THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,.- FRIDAY. MAY 31. 1918. 11 INFORMATION C0MI5O KTEKT5 , 6mten of aaieTtca. PorUand. Ism, Convention of lrnd iLOCMOpmeBt, O. A. B., PartUod. Augae IS. T TODAY'S FORECASTS Portland and Vlclnk Tonight and Saturday, fair; westerly wind. Oregon- and YYuhlnrtoa Tonight and Bttar Ujr, fair; moderate wetter r wind. WEATHER COSTDITIOSS A greet low prwrar araa baring iu center in North Dakota eoeera the greater portion of the ' country. Ttaa preaetira la moderately high in tha AUantie statee and an Important high pree ' eore at central off the north Pacific coet. Pre elptutiun iiaa occurred from the Hocky Mountain atatea eaatward to the umur Mtaelaaippt eelier. and la raported from Mattered place in the plain, anutliera and north Factfte etates. The beevteet rainfall reported aa 1.10 inebaa at St. 1'auL II inn. The weather te much cooler a the north Vaolfie elope and in New Mexico and .la niorh warmer in parte of Nevada, Non Una and Illinois. Heavy froet ia reported froaa . aaetern Oreeon. The tt-moeratara la below nor- ; mal in the 1'aeilie and 1'lateau atates and ia generally above normal over the remainder of the itry. toiler the influence of the nortbweatern high f eonnt lader UK Influence of the nortbweatern big orewnra area, fair weather mar be expected 1 Portland and IU vicinity tonight and (Saturday. OBKKKVATIOSft STATIONS Baker, Or. . .- Hi. toff, ilea. Hilltngi. Mont Bolee, Idaho ...... Chicago, 111 Iteaver. Colo I h-e Molnea, Iowa . . Kdmontnn, Alberta, tlalveetun, Texan.. 'Honolulu. T. II.. . Huron, H. U Karuaa City. Mo. . . Twllon( Idaho... Marxhfteirf. Or lie Angcleft, Cal. . . Medfurd. Or . MemphU, Tenn. . . . New Orlrana, ja . . New ork. N. Y. . Nome, Alalia. North Hepti. Waah North Platte, Neb Oklahoma City. Ok la 1'hnenlx, Ariz . PitUburg, I'a. Portland, Or Itoeeburg. Or Sacramento, CaL St. Ijoaif. Mo, St. Paul, Minn , Salt Lake City, Utah ' Han IWego, Cal San Vranclaco, Cal . Heettle. Waah Sheridan, Wyo Spokane, Waiih Tampa, Kla. . Tanana, Alaska Vaneonver, H. C. ........ Walla Walla, Wuh Wellington, I. C Williaton. N.. II, Takirba. Wuli , P. M, report of preceding day. Temp'tre. g A il p ft 68 3j 0 68 SO 0 78 hi .02 78 46 0 8 68 0 70 44 .58 80 72 .08 tl 88 .08 82 78 0 2 0 84 80 .01' 88 74 0 . . . . 62 0 00 48 0 6d 04 0 74 48 0 02 74 0 74 O 58 54 0 40 0 52 48 .12 78 58 .08 88 72 0 80 54 0 84 70 .18 04 48 .02 72 46' 0 72 60 0 DO 74 0 84 64 1.10 5 60 .00 ! 56 0 80 60 0 68 44 0 74 40 .02 72 46 0 82 70 0 62 . . , . 0 64 48 0 74 40 0 0 62 0 82 56 .01 76 44 0 TOS. TZXBL&ffWGS STAliPS , IS USD BY THB UNITED STATES COVEWCMENT ed." is to tell the story t Ws thrUUtig experiences , before the ;Oreson ' Civic league at luncheon Saturday noon In I the Multnomah hotel. Serzeant Major Christy of the Canadian army will alao oe a speaker, ."-'." v--' . Proprietor It Arretted William Wal- don, proprietor ot a poolroom at 44 North Third street. m arrested Thure- day night by Officers Smith and Few. ell on a .charge of allowing; a minor vn 1 his poolroom. The minor arrested Is 1 Oeorge SaTolainen, are It. There were I 19 other men in the poolroom at the time and none of them wore a Liberty bond button and only one had a Red Cross button, according to the officers. Aate Hlte Girt Dr. Belle C Fergu- son of ESI Couch streetstruck little Bon nie Anderson of 555 4 Morrison street with her automobile Thursday afternoon at Sixteenth and Washington streets. tan hospital and later to her home. She received minor injuries. According - to the police records, this is the fourth ac cident Mrs. 