THE ' OREGON ' 'DAILY -? JOURNAL. t 'PORTLAND-FRIDAY, MAY 31. -1918. 18 I 1-3 '. U ' Al'TOMOBft.r.' ife .ArrRKMORIRK 44 "J -fBK'EH now probably lower, than you win a rrjoosa'from Main. l .-JietJ , Speedster "White, dandy tc rr. . . t. fttwdelwkrr Chuu, for bu.. . , Oakland roadster ' Mtwlebaker Kour , . .iniMii .JruWbsf r '17 l ord 'nUU -lw Indian ',' tU - . . $ 450.00 275.00 . 800.00 160.O0 800.00 4 30.00 , . isso.oo , . 750.00 , . 3 J 5.00 , . 1075.00 , . 376 00 TWIN STATES MOTOIl TAR CO.. 614 Aldr. Broadway 404. ftAHH demonstration. 6 and pasnengars. full factory fiiarintee: run about 2000 miles; at substantial discount. i.a. r-vM Twin Mix 5 Dessenisr tourinc itall Ooodyear cord tires, aeat cover and other , extras; bargain, ' rt Hudson 4 7 passenger touring car. In fine . hp; best offer Ukea H. ' PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. '1" 10th and Burnald. - ,!.-fl 4. it - " C "' Broadway 821. -At ' .Hi.: m'fi XT. SHORT AND SWEET SHALL CAB BARGAINS " rtnerUl. 1018 Btudebaker. -8 or 7 tiaasanisr 180 Chevrolet. I pa. 475 Overland 6 peas 250 becal 4 Da 225 The but. two would make good bug or rvice ear. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION 944 Burnsid t- 2 SPECIALS THIS WEEK Maxwell, 6-pe.. almort new -, Ford. 6-pa. "Oota 90 . , Chevrolet, almoat new .... Jeffrie 2 ton truck Maxwell uperiat, 6-pa. .Mitchell, almot new .9 700 . 860 . 800 600 . 1000 800 . 1100 826 Overland Club, like new . . . Term if deaired. Open evening and Sunday. W. H. WALLLNGEOHD. 922 Aider at. Broadway 2402. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The port l b I a jS4 kind Sava ' you 3K money. See sosa- ple at 544 Hood t. slain noi MHImade Construction Co 'EXOINE8 ENGINES ENGINES -KT All it vie and isa from 1 to 6 cyL at - - r,I toniahtngty low price. All enainea guaranteed to be in good mechanical condition. . " ' DAVID HODES CO.. ' Cor. Broadway and Klander St, '" Portland. Or. r-1 fl017 Eord. perfect condition extras. . $500.00 .r.JVl herrolet, O. K. dandy tire.. . ' Dverland bug Chalmers 80- excellent condition. . . r Valla touring electric equipment.... . flrModel 83 OrerUnd WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO. ' BHOADWAT AT BURNSIDE. ..-,t 11T CHEVROLET only $625. 1916 Maxwell, look like new, 1917 Kord. $485. ' $630. j, 1919 Kord, $400. ft it l ji ! THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, i,, ' , B'7 Washington t.. ' . Where Washington and Burnside Meet. 3tn.f ' 'til v ' . n r. ; -US AUTO WRECKERS Wa wrack most all makes of cars and sell the good part for lea tlitn bait price. We hv all 4ind of used bodies for sale. Highest price paid lor old car. I PAC1FIO JUNE COMPANY, 228 Front t MAIN 4768 THAYER. S HATER-GULLY MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton. $81 10 BUILDERS OF 1H Ton. $40 lEVEHHEADY TRUCK I ATTACHMENTS Ten. 84 Capacity! I Mtg. in Portland. 41; 18 R. Water st) Phon East 7487 M, C. rtsu M j:t IH-toa truest A-l mechanical condition, nw -tires, $850 THE WHITE COMPANY, k and Couch at. v- P BU ICK TRUCK -ton with body, good tire.. fin shap if-mechanically, $5 00. THE WHITE COMPANY, Pai'k and Couch aU. LAHER Ufa. - A ' Bepairk. 8000 ruaranteed enrin'es I. lock; prirps reduced. 84 N. 1Mb st. LOGGING TRUCK . Completely overhauled; new tire. , THE WHITE COMPANY. l'k nd Couch sts. CA8H paid fot old can, condition no object: uarta for all make of car. Ore son a nt b-, jj ahaag. 