v 14 THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAU P ORTLAND, J TUESDAY; JUNE A. 1918. I. - ( 1 -Z If .1 V DOG ft. BIRDS, FKTft, TTC ' 4$ Voljrit aad Red Cross mwviea. - moat intei- ligsnt m earth; price reasonable. M Mullet, I -T.-- M. O. A. - BOARD, roar dogs at the Bungalow Ksnnels. Lerge aeouele. tare mnUn yards, Pita feed. -Msta bibb. Id. accustomed to children. 21$ JE. 28th at. HIGH CUM Irish Water Spaniel does for - sale. Bog gx. Mnnaomen. w. BEAUTIFUL Pr Birds tat tele; wanted. A-646Z. FOX terrier pappy 'f sale. Woodlewa 18i8, 1447 Miliary ere. IEUJ.VO OUT- Babbit for sale cheep. CIS E. , 8th et FOR BALE Rabbits. 10a up. Tabor 1468. ' AflTOMOBILKrr ACCESSORIES 44 AKOfHER BIO LIST OP USED CABS ' AH verhauled and reedy to run. We have . five xaecheniee end two painters working oa thee car. Bo whan ran gt them they u tust Seoul aew. - i : Don't fall to these- over. ' '.. 1917 V.rw.ll new tires I 600 1917 Overland roadster ouu j Harts IT Stadebaker, 8 -pass, roadster. . . . 650 Series' 17 Studebaker 4. touring 750 114 HupmobUa. looks brand new. , . . .y "56 191 8' Csdlllac. rum Ilka new 600 114 Xiul. baker A. 7-nessewcer. over hauled, new paint good tlrm 650 -1-1 a Chalmers (master nix. 80 saw... 800 1919 Willys-Knight, 88 new 1250 IBIS Locomobile, i eleetrio lights and atartar, parfaet 850 -lata Chalmers UUSa aiz, saw battery... 650 1916 Overland, modal 88. 96 turn.... 650 1917 Oakland 8. oord tires f 900 It 16 Wlntoa llttla six. looks nsw 800 Ford 1-ton truck, just brand nsw 660 1A00 lb delivery. lut rebuUt 400 Stearns-Knight. 6 Uraa 00 Small 6 pass., naw tiras 200 1812 Btudebeker, naw Ursa. 200 Vtm buys arriving every day. - ' Opaa Bondaya aad asanhics. CONLET'8 T8KO CAR CENTER. Bl( HrVk Bulldlnc, Bids Kn trance B, W. corner 16th and sAVsahincton Btreata. Pbona Broadway 2088. NOW IS TUB TIME- TO BTTT USED CARS WILL ADVANCE BOON 1817 Maxwell, fins shape, only 8 685 1817 Chevrolet, bargsin at 625 1617 Pa!e. luxt painted; only 1000 1818 Studebaker Six, big buy at 1400 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 637 Washington street Where Washington and Burn Ids Meat L'SED AUTOMOBILES I ' 1612 Franklin, light, economical... 1914 Peerless Six, quality, class !.- , 1817 Ford, extras, good tires. ..... ; i. Overland bug , . I , 1916 Cadillac roadster, cord tires. . . 1917 Chslmers roadatar. wire wheels 9 650 1500 600 400 1100 1000 v WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO.. BROADWAY AT BURN SIDE girnms, gears, peanngs, wneels, axles; ws wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts as aaii price, una itoaes uo., Piortn Broad way ana sianaers. . TRAILERS TRAILERS TRAILERS 2 and 4 wheeled trailers of . aTl klnrfa fmm 1006 ta 4000 lbs. capacity, at astonishingly low DAVID HODES A CO., Cor. Broadway and Flanders tt, Portland. Or. NEW TIRES wnas nraaa ot aew Ores do you prefer T We have them, all makes and rises. Abe we make the fa mo as O-V-O Doable Tread (sewed) tires and do all asaanar of tiro re. Oregon vulcanising Co., gtura. r Broauway. AUTO WRECKEBS Wt wrack moat all makes of cars and sell the ' . good Parte for less than half price. We have all , glads of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid lor oki cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front st MAIN 4768 ' POPE-HARTFOliD roadster. 