V THE OREGON DAILY! JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1918. 11 y j ""WM WATE1 MISC. ' 61 IrenTBATnNJtT i'rtirthina and'typ-nri ln acncnl. 369 14 th nJ Jefferson t 65 a month. Resrirter foe rammer terra, t Main 1898. - lkM.SiU-WlLKJta. hi.. UiM. MiWTMt mm beets enroll any timet free otiorw. KM" WAWTED FEMALE . TOOVO LADIES WANTED. FIRMAMENT POSITIONS. ( KO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. I PEE WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. ' SAPID INCREASE IH WAGES. CALL AT ; TELEPHONE COMPANY boom soi. sixth rioo. PARK AJID OAK STREETS. ' OlRLS, 16 OR OVER. TO WORK W BAG FAC TOBT; OOOD WAJES. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO., 15TH ANDHOTT 8TS. GOVERNMENT iwdi 20.000 women dark; exeth Inst tons everywhere In June; uparinet nneceeaary; woman dealrrhg government posi tions writ for free particulars to J. O. Leonard, former clTil service examiner, 1064 KanoU bUig., Wssnlngtna, D. O. PRE8SERS FOR, LADIES' WORK Broadway Dy and Cleaning Work SALESLADIES, school teacher, tha Chicago Portrait company require at onca BO woman for permanent city and' road positions, calling on ho on Pacific coast. 815 weekly Mlary white training. Address box 640, Portland. WANTED Door man. 4 p. ok today. Apply Liberty TbaaUr, HOUSEKZEFIKCr ROOMS vt MODERN furnished room lei basement suitabU for two, eloae to ahlpyatda. 242 Pace at. W. A. or. - -' BOOMS acxt kitchenette; lot of hot water. mum, lanaary tray. 856 Flanaer. FURNISHED H. . K. rooms, very reasonebU. Cloaa In. 98 Knott at. Phono Kart 8873. , ill TWO pleasant cool furnished houaeieeping room, but location. 483 Market at. HOUSEXEEPIH0 ROOMS 71 FTJRSI8HED AND L'HFTJRKISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 18 Two furnished rooms, uh of kiteheu and Ji Tint room . ismtsbl for married couple) or working girl. Ul Ylbbett at-. Biehmond r. FOB SENT 14 ' room, food location, cornet property, eloaa to th shipbuilding planta in Aioin. Telephone owner, Kaat 8222. SINGLE room for b Datekeeping, third floor. Broadway 1818. 154 N. 18 th. THREE furnished XL, K. room, with gareg! THREE furnished IL C' rooms, with .garage' rnon labor zo. - - v FOR RENT J or S light bousekseping roomsT 460 E. lltb at. S. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED IS 812 5 room cottage, bath, -gaa; 2 lota for blocks from ear. 6141 46tb are. S. E. No chU- aren. - I ok REJif ;ood -room home, thoroughly renoratea: irniL. aaMen: wauine dbtuiM. Too K. Oak at. 811 -8ix rooms, toilet and bath. . 405 East iztn at. FIVE room, gaa and electricity. Cnton ' arena and Beech, 611.60. Woodlawn 1238. FURNISHED HOUSES 16 FOU RENT Furnished home of seren roqms; owner called east; cheap to responsible ten ants; piano, garden. 60S Orange at., Ladda oq. t-none peuwq. Z7H4. - WANTED Some one to shsre furnished cot; FOR RENT Far 8 months. furniihdk.ft-rooiB bnnaalow, rent 886: referencea requireU, Call weii. in aionnay. ffltOOM bungalow, new furniture, 440 & 6 2d s.- rnone least a4; aarage, adults ; 84S APARTMENTS 4S rUKWIIIHEU Al UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT ARTS. New S00 roosa honsa. amt a mm keeping apartment, furnished or untarnished elevator and hardwood floors. 886 lltb at. GIKL aapakla of taking charge of le cream and eandy fcusinena in absenee of proprietor. 408 K. Motthkio. van mornings AafT alrl in mmmd at a IrlaBd anal to tbi BslrstUrB Army Keeeu noma, suit gn iia rt. N., or pbone East 131. WANTEDtTfdTe-sfd ScandlntTian or Amert- ean woman for general Iiousework, 1 child. 876. Rodney are. WDIIen or Union are. ears. n.MAJ'M telwtnel operatur. at HAn I AIAii I MtN 1 5S NswlaiurnUh(d modern housekeeping and sleeping, room, 62.60 and up. UisLOP HALL, St 6th and Hawthorne. Jso era a, a ana 8 room apt., 812.00 tap walking dtstone.' Call Bast 882. WEDDERBlJMAPAfttkEMts," corner Grand are. and E. Buraaid St.. Two and 8 -room apartments. il.AUMJl.lA APTB.. East Sd and Belmont. modern 1 and 3 room apts.. 61.60 per week no Hleeptnc rooms. East 213 -ROOM furnished or unfurnished apt: private adults. 180 asbert. Good salary to competent person. Writ atTina rlriw , ete, B-aai., Jeurnai. U1KI, for flat work departments steady m ploymant, good wagea. American Laundry Cn.. 10 64 N. SUAkf" iirU to press ladle' dresses, 610 r-r week to sUrt. 8T8 Urand are. North, near Broadway. YOUN1 girl wanted to auist with boueeworki 3 children. Can go home nights if want la 1 3 K. 18th N. near Skidmore. WILLING woman for housework; Hcandinarian preferred; good home for right party. Wdln. 8488. , ELDERLY lady, close to id years, to assist in housework; kind treatment assured!' salary ac enrding to work done. JX-83, Journal. WANTED Reliable girl for second work in ONK 8-room furniibed apartment, bath, pbone. 304 Bth, Harrison Court. PEN INSULA APTS. Woodlawn 1852. Cn- erete hide.. 2, 8, 4 rooms, bath, shone. NEW VORK Apts. 41 h Belmont and 7th. UNFURNISHED upper flat; 825.60; 6 room. 760 small family: good wage. Main 82. Worth run t. WANTED Ulr.. steady work;, experience not reamrea: not oiiice wore; gooa wages. hi K. Broadway. U'lVTKf , T. t Tim tm nnawi BnU airla. aleeva ' ironere, 'body Irnners and also apprentices. Jt atlonsl-Laundry. E. Bth and may. WANTJCb liirl to work in ofTlee can operste typewriter. day who Cell Broadway SB. W"AJfiD Girl to work' In offiee hi day who t can operate typewriter. Call Broadway tf). BUOKKEKPER and' stsnographsi. Inquin Rnaanthal'a shoe store. vXrtRE8S"" wanted. 810 a weeir f-788. 1 Journal. Tol'N'l lirl to aaaUt with work. Phono Main 818, B.vt w. nroaoway. corner uncoin. 1,.trERi.Vck5 chambermaid. Apply Rea HoUl, 4tn anoj naimon. utRL wanted to work in eonfecUonery. hoard mem and wages, Apply 696 E. Morrison st. aiTlMLADt or" oakery store. Roysl Bakery, i 268 Morrison st. Phone Msin 8842. WANTED, elderly lady or girl for housework for 8 weak. Hell wood 8B3. CHAM MERMAID Steady work. New Houston hotel, 8th and Krerett. RHWaWTER wanted. 388 Front st, nv.LV WANTKD MALE AND FEMALE 6 TR0HOT7OKI.T eaperleneed eemblnatIM twok. kaeper-eteaogriphers. meat or womeal Prma naat potltions. good salaries; big office t airs age. ex nance, reference ana noon eoarass. n-e JeornaL L 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade . ' , akortaaw all ever the eountry: big ws as. m TH eaa earn roar way tnrougo in school Broadway 1IB. Molar jsaiber uouege. ; tarnarae si. IieH.' WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning I position guaranteed. Oregon PsrW CnDege. 218 Msdlson. " PORTLAND' BARBER COLLEGE Tseehae men and women the barber trade free, pay while learning. 