22 k THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 2. 1918. SMALL RESIDENCE PROPERTY SHOWS GROWING ACTIVITY Volume of Sales Quite as Large - as Has Been Reported for Six Day Period in Months. LOT MOVEMENT FALLS OFF Inexpensive Improved Holdings - Within Striking Distance of , Shipbuilding Plants Sought. Another rrlt of heavy buying In the mall residence line wu the outstand ing feature of the local market in real estate for the paat week. In spite of the fact that a holiday intervened, the volume of aalee of email property was quite as large. as has been reported in any six day period for several months. The Portland real estate market is moving in a different direction under war conditions. The purchase of va cant lots has fallen off to a marked extent, while the buying of small im proved holdings within striking dls-i est continues. The following are among some of the moderate priced dwelling proper ties changing hands the last week: Laurelhirit Properties Sold Eugene Miles sold to E. A. Muck an Improved quarter block described as lots and 7, block 1, Caples addition to fit. Johns. Consideration $4600. Fred C. Drews purchased the house and lot on Chestnut Hill from Harold 1L Read. . Consideration $3000. A. C. Stevens took title from E. F. Balgemann of lot 19, block 102, Laurel hurst. This site Is improved with a small dwelling. The consideration la .full was 4000. Another Laurelhurnt parcel to change hands was tot 23, block 61. which was isold by the Nedra company to P. II Buchhols for f 4200. j O. A. Benedict sold to Mattle Pansen a house and lot described as lot 8. block 6. Strube's addition, for $3000. !" Mrs. Josephine Evans purchased from ; J. 'E. Shears lots 6 and 7 in block 7, ( Cherry Park. Cottage to Cost 15800 j '. Small residence construction was not so ' active last week as shown by the ; volume of building permits Issued from ' the office of te city building bureau; ' there were, however, quite a number of new homes authorised. Architect Manson White announced inn cnmniHiinn ni ninnH Trvf" n. u .17. MMa nn, , n . ... ....... vuw wiwtjr willing v w vtj cicv:icu iur ft ; client .at 796 Kant Sixteenth street north. . The building will cost approxi mately $5000. F. N. Cate obtained a permit for the erection of a bungalow at IS Simpson street to cost $2000. Ground was broken at 608 Fifty-fourth irwh vr n. uno mury uweiiing oy x. 2. r Williams. The completed house will cost approximately $4000. Father and Sons Put $92,000 Into Farms Corvallls. June 1. The Tuays, re cently from Arizona, Invested $92,000 this . -week in Benton county farms. The family consists of the father, W. A. Tuay, and Edward and Walter. Ed ward Tuay bought the George Brown ranch, located one mile north of Cor vallls. comprising 312 acres, for which he paid $50,000. Walter Tuay took title to the Lee Anderson ranch of 234 acres, located near Peoria, for a considera tion, of (14,600. The father bought the Munson place of 370 acres, near Halsey, for whlcrt he paid $27,500. 1200 Acre Ranch Is Bought for $60,000 Elgin.- June 1. One of the largest recent real estate transactions affect ing Eastern Oregon was the purchase last week by the firm of Galloway Brothers of this county of the prop erty known as the lllndman farm, lo cated two miles southeast of Elgin, This farm embraces 1200 acre, nearly half of, which is under cultivation. The consideration involved in the deal was $60,000,. reported to, be all cash. Pigeon Takes Njews to Mother ' Mttaburr. Pa.. .India 1 it v c To notify his. mother of his safe arrival &t' rimn "Rilll" K'Himinn raluul a homing pigeon that he had carried with him. In four hours after the young sold ' ler arrived at Fort Thomas, Covington, , iiis momer nere was notinea. "Where to Get It" KEMMERER and ROCK SPRINGS COAL . unAiijko a nasi HUWlblU ram M V a won a m mmarmt & w- wwsi " tVAUk HKA8UN AM UB. . ; . . i&(0mv tMl S44 B-1344. HBurn Uw Ftmou Castle , Gate, Utah, Coal : - economy rcir,. co. , Mine Aot ' Kut 214 B-234S. ?" St GRAND AVENCE. TIPS .TO THE HOME OWNERS Sellwood IS B-llli OREGON DOOR CO. J"SASH AND DOORS . , - Oeaeral Hill Work Jy-: reel Spokaae Aveaae. Pertlaad, Or. General Insurance BONDS McCargar, Bates & Lively V.on Building xin 163, A-2694 PIGEON IN POSITION TO TAKE ITS FLIGHT At 1 Carrier, pigeon In position for flight, as held by soldier trained for send- Ing bird on its' way. AT AMERICAN LAKE Jimmy Dunn Visits Camp and Watches Work of Experts Un der Lieutenant Delhauer. Pigeons which have been inducted into military service at Camp Lewis are adopting themselves to camp discipline and training in a manner befitting their nationality, according to Jimmy Dunn, president of the Oregon Racing Pigeon club, who visited the government loft at American Lake recently, and was shown the work of- the feathered unit of the signal service by Lieutenant Ray R. Delhauer. Fourteen men, selected for .their pre vious knowledge in handling, the homing pigeon, are attached to the loft at Camp Lewis. Since these men are not always easy to' find, classes are 'formed in which men are taught how to handle the birds. Common pigeons are used for this purpose, as incompetent han dling injures the feathers of the flying birds. Qalek Flights Are Made "Some of the men think they have a brick in their hands Instead of a bird," says Sergeant Thompson, formerly a member of the Seattle Raving Pigeon club, "so We let them practice on scrub pigeons." The sergeant exercises the birds by taking them 10 miles away by motorcycle, instead of al. owing them free run. This Insures quick trapping, neces sary when the birds are carrying mes sages. Five birds were trained recently for division problem seven miles from camp. Sergeant IL L. Roush informed Mr. Dunn, two of which made the dis tance in seven minutes, two In eight minutes and one in nine. A message sent to the Seattle Times was received within 11 minutes from the time of liberation, being taken first by runner from the camp loft to