The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 24, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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m ws i i mm i n I
a. u. dock manes nepori to me
- Chamber of, Commerce Follow
1 ing Personal Investigation.
" Shipments When Unloaded Are
Left at Bottom of Pile for
Months Before Sent Forward.
. Personal re presentation of a vigorous
; nature at Seattle Is the only solution of
; th problem of getting Portland shio
. merits throuaT) Keattle cleared to this
port in a reasonable length of time. The
sooner Portland Importer have a man
In Heattle to represent their Interests
. alone the sooner will shipments cpme
jii i i (i (. i n i n j uit umo.
This Is the feature of a report ren
dered to a Chamber of Commerce com
mittee at a meeting Thursday by A. C.
Black, following his personal survey of
the situation that has proved a trouble
to Portland shipping Interests for years.
jTothlsr Like Plain BItro Phosphate te
' 'rat Firm. llealthytFleth and
to Ioereats . Strength, Vigor
aid Sens lores.
Judging from the countless prepara-
tlona and treatmenta which are conttnu
1 ally being advertised for the purpose of
, making thin people fleshy, developing
arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly
hollows and angles by the aoft curved
it lines of health and be-uty, there are evl
f -deutly thousands of men and women
Who Keenly teel their excessive thinness.
i. Thinness - and weakness are usually
due to starved nerves, our bodies need
'mure pnuspnate than la contained In
'modern fooou. I'hyaiciana claim there is
nothing that will supply tn deficiency
so wait as tne organic puoapuate known
' among arugglsiM as oiro-phosphate,
which 4s inexpensive and ia soia by most
all druggists under a guarautee of satis
. lactam wr uiuiiey twtA. xy teeuing -tun
i nerves oirectiy anu uy supplying the.
body cells witti the necessary pnosphoria
" food elements, bitro-phosphaie quickly
' produces a welcome transformation la
' ine appearance ; Uie increase in weight
: I (trequenuy being astonishing.
This Increase in weight also carries
. with it a general improvement in thje
t 'health. Nervousness.' sleeplessness and
, ! .lack of energy, which neat ly always ac
i com piny excessive thinness, soon disap
pear, dull eyes become bright, and pale
' cheeks glow with the bloom of prtcl
I .health.
t CAUTION Although bltro-phospliate
'la unsurpassed, for relieving nervousness,
,. sleeplessness and general weakness it
.should not, owing to Its remarkable
flesh growing properties, be used, by
. anyone who doea not desire to put on
.flesh. (Adv.)
Portland Man Spent For
!' tune in Search
(" VI spent $1800 In seven years treating
i -with physicians, some specialist cost
'.Ing me 110 a visit, only to at last say
t'that nothing could be done for me, that
4' I had cancer or ulcers of the stomach.
i,I suffered awful pains in my stomach,
but after taking a few doses of fMayr's
.Wonderful Remedy these all disappeared
and for three years am feeling fine." It
-Is a simple, harmless preparation that
removes the catarrhal mucus from the
((intestinal tract and allays the inflam
. matlon which causes practically all
stomach, liver and intestinal arilments.
Including appendicitis. One dose will
i convince or money refunded.- "The Owl
' jDrug Co. (Adv.)
ment and 2 CakesSoap
Heal Itching Pimpltes All
Oyer Face After 3 Years.
"I wag troubled with pijmples for
three yeArs. They would start small,
and then they would get very large and
were all over my face. Thy got hard
and festered and broke, ceasing more
to come, and they hched til I had to
cratch them.
"Then I heard of Cutlcuf a Soap and
Ointment ao I sent for a foee sample.
It waa ao good I bought hnore, and I
only used one box of Criicara Oint
ment and two cakes of Ciiticura Soap
when I waa healed."(Signsd)Mlsa Aha
Trumpower, Mlat, Calif.Aug. 8, 1917.
If your akin ia already, healthy and
clear keep it ao by using puticura Soap
for toilet purposes, assisted by touches
of Cutlcura Ointment io soothe and
heal any tendency to irrijuttion, redness
or roughness of the skjn or scalp.