284 notion. B'way 3482 iST , 't". i J i . - fct i m m I I I SITUATI6nR MALE . oHn. for position at once, tint claas liTeatoek barer or seller with life experience ; west Rocky mba preferred and rerponsible financially. AaV dra P'686, JearnaL WAN TfeD Position with lumber company.; hat bad years of experience In retail lumber Dun nes sia employed; can glee good reference; can handle truck. ZX-718, Journal. A TRAVELINU SALESMAN corertng Oregon by Bta wiU call on trad for you; write fuil particulars. X-864, Journal. PABTT With itttomobUe Wishes etSploynient ; prefer real eafaU and inauranee. X 852. Journal. ' U'A!4fCD Coiilrsot 'niul f to 10.000 cords wood -with truck. CU 81 N. 10th st. '-r; A.'TA'Tl----'- 'FOR SALE -HOUSES . tK 871 E. Irring. between S6tb and 20th. 4 blocks to school; best ear aerrice la eRy; hardwood floors, tall basement, lse trie, gaa. This ia a 6-room eottaga; rAo yard, shrubbery, berries; two targe bear ing cherry bees: street tmproTsraat ta and paid; special price 82700, easy term. : , . . ... maxweltj, 270 SUrk at. Mala 8052. ATTENTION. ST. JOHNS PEOPLE 7-room old honsa. but eomfsrtabse and roomy house for 2 families, corner Fessenden and Cen tral eta,, right ia the bear of St. J oboe, front age ox isz ft. oa Feaeendea St., oa ear una, oara surfaca at. This, is eeai-busineas property and ia bound to go into big ralu. Knout ground t build 8 more houses fronting oa Fesaandea at. Numerous big bearing cherry tree, harries. garoea, ete., oa property, mat) oaiy mtavv , terms 8800 caah, The ttrenarty ia now rented at 620 monthly. TUB CBOSSLET-YIBAKS CO., 270 Stark St. Mala S082. SNAP For sal br owner. 7 room dunts. modern: fruit tree, chicken house and run, $2800; terms ii aestrea. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. , 235 Burnside street. 1 BLOCK to Mt. Tabor car, most eoarenient $50 AND $100 DOWN- 876 06 780 64th st. Mar PowiU, 3 room. aittfu . m viMM. amwwi - aw, , - . 81200 43d are.. 6 , rm. plastered, modern plumbing. HUB 8w 03d at.: moaern, a room. 8480 05th St. Sth a., S blks. car, 4 r. 61800 112 Fessenden at, St. Johns, 6 X. O. a OOLDENBERO, Abiagton bklg. IS Year la PorUaod." Main 4808. av MATrHi.kta unncRN bdnoalow 5 room andaleeiiine noreh. tirittST tootB with maseire fireplace, hardwood floor, aic big dtnine room with built-in bnffet: not a Httle "dinky" bungalow, but aU nice, large, airy rooms: SOxlOO lot: select naigbhorbaod, near the new Franklin Hieh school 1 Drtce only 62860: 8509 down, balaao like rent. Jump in ourj w ana see uin. THE CROSSLEY-VIOARS CO., 270 Stark tt Main 8063. and direct carline oa east side 5 room, al most new, modern bungalow, large attic, full ocment basement, firm lace, ttardwaod floor. built-in; a rery fine little, home; only 82800 on easy terms; uus place would cost at least uu to ouiia. JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermen Bldg.. Broadway 1612. ALMOST new modern & room bouse, with sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, white enamel interior, built-in courieneea and ' - - -- I W 1 111X3 CIU1K1 , 11 IW1 My, , wuMV-u. V." ' i."V.W mtmm taga; cheap rent; Mght serrlee. Call MaisVsVcabinet kitchen, full cement baaement ' and fur ? 7 m' x'824- Journal. jTnaoe; close in on east aide; corner lot; fin riew; way below coat, only 88500: easy terauv SBANDINATIAN-AaLKHlUAM - REALTY CO., --p. Suite 218 LamberweTis Bldg. fV READY T6 MOVE INTO. . .VJT 5-room modern bungalow, near static: on electric line, hourly aerrice: city ga for cooking and lighting; splendid horn arironment; lot 76x120 ft., splendid water, fine garden (oil just tha place to raiat poultry. Cut your cost of lirtng n-hair. THE CROBSLEY-YIOABB CO 870 Stark St, Main 8052 TWO good hens Oa a big lot on Sherman st., between 5th and 6th st., on the west id. Thi propert i in th center of the city and etosa to aU the big ship-building Plant. 84B00 will take It. en term at tnet. Thia place ia cheep enough for 66500. Owner d term men to seu. : Act quicsiy it yon want una. M. I. Ulobeesy. 415 Abington bldg. VOA SALE A fWhom at Courtney avenue, Oregon City line; 10 cent fare to all parte of elty; lot 50x205, fruit, garden; house 6 room and baaement, recently painted and in excellent condition; gas, electricity, water. Sewage, and in all respects a most desirable property; 82600 will buy and eatisiaetory terms given: no agent owner w. H. uoor. Fbos Usx urove ia-u bath, phone; rent reasonable; FOR RENT FLATS 800 Graham ave. "R06U' flat, "806 E.' 1'ltiv FURNISHED FLATS 16 4-hOOlI flat,, walking disUDoe. 235 Bheri daa st NEWLY furnished flat, ma yard, adulu. CaQ after Monday, 81 E. 80th st., cor. Stark. 4 ROOM furnished Oat, 280 Margin st. be- tweea Steel bridge and Broadway. IN LADD ADDITION 6 room house, bath, toilet up and down atairs; hardwood floors;' built-in buffet and bookcase; fireplace: full cement basement, fur nace, floored attio, Dutch kitchen, pared street and alley j goooo: walking mat nee. oov Mul berry st rnone East 187. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, fireplace, full c meat basement, built-in convenienfle. 50xl36- foot lot; garden in and up; 62000, famished. 1800 unfurnished : easy terms, we nave ral other good buy: eome in and we will tab yon out and snow yon on ol to Beet buy in the city. Morris, 481 Jhmbr of Commerce. WORTH 86000. yon can buy it fur 88709 Thia 1 a 7-room house with a full lot, on block from Hawthorne art., on S. Madison be tween 14th and 16th st., varything paid and everything finished. 81200 will bandK thia. Urab thia if yon want a great bargain. M, J. Clohsesy. 415 Abington bldg. Vacant move is tomoR&oW STORES AND OFFICES STOItE. for rentv good grocery location. shipyard. 704 1st st. 11 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS IS ONE ta 4 well located, large, clean, airy room (or rent; g, electricity and water installed. Ineuir room IS. at 186 4th. ear. of Mor rison. WANTED TO RENT 7 WANTED At onoe. 1. furnished sleeping room, clos In, modern aonvenienees, by young women working in city; will lchenga mitrenee. C B38. Journal. SHIPBUILDER wants- 8 or more years' leas of 1 or 2 lota, build small bouse. Prefer being near river, bet. Overlook and Willamette station, -wain. 0882, evening. WANTETJm-To rent 6 or 6-room house, with or without garage; will lease; adults, references. N-776, Journal. SUMMER RESORTS 66 - OWNER MUST SELL IDEAL SUMMER HOME "Wlldwood." one of the most beautiful spots anywhere near Portland, close to Mt Hood. 20 acres of land heavily wooded, beautiful springs And mountain streams, fine ffehlng: improved With a large well built cabin and 3 small cabins eaailv accessible by auto And vet very secluded (the for week-end tripe and a place you will be proud to take yonr friends to. A chance like this will not com often. Owner ia very reluc tant to part win It but he must sell. Pric 85000, and It Is worth ofmsidarabl more. Be or writ F. X. Bailey, Heillg theatre. Phon Main 1 or A-1122. WILL rent for season, nicely furnished bungalow at Seasidi 2 large rooma and sleeping porcn, all modern conveniences, clos to Locksley Hall, 1 block from beach. Apply Levin Hardware A Furniture Co., 321 Front t- - FOR RENT t Oeafhart, R. B. Caswell cot tage, on Cottage avenue ; completely fur nished. Phone Broadway 1145.' 1'ARELIUF cottag for rent, '5 rooms, bath completely furnished; July And August. Call East 2854, or apply 441 K. 28d N. ROCK A WAY BEACH 2 room furnishedeoV tag for rent. Call Sellwood; 1877. Mra. Johnson. 