i ' a t THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND. FRIDAY. MAY 31. 1918. I ! id CHICKEN RAISERS ARE RUSHING THEIR SUPPLIES TO MARKET STRAWBERRIES HOLD HIGH PRICE ALONG FRO NT STREET TR ADE 0, Sales Are Made at $3 to $3.25 for Best Fruit With Bulk at $3 Farmers' Market Sales at 12.50 and Z Generally for Tops. Strawberries were In rather cood supolr from local point, with a fair offering from Califor nia during tfc da, but th demand was keen and price held well at practically an unchanged rant. ' Satee were mada on the ,F.aet Side Farmer' market generall at 82.6ea.76 per crate, with a sprinkling of business ia ertra food atuff at 12.75 and a fraction more. Along Front atreet aajee were mad around It m a. 2ft ner crate generally for cootl fruit. although the bulk of the offering! did not nova above the lowef price. California atock aold around .82 for 20a. al thmah a little business waa reported fraction ally above this. The berrle t 12 to land here. They were in rather good condition. Local berries are arriving in. better) conrti tion. the fruit bed of riper and aound. Tbia waa an aid to th demand and early aalea on both markets were good. SODA. PRICES ARE LIFTED HERE - Berause of the greater demand, due to the nee of substitute flour, . baking soda pmees are Bowing a aharp advance of SOo per hundred peunrls in the local trade, and retail value Will be lifted accordingly. BCTTKR MARKET RUL1XG MIXED While thrre ia an extremely good ton for 'count rr cube butter in general, a email aurplu of lwal extra ia ehown. Country cubes ara in good request around 8 Ho a pound here. No change noted in city creamery. ; ; IMPERIAL VALLEY TOMATOES IX jMrst carload of lmiierlal valley tomato of th aeaaon came in for file day trad. The ator-k waa in excellent condition and packed in ' eratea of four baaketa each, galea at 2.80 0 2.75. Yakima Crop j Of Fruit: May t Show Increase j: --tHt Iv-va-v' ... Yakima, Wuh May (I-H. A. Glenn, district agntr for th Northern Pacific., ia collaboration with leading ahippers of the valley, makes his first estimate of the ton nags of, frolt ahipments for tha coming sea son. placing ths, total for ths crop st 16.824 carload and predicting a new nigh record. Ths total of last year crop, corrected to May lvrag 18,600 carload, of which S700 was apples, The la Is spring -frosts cut thJfWech crop practically in two and the eetimste places the tonnage this year at 650 carloads, as sgainirt 1750 last year. Pears remain prac tically the same, at 1975 carloadsy the new arreage coming into: bearing being offset by ths loss from front. The 1918 apple crop is 'placed at 11.745 carloads. Last year's fruit crop values ran to $12,000,000 and the coming season, if like nricea prevail, will bring tbs growsra about 814,000,900. New Red Onions in , " Market; First -Oaf From Stockton Here Initial Shipment of the Season Beeeived and Sales Made at I 2 Cents Pound, i Is First carload of new eroo- rd onions from th Stockton, Cal., district was unloaded along th street during th day. the condition of offerings being unusually, favorable i for initial arrive la. i K first offerings were quoted at So a pound, a rattier low figure for then supplies, due to th fact that old onion ar atill 'dragging at low values. , j Practically no large Iota of old onions re main here. Th stock that waa not sold has rotted on th farms, and while there are sup plies offering in small lota here and there, ths season is practically closed. Sals of new crop California Crystal whits atock will be affected by the arrival of the new reds and a gradual lowering in the quo tation on the former may be exracted. The qrop of rsda in the south is said to be a rather good one and no high prices, are anticipated by me rraae auring tne present season. Outlook for th Oregon onion acreage indi cates considerable decrease In planting from a year ago. j CABBAGE MARKET IS EASING OFF Market price for eabbag is sssing off with sales of Wlnnlngstead down to 2Hc for Cali fornia. . Local cabbage will soon bs in sufficient supply to make carload shipments. Th crop outlook here is reported good. WEATHER TOO COOL FOR LETTUCE Cool weather recently has hurt rlhe Aocsl lettue crop with ravage by aphia. Ths crop will not only be lata but th early allowing ia net expected to be very, good quality. . In th meantime the market for California stock ia firm. BRIEF OTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Candles ar up 20c a case again. Hiring beans, both yatiow and wax, down to 12 He pound. Nw potatoes waaksr, but at unchanged prie, Gooseberries very slow sale at 7 A 7 Vt pound. Country killed meats selling at unchanged grieve. Kgga ar steady to firm at former values. SHOWN I IN CHICtENS - v i ' it - I Fl ALONG Timothy Hay Scarce With Market j Firm ; Offerings Limited STREET Small Volume Available s but Extreme Prices Asked by the Country. ii . - ' -1 Trade Getting More Offerings Than It Can Take Care ol More Ques tion of Demand Than Price at the Moment Other Markets Full. Extreme slugeishnss was shown in the mar ket fur chicken along the wholes. J way dur ing -th day. ;j Receipts dnriri recent dsn haw been quits liberal, th increase, being great r han j th wants of tbs trad could take cir ot. wot that reason few of ths wholeaala receivers have been able to onload promptly, fend tbia . baa acmewhat weakened the situation. At ths moment the market for j-oultry i not weakened so much by th prio a by th lack of sufficient demand to absorb offerings. Small springs are hard to move, and while 5 rices ar unchanged for the day, it looks' as ' a. lower level will soon be reachejL Offerings of geesa and ducks continue too scant to bass an aceurats quotation, but in general these lines ara considered about un changed around recent prices. ; 1 Advices received by the local tratje from other Northwest market indicate that conditions rul ing there ar vary similar to those; shown along rront street. i Portland. Fri... 4 Year ago S3 Reason to date.. SHOO Year ago i .-0244 Tacoma. Thurs. . 1 Year ago ...... 129 Season to date. .6538 Year ago 6055 Heattle, Thum. . ... Year ago 22 Season to dats. .4810 Year ago ..... .8260 First Trading !n j Shares Firm but Loss Soon Shown WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments during the next 86 hours againat th following minimum temperatures : Going north. 