THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PO RTLAND, SAVJRDAY. MAY : 23. 1818. LOST A21D FOUKT It 1 THE 'foiluWluii articles have, been, (ound on cam of the Portland Railway. Light Power I Co.. Usy 24. 1918: 4 purses. 4 ptln (loves, 1 lnv 1 Inrwli keva 1 bar. 1 k oif a. 1 f otBl- - lain pen. 1 book, 1 button. umbrella. luncb boxes, packages, 1 pall, 1 bottle. 1 milk Mean, X pipe. 1 beeket. 1 bundla overalls. 1 bric-f rase. -1 handbag, 1 . suitcase. Owners mar ob- tain property at Ik ana Aider eta. station. LOS1 A 3 LOO Liberty bond of tba 2d Libert J loan, between Joseph and Portland.' a boot Marea JB or 20, 1818. Finder win please re tarn ito tba undersigned and receive liberal re- ward.' " Clark, pox josspn. ur. LOST Fridsy, 110 bill by poor working woman who need it. B2, -journal. ' WAHTtP-MAlB TOUNU HUSTLERS WANTED 1 Large concern can ua tba aerrleaa of ona or two h tut J Ins young aalaaman for eity work. Only dean eut, earnest, hardworking, ambition chaps need apply. Prefer' man with previous selling experience, but if yon look good, to ua and can furnish good reference wa will taka yon without experience. Yon mart be willing to learn ' and anxious to make good. Straight sal ary, moderata to start, but mora aa fait aa you ara worth tt. Poaition if permanent and offers an excellent future to tba right man. Give full details of experience, aga. married or single, rtiersriees. and don't forget your phona nam- bar. yon want to be considered. Address I U-884, Journal. I BOYS Do yon want to work all summer at $80 a month? Good, clean, healthful work. Ara you Ofer 16 and bare you wheel t If ao, wa lis re an opening and can place you. Apply Cudaby or BaUey. 2 S3 Oak at. BOYS WANTED. 16 TO 20 YEARS. BAO FACTOBY AMES. IIARBIS. NEVILLE CO., 1BTH AND H0YT STS. U. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT BE VICE. 247 DAVIS STREET. Common laborers urgently needed in shin- yards.. Good wages. Immediate employment. Good opportunities lor promotion. LlVti clerk, young man out of draft preferred, for position aa timekeeper in large manu facturing Co. machine shop; opportunity for adtanciaaeut; good position; teachea cost ac counting. Give phona number in reply. & 5. Journal. WEST LINN striae still on. No. experience needed. Gome and see free employment or- lice eJ'rnee rivmr iiuui uibiuu .nj. mjwv i wags V 9.SO lor eigut noun, uperauua iuu product. - WANTED An experienced well driller at once, on gasoline rig. Wages 34 a dsy and liln a foot besides. Must be good tool dresser. Give age and experience. Address box 84, Pan- clleton. Or. uiv tTJTv y mine man or xounc woman to I help care for-school rooms outside of study j hours, in exchange for business i college course. I Phone" Hdwy. or wme eournat. WANTED Good ateady man to work on extrac- '- tor; steady position, good pay. Apply in person. Crysusl Laundry to., u .list ai. ana Handy nuaj WANTED-!-Men to qualify for trainmen. Ap- k1. . iiu sunni Dviiidinn : Dim ui day and all nlghu Including Sundays. P. It., JU a P. company. . WANTED Salesman and collector for eity work; must be able to furnish bond. Call A. M.. 402 Washington su SliTirr man for Btealger's garage; must under- J stand how to run uiu wuu can, . eu i Bteaigrr, Kith and Couch. ( ; j A88IMTAST stock clerk for aiutomoniia -ueparx- . . menu Mitchell. Lewia Btaver t,o.. u and K. Mprrlson. l.. . ..Li... Ml i mii, . WAl.i l'e maaor. w - large oid growiu ,.- bids X --".j '" . a 'v. - ItAiiaa 4wa vheS evetilna." Columbia Box Co., 25th and Holl- aday- WANTED First class automobile painters. Kor tnformauon wnie j. a. unuoerg, ouo- 808 E. Market at., Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED Experienced truck driver for milk route. CaU Willamette Dairy. 483 Union CaU Willamette Dairy. 483 Union ave. N. I Tnf'iT.hnruED men for night shift in gal- ..nlxitm ulant: steady work; time and Vt Sunds&s and overtime. 14 th and Lovejoy. i' a hi tkT Hard candy man and cream jnan. Vofin Candy Co. iUTO painters wanted. Paul Staiger A Co., MtJ and Couch sts. MAN '. to take charge of blue room, Freeland Furniture Co., 0 70 Macadam. - 1 i OLDor"young manto Jcdraftlng for house WELJ, 'V00'"'! Kr ph?? eohstrootion company. Phona East 1581. walking distance, reasonable. 147 N. WANTED Men to work on river boats, $60 er.d up. Apply Washington dock. WASTEI) F.xperienred butterineker. lliverview dairy, 1003 ltelmont, tll.ACKHMITK wanted; good pay. Call at 727 ': roweii st- PORTER wanted. Journal Barber shop. MEN 'wanted to patch burlap bags. 200 Front. AtTfOMOBILk mechanic. 1258 Belmont st. HELP W ANTED MISCL. 4 strawberry picking season will begin about Juna 1. A large numDer oi picaers ana pace- i en wanted. Have increased wagea. Bring ramping outflta. Write for further information. I i.i n the White Salmon Valley Growers association. White Salmon. Wash. ' HAWTHORNE -AUTO SCHOOL . HKVTUnilVf iVF.MIlR EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC- TRICAL UNLIMITED;. PRACTICAL REPAIR EXPERIENCE. . VreYe TawCwVOCiOwl CatUaVaTU VJ Mse.awMg """" For particular eau or wnu iTirarapn xep-vr.-I mnt- Room lilH. Kauway eixcnaDKv Duiiain. ' . - i. .i if if 1,-tsilliriy lvairiat1 TraiMinwr KfhrMil. A weaka' course, operators for bookkeeping and wnn- n.,hin.. Anolv Elliott-Fisher Co.. 408 Henry Wrlg. "THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 380 Wasco St., corner Union ave. Call,, write or phone Eaat 7445 about free trial offer. Day and night classes. - vil.Mrt DECKER'H BUSINESS COLLEGE Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeographing. Eng lish arwlling. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. uiiK"Mlw.Uaii and women under 66 and boys . XJ:JT P Rrn Co toathabD7 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; walking dia ln atotea of S,P. B. B. Co., at urooaiyn scops. 1 r.l.htA leienhnn. and w.t.e aitu ateadyl work. Btore per. . i . , I, . ..'i.J.- ntlt L-VD W ; . kndM., .nil... ""V'r.n' " f. csvuva ww, w... .,i.-r.. - WANTED Girl lor k"erai nousewora ; good, clean eook: 4 in family, no washing . ngea W - o. . iau oeuwwwtMic. MCL'1K;KAP1I (electric) operator. Mast be expert. Good salary to competent person. Write giving reierenrw. etc o-woi. .gurim GHtLH for factory work.. Portland Paper Package VO.. ow anu nuuiuij. uh , jl. , ' WANTED Two ladies to do all office and room, wora in ov room uuic. v,, --;.i , ..... -ltK rrr nsa i,ie suuu " - housework ; no wasuwg or uuiuua . su ue acbool girl CaU Main 7037. WANTED Woman manager for cafeteria: must be hi&b class and well recommended. Addresa. Q-644. JonrnaL WANTED -Middle aged . woman to car. for hnm, and 2 -rear-old child while parents are employed. Phone Columbia 470. WANTED Young lady partner in good paying hotel business; some cash; atand investigation. B-P68, Journal. WANTED A woman or widow to taka care of child. 