t-. i i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, FRIDAY," MAY 31, 1918. 17 j - - REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR BOYS' V ORK NG RESERVE More Than 500-Youths of 14 . Years Will Assist in Harvest of .i Berry Crop. CAMPS TO BE ESTABLISHED Good Workers Make Average of $3 a Day and Enjoy Pleasant Outdoor Life. Th8 Ortfon Boys' Reserve for the 1911 seasonal harvest will open their first camp within a few days at Hood River, where they will assist the berry growers of the district. Other camps will be established as the demand for them arises. AH the camps will be under the direct supervision of E, G. Vincent, assistant general camp director, -with Harrison Hurgtns. Wayne Soder, C. A. Holmstedt, Remy Cox, Haddon Rockhey, E. M. McClure, Kdward Bum mert, Harley Btevens and S. Strohecker as assistants. . J. C. Meehan, general Y. M. C. A. camp director. In conjunction with rep resentatives of the bureau of labor of the department of agriculture, has been working to make the service highly effi cient in relieving the labor shortage in fields and orchards. Boy t Work' Satisfactory While the force available for this work la unknown as yet. It is estimated that more than 600 boys aged 14 years or more will be In te camps during vacation season, thereby releasing an equal number of men for other branches of work. More than 1000 boys can be used, should that number apply. The Hood River valley growers, for 'whom the boys served last year, are eagerly seeking their help thin year, which is in Itself sufficient testimonial of the satisfaction of the work done. Workers are paid piece wages, earnings depending upon the dexterity and physi cal strength of the boys. Average earn ings of the boys are' estimated to be about $1 for a day of nine or 10 hours, out of which, they must pay their board. amounting to about $1 a day. Growers Pay Oterhead Overhead expenses of management of the camps are met by the growers pay ing 20 Cents a day for each boy and fur nishing straw for the beds and fuel for the camp. In case the grower cannot supply fuel And straw, the overhead charge 'is Increased to 26 cents a day. A careful check Is kept on air the de tails of the buslneess transactions be tween the grower and the boys, by the directors and assistants who attend to all the collections. . Discipline resembles that of a military camp, and every effort is made to keep the boys In the highest condition of ef ficiency. To Join the Boys" Junior Re serve boy must be Jvithln the ages" of 14 arid J. years, apply to -the principal '.of'tinY acTiooUrhave the recommendation of a responsible cltlsen and then apply to the boys' division of the T. M. C. A. and pass a satisfactory physical exami nation. Experience Is Yalaable The boys gain experience In the har- vest work which qualifies them for larger responsibilities In later years, is the opinion of the then IrtC charge of the - undertaking. System and order Is used In every phase of the work, and the interests of. the employer and the wel fare and rights of the boys are both considered. J. W. Brewer, farm help specialist of the department of agriculture, has charge of the Oregon farm survey and of the registration , of boys between 16 and 21 years In the United States Boys' Working Reserve, . i , Registration for tie Hood River camps takes place on thJr second floor of the T. M. C. C. building. May 31 or June 1. from 4 to 6 p. m. If the boy la under 16 years of age he must have a permit from the labor bureau, 64S courthouse, before being ac cepted for the camp, In addition to being enrolled In the Boys' Working Reserve snd having the consent of his parents in writing. Shipworkers Stay -On Job, Decline Pay Seattls. May 31. Fifteen thousand ship workers here Thursday celebrated Me morial day by staying on the job and working- to beat the "Hun. Only a few chose to take the day off. Eleven hundred workers at the San derson Porter. Wooden Shipyards at Raymond not only worked the entire day.- but declined to accept pay for their services, according: to a telegram to William. Tlggott, federal director of wooden ship construction In this state. Urgent Deficiency . Bill Up to President Waahlngtonn. May 81. (U. P.) The house) today agreed to senate amend ments of $123,000,000 in the urgent de ficiency bill, the third of the session. Ths bill Is now ready for President Wil son s signature. Mob Wounds. Firebugs Memphis, Tenn., May 81. (I. N. S.) On negro is In a hospital mortally x wound and another la seriously In Jurad, the result of being caught by Sa mob today after one of them con fessed that they and three others bad set -fir to a food warehouse which burned $300,000 worth of provisions. Ths negros said two white men had . hired them to do the work. BUILDING PERMITS State Military Police Build garage on Moody street, Between i-oner and Hooker, beooux Lednax builders. 3300. State Military Police Erect hunk house. . Moeajr street between Porter and Hooker, Le- , ooux ex anoux nuijaers, sou. - mate Military police Erect officers' quar ters, asooay street, Between farter and .Hooker, ijtama m iiori eutiae , gl'.'S. , S., P. A 8. Railway ;o. Repair office and freight shed. 441 Hoyt street, between, Eleventh and Twelfth, ledoux Lednox builders. 8.2000 . .1 J. t.. Bowman Repair machine work. 871 East Sixth street Nertlv between Schuyler and Broadway, builder asms. $1M. ' County of Multnomah -Erect storase. East Water street between East Washington . and East Aider, builder anne. 82000, Portland Social Turn Verln Erect market, .174 Fourth street bew een Yamhill and Mor- , nsnn. William valta bnUder. 8500. Baa Bolia Erect aback. Decatur street, be- 1 tween tierce ana I'out. balkier tame.' 66ft " i i . : HsTrich -Repair to atovy residence, i-io aoington. tamp m UuPuy builders, '. 8900. 1 ' . . N. L. Richardson Erect garage, gait Bixty PHONE Your "Want Ads" to i THE JOURNAL RATES ity cents psr word par insertion. Throw coriMeuttY Insertions tor tha pries ef two. Sevan eonsecutlYS Insertions for the Wtea of Hts. Minimum chary 16 cants. : For contract rata And othar in formation phona for a solicitor to call. " second (treat, between Powell Tatter and Di vision, builder Mine, I BO. (. p H. J. and L. D. Murphy Repair foundry. 11 East Thirty-first street, between part Mor rison and Alder, J, 11. llenman Duuoeiveu. Tbomaa Buckle Erect one story residence. Central street. J. F. Custer builder. $1500. Mr. Murphy Erect same. 841 Thompson street between twenty-eighth snd Twenty-seventh. Thomas Downing builder. $800. i Jobes Milling tJo. Erect Hour; mill, xrao ford street, between Pittsbure and iSalam, Rose City Flouring Mill builder. S600O. i i Arthur Fields Erect 1 V story residence, SOS East Twenty-eighth street, between Thomp son and Braxee. Hans T. Copell builder. $4800. Nancy N. Finke Repair store. 245 First street, between Madison and Main, Julus Be sunny builder, $800. F. W. Linda Repair garage, 840 East Twenty-ninth, between Gladstone and Cora- avenue, bnilder 'same, 8100. MEBTINO NOTICES 41 WASHINGTON LODGE 46, A. F. and A.M. Special communication tomorrow (Satur day) evening, June 1, 7:30 o'clock, East 6th and BarneJde. IS. M. degree. Brother W. O. Slieltenbarger, , grand master, will preside, and all offices will be filled by past masters. Spe cial invitation is extended to soldier brothers. All M, M. invited. