schools :
, At First Congrcgstloaal
, At tha First Congregational church
. the Children's day exercises of the Bible
' school will take the place of the regular
. morning service. The program will be
gin at 10 :30 a. m. and there wilt be
no session of the school at 12 o'clock.
Tha program Is as follows :
Oregon prelude, "Festival, March"
rverdl) ; song by the school ; prayer,
Rev. A. J. Sullens : predge to the flag ;
recitation by June Reld : song by begin
ners' department; patriotic exercise-by
Owllym Jones, Farrell Spencer. Joe Ten
' erelll, John Farrlngton ; bird exercise by
Martha Lew In, Evelyn Short. Margaret
Spencer ; messages from the Bible by
memners or tne primary department
. Children's day song by primary depart-
..' roent: quartet, "The Heavens Are Tell
, Insr'.' (Haydn), church choir; recitation,
". "The Girls Behind the Guns." by Helen
. Parrlsh; exercise, "The Three Ram
blers," Margaret Farrlngton. Thelma
Park and Chrlstal Schmidt: short ad-
' dress by Rev. A. J. Sullens on. "The
. Sunday School Extension Society ;" of-
, fertory song by Mrs. Harding's class ;
song by'the school; recitation. "Forget-
' me-not." Elisabeth Schmeer : recitation.
"The Men In the Service." by Carlton
Condlt: "God Save OuY Noble Men." by
' Helen Parrish and Howard Olsen ; read
ings "Children s Day," Harold McEwen ; J
toresentation of diplomas and -seals;!
hymn. "America ;" benediction and organ
' postludc j
'. This will be a program worth hearing
and ths public Is cordially Invited. The'
'regular evening service will be held at
;' TT45 and Rev. A. J. Sullens will preach
ths sermon. Christian Endeavor so
' cfetles mA at 3 .30 and 6 :30 p. m.
At Rote City Park Methodist
; ..The primary department of the Rose
" City Park Methodist church will present
ths program at the morning service at
' 10:30 o'clock. The decorations are in
' charge of Mrs. Myron Carver and the
"deaconness. Miss Margaret S. Da vies. Is
assisting In the. program, which follows:
Prelude. "Pilgrims' Song of Hope"
, (Batiste) ; Children's day processional :
'. opening sentence and prayer, pastor and
department: aong. "I Am so Glad That
' Our , Father In Heaven ;" scripture ;
birthday offering"; welcome song: reci
tation, "Our Colors." Marlon Talbov ;
daisy exercise, rosebuds; hymn No. 54.
congregation: sacrament of baptism:
remarks, by the pastor: sermonette. Ar
thur Cannon ; offering song, department :
solo, "Ths Prayer Perfect." Philip Mar-
, tini "Ths Waking of the Flowers." ann-
- beams; recitation. Darrell Cornell; reci
tation. Virginia KellV; patriotic drill,
14 girls and boys : song, "Rock-a-bye
, IJlnd." Aliens L. Dixon and chorus;
- . "Tip-toe Long," Jean Danea : doll drill.
. workers : solo. "Keep the Home Fires
. Burning." Philip Martin: "Our Army
and Navy," Jay Brown. Donald Carver,
, ijucien Boiunger, nuiy sword ; solo ;
- -. benediction.
1 At Westminster Presbyterian
iAt ths morning service at Westminster
church there will be a patriotic service
by the Sunday school in celebration of
Death has overtaken a member of your family,
away from home, or the home you have today
may be miles from where you shall eventually
Whether sentiment
9 - the remains with you
t.vA luii, nit uispusuiuu uj vremation
-.-today is permanently satisfactoryever reverent
Learn more of this
.: Sellwood car to- -Z
Fourteenth and By bee
Children's day. Dr. Penes has returned
from Camp Lewis -for ths services. With
ths . exception of a, "Four Minute Talk,"
by the pastor, the enure program win
be given by the children, with music? by
ths Sunday school orchestra. , .
In place of ths morning sermon at
ML Tabor Presbyterian ths Sunday
scnooi win give an eiauonw progTmm
consisting of some stories by Captain
Hardy on his experiences In Japan,
songs by . ths beginners' and other de
partments, and patriotic songs. A beau
tiful new exercise. "The Builders,? will
be given by 40 pupils In which songs,
short statements and vivid actions will
show ths building of ths wall of charac
ter. In the evening, James W. Palmer,
Y. M. C. A. secretary from France, will
tell of his foreign experiences.
At Atleta Baptist .
The Arleta Baptlstchurch will hold Its
exercises in the jnorning and the Third
Baptist and Sell wood Bethany Baptist
in the evening.
Ths Sunday morning service at Vernon
Presbvterlan - ehurch will be a com
bination of jfr Children's day exercises
and the regular service. Ths service
will be a trifle longer, than usual and
will commence at ,10:30 o'clock. " After
the exercises the pastor will preach a
sermonette to the children. J.
At University Pfk Methodist the
children will render as interesting pro
gram in the morning. " Dr." George B.
Pratt will deliver an object lesson ad
dress. An of ferine will be taken for
ths students' loan fund of the board of
education of the Methodist church. - Dr.
B. J. Hoadley will preach in the eve
ning. .
