THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTLAND, TUESDAY, MAY 28. 191tC 13 HELP ITAKTED MALE AJTD FEMALE tt ' . - 1 -r T BTRAWBEBRT PICKERS IMeklBg begin ee-tt tha 2th at Hood Hirer. Wum art IV to 12c per carrier. Ton should hate UnU, racking equipnieat sad beddtog, A' good outing end make m ey. ' ' A (is trip tot families or croup. .. - .PUBLIC EMlLvTMENT BUREAU. 347 Dae Street. THORO0GHLT nptrtmwl combine tiem book- tMftr-itiKtrMXMn, pent poltiou, good aa la lies; big office; give eg, eiperiaoce, ref.rsocea and. phone address, W-449, Journal. ."7 POBTLAX D IjRBEa'COLf.EOE i Teaebee am and mnn the bukif trad free, per while 1 mint. 234 Coach. B way 346-9. f SITUATIONS MALE A MIDDLE ia reliable, trustworthy man wante work or a ehlckra "ranch or rooming brnm r private family; can da painting and kaho mmlng. alao good at house work. Phone Eaat 44(4 ; residence 321 Grand ave. eorner Salmon at. W. H. W trott. 1 WANT to do plowtnc. discing, la the valley with a treertoe. all K. tnitU at aat 6702 afUf p. m. I W A N T to do plowing and discing in tha valla with a tractor. VI . Eiirttt, sat 70s. after 4 p. in. MIDDLE AGED man wants to change Jane 1 ; 2 yeere botal work present place r aoderstandi garden, home, kitchen work. 11.911. Journal. FAINTING, tinting, paperhenging. by enced workman; astimatee furniahed. expen Phono Marshall 16; evenings. Main 887. ROOF work, reshingling, patching and painting. Ilearham. I'boae ManLaU 70S. EXTeRTENCED truck driver wants position; please state wagea. Box 88, Enterprise. Or, WANTED Roofs to paint, Call "Tabor 67 evening. SITUATION FEMALE WOMAN of middle ate capable of taking charge of mercantile business. 20 yesrs' experience til department store. Will coniIer manufac turing or industrial position. Cambrian apts.. Ke. 14. CAPABLE young woman wiahea work in eleva tor, shipyard or vaeanetea made by men; wiabes men'a wages. Tabor 6177. EXPERIENCED fancy preaaer wants work; elate alary. U-MUS, journal. HIGH school graduate waou effiee work; no 1 experience. Tabor 1691 iiOUnEkEKFEB. no incumbrance; good home mere than wages. 283 N. llh st WOMAN wanU day work. Phone East 898. WOMAN wihea day work. Mar. 487T. DHESSMAKITTO 46 lil'lTLWanj tlUing; call iorenodna. 'lab. obT FURNISHED ROOMS t Princes Hotel. E. 3d and Surnside. 60a day rp. 63 week up. Eaat 171. Ian mauco hotel, modern booms. BATHS. PHONES: 82 AND UP; TRAN SIENT ; 60c UP. 422H WASHINGTON. FnRNISHF.D ROOMS 79 PRIVATE FAMILY LARGE cheerful furnished room, suitable for tw; alan . minmlm mom v riMlrahla lesuiw, w moucrw vanrsxuencva. vis. aa Couch st. A DESIRABLE front room for 2: borne nriv- elgee end pisao; block Irrington car. 922 B. 1 9th N.i corner Skldmore. WELL furnished rooms, modern, both phones. walking distance: reasonable. 147 N. 17th, I near Hnrt. FRONT room, lower floor, hot and cold water in room, nice for 1 or 2; gentlemen pre- ferred. Phone Main 3741. 1 n-ovioiifn i- i.n. . tJ ' J ' 1. L.J: :r . ' .1 '. I I FURNISHED room, in fine location, raesonabie. 1 tu riaaners. NICK room, 86 per month. 200 Fargo at. ELEGANT mora and location. Uanthall 9188. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 I TZ t. ' . . , THE Martha Washington, 280 10th, for husr neee girls a DO stuoenta. Manneu lzai 1HE HAZEL A real "borne hotel at res- sonable rates. Home cooking. 885 9d st A , DOUBLE room with board for 2 young men, reasonable. 40 Ella st. Main 7035. ROOMS ATVI) BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY Jf NICE eool room, modern eonrenienoea. 2 men or man and wife, near 3 euipyarde; excellent board. r-at 6105, MC large rooia .,,,,.!.. fA. 2 will. piano and conveniences. 36.50 each. 623 E. Morrison. I NICELY furnished sleeping rooms with or with out board. 82 per week, test 2522. 028 r.. Morrison. GOOD home for 1 or 2 little girls; nice yard. V-75J. Journal. BOOM and board, private family, at. Uanball 2515. 428 H Mill HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FCR7.1SHED AND UNFURNISHED 9159 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; close in. weer ahipyardii. 610 1st t COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping suite; adults; reasonsble. 461 E. Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 2 NICELY furnished H. K. roonu. new furni ture, all convaaiencee. 94 per week. 628 K. Morrison. ill i large furnished housekeeping rooms, light, water. 646 H. 27th. Richmond car. 1 block south; adults only. two furnished H. K. roonu 910 . . 288 E. let t. N. William ave car. t 1 J.. 1 a ' l ' ' .. J ....... . aa iii s sieen a room it. tt, euits; tree gas, lights, phone, bath. 306 14th st 2 ROOMS and bath, furnished for faousekp- ing, in private family. 533 Clay, cor. 17th. TWO famished H. K. rooms, cooking gat in- ciuavfi, idd nauey near union. HOt'SEI EEI tNO rooms. a.ngW or en suits. Hi n. n. nroaaway lais. FOR RENT-t HOUSES It UNFURNISHED BOW IS THIS.ern rooms, hath; alao fine 10 per cent discount Owner. Main 3129. 4R0?)M cottage, 2 tons coal in basement good laroen, ready lor use. Must rent at once. TSfnr 151 e. 63 E. 75th st N. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR MALE tt lOR SALE Furniture of 5 room' Hat central, low rent Broadway 2562. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 ROOM uiHerflt irtly furuUhed. AdulU only. Inquire - 844 Tillamook st 7 room well furnished Irrington home with gar- tge. 960 per month. Phone Esst 842. yen , -ijmi.,eaawm,... i. . y. -- ,. ,. ,. . PrRNISHEDrllnyiSHEl)" : king Albert AFTs. New 200 room bouse. 2 and 9 room beuse- eeptng apartment, furnished or unfurnished: elevator and hardwood floors. 985 11th st .... ' n.ii mm - HI SLOP liALL, E. 6th and Hawthorn e. Mod- w.rk?nf iuL CalllSt 2: W! THE TJSFKKRT. new 2 room furniahed anart- " ?2- MAGNOLIA APT 3.. East U J' a.!.,., aeersi a ana reqm apts.. 11 Ml per west wp. Sleetitng e s. East 213. a uh a kuom sirtment room, light, sil con ; ventencee. walking ditance. Bdwy. 497 a; PENINSULA apt... 1136 to Albina ave. ; crete building: 2. 3. 4 rooms, 616 up, NEW YORK Apta,, 4ti lselmont end 7th. FOR RENT FLATS 11 TWO fine 5 room apu.. Irrington, baths, hot ..wi,ma vwid, m imcii. rxii; , a. i 912.60 dia "lower " 4 "loomflat767AMit- susip ave. - ' ' : FURNISHED FLATS- 36 8MALL rurnished downstairs flat, use ot kitchen, ciosa. na, A suits. 412 Jtat Harrison. Eaat I 6786. II " w , t n 1. urriv&n J.HI aeatrable oft Ices, single rooms and suites. ; Ww w w-m nuii.u. inciwi- : f. ? tar library. Ex- beV 4tark and Oak. ! . , npt.bVfSm Wrm s'stVe. " ' Hi i .1 renter Irrington. very reasonable. Best in the world tor grocery. et 373. ; GOO 6 ttnrt with full basement ta shipping . die- trie. e-taa loratsaei see gtwery. 974 1st at ' WANTED TO RENT ' TOUNfl ewuple. no children,- want house to ttnt ' '.by Jane 16, Tabor 338. : 1 FOl H er 5-room bouse furnished, for the aunt- bk; soiuu, mirsscrj, ems. ;43i.- Z.y WANTED TO RElfF . WANTED To .rent furniahed house .about or rooms, wart side preferred. , Apply Whit-mer-Kelly C-. 416 FUtocawMockW ... Broadwaj i a. FOUR or ft room furnished bow for summer, June 1: adults; references. Woodln. 3383. FOR WALE. BUSINESS FBOPEBTT 49 WATERFRONT with trackage. West Side, 108 bv lOOt ehoiM fseto site. Owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bid. I FOR BALE HOUSES 31 t760 One of tha pretty houses aa Alameda drive. -6 rooms, ! repine porch, breaktast room sad garage; win give terms. Tbia offer if taken at onoe. M. J. Roberts, SOI Railway Exchange bldg. ' - ROSE CITY PABK 8 room bungalow; fir place: furnace : larce finished attic: fall ce ment basement; paved street. 