v THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTLAND, MONDAY, MAY 27, 1918. 11 I HELP W.A7TTEP Alli ' I STEeIsMaI understanding onleUonry and drug trad. Porta nd, Seattle and Tecoma, to (uina and Mil hw and act aa local repTe Mtrtattv. Salaried and steady position. Young married Man- inferred. Moat furnish good nlmxm Apply Monday 1 to3 p. m., tm arson Iirug fio.. Hotel trnwn. PORTER wanted. Journal Barber ehop. HELP? WAKTED MtSCL. 43 WANTLD TLian berry picler lot 4 ' acta, of berris located ail from carlina at Salem Heights; It minute service; S cent fan to Balem ; flna camp rim, fraa wood, potato patch , and atraw for bedding; water piped, on camp grounds; no tenta or bunk houses; tele phone on camp around and free daily delivery of trace rU, : picking will aUrt about Jane 17. J. Cunningham. K. S. box 121. Balem. Or. TRAVrnERRT picker wanted . White Salmon strawberry picking, aeaaon will begin about Jan 1. A large Bomber of ptckera and pack I wanted. Have locreaard wage. Bring camping outfit. Writ for further information. Apply to the White Salmon Valley Grower' association, White Balmon, Wwh. uaU thorn fe At;T6 school r 462 HAWTHORNE AVENUE EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC- JRICAL. UNLIMITED: PRACTICAL REPAIR XPKHIENCE. KtMBETfYOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prepare for telegraph aerriea to belp fill eaeanclea aaoaed by the drafting of men for war. for particular call or write Telegraph Depart ment. Room 2 It. Railway Etchang, building. ELLIOTT FI8HER Practical TrainingTSBohooL 6 week' course, operator for bookkeeping and billing machine. Apply Elliott-Fisher Co.. 405 Henry bldg, ) I lI.JUA O.Sl 1 V i Jut 2 trior, day to enroll at the Adcox Auto and Gas Engine School for half price. In Ion ave. and Wasco at. THE ADCGX AUTO BCHOOL (Mil U'uca L. corner Union ate. Call, write or phone Eaat 7443 about free trial offer. IJay and nignt c lessee. ""MIHS DECKERS BUSINESS COLLEGE Civil service, dictaphone operating, ahorthand, tvnewrltine. book keeliin. mimeographing, Eng hb apelling. Allky bldg., Sd and Morrison. WANTED Men and women under 55 and boy la, or over to work a laborer and helper in atotea ol l. '11. it, KM., at xtroosiyn simps, teady work. Store Keeper. stkHNKK-WALKER, biaceat business college be cause beats enroll any time; free catalogue. HELP WAXTEP-FEMAtE TOCNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. IS PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. BAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. ' CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, v ROOM "601. SIXTH FLOOR, PARK AND OAK STREETS. GIRIJI. IS OB OVER. TO WORK IN BAG FACTORY; GOOD WACES; STEADY EM PLOYMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. AMES. HARRIS. NEVILLE CO.. 18TH AND HOYT ST8. VAN'fED Aa, young girl apprentice to learn fur sewing and fur machine operating and fur trade. Cloud opportunity for learning a trade for bright ambitious girl. Apply office, oclock. II. I.lebee A Co.. 149 Broadway. WANTED Intelligent girl for second work in small private family. Good wage. Nona but capable need apply. Mn. E. C. Shevlin, 184 N 20th st. ANT girl in need of a friend apply to the Saltation Army Rescue Home. 392 East 15th st, N .. or phone East 12$. CJRLS for fsctory work. Portland Tsper Package Co.. E. 25th and Holladay. East 7890. " nrirnr wanted, steady employment at good wagea. Apply Troy Lalndry Co. E. 10th and Pine. WANTED Girl for gnerJ housework; must be good clean cook: 4 in family; no washing; wire $25. Call Sellwood 569. HOUSEKEEPER wanted: no objection to one child. Write box 158 Cascade Locks, Or., J M , ; kilLiKiKAl'U t electric) operator. Mast be expert. Good aiary to competent person Write giving reference, etc. B-931. Journal. -WANTED Young girl to aaaixt with light housework; no vtahing or ironing; can be school girl. Call Main 7087 WANTED For office work, young girl. An swer in own hand writing ; state salary ex pected, K 745, Journal. W ANTE 1 ) Working companion for woman, one willing to remain with employer night. $30 month. Call F,st 3H2. IS Oil 111-year-old girl for clipping and past ing at Allen's Press Clipping Bureau, 23 A m worth bldg.. 3d and Oak. WANfED Woman manager for cafeteria; ranxt be high clas and well recommended. Address, C 644, Journal j WANTED Middle aed woman to ear for home and 2 year-old child while parents are em ployed. Phoe Coin mhia 479.. WANTED Young lady partner in good paying hotel business; some cash; stand investigation. W l'at. Journal. ELDERLY lady wishing hoajeework, on who want home more than wages, where there a ra no children, call 622 Powell valley rd. SCHOOL girl. i3" or 14 years old. foir light house work; good home and $3 a mouth. Tbor 8Q52. ' WILli teach you how to make corsets. 0-665. Journal. '-MANICURIST and hairdresser, experienced. Ap- ply Hsirdressing Psrlor, Portland Motel. WANTED A woman or widow to take cars of e child. 1 V years old Call Sellwood 2527. GltLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co., East aotn and Moiiaaay. "l,aellDt k V ...b . .."...a- ..as Vtsrssa tarn.. itn' a.. an. K- V.Yi- OlKL wanted for genersl housework for young eouple; good home. Tshor 895 7. mm. for ..nersl hoiLsework. 1236 Minnsots ave., Woodlawn 76. j LADY solicitor wanted. 1)-M4. Journal. WOMEN to do plain cooking. 12 E. 7th st. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE ft STRAWBERRY PICKERS Firkins' begins shout th 29th st Hood River. Wage are It to 12c er carrier. You should have tents, rooking equipment snil bedding. A good outing end make money. A fine trip tor families or groups. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 24 7 liavis Street. THOROUGHLY exierienred combination book- kDer-tenograpners. men or women: perms nent positions, good salaries; tig office; give age, experience, references and phone address. W-449. Journal. 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade; ahortaga all over th country; big wages. To can earn your way through the school. Broadway 1731. Moler Barber College, 234 Burns Ids st. MEN, WOMEN, lesrn barber trade free; wagea shlla learning: position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 223 Madison. v i PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE ' Teaches men and women the barber trad free, pay while lesrning. 234 Couch. B'way 2482. SITUATIONS MALE 3 . A MIDDLE age reliable, trustworthy man wanta work on a chicken ranch or rooming house or private family; can do painting and kalso f" mining, also good at house work. Phone East 4644 f residence 221 Grand ave. corner Salmon ,-. ' " , . ass, capsute oi meeting tne pudiic. wanta work where he can use light car if poaxibl; reference given. 8-680. Journal. " I WANT to do plowing, discing, in the valley with a tractor. 831 E. Everett si. East 6703 after 6 p. m. I WANT to So plowing and discing in the valley with ft tractor. 831 E. Everett. East 3708j after 6 p. m. . , - FAINTING, tinting, paperhanging. by expert - . enoed workman; estimat furnished. Phone Marshall' 16; evenings. Main 687. P(W1 sntk, reshinsline. listening snd p.i"'i"f Beat bam. Phon Marshall 706. EXPERIENCED truck driver wants position; please state wage. . Box 83. Enterprise. Or. " W ANTED Roofs to paint. "Call-Tabor MlT . evenings. r,- , 8IT1JATI O 7C S F E W A L E NEAT rouna lada wishes hoard mora in ens. genial family: aaalst erenhua. : 8nnd vs aa Prpayment cloa m; reference. V-TJ7, CAPABLE young woman wishes work in eieva- tor, ahipyard or vacancies nude by men: wishes men wage. Tabor 6177. - WANTED Housekeeping" by competent woman with o&e child- lwnlrv nfrrML T-714. Journal. AN elderly lady wanta position aa Call S4S N. 16th ,t housekeeper. HOUSEKEEPER, no incumbrance; good home more than wage. 288 N. 19th at. WOMAN wu.be day work. Mar. 4377. DRESSMAKING 4 CUt Tl.vu and fitting; call forenoon, 'lab. 689 1. FURNISHED ROOMS UNDER HEW MANAGEMENT Prince Hotel. K- 8d and Burastd. 