60 horsepower,' A-l condition, electric lights, etc. 8860. Buiek roadster. Just eomplstely overhauled. A-l ennomon, eiccino ngms, etCj tZ7o. 1910 Dodge, A-l condition, Jnew tires all arouaa, mo. Call Main 8700. Ask for Trunk 80. BUICK TRUCK -ton with body rood UrtM. fin ihap string, atda nea THE WHITE COMPANY, " Park and Couch ate. THAlER, iHATER-GULLI MAClllftzj COMPANY Tea, $310 1 t& Tan. 1120 BU1L.DERM HV eveh Ready truck attachments I Mfa. in Portlsiwt S Ton, 3470 Capacity I9B E. Water at Phone East 7437. G. M. C, 1 H -ton truck. A-l mechanical condition, new uiot, eevv. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch sts. LAHERt-'CQ fig. at Hepaira, 8000 guaranteed springs la - Mock) prices reduced. 84 N. 16th at PACKARD LOGGING TRUCK Ceeip lately overhauled; new tlrea. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch sts. CASH paid for old cars, coooition no object; . unpn Auto jgg- Jhsuge, 129 Umnsdale at 16th aad Washing- anai " toa. Wii Used Cars rY MOTOR CAB PRICES STOCK BIGHT nrtwi CO. Msin 8244. 81st and Washington sta. 1916 STUDEBAKER, 6 passenger. . good tires alactrlo starter and lighting; fine running call 1182 Hawthorne ave. "1917 OVERLAND SIX. This ear Is 98 . Party will sacrifice at $950. Fletcher A at ag mm. ay ay xw . isisjaMj wm j. . $300 BUICK T Model 85 touring, guaranteed condition. Call SWS , A twt V A A A . 1914 FORD, good running order, praeticaiiy - aewtlraa all around; can be seen at 1040 " vtn eaiv tor quicg sale. - " -, " 7'v price, a brand ViSTri!"' Spri' e 82x4. Fourth IM. M.l.K . r . I I . . WeMBajg, gag mni w kf. "iw-SaVrsr: as ndi. uiiy " se bsiacaaa ear to A meal station. 8 burs, south on 82d. H bL west "-f, frD", good running order. ' o0w.a"J "7 t2nv; 26a- N,w Cai i a t-tis gim aiiBoni, . DUBMUlLUB TOP CO- 9th end Oak. Broadwae taaa Fords. Enameled $15.00 .- ' 870 B. Morrison at owu a era . oeuvery car, any reasonable offer - will aot be rafused. Mast be sold. 446 Haw- 1. j.e. ' 11 k i 11 . .1J l.. tnema. FOR SALE A classy little roadster, at a bar- I gain. vii alter a p. m. and Sunday, 997 e. mtn st ?. ALMOST new Dort automobile, driven about 10.000 miles. Beat . light ear made; eacri- rve ax aoow. jl-biu. journal. 6176 CASH. JS. M. F.. good tlraa, A snap. 12 to S p. at. 191 Third at v 1916 FORD 'touring ear. fine eondiUoa; must 1 aoiq. us luwumrw ave. CHEVROLET 480. $500; terma to responsible . partiea.. Can Weodlawa 1979 after 6?Bl 1917 MODEL 3 Vk ton. 6 cylinder truck. $266." National Fuel Co., E. 2nd aad Oregon 1.11 CAMLLAC. tU6; ia good" order; would make good truck. T-804. Journal. ' , ' MY light 7 paaa. machine ia good order. Phone Hroaaway tt. Wlftf tall my 1918 UaaweU tearug' onee.- A-7 7 8. Journal. ' ; WILL sU my 1917 Max wall aTtaTI FOB SALi; Little Giant 1 ton truck, aew, at a bargain. B. t. Oa. garage,. Park and Cenh jSTl IikBAKER four, 6 paaa. f'iaa condition, at Vr right price. Call $30 E. Morrisoa. AUTOMOBILES CCEBSOKTgS 44 Come In Today ; OAKLAND SPECIALS Oakland Saaaibla BU. B-nasa.: 181 J: aztra food Tslaa, 8860. 1618 Stndabaker Ust Eoar. 6 or 7 xtr tin, ate. Bargain. 8875. Bniek Liaht Six. 1817 roadatar. Wiln as. tra Urs, ate. Good condition, 81000. Orsrland 5-paat., 8250. Oakland 1817 Ettrht cylinder; looks Hka nr. 11100. Will tv. ii,h 4- ... ehsnta. Coma in aarly. The Oakland Store 844 Barnaide. Broadway 8a. Specials This Week Maxwell, 6-pass., almost naw. .. .8 700 Maxwell B pass 480 Ford, 6-pass. , .. 850 Cola 80 800 CbsTrolet, almost new ........ 600 Jeffries, 2-toa track 1000 Stodabakar. 7 pass.... 460 Maxwell special, 5 -pass. 800 Mitchell, almost naw 1100 Terms if desired. Opaa evenings and Bandars. W H. WALLING FORD, Broadway 3482. S22 Alder st. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable kind Save yoa money. Sea ssm pla at 644 Hood St. Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. Engines ' engines engines All styles -and sixes from 1 to 6 ctL at as tonishingly low prices. All engines guaranteed to be In good mechanical condition. DAVID BODES CO.. Cor. Broadway and Flanders 8t.. Portland. Or.. SLIGHTLY used Ford touring car for sale; cash prsierrea. uau raoor osai altar B. BRINGING UP FATHER MR JkVWHAJ DO ttXTV,INK OP THE tOC? BARON BEAN J-Ck&V- ViSl I 111 A v )k(j 7vv v ILL COmtTtOhS. THfe NOU OVER HERE fflrjMl OP TJ4T JCAJFETERJA WHO POHEIIMES PUNCHES BUT MEVER 20 R3R. 25 I LlCWrLLlE, OSES A &C TRAY t) v. "Af?Ov A . M UTTLE PIECE OF ITS AWJFUL ' TO BE SNUSH Mm i. ... AtrTOMOBtLxT-ACCFSSOBIE 44 TSED AUTOMOBILES TERMS CITEST 1816 Mitchell, ft 4917 Mitchell. B 1917 Mitchell. 1 cjd.,..., ... 160 cyt......... aoww It in Cole. 7 I crl..w.frt.v 2?? 1916 Mitchell, cyl. ........ jw 6 cyl......... 650 1914 Mitchell. 6 1914 Studebaker. 4 pass, coupa....... 650 Ford truck with body and top ....... DOV ....... 1250 260 2 ton truck with cab . . 1912 Rambler, 5 pass., 4 cyl 1918 Michigan. 6 peas.. 4 cyl. ........ 169 Mitchell light delivery, 4 cyl.......... 260 Several others to select from. MITCHELL. LEWIS STATER CO.. USED CAR DEPT., East Morrison at First St East 7272; B-1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak 8t , Broadway BIB. B-SS4S. 1916 Dayton, fully equipped; bargain for mom one; also side car. TatxJr 8603. ATJTOMOB1XEB WATITEP 78 TO TRADE for auto. lot 62zl2K ft. on 7th St.. 1 block from Easthsm school. Oregon City. Splendid view. Will cornier too ring or delivery car. J. a Staate. 888 E. 9th N. TO. TRADE for good car or cows, 1 aero with house and barn, in BalUton. Or. . Owner. S911 6 3d ava. B. K.. Portland. 7-ROOM house, lot 100x100. Mt. Tabor; price 8170O; will take light car in ss first pay ment. Tabor 2975. " 5-UOOM bungalow near anirersity. Salem, clear; tzada for 1 or 2 used cars, B. Hoard, Laurel. Or. t WANT Ford car as payment oa S zoom . cottage. Mala 2080. iu,iia.ai prices petd tor automobiles; condl tioa no object. 121 N. Sd at. Bdwy. 2629. AUTOS FOB HIRE tl - aVpOS- FOR HIRK WITHOUT DBrVXBS ' a Brand aew ears, Beasonabla rataa. Fearing s Bobnett, City Us rase. 86 10th. Between Btsrk and Oak. Broadway 640. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR U1UB, COUCHMAN AND SULLIVAN, MARRH. 232 10W YAMHILL A-1288 BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES. Large stock of new and used msrhtnaa DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 68 6th st. INDIAN motorcycle with side car, for sale cheap. Call 630 Fifth st Mam 901. . HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good cars, com petent drivers. Sixth and Waah. Main 7080. COLUMBIA river highway auto service. Ws'do text work.' Msin 228. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 CANOE, Morris,. 17 foot, open gunwale, two paddles, newly painted, in excellent conainon. Call Woodlawn 4781 between 6 and 7 p. m. FOR SALE A S room unfurnished houseboat. foot of Virginia st Main B890. FOR SALE A large attractive houseboat BeH 1521. PIANOS. ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 14 BENT a piano, most reasonable terms In PorV land. No square nor uump poxes, uaroia 6V Gilbert. 