1H years old Call Sallwood 2527. EXPERIENCED ' dressmakers- help wanted. irrrr".anted at once. Columbia Paper Box -:-o.. East 26th and Holladay. WANTED Woman to work mornings. , Call I Tabor U6. ' I .TT-rr-sr, w i lkTil .nZ ' AH TAM OMlIHlir on unui women m- , ' k1 v.tit Jmnii WANTED A girl for general housework; . a washing or ironing. Phone Main 7220. lawart beta FIVMM MEIfl IZZH. M .... ' .iTT fc ' - Voean Candy Co. - - - . , iA , . y WaJiau siiyii HELF WAITED PEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATORS Onr rapidly growing burtneat affords unusual opportunity at this time (or young woman who desire to tab my telephone work. We do not require previous experience, but wUl instruct yoa and pay you from fba beginning. Many young woman in Portland ara now engaged in tola interesting work. They find it pleasant and profitable. Sals nee ara good and advancement rapid. Wa suggest that you coma and talk tba mat ter orar with Miss Tbomaa at tba employment offiea bctweea 8:30 a. a. and 6.80 (in. , CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, SIXTH FLOOR BOOM 601. PARK AND OAK STREETS GIRLS, 16 OB OVEH. TO WORK IN BAO FACTOHT; GOOD WAGES; STEADY EM PLOYMENT. APPLT AT ONCE. AMES, HARRIS, NEVILLE CO., 15TH AND HOTT STS- WANTED Lady demonstrator for popular selling household article, strictly store work; must bare had experience. Give Information and phona number in own handwriting. Z 4H, Journal. WANTED Middle-aged woman employed part of day, to look after 8 H. K. rooms for room and board for man working night shifts Very little to do. H-802. Journal. WANTED Intelligent girl for second work in small DiiTate familv. Good wages. None but capable need apply. Mrs. E. C. Sherlin, 184 . zutn st. SCHOOL girl to do cooking and housework. 8 mm 11 bouse. Mrs. R. W. Stubba. East 7441. WANTED A young lady si assistant book- keeper; must be accurate and fast on detail work. Columbia Graphophone Co., 420 Wash. I WANTED Competent girl or woman for light housework, family of two: good cook: pleasant place for right party. Wdln. 8137. MIDDLE-AGED lady for dining room work in exchange for husband a and own boara and room. Apply 621 8ier. ANY girl EI need of a friend apply to the (salvation Army Rescue Home, avz East loth st. N.. or phone Eaat 128. WOMEN wanted to patch burlap bags. 209 Front at. Apply HELP WANTED MALE A2fB FEMALE THOROUGHLY experienced combination book keeper-stenographers, men or women; perma- . Demons . ood salaries: big office: give ace experience, references and phona address. W-448. journal. X00 MEN and women to learn tha barber trade; ahortgge all over the country: big waxes. You can earn your way through tha school. Broadway 1731. Moler Barber College, 234 Burnnide it. HEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wagea while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber CoUege. 223 Madison. POBTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Teachea men and women the barber trade fw p,y whe learning 234 Couch. B'way 2482. SITUATIONS MALE MAN, capable of meeting the public, wants work where ha can use light car if possible; references g PAINTING given. B-UBU, Journal. paper banging and tinting by ,eorT- tract. Phone Wdln. 4531. ROOF work, reshingling, patching and painting. Heacham. raomm juarsnau ivo. .ANTED Roofs to paint. CaU Tabor 678. evenings. SITtTATIOIf 8 FEMALE vWrv Ko.,w,ker,ine bv gomnetent woman " th on. chui Country preferred. T-714. Journal. AN elderly lad, want. posiUon a housekeeper Call 34 5 N. 16th rt ITTJBSES 66 FURNISHED BOOMS 1 TENT for rent, good, clean bed, electric light, use of bath and phone In next house. 668 Olisan near 18th, TINDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princess Hotel, E. 3d and Burnside. 60a day up. - week up. taut in. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping suite; adults; reasonable. 4ol n. Morrison. FURNISHED BOOMS PBIVATE FAMILY 7$ near not. NICE -furnished room in private family. Call Tabor 7021. ELEGANT rooms and location. Marshall 6188. ROOMS AND BOABD THE Martha Washington. 880 10th. for bui: ness girls and students. Marshall lZol. THE HAZKL A real "borne" hotel at rea sonable rates. Home cooking. MHO Bd at. BOOMS AND BOABD FBIVATE FAMILY 78 LARGE front room suitable for 1 or more if uesirvu, mim euhsw ,wiu, iwu bwu, ova Columbia, cor. lPtn. Main ZH84. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FUBNI8HED AND UNFURNISHED NEAT, clean 2 room unfurnished basement. H. K. apartment with lights, water and phone. Veey eoo for aummer; prefer employed couple; walking diatance. $12.60 per month. Maty 1133. I VERY attractive, newly furnished housekeeping SIS CS I rhrTTtvi S a"' liv'" a aa a ivuuh iw rem, wiui vaw raiiKe, eiccuic i uu ctbijiuiui uevum iui gunau um ill uarahal VH';n 3 NICE partly furnished H. K. rooms. Call 36 H N. 18th at. FURNISHED H. K. rooms for rent. 408 Hoyt sr. mono rMwy. a IB. CLEAN, coxy rooms by day, week or month modern. 44 o Taylor. $168 furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, near suipyanxs. oiv 1st su HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 78 rill.MSHKl) AND UNFURNISHED FBI TATE FAMILY tan re. Lights. teleDhone and water. SSS Hu- saln. Vut RAMI V miu. ,rin I TWO bookkeeping rooms. 'rent reasonable. 830 , otn near I la and Market. a I 2 H. K., front room and kitchenette, also eleep- lng mmi or gr.demen. Phone Tabor 7830 I FURN ISHEDTII K. 10 min. walk from rooms. all outside rooms. the city. 388 1st st. FOB BENT HOUSES IS UNFURNISHED e. RIM I'M modevn tm. AlH.r. Ai.t. . blocks to car: $25. Call at 1078 Vernon ave. or call up G-Z503 NICE cool room, modern conveniences, 2 men or man and wife, near 2 shipyards; excellent i ooara. tMt pi no FOR BENT S room modern house, 1355 i jampoei ax. fnone Mam 6412. CLEAN, modern 4 room cottage: Just right for young couple. zi j-jat tn. East 298. SIX room Sunnysida bouse. 1031 East salmon sr. omwr, xaoor loss. BlULUJiroL b-j hW-yto. for rent to r HOUSES FOB BENT FUBNITUBF. FOR SALE $t FURNITURE of six room houe for sale reason able and house for rent. This is one of the neat bomea- in Alberta district, 705 Alberta at. uwner at come B io ix a. to., o to 8 p. m. I Woodlawn 5287. ' !B!8HED HOU8ES 86 PARTLY furnished 4 room Wu, hill, . pnone, m aroumx iioorj yarn au spaaed to garden. Msin 8820. v ... , FOR BENT Furnished 4-room buBealoa I- of fmit and.. garden. r Pbon, Tabor 682. 1 - J t l v . 1 i ,.. , l BOOM furnished houoe with Diana. Perma. R 15th St. N. CaH betweeliraf md -T 1 - . - , . I ron Di-vf k , '.. I v ,V1.7 iwn anias, iar- 1 1 ,w 'J .L"' . . .t . ..." i. I aw nw "jai. pa.ruy lurntanea. AdulU i ooiy. . uiquua) xuiajnoog at. WILL rant my homo. 7 rooms, modern, com pletely' furnished; Baby Grand piano. Phona SeU, 2967, or Uka Woodstock ear to 4285 48th are, g. E. - ' FOB BENT Modern 8 room cottage, 3 rooma furnished. $15. 138 E. 61st and Belmont Phona Tabor 2348. APARTMENTS 48 FUR5ISHKD AD U5 FURNISHED KING ALBERT APTSe New 200 room bouse. 2 and room bunas keeping apartment, tarnished or unfurnished; elevator and hardwood floors. 388 11th at. PABTY tearing city desires to sublet 6 room furnished' apt for summer. Phona Bdwy. 8911 or call at Wtckerabam apt, 18th and Flanders. LARGE 8 room furnished apartment, free beat. lights, bath, phona. etc. $20 month: also ona housekeeping mom. everything furnished, includ ing fas. 826 Hall at. $10 PER BOOM Nicely furnished modern front apartment. 2 or 8 room and ona large front sleeping room; beat, light, phona. Mar. 8292. or Main 8828. 