50c day tip. S3 week trp. Eaat 171. BAN MARCO HS. PI HAVEL. MODERN ROOMS. BATU8, PHOSES; 1Z AND UP: TRAN- 8IE.NT; 60e UP. 423 H WASHINGTON. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY . 73 LARGE cheerful tarnished room, auitable for two: alao on line La room. Terr desirable location, alt modern convenience. 574 East Couch at. A - DESIRABLE front, room for 2 J horn priv- elgea and piano; black Irvmgton car. 923 E. 16Ut N.. corner Bkidmore. WELL furnished rooms, modern, both phone, walking distance; reasonable. 147 N. 17th. near Hoyt. NICE furnished room in private family. Tabor 7121. Call ROOM for 2 men; board next door, ler at. 428 Schuy- NICE room. 16 per month. 269 Fargo at. ELEGANT rooms and location. Marshall 6108. BOOMS AND BOARD It THE Martha Washington. 880 10th. for bus. nea girls and students. Marshall 1251. THE HAZEL A real "home" hotel at rea sonable ntea. Home cooking. St)5 Sd at. A IHiL'BLE room i$ th board for 2 young men, reasonable. 40 Klla st.. Main 73S. ROOMS AND BOARD FRIVATE FAMILY 72 NICE cool fooni, modern conveniences. 2 men or man and wife, near 2 ahipyards; excellent boara. Kaat 61S. NICE large room, auitable for 2 or 3. with piano and convenience. 18 50 each. 628 E. Mornsori. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms with or with out board. z per week. East 29... 0-S E. Morrison. Will home for 1 or 2 little girl; nice yard. . v-703, jonrnaL ROOM and board, private family. t.. Marshall 2615. 428 V Mill HOCSEXEEPIirO ROOMS S FURNISHED AND XTNr URN 1HHED 3 NICE partly furnished H. K. rooms. 35 N. 19th st. fail $15 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; close in, near shipyards. 610 1st t. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping suite adults: reasonable. 461 E. Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 71 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED FRIVATE FAMILY FURNISHED housekeeping room: walking dis tance. Light, telephone and water. 859 Ilas- salo. Eaat 8335. 2 NICELY furnished H. K.- rooms, new turn ture. all convenience. $4 per week. 628 E. Morrison. ' SUITE H. K. rooms, $5 per week; gas rsnge. i hot and cold water. Walking distance. 645 H I Washington st. 2 H. K.. front room and kitchenette, also sleep ing room, for gentlemen. Phone Tabor 7930. 2 Rfb M S snd bath, furnished for housek eep ing, in private fsmily. 535 Clay, cor. 17th. A SUITE ef 2 H. K. rooms, with sleeping porch, bath. Call Sell. 2604.- FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED It HOW IS THIBI Seven rooms, bath; aho fin store: $18. -Wife can sell groceries, etc., and make living. Sell stock ($200 or more) 10 per. cent discount.' 'Owner, Main 7129. $12.50 6 ROOM modern house; wstting dis tance to Northwest Steel. 511 Harrison, near 1 6th t CLEAN, modern 4 room cottage; just right for young couple. 427 Eaat 8th. East 29S. $12, SIX room Sunnyside bouse, Salmon st. Owner. Tabor 8586. 1031 East GOOD 7 room house on Miclugan are. 735 Hancock. Phone East 5955. Call at FURNISIIED HOUSES 86 FOR RENT Furnished 4 -room bungalow; henhouse, lots of fruit and garden. Phone Tabor 692. 3- ROOM upper fiat, partly furnished. Adulti only. Inquire 344 Tillamook sti 7 room well furnished IrvinaUon home with gar age, $50 per month. Phone East 842. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APTS. New 200 room house, 2 and 3 room house keeping apartment, furnished or unfurnished; elevator and hardwood floor. 383 11th at. $10 PER ROOM Nicely furnished modern front apartment. 2 or 3 room and one large front sleeping room; heat, light, phone. Mar. 3292. or Main 9323. 475 Clay st. HISLOP HALL. E. Oth and Hawthorne. Mod ern 1, 2 and 3 room apt:. $12.50 up; walking distance. Call East 882. THE JEFFERT, new 2 room furnished apart ments, corner Russell and Kerby, between Mississippi and Williams ave., $12. THE STAN FIELD. 204 Porter st.- Shipyards. modern 2 -room apt, completely furnished, reasonable. Phone Main 7392. MAGNOLIA APTS., East 3d and Belmont, modern 1 and 2 room apts.. $1.60 per week op. Sleeping rooms. East 212. 2 OR 3 ROOM apartment rooms, light, all con veniences, walking distance. Bdwy. 4976. 2 ROOM furnished apartment with private- bath. Harrison Court. 5th and Harrison sts. PENINSULA spt.. 1135 H Albina ave.; con crete building; 2, 3. 4 rooms, 816 up. NEW YORK Apts... 44 1 Belmont and 7th. FOR RENT FLATS 13 ! HOvVS,LKf i" Arooml, J'!116 or ea Buit' 151 N. 18th. Broadway 1318. ' $12.60 Clean lower 4 room fist 674 Mis xisaippi ave. FURNISHED FLATS $6 4 Rf HIM upper flat, furnished or unfurnished, all painted, tinted, clean: very large kitchen. 682 Vt E. 12th St. S. Call Tuesday. May 28. STORES AND OFFICES II OFFICR FOR RENT. -GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ' OFFICE. 116 3d at. FOR RENT HALLS i$ HALL auitable for dancinr club, . lodge room or gymnasium. East 3377. WANTED TO RENT , WANTED To rent furnished house about 5 6 rooms, west aide preferred. Apply Wbit- mer-Kelly Co.. 416 Pittocfc block. Broadway 784. FOUR or $ room furnished house for summer, June 1 ; adults: reference. Wood In. 2383. FOUR or 5-rjiom house furnished, for the sum mer; adults; references. Wdln. 2383. SUMMER RESORTS 63 FOR RENT for season! 6 . room bouse, conv pletely furnished; fireplace: near Rhododen dron hotel. Zix-Zag, Or. Apply 134 E. 33d st-. Portland. FOR SALE, trade or rent, by owner, estab lished beach hotel 2-439. Journal. FOR SALE. BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 WATERFRONT with trackage. West Side. 103 by 500: choice factory site. Owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 FOR SALE House and lot. Tabor 1090. 100x300. Call TWO modern houses for sale by owner. A snap. Sellwood TS 9 ROOM bouse, cement brick basement. Eve nings. 647 Weidler st. 6 ROOM house, large lot. fine view, easy terms, shipyard district. Owner, Main 2879. ' FOR SALE T room modern house in Rose uity i-arsi on aotn st. i-none labor 515. 3 ROOM modarn -cottage, lot 37x116; easy terms. Owner, Sellwood 8038. S ROOM bungalow, lot - 50x100; bearing fruit treee. vo Vancouver ave. . FURNISHED house with 2 lots, 31000. 3220 Cod t- a. r m-9 car. vjaii alter 6. FOR SALE 5-roosa bungalow finished p te date. CaU owner. 1558 E. 27th at. N. " BARGAINS Foreclosure .-. and mortgage humesT CaU up east ist. . 1 81 0 DOWN, 810 MONTH 4 room Dlaaterad. larg attic. 40il00 lot. 8 cent carfare, fine achool; prtc $1050. $150 DOWN. SI 5 MONTH 4 room. Dlaatered. double constructed, bath. toilet, face eaat. Urge lot. 66x152 ; Bull Boa water, electric lights, 6 cent carfare: pne 81350. $150 DOWN. $15 MONTH 4 room, plastered, bathroom. Dutch kitchen. cement basement. 1 5 ' minute from W sailing - ton atreet; price $1500. Wa accept Liberty Bonds GEORGE T. MOORE CO., AB1NGTON BI.TJO. CHEAPER THAN RENT 4 room bouse. 2 Iota, nrice 8000: terms 810 down and $10 per month: S room sous, larg lot. price $800; term $10 down and $10 a month- Williams Realty Co.. Gray Crossing, Tabor 4934 BUY from owner and save agent commission, if you're looking for a bargain In a good 6 room boos don't fail to ee thia. Never been eerapied except by present owner. Free of In cumbrance, no mortgage to assume; amall cash payment, balance like rent. Uonu and a tor yourself. 