327S0, terms. F. venanyn, 618 Chamber of Commerce. 19ft. . . iieoo 9250 cash, balance mostblr bam (S pis stared Boose: lights and toilet: basement: lots; plenty of fruit; cloee te aeboal and car. rnone Tabor 1B. I u Reel Ketate Co, BUNGALOW UN DEB VALUE 4 room modern bsnealow. cement nesemawt. laundr trare, good neighborhood, fine view, full lot, onl 1T00: , . .. Jobn E. Howard, SIB Chamber of. Commerce. I HAWTHORN K " 6 rooms, batb. f ireniaee. foil cement ment. 0i0 lot; rarprovem 1 aU paid: $2800; nep. e. . wmamaoj Jo., SI HtsrK st 683. ROBS C1TT PARK Modern room bunga low; in best part of Base City Park; paved street; fine yard. If you are looking for a nice home sea this one. $3760. V. Tanduyn, (IS Chamber of Commerce. Main 1055. - A SPLENDID BAAOAIN. Modern 6 room bungalow; full basement; new ly tinted and eneraeled; eaat front, plenty of fruit; on perSd street: half block. from Alberta carlrne. 1060 E. 13th at N I "hone C-2601. 1100 DOWN Bum 5 room plastered bouse, corner ' let; fenced and fruit, on county road; close to ear. Price 1900. Phone Tabor 1599. Lents Baal junare vo. IHVINGTON. 60x100. 5 ROOM Ri;.T.4titW , HARDWOOD FLOORS, CEMENT BASE MENT, FURNACE. FRUIT. NUTS AND BER- ni&o. liAUAUU. 63500; TERMS. ZIMMER MAN. 811 BOARD OF TRADE. : 8100 DOWN 8-rootn bunraktw. bath. fiOflAtlr ml ftlftsn. a a - . , vavv uuwa, ew monuuy. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. 314 Btark at. Main 58. MODERN 6 room house with sleeping porch; terms; would take lot or small bouse in good district closa In part payment Pbooe owner. IBTINGTGN 65x100. LOVELY 8 ROOM MODERN HOME. 2 iTFPf.rl IM III'CT RESIDENCE PART OF IRV1NGTON. OWNER i'v.T-ni.onjr..ii. l-Ktuis 99000. TERMS. ZIMMERMAN. 311 BOARD OF TRADE 1600, 8206 DOWN. BALANCE TF.RMlT 2 acres. 6 room bnnnlnw ine ... limits, 10c fare; all under cultivation: good soil. : : ""sy; oosi over g-ooo. Barr. Main on. gas cnamoer ot Commerce bldg. BUNGALOW 5 rooms; paved street. Hawthorne Bwinc., isou, azou .cash, balance almost use rent. An exceptionally pretty home. 1106 Arnold, 4 blocks north Richmond car. Main lorenoona. nvuBB) (.111 1'iKK B room house, whit. -enamel woodwork: furnace: fim,i- . ment basement: lanndrv trn ta . . n . . j - - . . ' .I.. " -"miir 01 tom- READ THIS Corner lot 4-room hnu .11 in Woodlawn district: price only 31200: rAh a J00. balance like rent. Ownar tit x-u- . bldg Sd and Alder. " " 92330 16 room house. 2 loU. fmft in .,... -i UUict. on St Johns carline. Will take small V to l00. ', or Lebanon as ' jrooaiyu st. 31000 FOR 6 ROOMS M. V. ear to 60th err miT4 4.v Tabir 2T34. ' 6Xl: "" U" I ROOM, cottage, furnished: 'lot 26x ' "'"a uisianee. Tillamook st WUliama ave.; easy terms. Inquire 244 MODERN1 7 room house. psrUy furnished; 60x .hjt: brick .garage. Piedmont: priced at A43sJVA. right;, take high clam reiidence lot part pay ment. 512 Royal building. r LARGE 2 raw plastered uvuum. larsa fmnt porch, chicken park and eoop; cement walk aU WJ. price, ioelading all aaaessmenta, 3500 aown. balance ease ttmx .iiit cot EOa ALE-se'uU lot. good 6 room house, lots or i run ana garden; walking dittanea of city. O-W. B, t N. ahopa and aljip yard; 32500. wuw, noaanvB one ONE of the prettiest bungalows in Portland in Laurelhurst. laree firenlana. fitw. kuih. Laurelhurst large fireplace, fine huifn. tem, garage, quarter block: nrice IRorwi- of terms. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. 8 ROOM modern home. E. o.x ezuut). B room entta? V a nth v hill, only 81750: esah Dtnn.nL f2K0- t.m. Phone Tabor 386. Spec r & Co.. 1000 Belmont 5 ROOM house, bath and toilet, electric lights, s iw near DU jouns. fries 51760. Easy terms. 165 to 4th st Hatfield A Crab tree, room 39. NEAR Alberta car, cottage 5 rooms, bath elec tric lights, gas, garage, 92000, terms; also msny others, sll sections. J. C. Corbin Co 805-7 Lewis bldg. HURRY IF YOU WANT THIS 33250, Rose City: fine 5 room ntnotl. mi. era bungalow; hard surface street; terms. DUBOIS. 723 CAHMBER OF COMUEBrr. CHEAP BY OWNER One half acre in earifon hm, ).iMw. house, fruit, berries. 2109 Krhnrler V xiv car to 82d st 81650 TERMS Large 5 room house, full basement .,..t.. and gas, nice lawn, closa ia; look at No. 72 East 26th tt. or inquire at 214 Abington bldg. 91206, NEW semi-modern home, 100x100 .trio K. m.nt v. a u , i , . ...... wwavvv, hviuci, Qom snq i Thompson. No. 488. Cash linn h.i.. I K.,' . T TH 1 . ' "... i tun oals o room oungaiow, site new built-in furniture: furniahed Tt Jot; mem part of town; $250 will lmlie! i DfjDt n rjrniiwn oio. 92300 6 ROOM bouse. firepUce. hardwood floors, built-in buffet and Duteh kitchen: fiVn-JoU. . " w "U i .v.j, i . , ... r-r . w.ts. 'w w. situ i wo a room houses, for 32200.-Reasonable iic co .a. purcniuMr. mqairfj 727 Smith a to. :raitl aw nta aa sa ea FOR'Soutn PorSand property, to buy, sell" or aa- tnher nf Comanerce. , BY owner, 4-room' house, 3 blocks N. W. Orklev Green school, 91250: 350 down. 315 mn Int 6 mon iqntbly. 82 Killingsworth. HAVE some very fine bungalows in Rose City i w uitwr uuwku. Sil Slain 7931. Mrs. J. Robbins. . CHEAP for cash 5 room furnished bungalow piano and. sewing macbine included. S2onn. ain. eu. WEST 8IDE house for sale by owner. 7 rooms. 15 minutes walk to Dostoffice. Csll at a an Grant at LOT 60x1 06 to. 2 houses, good rent, n trees-. .walk,m. distanot to shipyard. shade 86000. IWDOT, t IV ewtt . OtUT, JJ. JUST finished, 5 -room bungalow, with sleeping porcn. in Aiameua i-ara tuatnet. t. ail owner. VtOGUiaWBI 29SII 2 block Rose City canine. Cosy, well built 2 room bungalow; large lot; plenty inm, garqen. imwers. laoor uo.ui 82500 MODERN 6 room house; all built m Braiesreoco; iuu cement oasement. cash; easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 8229 fl Jj conveniences; lull cement basement 9500 line. Hardwood floors, sleeping uorcb and garage, i none swmr, nesx eero 3t300 BARGAIN ht.SE CITY PARK " 31300 BARGAIN RtiSK CITY TA, BtW. Tabor 6559 WELL furnished home, gti bearing Leaving city. Wood. fruit ana walnut trees. lawn 2005. THAT beautiful borne place at corner Vaocou- ver ana Aiosna sis. og tt un. 244 Al berta st. FURNISHED and unfurnished houses on ease otsim ts 1C C . Walter B.qsa V'nc.. I T.iw,, xxbt .. ' 1 32T0O. 81000 CASH, for sale, modern 8 mom 1 nouse: i-urnsee, sirepiace, eiectno lights and tea; East 72d st Tsbor 321. i I 3 OR . aAL by owner, 3 good houses. 1 38th I and Hawtliorue;- 1 In Sell wood; write for terms. 703 Mart ae., Sellwood. I 4 ROOM house, full lot. paved st, cement walk - and sewer, au paid, race gtsao. Terms. 163 to 4th tt Hstfield A Oabtree. Main 9323. 11700 6-room bungalow, 100x100,; close in; 111 ttsrait lmHHS. 12s unamoer or nmm.M I gLV and 7 room houses, walking distance, east i erne. wner; wtmi. 1 noni r,ul 1 9iZ. 1 a- fcfV.MmeA.rsi has,' . ; ffiT I FOR SALE House ted lot.' io6x300.. Call 'I TOt 10W. 1 TWO modern houses for sale iJ owner. A suau. I Beuwooa in ( 9), ROOM house, cement brick basem'eat Ere- t - sisai tr wtn n. K KM heus large lot, nne view, eass tenau. snipyara rnstnet. t ner, stain: 379. l FOR SALE 5-room hnngslow finished '"un" t date. .H t ne e, 1668 H, Tth at. N. i BARGAINS Force (ware and inurtgags tiomea, uu i juasc itii. 1 ISA TVW r. 130 If OXTH - 4 room plastered. . large attic, 40x100 lot, 6c carfare, good scboct. Ban Bun water. iBterest I taxes included. . 