wifX To Mr. t'MiCcMfU:' Will. Mi k 1 Tth, May if. " " ' -. LIRNT Mr. end Hn.'R a Um, Ml-WB- Ham gee.. May 27", e mo. ' ,4JPRAT T Mr. bisn'Mra, B.' C. Spr?. 1621 ' F- ITn', My ,3 anntTV ' DEATHS AWT FTJ!f ERALS 7 f , ' TArsCHER May f 4,' Ambrose Tewwher, sged i Til pttir husband of Jalfanna. Tsascber od swether of Mil. N. Anderer. Mia Delta, Wenxl. : ' Fiui A., Rudolph. .Joseph A., Paul of this ; city, Coarad ef Niw. irt, . Or,, m4 Charles t . Timclwr o( Cherli, Wh. Fwneral will b held -from rsatdaae, 862 K. Buraaid Thursday, 1 ' Jos t 0 a. aw thence to An Saint church, H 46th and GHeea its., at 0:30 a. m.. where t wtn be offered. Friend Invited. InUr- .'. . wien Rosa City cemetery. Dunning 4v McEntee, T ' MA NEE Jan 4. 118. it lk family reet-'-dan, (18 Ureases ave., Isaac ' M. Hener. ' - '8a 66 years 8 rnnaths 38 day, beloved l" t band of Mural Hsnev. father of Mm. Edith v -mlikta, r. M, f. K.. l. T and P. L Hnr ; of Portland. Funeral Hrtlnt will be bald Thursday, Jnna 4. at. S-.SO i. m., Friend In vited to attend. Remain will N il B. T, , , Biim' yrW tmti) 8 . p. m.' Wednesday. V LANOOUTH At bat lata residence. 8826 46th - aa. S. E., Era Josephine Lengguth, aged 72 year. She la survived br bar husband, Martin ' O. ( ana ton. Art boa I an .roth, and ona daugh tar, Josephine lAnggutb Lin, aU of thai city. . Fanaral services will 6a bald at th Portland ' Omterrom Thursday, Jane 8, at 2 p. m. . Friend invited. Remain at P. L. Lcrch'g funeral parlors, K. Htli and Clay sts. , . ill YEARS la thl city, J una 4. at the resl- denoo, 664 Flanders street Charles Rivsers, ' aaa AO Mia. husband of tha lata Clixabath lUrears, father of Frad and lame Rivsers 'of " Portland. Frtends are InTiUd to. attoad tba fanaral aar-rlcM at tha Hoi man parlor tomorrow ' ( Thursday ), Jnna 8, at 8:80 p. . Intannaat .' Blrw camatery. - . BLOHM la thia city at bla lata raatdencc. 809 Ton may bklc., Jana 8, rradrlk W. Hlobn, aaad 88 wtn, buband of Mra. Fannia T. Hlobm. Tna Innaial atrritaa will ba hald on Tbunday. Jnna 8. at 10:80 a. m. at tha Port land eramatorlam, 14th and'ltybaa ata. frianda invitad. J. P. Finlay Bon, Dtragtora. eno.ilV "' i " .1.1.' ""4 - a -a I- a- 1. asad38 yaara, balorad daufbtar of Mr. and V i .1 U I. ...... . rUM.M TT...I. Maada, Iola and Corporal Raymond Bpronla of , tha A. Bit V, in PramM. Funeral aarricea will ba hald Thamday. Jnna . 4. at 1 D. m.. front tha chapal of Millar & Tracay. Intarment Mult' . ttoniah Park etanatary. MUMI'rt' f. tWI- -I,-' 1..". 4 "i . t-. i.. ua 1 faar T month 1 4 day, beloved daaah- tar of Mr. and Mra. Frank W. OarUula. Frtandi ara InTitad M attend tba funeral aarrlRaa at tha family raaidanea. 1 10 K. 12th at, N.. tomor inter- 174 PER. MONTH tna year around, tha . aaa (traini mat faar oi a nuasar i owr laamas aver 44 yaara. Tbia year will be. tba bicraat ye.- o aapananoa aaaamaryi teg a aaranaai nun nraaaia, . tm men attafaataad traaa, ' ahrabbary and Xh caa do what otba fawxperWaoad man bar dona. waaiuaaioa. laxsery uv TowaMaav Waab. I "' ". 8TRAWBERRT PIQKERS WAKTKD for fined Hirer, uswago, nax ana ctaiem; pay viim. flna on tine and maka money at eama time. Yon need tenta, eookin uteneiU and beddinc. Families or f roups of women ara specially wanted. PVB1AG JMa-PLUYatEKT iJUKJtAU, 247 JDaria at. row (Tharaday), Jnna 4. at 10 a. as. lent Rose I'jty oametery. COWEHTHWAHT At tba family residence. 2824 50th at. 8. E., Jnna , LUis Oowsr- . thwart, aaed 18 years. Funeral notice later. Tha remain ara at the funeral parlors of A. I J. Kenwortby as Co., 4802-4 824 ft 8. ., in 1ents. PALMER At her lata residence, 800S 4Stb are. 8. B.. F.ra Antroata Tlbbetta Palmar, . seed SB years. Funeral sei iloo will be held at P. L. Ireh's funeral parlors, E. llth-and Clay at., Thnrariay, -anna o, at p. m. rnenns m sited. Interment Mt. Bcott Fare eematery. tTCLYKA In thl city, Jnna 0, at the famUy raaidanea. 123 North 18th at., Wellington Tslyaa, aaed 44 years. Remain are at tha par lors of the Hoi man Undertaking Co. Announce ment of funeral later. EYVART in thU eity. Jnna 4. Mary J. Ewart, tad 72 years. Kotira of funeral later. Ro mania ara at tba residential parlors of Millar as TreAey. iTJCVENlV In this otty. June B, Jennia Stetene, area TO years, nmico oi funeral later. He . tnalns are at tba residential parlor of Miller aV tracer. Aft TAPAif rLoRlst. HELP WAHTlEl AtB o, a. , oorcRNvmrt turvo-ntmr viva, ati xiAvis iiumx., ?, Coounon kbotar arBUy needed hi shhv earday' tsoad waav lnaellsti 8TSAWBERRT PICKERS WANTED for Hoed - Kleer. Oswego. Hex and Batem. ray gooa. Fine oating and make money at eama time. Ton Had tenta. eonklne Wtensila and beddinc. ' Famt- liea or group of wranen are snertally WsBted. - PUBLIC EMPLOTMKNT BUREAU. - 80 Cttf Malt - - GIRI.S wanted at ' onea. Apply Portland I , va, U . Bins . m w mm BOT8 WANTED, 14 TO 24 TtARA. BAO FA0T0B1 AMES. HARRIS. NEVILLE OO, v . . 18TB AND HOT BrTaV , MEN WANTEU Wee linn eailla. across rirsr from Oregon. City employing oeer 80W man, Few job open, erery day, 83.84, 4 hours, and battel. Strike atiU on, but not bothering us. WAN TE1 Motor ear repair men; must be fa- aituar with all stanoara carat gooa irouma Shooter able to shape and fit beatings; steady work, good pay. red Dundee, Broadway and yianders. F1HUT class bookkeeper and credit man. must bare execnuro ability: state age. wnere last employed, salary expected and gire several w- erences. Uood luture tor ngnt man. A.-BB Journal. - ' WANtED xoung young woman to bam eara for school room outside of study aoure, in excoange tor ousinees aouega mna Phone Bdwy. 1621, or write Y-740, Journal WANTED Boy wlU wheel to deUrer telegrams; md Mian: must ba at least 18 years of sjrs. Arjulr district t raffia chief. Pacifie Telephono Telegraptt Uo , ZOI leiepnone nmg. AL'TOilOUlL.K mechanic wanted. Must be 1st mi all around mechania. ante to alva aaoa refers nee. No ether need apply. 1880 Haw thorne are. Tabor 8882. ItUST CLASS auto mechanic; must be al- a round man; top wage paid. Apply snop foreman. MitcheO, Lewi, fltarer Co., E. First at Mormon street. . and oollaetor tor oity work' WajTEL Salesman mast be able to innusav oono. Call 4 6x Washington rt. WANTED Experienced soda dispenser or young man to learn Business. ttu a l Washington st. HELP TWAHTET FPMAIB WAWTE TO SBKT T Vv'ANtED TO fiE-NT 8 or 4-room ttouae, fmr aJshad. in rood belchborhood. W. H. Mathe- goa, rare Belding a Baxton. 348 Vasbimrton. St. WANT to rent furniabed flat or bona "Bear Al- inn at one. Can East IWI. .- . " ' . - 8TENOG RAPHEB wanted, food position as salary tot nonpatent gin. " n-tot. eoumaJ. HELP MTANTED MALE AJfl FEMALE .- tf THOROuRHLT elperienced eombtnation booby w urns a i naim of flee; giro ago. address. W-448. keeper steiiugtapher. moa or Qt postHoaa. good salaries i big perienes, references and pboao nent exoei Journal. lor gi OWNER' MUSTSELU : IDEAL-SUMMER HOME: "tantAsHiesL'f ana of the- moat awantiful anot anywhere near Portland, close to Mt. Hood. 20 aerea of land beerily wodaao. beewttfnl springs and mmintain streama, fin fishing; fmproTad with a large well bout cabin ana smau caDme: easily aooessfblo by ante and yet very awflwled: fine for week-end tripe and a plac yon will b proud to take yonr fnano to. A chance like this will not come often. Owner ia eery reluc tant to part wilt ft but ba maws sou. - jrnea 4BOOO, and ft at worth considerable mora. See or write F. E Bailey.' Heilig theatre. Phone Main 1 or A-1122. f MEN-WOMEN wanted for goernmen war. posi tion: UiousaDds neeaea immeaieieiy: gooa ealariaai permanent employment; liberal Taxa tions; . other adrsntages, ve prepare yon ana you secure a position or wo refund your money. Ask for booklet "QK" free to citisens. Waah ingtoa Civil Serric ficnool. 240 Harden bldg.. Washington. D. V. - 400 MEN and women to Jeara tba baroer trade; - abortata aa over tnev country; Dig . waaaa. Yon can sarn your way through the saoooL Broadway 1781. Molar Barber College.. 