At the Glencoe Baptist church there
will be Children's day execcises In the
morning and song service extending
through the church hour. Following
is the program :
Service of song and Scripture .fad
ing ; prayer ; welcome. Conrad Roeben
Miller ; Cradle Roll graduation ; "Our
Record." Grace Bridges : read inc. " 'ay-
land Bloxham ; song, primary depart
ment (Mrs. A. Vt Bosserman, superin
tendent) ; reading, Maurice Merriweath
er ; reading, by four boys of Miss
Crump's class ; beginners' graduation,
diplomas prenentedVby Superintendent A.
D. Bossernian : song, by Little -Hesters'
class; First Psalm, by Hustlers' class;
song, by the school; reading, "The
First Children's Day," Thelma Hamar;
song, Meadowlarks' class ; patriotic dia
logue and ' song, by Lentenants and
Strlvers; violin solo, Dudley Kllest;
dialogue, "The Garden or Loving
Hearts," by King's Daughters; girls1
chorus. "The Lord Is My Shepherd by
the Bereans : song, by the school ; ex
ercise, "Christ 1 . America," the Glean
ers ; talk. "Home Missions," E. R. Rob
ertson ; offering and benediction.
In the evening at 7 :45, Mrs. Emily
Banks will have charge of the serviri.
Her subject will be her own experience
of missionary work on the Congo. A
duet, "Jesus Savior Pilot Me," will be
given' by Miss Edna Swlney and Mrs.
H. P. Bloxham.
At Highland Congregational
The annual children's festival w;il 'be
observed at the Highland Congregational
church on Sunday. In the morning there
will be exercises by the primary depart
ment, special m ..sic, a . talk by the su
perintendent, H. N. Carter, to the par
ents and friends, and a short serpen
addressed to the little fdlk by the pas
tor, Rev. Edward Constant, on "What
Is Your Name?" At 8 o'clock the Sun
day school concert will be given, con
sisting m songs by classes and memben
of the Sunday school, recitations, Instru
mental music dialogues and drills. The
pastor will briefly speak 'on, "America's
Hope Our Boys and Girls." The church
will be appropriately decorated for the
day by the Young People's forum.
At Atkinson memorial
At Atkinson Memorial Congregational
church Sunday will be observed as the
annual Children's day. There win be a
special patriotic service with participa
tion by many of the children. There
win do an interesting story uy one ox
the older people and the pastor will
preach a brief lesson sermon on, ' "The
Buried Bible." This latter will be in
observance of Bible Sunday as project
ed by the Federation of Ministers of
the city. This service will be at 11 a. m.
At 8 p. m. the observance o Chil
dren's day will be continued by a talk
in pictures about "Children of Many
Kenilworth Presbyterian church will
observe Children's day Sunday morning
at 10 :30. A special program has been
arranged by the , Sunday school, which
"'ill include every department and class
in the school. One special feature will
be the saluting of the American flag.
A new Christian flag will also be pre
sented and saluted at this time. The
church will be fittingly decorated by a
committee from the Christian Endeavor
At 7 :45 the pastor will preach on the
On Tuesday evening . the Woman's
league will give a special musical pro
gram to which the general public Is
At United Presbyterian
A Children's day program will be pre
sented at the United Presbyterian church
of the Strangers on Sunday evening at
s o ciock. Kecitatlons, songs and exer
cises will make up the program. All
the classes in the Sunday school will
participate, but especially interesting
will be the parts taken by the little folk
from 3 to 9 years Jbf ae.
I At 8 o'clock the program for Chil
dren s day will be given at Rodney
I Avenue Christian church. Fifty chil
and the
shall decide that vou taL-
or leave them at the Port-
9 to 5
f jmmnTrkTium
Portland Quarterly Meeting-to Be
Held' In Connection With
The twenty-fifth anniversary of the
First Friends' church of Portland will
be held Sunday In the church at East
Thlrty-flth and Main, streets. In -connection
with this service the Portland
quarterly meeting is also convening at
the church. One of . the most Important
meetings of the quarterly meeting' will
be held tonight, his being the main
business session, of the conference. It
will be in charge, of the clerks, M. A.
Hlnshaw and Mrs. Alice Hanson. Sun
day morning and evening services will
be held in the various churches of the
city as usual. A union Christian En
deavor service will he held at S:30
o'clock. The Sunday afternoon twenty
fifth anniversary program follows: '
Song by the . congregation ; scripture
reading and prayer, , by F. M. George:
song, by mafe chorus '. Reminiscences of
the Past, Mrs. Lydla Gardner ; solo, by
Dr. George ; interesting statistics, S. L.
Hanson ; dutt. Miss Cook and .Miss Ben
nett ; Future Possibilities and Necessi
ties, H. L. Cox: song, quartet: benedic
tion, Lewis I. Hadley.
Mme. Angelini to
f Speak at Trinity
. Sunday services at Trinity. Episcopal
church begin with a celebration of holy
communion at 8 o'clock. At 11 o'clock
Madame. Arabella Angelini will give a
stirring address on the war. Her sub
ject will be "The Part Italy Has Taken
In the War Up to the Present Time."
While Madame Angelini is or American
birth her fiusband is an officer in the
Italian army, and there probably is no
one better qualified than she to present
the cause of : the . country of her adop
tion. Those -who have heard her, testify
to wonderful presentation of the sub
lect. Even song, with an address by the
rector. Rev. A. A. Morrison, at 8 p. m,
Sunday school at 9:45 in thesnorning, to
which all children of the parish are in
vited. ff
dren will have some part in tho exer
cises, choruses, recitations, solos, duets,
a short Illustrated talk and other special
Waverly Heights Congregational
church will hold their special servics
in the morning. Calvary Baptist and
Montavilla Christian churches will have
their programs in the evening.