"ft! F M ill. Address post,
card; "Qirieere. Boston." Sold
everywhere. Soap2Sc Oif tment 2S and SOc.
ea - an ttviu Liii j me
sau- 1 yi' Li.-j .
" tt taken, la time this Calcium compound
iHirai wit- nK i enrann mroat or lung
trouble. All tbe rerne-tiaj and tonlo quai
! ' Hies are combined In thla Calcium com.
-1 vouaa. H harmful cTp-usa. 4 Try taena to-
; E0 cents a box, including war tax
1 1 1 For sale by an druggists
1 ! .Xcluaaa Laberatry. l"hi-Mienhl
C Sum Relief
' -1 IjlfjQ
Mr. Black ' investigated thoroughly the
reasons for the delay at Seattle of ship
ments consigned : to Portland Interests
and In his report holda that the fault is
not the result of animosity on the part
of Seattle interests, but a seeming un
avoidable circumstance. . , , ,
Before the matter of personal rep
resentation is presented to importers -the
Chamber of Commerce committee will
prepare in concise form all details of a
plan of action, as to its effectiveness
and costs. Then a move to send a rep
resentative to the Sound with the sole
duty of constantly watching Portland
shipments will be taken up.
The work : of such a representative
would be to prevent Portland goods
from landing on the bottom of a pile in
the congested docks and freight sheds
of Seattle. -Without such a person on
the ground, it is pointed out, Portland
goods, as well as those consigned to oth
er ports, are often buried under the oiles
that quickly mount up under the con
gested conditions, - and their delay is
usually from a month to three months
as a result.
wonr cases are put over
Japanese Seaweed's Status 'to Be De
cided at San Francisco.
After consideration of all cases to be
handled here and reference of other
important matters to a, San Francisco
court, the federal board of customs ap
praisers, 'comprising Judge S. B. Coop
er, M. T. Baldwin of the United States
attorney general's office, and K. C.
Trumbower, secretary, all of New York,
leave today for San FrancUco. Cases of
minor importance and routine were dis
posed of during the semi-annual session
at the Portland customs house.
A highly Interesting discussion, threat
ened in connection with the importation
of "nori," a Japanese seaweed, but be
cause similar cases originated at Seattle
and San Francisco, all were referred to
the court which will be held next week.
The controversy between the government
and Importers of norl is as to whether
the weed is really a prepared vegetable
or a weed in Us natural state. The
government has brought Its expert
agent. Kverett Tawney. from Japan to
testify In the case. Nori is imported
as a food for . Japanese in America,
and, according to Secretary Trumbower,
it isi anything but an edible looking
Judge Cooper, who conducted the ap
praisers' court in Portland, was for 12
years a congressman from Texas. - At
the atext term of court In this city it
Is held probable that Judge W. C.
Adamson. father of the eight-hour rail
road labor law when he represented
Georgia in congress, will preside.
Sponsor for Wankam - to Be Decider!
by Auction for Red Cross.
The honor of christening the new
Gjrant Smith-Porter hull, Wankam. will
be decided by auction and the proceeds
of the novel scheme will revert to' the
Red Cross. Approval of this plan, sug
gested to the shipping board at Wash
ington by Lloyd J. Wentworth, Oregon
district supervisor of wooden ship con
struction, was received Thursday.
It was thought inadvisable by Vice
President Pies of the shipping board
to rename the hull for the auction since
her name Is recorded. The Wankam
will be launched soon as the last of
the Hough type hulls to be produced by
the, Grant Smith-Porter plant. Future
productions will be of the Ferris type.
Whether the fact that the Red Cross
drive has been halted will withhold the
auction in connection with the launching
nas not been decided.
Sixteen members of the nffir Wa
or me united States shipping- board in
Portland appeared on Standlfrr fiiit
Thursday afternoon for the first base
ball practice preliminary to the organ
ization or a team. The first game for
the new nine will be aeainst th nffw
employes and the officials of the G. M.
fetanairer Construction corporation, al
though a date has not yet been set.
The steamer Shasta left Rainier this
morning for California ports. The
steamer Bee is expected to get out to
day. The new steel steamer West In
dian in charge of a United States navy
crew arrived down at, 2 a. m. today and
sanea ror sea.