878 E. 44th. BUNGALOW S room, big attic, full cement basement: eery artistic : hard surf see atreet: half block to Richmond ear. Price $2650. $500 cash. Abstract shows thia place sold for $8800 when building, half present coat. When the few anapa ana gone, look oaU 835 E. 87th st. TO CLOSE ERTATE The undersigned will receive Drivate bida at the office of Cake & Cake. Chamber of Com merce. Property at 1040 Cleveland are.-, 6 room house, firepelaee, fruit, paved streets, near car. Herbert Tj. Miller, executor. MODERN west side home, larg ground, rosea, trees and ah rub in abundance, lam fire place, fin heating system, fine view of city from a large porches, close to carline. Davrd street; price and terms on application. L. K. Moore, owner, 817 Board of Trade. MODERN west aide home, large ground, rosea. tree and shrubs In abundance: large firepla, fine heating system, fin view of city from 3 large porches: close to carline: paved street. l'riee and term on application. L. K. Moore, owner. 317 Board of Tradet 86500 NOB HILL HOME FOR S4500 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace and fireplace, lot 27 "All 00. 692 Irving st. Street work all paid for. 31500 cash, balance 6 per cent. Place shown by appointment. Fred N German Co., 732 Chamber of iVimmerce. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW $1100 Very neat and attractive 3 room bungalow, not modern; 100x100. all in garden; very aightly; positively the cheapest buy in the Woodlawn dis trict; $150 cash. $25 monthly. Fred YV. tier man, 732 Cltamber of Commerce bldg. BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, modern. Hawthorn dia- triot. oak floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, large attic, full basement, very convenient. 82600. Terms. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 Northwestern Bank bldg. $1600 $250 cash, balance monthly buys S room plastered house; lights and toilet; basement; 8 lota; plenty of fruit; close to school and car. Phone Tabor. 1599, Lents Real Estate Co. BUNGALOW UNDER VALUE 4 room modern bungalow, cement basement, laundry traya. good neighborhood, fine new, full lot, only $1700: John E. Howard. 315 Chamber of. Commerce. " A SPLENDID BARGAIN. Modern 5 room bungalow, full basement: new ly tiuted and enameled ; east front, plenty of fruit; on paved street; half block from Alberta carline. 1060 E. 13th st. N. Phone C-2691. $100 DOWN Buys 5 room plastered bouse, corner lot; fenced and fruit, on county mad; close to car. Price $900. Phone Tabor 1599. Lenta Real Estate Co. , MODERN 6 room house with sleeping porch; central east aide; splendid neighborhood; terms; would take lot or small bouse in good district close in part payment. Phone owner. Eat 1515. READ THIS-k- Corner lot, 4 -room house, all improvement, in Woodlawn district: price only $1200; cash $200, balance like rent. Owner, 515 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. BARGAIN $1365. $200 cash. $15 per month; Hawthorne district; 8 room house, paved street, sidewalks, bath, newly papered. This ia a map. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $2350 6 room house. 2 lots, fruit, in shipyard district, on St. Johns carline. Will take small place up to $1000 in Portland or Lebanon as first payment- Call 510 Brooklyn st. $1000 FOR 6 ROOMS. M. V. car to 60th st.; semi-modern, with bath, etc.; easy terms; 50x100; owner left city. Tabor 2034. $2000 5 ROOM cottage, furnished; lot 25x 160 ft. ; walking distance. Tillamook st. near Williams ave.; easy terms. Inquire 844 Tillamook. MODERN 7 room house, partly furnished; 50x 123 lot; brick garage. Piedmont: priced right; take high class residence lot part pay ment. 512 Royal building. LARGE 2 room plastered house, large front porch, chicken park and coop; cement walk at the way; price, including all assessments, $500; g'.'OO down, balance easy terms. Sellwood 829. ton A.. nil lot, good 0 room house, lots of fruit and garden; walking distance of city, O-W. R. ft N. shops and sbiD yard: S250O. Owner, Woodlawn 638. S ROOM house, bath and toilet, electric lights. large lot. near St. Johns. Price $1750. Easy terms. 165 Va 4th st. Hatfield ft Crab tree, room 39. MODERN 6 room house, all conveniences, 2" blocks from carline; $2000, only $100 down, $20 per month. . 617 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 2432. $1650 TERMS Large 5 room house, full basement, electricity and gas. nice lawn, close in; look st No. 72 Eat 26th st.. or inquire at 214 Abington bldg. FOR SALE On Rodney ave. near Russell St7! by owner, 2 good 6 room houses, lot 50x 120, close in, handy to shipyards, near 2 car line. Terms. Wdln. 5534. , j $2800 1250 CASH. 6 rooms, furnace, fire place, buffet; Dutch kitchen; finished floors, linoleum, kitchen, bath, fuU plumbing, 50x100 lot. Bargain. Owner. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN 5 room cottage; furnace and hard wood floors, on Hiclsnond car line; $3000, $1200 cash, balance in two years. IL G. Starkweather, 606 Broadway building. FOR SALE 3 room bungalow, like new, some built-in furniture; furnUhed or unfurnished; large lot; nice part of town; $230 will handle. Phone Woodlawn 6615. $2300 6 ROOM bouse, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen; modern. Kenton carline. Part cash. 1503 Minnesota. BUNGALOW tt room modern. Hawthorne dis trict; oak floors; fireplace: buffet; bookcases. Dutch kitchen, large attic, full basement; very convenient. $2650, terms. Johnson-Dodson Co. ONE acre of land in St. Johns, with two 3 room houses, for 12200. Reasonable payment, bal ance to suit purchaser. Inquire 727 Smith ave. Columbia 844. FOR South Portlsnd property, to buy. sell or ex change, see John Singer. 420 Chamber of Conamerce. $950 2 blocks Rose City carline. Cozy, well built 3 room bungalow: large lot; plenty fruit garden, flowers. Tabor 6359. $2300 MODERN 6 room house; all built-in conveniences; lull cement basement. $600 cash; easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 3229. HAWTHORNE $2700 takes 5 room modern bungalow, fine condition, paved street. Daid. on Grant st. No eg wits. Call Tabor 6441. NEAT, modern cottage, half block to car and business street ; best part of city ; must be so id. B-959. Journal. A FINE 6 room house in Beaumont on car- line. Hardwood floors, sleeping porch and garage. I'hone owner, bast 34 8. la ACRES. 4 room house, partly furnished overlook. SL Johns shipyard: $1500. Phone stain S33. SUNNYSIDE property. Best car service in the city. 6 room house. 1107 Belmont st. Easy terms, i eiepnone isoor s.'sh. $1300 BARGAIN ROSE CITY PARK District. Nhssy- mostly modern 4 room bungalow, line location; terms, isoor oonv. FOR SALE Convenient to fire car lines.- room house, all on one floor; 10 f najt trees; izouu. uu woouiawn eaio. F(H SALE $2750, modern 5 room bunga low; nice locality; easy tentas. Call after 3 p. m ' 243 E. 6 2d. near Hawthorne. MODERN 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors 2 -blocks car and school. 375 East 13th N.. irvmgton. GOOD house for sale cheap. Portland Rlvd No. 19, 5 blocks west from the Kenton ear- line. Inquire tor r. Mecse. WELL furnished 6 room home. SO bearing I run ana wsinui trees, utrmg city, wood lawn 2006. THAT beautiful home place at corner Yancott- ver and Alberta sts. Look it up. 244 Al- ben st. FURN1SHED and unfurnished houses on easy payments, it- . waiter. ss43 roster rd. Tabor 3397. . BEAUTIFUL corner lot and " room convenient noose by owner cneap. 262 av 8th at. K, Walking distance. $2200. $1000 CASH, for sale, modern 6 room hense; furnace, fireplace, electric lights and gas; v Jasi iza n. tenor 2i FOR SALE by owner. 2 good houses, 1 3bta and s Hawthorne; l ia He 11 wood; . write for term,. 70S Marion ave., Sellwood. 4 ROOM house, full lot. paved at., cement walk and sewer, all paia. ' rmc 12du. Terms. 