'Ferguson has had within a few months. T.neiit T-v.iv. i. .. Vama-Th tbe men and women ; make them real friends ct Charles W. English, aecre- that the W. S. S. game Is a big tarv of th htt- hiieinH hnrami nf game, and I am sure that Harney wiu the Portland Ad club, are congratulat- "come tDrougti" wun we rear. 01 me Ing him upon the arrival of a baby elate on June 28. If we seem to be daughter who has- been named Lucille somewhat slow at times, it is only be- Evelvn English. Mrs. Enelish is at the cause we' are somewhat isolated; Be Oood Samaritan hospital. The English cause our territory is so large and our home Is at 719 East Sixteenth street communities so scattered that it is hard north. ' to canvass. However, you've noticed Film. Are Helta Mr n J Ahhntt that Harney always comes to bat with lost two rolls of films Thursday after- hr of whatever patrioUc enter Shippers Protesting Against Higher Bate ' . & . Labor Mission From Mrs.' Francis Oark of Burns, county school superintendent In Harney coun ty, and one of the most interested and energetic War Savings . Stamp workers in the state, will return to Burns wis evening: after visiting in Portland 101 lowing attendance at the state w. a. -a. convention Wednesday. "To date in Burns and Harney coun ty." says Mrs. Clark, -the War Savings Stamp campaign has been carried on to a considerable extent j by. the children alone, butf now we are going to go after G. A. R. Committee In Need of Finances that forces are being formed for coming fighting, according to information from Moscow today. Washington, May SL lU. P.V-Claim ing that increased cost of operating the railroads Is a war necessity and should be borne by the people as a whole, seven rfni hloners' organisations have banded to protest Director General- Mc- Adoo's nation wide lreini rate in- Fsida Belsg Collected for EaterUls- ' seat ef tMN Visitors to Greed Arsay Sattoaal Faearaameet la Aags The committee in charge of the tertalnment of the Q. A. R. at the na tional convention in Portland, August 19 21 Is in need of funds and will send ou 750 letters today, asking , subscription; from business men. Two hundred San fifty letters have alerady been sent out-") lowing associations charged American xnis money wiu te used an providing suitable entertainment and purchasing souvenirs for the 25,000 to 40,000 veterans whom the committee expects to attend the convention. The members of the general commit tee are General Charles , Bee be, chair man ; O. M. Clark. Julius L. Meier, di-4 rector general; George I. Baker. Rufus C. Holrrtan. Tillman IL ; Stevens and Frank McCrlllls. secretary; A. I Mills, treasurer. Competition will soon open for ' a de sign for the convention badge, t which 2000 will be needed. TJ. S. Returns Home An Atlantic Port. May IL I. N. S.) -The American labor mission, which has been abroad several weeks, returned to this port today . Geoffrey BuUer. di rector of the British information bureau in this country, was a pasaenger on the same ship. . To enable cream to be poured from the top of a bottle of milk that has soured, an inventor haa patented a rub ber disk on a handle which can be in serted into the bottle to retain the milk in position. N- noon as a result of the new city ordl nance which prohibits taking pictures along the waterfront. This is the first time the officers of the harbor patrol have enforced the new law. The films were seized and turned over to the chief of police 10 Mea sad Boys, Paallh Cborlaters, Auditorium. June 1 and 2. Tickets at Hi bernia bank, fj. S. bank. State Bank of Portland, Meier & Frank's, Portland ho tel. Janake Drug store (Grand avenue and Hawthorne), Catholic book store. Reserved seats at Sherman, Clay & com pany. (Adv.) Bad Fire Averted Prompt arrival of the fire department averted a serious fire In the down-town district Thursday afternoon. The Pacific tailors, at 606 uoodnough building, left a pan of sul phur burning in their office and the sul phur set fire to the room. Firemen ar rived Just in time to put out the blaze. Rsaaway Boy Foetid Lester Brown, 13-year-old runaway boy. was found by Officer Tully at Twelfth and Knott streets Thursday night and sent to the Detention Home. King's Health Baths Rheumatism positively cured. No cure, no nav trat men successfully reduced. Private qualify for the rank of a general in the TOWN TOPICS THRIFT STAMPS and WAR SAVINGS STAMPS on Sale at Business Office, The Journal Dasa-hter Korapei Injury J. F. WI1 son received a badly smashed left foot Thursday afternoon when his motorcycle collided with a truck of the Alblna Fuel company in charge of B. E. Hawkins Wilson's year old daughter was riding on the tandem seat in the rear and It isi considered a miracle that she escaped with only a slight bruise on her arm. It Is said that she grabbed her father by the neck and clung on to him, even1 after he was thrown from, the motor cycle. Wilson was removed to the Eman- t I . 