284 Burnable st, : . " ' . WILL BE at tno St. Chariea hotel, June 7 to 8 to register berry pickers; good . camp grounds. Will pay lHe a pound. Charles Faint, Waconda. or. MEN, WOMEN, leant barber trade free; wage white learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber unties", sxa atsatson. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEOB Tauhee snen and wsasea tha barber trade free, pay while learning. 284 flench. B'way 2442. EXPUtUKUKU nana-tronar ana wringer National Laundry Co., E. 8th and Clay. - - . WAyTEP-AOEyT8 4 t MAEE 450 to 4200 weekly in small perma- nent bnsinas; man or woman start any where; materials cost 7Se, retells for 448; big demand, needed In erery home, hotel and restau rant. Craycroft, Fresno, Cat SITTJATIOITB -MALE 2 OPEN for position at once, first class Ilteetocf Imvee or seller with Ufa experience : west Rocky mts.. preferred and rerponsible financially. Ad' dress F-6BB, Journal. MARRIED man. 24, position . drtrlni truck. Tabor 2021. MARRIED man. 24. Position where use Ford touring. Tabor 2021.- be can WASTED Exuerienoed marker and sorters ataadr noeitiona. good wsgae. Portland Laun dry Co.. th and Conch. . thitku man or dots oTer 14. to learn the busi- ness; good opportunity for advancement. Ap- ply Lowengart as to. ; SJTTJATIOS8 FEMALE RESPECTABLE widow age 28 would like to get work as housekeeper for bachelor or widower on farm. X-8 IS. Journal. 'WANTED Position as bookkeeper and cashier or general office work, by competent young wo- aaan references u-eoi. journal. TEACHER wmnte bookkeeping or light work. X-820, Jonrnar. office FURNISHED ROOMS UNDER NEW MANAOEMENT Prlnoete Hotel. E. 3d and flurnside. 40a day ft.i.kHMAt wanted for city work. Prefer one I np 42 Week op. East 171. with store and range experience. State age and salary expected. X-414, Journal WANTED Janitor (ma and wife) for apart ment house ; no objeetieA to colored help. Main 8787. . 4 ROOMS furnished. Knob HiU district, until Bent. 1: low price: adults only. Ham bob. KATHERJNE' APTS., 140 N. 23d. Furnished room with bath. Mar. 190. ELY furnished room for rent, the Kingaley, E Trinity Place. FUR NJSHEP ROOMS 74 F. D. NWite. 44.41 al AW aa sa.ata.ee Va.saaaVilf TB? BltaOW M ST II ej tggl B- M etBUHal Te Dgueae VAU kinds of BEDDING and VEOE TABLB pUate. bangia' basksU and daoanasa tan. aaraea Means, pedal sale pries, extra bargain. CLikK BKO,, Florists, 2b7 Merriaoa at Mala ' at av-isuo. gin iiower ana iiorsi aesign. Ne branch stores, , U1MU A tfOkBKS CO.. HWats. 8t Wash. Mala 244. A-1208. Flower for all occa sions srtUticslly arranged. . PEOPLES FLORAL SHbP, lift lider. design and decorations. Phone Marshall 4432. LUBLIN KH. Portland hotel. 828 Morriaon. WANTED Men to work a rlrer boats. 40U and up. Room and board. Apply Washington dock. .. ... iv i k."rriu-ErlMrf meat antter. H. Allen Jones. 28tb and Kaoffmaa are.. tancouTer. GARDEN tracta, west side; price 4460, 420 Wash, pnone uzo-j. . ... . . I cash, balance 85 per monta. M. JS. Lee, WANTED 8 extra shoe salesmen, for Batur- I BOB l-orbett bldg. - day only. Pay 47 per day. Simon. 1st and TWO modern sleeping rooms ; Alder sta. 184 E. 12tb St. rant reasonable. WANTtfi Boy 14 to 18 to work on amen foR RENT Furnished sleeping room, prlrate W klAX H. SMITH. Florist. 141 H 4th st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS tm Hodman Undertaking Co, -FurwaK Directors- ' ' btkbtlabetl 187T. Third and Salmon streets. Mala 807. A-lbll. Laoy Asatstant. noultrr and dairy farm during Vacation. 1. WUcox. Reed rllle, Or. ...... OFFICE boy, opportunity to learn good wholesale business; state age, reference and phone num ber. X-822, -Journal. , family. 70 E. 7th at. ELEOANT rooms and location. Marshall 8188 SUMMER RESORTS. 44 FOR SALE HOUSES 41 IN LADD ADDITION. 4 room boas, bath, toilet n and down stairs; hardwood floors; built-in buffet and bookcase; fireplace; full cement baaemenV fn-. nace. floored attic. Dutch kitchen, pared street and alley; 44000: walking distance. 444 Mul berry st Phon East 1847. ' HAWTHORNS DISTRICT, 42700 Fin modern. 4 room bungalow, including a garage, oorner E. 8 out ana Stephens. House alone could not b tobaUt for less than 43 BOO; assy term. - a. u. avajuturt-. Railway Exchange bldg. Main 674 . 8UNNY8IDE COTTAOK. 41800 4 room piaatered cottage, oa a fine lot 44x 100. nared street all la and paid. Bom fine fruit trees, ehickaa house, etc Fine location. E. in,, near 8 Tth. Price 81800; easyr terms. URC8SI At "DOWNEY. 414 Board of Trade. Main 7442. DIVISION ST. BUNGALOW. B-rtn.. -hdwd. floors, beamed ceiling, large attic, fine bath, large light basement, laundry trays, block car; 8400 down, price 8Xvw. UKU. Jr. MUUKJS w., ADingua Diog. 41976 WEST . 8IDE HOME 41074 A B-rtn. bouse. A-l condition, I. c ment, elect, and gas, 1 blk. to car and school. bendy shtpyardit, bo bridges to cross, no. 180 Bancroft. Attractive terms. 8e FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINUTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. " LATJHELHURST BUNGALOW A fine tnrul.rn a raosa bUnesJow an" Sneal Court, that originally cost 89000. Can be sold lor 49000, lot laxiou; tmprovemeota paid. J. la KAatMUPP. RsDwsy Exchange BUg. Main 474 41200 DAMAGED BY FIRE 41200 6-rm. house. 40x100 let. oa E. 16th, bet, Rhone and Frankfort' sta., close in. Part of house is rented. Easy terms. Se FRANK U MoUUIRE, ABINOTON BLDO. To Boy -Your Home. Main 1088. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW 41100- Tory aaat and attractira 4 room bangalew, not modern; 100x100, all in garden: very sightly; peattiTely the cheapest buy in tha Woodlawn dis trict; 4140 cash. 428 monthly. Fred W. r- man, 742 Chamber of Commerce bldg. "4S0O CASH. BALANCE EASY. B room modern bungalow, on Woodstock car line; price 41400. V. A. Warriner, RITTER.t LOWE at CO.. 203-B-7 Board of Trade bldg. 'kROO .CASH. BALANCE EASY Near Albtna and Killingswortb ate., modem 4-room bnnaalow. bath, toilet, full basement. stationary tubs, doubly constructed, lot 60x100. fruit, berries; price 42760. Inquire C. A. Wil liams. 1 1 1 H Killingsworth are. 62B60 Adjoining Alameda Park. Pared street. elegant rosea, lawn, shrubbery, shade, eoxy 8 room home, hot water heat, nice basement, lot 100x67 tt. Terms. No agent. Take Broad way car to Alameda Perk, corner Glen are. and Prescett. Bee owner; Hu. " MOVINfl TO CALIFORNIA. House and furniture all go at 41800. Yrmr own terms. This property is well worth 22 600 bat on .-account of ray business I must more at once. r or pexncustn eee npian es- s-araaiu. UNFUR5TI8HED ROOMS- 14 MEN to distribute circulars. Apply ThnrsdayTKeUey, 100 h. Front. WANTED 80 jitney drivers with cars. 20B. 102 Vt Bd st. EXPERIENCED Ford mechanics wsnted. 7 a. m. Room i TWO or 3 unfurnished housekeeping roonu; good location, reasonable rent. 204 14 4tn tt., near Taylor , ROOMS AND BOARD li Ap- THE Martha Washington.. 480 10th. for boat- Dl KuataUght A Penny, K. 3d and Bdwy. 1 ness girls and student. WANTED -Several machinists. Cutler Maau- j THE HAZaX A real factoring Co., 8B1 B. lOtn St. MsrshaU 1281. home" hotel at rea sonable rate. Horn cooking. 286 2d at. 210 Lumbermans bldg., 6th and Stark sts. WEST SIDE COTTAGE, 4000; 41-00 CASH. Good 4-room cottage, beta, electric lights: lot 3x152. on Bancroft are., price 8000. 4100 cash,, balance o : a big snap. UK18S1 O. UUWNlfl, 810 Board of Trade. Main 7452. MODERNIZE your building; 1 do all kinds of alterations and repairs: change dead realty into a lire asset ; see my many design for new houses. ' Max M. Meyer, contracting arckitect. 7 rooms. 40 Prescott st. . .82AOO. 8200 Sn 4 rooms. 628 Webster st. . . .42600, 4600 dowa 6 rooms. 821 Sumner st. ... $1000, 8100 down 6 rooms. 291 E. 42d it. . . l-iltll iianri. Concord bldg. Main 1874. Formerly snpri 6 rooms, 477 E. 64th st. . , .42100. 4100 down J, P. FINLEYdtSON Prpgrsaslr Funeral Direetera. PRIYATE DRIVE Women Atteadanta, - - aioata-ossery at Fifth. 