44 degree; northeast over 8.. V. 8. M. It., 88 degrees; east to Baker, 84 degrees; aud south to Ashland. 88 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland tomorrow tbout 45 degrees. 1 1 JOBBiyp PJRICEg lk POSTIwtlfD The are the priors retailers pay wholesalers, aicept as otherwise noted: i Dairy Products. BUTTER Selling price: Creamery mints ia paraffin wrappers, extras. 44a; prise firsts, I 42o; first. 41 He; cube le less.' cartons le addi tional; dairy, 82 Ho lb.; baying pnee, cubes, . S8r. I . . BUTTERFAT Portland delivery basis. No, 1 our rreem, 48c. CHKHHtt Selling price i Tillamook fresh Or, on anoy full cream , trinleU. 25 H 26 lb.; Young America. Ud Va 0 27 He. Prie te jobbers, Tillamook triplets, 38 He; Young America. 24 Ha f. o. b. Coos and Curry. 1'rio to jobber f. o. b; Myrtle I'olnt: Triplets. 23c; Young America, 24c; brick. 85c; Limburger. 85c; brick Swiss. 40a lb. ! EtJUS Selling prina, Case count, 88$80e Kr doacn. Uuying price. 8Te. Selling price, sa ted, candled. 40 4 le; selected la, cartons. 4143. , UVU roCI.TTtY Nominal. Hens. 28 9 24c; broilen. 28aSOc; old rooaters, lft19c; sUgi, JggtlUe; turkeys. 28030c; dressed fsncy, 87a, No. 2, 80c; squabs, 33 doxen; geese, live, 2025; ducks. S0S5e; pigeon. 31.60 doses, Pratft Vttabl and Fruit. FRESH FKUIT8 Oranges, 84.600 7 per box ; bananas. 8(9 8 Ho lb.; lemons. $7.50 $ 8.50 per box; California grapefruit, 33.75; Florida. 8.5V(6 Z. BEKRIKS HtrawberriM. Florin Dollars, 15.00 if 2.25 per 20-baeket crate; Oregon 83. APPLES Various varutl,, $1.6( 8.60 par box. URIEn FRUITS Pales. Dromedary. 85.60; Larda. 32 60 crate. Raisins, three-crown loos iuscatel, lOe lb. in B0 lb. boxes, llgs, 83.50 box for 70 4 -or. packages. ONIONS Selling price to retailer: New red. Sn; garlic, 1 H if o lb.- Uraen onions, 85o(k 4 5c doxen buncoes; new crop CaL Bermudss, 81 99 crate. POTATOES Belling price: Tabl tock, Burbanks. 31.00(a) 1.25. Buying price: U. 8. Mo. 1, 75 80c cental; fancy, 00a 9 3100 ountry points. Sweet potatoes. So lb.; new Mtatoes, 6 (ft Sc. VEGETABLES New turnips. 32 35 aack; carrots. 32.25 per sack; beeta. 33 per aack; parsnips. 81.60 per sack; cabbage, 2 H f 3c lb ; VHIer, SOtfSSc lb.; head lettuce. 2.75t .USrats: celery, ) doxeni srtirhskeii. 00c par doxen; cucumbers, hothotie, $1 50 32 per doren; tomatoes, CaL. '82.59 2.75 ilug: egg plant, 35a lb.; asparagus, 31.50 pur dozen punches; rhubarb, 4a per lb.; cauliflower, 81.50 SV1.76: sprnuts, 12Hc lb.; green peas. 7 8c lb.; horseradish. 12 He lb. spinach, 5a lb. Meat, Fish and Frovhlens. 1 I COUNTRY UKATS Selling pnees ; Country killed best hogs, 22 H 023; ordinary, 21 22c per lb. i bt Veal. 1 7 W 1 7 H a . lb. J ordinary I veal. lBCylAHo; rough heavy, 13 0 14 He; . Igcata. 12c; lam. 28980s; xautton, l018c; W.Ulfc;... . . BMukkll asf-Aia name, iie sio; Dreak- 1 1 gat bacon. ,84 BOc; picnics, 24c; cottage roll. IG i www.". - -. v.ww; Afaw, asBoksd, 84o lb. i PAUKEKS' MtfATS Fancy steer best. 23 He; fancy ow beer, saHe; irenn spring iamb. 81c; past yeernngo. .c; nogs, io id. i LA HU Kettle rendered. 28 Ha; standard, 38 He lb.: lard compound. 23 c. , OVBTEHS-i Olympia. gal., 34.50;j canned I aasurn. 8o sen. 88.40 doaen cans;, eastern, al . solid pack. 38.60. i , fRlCSH riSll Dressed flounders. c; Chi nook, 21022! perch, 78c; soles, Tt; aslmoa trout. l8o; haUbut. 18 20c; blaek eed. lie; herring, 6; smelt, 8c I clams, hard ahelL So lb., ;4 00 bos; crab. 81.76 2.50 par do.; shad. 7e, 1 SUGAR Cube, $9 60 H ; powdered. 38.87 H frait or berry, 8787 H : I yellow. 87.27 H ; granulated. 87.87 H : beet. 37.T7 H extra O. 11.52 H ! golden C. 37.87 H. I j HONEY Nw, 86.00 cats, 1 i 1 KICK Japaa style, No.i , 10e; New Orleans bead, 11 H t U c;t blue rose, 104 l)o per lb. j i SALT Coarse half grousd, 100a, 816.00 ton; 60S, $17.25: table da.'ry. 60s. 821.80; bales, $2 80ttV25; fancy tabl aad dairy. 82" 26; lump rock. 820.00 f ,u. BEANS -California (sales.y jobbsrs) : Small whits. 18 4) 14; large whit 18c: puik. 84; Lima. 16 He: bayou, l0ej red. Hi Or, gon beans (buying prie) : Whits machln leaned, 8 H 8c; hand picked. BH 010c -CANNED MILK Crnafn. 86.10; Borden. 86.00; Aster, 86.00; Eai. '8.00; Ubby. 18.00: Yeloban. 86.00 per ctuaj COrriE Moaated. U H la! saeka or '' aVuma. . ax. i i . SODA CRACKERS Blk.l8 lb. i KUTS Burtded walnnfs. . 42ls an Ts ? alnsonda, 18H20c; fUbcri. ( 32 H In sack Reach Low Level For Corn at the Opening of Trade' By Joiaoh P. Frltohard Chicago. May 81. (L N. S.) Thr was a ragged closing hi th oats market with the May; showing quite sharp fluctuationa 'during the laat few minutes of ths session when the resting spots of that month' were at 72 and 74 He iu varioua parte of tbs pit. ; Corn closed at declines of 1 4 0 2 and eats was off 0 S H c. Provisions were irregular and unsettled In sympathy with the changes if grain. Chicago, May 81. (L N. 8.) All deliveries of eorn were at new low level for' the season at ths opening of th market her today. July corn dropped below 81.34. The market waa broad with commission houses ths best sellers. After buying early local traders turned to the selling aide. May oats wera lower on scattered selling and tne marxet waa very erratic. July oats, de spite considerable selling, hare ; shown fair strength, Th proviions market waa exceedingly dull ana xesiureisas witu trsds very light. Chlesgo rang by United Press: : i CORN. ! ; Open. High. June! 132 182- July May June July Msy : July May : July September Bf ay ! July i UeptJtmber ..133 135 OATS. TtT- 75 H . . 71 H 7t H ..65 75 , PORK. . . 8940 8885 . . 3950 8990 LARD. 2380 2415 . . 2400 -2435 RIBS. . Low. 130H 131 Clot. 131 4 1324 2135 2190 2177 222-2 72',i 63 8940 3940 2875 12397 2135 2180 74 H fiH 74 MARINE PREFERRED) AUTIVE New York. Mair 81. (I. N. S.