464 E. 14th. FURNISHED cottage at Seaview. 106 33d st Tabor 8403 FURNISHED cottage at Seaview. 106 33d It. Tabor 106 FOR RENT Month of June, 6 room ccrttag, Seaside. Wdln.2401. SEASIDE 4 room furnished cottage, 1 block from ocean, for season. Woodlawn 1760 6 ROOM cottage at Seaside, furnished, SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 ; WAiiT any kind ofclerlcal position; can us typewriter, with some stenographic work ; ex perienced, efficient, dependable-, and with e- oeattvo bilHy. Q-663. Joumj.. , HOtlSEKKKPiVO position in gentlemen's home year old. X-828. By widow with girl 7 ' Journal. , EXPERIENCED stenogrepher; eaa furnish beet rfrnee. Cell R. 123. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES II llbl ' BAhfiERS Shv IBe. hattout 26e. fas S6. 826 Glisan, cor. th. FURNISHED ROOMS Motel. E.- Id and BaraaieW. 10 44 aa, weak an. Ef 171. BATHS. PHU.vEs : II JtlJTITlu STENT, 604 CP. , 422 H WASHINGTON. 4 )tOOMS farnihedTEnob-IJa"dIstrlet.iuntfl Sept. I t tow jrleef adults onl, Mti S868. vrrnNfftttrn ItOOf A PKITATF. , FAMILY.- . , . , H YCbMihl&b front room awiUble for 1 ol i Kt asea. near (hipyards. 8784. Apply 466 East Pin. Cd!p! kttU farnlsKed room, one or more, 61.26 Wk. ecb, 604 E. Clay. ' " twO atedera tleeptaa roomiT 164 H. lltb St. rant reason bl. ROOMS AND BOARD , ! it yards, U out- water. 885 Sd st, - BbARl3 and room for gea mployd ia' shlp- tfifc'HliEL, toarnlnt ot abh Sid tontne wttb DO nt c.n A.1BT. iLm Martha Waehiagsen, IH iotb, ir bee. nest girl and studeata, MarahaU IS' xaBS3- , i iaa a , i an i a n . ' flAAnt Atrn HA Attn piii FAMILY 79 BOOM and board la privet family; gentlemen lose to North west 8tei hipyrd. 708- 4U M. Mtrshtll 4461. - MOt'MP.KRKPlXO UOOMS : FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED k t,av.t0Uau aad ii. .AC. reueue. single and la suite. iK-r week and ap. . -881 Tamhill. East 2402. Call REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES X rai Kifcii k. moaern i rooms, iiraniane fur. nace. beautiful half acre, block Hawthorn car, 33oO; term. Wvrner, 20'J Mohawk bldg. Tabor 1883. 8005 ROOM fl firamaeal Eidnd oors. millt-ui ounel aa uuteb kite hen modern. Keaten earliaa. Fart cask. 1SU3 Minnesota. HAWTHORNE district: modern 6 room hua. calow. on carline 1 builtin eottVeAienoee. fire place; large basement, everytning in fine con dltion: casn or terms, cau owner, labor 1B86, ROOM modern house, cement basement, 4a and lctrt light, on improved MHet hear ear Ha. 51280; lioo eaeii. lis month. Neil Bmitb. OBI roster roan, laoor isai. DANDY bungalow, Irvington, close to carline, 8 rooma, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, fun basement, vraah trays, 84000. L. K, Moore, REAL 1! STATE . T6R SALE HOUSES n "IRVTNOTON HETOHTS'' EXCLL'SIVB NEW BUNGALOW 8 elegant room and aleeping poena, a leet finish, iaboTaU whit enameled cabinet kitchen and bath, artiatia frre place, beanUfnl bnffet nd builtrin book- -eaae. torgxu dectrie fixture, , poliahad oak floor, nice breakfast room, cement baaement. laundry tuba and perswet Jltuabiog; house donbla eonstructed, eaat rant, lot. 60x100. good, location and convenient district, ewnprahenaiv ia de v taSL . -.v ; ' .i... n -.f . -SILAS L. JONES. . S73 Albert st. Phon Woodlawn 1588. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 CANADIAN FARM AlSTDS CBea land ramrklhly eekerr axenrasoa party- seavee x-oruaaa Calgary, Alberta, Setarday, Jaa rates. rot rurtnar BOSRtfL T-R-nTrT.P.H, T.TC, V IS BLACK ' saddle mar well bred, caited, hall sister ;-Hil B " too fast for amy work la timber; aeQ or trad for gmited saddle atdaaal. pay aura rente, xtajgUet, Barton, or. day, Jano V artarahua gee Pacifto By. Caw SOS Railway Exchange bidg. lm P. Thornton, Diatriet nrprsealatrva. FARMS "Vf ANTED RENT OR BUT IS WANTED i TO BENT A good place fat dairy. close in, B-670, JoarnaL -"EXCHANGE TtF.AT.' ESTATE 14 TO EXCHANGE 10 acre unimproved, near uur4isamnlrA. Ta i ana ara . anaaaa Hsan) tl rat n m JIVta e- tar block Eaatntoreland: choteo hal Moek E. 44th and Division eta.: looxlOo wttii 4 mom nonse In Lrrm;-erill exrhsare any or aiL Owner, Main 6803, or x-868. Journal. -6rf50M cotug and barn, all clear; 6i200 in iim a paid for S years: ta trade for late model, good make, touring ear or good equity ia seetti property. Iaqulr 1081 K. nroaaway. Phon Eaat 25S7. 10 ACRES in bearing apricots, with water AUCTION BALE Hall. Wash . 14 millt of Wocdisod, Wash,, it mile northof Van etmver. Wssh., Fri., Jnao 14, at 11 a. aa, 35 mua eow. some fresh, other anon: SI BOM mixed Shorthorn heifer and beat cattle, tuber culin taatsda-JO head mixed Shorthorn oalvea. 1 yoong bun, karea. w. 3400, 4 and 6 yr. old: 8 brood tow, S ehoata. 48 Whit Laghorn obJckaaa. lot machinery. 4. M. Kelly 4k Son, owner. 'Col. W. S. Wand, actioar. Yan eouver. Wash, right: there will be all of 2000 boxes of fruit this yar. Price 83600, clear. Want good 5 or 6 room bona; will aasum. Morris, 481 Chamber of Commerce. Portland pdstoffiee, all ta eultivation: 81600 straight mortgage at S against it; . vain 64000, for larger place, J-830, Journal. TO EXCHANGE for house in Portland. 4 sores : on of Hood River's most beautiful orchards; completely equipped: estimate 6000 bor.ee apples this season. X-S33, Journal. $1500 $150. CASH Tt- er. bunealow. 1 bed chamber down stairs ; -2 large, light, airy rooma upstair; , ha tirepiaee, enamel oatn, eieou ana ga. unp inally sold for 62500. One of the grandest value in, the city. Th kind that go quickly. , j uuui;sitsibnu, 216-16 Abington bldg. Main 4808. fIS YEARS IN PORTLAND." LAURELHtjaat 89000 It'l Class A, . HOME Modern to the last word. Strictly new. Never occupied. 807 SUrk st. ; Main 8052. 4-ROUM modern home, fine view, walking fta- tance. nor sale by owner. 310 month and interest. Can Main 1597 or MarshaU 4481: FOR SALE LOTS BARGAIN II 60x100 lot. 8350; term or WiU tell 100x100 8650. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 265 Burnside street. 2 CHOICE lot. Bos City Park, paved street, cement walks, all clear: exchange for auto; must be Al ear, C. E. Waldron. boot 140, Willamette. Or. LOTS in Willamette add., cheap for aatb, Maia 6265. REAL-ESTATE ACREAGE (7 FOR SALE: hi acre east of Mt Tabor; for information call Tabor 2380. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 16. FOR just the price of the land alone more NOTICE Good bonnet and 2 lots for trade in county it. Eastern Wah for good relinauisbment. Delias, Or., Box 402, HOUSE for farm : large 1 0 room on Salmon near 14th at. Want lota or acreage aa pay ment, s-bth. Journal. LOT 60x100, corner 56th AndXJoueh tbv, for wnat nave your - j-asi. Journal. FOR SALE OR TRA DE Bungalow and gar- age; bargain. X-850, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE 11 IF YOU have a home to sell aail yourself of We aiail Sell them ; nu- onr excellent service. merous clients waiting. O. O. UOU)NBER, ABINGTON BLDG., "35 Year in Portland." Main 4803.