The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 02, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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President's. Proclamation Calls
' on Them to Register for the
(Draft on Wednesday, Jnue 5.
Certificates Will Be Issued to
Registrants; Questionnaire to
Be Filled Later.
Absence from the territory of the home
' exemption board, and illness, regardless
of its seriousness, will not be accepted as
excuses for the failure of young men
who have reached 21 years of age since
'June 6, 1917, to register for the selective
service army on next Wednesday. June 5.
According to a proclamation of President
Wilson, effective In Oregon as well as
, all other states, actual and present mem
hers of the military or naval forces of
the United States are the only ones not
' required to register.
Acting Adjutant General John M. Wll
llama and Captain John B. Cullison. chief
of Oregon's war census bureau, have co
operated with local draft exemption
boards in preparing the final details of
' plans for the registration of Oregon
young men under the terms of the presi
dential proclamation and through their
' offices young ' men who fail to register
will be confronted with the penalty of
spending a year in jail.
Nnbjeet to Home Regulation
Registrants on June . R will be made
the subject of a classification lottery
' as the first registrants of last year were,
and later will be required to fill out the
same questionnaires. It Is said. They will
be classified and attached to the end of
'the present list of available men in the
classes In which they are placed by their
local' or district exemption boards.
Thereafter they will be subject to the
aame selective, service regulations that
I hve governed the men registered for the
. first draft. ' President Wilson's procla
mation says:
"I do proclaim and give notice to every
person subject to registration In the sev
eral states and In the District of Colum
bia, In accordance with the law, that
the time and place of such registration
shall be between 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. on
the fifth day of June. 1918. at the office
of the local board having Jurisdiction of
the area wherein he permanently resides,
or at such other place as shall be desig
nated by public notice by such local
?fo Kxense to Be Accepted
"All male persons, either citizens of
the United States or residing in the sev
eral states, or in the District of Colum
bia, who have, since June 5, 1917, and
on or before June 5, 1918, attained their
twenty-first birthday are required to
register In accordance with the law and
the regulations prescribed thereunder ;
provided, i however, that the following
persona are hereby exempted from regis
tration : Officers and enlisted men of
Vie regular army, the navy, the marine
corpaand the national" guard and naval
militia while In the service of the United
States,, and officers in the off leers" re
serve corps and enlisted men in the en
listed reserve corps while in active
service. ,
fAny person who. on account of sick
ness. wi(l be unable to present himself
for reslgtratlon may apply on or before
the day 'of registration at the office of
any local board for Instruction as to how
he may register by agent.
Every man registered will be given a
registration certificate, which. for self
protection, he should .carry at all times
and be prepared to show on demand ;
otherwise he is liable to arrest on sus
picion of having evaded registration.
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Crowder, United States
Three . Quarters of a Million
Names Will Be Added to Roll
of Selects Wednesday.
Provost Marshal Crowder Utilizes
Existing Organization for Reg
istration of 21-Year-0lds.
A new photograph of Major Oeneral Enoch H.
Provost marshal general.
Who? All men having arrived at the age of 21 years since June 6, 1917.
When? Wednesday, June 5. any time from 7 a. m. until 9 p. m.
Where? At the local draft board of the precinct in which they preside,
boundaries as follows :
Precincts 1 to 36 inclusive. Willamette river to Burnslde street, Washington
street, Barnes road and city limits. Local board No. 1, 247 Davis street, 149
North Twenty-third street or 359 Morgan building. .
Precincts 37 to 68 inclusive, from Barnes road to Washington street. Burn
side street to the Willamette river. Mill street. West Park street, Jefferson
street, Qanyon road, city limits. Register with local board No. 2 at 414 Plt
tock block.
PreclnctS 69 to 98. inclusive. Canyon road, Jefferson street. West Park
street. Mill street, Willamette river, city limits south and west.' Register at
local board No. 3, 423 Corhett building.
Precincts 99 to 126 inclusive, 129 to 132 Inclusive, 136, 137. 138. 144 and 145;
Karl street. Southern Pacific right-of-way, Powell street, city limits east and
south, Willamette river. Register local board No. 4, 409 Stevens building.
Precincts 127. 128, 133, 134, 135, 139 to 143 inclusive, 146 to 157 . inclusive,
179 to 187 inclusive ; Hawthorne avenue, Eaatburn avenue. Base Line road,
city; limits, Powell street. Southern Pacific right-of-way, Karl street, Willam
ette river. Register local board No. 6, 522 Selling building.