C. W. Ausman, renresentlne the Grant
Smith-Porter Ship company, is In Spo
kane, angling for men to fill out the
company's labor force. Mr. Ausman is
asking Spokane to furnish at least 200
men to complete the company's army- of
shipbuilders here. All local efforts to
supply men tp meet the demands - of
this company have been fruitless, and It
Our Boys in France
and Home Protection
The men on the firing line represent
the pick of our American youth. On
In four of our boys at home was sick,
rejected because of physical deficl
Many times (he "kidneys were to blame.
If wo wish to prevent old age coming
on too soon, or if we want to Increase
our chances for a long life, Dr. Pierce
of the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.
Y says, that you should drink plenty
of water daily between meals. Then
procure at your .nearest drug store,
Anurlc (double strength). This "An-u-rio"
drives the uric acid out and
cures backache and rheumatism.
If we wish to keep our kidneys in
the best condition a diet of milk and
vegetables, with only little meat once
a day, is the most suitable. Drink
plenty of pure water, take Anurlc
three times a day for a month.
Send Dr. Pierce ten cents for trial
package. "Anuric" many times more
potent than llthia, eliminates uric acid
as hot water melts sugar, a short
trial will convince you. :
. Mr. Reece Jones says: "Just a few
I lines in regard to Dr. Pierce's Anurio
isBieis - wmcn i
took for kidney
trouble. I am glad
to recommend
them to every
body. I know that
they are good or
would not recomm
end them. After
taking a few bot
tles I saw that
the swelling wraa
svui uueu, au a
continued their
- use. I have ouit
taking them now and am cured get
ting along fine and dandy. '
"One old lady. 65 years old, to whom
I have recommended Anurlc says that
it did her good, took the swelling out
of her feet." - . ; - (Adv.)
J. 1 jasj a a - - s, yc
ar r t r
has joined other employers in an effort
to Import laborers. , .
At a ; meeting Thursday night San
Francisco aV Portland line longshoremen
accepted the wage scale agreed upon for
offshore union members by a board .of
mediation recently in session.- The wage
difference- as applied to coastwise long
shoremen was settled entirely among
the' men themselves. ' -
River front ship owners have received
questionnaires from federal sources de
signed to ascertain their need of fuel
oil - and the possibility of ; converting
their boilers for the use of wood or
coal. Most of those interested In oil
burning ships believe that a change will
not be practicable, cid they are wait
ing anxiously to learn if their vessels
are. to be classed as necessary so that
they may continue to secure an oil sup
Tacoma, Wash., May 24. (I. N. S.)
With her cargo still on fire, the Osaka
Shosen Kalsha steamer Burma Maru
arrived here this morning in charge of
Pilot Thomas Grant-
According to officers of the vessel,
the ship was found to be on fire when
218 miles out.: At this time there was
a little smoke coming out of the venti
lators. The fire apparatus leadtng to the
hold was started and the Canada Maru
of this line answered the calls for aid.
The ship was put about and headed back
for Tacoma. The cause or me lire is
That portion of the cargo in the after
hold will be discharged and a survey
made of the vessel. It is stated.
Masuda Takes the Water
. A Taclflc Port, May 24. (I. N. S.)
The 7500 ton steel ship Masuda was
launched ' here last night. The vessel
was built at the Todd shipyards and is
the second of her class to be built for
the United States shipping board here.
The Masuda took the water without
a hitch and was sponsored by Miss
Ethel Eves,' 14-year-old daughter of J.
A. Eves,- assistant manager of the Todd
plant. President William H. Todd
witnessed the launching.
West Apaum Launched
A Pacific Port. May 24. (i!. N. S.)
The West Apaum, the eighth steel cargo
carrier launched for the government by
a local shipbuilding concern, went down
the ways Thursday afternoon. The
keel of the West Apaum was laid March
19. She is the twenty-second steel hull
launched by the company In the past
two years. The West Apaum Is a ves
sel of 8800 tons.
Another Riveting Record
Washington, May 24. (I. N. S.) A
neW world's Riveting record 5629 in
nine hours was announced by the ship
ping board Thursday afternoon. The new
mark, beating the former figure of 4875,
was made in the yards of the Moore
Shipbuilding company at Oakland, Cal
by Tom Horn, with a crew of two heat- j
era and one holder-on. i
New Masters Announced
San Francisco. May 24. Robert Wil
son has replaced G. E. Sanborn as mas
ter of the motorship Santa Flavia.
