The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 01, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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14 "!:", SATURDAY, JUNE ' 1, ... 1018.
Day. Set. Apart for Children Is
,; !". Generally One. Which fs Last
' Before Schools Close forYear
Programs of Sacred Songs and
r. Recitations Will Be Give it by I
- Members of Religious Bodies.
HE SECOND Sunday In June Is
now generally recognized as
Children day by all Protestant
churches throughout the nation.
For awhile many churches ob
served It any Sunday In June, but the'
econd Sunday Is usually observed as
that Is the last Sunday before the closing
X. the public schools.
, On Children's day the Sunday school
superintendents generally plan to have
a. large' celebration before many of their
scholars leave for their vacation. The
Churches and Sunday school rooms will
be decorated with the many 'flowers
w hich bloom so profusely about Portland
aad the children will recite and sing
tnelr sacred pieces and songs.
Several Portland churches have planned
itx observe Children's day tomorrow. The
Ml. Tabor Methodist church will ob
serve Children's day Sunday evening
oaring' the hour of the preaching service.
Special exercises will be given by the
Sunday' school and Dr. W. W. Toungson
wilt preach. On this occasion the church
will celebrate the payment of their en
tire church debt.
At the Fourth United Brethren church
t&e primary department will hold their
elerclaes during the morning preaching
service and the Junior department will
hold their exercises at the houreof, the
evening service. Rev. C. P. Blanchard
la pastor of the church, located at Slxty
seoond avenue and Sixty-ninth street.
- The First Christian church will devote
the hour of Its evening service to a
Children's day program.
Fund f or Wori in
" Camp Will Be Eaised
. v
' . A fund for war work among the camps
In Oregon has been established and will
be supplemented by an offering; and
pledges taken In every Episcopal parish
end mission -in the dlottese Sunday June
9, It, has been decided to provide-two
volunteer chaplains, one having head
quarters at Newport and the other at
Seaside. All the money for. this work
will be raised in the church of the dio
cese. Bishop' Sumner, accompanied by
-the general missionary. Is planning to
spend a week In visiting the camps In
the Yaqulna bay sectlbn, leaving June
10 and making addresses at various
camps -and concluding the tour with
' services at Newport and Toledo June 16.
Sunday Services Will
) Be of Patriotic Order
, r The services of Central Methodist
: Church, Vancouver avenue and Fargo
- street, wUl be of a patriotic character
Sunday. At ll o'clock, the pastor. Rev.
t C. Rartck. will preach on. "Keeping
- .ttxe Home Fires Burning." The young
t people wUl entertain a delegation of sol
diers from Vancouver in the church par
' lore at the supper hour, which will be
followed by a young people's meeting;.
-':- At S- o'clock Bishop. Matthew S. Hughes
will deliver a patriotic address.
Canadian Officer
I Will Speak' Sunday
''. "Lieutenant Charles Conrrer, who enlist
ed at the' commencement of the war in
the first division of 'the Thirteenth bat
tery of the Fifty-second battalion of
the Canadian army and has been dis
charged as a result of wounds received
lit battles, will speak at the Salvation
Army, 24 J Ash street, on Sunday eve
ning at 8 o'clock. All are cordially In
vited. McMinnville College
Will Hear Dr. Hinson
-Dr. Hinson will go to McMinnville
gunday evening to preach for the ninth
consecutive year the baccalaureate ser
mon of McMinnville college, of which
"he Is a trustee, and In which he has
been . special lecturer for many years.
'Rev. Dr. Trawln. pastor of McMinn
ville Baptist church, will fill Dr, Hln
- son's pulpit on Sunday evening.
- 7r-iirv'y.-.-.':i -
! - s w. 'V. It. l 1 it.lIBILIV r. 'i ' I 'i i n i a
a.1 k w tvi m i'wi. via iiii r w rrr itw r" fiit m J "-ri " -in?
iy v-v.-vv- ' j ir--,
; every vhlt leaves a memory of a shrine of blossoms.
- The Crematorium ''(Ives those who would adopt this newer, more
; satisfactory placing away, this service. Its appearance is constantly
maintained as an inspirational, hope giving home of memories of
. -tne past. .
Fourteenth and bybee
r H.
W Hill
California itlan
Mill preach at
Central Church
HE congregation of Central Presby
terian church is to be congratulated
on having secured the services of Dr. H.
T. Chlsholm, Ph. D., pastor of First
Presbyterian church of Alhambra, Cat.,
who wtll occupy the pulpit at both serv
ice on Sunday. Dr. Chisholm, consid
ered one of the strongest members of the
presbytery to which he belongs, has been
delivering a series of lectures on the
Bible in Washington. He has consented
to stop over In Portland on his return to
Meeting at Jefferson Will Be
Under Supervision of Cen
tral Office of Society.
The fourth annual Epworth league
Institute of the Oregon conference wtll
be held at Jefferson, Or., July 22 to 28.
This institute will be one of 60- held in
the United States and will be under the
supervision of the central office of the
society. Rev. Ernest M. Smith Is presi
dent of the Institute, Dr. George H.
Parkinson- is in charge of the morning
watch. Dr. T. W. Lane is 'in charge of
the Bible study. Rev. Joseph Knotts of
the foreign missions, Rev. W. S. Gordon
of the personal evangelism meetings.