- ' SHACKS AND SMALL b6mes WANTED Mast be N. E. and priced rigbt W have Bn merous buyer waiting; . Fred W, Oermaa Co.. 783 Cham, of Com. ; 4 On 5 r. modern, on easy paymeata, from owner. Am aot aa agent, X-857. Journal. FOR RESULTS list your property .with the Real Estate Exchange. 801 Id t.,' Portland. ROOMING HOUSES SS FOl BENT id room, aood- location, eornar property, clos to th shipbuilding planta la Aioina. leiepnone owner, East 0222. NICELY furnished 0 room house: fine lore. tkmt easy term. Call Main 6708 before 6 a. tn. 1 . . gflCE'LY furnished 9 room house, fine location. w ' " - , I v mrt lui. a,. ... BUSINESS OPPORTU1TITIES 26 than a half acre with a 4-room house; the land is all in garden and fruit; two blocks from the carline and "station; two blocks from IF YOU have 8700 and want a good business , of your own, here ia your chance. A nice little grocery and confectionery, wis invoice about 8700. Bent reasonable; no fixtures to buy. can Mr. Drtver.f 770 union . north. rnone woodlawn 014. ; FOR SALE Established grocery in good dis trict, gooa caan ousinese ana weekly ao . vi . , . r k, buiiu. I S""''"- y. xaoor K,UWB ,W W, . mw.w .auH. i S -T 1 center ox am city w una luaos. wi uu i " ' AAif'H i u.'.e . elft fn onle 1700I M, J. Ulo-L FOR SALE CHEAP bony. 418 Abington bldg. I . Grocery. Bakery. Delirteaseti r good going HOMESTEADS 1 tJ,a-fc,, na-iiNTlis.-i,M. O. A O. HOMESTEADS I Rtdgefield. Wash., auitable for grocery and basinee; prioe 8675. corner 17 th at. 655 Washington sU LITE STOCK IS cadosa now, for wb may not be able to orrsa tiuut rutu auaw- - Bad Itaeeabowt No otartar. bat ta good runalng oondiuen. pain tea y- WILL be, at Brooklyn took oorral oa lltb ,, oetwwea rranaiort aad Kaon an nataraay and Sunday, June 8 and I, with ST head of fin milch eowa. oaa Juat fresh, balance aprtna ing beavyj all la re aow and 1 Shorthorn and tow with black trimming..,. .....8 300.no I WARKn. 381 16TH T AMHILL A-UXa 'White tMsnlmU) ...l.i.. ... 2 00M HiiWi AUT6 SERViCll Good ear, ooo. ... . I rtmmt atath aaal Wash. Mala 7QBO. Oakland Roadata 8 mall Tight ar. . 1 Jersey bull. This herd a from a number of Tears selection, aha owner at CorraLs Take rjrojyn or eeuwooa oar to rraakiort, wau ta l wta et, SACRIFICE 8 frsaa? eowa, 1 taatk. 1 60S, gentle and tree, aoed hanfkav waeon. nlnw barrow and thr tool aU for 1460; better look thi up, Al Haflar. box 61. a Garden Home, or. THREE rouna fresh familr cows. Jarser. Jerser- unrnaa; ncn bilk, genu; so to oo tor oniek aaMa 88 aotb, aor. WMhlnrton m. b. aar. CHlLD'i pet pony to rid or drive, for sal cheap, John K. Howard, 816 Chamber of commerce. Marshall 284 8. FinF young fresh gentle femQy and dairy cows a ana o ten. good condition. ISO to sso. will tax dry cowa in exchange. 751 E. Ash. FAT beef cow for salal Just past Hillsdale! Inquire Bulllvan. . FOR SALE 3 food family oow: reasonable, P. I, Embry. 1 H m. sonthweet of FOR SALE 2 good mUch eowsT Oeweno, 1 Ii!?' Or. Hslsey St. Tabor 4898. 1 6ft SAT E--Two oows; high tester. 70th and riasaaio t. FOR SALE 4 good family oow. Phoa 83-R aiuwankie. FOR SALE Two fin tioWia'eowa. i 52 W wyeant st. LARGE Jersey cow, SO lb, milk a day. test 8 2. BeUwood 8401. POULTRY. PIGEONS. PET STOCK 17 BARRED Rock. U. L ltada. Buff'." Brown' and White Lechorn chick for sale, 1 Be and 20. Yon can see stock before buying, J. A. Uaasat, iia b. gym nose city car. WHITE Leghorn baby ekicks, -41 each, 10 days old. 20e each; S weeka old, SOo each. RACING homer pi eons to trad for New i- land or Belgian rabbit. B. O. HamllL Loata Stetion. R. 8. bog 746. ... SIXTY thoroughbred laying pullet!" White Leg- norns, 'Marred Koek, JL L Beda; raaaonabla. 146 E. 81st st. North, MontavUla ear. 73 QOLDEN "Seabrighi and Japanese "filial nantams, J tut natcned, rnone wain. 1734, iit e. zotn st. N. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock hatehln balance season 81. 16. 795 X. 78th tt. N. Tabor 6559. LARGE fine strong Leghorn chick. Master In- Tabor. 802; AUTOMOBILE S ACCESSORIES 44 AUTOMOBILES TAYTF.D 7 A tSNT S perfect bin (teal oUaaBond ring,, value 6200. aa part payment on late modal - Ford f car; wui pay caan oitleraboe. Call mornings 1040 N. K, 28d at AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE AUTOS roil BIBB WITHOUT DBTTE&B Brand new aara, Rseannakl rate. Fearing as Robnett, CHviterage, 16 laths Between Btark sod Oak. Breadway AUTOS Wfi'UO( AiHlVkkti FOat kUatai. ' CUC CUM AN AAU SbUJTaa, i good hap, inat repainted........ 'I 86S.OO S471. AUTO log hire for highway. Phono WeedUwa Hadton nooaoB a....... ...... 4 , Mitchell 8 po read. . . . . Stndebaker 'it SplandM eonditieo, X 636.00 116008 text river highway ante Mara 338. . , , I ni 11111 rtt. i i.L.r.n. DibiLucn . - - aearm SIM , ........ 7 SW.UV I , - . V , , . i ". IW m. 8H4.08 I WANTED To exchange Coluaspia grapamoia, indiaa J!: lXLrS ttiWili aad aiaeUia lianas. leash for difteMaoa; must b ahoan. f; JDakica, so Undid oooditlon. ....,..,.... Mta Starter and Ushta. 410.00 460.06 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPART. " 814 "Alder V Broadway d4. Come In Today OAKLAND SPECIALS 278 Dixon tt .-; ; BICTCLks JdiTbRCtCLKS. V Large Wk of new and wed asasMaajv i DAYTON CYCIJI CO., 68 StaeV . : iroR lALZ--lnoiaa; iotorcyote lor 1.6. M i WILL exchange dental work tor lady Wyoiei : narl be tn good order. K-666, Journal. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 WlJtEI86 to 46 H. P. oaWin boat, oapahla y of making 18 to 18 snuea per oour. 5 ; 86 to 40 feet long, Addres C. V. Smite,. Bte season. Weah, ' " LARGE attraoUve 6-roow tjauseboat for-"; ; sale. turmiabad or nnfnraiiho Call MaU, 1660. 4 . l fO0T launch. 4 eyL Codillaa angina, n revere tear. 6160. Main 1601. - fOk ' lULii 4 room "bousaboal, . I&00, aaah, : n.. Ustn atf ' Wood-U GASOLINE engine. lawn 484. Both magneto. Oakland Sensible Six, S-pasa,, 1817; extra good value. 8660. 1916 StndebakerSAght Four. I or T-paaa.. extra tire. ete. Bargain, 6176. Buiek Light Six, HIT roadster. With tr tire, eta. Good oadlUoa.' 61000. PIANOS. ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT! bECt'RIXt itOBAUB OO. aloalag out. ,.f,; 8800 old Engiisn upngut. eaan fo. 3660 Amartoaa laak upright,. a .668. 6400 Modern oak nprtgbt, 8iaa - . it 4460 Modern anahogay upright, aaah , 118 17 smiaiiail snmamaw 4 M 8 8V w- Ovarland 6-paa., 1210. lis new. aiarau, a a 1436 161T UMdeU. 6386. 6460 aad .4."' 108 tn t SI wnimrrow aa. PHONOGRAPHS Sew. SHOO hang. Will Uk light aar la x- BABQAIA'S BAROAINS f Hdula, nuhiiaa. 86: drtlble"seord. 26-; - Oakland 161T Eight eyllndsri look Uk I Kewntan, 188 1st st near Alder. jT 760-High sTsda player piano. In gnuln r- mahogany, praotically a good aa new, with. 100 rolls of mosic. Must dispose of at oncou.; ; 6860. Will taka Liberty bond. Hall an Ceanidayt 126 1st st - BEAUTls'UL mahogany Stroud Pianola, beaehr and SB0 choice rolla. Inatnisoertt or aae?T Com la aarty. The Oakland Store 844 Buraadd. Broadway 63. nxr.ARnmo It is to your interest to get reliable map fewj store. Address owner. and have reliable men assist yon ra hwhii Ridgefield. Wash. the beat bonessteads. Geo. Armstrong, cubator Co.. 415 J ess up. Woodlawn 4644. FOR SALE Rabbit. New 'Zealand and Belgian narea, hoc ,to ai.oa. woodlawn 89B3. A car. NEW EEALAND bucks, fine stock, "cHeap. 