" r- 3 THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL. : PORTLAND, . FRIDAY. k MAY : 31.. 1918. ANOTHER INTERESTING ARTICLE ON THE ECLIPSE WILL BE PRINTED IN SUNDAY JOORNAL A certain amount of distrust Is wholesome, but not- so tnuch of Other as or ourselves; neither vanity nor conceit can exist In the am atmosphere with It Southey. : - I ":!!-. -' .i i, : .' ,M ' . 'i '.J . 'r '' 4 ' 4 ' '''' " ' " ''' ' ' I I had rather believe all the fables In the legends and tha Talmud and tha Alcoran than that this universal frame Is without a mind. Bacon.- - jgeto fttrmgg on Screen anfa gtage & r,; 1 7a JT '1 ! II , ; v- . -r I Hit on New Hal- a-. Ar Program Musics and Comedy of Unusual Character Mark Mid-Week Change. jLrpHH new Hippodrome 1 opened Thursday, ran bill, which to the limit .of vaudeville excellence in music and "comedy. Francis Owen, who appears !ln x a comedy playlet entitled "Grandpa," i and Leon Dorrvjue, a rood pianist, share top line honors on the bill. - t As "Grandpa." Owen plays the role of a Civil war veteran. Needless to say, Tthe playlet Is timely. It Is unusually -well roduce4 and carries plenty of lieart interest as well aa-comedy. JJ1 Domque plays ragtime, popular and classical musla better- than" is usually "hoard on the -vaudeville stag, Jtyies and , Johnson. ' colored funny -men. do a lot of talking, that producjes storm of mirth. ,They, ajnir a eharao ter ysonf also producing-. mirth. ! Cecil -and Mack, a girl-' and, a mAn JJomedy, team, are good to look at and roduce many ' laughs. ' "1 1 Zr Tha - Petite troupe,, 'doing ' acrobatic Stunts,' ,cleterly worked. - tit some new eatures that not only make their act "ff top-notcher but add considerable ! merit to the shows Arthur arjd tMjly Le Roy are atm i letlo. They sing and dance and extoll . Jomedy. besides. . ' M The photoplay, la a bit unusual. It features Baby Marie Osborne In "Dolly 2)oe Her Bit" It shows tha adventures f a mechanical doll auctioned at a Red Xros benefit-' ', ' '. ' .AMUSEMENTS J STOCK OFTEBmCS ZskKZO Broadway Between Hofrlaoa Slid IMtr. Alcaaar Playera In "Inalda the Unas," Mat- Imm - Sunday. Wadaeaday, .Saturday, 2 :1B. KTrnlnn. 8:2a TTRrO Fourth and Stark." A ' Married Widow," mniieal eomady. with Dillon and Frank. Charlie Chaplin in "A Doc'a Life." aUj matinee, S:80. Eveninci, 7:15 and 9. VAUDEVIU-E. ,FiTAGES Broetlway at Alder. HeadUoer, a-.', w. i. Thome ft Co., in "Tbe Notorlou Ilel- J-r-pblne." Photo play, "The Son of Uamoc . racy." 11 m to 11 p. m 'BIPPODROUE Broadway at Tamhlll Tande 7 Till taatore. Franci Owen in "Urand-Pa." j ? Photoplay, Baby Maria O.borne, in "DoUy nnm Her Bit" 1:80 p. m. to 1 1 p. m. a) 'STRAND WaaMnct on between Park and West Park. Teatare photoplay, Monroe Salisbury J. and Rath Clifford in "The tinllt of Silence"; 2, Wataoa and Little In comedietta. "A Matri T nonial Barsain." 11 a. m. to ll p. ra. i: r FEATURE FILMS 'COLUMBIA Sixth between Washington and ' AUrk. Feature photoplay, Bushman and 3" -Bayna la "The Bra Check," 11 a, m. ia : 11 p. a I A X1BKHTY Broadway at BUrk. Virlan Bead in "The Guilty Man." 11 a. m. to 11 p.:ra.. tfAJESTIC Waohincton at Park. Clara Kim- ' ball Tuuns in "The Reason Why" 11 a. m. V to 11 p. jn. ' i - "rEOPI.Efl West Park at Alder. Mary m "M'l-iaa." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. IT STAR Waahlnrton at Park. Edith t Plckford flrore In 1 "tm uiaini. " ll a. m. to ll p. m. SUNHKT WsihJnfton at Broadway. photo play, William Faroum in "When a Kan Bees Bed." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. a- rARKn and resorts I vuiiunau BtALJi un tiumbia river. Take Vannauvr rm r nn Wamhlnfftiti n. RmnA tnt 4 - ... ...... .u .-I...-, ' mm mm.. , l.Ul, Madame feia. aniohit. C-COLNCU. CREST On Portland Height. Take Council Creat car on Fifth or Washington. 1 Ianrlns eery Tenini except Sunday. THE OAKS Willamette river. Tske car on ', . First street er boat foot of Morrison street i Out door amusements. Cioffi'a band, Beth : Grevea loans, soloist. ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Trustworthy Fur Storage Service 4r LOT. 3 Crerde(Jineep Silks,, in plain tailored semi-taUdrVtPor the more drcssey trimmed Reduced to LOT 2 Georgette and Crepe de Chine Blouses," embroidered anck4eaded, trimmed with cuffs and collars of Society Satin. Plaited vest effects fin ished with dainty buttons. Many other styles too numerous to mention. Reduced to.. .$4.95 Also Very I imimmnwimiiilillilllllllinilllllliliilllim ' 1 VI ' organization, which will " Saturday and Sunday. The choristers are made up of over iw male voices, 70 of which - ' J 1 11 "I '" M V " ,? ' -V I - IP IY' iV- -y i.r'' - v- a v ? ; r " i Fia- ; - Jaa fc- iM rft'&-,A,.ii(pnrr'-t .rSm vw,d I , I eaxsai-w -v;i;::t:;; -.. VJl-" i National Axithem Brings Men to Their Feet Women and Children Are Given Seats Chicago, May 1. (I.n; ft) Great Lakes jackies hi town today are having a nice, quiet laugh to themselves. It happened Thursday night, when the Jackie band boarded an- elevated car en route for the "atation. "The cars' were crowded, and, as usual, those hanging on to straps were women, and children. The jackies put their heads together. The naxt moment the strains of "The Star-Spangled .Banner" went floating Eos'o Society Decides Not to Hold Show The Portland-' Rose society has de cided not to hold Its enow this year as formerly, owing to difficulty anticipated In raising the necessary funds. The city c council Is unable to give the so ciety1 any assistance and because the annual Rose Festival will not be held this summer there is no possibility of 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . m in SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE of styles. Three styles. illustrated. Substantial Redufctions in the Better - Blouses - c i n- give concerts at The Auditorium are boys. through the cars. It took several mo ments, but finally the air dawned on the men and all stood. ' The jackies kept on playing as the car rounded several blocks of curves. .Then it stopped, and the leader, in true sailor fashion, shouted. "Women ana children fjrst !" When the men recovered, every seat was occupied by the women.' girls "and children. obtaining financial aid from that source. ( Arrangements had been made for the use , of The Auditorium In June, but at tha request of tha Rose society these dates have been cancelled. A display of' fine roses will be made by the Portland Heights club at the club-house about the middle of June. There's Oaly One Way tO StMnirA SL MAtln akin Inntv QnMn Cliln Cream, then Satin Skin Powder. Adv. 1 1 1 FURS BLOUSES s - i r LOT T-Kw unusual assortment of Georgette Blouses in a variety, of smart styles. Round, neck, square necks, slip-ons. Tucked fronts with. Peter , Pan collars, plaited frills and many other Vof tTie , season's best models. In all the. leiding;colbrs Three styles illustrated. Reduced to. ;..$5w95f LOT 4 Crepe de Chine, Georgette: "Grepe and Lingerie Blouses, in a'variety of " pretty Styles. Reduced to '. . .T. ?ki82.9? Mi 149451 BKOADVff wsas FURS Paiilist Singers Concert Great Chicago Musical Organiza tion Will Appear at The Audi torium; Over 100 Male Voices. ' THE -Paulist . Choristers of Chicago,, who. will appear at The Auditorium Saturday and Sunday evenings, will pre sent a varied program of sacred, oper atic and patriotic airs, Interspersed with favorite folk . songs, - Their director. Father William J. Finn, holds a com mission that may call him to the army, navy or some base hospital in France at any time. The Paulist Choristers have given concerts In over 100 cities on their present tour, which has for i its object the raising of 1100,000 to be spent through the French ambassador, J. Jus aerand, ' at Washington. . C. for the relief of the destitute French and Bel gian refugees. All money derived from the concerts aside from actual operating expenses, will be used , for this worthy purpose. They are appearing in Port land under the management of Rev. W. J. Cartwrighjt C. a P., of the Parish of St Philip Nert n . Lulu Fada Helps Develop Marines Paris Island, S. C, May 31. Wuxtry ! United States marines have conquered Lulu Fada without loss of life or firing a shot ! - Only minor injuries sustained to the extent of a few sore musclea a really