-' Hearty all the speculative was centered In MaHn preferred in ths final trading today wnan It sold Tram eSVs early In til a day up to 194' at th close. Atlantic Qulf moved up points to 105.. a Steal common sold ua to 98.. but closed 1 point under this and Reading soldi up to SS ' droop, to S7 . at th close. The Liberty 4Va dollnd t a nw low rao- oro or se.so. 8ales, 68S.B00 sharas; bonds, 811,176,000 New York. Mar 31. (L N. S ) Although there was a good deal of irregularity about the Stock market ton and price move nents at the .opening today, there was a genel disposition to recam tne soeeuiattve conaitions vim sar. iafaction, and while some stocks.- were under pressure, gains made in others wc looked on as indicating wis real market tonf. Steel common Sold Ex. 4 li per i-ent dividend opening at 98; a loss of A but rallied to 99 H in ths next few minutes ' Baldwin was exceptionally weak, falling lHlt 804. and other steel industrials were also : 3n supply at concessions. Tha railroad stocks were again in good demand, New Haven opening down H to 43 and Quickly advancing to 44 fs . Union Pa cific sold ex-2'H at 122. a gain of H, but reached to 1 2 1 14 under moderate Mies. Marine Preferred 'opened 1 H laser at 98 4 and then advanced to 94 . CaL'fornia Petro leum moved up fs ta 19 H. . Liberty 4 'is sold off to 97. Th 4 were traded in at 94.16 and 3 Ha at 99:46. Stocks were under pressure iron the trading element during the ' forenoon and aubstantial losses occurred In nearly all the -active Issues. Mttfel common: after selling ua to 99 H dropped to 97 ' and Baldwin fels from 82 hi to 78 74. Similar losses were ' sustained in all the other ateel industrials. Union Pacific 'dropped 1 H to 5.20 H. Ma rine Preferred, after dropping 1 is to 83 H moved up to 94 ',. There was a marked1 improvement during the late afternoon, when many of thus who had been heavy sellers turned to the? buying side. Bteei common advanced to 98 14 "Ind was toI lowed by other steel shares. ' Heading was in good demand, arancine 1A4 ta 88. -and there,, was a brisk upturn in Marine J preierrea, wnicn earned mat stuck, :ttp to 97 Furnished by Qverbeck A Cookaf Co., Board oi i rau ouuding. ; 3988 3986 2390 2390 2410 2185 2160 2206 POTATOES ALL AtOSO THE COAJJT : r San Franolsoo Market. Sgn Franci-K-o. May 81. U. P.) Onions Old brown, 73 0 85c; new red. 310L1O per ssck on th whsrt. Potatoes Old, $1.26 01.75 par eental, ae eordtng to quality. Seattl Mvkel. Seattle. May 81. (U. P.) Potatoes Call- 1Sr"Sl" n,w !rn?UA ". He: East Wash ngton Netted Gems, ton, 325 & 30; local 317 0 is""' t0' ,;,-4: lKtX field run- toa. Opions- OregSn, lH 0 2e. L9s Angeles Market. Lob Angeles, May 81. (I. N. S.) Potatoes Northern Burbanks. 8t.90: Russets, $1,63 0 1.70;; new, 90o lug; sweett, $1.85 lug. Money and Exehanf New York. Mar 81. (I. V. R I f.n n ths floor of the New York Stock Exchange .f .uira mi u yt ymt cenij uigu Ota per cent: low. ; 5 H per cent. : Time money was quiet. a Hates were: 80 days, 6 per cenU 90 days 6 per cent: 4 months. 6 per cent; 5 months. 6 per cent: 6 months. 6 ner ' Th market tot prim mercantile paper was UUll. j j Call money In London today was 3 per cent. Sterling exchange was quiet w(fh business in hankers bills at $4.73 5-16 for demand, $4 78 for 60 day bills and $4.71 for 90 day bills. -! York Mutal market .New Tork, May 31.1 (I. N. S.) Lead 700 ' My. i 730; June, 370 Spalter Quiet. Spot and May. 87.17 H0 V o-rV ,' li ' ?umt -nd September, P.) Cash 8aa Franolico Grain Market nan rranctseo. May 31. (U grain :! Barley Pr eental fsed, $3 06 0 8.15 Oat Pr cenUl Red fed, 33.06 03.20 Wanted, What have Potatoes Wanted r3f0 sacks Nf I grade spuds. you to offel? . j ' , DHF.KSED SKAT8 I HOfsl fancy light, 22-t".feo pr pound, veai, uancy lignu ia-io par pouna. . FancyWat hogs, heavlr, 1 ll-Jio p-r lb, no CommtaRtoB JCaarRc4 . , THE SAVINAtt CO., I Inc. Front 8C j, fanltal flMUM I TJew York-London Sllrar London, May 31. (t N. 8 ) Bar silver unchanged -at 48Hd. 1 ! New York. May 81.4-(I. N. S.) Commer cial ear surer is uncoangd at Vv He. Voralfcrn Money Ratet New Tork. May .11 (I Nj si wv. . Lire, cables. 910: checks. 9 12.' UuOder. cables. 498-4; cheeks,' 49 Si. !lf w Tork 'Sagar and ! Coffee IV f 32 r tTl V -A 9 I lots: peanuts. 20 0 21a lb.; pecans, lto lb. 1 Haps, vVeel and Hid. HOPSNominal, 1917 crops, 1618e lb. HIDES Baited. 25 lbs. and! up. 12c; salted hnlls :0 lbs. and un. 10c: sislterf tut kip, 15 to i lb.. 12e; salted and green calf up to 15 lbs., 21e; green hides. 26 lbs. and tro. 9c; green stag. 50 las.; and up,; 8c; dry flint, r , Ml. ..I .... . 9 1W .... , . 1 zoc; iw., ,k; ary salt. 80a; 8ry hois bides, eseh, $1.251.60; salt bona hides, each. 88.00 0 4.00; horsehair, talk S6ai horsehair, mane, l&at dry long wool pelts, 40c; dry shorOjtool pelts. 36 030c; salted aad greea pelU (AprU takeoff), 33.QO04.OO eaok dry sheep shearUngs, each, J5 0Oc; dry goats. long nair, socj niy am saearungs. eacn, Ufa I. DESCRIPTION Alaska Gold A 1 lis tbalmers. c . . American Beet Sugar American .Cap, c American Car Foundry, c . . . American Cotton Oil, c . . . . American Unseed, c. . . . . ... American Locomotive, e . . . . . Aiucncsa nnieiier,; e American Sugar, c. . American Tel. K, TeL ...... American Woolen, e Anaconda alining Uo . Atchison, c. . . . naidwin lxtcomouve, c . . . . . Baltimore 4V Ohio, e. ..... . Bethlehem Steel, B Brooklyn-Rapid Transit. Butt tt Superior California Petroleum; c Canadian Pacific .......... Central Leather, e Cbeaapeske ;A Ohio ...... Chicago &. in. WeaUrn, c. Chicago, Mijw. tt St. Paul!. Chicago 6. Northwestern, c. . Chino Copper .. . Colorado Fuel It Iron, c . . . . Consolidated Gas : Corn Products, c Crucible Steel, e Denver & Hio titande, c... Distillers ' Erie, c Ileneral Electric General Motors Goodrich Rubber Gret Northern Ore Landa. Great Northern, pfd Greene Can ............ Hid A Leather Ice Securities Illinois Central .......... Industrial Alcohol Inspiration Int. Mer. Mann Kansas City Southern, e . . . . Kennecott Copper l.ackawanna Steel ! Ihigh Valley . . I Iiouisville It Nashville Maxwell Motors. -e. Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper . . Midvale Steel . . J . Mo., Kan. A Texas, c Missouri Pacific National Lead Nevada Consolidated New Haven New York Air Brake , New York Central N. Y., Ontario ex Western . Norfolk A .Western, e.. . . , . Northern Pacific Pacific Mail xDivH Pennsylvania Railway Peoples Gas Pittsburg Coal, e . Pressed Steel Car, p Ray Cons. Copper . . Railway gtel JSprings Heading, e . . . . .