129 Lownadala at 16th and Wuhing . ; ton. iln 1161. ii ll a 10 11 1 r I'uiiL. ock useu uars right j uvvr.x siuiutt CAtt CO. II $1 and Washington sts. Uiln 6244. it BARGAINS IN USET FORDS -i mini can. nsiiisiers. cnassis; svery ear H everhauled and repainted. Robinon-8mith Co. 13 ;5 1917 FORD, with 1-ton attactwnent. body and ti - winusmen; run o montna; fao; terms to 1 lii parue. -aii atr. Crawford. ldwy. 1 1 "' 1 869. r, t . U MOTORS, gear, bearings, wheels, axles; w tS wreck all makea of ear and all their parte Jj at half price. David Hodes Co.. N. Broadway . ! j and Flanders. Si; '' . . SACRIFICE ( Overland 4 pass. Coupe, like new, 81000. Jj Joining th army. Inquire I-ac. Overland Co.. It Broadway and pavta, ij i14 1H-TON Federal, thoroughly overhauled." J exeetlent condition: been used In city work ! onlyl $1250. Call Mr. Crawford. Bdwy. 1869. ',1 WllX trad my closed Ford 'delivery- top body V,-" tnr ou Ford. 6 pas., seat and top. 827 ',. avie at. or nam. 1SSO LATB model Ford touring'; want cash; clTPv Woodstock ava. ML Scott eor. a 4 th. 1914 FORD for mle.e good condition 4200' r . K"4 7951 i13 Hancock st. Can be aeen Saturday or Sunday. tin BGAIN day. Com and tak your pick of Ford delivery ear; no reasonable offer re fused. Sea Mr. Crawford. Prk and Everett. 19 i -TON G. W. C. Run on city streets for C 4 months. Cord. Urea, body and top. 8no for $125. Call Mr. Crawford. BdwvTilBft " P FOR SALE 1916 1806. - ,. Oaklan4 Big. . SaUwood ILIGHT 1917 6 voadsUrT Will trad for n-mm, -w.r. o m. nrOIQWlr. Mt'aT U my 1918 Maxwell touring" 46.J - m 1 , , A-77A. JoornaL " itli.s, aeu mjr iuu Aiaawail ebeap. - A - AVTOMOBItESt -ACCESSOBIES ' 44 REMEUBEB THAT ' j CO.NLEY'S l-SED CAB CENTER la erery day receiving some eery fine burs! In ued car. Very late model. AU make, all sizes, all price. 1 W bare 6 or 8 experienced mechanic work ing on these car. Ho we know that when we sell you a ear, it will be jut represented. A car are coins to be scarce , and higher w advtee you to look our large atock over. It will pay you. CON LET'S T8ED CAR CENTER, Big Brick bldg. Side Entrance. S. W. Cor, 15th and Wathington it. Phone Broadway 2656. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN I 1917 Mitchell, 5-pana.. 6-cyU. $1250. 1917 Mitchell, 7 pa.. 6-cyL. 91800. 1018 Cole. 7-paas.. 8-yl', $850. ! 1015 Mitchell. 6-pas,, 6-cyL. $750. J17 Overland. 5 pa., 4-cyl; $650. 1914 Mitchell, S paa.. 6-cyL, $650. 1916 Studebaker, 6 pass., 4-cyl.. $576. 1914 Studebaker, 4-paa. coupe. $560. Ford truck with body and top, $360. 2-ton truck with cab, $1260. i Several others, to select from. 1 i MITCHELL. LEWIS A 8TAVEB CO.. ( - USED CAR 1EPT. East Morrison at Eirst at. f Eat 7272, B-1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak at. Bdwy. 515, B 3348. TRAILERS TRAILERS TRAILERS 2 and 4 wheeled trailer of all kind fmm 1000 to 4000 lb, capacity at astonishingly low price. - DAVID HODES CO.. o Comer Broadway and Flanders St, Portland, Or. MiW TIREtt What brand of new tire do you prefer! Wa hava them, all makes and sixes. Also w make the fa- mou O-V-C Iouble Tread (sewed) tire and do all manner of tire re- pairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 883-336 Burn Me near Rroadway. AUTOMOBILES WATVTED 7S OLD auto wanted, 80 to 40 H. P., good en gine: condition of chania no object; must: be cheep. Phone fct 772B. ' 5-BOOM bungalow near university, Salem, clear trade for 1 or used ear. K. Hoard, Laurel, Or. WILL buy your Ford car for spot cash. Rob- Innon-Bmlth Co., Hixth and Madison. WANT Ford ci ss payment on 6 room cottage. Mam 2030. WILL TRADE good motorcycle for good hug ana pay airierpnce. au rsi ouu. WANTED Light rodter; must not be over 8500: must be brein. Ms in 7094. HIGHEST . price paid for automobiles; condi tion no object. 