'Mala . - A-l 600. - WILSON i ROSS East 44. Lad Anignnt- C-2145. Mahnemah at 8. Barents at. Cndartaki Dunnlne & McEntee every detail. Brosdwsy nd P Broadway 480. A-4B48, Modern In nd Pine sta Phong unaj aenstaat. . Ft S. Dunning, Incv Tha Ooldaa Bole Undertaker. 414 E. Alder St. Phone East 42. B-4228. A..D, Kenworthy Co. Tabor 4247. 6802 9 2d st. Lenta. Tsbor 4846. 64tb it and Foster toad. Arista. Eaet 71 ft-1684. ( R Undertakers. I CbPU Mrs. Larch LCnvn Assistant. K. 1 1 th anit nawtharna. ktlLLKH aj TKACEY, Independent' Funeral Dt- reetora. , itlces as low 820, 840, 440. Washington at.Ella. Main 2691, A-7684' - A. RrZellcr Co East 1048, O-1088. UAMIITHW I GlUn t IV liniYiiu. aeral servlees. Tabor 4818. v Breeze & Snook rftR! Ta'bor.V.'S: Wilson.-Wilson rmtertakln Co! UHn iTSi A-2821. Corner Sd and Clay. 1157 Kerbv at. Wdln. 4840. C-1166 ' VI m WVOWGl Lmmm, mmtAmmm.m. Kit. 601 William sv. Woodlawn 220. 0-1048, CHaMBERS-KENWORTHY CO., 1111 Kerbv st. Woodlawn 8806. C-1188. V . M05UMEHTS HELF vTAyTKD MISC. HAWTHORNE -AUTO.' SCHOOL 40 A8a HAWTHORNE AVENUE v rVEBVTHINi; MECUANIUAL AND ELEC TS IC A L, ONLDAITED; PRACTICAL REPAIR EXPERIENCE. -- - NUMBER YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prepare for telegraph service to help fill vacancies caused by tha drafting of men for war. For particulars call or writ telegraph Depart ment, itoom a in. stairway aixenang smuauig. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FTTRITISHED AJfD UK'FURJflSHEP i 2 FURNISHED houekeeping rooms.. Water, light. tendent for the Oregon Home Builders. gss and phone. Tabor 2814. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS JS FCRSlbHED AND USHh.MSBEL PRIVATE FAMILY FURNISHED housekeeping room, including cooking gas, children eared for dujing th day If desired. ' 86B Halsey St. near Union are. . TWO nice housekeeping apartments. 1183 Bel- 86600 NOB HILL HOME FOB 44500. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace srM fire place; lot 27 $xl00; 92 Irving sC;-street work an nam ior:. atouu caso. oaianoe o net vent: place shown by appointment. Fred W. Germaa Co., 782 Chamber of Oommerce. mont. NICE, large, clean H. K. rooms, 817 Lorn- bard st. near shipyards. 880 Waseo st. cornar Union are. Call, write or phon East 7446 about free trial offer. Day and nignt classes. Hiss uuuaan a ousuiiMa tuLaua a rranrs; . i. : , r ' Civil service, dletaphon operating, shorthand. FOR RENT 2 or 4 light housekeeping rooms, typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeographing. Eng- 460 E. 11th st. S. Ush spelling. Alitky bldg.. 8d and Morriaoa. ONE large H. K room, first floor; gas heat. WAN TED Men and women under 66 and boys altstrlclty. 818. E. Illtn. Belmont, isast aiaa 16, or over to work aa 1 Borers ana -axipers ra stores of a, r. at. at. vs., st atroosiya snopa. steady work. Store Keeper. BERN EE-WALKER, biggest business college be- cansg best) enroll any time; nee catalogue. BEE THIS I I am going to warl My beauti ful, modem, 7 room bouse, sou Morgan t, Woodlawn or Vancouver car. Dandy 6 toosa hous near Bellwood car barns. Must sell Quick. Main 4614. S. Krogstad, 889 N. 26ta St FOR RENT-CHOUSES UNFURNISHED low. aU rooms white enamel. French doors. flreolaoe, cement basement, Dutch kitchen; paved street all paid, 43000. F. Vanduyn, 616 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1BSB. 42600 ROSE CITY PARK. HELF WA3TTED FEMALE YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 6 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE -COMPANY. ROOM 401, SIXTH FLOOR. FARK AND OAK STREETS. Powers Rental Bureau A denartmeat oueistine for the convenience of oar patrons gad friends. A service absolutely witnout caarge to yon. mrr listings oi nouses. aangaiew ana apartments b most complete. XOTJRS FOR SERVICE Powers Furniture Co. - Third aad kasnhUI Strees $1000 4 ROOMS 8150 dowsk 417 month. 40x100 ft. lot. ea. Snant aMawslW aVafta ateaaft ttMsa fMf a.a 1300 down. 428 per month, modern fe-reom I i. U HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of ttunsalow.' all built-in features, fireplace, full Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. Main 208. t-baseraent, street impts. paio; a oioca xrom car. a-xusv. It F. Feemtter, now Aoington oiag. - built-in WHEN von set tired Having your rent raised and being compelled to move, look as up. We have houses and lots we can sell you tor gza down. 810 monthly." Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Old house, well located. 10 mitt-' utes walk downtown, 816. did atadtson, near Chapman. Dpi FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished 6-room I modern house near Union ava. and Failing ti X-850. Journal. 4044 (orYUnI. marsLb w6rk1. 2d4 i6i 4tk vvwn er Neil Ben for memorial. Mala. 4444. PblUa . LOST AND.FOUyTt 21 , THW following aiticlea hare been found on car of the Portlcnd Railway, Light A Power Co.: 1 purse. 2 books, 1 music roll. 1 pair glovas. 1 bottle 'medicine, 1 knitting needle. 4 packages. 4 lunch boxes, 1 basket, 1 bundle overalls, 1 can .varnish, 1 garden hose, 4 snftcasas, 2 handbags, 1 sprayer. Owner may obtain property at 1st and Alder sts. station. LOST Will parties lit Ford that picked up brown fox fur Friday night on Milwankie street, neer Bybe ava. please phone Marshal ' 4847 or East 1677. Rswsrd. LOST Young patriotic schoolgirl lost 4 W. S. 8. . oertifieatea, her own and others, around Clinton-Kelly school. Finder please notify Clinton- Kelly school. PARTY is known who took sick woman's purs trobbl return to 348 Wasco st, To- avoid LOST Somewhere in Port mouth, a cabinet photo of a soldier. - Please return to 760 , Harvard et, Porfmonth ; recelre 62 reward. LOST Gold bar pin. engravad "barling Please return to owner if found, oaf aocount ef it being an heirloom, woodlawn 2358. LOST 4 .band gold ring. 0 stones. 4 in each band. Finder will ba rewarded. 264 6th Bt C. Raws. . . .. ' : LOST or strayed, one white mare, weighing about . 1000 lbs. Branded T. U oa left hip. OaU Tabnr aaae ' . 4-ROOM house, 4 acre fruit, berries. 2d ave. 8. E. ; rent 8B. 815 WEST SIDE, 6 rooms. 32 10th and Washington. FTTRV18HED HOUSES 44 LIPMAN. WOLFE CO. raduire the service Ki-ILL rent n attrsctita country home, with f sie weman ienitraases to do cleanins. etc.. ...... i. ki w.. i n. n,.il nn around the store. Good salaries end. permanent I w.ter. city gas and hard surfaced road. John pwbous oneiea vo won wn u iiuy. -v i w. Alexander. 1 sua xxonnwenern earn Diog, ply eupenntenaenxs oince, tn noor, aaursuay phone Alain 2600, morning netweea v ana i e. sv FURNISHED or unfurnished 7 room modern i , i... . a i i . . a a in . i . . I uouse, V iULS, iruiL, Itravs in, wts. vasw nussii Dmu, sswuiu, oim -u, uuuck iv, iiiji sre. o. E. Tabor itvi eanabla of doing demonstrating one who I i... . . m 's . . :. ; . 1 ' .. ! , . i -m. i BjiALa. lurmsnea nouse on vrecon tny car- ;..nr;r7o';m.;, i w .gw mo. sib chamber f be ready for work. Call at Multnomah r.nt.1 Commerce. Portland. - Thursday morning, 10 to 12 only. Ask for UODERN 4 room fumuhed bungaiosv with gar- Mr. King. GOVERNMENT needs 20.000 women clerks: examination everywhere in June; experience unnecessary ; women desiring government posi tions writ far free" particulars to i. C Leonard, former civil service examiner, 1054 Kenoi bldg.. ahlngton. P. C THREE . more women for permanent assaiUons ! with our house to house advertising crew; no experience necessary; 616 weekly salary and advancement Apply 0 to 12, Mr. Gilham, Hotel Carlton. Phone calls hot answered. AN gin age, cheap. 