headquar ters and from there wired to Seattle. Pigeon Farm Maintained Lieutenant Delhauer is well satisfied with birds which Portland fanciers have sent the government The blue pigeon shown in the picture was bred by E. H. Bauer of Portland and is used by the lieutenant in demonstrating proper han dling in hla classes. A book on the homing pigeon and its military value will be published shortly by Lieutenant Delhauer. The lieutenant maintains a loft In Nogales. Aris.. at his own expense in an endeavor to induce military authorities to accept the homing Pigeon lor signal service. Many of the officials looked upon the pigeon as a joke at first, according to Lieutenant jieinauer. and thought it was a childish Lobby. It was not till after the battle of Verdun that army men recognised the vaiue or tne homing pigeon. me ion at Camp Lewis Is used mainly to train men to handle the bird on the war iront. ST. MAKING ELABORATE N PLANS Real Estate Men of Country to Meet in Missouri Metropolis June 17 to 20. Elaborate . . .w.i m arcing luwig lomiors OI Bt. JjOUIS for the entertainment of delegates to the 11th annual convnntlnn n.f iu n a sociaMoh of Real Estate Boards, to be m lnat e,ty June l"th to 20th. uni COmflfl TTOm TMa Ul.onn.t . . . , ihouiui IIICUUIAI- IIS tna t (h, ct-to m m . e vuuuicu mr me National Realty Association will afford an opportunity for a wider discussion of matters Twrtinii ...i than has been arranged for any former satnenng or real estate people IT! the AmArlnn thAatw Vw nram . mj TVlIllUn M. Garland, proaldent of the national orgnnnation. Addresses of welcome n we maae oy tne roevrnor of Mis souri, the mavor rt Sf ti. - - ----- aim me president of the St. louis Exchange. iiicra bu irmwu will n & . by President Garland. .v.."8!' Jun9 f'the forenoon. - a conierence on Colon! ; """ Dy conference 01 JltUe farms. The report of the commit tee on good roads, and a conference 01 State AaanelAtinna tv. - aions will be devoted to short talks bj uicii i mm r it n i , Jti . . Dvko uiviaions OI including the alien property custodian! bureau of Industrial housing and trans portation, rent regulationa in the District of Columbia, as well as short addresses viiiutaiB in me quarter master eener al s office. Th- Program Jtor the forenoon session. nwiBwiv, june is, including a con ference on induatrf&l iimi all cities. Report of the National Real ui.ia wuuruaj, ana - a talk on planning recommendations that will results." city ret Wednesday afternoon ' the delegates will be given a tour of the city, fol lowed by a dinner at the Sunset Country club. . Thursday will be winding up day officers win be - elected, th m,i.-. silver trophy cup- will be presented and ww ot coavenuon aty wm be chosen. PIGEONS RECEIVING MILITARY TRAINING LOUIS REALTORS corn RESIDENCE PROPERTY IN ALL PARTS OF CITY Inside Business Property Shows Little Activity) Money' in Abundance. Movement of Portland real estate, so far aa inside business property is con cerned, la practically at a atandstllL Since the transfer of the Alisky build ing some two weeks ago there has been sale of down-town property. Those In close touch with the situa tion do not look- for any strong move ment of inside property during the pres ent summer. Advanced prices on all building materials and the scarcity and high price of labor are almost prohibi tive of building operations except for absolutely essential purposes. While there la ntantv nf ing for investment, the pulse of the in- vesior is cooi, ana oniy enterprises ox proven merit are receiving favor. There is a. tendencv ttv hnM m nrnaiwiHn construction for business purposes until aner uie war. Reildenee Property Active Residence Brosertv In nil narts nt Va city is decidedly active and there is a strong demand for moderate priced homes. The buvinr iratrlt nmAtn th atmosphere and thousands of prosperous earners, a large percentage . oi them new residents of the city, are shop ping for homes. This movement is gradually extending to higher class property and dealers look for several im portant transfer In tha had r fn)n When this larger- movement gets well unaer way it is anticipated that there will develon a creator sHvltv in ika market for Inside business property. Wakefield. Fries A Cn s r nntlit. ing for the construction of 25 moderate! pnuea resiaences, as we Iirst Unit or a SUDDly tO meet the srrowinir demand fnr houses of this character. Other firms have plans under way for the construc tion or nomes in considerable numbers in vanvsg sections of the city. uoversmeat Takes a Hand The federal e-overnment'ii h for the ahlnhtillrifna InilnstMr 4a MrntA to come to the relief of the Portland situation. Realty dealers generally will welcome the construction of homes for workinsrmen bv the rnvummani in tfc shipyard districts. The tendency on the pan or pro pen; y owners nas been to boost the price of their holdings un reasonably, aav the dnlri an Via easing of the situation by the opera tions of the federal housing commission would give a healthier tone to the mar ket. The construction of a numhor f mmf. ern apartment houses, for which build ing permits have been secured, will re lieve the demand for.near-in dwelling property and bring the rental price down to more consistent levels. The in flux of workmen and their families In cident to the opening of the shipyards iuunu me cuy unprepared to properly house them. Old dilapidated structures which ought to have hMn nn.. the Junk heap were fitted up as "apart- meiii nouses- ana rented t exorbitant prices. These will be speeedlly emptied when more suitable quarters become available. REALTY TRANSFERS' C. A. Fr3ineer to Exile Burkitt. beg. In ' ' '" ira pon. mgnway sometimes referred to s Chnrch stre-t or Kt 81 t atreet, 822 feet west of and IB 4 '"t.". ' BE Sor. sec. 31 T. 1 N.. K. 2 K ..... Alice Kelly and hnHnd' to 'La'u'rn 10 1 25 0 10 1.125 Vinl v-tA ' " Portsmouth Charle, F. Psttison'lin'd" wife' "to' ciaude MnMtr T . ID TI A buu .1 - - " ' . . .... n T T to K- E- Uher. I 18. a. iTannoe. .............. TT. Shalton and wife to Jinn "w. jMrn-u.. ni iu of F. 27.68 2-8 ft. The Fred A. Jacob Co. to 3 I,. T. car I. A n ft r a t. .... . - ' ' ... w. . '1 iVCir-T ..... Mr. Angnta T. ChivlHe to Mrs. Etta O. - l- . Btewart Park.. srn'w;' H. Ten Eyck and wife to N. T. 1,000 2.450 1.800 10 10 iiicnanynn t al. commeicirtg at riofrtt -jn Sen. 7. T. 1 8.. R. 2 VS., 1S8.B0 V? nd rods N. of fiW. cor. . -- " i aim " 1 , .... Ole Andenon and wife tn- W. T V -). roo8c1LCk,er.to Holder,. -- . union nqnare; I 1 9 n 1 la . . .... B. ffkfiah and wife to Ferdinand Larsen v a. t, a, B. , cioerta , 1, ;.8h5lf,.to.W- H Sewell. 