University Park Choir to Sing
Rev. C. H. Johnston of University
Park .Congregational church . announces
that both services, at his church Sunday
will comply with the spirit of the day.
Children will occupy a prominent part
fn each service. At the morning service
the vested choir will, render special mu
sic and the evening service will be de
voted to the usual Children's day exer
cises given by the vested choir and the
Sunday school. " ' "
At Central Methodist church the hour
of the evening service will be devoted
to a Children's (lay program under the
supervision of Mrs. A. F. Overman and
Mrs. J. W. Day.
Second Sunday After 'Trinity
Uniform S. S. Lesson
'Jesus Facet Betrayal and Denial." Mark 14,
Golden Text: Watch and pray, that ye enter
not into temptation." Mark 14. 38.
Young People's Tpnlc
BaDtirt rnion: "Prorrei-dTe Christian." 2
Peter 1:1-11.
Chrbtian Endeavor: "FrocreaalTe Christiana,"
2 Peter, 1:1-11
Junior Christian Endeavor: "Lessons From s
Farmer Sowing Seed." Matt. lS:l-0.
Epworth League: "Finding and Filling One's
Place in tha World." Judge. 7:21; Act. 22:10;
28:16-19. ,
First White TraipTn 12th and Tayloi' Re.
William A. Walda. 11. "Natio Builders."
7:45. "Tha Chriat of Today."
Eat Sid K. 20th and Ankenr Rev. W. B.
Hinann. 11. "The Bible in the School of Port
land." "7:45. "The Appearing of the Kins."
Third Vanemwr arid Knott Re. rlb J.
BeaTen. 11. "The Northern PaDtist Convention."
exercise. t
Arlets Rev. W. f Garnet Handler.
,vMJ ,i
Children's Day etercisea, S, "Tear hint for Rod.
t aiTary K. urn ana rant kct. j. e.
Thomas. 11, "The Bible and the Public Schools."
8, Children a nay exercises.
Utencoe K. Otn ana ilal AO. sons- serv
ice and Children's Day exercises. 7:4fi. "Mr Own
Experience of Missionary Work on the Congo," by
Mrs. Emily Banks.
Sellwood Bethany Rev. T. J. Broorafield. 11
Equipment for Service." 8. Children's Dav
St. Peters Lento Re. P. Beatsea. I.
10:80. 7:80.
Pro-Cathedral 1 8th end Davis Rev. K. V.
O'Hara. 0. 7 .15. :S0. S:45. 11. 7:45.
St- Lawrence So sml Sherman Kay. J. o.
Hushes. 6. 8:30. 10:80r7:80.
St. Patricks 10th and barter Rev. B. P.
Murphy. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Francis E. 11th and Oak Rev- J. n
Black. .J8. 9. 10:80. T:80.
Immaculate Heart of Mary WUliaau a vs. and
Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. s, , U. 70.
Holy Rosary EL 8d and Clsckistss Be. B.
S Olson. 6. T. 8, 9. 11. 7:80.
St. Rose B. BSd and Alameda Rev. J.
O'FarreU. 8.19:80.4.
St. Andrews . 9th and Alberts Re, t.
aiernao. o iwao, :ev.
Ths Madeleine S. 24th and Siskhnm Smr.
Georca F. thmpon. , f :gO. 0. 11.-
Aseension HS. 78th and lamhiH Fraacisoan
Fathers. 8. 10:80, 7:80. -
.Blessed Jjacrsment-. Maryland ave. sad Blaa-
ana ksv. jiyv. Braes, s. o:S0, 7:80.
Holylroeta.7T4 Bowdoin He v. O. Ran
S. 10:10. t:80..
8t lanatlos 8220 48d at B. B. Jesuit
rstbf7; 0:80.8. 10:80.4.
St. Stephens) 1 2d and B. Taylor Rev. War
ren X. Waitt. S. 8:80. 10:80, 7:80.
S Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Taaoouve
ave. Rev. BY H. MiUec 4. 8. 1S:80. 7:80.
St Phillip hart ;tPaullst Fathers) K. 16U
and Hickory Rev. W. J. CartwrighL T:80.
9. 10:80. - n
St. Clements 8. Smith ave. , and Newton
oervtte Fathers. 4. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
Sacred Heart E. llth and Center Rev. G.
Robl. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Agatha E. 1 Sth and Mills Re. J.
Cimminskv. 8. 108U. 7:80l
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland eve. and
ralUug Kev. r. jsattnew. s, i:lv, i js.
St Joseph (German) lBUt and Uooob Rev.
B Durrer. - 8. 10:80... 7 :80. -:---
St. Michael I Italian) sth and Uffl-Bsr. M.
Balestra.' S. 1:. T' ..-!, -, ,
St. Ctana Capital UU1 rranciacaa rathets.
T:8. :18. T - ;
Bt. Charles 88d ,aad- Alberta Rev. 3. f p.
O'Flraa. - 8 10:80.- -f--r " v- i. v if.
AU batata K. 8Sth and CUssw Re. Father
William ,Vrtmm.--r!;t-:jyif.-
it-i-V'i. iwcssrtswsa . -.
- First Park and CcOusabia -Rev. Harold it
GrUfis. 1 1. 7 :45. - -; t-jt-Kr;& t?: K
Kart Side E. IStfc Md Taylor Rev. B..H.)