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. OREGON LODGE NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication- tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By or der of the W. M. LESLIE fl. PARKER, See. MULTNOMAH CAMPNo. 77, W O. W.. meet at their hall Friday night. May 81 : dancing. All members of W. O. W., thsir ! families and friends cordially Invited. 1-tftLEi. jewelry a Jaeger Bros., specialty, buttons, pinsl 181-188 6th st. charms. Vita! Statistics ITlatoitgts.Blrttis. Dzatbt. MARRIAGE LICENSES R. L. Schsde, legal, 4608 41st ave. S. E., and Nona L. McBride, legal, 4608 41st ave. 8. E, 1 Johan Spencer Fournier. legal. 1484 E, and Elizabeth Fowler, legal, 57 Hoi- land st. Frank J. Trykar, 84, 474 E. Oak at., and Mary F. Schonupp, 28, 462 E. Oak st Antonio Kagu.e, legal.' Christopher, Vaah., "gu mrom, xioyi notei. Wedding Announcements W. Q. Smith A Co., 811 Morgan bldg. DRESS SUITS for rent, all sixes. . Unique T si loring Co.. 809 Stark at HEATHS AND FUNERALS 78 tuus At late, residence. 537 Washington ircei, may ov. tnester wuiiam Lynds, Com pany H, 2 3d-Michigan infantry, aged 85 years. K r Anihi is . i . " ' . 5 months 18i days, also . member Tyler lodge 911, A. F. and A. M Cass county. Mich., sur- vtved hv til. wlrino fl.K l . m- .L I Cora E. and John F. Lynds. Mrs. Irene. F. IJouet. Comrades of the G. A. It and frieiTds invited to. attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 8 p. m. tomorrow (Saturday), June 1. Interment. Rlverview cemetery. ADWEN In this city at his late residence. rTemont st, slay 80, Leslie T. -Adwen. agea 0 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ad wen and brother of Chester AH.n Th. r. nerai services wui be held Sunday, June 2, at 2:30 o'clock D. ra.. at the 1 :,ntni si v church, corner Vancouver : ava. and Far " Friends invited. Incineration at the Pnrti.nrf citinwrara. ine remains are' at the real- oenoe esutDluiiment of J. P. Finley A Son. Montgomery at 6th. i or iMnipro iZ tut. J TI " - .... iiu, 1113 iai rt. 1 dence. 487 IC 1 Hth .r V - i, 1 M H Hi.nHtr... ..k. . V. .7 Ruth ln5lf if VJ J? G,"f M' St11'.!' fi.U.lhJi.S.indi?e'.L1. Lteutenant L M. 7w riv.K"1 b. held v" :r;k" II " u.va a. m. r.i.Lf.iii-. m this city. Msv. 80. Chart it. feiieiie. aaea 44 ... r. 1. .a m w etne rellette: brother of lln 11 1. gins and William I. Pellette of this city The funeral services will ba held Saturday, June 1. at 2:30 'o'clock p. m.. at the rr.iri.nc .k. lishment of J. P. Finley I A Son. Montxnmerv l a I - - ST BRADY In tills city. May 20. Mrs. Marraret specialties. Garage men and auto dealers fa Brady, widow of Mathew Rnris k-T.2t miliar with our product. Extensive advertising mother of Mrs. George A. Voat and eraiwt mother of I.uril M Vna. svi,j. 1 r attend funeral services, which will be held fmm L.. w. t u 11 . , . . - iwiuorrow toatumay) June m . ; PETERSON In this city Msv 81 anna r- T,JUr.t7..9h nn.-.Pr isrson. aged 01 years, wife nf t a !...- son of Ferndala, Wash. : The remains are at theeresidence establishment of J. P. Finley eV Son, Montgomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. MDtTTs In this city May 31. Carl R. Muths! agea 2 1 years. rue remains will be for- warded . tbi. (Friday) evening by J. P. FinTey oon, to Bsiem. vjr.. where services will h. held and interment made. . . FLORISTS ft JAPAN FLORIST. F. Du Nlshio. 188 4th st. near Yamhill. W. Side All kinds of BEDDING and VEGE- TABLE plants.- hanainc baskets uul J suanese tub. i eardan nlanta. at. . , , - , . Special sale price, extra bargalna. CLAKK BROS., Florists. 287 Morrison st Main -01 s-iBut ainw 1 lowers aaa tloral designs. yo brsnch stores, j MARTIN FORBES CO., Florists, 8.14 Wash- aaain zos, a-1ZO. a lowers for all occa 10ns artistioaiiy arranged. 1 PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder, designs ana uecorations. mono Marshall 5822. LUBUNEH. Portland hotel. 828 Morrison. MAX M. SMITH1. Florist. 14114 6th st' ' FUSERAL DIRECTORS J, P. FINLEY & SON Progressive FuneraL Directors. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendant Montgomery at Fifth. Main 9. A-1580. WILSON & ROSS East 54. Ladir Assistant ! C-8165. Munnomaniat o. Beventb st hunnisff JP. MCn-I-,. UnderUkera. LUIIIIIIIUt IVLUCIIietJ i Modern ra eerj setaii. xiroaaway snd nut eta. Phone nroaowsy t, A-400S. l dy assistant F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Geddea Rule Under ken. 4T4 E. Alder st Phone East 62, B 6226. A, D, Kenworthy Co, ' t.KM aesrv kias ssj v - r fw sjsmia. Taher 6895. 86tb st and Foster reed. ArWta. East 781. f. 1 fTDf-vU I Mrs. Lercb """"i ,1-1IWI I : Asabuat Undertakers. - E. 11th nd TTasrt nu IdlLtKU THACKY. ladependent Funeral bt- rectors. Prices row as sso, f 40, . 6. Washington at Ella. sssvin ;dii, a-TSSS. A. K, teller u5 iVZ itiioVS: HA M I LTON n?. riJ?VL fe Proo7a X, Qnriftl - tb, ti tit-o v . vjiivvjf B-gaas, Tabor 1258. Skewes Undertaking Co. Mala 4152. A-2821. t nmer sd and Clay. kl l. O Alt 1157 Kerbv st yVUoUll Oi'WflloU?! Wdln. 4940, O-i 1 SS R. T, BYRNES, new residence establishment? - 801 William See. Woodlawn 220. C-1048. riiitiDirfia rrvtrnDtiTT ivt till Eerby at. 'Woodlawa 8S06. O-118$. Homo ' A-6 051 Pacific Main 7173 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 187T. Third 'and Salmon streets. Main 507, A-lbll. v Lady Assistant. MOKUMEUTS 67- 3RD. ST. AT MAD I SOM PORTLAND MARBLE WOKK8. 204 206 4th St.. opposite city baa Main 8384. New. 80ns for memorial. Philip. LOST AND FOUND tl THE FOLLOWING articles hate been found on the oara of the Portland Railway, Light ts Power company: May 81 8 purse, money, 1 card ease, 4 pair gloves, 1 cork, 1 ring, 1 mallet, 1 bicycle pump, 3 baskets. 1 pillow, 1 glass Jug, 1 flag, 2 lunch boxes, 3 traveling bags, 2 suit cases, 16 umbrellas. Owners may obtain, property at First and Alder Streets station: LOST Between East Thirty-third and Clacka mas, East Forty-fourth and Sandy boulevard, or on East Broadway, letter billhook, containing company check, -currency and valuable papers. Ueneroua reward for return to this office. ' LOST In Kiverview cemetery, watch and pin engraved from Bert to Lottie Xmas 1913. Liberal reward. Main 5907. 505 Jefferson St., Apt. 4. I LOST Wednesday evening, between 15th and Belmont, Lone Fir and St. Marys ceme teries, pearl sunburst pin, diamond center; keep- sake: reward.. East 6B60. LOST Watch fob with Y. M. C. A. medal. 'S. L. C. 1017." on back; return to Y. M. C. A., boyr department, or phone East 8705. teward. LOST At or near Portland 1 Crematorium or .section 10. Rivemew cemetery, amethyst brooch. 816 Lovejoy st, or phone Marshall 4391. LOST In or near 4rpbeum theatre or Haxel- wood, lady s Swiss watch, enameled fa dark blue, monogram A. S. N. Reward. Call East 583. LOST Silver plated bag, mounted with col- lored stones.vamed as a keepsake. Under kindly call Main 1156 and receive reward. JkMT 1 . ro nm( hrmwh TVr n rn t i m n Ha. In rhone Tabor 1834. GOLD wrist watch, Tuesday night. Pantages or near, lteward. Keepsake. Tabor 8421. LOST Recently, Studebaker side curtains. Re- wsrd. Phone C-1125, Wdln. 2073. LOST One gray mare. 1300 weight Hendren, Linnton, Or.. It. 2. Address Wm. ll K LP WANTED MALE D. S GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT 8ER- VICE, 247 DAVIS STREET. I lommon jaoorsrs urgently neeoeo iu snip, Urds. Oood wages. Immediate employmsnt nrtuttt. i nnmrtina Common laborers urgently needed in shlp- r' r BOTS WANTED, 16 TO 20 TEARS. BAG FACTORY ' AMES. HARRIS. NEVILLE CO.. 15TH AND HOXT STS. SALESMAN By local wholesale hardware house. A man of pleasing personality, thor- i.i : 1 v. 1.. . u conu.cwcu ....u.., able to get results. One having or willing to lurntsn auto. lemiorj aajaceu. 