1 T. "SHJah Livingston and wife to Fred" A. 48 .AT ' Home 'rij?' ijrn'rry"e; 'i.' 19. B. 43, Univerrtty Park , Title ds Trot Co. to Merchants N- 1 10 10 r . U nd N. 10 fet II. 1A 1 fta V-M.Kl-aaal' Belle Pepple Smith it il to VioU Era- r ..1 cSL -t 4 oeiie threat Unltnomah Ore. Realty Co. to Mrs. May ISr ill ,,aa X" el aw al am a A aaa. 1 .. , it, jy, zv, jj. 14 HMmii, a Agnes Inman Beamer and " huba'nd" "to 825 10 10 1.000 680 2350 10 '.10 10 1 2"' aturpny ex al, L. n, B. D. H. R. Chatterton and wife" "to U ' ii ai..j ei at, ia ana w. S feet la S. R 4. Rtmha'a mAA Edjsr a Perry and wife' "to" ' Peter oi-..w.iUier, aa a 2, J. JP, UlemWU Sbertff to H. G. TJUey." 'u I.' B." . R. B. Menefea and 'wife to" J. A." Ban- w. A. Carter and wife to Carrie E. Hill. uiku Tinea yt interest In ju 12. M. F. L. Stewart at al to Uarcaret ' TR. ano w. s U 2, 3, R OS. ATMna SV. C. Smith and wife to "Cora LT Nor- tnn T. 1 K n IK r. T71 l Henry Weber and wife to Pauline Sei- i'"-."- ww ie aa a, o. z, jsrookland jHstgnta U. A. Braadea and wife to Adolfo Ce'n- wu. I 2. 8. B. 22. Fearer's add. 3. D. Areas and wife to Fred Orchard "1. U . B. . Whitwood Court. . Bo ft. ' d Wband to Cora A. Smith, la 5, B. 18, Lincoln Park annex May Carroll to Mrs. A. C Dark "ia" 12 B. 118. Laurelhunt ..T .71. Kate Irrin and husband to W. Mc- Brida et al, la 7, B. 126. Rose City e-.eeao 8bI7if,Lto A- H'Odl'r. U 17. B. 80, Multnomah .............. Charles B, R park man jr. te Peninsula Security Co. U i. B. . Chipman . Add. to St. Johns ............. Carl R. Jones trustee, to Mary T. Amadon, undiridad H Interest la 18. 16, B. 88 and U, 18. B. 71, Irvington Park; L. 28. 29, fc 1" WoodJawa; R. 10 fort i 25 and W 20 feet U 2. B. 8, Burfleld Thomas Spmratn' snd wife to L. C. Marnust. L. 1. 2, B. 25. Ventura r!f t ..... . H. C 1 Huntington and wife to Edita Oeraldine Berkeley I 53. 64 B. X. J,ok22 place ; . ; . . M- W.Jtfebb and wife to Fred P. Geli br et a 1 11, B. S, Cleasoa add Frank Martin Brooks to Jassia Daris , Brooks. toteraet in I 18 . and oV.d .V.:.:.2- iD'' IW ? "J? 5 Washinrtoa . add to East Portland ... ...... . . J. P. Anderson and wife to Tony Mar- "d,-. P ef trscta D and M, School Park Henry William Hingley and -wife to ' ; Joseph Knwsynaki .and wife, la la : 2. B. 1. Vanghton Park ......... Walter , Hill "to A. V. Cooxpton, la 8. 4, B. 83. Unntoa w . . .. . . .7 , . i Thoma S. WUsoa and vile to E. D. 1,850 800 8 10 10 1.512 425 10 10 10 10 10 80 1.000 IS N STRONG DEMAND Viamh. U 11. II, B. S. Bisahsd Vark add. ........ ........... M 19 Cerrle J. WHUh et al te Jerome Fried- aua aaI wUi, b id, S. Z, Vent addition ............... It Sheriff to Jobs J. Fruer, 1, H IS. Kl font J BbCTiff to aatn. basiniiiac 1SH hain E. and 49 cbalna ti. of BW. eornar See. 29, T. 1 N. B, 1 E.; too Winaior-'at (aid . point betnc NW corner la '--S. Brownlna Tract...... S.tlt Hilli Baoy aad wifa to J. 8. Mo- aoaaay, eonuaenetnc a mtunr . eoraer It, 11. B. S, Bills add. te St Jnhna ... ... ....... 1 J. 8. UcKinacy sad wife to A. J. rauB at al. aommaaeias at wa-v- erly eoraer L. 11, B. S, HW ' add. to St, Jobn.....w. ........ i., 100 BUILDING PERMITS J. D. Pinaiaaa. Mt nnn. 60S Sth straat betwaon Sharmaa and Carathan. builder mm; 180. B. J. WnBaau, eroet saraca. 1T18 Brandon treat between Scbofield and SUIlpa trick, bniidex ame, $50. K. J. WiUlama. erect sarat. 1718 Brand on treat between Scbofield sad KUlpa trick, builder aaroe; $50. t 41. ix Held, erect tent Boose, izbi voneore etreet between Bimpeon and, Aiaiwortli arantia. builder aame; 8225. A. Bclxlerrtnfer, erect woodaneO, lOSV BaM 20th atreet N buflder tame; 825. treet between Everett and Davit; kL W. Lorena builder, $400. C. Jl. Well, repair residance, 52-8 ReisbU Terrace, between 16th and 17 th, builder ame; $50. Northwent Steel company, erect crane nmwaj Sonthera Pacific yard aooth of Sheridan street, Portland - Bridge " 4k Building company baud era: $10,000. laa IX Unt,M .ana w.tA-.rn. Ill nK afenue between Charleston and Johns, builder seme; 8200. W. U. Black, repair residence 27 KOpatriek between Interstate and Fenwick, F. F. Daria builder; $50. . 8. coerrer, repair residence 8329 East 7 lit street Southeast between Powell and 82d aTenoe aontbeast. A. D. Moodis House Morins company builders, '$150. Ladd instate, repair office. Crystal Sprint- be tween Bybee and Crystal Sprint, A. D. atoodie Houne MoTins company movers; $300. airs. js. a. klerwin. erect garage. 