Miss Milligan and Miss fcissell of the
Deaconness home are in charge of the
Junior league methods and Rev. G. O.
Oliver is in charge of the Christian
stewardship meetings. The recreation
and culture programs will be under the
supervision of Rev. A. S. Hisey of St.
Helens church and. the music will be un
der Rev.N H. N. Aldrich. The daily
schedule announced is :
Dean of Faculty. Dr. T. W. Lane:
Dean of Women, Nellie M. Curtis.
6 :30 Morning Watch, George H. Par
kinson. 7 :20 Breakfast
8:20 Bible Study, T. W. Lane..
9 :10 Foreign Missions, Normal. Jos
eph Knotts. Personal Evangelism. W.
S. Oordon. Junior League, Miss Milli
gan and Miss Klssell. Christian Stew
ardship, Our Life Work. G. O. Oliver.
Secretary's Hour. Dr. C. E Guthrie,
Big Drive. Unification of League. . Cen
tenary Aiilgnment. General Metnods.
Spiritual Development. Recreation and
Culture. A. 8. Hisey. Methodism. W. L.
Airheart. Christian Citizenship in War
Times. Dr. fci. H. Hammond. Home Mis
sions and- Rural Work, Dr. Edwin Latrdi
12 :30-Dinner.
1 .80 Quiet Hour. Recreation, A
5 :0OSupper!
6:30 Flag Salute.
7:00 Sons Fest. H. N. Aldrich.
splrattonal Hour. World Conditions.
The Centenary Program. Missionary
suae lecture, spiritual iire.
10 .00 Taps.
The registration fee will be $1 and all
delegates are urged to bring their own
tents. The institute will be held on the
old camp meeting style.
The conference board of control is:
E. M. ! Smith, president : Constance
Gelger, secretary ; Virginia Mason, treas
urer and registrar ; Rev. T. B. Ford,
Rev. James Moore, Rev. W. W. Young
son, Rev. H. J. Van Fossen, W. J. War
ren, Mary Tinker. ' u
National Songs
.. Will Be Topic
. . . k
Sunday night at the Highland Congre
gational ehurch the Rev. Edward Con
stant will give the second address on
"Our Great National Songs." when he
will speak on "The Battle Hymn of the
Republic."" The address will deal with
the history of the tune and the words
and will relate many incidents not gen
erally known. The life of the remark
able woman who wrote the words of
the song also will be featured.
Mr. Constant will be absent in the
morning to preach the baccalaureate ser
mon for Pacific university, at Forest
Grove, and. the pulpit wilj be occupied
by the Rev, Arthur S. Heathcote.
Arleta Baptist Will
Hold Social Evening
Monday at. 8 p. m. the Arleta Baptist
church is giving a social evening in
honor of about 40 new members who
have united with the church during the
past six months. A musical and literary
program has 1een arranged and refresh
ments will be served.
Ordinance of Baptism '
The ordinance of believers' baptism
will-be administered at the Rodney Ave
nue Christian church Sunday evening
by the pastor. Rev. J. F. Ghormley. Spe
cial music will be rendered by. the choir
and the Misses Welch will sing. Mrs.
C. H. Dougherty will give a solo.
Making Easier
That Which Must
Be Faced
There is much relief to be
found in the assurance that
the final resting place of the
earthly remains of those who have
left, Is ever the same, always decked
in flowers, in surroundings where
or call for booklet
9 to 5
tlv .gsfm 4w? "
pe Celebrated in the Churches
County Christian (Endeavor tHnion to ?old Jf irst jHeeting for Summer Tuesday
(great jfHoonlight excursion Held on Bivr Hatter $art ot tEhis iHoftth
The next bimonthly congress meeting
of the Multnomah County Christian En
deavor union will be held Tuesday eve
ning at the Sunnystde Congregational
church. This session will close the
church year for- the: county , union, so
new officers will be elected and reports
for the year will be read. Miss Edna
Whipple, state president, will be .In
charge of the meeting and .will Install
new officers. As soon as the new offi
cers are elected they will take charge.
Several of the officers of the union
have been faithful In the performance of
the work alloted them. Floyd Gllman
and Miss Josephine Sandle have shown
considerable ability in placing the work
of their organisation before the public
Both w,ere members of the press com
mitted. - Miss Pauline Muckley, chair-,
man of the expert endeavor committee,
has organized classes in. seven different
Vernon Westminster
Guild Plans Picnic
The last meeting of the Vernon West
minster guild was held Tuesday, and
a picnic was decided upon for Friday,
June 7, at Peninsula park. Three of
ficers resigned at this meeting and
others were electerl Mrs. William
Mathews was elect , "resident. Mrs.
Spraguei leader, and 1 .'ohlman treas
urer. The pagean. -Tie Spirit of
Westminster Guild, v..m so well liked
at the entertainment that the guild
has been asked to repeat it at the regu
lar service of the church this Sunday
night. '
The "silver tea" given by the Ladles'
Aid society was well attended and a
splendid program war given, several
talented people being- on the program.
Dr. .Landsborough's sermon Sunday
morning will . concern the Red Cross
spirit as applied, to the individual, and
the Idea of helpfulness and considera
tion of others., as, exemplified by this
organization will be driven home to the
Individual Christian.