Precincts 153 to 178 inclusive, 23 to 220 inclusive ; Halsey street, East
Thirty-third' street, East Pine street East. Thirty-eighth street. Hawthorne
avenue, Willamette rivers Register with local, board No. 6, East Side library
or 406 Stevens building. 4 & '
" . Piwclnota 188 to 202 inclusive, 224--to-'llffeincltiafre i Fremont street, city
limits, Basa Line road, Thy burn. venue. East Stark Btreet, East Thirty-eighth
street. Halsey street, Union avenue.. Register with local board No. 7, 601
Courthouse. v . tjrrw
Precincts 252 to 269 inclusive. 272 to. 27f inclusive ; from Killlngsworth
avenue, city limits, Fremont street, Patton avenue, Register with local board
No. 8, 500 courthouse. . . :-p-!'", .
Precincts 270, 270, 271. 275 to 283 Inclusive from Patton avenue, Bryant
street, Denver avenue. Lombard street, Derby street city limits, Killlngsworth
avenue. East Thtrty-third street. Alberta street East Twenty-sixth street,
Killlngsworth avenue. Register with board No. 9, at 337 Jessup or 407 Stevens
. Precincts 221. 222, 233, 240 to 251 inclusive, and 284 to 298 inclusive; Wil
lamette river, Halsey street. East Second street, Hancock street. Union avenue,
Fremont street, Montana avenue.- Mason street Patton avenue, Bryapt street,
Denver avenue, Lombard street Derby street city limits. Register with board
No. 10, at St. Johns city hall.
All residents of Multnomah county outside of the city limits register with
board No. 11 at 325 Courthouse or at Gresham.
June' Brides
nill appreciate
as the most appropriate and pa
. triotic : wedding presents. ' .
June Graduates
can receive, nothing more fitting
, than presents of
now sitting here Is secret Hugh Law, a
member of the committee, writing: In the
Irish TmlesV reveals the fact that
some of the member are disappointed
over the alliance with Sinn Fein Ism
and oveivthe failure of recruiting. Law
prays Ireland to revert to hr 1914
attitude toward the war.
Men Leaving for - Camp y This
; Eve rung Will Be Guests of .
Women's Service League.
The "wndoff dinner" for the 425 en
listed men of Portland and 37 from
Yamhill county, planned by the National
League for Woman's Service at the
Multnomah hotel this evening, will be
served promptly at 5:80 'by. a corps of
women under the direction of Mrs. Alice
Benson Beach. " " Mlsa Mamie Helen
Flynn i In charge of the program and
Mrs. J. o. Farrell of the sneaking mc
tknt - -' '- . ." ' V '-' ":
Members of the Girls Flying Squad
ron of the, National League for. Wom
an's Service. . in uniform. yeOl the
erving. After the dinner they '.will
line up at a point near the Union sta
tion &nd hand to each departing sol
dier a lunch to start him on his .way.
Acting Mayor Blgrelow will preside at
the dinner. Dr. John :H. Boyd will de
liver the Invocation, and Charles Bare
will give a short talk.: John D. Doug all.
from the Chamber of Commerce,'- will
act aa toastmaeter. (Lieutenant Joyce
of the Canadian army Just recentlyj-e-torned
from " tha front will be one of
the principal apeakera. j
Colonel John Leader waa to have
given an address, but a telegram Sat
urday morning- announced his inability
to be present because of illness. Gov
ernor Wtthycombe was also invited, but
found it impossible to - accept the In
vitation. ..
The Oaks Park orchestra, through the
courtesy , of the Musicians' Mutual as
sociation, will fumfsh music during 'the.
dinner. " Mrs.. Herman Jollts,' Mlsa ;
Ooldle Peterson and Mrs... Jane Burm .
Albert win sing, accompanied toy Mlss ::
Mamie Helen Flynn. - . ; ;
nepresentatlves of i' all . tha -various . ;
civic clubs . and military organisations -will
also be present, in addition to tha '
drafted men, who will be admitted by.
their service badge. .. , , '
After the dinner, at 7 o'clock, tha
men will parade through the . streets,
past Liberty temple and to the Union r
station, headed by a platoon of police '
and the Multnomah Guard band of 60
pieces. The line of march is as fol,
lows: '
Formation at Fourth and Pine, south'
on Fourth street to Morrison, west it
Morrison to Sixth, past Liberty , tem
pie, thence north on Sixth street tof
the station. 4
In London the Y. M. C. A, maintains
a night transport service, a fleet of
automobiles that meets trains when aoV,
diers arrive. Between 1S.OO0 and SO. 000 -men
are cared for In this manner ever v
month. '
Washington. June L With the signing
by President Wilson of the bill and pro
lamatlon designating Wednesday, June 5,
as the day on which all men who have
reached the age of 21 since last June S
shall register for military service. Pro
vost Marshal General Crowders office
immediately began preparations for the
enrollment of the men. Instead of using
the election machinery as was done last
year. General Crowder will call upon the
local boards. It is believed that their
experience during the past year has pe
culiarly fitted them to handle the new
registration, economically and efficiently.