475 Clay at. HISLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod ern 1, 2 and 8 room spti.. $12.60 up; walking distance. Call East 882. THE JEFFERY. new 2 room furnished apart ments, corner BusaeU and Kerby, between Mississippi and W uiiama are., 61. THE 8T AN FIELD, 204 Porter at. Shipyards, modern 2-room apt, eompletaly furnished. reasonable. Phone Main 7883. MAGNOLIA APTS-. Eaat Sd and Belmont modern 1 and 2 room apta.. $1.60 par weak Bp. Bleeping rooms. East 212. 3-ROOM furnished apartment with private bath. Harrison Court, 5 th and Harrison ata. PENINSULA apt.. USSVs Albin. are.: eon crete building; 2, 8, 4 rooms. 618 up. EW YORK Apta., 441 to Belmont and 7th. FOB REIfT FLATS II -ROOM modern flat, very central; will rent furnished or unfurnished; also funuahed bun galow at Long Beach. 448 Taylor. FUBNISHED FLATS 66 FOR RENT 3 room flat, furnished. Knott st. STORES AND OFFICES 11 THREE verr desirable office rooms with large raiilt installed: will rent all or any part fur nished or unfurnished and make an extremely low price.- Offices are located in a large new building in tha center of the city. F. W. Mad dux. I'boncj A-1678, Main 176. MODERN we&t side borne, large grounds, rosea. trees and shrubs in abundance: large fireDlaee. fine heating system, .fine new of city from S large porches; close to carline; pared street. nee and terms on application. L. K. Moore, FOR BENT HALLS (9 HALL suitable for ' dancing club, lodge room or gymnasium. Kast sail. WANTED TO BF.NT 7 WANTED To rent furnished house about 5 or 6 rooms, west aide preferred. Apply Whit- mer-Kelly Co., 416 Pittock block. Broadway 84. WANTED 3 fuc housekeeping rooms, 2 beds. close in. not over 1 12. lor , adults. ir-7ott. Journal. - BEACH PROPERTY 48 FOB RENT. 3 room cottage. Ocean Park, Ws.o. East 7548. 886 K. Alder. SUMMER RESORTS S6 FOR RENT for season. 6 room house, com pletely furnished; fireplace; near Rhododen dron hotel, Zir-Zag. Or. Apply 134 E. 33d at.. Portland. FOR SALE, trade or rent, by owner, estab lished beach hotel. Z-438, Journal. FOR SALE. BUSINESS PROPERTY 68 WATERFRONT with trackage. West Side, 105 by 600; .choice factory site. Owner, 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 $200 DOWN. $15 MONTH 5 room buncalow. bath, toilet- levator. Dutch kitchen, lot 50x100; good basement, 15 min utes from center of city. Full price, $2250. GJSU. T. MOUK1S W, ABINGTON KL.UG. $1500 $100 CASH Beat buy in Laurelwood. aold for $2500: fire place, all modern. G. C. UUliUEAHGKU, ADlngton Bldg. 35 Years In Portland." Main 4803. $100 DOWN. $10 MONTH $850, 4 room cottage, 3 rooms plastered, lot 60x100, cement walk. St. Johns car. near Greeley. A. H. AK.fc.KBU. poo stock Exchange Bldg. ATTR ACTIVE 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch TUTuace, nrepiace. buut-in conveniences. hardwood floors, large living room, cement base ment: bardsurfaced streets. $3500. 264 East n2d st. near Hawthorne. Look at 608 E. 76th at. N.. Rose Citv ear. 5-Toom shingled bungalow : with caraae. corner. artistic, fine condition; prias $1850; easy terms. Main forenoons;- owner: bouse now rented. MODERN 5 room cottage; furnace and hard wood floors, on Riclsmond car line: 88000. ll.'UU caan. naiance in two years. u. u. Starkweather. 606 Broadway building. FOR SALE Drafted. 5 room bungalow, acre, fruit, hemes, garden. Pnea 1 1 SOO mongagea ouu. ear uunen atauon. 11-UU3, journal. IX) R SALE 8 room house. 1 block from car 84 78th it, electric lights, gas for cooking. rr.ll O. T.H R r M a, OflRA 1 1..)T - - ave. lerms, s-ouu. MT. SCOTT district, 4 room house, bath, elec tricity, cement basement; 2 lota; well im proved; plenty of berries and fruit. Address, A-ooO, journal. $2800 5 BOOM bouse. fireplace, hardwood floors. Duut-in Duriet and Dutch kitchen: modern. Kehton carline. i Part cash. 1603 Minnesota. 6 ROOM modern home. E Taylor, near 89th, $2600. 0 room cottage. E. 45th at Yam. mill, only $1750; cash payment $250; terms. l-pone lanor sau. epeer Go., 1U00 Belenont. WILL aeU 8 room modern house, lota of fruit. lawn ana mauiuui rosea; a iota luuziutl; Bran Place. Oregon Electric. 2 blocks from station. Will sell cheap. Gee, HUl. MrahL 8502. FOR SALE Neat 4-room house. 2 rooms an finished, garden planted, lot 60x100, good district. vuu; good bargain lor cub. 735 E. 78th at N., B. C. car. $2500 MODERN 6 room house: all built-in conveniences : full cement basement 8500 caah; easy terms, fbone Woodlawn 8220. HAWTHORNE $2700 takes 6 room modern bungalow, line condition, paved street, nkid. on Grant st No agents. Cell Tabor 6441. NEAT, modern cottage, half block to car and business street: best Part of citv: mdst ba aold. B-wou. journal. v NEAT 3 room Douse, large kitchen, basement uania. atfou; terms. oo t f sum norm. Call Tabor oau2 after O p. m. NICE, neat cottage. 5 rooma. bath, pantry, large nau, gas; Ainerta aistnct near Union ave. fnce gzzuu. G-vs, Journal. ROOM bungalow for sale; fruit and berries; ateo place for chickens. 66 W. Prescott at. rate Kuseii-enaver car. 7 ROOM bouse. Alberta. 6 room house in Woodlawn; part cash, balance Dtrsusts n. will take auto aa nrnt payment. Woodlawn 8832 FOR SALE Convenient to five car lines, 6 room nouse, au on one noor; iu trait tieea: FOR SALE $2750, modern 6 room bunga low: nice locaiirv: easy tenma. tu after B p. m in o tu. oxa, near Hawthorne. MODERN 6 room bungalow, hardwood floora. z oiocu car ana acbool. 675 East 18th N. smngion. WEST SIDE house for sale. 15 minutes' walk to P. O. Bents for $30 month. 830 orant au GOOD house for aale chean. Portland m. No. 18, 5 blocks west from the Kenton car- line. aoquire lor r . niecxe. WELL furnished 6 room home, 30 bearing iron ana vimui trees. Mavinc City. Wood lawn ,VVB, THAT beautiful home place at corner Tftiuvm. a ver and Alberta ata.. Look it up. . 244 Al- nerta ax. MODERN 4-room bungalow. 60x100 lot, 20 minntea car ride; easy terms. Owner. BeU- vow vo. $2100, 6 room furnished houser lot 65x140. 4 blocks from carline, 1 block to fine ehq Terms, mono laoor iubo. ACRE borne college town, fruit, aarden. ehL-fc en - park, old buildings; might trad part. FOR SALE tt-room modern boose, hot water -neat, cement pasement; terms to wait your self. By owner. Call Tabor 2538. ' FOR SALE 7 room - modern house in Bote tjity rent on atom ax. rnone Tabor 616. 5 ROOM modera cottage, lot 37x116; terms. Owner, Selhrood 3088. easy 5 BOOM . bungalow, lot 50x100; bearing fralt ire' wow TBDcuunr ave. ' FURNISHED house witb 2 lota. $1000. 6226 sa at. r. k. ai-s eat. Gall after 6. FOR 8ALE 5-room bungalow finished tip to data. . Call owner, 1558 E.: 27th at. N. BXBGAINS -Poreelosura and - mortgage homes. Call up un 1111, - . ft BOOM' modem bonaa. Easy terms. . CaU BeUwood S683, FTJBTflSHED HOUSES I 100 TJOWW.810 MONTH 4 rooma. nlaatered. lam atrk. 40x160 lot. Bull Ban water, fta earfara. fine achaoL - Full prioa $1050. , - - $100 DOWN. $10 MONTH - 4-room claatarad. baaament. 80x100 la. 6e earfara, fine new.. Price $1260. $160 DOWN. Ill MONTH 4-room nlaetered. bath, toilet. 60x100 lot. garden an planted. 1 block from Woodstock acbool. A mighty good boy. Price $1000. , Wa Accept Liberty Bonds. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDO. 5 BOOM modera- bouse on improved street, near carline. $1600. 3100 casb and $20 dot month. 