6714 naa ave. h. c laoor 804. B, I. RED baby chicks tor sale. 6512 88th st. 8. E. FOR SALE Day old chick and egg fori natcning. cll Tabor 4070 titer 7 p. m. -FOR SALE English Tom Barron coskerela.' Phone TsbOr 2738. POOS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 46 rrti-. Lr-A-f has r " wau i luuuiO uui make and nsed only short tlm. - Bargeia. aaah),-; or tarns. Phone Broadway 6571. - . GOOD upright pi bo. cboniad eaae, li&t walnut, ease, 1 1 60 ; neauuitti manogeny ease, atann- , ard mak. 1200; easy terms. Boul Bita, 16SV 10th t - - -T - 8281.36 813 b, 66 -aeonthly. bay 161T,1 nodal saw iamrovad Piano at Bcawen Piana 'k Co., Ill 4ta et t wsmngton et Specials This Week BENT a paaao, aaost reeaoaable satme ia PeeVv land. No square aor tbaaap boa, . Jaaroal 4V. i OUbert, aa iiama. RTeKMNO upright pal no. walnut Oa ..nap I 410 pal no, walnut aa, In flat U at a bargain, very 201 MOHRIB.OX Main 4.872. W bar and aall all kinds nff embhits MaM rm mwut S,frAAiS1M ,.AMk Mr L i" Sharp. formr chief field division V.- ii.. V.in f J1"!',1 bif " BOARD your dog. at the Bungalow k.nneL' Vei iJ?A had chart of i-leasi-1 f "V Bartaln for Immediate ssla. I EreryUilng P-temte .Can M.ta 8166. w- -: - . n - i sibua. ! ournsL. i t .-a. -t, . . ,,. mm . FLEMISH attd Nw Zltrt rbb.U for ull a 1DI1 K nffanrw.. VhnnA BTaVnlv SRAf preparation of the map ot the land grant la DON'T WORRY. atyKlntrgi VCliV , i i s .,,hln. ahotOrl feel Droud Of. .Mr. t an aeTl m trsda anvtbtaa unW ' TLa. PEDIS REED Airedale puppies for a)e. I Yerv well huUt 5 nnm huneatnw 1 blank tn I .11 ,M rautli an thil iiiu to, week old. Bsllwood 8918. 441 Nehalem ave. J , M.IPMWI a. - f " , . . 1 ,w im -' " . I .m Ht 1 aoor cars au moaern oonrsnienoes, inu I alassification work H is -a man 01 exceuant rfi tit 9 t-. j . -- . .. .'., VtlTol &yJ2Jr '-Sr rciatedahi. appUcaUon i0tf worth 88000; 8250 down, balance easy terms. I dn, loyalty to th rtio." ' 1 uu t r r- : . . . JOUNBON, 212 Lumbermen Bldg.. - Reliable eonntv mAce. 61. wa.ui, eauippea mjas market, doing 500 8 Broadway 1613. ' gf? -tL.m .bow th land day brines. Call Tsbor 9140. FINK 8" room modern Lome in Westinornland; for 836. ' : ' i . . must be Men to be appreciated; almost new; ANDERSON. 481 Chamber of Com mere. MONEY TQ LOAN REAL ESTATE .17 will mak a special prion for caah or, may trad VALUABLE FARM LAND FOR ROhtfcBTBADS' I OUU InstallraeBt plan is tee beat and kurest AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 1 GARAGES BOUSES for imnroved aftreafa. BCAKDINAv-LAN-AMEaUUAX REALTY CO.. SuitA 212 Lumbermen Bldg, $2000-Alberta &nap-$2000 S rm. bungalow, mod. and cosy. Has Stand ard plumbing, gaa and elect Terms. n. A C forfaited Rr. lands nsar Fortiana aean thi month for homeateadint: PUnserou valuable claima conveniently located near towns. etc Remarkable and rare opportunity. ar range now in tdvanoe for expert locating rica and early (election. I guarantee aceurtcy. effi ciency. eetensiTe selection and! Utmost satiafao- tion. Barvtce fee Onlv 130. lDCluainx auto a metbod of naviiie a bat. 833.36 pet month for 86 month at 821.34 for 60 ntinth. a 816.17 far 80 ntenthw pay 81000 Man aad interest. Other -Tint la proportion. Ws loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. WO commission charged. e-fl- kwn pa............ turd, 6 -pa, Col 80 Chevrolet, almoai now ........ Jeffrie. 3-V truck Stndsbakar. T paat MaxwsQ tpastal, t-p. a.. MlUhalC almost new 1100 Overland Uub S2S Terms tt dwired Opn eveaing aad Sunday. 860 SOO SOO 2000 450 SOO condition: will na term tt deal red. Cell 140 6tb t 8816 cash buy 6410 Kurtaraaa piano In dasV mahogany, good aa new, Bohwaa Piano C.. Ill 4th et at Washing ton t . : ANTirttLL i CO. upright piano, goad old ! make, will au mna eaaa or urma, . taluf. 149 8th t . KtW .GLAND plan ireei Ivory Ley.),' Msndalaaobn I ra Tartan 1 . lull Harold S. OUbert, 684 lsmhlli st. WANT Good uiaing maetua. awo rMorae,' " Tbet 6796. Main 4496. ,' T 6 aaab secures Hehler A Hohler upright plana, -s 4 Sorurity Btorac Co,, 109 4th st chichhn HOUSES. Th pertahl kind Save ywa I aseaey. Be teav pi ai 144. Meas iai. Piano Tuning $3,00 rKuMiunAl'Ha, leenrue. buuattt. eoad eM e.''- ensweH. Hall A OaeeWiav. 13 las et M. 7688,'a -PIANO wanted. Pay aaah for bargain. jtaS'f TYPEWRITER 112 Aide at. WALLTNOrOKD. Broadway 3463. O. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bid s. wwwrvn nt EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION rs Id Portland." Main 4808. .tt'tCV 242 Bterb at.. Portland. Or. 35 Years WuuDlaWn BunualwW aiioo Vary neat and attractive 8 room bunaalow. not modern; luoxioo. all in garden; vry sifnyyi positively the cheapest buy in the Woodlawn dis trict; 8160 cash, 820 monthly. Fred W. Car man, 7H2 Chamber ot Commerce Clog. SUNDAY. Am leaving Sunday eve. to complete curveya. G. S. EHLB, Govt. Land Crnisr, 22.7 E. 49th , 8. TIMBER 18 5100.JCASU 515 MONTH 81450 TOTAL PRICE. 6 room luoueru, etectneity ana gas, full t of pluiatuag, ooaiwo Jut lor you. it ACKEUSUX, 500 STUCK. EXCHANGE. icnTtPE or RILE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER General La. ml otiiee, waanusrton. xa n u., ii loin Notice ia berebr aiven tnat A'hls ia a 'stood bur subject to the conditions and limitationa of th tnatructioa of th Secretary of the Interior of September 15. 1917. the timber on tn let- MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privilege. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A-411S. TO LOAN 8300, 8600, 8800. 81000. 8120O. 8160O and 82000 en improved foperty. J. u. wells Jo., szt unem. ot uom. bldg. MONEY to loan in amounts ot (lou t Auuo oa city property. A. H. BKLL, 201 OerTlnger bldg. ucojA uioutru buugaiow; Alt labor ear Una; hon, Unds will be .old June 26, 1816, et BUILt)LNG loans on city or suburban property'; firMiiiMm li&rtlwiMMi I lit, , r. lull i-mnrn i. I , . . i.n .t Si., I - , - .'-'- ' lirupiace, uardwoou lioora, lull cemeut baae ment, targe attic, liililt-uu; only 324 iw; -uu casii, baiauc easy tut ins. jtm.Nau.N, 2ia Ulmbarmens Bldg., struaqway j.8ia. i'UKEli ABSOLUTE BARGAIN e 7 -room. -A tine outnet lots. 52000. fi-roout uiuusru bungalow, cuoic location. 55200 in oVJnek a. m.. at DUbllo auction at tna nnltad States land office at Portland. - Or., ta the highest bidder at not lea than th ap praised value as an own ny trus notice, aaia to tl mMm, a th. .nnmnl of tha Saoratare of the Interior. i n puranase price, wiui mm aw Hnml inm nf ona-fifth of one ner cent thereof. 1 being ooaemiasions allowed, must be deposited at time of sal, money to bo returned 11 sal Is money advanced aa worx progresees, W. U. Berk. 215 and 210 Fallms Wdc Main 8407 $2bU. 8SO, 4UO. 800. 