884 Yamhill. WILL sell my equity in melody "C" sexaphone at a sacrifice; new Instrument F. J. Baron, Kilers Hnsic House. Main uzi. 8315 cash buys 8410 Kurtz man piano in dull mahogany, good as new. Bchwaa Piano Co., Ill 4tn st at waanington st A BUNGALOW size upright, la A-l condition. Msde by one of the most reliable factories. 8165. Terms. tJail let ctn st. URAKONOLA, latest model, wttn records, in perfect condition. Bellwood ns. WANT Good talking mac nine, also records. Tsbor oTBS. Main 4486. 975 cash, secures Hohler A Hohler upright piano. Security Storage Co., 109 4th at Nate Anrrey. riaMU I Ulllllti vPO-VVJ Sell S165. PHONOGKAPH3. recorda. bought sold and ex rhsneed. Hall Aj PimMit. Iga 1st t. M. 7098. PIANO wanted. Pay cash for bargain. Mala 8586. I OH.VOOR L, 1 DC, IS Ll I - - r tum S w -wap--- af- ggmmswmai B 61 Btsem-aazr- BLB'6 -awaaase- m "g BsW IWja. - f SINCE V0OT0LD ME ABoJr TEfirJBLE. VVAV THE 'Sn-AI?&' TREATED VOU U1W6AJU Aj)l NAS BORN, I ALSO, v. HAN 6 LOOKZb l AAV SEttNE AMD 8E 5ATlSfiEO I HAFTA . l AS-kT MYSELF i WHAT I uJfitoT iHEEE, THAT '5 7H OMLV ,TefXa. y ii'iw r . 1 m- 1 r -v. -, ruruT 1 1 -i ar a utanw a.v 1 irc wr. 1 s j , l VAQaX TTC , f tSuv- AT 7IIY J C5 5UEVE CXJTcFrB) L 'fOMEJOf Ali ' n I. ' m V V Jl 1w , . V . : gT . 69t W ST V -1 " ' -aaJ W J J f t Y . I m sT X MKT - " T I ldSBi BPB lBvi. I A I t 1 , "JF M . 6 wv w. f taVB 1 ef I afafam.W A f . - - I "lsvw 777 ' - sT V "ka-ff I IOk'Vw IJYSJSJYJl I M agaT 4r m -l - m Tl, i BT t Sa Atwa-. a . asw geW 1 AT . a I Aft 1 1 aa r 1 y 1 ""wxew"' f V , V riAHOS ORGANS ANT MTJSICAX . .... INSTRUMENTS S4 mO BARGAINS- PIANOS Fisher aad lmln Ma aarlna;' terms grata.- , . eEIBEBl.lU LUCAS MUBIO CO.. - ' 126 Fourth St., between Wash, and Alder. SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out " suv, sm Kngnaa uprigbt. cash 846. 8850 Americas make upright, cash 89B. 9400 Modem oak upright, cash 8186. 8450 Modern mahogany upright, cash 8160. 8878 New. stored. 2917 models, cash 8216. 426 1917 models. 8285, -8450 aad S266. 109 4th at at Washington st, 0 toil mmm - Phonographs god records bought sold . - exchanged aad rented. Expert repair ing. 142 H 2d. near Alder, upstairs. tii'W 6216 talking trade for goal oM 84 Yamhill st and records to Haroid S. VUben. 6185. A UOOU upright piano, sweet tooa, re liable make. Will give terms. Call 148 Sth st- . $281.26 812 cash. 88 monthly, buya 1917 model new imnroved niano at Schwaa Piano Co., Ill 4th at at Washington st TTPEWRITERS 77 wUAKANTEklD Factory Kebuilt Typewriters, "AU Makes." gold oa monthly payments. Bend for price list The Wholesale Typewriter Go-, BeUil Dept. 821 Washington at thW sUUMlAU'xON. rental plan, rest applies to purchase. Visible models. B.KMINUTON TYfltWRITKR CO.. 98 Broadway. Broadway 4021. AlX ilAH-iM typewriters ranted and repaired. Oregon Type Co.. 94A 5th. Mala 8688. KEBUILT typewriters, snppuas, Cocooa daaUraT K. W. Pease Co.. 110 8th. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB, BALE 61 FOR SALE Willow crsdle. ivory finish, snd 6 foot 42-inch dining table. Cheap. 1078 E. 18th N. A SNAP Elegant furniture of 6 room bunga low for sale. Sell wood 2348 after 7 p. m. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE 10 fine dahlias, no two alike, for 60c, while thay last; every - one warranted to grow. W. E. Ten Eyck. 4211 48th st S. E. Phone Sellwood 640. USED hot water boilers. 80 gal. $5: 40 gaL, (7.60. Wo have up to 120 gaL Over 600 now In use. 189 Adams st Phono East 7669. 