1101 East 28th N.. cor. BUUinasworth are. Otto Starker builder, $300. Schoool District No. 1. repair Benson Poly technic, East 12 and Hoyt between Irting and Gliasn, boildeT same; $800. School District No. 1, repair Benson Poly technic, East 12th and Hoyt between Irving add Glisan, builder same$1000. TTEW TODAY ESTABLISHED 1892 i ON TUESDAY NEXT AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE, MASU.MU TBMFliB BUlUINO. WE HAVE RECEIVED THE UPRIGHT flAKO, f 1KST CLASS FURNITURE, KUGS, ETC., FROM THE PRIVATE HOME OP A DOCTOR, WHO IS LEAV ING THE CITY, comprising Nearly new Davenette Bed in Imitation Soaniah Leather, Quarter-sawed Oak Library xaDie, Morris unair, several Good Rock ers, Corner Mahogany Chair, Pictures, Brussei Rugs, Parlor Desk, Hall Clock. Beautiful Bedroom Suite in Ivory (East ern Manufactory Made), vis.: Bedstead, Large Dresser and Chiffonier (both with French Plate Mirrors), Dressing Table witfc Triplicate Mirrors, Full Size Brass tsea, vernis Martin and White Enameled Beds, all Beds are complete with Best Steel Springs. Silk Floss And Felt Mat tresses, Pillows arid Bedding, Mahogany and Quartered Oak Dresser, Bedroom Fiber ' Rugs ; 'UPRIGHT PIANO IN uAn.is. uAsti, uvuu tone; uuak-TER-SAWED OAK DINING ROOM SUITE as follows 1 48-inch top Pedestal Table, Good Siso Buffet with Heavy Plate Mirror and! Set of First Class Chairs ; PARLOR POOL TABLE, COM PLETE WITH BALLS AND CUES ; Flat Top Desk and Chair, Office Safe, etc 1 AUCTIONEER'S NOTE All the above goods are now on -view at our salesrooms. ,;Don t overlook the ivory uearoom sune it is much dlirer ent from a lot of cheatt ohm en th market just now ahd is as good as new, in fact, the most i of these goods were quite recently purchased. AUCTION ON TUESDAY, NEXT, AT XV A. M. THURSDAY NEXT We shall again have a good clean lot of Household Goods to offer you. t AUCTION ON THURSDAY, NEXT, AT 1U A. Al. WE BUY AND SELL HOUSEHOLD GOODS, vv e will call and pay you cash ior your lurnuure. or sen lor vou on commission. Our phone number is NOTE: Please remember we! sell New Furniture at Retail in our annex, for cash ; no installments. Call and look over our stock. W. C. BAKER & W. H. DEAN. Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, Yamhill and West Park Streets. MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING. THE OLDEST AUCTION HOUSE IN ThUS U1TX ax YEARS. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-71 Second' Street (Near Yamhill) REGULAR SALESDAYS MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A. M. At each of our sales this week vou will find a good assortment ef general house rurnisnings, including dining room sets, living room pieces, bedroom furniture. carpets, ruga, qums, puiows, Qlsnes, utensus, etc. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT we sell pianos, organs, rood as new, up to aate . . FURNITURE -i .." Of An Descriptions. Room sis rugs.' carpets, linoleum, steei ana gas. ranges,. etc All roods sold at private sale delivered free or packed and delivered to boats or cars tor out-oi-town customers. Groceries! Groceries! Every day bargain day in this depart ment. Our stock was never so large and complete. ,-. - .- LET US FILL YOUR NEXT ORDER FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENTS Including cash - registers. " computing scales, credit systems meat slicers, cheese cutters, butchersr supplies, coun ters, snowcaoes, ciu, cms, . ISP School District Ko. 1. repair Benson Poly technic, East 12th and Hoyt between brine and Gluan, builder aame; (225. Jfoster . sjassar, erect siunoaro, mi tun bouder same; Sia. TTEir TOPAT Fine Location for stairs or Suite of two extra large rooms on the second floor of the Journal Building, corner Broadway and Yam hill. 1500 sq. ft. of floor space. Fine Light from six large windows, besides electric lights. Bull Run water. Steam heat. Two elevators operat ing day and light. Large lobby. Light, cheerful halls. Two watchmen always on duty. Thousands of people pass this cor ner dally and there is a continuous stream of visitors to The Journal business office just below. Besides this multitude of possible customers. L The Journal employs approximately ZaU people, exclusive 01 carriers, mi of whom" are possible customers. Everything considered, we do not believe there isa more favorable location In Portland for a live mer chant or manufacturer. Come ' and see it. The rental is very reasonable. Apply at the Office of Mr. Hagood or Mr. Hamilton, 3d Floor, Journal Building or Rent 25,000 FEET STORAGE Trackage Center of . Shipping District Large, Light Office Steam Heated CLAY S. MORSE. Inc. 8 Flanders Street - BUSIKESS CARDS M. W. A, ROSTER ALBEBTA camp, Tdeaday. and Saidmora. Wniianu OBEGON OAK eamp, lit and J xnaaaay. insK and Leaibard. MT. SCOTT. 1st and 8d Wednesday. LenU 8T JOHNS. Thursday. St Johns station. OBEOOS FIB. Friday. 114H Grand ava. FOBTLAN'P STAB HUME STEAD ! Na 42. Brotherhood of American Teomen, will give a aance in tne new Moose tem ple, corner: 4 th and Taylor eta. Thursday evening, Jnne 6. Ad mission 85e. Union music Pro ceeds for benefit of onr boys In service. tlTA MALNE8. Correspondent Main 6359. Kes. pbonsi East 7990. Alisky bkU., corner 8d and Uorrison sta. KTTRJCKa finTrvr'iT. Kt ona Knishts and Ladies of Se curity At nome meeting M on day evening. Jane 8. East Side W. O. VT hall F-.t Hi.h -A Alder. pProgram and dancing aiier conncu meeting. stem bers and. friends invited. K- A. OABD party. 600l; 85 H 6tn St.. meets . oai. BiMrnoasia. z : l a ; sjso uilea, and Sat. niahta. Two nartiaa n ai.v., a.ia nd "S.0:18- Mon- s'temoon and Sat. nixht mer cnandise prizes; Tnes. groceries. Sat afternoon spring chickens and groceriei: Sat. night series of y-' win cmpiiai pnse. au welcome. Ad COSMOPOLITAN' LTdS R 109, K. P., uu every Monday evening at W. O. VY. temple, 128 11th st. VisiUng Knlgnta we looms. Note change o( meeting place. A. O. Thompson. K. R. S. NAVY and Marine dob will meet on Tuesday afternoon at z o clock at the last Side Bust neas Men's clnb. AU members are earnestly re quested to be present Sergeant 8teer of the manna recanting station wul be present BIO W, O. W. plcnin given by Webtoot drill team - No. SB at Crystal Lake pan Bands jr Jane 9. IJancing. ball game and sports. tMBLEM Jewelry a speeUlty, buttons, pins. charms. Jaeger Bros.. lBl-lSS eta at, XJitol '$faiistics marrUgxs.Btrtbs. Deaf fix MARRIAGE LICENSES Wedding Announcements W. O. Smith A Co.. 811 Morgan bldg. DBESS SUITS for rent, all aUm. Unique Ta- loring jo.. sow stant st. BIRTHS KOIZUMI To Mr. and Mrs. BaUo KoUum 85 Grand sve., May 21, a daughter. FARRIER To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Farrier, 21 8d., May 28, a daughter. OOFFMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Percy la Coff man. 1495 E. Oak. May IS, a son. HARPER To Mr. and Mr. Arnold C. Har per, 210 E. 85th. May 29. a son. GRAGG To Mr. and Mrs. Boy Gragg. 