8-681, Journal. FURNISHED ' house, close in. East 4980. APARTMENTS " 44 FURNISHED. AND UNFURNISHED need at LOST Iti Lents district, a Waltnam watch, with Woodman emblem en back. Finder Finder rail Weodlewn laZB. Heward. . LOST Nose glasses, near oorner of .Union av enn and - Uoiladay, Monday . evehing. Call Tabor 464. LOST Srasfl browa pane near Owl Drug Co., 2 elaspe in pursef contianed 618.60; finder please reeura n w ivannee St., at. Joaas. L6ST A bunch of key. Cairfsbor 28 17" KFLF.WAITTF.l-MAL'ri 1 WANTED Men IB aualifs fog tnJiajs. !. ply tonal 416 Eleetrie building; opea aU ' day aad aU night, tncludiag sUadaya, E E.L . as F. eeaapany. - (iARmiERs k EDt'CAlflNAL W6t)D- BiUP EN BUIP BLUK PRINTS TO BE HAD UNUAI A A IT IIKI .M 8 AT 111 TKli BLB HOfEU 3D AND MAIN. L. C. GREGG. WASTED immediately, aasisteat for the mounting BO tiiamottntKig yl automooll tire m our - eerrtr department. Apply Fisk Kubbet Co., ' 64 N. Broadsray. e . ALtaUslUaNO e-ikSAtar'at one. 56 itar.'st KING ALBERT APTS. Ne 200 room boas. 2 ind 4 room house keeping apartment, fnrnlanad or uniurmsoea; elevator and hardwood floors. 488 11th st. MODERN 3 room furnished apartment, private hath and phono. 'Walking distance; also mod- era -4 room fnrnished easement apartment. st. N.. or pfaon East 124. rSl,? itit-ll' 'ilTL L,M' BlSLOP' HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod: tv.nte giving referencea. etc. B-B31. Journal. GlrtUi wanted far flat work dept. Steady work; and good wages. - American Laundry, 140 East Third street North. WANTED 4 girls for mangle work; experience a tnend annlv to the Salvation Army. Rescue Home. 2b2 East 16th ern I. 2 and 3 room apts.. 812.60 up Walking distance. Call fut 882. : 3, 4 AND 4 room furnished apartments, on carline. 414 per month. Claude Cola. ... JT . . . nenry oicig. 300 net ni Tate Laundry, leressaryi indry, E. wages about 410 and over. 10th and Morrison sta. WANTED Houakeeper. car for ehM THE STAN FIELD. 204 Porter St. ShipyaTdT modem . 2-rocsa apt, completely furnished. reasonable, mono Alain 7893. Al T I l.l . . i . 2 .r j rears: ne obiection to ana thlld. X:s4 Sf .""'. .""f1 Jttnrnat . ' I - property close to we njpowiiaing puma in I , IMn, 'I .l.nhn.a ii.im k'. . m. ! "J . Glh.lmlt n'.f "r'"iL te,d.J,e,m: I 3-ROOM furnished ot unfurnished apt, steam Ployment. good waxes. American Lattndrv Co., 140 K. 8d K. " 'i- -. ' WANTED Elderly ImHj to do housework, help care ior mcx eraetiy laoy, s in family. ., 0022 Powell Valley road. Phone Tabor 4810. YOUNG girl to assist With light -housework, Ne heat, srivat bath, "tihone. rent reasonable aouta. - loo r. Z8d V OtIM OLETELY iarnisbed 422:80. Belknap near YarahilL 2 room apartment. . apartment. 187 17th MAGNOLIA APTsV. East 3d nd stelmoat. modern 1 and 2 room apt., 41-40 per Week as-rknsa. r " " ' i ,: 1 no- Bleeping rooms, ajst an. -- WtST5Dlf it5P!.5,5?4 ZZI.VPl I PENINSULA. APTS. Woodlawn 1362 washing, no Ironing. Girl's washing goes out. too. uu main iui(, . . m . mt iH.i.,, m m in aaa V . IH11.1 a HI oa IflH Oo., Inc., 100 Front st Mar. 687. A-2352. WaNTE1 Experienced girl for general housed work. Wage 845. Hav 4 chUdrea. 680, E. 32d K. East 4784. . .,;f ; WANTED Girt to lain in eriiul lanaaa. A.k fof Mr. Brower. bet 10 and 12. Colambiaa optical co., n atxtn tt. Cea- le bldg,; 2. 4. 4 room, baths, phone. fEW YORK Apt.. 441MI Belmont aad ItS FOR ALB HOUSES 41 ; "'Paul C Murphy v. .-.., i ." ' -''....-7 - r ' -"''---- - HOME BAROAINS 7 rooM modara bungalow, wttb garag. in Lanrelhnrst, 1170 B. Batnaida et; prtaa 46260, terms. . room i bungalow with . e4drttonal breakfast rooaa. -large lnekieed sleeptag porch and finished attic, all in eld. ivory, la Laurelhurst, at 1104 East BasTwaaW at. . 8 room bungalow, ? nearly new. With breakfast room, all la old ivory 6ml on one floor, ia Laurelhnret At 44 B. 44d at. North, hoar E. Coach st; price 44S00, terms. 5 etory. 4 room hoaaa, srlth ilntitug porch, hardwood floor throsxghoat, la LaureUmrat. at 047 E. Glisaa at; price 64060; rnt-ttke terms. 6 room modern bnnaalow la Laurel hurst, oa B0xl20-foot lot; 68260, term. 4 rooaa bungalow in old ivory, beat seo tioa Boas City Park. 838&0; term. 4 room, bungalow, with 'garage, heat ear, ia Bosses ere. 444 E. 4let st N., near Braaee st, 44400; inspectioa by appoint ment only; terms. 1 tt story, 4 room boas with garag. la , Rossmere, 627 E. 41st st N.. near Bra see. 63760; Inspection by appointment only; res aaa fc., a a . . 1 1 awgaJow. stone's threw treat electric athttaw, 14 cent far, for 41000, en warm f 6860 eeeh And per moata. TBI neata payuw " Nearly aew twom bnws roar bedroom aad aie-eptng porch. Rose City Park district, for " Terms aioos down. Another near easw t snosa- saodsrn 1H etory bungalow. 7 0th and GBsaa sts.. for 62460. aoo rasa, ealanoe nk rent. we also bare a half finished 6 rooea ewnga- fin lota. Moa boeae eatlronaseat. that we can aU at 4464. 6160 aaah. Thia a lust tba thing for a earpeater. uo or other home barsBina. wo apaeaiii home properties. TMK CBrtaaT.BT.Wtrln.a rVt . 270 Stark Bt . Mala 4062. An Acre and an Auto Tan AeoeJa Urine- tn aHiff aoartaaewta. Awet think of how mneh mora yea would get east of life and how much better it would be tor tha children if yew had any eld oar and a little 4- a bungalow aad aa acre, asphalt road all tha way to Portland. W have each a home; you get the ear and ooenssenoe ta ehtoy Bring. Price of thl bungalow aad acre fa only 4 1200; terms w. have other Inwxpeaeiv horn properties that will solve the "houa rantiag" problem. Our auto ara at roar service. llXal CKUBBLEX-V1UAKS tJU., Boeeialiaia ia Unaaa lraoartiaa. 270 8UHt at - " Main 4062. 2 story,. 8 room house, in Irviagtoa, 437 E. 16th at N.. beautiful grounds, 64880; rent-like terms..- ( 2 story, 8 room house with garag. Sunnyside, 60x18 1-foot let. 044 B. Sal mon street., near E. 61st st, 6450; rent like terms. 270 tt STARK ST. MAIN 1700. A-l 5 16. 8KB THIS PHOPKKTY Aad buy a home that Drodneea an tnrinasa A small apt house with gram lawn in front and garden ia the rear: hot water beat; ante, for owner and seven tenants, all completely fur- susneu, line location, near two oarllnea, 20 minutea to Washington and Bnedwav:. tvmua sdi, iinuun ana estaoaanea nainises. all tor enow, oast oar gain ia city. call Weasliawa toil. BEST LOCATION IX BOSS CITY. Oat of town owner. Place must b sold at C : 6 rooms, firenlaoav fnrnaea. foil eesaaat basement; now vacant, aan take- possession at once; corner aotn ana oanay Diva.; at that aac- ruioa price or gggoo. WATCH OUst SvDS. WE GET RESULTS. O. A. Warriner, BITTER. LOWE tt CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trade bMg. 3102S NEW BUNGALOW 61026 4 room, lost like new: mastered, eanent ..... V. ... .1 W..V. . 1 . , T4. ing, z Deorootna, large closets, o Ox 100 lot, fine gsraea. strawoernee. nspoemes. eta. ureat buv Close to Woodstock ear and school. 6027 66th ave, neat 60th st 6460 down. Auto At your ervtce. oee x FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDO., To buy your home. Main 1066. BARGAIN BARGAIN SAttGATI A lovely 6-room bungalow elose ta Peninsula park, 100 ft to carline. Carpets in living room and dining room.- Store and gas rang go with place. Lewn In excellent condition. No better buy for the money. Price 62200. Terms. See air. uustalson. U. 8. MORTGAGE A INV. CO.. 407 Teon bldg. Main 2414 HAWTHORNE-RICHMOND 42100 My goodness, folks, fust think nf II. a K room bungalow with fireplace, built-ia buffet, good siae tot. all street imorovementa in and paid, and all ef this for 42100 on term. Thl I a snap, a downright bargain. A U. Teep Co., 244 Stark st near 3d. Main 4414. -Breach eiiice l3tfo Bandy bird. 42600 HAWTHORNE H0MJB " 62600 Foreclosure of mortgage make It possible to offer this attractive 84000 home for 42400: 8B00 will handle. Paved street, sewer, cement waix, paia in ruu. rnis is a o room house, at-, tractive lines; full cement basement, furnace. etc. oee FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO.. t, L L . . ' 1 . I m- a KUUAtn, jk. gist. ... .32000, 4100 dowa PAR " AT.K tf OrFS "iUNd -t6iUtrs go66 bIJC" 41 TO THE LANDLORD. GROYELAND PARK 81200 Her really Is liouo ealaa a swan T room bungalow with every ooacoirehle modern cob- yenieaee. aanlwood lloors, Ilrepiaoe, turnaoe, full rement basement, etc. Full 40x100 lot Right near the Hawthorne oar. Now thia la a downright bergala-s-a snap.. J act think of it a was 01 tnis value and enaracter in a mgniy restricted district surrounded by beautiful home neer the Franklin high school. Some body will bay thkt bargain way not your Bee tt quickly. A G. Teepe Co.. 244 Stark st. near 64. laaia 6414. Braaeh ofBee. 