630 ' monthly payment. Priea 81100. , 15 MINUTES FROM WASH. BT. 4- rnt.. batb. Dutch kttcben, cement basement, 4 bias, to ear., $100 down. 916 month. Price 81600. . ' .. MOUNT TABOR 8200 DOWN. Beautiful largo lot, 7 roc ni bouse, fruit and flower. 2 blocks to ear, full price 92600. No mortgage., --.: ', WEST OF PIEDMONT. 8250 DO WIS. 4 rra.. lam attic, ass. electricity. S blocks St Johns car. Price 9180O. - - . EAST GLISAN ST., 9300 DOWN. 2 amaB houses. 60x100 lot 12 fruit trees. 3 blocks 4o car. Price 91600. ' woodlawn District 82800 6 Ttm.. Bath, large lot, fruit and berries, 3 hike, to ear. 8500 down. - We Accept - Liberty B ds. T. MOOiiU CO., Abintton Bldg. GEO. GILT-EDGE PROPOSITIONS TERMS TO 8UIT' -ModeTB S room buncalaw or located eteee in on Sellwood car, 91960. - - 0 room house with Hawthorne. 92500. 6 room semi-bunealow. verr attractive. Haw. thorne. 93250. a room bunagtow. Rose City Park, 93250. 6 room bungalow, Hawthorne, 93500. Tha above prices include all street improve ments paid in full The owners are non-reet-dente who have authorized me to Veil at once. BUNGALOW. 1090 Vaughn street near 82nd. Willamette Heurnta. 28x47: linns mom. 16x27: halL 7x15; dinina room. 14x15. built- in buffet : beamed ceiliiua: hardwood floors large atone fireplace; two large bedrooma tint Ijoor: one bedroom in attic: beautiful kitcben and acreened rear porch with cement floor; fin- Isned basement; eemant walls; first class plumb ing and heating plant; gas and electric lights; oeauuiui iront pore a. xiouse cost astfUU, IUIS: all street improvementa In and paid. AU for Hiw, easy terms. O. w. Bryan, Main 1863. bub- unamoer of Commerce. $1760 BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 81750 New, gray ahingled. very attractive modern bungalow, cement basement waab trays, white enamel, Dutch kitchen, acreened in back porch, electric and gas; paneled-D. It with plate rail; built-in leaded art glass buffet; place for disap pearing bed in L. K. A-l condition: it is house you will like; 8550 handle; comer lot. A 5 Dioeaa to car. Bee FRANK L. McOUDZE. Abington bldg. To buy your home. , Main 1088. $80tt-- . A splendid bargain in a little home, con sisting of a 8 room house with fireplace, full lot. graded street, cement walk, on Woodstock car, 925 cash and 910 per month and several otner good bargsins. Otto & Harkson Realty Co,, 418 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE 100x100 and SWELL BUNGALOW Excellent location, near streetcar, 6 delight ful, up-to-date, well arranged roomv with built-ina. full plumbing, gsa. electricity, hot and cold Bull Run, built for a real home. You can have plenty garden, fruits, flowers, pets. Earnestly you'll like it Should bring 28300. Will now slaughter for 82760. Coma at once (afternoons), on Voodstock car to 52d ave. east to 4330. Owner. FOR SALE At Oak Grove. Oregon City car. 1 H blocks from atation, nearly 1 acre, with house; barn, fruit, berriee and flowers, good water and drainage, on rock road; also 1 acre beaverdam land adjoining, drained and culti vated; will sell separately; also 4 vacant lots, well located; also house and two lots. 100x139.5 ft on River road and Center afreets, J. F. Rialey. owner. 506 Broadway bldg. Main 6199. STOP LOOK LISTEN. 8150O buys 5 room bungalow, modern ex cept beat; best location and neighborahod ; lot ia 60x100; fine lawn, berries and garden, chick, en house; fenced three sides. Coma quick aad let us show you this bargain; small payment down, balance terms. HATFIELD A CRABTREE. 165 H 4th st, room 39. Phone Main 9323. 32450; ROSE CITY CAR 5 room bungalow, 2 Mock to car, fruit trees, large chicken house. No mortgage; straight contract 9750 down, 920 month until paid. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 1 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark ate. Main 208, A-2060. 91025 NEW BUNGALOW 31025 4 mt, just like new, plastered, cement foundation, white enamel bath, modern plumb ing, z bedrooms, large closets, ouxioo lot fine garden, strawberries, raspberries, etc. Great buy. Close to Woodstock car and school, 9460 down. Auto at your service. See FRANK L. McQUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Bur Your Home. Main 1068. " GOOD INVEStMENt-'PROPEfiTT: 5 room house, lot 100x100, near lumber mills, furniture factory and shipyards. South Portland. 1821 Hood atreet Price 32500; terms. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. 5 ROOM COTTAGE. 100x100 SNAP Good 5 room cottage, electricity, full base ment, good bath, attic, etc: - lots; 100x100 corner, lots of fine fruit and garden, on Mary land ave. and Jessup at; clear of debt; price a nap, 32000; 3400 cash and 520 per month. interest, ts per rent. GRUSSI A DOWNEY. 818 Board of Trade. Main 7452 : CLOSE TO SHIPYARDS 8 rooms, semi-modern, lot 67x100, few feet from hard surf see, nice fruit trees. Clear of aU incumbrance. , On Princeton near Portsmouth. Price 92000 easy terms. c. A. warriner, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-6-7 Board of Trade. KILLINGSWORTH DISTRICT Modern 6 room bungalow, cement -basement. screened in porch on two sides. 17 Colfax street, 1 block north of Aintworth, near Inter state avenue. Price 92009. 9160 cash, bal ance 3S3.60 month, including -interest RALPH AC'KLKX LAND VO.. 210 Rothchild Bldg. Main 7141. EAST BIDS BARGAIN 6 room ..modern bouse, large unfinished at tic. bard surface streets, house will be newly tin leu ana painted at this price of 82850 easy terms. t 4 1st near Taylor. C. A. W srrmer. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 208-5-T Board otTWde. SWELL BUNGALOW Fine large 3 room bungalow..- hot water heat tine oath, all extra large rooms, electric, gas, full cement basement full lot st imp. sll paid, on Jessup st, near Union ave. Price 92100 gijgo cash. 320 per month, 6 per cent t,Kl ssi at uuwei, 810 Board of Trade. Main 7452. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, big attic, full cement basement: very artistic: hard surface street half block to Richmond car. Price 92650, 9600 cash. Abstract thows this Dlace sold for 93800 when building, half present coat w oeo the few snaps are gone, look out! 533 K. 37th st MODERN, west side home. Urge grounds, rosea, treat end shrubs in abundance; large fireplace. nne n eating system, fine view of city from large porches; close to csrhne; paved street race and terms on anuUcation. C K Moore, owner. 817 Board of Trade. 96500 NOB HILL HOME FOR 14500 6 roomt and sleeping porch, furnace and fireplace, lot 27 to xl 00. 692 Irving st Street work all paid for. 31600 cash, ba lanes 6 dct cent, flare anewn oy appointment e red w, German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. " WOODLAWN JtUXGALOW 31100 Very neat and attracts room bungalow, not modern; lvuxivv. au m garden: very tightly positively tha cheapest buy in the Woodlawn dis trict; 6150 cash. 523 monthly. Fred W, Ger man, 7 3 cnameer or (Commerce bug. GOOD S room bungalow, ail famished, lot 50 125 with nice garden in for 81700: 9400 cath. balance 920 month, including interest 6 room bungalow, lot 60x100, one block tt car. Prtca 91400; 9400 cash, balance terms. Morris, 431 Chamber ef Commerce. MOsvKRN ' room haute. all eonveniencas. blocks from car line; 93000. only 9190 down. 920 per month. 917 Chamber of Commerce. aiarsnau xtaz. i to ACRES. 4 room house, partly furnished - .averlook St Johns shipyard; 91600. Phone Main 6530. SL'N.N VSIi'ii property. Beet car service In the ity. 6 room house. 