165 tt 4th st. HatfleM at Crsbtre. Main 93-5 ROOM gtaodern house. Easy tsnsvs. -:: Ca3 beiiwooo-Zubs. - - - . FO SALE -HOUSES 1 MOUNT TABOR $200 DOWN Beautiful extra lam lot. 7 room comfortable house; running water every bedrooas; fine view. s Diocsa trout alt. Tabor ear; taken lor mort gager will be sold far hist what it cost mort gage. $2600; easy paymenU. We accent Libert Bonds GEORGE T. MOORK CO.. ABINGTON BLDG. CHOICE 100x100 and SWELL BUNGALOW excellent location, near streetcar. 5 delight ful, up-to-dat. well arranaad rooms, with built-ins. fall plumbing, as, electricity, hot and cold Bull Ran, built for a real home. Yon can have plenty garden, fruits, flowers, pet. Earnestly you'll tike it. Shook bring $3300. Will now slaughter for $2750. Come at one I afternoon I . on Woodstock car to 52d are. east to 4330. Owner. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL 6 room 2 story, fine bath, gas, electric light. cement basement. laundry trays, SOxlOO lot. S oiocxa to car; 800 down. 315 month, includ ing interest. $1300. We accept Liberty Bonds. MOORE CO., ABINGTON BLDG. GEO. T. STOP LOOK LISTEN. $1500 buys S room bungalow, modern ex cept heat: best location and neighborobod ; lot is ouxioo; fin lawn, berries and garden, chick en house'; fenced three sides. Come quick and let as show you this bargain; amall payment down, balance terms, HATFIELD CRABTREE. 165 H 4tl" St., room SO. Phone Main 9323. EAST OP LAURELHURST $1600 3 blocks Glisan car; 4 room house, good barn or garage, 50x100 lot, 12 fine fruit trees, berries, etc., garden ail in; $300 down, balance monthly. , We accept Liberty Bonds. GEORGE I. MOOUE CO., ABINGTON BLDG. $2430; ROSE CITY CAR - 6 room bungalow, 2 blocks to ear. fruit trees, large chicken house. No mortgage: straight contrart, $7."0 down, $20 month until paid. 1. L. IIAKTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4tU and Stark sts. Main 208. A-2050. WOODLAWN DISTRICT 6 room 1 H story, good .bath. 40x130 lot. 5 Dloct to school, 2 blocks to 3 carline: fruit, berries, etc.; $500 down; full price $2800. We accept I-iberty Bonds GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDG. READY TO MOVE IN 4 rooms plastered, famished, electric lights and bath; 2 lots, on improved street, price iuu; terms gioo cash, g.'u per month in cluding interest. Williams Realty Co.. Grays Crossing. Tabor 4934. FOR SALE LOTS 16 MODERNIZE your present building: I do all kinds of alterations and repairs; change dead realty into live asset; also see my many de signs for new houses. Max M. Meyer, contract ing achitect. Concord building. Main 1373. For merly designer snd superintendent for the Ore gon Home Builders. . FOR SALE Lot 7, block 9. Terminus addi tion to city of Portland. Good location. streets graded, sewer and sidewalk in. 2 blocks from carline. Will take Liberty bonds for all or part payment. Easy terms. Owner. 1709 Kaqffman ave... Vancenrer. Wa-h. : LOTS 21 and 22. block 12. and lots 13 and 14. block 19, Capitol Hill addition to Portland, are for sale and no reasonable cash offer will he refused. Address R. B. Thompson, owner. State College, New Mexico. BIG SNAP ', 2 lots. 50x133 1 1 each: paved street, side walk all in and paid for. $800 each. See J. 8. York, at the 6th st. Flower Store. 184 5th. LOTS in Willamette add, cheap for cash. 6265. Main FOR SALE Corner lot, 75x100, 50c on the dollar. Phone Tabor 6699. CORNER lot. 50x100; exchange with Liberty bond or cash. Inquire 190 W. Park st, city. EOT -30x100. modern 5 room house. 470 N. 23d st. ACREAGE $7 3 V ACRES, all in crop and garden: comfort able 7 room house, barn, chicken house, and all kinds of fruit and berries; sidewalk from Aloha station. 8. P. Electric; gaa In house; necessity compels quick eale for whatever I am offered; terms, 1104 Northwestern Bank building, Portland. 76 ACRES. 865 PER ACHEl 10 miles from Vancouver, Wash., on good road, 2 miles from Sifton station. Timber enough to pay for place if rut into cord wood; terms. F. B. HOLBROOK CO.. 314 Lorn her Exchange. 2 ACRES, close in; modern improvements, wa ter, gas. electricity; trade or sale; terms. T-801. Journal. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN ranches nesr Portland; 3. 5, 10 acre tracts, 365 to 8200 per acre. McFarland. 603 Teon bldg., Portland. FOUR acres, convenient to Oregon City car. $350 per sere. Phone Oak Grove 31-M. MADISON VILLA acres, $500: gas. water. 8 min. to shipyard. Msln 8165. 1 TO 3 acres, close to city UmiU; small house. Phone Broadway 2262. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 $25 DOWN $15 MONTH Parkros acre tracts; gas, water and electric connections. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. Main 208. A-2050. FOR RENT Desirable country home, simply furnished: garden: by station, few months, $12 a month. A-139. Gresham. TIMRER IS NOTICE OP SALE OF GOVERNMENT v TIM BER General Land Office, , asmngton. u. C, May 11. 1918 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of Jane 9. 1916 (39 Stat.. 218). and the instruction of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15. 1911. the timber on the toi 1ow4n l.nd. will be sold Juna 26. 1918. at LO o clock a. m.. at puouc auction at tne United States land office at Portland. Oa, to the highest bidder at not less than the an- nrsised value as shown by this notice, sale to b subject to the pproval ofth Secretary of th Interior. TO purcnes price, wiui an eoni- tional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions sltowed. must be deposited at him or i monev to ne retumea u ai is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed -within ten years. Bids win do received rrom eiuxene oi tbe United States, associations of such citixen and corporations organixed under the law of the United States r any state, territory or district thereof only. Lpon application of Qualified purchaser, the timber or any legal sub- division wui oe oiierea sepaaaieiy -Deiors oemg included in any offer of a merger unit Town ship 4 S , R. 2 E.. See. 21; NE14 NW14. red fir 915 M. ; not to be sold at less than 81.50 per SI T. 4 8.. K. 3 a.. HeO. a; Ek IsKt4. red fir 1080 M. : NWli NE14. red fir 1045 M.. cedar 10 M.; NE4 NW 4 , red fir 400 M . cedar 25 M. ; NW NW. red fir 285 M.. cedar 15 M. ; none of the red iir or cedar to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 10 S.. R. ; 3 E., See. 8. BW Oonglas nr 848 1 t Els SEs. Doaglaa fir 747 M. : hem- i lock 144 M.; SEtt KW14, Douglas fir 1313 M. ; none of the Doaglaa fir to he sold for less than 81 per M., and none of the hemlock to be sold for less than 50e per it. Sec 6. fXriUma?u-i!r VJ k 168 M. : lot 4 or NW NW14. Douglas fir xioa as.; on .s . . lwusiu nr soao aa. ; BE 14 NW hi , Douglas fir 1483 M. ; NE 4 eWV. Douglas fir 1411 M; BE V SWa. Doaglaa fir 1039 M. 8ec 7. NE hi NKti, Douglas Iir ouu u. sec ii, Mii, yeUow fir 960 M.. hemlock 60 M ; N'Wn NE14. yellow fir 1183 M.. hemlock 65 M : NEW NWS, yellow fir 1530 M.. hemlock 90 M.; NW KWli. yellow fir 1130 M.. hem lock 103 M. ; none of the Douglas fir or yel and none of the hemlock to be sold for less low fir to b old for less than $1.60 per M.. than 60c per M (Signed) Clay Tallin. Com mhaioner General Lana Off ice. FOR SALE Bids will be received until Jane 1. 1918. for the entire oatpat of sprue and fir wood produced by th Vancouver cap-op plant. Loaded on car or wagon at the option of the pur chaser. Method of measurement on the abort wood. 160 cubic feet will be considered a cord when loaded on wagons or car in the usual method. Edgings and alabwood will b sold per cord, rig., 128 cubic feet. Payment to be mad on or before the 10th of each month for wood delivered the preriona month. The successful bidder to furnish a satisfactory bond in the sum I of 83000. Right is reserved to reject any oi ail j bids. H. S. MITCHELL Contractor. Vancouver Cut-up Plant. Vancouver, Wash. 8HXPKNEES. piling, hewn ties; will boy uas ber if right pfice. H. J. Hamlet, manufae turer. Horn office, Portland : Camp Barton. Or. FOR SALE 4,500,000 feet second growth fir, good logging, frame timber to K. R. Cameron. 