1 t A i uei iiOHpiiai uy inn AmDuiaiKg ccrviuv T company. He resides at 761 Gantenbeln avenue. , Asdubaa Bird data At the regular weekly meeting of the Audubon B'rd club Saturday night there will be change of program. Instead of the usual bird talk Will be a "bird pageant" by Miss Alice Randall and the children of Kenton school. The play will Illustrate the growing sentiment for the protection ot wild bird life among the young peo ple of the country. The public is in vited. The play will be given in Library hall at 8 o'clock. St. Louis Reserves Here Several hundred naval reserves from St. Louis made a four hour stop in Portland Thursday night, on their way to the Puget Sound navyyard at Bremerton . for training. They made a visit to Lib erty temple and were surprised to find It occupied by the United States naval reserve recruiting party. The jackles posted several banners and navy . post ers, obtained from the temple, on the I sides of the passenger cars of the train. Mssamas Will Hike The Maiamas for their Sunday, outing, will visit Rocky point. They will leave from the North Bank station, buying tickets to North Plains on the United Railways. From North Plains they will hike over good roads, through farms and wooded, coun try, to Rocky point, returning to Port land at 9 p. m. Railroad fare, $1.20, In cluding war tax. Carl H. Sakrison, leader. Charrn Entertainment Tonight Mem bers of the Sunday school classes of the Lincoln Methodist- church. East Fifty second and Lincoln streets, will give an entertainment in the church tonight at ft o'clock, under the direction of Edna .Wlckerscham. A collection for church work will be taken and the Ladles' Aid society will sell Ice cream. - Camera Clab Excursion Fred H. Klaer will' lead the Oregon Camera clu party on its Sunday outlnc at Eaale Creek and explain the pictorial posslblli- t'es Of tne canyon. The party will take the train at . the Union station , at 7 :30 a. M. Bach person should provide lunch, cup and spoon, the club furnishing the coffee. All camera owners are invited. Sergeant Wells "Will Speak Sergeant ' David Wells. Portland1 boy who went aa an aviator to France and who was . so seriously, wounded that he was re ' turned home. "75 per cent incapacltat- prise may be under way, and we'll be no exception In the War Savings Stamp campaign." Mrs. Clark says Harney county gen erally Is in prosperous condition. SSt 1B1 To stimulate the sale of Thrift Stamps and War Savings Stamps the Patriotic Conservation league will tomorrow, through the children, begin the sale of neat, patriotically colored shields, sur mounted by an eagle, these to go only to automobile owners who will agree to carry Boldiers or sailors whenever they meet them on the street or country road, and can give them a lift on their way. Tne sign ot the shield on an auto mobile will be a token of welcome to the man In service. The shields will be sold for 25 cents, and it is expected that the children making the sales will' Invest liberally In War Stamps. Kl IBS The Patriotic Conservation league also has. a special Inducement to make to boys and girls of the Rainbow dl vision. In the way of purchase of $1000 worth of War Savings Stamps. The boy or girl who gets this order will thus MEN ARE SAVING $10 ON SUITS To auiekly relieve the department of an accumulation of odd patterns and bolt ends, the Brownsville woolen Mill Store, Third and Morrison, is tailoring to measure men's suits worth to $48 at only $36 -a saving ot $10 on a single suit. Adv.) ataa ataVm A t. . fnrmal eomnlalnt lodged with the railroad administration today the fol lowing