C. A. Knudsen has replaced John Mar
tin as master of the steamer Carmel.
Edward Anderson has succeeded
Herman Dahloff in command of the
schooner C. K. Castle.
News of the Port
Departures May 24
El Segundo, American steamer, for San Fran
cisco, ballast; VS. America h barge, for San Fran
cisco, ballast: 03. American barge, for San Fran
American steamer, from Rainier, for San Pedro,
Weather at Rlear Mouth
North Head. May 23. Conditions at the
mouth of the rirer at noon: Wind, northwest,
IB miles; -sea smooth; weather cloudy.
Sun Record for May 24 -San
rises, 5:20 a. m.: sun sets 8:46 p. m.
Tides at Astoria Saturday:
Hish Water. Ixw Water.
2:13 a.m., 6.0 feet. :10 a. ra., O.S feet
7:52 p.' m., 8.4 feet
8 A. M . 120th Meridian Time.
w t
mt n
' -5 w3 SS.SS
Wenatchee I 40 2ft. 0 1.0 0.00
Lewistnn 22 7.1 t 00.00
1'matilla 25 14.3 0.2,0.00
Tha Dalles 40 22. 0 0.310.00
Eucene 10 3.4 0.1 0.00
Albany . '. 20 2 . S 0 . 1. 0 . 00
Salem 20 1.7 0 . 2 0 . 00
Orecoa City 12 8.8 0.10.00
Portland 15 13.8 0.4 0.00
The Willsmette rirer at Portland will fall
6low!y,during the 'next three days.
Astoria. May 28. Sailed at 1:20 p. m..
steamer Daisy Gadsby. for San Tedro. Arrired
down at 6 p. m.. achoaner Thistle. Arrired at
7:80 p. m. and sailed at midnicht. steamer
Wahkenna, from San Francisco, for Everett.
San Pedro, May 23. Sailed, steamer Rose
City, for Portland.
Coos Bay. May 23. Arrired. Martha Buehner
from San Pedro. 8 p. m.. Wednesday; Restless,
from Florence. 8 :20 a. m. ; tnc Defiance, from
San Francisco, 5 p. m. Sailed, tus Gleaner
for Gardiner. 7 :20 a. m. ; Johanna Hmith. In
tow tus 8ampson, for bay points. 12:80 p. m.
San Frsnclfco, Msy 23. (L N. g.) Ar
nTd Whittler, Port San I.ttis, 8 a. m. 8ailed
Sea. Eaele (with Simla in tow) Port San
I.uis, 8 a. m.; Fearless (with Fnllerton in
tow) , Port San Luis, 8 :30 a. m. : Tus Tyee
(with barga 38 in tow). Coos Bay, 10 a. m.
San Francisco, May 24. (I. N. S.) Ar
rived yesterday Daisy Putnam. Los Angeles
2:40 p. m.; Aurelia, Eureka, 3 p. m.; City of
lopeka. Loa Angeles, 8:25 p m.; Shinyo Maru.
Transpacific. 2:45 p. m.; Queen. Seattle, 10.05
p. m.; Homer. Port San Luis. 10:15 p. m
Returned Costa Rica (with fa launch Gracie
P. in tow) hence May 22 for RrifM r.
account of brealfinc main 'steampipe, 30 miles
west by north 6f Point Reyes. 11:40 p. m.
osueo aumirai Lrewcy, um Ancelea, 12:20 p.
ni.; D. C. Scofield. Seattle 12:30 p. m.: Stasia
Transpacific. 3 p. . m.: West Port. Crescent
City. 4:05 p. m. : Chehole. Grara H.rhor unt
p. m.; Carmel, Grays Harbor. 5:15 m.: Ad-
otaiut, o:io p. m. ; Willamette.