1888 Sandy bird. FOR tKktT T ARItfS A FARM WITH AN INOOMB - -s-' ST acre oa fin eownty road near HopeweU la Willamette valley, 12 mile to Salem; 40 acrea caJtivated, good 8-rowm honee, bans, fruit boas aad other oatbnOdiBgg; aU fenced and cross fenced; some beaverdara; naarMaoth, never failing spring of -niendld water piped to house and barn. - Thai la aa eM. highly improved home stead. Ago aad infirmity 4 boys gone) compel Owner 4a eeU. Bpleadid aofl. few acres timber oa aid hilL lots of big bearing fruit trees, cherry, Apple, pear, prune. 8 raaaseeth black walnat trees fenormow yield). English walnnte. 6 different kinds of plums, variety of berries, grape, ete. Splendid home environment, con venient to Khooa. church and store. Most beau tiful view of a beautiful valley. The buyer ot thia farm will get the bargain of hi Ufa. .Trie only 880 per acre. Tama 14000 cash, balance as may be arranged. - - THE CROa&kEY-VIGARS CO., -270 Stark at Mala 4062. AN UP-TO-DATE STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH Consisting of 80 acre of the very beat of black loam soil, all la cultivation and In diversi fied Crops. ar ia tU traced and crnaa fenced. Located in thickly settled community. 2 tt TO ilea from railroad station. 4 mil from eehoot and tore aad chare h. Improvements consist of mod ern 8 -room house, plastered, full cement base ment, electric hrihts, hot and eold water, and in faot all city advantages. Jfew barn, room for 23 cows, 100 tons of hay, elect rlo righted, build ings all set on concrete foundations. There also smaller barn, for horse, granary,- hoc house and chicken house. The personal prop erty consist of 7 fin 00 we. brood sow, har ness, wagon and aR kinds of implements neces sary to ran an np-to-dats farm. Prtc 414.000. tt easn. balance easy terms. THOMPSON. SWAN TUUaraUfl, 8d and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. $2000 $400 CASH ALBERTA DISTRICT UNSURPASSED VALUE 4-room bungalow, modern features incorpo rated; fust llks new. 40x100 lot E. 14th St. bracks car. Reduction. G, C, 60LDENBERG 214-16. Abington bldg.. 104 U 4L "8B Years in Portland." Main 4803. 400 DOWN' RUTS ANY OFTaf' FOLLOWING: 4 rooms. 4664 44th at 8. E. Price 41600. tM lota. . 2 room, plastered. 4741 624 st 8. K. Frio 4B8B. 7 room. 2014 E. Glisaa st. 61600. 4 room California bnnaalow. 6124 77th st 8. a,., fiiuu. noma. 311B K. ata.lr .a aiooo These are all our sea nrsssertiea. and wa will arrange uh monuuy payment to run you. rucu W. GERaLAN CO.. 733 Chamber of Oommeree Bldg. 44400 IN PARKROSB ACRES ' BEAUTIFUL HALF ACRE TRACT 4 rooms and aleerrina noreh sad attle. modern bungalow, gaa and eieetricity, garage, beautiful grounds, fruit trees, garden, some fir trees, lot of roses. Lrneated on a macadam road and only 2 blocks from Sandv hlvd. : tarma 8100O I. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber ef Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark sta. A-aUOO. Mala 208, LAND AND CROPS ' 476 PER ACRE NEAR LEBANON 02 aerea. about 60 in eroo. all in flh Condi Hon. aai anil, assail house, barn, fsnssl. wall and spring, famuy orcnara. Dernea, ate. osw 4 miles from Lebanon; good roads; some live stock and farming tool at market price. WATCH OUS ADS. WE ttavF KKBUIVVB. RfTTER, LOWE A CO., 204-6-7 Board of Trade bids. u - SELL WHTLB SELLING IS GOOD 1 We have a aumbe est barer in tha market for 4 ta 7-oea howna. fAst It today. ' Oregoa Ismstjaeat es Mtg. Caw 110 44 at, Phaae Mag. shall 206. "X -.i - ' HAVE buyer tor - avodern hocae ; fat Gregory Heights; make btrg paymente. FRANK Is. McGUIRE. ABINQtON BLIX3. Phon alala 1068. SHACKS AND SMALL' HOMES WANTED -Mast b N. B. and prieed right We hava merowa ouvere wejuaa, . area w. Oo.. 7t Cham, of Co. ; -: u FOR RESULT Rat yowr emtny With the Rati avi. d t., rortlaed. Estate Exchange. 47 ROOMS right down town, full all the tlmi wtU clear 4300 par month, allowing 8 ate rooms fog yourself; 48BOO take thia place. 4300 cash, balance monthly 1 ssill not deal with agents. X-861, JoarnaL 20 ROOMS," all full, clearing 4120 month. Rent .! 1480. MiUarahip, 481 Chamber Cotnatercei . FOB RENT 14 room, good location, eoraag property, dose to thov ahUbuilding plants la Albina. Talephone owner. East 4832. - BARGAIN 14 reoaae, very good furaltara, heat woe looaraMi. marsoaii 48B". NICELY furnished 0 room bowaa, fma aeoatsoa. easy tarma. Call Mala 4704 before 4 a. ra. FOR SALE 17' rooms, 224 tt Bumside st BraiNESg OPPORTlTlflTlEB 24 FOR YALE Established grooery in good dis trie, good cash baatnese eonate. Sale about 8100 a day. 2716. .weekly ke- Cail Tal bog DANCING studio tor aalet fla rnaaness 1 high bu trade. Bargain for Immediate ; sale, r- D-601. Journal. . Ay- 41 ACRES all tillable, fine grove at buildings, 31 aaraa In cultivation, balance ia pasture: fenced and cross fenced: good water, rich loam soil. 7 acrea bearing prunes, 4 scree bearing cherries, apple, pears and all kinds of small fruits and berries; 6-room nouse witn oeae menC good barn. 2 tt ton prune dryer, together with 3 cows, calf and 4 horses, 2 buggies, hack, harness, 4 plows, spring tooth harrow, mower, disc harrow, cnltlvatora. School at corner of place. 1 tt . miles from manufacturing ana rail road town. The crops on this place will pay at least 42000 net this year. Price 8S760, $3000 cash end balance terms. THOMPSON, SWAN A THOMPSON. 8d and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. DON'T WORRY. I eaa sail or trade anything anywhere, as a. 146 tt Broadway. WOOD and coal Partner wanted to tend of flee, check wood, "etc Pay good salary be- sides profits. Call room 403 Dchma bldg. HANDY man with 6460 and willing to leans can buy ia good auto garage with reliable mechanic. Call room 408 lkm bMg." 440 wUl give you a tt interest in a fine rfesinsaa. Money t amply secured. Reference exenangrq. Muiersnip, 4 8 1 Chamber Core me roe. PRUNE ORCHARD - NEAR VANCOTJTBR 12 tt actes, near paved read and carline, over one half in fine orchard, balance In wheat; price 62260. WATCH OTJR ADS. WB 0ET RESULTS. RITTER, I.0WE A CO.. 208-3-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. '88260 6 room bungalow with hardwood floor, fire place, cement basement furnace, ate uaraei Living. room extend eatir width of hows. Ex ceptionally well bailt Full 60x100 tot. Face east We want you to see this. Use oar sue to, w sr glad to show you. A O, Teep CO., 264 Stark it. near 8L Main 6616. Branch Office, 1884 Bandy bird. "IT.kRHTa. rARuT 800 acres, every foot fine farm land, raise big crop whet, oate. barley and flax,- eonsid. ered one of the best farms in Alberta. It tt .ll Itnnnnri .nod hides., fully MuinDed With knraas. machlnarv. new tractor engine with nlnn ahon. tC . 60 hog. 240 acre in wheat, ia a splendid locality on fine, level road. I own and operate this farm and it I for sale. For particular se Claud Cole, SOU Henry oiag. i FOR BALE LOTS 61000 T6TAL PRICE 11000 14 60x100. facinsr north on E. Pine at. 2nd feet east of E. 07th t; ready for garden. Solve the rent problem; build a temporary house. Mount Tabor car. FRANK U McGUIRE. Abington BLDO. 37ttxl00. Just 176 feet south Lombard, 810 down. 46 per me. Weed la wa 4844. LOTS In Willamette add., cheap for cash. Mala 6286. ACREAGE NEAR LEBANON 1 team. 1 cow. 1 calf. 1 steer, 2 brood sows. nin soma chickens 1 wagon. 1 plow. 1 culti vator, 1 harrow, 1 est harness snd small tool for sale, or will sell crops If deslreo. WATCH OTJtlADS. WB GET Kg.BUL.lB. RITTER. LOWE CO., 204-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. $1250 Buys a good B room house south ot Haw thorn,' on E. 46th st Full lot Streets all paved and paid for. Easy terms. Italian settle ment Tbor 2397. Tan ara all good' burs and vour fa Invited. FRED W. GERMAN1, CO.. 732 Ohm. of joth. ' IT 1 U'TDadvl' KialA.AiM 7-room modern house. BOxlOO. faeink aaat: at. imp rt paid; several fruit trees; owner leaving city and offering his horn at 261 Glsaa ave., 88000, terms. , B-room mod. bungalow oa Mt Tabor car line, 32000; cost owner 82500; small cash payment required. " . tt. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 168 tt 4th B. flOBE CITY PARK, dandy UtUe 6 room bunge- 407 Yjeon bldg. 1 as It aauwna war Vl if-as as a nassl ITa.snawK Atm - ' ALBERTA SNAP 5 -room bungalow with Breslace. elnea ta ear and school, ready to move into at once. Pric 82200. 8200 down. pal. lik rent Sea Mr. Ouatafaon. U. 8. MORTGAGE A CIV. CO.. BUYERS AND SELLERS OF MODERN HOAXES. Main 2418. A Golden Opportunity A 10 acre tract, aR aader plow, with 6 acres in grain for bay. with large- bam and other buildings; th tract adjoins the- mala street in a smau town in tne Willamette valley, has a was miimipg row occupied as a a rugs to re 'wttn u.ms ram vrn account oi OKI age tne owner wishes to sell at a sacrifice. . The drug stock will invoice from 4800 to 41000. Other prop erty, a norses, riamess. buggy, 4 splendid cow. Th place is well wmterafl. Thsra u ia ,. chard. housahoU sronds and avaevthlfca ikii ior eoouu. nasi caan will liaadle IV There is ho oetter osrgsm anywnere. Otto 6l Harkson Realty Co. 413 Chamber of Commerce. AB6CT hose O. A C. lands, Thoae booklete they give you at mna on use go witn snaps they do not have. The map l hava anow th K-Prw ll mod Am bunsalow. fireolace, buffet aad bookcase, lull cement Basement, iuu, i block to streetcar, au st imp. in; price OWNER'S SACRIFICE 6-rodm modern furnished house on lot 6 Ox CHEAP ACREAGE. R . iia sa - aa - " Bava, W m V V , mi A VOWB. W W J HDIIUi, buy 6 acres of land between Portland aad Cen tralis, oa the mam Una ef B railroads. 1 V4 mil from a town of 800 noaialation. sawmills and shingle mill, soma nartlv cleared and aome all cleared, running straam. some bottom land and some bench; can give you any kind of a piece yon want. HEL4. REAL ESTATE TO., 618 Railway Exchange bMg. lot 60x125. carden all in and up; lot of berries. Price 41709; easy terms, aimersnip, 431 cnam- ber Commerce. a o aaa V. TV4VIH NEAR 30TH. S room house, newly painted", 60x100 lot; 920 E. Davis; immediate possession 1 terms. See FRANK L. MeGC'lKE. ABUIUTU.N B1DU. TO BUY YOUR HOME. MAIN 1068. 82700, 8500 down and terms. Don't overlook una. Bee air. Gustsfson. U. 8. MORTGAGE A INV. CO.. Buvers snd Sellers of kfodani Homes 60t7 Yeon bldg. Malh 2411. ROSE CtTY PARK 6-room bungalow, fireplace. furnace, built-ia buitet and bookcases, at tic. 60x100 lot. paved street all paid. 68S0O. v. Vanduyn, Olo cnamoer or com. atain moo. 41500 Good 4 rooms, . bath, elose in, small lot. sewer khd gas, imp. paid, comfortable and nice home, 860 cash, baL 820 per mo., includ ing int. C. w. namnger, zen ntarx. main zoo 428004 ROOM house, fireplaoe. hardwood . flaaea. built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen: modern. Kenton carline. Part cash. 1603 Minnesota. 41629. fii20o and 4 room bungalow. 4142S. 8500 cash, remainder gzv lnciuaes o interest en deferred. F. K. Stearns. 202 Wilcox Bldg., Main 831 T. Ma WTHORXK district: modern 6 room bnn- HAWTUORNE 0 ROOM BUNGALOW 33000 Juft what you have been looking for 8- room bungalow with hardwood floors ia 4 rooms, fireplace, cement basement, Dutch kitchen. See tots peiore you nuy. a. U. Teep Co.. 264 otark st. near Bd. ataia 8616. Branch office, lowo sanay Diva. NO MORTGAGE 82525 Beautiful, cosy. 6 room bungalow. in Beaumont, completely modern, furnace, fire place, hardwood floor, full cement- basement, wash trays. Practically new. Don't wait until this fa gone. There are no mora like it for the money. I. A. Wlekman Co.. 314 Stark st. siam osb. BEST BUY IN IRVINGTON. 100x100 corner, in center of district: 0 mom house, absolutely un to the minute in every de tail; 8 fireplace, 2 bathe, hardwood floor. Look it over and if we can't maka rou a uric sssoo alow, on carline: bull tin convenience, fire- below anything of Ha class, tall ns so. Nstian place; hug basement, everything in fin eon- I A ParkhiU, 210 Lumbermans bldg., 6th and dltion: cash or terms, uau owner, Tabor lew. I Btarx sta. CORNER lot and 4 room house, 604 . Durham I REAL PENINSULA BARGAIN' ave,, S blocks from Woodlawn car. Price 8 -room house, lot 66x100; few feet from 61250. 8200 cash, balance like rent 616 Ger- bard surface, walking- distance to shipyards; clear finger bldg. Main 2801. . V of all Incumbrance: pric 82000, easy terms. ROSE CITY PARK 6-room bungalow, tt block at car. naved street aU Paid : this fa a mod- era bungalow home, 48760. F. Vanduyn. '616 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1U3B. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 4-rra.. dandy little home, near H. 64th at. fine lot Price 31750. only gzou oown. GEO. T. muuuis cu., ADington ntug, Wrrinr. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-6-7 Beard of Trade bldg. SUNNYSIDE $2000" -a uviat vwuvtwtsi uutsviw 6eiiBi in uri tub, 44 1-6x100. street imp. aU paid. 4 biks. 8. 8. car. a biks. Hawthorn ear, 18 mra. from 5th and Alornson sts. House arranged S families garage would rent for 87.60. Thia fa fin buy suu oown, 82 v mentn. - OHO. T. atOOKE CO.. Abington bldg. 5stTrrS0i 8ELLwdOtl CAR " -.. .mi a i 1 ,. iLm l jvm oioca to car, i missisi me so een- ROSE JCITY PARK. 0 room bungalow. 60x100 f WMt side. Good neighborhood. Modern 5 room bungalow or cottage. A cheerful, well built home, large lot, convenient terms, unusual bargain. A. ktlULi, L Henry Bldg. . Main 1802 or evenings, Tsbor 6188 TsTTnn HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Ten attractive 6 room modern home 40x100 lot,, at 833 caratners sr.; asuv a own. see FRANK L. MCGC Ulti, AB1.1U1W ELUU, lot, paved street, dose to car; strictly mod ern, fazou. r. vsnauyn, sis voamoer oi Commerce. Main 18 601 FOR SALE Modern 5 -room bungalow, cement basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, coved ceiling, large bath. 1084 E. Caruthers st Owner: good terms. FOR SALE House ana sat, luuxiuu, very BEST OF'BCYB 6-room bungalow on 34th close to Hawthorne carline. sewer snd hard surfsced st In. SacH- . Bee owner, Lenta, Or.; 8104 68th tic price 42000. Term. Sa Mr. Guttafsea. U. B. SlOKTGAGlS IMT. CO., Buyer and Sellers of Modern Home 407 Yeon bldg. Main 2418, TCOMPLETELY FURNISHED. 4850 cheap. ave. T. j. rarson. MOVE RIGHT IN Hawthorne. 4 rooms, bath, fireplaee. 42600, J. A. Wiekman Co.. o l Btarx tt. Mam 883. 31000 7-room house and cor. lot, near school and ear. 8. .. 4860 handles thia baraaia. Phone SeUwood lWla evening. ii . , t i 1 axuan. nui rnmmg . aim uuv, vaw rai, nr 42500 0 room house, all built-in conveniences, J snos 420 monthly. Fred W. Germaa Caw, 732 Varr neat 8 room doll house, concrete fottn datten. small basemen L Dutch kitchen, with 463 gat range: balance of -furniture not Junk; good garden. Rose City Park Bne; 4260 cash, bal- i full basement. 2 block! to Union ave car. Wdln. 3220. 086 E. 0th N. FOli SALE, Good lot with 6 room shack house i Chamber of Comemrce bldg. HOMESEEKERS INVESTORS. Xfw tm.lf.Jht. fina atvfiall h mAM tMnMUa at Wbitwood court; bandy to St Johns ship-1 with 1 or 2 sightly lots (as wanted), at bargain yard; terms. Call Woodlawn 4318. 6210Q-'-8ouu casa. ovxiuu, o room House, gar . age, fruit, roses, i aiecg ta union or Ingsworth arc Waoalawn 2961. WELL furnished 8 room home. Kill- 30 bear Leaving- ettys Wood- fruit-and walnut tree. lawn 2005. w THAT beautiful home pfaon at cornar "Va price. Phone Sellsrood 118. morofhgs, eveningv. FOR SALE OR TRADE On easy term. 4-reoa - cottage on east rme, near snipyara; ID min ntcs from P. O. X-840, Journal. ROOM house for ssle at a snaa; the boat buy Cameron, Look It up. 244 A 111 x ' 1 1' FOR RKHT-sPIiATK 12 UPPER 4-roem flat. 127 tt E? 20th st K.. ta- cant after Jane 10; adults. Broad. 1742. WANTED Chambermaid . for vtha Portland ho- ' ..I n mm tJ ttXA; V tel. Call at Room 230. EXPERIENCED Waitress, wanted. London fas- FURNISHED FLATS v tf FOt'R room lower flat, lumkhed, with yard. . 