In the evening Dr. Landsborough will
give a mission talk following the pres
entation of the -pageant by the guild.
Gospel of God of Man
Dr. Stansfield's Topic
On Sunday morning, at First Metho
dist Episcopal church, corner Twelfth
and Taylor streets. Rev. Dr. Joshua
Stansfleld will preach on the subject,
"The Gospel of the God of Man." This
will be a study of one of the oldest of
the gospels and will treat on the funda
mentals of the gospels of Jesus Christ
In the evening the services will open
with an organ recital with Mrs. Gladys
Morgan Farmer presiding, followed by
a great patriotic and devotional congre
gational singing. At 7 :45 James W.
Palmer, who has recently returned from
France, who. is one of our boys and
who was sent out from the Y, M. C. A.
of Portland, will speak on the subject
"Over- There With the Red Triangle."
Mr. Palmer Is a strong speaker and has
a great message and is well worth hear
ing. Soldiers, sailors and the families
of enlisted men are especially invited to
attend. .-
On Way to France
...Rev. J. C. Black, rector of Emmanuel
church, Marshfleld, passed through
Portland this week, on his way to New
York, whence he will leave' soon for
France to take up work as a Y. M. C. A.
secretary. His family will reside In
Tpledo, Ohio, while he is away.
First Sunday After Trinity
Uniform S. S. Lessen
"JesmvGratefully Accepts Unselfish Serriee."
Mark 13. 1 to 14.9.
Golden Text "He. Thut Endureth to the End,
the Same Shall Be gaved." Hark 13. 13.
Young People's Topic
BaptiTjnfon: "SttIc in Church and Com
munity." (Consecration meeting.) Mark 12:
Chrirtian KndeaTor: "Christian Duty and
PriTileie." VI. I (Serric In Church and Com
munity.) Mark 'l 2:28-34. (Consecration meet
ins.) . -o.
Junior Chrisflan Endeaor: "Goodneaa, a
Fruit of the Spirit", Eph. 6:9. (Consecration
mertins. )
Epworth League: "Education, the Doorway
to Serriee." Luke 6:40: 2 Tim. 2:15.
First White Temple 12th and Taylor ReT.
William A. Waldo, tl, "The Spirit of a Great
Conyention." by Rey. C. A. Wooddy: 7:45,
"The Waldeniiian Church and taly - Relation
ship to the War," by Madame Arabella Ancelini.
East Side E. 20th and Ankeny Rst. W. B.
Hinson. 11. 7:45.
Third Vaneourer and Knott Rer. Welhy 3.
Bearen. 11, "Relifion in th Home"; 7:45.
"The Limitation of God's Power."
Arleta Rst. W. Garnet Handley. 11. "Why
Rome Cannot Surrender to God"; 8, "Who Is
Back of Thi War, Anyway T .
Grace Montailla Rer. H. T. Cmh. 11, 8.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt 1.0:80, J -.30.
Hichland E. - 6th and Alberta Key. Charles
F. Meier. 11. 7:45.
CaWary E. 8Ui and , Grant Rey. J. E.
Thomas. 11. 8. V
Gleneoe E. 45th and Main Ret. W. I..
Wtlon. Preaching by Mrs. iin Clinch, 11.
St. Peters Lent Bay. P. Batm. 8.
10-110. 7:80
Pro-Cathedra) 15th and Darts Rr. C T.
O'Hara. 6. 7:15. :80. 8:45. 11. T:4B.
St. Lewrencs 3d and Bhenasn Bay. 3. C.
Hushes. 0. 8:30. 10:30, 740.
St. Patricks 1 9th and batter Bay. . p.
Jlnrpby. 8. 19:80. 7:80. -
St. Francis E. 1 1th and Oak Re. J. H
Black. . 8. 9. 10:89. 7:80.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams aso. and
Stanton Rey. W. A. Daly. 8. 8, 9, 11. 7:80.
Holy Roaary E. Sd and Clackamas Bay. B.
8 Olson. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 7:80.
St. Hose E. 63d and Alameda Ray. 1
O'FarreU. 8, 10:30, 4.
St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Bar. , J
Kiernaa. , S. 10:80. 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 34th and Sbkiyoa Bar
Georyr F. Thompson. 7:80. .9. 11.
Ascension E. 76th and TamhlU Franciscan
Fathers. 8. 10:80, 7:80.
Biassed (sacrament Maryland are. and Blan
l.n Rey. F. W. Blaok. 8. 10:80, 7:80.
Holy Cross 774 Bowdota Bay. C. Baymaad.
8. 10:80. 7:80. w.
Su Una tins 3220 43d at 8. E. Jesuit
Fathers. :80, 8, 10:30. 4.
St Stephana 4 2d and B. Taylor Ray. War
ren A. Waitt 8. 8:30. 10:80. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Vaneoayat
ar. Rer. F. H. Millar. 8. 8. 19:30. 70.
St Phillip Neri (Paulist Fathers) S. 16tk
and Hickory Jter. W. J. Uartwrigbt. 7 0.
9. 10:80. vr
St. Clameata-r-S. Smith ar. and Kawtoa
Serrita Fathers. 6, 8, 10:80. 7:80.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Key. O.