1107 Belmont st Easy terms. Tciepnone Tsoor t.'lin. ROSE CITY PARK, 6 rooms, furnace and firw- tilaee. blurb 1 mm nr. Broadway 1876. East 2888. FOR SALE LOTS MODERNIZE your building: I do at "kinds altera tione and repairs: chanee dead iwsdts into a iirv aa r; see my many aeslgua lor new botisea. Max la. Msvwr. ilm. un, . siehMa. Concord a bldg. Main 1873. Fr early tuperist- teivaent iov tue uregea Home Buiidera. FOR SALE -Lot 7, block 9. Terminus eddi tion to - oit of Port la ed. Good, location. Streets graded, sewer and sidewalk in, S blocks from earliae. Will take Liberty bonds for ell or frt ' peytnmt Kas terms. Owner, 170 Mmiitws ave.; yawniuver. Wash. ." 'v, ', BIG SNAP 1 S lot, 90x132 1-9 each; pared street, tide, walk all tn and paid tor. 8N00 earn, ttee J. S. Tore, at tha 6th tt. Rower ".tore, 184 8th. YoR SALE Corner lot, 75x100, 50e oa the dollar, rnone xaoor ao. . , . ..,- TOR. SALE HOrgES FOR SALE LOTS ! CORNER Jot 6Uil00; exchange enOa Liberty bond or cab. In ire 190 W. Park at. etty. ACRE40E " 97 IM ACRES.-aB in crop and garden: comfort able T room house, barn, chicken hiweie. and all kinds of fruit and berries; sidewalk from Aloha station. 8. P. Electne; gas u bowse: wif ilty compels Quick sale for whstever I sm on ia ; terms. ' 1104 1 ortti western Bank building. Portia nd ' 7 ACRES. 865 PER ACRE. 10 milee from Vancouver. Wash., on good read. 2 mitre from 8 if ton station. Timber enough to par for place if eat into cord -wood: terms. F. B. nor.BROOK CO., 214 Lumber Exchange. ACRErt. aloae hi; modern improvements, wa ter, ess. . electricity: trade or sale: terms. T-801. Journal. CHICKEN. FBUTT. GARDEN ranches neer Portland: 3, 6. 10 acre tracts, 945 to 9200 per acre. McFarland. 603 Teon bldg., Portland. 1200 Acre. crop, h near ear, close in; mbe Com me roe. terms. Dubois. 729 Ch MADISON VILIjk U acres. 8500: a aur. 8 an in. to ahin rd. Main 8165. SUBTTRBATf HOMES 925 DOWN 918 MONTH Parkrosa acre tracts: gas. water and electric eoaneetiona. J. L HARTMAN COMPANT. No. 7 Chamber of Ceenmerea bldg-. 4th and Stark sta. Main 208. A-2060. FOR RENT Desirable country home, simply fumisbsd: aarden: by atation. few months. 812 a month. A-139. Grt-diam. AT Lake Grove, on Bonner Ferry road, cornet acre. 3 -room rustic bouse. light, water. i- 778, Journal. FOR SALE FARMS 17 WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM 8T acres on fine county road near Hopewell, 13 miles to Salem. 80 acres eultivsted, good 8 room house, barn, fruit house and other out buildings; all fenced and cross fenced, some bea verdant: mammoth never failing spring of splendid water, piped to houss and bam. This is an old. highly improved homestead. Age and Infirmity (bora gone) eompela owner to sell. All splendid soil, few acres timber on hill land. Lots of big bearing fruit trees, cherry, apple, pear, prune, 2 mammoth black walnut trees ( enormous yield), English walnut, 6 different kinds of pi am. 17 peach trees, great variety of berries, grape, eve. Splendid bona environ, ment Most beautiful view of a beautiftul val ley. The atuyer ot this farm will get the bar gain of his life. Price only 980 per acre. It'a worth 8150. Terms, 5f000'cash. balance aa may be arranged. THE CROSSLEY VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark at. , Main 3052. A REAL FARM. 86 aeras, 70 in cult. 8 r. house, large basement, barn, 2 large springs, one piped to bklga.; i family orchard; all kind of farming and harvest machinery and tools; good neigh borhood; fine roads, alt routes and conveni ences; the beat ot eofl; looks like a real farm; is located east of Oregon City and about 20 miles from here; value 810.000; half cash, bai terms to suit Cleveland. Main 1199, 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. AN IDEAL FARM. 20 sere of excellent land. mile from Pa cific highway; 13 acres cleared, balance pas ture; new bouse, worth 81000; good barn, splendid young orchard; good fencing, well and pump; dost to school and R. F. D. ; only 33500 and on easy terms N. W. MERRIFIELD, 810 Washington St, Vancouver. FOR SALE. 69 acre farm. 20 acrea in cultivation, well cleared, balance in pasture; good house and bars and other outbuildings, good orchard; running water, also good well. Seven first class milk cows, one Jersey bull end hogs and chickens with all farm implements and growing crops ; will sell on account of wife's ill health. Price 7000, part cash, balance on terms. Address O. Box 482. Kelso. WVK 24 ACRES H in cultivation, good buildings. spring water and well. 8 acres in Bearing I prunes, also family orchard. 2 U miles from Galea City; 32500: will give good terms. 301 Railway Exchange. J. Robbing. Main 7ttil. FOR SALE 13-acre improved chicken ranch; good buildings: located 4 to miles from Albany, Oregon. For full particulars, write N. L Hindes. tt U. a 0. Albany. Oregon. 98 ACRES. 22 acres in cultivstion. good soil. good neighbor; 355 per acre: 850 down. time on balance. Sea Draper, 401 Board ot Trade. 0 ACP.K diversified Oreson farm: 13 fsll wheat 3 acres 'orchard; electricity in bouse; splendid roads, Tnarxeu, school; price 500. half cash. U-805. Journal. 81 ACRES Crops, machinery" stock; 51u0 per aero; terms. Gravity water: Pacifle bigO- wty. tt z. bo- 191. Aioany. jr. ALBERTA WHEAT FARMS Wheat oats, flax and barley, tha best there Write Claude Cole. Warner; AJberta. 40 ACRES of good land in Idaho county, Idaho. C Slnney. owner, 1241 to ttaeaosm tt. KSR SALE A Fsrm. all improved Sto acres, to mile from Taggart. can Jisrzios. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY 2j WANTED to rent, chicken ranch or 1 to 9 acres, small bouse, near station, or auto trai fic line. A-139. Ore ham. Or. TIMBER 28 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM- teonera isuu vuks, - u. It 1 a 1 A Notice ia hereby riven that tubiect to the condition and limitations of the aet of June 9. 1916 (89 Sut. 218). and the instruction of toe secretary 01 tne interior 01 September 15, 1917. tne timber en tne 101- lc. wine lands wui ne eon u so 1918. at J o'clock a. nv. "JJublie ' t United States Und office at Portland. Or., to the highest bidder at not less tnaa tne ap- prstoed.vslue as tnown vj as ist. ' lw mhleet to thai anoroval of tne ocvieiary 01 the Interior. The purchase price, with an addi- i ..... 1 ... nl nne-fifth nf niu Mr cent tllereof. being eommissiona allowed, must ne Qcpoaited at time ot sale, money to oe return eu 11 - sate as not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must ' ba removed within ten rearm. Rids will be reoeivod from citizens of the United States, associations of such cttiatn and corporations organised under tht laws of the United states or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a .usuimi ,.