600 ENVELOPES or 600 bond letterheads, $2.25; 26 engravers typo wedding an'e'm'ts er lnv't's 98. Smith. Printers. 204 Stark st, SACRIFICE Fine mahogany phonograph. Plays all records. Terms to responsible parties, Main 2142. WE have a large assortment of plows! hand . i 1. 1 . i . BITTMAN HDW. CO.. 218 Front st Main 8611 RELIABLE 4 burner gas range, low oven, very good condition; $17.60. . Marshall 4087, flat A. 807 11th st FOR SALE Lady's new spring blue serge suit medium size; never been worn. Will sell for $10 less thsn cost tau Tabor 2062. MUST yell immediately, Charter Oik Seel range, fine condition. $80. Tsbor 4408. NEW dragaaw cheap. Call Sunday or ave nings. Adams. 8526 60th st S. E. VAJttM ciesusra sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought Bentley Co., Main 8682. UNCALLED for tailor msds suits, $U.6W un. Taylor the Tstlor. 289 H Bnrnside. BEES Four fine colonies with good equipment 827 E. 11th N. Phone Wdln. 1884. PLUMBING Supplies, wholesale pneea. tttark- Davie Co.. 212 8d st Msin 797. SOIJD gold stop watch and chain! 28 E in n. n $68, COMPLETE BATH ROOM OUTFIT. 4 So.' wwinwwt r ijrm 10.. ipy rTOWt St A TRACTION wood saw for sale; a bargain: East 1681. jAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. Msin M, BEAUTIFUL Australian palms! Wdln. 2 of) 5". ,tfEXL think VOUr?. MOiibt to OVE L prl tySav - 'GRWEs; A A CTH&V DID H0f4" T2D TD DO THE HKIHT THIMG BY CfitZ&iMG HIS 0UJM A,MO'OEAJ2iE5" T52AV fCALiJAVS tkWOU) I'LL BUMp ) f JAKJc TCrE5 p CO THE 0GHT THIrJCJ AT THE uiOnklG . - TIME.' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Pauat that sees' anxa mm FIREPKOOr ' WATERPROOF BCBTPROOF PAIirt ' Prevents tAe growth ef asaas. Stops laaka aad lire. Cases we motm. Phoaw Maia 6976. machinal asU for agent, are asantayad: twnted; repaired. A-3426. 481. Bawiag Maebtoa I 190 Sd at. near Tayloe, Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 41S Burn side, corner 10th. Broadway 6874. 1'MUs1caL JUSfkUUifiNT..1- typawntera" and Household Goods" arc separate eiasaifb cations. All advartiaamaata of these goods are published under their respective canslfirations LOOK .THEM OVER. (M r rr IsA drouhead sewing f I UiWVj with attachments; all arc fca aery good condition. Sawing machines rented at 88 per month. Pbona East 26 or B-S307. E. H. Bteen, 162 Grand ava, near Belmont $10 to $12 USED DROPHXAD BE WING MACHINES. Ws taat and repair. Maia 1845, A-l 81 8. Guaranteed. 172 Sd st ONE avanine nu weak ta ooen at Uock Island. Opportunity for dancing club or individual to give weekly dances and make some money; good proposition. Bawy. Soon. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLE. LAUNCtU-4 or boats are aeparata classifications. A large listing can be found under thaaa different rlssst fieatlons. WHY an everlasUna eacrevaUon by a leaky roof! Why not a permanent and lndea tract able roof T . Ws oxidise and renew all kinds ef leaky roofs. Main 6886. CHEAP 2 fine wall 40 H 6th st N. eases, 1 safe. cases. 4 show MACHINERY 81 WANTED 1 100 H. P. Ames, or- as good en gins and 1 20 or SO H. P. 8. K. Co.. 228 Henry bldg. FURNITURE WANTED 74 Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH. Phone Mala S862. WIGHTMAN-JOHNSoN FUR. CO, 88-90 Grand ava. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used furniture, carpets, stoves, raages, etc We call promptly. PHONE East 7815 whan yoa want to sell you furniture. We come at once and pay yoa cash. M. R. Beater. $80 Hawthorne gva, cor. Union. Call East 636 used furniture, stove. ruga, anything in household goods. We ea change your old furniture for new. WANTED Second band furniture, ranges and stoves, etc. WE PAY THE BE8T PRICES. MORGAN FURNITURE CO., 890 East Morrison. Phone East 2288. JUST starting in business, highest price, paid for used furniture, rags, carpets, stoves. . A. Monner Furniture Co.. 63 Grand ava. K. 8487. CALL MAIN 734irs est price for your used furniture, stoves, carpets. CUT freight rates on household goods shipped East and South. Manning Warehouse A Trana fer Co.. 9th and Hoyt Broadway 706. A-1798. MOST cash paid for furniture and musical in strumsnta. Hall A Caaaiday, 126 First Main 7098. M L .... . 1'... MULTNOMAH Furniture Hospital pays highest prices for used furniture. 627 Wash. M'n 4664. SWAP COLUMN la A NICE 3 stone lady's diamond ring; can use horses, buggies, harness or saddles in ex change. 302 Front GAS range, used 6 months. Cash or trade for wood range. 5225 89th ava. S. E. I D1DTYT rou WTDE DlK)E5 HE2E 8E.CAU5E SHE tCESri'T HAVE ID TIP A UVMTEE, WHAT SHE'D GIVE" IK AM, SEE, TDST LUTIaN . j WAV N vy WHrl ajwcltt I IT NA Aait 1 Ha -a. er.... V I . . T N. THIS &QD LOOKS UKB AK EX-uHiTEC FPOM THE lirV HE CAgglES HtS TTZA,V -rQg3 4 M .-BwazazezezezeWe-. -a V aa- . "-Ba w aas awe- w I 8Lr Rr . a-TT bWAF COLVMIT ' - u TO TRADE Gasolina angina. 1 It. P. Stovar ' enaine : akas 1 lack for ammn. aawer for a bathtub and torn down totlaC Phooe Oak Grove J18A - - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Read Important Read Wa carry a teeter varied assortment at aew 4' weed mere bawd We than say at era ta toe sty. There is hardly an item wa do aot bay and ten. Wa epocwniee la shelf aad heavy hard ware, sporting goods, household goods, tfioa fur niture, acta aadcamp i aw lias. When you have anything to bay er aaO. aaS gg phono Mala 9072 A-7174. Levin Hardware A Furniture Oa 221-8-6 Front at, comer Salmon. "s" ZIDELL Froltat Wa pay absolutely the hie best prices tot 2d head tools, Mak. ate. Nothing oat of our liaa. Call promptly any place; alao carry full baa of naw, snd 2d ha ad hardware, pipes, shingles, win dow glass and plumbing supplies for sale. 86 AND UP SB SECOND HAND CLOTHING J. Meyer, the tailor, pays the highest price for suits, overcoats and shoes. Wa call anywhere in the city day or evening. Marshall 1229. 229 Madlaoa st sia Front I Chrtnl Prt Portland. Il OliailfS. UUi Oregon. Hides Metals Rubbers, Write for prices and shipping tags. Main 1 699. f" A Q H paid tor furniture, stovee. ranges, heat unul 1 era. carpets, rugs, dressers, etc. Pbom Pbona Marshall 2675. HartseU Furniture Co., 841-45 1st GOING East or South! Household goods shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt st Bdwr. 703. TRUNKS, suitcases, bicycles, tools, shotguns, rifles, typewriters wanted. Main 4495. 128 First at. WANTED Wood range; must be in good con dition, cheap. X-882, Journal. WANTED Wicker baby carriage in good con dition. Phone East 2243. WANTED Kit las, shotguns, cameras, lei MocDtieiq. sa et Phone Main 8681. k'ULL value paid for 2d hand goods and )unx any quantity. Phone Main 734. 201 H 1st st WANTED 2 large modern trunks, perfect condition. ZX-482, Journal. BICYCLE wanted. Main 4495. Tsbor 6798. PERSONAL aj MRS. MA RLE BARBER, spiritual medium gives readings daily. 