Sawyer. " 11. ansmeJ -Lnudren e way f emifa
8. "Tb Final Kingdoms la It at Handf " -
MonUvilla E. 7tt aad Huyt Rev. J. W.
Nearly Ml
Probably one of ths most significant
of recent religious experiments Is the
policemen's Bible class of Baltimore,
Md. - Its immediate success,, its rapid
growth and the remarkable enthusiasm
which every member-baa for the move
ment have made the class a real won
der in Baltimore. ' s .
The class had Its genesis In the big
Billy Sunday campaign of 1918. A full
corps of policemen were detailed to the
tabernacle- by Captain -Hurley of the
northern police district. As is -sua!
in the Sunday meetings, a . numbeV of
ths officers professed conversion. -
When tne meetings closed the men are
50 Official Slides
Will Be Exhibited
A set of SO lantern slides secured from
the federal government at -Washington
will he shown Sunday night at the First
Norwegian-Danish Methodist church.
Eighteenth, and Hoyt streets, of which
Rev. Ellas Ujerdlng is pastor. These
slides were made by - tJle government
from photographs taken on the field of
action and show the life of our men in
the great American army. The pastor
will speak on "Our Boys in France."
In the morning sermon at the Vancou
ver avenue church the -pastor in a
patriotic address will deal with our
country and its present afflictions and
the future benefits to be secured for
Bible in Schools
Is Sermon Topic
"The Bible in " the Schools of Port
land" will be the subject of Dr. Hlnson
at the East Side Baptist church Sunday
jnorning. Following the sermon a vote
of the congregation will be taken to see
whether or not It is desirable to have
the Bible in or out of the city schools.
Eight more united with the church last
Sunday. Two others were baptized: in
the morning.
Question . to Be Answered
Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Lands-
borough will endeavor to answer the
question, "Will the Evangelical Churches
Unite?" at the Vernon Presbyterian
church. In handling this topic the pas
tor announces that he will deal with
evangelical churches only and will ex
plain the reasons fpr an organic union.
He will also explain the Presbyterian
attitude toward ' this subject as shown
in the vote case at the general assembly
just close in Columbus, Ohio.
Will Tell His Experiences
Sunday evening Rev. A. C. Moses will
preach to his congregation on his last
month s experience with the soldiers a
Camp Lewis. Dr. Moses volunteered h
services for a month exclusive of Sun
days, and his talk will no doubt be of
Salem Pastor to Preach
Rev. H. W. Gross of 'Salem will preach
Sunday morning at Trinity Lutheran
church. In the afternoon Professor L.
Blaukenbuelller will speak oh a mission
ary topic
Saered Concert Sunday
A sacred concert will be rendered Sun
day evening at St. Pauls Lutheran
church, of which Rev A. Krause is
pastor. , ;
1 . :
Jenkins. 11. "How Can a Man Be Just With
UodT" 8. Children's Day exercises.
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Rev. J.
F Ghonnley. 11, "The Bible: Tb Fdtssdation
of Onr Uberty." 8. Children's Day exercises.
Wood lawn E. 7th -and Liberty Rev. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11. "The Highest Cause for Con
ference." 8, "Trinity of Truths."
' Ohrlstnn Science
Lesson subject: "God. the Only Causa and
First 19th and Btverett 11. 8.
Second K. Sth and Holladay. 11, S.
Third E. 12tb and Salmon. 11. g.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11. 8.
Fifth 02d st and 42d ave. 8. E. 11.
Sixth UasouKj Temple. W. Park and YamhllL
11. S.
8t John Bolbrook block. 11.
Centres atlenS
First Park and Madtton. iO:SO, Children's
Day service. 7:45, preaching by Rev. A. J. 8ul
lena. AUrlnxM Memorial E- 20th and Everett
Rev. Warren llor. 1U Children's Day exer
cises. 8, observance of Children's Day continued.
ftnnnyMe K 82d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staub. 11. "The Church as the Manifestation
of Christ's Power and Glory." .7:45. "The Price
of a Successful Life."
Highland E. 6th and Preecott Rev. Edward
rt . it '1 f t. T -v.... V " . , '1.41
dren's Day exercises. 8. Sunday school concert.
waverly Heigtits k. saa ana wooawara
Rev. A. C. Moses. 10:80. Children's Day ex-
ercisea. 8. "A Month's Ministry at Camp Lewis."
University Park Rav. C. H Johnston. 11.
7 :80, Children's Day exercises.
Tilulty ltH and Everett Rev A. A. Mor
rison. 8. 11. ."The Part Italy Has Taken in
the War l'p to the Pp resent Time." by Madame
Arabella Angelini of Italy: 8, evensong and ad
Pro-Cathedral of . St. Stephen the Martyr
18th and Clay Rt. Kev. W. T. Susaner. bishop.
Very Rev. E. H. MoCDIUster, deem. Sundays -7:45
a nv. 11. 7:45 p. av; churen school. 8:45
a m.: week stays: Wednesday 7 SO a. as.. Fri
day 8:80 a. m.; HJy day, 7:80.
Bt. Davids E. 12 th and Belmont Be v.
Thomas Jenkins, rector; 7:80, 9:80, 11.
bt- M arks 2 1st and JaannaU Rav. J. E.
H. Simpson, rector. w Re. J U. Uattoa. aaso
ciata rector. 7:80, 11, 7:45.