627 E. 16th. Msy 14, a son. GOETTEN To Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Goet .ten. 65S Pershing. May 31. a daughter. PESDERGBASS -To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A, Pendargrasa, 488 Broadway, May 27. a son. MEEKO To Mr. - and Mrs. Joseph George Meeko. 80th and Aider, May 25. a son. -CORDNER To Mr. and Mrs. Carter B. Cord- ner, 785 Hoyt, May 22, a son. COLE Te Mr. and Mrs. Bay F. Cole. 941 Clinton, May 28. a daughter. CLARK To Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Clark. ' 588 Belmont, May 26, a son. 8CHULTZ To Mr. and Mrs. Wm, W. Schults, 2511 4th. May 8. a daughter. DU POUT To Mr. and Mrs. Sena Du Pony. 806 E. Id. May 30, a dannter. COGLET To Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cogisy. 446 WiOiams ava. May IS. a son. -COOK Te Mr. and Mrs. Bertie T. Cook, Lenta, Ovv May 18, a eon. M'COT To Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. McCoy. 44T E. ffth. May 87, a daughter. GIRT T5 Mr. and Mrs. CacA L. Girt, 1851 E. 8th. Msy 27, a dauehter. XBIEGRB To Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Krister, 884 Sa 10th. May 25. a daughter. BBOWN Te Mr. and Mrs. W. C Brawn, 314 1 2th, May 26, a son. WIEBE To Mr. and Mrs. Aaroa Wlsbe, 343 . Monroe, May 27, a daughter. MORGAN To Mr. and Mrs. Homer C Mor gan, 610 B. Asa, May 24. a daughter. BEA MAN To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Beeman, - 220 N. 17th. May 28. a damrhter. OORBETT To Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Buggies Corbett. Dunthorpa, Oswego toad. May 16, a danghter. - v HAUMAWfJ Te Mr. and Mrs.' Marten Hsu- nwnn. 156 Dakota, May 12, a son. -FBOST Te Mr. and Mm Geo. P. Frost. 666 Brooklyn. May 15. a son.- "DEATHS A1TP TTKERALH 75 LlS US Chest-r Wm Lynda, May SO, ITT Waohington, 88 yean; chronic cystitis. STT.TENSOS Edith V. Stevemon, 870 :TL Ash. May 80. 85 yean; diabetes meihtua. BHTNER lawrence Rhyaer. 772S 45th ava.. May 28, S yearsj acute milMary tubereulosia, SC H MELI Lodwig Sehaart. 840 E- 8th, May 39, 48 ynarsi valvular heart disease. Up Store Fiactory DVirnt a wn vrnrva us ?c afAXWELL In this eit June 1. John siaxwalT. i tis joenioa sc. aired S3 years o asoatna 16 days, anrrived ,hw Ma vifa. Iknalfb U.i. Walt: . ana i4.i..t i . , . . . .. John Jamas and William JL aiaaWeU. Be mains are at ue rertdantial funeral borne of Wilaoa Multnomah at . TU. eta. runaral notice later. BANKSAt Saa tWisoo, tei, liay 14. Bob- StK Bat- TKa wla.l I mt 4tt laa k.li fa I iliM twbluhmBt of 7. P. Finlcy k Son, MoaW i-iv,rTnyw CwTmigTy, BRALT tn thia city, Hay O. UH. Uaicoha Shephard Brary, aged IT yean 1 month k days, beloved son of J. C Braiy. Frianda in vited to auead funeral aerrioss. which will be held at Holm an 's funeral parlors at 8 p. m. Monday. June- 8. 1918. Interment Bivarrisw cemetery. . AD WEN The funeral serviceta of the lata Cav ue T. Ad wen will be held today (8unday), at 2 :S0 o'clock p. m., at the Central M. E. church, Tanoouver ava. and Fargo st. Frienda invited. Incineration at Portland Crematorium. J. P. Finley 4s Son, dlractors. kOBERf&ON The funeral servicee of the "Tate Captain WITUam H. Robertaoa wiU be held Monday. June 8. at 1 o'clock p. a., at the leet denee estabilshntent of J. P. Finley at Son. Mont gomery at 6th. friends invited. Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. PETERSON The funeral servfees of the tete Anna Peterson will be bald alonday. June at 10 o'clock a. m., at the residenea stabUsh- men oi j. p. sinley St son. atontgomery at otn. Tianos tnvuao, inurmeat at aluitaomaa etery, i)GEL In this city. May 81, 1918. Isaac Fo gel, aged 56 years, beloved bnsband of Georgia FogeL Friends invited to attend funeral servicee, which will be nekt at Holman's funeral parlors today (Sunday). June 2. 1918. at 10 a. 8IEBER At her reeidanoe on Foster road, near Lents. June 1. Theresa Steber. aged 54 years. Funeral notice later. Remains are st the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy Co., 5802-04 vza st. b. fc., in Lnta, tauvb eil t s . " .a m'i years, brother of Mrs. Clara Thompson of Hyrum. Utah. Remains at Dunning 4k McEntse chapel. Funeral notioa later. JOKI June 1 at 288 Vk Graham ava.. Elmer Jokl, aged BZ years, beloved brother of U. Rieer. Remains are at A. R. Eellar Co. parlors. MCKELL Franklyn il. Nicksll. 607 Liberty, May 29. 38 years: pneumonia. KINGSBURY Lillian F. Kingsbury. 4305 59th. Msy SO. 59 years: carcinoma. PETERSON Anna Peterson. Portland Sani tarium. May si, 57 years; pneumonia. ROBERT80N William Robertson. 495 Going. May si. es yesrs: valvular heart disease. AD WEN Leslie T. Adwen. 843 Fremont. May so. Z. years: lobar pneumonia. PELLETTE Charles IL Pellette. Good Sa maritan hosnitsL May 86 1 pneumonia. BBEALL Ea Breall, Good Samaritan hos pital, liay 31. 10 years: lobar pneumonia. BRADY Margaret Brady. 181 N. 24th, May 29, 78 'years; arterio sclerosis. MUTHS Carl R Mutha, SU Vincents hospital. Msy si, 7 years: hemorrhage of brain. BAIRD John Baud. 181 E. 63d. May 30. 76 years; e (ironic nephritis. CALLT Peter G. Cally, 678 Tale. May 29. 4 montns; lnriammation of bowels. GARBARINO Frank Garbartno. Good 8s maritan hospital. May 29, 60 years; valvular insufficiency of neart CHURCH Alfred Richard Church. Peninsula Shin Co.. Maw 29. 08 vears: stenocardia. FEN LET Lawrence J Fenley. 754 E. 21st, Msy 20. 22 years: tuberculosis.. KNIGHT Mrs. Alma Knight. 4610 62d, May z. at years; eereDrsl Hemorrhage. REDMAN Mary Mackay Redman. Portland Surgical hospital. May 29, 55 years; shock Toiiowing trsnmsuo injury. FLORISTS JAPAN FLORIST. BtjISaatM F. IX NkhVv J. 4 ST4 til St . ams M. - ""1. VT. DltJfJ. All kinds of BEDDING and VEGE- TABLE plants, hanging baskets and - ws jspanasa. tub, gsrdea pianta, eta npecisi sale price, extra Bargains. CLARK BROS.. Florists. 287 Morrison st. Main or A-1SU0. irine Uowan and Ooral 'y. jo nrancn stores. MAKTLN tt FORBES CO.. FiorisU, 884 Wash. Main 209. A-1209. klowers for all sions artistically arranged. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Aider, designs ana aecorsaons. rnone Marshall 0922. LUBLIN EH. Portland hotel. 328 Morrison. MAX H. SMITH. Florist. 141 Vs 6th st. FUHBRAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co, Funeral Directors Established 187T. Third snd Salmon streets. Main 607. A-lbll. Lady Assistant. J, P.-FINLEY&S0N Progressive Funeral Director. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. Mala 0. A-1B99 WILSON & ROSS East 64. Lady Assistant. C-3165 Multnomah at 8. Seventh st. h.i-n!n JP. Krn4.. Undsrtskera. UUIIIIIlIt; tY. IVIUHIIiet: Modern in every deUil. Broadwsy and Pine sts. Phone crosuwsy 4SO. A-4BS8. Lady assistant, F, S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 B. Alder st. Phone Esst 52. B-6235. A, D. Kenworthy Co. . Tahor 6267. 6802 02d st. Lenta. Tabor 6898. 68th st, and Foster road. Arista. East 781. R-1888. LERCH Assistant. Undertskers. K. 11th and Hawthorne. MILLER A TRACET. Independent Funeral Di- iwiun, , new mm low as .2V, VStl, SOU, vraatiinetop ai r,m. ajn ZOW1, A-T8HB, A, R, Zeller Co 692 Williams aaT East 1088. C-1088 HAMILTON lm-Mttgi: Breeze & Snook iV Sk AllACi -.jtiti tsasvaiisi -a. atlin VIOtf, r-.vvr-:n A-ZBZ1. tjonrgf M ftod Clay. Wilson & Wilson 56 R. T. BVRNES. new residence eatablinhment. 801 Williams ava. woooiawu zzo. oi4 8. CHAMBERS-KEN WOBTHT CO.. 1111 Kerby St. Woodlawn 8806. O-lllS. MOITUMEITTS 'J . i67-3R0,571 AT MADISO PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-206 4th L. opposite city halL Main 6664. Philip neu Bona (or memoriala. L.OST AJD FOt5D 91 iajst wui paruas in auto that picked up Drown ox iur on Muwanna st., near Byoee sve. , Friday night, please phone Saturday eve ning or Sunday a. m. East 1577T Reward. LOST Watch fob with T. U. C. A. medal. o. la w., 1 vl 7. on Dsck; return to Y. 11. C. A., boys' department, or phone East 8705. Reward LOST At or near Portland Crematorium or section 10, Riverview cemetery, amethyst brooch. 816 Lovejoy St.. or phone Marshall 4881 LOST Riverview cemetery, lady's gold watcS and pin, engraved "From Bert to Lottie. Xmaa, 1918. Liberal reward, 005 Jefferson st. apt 4 LOST Wednesday, near T. U. C A., Wrg. leather purse containing silver bag, gold watob, bankbook and cash. Phone Mrs. Powell. jaDor tn, uoerai- cewaro. LOST On Alberta car or en Broadway, between union ava. ana za. leuer containing 315, name starry e-uqua. r moer piease leave w. u. w. nau, jn. atn ana Aider. Heward. LOST On Grand aia., bet, W tidier and East nans at., single garnet on chain; reward. rnone wamn n, LOST Sunday. May 26. on St, Jokna ear Eastman kodak; liberal reward. Call Mkw Derringer, Marshal SS08, PAYff ahall-rimmafi anarlarlaa Tnaa4a ah.a. noop. left oa park bench. Call K-r-hirf 8480 or 829 Broadway. WORKING girl lost about 823 either on Mil. waukie st, eg C 12th. - Reward. Notify East 7661., LARGE cameo brooch. Dee orstion day, at Lone - Fir cemetery ; keepsake; liberal reward. Phone TSDOT is 84. LOST Black traveling bag, between Saera- mento st. ana nswtnorae ave. Finder call Tabor 6086. Reward. - LOST On Yamhill St.. amaU black purse eon taining 1 key, 816 paper money, Bocae stiver. Beward. Leave at Joarnal office. LOST Lair's black purse, eosl faced sokt-esatch. gold knits and thimble. Beward. SeUwood 1883. LOST or stolen. hearllTjht door of autoaaobfle. somewhere on Bandy road. Please retnxa to 106 Hoyt at, ' STRAYED- From Oswego pasture, a tsU 6-year-okl bay horse. Finder notify W. W. w. VwewJwn, aat-sri avs (twsPa. f7iaf" t al aa.J .x.' . ! " . COST Becently, Studebaker aide curtains. Re. ' waro. rnans inn, wain. ZUim. LOST One gray mare. 1800 weight," Address ' Wm. Hendren. Ltnnton. Os., B. . .- 5ST White Eoglisa bull terrUs frosa 471 .. atawtbonM ava,j reward. Phone East 2208. It j w .7. . a. . v. i -. ' IJVST nwau. Tu, TKiM.tKinl aiul Clack. aua. East Forty-fourth and Sandy boulevard, or en East Broadway, letter bUlbook. containing company check, currency and valuable papers. generous rswarq ior return so ina wiiicw. LOST 8ms II pin about aiae oi Quarter, set with pearls, small dlsmond fas eenter. cream stones on outside; 86 reward. East 1645. -- BKir WAKTETs MAI,H WANTED --r?OIitVC 'PRESSMAN. A CARE FUL AND PAINSTAKING WOBKMAN: GOOD ON COLOR AND BEOISTER WOKK. raTEK MARRIED HAN 51 TO 87 TEARS OF AUE. A 64AN WHO WOULD APPRECI ATE A STEADY POSITION IN A SMALL MODERN DAYLIGHT SPECIALTY PLANT NEAR PORTLAND. GOOD OPPORTUN 1TY FOR A. MAI WHO CAN DELI V ER THE UOODS. WHITE CI VINO REFERENCE AND STATE WAGES EXPECTED;. ALSO HOW SOON TOU COULD START TO WORK. L 846. JOU&JiAU , , U. GOVERNMENT EMPLOTifFHT SER VICE, 847 DAVIS STREET. Common laborers urgently needed in able. yards. Good wages. Immediate emptoyaMat Uod opportunities tor promotion. BOYS WANTED. 16 TO 20 TEARS. BAG FACTORY AUKX BaiV&BIBs KSVIIXX CO 15TH stvKD HO IT T1 17 FK MONTH um jrtmr ivrouiKi. Um -- 1 Asaj? sftA vaaatvai Thla ms variU k. - --aapHw w'w'wa aw. vAirManwa agwewBmspams j WSPSimv ly caaa advaaoet outfit furnavhad. Big assort. a ... I , . Ma. HMHHUWf am. iiiua You can do what other inexperWnosd men have uom. yiMiunms nursery us. aoppeaiaK Wash. DON'T LET YOUR WAGES BE ITfAtHfA Take all the time yon want to pay "back bills." Wa stop the pressure of creditors: give you a cnance to clear yourseir and live without worry. Keep your present lob; avoid artaefc menta. Satisfy your creditors, all on the money you are earning. Our plan and services are free. We don't loan money or ask you for'oae cent. If you need help address P. O. Hog 192. WANTED Saieamen with automobile ws have two exceedingly attractive automobile specialties. Garage msn and auto dealers fa miliar with our product. Extensive adtertlidng and promotion now being carried on. Must have men of high calibre and good aalee ability. Address THOMA A BON. Fairfield, lows. WANTED Men to work as messengers. 8 p. m. to midnight. 