-- - , .... - - . , division will be offered separately before being il,. . n, t Biar Ae anw imam i antw included in any offer of a larger unit: Trrwn- ship 4 S. R. 2 E,. Sea. 21; NEto NW. red fir 913 M.; not to ae toia at sees tnan per M.I T. 4 S. R. 9 hi., oeo. 33: fta'a Mt ,mA fir 1UHO M SW!i NEK. rtd fir 1045 M. cedar 10 M. ; NEK NW K. red fir 400 M., cedar 25 M. ; NWV. NW K , red fir 285 M, cedar 15 M. ; none of tha red fir or cedar to be sold for less than 91-50 per M. T. 10 8.. B, 3 E-. See. 8, In to aUSto, iJouglat nr 048 M. ; EE 4 SEK, Douglas lit 74 7 M. ; bem tnrk 144 M. : SEK NWK. Douglas fir 1813 M. : none of the Dougsta nr to oe told tor teas tluta 31 per M.. and none of the hemlock to be sold for last tnaa sue per A, aee. . sur u NEK, Douglas fir 1692 M . hemlock 168 M-: lot 4 or NW K NW K, Douglaa fU 1754 M. : SWK Douglas nr lags hi.; SEK NWK. Douglsa tir 1.463 M. ; NEK 8WK. Douglss fir 1411 M. ; SEK 8WK. Douglaa tir Ivan si. nee i. kss not. Douglas fir 0J M- Bee II. MSii MtK, veiinw nr uuo m.. nemioca du tt. : aws NEK. yellow fir 1186 M . hemlock 85 M ; KEia NWK. vellow fir 1550 M.. hemlock 90 Xl.: NWK NWK. yeUow fir 1150 M.. hem lock 103 At.; none of tne uougias fir or isl and none of the hemlock to be sold for lest low fir to be sold for lest than 61.00 per M than 60c per M. (Signed) Clay Tallman. Com missioner Genera Land Office. FOR SALE nijtm mwin h. mmimI until t.n. S IQIt tor the entire output of spruce end fir wood" produced by tne taaoouver cup-up plant, ixmded on cart or wagoae at tne option ot tha pur ehaser. - Method at measure meet oa the short wood, 160 cubic feet wtii be considered a aord when loa did on wsgont or cars in the usual method. Edgings aad aUbwood will be sold per aord. via., 128 cubic feet Pasmeat ta ba made on or before the 10th of each month, tor wood delivered tha pr rious month. The successful bidder to furnish a satisfactory bond in the turn of 65000. Right as reserved to reject any or all bids. IL ti- MITCH ELL. Contractor. Vancouver Cut-Up Plant Vancouver, Wash. SHIPKNEE8. puma, hewn ties; will buy if right price. H. i. Hamlet, nunufac- turer. Home office. Poniard: Camp Barton. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 DATES set for O. A C. homesteads near Port- land. Home best lands in state. Near elec trie lines snd paved highways. You may aee the la mis Sundays, file and continue your work in war iadustriea. I drew original maps and aa- a Sited government in classification of these lands. Mips of entire grant 91. Open Sunday. L to 4. AtMersoo, 431 Chamber of Commerce. O C HOMESTEAD lands in Portland dia- trict open June 22 to July 28. I am Pre pared to render you expert loreting service rra- sonably; refers net - My rortsand cuetomerv o. 8. Khle. Z-7 K. 49th tt, B. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 211 T ROOM modern bouse, lot 100x104, fntitsnd thrubewry. street intrroved. Milwankia. Or. Abo 160 acres -of timber. 1 mile of R. R . close a, a :ill. a, . 1 , tl T- t , . , .v m ail, ,.w IU aw. , ,w an a mi II. swa m 6 aat&ll equipped ranch. George Morse, owner. si a c-nam. or coat. WILL' take good used euonobilc for equity ia One acre or first payment oa ho-ase, large lot. fine view, thtpyanl district Owner. Main SN79. AT TKJARJ). 4 acrea, bouse, hern, fruit; want Portland noma up to 6400O. Bpeer Co, Tabor- - . 22 ACRES in Sam s valley, beautiful houje. 875 fina pear trees; would exchange for acreage, near l'orthmd 311 Boasrl of.. Trade. NEW bnek hotel and busiaest b.Jct, big ca - laeomA west side, cash or land. Main 522 Mnndsy. I 40 ACRES. 20 miles eet of Portland oa higu- 1 way. Exchange for Eaatera Oregoa wheel . f stoca igran. a c 2nd 9, or Tabor 831a. EXCHANGE-REAXx K8TATB U NOTICJL. IT enr Diotwrlr. either efry. ago. haa sseru and ta for cache new ar eels, ar write toil smrtienJam: ne Salle tew values side rnt; nave tint class 0 U earns r. Hears. u eweee. Pwv tleed HeoKy Beard. 92 ACRES. 18 acres in estivation. 2.000.000 feet of saw timber, good house and barn. 2 oow a, 2 hnrsee and rmplimenta, 80 mOea freea Pertlaad, 5 miss from electric Una: Prioe 96000; want good bouse in Portland ta 940O0, balance terms; will assume some. Morris. 431 Chamber of Commerce. 40O ACRES Diversified Oregon farmT ing. stock, eiipment; personal prupeity waraed 933.000 included price 671.000: exchange for hsnm me city property equal value. F-T99. Journal. WAITED RE A!. ESTATE tl WANTED HOUSES. We have buyers with cash, or terms; watch our ada; we get results. C A. Warriner, BITTER. LOWE eV CO., . 203-5-7 Board of Trade. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Must be N. E. and priced right We have numerous buyen wwtttnx. Fred W. German CHEAP rough land. 80 rods from Columbia btghway. east: mil parti Ian. J -11. Journal. FOR RESULTS list your property with the Real Estate Exchange. 20L 2d at. Portland. TUB beat house 91200 to 91400 cash can buy. - must have two bedrma. Call 929 Salmon. WANT 9 or 4 room bouse. Have late model Saxon Six ear to trade. Bdwy. 2, 816. ROOMINO HOrSES 98 26 ROOMS $945 Brick bldg. on Wash t., rooms aD full: people on waiting list: rent 950; income 9194. Bay any horse we handle on your own terms. We hsve a autontobile to show yon, afound in. Peters of coarse, 16 N. 6th st. POR. SALE Vancouver rooming house, 29 roomt ta food condition, 98 famished, leased for two years and lower floor tub-leased, nearly pays the rent Owner called ta the colors; it tt a bargain; every room occupied. D. 8. Cameron Realty company. Vane ver, Wash. Phone 73. 18 ROOMS $495 Heart of city, depot location, corner, on one floor, dandy transient house, all outside rooms. Peters. 15 N. 5th St. 22 ROOMS $695 One block from Wash. tt. heart of city, rent 340. Brick bldg.. clean as a pin. Must ha told this week. Peters. 15 N. 5th st 10R00MS TRANSIENT Centrally located; good furniture; will eeerific L. A. HALIi, tlx PANAMA MLIWj. 35 ROOMS, nice modern corner, 2 room housekeeping suites. Rent 800: dean 8133 month. Clean, Bargain. 91950. Garland. 188 Third tt 44 ROOM modern lodging bouse, steam heat good furniture, low rent long tat, making good money: owner must mil en aecount of sick noses; 33000. Fred B. Williams. 92 to 1st. 18 ROOMS, very centra), clears 390 month well furnished. 8950, terms. Garland. 188 Third. 14 ROOM modern apartment hou- income 8125. rent 940. Price 91100. Fine furni ture and location, west side. II-913. Journah BARGAIN 12 rooms, very good furniture, best west side location. Marshall 4889. NICELY furnished, 9 rooms, fine location, easy terms. Call Mam 6708 before 9 a. m. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 99 FOR SALE Modern equipped picture hows In a rity of 5000. bm contains a pipe or gsn, new piano and 250 opera chairs. A fully sonmned ntiratina room eontsinine 2 Powers 6-B machines. Part cash, terms on balance. Owntr must sell at onoe. M. L. Morris, Me- MinnvUle, Or. CONFECTIONERY STORE Light lunches, cigars, fruit and rue ratines, on Wash, at; bee proposition ia Portland. Called to war month ago, owner wanted 91000; today 5393 oa terms will buy it PETERS. 15 N. 5TH ST. A Real Opportunity For sale, first class grocery rash bust nets on comer of a busy street A live proposition for tne ngnt party, t-hoj, journal. . Al GOING sawmill proposition, cutting western pine. 1U.UU0 capacity, timber contra eta in cluded: 81750 cash required; real opportunity. 612 Royal bldg., Morrison and Broadway. 10 ROOMS $350 Cheap rent, close in. all roams full. To see to to buy; half cash. Peters. 15 N. 5th tt 1 BMALL stock ot groceries and fixture on well traveled street oorner near large school, a few hundred dollars will take it Call Tabor 6486 m Monday DANCING studio for aale; fine buaineae; high class trade. Bargain for immediate aale. D-601, JoumaL WANT sawmill site With from 6u to 100 ,tu VS? Journal million ft timber tributary, give lowest price DON'T WORRT. I can sell or trade anything anywhere. Lay- man, 145 to Broadway t FINE CHANCE FOR BOME ONE Dairy in Portland. 18 cows. 200 customers. Place for rent Owner ill. X-749. Journal. t OR SALE Laundry with deaaing and pre loc(uoa: reason of aale. called b the drm(t. 27l u,n - .. ual.f 'l, w.U e...t.. I - v " ; , . 2 I mJ9 cresra and toft drink stand. 