( , Republic Iron Sc. Steel, c. . Hock Island ....v ....... Hears. Roebuck- & Co.....' Shattuck I . : . . . . Studcbaker, c...;i Southern Paciflo iIHr H . . southern xtauway, c Bwirt , Tenafssee Copper .......r Texas Oil Tobacco' Products Union Paciflo, e. xDivv 3 H . United States Rubber, e United States Steel, e. xDtv. Utah Copper Virgrnl Chmlcl, e Wabash .1 . Wabash, A...... Wabash. R j Western Union Telearaoh Weetinghoose Kleelric wuiys uveriana. ..... .. . Woolworth ..... ,! , . 0cn I Bid 43H 76 H 8H 884 62 H in Interior NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS. t , Cars- Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oat. Hay. )7 S 4 ... 6 o 478 1318 1528 S570 272 1468 2259 2507 1 "i "l 78 i .1.. 296 1653 129 ... . 321 2076 8 ... 10 6 4 24 881 1680 1101 8093 367 1715 1377 3802 Extreme acarcitv of timothy hay-ia shown In the local - trade at this Urn and wholesalers sra freely offering tha country 333 084 a ton for offerings, Portland delivery. Bom stock is being offered from tha interior, but holders there areasslQg .full price. ! : uuie oiner nay is avaiiaoiew vm xnra only a small esll for anything at the moment. with th exception of timothy. No Willamette valley timothy la available just now. Cereal markets continue to reflect atgnant tone, with prieea made for effect and not for baying. Few car t otaka on additional supplies at any prie just now. Th flour market is stagnant sine th rent order to atop th sales to consumers. Retailers ara wondering what they ara going to do with thair -substitute, sine they cannot aell wheat flour. They say that they -wera compelled to purchase tha substitutes in order to get the flour and ar now forced to reaall thair flour to th government. They wonder whether the government will take th substitutes off their hands, too, as they claim they cannot sell them witnout flour. i FLOUR Belling oriee: Patent. 810: harlev flour, $L3 018.60; Willamette valley. 89 60; local straight. 89.60: bakers local. $9.80010: Montana spring wheat, patent. $10.60 010.80; wnoi wnest. SO.OO; graham. 89.40; rye llour, ja.oo; oat flour, 1SS 13,26 par barrel. HAY Buying price, new crop: Willamette timothy, fancy, 824 par ton; Eastern Oregon- Waaningtoa fancy timothy. $34 1 alfalfa. $28 valley vetch. I) 1- cheat. $28: clover. 828 ton; gram. $23. GRAIN SACKS Nominal No. 1 Calcutta. 2H 25c in car Jots; loss amounts, higher. MILLBTUFFS Bran. $300 80.50: ahorta. S3Z(3S2.BU; middlings, $39 39.60. KULL1S1) U4 I S 6974 per ton. ROLLED BARIEY $74 0 75 per ton. CORN WhoU. $76; cracked. $77. per ton. Merchants Exchange June bids: OATS Fir. Wed. Tues. Mon. Sat. .Week 1918 1917 1918 ago. Feed 5800 4790 8900 5900 6000 6000 6000 Eastern oats and corn in hulk : OATS No. 3 white 88 clipped whit CORN No. 8 yellow No.: 8 mixed j. . , , HEAVY STUFf FINDS LOWER PRICES HERE IN SHEEP DIVISION Good Fancy Qualify and Light Weight Stuff in Demand and . Priees . Are Maintained Swine Situation Here Is Best in the Country. , f PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hogs. C'tl. Calves. Sheep. Friday 684 : 208 7 810 Thursday 679 : 42 19 1003 Wednesday 673 i 239 S 403 Tuesday 250 61 3 827 Monday 1055 656 31 46T Saturday 19 486 128 Week ago 666 210 6 9S Year ago 336 490 162 ISA Two years ago .... 626 72 T 849 Threa years ago ... 868 26 4 1125 Four years ago .... 434 -til 6 1658 FEDERAL AGENTS ARE 1 SEEKING TAX DODGERS I THROUGHOU 1 1 COUNTRY Reported Finance : Tim her : Industry Report of the Portland Gas & Coke Company for the Month of April. 1918, Shows an Increase Amounting to II per Cent in Net Earnings Over the Same Month Last Year. " Faulty Reports Also Numerous; Half Billion in Taxes Missing.; Portias Gaa A Cak CaatBaay R- pert of net earning; of tha. Portland Gaa & Coke company for the month of April show an Increaaa of 41 per eent over AprU of laat year: aroaa earning- ahow an Increase of 28 per cent aad j operating- expenses of It per cent. Re port for April: I 1818. 11T. Inereas. Orea 3180.661 8101.998 338,e Uncrating 68.983 M.S23 10,668 rl 01.879 41.473 JB.OT Balance 82.421 16.439 16.993 For the 12 month period ending April 30, 1818, cross earnings ahow an in- Washington. May th (U. P.) Scores of agents of the internal revenue depart ment are searching the nation for tax crease of 20 per cent, and net earnings dodgers and persons whose incomes were an Increase of 10 ner cent over the 12 Incorrectly computed. Startling disclosi- J month period1 ending April 30. 1117. Re- urea nave come wun tne imng 01 more port of the 12 month period than 6,600.000 tax reports, and evidence of flagrant disresrard of tax laws and 0 lack of natrlotism Is at hand. In scores Operating of returns there Is apparent Ignorance I jjt B Primary returns ol agents, show: 1918. 1917. Increase. 11,468.076 81.274.35S 1198.819 803.167 670,070 138.117 664.896 604.189 60.791 20.963 378,46 43.628 rower A Light Ceaapaa while the report of the earnings of the While there waa only a small run of mutton and lamba in tha North Portland yards over night, the trend of the trade was mixed. Owing to the. fset thst yearlings and wethers ara now arriving in auch heavy weights, buyers ara shsdinar their Quotations, and th earns te true of heavy we. On th other hand there ia a good and steady tone in (fleet for top quality lambs and light wethers as well as ewa and quotations ar generally maintained. General sheen rsassL. East of mountain lamba 816.50 A 17.00 Valley lamba : 316.00 916.50 Yearlinga . 81 160 12.00 Wethers ." , 31 0.50 11.00 )Cwes 610.00 tt 10.50 Cattle Situation Is Steady Situation in the cattle trad continue to reflect ateadineas at North Portland. Over night there was a small run and conditions were sub stantially the same as during recent days with top quality stuff eagerly sought. General cattle market range: Prim steers Good to choice steers Medium to good steers ....... Fair to medium ateera Common to fair steers . . . . . . Choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers 3 7.00 8.50 Fair to medium cows and heller 0.00 a s ou Cannes ,. 8 8.50 5 60 3 6.DOW10.00 n,.t . . 