121 N. 3d St. Bdwy. BRINGING UP FATHER 1 1 ' - ' 1 - " v 1 - l! BARON BEaAN 1 The Oyster tand i , , I f TME ODflJ ts Wr ' (iiivr" S mPKLV DAVA I UAJUKk AAfeAT, " P' ) AJ0p , W ' JLAW 3 I & Jf!ii yt -AW&,.4 v.r? Willi I eias -! -T I XU'ili'A . , 1 I' . . . '-a- a -- -E i ' i ft-- - - ."-x - . 1 - . . Vsi VCi nilWi !l- . ":fi : !!:! 1 " ! SHELL. I (m A PCOQ GAME fcVJ SEASOKI ME12E . sell ear. Ah FKESW SHELL 1 ' this chap FISH vt STALE , PWCES i r 1 cji-uri 1 1 1 inn n dvvlj 1 ' . ,iuie 1 i 1 . r' ! w"-W-.i-t- ll'1' Vl ' rVWC Uir, rr. .-. I -v. A - - , I t 11 f l - r L ACrVVIPlON Pr$n cock vet HE BiHsl EW5 CTVSTEwlS ' AJJO CLAMS LATEST' light i OCAUJN H20M ' TWEOAM 7I4. TS . -rVl CAil - - - Paid tar lata model touring can and roadster. . THIS USED CAR - 927 WaibingtOD tt. " .Broadway 9468. ' ' AUTOS FOR HIRE ss AUTOS FOB HTRE WITHOUT DBtTKBS Brand sew cam, BeasoBabl rate. Fearing Jt Robaett. City Uarage. 101k. Between Stark and Oak. 'Broadway 84Q. AUTOH WITHOUT UH1VERS FOR HIKaC COUCHMAN AND SULLIVAN, MARSH. 232 10TH A TAMHILL A-1288 COLUMBIA river highway auto aervK. Wa do taxi work. Main 22$. MOTORCYCLES. BICTCLFS 99 BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES. Large stock of new and used aaai DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 68 6th at. SNAP Almoat new bicycle, new tire, electric light, fin condition. 930. 728 Ganten- bein ava. EOR SALE- Indian motorcycle; looks and runs like new: Det buy in town; eah or Liberty bonds. 644 Williams are. Cll East 5099. 1916 TWO apeed motorcycle. A-l condition. look Ilka new. cheap (or cab. 1002 Ma cadam st. LAUXCHES ASV BOATS 84 FOR SALE A gasoline 4-H. P. Standard en gine, . fish boat. $725, including 8 net, all Complete. Apply Louis Salmon. Clifton, Or. FOR SALE Boathouse and 35-ft launch. W. II. Williams. Kenton, Columbia slough. PIA50S. ORGANS AST MUSICAL INSTRTJMEKTS 14 fek-CbUllX- slUKAUli W. Cl.OtiI.NG OUT. $300 Hohler as Hohlar, upright, cash... 9 75 9400 Leland upright, nearly new. cash ...9148 9450 'Kimball, large upright, for cash. .... 9164 $375 1917 model, mahogany, cash. .... .$190 $425 Urn 1917 model, walnut, cash 9215 9475 1917 model, mahogany., cash .9235 $550 1916 model, finest style, cash. .... .$200 $750 1916 model, player piano, cash.... $315 $175 Borthwick. 6 octave organ, cash... .9 98 9 95 Bridgeport parlor organ, cash. .... .9 25 9 85 Phonograph and records, cash..... 8 86 $ 90 Phonograph and records, cash .....8 40 IBB Tlt ST. AT-WASHINGTON ST. ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Take in exchange for a phonograph or piano. Liberal propositions. SKIBEULING . LUCAS UUBIO CO., 125-127 4th sr. Main 8586 Phonographs exchanged a ing. 142 H and records bought, sold and rented. Expert repair ed, near Alder, upstair. $12 CASH. $6 monthly, buy $376. new 1918 model, improved upright piano tor $281.25, at Schwan Piano Co... Ill 4th L NEW $215 Ulaing machine and records . "to trade for gool old piano. Harold 8. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill st. RENT a piano, most reasonabla terms in Port land. No square nor thump box. - Harold 8. Gilbert. 364 Xamblu. pTANtS wanted! Will pay cash lor hat-tain. Main 8586. WANTED a piano; East 6014. ii bargain for cash, call PHO.NOGKAi'HB. r words, buught. old ndex frHanred. Hsll Ac rstdy. 