Seattle and Tacoma 5:5 p. m.; Amtgasin
Mara. TraDspacific, 8:20 p. nv
SeatUe Wash., May 24. (I. X. 8.) Ar
rived, steamship Redondo from Southeastern
Alaska at 2:30 a. ro.; Portland from Southeast
ern Alaska, at 4 a. m. Arrired May 23
Steamship Norwood from King Core at 12 SO
p. m. ; Shinesei Mara fram Kobe at 8 16 p
m.: Catherine D from Tacoma at 4:15 "p m
United States lichtship Umatilla. No. 67 from
Umataia reef at 4 p. m. Irom
Sailed May 24 Steamship Governor for San
Dteco it H i. ra. Sailed May 28 Steamship
Rainier for 8an Fraactaco at midnicht; schooner
Malahat for Victoria, B. C., in tow tu Richard 7:30 p. m.
VaWea. May 23. L N. 8. i Sailed Steam
atip Alameda, westbound, at 0:30 a m.
. Juneau May -8- SsUed Steamship Prin
cess Sophia, southbound, at 9 c. m
WranceU, May 23. (L N. 8.) Sailed
Steamship City of SeatUe, northbound, at 3
p. m.
Honolulu. May 23. (LN. 8.) Sailed
Srhooner Bainbridca for Puset Sound vis. Le
Aatorra. May 35. (I N. S.) Sailed
Steamship W ahkeena f or Everett at midnicht.
Port Anceles. Msy 28. L N. 8 )-rrived
-Ship Anni. M. Sydney tnUea FTbrul
ary 27. tn tow tus Prosper.
Port Townsend. May 24. (L " K 8.)
raaaed in SteamsMip Humboldt, for Brattle, at
Xij.0 8- Loo, n M'ornin, StarT'for
vV-J. V mK FVei. Tu, Pionaer.
toerinc bartre -Waaboacsi, at a. m.: U -
Apex and steamship Eastholra at 7 a. mT" Ar
Head Bark Cuatro Harmanaa from gallerrary.
ttTO0,UreJf." 1? tow tn Traveler, at :15 a
. - May 23 Passed out Steamship J.ff
aar as a P sn. - . -
Everett, May 23. (I N. 8.1 Sailed
Steamship MnJtnomah for San Frannsco.
m Tacoma, May 24 (L N. S.) Arrived
teanvhip Burns Mara. May 28 Arrired
SteamJiip 8anU Rita, from west coast, at 8
m.; Norwood from ffeatttle, -
-8aa Franctoeo, May 24. (I -V -.
t:ed Newburc. Crescent Cite T . . v v
land. Seattle. 8 a. at.: Laknje, Casna'r it al m
Hard,. Msrshfi.,,,, i lmTTiiXt be,
! Angeles, 1 1 :80 a. m. -
I Sailed Tub Rea Kina arlth b..i a
Your "Want Ads" to
Prince Arthur Heads British
Mission to Japan; Is Received
Today by Wilson.
Washington. May 24. (I. N. S.)
Major, Ills Royal Highness Prince Ar
thur of Connaught. Knight of the Garter,
Knight of the Thistle, personal aide de
camp to King George V of England,
and cousin of the King, arrived at an
Atlantic port today, it was -announced
by the state department. He is on his
way to Japan on a special mission from
his king to the emperor of Japan. -
His royal highness will proceed at
once to' Washington and will be re
ceived by President Wilson at the White
House late this afternoon. Prince Ar
thur's mission to Japan Includes the
presentation of a field marshal's baton
to the Japanese emperor, who was re
cently made a field marshal of the Brit
ish army by King George.
Promineat Americans Greet Prince
In addition to the prince the party
consists of :
Captain The Hon. Joseph St. Clair,
master of Sinclair, equerry to his royal
highness : Lieutenant General Sir Wil
liam Pultney. K. C. B., K. C. M
S. O. : Major The Earl of Pembroke and
Montgomery. M. V. O.. A. D. C. to Gen-
eral Pultney; Captain K. Batt, quarter-
master third battalion royal Berkshire j
regiment ; four soldier servants.
mi.- ... I 1 1
Breckenrldge Iong, third assistant sec
retary of state ; Leland Harrison,
I'nited States diplomatic service ;
Major General Joseph E. Kuhn, national
army ; Captain Harry E. Ranelye. na
tional army, aid to General Kuhn ; Rear
Admiral H. McL P. Huse. United States
navy, and . Lieutenant Commander
George V. Stewart. United States navy,
aid to Admiral Huse.