1.. tom aaa - - - I Jrmuiwc j-qwer as ljikiii wmpsw tvr ium in vnaira. Mtnrai .hs .iiaiim i mnA ihss month of Apiil BhowB an increase in wUl net 230,000,000 In additional taxes. rnlnga amounUnc to 14 rer That investigations Into three groups ceni ovr in m" monm m ms of trades coal, oil and wool Industrie earnlnga show a decrease of 7 per show nri of annivinr tn.majnv rajiaa cent compared with April of last year. the penalties prescribed by law. ! This la accounted for by an increase That the total number of slacker doU of rr cent In operating expenses. lars out. as computed frorrii those at- Report for April ready uncovered, will reach 1500.000,000. Ship Strike Far 6 18.50 14.80 313.00 018.00 810.50912.60 110.00 W ll.OO 8 8.50 9 60 810.5011.60 Bull Calve Btockets and feeders 8 8.601 3 8.00 1 ) 12.00 110.00 .850.00 . 51.00 .858.00 . 56.00 Linn County Has Excellent Prospects . For Most Crops Albany, Or.i May 31. The l.inn county farmers have about completed the spring plow ing and are almost ready to commence the cutting of early clover. From the present indi cations a better than normal crop will result this fall, although . another drouth can still hurt the wheat. Fall grain looks well over the county, and in some localities is starling to head out. A large increase in the acreage of fall wheat will prob ably result in an extremely Urge cron this fsH Th vetch fields ase alive with green aphia at the present time, and the .farmers believe ttat if the weather continues cool the crop will 'be ruined,' It la claimed, however, that a few hot days will kill the aphis. Red clover 1 is scarce in l.inn county this year and an fffort ia being ' made to sav the entir crop for seed. Alsik clover is in good condition at present, however, and better than a normal crop will result. It is believed that the largest fruit crop l.inn county has ever raised will be harvested thin year. The activity pi the Linn and Benton County Fruit association has resulted in a large increase in the acreage, and while none of this will bear a crop this aeaaon, it has resulted in sn increase in interest and better care of the old orchards and berry patches. Strawberries will be ready som Urn next week, it is believed. Swlna Market Hold Rarine market at North Portland ia showing a better tone at thie time as well as aw better price than la indicated in any of trie leading recognizer national nveaioca cenien. Overnight the run here waa only fair, but the bidding was good and former full pricea were maintained. General hog range: Prima mixed 1 7.50 17.68 Medium mixed 17.85 17.40 Rnncb and hearv 16.8516.40 pigs 15.00 16.00 Friday Livestock Shipper Hogs East Hood River Fruit Growers' as- SAeiatiAn. M osier - 1 load. Cattle H. Myers, Islington. 1 load; George Lomt, The Dalles. 1 load; F. Baffe, 1 load. Nhn F. A. Fennimore. Mt. Angel. 1 load. Mixed atuff Cutford Brothers. Hubbard. 1 lnad rattle and hogs: L. A. Thomas. West Rtayton. 1 load cattle and hogs; Frank Wann, Mt Aneel. 1 load hoes and sheen; Hout. ex Rnodgrass. Crabree. 1 load cattle, hogs and .,-.. .1 v. Vroffitt. Davton. 1 load cattle, V,r,wi mil sheen: M. M. Hoctor. Goldendale, 1 load cattle, bogs and ahep; J. W. Chandler, Tnion Junction, 2 loads cattle, calvea and bog u Miii.r Alhunv. 1 load hogs and sheep. Vnii.l states Bureau of Marketa reports live stock loaded May 30 in carloads; doubledecka counted as two cars. Cattle and Hogs Sheep Mixed Ttl. calves toek Totals 1040 RS R- 21,2 1 week a5 ..1S9l. 1831 443 275 3804 4 weeks ago .221,0 1775 666 281 6025 State origins of livestock loaded May SO: For Portland 1918. 181T. Ine .8146.968 gllT.lte 816.118 Operating 81.491 69.311 21.960 wet . ea. sot eT.-ooe s.svx Balance 24.861 83.86 S.024 For the 12 month period ending April Prm Q! -v4"t- nYY" QTI 4 1 10 Sross earnings show an Increase of 1XU1U KiKJU Vi.Ji-U.JiJ. V I 15 f Worker In Victoria Waal Bach ray From February, and Thea Another Jleadjastment First of AagatU Victoria. B. C. May 21. (U. P.) A settlement seems today to be farther away than ever." Raid Andrew Wallace, a leading shipbuilder, in referring today to the shipyard) strike. Senator Rob ertson, who was sent here by the Do minion government to mediate, was ccr tain 'inursday that a settlement was immediately In night, but today he was not so Bure. He had been ' sitting up with tfte workers until 3 o'clock this morning. r j Theemployers want an agreement to last for the duration of the war. The workers will not consider anything be yond the first of August, i when new terms are to be negotiated on Puget Sound. Then the British Columbia men want the same as American shipyards. Also, the workers demand ! retroactive pay as far back as February 1. This would mean a lump sum Of $600,000. The shipbuilders declare they cannot possibly pay it and suggest that the matter t put up to the government. per cent, operating expenses an In crease of 7 per cent and net earnings an Increase of 22 per cent over, the pre vlous 12 month period. Report for 12 month period : 1918. 1917. Increase r.raaa 81.73S.09ft 81. 607.76S (216.829 OperaUng . S26.6HT 771,161 B.43 Net . . . . . 889. an Tsn.air isz.sa Balance ... 451.782 339.103; 122,679 t Jena Terminal .Bid Bids for materials to bo used In constructing th railroad system at the EL Johna termi nals will be received by the commission of public docks at 10 a. m, Juno'.t. Bida will be for a large amount of gravel and other ballast material and -for 400 ties. ! ! f . ; ' Irea Dyke Slaks Xaw BhafW-Tka Iron Dyke mine at Homestead. Baker county. has started excavating for a new shaft to reach far below th level o tha Snake . river to tan larva hodlea of? ore. Tha shaft used at present la a prospect abaft and la Inadequate for tha needs of the mine, which ia developing Into ens oc the greatest copper producera In the United States. Tha new shaft will be sunk 2(0 feet below th level ot tha river. Part of tha construction work la ex pected to be alow and tha shaft may not be completed before th end of this year. Its operation will greatly facilitate th movement of Or and reduce th cost of getting It to the surface. Warm Sprtags Irrlgatlea Prj4e Prospects of completing tha reservoir for tha Warm Springs Irrigation project during this summer ar based upon th subscription of (176.000 of bonds at par -by W. P. Davidson, providing