St. Andrews lereford st. rortsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers ts charge U, ' 7 :S0 s. m
Grace Memorial E. 17th and W sillier Rev.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Bbspnerd vasoouver ana uranam
Rev. John Dawson. 11. 740.
SU Mictsaels and Att SainU --E. 4 Id and
Broadway Rev. T. r. Bowen. vxsc s. IV,
It IBS S v ',
Church of Our Savior 80th ave. and 41st
st. 8. E Archdeacoanambers is enarge. 1 1.
BUhop Morris Mrtnotiai Good SamariUa
intuits) Rev.' Frederic K. Howard. ,7. 7:48.
t St, Pauls Woodmere Ret. Oswald W. Tay
lor. -4. - .
All Saints 2tth and Savier Rev. rrederle
If Howard 11-
St. Johns E. 1 5th and Harney. Sethrood
Archdeacon Chambers in onarge. 11. 7:s.
St. Msttbsw Corbett asm isaserott. am. W.
A. si. Breck. vicar. 11. - .
. rntrm1 E. 85th and Flanders Rev. ' W. Jf.
Coffee. EvangeUstie servVrs by Rev, . Walter
K lot bach. 11, "The Bible In Human Af
fairs"; 7:80, "The Great Salvation."
. First E. 85th and Main Rev. Homer L.
Cox: . 11. . 8, twentjr-flfth anaiveraary service;
rmHn Beth Israel IStk sad Mstn .
KabSi Janah B. Wis. . Sabbath aenioea Frklay
at 8 p. aa. Saturday 10:80 a. as. Sunday, is.
to Portland aaadsmy bldg IStb and Moot
goaaevy. Religious aenonL Biblwelsmss st
Central Hbrary. second and fovrta Wednesdays.
CongncaUon Ahavia Sholom Park sad Clay
ta KabM su abrsnamsoa
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Rev.. M.
s-'hrktewts, 11. preaching by pastor.
TriiMtv WintasM and Grabaas Rev. U. A.
IBbiebacli. 10:14. pveaching by Rev. H. W. -Gross
asbseiiiaa-;. 1 :80. -
- ' . assthsdlat tiliiiiH .
Central Vancouver and Fargo Raw. C. C
Bartrk- It. prtsdunf br Rev. T. N. SAadifur
a "The World's GSsatsat Lover"; 8, chUdrea's
in $ible ? Class
; ft ' - K v .'at.- -ty -. ;
bt Bay belief' belong
. . t .
said to havs longed for -more religious
training and on August X a meeting was
held, in ths Caroline Methodist church.
Only a few officers were present at this
meeting, but the "Lift Up" class of po
licemen was formed-
Thers were 10 officers at the first
meeting. Within six weeks mors than
100 were attending and now nearly ev
ery officer on the day relief Is a mem
ber of the Bible class. iThe" meetings
are held at night so that every man on
the day relief can attend. It is ru
mored that another class may be formed
to meet In the day1 time, so that the
night- officers caj secure the same
training as the day men. . x
Gatherings Will Be Held in
Church at Easf Fifteenth and.
Boise Streets, Sellwood. ,
The second annual Oregon summer
Bible, conference will begin June 23,
according to announcement made at the
close of Dr. A. C. Gaebleln's meetings
at the First Congregational church.The
conference will be held in the auditorium
of the church, located at East Fifteenth
and Boise streets In Sellwood.
Lovers of the Bible are urged to plan
to attend this . conference. One of the
special features will toe the study of one
of the more difficult books of the Bible
each day. The subjects of the Bible lec
ture will be announced later.
Dr. A. L. Hutchinson is to give the
opening address' of . the conference on
Sunday afternoon. June 23, at 2 o clock.
Dr. William A. Waldo of White Temple
and other minister of different denbm
inatlons will address the conference on
prophetic subjects dealing with the
present world crisis.
The meetings will be patriotic and will
tend to strengthen the morale of the
people and also to increase the spiritual
strength of those in attendance. Evan
gelist II. A. Ironside, a man tit national
reputation, will be one of the leading
speakers. Last year's ' conference , was
held at the Gladstone chabtauqua park
Rev. Pershing Will
Preach Here Sunday
Rev. O. BPershing of Albany will oc
cupy the pulpit of Central Presbyterian
church at both services Sunday. Rev.
Mr. Pershing preached for Central
church two weeks ago and was urged
to return and preach again at his earliest
convenience. He is a cousin of General
Unitarian Subject
At the Church of Our Father (Unl
tarian) Rev. William G. Eliot will preach
on "The Loyalty and Conscience of the
American Citisen ir. the War." This
is the second in a group of sermons
on "Deeper Phases of War Experience
The Sunday evening forum is intermitted
until October.
Day program.
Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. T. W.
Lane. 11. 8.
Clinton Kelly E. -40th and Powell Rev.
E. B. Lockhart. 11.
First rl'Jth and Taylor Rev. Joshua 8 tins
field. 10:80. 7:45.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev. Elias Gjerding. 8.
Vancouver Ave. Norwegian Danish Skidmore
and Vancouver1 Rev. Elias Gjerding. 1 1 .
Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln Rev. E. B.
Lockhart. 7:80.
University Park Rev. J. T. Abbetf. 11.
Children's Iay exercises; 8, preaching by Dr.