BoM. ,8. 10 JO. 7:80.
St Agatha EL. lth and UUla Ray. 1.
Ctmminsky. 8. 10:3J. 7:80. --St.
Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ae. and
Failiug Kst. F. Matthew. 8. 19:30. 7:80.
St Joseph tGerman) 16th and Couch .
B Durrer, 8. 10:30, 1:80.
St. Michael (Italian) tb and Mill -Baal 1L
Baleatra. 8. 19:80, 7:80. .
7.80 '1r""UPiUt Uai- rTnota raUaara,
All atalnw 4. tb and UUssn R.9
William Crouiu.
a. iv. so.
parts of the city. .. During the course
the young people study church work and
when they pass the examination they are
qualified to hold any position to which
they may be elected. y -
The junior societies have been under
the direction of Miss Helen Chandler
and have, shown a remarkable growth
during the year. Under the direction of
Miss Violet Johnson 32 senior and 10
junior societies held special mission
study meetings daring the winter. About
500 members were enrolled in the
The social service work of the union
has been In charge of Miss Cllve Sayes.
She has had charge of meetings, at
Patton home, Men's resort. County farm,
Open Air sanitarium and hospitals.'.
It Is understood that J. Everett "Dotson
is to tie nominated- for next president of
Dr. Hugh Pedley
Is to Return East
Dr. Hugh Pedley of Montreal, Can..
who has been acting as pastor of the
First Congregatlotial church sljice March
X will leave next week for the East.
With him will go the good will of the
many friends he has made here, whose
lives have been made brighter and bet
ter because of his ministry of love. He
has taken a gleam of sunshine into
many homes and all those with whom
he has come In contact have only "words
cfpraise for the great help his Christian
Influence has been to them. The sol
dier boys at Vancouver, the men of the
shipyards, the stuJehts at Forest Grove,
the shut-Ins whose world Is confined
within fcur walls, and many others have
had the privilege of his wonderful words
of encouragement and consolation, and
1 1 ; Influence In the city of Portland will
never die.
The regular services at the First Con
gregational church will be held at l-:30
a., m. and 7 :45 p. m. with sermons by
Dr. .Pedley. His morning subject will
be, "God's Dealing With a Pessimist,"
and his evening subject, "Carry On."
'.' he public Is cordiaMy Invited to these
cervices as well as the other meetings
tor the day.
Child Agent Will
fie Sunday Speaker
: &
Dr. W. H. SUngerland will speak on
"Home Service Patriotism" at the Atkin
son church on Sunday evening at 8
Dr. SUngerland Is special agent of the
child helping department of the Russell
Sage Foundation of New York city. He
is to make a special Investigation
throughout the state in the interests of
child welfare. His findings will be used
hy the state boards In preparing recom
mendations to the legislature. His ad
dress on Sunday evening will be along
practical lines and his long experience
In the study of the needs of children
give bis opinions great weight What
he says will be of value and Interest to
all who have anything to do with chil
dren. There will be special music at
this service Including violin solos by
"Sergeant Raymond A. Watts of the
Vancouver camp.
The pastor. Rev. Warren Morse, will
preach at the 11 a. m. service.
.Called to Sell wood Nazarene "
. fteV. B. H. Morse, a former evangelist
has received a call to be pastor of the
Sellwood Nazarene church, located at
East Ninth street and Spokane avenue.
Mr. Morse will preach tomorrow at 11
a. rg. and 8 p. m.
" Ohrtstlan
First Park and Columbia Rey. Harold H.
Griff is. 11, "The Master Scientist"; 7:45, chil
dren's day program.
East Side E. 12th and Taylor Rer. R. H.
Sawyer. 11, "The Making of a Man"; 8, dedi
cation of baptismal font.
Montarilla E. 76th and Hoyt Re?. J. W.
Jenkins". 11. 8.
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Rev. J.
F. Ghormley. 11. "When Pentecost Fully
Comes": 8, "The Challenge of the Cross."
Woodlawn E. 7th and Liberty Rey. Joseph
D. Boyd. 11, "'The Obligations of Christians";
8, "The Way, the Truth and the Life."
OhrMlan. av.leno ,
Lesson subject: "Ancient and Modern Necro
mancy Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism De
nounced." First 19th and Everett. 11, 8.
Second E. 6th and HoUaday. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver aye. and Emerson. 11. 8.
Fifth 32d stL and 4 2d are. 8. E. 11.
- atfth Maaouto Temple. W. Park and Yamhill
11. 8.
St John Holbrook block. 11,
First Park and Madison. . Dr.- Hugh Pedley.
10:30. "God s Dealing With s Pessimist"; 7:30,
"Carrying On."
Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett
Rev. Warren Morse. 11, 8, "Home Service
Patriotism," by Dr. W. E. SUngerland.
Sunnyide E. 8 2d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staub. 1 1 VThe Secret nd Power of Christian
Testimony": 7:45, sacred concert and "Lights
and Shadows of Twenty-six Tears of Pastorate."
Highland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Edward
Constant 1 1 . Rev. Arthur D. Heathcote to
preach. 8, "The Battle Hymn of the Repub
lic." Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65 th st Mrs. J.