remarkable record taking into consideration that "Lulu" is one of the most difficult of modern society dances. The Lulu' Fada consists of a mass of whirls, dips, twists and, quite often, "flops" on the part of the participant. It was introduced to the sea soldiers by one of their physical Instructors, who, prior to enlisting in the Marine corps, was a prominent New York dancing in structor. "The dane, while one of the most dif ficult known,, is a wonderful developer of the leg muscles and the men in train ing here are being aided greatly by it," declared the ex-danclng master. Premier Glemenceau Just Escapes Huns Paris, May 81. Premier Clemenceau narrowly escaped ; capture by. the Ger mans Wednesday, according to the Petit Journal, which says that the premier, left a point on the front only A few minutes before the arrival of a large German pa trol party, I ... Siebert to Direct Gas Defense Service Washington, May n. (U. P.) Sec retary Baker Thursday announced ap pointment of Major. General. William Siebert as director of the gas defense service. - He Is an engineer officer of wide experience. Baker said details of the organization would be made public later. Saturday The Accepted Modes in Supimer Furs i 11 ' .ft;- Time BYDR ViKRREN Jimmy Cooa Takes Potienloa of Some body's Heats, JIMMT COON Is like soma rich peo ple, for he likes to have several houses. Tou know, some rich people have so many houses that they have no : home. Now Jimmy Coon likes to have many houses, so that lie could go on a vacation and have a nice house wherever he happened to. turn up. If he went on a bunting trip or a fishing trip, for a week, why. he thought be must have a nice house to sleep in. And wherever .Jimmy Coon hung up his hat, was home to htm. You see, he could re model a Hollow tree anywhere, and so have another nice house. And Jimmy Is very fussy, and he wants to be comfortable, both In cold weather and In hot weather. And you know that people who think only of their own comfort, are very selfish". Jimmy was selfish, and he wanted the best Hollow trees in cold weather, and the highest Summer Houses' In the highest trees In hot weather. 'And one warm moonlight night, when he was traveling In the tree tops. hunt, ing to rob birds' nests, he found the nest of a very big and powerful bird. There were four nice fresh eggs In the nest. And Jimmy had a big egg-omelet. My, how Jimmy's eyes danced with joy, as he ate -that egg-omelet I But Jimmy ought to wear a bib, for the egg ran all over hla whiskers and down oh his shirt-front and vest, and even down on his pants. And as Jimmy had no finger-bowl, he licked off the egg with his little red tongue. And he rubbed the eg- whlchwas on his whis kers, off on his coat sleeve. It was almost morning before Jimmy Coon had finished his -early breakfast and his "toilet, and he felt very sleepy. So Jimmy murmured, in his own left ear: "This is an awfully nice nest for me to sleep In. See the soft feather bed and the feather pillows! And as It will be hot. this summer day, I can be as cool Sphagnum Moss Subject of Lecture All Red Cross Workers Expected I to Hear Professor Sweetser at Library Tonight. WIRST hand instruction on what r sphagnum moss is, what an im portant tart it Is to play on the battle fields of France and the essentials of the manufacture of sphagnum moss dressings will be told surgical dressing workers of the Portland chapter, Amer ican Red Cross at a meeUng tonight In the public library at S:15. to be ad dressed by Professor Albert sweetser. the leading authority In America on sphagnum dressings. The general pub lic is invited. Folio win r this meeting, table chairmen of the Red Cross surgical .dressing workroom will begin the instruction of their hundreds of workers, all of whom are expected to be at the meeUng. The leaders have, for the past week, been receiving intensive Instruction . at the hands of Miss Evelyn Klahr.. Large quantities of sphagnum moss. which was picked by hundreds or vol unteers at Ilwaco. Wash., are now on hand at the chapter workroom. It has been sorted, dried and prepared. There are on hand also stacks of the special