34 THE : OREGON " SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,?: SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 191S. FOR ale HotT.F.s 7.UUbl A DOWSE' ASAP LIST ' 41 I 1004 roots eottade. belh. electric; lot 4Sx . 152; in Bancroft ava., wast aide,' 8100 ' man, belsneo Oft. - r ' r 1109 loom cottage, bath, elcctrls, flna lot . , .801100. in Borthwtek Mar Peninsula Psra; 8800 caab balance 1100 Nice S room bungalow. Am lot, E. 18 th and Beaelawn ava.. 8800 cash. -1600 room eld bouse, tot 80x100, K. Hoyt ; near 65th; $200 cash, . 16004 room bungalow on Council Crest ; ISO eaah, balance . i 11610 Nice 6 room cottage., bath, electric, ia Minnesota near Atrisworth; $300 caah, ' par month. I1T00 Niea 0 room cottage, full lot, pared street, fruit. Mabraaka at.. west aide. laOO 4 room cottage, fine lot, fruit; E. Maia Beer S7th; easy terms, 20004 room flna bungalow. E. 26th naar . Gladstone; will tall furnished ot unfur Btabed. on terms. I3S0O room aaedera bungalow, oak floors, ,- , fireplace, eta.; Milwaukle ava. naar Hoi- 6ete; 500jeesli, .12860 Good room cottage. 100x100: flna eornar; frost, cardan; Maryland naar KU lingsworth; 1400 each, balance . 11400 Kine 0 room banc low, Rom City, E. 4flth GHL'AMl 10 Board of Trade. andyi easy term. Hi A DOWNEY. Main 7452. ' " 0 DOWN, 80 MONTH - m 4 room plastered, large attie, 40x100 lot. e carfare, good aebool. Boll Baa watar. Intaraat and Uxaa included, 110 monthlr payment Frice 11100. - - ii minutes fbom wash. rr. 4 rm., bath. Duteh kitotwn.' eement baaamant. 4 bike, to ear.. 1100 down. 111 month. Price 1I00. MOUNT TABOB 1200 DOWN, ataantlfuf laraa Int. T mom kont. frnit and flowers. 2 blocks to car. fall priea 12000. No I snongaaa. WIST OF PIEDMONT. 250 DOWN. 4 rm., Urge altlo, fas, electricity. S blocks St. Jelia ear. Price 81300. 'EAST OXISAN ST.. 1100 DOWN. 2 small house. 60x100 lot. 12 fruit tram, I blocks la ear. Priea 11000. WOODLAWM DI8TBI0T 12800 rm., bath, large lot, fruit and bsrrles. 2 bib, ta aar, ItOO down. Wa Accept Liberty Bonds. . CEO. T MOORE CO.. Abington Bid. $2950 Terms $2950 . An Eye Opener ' raom colonial bungalow. 1 bed chamber downstairs, maid's room. Hardwood floors, fire plaoe, veneer paneling, buffet, beaming, ate, in Hittig room; arery room piped for furnace; SVx 1 OO lot; full cement basement ; beat standard plumbing. It's a jewel. Among refined, people and beautiful homes. Nerer lived in. 8 block fit. Johns car. Hewer and street work paid. Cost 11500 to construct. If you don't snap this up yoa'U rata a eery great opportunity to own your noma at ima man the cost. G, C. Goldenberg "85 TEA IIS IN PORTLAND." kI16-l6 Abington blilg. Main 4803 NICE HOME FOR SALE not'BES ft BOOli modern house, 40x126 ft lot, 110 : eaah, balance monthly payments. xnam modern house. 2 lots. 80x100 each. ISQ0 cash, bale oca aaar terms. " , Small house, lota 176x100. water, gas and rights: oc Oregon City car; elosa ; is; small payment down, balanea easy. liKU. MOURE, :..- , 211 Chamber of Commerce. 1300 CASH. BALANCE EAST 11400 bun a neat 4 room bungalow, com pletely furnished, with good oak furniture, larae gas range, dishea complete; lot 00x112; chicken bouse, nice fruit trees and berries; can take possession at once. WATCH OCR ADSl WE GET RESULTS. C A. Warriner, RITTEK, LOWE at CO., ZOS-e-7 Board of Treae. WAVEBLET HEIGHTS BCNOALOW T rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, full eement basement, all hard surfaee in and naid for: a blocks from ear. beat loca tion of Warerler Haigbts; price 12850; terms, C. A. Warriner, ,. ' KITTKR, LOWE CO., 1 . 208-5-7 Board of Trade. 800 TEHNON 4 R. COTTAGE 1200 82d St.. S B. cottaga 11600 58L 6 B. bongaiow 82800 8. Portland bungalow 3500 5th St. cottage. 0 B. . 84800 3d. near College, 11 B. i 2800' Base City modern bungalow j 88800 Overtook swell bungalow 14760 Laurslbarst 7 K. and garage ' CHAB. BIXGLEB at CO.. 228 Henry blag.. 8CNNTSIDE, 12000 7 room", concrete double garage, corner lot I-RtIOO atreet ism. all DakL S blocks 8. 8. car, blocks Hawthorne ear, 15 minutes from 6th and Morrison sts. House arranged 2 la ml us. Usrage would rent for 17.50. This is fine buy. 800 down, 920 month, i GEO. T. MOOUE CO.. Abingtoa bldg. ALMOST new modern 6 room house with ilMtitm noreb. firenlaee. narawooa. itoors. white enamel interior; built-in conveniences and cabinet kitchen; full cement basement and fur nace: clone in on east side. Corner lot. fins view. Way below cost, only J 3 500, easy terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN BEALTT CO.. Suite 212 Lumbermen Bldg-. 81 00 ST. JOHNS 8100 ; 0 room noma at 812 Fessenden St.. 50x100 lot, tlbUO; 8100 cash; snap. Go look. Autos all day. Main 4803. G. C, Goldenberg 215-10 Abington bldg. 108H 8L "80 TEARS IN PORTLAND." Why Don't You Farm? , If you are tired of working for wages and want to lead a more independent life, why don't you go on the farm? Today's Journal Want Ads offer some splendid farm buys. Look them over now. FOB SALE HOUSES 1 Splendid Selections of Com fortable Homes on Easy , Payments 82200 S room modern bungalow with full basement; lot 60x100; on paved street; sewer connections; 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. 17004 room modern bungalow with dis appearing bedsteads; sot 100x120; fruit, ; 1950 5 room modern : cottage, half block from Williams a vs.. near Russell aC 18506 room modern cottage will full lot, on Vernon are. . f 8000 8 room modern house., full lot; half block from Williams; close in; good bargain. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 418 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 50 DOWN BUYS ANT OF THE FOLLOWING : 4 rooms. 8350 64tkr it, & E. Price 1500. two lota. 2 rooms, plastered., 5741 5 2d at 8. E. Price 55. 8 rooms, 1008 Haaaalo at., corner 6 2d; good plumbing, 51845. 7 room. 2014 E. Glisan at. 11500. 6 rooms, 2150 K. Glisan at. modenn. paved atreet in and included ia price, 12850. 4 room California bungalow. 5124 77th st S. E., 81700. 8 rooms, 2118 E. Stark st. 1000. These are all our own properties, and wa will arrange the monthly payments to suit you. FBED W. .GERMAN CO.. 782 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. possession At oncb; 12160 hawthorne cab 250 down. 5 rooms and attic, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch- kitchen, paved street J. L. Hartman Co.. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. Main 208. A-20M. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW 6 rooms, modem, clear of all incumbrances; 2 blocks from Union are. near Portland blvd.; price 52250; easy terms. C. A. Warriner, ITTEB. LOWE CO., 208-5-7 Board of Trade. 4 rooms and batlv, rloae In, walking distance east side. 2 blocks to csr. Sewer and street im proTsment all paid. A real snap. 81800. 850 . cash, bsU 825 per month including interest ALSO .' 8 rotimv end toilet, sewer and street im Wrrtrm Pti all paid. A very nice little cottage. Kew::' ilTit-d and papered. Price 51800. .Close In, 2 ilork to ear. 850 caah and 8-0 per montli including Intereat Accept government bonds. C. W. BAHRINGER, ' 848 Stark. Phone Main 2658. " BUNGALOW, KI.EOANTLT FURNISHED HOME CITY PAKE DISTRICT At real sacrifice price on account ot owner , leaving city; 6 rooms and reception hall, hard ' , wood floors throughout, fireplace, furnace, full eement basement, 50x100 lot, good garage, fruit trees and shrubbery, hard surfsce atreet, all -' paid for , place clear of all incumbrance ;' price 8700; t.rmi. 4, WATCU OUR ADS-t-WE GET RESULTS .( (V A. Wsrrlnr RITTKR, IAVE A CO., JOS 6 7 Bosrd of Trsde. DIVISION ST. BUNGALOW 6 rooms, hardwood floors, beamed ceiling, large attic, fine bath, large light basement, laundry trays, 8 blocks car. 1400 down. Price 2000. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. What Do You Wish? IK WE HAVEN'T IT LISTED . WE WILL GO OUT AND GET IT. - 4 rooms, tnt. 40x100, 8490. ; 8 rooms, 72d t.. 40x100, 11200; 8100 rash. room. 00th at. Worth 82600; now 11350. -4 room. 82d at Usrage. 8-lftOO; 5150 cash. 4 run, Anehol; very mod.; 31600; 8200 cash. V G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. "85 Tesrs in Portlsnd." Msin 4808. ' ""T'rtll SALE BfOiVVlEH, A BARfiAIN 6 room hnue. pa: intry, bathroom, large . attic, lot 60x100, gnod fruit tree, berries. ' flower , 'mall garden : located 110 E. Webster near Ainina eve., h blocks Jeffermn high ncbool, pointm.nl. Mebster. 