associations charged American shippers will suffer from a government policy of -shielding" the railroads from Increased war costs wntcn may oe ex pected to mount to further heights due to war conditions: National - Federation of Shippers; American. Petroleum , league. Western Patmienm Refiners ' association. Na tional - Livestock Shippers' Protective league. State Livestock association of Illinois. Cornbelt Meat Producers' asso ciation and National Council oi Farm ers' Cooperative, association. Russia Spares to Fight,: Says Lenine Amsterdam. May 81. (L N. S.) Nicholal Lenine. the Bolshevik premier of Russia, In a speech before the all Russlan executive committee, declared that Russia will continue the war and CQouvCloh a rs ii a y -aa Kfl.H m ifc rooms. 326 V4 Stark street, next the Im perial hotel. Main 6179. (Adv.) steamer Jessie uarxins for camaa. wasnougai ana way landings dally, ex cept Sunday; leaves Alder street dock at Z m. (Adv.) Remember the Dance at Moose temple Friday. May 31, given by the Women of Mooseheart Legion. Come or miss a good time. (Adv.) Steamer Iralda for St. Helens and Ral nler daily at 2:30 p. m., foot of Alder street; Sunday. ..t. Helens only, 1:30 p. m. (Adr.) Steamer Geerglana for Astoria and way points, leaves Alder street dock dally, except Friday at 7 a. ir. Faro $1.25 each way. (Adv.) MeCarger, Bates b Lively Fire, cas ualty and automobile insurance. Teon building. Telephone Main 168. (Adv.) Insurance Service Co. Insures every. thing life, fire. aut,o. liability. 621 Mor gan building. Main 89. (Adv.) Exearsloa Boat Swan chartered. Main 4748. (Adv.) Why Allow Toar Mind to Worry! See Dr. Lucas. Morgan bldg. (Adv.) Br. C, E. Brows, Eye, Ear Mohawk building. (Adv.) Thrift army. The contest Is open to all I boys and girls of school age. The con test will close July 6. Full particulars may be obtained by calling at the Pa triotic Conservation league headquar ters, 728 Corbett building. ' Keeping' Square Prom Judge. Black When young Sharper first came to work in the bank he was bash ful in his manners. White And now that he's gone they rind he's shy in his ; accounts. SAX FRAKCISCO HOTELS Two coiled springs and' three jointed arms compose a new stabiliser for auto mobile steering wheels to bring them into" the., straight ahead position auto matically;, after they have been turned. In San Francisco ZS HOTEL CearySmtetoffUnlnBSqflare From Ql.SO a Day Breakfast te Lunch 60e Dinner! 1.00 Smoays: Breakhtft 75o WnnsrftS Munkpal car Hoe direct to door. Motor . BugncprlncriedtnUuaBdsteanieTt, MARKELL'S The Big East Side Store ... A Wonderful Sale The World's Best I laftftftW I W a. si II ALUMINUM WARE Quality Brand Pots and Pans Guaranteed for 20 Years Every piece of Great Northern Quality Brand Pure Aluminum is posi tively guaranteed to wear for 20 years. K any piece? does Hot it can be exchanged for another piece without cost. 99c Reliable Dentistry We goeTaatee mmt MI. far IS reara We atul examlae :n teeta tree and tail yoa fast -rtiai Umu reoalta aae wbatjtvu aaet. ate Orgeats. 1. . . . .St AO ana) Ua res sea ef Teat far aa.oe r-BMHeee a an Save rauaa si S sat IB a. fceereaa BL V. MCWTOtt, Pro 7, Opea Bfealaga UatC la. Boston- Painless Dentists ! Seteieea Out amtf aa aa Waehiaetee) St Rheumatism Lumbago, Selatlea, Baralaed Baeks, ete, tteeeggfairy treated. Com pleie general practice. Off let cans. ........ Se ease calls. IMI onftaemtent eases ior aie 7-cup Percolator, regular S2.00 Special 99c 12-inch Round Roaster, regular S2.2S Special .99c 6-quart Preserving Kettle, regular $2.00 Special ...T 99c 6-quart Pudding Pans, regular $1.25 Special 99c 2-quart Rice Boiler, regular 2.55 Special .... 