B. G. Hoadley.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. W. T. Kerr.
District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace
Toungson. D. D. 691 E. 62d sU N. Tabor
M. K. South
First Union and Multnomah Rev. James
T. French. 11. S.
Fir-t 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd.
10:80. 7:45. . .
Central K. 13tn and Itne I'reacning by
Rev. U. B. Pershing of Albany. 11. H.
Westminster E. 17 th and Schuyler sts.
Dr. Edward Pence. 10:80. Children's Day ex
ercises. patrfbtic service: 7 :4ft-rermon to Wash
ington high school graduating class on "The
Golden Chalice."
Calvary 11th and Clay Rev. It. W. Roger.
10:80. "Inspired Lives": 7:45, "The Most
Popular Sin in the World."
Fourth Flrtt and Gtbbs sts Kev. 11. G.
Hanson. 10:80. 7:80.
Hope Rev. F. E. Jlorrts. 11. H.
Mt Tabor E. 53th and Belmont Rev.
Ward McHenry. 11. Children's Day exercises;
8, preaching by James v. raimer oi i. i. v. A.
Rose City Park E. 45th Snd Hancock Dr.
Robert L. MUligan. 11. 8.
Anabel Rev. John E. Nelson 10:80.
Vernon lDtb and Wygant Rev. J R.
Land-iborough. 10:80. "Children in the King
donf." ChtWrerr's Day exercises; 8. "Will Uie
Churches Unite?"
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein Rev. WO
liam McLeod. 10:80, Children's Day exercises;
Kenilworth E. 84th and Gladstone -Rev.
Paul E. Rat-ch. 10:80, Children's Day exer
cises; 7 :45, "The Psalms."
evanth Dav aavemist
Note RecnUr sernoea stt this nosinatlo
are held on 8atord
Central E. 11th sad Everett L. K- Dte
sob. nastor. 11:15.
Tabernacle Arcanum ball. 18th and Wash
ington. 11. 7:45.
Montavilhv E. 80th and Everett Elder J.
A. Gcrhart. 1 k
Lents 94th st. and B8th ave. Elder W. D.
Huntington. 1 1.
10:80 A. M. TMat rSSTOR WILL
, "The - Bible ' and Public
Shall tha Bible Be Read in the PsbUc
i Schools?' Aa ax-pisssdun ef tha aongrega
' tion on tw subject will be called for
7:30 p. M. Organ recital. Mm. Gladys Mor
.saa Farmer presiding- By request the or
ganist will repeat e Sunday ' evening's
- recital on - .
. The Pastor Will Preach. oe v
. -v "The Judgment? - -
- -
J. Evert Dotson 6hosen President,
LeRoy Robinson Vice President,
Miss Rehwalt Secretary.
At the last congress meeting of the
Multnomah County Christian Endeavor
union Tuesday evening at ths Sunny
side Congregational church, the follow
ing officers were elected for tne com
ing church year: J. Evert" Dotson,
president, former lookout chairman of
the union ; LeRoy Robinson of .Sunny-
side Congregational church, vice pres
ident ; Miss Elma Rehwalt of. First
Congregational church, secretary, and
Ernest G. See of East Side Christian
church, treasurer. With tie exception
of Mr. Dotson. all these officers came
for the first time into union work- Their
installation was performed by the new
state Christian Endeavor president. Miss
Edna. "Whipple.
One of the mast important features
presented during the evening was the
County convention tag, be held August
15 to 19 at Jennings Lodge station, or
"Camp Multnomah," as It has been
christened by the young people. "Gen
eral" Dotaon, the new c6unty president,
will-be supported by all the other offl-
rs as sergeants, kitchen police, etc
A splendid program is being prepared
under ths direction of Miss Faye Stein
metz, ex-prcsldcnt of the union. A
strong list of speakers is promised for
the convention from all parts of the
The song services will be in charge of
'Sergeant" Harold Humbert, who was
popular singing leader of the Salem
convention last year. Besides the pro
gram, a decision night, a pageant night
and special "stunt" night are planned.
The theme for this "C. E. Training
Camp" is "Carry On," which is the bat
tle cry of' our boys after they havs sons
over the top.". The motto is taken
from John 2:5, which reads: "Whatso
ever He satth - unto you, do !" It is
thought that the convention will be a
great Inspiration to all who attend and
the enthusiasm of those who know of
it foretell a hearty co-operation and
support of the Endeavorers of the
Another important Christian Endeavor
undertaking will be the moonlight ex
cursion on the Swan on June 25. This is
the annual "Joy feast" of the Portland
societies and is always looked forward
to with interest. This excursion will
be down the Willamette river and up
the Columbia. LeRoy Robinson and
Frank Forrester are In charge of the
Churck Dedicates Flag
The Dalles, June 8. The English
Lutheran church of this city recently
dedicated its service flag, bearing 10
stars, with impressive exercises. Those
for who stars appeared on the ffag are:
Lieutenant Edward O. Blrgfeld. Alfred
Thomsen, Arthnr Hansen. Frederick
Walther, Ernest Walther. Herbert
Krussow, Albert Agidious, Ernest John
son and George Keabeck. . -
Will Close Sen-ices
Evangelist W. T. Klotzbach will close
his series of evangelistic services at
the Central Free Methodist church Sun
day night. He will preach both morn
ing and evening. The meetings have
been conducted every night- for several
St. Johns Central are.
and Vharleate
Elder A. R. rolkeabers. 11.