General Crowder has estimated that
probably three-quarters of a million men
will be added to the American army by
the new registration. His estimate Is
based on the fact that almost 10,000.000
men registered last year. This number
included all . between the ages of 21 and
31, and statistics collected by General
Crowder's office show that a little more
than 10 per cent of these men were 21
years old. On that basis it is estimated
by draft officials that the total registra
tion will exceed 1,000.000, of which 750,
000 will be available for military service.
This makes proper allowances for phys
ical defectives, exemptions because of
dependents, and other bars to military
Wbat Law Provides.
The law provides that every young
man in the United States who nas
reached the age of 21 years since June
1917, or will reach that age on or be
fore June 5. 1918, must register. The
only exceptions are In the cases of men
who are actually in active military or
naval service. All male persons, citizens
or aliens, born between June 6, 1896
and June S, 1897, inclusive, except offi
cers and enlisted men of the regular
army, navy, and marine corps, and the
national guard and naval militia, while
in federal service, and officers in the
officers' reserve corps and enlisted men
in. the enlisted reserve corps while in
active service, must register. Some mis
understanding has been caused by the
publication of reports that medical and
divinity students- need not register, and
General Crowder has issued the follow
ing statement:
"Divinity students and students of
medicine must register. Under the terms
of the law signed by President Wilson,
students who were preparing for the
ministry in recognised theological or di
vinity schools and students who were
preparing for the practice of medicine
and surgery in recognized medical
schools on May 20, 1918, are exempt
from the draft. However, the law does
not relieve such students from the duty
of registering on Wednesday, June 5.
Registration comes first, exemption af
terward. It is absolutely necessary that
these students register."
Provision for Sickness.
It is necessary to eo to the registra
tion place n person. Any man who ex
pects to be absent from home 6n
Wednesday, June 5, 1918, should go at
once to the office of the local board
where he expects to be and have his
registration card filled out and certi
fied. He must then mail this card to
the office of the local board having
jurisdiction of the place wherein he per
manently resides, and in view Bf the
fact that this card must be received by
his home local board on or before June
5, It Is essential that anyone who expects
to be away from home on that date
arrange for his registration Immediately,,
Anyone who is sick on June a ana
unable to present himself in person at
the office of the local board may send
some competent friend, who may be
deputized by the clerk to prepare his
Any person In doubt as to where he
should register should consult the local
board In the place where he permanently
resides, or he may obtain the desired in
formation from the office of the mayor
if he lives in a city of 30;000 popula
tion or over, or in the office of the
county clerk or parish clerk if he does
not live in a city of 30,000.
It is not anticipated that many will
be delinquent. It is hoped that none
will be, but for those who do fail to per
form their duty congress has provided a
very heavy penalty. Failure to regis
ter on June & constitutes a misdemeanor
punishable by imprisonment for one
year, and may result, furthermore, in the
loss of valuable rights and privileges
and immediate induction into military
A New Period Suite in Three Finishes Very Fairly Priced
1 V t , : ,v,;- ',' . w : $ ;., irt' v.-."-
- k : -,'-i-jr. .vix. ..;-:v ;:j,.V';v .'.-' ':V'
...... j - i ? " r :t W-r2"r!iiitr ;v;v 4
Draft Registration
Booths Are Provided
Sheriff Hnrlbart, Chair mas of Connty
Exemption Board, Aasoasces Oat of
Town Places; Courthouse Offlee Open.
Arrangements for the registration of
young men who have arrived at the age
of 21 since June & of last year have been
completed by the county local exemption
board, according to an announcement by
Sheriff Hurlburt, who is chairman of the
Registration booths have been provided
in the following out of town districts:
Fairview Ed Gesslin, postmaster.
Corbett O. H. Patterson at Knight's
store, on the Columbia river highway.
Bridal Veil Bridal Veil Lumber com-
Dany. with Mr. Thompson in charge.
Bonneville Mrs. N. E. Tyrell, at gen
eral store.
Gresham Brown's real estate office,
with Mr. Eastman in charge.
In addition to these outlying registra
tion booths, young men in Multnomah
county may register at the board's head
quarters, room 320 courthouse.