803 Spalding bldg. FOB SALF FARMS 17 FOR SALE 13 acres, modern 7 room bunga low, new alio: all other outbuildings; 1 miles from Albany; price 83500. Chaa, Hop per. R 8. box '18-A. Albany. Or. 881 ACRES Crops, machinery, atock; $luo per acre; terms. Gravity water: Paeifie hign way. B. 2. bar 135. Albany. Or. ALBERTA WHEAT FARMS' Wheat, oats, flax and barley, too best there la. Write Claude Cole, Warner. Alberta. 40 ACRES of good land ha Idaho county, Idaho. C Finney, owner, 1241 H Macadam sL -FOR SALE A Farm, all isspro-ved, acre, mile from Tacgart, Call Mar. 2753. FOB SALE HOUSE IT AN IDEAL FARM. 20 acres of excellent sand, mil from Pa cific highway; 12 acre cleared, baianc pas ture; new house, worth $1000; good barn, splendid young orchard: good fencing, well and pump; close to school and R. F. D.; only $3500 and on easy terras N. W. MEHRIF1ELD, S10 Washington St.. Vancouver. FOR SALE. 60 acre farm. 20 acre in cultivstioB. well cleared, baianc in pastor; good house and barn and other outbuildings, good orchard: runqiag water, also good welL Seven first class milk cows, on Jersey ball and bogs and chicken with all farm implements and growing crop: will ell on account of wifa'a ill health. Price $7000, part cash, balance on term. Address P. O. Box 482. Kelso. Wash. FOB 8 ALE IS-acre improved chicken ranch; good buildings: located 4 ta fj1 from Albany, Oregon. For fall particulars. wVu N. L Hindee, R. F. D. No. 5. Albany, Oregon. - 40 ACRE diversified Oregon farm: 18 fall wheat. 3 acres orchard; electricity in house; 'splendid roads, markets, achool; plioe $2500. half cash. 1-805. Journal. CHEAP 100 acres, 12 acre cleared, bearing orchard, water. 26 mile from Portland. Owner, SS4 N. 19th st. 17 H ACRES for tale; H cleared, the rest "la pasture: house and -barn on Place. For far. ther information address Mr. O. FenJanore. Battle Ground. Wash. $1250 Nice 10 acre piece ail in easy terms; round trip 8 5c 2952. heat, very Owner, Eaat FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUT 38 WANTED to rent, chicken ranch or 1 to 5 acres, amall houe, near station, or auto traf fic line. A-139, Gresham. Or. HOMESTEADS 47 DATES set for O. A. ci homesteads near Portland. Some best lands in state. Near electric lines and paved highways. You may see the lands Sundays, file and contina your work in war industries. I drew original map and assisted government in classification of these lands. Map of entire grant. $1. Opea Sunday. 1 to 4. Anderson. 481 Cham. Com. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE J 7 ROOM modern house, lot 100x100. fruit and shrubbery, street improved. Milwaukie. Ir. Also 160 acres of timber, 1 mile of R. R., elos to S million ft., and 2 lots in Port land for a small equipped ranch. George Morse, owner. 315 Cham, of Com. 400 ACRES Diversified Oregon farm, build l ing. stock, eauinment: personal property Tamed $35,000 included: price $75,000; exchange for income city property equal value. F-789. Journal. WILL take good used automobile for equity in fine acre or first payment on house, large lot, fine view, shipyard district. Owner, Main 2879. NEW brkk hotel and business block, big cash income, west side, cash or land. Main 623 Monday. EQUITY in 10 room boose, 9 block shipyard. 4 room bungalow, clear, for small place. 8930 69th St. S. E. Tshor 3235. 40 ACRES. 20 miles east of Portland on high- way. Exchange for Eastern Oregon wheat or stock farm. 295 E. 72nd N. or Tabor 8516. 632 ACRE stock ranch, all stocked and equipped; 90 acres in crop: for Portland property. Ar nold, 620 Henry bldg. NICELY located improved farm in Minnesota; consider residence or stock of goods. A-778, Journal. MO.T cash paid for furniture and musical in struments. Hall & Cessiday. 12i FiTot. Main 7098 WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 WANTED HOUSES. We have buyers with cash, or terms; watch oar ads; we get results O. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. SHACKS AND 8MALL HOMES WANTED Must be N. E. and priced right. We have numerous buyers wilting. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. CHEAP rough land. 80 rods from Columbia highway, east; fnll particulars. Y-774. Journal. FOR RESULTS list your property with the Real Estate Exchange. 201. 3d St., Portland. WANT 3 or 4 room house. Have late model Saxon Six car to trade. Bdwy. 2. room 316. ROOMING HOUSES u FOR 8AI,E Tsncouver rooming boos. 39 rooms In good i i... i a .,... i i... . .. ! condition, 36 furnished, leased for two years and lower floor sub-leased, nearly pays the rent. Owner called to th colors; it ia a bargain; every room occupied. D. 8. Cameron Realty company, Vancouver. Wash. Phone 78 llTROOMS 3 535 Located on Main st. from depot: cheap rent; corner location; located where rooms are always full - Clean and light, all on one floor. To see is to buy. Peters, 15 N. 6th st. 4 4 ROOM modern lodging house, steam heat, rood furniture. low rent, long lease, making good money; owner must sell on account of 1 sickness; $3000. Fred S. Williams. 92 V 1st. 22 ROOMS 22 Brick Mdg , all on one floor; heart of city. Hose to Washington St.; rent $40; clean aa a pin. Price $745: terms. Peters. 15 U. 5fh st- 80 ROOMS, part H. K. ; making good money. Price $5000: rent $200. Fred 8. William. 92 V 1st st. 20 ROOMS all full, rent 330 month: lease 3 years, 3375; must act quick. MUlership. 431 Chamber of Commerce. 1 4 R OM modern apartment house, income $125. rent $40. Price $110O. Fine furni ture and location, west side. 11-913. Journal. ROOMING house owners. I have $100 or $500 in cash and 3 acres in White Salmon valley, all clear, to trade for one. Phone Bdwy. 402. BUSINF8OPFORTUNITIE8 t GREATEST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Fine 2 story concrete store, corner Irvington, best location in city, income ,$250 per month; building very substantial, modern, price $2 5,000: worth $30,000: will take $15,000 cash, balance clear property. Center best FOR SALE FARMS dric. ThU forian.Yir. family. xJ i FOR SALE or trade. 6 fresh cows, at Colum 7S W H H.rdmsn bia blvd. and I moo ave. 1 r I 7 T7H Tt a neai upporiuimy For sale, first class grocery cash business on . corner oi s uusj siren. a ji proijueiuoa ior. 1 the right party. T-803. Journal. ; GROCERY 8TORE : r..,i v...,-, nr tin in.i.wii. nTinK rooms, clean stock, cash business; prica , for stocki future and furniture. $430; terms. j PETERS 15 N. 5TH ST. ,, ' : : ; : r , " 1 -' ' ' ....... ... ,.u.-v. .... new process for making ship spars, cost and 3 times as fast as old process. Patent ap plied for. Is big money maker. Does not re- j quire much cash. B-692. JonrnaL Al GOING sawmill proposition, cutting western pine, to.oiiu capacity, timber contracts in cluded: $1750 cash required: real opportunity. ! m Knvsl bldg.. Morrison and Broadway. SMALL stock of groceries and fixtures on weU traveled street corner near large school, a few hundred dollars will take it. Call Tabor 6483 on Monday. i riANClNG studio for sale: fine business: hXTh class trade. Bargain tor immediate sale, D-501, Journal. WANT sawmill site with from 30 to 100 million ft. timber tributary, give lowest price stumpage. W-4 54. Journal. , DON'T WORRY. ' I can sell or trade anything anywhere. Lay- ; man. 143 H Broadway. j frVp CHANCE FOR SOMF. OVR Dairy in Portland. 18 cows. 200 customers. ' r-i i, h.n.r ill v.tia j ing ; good location ; reason of sale, called bv the drsft. 