5 room modern house, full basement on im proved street. $1260; $100 cash. $20 per wenm. 7 room hone, fcatli aeui latf4a Uarht. on improved streetT lot 62 Hxl45 feet; some fruit trees, near carline. $1850: $100 cash. $20 per month. 6 room modern house, fine corner lot, near carline. $1600; $200 cash. $20 per month. 6 room house', large corner lot on improved street, $1260; bouse ia wan famished: snclsd mg furniture $1600; $250 cash. $20 per month. nr.lL, hmith. ej514 Foster Road. Taoor lasi OH. YOU CHICKEN I HERE'S WHERE TOI! SITTNE Chicken ranch, stone's throw from Hnber station, 25 mlnntea on electric line, round trip zoc, ireqnent traina. uandy, nrana new o room bungalow; city gaa for lighting and cook ing: mlendid water: aettled neiahborhood : lot 75x125; good soil, free fuel, cut your coat of living one half. Price only $850. Terms $225 cash, balance $13 monthly. It'a cheaper than rent. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO. 270 Stark at Main 8052 CHOICE HOME BUYS $1150 6-room boas, good bath. 50x100 lot, $100 cash. Woodstock car. $1950 6-room boose, furnished: would be $2250 if owner, was not leaving city; a DO eaab: taka Liberty bonds. $4600 Exceptionally good 6-room bouse. $500 cash: vacant. GEO. E. ENGLEHABT. 624 Henry bldg. Main 7266. BARGAINS One 2 story 8 room borne, Boasmere, good location, hardwood floors, modern. $4000. Can't be buUt for price, lot gift, corner. One bungalow. 8 rooms, fine location. Irv ington, hardwood floors, fireplace, ' modern, $4500. Clear title. One 6 room borne, fine location, $5500. Ona 7 room home. $6850. lot 75x100. corner, fine garage. This ia verr chean. Eaat 273. W. H. Herdman. west urns: nnur. $4500 Nifty 6-room residence, strictly mod- em; 18th at. $2250 Beautiful 4-room bungalow; large attic. ii rep lace; near Woodstock carline and Tibbetta st. ATI of above can be aecured on ea nav- menta. Come and see us abont it. a. B. oeyJBI. 60J Stock Exchange bldg. BARGAINS. 1'00 DOWN. 816 MO. Workingmen'a Opportunity. Save Renting. $800 Vernon. 6-room cottage. $1200 62d at, 5-room cottage. $1500 53d at., 5-rooxn cottage. $1600 68th at. 6-room cottage. $1800 84th at. bungalow. 8-'500 acre, bungalow. CHAB. BINGLER A CO.. 228 Henry bldg. READY TO MOVE IN 4 rooms Plastered, furnished, eleetriei liehta and bath; 2 lots, on improved street, price $1700 terms $100 caah. $20 per month in cluding interest. Williams Realty Co., Grays vroBfiiiig. laDor f vst. $800 BUYS FURNISHED HOUSE AND LOT come along now, first come first served. 4 Ox 100 improved lot. a nod 2-room bonaa. fin m. dltion, bath. pat. toilet, gaa. 27th at., block to AiDeria car; good furniture, oomplete; street improvements paid; requires $500 or mora caah. Call office 828 Salmon at.' $300 CASH $800 Hawthorne bungalow. S-m.. firimla nek floors, the beat bas't, you ever aaw, attic, buffet, B. C. writing desk, elegant plumbing and elect, fixtures; clove in; practically new. li. C GULDEN BERG, ABINGTON BLDG. 85 Years in Portland." Main 4808. CHEAPER THAN RENT 4 room house. 2 lota, erica 8800- torma 11 A down and $10 per month; 8 room boose, large lot, price enuu; terms m aown and $10 a month. Williams Realty Co., Grays Crossing, laoor atioa. A DARLING 5-room bungalow, furnished or uniurntaoea. stau casb, balance monthly. Roae City; but take Beaumont oar. Call after noons 6 to 8, 676 E. 48th at N. Hardwood floora. fireDlaee. lanndrv trava. whita enameled Dutch kitchen. Oh I it will please you: pnoe. ,.. l-V. , not BUY from owner and save aeant'a eommiaeinn ii yon re looking for a banain in a eood 6 room house don't fail to see this. Never been occupied except by present owner. Free of in cumbrance, no nTortgage to assume; small cash payment, balance like tent Come and aea for yourseil. s i i u. 44UL ur Tiahs aAA rtAtiru Beautiful lot extra urge T room comfortable boose, running water in every bedroom, fine view. laaen lor mortgage one year ago. Can be bought at exactly what it cost owner, on easy mommy payments. race :ano. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDO $200 CASH $1500 ANABEL $1500 The grandest. 4-r. bungalow witb Dutch kitch en, modern plumbing, elect and gaa, liens pd. G. G. UUUltMIKU, ABlGTON BLDG. "35 Years In Portland." Main 4 803, 15 MINUTES FROM WASH. ST. 4 room bungalow, good bath. Dutch kitchen cement basement 8200 down, balance $16 per montn; iuii price aiouu. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDG. HERE IS A BARGAIN $1250 MODERN 6 ROOM Corner lot 50x100. full aet of plumbing, gas electricity. House newly painted and tinted. Terms $4 do down. A. H. AKERSON, 506 Stock Exchange Bldg FOR 8 A LB On Rodney ave. near BusaeU at ny owner. 2 good 0 room houses, lot 6U lZU. close in. nandy to shipyards, near 2 ear. lines. Terms, wain. boS4. FOR HALE LOTH lfl ONE of beat located acres in Eaat Vancouver at a bargain, if taken at once, E. J. Boddr, owner. 4 10 n Mala at. Vancouver. Wa Phonw800. , LOTS in Willamette add. cheao for eaah. Main yrnaooj CORNEB lot 60x100; exchange with Liberty oonq or caan. inquire iu w. rark at. city. LOT 80x100. modern 5 room bouse. 470 N. 23d st ACREAGE (7 FOR SALE 1 Vi acres in Ashland. Or. ; a good income place; all fenced and set to young trees, peacnea. appiea. cnemes, oemea. nut trees a good bouse, 4 rooms, plastered, basement screened-in back porch. 7x20; large front perch, electric lights, bath, pantry, cold and hot water city water to irrigate with, a good barn, frame cmcaen. nouae. isxaz, z rooma. brooder home. This is a good location. The place ia in eood condition. Will take part in Liberty bonds or all. Aiouie wooawtra, z Grant at, Ash land, ur. BY OWNER, 1 acre. Vancouver. 1 tt miles from shipyard. 8 blocks 8.. P. at rar ahopa; $2600. 260 Stout at. Portland. Mar shall 4220. $500 10 ACBES: sere cleared : small house. running water. Call 222 W. Sumner. Phone Woodlawn 84 8S. ONE acre for aale. good 6 room house, fruit trees, running water. S blocks from P. O. Mrs. Bill, Fairriew. Or. CHICKEN, FBUIT. GABDEN ranches near Portland: 8. 6, 10 acre tracts. $65 ta $200 per acre. MeFarland. 603 Icon bldg., Portland. FOUR acres, convenient to Oregon City car, 6350 Der acre. Phone Oak Grove ai-U 1 TO 3 acres, close to city limits ; 1 small bouse. . Phone Broadway 2262. FOR SALE FARMS 17 1440 AC BE wheat' ranch. 600 in grain, owner gets snare, e muee to marzer, rneo for quick sale. $12.50 per acre, hi caah. balance long time, 6 per cent. No trade. L. K. Moore. 817 Board of Trade. 40 ACRE farm. 15 in crops, family orchard. good bonaa and barn, water system, some tim ber, 30 milea from Portland, 4 from railroad. $2300, baK down, balance 5 years, Addresa Bex 60, Koute 2, nanxe, ur. 146 ACBES. irrigated under W. L. L canal 100 acres in wheat, ajl crop goea witb the land. Owner enlisted, cannot harvest Eaay terms. w- I. jonrnai. CHEAP 100 acrea, 12 acres cleared, bearing orchard! water. 26 miles from Portland. Owner, $84 . lvta at FOR SALE 224 acrea good pasture, 40 acrea in cultivation, -running water. ei2 per acre. No trade. 18 milea from Pendleton. Owner, Tabor 43W 1. 