Home Rule Bill in
Sight, Is Prediction
- Dublin. June (I. N. S.) The chair
man of the nationalist conlerence sit
tine here-has announced that the gov
ernment's home rule bill will be in
troduced within a fortnight. '
By official proclamation the coun
ties of Limerick and Tipperary have
been: declared military areas. Prilling
and assemblies- are declared - unlawful
in these counties. "li'Wtj.xsji,.;;, i
- Although. - the nationalist' conference
$14J0O Cash l
en tit - L - la
TlgT I I vmjr ww r f- - i
Four Pieces in Either Ivory Enamel ori
A merican Walnut Finish
A new period production tha't we have just sampled In ivory enamel. Ameri
can walnut finish and selected quartered oak. A-high-grade suite of excep
tional design that we are offering at a very low figure. The suite Is exactly
as shown, with the exception of the chiffonier, which has a large mirror
instead of wood back. All pieces are beautifully finished, and the case
Bed, $32.75 '
Dresser, $37.75
Toilet Table, $33.50
Chiffonier With Mir
ror, $35.50
- j
The Four-Piece Suite in
Quartered Oak, $134.50 ;
construction is far above the average. You may buy. It as a suite complete
or select any single piece. In either event you will find the price exceedingly -low
for the quality you are offered. By all means see this suite assembled
In our special display room. It will impress you as being worth many dollars
more than we ask.
Sanitary Tuftless"
Made of pure, selected, long-fiber cot
ton by a patented air-woven process.
The smooth, tuftless feature so essen
tial to perfect comfort conforms to the
sleeping figure allowing relaxation
and absorbing instead of radiating
heat. Whea you buy a Sealy Mattress
the cost ends there it never has to
be remade.
Guaranteed 20 Years
Big Comfort Rocker in
Spanish Imitation
Big overstuffed rocker covered in ex
cellent grade Spanish leatherette
strapped pillow back and very com
fortable. Base finished mahogany.
Use Your Credit
Use Your Credit
-Ipy d
The Daintiest and
Most Beautiful
of All Made ; - '
They surpass in beauty the very finest and most ex
pensive old-style hand-woven buggies, because of the
symmetry and fineness of the new "Loom - Weave."
The great saving in labor permits the use of the finest
materials. Made in many entirely new and dainty
colors. Best upholsterings.
Remarkably Low Prices
$5.00 Cash $5.00 a Month Buys One
The Gas Range With a
Reputation the
A-B Sanitary
Gas Range
Over 3000 Portland women are .now
using the A-B Sanitary. They are
using this range because they have :
found that it embodies the improve
ments of all the makes and also fea
tures that no other gas range has. The
A-B Is the most perfect gas range built'
today. It saves time, labor and ex
pense, and Is designed to meet tha re
quirements of women who are as par
ticular about their kitchen as thetr
living room. The A-B is shown in
every wanted also. Come In and ask a
salesman to demonstrate the real AQ
features why they are better than
other gas rangea N
Use Your Credit
We Are Exclusive Portland Selling Agents for
The Way-Sagless is without question the ' best-known spring manu
factured today. You have seen itw advertised in all the leading
magazines and are familiar with the guarantee that goes with it.
The illustration tells the story heavy weighted on one side and light
on the other, yet there Is no rolling toward the center. Ask a salesman.
$61.50 Queen: Anne ,
Sixty-Inch Buffet
Really an unusual price for such a
roomy buffet. Back Is fitted with
triplicate mirror and base has roomy
drawers and storage compartment.
Finished in rich Jacobean and the best
buffet value we have offered In
Underpriced Things
for the Children
Folding Baby Play Yards, special
Four-wheel Folding Park Cars,
nicely finished, at
White Enamel Child's Chair,
striped in blue, special at
$13.75 White or Gold Bronse Iron
Cribs, with automatic side trip,
Use Your Credit
This 10-Piece Queen Anne Suite
In American Walnut Finish . . . .
All of the ten pieces are exact reproductions of famous masterpieces. The
buffet, which Is a beautiful example of cabinet work, is 54 inches in width.
The china closet, also a most artistically designed piece, measures . 48 inches.
The dining table, which is a true reproduction iof the Queen Anne, is 48 Inches
in diameter. The five dining chairs and the one arm chair exactly match the
balance of the suite and are fitted with genuine leather slip seats. This Is
by far the best quality suite we have to show at a like price.
Buffet, $49.75; Table, $39Q; China Closet,
$4U0; Side Table, $19 .75; Chairs,
$9.75; Carver, $15 JS. .
$12,50 ;
.why conUnue the old way of fit
ting your, dresses, when , you can
buy one of these Adjustable, Dress
Forms thU will give you tha same
result as an expert dressmaker?
They conform to your sire, height
and figure and are automatically
adjustable. There are no parts to
get .out of order, are simple 'in
construction, yst will giro you
service for years. Coma In and
ask for demonstration. J Learn
how easy It Is to use them, then
we are sure you will never' go
back to the old way of - dress
$1 Cash, 50c Week l
,,..imr' -V?-
A most unusual showing of these splendid overstuffed Davenports. A new
shipment Just received has brought us some 13 new designs in both velour
and tapestry.! The name Karpen stands for quality, and w invite your
inspection of these new pieces while the. assortment la yet complete. OX
course you are very welcome to credit. - rk-I'AAfV";;?'-::'
V T i
- l