882 E. lftb rt. H..On Thursday.' j. T tanrant. 120 Ruell st. WA.VTiCD 'Three youua ladies for soda town- tela. Call American hotel. 02 X. 3d. EXPERIENCED maid; good wage; permanent position. . Hotel Lenox. 3d aad Main. STORES AND OFFICES 11 CONCORD vBLIKi. haa outsid rooms priced - i rem a iv to au, in good eoainrtoa and good serric. Ladd Estate Co.. room 401. corner 2d gad. Stark. , , var and Alberta sta. 6Tta at. ' ' - FOB fianth Portland Property, to bur. sail a . ehange. tee joaa . aingt, t uaajabat of in Portlsnd: 4704 will handlo it 80S Spalding. IKYiNGTON 65100, lovely naodera -room house, at very moderate price; term. Ziav ' merman, 811 Board of Trade. ' . - -IRVINGTON 60x100, 6-room bungalow, hanj- exact location of the lands that r agricul tural. Price 41. I mad tne original tana grant maps for the government Oat your map now and get busy. Men wno Classman mese i BontB. parmeata. Each traasMtioa strictly lands for the government ara at roar service to etdenrfaX , show yoathea land for 486. J'"!?: fcO MORTGAGB NO TND0RtB less smau sees asapa. asasags, ess i ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Commerce. . ; . . . I W sim toan oa household furailur. niaaoa. 4t C. lands near Portlaaa open tnis Bonis sre, wnnowt removal. CALX. AND IVTEBTiaATsl COLLAtBU DISOOCNT COMPART. L1CKNBEO. 617 Felling bldg. foe lumtasteedtrie. Much splendid land well located; wonderful opportunity; arrange now in taranc ior expert lueeiiisi evrvKaj mi Aameroug fin cUim for lnepeetioh and early aeiecuon; uunost snviiw ssu ..MuviM.r, y ird-, -ors .Jp' STu! f Yoir Need Money See Us fTg wau-rs.aa7 V weaaawy ow s-sivwawiw a-e m Sacrifice HALF ACRE 20 rods to streetcar, 4epot, 60 mlnnti ride to 2d and Alder sts.; good ground, fins suburban homesit. Buy this and put up small house and be Independent W will build for you and sell sll on long time; price of lot 4500; 850 cash, bat your terms. C. W, Barnnger 248 Stark st Phone Main 2558. PRUNE ORCHARD NEAR VANCOUVER 1 2 tt acres, near paved road and carline. over one half in fine orchard, balance in wheat; price 32250. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. HITTER. LOWE At CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE 20 acrea, ail good, fays fine. shout one third In cult ration, on good conn tv road, elos to new highway, hear city and cars. 33000. Tbis is 31000 below value; must sell. Owner. A-Slo. journal. 4 SUBURBAN JtOXES 74 6-ACRE home on S. P. red electric carline be tween Alotia and Tobias: Boos oulte new. with 6 room, bath and ran porch oa first floor. z bedrooms, sewing room ana atua second floor. electricity snd gas, living room haa fireplace and library built-in pooh case; big ehickaa and pigeon houses and yards, barn, water system with easoune engine, berries aad younar orchard. balance of land under plow; adjoining fa 6 seres free pasture. Price ge&UW ; term to suit Latdd Estate Co., Concord bldg. FOR SALE FARMS It STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM 43260. y ore! berries, 4 room v house, hera, chicken honee Bog house and other outbuildings. 8 Wells, cows. horses, chickens, cow. goes, all Kind ef tm- Dlements and toala. On sail frees alartrta station on county read. 36 mile from Port land. Adjoining 64 acres with buildings gad orchard ranted. 20 acrea bow la erop of watch 2-8 goes with this sale. E. A Lindgren, Sa von I and Co., 036 N. W. Bank bldg. 17 ACHES ' near? Astoria. 6480W. OtfA. cull 60 A slashed, some 20 rears aao: seres of eve hard, foot buiMia, three mile iron rsjjroaa, l mue trass Astona, a mi 6 heifer, s yearling Better, a mux. bona. 1 voune aoer. waaon. blow. etc. i unlimited outran-. Tufa fa the biggest snap ta the rsei w. T l. Ka l J. uvi iuu, o-ruum vaiiaaiow, Darxt- wood floors, fruit. 2 blocks from. car. 68000. Elsrmerman. Sll Board of Trade. MODERN 4 room bungalow, herd wood floor, 1 6-ROOM bungalow, lot 60x100, 1 block from car: price 81400 easy terms. Chrxnber of Commerce. Morrla, 481 Dutch kitchen, -"-garage. 610OO cash. haL easy term, 1280-E. 18th 'N. Wdtn.. 4434. v 6-ROOM enodern home, fin view, walking d5 $700 .8140 cash, bsfanee 410 per month, boys tanee, Ior sale by owner. 410 month and . 3-room cottage, west side. M. E. Lea. 604 interest. Can Main 1307 or Marshall 4431. Corbet bldg. : ,- - . ; ' CLEAR yon better then 10 ; cot 4280, Uaa FIVE rooms, gas and eieetricity. Union avenue 48130 for quick sale. Call 130tt 3rd at and beech, 41160, Woodlawa 1284. . WE hav 86 bunialoW oi vsrioa six ,and .i" ""' g- -1 -g-gT" f-aiss price. 811 Mohawk bldg Main 4012. Call ftp East 1447.. aoaat satin try. Photos at Germaa Co.. 742 Cham, ef Coax. CLOSE-IN 40 ACRE BARGAIN Wif ia hospital. Must sell at once. Located ia famous Tualatin valley, only 17 mile from sen tar of city, by good aato - road. AU crops and personal property go. . 84750.' Term. -Get details from A. Aw tun, 41 V Henry awg. wno naa seen farm. , - - - . 44 ACRES, 41604 In Clarke county. Waabirisrton. 12 terse cultiration around th Stumps, family orchard 8 years old, 6 room bona, large barn, root bouse, chicken bouse t 4500 cash. 8200 yearly. Plenty or work vicinity, kred W. Germaa Co,. 742 Cham, wf Oosa. 1 . . . ti iruM OX aaraa tmt eulllatian " gkA tot aerei pay me 474 down; yoa eaa Ravd long time oa pels nee, eea xnaper. i jseam of Trade. i- - ' ARB voa lookiaa for a fine farm near Port- . land? I hav completely equipped farm for sale at a very attractive-rfa. M. H. Hard- wick, 806 Cerbett bMg. SACRIFICE by owner, elosa- to Vancouver, ea good road, extra -f me perry ana pealtry raaeb toed buildings. X-864, Journal. FOR SALE Ranch, snd'Ju, sacrifice for oast ef tlwpnerementv. W. J.. Korrell. 116 W. Alain St., Medtora, err. 881 ACHES Crop, esachinery, . stock; 8104 - war acre; term, uravrty water i Psoitis sug way- u a, oo- saa. Ainaay. vr- - CANADIAN FARM LANDS fiaai Is ml smart Ihlt easy tsi mi saina seeker excursion parry Marea rora Calgagy, Alberta. SAtarday. June S. Keduoed rate. For further particular gee Canadian PscifW By. CO.. 208 stauway sxenanaw suug, P. Thornton. District ttepresentative. FOB REST FARMS 04 ACRES. 40 IN CROP 14 RESTAURANT 40 ebsrra," eali aai yard and dock trade; 418.40 rent. rooms; esuw easn, guv as. sETo- Wlth Itvteat Whlagtov MONEY TO LOAH-REAL ESTATE 47 aaa awe aad OUst tnatallmeut suaa aaetnosi of paying a Joaat 432.24 aer xaoath far A6 421.24 for 60 sain the. ee 414.11 far 04 moniAa. pay 11600 loan aaat Interest Other -.runts ta piuportiua. We loaa on improved city pt overt. kjz tor oauamg kth. No Ooea mission c ha read. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 244 Stark st. Portland. Or. mob to i.G to Loan Any amount on improved eite aaA . property; -rill eonslder good b (Id ing 1 n. TUBS J A WT3 1 , . ,1 . mm - I 1 11 . mmm mm VWStll, Mala 6016. 163 4th Bt A-2816. 4 BUILDING loans oo city or suburbs a -sropartyi ' money ad ra need sa wet prognose. W. U. Reek. 416 and 218 FslHng bids. Mala 4407. FOU' MOriTGA'Gk LOANS iU URBKW sA'. A MORTGAGB CO.. Stock Echang eilg.. v 3d and Ysmhill sts. ' 2io. 840U. 4uo. 5o0, 04 alaw. i out) " end larr smounts st current rates. Quick . etlon Fred W. German oo.. 783 Cham. Una. 4260 TO 42000, SEVEN, refund old gsort tags; lower Interest. . Ward, 407 Qaidiag bMg. - - - ' TO LOAN 4400. 4600. 80d. 41666. il.oO 61600 and 12000 on improved property. J. L. Well Co., 424 Cham, of Com, bldg. , AtoNEa to loan la gmoania of 41oo to gauwa ea city property. . , A. H. BELL, 201 Porringer bMg. a 6300 TO 60000 to loaa, city or farm rage ao eommlastotv. MORTGAGE loa . P. O. box 674. esorlaaaaa aiul. auw . Fred 8. WUUams. 61 tt IM et HOMESTEADS 11 tracts bought Most lUAUkJ loans, av and 7 fk. . Louie eissuaaoa Jk Co.. 409 belling1 bldg. - CAbU (or mortgages, ' loan, contract. F. ' H Lewfai room 4. Lewis bldg. Main 484. - LOANS on city and farm property, 4 pet aeai ua. F. Fwchs, 420 Chasa. of Caen. - - WHO waste to borrow 4600 Quickly I Call BSi 6084 or Woodlawa 4H3. glOo TO 100; eonslder tote. E. H. DowUng. - 017 Chamber of Commerce. MsrshaU 8482. haiary MONET TO LOAN 41 CHATTELS. BALARIfS : lAIAMa WB LOAN MONET Oa hart notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, teaal-meathly eg 48th st 8, ! government land cruiser. 