40. aiOW. lou and urgar amounts at current rate. Uuick scttnn Ted v. uenM w,n.. Tax in arm. com 8250 TO 82000. SEVEN, refund .old mort- gage: lower interest, warn, 07 - npaiding bldg. i-room jaodrn, hot water heat, 1 block not Approved, otherwi patent will issue t or the tl00 xo ia00; consider lot. E. H. Dewling, Sandy bird., dandy,, 84210. Phone Main 498tt. timber, which must be removed within tea year. Bid will be received from eitiaene of yuwr-buUding; i o au -eumJ ol Uslted State. Association of such cituta inu repairs; change uaad realty snd corporations organized under the Uws of st; stl my inaiiy uesigua for new (n4 United State Ot any state, territory or MODEUN1ZJ4 jruur-b auterauuus aim intu a live aasai houses. Max At. Ateyef, owuiracuiig aruuiteet I slKtrtet thereof only. toncuru oiua. mus lata, uiuicxi. teuueut fur toe Kregon atuiue isuiiuert. xs:.oo sua mill, kiuMki iuk iaiuii. ineluded tn any offer of a larger unit: ToWa- riBinu aim siauuma IMuwla. turnaca and fire. I ship 4 S., B. 2 E., Seo. 21; NIK W 617 -Chamber of Oommcree. MarshaU 2482 5500 TO 89000 to loan, city or fan mort gage: no commission, t. o. box Bl a. MORTGAGE loans and mortgagee nd at Main 11 Millmade. Construction Co. MOTORS, gears, bearing, wheals, ax las r w - wreck an make of ear and sell their part tt half pric. David Hod Co., Mart Broad way and if lander. ENGINES . ENGINES ENGINES AU atyla and sises from 1 to S eyL at a teniahingly low price. Ail engines guaranteed to bo tn soon niiBaai eonoiuon. DAVn HODE8 Oo.. Ooc Broadway and Flanders St. Pottland, On, TBATTJEBS TSAILERB TBATLKKa 8 and 4 Wheeled Urailers of aTt kinds, from 1000 to 4000 lb, capacity, at astonishingly kw pneea CIED AUTOMOBILES TXBMS GIVEN B stall Dent.' 631 Washington t klW kBUlNUTUN. rsutai piaa. tat pmfebas. TlslM tnooest BEMTNUTON tlPEWBTTEB CO. -86 Breedwy. Breadwy 4631. 4stiAHAN'iAskA Factory Kabmill YypewnUrt "All Makes." sold en asontbhy pynvntt. lead for prte Met, The Wbelaaalo Typewriter sJOl, 1616 Cole, 7 itchell, bSm.. 4 ayt... I 67 , eyi 135 Itchsfl. I p., itoaaU. T paaev 6 ryl. . istet. a eyi. AiO. AlAlvka) typewriters rented end r paired. W Oretew Type Ce 64A 6th. Mla 6643. . n 1616 MitchlL f pea.. 6 eyi. xat satis na u, a ISO 850 6 evl. 1914 Btudebaker, 4 pass, coup Ford truck with body and top......... I ton tratt Wlta eaa 1613 RambUr. 5 naaa. 4 evl, L918 Mieblgaa. 6 peaa,. 4 eyi......... 1 FOR SALE itchett light delivery. 4 cfl, . . . h . . . . 360 vug good Several other to select frtm. I 8805 84th REUUitT typewriters, supplies, UoA kl. W. Pease Co.. 110 ata. u, - 760 WANT visible Remington typewriter. : Awankj , ' 660 317 Henry bldg. 60 OCXID Tmierwood for sale. Pbone East 6364!. 160 - . ii - - i ii s ii a ae t 1360 nnrgynni.Ti nnnna POTtJtALE II - sso . v -7r:::r:i 169 I iuU balk ine ut. cmrp "- E6rwa 81 UU memtjSaV a fca-sa81 an an st, S. E. ' . MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAYER DO.. USED CAB DEPT., East Morrison at First St East 78781 B-1816. , WEST SIDE SALEIROJM. Broadway, at Oak St Broadway 611. B-8B4S. STEWART steel range. 6 hole, gaa attachment, - . as good new; must be sold by Monday a. a." Sellwood 1149. 783 E. 14th st, S- ff A SNAP Elegant furnitor of 6 room bung low for sale. Sellwood 24S after 7 p. aa, -j . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ll FORDS FORDS 1617 Ford tearing. 1917 Upon application of a tracts bought Fred 8. Wi ur4U- QuaUlted Ibaer. the l?'!- UokiluAE lotn,, ttaBd f. tgm I OlTalKnl WIA B?nj 9ABewa8 wcasa.a mtsna. irctvia arniauj sTMlsmka Z r w . I Ml aVm-a RJT a a. kax vrala as fr laaaM Viaaea 611 Kia na plac; lot 81 H1UU v atving t-. tumr work rm n a n-X aa- niu ist a paid tufi 81-00 caah. balance , Pot cent; M.I T. t 8, ; 8 . ,NN3 paxo. shown by appointment Fred W. Uemvan A0 8" W w ' til Vnrf If maf Vy tl v n we 'm l a of th 85UO CASH, BALANCE EAol 10 adar SS M.1 eedsr 16. M.t non Louis asiusaa A Co.. 406 Selling bklg. CASH for mortgages, loans, contrast. F. H. Lewis, room 4, Lewie bldg. Mein 888. LOANS on city and farm property, S pet eeni up, r. racaa, xw vnam. oi coaa. Ww.. red fir 286 M.. a red fir or cedar to be M,-- .nun. ,i W iiintis.wiirrlt m mnrlara I - . , 1 ... a. K n u m in O X 8 E., Seo, I, wh BK, Dongiaa nr aea haiaxy M.I BK B , xjwogias nr ii aa. ; nm 10.1 1?a U.- SSU NW1A. Donsiaa fir lllB M. ; none of the Doutla fir to be sold for less than 61 per M., and none of the hemlock to be (old for lea than 60 per M. Sea. S, HW BE Douglas Itr a aa,, neaaaocl MftUF.T TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 4-room buuaaiow. bain, toilet, IUU vasementa ,t.tii.ui,rv Luo,. uuubiy construe Led. lot ouxiuu iruit. berries; price i ou. inttuire u. as. vrkr- uaitts, ill jkiiiingawurtu ave. " BY" OWNER 3 -room plastered beuea, mmhL, bath, paatry ana baaeuiebi., at purche and autu shea, 1 tratt . i -j tuta ii-m mrLnMl atreai.. ail eJear. A UIOCKS to Carline, clue to B. f. kllops. Call Powell at tor lntotnation. LOASn 166 Ml lot 1 or KWILNW. Ddusja fir 1784 M. : 8W sw n , wawgi Si "ii n... ., , ... . . , . , . . . . in i givf ia , jougiaa iu aaii a. A UAlUjALX to u pruua oi u yon cu get it. Dougls fir 1038 M. New o-ruuui ntwuern mouse in a uauuy loca tion: good ucigiioor; iut tn right distance I rum sciwol and car une. a-nc ,uuu; exauu Driver, 7o union avu. uuoo. Miiudlawm 514. iia it.i:AiMI ati&UO borne. S ruuuu. lor S4U0O, nurry up, atue ail puutareu, gooa iouauon, coruer lot, una t ruum, guud lucaiiuu, uou; taae SnoO. Una cutuer, garage, cw-t au.av taaa eouvo. Eaat 2io. vv. xt lieruiuau. 4 jiCrUJi moaern bumgaiow, almost hew. cemeut Chattel WE LOAM MONEY On abort notioe to salaried at wortttng men e their own note. Weekly, seeal-tBshthly r monthly pSysaenta. avaan transection stneuy eoufidenfbll. NO MOBTUAOB ho lnuunBsva ABlOLyTELx RO HEUURITI. We sl.o loan ea hotttehold iumtare, pttaa. etc. wits out rnavi. DAVID HOPES A CO.. Cor. Broadway and Blander St. Portland. Or. NEW TIRES What brand of new tire do yen wreferf We have them, all makes aad alAe. Also we mak the fa- anon O-V-O Double Tread (sewed) urM and do all manner of tire ra pe Iriag. Oteted Vulcanising Co., .888-886 Barn- vaaa wear arMmw Ford roadster. 1617 Ford touring. 1017 Ford roadster. 1616 Ford touring. Ford touring. Ford delivarv. Ford delivery... a v i o iiii ro,M PIPES PIPES PIPES Gsflveniaed and bUck, new and 2d hand, WV to 12 inch. Iia, 12c; 2 inch, 15c; l, 10 per foot , r - d a, man w noises is r-nce. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 269-271 Front - , ' Main 6325 ' OptB Saaday natfl noon. i i. AtTTO WRBCEEBS W wreck amort I1 naaka of ear and sen the art for Ms taaa aau price, tt nave au tug nest prices pain COLLaiBlA DISCOUNT PANT. las fir 1688 U : u una. n&,ila fir vaaa as. ! Ktu Douglas fir 800 -M. See. 11. KM NBV4. yellow fir 800 M.. Btnuoui oo M.: mwh nkl- reuaa lar ,ib aa., asaamnaBai vv a... NEa NWH. yellow fir lSsff M,. bentloek 90 f . . , , , . n . , &WV- You Need Money See Us good pert for le than hall kino ol meeo samw iee tor old ear, PAC1F1U MAI N 47 6 8 ' ill Front st FRANCIS MOTOR CAB Oa. I7T0. Beat llta and Hawthama av. USED ATJTOMOBILXS 1917 Chaimtr 6, T pnnger, liks new" 61106 .v.. . 