12 lit st. M. 7098. i$9& CASH buys $3S0 Ernest Gabler upright piano, oecunty etorage uo., iuu tn at. Piano Tuning $3.00 S:.VrAi1K TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rent applies to purchase. Visible models. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621! GUARANTEED Factory Rebuilt Typewriter. "All Makes." sold on monthly payment. Send for price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co., Retail Dept.. 821 Washington St. AL.L MAKh typewriters renteii and - repaired. Oregon Type Co.. 94 A 6th. Main 3668. REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. ACE SrNFE 6 TAKE AUTOMOBILE WATTTEU CH0U)DC5 HEJ2E EVEliV HOME. In A OA.Y. t is A HE'S THE CTVSTE2 AWD CLAM 0VSTET2S vvVH0LS6if. p 71 REMINGTON typewriter lor le at . W. Bank bldg. Call bet. and 6. ToH N. HOl'HGHOLD GOODS FOB SALE S Notice, Country Dealers Also hotel and. rowmlng Wt ara going owt of builima Must sell atseaa, carpet and furniture at lea than ooa. . Grand Rapids Furniture Co. 4-6 GRAND AVK EAST 24. FOR SALE Two used ruga, 9x12: 1 camel electric washing marhin. 89 N. 6th. 875, 6 BOOM, faruitura fog sale. 963 &tn- ton at., evening. FOR SALE MlSCELLAyEOrs It faint UM roof snta ill FIREPROOF WATERPROOF RUSTPROOF PAINT PTatVaMntm f La 1 . .I k L . - ) vtriu VI assWsssas. Hon tmMM U 91 fl protecU from fir. - Costs no raoii: Fbwna Main 59T8. ALL mrhltuM mM . agect ar employed; machine wnom; repaireu. A-8020. Main I 4l. sewing Machine Emporiusm. 190 3d at, twar Taylor. ONE 5-room houseboat. 1 log float. 18x24 lOO crawfish, trana read to set i 1 launch n. p. enaine; x lo-ir um; 1 su b. p. Mitcnell automobile engine. 8. Zidell. 280 Front L Mar. 1392. Hea. Mar. 858. after Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and renalrad. Walker Electric Work. 418 Burn- ooe. corner loth. Hroadway 6674, "J11.B1UAL. INSTRUMENTS.'' -tyDewriten" and Household Good" an aenarsvta -ls.ifi. cation. Alt advertiement of these good ara puDiunaa unaer tnetr respective claaulicauens. LWs. THEM OVER. T 1 fl ff 1'EN drophead sewing machines ilJtJJ with attachments; ail ar in very good condition. Be wing machines rented at 83 per month. Phone East 2369 o B-8307. K. K. Bteen. 152 Grand av., near Belmont. M A rt C 1 O USED DROPHEAD SEWING f I J IW NO I - MACHINES. Guaranteed, 172 8d st. Wa rent and repair. ' - - Main 1845. A-1818. ONE evening per week is open at Rock Island. Opportunity for dancing ciub or individual to give weekly dances and rasxe some money; good proposition. Bdwy. 2555. ONE horse and Studebaker milkwagon; 10L cows, 1 plow, and one farm wagon, with Rouble box, for sale by H. F. Ketcbum, 1600 Colum bia Blvd., near the East St. Johns depot. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A larg listing can ba found under the different classi fication. 600 ENVEIXPES or 600 bond letterheads, 82.25: 25 engravers' type wedding sn'c'm't or inv't's $8. Smith. Printers, 204 Stark st. SACRIFICE Fine mahogany phonograph. Plays all records. Terms to responsible parties. Main 2142. USED hot water boilers. 