271 11th t-t. A SNAP FOR CA8H Grocery and bakery. Inquire 355 Washing. ton. corner 17th. Price $650. 8 H K. rooms, cheap f or cash. Owner leaving . town. Phone Main 1204. FOR SALE Or would consider partner in ice cream and soft drink stand. 192 H 3d SC GROCERY and delicatessen at 266 Broadway. Phone Main 1204. 14 ROOMS near shipyard; suits ei for lodging house East 3377. XilM I To LOAN REAL KTAT r". J OUR installment plan ia tb best and method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 months or $21.24 for 60 mintha, or $15 17 for 94 month, pay $1000 loan aad Interest. Other ounts m proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. , No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSOCIATION Z4Z Btarg sr.. r-nrtisasx. or. BCluDING I on cily or sooaroan pmpsrty. money advanced a wore proarraaaea. W. G. Beck. 21$ and 21 Failinc hide Main 1407 1250 1U ..WOO. SEiaJS. relund old matt cage; lower interest. Ward. 407 arpsknng bldg. 'MONEY to lean in amounts of 8100 to 33000 on city paopeily. A. IL BELL. 201 Gerhnger bldg. 1500 TO $900 to loan, city or farm amort- gage: commission, p. O. box 87$. MORTGAGE loan and mortgagea and con trscts bessghL ' Fred S. Williams. 93 k 1st st. MOiiTiiAGE luaas. and 7 V Lotus stujawa ft Co.. 404 SeiHng bldg. LOANS on city and farm property. 6 per cent wp. F. Foe lis, 420 Cham, of Com. lAaai for sasortgagsa, lean, coatracta. r. U. Iwia. room 4. Lewi bldg. Mam 68S. $100 TO 41500; eousider Wu. . IL Isswling. 17 Chamber f Cosnm:ca. Marshall 2432, MONEY TO LOAH REAL ESTATE 37 $250. $$iu. I Oct. giCHI. Au. I5, glovw aad iargssT aanotrata at current rata, Quick Fred W. German Co.. 732 Lhasa. Ceea. MONEY TO LOAIV $7 CHATTELS. SALARIES SaTaTT LOANS Chaiaal VTU LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or work tog men es their own note. WeeaUy, aeasi-BBosithly or monthly paymaata. Each transact ma strictly eonfidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. W aiM loan cm boose hold fonutar. pmaos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 817 Tailing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loan mad to persons on salary or fixed In come, on house bo Id furniture, piano, diamond and other personal property, kraal rate. Bua nase confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed 806 107 Dekum bldg. POUiLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protest borrow jr. a MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 394 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PLANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOAS WANTED WANTED from private party to loan $o0 to $80O on farm or city property. Arnold. 020 Henry bldg. ' HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 19 - ACCT ION AUCTION Every Tuesday and Friday at 10 a. m., of horses, barneasea. w axons and cattle. Bring us your atock to sell. Th best of reference. If yon want a horse or wagon, or have on to aell sea us. Colombia Com m ission aad Auction Stables. 302 Front St. WAGONS for sale cheap; 20 wagons all in first class oondition. suitable for almost anytliing; will take one tenth of actual value; no further nse for them; all hand mad. Call 263 .Rus- sell st. JUST moved is from th country. Have good1 team of farm mules, weight 2300. snd 2 row. sLso good fat single horse, weight 1 1 50. Will sell cheap. Take Woodstock ear to 26th. Co 3 blocks east to 84)6 Powell valley. JUST got don plowing; 3 head of work horse, hertuss and liaht farm waxon. 12-in. plow at your own price. Take Mt. Scott car to 9th at.. 1 blk. east, 1 blk north to 5823 83th at. 8. E. FOR SALE Black horse, harness and good spring wagon, suitable for gardening, 1400 Ins.. 11 years old. gentle far any elderly person to handle: $125 takes the outfit; horse is sound. 380 Front t. Phil Bnetter. FOR SALE Cheapest lot of draft horse ever seen in Portland. 1500 to 1700 lb., from $250 a span up; guaranteed aa represented or money refunled; will exchange for big mares or mule. 380 Front St. I'hU Bueter. FOR SALE 4 year-old bay gelding, about It 00 lbs., in A 1 condition; broke aingie or saddle. Will take one or two pigs in part pay ment. Columbia 598. 1930 Hodge street. HORSE for Mile. 6 years old; weight 1700 lbs. l'riee $175. F. W. Miner. Hidden farm. East Vancouver. Thone 268-Y. FOR SALE $25 tikrs l5o lb. horse H ears old. good worker, no further Use for him. 46 E. 87th St.. Montarilla. P. Hanson GOOD team, weight 2400 lb., sound and fat. Cheap for cash. 6SSS 8 2d U S. E.. Mt. Scott car. GOOD pony, bugzy and whole outfit, includ ing saddle, for sale. Henry Hohnatein, 698 I leveiano ave. 2600 LB. team, true worker, fat : also har- ness, 8 V inch wagon, ail goea at iiu. Russell st. near William ave. 263 DEAD horse and animals hauled: away free. Call Woodlawn 20 Portland Rendering Co. DEAD UuKBSiS taken; can paid lor ileed coo Phone calls paid. Milwaukie v-J ONE good spring wagon. 3 seats, top, good con dition, cheap, labor Z8T4, evenings. HORSE and wagon. $1.23 day; 2 horsee and wagon. 82.50. l Front. Main 2208. SNAP! 3 or 4 big logging teams. A street sore. 100 E. 9th N. little 2400 LB. team with harness. $125 Phone Mar. 4055. irTrs- ..m for llAVii a team ior ia or rent or responsible party. East 4989. WAGON running gears. 4-in. ateel wheel, good shape, cheap. East 5681. Write 316 Monroe at. LIVESTOCR 8$ NOTICE TO CATTLE BREEDERS For sale. 2 choice thoroughbred Holstein bulls. C. W. Hyde, Vancouver, Wash. Phone J 580. FOR 8AI.E Thoroughbred Ayrshire bull calf. ' 9 weeks old. Reautery papers applied for. Box 75. Sherwood. Or. MILK goats, some fresh and coming fresh, all young; $35 to $60; stamp for reply. M. Montrhaiin. Carson. Wash. EXCHANGE Fsrm tesen. 2800 lbs., for milch cows, bargain. M. M. Smith. 550 Williams sve. Eat 4447. FINE young, fresh, gentle fsmily and dairy cows. 6 and 8 test, good condition, $50 to $80. Will take dry cows in exchange. 731 E. Ash. ! 10 FRKSli dairy and family cows. Durham and u.l.,. . .. . 1 li.l, . r. .1. J.pmv. rrtr ; rpmsorutble 1 445 Milwaukie ave . Sellwood car FOR SALE Jersey cow snd laying heus. reason able. 1212 E. Salmon, or Tabor 8500. after 6 p. m. TWO fine fresh rows, big milkers, Durtiam and Jersey. 1594 Division st. FOR SALE Fresh cow and a heifer calf. Woodstock car to 896 Powell Valley road. FOR BALK t milch cows. 1 yielding heifer. 1 calf Tabor 657 5. YOUNG fresh cow. L61 E. 81st st. N. 1259. Tshor HORNLESS Saanen fresh milch goat, twin kid. for sale. 1243 Halsey st. POULTRT, PIGEONS, FET STOCK $7 MAGUIRES BABY CHICKS O. A. C. Barred Bocks and R. I. Rcl. $20 par 100; White or Brown Leghorns. $15 per 100; heavy laying, rigorous. Hoganixed stock none better. Eggs for hatching. J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon st. Phone East 1805. BEST KIND Whit Leghorn baby chicks. 3 days old. 15c each; also setting bens snd rooster. Tsbor 612 after 3 p. m , except Bun- days. 94 9 E. 73d st N. 8. C WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks of healthy free rang laying atock. hatch off May 25 and June 4. W. Ziegler. 124 E. 83d at. iyunnyside car. walk 2 blocks north. ROBINSON Single Comb White leghorn, bred especially for winter egg production. laty old chicks now ready for delivery. A. F. Rob inson. 82d st. and 26th ave. 8. E. Tsbor 7269. CHICK ST White Leghorn, Ires range, trap nested foundation stock. Master Incubator Co.. 413 Jessup st.. Portland. Or. Wcodlawn 4 34 4 PROGRESSIVE hatchery. 