local peo ple take an equal amount. Th Val . banks have already signed up for (16, 000 of bonds and th banks of Ontario ara expected to contribute as ; liberally. . Th project will bring (0,000 j acre ot new land Into cultivation. . . Looking up Minerals la Carry Ceaafjr According to the Tort Orford Tribune, A. K. Smith, representing San Francisco , capital. Is investigating the mineral re sources of Curry county. Mr. Smith la said to be especially interested In 4 pogita of chrome, manganese and plati num. It Is expected that considerable development work will be don In Curry county during the coming summer.: - Morton Postpones Memorial Program Morton. "Wash., May 31: The observ ance of Decoration day in Morton had to be' postponed until next Sunday. This was occasioned by the fact that the sol diers of th 419th construction squadron. stationed north of Morton, were unable to leave work .for the day. according to announcement by Lieutenant J. O. Ken nedy.) officer In charge here. Morton has been canvassed for those who will entertain at dinner a large number of soldiejr guests. Those who generously Angry Bees Sting Elderly Man, Who . Dies in 10 Minutes Santa Ana. Cal.. May 21-U. P.) Stung by a swarm of angry "bees early today. Park IV Hume, (8, a prominent resident, died 10 minutes later. With his grandson, Hume went into the attic of the horn ot his son-in-law, District Attorney .A. West, to drive out tha bees. It Is believed that the sting of some of the bees penetrated the arteries, and there carried the poison to his heart. FIVE ORPHANS WILLI TAKEN AS RESULT OF, INTEREST BY WORKERS Collection Taken at Standifer Yards Nets Good Sum for . War Relief Fund. ! California, Oregon Washington Totala Portland 1 week ago . . 4 weeks ago . For Seattle AVasbington . . 7. 5 14- 4 11 1 16 12 21 Schools Urged to r Adopt New System I ! Clark Coaaty Saperlatesafat Weald I Have Cosatry Schools Osea la As gait, Closed Psrisf Barrett Staseas. Ridgefield. Wash.. May (1. If th pro posed plan which has been set forth In a circuity- letter and mailed to school directors in this county Is carried out, th farmers will have the assistance of responded to this appeal ar requested school pupils during; harvest time with to notify Mayor B. J. West or Dr. Harry out any Interruption of their studies. W, K. Dudley, county superintendent. Is the originator of the plan. In Clarke AMEHICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES 80e: dry short hair goats, eacn, 50c $ 31.00. WOOL AH price nominal, ' CkUTTIM OB CASCAKA 34-BK Buying eric for car lota, 8 Vie. TALLOW No. . 14; ifa, J, j2e: graaaa, lOe lb. - : V . 110HAIB 1817. 4066a 1 ,f . Hop, Paints, Oils. . HOPE SixaL dark. 24c; white, 23 He la.; standard Manila. 33a. i - -- t 1.IN8EED OIL Haw. bbU.. 31-67 gaL; kettle Boiled, bbla-i 31,08; raw. cases. j 31.77; boiled, eases. 31.79 gal.: lota of 250 gals., less. COAL. OIL Water white - in drums or ire bbls., 1 0c gaL ; eases, - 20 gaL i s ; GASOL1N -Iron sbl.. 3 Wj eases, 81; ngine diatiOata, iron bbls., 12c; eases. 22c AyhUTti WWtITott tots. 12 lb.; 500 lb.. ; TUBPEITrNB-tenk, S5o; vasaa, 7Se; X0 as lots, le Uaa, - i i- - ; --H - - . - : : WIBS NAJL8 Baafe prke, (B.8B. ' ;i hi 9i h fl7 27 hi H 8 f 7 8H 107 H 1.7 H 6BV4 1.4 Js 117. Chicago Hogs S1S.70. Chicago, May 81. (I. N. 8.) Hogs Tt eaipts, 15.000: 5(10c lugher. Miied and butchers, 816.0016.63: good heavy, 816.36 10.40: rough heavy, 1 1 5.35 (a 1 5.70 ; light. 6 1 0.30 16.70; pigs. 314.23 & 16.83 ; bulk, 316.25 16.60. Cattle Receipts. 3500: steady. Beeves. 810 50 17.75; cows and heifers. 37. Ii5 14.00 stockers and feeders, $. 25 13.65 ; calves, 88.00 14.75. SheepReceipts, 1000; ateady. Native and western, 3 1 1.00 15.35 ; lambs, 313.25 17.75. Omaha Hogs 616,46 ' Omaha M .41 II V SI I Hnm T? ?ipts, 4000: 6 ft 10c higher. Top. 316.45; . . . , A A , . 1 i . . . . : . m . m .. . n . . . ibisc, fio.ivein.ioi mum, llD.jtf v 1D.1U, g&d choir, (16.25 1 6.30 ; rough, 816.20ft i9..o;-ngnt, ein.BU0eie.45: bulk, 316.25 li.40; pigs, $12.00 if 16.00. Seattle Receipts, 2300; Totals Seattle 2 1 week ago . . 2 2 . . . 4 weeks ago . . 1 . - Friday Morning Sale HOG8 Feacles If they are unable to entertain on Sunday, Th same program scheduled for Thursday will be carried out on Sun day. This includes appropriate cere monies at the cemetery in the forenoon and a soldiers' field meet in the after noon. steadv. Tteeves. i2.u(ff it.ss; cows and heifer. 87.50 13.00; storkers and feeders, 67.50 13.00; calves, (8.00 12.50. Sheep Receipta. 1600; ateady. Wethers, 14.50&16.50: yearlings. 61 6.00 1 7 SOi lamba, (17.50 18.80; ewes, 1 2.00 13.00. Kansas City Hogs S17.45. Kansas City, Mo.. May 81. (L N. R. ) Cattle Receipts, 1000: steady.' Steers, $12 17.25; cows and heifers, $815.50; stockers and feeders, (8 13.50; calves, $8 13. Hogs Receipts. 4000: 10c lower. Ton. $17.45: bulk. $17.30 17.40; heavies. (17.25 17.40; mediums. $17.35 17.45; lights. 317.30 17.45. . , Sheep Receipts, 4000, mostly goats; steady. j Denver Hogs (18.85 renver. May 81.-" (U. P;i Cattle Re ceipts, 4200, slow; steers, $ 12.00 1 5.75 ; cows and heifers. $8.00 13.00; stockers and feeders, 3S.00 12.60; calves. (13.O0 18.00. . llocs Receipts, 1300, ateady; bulk, (16.25 A 16.35. ll Sheep Receipts, 900, steady; lambs, (18.00 jn.uij ewea, io.uo iff i a.7a. Saattl Hogs Steady. Seattle, Wash.. May 81. (L N. S.) Hogs ipts, steady.'! Cattle -Receipts. 477: steadv. . R.f mir. niruiuin 10 cnoice iz iff la.ao; com mon to medium, (7.75 10.75; beat cows and heifers, $0.50 12.60; common to medium cows $7.508.50; bulb), $810; calves, IB 12.' Sheep Receipts, 280; steady. Spring Iambs, (17 18; wethers, (12.50 13; ewes. $1011. PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT No. Ave. lb. Trire. No. Ave. tba. Price. 4 217 (17.65 143 1R8 (17.60 123 18 17.50 42 221 17.50 61 215 17.50 23.... 868 16.60 35 132 16.00 LAMBS 137 72 317.00 I 47 70 816.78 65 ... . 60 - 16.50 I YKARLINC.S J2 94 (12.50 I 51 100 (12.00 8 100 12.00 I WKTHERS 2.... 130 (11.50 17 127 (11.00 2 160 tt.00 . EWES 1 100 (10 50 3 188 310.00 21 155 0.00 2.... 125 9.00 1 140 B.00 I 1 100 6.50 BUCK SHEEt 1 140 3 W OO 3 170 ( 6 00 CALVES 1 160 (11.00 BULLS 1 1500 $ 8 00) 1. ..1500 ( 8.60 MIXED CATTLE 16 867 (10.00 STEERS IS 878 (11.60 27 1160 (12.