80 gaL. $5; 40 gal, 97.50. Wa hava up to 120 gaL Over 600 now in use. 1S9 Adams st- Phone East 7669. WE have a larg assortment of plows, hand cultivators, gmraen toots. Dicyciea. etc BITTMAN HDW. CO.. 213 Front st. Main S61t FOR SALE Sell $20. ernoons. Baby reed carriage. lsi,l XJI Call room 636 Portland hotel, aft- VACULM cleaners sold repaired, rented changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 862. t.M-ALiJu lor tailor made suits, (u.u up. sjiui iie jiuur. .bv rtumsiae. BEES -Four fine colonies with good equipment. s. jsiis is. t-nona wain, ikzs (LIMBING Supplies, wholesale prices. Stark- sjti o.. sa su Main 797, GIVE us your order. Best No. 1 tir curd wood. East 7020. $7.25 per cord. FOR 8AIJ lrte size used electric bak ovn. 124 Broadway tn basement. JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. Main 8582. l RpCQCT TO THIS JMF SQUEEZE ,lM0H NEVER TASTEO ON PM tTftSTEJlS. ROSHt ET 5Clr AMD YET ME TTFE WRITERS . 1 vJI EATS THErl rfcPtftV HdRSE cawsh rVJDEUEQTHUJCj MEAJ4S., FOB SALE MISCF.LLAWF.OrS ' 19 958. COMPLETE BATH ROOM OUTFIT. $&. wortbweat Pipe Co., 187 Front at. FURNITURE WAHTED 71 THE high prices wa ara paying (as MOand hand furniture and htrusehoid goods will surprise you. Don't wait. Phone at once. - GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORK. 805-7. First. Marshall 687. .Want Household Furniture' WILL PAY CASH. Phone Main 9882. WIGHTMAN-JOUNSON FUR. CO. 88-90 Grand ava. East 7766. Hicbeat ' price paid for used furniture, carpets. stores, range, eta. We call promptly. PHONE Kstt 7616 when you want to fl your furniture. . W cons at once and pay you cash. M. R. Beater, 880 Hawthorne av.. eoz. Unioa. Call East 636 Highest prices paid tot used furniture, stovi. rug, anything in household goods, Wa as change your old furniture for new. WANTED Second hand iurniture, ranges and stoves, etc. WE PAY THE BEST 'PRICES. MORGAN FURNITURE CO.. '390 East Morrison. Phone East 2236. JUST atarting tn business. iiigiiat pnee paid for used furniture, rug, carpet, stove. A. Manner Furniture Co.. 88 Grand ava, E. 6487. 7! if you wish to ob tain high- t price for your used furniture, atovas. carpet. CUT freight rate on , household good hipped East and South, Manning Warehouse A Trans fer Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Broadway 70S. A-l 793. HOST cash paid for furniture and musical in strumenta. T098. Hall t Cassdy. 126 First. Main MULTNOMAH Furniture Hospital pay highest prices for used furniture. 627 Wash. M'n 4554. THE hignest cash price paid tor second head furniture. Phone Marshall 6321. SWAP COLUMIf ti GOOD 1800 lb. team and harness for cow, or what have you. See Dolson, 2 blocks east, 2 blocks N. of Gilbert St.. O. W. P. line. PAUL FISHER cornet to trade for chickens. Sellwood 3539. WILL TRADE good motorcycle for good bug and pay difference. I'hone m 5009. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Read Important Read W carry a geatar varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In tha city. There ts hardly an item wa do not buy and aeU. W specialize in shelf and Heavy bard' ware, sporting goods, household good, offiea fur niture. hotel and camp supplies. When you hava anything to buy or sell, call or phone Main 9072 A-7174. Levin Hardware cc Furniture Co.. 221-8-5 Front at., corner Salmon. MARSHALL 7lTCl I SOS 1832 ClULLL Front st W pay absolutely the highest prices for 2d hand tools, junk, etc Nothing out of our Una. Call promptly any place; also carry full line of new and 2d hand hardware, shingle, window glass and plumbing supplies for aala. Be Thrifty Why not sell your cast-off clothing to Highest prices paid. Call any time. PEOPLE'S SECOND HAND STORK Marshall 8225 or 209 Madison t. 812 Front L. Shank Co. Portland Oregon. Hide Metals Rubbers. shipping tags. Write for prices and Main 1699. GOING East or South t - Household goods shipped at reduced rates. Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.. 403 Hoyt st. Marshall 2467. WANTED Rifle, shotguns, cameras, lenses. 85 Sd st. Phone Main 8881. Hochfield. FULL value paid for 2d hand good and tuna. any quantity. Phone Main 784. 201 H 1st st. HIGHEST pricea paid lor second hand clothe. Main 9344. .(Copyright. 1918, lnternatTonaJ Hear THCrCCVE OP HIM POP HASN'T COUfJTED H0U) MAMV CLAMS MB S EATDsl BUT -WAIT AM crtSTttLOXim. THE STC0MGEST SHE TAaVS IS SCOA. ur r - TLL HE HAS 1 nc r L 1 1 IE a s-s.. j m uvri 1 wncn irvrr 1 ww5o' . 1 r . . I . . CW-tw lis I I -s ST I I - 0 SrT 1- I IsBTTU I - WA1TTKP MISCELLAKEOUS 89 AND UP 86 SECOND HAND CLOTHING J. Mayar. thw Uflor. pay the hlgkssrt prtoa tm auita. averooata and aha. W call anywhere .k. .it. daw ae aiaalng - ' " ' Marshall 1229. ; NOTICES U NOTICE n vweetver-a sale of the Pur Food and Honest VTaight Grocery Market. . t 60 th t and Sandy hlvd., Pwrtland. Or. Sealed had will be r5vwd at say offiea at f 11 Mot-wk bW... Portland. Or, up to and iwciudmg Kndsy, May 81. for UM purcnase uw iiwwi "-'" property, to-wit: The stock and tututw of the rura- cooa ana ssonwH " Market, located at 60th st. and Sandy bird . Portia nd. Or. Thia ia a dean stock of new. sta ple grocenea and i WU locatad. It ia astlxaated tn invoice around $6000. The fixture ara up to data end tha estimated vara is paveaa at 998O0. Two new Ford dehvery cars ar a ho included and estimated at $500 each. Be cause of disagreement of the partner I have been appointed receiver ana wtu receive on a dsss-ribed above or for tn whole or for the stock, tha fixtures or the autos separately. Tbi i an excellent chance to step into a ready made business and should not be overlooked. Hid must be in my office before 10 o clock a. m. June 1. 1918. Further information may be had from me at my oifwe as named above between the hours of 12 to 1 p. m. and 9 to n. av BJcht t reserved to reject any and all bids. E. I- MELTON. Receiver. NOTICE is hereby given that ataled proposals will be received up to 10 o clock a. m.. June 11. 1.918. at the office of the secretary tn Grande. Or., for engineering work upon the district, which include the making of all neces sary surveys and investigations, the reault of which shall he embodied in a Teport in writ ing to tb board, supplemented by maps, profiles and plans for preventing the overflow, and the draining and reclaiming of the land in the dis trict. Such mapa and profiles to indicate so far as necessary, the physical characteristics of the land, location of public lands, railroad rights-of-way. roadway and other improvement. Also detailed plan and specifications for earthworks. structures and machinery, with estimates of coat. This work to be completed on or before the 15th day of October, 1918; aleo furnish necessary aitnce to the board of commissioners in as sessing benefits and damages. Tb board reserves the right to reject say and all bids. GRANDE Hi IN DK DRAINAGE DISTRICT. By Geo.' T. Cochran, Secretary. SEALED bids for asbestos wicking will be re ceived at the office of the undersigned. 401 Courthouse, Portland. Oregon, until 8 p. m.. June 6, 1918. and will be opened at a meeting of the board to be held in room 804 Court house at 4 p. m., aame date. Specification may be obtained at the office of the under signed. Certified check for ten (10) per cent of tha amount of tha proposal, payable to It. H- Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserve tb right to reject any and all bid, or divide th award. . R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk, and Businea Mgr. May 29. 