110 E Telephonei Woodlswn 060 Three room houxe and, lot 60x100 ft 10 p. e. down and 1 p. c. monthly; on Ore- ton Eleetrie ry., 16 minute ride. 5 cent .efare. Take cars at, 10th and Alder st. at t 1 :05 p. m. or 4 05 p. m. and get off at ' Koland tatlon. and we will show you the place. F. V. Andrew ft Co., 6th floor, Piatt bhlg. T-l. Msrb. 0025. " FURNISHED HOUSE 110606 room house, basement, good . pronibing, fruit in rear yard: 2 blocks from Albert ear: about 1350 cash 8260 Choice 6 room house; modern; best . portion Ilo-i Citv 'Psrk; 1-8 ch. f GEORGE E. ENGLEHART Main 7288. 024 Henry bldg : ; Hawthorne District, Snap f.1 room, strictly modern bungslow, 88250 aasy terms; worth much more. X J. BRUCE GODDAHD, 602 COUCH BLDU. , i Sea Beamer, Sundayf and evenings. Tabor 1402. EAST SIDE COTTAGE 5 rooms in aood shape, lot 60x148. several fruit trees and good barn; clear of incumbrances; price 82000; 5200 cash, balance easy. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. NEW. modern 5 room bungalow; all built-in con- veniences: full cement basement. East Mor rison st.. one block to Mt Tsbor car. Re stricted district. Would cost 83000 to build. Sacrifice 82250. Easy terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN BEALTT CO., Suite 212 Lumbermen Bldg. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOB; SWELL BOSE CITY BUNGALOW. Mr. Man, if you show this to your wife "you will be through looking. Words can't do this place luetic: it's really a work of art both in side and out When we lust tell you that it has hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, an unus ual beating plant etc.. that doesn t mean much, does it? The-price is 83850 and worth every cent of It: Just sea for yourself how much bet ter this i than anything else you have seen. Call at our branch office today; don't let this get by. Bee it. jsny it A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st, near 84 Main 8516 Branch Office, 1309 Sandy .Blvd. BOMK ot the beat buys in Portland: 5 room furnished cottage, garage and chicken house, on lot 100x100. Price 81600. 7 room bungalow, lota of fruits and berries, on lot 100x100. Price 82000. v 0 room furnished house on lot 60x120, pared street.; price t:zsv. 0 room house, paved street Price 1 1 800. 5 room bungalow. Price 81800. All on easy terms. , NEW TOBK LAND CO., 381 E. Morrison St 82400 IN PARKBOSR ACRES BEAUTIFUL HALF ACRE TRACT 4 rooms and sleeping porch and attic, modern buiurslow. gas and electricity, aarace. beautiful grounds, fruit treea. garden, some fir treea, lota or roses. Located on a macadam road and only blocks from Sandy blvd. : terms 8 1 000 down. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. tb and Stark sts. Main 208 A 2050. 8100 DOWN. JUST SOLD THE COR. FOR 81500. Have the 5 r. home sdi. for 81200: do ran want it? Don't wait until it is sold; 43d are.; 40x100. O. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "86 Years in Portlsnd." Main 4803. SHACK AND SIX LOTS, PENINSULA Ground 100x150, near Lombard in Mobile St.; clear of all incumbrances; price (1250; term. C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trsde. MT. TABOR DISTRICT 4 room, bath, electric light gas. Beautiful lot Toxieu, small fruit 18 large fruit tree. 8 block Mt Tabor car. J250 down. Price 81000. GEO. T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. ALMOST new 4 room modern bungalow with large attie. cement basement, fireplace and vum-iim , umi luuriuva aircei, ail. xaoor car. uniy fiiou. Kasy terms. BUANDm AVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. puite ziz i.nmpermen Uldg. NORTH OF OVERLOOK 0 room, bath. Dutch kitchen nn,inn w fine soil. 2H blocks to csr. 260 down, 20 munui, ineiuaing interest, t'rice 12000. GEO. T. MOOltE CO.. Abington bldg. PENINSULA DISTRICT BUNGALOW 4 rooms, modern, few feet from hard surface 2 H blocks from car; nice location; price (1600; terms. C. A. Warriner, BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-6-7 oard of Trade. 4 . 1 ana. 81180 8150 eaah lor Liberty bond, ftewry tinted. Comer lot: has' pc for another house, 1 block from ear. 31150. GEORGE E. ENGLEIIABT V Mala 7268. 624 Henry bldg. Vi ""Modern Brooklyn Bungalow $3100 ' Terms: strictly modern, near 82d; snap. Beamer, with Gnddard. 602 Couch bldg. ft ROOJg" bTnuaOMv. beautiful; ' ARTISTIC 3000. 1300 down, 328 per month. An - uaual)y attractive property, well planned, well built . large room, all built-in features, fire- Place, full rement baement steel furnace, etc. R. F. TKKMBTKR. 800 Abington bldg. 4800 HOME tor 14250; 8350 caah, baL 88 per mo., and room and ree. hall, fully . modem, hdw. flu.; hot water heating system: est 11000; hard urfre at, atl paid for and . Bo mtg. to assume. HaL 0 per cent 8ure a ssmp Barr. Main 1 1 n0 2Z3 Ch. of Com. k 82200; 220i7 82200 Hawthorne .bungalow pick' up; 8200 cash. 82500 t 100x100, fine garden and shrubbery. 2 Diocas to jut. scott car. uood modern o room bungalow. 8500 cash, balance easy terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., uuite z l i Lumbermen Bldg. 1800 NQNE BETTER 1800" Elegant colonial bungalow. Inst bevond laurelhurst; cost (3000; has fireplace, cement paid; only 3400 cash. G. C. GOLDENBERG. TWO HOUSE BARGAINS 100 cash, 0 room, full lot. fine for chick- basemn't builtins and laundry off kitchen; fiens 215-18 Abington bldg. Main 4803 FOR SALE HOUSES 41 For St. Johns Buyer Possession at One. 7 room plastered house. S1500; terms 200 cash, balance 8 per cent 58500 HOUSE FOB SAUi A homo in Walnut Park. 6 large rooms and den; full lot, east front bard surface streets, only one half block from caruoe. Terms half caah and balance In S years at 0 interest. 82300 7 room bouse, pared street near two earline. schools and chare be. Easy terms. 31600 0 rooms, pared street and sewers: easy terms: JAMES D. OGDEN, 107 Shaver street Wood lawn 202. ACREAGE ' 17 $3200 Bungalow $3200. ' The only strictly modern 5 room bungalow below the hill in Bose City Park. Has a den that could be used aa a sleeping room if re quired: cabinet kitchen; buffet; wood lift: clothes chute; fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors; large plate glass windows. On one of the finest carlines; in the choicest neighborhood; fine lawn and roses, 8680 atreet improvements paid; owner . non-residence. 8 blocks to car; garage. See Eaton, with The Fred A. Jacobs Company 104 Fifth at Main 0809. BARGAINS. S acres ia Gladstone, a beautiful natural park of maple and native shrubs, 4 room sum mer cottage, atone fireplace, near Clackamaa river, 10 minutes' walk from earline: price for quick sale 8000 cash. - 10 acres. 7 ia cultivation, balance oak, fir timber, fruit, acre berries. 7 room bouse, fireplace, barn, poultry houses and park. Deep black loam soil: on auto road, earline. 1 mile to town, hk to school, ft miles Portland city hmita. Price 2800. term. 8 acres In erop. balance wood pasture, 4 room house, basement, bam, ben house; on graveled road. 10 minutes' walk to Oregon City earline. Price 82000. terms. These places are convenient ta parties whose hnainaam ia In Portland. O. E. FBEYTAG. Gladstone, ur. HO TOII WANT SOME LAND We have 1000 acres that you can have any part of, on term that will enable you to1 make so ol It: sou is ncn ana iree iron easy clearing, plenty water. 1 H bra. nde from Portland bv auto, railroad wrougn isnu, worm nearby if you want it at goad waea; prices run from 830 to oo per acre: a smau oiiacm will locate too and if necessary we will give financial assistance for your buildings. LUEDDEMJtNN UOXfAM, 13 Chamber of Commerce, Mt. Scott District Bargains 5 room cottage. 100x100. garden, berries. fruit sightly place. Being sacrificed for 51600. 250 down, easy terms.' 175 down buys lovely 5 rooms and large double lot. highly improved. Price 81250. This is wonderful bargain. , 6 room, strictly modern bungalow; 66th and Powell. 82600. Term. Nice home. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. Ask for Beamer. Sundays. Tabor 0402. CHEAP ACREAGE ti - - at A A a n. . mAnOl. Il'l AfJIB. WW, Vw v " . -r I " buys 5 acres of laud between Portland and Cen- tM k am th. main Hna nr a lauraui. x i aim from ' a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills: some partly cleared and some all cleared; running stream, some bottom and some bench. Can give you any kind of a piece you want BELL REAL ESTATE JU.. 