192 to 3d st its i.ij-a .s -j r. r 1, r si tir, ti OCR installment plea a the aeet sea surest method of paying a loan. 832.24 per month for 1 4 months or 321.24 for 00, minth. ' or 815.17 for 96 months, part 81000 loan and Interest Other --nnnta In proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or lor building purposes, No commission charged. . j EQUITABLE SAV1NCS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark st.. Portland. Or. BLUAilhG I oa city or eaburaan property. money sura need as work proareesea. w . ; Beck. 216 and 1:1 8 Falling bldg. Mala 3407. 6250. Sb. 4UO. tioo. g5u, 4150. 31000 and atrgir amount at current rate. Ouiefc tctloo rred . i.erma-s jo., 1IJ Cham. Com. 9250 TO ..000. SEVAN reluna old aort- gage ; lower interest Ward. 407 Spaiding bldg. . - MONEY to loan ia amounts af 8100 la 96000 on city property. A. H. BELL, 201 GernngeV bMg. 30- TO 99000 to loan, city ar farm gage: no eommisnon. P, O. boa 979. MORTGAGE loans and atortgages tad tracts bought Fred 8. Wiliiama. 93 K 1st st. MoKll.AGL loai 0 and 7 7a. aelutaoe A Co.. 4 0(4 gelling bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, 6 per rnt up. r. ruche, 4ZO Cham, of Com. CAaH for mortgagee, luane. contract. V. H. Lewis, room 4. Lewis bldg. Main 688. t 8100 TO .1500; consider lota. E. H. Do wiles' 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2432 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALAHIE8 97 I Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY Oa short notice to salaried or working net oa their- own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly atr monthly payments. Each tranaacUoa strictly confidentaL NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We aiMt kaa oa household fovea tare, pis nee. etc. without removsL CALL AND I V EHTIOATg, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT. LICEN8E.P. 917 railing bldg. If You Need Money See -Us SALARIES CHATTEL Imm mmmAm tn i.miiii a,at aalaT. mm fftvad la. I come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other nersonal prwpert y, legel rates. Raai- tiees conftderitislt pnvsto egllcee. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed 806-307 Dekum hktt. PUR LAND KaiaLetAA. LOAN AMN. gUtebl d by Portia ad tailae. nsea to protest wortvwer. C MYERS HERMAN, alar., 294 STARK BT, LOANS ON DIAMON Ww sii . s;. m E, " 1. It a mmmmmmmm. HOUSEHOLD sMTlHE, HORSES. TEHICLES, ETC - 19 UCMD pony, buggy end aiauat obtlit, iaclnd ing esddle. for tale. Henry Hshnateia. 998 Deveksnd eve. 200 LB. tea at. true Workera, lat: alaa hsf naea. 3 to inch wagon. aU goat at 9210. 269 Russell st. aear WUliama ave. LEAD horaoa and ammaia haale away tree, tail Weedlawa 20. Portland Kevetetvag Je EAD HuKSES taaea; ee paid tdr . Phone calls paid. Milwaakie 69J. UORSK aad wagon, 91.23 day: 2 hot t aad wttoa. 92.9a. se6 Ft t Mala 2208 BNAPI 3 4 hig Jogging A httie etreet eore. 1(1 E h N 2400 LB. t with harnewa. 9126. . Phaae Mar. 4055. QAVE a team tor sale or rent tr raa.iniihst party. East 4 or I FOR SALE Several farm a4 lumber wagvaT alao 3 aurrey, cneaa at 303 untseu at. 19 A ITf-T ION A CCTIOM" Eva Tueeday and Friday at 1 nrsas. hern sua, wsrews aad eetUa. year stock to selL Tha beat of ref ywa want n horse or wegoev. ee nave eee as. Oelwmbta Oimmnniigi and tables. 902 Front at WAGONS lor eap: 20 was e all in tin eiaes eerxiitieei. eentahks few aisaeat anything; will take ana tenth of actual value; net fnrthet awe fog them; aU hand aaade. Call 299 Bue- asja st. JUST moved in free tha oountry. Have good team of farm mules, wrkfbt 2S0O, and 2 eowa, also good fat single homo, weight 1160. Will srlt cheep. Take Woodstock ear to 26th. go 3 Mocks east to 696 Powell valley. JTST got done plowing; 3 head of work honest harness r and light farm wagon. 13-in. -plat your own price. Take Mt Scott ear to nth eve.. I bUu east. 1 hlk north to 8928 85th at a. E. Tul Hare wagon: ake eee .toa camelback wagon. No reasons etc offer rwfused. Replee ing witb naotor track, n BroeUya Transfer O-. 8 73 Hawthorne. FOR SALE 4-ywtr-ojd . bay gelding, about llOO loa., ta A-l condition ; broke etngie or taddhr- Will take eete er two pint in part pay ment Columbia 698. 19SO Hodge street BARGAIN Nice nacinsr home. 1100 the.: gesv Ue for anyone to rtde er an -re, vun attggr and harneas. 966 for quick" cash tale. Bnattll st Transfer. Its srnmsll at. FOR SALE 839 tehee 1060 lb. horse 9 years old. rood worker, wo further una for htm. 46 E. 67th at, Mnrrtavtrta. P. Haws. GOOD team, weight 2400 lbs., sound and fat 6838 8 2d' st 8. E.. Mt Cheap for cash. Scott car. HAVE a team for sale or rent or responsible party. East 49. WAGON running geara. 4 in. steel bee la. goo3 shape, cheap. East 6681. Write 916 Monroe at LIVESTOCK 95 MILK goatv some fresh and oomlng fresh, all young: 835 to 5o: stamp lor reply, aa. Montchalin. Carson, Wash. EXCHANGE Farm teeea. 8800 lbs, for taOch cows, bargain. M. M. Smitb. 669. Wnliamt ave. East 4447. gTN'Ejroung, fresh, gentle family and dairy cow. 6 and B test, good condition, aav to aou. Win take dry cows in exchange. 761 E. Ash. FRESH family cow. 4 gala, and rich; reeeoa able. South Portland ear. Wood at. ap-'' stairs and top road to 73 12th st. 10 FRE8H dairy aad fsntlly eowa, Durham aad Holstein and some high grade Jerseys; price reasonable. 1443 Milwaukie are.. SeUwoed ear. FOR SALE Jersey cow and laying bens, reaaoa able. 1212 E. Salmon, or Tabor 9500, after 6 p. m. TWO fuse fresh cows, big milkers. Durham sad Jersey. 1504 Division tt FOR SALE Fresh cow aad a heifer calf. Woodstock car to 896 Powell Valley read. FI.E 6-year-old Jersey cow, 29 pounds 4HtT East 7580. FOR SALE 9 mUeh eowa. 1 yielding heifer-! calf. Tabor 6575. . WANTED 10 pig to s without sow. Broadway 2 ks okL with er 856. YOUNG fresh cow, 1259. 161 E. 9 1st st N. FOR SALE or trade. 6 fresh cows, st Colu bia bird, and I'aion ave. ' HORNLESS Saanen fresh milch gost twin ktda, for sale. 1245 Hshey st. POULTRT, PIGEONS. PET STOCK 87 MACCIRE'S BABY CHICKS O A. C Barred Bocks and R. L Red. 920 per 100; White or Brown Leghorn. 913 per 100; heavy laying, vigorous, Hoganised stock eon better. Egg for hatching. J. B- Magulre. 787 Oregon at. phone East 1805. S. C WHITE Leghorn baby chicks of healthy free range; heavy laying stoea; next sum off June 2. W. Xiegier. 124 E. 33d St. Bnnnyside ear, walk 2 block north. & C. WHITE LEGHORN baby chick o7 healthy free range laying stock, hatch off May 25 and Juaa 4. W. Ziegler. 124 E. 3 3d st Snnnyside car, walk 2 blocts north. CHICKS. White Leghorn, free range, trap nastsj foundation stock. Master Incubator Co.. 415 Jeseu p st. Portland. Or. Weedlawa 4844. A LIMITED n ember of day-old ehicka from 240 egg bene of Tanrred strain, ready today. 12 toe each. Tabor 8096, or 346 E. 28th. FOR SALE 4 doa 11 and 12 months old S. C. White Leghorn bene. O. A. C strain; crated to ship 81 each. Box 23. Moialle, Ur. LAYING Leghorn pullets and young hens. 31.25 each: fine stock, good layers. East 1806. 1 787 Oregon st. THOROUGHBRED Barred rock baby duck a. Eggs for hatching. Wdln. 1666. 1447 Mallory street O. A, C. W. Leg bora baby chicks. 12c. delivered free. Bell, el 93. 100 WHITE Leghorn chicks, hatched May 19. 13 cents each. Y-777, Journal. POO. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 FLEMISH gisnt rabbits, fine stork. East 8929: 631 Union sve. N. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pup. Wlda. 1656. 1447 Mallory au AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 V ENGINES' ENGINES ENGINES All style and sixes from 1 to 6 cyL st 1 tonishibgly low prices. All engines guaranteed to be in good mechanical conditio. DAVID HODES CO . Cor. Broadway and KWadega St. Portland. Or. J REO 2 ton truck, in good working condition. 