'i". . w, .,,v,i , w,.v v nra . ,uuu 1917 ChaJasen I. 6 peaeanger 966 1918 CBalaser e, 0 paaaenger, big red actios 1914 Foard Roadster, good tire.,..., 266 1611 Boo, a good car, food tiro (o ataay inner isrms Uiven , ALL machtnee old for teasi nO t agynu are emplored: naachme j rented; repaired. A-8636. Main 481. Sewing Machine Kaspewtna. 160 84 at. near Taylor. Electric Motors Sought, eold. rented and rerJelTal , Walker Elaotrie Work. 416 Bora-' ei. t. r tda, oomer 10th. Broad way, I CALL AND PfVEITiqATB ICUUNT OOM1 LICENSED. xBUICK TRUCK tirta. good flaa sharp 817 Failing bldg. and nob of the. hemlock to be. old. tor lea I low fir to be sold for tent than ti.au pr m, than SOo per M. (Bitned) Clay Tali, Oeaa- mlssloner tienerai iana uiue. FOR SALE Lease on miU cutting SO.OOOft per day, aow operating: good proposition, mil particulars no L,umbrmns Diag. i FOR SALE FARMS W 1.. ,.lt. m-it. 17 17 Rrvird of Trade, 1 4-room heuse at 88 - 11250; 6100 down, 416 month, interest t mommy. A PEACH of -a brtmgsiow, quarter block At. Leuralhurtt L. K. Moor. SIT Board of Trade, owner. 61000 7-room house and. aor. lot, near soheol .mi ii tt xaA k.mIia, v,, w. . -, . r .uv iwiaia. Phone neliwooa lu evening. basement, cabinet autenefc : eft White usiiibi; llswv, eavy teruu. OuAoOA2l3 Laxmbefmen Bldg., xuauway ittlM. 7 UOOM horns, in. Vert good Condition, close in on a- a. all fn fine land. 14 acre in eaai mmtm, i high Mate of cultivation ana in crop, in acres center, Mv. Jv. w mown, oaiauca j wneg, blane In potatoes, garden and luuuiUiy U Ovaireu. u. xv. aaoore, .1 1 xmnuq i -nnT, mooA Httle house, new: fine new Barn. ot xiaua. . . . I laree chicken houses and all manner of out toii SAX By owner. 7 room house, modern. I buildings good well, tool, machinery, carpen- witu 2 iatge lute all in garaeu anu uncy ter took ana au runuture, mcraauig oeas, range. r h till . T r.nit Hmuuau cT lm., uru i miihl aiaoaa. arc - xua uiwv w wwuci. JUUO. ou terma. 108 mi. lain A. fuulu I milee irera Vancouver in a line uistact ana ia VrowUiaWn lBvB. I real. Bargain at' aoiow, , u....w:wNi"f "tujrtitb U.,. wnt Iln home at a .T.rir: rr. ..r.- hSii.. bargain price. thw at ; once. i uuiiia, ' - ' I THOMPSON. SWAN at THOMPSON. Third and Main sts. Vancouver. Washington. id AtiiUtS. an in hltH atate of eultivation. about -7 acre tn bearing prune, au xmos grape, berrie. etc, ; fine 7 room boned, new SALARIES CHATTELS riana made to person on aale.y or fixed in come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and otner personal property, vsai . - I confidential: private ollicea. PORTLAND tLUN COMPANY, Licensed BdS-307 Dekum bldg. MiUil lull KKMiUilAL LajA.N AliliN. Established by Portland business men to protest C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr,. 394 STARE. St. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOlJBfirtULiIJ 9 usni i urn. t-tna with body, mechanic uy. 5000. . v XHK WHITK OOMPsVItX. Park and Conch ta. THAlER. SHAVER-uULLl MACU1NH COMPANY 1 Ton. 6810 1 BUILDERS OF 1 Too. 8420 (EVEKREADT TRUCK 8 Ton. 8470 1 ATTACHMENTS Gmnaeitv I Mia. in Portland. 198 R. Water st Phono Eaat T487 WESTERN ROTOR CAB SALES CO, Broadway at Barnsid st KEO. S-cyk 7-1 ton top. wire extras; ear t in Al mechanical condition and in every way firat-ciaaa; cost 82600; will sacri- Alao teUy (Us ebap thaf whol!.' Sav tnoW. Kewmea. 136 1st t Ifj -MUSICAL INSTBUMEBTS.' "tyrrwrlteTV-- and "Uouaehoid Uoods" are aeparat elaaslfVST AU dvertBmeat ot xaeso sow. clsasifMwrtosd, 'A aa Automobu., spaoMti Vic 'oT wheels, seat eover and eSer TTwosr rnvuiiVEl ciaaTtUTr "r LAfaoK Ute ebb.. pianU 5o , Pyj.. V fly for 61200. East 4216. 2So' 10 ' ''xF!LTTSLL tiZI FOR SALE 1917 Ford; excellent condition, fcft "lh -t&A&l mat Hm, shnrk ahuu4w. L. ll,k., I w M " . t . 1 TT" m . uum 1 . wi--- wrt. . jr system, (peedometer end other extras. 4B4 EL evtn norto. vsu nunaay a. a.; take Boee City Park car. FORDS 1 1917 Ford aorber and peedometer. 6225 Skidmore sts. FORDS 1 FORDS I touring ear. with shock ab- roadster, with all new tires, 34851 1917 Ford T J " " delivery ear in excellent condition, le; 1914 MOTOK8, Ford touring ear, S32s. i union arm, n. Phone Hast 804- , G. M. C. FOB BALaVFevd delivery ear for spot eash. !5, a bargain; to be seen comer 26th and laxeAioerta or xtroadway ear. Gears. Bearinsa. Whaali. iiU, Trailers Wo wreck all makee of ear aai sail tnear gooa para as nail pnee, uavsa atewe Co.. Broadway Bd Flanders st, Broadway 196. M A nf aropnaea sawiue "'' i $1 UiUU with ettmabntent; ait are ia veer paT-u PW t ST68 - B-8807. f. M St fKaeo,- 183 Orand .. near Balsaont. -.a. rr. 4 r e 1 O Via DROPUEA1 tMWlUii a . $ I 0 tO $1 Z MACHINES. : riasisnteed vre rant ibb - 173 3d" Mn 1646, A.t61S, . VhmjLROOM' ouUit, eoosisUng of eala. J , MORSES, YEHICLES, ETC H WAGONS of U kinds, good single sid double harness. 2 goon . cane, neany saddla; 1 It -tow trwek. A-l mehsnicl oopditlon. now tire. 6850, STOP, look 'and 'luteal 'UH cbaUner. Si.. bar. Iront bor, 4 pool tebl-. 6-pasa.nge. almost meW. otuy 6 1 -1 iu u"' 1 alKrasa.. ice box, etej Iao.ro 9 .. . 'and ah kind, of Bood cheap horjea. Mhat t7i, at onca, big auction tnosday at 10y a. m. fr .Regal ajotoi d)2500 0 room house, all built-in ceavenienoeat run,' easement, a oioca to union av car. Wain. 6229. B8I fc th N. tott SAt E -5 or room bungalow. Will tiki autoutooue as iirmt payment or casn. Tabor ZB. aner a:su p, aa, iseor iiii, FOR SALE, 6 toons modern nous; tnsny built in icatures; eouw easn. xv per month, Int It,, Inquire 918 E. 18th st N. Ne Agenbt. FOR "SALE House and lot, lOOxlOO, very ebeap, Sa owner, Lenta. Or.;; 9104 66th tvw. $: 3. Parsons. .. - flik PnrtUnil nrnnt. 1. ha. ..11 ii " 1 ehknge, nee- Jobs Singer. 420 Chamber of ri'niamUM .' This district Mv BoaHalt VlODBKN 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors! Dutch tltohcn. garage- . tlOOO - eaan, bet eay torrsw. 12S0 E. 13th N. Wdln. 5484. BARGAIN Easy terms, 7-room. basmnt. fruit; 1371 East 8th Boftn. . y CLEAR "you better than 10?.; coat 84286.ak4 63160 fpf dtilch tela. CR 180 H Srd t 'nnKGAlNsWForecloaure and ntortamge notaea. CaU MP Est 1841. .: s--' FOR SALE 8 room tioua 31200'. 1.42 'Ee. AWr . Mt-Tsbwr-eer, - A-7B,.Jurnel. MODERN S room bouse, and garage, SWPTDO foot lot Pnce 88500. 470 IS. 23 at THE WHITE COMPANY. Pari tnd Oooefc uaecT Baa thia before buying Broadway 5888. n cheap aar, CAT Phone WELL equipped "bee aa-tei shop. ",-, for lobbing, oe ball 1611 ta.uo. aonut terui. 