paper manufactured for tha Red Cross, and this paper Is an essential for the bandage. The workroom of the Portland chap ter will shortly be reopened that a whirlwind start may be begun on the initial order of 500,000 sphagnum moss dressings, which at this time, represent the most urgent need of the army. 1 FRATERNAL NOTES The Masons - of Washington lodge. aided and assisted by the other organ isations of tha Masonle fraternities meeting . In the Masonic hall at East Eighth and East Burnslda street, have made .arrangements to act aa hosts to 250 members of the order in khaki at Vancouver Barracks, next Sunday. The hosts and guests will assemble at the hall at 9 a. m. and will proceed to Bonneville in automobiles, where lunch will be served. Tha entire, party will go over tha Columbia river highway. All members of the Masonic fraternities who can attend and furnish automo bile accommodation to one or mora guests are asked to help out. C. O. Tipton Is chairman of the committee of arrangements. Mount Hood tent of the Maccabees Wednesday night at K. of P. hall had three candidates to initiate, which pro cess was concluded in record time to enable tha members to participate in the card psrty, dance and social given by the Lady Maccabees in Selllng-Hirsch halL . t m m . The Knights of Columbus dance for the soldiers at the Multnomah hotel was attended by a capacity crowd Wed nesday night. A second hall could have been used to advantage, but music waa not to be obtained at short notice. Over 300 soldiers availed themselves of tha hospitality of Portland council. Tonight thv entertainment in Vancouver at tha ICox-C ''"hut" will be followed by dancing. - ., . -. a "The Brotherhood of American Teomen is receiving applications at the rata of over S500" a month, and .tha workers in Oregon are doing their proportion. Multnomah, camp, W, O. is to give a dance tonight at 12 East Sixth street.' to xvhlcn all members of tha order, their families and.friends are Invited.. - The .Ladies, night of tha Elks given In Portland lodge this evening has a spe as eh ' sb cial program of attraction to members and their7 wives, daughters - and lady friends. ' ' . . Portland tent of the Maccabees-Thurs day night initiated a class of candidates for the Oregon City tent, and tha work was put on In good shape under direc tion of Sir Knight commander J. J. Aahwandar. Tha tent lias Increased Its dues 10 cents a month to enable It to ears -for tha members at tha front and THRIFT STAMPS 'J ' -J sn4r :. WAR SAVaNOS STAMPS ; on Sate at - Business Off lea,- The Journal Tetle PARTRl DO&' Jimmy Cooa had a big Eggomelet. as a cucumber, up In this lovely sum mer house." And Jimmy Coon lay down in that big tiest, up in that high Chestnut tree, and he setUed down In that soft feather bed, and laid his cunning head on that aoft feather pillow. And Jimmy whispered to his HtUe heart. "What a lovely nest, and what a soft bed ! And now I'll drop off to sleep for a long summer day, rocked by the summer breezes, as they sway these branches!" It was a lovely sight, to see Jimmy Coon fast asleep In this btg nest, way up in the top of the big Chestnut tree! LAnd a Song Thrush sang a lovely lullaby we Jimmy dropped off to sleep. But Jimmy had taken possession of some other fellow's nice house, without ask ing. There'll be trouble! Tomorrow The Owner of the House Awakens Jimmy Coon. maintain their protection for their fam ilies. Part of this Increase will go to an accumulating building fund. J. W. Sherwood, state commander, was pres ent. Save- heat Meat Fats Sugar ft Hi Indian Music to Be Feature of Program Unique Entertainment Will Be v . Provided at University of Oregon. pUGENB. Or.. Ma 11. (I. N. S.) - Indian music will be a feature of tha University of Oregon commence-, ment here this year. Miss Winifred Forbes, instructor In the school of music, is coaching the varsity orchestra In "The Deer Dance," a composition ar ranged from tha memorial dance of the Rogue River Indiana The musks has been heard but once before, the Minne apolis Symphony orchestra having placed it on one of Its programs. Swedes and British - Sign an Agreement