(0 COWS 1 850 ( 6.00 I 2 820 ( 7.50 ' 11 1092 10.00 I LIBERTY BOND SALES New York Boad Market Furnianeo y uvcraeca ft Cook Co.. Biard of Trad building. , - ,Tl4 ... . Aicnisen usvu. a, . , , . v . . , , BX 4V Ohio 4... Beta. Steel Ref. 5s.. ... Cent- Pacific 1st 4 s.. s a B. Q. CoL 4g... St. Paul Genl. 4H .,. . Chicago N. W. CnL. 4a. . , . ,i U N'. UnL 4s. , ,". New .Tork Hy. 5s.'.,Vj ....... Northern Pacifio 7. L, 4'. .. . Beading GenL 4. . . . . . ... ., l.ttien Pac 1st 4s. ... . . . . . . . . V. S. . Steal 8a. i! j . . , . I'nion Pac 1st Bef.,' 6 . ; . . i Southern Pa. . t'ooif. 16..."; , ; Southern Pac. Cera. 4. fenn Conr. 4H.t. . Ohea. 4s Ohio'Cfov. 8....... I Ore. Short. Line 4s . . . . . . . . . 9 SI II 71 H 80 ; . 8 : MH 9 11 2 8g- f2 24 : h 2 M SS H 67H ft ..-Sl-i-; !?- ' f'4 Portland Bnk This week." Tear ago. .( 4.489.343.88 ( 5, 609, M2 57 3,532.654.11 2,364.727.42 o,oo.',aa.i- Holiday 4.865,030 06 2.782.616.42 Spokane Bsnks. J( 1.757.967.00 681.4(1-00 Seattle Banks.,) . t 4,866.874-00 1,189.440.00 Tacoma Banks t S4T.081.0O 84,638.00 San Francisco Banks, (20.901,082.00 Las Angeles Banks. ;( 6.321.124.00 . m .a DAIKT PRODUCE OX THE COAST u '' - : ' 1 San Franelseo Markat, . San franeiaeo. CaL. Mmj SI. (U. F.) Butter Extras, 44S) prime firsts, 43 He. : re Extra. 4tVie: firsts. 39He: extra pullets. 88ei extra firsts, pullet;' 374e. I Cheese California, flats, fancy, 22 Ha " Seattle Market.' i - 1 Saattl. Wash., May 31. (O. P.) Butter Local city creamery, cartons, 44 46c; cubes. 4148e: printa. 44c Eggs Fancy ranch. 41 4 4e; pullets. 40c - Che ass Oregon- triplete. 2S27c: Oregow Tones America. 26 28c; Washington triplets. 2527c -. 5. C " J -t Ctearingi Monday . Tuesday . . , . Wednesday . Friday . . . . . Clearings . . . Balance . . . , Clearing . . . Balances . . . , Clearings Balances Clearings Clearings. Liberty bonds sold in New Tork; 3 H 1st 4s 2d 4s Ssturday 99.00 Mondajr 80 Tuesday 8U.60 Wednesday . ; . 99.00 Friday ,. 9U.B2 84.69 94.32 94 OS 94.68 94.50 94.3S 94.00 94.02 4 Us 97.44 7.84 7.24 97.12 96.00 OLD POSITIOKS OF COTTOX SHOW fiI8t AT THE OPEX'XG New Tork. May SI. (I. N. 8.) Old crop positions had a firm opening on th cotton market today, July ehowing an advance nf 20 points while later pricea wera irregular, being from 5 points higher to five points lower. The close was steady at a net . decline at 60 80 points, Furnished by Overtxtck A Cooke Co., 216-217 Eoard of Ti liontn Jan March . . July .... Sept, . Oct. Dee. .... New Tork spot market 58 down, said. 2(50. Open. - High. Iiw. Close. 2393 2398 2820 2320 403 2405 2385 2340 2580 25H5 2469 - 2601 2470 2470 2374 2406 2440 3443 2340 2866 2393 2417 2840 3840 Chleage Dairy Prodara . - Chicago, Msy Jl. (L .H. S I Butter Re ceipts. 7 90 3' tubs; crramrry evtraa 41c; firsts. 40He; packing stock, SO 80 He Eggs Receipt lSISSS case. " errnt ra ealpta 8829Hi erdinarr firsts, 36 38 He; first. 30 31 He; extra, 334 a - i -y Eastern Cash Oral. Omaha Cash cem No. 2 white, (1.66; No. S white. $1.82; No, 2 yellow. 31 58: No. 1 yellow, (1.651.66; oats, standard. 72 72 He No. 3 white. 72 734.. Winnipeg Cash oats No. 2 white, 81 He No. 3 white. 78 He; extra feed. 78 He; No. feed. 75 He: No. 2 feed. 72 He. Iwluth Cash -oata, 7eH78Vse; flax 13 R2: arrive. 83.82. Minneapolis Cash corn Slo. S yellow, 81.48 eel.55: No. -s mixed, si.iviti.tu; ino. mixed. (1.40 1.60; oats. No. 3 white Mon tana. 75 H 77c; sUndard. 71 H 73c; Ho. white. 7171H; barley, (11.30: flag, 88.7 T 0 8.79. St. Louis Cash corn No. 2, (1.64 91. ( No. S corn. $1.601.66; No. 4 white. (1.45 No. 1 yellow. $1.60: No. 8 yellow; (1.66 1.66: oats. Me. X www.- S1.S2: Mo. a white (1.6a. ' Seattle. Barley Market Seattle. Wash,, (lay SI. (t N. S ) Ne. 3 feed barley, (64 per tea. STRAWBERRIES now' ready to ship. ; Wire or writ us your daily wants. We ahip nothing but the beat quality, on day of picking. Put up in sianaara pints to crate. : - SHEKLDAJT BECKLET'cQ. 114 Frost Street, Pertlaad, OregOB county there are three crops that re quire the help of children at time Of harvesting prunes, potatoes and straw berries. From two to three weeka' time is required by these crops. If the schools were opened by the middle of iiimsl mnA Ihsn rlnwil rinrlntf that nrnviA Ship Worker Dies' harvest in the prune sections, and also Vancouver, wash.. May- St. Henry I during the potato harvest In the potato Stephen Heilingson, 17 years 10 months districts, these crops could be cared for and 19 days old, died at his home at it this way, Sara yesterday. He was sick for three A nine months' school, opened In the weeks with what seemed to t pneu monia. He had been employed In the local shipyards. He is survived1 by his parents, Mr. and Mra. H. J. Helllnggon ; two brothers, C. A. of Ridgefield and John; Hellingson, living at home; two sisters, Mra. J. B. Burdick of Kelso and Mrs. R. L. Bond of Portland. Funeral services will be tteld Sunday at the Sara Adventlat church at 10 a. m., Kev. Mr. Carey officiating. Interment will be in the Sara cemetery, W. J. Knapp of this city having charge of arrangements. GRAIN GROWERS OF WEST CONFIDENT (Continued From Page One) loss. ; During the coming year informal announcement from official quarters in dicates that full payments for wheat will be made to the growers as soon ss the grain reaches the terminal and is graded. This practice would be expect ed to hurry the movement of the wheat put of the producing districts. But on alternative to such a plan has been sug- gestedt that traveling graders, repre senting the government, should (Trad wheat iat local shipping points and make full payments to the growera on toaalg of their findings. tittle Wheat Left la Isterlor Few complainants who say that their wheat has not been shipped are left among growers. It Is said" that dur ing the past 20 days, approximately 3,000.000 bushels of wheat have been moved out of the Interior and that there is only between 1,000,000 and 1.600,000 bushels left of th 1917 crop. This also will go rapidly, aided by a greater sup ply of cara and the emergency demand for th grain. Grain growera are eager to know if they will" be permitted to take advan tage of the New