J. Handsaker. 11, 5. -
W'averiy Heights E. 33d and Woodward
Rev. A. C- Moses. 11, "Broken Alabaster
Boxes"; 8. "Not By Bread Alone."
University Park Rev. C H. Johnston. 11,
Trinity lwth and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison. 8. 11. 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr r
13th and Clay Bt Be. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Very Rev. E. H. MeColliater. dean. Sundays
7:45 a. as.. 41, 7:45 p. m. ; church school. 9:45
m.; week days: Wednesday 7:89 a. as.. Fri
day 9-JHT a. m.: Holy day. 7 :80.
gt. Davids E. 12th and Belmont Rey.
Thoma Jenkins, rector. 7:80, 9:30. 11, "The
Temper nt the Christian Life"; 7:80, "Ignorance,
the Devil's Opportunity."
St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. 1. B.
H Simpson, rector. Rev. J. G. Hattok. aaae
ciata rector. 7:30, 11. 7:46. '
8t Andrews Hereford at,. Portamanth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 7:39 p an.
Grace Memorial B. 17 th and Wesdhw Rev.
Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. .--
Good Shepherd Vancouver and 'Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 7:80.
St Michaels and All Saints -- K. 43d and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. vxar. 8, 10.
11 ami 6.
Church of Our Savior 6 0th ave. aad 41st
t 8, E. Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
tespiUl Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:46.
, fit Pauls Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tsy
loc 4. .
An Saints 25th gad Barter Rev. Frederie
K. Howard 11. -
St Johns E. 16th and Harney. 811 wood
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11. 7:30.
St Matthew Corbett and Bancrott Uev. VT.
A, At, Breck. vicar, 11.
fXVAfltJAflCCf AsNOCftsw-tlflsvwl
Fin Bngllsh B. Ore and Market Be. B
D. Homschuch. 11, 8.
Free PSetfie .1st ...
Central -E. 6th and - Flandere Rev. W. N.
Coffee. Evangelistic services by , Rev. Walter
Klotabach. 11, 7:80.
First i B. : 9th ami Mill Be. Alexander
Been. 11. S.
Friends " . ,
- First E- 3Slh and Main Bev. Homer L.
C. -11. 1:4. :.4
the county union. Miss Faye Stelnmets,
present president, has resigned.
On June 25 the county union will hold
Its annual moonlight excursion on the
Willamette and Columbia rivers. The
Swan has been chartered for that date,
the fare being 75 cents. Frank For
rester is in charge of the affair and
LeRoy Robinson Is In charge of the rec
reation. This Is the one annual event
toward which all Christian Endeavor
era look.
The county union plans to resume its
annual convention - this year at Jen
nings Lodge, August 15 to 19. For sev
eral years the county has not held a
summer convention. The entire conven
tion will be conducted In military style
and the camp will be known as Camp
Multnomah; All the officials in charge
will be given army titles. "General" J.
All Former Members and Friends
Are Expected to Attend Annual
Function at Sunnyside.
Sunday will be Home-Corn ing day at
the Sunnyside Congregational church
and at the same time the twenty-sixth
anniversary of the pastorate of Dr. J. J.
Staub. All former members and friends
are cordially invited to spend at least
a part of the day with the people of the
home church.
Preparations have been made for spe
cial programs at all the services, begin
ning at 10 a. m. with the celebration of
Children's day by .the Sunday school.
To accommodate all the children as well
as their parents and friends, these exer
cises will be held In the auditorium.
The pastor will preach the anniversary
Eermon at 11 o'clock, taking for his suhr
ject, "The Secret and Power of Christian
Testimony." The three Endeavor socie
ties are planning to carry out the spirit
of the day in all their meetings. Former
presidents of the Senior Endeavor so
ciety will be present to tell of the early
history of that movement.
The climax of the day will be reached
at the evening service when the large
chorus choir will put on a program of
special attraction. Miss Gladys John
son, cellist, and other instrumentalists
will render choice selections, and Dr.
Staub will review some of the lights
and shadows or the Z6 years of history
Annual Assembly
Will Be Held Here
The annual assembly of the Northwest
district of the Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarenes will be held In this city,
June 4-9. Sessions will be held In the
I lrst Methodist , church south, Rev. W,
T. French, pastor, beginning Tuesday
right. The First church Is the entertain
tne church. Services on Sunday with
this church will be observed as Chil
dren's day at the morning session of
the Sunday school and the 11 o clock
services. At night the pastor. Rev. C.
Howard Davis, will preach the closing
sermon of the year.
CongregaHon Beth Israel 12th and Main
RabM Jonah B. Wise. Sabbath services Friday
at 8 p. m, Saturday 10:30 a. m. Sunday, 10,
in Portland academy bklg.. 13tb and Mont
gomery. Religious school. - Bible cissies at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation Abavia Sbolom Park and Clay
its. Rabbi U. Abrahamson. '
Lutheran '
St James. English West Park and Jeffer
son Rev. William Evan Brinkham. 11. 8.
Our Sariorm E. loth and tlrant Rev. M.
A. Cbristensen. Ll. "The Gospel of Christ and
Today," service in English.
St Paul's E. 12 th and Clinton Rev. A.
Krause. 10:30, 8.
Trinity Williams .and Graham Rev. G. A.
Reinbacb. 10:15, 7:30.