10 ron where Sundays and some weekday evening be spent Married man over draft age '"ed. Answer giving references, general qual- expected, addresa and phone. v.753. Journal. SALES AN Jobbing home requires a sales man who is thoroughly familiar with auto accessories and sporting goods. Must be one whose honesty and reliability are unquestion able. Married man over draft age preferred. Answer giving references, salary expected, res idence and phone. U-eul, Journal. 1 . v-crr ci-i-ZTTZ TT: 1 V Ai' A awlA kJOICaiUril T 11.11 aULUUlVUlie. We have- two exceedingly attractive automobile nd Promotion now being carried on. Must i have men of -high calibre an good sales abilitv. Addresa THOMA at BON, Fairfield, Iowa. I . ; r-: : I vyaih.j at en to work as messengers, 3 p. I m. to midnigDt, 3 per day. Can also use ooupie OI wu 00, -.er 10;, wan wneew, during, same time at same rato of pay. If you are going to high school this is a good oppor- limit to earn vacation mnnsv r.tl Atk , k. w at. ask for Mr. Cudshy or Mr. Bailey. SHIPPING CLERK By wholesale house; one witn experience, wno can also assist generally. Honesty and character must be unquestionable. civine oualHicana. arv f. W" L , 1 ' " I O VJ . .UUINBL WANTED Young man or young woman to ncip care lor scnooi rooms outside of study hours, in exchange for business college course. Phone Bdwy. '1821. or write Y-740, Journal. UNMARRIED man. age 18 to 40. to solicit work for traveling uhntneranher tin,.,1 ounces, children, - etc. Salary $25 per 'week. W-452, Journal. tu.vi L'i. u.i . . , ij.ii.wi. 1, n. wikcwi ior cut wots: J must be able to furnish bond. Call A. Ill -402 Washington at GOVERNMENT wants stenographers and typists. I EnroU now at Sherlock's Railroad School. I Worcester bldg. TAILOR Coat maker wanted. 171 Buss ell. E. C. Peterson. WANTED Janitor (man and wife) for apart ment house: no objection to colored heln I Msin 8757. BOY wanted to work in garage. Paul Staiger uo,, vui ana Goucn. IRONWORKER and helper wanted. Columbia Wire ex iron worn, fc. sth arid Market WANTED A washer on flat work, steady po sition, u. a. Lsnnary to.. 1HU Grand ave. JANITOR Good wages, steady job. New Houston hotel, 6th and Everett. DISHWASHER wanted, Harrison hotel. Front ana rtsrnson st . SHEET metal workers knd helpers wanted. 148 rage st, ixrwer aiDina. WANTED Men to work on river boats, $60 and op. Apply Washington dock. PORTER Wanted. Journal Buber shop. . HELP WANTED MISC. 48 WAN TED Loganberry pickers lor 46 acres of berries located K ' mile from carone at Salem Heights: 16 minute service; S cent fare to Salem; fine camp grove, free wood, potato patch . and straw for bedding; water piped on camp grounds; Bo tents or bunk houses; tele phone - on camp grounds and free daily delivery of groceries. Picking lasts from 6 to 6 weeks. Pickers caa make from 82.50 to $3.50 per day.v Picking will start about Jane 17, a. Cunningham, It S, box 121, Salem, Or. HAWTHORNE AUTO .SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORN E A YEN LB EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC TRICAL. -UNLIMITED; PRACTICAL REPAIR EX PKR1KN C . - THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 880, Wasoo st, comer Union ava. CaU. write or tthone East 7445 about free trial oner. Day and night els sees. MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS OOLLEGS Civil service, dictaphone 00 ratine, shorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeographing. Eng- nsn spelling. a sky bMg., Sd and Morrison. WANTED Maa and women under 55 and boys 1. or over to work aa laborers and beloers ta stores-ef S. P R- It-Co., at Brooklyn shops. stesoy worx. store eeper. BEHN E-WALKER, biggest business eoUege be- caaae sans enroll- any time; irea catalogna. M HELP WANTED tttSC. 4t CUMBER YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wasted to prepaid far telegraph service to he ' fill vacancies canoed by the drafting of aaea for war. Fee particular call or write Telegraph Depart- t Room 318. Hanway Escnenee waudms. HELF WAWTED FEMALE TOUSG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 19 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE Ef WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE CO MP ANT, ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. . PARK AND OAK STREETS. TWO middleaged. Women for dining room work An workingmen's hotel; if handy experience not necessary. Apply before 7 p. m. or after 7 a. m.. at Harrison Hotel. Front and Harrison. WANTED Girl under 19 fot light mechanical shop work: good pay. steady work. Apply Richard Reed. Western Electric Co.. E.' Ash and Union ave. ANT girl in need ef a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 892 East 15th st. N.. or phone East 128. MULTICRAPH (electric) operator. Most be expert. Good salary to competent person. Write trlvlne refereoc . etc. B-081. Journal. GIRI-R WANTED For bindery work. Those with previous experience preferred, but others Will be needed. BUSHONO & CO., 91 Park st HOUSEKEEPER, on ranch; plain cooking, small family. State wages desired. Sheridan, Or., Route No. 2. Box 60. WANTED Three young ladies for soda foun tain. Call American hotel. 82 N. Sd. WANTED A woman or girl to amist with housework; family of 8. 161 K. 2 2d. MANICURIST and hairdresser, experienced. Ap- ply Ha ird reusing Parlor. Portland Hotel. MIDDLE aged woman for chamber work, Har- rison hotel. Front and Harrison sts. A GIKL wanted to help in grocery store. Call at zwa ismnui. LADY to keep house on a ranch, Eastern Ore- gon. Geo. I, Wurster, R. V. D., Echo, Or. WANTED Good plain cook ; small family. "CaU morning. 67 N. 17 th St. HELP WA5TE1)-MALE AND FEMALE It THOROUGHLY experienced combination book-keeDer-stsnographera. men or women: perma nent positions, good salaries; Dig 01 rice; give age, experience, referenoea and phsne address. W-449. Journal. ATTENTION. STRAWBERRY PICKERS. You are wanted at Hood River June 4 : the pay is good this season. You have a delightful outing and make money at the same time. Ton should have tent, picking utensils and bed ding. Family and groups of women are spe cially wantea. PI'BLIC EM P. BUREAU, 847 Davis st WANTED Loganberry pickers for 8 acres. pamn ground, wood, atraw and rjotatoea fur nished free; good water on the ground, H mile 1 mm waeonaa station on the j. is. Ky. I will pay Hi c per lb. box for those staying through the season. Address Carl Asoinwall. Gervai. Or., R. 2. 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade; shortage all over the country; bis wages. You can earn your way through the school. Broadway 173 Moler Barber College. 234 curnsiae st WANTED -TEN FAMILIES TO CAMP AND PICK RASPBERRIES AND LOGANBER RIES BEST TAT. FREE MOVING. WATER AND WOOD. PHONE TABOR 6278. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages . wniie learning ; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 223 Msdison. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Teaches men and women the barber trails free, pay while learning. 