Has Seryed Throughout War
T"h ririnA 1 x thai nnlv vtn cif tti
Duke of Connaught. brother of the late
King Edward, until recently governor
general of Canada. .He is the grand-
son of the late Queen Victoria and was
born in January, 1883. His wife was
the Duchess of Fife, daughter of the
late Duke of Fife and of Princess Lou
ise, princess royal. The prince Is a
brother-in-law of the Crown Prince of
He has served with the British ex
peditionary forces throughout the war.
including the retreat from Mons. the
battle of the Marne, the Ancre. Ypres,
Xeuve Chappelle, Loos, and later on the
Somme and in the general offensive of
1917. first with his own regiment, the
Royal Scots, and later with the Second
cavalry division. In 1916 he was with
the Fourth army under General Sir
Henry Rawlinson. and latterly on the
staff of the Fifth army corps. '
Colonel House Greets Visitor
An Atlantic Port. May 24. (I. X. S.)
His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of
Connaught, cousin of King George of
England, arrived at this port today on
board an English warship. The British
vessel was met by an American destroy
er and Prince Arthur was transferred
to the American vessel and brought to
the dock here.
Colonel E. M. House was among the
prominent men who met Prince Arthur
at the dock. His royal highness will
leave for Washington at once.
American Troops Praised
An Atlantic Port. May 24. (IT. P.)
American troops are now taking "a
magnificent part in the great battle on
the western front," Prince Arthur of
Connaught declared upon his arrival
here today, en route to Japan.
"One of the last things I did before
leaving London," he said, "was to re-
This Corn Will
Peel Right Off!
"Get.-It" Makes Corns Com Off
The "Banana-Peel" Way!
Why have to flop on the floor, squeeze
yourself up like the letter "Z," and with
bulging eyes draw your face up into a
wrinkly knot while you gouge and pull
at the "quick" of a tender corn? That's
S or t Drops A spiled la a Few Seeosds
There's Ho Faaalag or Catting. .
"Gets-It" Always Works!.
the old, savage way. "Gets-It" is the
modern, painless, simple way. Lean over
and put two 'drops of 'Haets-It" on the
corn., put your stocking and shoe right
on again, and forget the corn. Pain
Is eased.
"Gets-If has revolutionised the treat
ment of corns, it never Irritates the true
flesh. You'll stop limping on the side of
your shoe, and do away with greasy
salves, bundling bandages, thick plas
ters and painul methods. Use "Gets-It."
It's common sense.
"Gets-If la sold by all druggists (you
need pay-no more than 2 cents), or it
will be sent direct by E. Lawrence 4c Co,
Chicago, -111. - Sold In Portland, at The
Owl Drug Co. il stores on the Pacific
Coast. ' ' - (AdY. .
m cents per word per Insertion.
Three consecutive Insertions for
the price of two.
Seven consecutive insertions for
the price of five.
Minimum charge 15 cents.
For contract rates and other In
formation phone for a solicitor to
view, with the king, some of your troops
passing through the streets of London,
and they certainly made a 'most magnificent-appearance.
"I am very glad to visit the states,
especially now that you are with the
allies, and in view of the magnificent
part your troops are taking in the great
battle now going on' on the western
Washington in Deep Water
San Francisco. May 24. The steam
schooner Washington. which ran
aground the other sjde of Bay Point
on Sunday while on her way to Pitts
burg, was pulled off by Captain Frank
Cousins of the Peterson launch Cres
cent Tuesday evening. The Washington
was firmly aground, but only five feet
away from deep channel line. The
Washington, Captain Ahlin, arrived
here on Saturday with lumber from
Eureka, consigned to Little River Red
wood Lumber company.
Premier Knows of Plot
Edinburgh. May 24. (L. P.) 'There
is no doubt of existence of a con
spiracy for a great uprising in Ireland,"
Premier Lloyd George declared at a
luncheon here today.
"I have read the evidence. The Na
tionalist leaders are not Implicated."
f M. Carothcra and wife to Cameron
Taylor Lumher Co., und. S int. In
SEVi of NWi Sec. 22. T. 1 S-.