4VtLAOr 11 lis .masoermens auaa., xiruaawky loxx. sell at onca. Big amoiawv, 802 Front at. - . j . , . - - .!.. n nnn rOtl HAbfi 1 Sir gi7 nunvi J""a", mvvt 11 and 12 year eld: will de 6 or 6 years' NKVVCOiifcjuS. Aueuuou. Mew. bungalow. I CLJZ''t: T. VT ? U KI V-Z I ork. 82 00 1 w? a goom 5- uuiitriB uvt. au coureniencw. gnrama; large I-vrrYT' iri',,; .wmT; Tk. once. rnu suetter, oow anwi. ana comiarteoie. lumuad or uniuruisued; uu- -" ?ISe ". S "rTro itoodUW poe-n. o xteynolu at Beuwoud vTrlooor m aood auto road. 1 mile from ear- , I line. Thia kt the very best buy in the country. pklNSULAjt fAJUk. -reom mouse, targe at- 1 today, a th buildings ajona conn not oa anpn- ue, inoaern, gam, eiactric, ccmanti nsaemeni, 1 cated for tn pne aaaea ana u income ex Chang' ton. can. 1916 Chevrolet Ford roanster. 88251 5 -pass n- saotof car. 8275; 5 -passenger Marion. aion All ia firxtclaas condition. Alblna I auta Oaraaw. BBS tMrfiald ave. Pbem Woodlawn 'iw 1114. LSH paid iff ant ears. eoaMluea no aaf nau iai, T Bait for til mak at oi Bare, Oranon A Ma ri' Tv'.L rnxf fc Practkaily new , stood nod coal Z a a ...... ,.7i , -T- . av. . ,, . 16th and Waekiag. ranaai blue tee Phone lsbor 117B. top aDd hot water anik,.. LAHER SEVERAL 6ood spring wsgon. two fartn and ,Mfg. Repelra, one lumber wagon i severs! aingl and double sioek 1 prieaa redt e. 1ZB lar Main 1161. 1 - a . a . . 1 A nJavy av assays a -- - - sed Cars "ma rts?tr!.s -Ster-7-j5?l COTtl MOTOM tlAtt OO. laoteY6S. nitb. Pvinter. 804 Btark et Wtshlngtew etA . . Mla 694 tr," est jPtactically new 11004b, PrimuT t 1 ik aow wHaiajw. ns main waee. 1 . .. st .. u . - - - r 1 riiu iaia 1 linn 1 1 " FOR SALE A anap, by owner, leaving eity, 1 Mcevralor, band or power. harness, on baggy. On mule, several horse 8000 guaranteed ueen. a . iota 6-pase, iUlne cat. A-l eorUitioe, Very .1. oi usooabie. CbU v.niftg, after 4 p, SB, 1084 LjPDtoP-.V!. M, Van Bnskirk. reaaonabi I MaUory tve. v uau in rWriotea austriei; large garden. Iruit; so rem-I eeed 3160O S year. ...... O.ui, a 1. S,lnMva aa-A I . . awelitou ear. tsf A, Bttilaiot, 1 THOMTSOK- SWAN A - THOMPSON, .i.,i.Fr,! m-nat kmu. mlmmmni nnrrii d I Third, hd Mm it.. Yncouvr, wan. neiauBornvtMI. wauuma suauuaea, isiaui wui 1 3 Avk9T--aut lino levels mura, pracucaiy m all must to. Come, mak offer, Pric only 68500. Bood fl st. K PACKARD LOGGING TRUCK ttka guovt sol of asnaii noils gooa daKrsct part ..urnUt. Apply oat urmauaea, vox aa. auasi. comer 1 xstm. FOR SnXE Bay mar, isdO lbs., 10 years old: wagon ana names, miimi mo mas mo use for sarn: for sal by Front cor. Montgomery, Phil Suetter, SSO CosnpWtSly orerhsoled 5 new tires. , THE WHITS COMPANY, Pafaad Conch sta. y 1618 Dodge touring oar, a uikui aaodera mOSa. aii esursBmsuai n baiena from ear line; STOuv, BlifO oVjwn and X2U uer ; nwntn. - ox i viouaser 01 wiomerce. t-lwne AtaraiiaU 2438. In rultiratlnn : email bouse, barn. well. ete. Tvatarl B mllea from Vincouver. on fine main tola mad. at school and Station. Pric 6200O: I nth trn B4th ava.. White , FOR 8 ALE Fuie matched team of. 1600 to. u-.u. .i-i, taa 1. I cemas , ' cum..i., . u 1 - a orenon city, .1 , .1 1 M. ..M.I, ' II. , 11 H 11 I " . - .,,I . anm omthmllrflnae: onlr 1 ' mile fmn I 665 Gntl 9-r 1100-18, I A. -fiNil hous with big lot, all kind of fruit 1 Vancouver, on -Peeitre highway. light wagdn andahArntatl bd ahd' I lowers, close am, oaiouuma rresuuor-! 1 numrv, onan m invaroun, ut It'mia mt a snAb. fno only 61 von. Alt I Third and MAltt tt. V ancou rer, W salL J, Ctottossy. 418 Aamgton aing. , . . . I 44 ACRES. 10 in arep, 80 slashed and heeded and. Very easy o eiemr; lauaajiai rmmming waior; WJ a, Miuiai aw, mmg sv.v uuui. umioi car. & . H, k., n ., almost mew. weo aa, 11 nea extras; seu zuwo SJaV rkitb at s hi-i. mm Mt- Phono Broadway 6868 once. Woodstock, ear to 54 tn t., block I Tsbor 1576 after Ian, -. agw" .Lu. m h.A m J...J bUAO.1 wutm , i, 1 sviiiivn n aplendid CoMrtjefl. for ntia o atehai FOR SALEA ekuar iutia roadster. At a bar- gaim. can alter e p. an., ana nnay, 997 as tati aa St. ru aat.E lata lBl4 tkrn; Sricn i860. 116 S392 in good eomli. 0 MAWtmorn Br Tabor FOK SALE. 19 17 Wort rnatbouti ada eonditlon. 1426. Pbo test 2166 t Bk.u S-rt ' T' ,n V.1 'o; ZS TJ lK Adamtt VhorEaaa Tt emaJBl a.a sa, fft) 6tjtAts6jsttams tBf plvtWlg wksfsVnnaal ..2Salf,s.nS!o..1l8 ftZ Main SBIL. ILuohf new baby lotinli cab, with rubber' FOR : SALE-beap, JU true., MU.ZlT tTiWSL. T ready to go tu aaoor oo. m- 1 r r. - " 7 mumed teilored asea SUita. atae a t bay horee, aouhd, dv B 04 for tt MontavUla ear, 1 .i ' .. r . - '- . r.i Foit BALar saoaerm m-rwm oungaiew, saamaat I , aim rery a v , --, uum f, bsxeuwot. laundry trays, Anjtch kitcaen, family orehard; old build lags; ale 1 to neighbor, -...T!r-r....a iaram math. luA4 AC carntmae as. I Tt D, And KchboL 4 miles to tOWB. 2 hours to avw - fc tAm .1. ,1 , - " - . m iiwuKft xoou tetwi. 1 romanof osevw, w mm .. , 11 .... - . - 1 1 1 in. 1 1 n . . .... ua,M S-iiOOJ hot4 . And Wt, bearing truit trees; vri ,Th.".L 145 E. Silt St North, DEAD HORSES taken, caan paid for dead cows. Phone calls paid. Mflwaukio, 69-J. t'oA SALE, trad or rent by month. .Good work team. Woodlawn SI 86. LEAD bone ana animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Knaring cm. tearing ear. 1081 E. Broadnty. - Cast 2597. , aVWBKUlLLat , ave- wv . 0th and Oak. Broadway 14 Fords Xnameled $15.00 . ,! Sf K. Morrtaow tt 1 S PASS. Overland for sal at A bargain fcf taken rnmAmimf. I ... J 1:.M,I iLL -. LL. ' , .' I tin, '.l chanTTTrW "l-fti, JomrVsaf ;l and 4Q-. 3oT Alisky bldg. CbRC 7SI7 I . . - B - AT S- . 1 - - J 8 1 - . 1 I i917 cHEvZvOLEi; Be tiW '' iasiaBtebU li.uAea-W wtutJ . "rlsms; looks and ran f tea. . 6600. Eaat 82. Tayte the Taflor. . tV Bwjneido. CTieVSOLET for aal, in fin Aendition. 876 4 h. P. tettenary gas engine, good aa new. 666. g. 7th st, W. .i . , ' ' . 8846 Fester vd. TOor 8897. 1916 Ford bug. tn A-l saecbamieal Boadition; CI LmUUg- Bappue. whulsmil prteea.. AteiA- good Urea. 560 Aider at Daris Co.. 313 td st Maim 797. AUTOMOBILES WAKTETJ T 1"1 LmaV i2lg at rnv-e: terms K wanted. 7110 43d avw, 8. K. tabor 1410 or I 2995 Mr. Lck. - . . t. ..-.. ,1 .... -... ar . mi annr rvrwB - nr. iSTiGAtE Bungalow BJchmoad Sistrictl j la j ' AckBcVo1(l".v I fii. 86th at; only 62160; termtm Metctlf. PrcrtTtTu luii Paeult TiiZ fii uxisMU stsa, wuii aaiiiwa way. At Z. oot lis, ausaay. ua v .- -,. FOR SALE Team light horse. Fry. , A Co. jn,' SOLD immediately. 8300. my S pant Baickt I f . - 5.Ci- "i? NEW Sea' 1 Iteraington typewrite 866. 1022 - Broadway 814. - I. wwl enaiUUea: aaranarmtehU rtms . Phnaaa I tor Von eelL AdcoX. 27B Istw av. . Kar)katrr Bank bldg, . - - Broadway 814.- -" 1 -. - GOOD 1 U0O-lb. mare. S years old, cheap, ttt van Busklrk. uonton. - . i - il&Ki: and wamoa. 11.26 sir: m ragoa, 62-60. aS Front. Main 2306, nod condition; denroantabk - rtfen. - Phon I East 6164. t ItOK SALE 1917 Case. 4 pass, roadster; tint ,ka esroditmrm. S1OO0. Owner emsmr emst CaU 843 Brooklyn at - Fmenv SeDwewd 1634.1 WANJKI li7, jr IBIS Ford. IIOOSS: fcMALL txHatoe. 6O0.' Cell Sellwood 276. j 340 war)th. .X-889. Jenrnat jA VnCLUai U fcaifh-Ka. Ataus UI" I AtMasskai prwaa saual ae aatnsnsriiias; easHts. . , . . t. ,, , ' ICOBUBBen OB geiweis a .111 , tten no object 131 Jt Sd at Bevy, S636. 6. '