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. $1 850 Bungalow $1 850 We sold the one that we had advertised last Sunday but have one more, just the same; 4 large rooms, all finished in white enamel: built in features, and a complete cabinet kitchen that Sou can use aa a breakfast room: fireplace; ardwood floors, very attractive on the outside and more so on the inside. If you look you buy. Very easy terms. See Eaton with The Fred A, Jacobs Company 104 Fifth St Msin 6860. FIRST CLASS HOUSES. PIEDMONT 7 rooms, modern and in first clam condition; hardwood floors, fireplace, gar age; 4NU. IRVINGTON 7 room, absolutely modern; A-i condition; (duuu. IRVINGTON 9 rooms, on corner. 100x100; AU . improvements in and paid ; center of dis trict; hardwood floors, large halta, 3 fireplaces. - oatos; large new garage; asuoo. NEILAN A PARKH1LL. 218 Lumbermen bldg-. 5tb and Stark sts. ROSE CITY PAUK. 33300 ALL STREET WORK PAID. Here, really is a swell 6 room bunaalow large living room, hardwood floors, massive buf fet, full cement basement, etc. ; you U like this bungalow: mind you. 83300 is total price, in cluding all improvements paid; located on 46th street A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 8516. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. FOR SALE BY OWNER BARGAIN ROSE CITY PARK. 100x100 We have this open for inspection today and glad to show you. 7 room bungalow. Exception ally large living room. Furnace, fireplace,- etc. 100x100. with beautiful treea. shrubbery, etc. Ies than block from Sandy. Requires at leat 81500 cash. Garage. Paved street Call 702 K. 4th st N. GOING TO SELL OUR HOME Our home is too large for our family or 8 7 room, a practically new house, hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch; cost 83500 to build. Last but not the least attractive ia the fact that we have 8 especially well improved iou, nice nedge, nouy trees, grape arbors, bear ing fruit Come out and see for yourself. House number 7240 Foster road. Phone Tabor aooo. uur price is only 53750. Genuine Alberta Snap IF YOU HAVE $400 The 6 room bungalow on E. 10th for 820OO win suit you. Autos all day. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. '35 Years in Portland.'' Main 4S03 ROSE CITY PARK 83250 5 room bungalow with hardwood floors, fire place, built-in bookcases, furnace, etc. Full 50x100 lot within 200 feet of Sandy. Has garage. Owner has reduced price to force im mediate sale. Terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 284 Stark t.. nesr 3(1. Main 8310. Branch office, 13B5 Sandy blvd. OWNER got this on mortgage; don't want prop- erty, so will sell for half value: 80x100; toilets, full basement, with inside and outside $2200 Foreclosed irvington- Rossmere way: bungalow. five rooms, fireplace, builtins, basement Owner, ZB4 uak. Rose City Park 7 room bungalow which you will annreciate. 1 bed chamber downstairs, very artistic, neat and coxy. On the, best improved lot in city. sou. lerm. entrances; well built in every respect: dsndy G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg, SRSortment of fruits and berries in abundance, "35 Years in Portland." Main 4 nice chicken House, large garden grounds: only 8.220O, with attractive terms. Farmer e Fisher, 408 Stock Exchange building. H03 St, Johns Car 4 R. cottage, lot 50x100, fruit and berries. Paved st. 31300, terms. 5 room modern bungalow, city, liens all paid. 81850. Re sure and see them. Main 6882 Sunday. Main 5456 Monday. SOME BARGAINS. 8950 4 room house. 2 lots, E. 16th st N 31250 5 room house. 1 lot close in. E. Alder. 81400 5 room house. 1 lot E. 72d st N. 83200 -6 room house. 1 lot. close in on K. Taylor. C. J. CULL1SON CO.. 205 H Morrison st $500 Cash $500 11000 4 ROOMS GOOD, fertile cut-over land, 20 to 40 milea down Columbia highway and river. rricae 20 to $40 per acre. Term to suit CrlAKLKS u. nuieiit.K w., 117 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 820 DOWN. 810 MONTH huvs 40 acres of loused -off land, located be tweeft Portland and Centraiia, l V muea iron main line of three railroads; fine for dairy or chicken ranch; plenty of outrange. Pnce 330 per acre. Hr.L.1, KILAl, MI1A1& 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. ' BVRTJRB ATT HOMES LISTEN to this: A 4 room house wit with 4 aera of around la th. tin ,i.t. mideatloK. 1 block Inn the earline. - SOO fat from a bla school; thia i a beautiful place. Who wants it lor aiTUu; ijgn rah is all the money you hare to bare to bn thia olaee riaht swat. M. J. Clohsesy. 416 Abington bldg. SJJBJJRBAJT ACREAGE; T4 BBYAXT ACRES AT OSWEGO LAKE 8200 for an aera traet: liaa laval. ooea aae- ona growtn. Clone to station. 5 ACRES. ONLY 81000 Only 0 milaw from mnrthntM ' oad- latval land; fine for chickens; berries, garden: very easy terms. See owner. 60O Concord bldg. 10 ACBES. lust outside city limits. Vancou ver. Ail good soil, ia fine neighborhood, sur rounded with fine ttrune orchards, convenient to earline, and . only short walk new shipyard. 82500; term 3500 cash, balance 860 per month, interest 7. Would accept Liberty bonds. J. B. Atkinson. 112 West 0th st. Vancouver, Wash, phone 882-J. S ACRES Just outside city limits on 2 hard ausface roads, at station an earline, all in fruit and berriea; 8 room bouae, good barn, chicken house, implements, etc; win return 20 to 40 a year; price 86TOO. (See Ott). G. S. Smith A Co.. 432 Chamber of Com. a FOR SALE FARMS IT : Modem farm,' Washington; " County V Here something Ty choice ra a asodera farm home; acres, right at statioa ea Kea Electrie. fa beart of tae lerui imaus i" ail la cultivation and ia crop; 0 room, fully modern bouse, plastered. Data, juu ewmaw tmmw meat, aa elegant borne i also a large modern barn; full set outbuildings. The buikflne are practically new and worth 18000. ; rbHSU.Al, i-Bwwi a . ' a horaaa. full aet maehinenr. 20 bead regis tered Hotsteiae, 10O bene, cte.; everything toes for 1S.OOO. caah; im mediate poaasestoa; Mh tar th nr ta Waahiaatoa county, Owner wuhes and is able to retire. You will Mrtainl like thia aleea. Oar song experience in the farm line keepa aa ia touch with' the Swat to be bad la well Improved oleosa, nan-rove Realty Co.. 122 North th at. Broadway 4881. WILLAMETTE Y FABM MT aeaea aa fine counts road near Hopewell. 12 milea ta Bateau 80 acres cultivated, good room bouae, barn, fruit house and other out buildings: all fenced aad cross fenced, some heaverdaan; . mammoth never faflinc aprinc of epieadid water, piped ta house and barn. This is an old, highly improved boatestsad. Age and infirmity (boys (one) compear owner ta sell. AU sotendid soil, few acres Umber on nut lano, Lots of big bearing fruit treea. cherry, apple, near.' Druse. 2 mammoth black walnut treei (enormous yield I, Englisn walnut a uinerent kinds of pram. It peach trees. reet variety of berriea, grapes, etc Splendid bona environ ment Moat beautiful view of a beautiftul val ley. The buyer of this farm will get the bar gain of bis Uie. Price only 880 per acre. Jt worth 8150. Terms, 84000 cash, balance may be arranged. THE CROaSLET-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark st Main 8052 A SNAP , 9M acres on the Estacada Una, near Gillis station. 81100. Can give some terms. 814 Lumber Exchange bldg. 1200 ACRE, in crop; house, chicken house, fruit; near car; close in: 6o fare; terms. Du bois, 808 Spalding bldg.. Main 3282. FOR SALE FARMS 17 87 ACRE FARM. 86 MILES PORTLAND Good 7 room house, good barn and other out buildings: 60 acres in wheat oats and notatnaa: crop ought to yield 83000 of which 1-8 goes to purchaser; fine family orchard, all year running cms mruugu i arm; a miles to good town, 1 H mile to . electric station, on rocked road one of sightuest farms in that locality with fine view A ot mountains and surrounding country yours for 311.000; good terms. K. A. LINDGHEN, Savon Land Co., f85 N. W. Bank bldg. 807 Acre Stock and Dairy Ranch for $12,000 -ft BOXEftTEATta a a A C. Ws near Portland open thia monti v tor iHsmsaajadmg. Much splendid mad well faceted; woao)rful opportunity; arraaga now ia , advance for l expert facatiag aerrssa inawjrtna aumeroua rta claim for inapecUoa aad aarly ; mlec&oa; atmoet accuracy aad .effidewcy; per- . tecs siuiiKBai ana real economy. Total cost -only 885 taaludtag auto for 2 days. Call prosaptly a writ for particular, O. B. Ehle. ' rusiaiio. ertusar. 