ML Tabor E. Ootb aad Belmont rider W
T Hilcen. 11.
Albina Skidmora and Mallory Rev. A. A.
Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elder. 11:15.
Scandinavian Oguea naU. ui irpt and
Shavwr. 11.
Salvation army
Corps No. 1-243 Ash SL AdjuUnt Frank
Genge. 1,1, 8:15. 8.
Corps No 4 12 1st st. Ensiga M. H
Lorengen. LI, 8, 8.
Swedssb Lkirpe 80 Burnside.
New Church Society SSI Jefferson Rev.
William II. Reece. 11, "The 8s Hot's Statement
of Requirements Necessary for Admittance to the
Kingdom of Heaven."
Church of Our Father Broadway aad Tam-
hill Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. "The Lnyalty
and Conscience of the American Citisen In
United Brethren
Third Tth st. and 32d ave. Rev. J. H.
Patterson. 1 .. 8.
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9.tb
Clay rRev. John K. Fee. 11. 7:45.
Realization League 188 Fifth Rev. II.
Edward Mills. 11. "The Way Finding It;
Following It: Finishing It": 8. "Workers Who
Think and Thinkers Who Work."
Church of God 383 Failing st Iter. H.
NeaL 11, 7:30.
New Civilisation Church 401 Central bldg.
"The World's Supreme Desire." by Dr. Beth.
First Divine Science 181 12tb sL Rev. T.
M. Minard. 11. "Follow Me." .
Old Taylor St. Church
DR. O. O. RARICK. Pastor of the Central
Methodist Church. Will Speak.
Nursery few Oars ef Smalt ehlMran
Whne fSaaJtars Attend tne Servtoe
Come ts Mia Aavpful servics Vow ' will ra
tals Aarfoful eervto
y s Oordial W
Wcll-Ksows Leetsrer
Formerly Editor of
. ' ON "
"Lies, Their Virtues and
' ,i AND
Sun., June 98 P.'M.
ON -
V. Vhe Acid Test of
- . Democracy?
Interest in TTew
Series -of Sermons
The Interest with which the series of
sermons- on "ThsJ Great Teachings of
the Savior" have been followed by mem
bers and friends of ths Portland New
Church society (Swedenborgian) prom
ises to become greater with Rev. Reece'e
announcement df the following topics for
the remaining six Sundays of the church
year. Sunday's topic will be "The
Savior's Statement of Requirements
Paecessary for Admittance to the King
dom of Heaven." Then will follow in
order: "Privileges of Christian Disciple
ship": "The End of the World and the
I Last Judgement"; "The Second Coming
of the Savior"; "Jesus' Teaching that
He Was God"; and "The Universality
of Jesus. "
Tuesday evening the seventy-fifth
birthday of Charles W. Cottel of 659
East Thirty-ninth stret was observed
He has been president of the society for
nearly 30 years. The affair was given
as a surprise to the recipient. He was
given an appropriate gift.
Joint Conference
To Be Held, in Milton
Milton, June 8. The Columbia River
conference. East Columbia and Montana
conferences of the Methodist Episcopal
Church South will hold an amalgamated
conference this year in Milton, commenc
ing August 22. This is their first meet
ing as a united conference and the out
come of the suggestions of the western
representative of the church, who at
tended the general conference at Its last
session at Atlanta. Ga. One hundred
delegates will be present at ths confer
ence, which will be presided over by
Bishop DuBose of Atlanta,' and will be
entertained at Columbia college.
Preacher Declares
Prophecy Fulfilled
Rev. R. H. Sawyer of East Side Chris
tian church maintains , that Bible
prophecy is being fulfilled and that the
final kingdom is at hand. He wlirspeak
on this subject Sunday evening. Rev.
Mif Sawyer is considered an authority
on predictive prophecy, some of tya
writings having a circulation In Eng
land and Scotland. He is an enthusiastic
supporter of the war program of the
governjnent and claims that the
prophets foretoldr the origin, history and
destiny of America many centuries be
fore the coming of Christ.
Dr .'Pence Will Give
Baccalaureate Talk
Dr. Edward H. Pence will preach the
baocaluarate sermon to the 123 grad
uates of Washington high school at
Westminster Presbyterian church Sun
day night. His subject will be: "The
Golden Chalice." This will be a con
sideration of the great future lying be
fore the young people and will 'tend to
outline their hopeful place therein.
Dr. Walk's Sermons
Will Be Patriotic
Dr. William A. Waldo will give two
patriotic addresses Sunday. Ths dis
courses will find their setting In the
present world crisis. The speaker has
been drawn to these subjects by present
world conditions and America's part in
building on sure foundations. The tem
ple quartet will render special music
Will Show Patriotic Film
A patriotic film will be shown Sun
day evening; at the Sunnyslde Congrega
tional church. In his evening- discourse
ths pastor wfll interpret life as modified
by the principles and motives of pressnt
day conditions.
Will Speak Sunday
wVednesday evening Dr. Beth Xorth-
tng-ton will speak at the New Civil lia-N
tion church on The Race Delusiona.
The meetings ars held at 401 Central
Speaks st Wilbur
In the absence of the pastor. Rev. C.
C. Rarlck. who is to preach at Wilbur
church. Sunday morning-. Rev. F. N.
Sandlfur will preach at Central church.
He wJll have for his subject, "The
World's Greatest Lover."
First Presbyterian Church
12th and Aloer Sts.'
18:t A. M.