99c 2- quart Berlin Kettle, regular $1.25 Special 99c 3 - quart Lipped Sauce Parfsggular 1.25- Special .......... .99c 4- quart Lipped Sauce Pan, regular 1.50 Special .....99c Carving Set, regular 1.50 Special 99c 9-inch Frying Pans, regular 1.50 Special ..99c Special for Saturday Only Bob White Soap An excellent laundry soap 5 full size bars. (No Phone Orders) Dr. N. I HAMnON S and T1S tMraai Blda Kflee. Phoae Mala gSTs. Double S. & H. and Rod Trading Stamps Gii4a on AD Cash Purchases Saturday and Monday BUTTERICK FASHIONS 380 to 386 E. Morrison We DeHver Do Tear Bit Bay Liberty Boads - IU W.H. M--a.n A "XL J Phones East 3809 - B-1739 BrTfERlCK PATTERNS See Us in Our New Location! WE ARE ready for yoir with scores of patterns for our celebrated hand- tailored suits at $10 Down. $5 a Month Summer is surely at hand. Let us make up right now a nobby suit appropriate to the season. Unique Tailoring Co. 104 Fourth St., bet. Washington and Stark St. Suits Pregged, 35c; Dry or Steam Cleaned, 1 BmftmVsMgMBHHBBBSavie TickcU 50c, 75c, $1.00, $2.00 o Q Reserved Seats On Sale at Sherman, Clay & Co. BILLT HALLISSEY Saturday and Sunday Nights AMERICA'S GREATEST CHOIR Paulist Choristers . 100 Men and Boys Sinjr for the Relief- of Stricken France AT THE AUDITORIUM HEARrTHE WONDER VOICES ,. 1 I MASTER WIIMAM HA1XISSEY PARJfELL EOA3T . the areateats Boy fioprano in the Tenor world the Boy Galll Curcl. ; HASTES MALLET BOLA3T MB CTorHART - Soprano MASTER JOSEPH WALSH MR. FBAK DTCITORD Soprano . . Baaso-Cantants ,' Carry a National book Northwestern Bank Check to France I F YOU are jrointr "over there" a Check ing Account at the Northwestern National Bank will be as serviceable in time of need or emergency as at home. We have depositors B8 BBSS ZHmHtn nmm mhim 68B8M ir " REMEMBER -- ? - "'Tm oto satins ; -' .. . "mi who mwTATsrw , SETTER ORDER" YOUR SUIT NOW Oar Spria aad SaeaawT VVoolefta are hare ke keat U qoailtj aa4 laaailale te heat ia eetea. . - j . ;!' '; URIOH TAILORED j MADE JO ORDER 25 d) Have el nod the teat ftret, iaat aog el" Superior qaaitty. high grada. work! ahlp. at raaaoaba pnoea. . USASUNSO TOOAY 4 We Oleee at I. St. Saturaar 4 made arrangements enabling our to cash their personal checks in , practically any part of France. We shall be glad to furnish the proper credentials to new as well as old depositors. -rara. r6he. Northwestern NATIONAL BAN K 3 FIFTH STREET Portland Hotels Baoh. F U NilE -ft A L tifal r r s If irV;'l w Bewatifal sray bUck adult caaket, ' kearsa. box. 2 autoa, embalming mud roliDoa a err ice for rnnerale It desired for S2S. . Higher priced tunarale in proportMr W'e manuiacture caaketa, Lsdy usUUat Beautiful funeral chapel aatACRI MILLER & TRACEY Mala S(tl laseaeBsent Vaaeral Directors A.TIM Wasktartea at Elia U Between sets aad flat Sta, Went Side IJnTlPC Onr $7 taaeral alao tselaiee eeeelal esisaJBiisr for gbtnggeat til nUlluC, 4eglre4 to any part ot TJ sited Statee. 1 I III i m THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL I THE CZ5IBAL LOCATION ; RPLEVD1D SERVICE AND CO.M- UENlAIe ATMXSPMKRH OF THB MULTNOMAH HOTttl MAKE IT AN LDKALi HUM id b)H K1THEK THB TKANS1KMT OH HEJUVkMT UUiCST. , , , . aiODERATK raiCKS . E. V. IIAU3BH U. Ii-pixm.ZR trm. ' gr. TOUR WILL DO WELL IN 1 ..:-U - ' " - ' ' Sixth, Seventh and BOY THE BOYS VACATION SCHOOL Eighth Grades are offered. School hours are from 8 to 12 daily, giving time for afternoon recreation. Registration v now open. Call it Room 416 Y. . M. C. A. PORTLAND'S ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL AUDITORIUM 3 NIGHTS JUNE 6-7-8 MABEL RIEGELMAN Soprano FRANCES INGRAM Contralto - MORGAN KINGSTON . .Tenor HIRAM TUTTLE Baritone BIG FESTIVAL CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA - Win. H. Boyer and Carl Denton. Conductors SEASON TICKETS (3 NifhU) 75c TO $4.00 (Any Night) 2S6 to$l.SO Seats Now Selling at Sherman Chrfa P y;- i N ew Arrivals Portland , p , LvC I Should l ' H f First Find f 1 if - Their ' , J Hr ( Way to;V IM i K Hotel '.'Pc Cornelius: : I RATES II A DAT AXd' TJT ' . C W. Coraalfaiav Preaideaf ' I H. B. rietetoer. Maaaaer . Ill -rark aad Aider. rprUaad.' Or., Illln - ' : 1 HOTEL CARLTON I II lira aad Wasklsatai Beat 29C rooma in the Special rate 07 im viir BraaSt. Pfea I v' - X. K. MaeRaa, Manaf tr 1 - x Mederata-arrieed Metei mt Merit . HOTEL CLIFFORD Eatt MerrUes St. at Kset Slztk - i sea. UH rer Psyi IO a Week ss4 t