237 E. 46th at, B. GOOD homaateada 25 milea from PortUaX Mana of the State of Oreanai ahowiu tKm entire Oregon A California land grant 150. 000 acre ia i Clackamas. Columbia. Waahinc- '-' too. Beaton. Tsmhlll. Polk afaetoi, lj.. eountieak elassitied as farming aad graxing land. V a ores 10 noaiestead filtiig on and after June : 22. Map 81, postpaid. Horn land Map Co.. 411. Henry bldg. DATES art for O. AC. homesteads tvaer PorV i end bom beat land in state. Near aWw- . trie lines and paved highways. Toa may sea -the hods Sundays, file- and continue your work in wax industries. 1 drew original amp aad as- ; afetrd . f overnmrnt in claaaiticatloa of these land. Maps f entire grant 1. Anderson, 481 Chamber of Commerce. FOB8ALE Or trade, absolutely (he beat re linquiahment on O. A C. Southern Orvaoa. W-443. Journal ; TIMBER 18 23. M. sawmill' in operatioa, eompleta logging butflt about 10.000.000 good timber, a prime good buy; owner drafted; moat be sold. AUo a 40 M. mill and timber on R. R-. com pkte in all details evea tn engine end cars, la operation; sarisfstsory reason for selling. 1 20 II. mill, timber, all complete, ia opera tion; must be sols; mak ua a bid. 10 or 12 tuition good timber close ta the river; stampage hesia; must be eoldV HOUCK. 110 10th at SACU1FICI OPERATING MILL ing; about 700.000 ft lumber in yard. 12 ! million ft timber. 3 large .donkeys and cable; 1 pries for aU 830.000. term. Epton A Mc- For Its real money-making value, nothing in , ' w"h. 512 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 241. the state will equal thia for the money.. 40 j 18 million timber claim (6000 head cattle, including lli -dairy cows. 8 horeeei 2 million yellow fir , 8 SOO ran set macmnery. Diacssmnning ana sucsinf n million Ilr. tidesster 4000 outfits; everything goes tor 812.000. And n million, 5 spruce, mile to railroad . 400O mere are aui acres 01 ana, lencea into 9 iiewu; also Joining forest reserve; 13 Oaeres fine bot tom land, all in crop; will produce aa much er more per acre aa any 3200 per acre land in t Willamette valley: fair set of building: n main county road, daily mail, near school, a tort, creamery, etc: in the famous Fox valley. Grant 0 million with sugsr pin 2000 i. a. ioneion. 447 Sherlock bldg. 35O00 WILL buy iOO screa fine Und with 10. 00O .(100 feet fine saw timber end sawmill; fair buildings. S. M. Vensrd, Out Chamber of Commerce. county, one of the best stock raising section of ! FOR HALE Lesas on mill cutting 80,000 ft Oregon. Step right in and In s few yesrs tou I Per dsy, now operating, good proposition, mil will be more than independent Hargsbve j particulars 816 Lumbermeas bldg. Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 43Hli j 30 ACUKd heavy timber piling, hoe bottom 20 ACRES 6 acres ander cultivation. 4 acre ! Und; 4 south, 3 east IHackamaa eounty. more quite easily cleared. Balanea in timber. 1 Owner. Main 8016. Spring water. 5 room house, new barn nd j 160 ACRE Umber Una. Lincoln cV 4j66O.06w outbuildings. Good fruit trees. 2 miles from , ft. hemtJr pih gal. or tr4d, hoaM mai country town, all rural advantages at door. Fries 1 W-604 JournaL only 62300, H cash. f , 40 acres, 8 acre under cultivation, aioi Qore I COLUMBIA HIGHWAY BUILDING SITES. Thomnaon Villa acre tracts, on blghwsy ana Sandy river, between Troutdale and Automobile club, from 8100 to 600 per acre, on eaayy terms. Office open on tract on Sunday. GRUSSI A DOWN E It. 316 Board of Trade bldg. ' Main 7482. ACREAGE, One acre, well improved, fruit and berriea. good 5 room house and barn, other outbuilding a finehome. on realism une. 1 bioca rrom station. SS000. Trade in unimproved acreage on goodutbad near Portland: must be good soil. After 6 p. m.. 1200 Hawthorne ave. , Lucretia Court Lunette st. between Washington and Ever ett streets. Most beautifully located high class apartmeuta. 2. 3. 4. 6 rooms. AU modern con veniences, first claaa aervice. Price reasonable. References requlreq. Manager. M arena 11 iii SEVEN acres, all In cultivation, lies fine, mile from electric line, stores, rock road, all black loam soil, fine for onions, potatoes or garden. 5 miles from city limits of Vancouver. Price (1250. 5200 cash, baL to suit 411 Henry bldg. 7 FINE acres of land on main county road, 42 large fir trees, balance cultivation. I will sell on easy terms. Take lot or auto. Owner, 076 Corbett st Main 6882. 6 ACRES unimproved, close in, east side. Owner, Tsbor 7573. SUBURBAN HOMES 7t DO you want the finest improved, with the most beautiful surroundings, close in to the busi ness center of Portlsnd, for H its value? This place consists of a beautiful modern up-to-date residence of 7 rooms -with a stone fireplace and chimney; beamed ceilings; the house alone can fiot be replaced today for the price of which 1 acres with the finest yard and shrubbery to be found, with all kinds of bearing fruits. mall and larse. chicken house and runs: this place is exclusive and high clam: it is worth 818.000: who wants it with everything thrown in for 665007 Close enough to the earline at Courtney station; S2500 is all the cash you need have to purchase. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. 5-ACRE home on S. P. red csr electric line, between Aloha and Tobias; house quite new, with 6 rooms, bath and sun porch first floor, 2 bedrooms, sewing room and attic second floor; electricity and gas: living room bas fireplace and library, built-in bookcases; big chicken and pigeon houses and yards, barn, water system with gasoline engine; berries and young orchard, balance of land under plow; adjoining is 5 acres free pasture. Price 56500, terms to suit Ladd Estate Co., Concord bldg. FINE 8 room modern house in Westmoreland; must oe seen- to ne appreciated. Almost new. Will make a special price for cash or may trade for improved acreage. 8 CAN DIN AVIAN -AMERICAN . REALTY CO.. Suite 212 Lumbermen Bldg. MODERN EAST SIDE bTiNGATW 5 room. 2 block from car. in L ft Oth im Everett; price, 32600; 8300 cash, balance easy. tj. a. wsmner, BITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board -of Trade. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 4 room, dandy litle home, near E - 84th at Fine lot Price $1750. Only 3250 down. tiKJ. x. itouKL (JO.. Abington bldg. (2500 82500 32500 82500 32500 Hawthorne snap on Glenn ave. 50x100 lot 8150 down. 817 month. 60x100 ft. lot ce- """v."""- 'A llr. mmAmA ,tri.t Tin.. fl ... . UCIU VBCSIIV UfHJII OUT IWJUBSU in. I II lOVJ, v r. uiDTiiiv nmrpiKV v n,.rK.. 1 V- JL'"l"Et'"'- """w u'u nommercB hide.. 4th and Htarlr at. Main HUH. A-2050. S100 DOWN CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW Pnn'vrT ivn PARK I lypical bungalow; like new; good plumbing. tior,n t .ii Km hnnnlnW " ; iMi.iojwr rosu near r,. -ith ,.-l fi, i rm firenlsce. "lu rrice MKUU. x uoto at omce. ana - i , rv..w .:.!... t.u i..vr.. many others. See. f, .;r lu r F.. term, includes THANK L. McGUIBE. ABINGTON BLDG. street assessment and all. Jut block from Haw- To buy your home. tborne car. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow on the Ala- near 3d. Main 3518. fanrty omce. iho. i meoa, just z blocks lrom Kose City car; FIVE room bungalow, full attic, cement base- T". liTin Tpm- J?1" room- .braJ'"' room. ment beam ceiling. Dutch kitchen, lot r.Ox ViuiJ, Tr , , 100. on paved street and paid. Attractive home. 26: "I? ''L41"- J- Hawthorne district. Bmau payment aown. oai- .nM mmitliW Here la a nanrafn with terms that you can buy easy. Farmer A Fisher, 408 Stock FOR SALE LOTS 16 Exchange building. tlOO TOTAL PRICE . 