Tork prie basis in shipping by water. The New .York prie on No. 1 wheat is (2.28 a bushel. The Portland prie is (2.05. Th rate from Portland to New York of 10 cents a bushel, plus the 10 cent charge irici gent -to bringing th wheat from the interior to Portland, makes a. total of 20 cents, which, subtracted from th New York price of $2.28, would leave the growera 42.08. Wheat aold en the Portland basis after subtracting 10 cents a bushel freight and other charges would bring othe grower $1.96. Arraags B-eeeaa Ceaferease Naturally th growers ars interested In ths possible IS eents a bushel of lit creased revenue. Doubt as to : whether the New York prie can be made the basis Of sale grows out of the presi dent's II proclamation : establishing the Portland prie basis and th order for bidding any shipments ob prlvat ac count, ' ' ' ' ' "' - , Unsettled questions relating to the handling of wheat will be settled at an official conference to be held In Wash ington IX C. the latter part of June or early in July, announces Grain Com missioner Houser. This ta not th con ference announced for June : 12. but a later, final, conference, designed - not only to settl questions now raised, but those that will b brojisjht up at, U preiiraiiutrv eeoxerenc, . middle of August, would close before the strawberry picking time and the school pupils would b available forhis labor. Under this schem it will not be necessary to Interrupt th nchool work. So far as learned, this plan is favorably thought of around this part of th county. Vancouver, Wash., May Jl. At , th conclusion of tha Memorial day program In' th Standifer shipyards yesterday av collection waa taken for the adoption of a Belgian orphan. , A large Amer ican flag waa carried by four men, each r.jlding a corner, and as tt was Pssd among th men each dropped his dona tion thereon. When H was counted there wss found to be enough money do nated to car for three orphans, and Just then, in keeping with th splen did patriotic spirit v that lias alwaya manifested itself in drives ot various kinds and other war activities. WtlllSm Stansberry, head bookkeeper, and J.'E. Brown, a lumber purchaser, living ' In Portland, signified their deslr to adopt, an orphan each, aam to p reared in their own home. Thus th launching of th first pig ship In th local yards witnessed th adoption of five tnatead of ona orphan. and Carol Perclval, who later in th day waa to christen th ship, was pro claimed godmother of th orphans. ; A feature of th Memorial day program was th presenting of th honor flag for th showing mad by th shipyard employee in j th third liberty loan drive. The yard haa th honor of hav- ng led In th donations In this oouoty and is said to be th second highest la the United Mates. u Decoration Day Is Fittingly Observed Oregon City, May 31. Decoration day was properly observed in Oregon ; City under the direction of Meade post, O. A. R., and participated in by the veterans of the Civil war. Ladle of the Relief Corps, Horn Guard band, and Com panies A and B of th Horn Guards, as well as citizens and school children. Exercises were held at th cemeteries 'and the graves of departed soldiers and sailors decorated, and on the suspen sion brUrge. from which flowers were cast upon th waters of the Willamette In memory of th departed navy defend ers. In the afternoon exercises were held at Moose hall, when Judge Grant B. Dtrnick. Gilbert U Hedges and Mayor K. C. Hackett made addresses, th gath ering being presided at by Frank Moore, commander of Meade post. I I Salem Bridge Will Span the Cowlitz Morton. Wash.. May II. Aetual work on the construction of the steel bridge over the Cowl Its river at Riff. sevn miles southwest of Morton and 40-odd miles from Chehalla, will be started the latter part of July. The bridge la on that was formerly at Ealem. Or., and Its present span Is 290 feet. It will be cut to 270 feet. Th steel will be shipped to Jackson Pralrl to sav ths rail hall from Napavin to Tacoma and from Tacoma to Morton, and th cement will b delivered to th alt from Mor ton. ; Ml"! In addition to th bridge, th read In Highland valley, and also soutA of Rifle, Is being put in condition. Miss Kern Leaves for Hobokea Ridgefield. Wash.. May SlMlss Emma- Kern, daughter of Mr. and; Mrs. Christopher-Kern of this plaoe, left Vancouver Barracks last Saturday with a number of other nurses, an rout to Hoboken. n; Y wher they will remain a-few weeks befor going to Franc.! New Perkins Hote ' Flftk sad VratklagUs Its, CI to Wseleaale sad Cster of. iieiati jJisiTiew Bates 3 per Xay V7p. SpecUl Low Hates to Ptrmanant Guest i PALACE HOTEL Otea. anile, lugarw. aanwfrag am !. Oas Swg tree) ati Ma Te as fm Ser-.j 4Mrala) 84, faraja aj stftsVVfctTganvtalv MsMawSSaVwflTttl llartis Kronberg Dies Vancouver, ! Wash., May Si Martin Kronberg died at his horn on Kast Mill Plain May 2 at ths age of 5 years. 10 months and 4 days, death resulting from cancer of th stomach. Jl la sur vived by a wife, one son, E. 1 Kron bsrr of Westwood. CaL, and two daugh ters. Miss Marl Kronberg and Miss Ina Kronberg, living at hem. Th funeral services take place today at 1 . m Rev. J. H. Avery officiating. Inter ment will be in th Fisher's cemetery. W. J. Knapp in charge. ; Yates Shoots His Wife Yakima. Wash., May 21 Enoch X. Yates, a colored barber, shot bis wlf here Thursday night fallowing a brief quarrel over domestic affairs, aad then gave himself up to ths police,, asking them to look blm up for th crim. Th shooting took place at th ; YaUa resi dent-., (20 South First street. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. Establish 21 Yoars ' ! i. f ! 201 Railway Eacaaaf BoII4laf Prtlaai, Orsgoa THE PREMIER ! MUNICIPAL BOND i HOUSE r OP OREGON i' f ! - . Municipal Bond$ Yielding from S to 6A5 . , S Naa-TaaaSI federal LW Bawfe Bee 14 4 Aeanr imeV If yasj must SStL vur LBte eetiga, 81 IX te US. If w M SUV mer (jkertf , But frees US. sV UV ae we aaa-s. a ana Tslarslvrae Mala 340 (efeg. Bends, ttw. Orata. ata Sis-Ill sHassd mi trad auaXss Ovcrbeck&CobkeCo. , i j -1 DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES -. -i . i - . .- . Msrf Ckleag Beard Trsa - Crriaats f Ltraa A Bryas CaUeaarev Vew X(k. , - i . r. '