1 per dsy. Can also use couple of good boys (over 18). with wheels, during ssme time st asms rate of pay. If you are going to hian school this is k good oppor tunity to earn vacation money. Call 249 Oak st. ask Tor Mr. Cndahy or Mr. Bailey. SALESMAN Largs well known Cleveland 'Urm manufacturing merchant's high clais' spe cialty wants capable man for Oregon. Com mission paid weekly 8500 to 8200. Position permanent; open July 1; state experience, Ad dreaa Ssleemanager, Box 17 7. Station C, Cleve land. Ohio. - SALESMEN wanted; excellent Ene sign and novelties; traveling expenses advanced; lib eral commissions; exclusive territory; give sge, height, weight, road axpeerience and three late business referencea. Stanford-Crowell ('.. ItK. aca, N. Y. SALESMAN LACE AND EMBROIDER i lM- POKTERS WOKK Established trade Oregon and Washington; excellent opportunity tight man with en tab Hshed trade smaller towns. . Fukt. 1)40 Broad way. New York. SALESMAN Capable specialty man tor Oregon; . staple hne on new and exceptional terms; vacancy now; attractive commiaaioa contract; 835- weekly for expenses. Giliett. 2272 Caxlln bldg.. Cleveland. Ohio. ' MEN WANTED " West Linn mills, across river from Oregon City; employing over 900 men. Few jobs open' every dsy. 33.36, 8 hours, and better. Strike still on. but not bothering us. WE want a position tor a young man 01 ut who is blind; he can use a typewriter, answer phone and take orders or run a switckboard. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 247 Davis st MIDDLE aged man with sows automobile ex perience aa night man in garage; do wash ing snd ordinary repairing; living apartments in building.' Call at premuea. East 24Ut and Holladay. SUCCESSFUL salesman at once; general trade in Oregon; staple line; splendid commission contract; 436 weekly for expetues. U. it- Wil liams. 1920 Euclid eve., Cleveland. 0..iDept 18122. WANTED Young man or young woman te help care for school rooau outside otatudy hours, in exchange for business college course Phone Bdwy. lBal. or write T-740. Joarnal MEN Age 17 to 45; experifnce unneceaaary; travel; make secret investigations, reporta. Salaries; expenses, American Foreign Detective Agency. 690 St. Louis. Mo. CARPENTERS My educational wooden ship blue prints to be had Sunday snd evenings at 148 Venable hotel. 3d and Main. L. C. Gregg. .- WANTED A few bright young men. 16 to 19, for order department; also men, 86 to 50, who are wtda awake and accurate; steady wvrk. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. ' WANTED" Boy with wheel to deliver teiegrama. Must be at least 16 years of age. Apply district traffic chief. Pacific Telephone A Tele graph Co.. 201 Telephone bldg. . WANTED First dam automobile painter; steady work and highest wages paid. Call Sunday or Monday a. m. A-l Auto Works A Paintine Co... 625 Alder st I ) iTltS'5 CUSS auto mechanic Must be al aronnd man: top wages paid. Apply ehop foreman. Mitchell, Lewis, Staver Co., K. First at Morrison at. WANTED at onoe. a -married man for orchard work; steady year's lob; good untarnished house ; ranch 8 miles from town. Phone or write Dickenson reck, 11000. tuver, or. XOUNti man about 19 te work around at, up. Must be able to run a ear. Apply shop su perintendent. Northwest Auto Co.. Alder at Chapman. WANTED Good reliable man to assut as sales man and stock keeper la retail Jewelry and general mere hand He store; must have beat ref erencea. Apply Brown Mercantile Co.. 171 1st, WANTED Mau to drive truck. Hauling ties in country. Best wages to good man. Apply at 625 Yeoa bldg. Sunday, bet, 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. WANTED Experienced salesmen for domestic and dress goods department Apply . after 10 a. m. Roberts Bros., Sd and Morrison. WANTED Experienced grocery order cierka Apply superintendent's office, 9 to 10 a. m. Olds, Wort man a tung. TWO first class mechanics; highest wages paid. Apply shop superintendent. Northwest Auto Co., Aider at Chapman. WANTED Salassaaa and coQeetot for city work; mast be able to raraisa bead. Call A, mL. 402 Washington st, TAILOR Coat wan t-d. 171 BasseO. X. Petersow. YOUNG man of good character to learn ante sunaai'i J business; no tobacco er profanity. Auto Parts Supply Co. 82 6th at, WANTED Janitor (man and wife) for apart ment house; no objection to colored Lolp. Mara si9i. YOUNG man ftf office work, able to run type writar; food 1 wages. Call between 6 and 7 p. ma. Sunday, room Zt ew seett hoteL WIN'TEU Men te work oa rivet boats. 664. and up. Rocst and board. Apply Washington dock. MAN for saaoline room, dry cleaning, steady work: opportunity to learn good trade. Apply Mr. Franks, C. S. Laundry Co.. 180 Grand ave. WANTED Man te work on farm Bear TorC- land: good wages- and house. Call Tabor 4116, or address i. W. Bacon. Oresnam. Or. "THREE JANITORS- aTTSSCiT Apply H. D. Greea, Kiailo billiard parlors. Park and Alder. . EXPERIENCED dry cleaner for modern plant. Apply Mr. Franks. V. A Laundry Co., 1 BO Grand ave. EXPERIENCED Ford mechanics wanted. An t al,lUkl a, taaa XT 14 X. A yTPF'TTvT' ' Ti.i.it j-, talis - man. Mover Clothing Co.. 84 and Oak eta. BOY wanted t work in garage. Paul Staiaar ek Co., 9 th and Couch. IRONWORKER and helper wanted. Columbia Wire A Iron Works, E. 8th and Market. MAN wanted to drive delivery -ja.-wj-, iwr view Dairy Co.. 1003 Belmont eC . - YOUNG toaa ofaceSMlstsniL Was. GadstyA Rftja. - . . TWO good sewing machine solicitors. . Steady lgstUoaa. N-772. Journal.- . DISHWASHER wanted. lUrrkwa houi. Front and Harriaon st. . SHEET aaetal workers and helpers wanted. 146 A'asa St., Low ax AiWna. . I.OBT Airi TOTTTTD ' Hfet vTATKB MALI? BUTTS & WESTROM EMPLOYMENT OFFICE i ' - 2T N SECOND- STREET ' " . PORTLAND.- OR. - rtw irvm v a Edgermaa. small mill 35.00 a dsy .day . day day day day ttatcttet setter, dees own dogging. . 8 5.60 a Planer feeder M.