4100 COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 8850 50x100. facing north, on E. Pine st: 200 V.n neat 3 room doll house, concrete foun- I feet east of E. 97th st. ; ready for garden. Solve dation. small basement, lmtch sitcnen. witn on me rent problem, ouiia a temporary bouse. Mt ,u ranse: balance of furniture not lunk; gooa Tabor car. garden. Rose City Perk line; 8250 cash, bal- FRANK L. MeGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. ance 820 monthly. Fred w. German vo.. isi A RED CROSS CONTRIBUTION. (jnamner ot omemrce oio. t harn 2 lots valned at 8800. Will aaj-rtrir. SEVEN room bouse with a full lot onel them for 650 and contribute 100 of it to block from Hawthorne ave.. between jistu the Red Cross fund. R-724. Journal ana ram: tnis piace w cnm MOB I-ot S4 Rllv'. aririition i. mo 87000. Who wants it for sshout atoou caan - ,iv -v. . ---- will handle it M. Md SHIPYARD WORKERS We have some bar- gains In moderate priced homes: invexticat : prices advancing, and it is cheaper to own than to pay rent Josept H. Johnston, 702 Spald ing bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 room bungalow, oak flnora. hniltin twinkMui .ml K,, f f rnn.H bat 26 per 'month, room and rec. hall I 1st fireplace. Dutch kitchen, white enamel wood a nnunsa aa il nuy ids ana mass vv work: block from car; paved street: 33250. to 810OO. Owner must let it go, Barr. Main f. Vanduyn. 515 Chamber Com. Main 1855 lit Oil fJ. nf 1 1 nmms I . , - . - .... . . I UnSC tTTY U1DV T 1 1 , i . . .vuu x a a large jigi oi modern 6 and 6 room bungalows in Bose City Park ranging in price from S2250 to FOR SALE Snap. 82850. Modem 0 room house, including good furniture and piano. Full haament. eement walks, shade tree. 1 block L v. i a fVivni n t 1 n iftTi v. I Pine. Terms. Call Mar. 4400. Apt 518. No ALAMEDA PARK lot 50x100. 8750. a rent. I woouiawn 431.4 7 Lots and House $1500 ma ,iii mtut brat; Rallwnnd diatriet. 33760. ott easy terms; auto at your service. V Bee Beamer. with Bruce Geddard. 602 Conch 1 Vsndnyn. 615 Chamber of Com. Main 1855. si A. room house, one floor, bldg. Sundays. Tsbor 0402. nvpifiTAV .a u..i a ma. mnn.rn tmn. 9. I eity water. . Mmlanaa- laraw lot. in bast raidenea nart of oth" quarter InlnM.. If Innklne for aoMthine ennri l term. orchard, tardea quarter acre. 81450: will add witn oarn, making half acre. Phone SeUwood 1348. 1437 . irriUvVNi as aww. , sua wmsw; saaaaaasa savrwa . aserv I . . . . i thia.- 86500. terms. Zimmerman. 311 Board I "t 21t itrect af Trade. 82500 HOME LIKE RENT 0 room I 10 restricted district. 1 blocks from E. . lUVIVflTflll Twa nlnb. VMm m. bungslow, bsrdwood floom. furnace, eement Ankeny csrline, 5 room bungalow, large living basement 50x100. Us rate, fruit nuts,' ber-1 rom. iirepiace, ruu cement basement, furnace, ' nes and only 83000. almmerman, 811 Board tray- . w tna up. iast Z871. , i: of Trade. ; , I ROOM residence, close in on East Side FOR SALE- Modern 6r. house, double construet- T5 minutes walk from business center: 14 find. an fnll Mm.nl haaement. wuh Inn a tnnrm SOUU or more OOWB. Oai. to suit. IV K Mnnr. asm rooms eaa be finished unsteir. email ear- SIT Board of Trade. den. aear 60ta st and Division. Phone Tsbor I MODERN Wwt Side home; grand view. 'large sf w " as ay rnn nns rka4knri i til ahwnhKasw aw . MODERN 5-room bungalow. - COxTfiO. garden. Isrge view porches, for sale at a bargain. L. K. reaes, good neighborhood; smsll deiraeit. 920 I moots, an vBOard of Trade. . L. - Mt I . . til W ...I. T .1 I . T- - ' - " nawioora eiAiTUUL Laurelhurst bungalow.. Quarter , , , j Mock: garage, streets paved and paid; price WH.1SH buxsuv, paveu streets, room aouse, iihj wnm u appucauon. Moore, 817 - eass lacing ; a oargain a aiov, aaou casn, wni w iraua, owner. klklM. li W . ffMlt KlmMrMn kll Wn.mt I H. Ai i t.t 'A. i . - I . - - wwierii v room I a jraae. 1 bunealow. firenlaea? am . vi.M,iUM,. ... . 4" ROOM bouae: aseds soma repair; Bear Mt 1 8300 .down. Dubois, 803 Spalding bldg. Main laoav car, run 101; ouaneia oi xrmt, cmcaen 1 ooa. w ' bouse, ceateat walk : will accept Dleao ia trade, i tPTrvfirfii n-....i..i e t .w . . a . w.j- , . ... . Mcwwiu o ruvm nncur mouern raanrv siv . ". u wcn,sy oiug. home, two bathroom, lot 7K.1ft.l- Dubois, 803 Spaldins 44TII aad Sandy boulevard, see thia 6-roomBne; 7500; terms, bunaalow. garage, furnace:, a beauty: see this I bldg. on f? bu'' unlocked all day; terms. Phone " MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE 81450 i.T:'"- i, : , r L AT K- E. 2d at, f tiwvv t-nvua cwun, pw-wm, urit icp-i room 9am.iom. uo not, want pnertar. East inaj k.aa asuiavw, mm, wrajiiH; AlBllbaV, AJUICQ I a0 I Aa 6 ' .tW?.Srif: STi BOSE Ctli i'ARb. bari. ,3300. 5 room ITh iitm 4, i . bungalow, fireplace; Boynton furnace: built 1U BALE By owner, 6-room modern house, I in buffet attic, paved street, all paid. F, Van n fviivv, wwv.wr imiiv , pnce i vna, x vnamoer commerce. .Main lvoo. Iiivs, caau eivuu. s c sxtn es. n. a snAu i. d i-i w.. . .' i V uvioiu ua ... VJ. 1,11 uwinrr. nni,n BOOMS, bath, etc, 1350: 50x100, garden from car; bath, toilet full basement, eement .mi nuiij . w win, eaaj. icnna i iioot. vmiy aiouu, terms, John E. Howard. W.lwn 9AI1 I . 1 UK CIbmIu. , ' . . . BARGAIN 6 room cottage,, lot, 40x60. Price 621001; 278. W. H. Herdmaa. Overlook; corner I 82500 6 ROOMS, MODERN . - (2500 easy terms. East t 8260 aown, 820 per month; weU located: good value. R. F. Feenwter. 800 Abington bid. - SoUER'N thnra flat'buUding. ctosii T la; sell or 6 BOOM bungalow, Waverley Heights near 38th " . .trade for aereaas. Owner. W-607. Journal. 1 at - il-iaa- trm- " i-ii oo.io ' , r , - , - ' -. -- . ..CIIU EKll, S BEAUTIFUL place at Oak Grove, with mod em up-to-date houses, all kinds of bearing fruits, close to the earline: these places con tain 144. m and. 2 acres of land and can be bought in either case for about what the houses alone cost to build; good terms given in seen. casei pavetl streets to all of these places from the business center of the city. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. 1000 ACRE stock farm in well developed tion of Willamette valley. miles from good town, 3 miles from railroad, on good auto road, school at corner of place; all good soil. 700 acres tillable. 800 cultivated and mn.ll. in crop; some fine timber.; lots of good pasture; well fenced and watered;- very good buildings. irnwl nnli.i ...11 . . 1. I I i t.i at least 31o!oOQ worth of personal goes with 1 fiO AprPl Stfirk And ffffir. plsce. Price for all 880.000. Call or write for 1 UU rtUIC; OIUL-N dllU WIUL" mil particulars. Xeal Brown. 207 Panama bldg. 27 milea from Portland; 83 acres in cult FARM FOR SALE HY ivveh gooa new o room nouse, targe oarn, a ra eaaily cleared, all rich, level land. Good 4 foom houe. good barn and outbuildings, running aster. 2 good cows, wagons, harness, machinery! snd crops, etc 2 miles from Battle Ground. I'ric only 82800. f THOMPSON, 8WA 4b THOMPSON, Third and Main sts., Vancouver, Wuh. j EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ft 32 acres. 1 mile from enod town. 44 mil. from high school, 20 milea from Portland; iota ot iruit, running water, springs, deep well, 2 good houses, water piped to houses, big barn hog house and outhouses; 20 acres cultivated 8 colts, 2 cows, 8 heifers, 1 sow, 8 pigs,- sets harness, wagon, hack, buggy. 4 plows, 8 har rows, fanning mill, bean Duller, gasoline fcngine. 2 cultivators, binder, mower, rake, blaaasmitn tools, graphaphone, stove, sewing machine) cream NOTICE. If your property, either eity. farm a age. bas merit and ta for exchange or sale, aafl er write full particulars; no inflated values eoa odered; have tint claaa bat to select from. George P. Henry. 828 Henry bid. Bets. !K-. Portland Realty Board. .ii i i 1.1 - , .ii.: I separator: ail crone: lots feed, good srehard; ":'"- " " a acre, noe iia.il i - , - i iniin K.I 1 fence: farm machinery: cheapest place in Clarke I . .T.TT 81'RL'CE and fir aanmill on the coast sur-' rounded by a fine body of spruce and fir timber, near shipping point has good local trade. Price for mill 820,000. Timber can be had reaaonabie. Owner will mil oa tarma or trade for other good property. A. B. Ralph Ackley land Co . 717 4Vrbett bldg. MINNEAPOLIS FOR PORTLAND Up to 175,000, close in, well located tneome properties ia Minneapolis. Want improved Part- land. county considering location: might consider house and mt in trade. If interested write Lock Box 151. Ridgefield. Wash. lOOB HEALTH COMPELS THIS SACRIFICE 80 acres only 1 mile from Hillxboro. about 73 acres of best kind of bottom land and 6 acres upland in various kinds of crop of which 1-3 goes to the purchaser: 2 seres uncleared. Thia offered for only 8150 per acre, best of terms; have yi-u aver beard of anything like this before? E. A. IJNDOREN. Savon land Co., 835 N. W. Bank bldg. 411 HENRY BLDG. THE BEST FARM BUY 150 ACRES. SIO.OOO Including stock, machinery and cSp. Ite rated in Washington Co.. between Forqtt Grove snd Gaston, on macadam road. 60 acres) in crop. 60 more in pasture that lies well to arm. 40 acres rolling and In timber; fine creel; and 3 sprines on place; good farm house, oaeuiew and one old bam; good outbuildings. If self at once will include all crops. B horses. 