91000, terms. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 625 Alder tt THAIER. SHAVER-tJULLl MACHINE COMPANY 1 Tea. 9S7 , BUILDERS OF 1 to Tea. 3420 (EVXRREADY TRUCK 2 Tea. 2470 I ATTACHMENTS Capacity . I Mfg. la Portland. 193 E. Water et" Phono Eest 7437 NEW TIB Lis What brand of new tiree do yea prefer J We have tbeea. all aaakee aad aisea. Also we nteke the fa- moat O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tire and do all manner of tire re- nalrirg. Oregon Tnlotnlilng Oa.. a-a atara- s4 aear ktroadway. 1917 FORD 9 praetieany aew. aU non- skid new ur a genuine bargain, 8300; tn ma A-l -AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO., . 623 Alder SU AUTO WRECKERS We wreck moat all awakes of cam and sell the good parts for lees than anil pnee. i nave all kinds of awed bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for old ears. PACIFIC JUNK (-OtPATf MAIN 4768 !28 Front tt G. M. C. 1 to -ton truck. A-l mechanical eandition. new tine. 9850. THE WHfTB COMHSI, Park aad Coach st. LAHER' Mfg. A Repair. 80OO guaranteed ep rings stock: price reduced. 34 N. 16th et. PACKAI.D LOGGING TRUCK Completely overhewled; aew tire. ' THE WHITK COMPANY. Park and Court ma. a - - . i ' JF3B 1 . - T - N , rVI6 HUPMOBILK. first -cues caisdiuoa. "ee Rodham A VoUuat Aato Co.. 99 n. rarx. Broadway 6p. DCBKUIIJ-K TOP CO.. Btb and Oak. Broadway 1444 Fords Enameled $15.00 974 Ea MoerW at. FoA fiALi: Li. hi track rhetpt ar trade for awsrive to. Tebor 3074. W. rT Locke. 4199 43d are. B E. fiUlta. ibi. iwli model- 7-eseagef ta ex- tires. A. Steveas. Broadway 1614. 431 Waahtsgton. OWNER offers 1 . rtmingtr Paige gag. bargain. - lTiesst W taway wee. ; . : FORD track, equipped with Ostet. aait, 93 7 S". 20S 2d. 1915 FORD touring, tnow yaet -avertaaatod; mm eitraa. 9839. F-773. Jowmal. rORTY horarpewev fcuiard Dajuxa bag for eekt: new aooy. lis av, in i. WILL sea'aejiiif aaaTwwir A-774. JsafnaL MUST aaB my 1918 Maxwell toaring aa-it A-775. JsaraaL a, oa r AUTO TRAII.ER for man East 49T2T WILL waQ my Buick bar 677. B ramenget. Call Ta- 9 rASSENGEB. aata, ia good raaaiag rswrt) tioa. 8144. Mala 479 Sunday ar evwaiaaa. 1917 FORD wnh 8140 esira aqaipaient. 9430. Telerroo tvoortlewn 4la. llirr lor sale cheap. CaU Tabat tiS. HORSES. TEHTCLES. ETC. u af Brine ue a to sell AnwrJoa AVTOMOBtXES ACCESSORIES 4 USED AUTOMOBILES Series IB BtmArbafcer . like new. e d tires 9128 1916 Willy OriaatL await buy M tlbura Eleetrte 0 Overland bag .....: - ....... 400 1918 rmawlla 4. g d tiree 660 1916 Ches rroset tosvrtag 804) 1914 Jeffrey, new tssttery. spare tire and wheel T IM Model 88 Overland "... 630 Model 93 Cbalmwrs. 7-resa, 960 1917 Buirk Ugnt Six. lite new 1160 Chalmem 86. A-l 'eoeMliuoa 979 Chalmera 18. cord tiraa, 2 eperee ...... 900 Cbjalmera 9-20 roadster, wire wbeeat.... 1000 WESTERN MOTOR CAR BALES CO, Broadway at Barueide TRAILERS TRAXLERS TRA ILEUS . 3 d 4 wtMalod traUera of all ktnda freea 190 to 4000 Jha, capacity at sslowiiklngty tow DAVID H0DES CO.. Corner Broadway and Flanders St. Portia ad. Or. USED ArTOMOBTLEB TERMS IV EN 1917 Grant 6-paaa.. 6-eyL. 8875. 1917 Mitchell. 6-paas.. tt-eyL. 81250. 1917 Mitchell. 7-pasa.. 6 cyL, 8130O. 1916 Mitchell. 9-paaa.. 8-cyL. 8839. rw T -. 9650. 1S15 .Mitchell. 6-paas.. 6-eyl.. 8750. wland. S paas.. 4-eyl. 8860. 1914 Mitchell. 6 paaa.. 4-eyL. 8630 J Si? pass.. 4-eyL. 6676. 1914 Btudebeker, 4 pass, aowpe. 8660. lord truck with body end top. 9690. 2-twa track with cab, 9J 230. Several ethers to select from. MITCHELL. LEWIS at STAYER CXX. USED CAR DEPT. Eaat Morrison at It ret at -Esse 7272. B-1216. . WEST SIDE SALESROOM, Broadway at Oak tt Bdwy. 616. B-3949. SHORT AND SWEET SMALL CAR BARGAINS Chevrolet 9 Overland 6 i sfa oeeoee.S 4T 260 228 two would make good bugs or Regal 4 pass The last service cars. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION 944 Buiastdo et SPECIALS THIS WEEK Maxwell. 5 pass., almost aew . 9 TOO 330 800 000 looo run, a-paaa. Cole SO Chevrolet . almast new . . , Jeffries 2-ton truck . . . aa aiaxwell special. 5 -pass. Mitchell, almost new 1 Overland Club, like aew. . , . . 300 ..... 1100 623 Terma if desired. Open evening end Sunday. W. H. WALLING POBD 612 Alder tt Broadway 24 92. GARAGES HOC8EB CHICKEN HOUSES. Tha Bert able I Sere y ait at 944 Hood atata 1107. Millmade Construction Co. BUICK TRUCK a -tea with body, food tires, flae shape ueehanicallr. 6 5 00. THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Couch sta. mtTUlCK Light Six . . iioj.5 1910 Chalmers light Six 95a 1916 Buses Light Six 950 1917 Buick Four 760 11 irri'u r n a nun at w a... i -. - . - -' SUPER UX Hwda . 191a model, brand t.eMll TO J) MACHL11A ear for aal foe rm .K ne anil imJ. Sne I ak. erty or Canadian borida. This car la new. No troubm to answer question. Call 3 3d st Open eveninc. 1916 FORD, run 7000 miles, la prune ot eoa- aitioa; repainted ana a lew axtras; need a primte car onlr. Terma cash. Tabor X Ito after 6 p. m. 5322 924 t S. E. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheete, aifcsas w wreck all make of cam and sail thear Darts at half price. David Hodea Co.. N. Broadway and i landers. CASH paid for old cartl eooditsoa ae abvsetj porta for ail make et ears, tsreg i A a to Eg. sage, 139 Lowaedaie at 13th aad Wsskiaav Unv Main 1141. acK Used Cars Viiiil COVEY MOTOR CAR CO 21tt and Waahiagtaa sta. Mala 9944. BARGAINS IN USED FOaU Toariaa cars, iwadetera. ehaasas: ntn eat e -heeled ead repaiatea. Beaeseoa Bssith Ce-. aistq ssq sqsoa 1'ORD car. I hae aew oa. Teach you dnv- mg same. 91 per bear, ladies. I5e: call he- tweea l-2. Woodlawn 4406. 1918 FORD) like aew. Uem lief. AUTOMOBILES WATETl 79 bRrr CAAhl Paid for lata model taariac ears and TstK t. BED CAM EXCHANUa 927 Waaauagtoa at, Broadway 5446. WE WILL PAY TOUR arot LU 1XR YOUR FORD. PALACE RARAUK. 12TH AND BTARK BTB. BROADWAY 1578. A 2443. WILL bay year Ford ear far spot eaah. RoC ins -6mlth Co. Sixth ead Medssoa. Hl'.HEaT prieea peel lor eataeaehiess; eaadi- aa e)eet. 1X1 N. ad et Bdwy. 242. I WANTED Ford I ring car or roadster, or I sax roaowter. Terser 1 1 s -WANTED Ford." Miw! or L ut car; spot cash. Cameron. 276 Union see N AP'TOS FOR HIRE 59 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OCT DRIVERS Brand .aew cam, Reasonable rates. Fearing as ateanetx. Ctty tserace. 80 lara. Between Stark end Oak. Broadway 64a. TUtOS WITHOUT DRIVEkS Ft'R HLat sT COUCHMAN AL SLIXIVAN. MARSH, tl 31 OTH ak YAMHILL A-1334 COLUMBIA river high, ay aato We do taxi work. Mam 22H. joTORCTCLES, BICYCLES BlCYCLEA wfOTORCTCXJTJE Large ttoefc of aew and need atari DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 44 4th et. IOK SAIaE-rKie ie ia TiT im V 9171 m 6 - an r api m . I i, . - ., . . -J . i.r I ": ..' ' - - - -. ail mis FOR SALE aa trade, tea Papa tnttiiw yrlt. A54 24 Iterrasaa 'at. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 41 Fori SALE A gave nrwa 4 1LF. Staedard esv gtne. fiestbaat, 6736. s Iwdiag a aeta. epleta. Apply taaa evaieisai. curtna, (jr. For SALE iase esieii faraa.f rwrtauta. Tina rs-ai. issrstL CANOE aad aatfit at aserifi Mast .Wi tkut week. Wle, Bead esllias. PIANOS. OROANS AND MUSICAL ' INHTRUMENTS 94 SACRiTlCE Flaa aashogaay lseeaiiaa. Plaja alt rveuiat. Te st ta nap seas tat Mala 3143. ar aeuauaa 1717. PIANO waated. Wiil pay ca far hat Mata a t. a. WANTED a if hargaia lee ' caw Eaat 6414. COLUMBUIA Greaasa-ee and reeatraa teeatat cheap, ee trade for charke Wdla, 4777. I rliMH.kAiH evwae-d. Hall A Cs-ldsv. 134 let at M. TOt A Plio.MM.BAIH. 865 cash. Party toavutg. 