284 crouch. B'way 2482. MAN and wife, waiter and waitress, camn work. near city; steady job. Phone Marshsll 8146. SITUATION'S MALE 8 CARPENTERING, house raising and general re- nairing. Tabor 1034. SITUATION FEMALE PIANIST experienced in playing -with orchestra and for moving picture shows wishes posi tion, wooaiawn 0H17. YOUNG woman, good driver, would like position ta drive sutomobiie out of city"' or in small town. U-&US. Journal. WANTED Position as hotel clerk after June 15, by lady, experienced in hotel work. In or out of city; coast preferred. L-84t. Journal. FURBISHED ROOMS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princess Hotel, E. 3d and Burnside, 6O0 day np. aa wees up. r st 111. RYAN Hotel Annex, 269 6tb, new brick; not com water every room; steam beat upp. t'lty nan. Main S7o. SUIPBUIi DERS' and mechanics' hotel. The Butte, N. 6th and Davis sts.. hot, cold water. good beds, low rates by dsy or week, x i.K.iotirs outsiae rooms tor ousiness men and women. $2 and 82.50 per week. 435 Yamhill st at 12th st FURNISH KI1 ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 7 FURN1SHED rooms in fine location. r.ssnn.Ki." 709 Flanders. ELEGA.NT rooms and location. Marshall 518. ROOMS AND BOARD li IUK atsnoa Washington. 380 luth. for buss- ness giria ana etoqents. Marshall 12S1. THE HAZEL A real "home" hotel at 1 eonable rates. Home cooking. 886 Sd st ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 71 GOOD room and board for 1 or 2, home privi- leges: walking distance 770 m Johnson. Main B3H7. All kau 1 n t, large tront room, fireplace, in Irvington home, foV 2. gentlemen preferred; every nome comiort, a meals. Kast 3147. ROOM and hoard for 2 young men. 42814 Mill st Mar. 2515. THREE housekeeping rooms for rent, $12 per. month. 1098 E. 27th st N. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED COMPLETELY furnished housekeeDine suite: adults; reasonable. 4 61 E. Morrison. 153 FUKMKHF.U houereeutng rooms: close in, near shipyards. olO lrt st FURNLSHED H. K. rooms. 708 Everett ! HOUSEKEEPING. ROOMS 7$ HM.1lsnr.il A u 1. y w FINISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 2 CHEERFUL furnished or partly furnished rooms; all modern convenience':, adulta. Phone East 824, 1,. 11. ft.. 074 K. Couch at. 3 LARGE housekeeping rooms in rood district close in; quiet couple preferred. Can Sunday. ltv p. ism sv. ONE large, sunny H. K. room; gas heat, elec- tncity, gooo neicnoornooa; walking dis tance. ivn and Belmont East 2168. 1. l. i renovateo rooms, nome privileges. rate reasonaoie. wa ing distance. Mar. 2003. 309 11th st e y TWO double sleeping rooms, 2 basement rooms. housekeeping privileges; all conveniences fur nished. 33o Montgomery. 0-n6, Journal. TWO good housekeeping apartments, water, heat ana lisnt. Sis. 110s Hesmnnt. Tabor 14 59 TWO rooms, furnished for H7 K. Close In. 467 East Pine st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or ea suite. 164 Ft IStn.. Broadway 1818. FOR REXT HOUSES UKFURTflSHED IS BUNGALOW. 9 rooms; walking dfctanoe. ner- manent tenant 835.' 541 Beacon. . corner r. ixtn sx. $15. WEST SIDE, Washington. 6 rooms. 132, I Sthsnd HOUSE to rent. Tabor 111. HOUSES FOR REKT FURNITURE FOR SALE II 6 ROOMS ef practically new furniture for sale at a - bargain; bouse for rent : New York ' una w., 81 E. Morrison. Kast 5817. APARTMENTS 4$ FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 6 BOOM apt, front and back porch. aU mod- wut no vacant Jua 1; lu mla. walk to P. O. 561 Glisaa at MAGNOLIA APTS.. East 3d aa? Tlilssnwl" modern 1 and room apta., 81.68 per west ap. Bleeping rooms. sst zix. 2-ROOM xaodera furnish ed apartment for rent, aouits eniy. 4 ion itsncocs. BANNER. APT.. 487 Clay, near 14th. era 2 room front apt, furnished; 818 Ttod: PENINSULA apts. 1 las Vt Albina Bva.1 eoa - crete awildinx: I. s. 4 ronass. SIS am , NEW YORK Apta.. 441 Bel-eat aaa 7 tit " APAETMEJfTS ' it FtTRNISHED AID UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APTS. New 9041 a koWaa. and keeping a pan-tent, faro -bed er e-farn wsd: elevator and hardwood floora. 885 11th st. DKSIRABLE. large, clean, airy 2 and 8 room eomforUbly furnished housekeeping apt-; ae children; reasonable rates; walking distance. L blk. S. of 20th and Washington. Hl&LOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawtttoma. Mod- era 1, 2 and 8 room apts 18.60 op; walking diaUaoe, Call East 682. POUT NO AH 8 rooms, tastefully tarnished. completely renovated, hardwood floors, walk tns distance. 800 E. 16th. -THE STAN FIELD, 204 Porter atrhipyarC modern 2 -rot a spta. eompletelr farnished, reasonable. Phone Main 7892. . ONE room apartment with kitchenette, bath, phone and light, suitable for adults. 448 Clay sc near 12th. 3-KOOM modern apt nicely furnished. 616 I'ettygrove. - J"hone Bdwy. SUDS. FOR RENTFLATS It 6 BOOM modern flat. 26 N. 10th near Burn-side.'- East 5960. STORES AND OFFICES 11 OFFIOT FOR RENT, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OFFICE. 118 Sd st A DENTIST with proper credentials may secure best location in city adjoining surgeon s of fice: an opportunity without investment B-t6S, Journal. 802 WILLIAMS ave.. living rooms. - garage. Can East S188. WASTED TO REST FIVE or 6-room furnished or partly furniahad house. Call Wdln. 8468. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 MY. WHAT A BARGAIN I HAWTHORNE CAR 88200 7-room bungalow in one of Port land's fin t r .tricted residential districts hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement base ment furnace, etc You would expect to pay 84600. Non-resident owner has instructed us to sell at once. Reasonable terms. Full 60x100 Int Tum't let thia nrmorttinitT eacaoa vou. A a. TEKPE CO., 264 STARK ST.. nr. - 8d. MAIN 8518. Branch office, 1885 Sandy bird. 81250 WE8T SIDE BUNGALOW 81250 New 8 room, very artistic bungalow, gray with freen roof, best of plumbing. Dutch kitch en, electricity and gas, hot water tank; new and attractive, unobstructed view of river and moun tains. 1858 Front at, Fulton car to Pendle ton st FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG To buy your home. Msin 1068. ON ALAMEDA DRIVE In Rosa Citv Park. 2 -blocks from ear. beau tiful buncalow. strictly modern, on lot 60x100 larce living room, dining room, breakfast room, sleeoing porch. 2 bedrooms, full cement base ment furnace and fireplace; also garage; price for auick sale S8T50 : will give good terms. Mrs. Julia Bobbins. 801 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 7981. ' 8I7S0 INSIDE PROPERTY 81750" Great opportunity to buy close in 8,0x100 lot all liens paid: 6 room cottage: A'- 8th between Stark and Oak. Total prioa "81750 8250 down. Closer to Sd and Morrison than 28d and Washington st is. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDU To buy your home. Main 1068J WEST SIDE COTTAGE. 81700 6-room good cottage: electric lights, bath, etc lot 60x100. some fine bearing fruit trees, paved streets all in and paid, on carlina on Nebraska st, in South Portland; price lliuu, H cash, bal. to suit at 6 . GRUSSI A DOWNEY, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. WHY PAY RENT? 8100 DOWN. 815 PER MONTH Total price 81450. 6 room modern, full set of plumbing, ga. electric, basement House newly painted and tinted. This is a rare bar gain. A. H. Akerson. 506 Btock Exchange bldg. ROSE CITY PARK 83250 5 -room bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc.; large living room across front of bouse; full 60x100 lot, garage Within 200 feet of Sandy. See this sure A. (i. TEEI'E CO.. 264 Stark st near 3d. Main 8516. Branch office. 1895 Handy bird. S0SECITT PARK. 83250 5 -room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. : large living room across front of house; full 50x100 lot garage. .Within .200 feet of Bandy. See thia sure. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3510. Branch office. 18U0 i dy blvd. 6 ROOM modern houne; take small payment down and monthly payments. 6 room modern and 2 lots, cheap; small pay ment and terms on balance. a room nungauw: small payment down ana monthly iiejmrnU. C GEORGE MORSE. 816 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK BLXGALOW 82525 and bonded improvements. rooms. unfinkthed attic, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen. Full cement basement. wash trays. Terms. J. A. WllKHAN CO.. 314 Stark st Main 688. 65uO NOB HILL HUMrJ KOlt -oOO 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace and Hreplace. lot 27HHOO. 6S2 Irving st Street work all paid for. 81600 cash, balance 6 per cent Place shown by appointment Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. COUNCIL" CREST BUNGALOW 8 1600 New 4 -room bungalow, electricity, bath, ee- I ment basement, lot 60x100; price 81600, $500 cash. 815 month. 6. GKUSSI A UOW.NET. 818 Board of Trade. Main 7452. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW IlluO Very neat and attractive 3 room bungalow, not modern: 100x100. all in garden; very sightly: positively the cheapest buy in the Woodlawa dia- trict; $150 cash. 825 monthly. Fred W. Oer- man, 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOSE CITY 87B . 48tb North. 5 rooms. hardwood floors, .fireplace, lull basement laundry trsys, full lot. hard surfsca street 60 ft south. Price 82550 or 52750 furnished no assessments. Owner, Main 7129 tors noons. b. M. Car. $000 ARTISTIC, BUNGALOW $000 6 run., elect and Sas; good-bet h and toilet very attractive; good Condition; snap under old prices. cash; full lot Woodstock car. See Fh IK L. MCUtlHE,, ABI.1U1U.1 BLPU, To buy your home. Main 1068. HAWTHORNE district All beautiful bnmes surrounding : exceptionally nne construction: 8500" cash, balance your terms; 6 rooms and attic: nrice 68500: many fine large fruit trees: hard surface street paid; 2 blocks south car. 438 E. 68th. HOMELIKE 7 room house. 75x100 lota, bearing fruits. I lowers, retresning snaoe, paved High way, garage space, near streetcar, good district with city convniences; bargain. 6Z45V. Ad dress owner, N-771 Journal. ALAMEDA PARK. One block from Broadway car; 6 room bun galow, far $3300. Thia is a big bargain. Mod era in every way. Termt Mrs. Julia Bobbins . 301 Railway Kxcnange Ding, t all Main 7931 a tirVlli modern homeAE. Tavlnr rsr loth S260O. r room cottage. K. 40th at Yam bUl. only 81750; cashayment. 8250; terms. Phone Tabor 3,. Bpeer Sc o.. 1000 Belmont FOR BALE 8 room house. 1 block from car, 84 79th st, electric lights, gas for cook ins Call between 2 and 6 p. m. or 2050 Hoi day ava. Terms, azauv. . FOR SALE, 82000 6 room house, close ia oa west side, walking distance to shipyards; easy terms. 803 Spalding bldg. Main 3282. i. M. Camefofft , ST. JOHNS sacrifice, new 7-room bouse, lot 88x100: tnis must ne eoto. naif cash, bal ance may ran for 8 years. Call East 5953 eve- Ing for particulars, $1200. NEW semi modern home, 100x100 attic, basement, garage, corner, 88th and Thompson. No. 488. Cash $100, balance terms, -laoor nsiz. 10 LOTS and SI room bouse, running stream delightful location, city limits, si 67 5. Terms. f275 caan, dsi. a 1 o per montn. vwner, seam aaiT jjioO 6 ROOM house, fireplace, berdwooj floors, baut-la baffet aad Dutch kllcben xeodera. Keatoa carune. Part caal 160$ Minnesota. DANDY 6 R. and sleeping porch bungalow, all convenience, asuuu; oOO cash, bale monthly. Johnsoa-Dodsoa Co.. 634 N. W. Bank WELL luralsbed 6 rootu a fruit and walnut trees.. Leaving city. Woed- I ww 20UB. .- , m THAT beautiful home place at eoraer Vai er and Alberta ate. Look tt up. 2 AV berta at LOT 60x106 ti, 2 houses, good reat shade trees, walking aista nee to snipyara. $6000. Owner. 710 2d at. Mar. 4443. : PENINSULA DISTRICT? . Good 4 room cottage. 2 Iota, eoraer, - easy tetmt 1286 Campbell t Pboae Wdln. 6226. iloffO FOR 82650. Elegant 6 rooms and attic aungaiow ; - see- rt aura, ass . ST In. I Richmond car H block. I FOR SALS. 6 tot 45x100 ft. Jrwtt aad berries: essy pwfmeBls. 80S Bpald- tng bldg. Mala 8263. 82600 MODERN room boui fc; all boUt-ia lull eesnertt ha as ut S SA I eaab; easy terro- foone vtoodia wa S72S. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow. lot 60x164. all kinds of trait ami bemes. lass K. 37th at N. BIX and 7 roosa -houses, walking distance, east side. Owner ; terms, mono r st 1 S-X. FOR SALE Uouso and. tot, 100x300, Call Tabor loss. 81 880 DOWN. $80 MONTH room plastered. large attic. 40x100 lot, 6a carfare, good school. Bull Ran -water. Inter sat and taxee included. 680 monthly payment. Price 81100. IS IITNTTTYJS TO Dl WASH. ST. 4 na., bath, Dutch kitchen, eeaent basement, 4 bike, to car., 6100 dowa, $16 sso-ta. Price 6100. , - ..; - - - - 1 uoimv TAnnW tone now. - Beautiful large lot, f room houM. fratt and flc era. 3 blocks te ear, full price 62600. Me ssortgaga. WEST or rirnunT ise DOWN. . A r i m ' a k .MV, , WMUMI) . Johna car. Price 81800. EAST GLWAN ST.. 6800 DOWN. 3 small no lotion to. 19 fruit trees. S Blocks to car. Price 81600. wnonuwv nuTRiirr sssee a., bath, larsa lot. fruit and berriea. 3 bDu. to car, 8500 down. We Ami ,t tJhart Beatda. GEO.. T. MOORE CO.. AWatTtoa Bklg. GOOD BARGAINS FINK HllI'HKM 2200 A splendid room house, E. 8th Bear ash. tlose in. 1600 7 room house oa E. 20th near 8.. F. ahona. tano son 82100 St Johns district near the Paainswlar scnooi anxt Uolumbta Park. Two otocaa to 8t Johns earline. Los 80x100. Fruit ' Ire : nlaea foa riivkns S250 8 room bungalow. 268 37ta at Jf . near waaco. one Mock to earline. Lot tx 120. Place for chickens. Good garage- 13000 Fine little home for two people. E. Asa aear Sth. Lot atone wotta ISUUU 1. L. Karnupp . Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 878 JUST what you want a nice B room boose oa aouoto lot. oath and toilet, nice roomy closet. Bice full oorch. a-aa and alestrla eonBactiawa. 100 vard. Thia plaoe U wall worth 84500., but 68760 wiU buy; 81 SOU or 82000 cash, bal ance terms. We alee have a nice S-room house, bath and toilet and good clothes closets. on lot 88x100, nice chicken bouse, fruit trees, in Alberta district, for 62SOO: 61000 cash, bal ance terms. . Thia place is only 8 blocks from earline. This is a auod ba. See us at once. Driver A Leonard. 776 Union are. N. Phone Wdln. 614. TWO BARGAINS , 82700 . Fine modern 7 room bungalow on the corner of East Sath and Stephens, . Including a good garage. 85600 A beautiful 8 room bunas low with all modern built-in conveniences. Large living room and fine music room. Ground 75x100. Street as sessments all paid. In tauralhurst on Royal Court near the earline. J. L. KARNOPP. Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main 675 SOME of the best buys in Port Is d: 6-room furnished cottage, garage and chicken bouse, on lot 100x100: Dries 81600. 7-room bungalow, lots of fruits and berriea. on Jot.luoxlUU:- price 82000. 6-room furnished house on lot 60x120. paved street ; price eZZOU. 6-room bouse, paved street: nrica 81800. 6-room bungalow; price 81800; all on, easy NEW YORK LAND CO.. 881 E. Morrison at. BUNGALOW Willamette Heights. 