17 ACKKa for sale: Hal eared, the rest in pasture; house and barn en pktoe. For fur ther information addreas nr. O. renamore. Battle Ground, wsib. FOR SALE 16 acres, modern 7 room bunga low, new alio: all other eutbuildinga; 1 miles from Albany; price $3500. Cbaa, Hos- por. it. a. pox is-s, Aioany, or. i $1250 Nice 10 -acre piece all in wheat, very easy terms; round xrtp, 00c trwner. Eaat Z99Z. ALBERTA WHEAT FARMS : Wheat, oata, flax and barley, the beat there is. Write Claude Cole. Warner. Alberta. 40 ACRES of good land in Idaho county. Idaho, u. ginncy, owner, 11 m aiacaaam at. FOB SALE HOUSES 17 i ACRES, all ia cultivation. $50 fruit ywt comma in to bearmc. mostly fruits, berries, shrubbery of all kinds, rich loam oil: ft. room bouse, rood bam. chicken house ana cnirken park. All rteeeasary ouiDuuainga, good well with fore rump. 40 rone xrom large 4 room graded acbool. just outside city limits of Vancouver, on macadamed road. Price $2650. $1000 cash, balance to suit. Two acres, all in crop. 4 aoom bows, barn, neeeeaarv outbulkiinrs. famllr orchard with fruit and berrisa of all kinds, rich loam soil, aa ideal country borne, only 2 H milea frota interataie bridge on good road. Price $1000. $30 cash, balance) to cult. THOMPSON A SWAN. 6 lb and Mala ata. Vancouver. "Waab. S60 ACRE wheat,' ranch, Sherman bounty, close IoB.1L, good buildings, running water. $00 in aummerfelknr wheat, will make at least 80 bu. per A, al goes with sale; good farming out fit. Price fog all 840 per A. 86000 cash. baL crap permeate. Must sell at once er not at all. U'K. Moore. 817 Board of Trad. 881 ACRES Croca. macbiaerr. atoak; $lUw per acre; terms. Gravity water : -paeifia bign way. R. 2. bo 135. Albany. Or. FOB BENT FA-BM 14 10 A.. aaaaU bouse, barn. Swank, 617 Henry bldg. TIMBER M NOTICE OF 8ALB 0"a5GOVERNMENT TliT BEB Genera Land Offiea. Washington D. C, May 11. 1818 Notice ia hereby given that aubiect to the conditions and limitations of tbe act of June 6, 1816 (S3 But . 218). and the tnetroction of tbe Secretary of tbe Interior of September 1$. 1817. the timber on the fol lowing lands will be aold June 26. 1818, at IO o'clock a. m., at publie auction at tha United States land office at Portland. Or., to the highest bidder at not leaa than tbe ap praised value aa shown by this notice, sale to lie aubiect to tbe approval of the Secretary of tha Interior. Tha purchase price, with an addi tional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof. being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of aale,- money to be returned if sale la net approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from eitijena of the United States, associationa of such eitixens and romo rations organized under the laws of tbe United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, tba timber or any legal sub division will ba offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit: Town ship 4 8, B. 2 E.. See. 21; NEW NWtt, red fir 815 M. ; not to be sola at ieaa than 11 00 per M.: T. 4 S.. R. 8 E.. Sec 33; NEW NEit, red fir 1080 M : NWH NEtt. red fir 1045 M.. cedar 10 M. ; JiK NWS, red fir 400 M., cedar 2S M. ; mw -v, tea nr 280 11 . cedar 16 M. ; none of the red fir or cedar to be aold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 10 8., R. E.. Sec 9. VV BKtt. Douglae tir 846 : BE SEU. Douglas fir 747 M: hem lock 144 M. : BE "4 NWH. Douglas fir 1316 none of tbe Douglaa fir to be sou for leaa than $1 per M.. and none of the hemlock to be aold for leas than 60s per M. Sec 6, 8WU NEW.. Douglaa fir 1682 M.. hemlock 68 M.; lot 4 or NW NW. DougUt fir 1754 M. : BWti NW4. Douglas fir 1638 M : SEW NWVi. Douglas fir 1483 M.; NEW 8WW. Douglaa fir 1411 M. ; BK W 8WW. Douglaa fir 1038 M. Sec 7. NEW NEW. Douglaa fir 600 M. Sec 11. NEW NEW, yellow fir 860 M.. hemlock 60 M.; NWw, NEW. yellow fir 1185 M, hemlock 56 M. ; NEW NWW. yellow fir 1560 M.. hemlock 80 NWW NWW. yellow fir 1160 M.. hem lock loo st.; none 01 tna iiougiaa fir or yel and none of tbe bemlock to be sold for leas low nr to be sold for, less than $1.00 per M.. than 60c per M. (Signed) Clay Tallman. Com missioner General Land CHfiee. FOR SALE Bide will be received until June 1. 1818. for the entire output of spruce and fir wood produced by the Vancouver cup-up plant Loaded on cars or wagona at tna option oi the pur chaser. Method of measurement on the abort wood, 160 cubic feet will be considered a cord when loaded on wagona or cara in the usual method. Edginge and slab wood will ba aold per cord, vis.. 128 cubic feet Payment to be made on or before the 10th of each month fpr wood aenvereu tne previoua month. The successful bidder to furnish a satisfactory bond in tba gum of $5000. Bight ia reserved to reject any or ail bids. 11. H. MITCHELL. Contractor. Vancouver Cut-up Plant Vancouver. Wash. BHIPblNEES. piling, hewn ties; will buy toav Der 11 ngbt price. Jl. J. Mamk-t manufac turer. Home office, Portland : Camp Barton. Or. FOR SALE 4.600.000 feet second growth fir. good logging, flume timber to K. 11. Cameron. 803 Spalding bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 34 16O A. WHEAT ranch, very good buildings. welL . 80 under cul. 160 tillable, some in grain. farming outfit 33200. Owner will consider email valley farm to about 82000, remainder leng time, 1 per cent; place must no clear, u. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade MT. SCOTT dtatrict, 4 room bouse, batb. elec tricity, cement basement Z lota, well im proved, plenty of berries and fruit; exchange for house and lot Ao incumbrance. Address. J-558. Journal. MODERN 7 room bouse, not far from Jeffer son high school. Price 85500. good property considered in part, baL easy terms. No cash required. I K. Moore. $17 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or trade, my 8760 equity in a 65s 100 corner sot. restricted district for smaller lot D-81. JonrnaL WILL exchange 6 room bouse, oak floors, flre- olaee. buffet garage, fruit; for a small bouse np to 82000. Call at 1$67 E. Lincoln at. EXCHANGE: 160 acres. 81 tt acres. 42 acres. for Portland property, or close in acresae 738 Hoyt st Phone Main 3305. Cunningham. CLOSE In modern home; ward- Improved acre age; prefer Oregon City car. b85 E. Alder East 7548. NICELY located improved farm in Minnesota; consider residence or stock of goods. A-7 7 8, JoumaL MOST caah paid for furniture and musical in- strumenU. Hall at cassiday, 120 First. Main 7088. EQUITY in 10 room bouse. 8 blocks shipyard. 4 room tmngaiow. clear. Tor small place. 3830 50th st S. K. Tabor 8235. WlLL accept good bouse aa f in.t payment on small farm; balance long tunc Nicmeyer, Salem. ASTORIA property for Portland property. T- 773, Journal. VTAltTED BEAL ESTATE tl I WANT YOUR LISTING ; AM SELLING THE HOUSES. SEE ME AT USIK. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "S3 Year ia Portland." Main 4803. eVHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Must be N. E. and priced right We hare numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. CHEAP rough land. 80 rods from Columbia highway, east; full particular!. T-7 74. JournaL FOB RESULTS list your property with the Real Estate Exchange. ;cui. au at., mnana. ROOM IK G HOUSES 62 10 ROOMS in the White Temple district, very eood furniture. Interested bayera only. 446 Taylor st an urwiMR nart H. K. : making good money. Price 35O00 ; rent $200. Fred 8. Williams. 