44 Itnaib th at. , teRAFONOLA. aMast txadeL with perfect ewe stHtea, Keli. 63. tee CAhtt bare 635 Lcmm Uaaiee atetgat pasaa Bveaanty wteeeae t. let 4n et. Piano Jiinlng-$3.00 UiZ A-T Asa r. PIA50S. OROANS AT HtSICAL . INSTRI'MENTS ' 91 30w liohier at Hestlar. wgsrtgbv eea...3 T 9404) Leatad nairiabs. assarts new. ansa ...9149 9460 aUasseJL ktrge wrrigat. let eaeA.....61 ITB lair medss. aaaneaway. eash ...... 1 1 9436 ktr 1917 asssaWt. waawt. oash. ....911 6 esis iiT mrnisL ass a nee ey. I... ... aao 1916 madsL Haest atyta, caab. ii 976t 1916 nsodei; pal r seaae, cash ....316 9179 B'WTbatck. 6 acta aewaa. eaeh... 9 69 9 99 vtrtda swt nartor arga a. eaeh. .....9 96 9 96 Pbasnsgra rw and reawrda, ee.....9 96 Paow'w iep aad rw.os.ta, eaeh . .... 9 4 109 4TU ST. AT WASHlXiTON BT. Tska ba - fee a akianaianh SS aaaaa. Libers 1 e t etsoaa. SElBERUNtA a LUCAS MUBIO CO . 125-131 4th at. Mttw 938. babes faetar. ta Teeeae. Call 149 ta ev REAL eld Mathas-k la" a geauuse roe ood case, g d for a CaU 149 nth tt tone time to 9219. 614 CAtii. ssoalhir. huye 1171. new 114 ssedei. aaproved avetgat paaaa lag IJIUi, eVebwaa Pksao Oa, 111 4th at. EEW 9219 tiag marhlno aad ' reeo rde ta trade for awol aai ataasv Harold 6V. Out set. 964 Tsmbul et a VT a nasaa." flare" llamad e aauar GUberi, 94 Vaa ibia. B TYPEWRITERS 21 EEW KEatlNGTtJN. reaua Vsdbse BJkMINUTVOi TXPhWRrTER CO 39 Bread y, ' Brwsdway 499t gllkiMtUl Factory fcebalit Typewriters, All Makes." told oa avoatnly rarmaatsw for prsre Bat The Whosssala Tyvwwmat? stetau Her., in Washington ar. . AAA. Ja tVa lypawntswa r.aled aad rspsu T uregoa Typo Ua, 4A oth. atata tesa. REBUILT tyewwntem, tupp ssst. Cemaa K. W. Pease Co., 110 6th. HOUSEHOLD COO Pa FOR SALE 9 ON AAl.tT At 209 Madia tt : 9 ptera parVsr tsrtte, 911.60; arm rocker. 82.46; center Ublea, ttej bbrary tables. 88.85; amtamar.j 16e; traa range. 99.99: gaa water heater. : 96.76! K. healer. 914; Monarrh atallaablo range. Ill 30J other rang, 911. 90: cook stxrrsa, 96.90; Per fectloa cook ttevea. 99.60: gat aeeat. 92.46 gasouaa 2 burner stoves. 92.96; dressers, 94.90; Irea beds. 91.66; arsrtaaa, 91.96) mettriaii. 82 43: round oak dining tebsss, new, til bo; oak ttdeboa rd. 614.90: Twkens, 89.46; btiu ehaira. 13. 30; eak tab irerte. 65e; nsagasiee raeks. 65e; aewk ebeivwa, 8149; chaira. Tte; ehiid'a Iran erih. 68.76: sum ttssk, lUll Mm. Petta troew, 7e; aet af three stalker eaat n WPbeaetrranht aad reeewda kseafet. aaat escard aad rw ted. Fiysn mais. tea. 143 3d, near Ahter. wt aura. MCE huie aprsght piano, made by aa aad. re- awed i admen. 316a. re; aet af three leather eeat , tea eream teelea and ehaira. fact swast eve hiag. Baa-. 1 Hth Mr yefh tag. roctera aad ehaira. K. tmasurea. ta aU marked with Notice. Country Dealers t betel and russtan rseaaa sea We a gwtac esxt af biskiassa Must tail ate sat, gain tat and fnaitare at lam taaa eeatv mm. mm. . , mm . . mm. m. brand Kapids l-urnituro Co. 64-66 GRAND ATR RA9T 29a? BUCKS wwod aod ouai rsage with water hacav ia good aonditiaa. 923. Call after today t ai ass U I wimw mm. . GOLDEN oak baffet 1 goidea eak leal her ndij er tor esse, tan t t litt. FU RNITU RE for sale at 402 to Clay at," weal FOR SALE MIHCFLLANEOrS 79 Paiat that root with . 1 mm F!BFPSrVF ? WATERPROOF BCBTPROor PAUTT Preveeas the growth of miea lire. uosta ae Pkwaa Mela 9979. ALL machines sold for lets: key aawats are saaiiiiiil : reeitedj rexalred. A-9626. 9491. Bewtng Mac hits bptma, 199 94 at, near Taiioc. , T Electric Motors Boagbt. told, ten ted aad reawh4 Waiaer Eleatrte Works. 419 Bar esde. earner I Oth. Brasdwsr 9474. LAHGE late cat bags plants & per dxev. fe dot 36e, 30 doa. 6 be; rwaraalead tec sat for aaav haga maggnta with each sale; na aaaeartea, B E. 79th et near Ash; M, V. car ta 90th aad Ash. 1 block west. N 8 TTUM ENTB." "typewriter." ft. cation. Alt advertiaeaaeata of tiabllahed tutder their kder their rwapeetive i LOOK THEM OVER. $10,00 tLX tWUaX wtth att am ta per saaauav. Phaae Kaet 3369. ar B-8307. Jt Btsea. 132 Umad aee.. aear Beltseat. mm,mS . .- 11111 f 1 R 1 P l'btl DhOpliKAS BEWTJTw. I se 1 Onaraaneed. Wa rent aad repair. I 172 3d et. Mala 184 6. A-l 9 18, AUTOMulllLEA. MuTORC'tCl4. LaLNCHAJ or boats am eeparale ciaaelftcatiorBx A karru beting can ba found nader thewe diJU at aitart nenueaa. loo kVVV-.LOl E ee 900 head totlaessasit. 82351 26 aisaravwre- type waodlsay sa t m a) ar tav t't 98. Smith. PriM- . -J04 Stark at, . rOR SALR Pure ahtoaea mat 81.26 fat 3oa SMeuads, Tha havtaag Co.. 104 Froat at MaeahaB 467. A-3332. LADIES a ring arochet wart ar hating eoeaa for asks. Bead law far ' Baok af b-atgwa- and aetaila, lat Tmdwsg Cv bet t el.. 26 64 at. PL HE ehkrken manure, asset fertiliser. 91.25 fat 200 lbe. The hevinar Co.. lac 14 F roast et Mar. 487. A-2862. ' . OL:I)0 range, tip-top awesditsoa, water eofT. 336: asss asaaa gas range, good ae aew, liu, 172 W. Watte et t PATRIOTIC 4 pan aor. "GOD BLF.NS Or ROTS, wattled ta any address tor jwc at I Prtloefc heerh. 1 CORN SEED Ysliaw Fliat and "While l-mt, He pheaa 141. asks far U. KiisAs. ii 3 ham. It ISED hot water kwiesta. 30 gait 66; 40 87 64. Wa have wp ta 120 gaL Over ao in awe. 1st Adaeat et. t-a , Kaet rata. WE hsve a Urge aaeretaaaat af plewt. haasl eeUuratawa, rtra-a tooss, bsryciaa, eta. . RrTTMAN MDW. CO , 314 Ft t et Msta 941 j AttrL raaae with water coil aa? gaa piate of. tached, all ta goad a sihiea. price 925. Maryland ave, aear Shaver. 944 fOR ' iALlt-150-; toTn" essaagraved aand Job to 412. Gel. botaa. 1 Uarsiatil 603 DIAMOND for sale, good to karat liraui erttUag. I6U i Bos lea o ham. Or 123 I'niveesal raaae with gae area, alt new. 986; Universal - wihioaU heater 922r 977 E. 97th et- Plwt Ttber 424. FOR KALE Batheak aeed potatoee, Paaaa Tebor 431. FOR SALE Adding marhiaa. first claaa 272 3d at aear Jeff. MEXICAN saddle good W'SWiitsoav See aaaai eseeincs. 1 o2t Bess see. 1X1 it BALE A Urge fuse elsWrte Can 124 Broadway, an the taira VACUUM cleaner S41. nmurmL reated. esv- eiea g. beersit , rtewtley la. ataia at ay. UNCALLED for taiior swaae easts. 59.60 aaw. Tavlne tha Taile. 39 t 8 5i7l GStt TrFX1inttW6&tftTilT Kevtbwewl Pipe Ce, 17 Fv t s. 83 kllW. I I e s I -r- z: tasvts Ca.- 919 9A rt Msta 747. Of'E aa year eeaVr. Beat he. l'fir iirdanf 87 eoed Wt 7494. J FOR AA I.E Large aiae aa-d electric bake aeea. 124 Bra adwar ta am"nTs3dle essTbrwlie ea! d-gaffy aael 827 6a. Worth 64 ptseesa Fat as. rnTaLl First cease potatoee, 4weaaca. Call Taksw 197. FOR 6 A IX Coud rheap laaaiiy raege. 744 T 7t at. pbeae fsanaood 3242. - VtisORE S nsti. fairly 4. anil eetl Woodlawa 2031. H4 Mwal ill 1 1 eva. lAfcOEst VA(i:i aWKaiptJall. atera kiit. able. ' 61 T P." Meia BABY baee-v. 1 TTTy WACHINFRT IrTat SAL J- L ta steal eesasalee. 34 ealf fear. aatamatkr eeigtwi. wwm ataefcer aad rkever ttauaer attartnaawt; at a i wm sea at a Miwam. it. sr . 3t st J. sv-a tj. . FURNITURE WASTED ) eat tsrwa for ar a ssrba for awar awed fwrwhevw. eteees, easwtt. nT inrUht rates ea Eaat aad Beath. Msessteg Wtitwunse A last let Co.. 4th aad H t Breadway 7o3. A-lit 3. MOAT cash tsssa few lajailmre aad massrel ta y. 12 F 7. THE heghewt eaah pcWws paid for tarairara, Pbaaa Marsheil 4321. 1 VLssTiJaUiPFsu-w Uaapstal tare 1vsshm4 ia.. fir aswd rw Mere. 4Z7 Weeh. M a 4.44. 66. iCoatUard mm FaUawIat Pagt)" 79 h) e