Methodist Kelscooaf
Central Vancouver and Karen Bev. C. C.
Rarick. 11, "Keep the Home Ftrea Burning";
8, sermon by Bishop Mstt S. Hughes.
Centenary E. 0th and Pine Rev. W.
Lane. 11, 8. ' 1
Clinton Kelly K. 40th and Powell Rev.
E. B. Lockhart. 11.
Kirst 12th snd Taylor Rev. Joshua 8tan
field. 10:30, "The Oos-pel of the God of Man":
7:45. "Over There With the Red Triangle." by
ii. W. Palmer, recently returned from France.
First Norwetrian Danish IRtb and Hoyt
Rev. Eliaa Gjerding. 8. "The Christian Knight."
Vsncouver Ave. Norwegian Danish Skidmore
and Vancouver Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11, "The
Unchanging Christ" '
Lincoln h. o-d and Lincoln Rev. E. B.
Lockhart 7 :S0.
rniversity Park Rev. J. T. Abbett. 11.
Wilbur Multnomah otel Rev. W. T. Kerr,
8t Johns Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. J. H.
Irvine. 11. 8.
District superintendent. Rev. Willism Walls ce
Toungson, D. D. 691 E. 62d at. N. Tabor
M. B. South
First Union and Multnomah Rev. James
T. French. 11. 8.
Fivt 12th and Alder Rev. John H. Boyd.
10:30. 7:45.
Central E. 18th and Pine Preaching by
Rev. H. T. Chisholm of Alhambra, CaL 11, 8.
Westminster E. 17th and Hohuyler sta.
Dr. Edward Pence. 10:80. "The Heritage of.
Revolutionary Patriotism"; 7:45, "Some Shift
ing Centers of Moral Gravity." -
Calvary 11th and Clay Rev. K. W. Rnger.
10:30, sermon and special music by choir; 7:45,
"The Teaching of the Bible on the Nation
Its Origin, Purpose and Goal."
Fourth First- and Gibbs sts. Bev. H. C.
Hanson. 10:30, 7:80.
Hope Rev. F. E. Dorris. 11 "Changing
Conceptions of an Unchanging Gospel": -8.
"A Smothered Genius The Story of a Man
Who Killed Himself Twice."
Mt Tabor K. 6ftth and Belmont Bev.
Ward McHenry. 11. 8.
Piedmont Cleveland and J arret t sts.H-Bev.
A. L. Hutchison. 11. 8.
Rose City Park E. 45th and Hancock Dr.
Robert L. Milligan. 11. Communion service ;
8. "The Generosity of Jesus."
Mizpab Rev. K. W. Farquhar. 11. 8.
Anabel Re. John E. Nelson 11 :30. preach
ing by Madame Arabella Angelini ot Italy; 8,
by pastor, "The Recovered Leper."
ernon 18tb and Wygant Bev. J. R.
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein Bev. Wil
liam McLeod. 11. 7:30.
KenUwotth E. 84th and Gladstone Bev.
Paul E. Ratacb.
Chinese 183 1st st, room 40 Bev. Ng
Mon Po, Preaching in Chinese. 8.
event Da AeventlsU
Note Regular serrseaa art this aeeominatior
are held on Sa tarda)
Central-'-E. llth and Everett- 3T, IHe
son motor 11:16. v
Tabernacle Arcanum hall, 113th and Wash
ington. 11, 7:45. -
MootevMhv B. . 80th and Everett Elder J.
A. Oerbart. -1 1,- 1 (-.-:? - ;J
Inte 94th st and 88th are Elder W. p.
HdTJtington. 11. , - "."...-,
. 8t Joins Ontrsl ave. ' and . Chariaelni
Elder A. K. FoUenberg. 11.--.
, Mt Tabor B. u and Belmont EldetW
on the
Everet Dotson will be general chairman
of all arrangements and plans. He is
at present lookout chairman of 'the coun
ty union. "Colonel" LeRoy Robinson
will be the recreation chairman ; "Colo
nel" Dorothy Brownell will be in eharfce
of the commissary department and
"Colonel" Floyd Gllman wUl be chair
man of the advertising committee. The
other -officers have not been - selected,
The morning sessions of the convention
will be devoted to conferences and Bible
study and the afternoon to recreation.
Public lectures will be delivered in the
evening. A special day will be set aside
for the juniors and intermediates. The
registration fee has been set at. 25 cents.
The young people will conduct their
meetings 'in the large grove which lies
near the river front at Jennings . Lodge
on the Oregon City electric line. ,
Church and World
Storm to Be Theme
Services at. Trinity church. Nineteenth
and Everett, will be as follows: Holy
communion at 8 o'clock In the morning
at the chapel, entrance on Everett
street. At 11 o'clock morning prayer
and sermon. The rector. Dr. A. A. Mor
rison, will preach on "The Church In
the World Storm." Even song at
o'clock with full choir In attendance.
Dr. Morrison will preach at this service
also. The subject of his discussion will
be "Other Men's Sins."
Sunday school Is held at 9:45 in the
parish house to which all children of the
parish are cordially Invited. The Good
Fellowship society holds its weekly
nssetlng every Sunday night at 7 o'clock
In the parish house, to which an in vita
tion is extended to all young people In
the neighborhood.