82 tt 1st at BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 26 TJrkatest business opportunity Pine 2 atorT concrete store, corner Irvington, best location in city, income $2'S) per month building very substantial. modern, price S25.000: worth S30.0UU; will take tis.uuv cash, balance clear property. Center beat district. This fortune for lira family. East 273. W. II. Herdman." WANTED Partner in manufacturing business; new process tor making amp spars. 4 cost and 3 tunes as fast aa old process. Patent ap plied for. Is big money maker. Does not re quire much caah. 8-682. JonrnaL FOR 8AL.E Hardware store, beat - arranged atock in Oregon. Cleanest and best chosen staole line of hardware. Location tmsurpaesed. Address this ofliee for further information. UX- 870. Journal. DON'T" WORBT. I can sen or trade anything anywhere. Lay man. 146 tt Broadway. $2000 BUYS a good hotel, fully equipped; good location: two lota 60x180; good b Kellis hotel. Scotts Mills, Or. MOTORCYCLE and bicycle abop for aale at 004 half real value; $150 will handle C-822, JournaL FINE CHANCE FOR BOMB ONE Dairy in Portland. 18 cows, 200 customers. Place for rent owner lu. x-748. JournaL A SNAP FOR CASH Grocery and bakery. Inquire 653 Washing ton. corner 17th. Price $660. $350 Male or female partner, restaurant; in- vestlgate. Bwana. oil rienry piqg. 8 H. K. rooma. cheap for caah. Owner leaving town, rnone Main i;u. GROCERY and delicatessen at 26$ Broadway! Phone Main 1204, " MOTORCYCLE and bicycle shop for aale at one half value; Slow wui nanqic tzz. journal. 14 BOOMS near shipyard; suitable for lodging nouee. ua ssii. MONEY TO LOAM REAL ESTATE 87 MONEY to loan In amounts of $1U0 ta $3gtv on city property. A. H. BELL, 201 Gertingev bldg. ISOf TO $8000 to loan, city or farm snorV gage: no eommiaaiow. P. O. box 87$. MORTGAGE loans and iwortgagss and con tracts bought Fred S. Williams. 83 tt let st MORTGAGE loans. and 7. Louis feeloeaoa A Co.. 406 Selling bldg" CABU for mortgagee, karna, contracts. F. IL Lewis, room 4. Lewis bldg. Main 688. $100 TO 1600; consider, f-Ma, E. H. Dow tint. 611 tnaxooer 01 GomoMrcc stsranau 21. FOB aAtr-YARJI Vilr:i Til !. BP Al. FHTATR II Ut'B iaeteUi t laa ks I method of carina a loan. $12.26 pee month for 36 aaootha a 831.24 for aaintae, er - 115 17 for 6 xaoatha, pays 11000 kaa and tMereat . Other vnnta In preaortlow. We Inaa on improved city property. Or for building purposes. No eecamlsxSon r barred. EQUITABLE SAYINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 BUrk at. Portland. Or. LOWEST BATR Fvveate funds oa ha ad. $20 ap. Win leaa er bay aaortgage or aale eoaucacta. Preantit, reliable aerWe. A K HTLL. 418 Henry bldg $260. .Sl. $400. 6o0. 6750. luXJ and larger amounraat rarrewt rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 7 $2 ('bate. Com BCiLDlNG 1 00 city t suburbaa property, money advanced as work progreaaea. W. 4. Beck. 315 and 216 Pairma bldg. Main 3407. 626U 1U ..000. hkVLN. refund oid aaorv gage; lower interest Ward, 407 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOA CHATTEL. SALARIES 7 Salary LVJANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On abort notice to salaried or working men aa tb air own notes. Weekly, ee mi-monthly er monthly payments, Each tnneacttoa strictly eoofldentiaL NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO MECURITY. We aiM kmn on household furniture, pianos, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 817 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loam made to persona on salary or fixed in come, on household furniture, psanoa. diamonds and other personal property, legal rate, naat- neaa confidential; private of fleet. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed 806-807 Dak ma bldg. POR'i LAND KF.MEulAL LOAN ASSN. EsUbUabed by Portland bnetnaaa men to protest borrower. a MYERS HERMAN. Mgr. 884 8TABK ST LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHUiai FURNITURE. I,04?IS Vf A'XTEYr 6 WASTED RO0 first mortfsge, 80 scree, level land. Hood River. V-74 5. Journal. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 AUCTION AUCTION Every Tuesday and Friday at 10 a. m.. of horses, harnesses, wagona and cattle. Bring at your stock to sell. Tbe best of references. If you want a horse or wagon, or have one to sell see na, Columbia Commission and Auction h tables. 802 Fron st WAGONS for sale cneap: 20 wagona all in first elasa condition, suitable for si moat anything; will take one tenth of actual value; no farther tve for tbem; all band made Call 263 Rus sell st. TWO good teamv 2700 and 2."0 lb, per span, with their harness and 3 tt -Inch lumber wagons. (225 and 6275 per outfit or will sell separately Aim one 1300 lb. geld ing. SMS. Call 2S Ruwell t FOR SALE Black horsey harness and good spring wagon, suitable for gardening. 1400 lbs.. 1 1 years old. gentle for any elderly penon to handle: $125 takes tha outfit; hone is sound. 3 6 0 Front St. Phil Saetter. FINE chunky pelr of farm marea. gentle and" true, eood wagon and nameas: also good mow ing machine and bay rake; very cheap if aold at once, Woodstock car to ottn at, o Diocae north to 64th ave., white hone. FOR BALE Cheapest lot of draft horses ever seen in Portland. 1500 to 1700 lbs., from 8250 a apan up; guaranteed aa represented or money refunded; will exebanre for big marea vr mules. 3 HO Front st I'bil Bueter. MOST any kind of a wagon that yoa want; all kinds of harness, aaddlea. carta and several bones at your own price, nearly; also fine paly of small mulea. 802 Front st GENTLE young sorrell mare, ride, drive; wagoa. harnese rubber tiros, tort buagj at a bar gain. 14 5 E 8 1st N Moatavilla car 12O0 LB. liore. been working on wondaaw; good order. 84 3 for quick sale Aak fcr Mr. Barnes home. 26.1 Rcaaeil st HORSE for aale. 6 years cH; weight 1700 lb. rnre SIT o. T. W. Miner. Hidden farm. Eaat Vancouver. Phone 248-Y. WANTED lUtod team, harness and wagon in exchange lor clear Tarnma nr Seattle lots. See Dr. Caratens, Hotel Arthur. Portland. WANTED At 675 Clinton st. horse about 1400 to work around small mill for its keen: may buy. DEAD horaea and animals ha a led away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland tendering Co. DEAD HollSEd taken: can paid for dead euwa Phone calle paid. MTwaokle AS-J. A-l RIDING mare $60. 1 a-ray horse. 1200 Iba.. 93. ivo railing at. rase Id tea. ear. ONE good ar.ring wagoa. $ seat, top. good con dition, rhearw- Tabor 2"T4. evenings. HORSE and wagon. $1.25 day: 2 hDei ami wagon. S2.60. . Front Main 2208. WANTED Pair of llffrit wagon or buggy shafts. Call Tabor 4408 FOR SALE Light saddle hor WUl work double or aingle. Call Tabor 4408. FOR SALE Span of 4 year old marea. wagon. Harness ana coit, cneap. B2 Eart Bomaidc LITEWTOCR NOTICE TO CATTLE BREEDERS S3 For sale. 2 choice thoroughbred Hnrdetn bull. C. W. Hyde, Vancouver, Wuh. Phone 5f0. FOH SALE Thoroughbred Ayrshire bull calf. 8 week old. Beetstery papers applied for. Box 75. Sherwood. Or. THREE freah rows, sen r trade for beef cat tle. 105 Falling t Take Maw, car. FOR SALE 3 milch cows. 1 yielding bei.'er. 1 calf. Tabor 6575. POULTRY, PIOEOSS, PET STOCK 17 POULTRY ai3 pet stock ada! appear Mti under a eneeial headline on nee-e 8. Tbia wm ba a regular feature of the Saturday Journal ounng tne season. It wto exxetam tbe beet offerings -of tbe beef preduotis. nooej. tRp, PFTK. FTC, DOE with 12 young one 6 weeks old. Esst 8331. Al'TOMOBII.F .rrrsaoRiFs 44 FOR RALE Classiest Overland bug ia city. 8850: newly overhauled. Call after 5 in the evening or Sunday. Phona Tabor 117. Ad dress 881 East Main. 1616 FORD, run 7000 miles, in mime nf eon. dition: repainted and a few extras: ased aa a private car only. Terms rash. Tabor 2360 after n p. m. s;a at. h k. CASH paid for old ears, condition no objeet; parts I or ail maasa 01 cava. rregon An to Ex change. 