4 sows ana farm machinery, as my health is suet that 1 can't handle so -much land. Sea D. Mffbesney, 8 W ACRE FARM, 80 MILES PORTLAND 382 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1 acres in closer, 93 seres In grain, family orchard, good 5 room house, good barn, spring and well water, on crushed rock road, close to gooa town; team horses, farm machinery and implements of every kind and description: good i-.eighborbood, and Ilea fine; price 810,600; will ccnaider I'oruand property up to 83500 in trade. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co.. 835 N. W. Bank bldg. MONTANA LANDS The very best of Montana land for sale on lib eral term. For complete information adareas 617 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland. 2100 40 ACRES All aood Und. 5 sere in cultivation, good standing timber, all under good wire fence. 6 room bouae, V barns, 4 springs, welil 14 mile to school. Cost owner 84000: Gotig Will take (2100. 31000 cash, balance 0 tat PU.LUAK HUWLASU 8th and Main Sts.. Oregon City, 40 ACRE FARM. 3H MILES CA1 7I0J. 4 million East. 5 yean. Or. HORN, FOR 8 ALE 33 acres with IS acres besring Italian prune trees, good prune dryer, fine 6 room house, barn, team good horse. Jersey cow, farm tools, fine neighbors, about 8 H miles to Electric Ry. and good market town, daily mail, good auto road; 812.000 buys it on eaay terms. At noon hour only, G ruber, 827 Chamber of I farm, enough timber for fuel; 8 horse Com. bldg. 167 ACHES aaar Astoria. 84800. 30 A. la cult. 60 A. slashed, earns 20 rears ago: 4 acres of orchard, poor buildings, three mOe irom railroad, is milea lrom Astona, a muea cows. 1 heifer. 2 yearling heifers, 1 bulL a homa. 1 voune bow. waaon. rikiw. etc.: unlimited outrange. Thia ia the biggest snap ia the coast country. Photos at office of Fred W. German Co.. TS2 Cham, of Com. WASH. Good t room house, wood shed. aVod barn. chicken house and cellar, water pine from a spring to house aad barn. 86 fruit treti 7 acres under cultivation, 15 acres well fenced) 2 young mules, wagon, harness and impiemefta; kitchen utensils; price 31050, terms. , K. A. UXIXiHES, 1 Savon Land Co.. 885 N. W. Bans) bldg. 60 ACRES COMPLETELY EQUIPPED Midway between Portland and balen on the highway. Excellent sell, crops lookbii fine. 8 room house, new barn, creek at bam ena oi 7 cows. 8 sows and pig, some heavy ahoats. 1P0 chick ens, mower, rake, plows, wagons, otr imple ments and gas engine. (0000. Give tn mediate possession. II. McChesney, 352 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 710J It and Le C. O. JOHNSON. Broadway 1612. evenings. East 8481. Sunday aad 20 ACRES, fine place, about 1 1 milea from Portland and 1 from Willamette. 18 ra cul tivation and in crop, balance ta peatare and st me Umber; . good soil, well fenced; email house, good barn and outbuildings: will trade seme for a modern bungalow la Portland. - C J. Culuson Co., 205 H Morrison st ' 4 a river; 60 40 ACRES on N. P. B. 75 can be cultivated : some greet) timber; great snap at 81000. I 107 acres, 3 room bouse, large be ml 8 acres cleared, watar in house: all can be cultivated; it uva an iw rr pnrti.nH 8 mil. 20 milea from Vancouver. 6 mile fsr N. P, 11 n. . 1 U utrr Burn. Also. 044 acres S m. from B. ID Price 85000. 41Z rtlTU BLUii. tsroaaway GREAT 8ACBIFICE. A 4 ROOM bungalow with 1 acre of land in garden; this is a corner acre with good streets on two aides; thia place ia the biggest kind of a bargain for 82000; terms, $200 cash and pay as you like the balance; this plsce is only 0. blocks from the station. M. J. Clo hesay, 415 Abington bldg. NICE new bungalow with 2 lota In Orenco, 14 miles from Portland on Oregon Electric R. R. , fare 15c oae way to or from Portland; 40 min utes' ride; city water, gas, electric lights, etc. See this snap. For quick sale, only (1500. B. A. Mitchell. Orenco, Or. from rail and river transportation. 20 acres cultivated. 15 timber, balance open pasture, running water, spring and well, all good soil, 10 acres rouah. balance lays fine: fair buildings well stocked and equipped. 15 in crop; price for all 5J500. 31700 cash, balance on time. Neal Brown, 207 Panama bldg. FOB SALE GOOD 7 room house, barn, well and running water, 87 acres bind, 60 culti vated and in crops, fruits and berries; aear 8 70 acres, near Estacada; half good I tillable land. 16 acres under plow; family ore ha id. ber ries of all kinds, 12 room modern nousi bath, 2 toileta. eompleta water system, windmill 25U0 gallon tank, fine barn and outbuildings, out miU. from electric station and aood market range; very ngmiy; some term impnenu. town .md anto road, near church, school, buildings are worth the price asked. irane-e hall: price 311.000: eay terms. AtrMOOO. terms. 8. P. Osburn. noon hour only see ma, G ruber, 927 Chamber of FOR SALE Slop bog ranch t rMnn 41 s Ahinetnn .."""A" : wa ? "ve me an .. ,, (offer. Ohrbeck, Washburn Home. Minneapolis. I 8 LOTS, 240x60 ft each, in Lake 8hore View 5 ACRES only 4 Blocks from Orenco depot on Oregon Electrio R. it. 14 miles irom fort- land; B. B. fare 15c; fine house, barn, etc, city water, gas electric lights, etc; beautiful home place. Snap. See thia. For quick sale, only 35000 B. A. Mitchell, Orenco. Ot. HOUSE AND ACBE ONLY 3800. Mostly in cultivation; water, light some fruit; room house, close to electric station, only 80 minutes out; easy terms. Call at 600 Con cord bldg. Com. bldg. WHAT are you going (o do when the war is over! Go back to the farmf I nave well improved farm in beautiful spot in Idaho where you can take Ufa easy; pnce asuuu; will take hotel, rocnung nouse or good city property, mer chandise or good auto; will consider any good, legitimate proposition; will go with party to show farm. W. L. Crabtree, owner, loav. 4th st. Bargain 4 room house and 1 acre of rronnd near Tigard station, 10e comp. fair. Will sell cheap on term. Call Mar. 1588. addition to Seattle. Wash. Geo. W. King. 1 6th and Alberta, Portland. Or. FOR SALE, Good lot with 8 room shack house at Wbitwood court; handy to St Johns shin- yard; terms. Call Wdln. 4518. FOUB end one-fifth acres at Tigard, all in fruit and the land is all improved; this place it only 2 blocks off from the Highway, oa good road: a small payment down and so much a month will take this place; price only 83000. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. TWO LOTS, close to stock yard and Vancouver, right near Columbia Beach, cheap. W-601. Journal. Owner. BARGAIN 5 room furnished house, elec- I TOR SALE Corner lot. 75x100. 50c on the 6037. 38th arc tricity. gas and bath. Urge lot. garden. some irnir. uerms, aov --". i mo. price 81550 See owner. Phone Sell. 8471. nnnn S room home, electric lights, lot 50x94. close to vtore and car. in minutes- wais to hinvard. Price 81225. 350O cash, balance terms. lOla .. uswego st.. ot. eonim. dollar. Phone Tabor 6688. LOT 30x100, modern 5 room house. N 2 3d st TTo CHOICE lot in Albina add., reasonable. 711. Journal. T- WILL BUILD houie on lot near St Johns to suit purchaser. W-617. Journal. LOTS in Willamette add., cheap for cash. Main uzua. HVAP 81050 ROSE CITY DISTBICT NW modern 5 room bungalow, beautiful corner lt 57x100: lot of fruit flowers, shrub- I FOR SALE Nice lot; terms. bery. Tabor 0559. 79a East 7Sta sr. n Call East 2820. ACREAGE 7 rrsT sell, at sacrifice, beautiful home, 8 room. modern, lot ivviiuv; ion inui ami wr-1 iuk BALK by owner. 3 V. acres, all ia crop rie. Ryan Place. Oregon Electric George 1 and garden; comfortable 7 room house, barn. Hill. Marshall 8502. . j chicken bouse and all kinds of fruit and ber- John. Mis- I ries; gat in house, elosa to. Aloha. S. P. electrie mr.r A tmn honm near St .itnni Vnmnwr ear lines; well built aood station, on Hillsboro road: sidewalk to house. basement gas. electric light, fruit trees. Price Mrs. Lottie M. Paulson, Aloha, Or. 31700. Phone wooaiawn aaai. annoay. a. m. i DANDY acre of land ia St Johns, all under MODERN 4 room bungalow with sleeping porch, I cultivation, aear school and shipyard: two 1-8 acre fruit tree and berries. Multnomah I S room houses oa same; " 82200, reasonable station. Call Main 8530. I payments, balanea to suit purchaser. Owner at MODERN R room bnngalow in. Rose City Park. nnutn ave.. Columbia 844. Hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences. 