1918. PERSONAL SPIRITUALISM Uita. M- i- LA MAR. 25 6th St., corner Main, teacbe palmistry and card reading; also lessons in science of health and success. SUPERFLUOUS hah, mole, werta, removed by lu neeuie metnou; tnai tree. J osie Jloisy, oil cuers oiog. uu aaain 0009. DK- G. V. hhiTCHUM. women maladies and acute diseases of men, Washington bldg., 4th ana wasnington. roost aiarsnau . DR. G. H. HUTHMAN Veterinarian hospital. 416 E. 7th St. o. K. 1847. B-1962. Dogs ana norse ciippea. ELLA CACKETTE. scientific facial, scalp treat dents. 406 Broadway 6 bldg. Main 1807. Evening. Marshall 8296. I ,,.,,-r Consultation rKE. Lawyer eix seumg bw. Consultation FREE. Mala 4993. MRS. WRIGHT Palmistry, card reading and spiritual teacher. 850 Morrison. Room 414. NEURITIS. Neuralgia and Nervous Dtscasea. SpecUlist- PT. ironside. B-'T pittock blk. DR. ELNA SOKENaON, Panama bldg. druglos healer. ows MME. GRENELL scientific facial scalp treat ment 330 Fleidner bldg. Broadway 1685. Bawlee.) m so 1HI5 8lR0 W6ASC0' FOG. A. CAT5UP. TKAT5 MCW UAS J at rVJ 1 OHC CATSUP BOTTUE WHEKt WE 5TDPPE2 CAME te Lxirii ir 1 v rs 1 r ussa. saw 1 j PERSONAL 11 GLASSES AT A SAVING Tha nervtca and uallty yoa pay doubt tha money elsewhere; eorrectlr fitted glanaa a lew as 81.90. Thousands of eaUafled customer. IX W. Goodman, Optonsctriet. 8 Morrisoa . CHIROPODIST, manicurist. enmtific ' maa aeua. face and acatp apecialist. superfluous hair permanently removed, for ladies and gen tlemen. Auditorium hotel. 208 S 3d st cor ner Taylor. Office 1. Phone Main 8627. PROFESSIONAL ANE BUSINESS DIRECTORY A0OORQIOM PLKATINQ K. STEPHAN. hemstitching, braidmg. chate stitching, box, accordion, aid and sunburst plaiting, scalloping, buttons covered. roods sponged. 219 Pittock blk. Brodwy- 1099 HEMSTITCHING. Pi .LA TIM;. ALL LAI L.I T STYLES. EASTERN NOVELTY CO.. 5 5TH ST., BET. OAK AND STARE 8T8 I'HONE BROADWAY 2000. AQATC OOTTtSta AND MFO. JBWILBKS AGATES cut and polished, jewelry and watch .- reiwiring. Miller . 848 H Washington at LANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLM AN. INC. 109 2d at . blank book manufacturers. A II S3. Main 183. BOOK STORI BOOKS bought, sold, excuauged. Scandinavian boot store. 4 .V 3d st- brodwy 234 HARPER S BRASS WORKS. Bra.t casting and machine wort. 1UH M. 5m. Broadway 1:34 3 CARPET CLE NINO) xroiu usd carpets, rag rugs. Carpet cleaning. a NORTHWEST RtG CO.. 188 E. Rth st. Phones East 36H0 B 1 ISO JOYCE BROS.. Efc-ctri Cleanmg Wors. Car peta cleaned and laid, rentung our specialty. East 440. B 1963. 204 E. 19th st N. OMIROROOI6T DK. LA MONTE, only chiropodist carrying stmt lice use: a re be fit to your satisfaction ; most sanitary offices in city. 206-7-8 Hwctlaad bldg. Opposite Llpman, Wolf ex Co.' CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAHON is tusking good; 81 adjustment 816; seven. $3. Easiest terms. COAL AND WOOD DRY BLOCK WOOD. $8.50 per load, at yard, foot of r lander st. Hroadway zs7. DOO AND OAT HOSPITAL DR. G. N. HUTHMAN. VETERINARIAN, h pital 416 E. 7th st. East 1847. B-1962 EDUCATIONAL DANOINO MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY. 86 W 6th. Get in line for summer dancing; 10 pri vate lesson $5. Hours 10 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Broadway 2327. We teach you right. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 SECOND ST. Ballroom and classic dancing. Private lesson daily. Classes Tueaday and Friday evenings, 8 so 10. Ladies free. Main 2100. BINCLER Dancing Academy. All branches of modern, fancy, . stage ndj ballroom dancing. Classes and private lesson for adult and chil dren. Main 8380. Montrose Itingler, director. MISS IRELAND. 10 LESSONS $3. 509 Dekum bldg. Personal attention. 10 to 9. ALTS M. BROWN, teacher of classic, toe, stage and ballroom dancing. 148 18th at off Morrison. Phone Broadway 2555. MUSIO 80HOOL6 ARC TEACHERS OREGON Consert story (School) of Music, 2d floor Ruaaell bldg. (Over tha "I Jon.") En trtnee 165H 4th at, corner of Morrison. PROFESSOR of 20 yean' experience will give piano lessons at your home for 75c Fbon Tabor 7206. E. THIELHORN Violin teacher, pupil aevcik. 207 Fleidner bldg, Broadway 1629. I gJONPEB iP j THESE 5WEU-SS WILL. EXPLODE 'The czpc&sfb urCP unu COULD IDJ CCACX MUT? - TH. T HA?s7 MW9IO 60HOOV6 ARB) TEACHER U CARROL DAY, ptauo, vocal Issssma, witis practice piano. 1 hr. day. $1 nn. Bdwy. 3656 Send Us Your Old. Carpets : FLUFF' RUGS Mad from old Inavaia. Brusaela. Axaxiaster. Smyrna. Abo ra ruga, all si sea. Mail ardata proawt. Bond for booklet. 1 Carpet Cl'ning, Refitting, Etc. 9x12 rng, steam or dry elraned, 61.26. 1 WESTERN FL'TF KUJ CO.. 54 Vninn av N. Phones Fast 631. B-14T6. FF.RVET A HANEBUT. leading wig and toupaa maker, finest stork of 1 human hair ajoads; - hair dressing, manicuring, faoa and scalp traat menu Removed to 849 AMer, near Mroadway. - ORTOIRBTRI8T RTP OPTICAL CO.. 608 EILEKS BUM. Careful exam., modvrat pncea, coaeultatsoai TOCHLE PAINTING CO , iintiug. tinting, pa pering 158 N. 17th st Broadway 4414. RATtMT ATTORRir GoLlBEH;. 20 Worcester bklg " Main 2635. RHYSIOIANS lilt K A. PHII.LIPrL 905 Broadway buildtnc- Rhaumatism, female dteorder. ski a troub. stomach, liver, kidney, bowels, throat, awttra. high blood pressure. nOIMTUIP F. w HALT En ss CO., i A-1166. milM I INU andtiak-hs. M 165. THE IV V PRESS 4 12 Stark st. Broadway 4n. A-40A8. CAKi. R. JONK8. 4U4 Wilms bkig. RUBBER STAtURS 1 ALSO MTKM'Ill. Trad I lircks. Metal Signal PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 68 Broadway Broadway 710. A 2710.' SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING un and granel roots. Jacob 310 1st st. Phone Main 1424. TOWEL SUPPLY PORTLAND LAlNDHY lor prompWefttcUait service Phone Hrnadway 410 A 4410 Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870 , Transfer and Forwarding- Agents Storage Free, Trackage Office end Store-., 474 Ghaaa t. 18th and Gttsan. Broadway 1261. A-l 169. ALWAYS "PICK" THE BEST HOIHEH0I4D GOOD SPECIALIST Storage, packing, ship ping and moving. Horse a ad auto van. Special rata to all point. G. O. PICK TRANSFER STORAGE Oft., Second and Pine. Broadway 696. A-l 996. PACKING MOVING STORAGE - SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. " 105 Park st. ! Mln 6195. A-1061. WAT0M REPAIRINO IF tt'g a watch crystal or, a watch part w hava ' 1L First class witcn and jeweirv repainnw. Prompt service. Reiner A Blom. 122A 3d at. TRANSPORTATION STEAMSHIP AILS DIRECT FOR SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO j t:SO P. IS., Monday, June S San Francisco, Portland and Loa An rale ; . Steamship Co. Frank aitam, A tent 194 THIRD 6TREBT MAIN fS The Baron Is Safe This Time a I Hon" Is in .Trouble Again DOH'T TEU.. THE WAlTEtl THAT YOUNttT hHDUKlD A C1AM in DOrCHOlA)Pei HE" MA CHAtZCE" -you )CTT2A . I. I