128 Ixrwnsdala at 15th and Washing ton. Main 1161. 1317 FORD, good condition, a If starter, elec tric tail light, shock absorbers and extra bracing. S4SO. tail Tabor 001 S. 1817 FORD for aale or will trade for Buick. Dodge, or Hup and pay caah difference 275 Union ave. r. AUTO TRUCK for aale, 11 4 1st ami Hakev at wtui wood Deo. iiro. all la Dor 281 1, B. Heroeit. 1816 HUPMOBII.E. firrt-eU. condition. fU Rodham A Vollum Auto Co., 88 N. park Broadway 608. DtBRt'li.T.E" TOP CO., t 8tb and Oak. ttmedwav 1 S4 Fords Enameled $15,00 370 E. Morrieoo rt. PACKARD truck. 8 tow, lust overhauled, new giant Urea; bargain for onicfc tale. The White Company, fara ana i own m. DELIVERY trweka. sWveral toa ear. with or without bodies, at bargain rrteaa. Tbe White Cewineny. Park and Cow ata. ONE 1817 Ford delivery car; also 1 1818 Ford delivery ear. both tn first class condition. Call Merrill Parker. Main I8M. CHEAP light Speedster or bug. 6 good tires' and in tine condition : has 4een in storage. Ap ply Crown ft tables, ;t let at. 4 CYLINDER Ktudebaker, without a body, sost able for a bug; for eala cheap. .,1 era ted. ssnat leave now. esq Tenor an in after odirt 1817 FORD touring, 8423 cash. Used little, looks like new. 282 11th. Maia 5216. Week davs after 6. SIGN and anto painter, 173 Weaniagtoa at Mam 8234. WILL aeU my 1617 MaxweU cheap. A-774, JeumaL fOR SALE Large Apperaoa: fine for jitney Call 105 tt Fremont at. or phone C-2127. CHEVROLET 1 80 : $500 cash. Phone Weod- ktwa 1870. after 5:30 p. m. er Sunday a. aa 18123 passenger Hudson, m good running order, $250. 115 Missouri ave. MUST sell my 1618 Maxwell louring car a't A-7 7D. joarnai. CHEAP 1814 Ford In A-l running order. Mar. 1344 call at 846 6th t FOB SALE Ford delivery bod7 in excellent condition, 835. J..M. Rodger. Main 6426. 2H-TON (inaa track. 8323, good running order. Wdln. SI. W tills. E. M. F. 30 with 4 aew Urea. $275. . Main . 6666 between 9 and 10 a. m WILL saJ or trade 4 peaa. Assericaa; want light ear. F-766, Joarna. .Accrnowirw 4 U8ED AUTOMOBILES TEUU CITEf. 1617 Grant. 6-eaea.. dkeyi. $$7$. 1817 Miiebea, Apaes.. a-ryl Y817 MKcbell. 7-peaa, 6-e;L 1816 MitetMll. 6 pees.. 8-cyU 1616 Coie. 7-twvaa, 6-yi. 1613 Mitchell. 6-paaL. -ryL 1617 fleet land. 6-paeaw 4-eyL, $$$. 1614 Mile bell. 6-paeL. 6-tyL 1616 btadebaker. I psa, 4-eyL 1614 SttKlebaker. 4-paaa asatia. Ford trwca with body aad kap. 3 ton truck with oab. ereral others to select fruaa, MITCHILL, LEWIS STATES CO.. USED CAB tEPT. Eaat Merries at First St East 7172. B-1216. WLa r SLDB SALEaHOOM. Broadway at Oak at Bdwy. 616. B-334S. TODAY'S LIST OF USED CABS. THEY WON'T LAST IXNO AT THESE rBICES. MeU 8 456 Reo race a-bout tif White, dandy stage car 8 MOO Srudebaker cbaaua 8 156 Chalmers ae- gu Oakland Roadater 8 SO Srudebaker Four $ 456 Hudson 64 ( 4 Hudson 64 $ $;$ Bee 18 $ 5o Mitchell 6 pass, roadster 81S& Overland "S." exccUerS ahape 8 600 TWIN STATES MOTOB CAR CO . 1514 ALDER ST. BBOADWAY 464. TRAILERS TRAILERS TRAILERS 8 and 4 wheeled trailer af an kinds from 1000 ta 4000 lha. aapactty at --"'-'rg'r lew DATID HODES CO.. Co rear Broadway and rVsade-r Street, Pertatad. Or. GARAGES HOUSES CH1CUEN 1IUL6U, The pertahl kind Bars yoa pie at 644 Hood at, Maia 1147. Millmade Construction Co. engines! nr.nisi EzrontEs All atyles aad aiaes from 1 U 6 eyV. at astee- Isblngly low prieea. All anginas guaranteed i m good merhsairal aoaditksa. YiAYTD HOrrEr CO. Oak. Broadway and Flaaden IL rortiaad. Or. FOB SALB Packard. 181 6. 4$. pass, teurlag eat. Packard hoc. Both U first cOaat eoadltloa. CEWTRAL GARAGE A BEPAIS SHOP. 24 aad Mala ata. Phone Maia 7356 AUTO WRECKERS . " We wreck moat all makes of cara and sail tha good Parts for leaa than half price. We have all kinds of used bodice lor sale, iligbest prices paid lor old ran. PACIFIC JUNK COMPACT. 228 front at MAIN 47A .NEW TIRES What brand of new tire do yea arwferr We Lave tbeaa. all seek and alsea. Also we make tbe f mows U-V-C Double Tread fsewedl tire and do all manner of tire re- palrirg Oregon Vulcanising A.. 833-836 Bara side near H road way. Til A i EM. 6HATER-GILL1 MACHINE COMPANY Toa. 837v i BUIL1ENS OF , iiTU ntiu'tna r . 6420 IEVKRHEADY THC . 8470 I ATTACHMENT! aclty I Mfg. In PorUaa 1 tt Toa, 2 Ton CK MENTS Capacity Portia ad. 163 E. Water st Phone Beat 7437 LAHER weT0 Mfg. A Repairs. 8000 guaranteed serines ta stock: prices reduced. 84 N. I6h st BIO alOCK Used Cars COVEY MOTOB CAB CO PUKES KWUT J1H and Washington ata. Mate 6344 MOTORS, gears, bearings. wtieeka, axlae; we wreck au makae of ears aad sad sell tbeir parts at half price. David Hades Co., Berth Broad way sod r laager. FOR SALE 1616 Cadfllaa eight; baa yost beaa all overhauled ; two brand new tires: ether two ia first class ooavdiuoa; $1400. 483. BABCAINS IN USED FOSDS Towrina cars, roadatefs. ehaeais: eei overhauled and repainted. Bnbloaoa SmnA Cev, tuxtn end sasaianw. AVTOMOBII.Fai VTASJTETr 76 riPOT-CASH Paid for bite model touring ears and roadsters. TUB USED CAB EXCHANGE 627 Waahiagiow at Broadway $466. WE WILL PAT YOUR eJPOT CASB FOR YOUR FORD. PALACE HARARE. 12TU AND STARK NTH. BROADWAY 1573v A 2441. si-6t casII t-oft tot h t-oRTi V KARL E. RAMMiM. 209 L'NIOM AVE. 2. CORNER HOI.lJtDA Y. PHONB EAHT 6A4 WILL buy roar Ford car for spot eaah, Rob- Irnnw Hroilh Co . Klith aod Mariaow WTN f E D "lood Ford. Will (, CMtitm A doov, 275 Union ave. N. WANTED rFord. late aaodel: mast be in first reus rood :t tori. Cash. U-8al. JoursaiL UlwMEaf pneee paid fn auu moiim eatwIL tioa no oblect. 121 N. M at Bdwy. JgJS. AUTO FOR HI an 48 AUTOS FOB HIP.E WITHOUT DRfTEBS Bread aew ears. C re tunable rates. Fearing jb Robaett. City Oarage. 64 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Ii road war 846. "U'TOH VviTiloUt DRlVEhS FDR l.iiit. " COUCHMAN AND SUU.IVAB. MARItH. 233 IQTH A TAMH1U, A I2IU WANTED 3 or 4 persons lor bigbwsy trip Srmday; private aula. Phone Main 6607. KOTOErTClfk-BICH'tr.a as NEW India a light twia caotorcyele ; wilt sell Ut $160; 8 epeeda, 1818 model, light aad horn, raa 120 miles; rieaoa for aeliut being drafted, Ralph Coeii ran. 613 Water a.. Oty. Or. BICYCLES MOTORCYCLE. Lam stork of new snd aeau DAYTON CTCLB CO.. 66 6th et. POWER pine lniaa. 1817" aaodel. " eootptwr for sale cheap; drafted. S63 Coram ata sc. 13. WANTED Motoreaeiei gay good" 6624. LAUNCH KS AND BOATS I CRUISER. 66x10. 24 b. p.. Eatrra Staaeierw engine; aaake good towboat 62266; lias ii 1 1 iv, i a. p. rwiwiies ongnie, aiss; re boat. 22x6. 836: owe I a. a. Farrbaafca-Ma. engine. ISO. Ii ink ley's Msrfna Machina aaass. ft. Hamiltow ave. Main 7836. lull SALE New UaC 2a4lbata, ateady ia emgiras. wivw mtM a vs. FiABOS, DMUAS8 AND JtChlCAX INSTRUMENTS - - 6$ PttUNteVeH A fMa. Cbanged. Hall A CaaekUy. 