850 I NOTHING better, 40 acres of splendid soil; an K 48th N. Phone Tabor 84 82. I tillable; about 25 acres ia cultivation and irrvc mom modem bunaalow. furnished: lot BOx I croPL 18 of crop with place; on good road aear 125. with tardea. Price 81700; easy terms. I MoUll ; no- better bwy anywhere; 550 per acre. Millenhip. 431 Chamber ot tjommcrce niag. ftVi.Y 32300 BOSE CITY CAB. Fine new modern 6 room bungalow, improve ments paid; term. Tabor aoav. BY OWNER J. B. Wolff. 618 Chamber af Commerce bid. 40 PER ACBE,' 12 acres Polk Co.. vicinity Delia; very finest soil, part cleared, some woven wire fence, 1 . mile B. K. station; buUdmga. Owner, P. O. Box 377.' nram trannlnw. Rose -Crtf Park. 60x100 I 5 ACBES with fruit, berries, all in cultivation. eiMju mum uuun, water. 9 soon oiocks to car, station Vi mile from city limits. 82750. very easr terms. Phone Tabor 5713. 11 ACBES, Crack, river, part cultivated, fine corner. Oarage Main 4168 T HAVE a 5 room bungalow, 60x100. lot in good neicnnornoou; iu, coon terms, ii bor 8Z8v. W-i.1. t,t. riMi anA r.10?- khooae. small fruits, auto .road. v ., 'r" I trout inning, aiauo. uwner. 4 bo Hall Una with small 4 room house for sale: terms to suit purcnaser; iisnv. tjau xaoor una. sho-BCKJMSTTil 800. 8 room; 90O. 4 rooms; 350 down. Swsnk. 617 Henry bldg.; bargain. ' ' FOR BENT Modern w room . house Woodlawa 1827. CaU Phone Marshall 8408 after Sunday. 2 H ACBES. all level. some garden planted small house and barn, between Gates and Gilbert rd.. Just aff I'oweU rd. ' It F. W ter. Ore ham. - - CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN , rancbaa Portland r 8, 5. 10 acre tracts, 665 to 8200 nu i M,.M- a a A .... . 1000 TWO blocks Bose City earline. 4 room 1 per acre. McFsrlsnd. 603 Teoabldg.. Portland. ounsaiow, inn touo j( irom , l.-- v o- . . SAVE commissions; buyers and sellers deal U lease. Joseph H. Johnston, 702 Spaldiaa BARGAIN. '.l500i ' 46fJ eaah, bal. Urnu. 1 1 BEAUTIFUL Sunlyside bungalow. A rooms; - 7.r awe jpcaUoa. mi Eat Xamhili.' ) : ' "... i - . . ' . 1 ' . rect. Oreieo, 401 Stock Ex. bldg. bldg. Phone Main 1116. $2200 FOB that five room Rasa City buaga- I TEN acres bearing orchard. Hood River; 2 milea sow; term, anmiaj .aaa. - ' , aui: aeu or usual a(v AW ataia St. . A 7 BOOM modern houe at Capitol Hill, with i Mock of a-round: all the conveniences, such as city water, gas, electrie light 6e ear fare. 3 blocks from 828.000 public school; this place is a great bargain at 8380(1. at. J. Cloneasy. 415 Abington bldg. Suburban Acre Home, $1550 Near two car lines; good bouse, furnished. fruit berriea, etc.: small payment down. See Beamer, with Goddard. 602 Couch bldg. Sun days and evejiings. Tabor 8402. OREGON CITY OUBUBUA.-d MUM1S K mile of Court House: 8 rooma. brick house, nicely furnished. Vfctrola, billiard table. 4 lota, fruit; 32800; terms. Thia place ia worth 86000. J. BBt'CE GODDMII), DO OOl'tTM L1)U. SEE BEAMEB, OB SUNDAY TABOB 8402 A 4 ROOM bunaalow on hard surface street with 1 acta of- ground, close to the earline, only '-2800; this bungalow ia a very cute one; baa a nice sleeping porcn ana mow improve ment are In fine order. M. J. Clohaaay, 416 Abington bldg. SUBURBAN HOME 2 acres, S room bunga low. 81800. szoo cesa. oai. easy term. AH under cult Fruit trees, etc. Just outside city limits. CLEVELAND. Maia 1L88. 222 C of u. FOB SALE 6 large hot houaea, 2 residences. barn, etc with 7 acres gooa una near city. SS0O0 eaah required. Good for 85000, income Call noon -hour only, G ruber, 827 Cham, of Com. bldg. ' - ' 1.1 IMPBOVED acres at Garden Homa. 6 room hm(. chicken House and park: plenty fruit berries, flowers, etc: owner left for sale cheap; come in and see me aoeui it. as. v oil I, 618 Chamber of Commerce Mdg. A T BOOM bouse with 1 acre of ground, all ia kMriu fruita and garden, on taw earline elose in to the city; this place is eaaily worth 84000. Who want H for 32800 1 It must be all cash.' M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abingtoa bldg. CHEAP BY OWNER ! One half acre in garden, bouae, chicken bouae, fruit berriea, 2108 Schuyler st ear to 82d st Ol.lSL'AXXAWI as awu .mi. wvm wsimvw, 2 miles east of city limits, mil south of Powell -valley road. Eaay terms. Mnst tell this week at big sacrifice. Call Tabor 6870 xinriERN bunaalow. vt acre garden, fruit and berries. aH kinds; oa easy terms. . Phone Tabor 8325. after p, m. NICE country - home, at electric earline atation, furnished; free wood aaa potatoes; i tutu ao children. a-i. renam, ui. - . - FOR SALE At Lake Grove, oa Boone's Ferry road, corner acre, -room rustic bowse; light. water. 0-668. JournaL . Price 610 McKar bUlg. now leedaa a m in Porthnd, 8 4 horses sta bar- FIVE ACBES, close to Portland, paved street andS station, only 80 minuter drive from Portland: 6 room modern house, cement base ment hot and cold water, toilet house com pletely furnished, stock and equipment; must be told tills week: will take terms. . See Jordan. 801-2 Lumbermen bldg. 'FOB 8ALE OB TRADE bogs. One of the finest routi miles from city. Including now. 8 wagons, one hack, two buggies, atsoline engine and woodaaw attachment; gasoline trump, water piped to bara and 6 room house ; 2 rooaa outhouse, chicken bouses, fine shady alacj for chicken ranch. Broadway 8338 er addrae T- 602. Journal. CtOSE IN T FABM BABGAIN Mnst sen at once: wife in hospital. Louited in famous Tualatin valley. 17 miles from cebter of eitv bv s-oud auto ixssu: 40 acres excetent toil, bet pertecuy; crepe and personal go. ga au. terms. K. HILL. 418 HENRY BLDG IMPBOVED 10 aerea. fine level soil, abaut acres in cult and crop. 4 r. bouse, be 10 acre apple orchard, near White Salmon, I wi.w.n n.rk xmrf mad', si miu firm WaAh. 6 acres with 6 year old trees, Spitaea- and B. R. sta.. aear Vancouver; 816$ bares and Newtowna. Community interest in tools ..i, i, a wmHtwm nun. flea thia and son wil ana noun a ubimiii mwwv. - Southern California property in trade Carpenter, Pasadena. Cal. F. F. ha. i. It. wuur, BIS t,namoer or omnerew caia CANADIAN FABM LANDS 40 ACBES. 81500 I m i i . m. lt In Clarke eounty Washington. 12 scree to ktn- ,xcanion party leaves Portland ii cultivation around the a tump, family orchard CMlfrJt Alberta. Saturday. Vun4 8. Hedoori Man am r mnm houam. laraa bara. root I . . '., . . . , . i Eenw orworktovWtaK,:. Frai W. German JLJ""'"?.1"' FOB SALE OB TRADE Beet small farm hoi 7-ItOOM bouse ta' Hillsboro; owner aoa-reai. dent; will sell for 8200 rash end (16 per month; price 81600; or will trade for soma- I thing of about equal value; any place front j Portland to The Dallas. E. L KaratU, UUla- bore " j ' 15 ACBES. 6 aerea ia cultivation, good 6-room ' j house, barn, outbuilding. aU kinds of fruit; i 8 miles from Coamopolia. Waaa. Also lot la Terrace Park, i Sell cheap or exchange whole r for good house and lot in Portland. Maia 0714. 688 Taylor st NOTICE Farms and city property exchanged ; tell as what you want; we nave some good propositions on hand now.: Our name to aa ad guarantees . you a square deal. A. K. HILL. 418 HENRY BLDG. ? 160 ACBE wheat ranch, some in grain, wellT very good building, eompleta farming outfit Total price 83200. Will consider improved vat icy farm to 82800. bal. T per cent long time. , Win aaaume nothing. L. K. -Moore, 3 1 T Board ot Trade. ' FOB SALE 160 acres good Umber land KUcki tat Co.. Wash.. 8 miles Berth White 18a anon, water, 6 acres cleared, lots of cedar, good fruit - land; will take 843 per acre; soma trade. . Bdwy. 2338. THREE STORY brick apartment bouae. eloae , in on the west side to exchange for clear acreage; thia ia a eplrndid bulMing aad always j full; equity 820,000. See Jordan. 301-3 Lum- ! bermene bldg. 1 INCOME FOB EXCHANGE. Concrete building. 60x100 lot. leased, good : Income, eonnider houses or farm to 310.000. Epton MrClrtlan. 