809 Powell. Hours 10 to 6: evenings by appointment Phone Sell. 8485. Woodstock car. SPIRITUALISM -M RS. M. L. LA MAR, 236 5th st, corner Main, teaches palmistry and card reading; also lessons in science of health ana DR. G. H. HUTHMAN Veterinarian bcepltaf 416 E. 7th st. 8. E. 1847. B-1882! Dogi snd horses clipped. HUPERFttOLS hair, moles, wans, removed by IV needle method; trial free. Josia Finlay git aiiers oiqa. lsu sssin UOOlf. 1 WILL not be responsible for any debts con- irscieu oy my wue, 1.UIU M. Brooks. I T. BROOKS. I WILL not be resitonitible for any debts con tracted by my wife, Mina J. Lessusn. J. C Leaman. I WILL not be reaponnlble for any debts cdn racted by my partner. John Turner. Chsa. J. Kurtz. ELLA CACEETTE. scientific facial, scalp treat menta. 408 Broadway bldg. Maia 1307. I o uar Consultation FREE. Mam 4VWU. L.UUJ oxx aeuing bldg. MRS. WRIGHT Palmistry, card reading and spiritual teacher. 350 Vs Morrison. Room 414. NEURITIS. Neuralgia and Nervous Disesses. Specialist. Dr Ironside. 827-28-29 Plttock blk. DR. ELNA SORENSUN. drugiess hesiac 6u3 Panama bldg. MME. GRENELL acientifie facial scalp trast ment 280 Fleidner bldg. Broadway 1886. rl ( HOW DO VOO ) jl ( 1 - SSkL, tc9 r SHCCArrr A. ALL ' aaavxr V- V ltatT War ll iaa S jej Ta. ka. 7- BF a. vsrrwouT A cuvt aj THESE Tu BlCOS TRY TO PottfE cAxlcc. so THEY WOK'T UP5LT ThElR. TEAVS, AMD AFTER DOUJQ A OWE STEP TH-T Pi IJ ALLY PASS SAFELY JOhEPH I&HERWOOD. from London aad Aus- tralia. lectures a u nosy, v. u. w. imp-. ex 6 p. as 128 11th st. at Washington ta. eonaulted. TiHord blda.. 407 Iter risoa at 10th. suite 306. C leasee forming. Read ings daily. Circles Monday. Wednesday and Fri day at 8 p. as. - ' - tI.AIMiES if A avAkl-NV VOi The same service and gueJIty yea C9 pay doable the atoaay etBewaere; " eorreetly fitted - gl aa lew as 1.50. Thousands ef satisfied eustoasara, U. W. Goodasaa. OotoeoetTUt. 209 Morrisoa et UK. U. V. ElkTCUUM. womeas asaUdiee aad ecutw dsaaaaa of awn. Waahingtea btaLs-. U and Washington. Phone MarshaU 448. PPOh'ESSIONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY AOOOWPIOW PttATIWw BL STEPHAN, hemstitching, braiding! chain stitching, box. aceordioa, aide and sunburst plaiting, sponged. scalloping, buttons covered. Goods 219 Pit lock blk. Broadway 1099. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. ALL LATEST STYLES. EASTERN NOVELTY CO., 66 Vfc BTH ST.. BET. OAK AND STARK STS PHONE BROADWAY 2000. boats: ouTTiwa ahp mra. jivyiLiws AGATES cut and polished, jewelry and watch repairing. Millet s, 848 Waahmgtoa st LANK BOOK MAKKRS DAVIS A HOLMAN, INC. 109 2d st. blank book manufacturers. A-3108. Msin 183. BOOK STORK BOOKS bought sold, exchanged, ttoaodinaviaa book store. 4 N. 3d st Broadway 2284. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS HARPER S BRASS WUUks. Brana castings and . macntna wore, ion n. otn. Broadway V343. OARfKF OLKANINt) FLilf'IF IKUDtti krom okl carpets. rag rugs. Carpet cleaning. NORTHWEST HUG CO., 188 E. fith t Phones East 3580 B-1280 JOYCE BttOS., Electrw Cleauuig Woras Car peta cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. East 44Qr B-19u3. ,204 E. 19th st N. CHIROPODISTS Dr! S! LOUISE COX AsepUo Chiropodist Successor to Dr. Owen. Offices, Journal Bldg. Pbona Main 7173. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAHON is making good; 31 adjustments $16; seven, $3. Easiest terms. OOa AND OAT HOSPITAL DR. G. N. HUTHMAN, VETERINARIAN. hosT pits! 416 K. 7th at East 1847. B-1963. EDUCATION At . OANCINO E1NGLER Dancing Academy. AU branches of modern, fancy, stage and ballroom dancing. Classes and private lessons for adults and chil dren. Msin 8880. Montrose Ringler, director MANCHESTER DANCING AC A Dh.il 1. es H 6th. Get in line for summer dancing; 10 pri vate lun una 63. Hours 10 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Broadway 282 7. Ws teach yon right MRS. FLECK 8 ACADEMY, 109 SECOND ST.' Ballroom and classic dancing. Private lessons daily. Classes Tuesday and Friday avenlnga, 8 to 10 Ladies free. Msin 2100. ALYS M. BROWN, teacher of classic, toe. stage and ballroom dancing. 148 18th at off Morrison. Phone Broedwsy 2565. MISS IRELAND. ' 10 LE8SONS $6. 809 Dekum bldg. Personal sttention. 10 to 9. MUtlO SCHOOLS AND TKACHIRg PROFESSOR, ot 20 years experience will give piano lessons at your home fog 76a. Pbona Tabor 7208. E THIELHORN Viatin teacher, pupil Sevcik. 207 Fleidner bldg. Broadway 1629. L. CARROL DAY. piano, vocal lessons, with practice piano, 1 hr. day, 85 mo. Bdwy. 2866. The Sun Might Have I UJOOLO HAVE 'EATEM IN THE SLOT ntHikJE 8Au&i TO mY. OtiLii I rVAVh A SS?E THUMB PERSONAL WW9IO 90MOOL KNb TK80H8R9 OREGON Coaarrvaiwry tSchool) of Musw, ei uvw ---ph aaug. iwver taa usoa, I ,gz traace 186 4th st, corwer of Morrison. ' 'rx.vrr rubs and rmru9 Send Us Your Old Carpets . aw mm ' . Made from eM Ingrain. Brussela, Azmlastet. Smyrna, Also rag ruga, a0 sues. Mall erders Carpet Cl'ning, Refitting, Etc. "1J roga, steam or dry cleaned. 81.26. WESTERN FLUFF RUOCO;: ' 64 VnUm eve. N. Ptwwea ra.t 881 g. B-1476. PAINTtWdi. TIWTIWw. PBPKRMBNOINS) TOCHLE PALNTLNG to. paluuitg. Unung. pa? paring. 166 N. 17th Broadway 4414. ' vATKNT ATTOnNlV ' GOLDBERG, eao Worc-.ter bldg. Main 2636 PHYSICIANS DR. K. A. fHUU'a, uj Mruaawsy auuding. Bheunwrbna, female disorders, skin troubles, stomach, liver, kidney, bowels, throat, goitre, high blood pressure. PRINTINO. KNORAVINO. BINDINtt PRINTING 'nd MAl. i k-.M a. mi i.. lak its. M. 165. A-1186. TMIC IVV uul,. 382 Stark st Broadway 408. A-408S. RSBL K9TSTK PKALKR8 AKl, R. JO.XES. 404 Utlcox bias NUBBIN STAMP ALJUJ BiENCllA irsiie CUecs si.i.l m,, PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 68 Broadway. Broadway 710, A-2719. BHKBT asgTAL WORKS ' REPAIRING tin and gravel roots Jacob Losu. 810 1st st Phone Main 1424. " , TOWtt 8UPPLV . PORTLANii LAUNDKY lor prompt sinusal V service. Phone Brnsdway 410, A-4410. TRANtttR AND BTORAQK Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870 Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage Free Trackage Office and Storage. 474 Cliaea st 18th and OlWan. Brosdway 1281. A-1169. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Hot BtHol.U GOOD SPECIALIST Storage, packing, ship ping and moving. Horse and auto vane. Special rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER f: STORAGE CO.. Seennd snd Pine. Hmadwav 598. A-l 996. STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORSE, INC., '428 Flanders st PACKING -MOVING STORAGE" Qd V aa a w avsuss ws stjii'w e-s a 108 Park st Msin 5195. A-1081. IF it's a watch crystal or a watch part we have tt First clam watch and lewelrv repairing. Prompt eerrlee. Reiner At Blom. 122A 6d at. TRANSPORTATION Si S. BEAVER Ret tor ad to the) rout SAILS SUNDAY, JUNE 9 FOR SAN FRANCIBOO AND LOB ANQKLKB. The Ban Franclsoa A Portland B. B. Oe Third and Washington Streets (wHH O-W. PL g. N. Oa.) Tat Broadway 4B00, A-9181. By George McM&nu Sometliing to Do With It tlrvvrr r I WAS BOfcA AT AJOCft Cafeteria Chatter DON'T WASTE FOOD AAJD YOU UjON'T fSCQ0QE TOO I ,tX ( i 1 T i "2 6-PASS.. $230. 7i$ Miasoari aveT V