136 1st st M. 1686.' riAaot, ooi$ ast vcsical . IBftTBCKKKTS $ I 6ECUK1TT STGRAV.B .UX CAyUSINU Ul'f! , 04) Hoaler A Uehler. sawrktbt. caa...$ 76 404 I 'kt ad wprtgM. aear1y stew, aaah ...$14$ $4 66 EtmbaH, lango wpncM. lee $166 esia isii msdia. ail laiav. $436 large 1811 aaeaM. war-art. eaah.... .81 1 6 54T6 1617 aaodeL- aaahesyair). eeaA. .. , . '. I ) 6 l616,madiL faawaw etyaa. aaah $26 iw nit meoas. pavyee aaiae. eaaa .... a 1 a 1T6 aVarthwsch. 6 ertave aeaaa. aaah. ..6 63 65 Bodgaaort aarleg ergaa, aaah. ...a. 6 36 86 PhsaiairasA aed teeeede. eaah $ 86 84) rawi 1 1 at Ii gad tetut s. eaaa .....$ 46 1 4Tst IT. AT WA6HTNGTON 6TT .PIAN01MGAIN Wa have a few ml awed was was at m Ma avtag sn thews before bwyxag. 6irBE6XlMU a LUC A 6 MC8TO CO. 26-127 Fewrth at. bet Week, and Akaer ata. 0 Pbsaiigmiihs aad rseeads beeafht, aetl esrbaaavd and rested. Expect sswel. 142 Sd. ttear Akeer. sxasuura. it CASH. 64 ilhly. baus Y. aew 11 4 edsL Improved apngbt rtaae taw 6J6LJ6. at hehwaa r-aaae Cav, 111 4tb at. NEW $21$ laAmg aaachlae aad "reoorda to trade for gwnl sad peseta, liaxwad S. Gubert. $4 Vambin at. ttENT a pasao. moat reeaoeeble terms ta PerV lend. Ks Beware woe txtaaao heaaa, Harold A. Gilbert. 8S4 Yamnia. UCRlFICt iWnaWsy paaMTa(h. rrs au reeotoe, Terma te rianrmalBH naruea. Maia 314$. or ReUwood 1717 $83 CAAU bays $160 Ernest Gable aprlgAt biaaw, SeewrHy Oteeaae C. 1 4th st Piano Tuning $3.00 UlC A. rarey. 6166. WAX'TaTlsI'leyec peoo er s4aaa fur cash. V 461. Journal. PIANO wealed. "VuT aaah if aatarawii . pay 5014. TYPEWRITERS T OWING to lie fact that the poUtteal campaign ire over we have several ansa was sac lira Underwood fa rent UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COM r AN I. i 10th and Stark eta. Bdwy. 606. NEW kEMLNGToN. reaial aeaa. reat atea ta parcbaa Male saeeVas. BEMINUTVJt YIPxiWBrTEB CxX. $8 Broadway. Broadway 46$ 1. UlAKANlkkU lactery fcebaiit Trvewritera, , Au Makes." anld an asootbly pa ym eats, a eaa for price hat. Tbe Wholesale Typewriter Cav, Hetaal liept.'Sll Waalrtagteai at ALL MAKE6 tyBeorna-ra rented aad repajrwi Oregoa Type Cat. 64A 6th, Mala 8646. 1 REBUILT typewriter. ewfraaiHZsoae, 4 a i are. ' K. W. reaae Co., 116 61a. ; I HOUnEHOLP VOODS FOR SALB Buy Wow Ta aelert at aa aa tt of what yew wsstld pay ave, for tsartsaea. gsa water beater, out ver ei tioa gaa aad water healer. eotl. S".T: esaeiaav 616.76: gaa Pavlee, 82: gaa ovewa, $2.7$: ewok etovee, $466: ateal ranges, $11 66; d reavers, 64.60: iron bade. $168; springs. $17$; ssattraawaa. 13 36 library tab lea, $4. $6; new wwoj fibre rage, 86.76: wool fibre carpet, new. 66e equal yd. Aassiaster rugs. 6x13. $16.76; buffet, 66.76 dining Ublea, $6 60; dining chairs. $1861 kitchen tablea, $6.60; enuag ehaira, 1-8J kitcnea etialrs, ave; sttcnea taxtsas.; aaai labourette. $66; new child's rerher. $1 6 aavetrport, $6.76: steel eoorbea, $6.80; pad te fit. $2; opera cbaira. Vkeauea chairs, lea srasm chain and table rorkevs. aad every! king vest , wtll gawd; all marked la bag yellow tag. kea eaaaa stork. 30a Madieoa et Notice, Country Dealers . Alas betel aad looming bowse owners We ara . geaag swt af kails i s Must sell ttsvsa, aarystg . and furaltare at kwa tbaa eaat. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. 64-86 Q RAND AYR EAST 364. ot! rrns'iti'iik ctj, 208-11 2d t New sad 2d band fnraxtara af aS ktada . bowgbt and sold, lee sbests. sll stxea, aad yrea) $6 am. aUectria baa, tUfferaat eases. Free dell very. GOLDEN eak diakog room Ubls. 6 leather eaei cbaira, 3 rockers; at bargala. hu daslsra W-4t .. JeejrwaL FUBNlfUBR (or aale e trade; wiS tale iaraw track. taD after 6. 606 E. 16th at FINE folding bed Tabor 26T " 7" FOR BALE MISCFLLAHEOrS 16 Paint that gwof wsta FT. FPR OOF WATERPROOF BL'STPBoor PAINT Preveat taw growth of as, pewtecta fruaa fire. Casta Stegsj leaks aad - Phewe Mala 6676. aad Part Orlsed w mtasa aavaiaa; faeear aw K- Ohaaa, be. T(k and 16th. Tabwr A ALL mtrhtasa aold 6st lsssl agwata are employed : xeaehfnee rented; ret-irvd. A-8626. Mala V4SI. Mewing Machine 160 3d at. awar Taylor. fto Electric Motors X ie- neaiai, eoea. rrmaej ana fwravrree, f-S Waiter Elect rie Works. 418 Bsrsj. etde. curaer 16th. Broadway 6474. -MUSICAL 'INSTRUMENTS.- -type-wvtter-' and --liaMahAU Oooda' are aacarate easaatfW catlooa. AU advertieemrnu ea these anode sea pn Ml abed aader tbetr rwnertree riaaai f aa iteaw lWHf, THEMVKR. QinnTi TtX drophead sewing as sr blase V I JiJJ wuh attachaaeate; all ara ia very good condition Hewing gaaebiaea rested at 68 per aaooth. Phowe KaA 2668 or B-3S07. s, B. Steew, 133 Oread ae., awar BelaaowC HACKS, rubber Urea. Morocco lea tha aa evoestery. fuss ftalsh. coat (2KOU each. W Ul trade ter property er what have year 1 barge 24x60x4-4; 6 large reck rare, etde dasasw Elerath Steel gt Iroa Co.. Tabor 7818. $10 to $12 St&SSZF ; aaraateed. We rent and wt and repair. Slain 164 6. A-1816. 172 3d at AUTOMOBILES. MOTOBCYCLat. LAUNCHES or beats ara aevarata classifies ilone. A ktraw listing caa ba found aadec thasa suflareat iease 600 ENTEtXIPES a 60O beawl lettarwaads. 83.36: 3S eagrsvers- Type weodiag aa a m as or lav ts IS. Baarib. Prist era. 104 Slarh s. FOB SALE Pare ehb-kesi Baaaare: beat few. Uliaer: S1.35 for SOU peaada. Tae KavlaU C. ISO Front at MsraksO S7. A-2863. LADIES desiring erorhet work or having aeaaa for aale. Send lue for ' Boot of Iisatgas)- and detada. Int Trading Cvwrbet 'e.. 3S S4 et. CORN SEED TehVw Flint and Wbrte Iieex. lloase vbeaaa leti, aea tor u. avimaa, tres hem. B. -A." 6 ENTILE clothiag bayvrs pay eaah far gents cast off clotbea. etay C lea sera. SSS u) Balaann. sUta 436 thED hot wale eaaueea, 3 gal.. $$; 40 gal. 1110 We neve wa to 12a gat Over set ow ta use. 18 Adaasa at. Pane Eaat 16S8. WK have a large assortment of raltivstora, garoea loose, aw-yciss. eta. BITTMAN linw tXI . 71 6 Front at Mate 6611 FOR SALE A larae faae elerine bakeoveaw Call 1 14 Bread way. In the I suss eat VACUUM cleaners r-d. repaired, rented. changed, ewwgbt. Beefier .. Maka S6a. UNCALLED lor tailor made em la. S6.b) am, Taytee- the Taller. 2kbH Barwaadev l$. CtiMpLf-ffi BATli ButiM OUTFIT, Uml Nortiraeet npt let , im c nwii wi. pLlMbL(e hwpfhea. wheleaaie prvna. Auua- fjavs Co.. in S-a at. state is i. CITk aa fwar order. Beat Na. 1 lit eurdweaai. $7 eord. Eat tolw. COB SALE Lars atae need eiectns baaa evea. 124 Broadway ia b an art. CONTRACTIpewatrig "ooUlt andT lite taaea rt. r-now CABBAOK tAaata. Daakah Bald head. S 2 SO. IPS ie-oa ere. fOBSALE Child a owtdonr piaybowse, I2sl2f akaa go-esrt WoodUww 2460. WOOIieVAW for sale a trade, ail aewly ave. hauled Phoaw MaraKU 3746 tVtLTuN rag. 6x12. cl-w Call Maw 344.' flfXvO hwx foe eaie. Call Feet 1114. CEDAR a aisawil Jlr.R fAcCt Vi 6VlEc:i Ellel. Maaa 63 f FrRITVR: WAITED It HIoML keet 7S15 staa yoa want to eeat yew fmnutare. We ooase at aaao aad pay yew -,-- u. B, Seats. 886 llawthorae a., sag. Uaaoav. - Call East 636 iJT rags, aaythiag aa bessssbald goods. . Wa ea claanga year aad farnitare foe sr. eiiipwed Eeat and Soath, Ms awing Warshenas ek Trans fer Caw. 6th and Hoyt. Broadway 73. A-lie. Tirg ligheat eaak prVwepad I ass oat band 1-booe Msrahaa 6331. VtuXTNOMAU Farsuare Hvilai para nKheag awkees fee awed fwraitare. 627 Wkah. M a 4634. iCaaUasad FaUowUf Fs