217 B. ri A f U1PK On farce eeaia. made from U. 8. official records, ahowing lands to be opened for home stead filing Jun 22, in Portland district W hav th only compute set of map ot tnose lands. 61 per county. Reasonable eharge made for ahowing lands by ex-govt ereieers that made the esasKlfication for tns government. ROWLAND MAP CO., 411 Henry BMg. SALARIES CHATTELS Laaas made to Persons oa !: at fixed fu rores, oa bewsebold furniture, pstaoa. diamond and ether nertonal property, legal rate. Basev i confidential; private eiuees. - . : PORTLAND LuaN CClMPANT. - ; License il 404-407 Dehasa 4144. ; ' '- ;' : - POKiLAND HtUEllAL LOAN AaaN. . 8jstablishd by Portland basin sss aaoa to C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr. 84fTlstK .tT- LOAN6 ON DIAstOflDB, JIWELBlj riAilU. UOUBEHOUI iXttWITl'KBa " TIMBER 211 NOTICE OF 8ALB OF GOVERNMENT TIM- BEB General Land UIDoe. Waaliaeatea. U. Sl. SI IQiaKntla. U KaraKa aivaat thai sobiect to the conditions and lissjtstions of the set of Jaa 0, 1014 -40 BteL 213), aad Aha instruction of the Secretary ot tba Interior of September 16, 181T. tne timoer oo tae to i ItZ. im-Am ami aa sala Jana 96. 1818.. at LO o clock a. as., at pnone auction at tne WANTED 81W0O oa lint cu 720, Journal. WANTED for 6 81800 to 82500. Journal. etOAS g WASTED . 16 montha from private., party ' Lnnawal secanty. a.-i, United States land of flee at Portland. Or., to tha highest bidder st not less thaa tba sa pralsad vale a shown by this aotieevaafa t seciully. HOBHF.B. VEHICLE!, FTC 14 praised vale a shown by this norieav'sel te I Bw - - - 4aaw Ihah iMlUlll I rtlSB gailll II SWST 1 '.""Ti AT. ZTJ-'X. " "li ' I .'-...T PL'BLlG auctioB sale every Monday and Thure- tOO SUtenev, . lie gu..iww V mam, w.mb b WmAmW- . . rt - . -. - - - tionel afta.a. a a. . a m llSSt eoaxsaimione aUowwi. msTe posited at W will ten roar i stock a tima at sal, saoaey to be returned if sal te ion. Star Stable. 404 not approved, otherwfae patent wttl faeae for the Williams, proprietor. nd Thu das at 2 o. m. H tines, wagon gad hames. W wiU sell roar stock at 4 per oeat waab aa . eonn - av - timber, which must be removed wkhin tea I HiiD eras none. 6 sear, work any place. year. Bid will be iweslvsd fram eftjeen ef ! g0; uht wegea, harness, 424 fine rubeef tne umtea IKates, ssssussi n ens ouswa Mm4 top bugggv. gss I will excaang, aa aw ana eorporoMous owusai nin m sawe ox i aist st. "J, Montsviii car. tn U nil so Biatea or any etase, temiory e district thereof only. Upon application of a ana lifted nurebaaer. th timber or any legal sub division will be offered. separately before being Included ta any oiler of a larger unit tv ship 4 6, H. 2 E., Sac .81 1 BE tt NWtt, fir 016 As.; not to esoia as icee usn t.su peg B-. h. mm see. . m. aL; T. 4 8.. B. 4 4L. Bee, 43; NE tt KB red fir 1840 M.1NWT2 HE, red firlo44 eedet 10 M.; NBttJNWtt. red fir 400 M-! TWO hortha. 1000 and 1200 ' lbs,, auiubla for farm or delivery. PaeUfa Laaaary 441 Ar thur street - - - WANTED A responaible party to evntrsc to heal 2.000,000 feet of logs; poed read 84 short heel. A good summer fob. MsrshaU 1060, FOR ' SALE 2 good bay b oraea. weight 1160 lbs. each. Price 680 each, lrv- 6 rears old. I foato Uachlne Welti. K. ffth and Aeherlef sts. cedar 28 ax.s MWtt ", rea ur nm at, ------ mTV7VT : r Ti i i i eedar 16 M.; none of the red fir of eedar to bs DEAD HORSES taken, caah paid lor dead aowa. sold for lea than 61.60 per M. T. 10 4V. R. Phone calls paid. MBwaukie 64-J. - - M,f-kEr .Vrirvrk p,i gtf?Mrr?- aff Jolt thlSteld'lor1 ff!5 U , I wooaiawn xv. r r-orrtaiKi stvqrnsi vav I lia.AU altJatAKa teas than 41 peg M. aad none ef the hemlock t be eold - for ass tnaa awe per at. bee. a. iw asm. xwagias nr ism as., aemlock 144 M l lot 4 or NWttNWtt. Douglas fig 1754 M.; 4W tt NWtt. Douglas fir 1638 M. ; BStt w tt. txjugia nr aviaa at.: nictt BWtt. Douglas fir 1411. M.tiSEtt SWtt. Doaglag fir 1086 M. See. NEtt, i casa ba4 lot mul asMsa. phone ralrs raid. Mllweakle 48-J. FOB SALE or hire to reaponaible party, large team of borsee. 426 Schuyler et Kaat 4KS9, ILL 'kind of wagobs. haroesa,' buggjaa,'. carta.' saddle and borses. 402 Front st Doug la fir 400 14. .See. 11. BBtt NE tt, RunnE and wagon." tiJil 'inf, i horse Aai seuew itt m WW aa. iwawwa w w aa. NBtt. yeiiaw nr iisa at. neuuocx s at i NB tt NWtt.. yellow firalSSO M.. hemlock 04 la,; rw nww, yauow nr ii.u as., aem- M-j NW t wgon. 62.60. . 6 Front Main 1206. fack 106 M-; aono of the Douglas fir or y and nose of tb hemlocfc to be sdU tor . lee v EITFBTOCBT - 64 AUCTION- SALE Woodlawn, Dairy of Portland. 1746 Karby street, corner o Aercy aao ca Ineahia hlvd.. tt mil wstf I'nioa avwaaa. (Signed) day TaUmaa, Coea- Take Taneoavrf ear to CoMmbia btvd,. walk tt mue wees. m UU, . a .a V V, aa, mmtma cfass cows, mixed breed. Jersey, Holstetn, Guerw- 11 Ilk lrosa tnese eows xoog ua prss st show at Kortu TSKlma thia low fir t be aoM for toeg thaa 41.00 par at. thaa av par as. . teugneai v. mieaioner General Lead Otfloa. hinery J . 1 t . 1 .' . SIIS.L ' BAWMlLJ. macninery. i rasaw; 5250: 1 sur- aeer. 4160; 1 11 -horse power return flue r, 4126.. All In good eoadition. Hell sep arate M daslfea. Boas burg, OT. Wrjig owner. Cobb Broa.. FOR BALE Lease ew mill ewttine 20.000 ft net oar. sow operating: good proposition, rail particBiar l Lambrmn bMg. - - F.Tf?HA?rOE REAL ESTATE f 432 ACRE stock, ranch to traie for city prop- Navthwat dairy show at aneintf 1 1 state competing. Tuberculin taated. 1 mare, 010 pounds, 1 sWlivcry wagon, bsrneas, " dairy auipmenc . ensrtee c 'uoxeu. owner. w., a. wooa, aucuonaer, vancowver. Wash. " . . -;. 6UNU iresh Jersey-HoUeln epw. giving I gaL Ions; also young cow, will freshen ta m Urm days; will sell ehean. Woodstock car t 4th.: 6 blocka aoata to gaare too aarau, t -r FINE young, fresh, gentle family and! dairy aewv atal o tesx, gooa coDoitioav , aew to aeu. rtU tshe dry eowe fa exehanre. 741 B. Ash. ' FOR SALE One dandy sraill team and har- nesa, loo loa. vn aratx scam ana ax rases. -4000 lbs. 46 K. 4th fN. -' - FINE young fresh gentle tsmily and dairy eows,- and 4 test, good oondiUoo, 460 to 480. WUl take dry ewws ta eacnang. .. Tal B. Asn. TWO fresh Jersey cow fo sale. et . rnone woooaxwn- i. arte. Anartment Isonag to trad for farm. 00 aerea. 20 acre in apples, 6 ia alfalfa. 6- room hone, large barn, ete.; 86000. WiU trade for Vovtlaad oraoeru. 1 4 U acre. 7 acre In crop, fiae boose sod Vara, all ataek and impfamenai; win sacrifice for 62800 j- term of trad lot noma ia fori. Jand. . - ' --- 10 acre At lUedvill tow city property. -rooea gnodera homo to trade for acreage. A UKillJ) a -JO Hasrr bide. , BES' PROPOSITION IN STATE OF OREGON 400 acre ebotea fand, near Boaebttrg, only N) SA. n ... . W mmt at.l want, Sal well watered by springs and creek; 160 acres eok I A -GOOD Jersey ow, aught tsko bones, troggie 40O acres good tie timaer; au coarxaea- I or narnees xa cxenanga, gov rroox sc. ed at tekw TtOf ."4th fOR BALE, trad or rent by nxmlh. Good t team. Wooaiawa glo. - ilJZt.1ihtTlKrXZ-n 2i?ii i LARUE Jersey cow, 40- lis. milk a-day, UsU Feeikkad property to 414,000. bafaae I , 8.3. SeUwood 4401. - A ne tent M. 8. COBB,408"SwtUnd bldg. 383080x104. 4-room house, Woodstock dis trict. 8100 down. 420 month. : Bgaith- Wegoaer Co., Stock Ex. . - ....... - FAR si" WASTElJ Ineesoe - Hty property t exchange. . Claude Cole, 300 Henry aid. A DANDY 4 roaat bungalow. 61350 to sssame What hava o -Cobb, 408 Swetfandr COW for sale, 4 years old., very geatle, ciacxamas sv . M. , ear to 8d st FOR" SALE Cheap. 0 rich milch eow, jiry. - a year ew. aew xr ave. - . , -JERSEY cow; freslu. Call 416-B. Oregoa City. Herman weiaoti, iato). Foil SALE 4 good niU-i eosr heavy miiaeta, CaB Tsbnf 4806, 1460 E. Halsey. . WANTED A uuik goat. Calf Tabor '1 HI.'' '