28x47. lis ing room. 16x27; hail. 7x16; dining room. ,1110; puutrin bullet beamed ceilings; hard wood floors; large stone fireplace, two large bedrooms first floor, one bedroom in attic beautiful kitchen and screened porch with ce ment floor; finished basement; cement walls; first clam plumbing and heating Dlant: sas and ;lectrie lights; beautiful front porch. House cost 5900, 1018; aU street improvements in and pa 16 AU for 84760. easy terms. O. W. Bryan. stain lwes. eus-9 Chamber of Commerce. SHIPYARD SUPERINTENDENT YOUR HOC8E I'd It 88100 We have for sale at 1661 E. 6tb st North, a beautiful 7-room bungalow, with furnace, fire place, built-in buffet full cement basement etc Two sleeping porches. Only 1 block to Van couver can land 4 short ones to Wood lawn. Requires about $600 cash. Let us show you in -our autoa. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 8tark St., near Sd. Main 8516. Branch office L305 Sandy blvd. $1550 4 ROOM BUNGALOW 8350 CASH, BALANCE TERMS r in.iAA 1 , . . ... Una chicken house and mm 11 tars, frnlt - V wua.vv UbS. IW.IUS UU IWQ HFtVU rees. 85 currant bushes and all kinds of other smsll fruit; lota of rosea and ornamental treea: 60x200 ft inclosed with wofea wire fence; 6 blocks to Rose City Park car. SEE OWNER AT 662 EAST 81ST ST. N. JUST SOUTH OF LAUD'S ADDN 82850 Beantiful 6-room buneslnw with hardwood floors, fireplace, massive buffet, Dutch kitchen with canopy over range: finished in old Ivorv: all street improvements in and paid: vacant and ready for occupancy. This is your cbauce your opportunity; don t let it escape you. Buy thia bargain. A. t. Tr.brK CO.. 264 STARK ST. nr. 3d. AIAIN S516. Branch office. 1896 sanay aiva. $2800 VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $2300 If you are looking for a real bungalow, let me show you this cement basement fireplace. paneiea 11. it, plate rail, beamed celling. A-l bath fixtures, electric and gas;, house painted white, artistic Unas; $300 will handle E. 46tn. rooms, 2 more could be finished in alt. Bee xka.-N L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. MY. WHAT A BARGAINI HAWTHORNE CAR SS200 7-room bunxaiow in ona of Port land's finest restricted residential districts: hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement base ment furnace, etc. You would expect to oa $4000. Non-resident owner baa instructed us to sell at once. Reasonable terms; full 60x100 lot Don't let thia opportunity escape you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 STARK ST.. nr. 3d. MAI B51. Branch office. 1S93 Sandy blvd. SEE THIS PROPERTY And buy a borne that producea an income. A email apt house with grass lawn in front and garden in the rear; hot water heat: ants, for owner and aeven tenants, all completely fur nished; fine location, near two cariines. 20 minutes to Waahington and Broadway; house. lot, furniture and established business. aU for 865O0, best bargain in city. CaU Wood laws 1911. GROVELAND PARK. 83250 A real modern well built bunealnw. with hardwood floors in every room, fireplace. mass ira buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, furnace, etc; easy terms: price inclndea street assessment ana ail. just a block from ! Hawthorne car. A G. Teepe Co.. 264 Stark at. near Sd. Main S516. Branch office. 1393 Banoy Diva. $1975 WEST SIDE HOME-$ltf6 a o room noose. A-l conditio f e. ment furnace, elect and gas, modern Dlun tine: 1 block to car. All st and sewer Hans natri I -aaa than owner loaned. Bancroft ave.. 1 blk. went of Corbet St. close, to car and school. Biking uunance to snrpyaras. ne FRANK I McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. 10 ouy your aome. Mala 1068. FOR SALE At Oak Grove. Oregon City ear! 1 ft blocks from station, nearly 1 acre, with bouse, barn, fruit, berries and flowers, good " viaiiMiB, on voce roaa; also 1 ecre oeaveruam ia na enjoining, a rained Sad culti vated; will sell Separately: also 4 vaeawt 1. well located; also bouse and two lots. 100x139.6 it on stiver roaa ana tenter streets. J. . p. itisiey. owner, oon nroeawey bldg. Main 6199 6-ROOM bungalow. 60x100 lot 1 block from ear; price aisvu; easy terms. Morrks. 481 Chamber of Commerce. . FINE west side lot aear ahipyards. very cheap and easy terms. Bee owner. Jobrowa-iiodaon Co., 634 N. W. Bank bMg. A NICE modern 6 room bungalow and gar- age. -near car. Only 82850. Terms. Dodson Cq.. 634 N. W. Bank bMg. JohnsoaT ROSE CITY PARK. 5 rooms, furnace and fir- place, block from car. Broadway 1676, East Z-BSB. A SNAP 7 room m odera bouse, garage walk- inx dtstaaca. Owner. . Irvington. 460 E. 8th st N. SUNNYS1DE property; best ear service 1. ths etty, 6-room booee. 1107 Belnsont at; easy terms. Telephone Tabor 4260. I 6-ROOM house on 4 lota, aear airland.' Mt Beott canine, iiavv; sivs easn. SZO snootk. Neil Smith. 6614 Foster road. Tabor 193 1. FOR South Portland property, to bay. sell aw as cbaage. awe Joha Siagsr. 430 Cbamber of Coti iia rri " BARGAINS Fureclosmre and mortgage boss at, Cell ap East 14T. MODERN 5-room bungalow and irly furniture. Overlook. Wdhm, 2607. FOR SALE LOTS 16 MODERNIZE your building; I do all kinds e? al terstior sad repaira; change dead realty Into a live asset: gee my many designs for new Mat M. Merer, eontrartinc archrtect. Cortrord bMg. . Mala 1S7S. Fnmeiiy awperla-1 towdent for tne tnegoa hobm Bouoera. TOR SALE Corner lot. 75x100. 60a ea tbe dollar. Phono Tshor s. FOB SALE HOUSES LOT aOslOO. modera 6 room hews a iTS W. 26d st ACREAGE 67 f rasa Oregoa Cttyt bowse, bar, good orchard. close to school, stove and ehwvch. 808 Spalding bldg. J- M. tameron. Mam sz3. i-ui, t- rid FRUIT, GARDEN raneb ea Bear a !.' e a is - aaa tfM Bar sera. MciartsBd. 608 Ysoa bids-. Portia ad. . ACREAGE -; ' . 17 rOR SALE, at sacrifice. 80 acres; pert heave r daxa. balance ttnland: creek and load throogh place; good Deigbben : large school adjoining. Must sell at once. Wrife owner. K-. C Witlaam. FOR SALE FARM 17 FOR SAI-lop bog ranch now feeding 68 On 'of the finest routes in Portland. 8 sxUea--front city. Ineradlng 4 bones and bar fteaa. 8 wagons, one hack, two buggies, gasoline engine and weocUaw attachment; gmsoliaw pwsap. water piped to barn and 8 roeeo bouse; 2 room esrthoaee. chicken" nooara, fine shady piaca for eMehea ranch. Broadway 8388 or addresa T- 802. JoswnaX , FARM AT HALF PRICrT 188 aerea, 12 miles east of Oregon City. 80 acres cleared, bcaue. 2 bams, f smUy orchard. eprtn. Uost twice tbe price asked. 50700. Any reasonable terms. CLEVELAND, Main 11 8. 282 C. nf C. Bldg. FOR SALEr 10.52 acres. 8 acres under eu!tia- tioa. k acre etrawberriea. family orchard. 1-rooni bouse 16x16, barn 16x24, outbuildings. miles from Clatakanie. Or., on good graveled rood, 8500. Apply owner, Wm, Keller, Mist. Or. 3al ACllEeV Crops, machinery, stocS; lu per acre; terms. Gravity water: t-actfie aiga y. ' It 2. bo- 185. Albany. Or. ALBERTA WHEAT FARMS Wheat, oats, flax and barley, the beat there fa. Write Claude tola. Warner, Alberta 160 ACRE farm 8 miles from poatoiOce, 68500. Wolfstein. 114. First 40 ACRES of good land la idahe eoaaty. Idaho. C Finney, owner. 12414a Macadam st TIMBER tS NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM" RF.R -Oeaeral taml uinee. waaungTon. is. sate. Mass 1 ss s.i.fct mwm Vst anbleet to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 8. 