1534 E. 12tii at. N. Phone Woodlawn 1485. White Leghorn baby chick for June 2 delivery. YOU. HALE 4 dox. 1 1 snd 12 months old 8. C White I-eghom hens. O. A. C. (train; crated to ship 11 each. Box 23. Molalla. Or. FOR SALE 19 mixed chickens, $1.26 each; akso about 1 50 feet poultry netting. Phone Woodlawn H028. LAYING 1-eghorn pullets and young hens. $1.25 each: fine atock, good layers. East 1805. ! '87 Oregon si THOROUGHBRED Barred rock baby chicks. Eggs for batching. wain, ltss, mi Mallory street. 8 C. RHOLE Island Red egg for setting; $1 for 13. Woodlawn 583. R. L RED. 'White Wyandotte egga for hatching, Wdln. 2979. DAT old white Leghorn chicks. Wood In 1362. POOS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC 43 FLEMISH giant rabbit, fin atock. East 3829. 631 Union ave. N. THOROUG KB RETi fox terrier pup. WWn. 1656. 1447 Mallory st. DOE with 12 young one 6 week old. East Bin. ; - FOR. BALE A white Spit dog. license psuT F. L. Eater. 1191 Omaha. Wdla. 2663. AUTOMOHILES-t-ACCESSORI F 44 CHEAP light Speedster or hug. 3 good tires and tn fin condition; has been in storage. Ap- ply Crown Stable. 284 let at 4 CYLINDER Btudebsker. without a body, auit able for a bug; for sale cheap. Drafted, must leave now. CaU Tabor 3618 after. 5 o'clock. 1917 FORD tour lag. 1425 cash. Used little, look like new. 292 11th. Msm 621$. Week days after 8. WILL seU my 1$7 Maxwell cbespT TTT7. JonrnaL FOR SALE Larg Appersoa; fine for jitney. Call 103H Fremont St.. or phone C-2127. CHEVROLET 90; 1500 astZ Phon Wood- kswn 1970. after 3:30 p. an. or Sunday a. m. 1912 5 puaenger 11 running order. $250. .715 Missouri as. MUST sell my 1918 Maxwell louring car at . once. A-775. Journal. CHRAP 1914 Ford . m A-l reams seder f- Mar. 1344 or cadi at 349 4th at. AUTO TRAILER for mk. Eat 497l7 WILL seD my Bosch 3 psssenasx. CaU Te- bor 6787. BUICK for sals cheap. Cail Tahug 630. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 SPECIALS THIS WEEK ; Maxwell. 5 pasfeoger. almost new $ 700 Col 30 300 Chevrolet, almost new 60O JefTriea. 2 ton track 1000 Maxwell special. 8 passenger - 300 Mitchell, almost new .' 1100 Overland Club 82 S Terms If desired. Open evening and Sundays W. H. WALLINGFORD. 322 Alder at. Broadway 2492 TRAILERS TRAILERS TRAILERS 3 and 4 wheeled trailers of all kind from 1000 to 4000 lha. capacity at astonishingly low price. DAVID HODES CO . Corner Broadway and Flanders St, Portland. Or. , USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1917 Grant. 5-pass.. 6-cyL. $873. 1917 Mitchell. 5 pasa.. -cyL. $1250. 1917 Mitchell. 7 as . 6 eyL. $13"0. 1916 Mitchell. 5 pass.. 8-cyl.. $850. 1916 Cole. 7-pasa.. 8-cyl.. $85l. 1915 Mitchell 6-paa.. 6 eyL. $750. 1917 Overland. 5 pass., 4 cyl., $650. 1914 Mitchell. 5 pa.se.. 6 eyL. $650 1913 Stndebaker, 3 pas.. 4-cyl , $373. 1914 Ktudebaker. 4 pas, coupe. $550. Ford truck with body and top, $350. 2 -ton track with cab. $1230. Several others to select from. MITCHELL. LEWIS ft STAYER CO.. USED CAR DEPT. East Morrison at Pint St. East 7272. B-1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak st. Kdwy. 515. B-$$4S. GARAGES HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. Ksssv, Th portable IS kind Save yon money. See as pie st 64 4, Hood at. Main llttl. Millmade Construction Co. THAI Ell. t)HA VEH-;I I.LI MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton. 3TO I BUILDERS OP 1 H Ton. 14 20 I EVEHKEADV TRUCK 2 Ton. 8470 I ATTACHMENTS Capacity I Mfg. in Portlsnd. 193 E. Wster st Phone East 7487 NEW T1RE What brand of new tire do yon prefer r W bar them, all makes sad si sea. Also we make the fa mous O-V-0 Double Tread (sewed) tire and do all manner ef tire re pairing. Oregon Vulcanising Co.. 833-335 Barn side near Broadway. AUTO WRECKERS XV t wreck most all make of cam and sell the good parts for leas than half price. We have ail kind of used bodie for ala. Highest price paid for old cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANT. 228 Front st MAIN 4768 LAHER' Mfg. ft Repairs. 8000 guaranteed springs la stock: prices reduced. 34 N. l$th st. SUPER SIX Uurbon. 1918 model, brand new car, for sal for cash, or will trade for Lib ' esty or Canadian bonds. This car is new. No i trouble to answer question. Call 84 3d t- Ope evenings. FOR SALE Classiest Overland bag tn city. $350; newly overhauled. Call after 6 in the evening or Suuday. Phone Tabor 117. Ad dress 991 East Msln. 1916 FORD, ran 7000 mile, in prim of con dition; repainted end a few extra; used as a private car only. Terms cash. Tabor 2660 after 6 p m. 3322 82d st, 8. E. MOTORS, gear, bearings, whsel. axlea; we wreck all make of car and sell their part at half price David Hod Co.. N. Broadway and Flanders. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object: larta for all make of car. Oregon Anto Ex change. 129 I-ownsdal at 15th and Washing ton. Main 1161. llsed Cars COVEY MOTOR CAR CO list and Washington sts. Msta 6244 FOR SALE 1915 Cadillac eight: hs Just bssen ail overhauled: two brand new tirss : other two in first ciass condition; $1400. Marshall 633. BARGAINS IN USED FORDS Touring cars, roadsters, chassis; every ear everhaaled and repainted. Roc-maon-Smith Cs.. Sixth and Madison. 19T6 HUPMOBII.E. first class oondition! See Rodham ft VoUuas Auto Co.. 93 N. Park. Broadway 609. atgifiyss ra. DUBkUILLE fa,m"Bm?m TOP CO.. laoTO TD XI 1 ii- VfT 9th and Qk. Broadway 1664 Fords Enameled $15.00 370 E. Morrison t. 1917 BUCK Four, just down. $4o per month, 33 N. Broads ay. new. 1750; 8350 $76? Fletcher ft James. PACKARD truck. 3 Ion. just overhauled, new giant tires; bargain for quick sale. The White Coraissny. Park and Cotsrh sts. DELIVERY truce. Hevensl , tun car, wita or without bodies. t bargain prices. The Whit rorapny. Park and Coocb ata. 5 PSENTiEll auto, in good running condi tion, 1140. Main 679 Sonda or venlng. AUTOMOBILES TTANTF.D SPOT CASH Paid for mte model tearing can and roadsters. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 327 Washington st, Broadway 8463. WE WILL PAY YOUR aroT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. PALACE GARAGE. 13TH AND STARK ST. BROADWAY 1173. ; A-3443. WILL bay. your Ford ear for spot cash, faoo- inson-Smrth Co.. Sixth and Madison. WANTE1 Ford, late model; must b in first ckss ronditVm Cash. U 91. Journal. hU,liEs'i prices paid ior sutosaobiie condl- tion no object. 121 N. 3d st. Bdwy, 202 WANTED Ford. Maxwell or light oar; spot cash Cameron. 275 Union av. N. ' AUTO FOR HIRE A3 AU103 FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRTYERS Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing at Robnett. City Garage. 86 16Hh. Between Stark and Osk. Broadway 940. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR UlhSL COUCHMAN AND SULLIVAN. MARSH. 233 10TH ft YAMHILL A-1234 COLUMBIA river higbwsy auto aervioe. We do sxi work. Mam 22 . MOTORCTCLES-BICTULES BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES. Lam stork of new and awed DAYTON CYCLE CO., 68 6th FOR SALE Bicycle ill good condition. 'all at 5 1 O Jefferson st- MAN'S bicycle for sale; good conditio. ; $13. Call Main 2864. lOK SALE or trad, tela Pope motorcycle. $$$. 224 llarrwm t. LAUNCHES AND BOATS BARGAIN Nine taiaiecgeT V bottom launch. qoipped with 20 bp. engine ; awto ateering wheel: reverse gear: dtaiUate and gaaotin tank. Call Main 4195. 1070 Covbett C FOR SALE A gasolinl 4 IL P. Standard o- gine. fishboat. 8725. rncloding 3 net, all complete. Apply Loan Sslasos. Cliftem. Or. FOR SALE 3-room aafornashed hesassfcoat. foot V irsinia st. Mala 8891 FOR KALE New boat, 34x4 ft, Slav Beady fog engine. 4103 38th are. FOR SALE Howwboat; modern, fisruisbsd. near. Bargain. Teres H 914. Jeawnal CANOE and oatfit at aaerifsas. Mast ssvil this week. Chart. Read eoileew. PIANOS. ORGANS AKD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 GRAFONOLA. latest model, with records, ia perfect condition. Sell 53. 