-tt m Beaawyer ..5 0O a 3 log derkermea ..84 6S a 8 miU tt .64.04 4 greea chain ma for Baker City. "Or., fare advanced J0c per M. 3 ratchet setters for Baker City, Or., fare advanced 84.40 a day Edgermea for Ltaker City. Or. ' fare advanced 56 We Per h. Trimmer man for Baker City. Or fare advanced 56 Ua per hr Beaaw man for Baker "City. Or. tare adranoed 66 fee per hr. Planermaa. 1 machine . . Baf taman Lumber pliers . . 8 ' machinisoi . .S3. 00 .45 OO . .44 OU .72o par hr. Ship knee grubbers S0e la. or 4 uiKa ciimw , gs.Od Loading engineer and fireman ..85.75 ocrers and mill or yard men; top wages. .We want about 200 men for city work Wages from 84 up te 15 a day. Dish washer for Astoria ...21 week ,Veiter for Astoria f2 week ' Waitress for Astoria 414 week Short order and pa try and' dinner cooks 123 week and u Bu boy 414 week Monday, the 3d. ws win make a special shipment of mill and yard men (or Dee, Or "d Westimber, Or. Top wages and 11 board. Fare advanced snd no office fee charged. We are open all dsy Sunday. BUTTS & WESTROM EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 27 North 2d st. MXTXB A FRANK CO. Begulre the services of Two night ianltora,' Ons crockery stock man. ona warehouseman. Two experienced shoe salesmen. Apply superintendent's office, cony. Meter A Frank Co. Basement Bal EXPERT watchmaker sad clock repair man; also jewelry engraver. Apply between a and 11 a. Tn MiwrHit.nHMt', nfh.. " b -1 cony. Meier ex Frank Co. WANTED Motor car repair man. Must be i m, a,, wouau cars. i,owi xrouoas h(vrt.r IhU I. . n , ...A i. k. a. . work, good pay. Fred Dundee. Broadway and Flanders. ' MEN to cut cord wood, cabin and tools furruabed; -? good timber; near town. Apply 449 24 at. "17 lit .PER wanted to work in bakery. 4 8 ft Union avenue North. W A NTKl) ' Immediabely 100 jitney drivenT Room 426. Failing bldg. WANTED Wringer man. Imperial Laundry, 855 RumII u SASH and door machine man. Hswihorae Bracket Co.. 1065 E. Msdlson st WANTED First class coat makers! W. P. Kraner A Co., 2d floor Couch bldg. WANTED Wringer man. Imperial Laundrr. 355 Busseil at. WANTED Farmer tor small linn naar lnra. land; married or single. L-5. Journal. WANTED Doctor of otometry; nist be cose- ' relent. 0-037, Journal. MACHINISTS Apply John Wood Iron WocIZ E. bth and Alder. PAINTER to my old established shop; plenty of work. Phone Hsmen, Msin 8118. HE1P WAJtTKD .-MISC. 46 v'ANTED Luganberry p.cs.ra tcr 4 k aores of berries located H mile from carttne at Salem Heights ;. 16 minute service; 6 cent fare to Salem; fine camp grove, free wood, potato patch and straw for bedding: water piped on eamp gronuda: no tents or bunk houses; tele phone on camp grounds snd free dally delivery of groceries. Picking lasts from 6 to 6 aseks. Pickers can make from 32.50 to 63 60 pel day. Picking will start about June 17. Js Cunningham. R 8. box 121, Salem, Or, HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 42 HAWTHORNE A V EN IB ETERYJHLNG MECHANICAL AND ET.t TRIBAL, JN LIMITED; PRACTICAL BEPA1R EXPERIENCE. NUMBER YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted - to prepare for telegraph eerviea to herp fill vacancies caused by the drafting of men for war. For particulars sail or write Telegraph Depart ment. Hoom 218, Railway Exchange buUdtng. ,' THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL"" 880 Waaoo at,, comer Union ava. Call, write or phone East 7446 about free trlsl offer. Day and night clssssa. - SiEEN SEWING SCHOOL Bleak's rrteaso7 ladles' tailoring and dressmaking tsugbt; pat terps cut to measure. Phone East 2869. M-330I. 1.2 orsna ave., near Belmont. MISS DECKER S BUSINESS COLLXGB "" Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, aumeographing. Ea lUh spelling Absky bldg.. 3d and Moriteun. WANTED Msn and women under 66 and beys 16. or over to work as laborer and harpers in stores of a. P. R. R Ce at Brooklyn shops. nesoy wots, store aeeper. VIOLIN And cornet puiiik wealed by experi- ' eneed jteacner. opportunity to play la i tear band and orcheetra. W-60S, Jenmal. MISS mXTTINGLY'S S Wilis ed a ii Typewrit". big school. 269 14th near Jefferson St. 66 a month. Kegu-ter for summer term. Main 6863.-- BEHN EE-WALKER, biggest bustnees eoll.s. b. cso beet ; enroll s rj y time; fr eelaiogwa, HFLF WA5TED-FFMALK t. wJrVTED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS BALL MFGY. CO.. 4TU AND COUCH WANT middle aged woman to aeaist with bunas work and car of Invalid. Good Some. Ref erences reenired. State experience and galar tn first letter. W- 1 1, journal. WANTED Middle aged lady to assist la dUa- Ing room work ia exchange for poena ad and. serf board and room; expcrWnce not nnsaasry. St Savier st WOMAN to take care and run rooming 16 rooms, all full. State salary with her apt. X-744. Journal. - . . ' , WANTED Capable iady stenasrrspber for office (work in wholesale house; permanent position; give referea Address V-742. Journal. - CIKL to aaaiat with light housework. Call Mas- saaU 6679. ' - YOUNG lady to work in confectionery store; beard and reora, 695 E. Morrtsom eC RF.IJAKIj; wemaa" T-769. JonrnakT run rtmmiiig gyus. COMPETENT cook. Apply Mrs. . JaoeLiS, 172 N. 19th street. . WANTED Three young ladies for soda fou tatn. Call Aencee hotel. II K. li 1 WANTED Housekeeper: no waahlngal .. Hnyt st. phone East 6646. iiWUUE aged woman for ahamber work. liar-. Ttaon hotel. Front sad Herri a sta, j ' WANTED Experleneed help ia dreasmaainit nee. Ison, 408 Pittork blk. WAITRESS wanted at one, li -4'ak sc. Cewral Oaf. . - . . . GUiLS wanted; Dreg. Bag Suit Cee '' UfitZ rnwnis oeaa.. suHax, LADY . to keep bouse on a ranch. Eastern Orel go A. Geo. L. Wnrster. R. F. P.. Echo, Or. GIRLT attending summer aobool to ltsu -in small family.. - East 4623. -. vVaNI SPWmsm to operate body ironer Apply in oenon. Crystal Iatnndrw fv. WOMAN to do hand Vaahing t good" nav. Au. - ply- tn persoa Cryvtal Laundry Co. ". EXPERIENCED markers and sorters. Apply tn P-ron. Cryvtal Laundry Co. ' i vVANfEU Young girl or school gh-l tn a.i wtth honas work; smsll place. farhart 8237. Operators m.r ai. t.i, rrrri' (eaiSMnt Co- 167 1st at, . "-ku.-