1818 (St Stat. 218). and tbe Instruct ioa ef tne necretary es tne imenor ei September 15. HIT. the timber tne lol Inwing Unda wiU be sold June 26, 1818, at in a'eirak a ss . at Bwouo auction at tne United States land office at Pert nd. Or., to the hiehest bidder at not laaa than tne ap praised value aa shown by this aorioe, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purenase- pnee. witn aa eaai- tiona 1 sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof. being coram uona auowwa, must be aepositea at time of safe. asoSSy to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will sue far the timber, whlcs must ne removea wrtmn ten veara. Bids will be received froea citiaensaof the United States, associations of each citlAns and corporationa orsaaixed ander tbe laws nf the United States or any state, territory eistrV-t thereof only. Upon appllcatioa of ana lif d Dorehaaer. the timber or any leaal sub division will be offered separately before being included In any offer of a larger antt: Tow n- . n V, A V u , . s- s. if si IS, ly . snip o., ss. I. . - ts is . j fir 015 M. ; not to be sold at less than 81.60 per M. ; T. 4 8. R. 8 E.. See. 88: NE NE V, red fir 108W M. : N W 14 NKH. red fir 1045 M cedar 10 H.;MiH Ms, red nr auuM eiar 25 M. : N W 14 NW14. red fir 268 M cedar 16 M. ; none of the red fir or cedar to be sold for leas than 11. ou per at. T. 10 a., it 8 E . See. 8. SW14 BE 14, Douglas fir 848 ML: BE 14 BE 14 . Donglas fir 74T M. : be kirk 144 M. : SE14 NW14. Donglaa Or 1816 M. : aone of the Douglas fir to be sold for lass than 81 per M.. and aone of the hemlock to K. snUi for leas tbaa bUe per M. Ha 8 8W 14 NE14. Douglas fir 162 M. hemlock 168 M.J lot 4 or NW14 NW14. Douglaa fir 1754 M : BW 14 NW14. Uouglaa IU 1638 M BE 14 NW14, Douglas fir UBS M.j NE 14 8W14'. Douglas fir itn m.j BK14 sw Doualaa fir 1088 M. Sec 7 NK14 NE14 Dcmala a fir 600 M. Sec 11. NIC 14 NX 14 yellow fir 860 M ., hemlock 60 U.; NWs NEk. vellow fir 1185 M. hemlock 66 M. : NE14 NW14, yellow fir 1650 M., be lock 80 . ; M W 14 HW, yeuow nr lis at.. Bern luck 108 M. ; none of tbe Douglaa fir or yai Ci none of tbe hemlock to be sold for leas low fir to be eosa for leas tbaa 51.60 per M. than 60e per M (Signed) Clay Taliasas, Cexa- misaloner General tana Ulllec FOR BALE Bids will be received until June 1. ISIS for tbe entire output of spruce end fir wood produced by the Vancouver cup-up plant Loaded on ear or wagons at tbe option of the pur chaser. Method of measurement oa tbe abort wood. 166 cub to feet will be considered a cord when loaded on wagons or can ta the- usual method. Edgings and slab wood will be sold per cord, vis.. 128 cubic feet Payment to be aaade on or before tbe iota 01 each month lor wood detivered the previous month. The successful bidder to furnish a satisfactory bond In tbe sum of $6000. Right is reserved te reiect any or bids. It S. MITtH Contractor. Vancouver -Cut-up Plant Vancouver, Wash. FOR 8 ALE 4.500.000 feet second growth fir splendid logging flume is through the timber to It It ro better in me state. Ren ones 80S Spalding bldg. Main 8282. J. M. Cam eron. FOR SALE Lease 'on mill rating 80,000 ft I . . . - . , n . per oay. now operaiiiig; grjoo propos.uo uu -"" HOMESTEADS 47 JOIN OCR HOMKNTKAD CLUB Ql'ICKLY IK YOU KUIXI liKSIUH GOOD L.AU M.1K POHTLAND. O. A C Ry. forfeited tends soon open to entry in Portland district; wonderful opportunity. Ketrrencee, my i-oniana turners. Act quickly and save money. modatione limited G. S. EH I E, 237 E. 49th at. 8 DATES set for 0- A C. homesteads near Port land. Soma best lands In elate. Near elec trio lines aad paved highways. Ton may tbe lands Sundays, file and continue your work In war Industries. I drew original mapa and as sarted government in ciaastiaratiou ot tune lands. Mapa of entire grant $1. Anderson, 481 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 80 ACRES. 20 acres in applea. 6 in alfalfa. room boose; Urge barn, etc., 86000. WUI trade for Portland property. 14 H acres. 7 acres In crop, fine house and barn, all stock and Implements; will sacrifice for $2800; terms or trade tor' home ia Port tend. 10 acres at Raedville for city property. 0 room modern home to trade for acreage. ARNOLD, 620 Henry bldg. 10R SALE 160 acres good" timber lend Klicki tat Co.. Wash., 8 miles north White Msknon wster, 5 acres cleared, lots of cedar, good fruit land; will Uks 645 per . acts; some trade. Bdwy. 2839. 82 ACRE farm, good buildings, fully equipped- 30 miles from l'ortlarxv Price suuou. win take good bouse to $4000 nr $5V0tt. WUI as sume. Morris, .'481 Chamber of Commeroa. 40 ACRES in Lake Co.. Or., good land, for what have yout Reel or persoaal. Gold Eagle Farm. Emmeit, I4aho. WANTED 26 to 40 acres improved land (mm owner; wiU trade In Bice 5-room house, w. Vollans, 406 Going at WAHTER REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED To buy lot with two cot tax ss, 2 rooms or mora earn, or aama aisea double flats or one bouse to accommodate two fam ines, west aide; moat be modern: pay 8S0O0 down; describe and name beat price. P 657. Journal. WANTED HOUSES. We have buyers with cash, er terms; welch our ads; we get results. VJ. A. Yv sinner. BITTER, IA1W1S st III., 203-6-7 Board of Trade. HACKS AND SMALL-H6MES"WANTED ust be N. E. and priced right We have imeroua buyers waiting. Fred W. Germs a Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. HAVE a lot in trade tor 4 to 6-room boose ea first payment, tell owner. Mrs. , ting. . 46th between 12 and l.-:t norm. WANTED Modern 6-room bungalow oa paved street; will pey $500 eaab; no agent- L-o51 Journal. CHEAP rough land. SO rods from Columbia highway, east; full partsrulan. 1-774. Journal. frOR ItESULTS list your property with the Real Estate Exchange. got Sd St., portno. ROOMING HOUSES 68 TODAY'S SPECIAL Cigar, confectionery, laiwb aad 7 living rooms 1 Morrison st. reat 630 for all: cieanng 8200 a month; well worth 61MI. I hs account of sickness, if sni dat.owre. 8476; terms. To ess ss to way. Poteve et eowese. IS n. Hs 44- ROOM modern tooaina smmsss. ssassa s beat good farnltare. low reel, long kseaa. asaaasg good mowey : owner asost ttn aa sravst et strkneses; 88AOO. Fred S- -'Vllrlaav S3 H 11. 19 ROOMS $500 SNAP Thia at good. 602 Wb bWig- . 26 ROOMS, cleariaa $120 wtoatb. Rent S2w month. 8 yewra' sease, 8876 takes it Md lerabip, 481 Chamber of Ot aaesve. 38 ROOMS. S1750 Deeiiluwa. Geddard. 602 to rb BMg. ALB1NA abipboilding district, eoxnrr. lease, 14 rewvas. or whoso bwiMing. Ka A 6222. NICELY famished, t rooms, fine iocatioa, easy torma. Call Msia 870 before t a. m. rORTATTg 17 roo ass. 226 Si BerVide at B U SINESS OPPORTCN ITIF.W tw FOR SA E- Modera equipped picture boose m a etty of 6000. Show ooatama a pae or saa, aew piano and Zew opera naira. A tally I eqnipped oewsatlna room eontaui-c z fowera aB sawCSu BOS. ill, vsn, sesase ow dsjbdts. saS st oaca. 1. L. Morris. Me- M law vine. Or. It ROOM roomins lioose. aU ea eae fVr; heart st city; tana away zv people tfea: Bght Price 8886. terms. Peters. 16 N. 61h at . D AVCTN G ' st o for sale: fe us7 Tie r ss trade. Beraaia let D-601. JowrwaL " DONT WORRY I aaa ecu or trade aay ing anywhere. Lay- maa. 145 Broadway. - - l'llk ' SALE w. Re Jaurant" with many years' good bwWnesa, goesl soratiu) s. low rent price cbeep. S3 N. 6tk at, cay. BUSINESS OFPOBTUKITIESV It. you are looking for a good wetness there g' the plaoe where the xaoney is: 6 good livine 1 rooms, cigars, tobacco, soft drink arocer atoew and restaurant combined. That piaca la doing ' goad basin a; must ! sell ea acsnunt of sick-1 will take 81250 to handle thia. Dosvt fall to ace this one. Driver A Leoeard. 