393 CAOii buys $13 Erasst Gable wtaright wtaso. Seennty Storage Co.. 1U9 4th st. Piano Tuning $3.00 J.'iV, Mst WANTED Player piano or pi a fog eaah. 491. Journal. - , . FLA0. ORGANS AND MU31CAX INSTRUMENTS 84 security bToRai.e Cvx caajainu out. . tlOO Hohler ft Honler. wpright. cash... 8 76 -$400 Lemad wrriaht. svrtv new. eaah ...$148 . $40 Kimball, large apnght. for ea.....$lv $$78 1917 aaoda. aaabogaay. eaah. . . $194 $43$ tsrg 1917 ssooVsi. waiaat. cash . . . 31 1 a 3473 1917 aaodel. ass hogs ny. easa. .... .6133 s sou iia axxM. nn tyi. cm. ..... aw 370 1916 model, player piano, wash. ...8318 8178 Boethwa-k. actav ewgaa. cash. . . 3 $3 8 93 Bridgeport parlor organ, cash ...... 8 33 3 85 Pboaograptt and sweurda. eaah. ...8 83 $ 99 Phonograph and reessrds. cash .....$ 40 1Q 41U.BT. AT WASH1.1UTU.V SIT. aLTTmT sic al In st rITments " t Take in exehana for a DhoswsrraDki or plane. Liberal pmfMsationa. SEIBERLINO ft LUCAS MU8IO TO. 125-127 4th t Main 5. D VE3H L Phonograph aad rxoed bsrasht, aM exchanged aad rented. Expert swpasr Ing. 142 S 3d. near Alder, wpetalr. NH'K littSa upright piano, saad by an okd. re liable factory. In good ooooiuoav alas. Terms. Call 149 6th at ; A REAL old Mathu-r in a genuine raeoodi ra. good for a long una to eome. 8219. Call 149 th st. $12 CASH. monthly, bays $37$. new 1914 snodeL unproved avrigbt ptn for lilUS, at Bchwsn Piano Co.. Ill "win at. i NEW $21$ talking sasrhia and records ta trad for good old passu. Harold B. Oiiawtt. 384 Tamhill at. RENT a piano, most rsuwrie.e term tn Port- land. o square anr tnomp boxes. gtaroM av Gilbert, 384 VamhUL J . PRACTICALLY new Vk trol and records, rsa- sonable. Call YVoodlaau 3972 after : Monday evening. SACRIFICE Fine mshugaay phonsraph. Playe all records. Terms to rupnaaibl partlea. Main 2143. or Sellwood 1717. -PIANO ssnted. Will pay cash fog beJgaTsT Main 8586. WANTED a piano; East 5014.- "D bargain for , caahT COLUMBUIA Graphophooe and records for sal cheap, or trade for chickens. Wdln. 4777. rnuMiuKAins, iseuru. buuabl. esNd aad ensweed. Hll ft Caastday. lit In a. M. 7198. PHONOGRAPH. $65 cash. Party keaving. 4 tsorjth oth st. TYPEWRITERS j ft KEW REMINGTON, rental Bian. rsni applua l porch.. Visible model. REMINGTON TXPEWRITElP CO.. 83 Broadway, . Broadway 4tt. ol'ARAN i ELD Factory Rebuilt Tlpswrrura, "All Makes," sold on monthly psymeat. Sswd for price list. The Wholesaie Typewrlteg C Retad Iiept.. 331 Washington St. ALL MAhlLS typewriter rsated aad repaired, Oregon Type Co.. 94A 6th. Mala 3663. , REBUILT typewriura, uppus. Corona daaWv E. W. Peas Co.. 110 6th. : ' ' t ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE ON SALE At 208 Madison st : -3 pier parlor rait. $11 30; srre rocker. $2.45; center table. $e; library tables, 15 35: oostnmer. 73c: gag rsnge. $9 50; gas water hester. $8 73; sv. heater. $14; Monarch malleable rang. $88 30t outer range. $11 60: cook stoves. $6 30; Par-, feet ion cook stoves. $i 50; gas oven. $3.46; gssolin 2 burner stove. $2 $3: dressers, 94.90; iron bed. 81 65: springs. 81.93; enattr . 12.43; round osk dining tables, new. 11190; nek sidehosrd. $14 90; rockers. $3.43; high chairs, $2 2: oak taboorett. 65c; mag sin racks. 85c; bonk ahelvM. $1 45; chair. 7ej child's Iran crib, $3.7$; piano stools. $1.35; Mrs. Pott irons. 73c; set of litre leather seat rockers and chairs ice cream tables and chain. K. treasures, in fact, most everything. 8) these il marked ' with big yellow tax Noticerttountry Dealers Also hotel andV rooming rinoa owner We are going oat of busies' Mast aell stoves, carpet and furniture at area than Grand Rapids Furniture Co.. 34-66 GRAND ATE. EAST 394. BUCKS wood and coal rang with water hack, tn good condition. $25. Call after today al 993 H Halsey st. ; FURNITURE for sale or tr.de; will tsk large truck. Call after 8. 603 K 13th s. FINE folding bed Tabor 2995. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Paint that roaf will 1$ ml m FTREPRryr WATERPROOF RUSTPROOF PAINT Prevents the growth ef aasa. Stop leak aad protect from firs Costa no mars . Phone Mala $976. n Tenn sad Port Orford cedar, eevpe last design; factory prioas. Faetory aw. 76t and 76th Tabor 606 trimmed: latest TlrP ALL arachlnea sold fof leas; as agecu are employed: machine rented; repaired. A-3624. Msia 9431. Sewing Machine bmpfenaaa. 190 3d St., near Taylor. Electric Motors Rouaht, wild, rented and reps i red. Walker Electric Works. 413 Bank side, corner loth. H roadway 474. LARGE late cabbage plant $o per d.. 8 das, 25c, 30 doa. 50c; guaraateed rartii for cah. bag BUMota with each ak; no deliveries. E. 79th t. near Ash; M. V. car to etnh and Ash, I block west. "MUSICAL I N 8 T RUMEN fi?" "typewriter'' and "Hoaseboed Gonds" are stsrste etaasifi. cation. Ail advcrtlsesBents of the goods are published under their respective i lsififstlints. LIXJK THEM OVER. $10.00 1 EN drufheaui sewing ease Inns with attachment; all ar in very good condition Sewing star nine rented t $$ per month. Phon East 3359 or H 3307. K. R. Bteen, 152 Grand a vs., nesr Belmont. $10 to $12 USED DROPHEAD SEWINt) MACHINES. Guaranteed, W rent end repair. 172 3d t. Main 1643. A-1M. auTomT7hii.es. Motok vci.. LalnciisjI or boats are asperate eiessifarsuons, A ssrge bating can be found sindar th different class. fiestions. ' lUtl ENVELOPES or $00 bond Utter hssdmT $2 25; 23 en rivers' type wedding ' ' r inv't's $3. Ssalth. Printer, 204 Stark at. Folt SALE Par chicken manure: bt lr tillsoe: 11.35 for 209 pounds. Tn Maetoag To., lno Front C Marshall 7, A-2333. LA LI Li desiring crochet work or having sssa for sale. Send 1 Oe for "Book of lisstgsw' and detail'. Int- Trading Cvsrhet Co.. 28s) Id sC OflRN SEED Tellow "Lnt and White Dent.' Home phone I-l. ask tor IL Kilns. Urea ham. It. "A." USED hut wster b-rtlesr. 39 sal. 15: 40 gal. 17 10 We have op to 120 gal Over 60) now in use. 189 Adsans st Phone East T9. W E have a larg assortment of psoas. rnluvstors, asrdssi toes. icy-lea, ,tc. BITTMAN HOW. CO . 213 Front et. Mam 3611 FOR HALE 12o plain uuengraved candy boxes. 1 and 2 pounds. Job lot $12. ImU Ht---" 503. ; DIAMOND tor est, food stone. S karat. tleman a setting. 80 Bui 100 Or ham. Or. ; FOR SALE Adding msciiine. first class ooav drtion. eheap. 272 3d si near Jefferson MklXICA aaddls. xod condiUod. hse owswg eenlnas. 1029 WchoyW-r - FOR SALE A Isrg fas electric bakaeeesv Call 124 Broadway, tn th rssseaasot " VACUUM elaaoers oid. repirsd. tinted, ea chnged. bwwgbt. Bcrwle-y Co.. MSB 6382. UNCil l-l'1' tsor sssAs suits, 19.30 UtZ Taylor th Tailor. 289 S Bnnsride. $J8. COMPL:TE BATH LOO MfiU f FIT, $$C Northwest Pip Co., 167 Front st. PLUMBING gnitus. whuiel pness. Star. Dsvu Co . 212 64 sr. Main .T. CTVE us sasar erder Bast No. 1 fix cord wood. $7 essT. Et TDM. : FOR BALE Larg us d cssctne bak av 124 Broadway tn bssersewt. ' CfjNTRACTIN'i p in ting oatfH and $! take tt. Pnon Msia 1111 mm 0 1 'M- STOCK saddk aad bndis only Jhtly aasd.. ' 127 gO. Wortkl 340 Phon East 43. CaBBAI'.K pUata. Lukth Bsldisd, $ 25e- 794 Tscoaaa as. FOR SAIF, First ciass potAtoe. 90c seek. Celt Tsbor 1978 s. ' FOR HAlX Hood ebssp Ismily range. APphj 744 1 7lh at., pheav Bellwnod 122. FOR SALE Child's outdosr pUybous. 12x12; also go-cart. Woodlawa 2460 WOOD.4AW for aakv or Us-le. U newl, hanled Phon Marshall 3740. i FORD touring car, late aaodel; as rang. Ta bor 4116 ' . ' k(MiRK S raox. fairly good. Woodlawn 2031, 1004 Mssdesippl a vs. WILTON rag. 9il2, eheap. Call Mam 3244. TaWERVAC'UjUM SWKEPLR. Msia 1T. BABY boggy, aeasoasble. 917 E Msm st. MACHINERY 31 FOR SALE J. L Case steel setavntor. 16 by 84 salt feeder. aatXBStie anrigher. wind stack and ckrver bailer attaebmt; an good rwwamg order WB1 aell at bargain. - IL Wlirnlaa. SbsTwood. or.. Js. at. a. nox a a.