(Short Her mo a for
Chlldres by
7:4 P. X.
7l te 7l4 V. M.
sa orgsn reeltal by
Edgar K. tCearsen
GhurcH of
11 A. M
i i I
Is i a.
Rev. Waiiam G Eliot, Jr. i
. j ' iN'i. EVEXI.VO FORUltlkTERMITTEp ' '
First Presbyterian to Observe
Annual Children's Day Exer
cises at Morning Service.
Several of Pupils Have Had Per
fect Record of Attendance Dat
ing Back Five Years.
church Sunday morning will ob
serve Its annual Children's day ,
with the program In ths hands
of the Sunday Hchool and a
short sermon to the children by the
pastor. Opportunity will be given for
parents to present children for baptism.
This will be a service of Interest, with
graduation exercises of the different de
partments and some patriotic exercises."
There will be a distribution of medals
to those who' have had perfect attend
ance for the last year. There are 130
who have not missed a single Sundsy
since the first of last October. Some of
these have a rjford of five years, some
four, some three, some two and some
one. The following are the graduates
to whom diplomas will be given :
t'rsdaate From Beginners to Primary
Helen Colclesrgh Burns. Sara Elisabeth
Cannon. William Robert Carter. Edward
Hawley Conner, Charlotte Crystle
Crocker, Isabella Louise Crowell. John
Robert Fisher, Jeanette Ulandon, Elisa
beth Hoemer. Marion Julia Muse, Vlr-
Pinia lnniey. uorotny tirace insiey. wu
!am Butler Jordan, Earl Leo. Lyle Leo,
Magdalene Lucinda Mann. William Ed
ward Mason. Roderick Alngworth Mays.
Haro.- Hean Myers. William Lackey
Paul,Elixabeth Pennell. John William
Stoddard Piatt. Rudolph Reld Prael.
Margaret Branch Riley. Lois May
Steeke, . Graham Everett Townsend.
Vesta May Townsend. Mary Elizabeth
Walborn. Henry Waller Jr.. Ruth Hope
Wong. Lois Elaine Wylie.
(iradaatea From Primary to Jasler
James Albert Barbour Jr.. Elln Berg
man. Charles Edward Blackman. Ruth
Bessie Brockhoff, Jean Elisabeth Butlle
man. Marshall Fish ' BrownelU Nsn
Burckhsrdt. Dorothy Cannon, Msrvin
Curtis. Grace Elisabeth Davenport, Gor
don Chatman Donald. Marian Grace
Dwtnnell, Luclle Harriet Hunter. Helen 0
Dorothy Lagerqulst. George Francis
L,awrle, 3 onn l nomas ieavenon, Vir
ginia Marion Look. Samuel Mlddleton
Luders Jr., Edith Hortense Menefee.
Pauline Elisabeth Merrltt, Mary Eleanor
Ringer, Victor Clinton Ross, Harriet
Steele. Kenneth Hill Tillson. Marion
Seward Walker. Catherine Roes Waller.
Henry Milton Wells. Otis Martin Wight.
Grad-satea From Jaalor to Intermediate
. Carl George Ashley. Jsmes Henry .
Ames. Frank I. Ball Jr.. J. Merrill Bltt
ner. Alice Blackman, Elizabeth EsU-lls
BradVeyT Ellse Bristol. Brook Brown.
Demster Hallett Brownell. Alice Bruere.
Allan Button, Dorothy Chamberlln,
Harry P. Coffin Jr., Baxter Conner,
Violet Davis. Bernlce Dickson. Elisabeth
Donald. Arthur Rexford Elliott. Mary
Ray .Fraley, Jessie Eleanor Frailer.
James L&uls Glandon. Humboldt James
Greig, Harriet Hay. Evelyn M. Jacobs,
Helen Hunt Jackson. Douglas Kirk.
Anita Kellogg. Anne Elisabeth Law
rence. Jack Leiter. Lillian Luders. Wil
liam H. Matthlson. Flora Jane McBrlde.
Frederick McCoy, Roderick McLennan.
L. B. Menefee Jr., Otto Charles Mills.
Dorothy Pantall, Beulah Pattern-on.
Marian Peacock, Edna M. Perkins. Mar
garet Fleming Persell. 1'Nola Scott. Ty
ler W. Sdeley. Louise Shakespeare, Mary
Elisabeth Shields, Edna May Smith.
Robert E. Smith, Calvin Souther.. Mar
garet 8pencer, William Swindells. Vir
ginia Lee Richardson, John Pierce Till
son. Lorren Marl Watson, Walter K.
Whltoomb. Mary Louise Wight. Alma
Nina Wills, Virgkila Wilson, Josephine
Yocum. ' .
At 7 :45 In the evening Dr. Boyd will
preach on "Democracy. Peace and Sac
rifice." An attempt toward a better
understanding of ths world situation.
This will be a continuation of ths talk
of Oast Sunday night In which Dr. Boyd
discussed the results of the great war
conference which he recently attended .
In Pliiladelphla. Ths address, will deal
with ths subject of what ws can do In
ths direction of sacrifice 4n order to
securs ths democracy and the peace
whioh are worth while.
From 7 :30 to 7 :45 there will be an
organ recital by Edgar E. Coursen.
A substitute for Juts Is being mads In
Russia from kenafe, a native plant of
abundant growth. a
Our Father
, JUNE 9 V
Admission Free
SEBJf ON - .
,m - A. . ' : '.)