Bishop WiH Preach
At Mt. Tabor Church
Bishop Matt S. Hughes, D. D. LL.
D., will preach Sunday morning at
Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal church.
The bishop's name Is guarantee for a
sermon that will thrill and Inspire to
holy living. W. W. Youngson, D. D.,
will preside. A full choir will lead the
singing. At 8 p. m. the Sunday school
will render the patriotic anthem. "Chil
dren of America." E. O. Eldrtge. D. D.,
Is the pastor.
Will Preach t St. Stephens
The baccalaureate sermon for the
graduates of St- Helens ball will be
preached by Bishop Sumner at St.
Stephens Pro-Cathedral Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. The commencement ex
ercises will be held Tuesday' at 8 p. m.
at the Couch auditorium. Monday aft
ernoon, an aesthetic exhibition will be
given at the school.
Services at Gleneoe
Mrs. Jean Clinch Gibson will have
charge of the services morning and eve
ning at the Gleneoe Baptist church.
Special music will be . given under the
leadership of Miss M. C. Beable. At the
morning service Mrs. J. C. McCammon
will sing "Be Thou With Me" by Fred
HUler. In the evening the choir will
render an anthem.
Will Speak at Anabel
Madame Arabella Angellnl of Italy
will speak Sunday morning at the Ana
bel Presbyterian church at 11:30
o'clock. Mrs. Angellnl Is from the Wal
densian church of Italy. In the eve
ning Rev. J. E. Nelson will preach.
T Hihrert 11.
Albina- Rkldmore and Mallory Rev. A,
Meyer. C. F. Knott, local elUer. 11:15.
(Scandinavian Oguen uau. ituua,ppl
Shaver. 11.
Salvation Army
Genge1 lT.' zTiM. AdJuUnt "
Coma No. 4 128 si 1st at Ensign N.
Lorengen. 1.1. 8. 8.
Swedish Corps 80 Burnstda.
' 8 wed enters Ian
New Church Society 831 Jefferson Rev.
William It Reece. 11. "A Study of the
Savior's Teaching Method.'
Church of Our Father Broadway and "Yam
hill Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "The New
Death and the New Life"; open forum will be
intermitted for summer.
United Brethren
Third 07th st and 32d ave. Rev. J. H.
-Patterson. 1.1, "The Successful Church"; 8,
"Complete Salvation."
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 8th
and Clay Bev. John K. Fee. 11, 7:45.
Pentecostal Assembly ; Mission First and
Washington Re. W. C. Trotter. 11, 8. 7:80.
Church of Christ (called ('ampbe)Htes.)
84th st and 54th ave. 8. E. 11, 7:80.
Realisation League 188 Fifth Rev. H.
Edward Mills. 11, "The Meaning of 'I Am'"
8, "Putting Power Into, Thought."
Third United Brethren 11, 8.
Church of God 11. 7:80.
Old Taylor St. Church
REV. W. T. KERB, ratter.
SUNDAY, 19:30 A. M.
Carry On "Farewell Message
EVEJflJfO SERVICE? Itti 1; M. ;
First Congregational
Corns anal Brine Yewr Prteaea.
aaanafisia lafoaauitt iniso.
Special Mutle st feeth asrvttss . Luelew
. -. r , --- save) Blrsetar.
Sunday Settee 1S.-08 Nee. C S.
(Chinese Sunday. -
gfcKdol 3s 100
The Chinese . Presbyterian church has
distinguished Itself by Ha faithful serv
ice during all the past year.
Its religious services have been main
tained: and the members have rendered
valaable - service In . the.- Liberty loan.
Red Cross and Thrift - drives. During
the Christmas drive last year, two of
the women of the church secured 125
members for the Red Cross. The chil
dren made two 'Serbian comforts and
other small comforts for soldiers. The
Sunday school Is one of the very first
Sunday schools to be a fully organised
and registered War Savings society. One
of the members of the Chinese 'Presby
terian War Savings society.- Mabel
Chin, already has achieved membership
in the Presbyterian Brigade of War Sav
ers, having sold $50 worth .of stamps.
Noted Revivalist, It Is Said, Will
Preach During Dr. Hinson's
Vacation This Summer.
According; to reports. Rev. S. G. Re Id.
noted revivalist, has been Invited to
occupy the pulpit of the East Side Bap
tist church during; July and August. The
pastor of the church, Rev. W. B. Hinson,
is expected to take his vacation at this
time. The announcement could not be
verified because Dr. Reid is now in
British Columbia taking a brief rest.
Zr. Reid has been conducting- meetings
in and around Portland for the las( two
winters and with the evangelistic singer,
J. W. Troy, has attracted thousands to
his meetings. He is considered a power
ful evangelist. Dr. Reid is a native of
Ireland and has a quaint style In his
Last Sunday he closed a most success
ful series of meetings in the Lents dis
trict. He also conducted meetings at
Falrview .and Newberg during the fall.
Rev. Mr. Eliot Will
! Begin New Series
- ,
Rev. William O. Kllot Jr., pastor of the
Church of Our Father, Broadway and
Yamhill, will begin a new group of ser
mons Sunday, at the regular morning
services at 11 o'clock. The general topic
will be "The Deeper Phases of War Ex
perience" The first sermon will be based
on the leading article in the May num
ber of the Atlantic Monthly, a discourse
on "The New Death and the New Life."