London, May SI. A commercial and navigation agreement has been signed by Sweden and England. It was an nounced Thursday by the Swedish min ister. A SUCCESSFUL REMEDY 'All things succeed which really de serve to which fill a real heed, which prove their worth. The fact that the famous old ' root and herb remedy. Lydia K. PInkham's Vegetable Com pound, haa for 41 ree generations been relieving women of this country from the worst forms of female His and has won such a strong place In our Ameri can homes proves Its merit beyond the question of a doubt. It will well pay any woman who Is In need of such a medicine to try It. Adv. For the quickly prepared lunch or supper for the midnight snack nothing else like WHEAT SAVERS. The Kiddies love them be tween meals or for the school lunch. They are good for them and they save wheat. Economical, too. Ask your grocer for WHEAT SAVERS in packages and bulk. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. PORTLAND rST BISCUIT CO Jewelers of Oregon , To Hold Convention Salem. Or., May 1L The annual meet ing of the Oregon Retail Jewelers' asso ciation Is to be held In Salem on June' 5 and . Principal speakers for tha ' convention will be Walter A, Denton of Salem, secretary of the i Oregon: Retail Grocers and Merchants association; A. ii- Clark, manager of the Home Industry league of Portland and Milton A. Mil ler, collector of internal revenue. Food Short, Epidemic Sweeps Scandinavia Copenhagen. Msy SI. (I. N. S- Epidemics due to food shortage and malnutrition are sweeping Scandinav ian countries. A malady, the symptoms of which are muscular weakness and slow pulsation, has developed here, while an epidemic of dropsy Is preva lent In Sweden. AMUSEMENTS THRIFT STAMPS WAR SAVINGS STAMPS en Bale at Business Office. Tbe Journal CHAT NO Tomorrow Chtrlie Chaplin will be with us, of course not in per son, but in one of those funny, funny pictures that just make you laugh until you ache. He is not going to be the only attraction though, for In the evening i there will be a concert by Cioffi'a Cele brated Band and vocal solos by Beth Groves Young. - This entire program is free to park guests." Then, don't forget that this Is the loveliest "place to picnic Imag inable. Great oak trees shade the park, while a profusion of roses adds beauty and fragrance. ; Little vine-covered Summer houses af ford a delightful place for you to spread the picnic lunch and In the free kitchenette hot coffee may be prepared. Come Out la the morning, bring the children and spend the day. Lt Dad Join you in the evening for supper un der the trees end the concert ? A trio throurh Hilaritv Han will make you laugh lor a week mere are tne most unexpected things happening every minute and the more unexpected they are the more you laugh. Cars leave First and Alder street every few minutes- 6-cent fare transfer from any part of tne city. JOHN F. CORD RA Y, Mgr. ; Read the Chats daily for Doings at the Oaks. City o&VisRec'd Now HFII Iff! ' Tayler UT we IK THCES, PHI, ft. C 7 Q sat. KYKft, June Q 4 t o aalaJ svtoe Matlnaa Saturday - A. H. WOODS Praaaau , MARY'S ANKLE "Wan Warts Saalna' ; Spksdid Caat and Prodaetfea Era J Floor, SI SO; JUL. SI. T. Sftat Cat. 60 aL Mat.: floor. SI; Bal, SI. toe. SOo; Oat. SOe. . , CAKTIR DK MAVIS RnU Badd. NliW Kortoa and Coral Vat. lotto. Valjrda and Braafuaa Nolo, rvn. estates Uartooaiat, aVklio liaek sad Dot VflUiaaac . - "TUB! MOM K T MOOS' With Gloa aedera at Co. ! ram Li Y R I C Musieak STOOK OOMS OTIS 1f O'CLOCK MOOS . . Bis doablo bill tMs vacs, l . OMAttUK CMAM.IN i t la kia lataot eeatodr att. j ' "A DOS' Ll ra ted (Ddoa sad fraoka. with Lrris Msalca! vomtar ooaapaor. m TMI MARNltD WIDOW" ' ' BAKER " ILSAZAM f LATA AS Tealsbt. sH wars, sat1noe Saturday BoaafH wtok for dovaatalod Traaeo.' : Karl Dorr Blcrm rtraattablo draaaa of Uo war. "IHSIDS TMS LIMBS. Xveaiesa. 2S. SS. SSe; Bat. Hat.. 28. at. ! Bast woak, atarV las Bsaday BMtiaoa. rowatar's Matloea.' P ANTAGES MAT. DAILY 2:30 . TMrwe. Boa . BUry Rlsf sad Ms OUmt Bhj AoU , I , raeoa Dalljr. Bight Cartals T sad t. . , , .. . Tans Farfe DANCING TONIGHT Monte Austin Sing .11 Crest Park ft'