716 Unlaw.' ave. N. Phone Wdln. 614. ilAN ACCRA wanted for epea territory to sup-l ply automobile trade and car 1 owner with, ' Kor-Ker Tire Treatment and' our other lines.; . s rge proiiia. Must finance a n order; an-f usual prorjosition. AkMMBo Ills (Vs. 911' .Bridge St. Newark. N. J. i 9226V MUT.'. secured lerxelr: will dcount' 16H3.. Swank. 617 Heury bids. - . " " ! MQ5ET TO LOAN-rAEAL ESTATE t?'- Vtlt installment piaa A Use tssat astd auras xaetaoa as paying a lean. -' 1 m-ath firr 16 months as . . "; ii. lor so xaintaa, a - 816 17 lot BSosUha. can SlftdA laaa. ss Interest . Other - inrs ta prrsyortlow, Wa loan en improved city property. Or for building parposaa. No commission rbarsMl EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN A8SOClATI01f i wtara ei., rortiana. Or. WHILE it lasts I have private mnssey en band1 m iaen at lowest rates; amoaata 525S te 2000; would buy good mortseaw er aaia aoass iracta; prompt reliable attention. BUILDING loans on city or suburban proven, money advanced a wore pmgrasisa, W. O. Beet, 31 a and d I Fsthne hide. Mara S40T.- &. Slsu, 4oo. 6wu. eiMX. a aw. eiuwil end largr s mounts at carr t satos. OwieM I set lorn. Ki 1 W. t;erwMf Oei.. 7S3 I hesa. I oea. 1260 TO $2000, SEVEN, refaad aid' gaga lower Interest Wars. 407 MpaldiM1 bldg. atONEt to loan in asaountst ei $100 to $60wA ea ait nrofertr. A. H. BELL. 301 Oerflnrel bide 3 Of TO $9000 to loaa. city er t er ases : no commission. p. Ul bow ST A atOUTGACE loans and mortaaaee "end" tracts bought rrsw S W 11 llama. S3 U 1st et MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7. Louie A Cev. 408 Selling bldg t'AhU fur mortgagea," loans, eontrsete F. H Lewie, room 4. Lewis bide . Msia 688. LOANtfToa city amffarm property,- 8 per eeaa up. r. rnens, 4 an c nam, ot torn. 100 TO aliOU; cousidel leu. E. H. Duwling. 617 Chamber nf Commerce Msrahell 34S3T MOJTET TO LOAJT CHATTELS. HA LA HIES haia .1 '- ! 1AIANM WE LOAN MONEY On abort notice to salaried or working men eat ' their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or ' monthly payment Each I rar actios strictlx : coafidenrisi. NO MORTGAGE NO TTDOMIB ABSOLUTELY WO BECURITT. We aio loan on koasebold funu tun. rissai etc, wltboat rsssovaL CALt AND INTESTIOATB COLLMM1A DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICEN8ED. .' 817 Failing bldg. - - If You Need Money See lis SALARIES CHATTELS) Loans made to persona oa sals: r or fixed In-. corns, on household furniture, pianos, diamoads and other personal property, IsgaJ rates, teas- eontioent 1; private ellleea. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed 806-107 Dak urn bldg. PORitAND Kk.il KulAL LOAN A BAN. EsUbi-bed by Portland basiaesa asea to pretsat r C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr. 894 STARK TTj LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC 1 FOR SALE Team. La mesa and gooseneck lur- niture wagon; also one 74 - ton camelbacB wagon. No reasonable offer rerused. lteilae rng with motor truck Brooklyn Transfer Co. S7S Hswthnrne. . FOR MALIC Pair bay mares 6 aad 8 years old. work single and double, gentle la every re spect, fine under saddle, weight 8100; $16S guaranteed aa represented. 880 Frost at. wax. Montgomery. Phil Buetter. BLACK boras 6 years old. 166w. sound; brew, horse 1806, 6 years, aewad; anyooe aaa drive these: city broke. $476 bays them. Phil Hustler. SHQ Front, eor. Montgomery. 1200-Pj. bay horse, 6 years, work aay pisoa. $50; tight wagnn. barnesa. $26; fine rabbet tired top buggy, 68$: anil exchange. 146 K. 6 1st at. N. MoatavtUa car. s XK MALE Bey suere 11 years, weiabe 1460. : harneae. wagon. $160; gweraateed fee? aay elderly person- to beadle. Phil Suettor. $ ; Ironi. eor. Montgomery. UHlFttsr., 7 years old. wgt 1660. Caa be seen working hauling cord wood, guaranteed. -$140. Phil Snetler. $8W Front at, eoraer Montgomery. FOR SALE Iron gray chunk 6 years. senile broke, weigha I860, ma rsnteed. 6160. Pall Swetter. 8 HO Front at. cor Montgomery. FOR SALE Pair mules 2600. Bound. 6 years old. guaranteed. 6430 bays tees Phil Snetter. SHQ Front, eor. Montgomery. ; . WANTED A stork ais a s saddle; mast be ia , good condition aad a bargala. Jobs 6V. sail Woodlawn 8171. FOR SALE Light tessa korsea aad Frye A Co.. 18th aad Hoyt WAGON running gears. 4 la. ate! shape, cheep. Kast 6681. Writs 816 Meoreess. DEAD hotsea and smasats hauls, away Jr Wood Is wa 20. Port Is nd Keastortos - DEAD UuKtsa taaea: ea- - Phone calls paid. Mllwaakte J. ALL kinds of wagona, harness, bwggiea, carte, saddlea and borsea, 802 Fmwt st HOUSE and wagon. $1.26 das si: 3 aeriaa aad Mala S20S. wagow. $2.60. . eS Front LIVESTOCK TTiR-iALir Six cows S and 4 years old. four f rash Kea. lean be r aad October, 1 t year eld trash " Bee. I. 2 yearlings. 8 better eaiveo 10 months aid, 1 registered Hoist eta bull 8 at oathe asd. ail rows and heifers grade Hossteina. Caa be eeaa 2 miles west Fairvsvw est Bendy Rd. 8L C BrotAs. Booth A. Bet 270. Port lewd. i2YoUNG fresh dairy and family cows, jut in from ranch: aosae will give better than 6 gallons per day; genu i family oows, $6 to $65, with or wit hoot calf. 761 E. Asa. 'ILK goats, some fresh and coming fresh, aj young: $$6 to $; stamp fot reply. M. MontchaMn. 'arson. Wash. EXCHANGE Farm taaea. 2660 lbs . for milch . cows, bargain M. M. Km MS. 660 WIU ma ave. f 1-st 4447. ; . FIN E young, fresh, gentle family and dairy e sa. at.d 8 test sood conditio, $se to $60. Will take dry e sa ta exchaago. 781 K. As 10 1'UKhll dairy and family eras, Dorasv m asrl Holstein and some high grade Jerseys; pnra rvsonable. 1448 Milwenkle ave., BeUwwad ewr. MIU'H erwt with naaaie kid ky her side, $16.. 1245 lUsse y st FOR SALE Good fresh cow,' 17 Morrie at. POULTRY, PIGEOtS, PET STOCK $T B A B Y-CH I(Jk3 B. Recka. R. Reds. Browa Legoerws. W. Ieghorns, Buff Legbotwa. treea 16 to 2e cava, t ome now. Froea laying stock. 194 C 284 at. It. 8. C. WHITE LEGHOHN baby chicka ef healthy free rang ; hesry laying stock ; Best hatch off June 2. W. Xiegler, 1 24 E. 33d St., Sanayssde car, walk 2 blocks worth. LARGE strong While Leghorn chieke today: other dates Jane 7. II, 14 end 30. Master Inewkwtnr 416 Jeaauw atr Wdla. oar. 1'booo Wdln. 4S44. Pookw a SIXTY thoroughbred "laying pulssis. White Legv 145 1 st. K. MewtavSIa ear. FOB CiXK. 0. A. fl ' U-hite'.Legkora Una, Sl.zs eac last xw -lata et. a. wdi a. 1466. WMiStWWiaXkf. i$3l E. l2lk at . N Wdla. 185. Wiuto Ishora batry chleaa. 812 per 100. Juno 2 to Jane 16 deHvevy. roRS AXrTT'l-UsSir Wdln. 1717. U r.LK old White Iira rhKka. B. JUla aoj st t raetaeea. Tabor see. DAY old dw3 Es. Jaae S: O. A. C. roueveta; for sale, -nil Ttser ssis. - GUARANTEED Ituaaeva far sale ekesp. Writs) Jesses 1 taiiosray. wrewisvuiie. I ft. , lOK HALi: Week old White Legbora chkaT Wdla. 1682. : FOsTSALK 76 6. A. C trauaeet Lee Sera hens, this year's biyera. fell Oak Grove lltj. POOH. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. FOR SALE At a rgaia. brindle boIL fis rkmae. weight 40 lbs. 0-64S, JowrwaL AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOEIFS 4 Bt K K SIX': 1916 anode 1. 7aseencer, . ia esi eel lent coadit , 2 aew ewvd Uiws. A. U. Steeewa, Brwadway 1614. 681 Waabinetea. i DtBkLIXlJ , I . IOF CO- ttb and Oak. Bfwadwew J St 4. Fords Enameled $15.00 87 tL FOR SALE 161. Feed toe ring car ssr 1816. newer been ran. 381 Sheeer at. FOR SALE. 1617 Ford., very good cowdiiM , 8460. 1798 Belmont Phone Tabor 7042. IT TO tkAlf.KR ior sle. E4M 49li. . 1912 6-PASH., JIStT 716 Mkssoori ave. 7CTstUBta'ta"i'll4TwTa Psgsj I 46