The Series will include sermons on "War
Poetry." "War Theology." "War Con
science" and "The Soul of Democracy."
The Sunday Evening Open Forum, be
ginning June 2 will be intermitted for
the summer months.
At the morning service the 68 names of
those represented on the service flag
wilt be read. This will be done regu
larly hereafter on every first Sunday of
the month, with fitting ceremony.
Baptismal Fount to
Be Dedicated Sijnday
The beautiful open baptismal font re
cently erected In the Easif Side Christian
church. East Twelfth and Taylor streets,
will be formally consecrated Sunday in
connection with the evening service.
The sacred ordinance of Immersion
will ba administered to a numher nf
waiting candidates who have recently
come into tne church. A sermon on
"Christian Baptism" will be delivered
by the pastor. Rev. R. H. .Sawyer, who
will be assisted In the service by other
ministers and members of the congre
gation. East Side Christian church Is adding
to its membership rapidly, candidates
for membership presenting themselves
at almost every service. More than 100
have been received Into fellowship with
in the last six months.
First Presbyterian Church
12th and Aider SU.
D. D the Pailor,
has returned from
the East and will
preach both morn
ing and evening.
I:S3 A. M,
7t4i P. M.
THE KAnO!?,'
an shown in the
Convention of the
League to ""Enforce
At 7j3 P. M. aa
Orgaa Recital by
Edgar E. Coarsen
E. - Seeker,
Societies S:S0
r I i
- I k
P.. I I.
4 ;
v -
linday of Jfiirie
. t
Delegate to Conference of the
League to Enforce Peace by
L War to Speak on Sunday.
Many Questions of Interest to
Presbyterians Considered at
General Assembly in Ohio.
R. JOHN 1L BOYD, who has
been tn the east for the past
three weeks attending various
Important church meetings, has
returned and wUl occupy his
pulpit Sunday both morning and eve
ning. The trip which took the pastor
of the First -Presbyterian church clear
to the Atlantic enast. Included in its
purpose the attendance of a home mis
sion council at Columbus. Ohio, where
several great questions were considered,
vital to the future of Presbytertantsm
in the west. There was the great Pres
byterian general assembly, also in Co- .
lumbus, which took action looking
toward the union of Christian denomina
tions, action which may prove to be
among the most Important steps ever
taken by American Protestantism.
Also Dr. Boyd was a delegate to the
conference Jield In Philadelphia by the
League to Secure Permanent Peace by
War. This was the conference presided
over by ex-President Taft and addressed
by the most prominent men of the coun
try. The newspaper reports have, been
only sufficient to whet the appetite for a
personal report from one of the dele
gates. Dr. Boyd will bring a red hot
message direct from this conference. .
As a prelude to the evening service
beginning at 7 :30, Edgar E. Coursen will
give the following program on the organ :
(s) "Song Without Words" .MenOelssoba
(b) "Spring Song" Shelley
(c) "Scherso" Shelley
(d) "Adoration" Gullmant
At 9 o'clock, after the evening service,
a reception will be given for soldiers and
their friends In the chapel.
Mrs. Kemp, W.O.T.TJ.
Speaks at Newberg
Newberg, Or., June 1. Mra. Jennie
Kemp, state president -of the W. C. T
U.jand field agent of the federal food
administration, gave several lectures In
Newberg this wet-k on the conservation
of food to supply the allied armies with
wheat, flour, meat and sugar.' She spoke
to a large class In the high school and
congratulated the young people of Ore
gun because It was through their efforts
Uiat 95 per cent of the housewives of
the state had signed the food conserva
tion pledge.
Rev. Mr. Griff is to
Speak at Estacada
Rev. Harold H. Grlffts. pastor riret
Christian church, will be absent from
his pulpit in the evening to deliver the
baccalaureate sermon for the high school
at Estacada. In the absence of the,
pastor the Sunday evening service will
be given over to the ChDdren'avday
11 A. M. .
"The Greatest Thing
in God"
74e P. M.
"Bringing Home the
By DR. C. L. TRAWIX, Pastor ef
the First Baptist Charek ef
Dr. Trawln Is a very popular and
eloquent speaker, with a REAL
MESSAGE. Do not fail to hear him !
, Faster
10:88 8.81 siIOULAR PftEACMINO) 8BR
"The Gotpel of the Cod
of Man9
7:80 Orn recital, Mrs. 4ihvlya Mov
es Fai sssi prestdina. followed by eoocre
. cstional sins. ... ,
7:4S rM. Address by If r. 1. W. Palmer,
one ef oar evm hoys vho rorently re tamed
from France, bavins sane frees the Port
land Y. M. O. A. Sntrject of fats MMveas:
"Over There With the Red
Triangle" ,
soldiers anal sailors and (amilirs ef enlisted
men espeelallr tevtted.
SCKDAT, S P. 31.
Joseph Isherwood
From Ltiltt mat As t rails i
God in the Trenches
- Psalm tt ;
After Lecture, Spirit Mesaaa-es, Ques
tions Answered .
Member Divine Church of Spiritual-
- Ism ot San Francisco . '
s . " .
'A -