612 Chamber of Coav merce. Mala 2841. r 1 ACRE borne, in Corvallia. few minutes' walk' ' from college, depots and bueinees district, for sale, f 4000. or trade for Portland borne; aa incumbrance. Joseph H. Johnston. 702 Spald- : ing bklg. : HAVE level land overlooking Columbia; fruit and alfalfa: improved; want ivwtdstme. krta or acreage; part terms. Phona Tabor 4874. . owner. 266 E. 60th st 10 ACRES commercial apple orchard oa bank of Colombia. M osier district Tears old; will . exchange for Portland house or business. Phone . Bellwood 1036. OVER 1 acre. Hawthorne line; modern baa- I galnw, garden, fruit; Uke email plane, auto or larger acreage farther out at part payment ! Owner. X-805. JournaL 3l'0 ACRES unimproved land. Klickitat Gc. clear of mtg. Price 84000. Consider hawse in Portlsnd. Will assume a little. L. K. Mooes, 317 Bosrd of Trade. COUIHAIKt ranch, unincumbered, improved. .1 1 acres ia famous Grand River valley, fnt Ore- , con ranch or residence. Owner. 467 K. Tay- j lor Ka-t 8680. RAVE a number o7 unincumbered reaidcaea ; lots, in good coast town, ta exebaaga for Portland residence. Will assume a moderate 4 amount L. K. Moore. 817 Board of Trade. OWNER" wiU take good lot or small r bouae. gooa j district, aa part payment on modera 6-room houae. with sleeping porch, furnace, ewraer, ; cntral Fast Side. Phone East 1616. 22 ACRES in Sam's Vslley. 875 pear treiTa , bearing. Nice modern 6 room bouae. Beau- j tiful view. Will trade for small farm or acreage near Portland. Zimmerman. 311 Board I oi - Trade .' 1913 KNOX 7 pass, chassis; slo lftli kto i dsrd 7 peas.; )ut the thing for stag af I truck; either or both; ta trade for real estate. : Rroadwsr 2581. Auto Exchange. 488 Alder St. r EIGHT acres, improved, fruit ehlcken,- fsroi took, etc.. I1SUU; on imerwroaa, wiiiee Portlsnd. Might exrhanc for Tillamook or Lia- datry. 1102 Spalding Ding. I! Port mall coin ZBU avnius gooa work am aerea Bros - Wull, i. - ..- fmlt-U ' j. . i -i .a SA '.is 1 out. balance buncbgram and sagebrush: lays Ijrr", -7i v-im! Y FOR AL ur traoe. aw bct.. ww Me iwm a i mostly north slope; fenced, and a good drill I " ' "V.;--' . vTi.t 7 " ..I up waur right Owner, Ball aao ava, a. a, , i weU.on Place; 5 mile, from Gateway. 7 from . - ,' ,0, fuiiCTiTr Meadows: price 82V per acre. V. in trade box .- - : 138. Redmond. Or. 15.000 WILL buy fine valley farm 3 v miles station: well improved, sue aerea bottom land; 12.000.000 fine taw timber; running water; 1150 acres. 8. M. Venard, 828 Cham ber of Commerce. Portland. WILL exchange 20 acres. Hood River, for Portland bungalow; migbt assume emeu mart- - ,1- . M 1 ....I . STOCK ranch. L800 aerea, controls beet grass range in Central Oregon: 100 acre alfalfa bind; excellent building, will care for over 1000 head of cattle. Price 810,000. Zimmerman, 811 Board of Trade. VOH KALE 10.62 acres. 8 acres under cultlva- L mmrm tmvatrnai. Ta mil. orenaroL . . . . . m . . . . , mi, 1 aaae. 1-room nouse 10x10, oarn aoss. meau-uiw. - - . . j . . 1 j i 6 milea from Clatekanie. Or., oa good graveled l SMALL 6-room Itauee, paved etreeta. clear; fof) road. 8600. Apply owner, Wm. Keller. Mist. Or. I 7 room bouae, difference cash of assume. ii'i' '.. -1 1 . ' -. ; mm rtrtW a m a am . a 1 w. ea a in r 62 ACRES; nothing finer tor prunes-or aalry 1 -" - a --a In Washington Ca., adjoint new it It- town- luxiusn waimua. 1 it a. w rwmrm ma. imwu,, site, rock road, milk route, creek, spring; dis counted Vi apprsusea value lor immeuiaie cvo ssle; might consider part traae. Mamnaii 441 a. FOB GOATS AND SHEEP. ?n mmm. 6 miles to It H. and town: run ning water; good land, plenty of cram for stock; 480 ACBES SOO wheat crop insured: look Wmm. . VSn taiknlaM K a tswIMiaiaa jiaI aiaaw- 8 rjv Vt IVHtai W 17 U1M.U. VMUUiUUa HA I , m - - road; 340 per acre; 82000 sash handles. I D1 ' B" rvTi-LZ' .. .. Vlmii ,...n 111 Stn.n if T-.4. I 0--t a.-. . " " r 240 ACRES. 165 in cultivation. 58 free irriga- tion. 28 prunes: good buildings, rood roads. stocked, equipped: bargain price. Would con sider exchange. Zimmerman 811 Board of Trade. 75 ACBES. Linn eounty. Or., all in culti vation: rood bouse and barn, family orchard near school and station; 84200, terms. Box 184. Goidendale. Wash. 40 ACBES 12 milea west crop in; stocked and equipped: mile from 8. P. Else. ecunty road; good buHdinga. 86000 cash, bal ance ta suit. - wia, journal. " FOB SALE? 160 aerea farming land in Lincoln county. Or. Address owner. Glea Beldoa. W. 70S 4th ave.. Bpokane, Wash. . 15.000 WILL buy H interest ia COO acre alfalfa and fruit ranch: well improved: abund ance of water. 8. M. Veaard. 828 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES of fine land, mostly cleared. Cowlits eounty. 4 miles to atauou aad boat landing. rock road, creek; 8f0. aa acre, worth more. I. HAAS, 808 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL 40 acres in -Bow Ultra Oregon, well timbered, good sou. pear railroad town. Geo. W. King. 16th and Alberta sta. FOB SALE by owner, 160 acre farm. 20 miles from Portland; farm impleBventa, stock and. crop goes with place, f LX-861, Journal. 40 "ACHES, 22 In cultivation; 855 per acre. 875 down. long time- on . balanea. Draper. 401 Board of Trade. Maia 670 LAND 1 16 acre, FINE SMALL FABM. 10 arras, ail tn cultivation and with, mod ern buikliags. finely located : aear electrie line. SO milar from Portuad; 6500. U. sica nee- ney, SeZ namoer ot commerce mam iivj. $8502 Vfc ACBES. an electric earline, Tuala- tinvausy; acres iot tivw, waii caan. monthly payments. Other bargains. Maia 8472. McFarland. 608 Yeoa bldg. 81 ACBES Crops, aaecbaaery. stock; ! per acre; terms. Gravity water; Facsfai hassv way. K. bar 135. Albany. Or. - ALBERTA WHEAT FABMS Wheat oats, flax aad barley, the -beet there a. Write Claude Caie. Warner. Alberta. SAVE eommbaions; buyers and sellers deal dT ract Oreieo, 401 Stock Ex. bug. Or., near high school, town and eteetrsB has. or land, bouae or auto. Owner, O-668, Journal. , 40 ACRES ia Lake Co.. Or., good laad. f or yoa I Keel or Bwraouai. uald , Eagle Farm. Kmmett, Idaho. , - . IVANTED 26 to 40 acres improved laad from! owner; will trade ta race B-reota asms. vt. rolteaa. 406 Gorng et - 0 ACBES, aear Beavertua, 26 la calUvalioa; .- . will exchange for timber land er sawmill wot-i . It or unimproved land: will aasuraa. fIL I06. OB BALE ar Irade; bar tain. 4 lot and house. Mt Scott line: 1 lot bad bnuse E. Graat as.: bquire owner. 471a tn sc. B. g. - ' j. CHANGE 6 sera, gnod bowse aad bara. all I clear, erope to.) good road. Bear car, 4 blocks Horn ctty Hmlta. .Boa el, K. s, rerUaaC - WO LOTS ia Sea (tie for .sale lots er acreage. Call trade" Bread is 160 ACRE Una V mile (rum pototrliee, 88500. Welfstein. 114 rust JOR BE5T-FARM 14 TUALATIN valley farm for rant, 31t acre." acres Oreroa beaverdam: aa abundance af aU kinds af fruit; good clover field; all kinds of outbuildings aad bouse; 11 miles from Port land an a macadamisea roea ; 1 mue. lrwm Salem Electric; 4 mile from 8. P. Will teat from 1 to 6 years; 8250 eaah. Phone Woed lawa 218T for particalsra. FOB BENT Well equipped dairy with IS good era. SR.. a mil to town. Tsbor. 6048.' 18 muea frusa Vancouver, riser and oa the beach grass the rear round for pasta re; a fine op portunity. Write E. - O. . Calkins. Otto. Or., WV ienwire D. IL Calkins, i 600 aV 26tb at. 470 evtai I PorUsad. Or. ' - s -, - - " - aloae ia. tor sale, t.F.lKE on CMD at II M TTTT3 I Call Tabor 861. Address Bob Cear. CUcka- lu ACU.KA per acre; your owa terms. 182 AiasworUi ava, J bus, Ct B. 1. , Box Ail. Portia nd 02. fACTE farm equipped. SO miles from Portland"; price Sauvu. warn house to 34000. WUI Miiuranip. 441 t ka saber of Cosa. iL ACBES af land, cleaued. fenced, ami guui i treotaed bowse; axebaaaa for 4 or a tmtsiil - bAjae aad lot. Call Marshall 5046. lio ACBE foothill ranch Bear Fereat Grove to rxcbaae for loto ar easily. 614 Pub . big. Main TS08. VSlAT Lave you to trade for cornet lot, value deer lot 8700. Kilttagsworth arc add,! ebsr. Owwer. V. O. Bos S7T, . ' FuB SALE ar trade. 3 houaaa aai loV ia The -(DaUee. Add tL Heieler. Dafar. W . AB ViV.S'T timbar laad; Lave aosae giwd" n exebaaga for timber. ruperix tttJL tMlweod lftaa. TbO lota ia r-tereaee. Or, iot Portland. vHZT. Vteiu. 114 1 st et - - - Tt!Ll "SlLi c'1rZj X-naer iTTI sntirwtSMWS. WrtslWBiy , 4 ITve act, I burers aad aellan 1 . ' Oreieo, 401 610c AX bads, , I