R. 5 E t
J C. Eldred and wife to same, umt
H int. in NWV. of NW Rcc. 22.
T. 1 S . TL S E.
1 Same to rame, nnd. int. in NE'i of
NW Sec. 22. T. 1 S.. It. 5 E
B ,"v" T IS rt 5 K
game to same, und.' S int!" in SE'i
of NWU Sec. 22. T. 1 S. R. 5 E.
M. arothen. and wife to same. and.
, -a mi. .,, a. m vi c..
T. 1 S.. R. 5 E.
Same to same. und. int. in N'E'4
of SW W Sec. 22. T. 1 8.. R. 5 E .
Same to same. und. int. in XW'i
of NW4 Sec. 22, T. 1 S . R. 5 E .
Same to tame. nnd. H int. in NE
of NW4 Sec. 22. T. 1. S., R. 5 E .
Same to same. nnd. H int. in SW V
of SW U Bee. 23. T. 1 H.. R. it E. .
Same to same, und. H int. in NW
of 8Wi See. 22. T. 1 8.. R. SC..
Joseph S. Robb and wife to same. und.
H int. in NEV of 8E 4 - 22.
T. 1 S.. R. 5 E
Same to same. und. H int. in SEU
of BKU Sec. 22. T. 1 8., It- a E.
I "'aEtTsei "" Vl S" r" sE
I same to same.' und. H int. in Nv Vi
of 8E' See. 22. T. 1 8 . R. s E..
Same to same. und. H int. in SW v
of SEU Sec. 22. T. 1 8.. R. S K. .
Leon It. Shankland and wife to n. W.
Plaater et al.. I- 1. 2. 3. B. U
Chicaco Center
Mary C. Coohdge to Charles H. Carter
et al.. U 3. B. 21. Irvincton
W. J. Alsop and wife to R.M. Robinson,
L. 1. 2. 3. 4. R. 3. Willamette Add.
Geo. M. Crane and wife to Willamette
University. N. 37 H ft. L, 1, B. 149.
Caruthera Add
Geo. Giustina et'aL to Asa Wyman. L.
IS. B. 103. I-aurelhurst
Asa Wyraan and wife to Nellie Ulutach, a
L. 19. B. 103, Laurelburst
The Itassalo Street Congrecational
Church to Nellie A. Shaver, L. '14.
B. 31. Alameda Park Add
Gustaf Adolph Johnson and wife to
Susanna O'Brien et al. L. IS. B. 13,
Ina Park
Mt- Scott Park Cemetery Corp. to E. M.
Bergen. X(, L. 14 7, Sec Magnolia
Cemetery . . .
Sheriff to Mary K. Hill. L. 10. B. 3.
C. LeRoy Helneck and wife to F. 8.
Ixmrteaux. I.. 8 and W Vi L. 37,
B. 33. Kenton
Sheriff to Ernestine A. Wehlsm. L. 1,
B. 1. and S L. 2. B. 1. Web
lam's Add
Wm. Russell Strange and wife to
J. Brink, L. 20. B. 10. Arleta Iark
No. 2
Horatio J. Green and wife to H. M.
Cake, L. 65, Cedar Hill except north
erly thereof
C. A. Unquiet and wife to Henry Stein
feld, tract in U. S. Southmajd U.
L. C beg. in E. line 04 acre tract
of land situated in Sec. 6, T. 1 V. '
R. 1 E
Lulu I. Magona to Henrietta 8. Magone,
I- 6. King's Sub.. L. I.e. North St.
Henry Avery and wife to Elizabeth Avery
Eccert. L. 18. 14. B. 40. Piedmont
Umbdenstock A- Larson Home Builders
Inr. Co. to J. O. Larson. L. 43. 44.
B. 83, Jonesmore
H. (J. Bancroft and wife to J. W. Ras
et at, L. 6. B. 38. Beaumont
Selina C. Drake and husband to Clayton
B. Drake. L. 2. B. 8. Bioomington
Park ..
R. R. Bichter and wife to Rudolph Kiss
ling, L. 1. 2. 8. B. 22. City View
Park Add.
Sheriff to John D. Letcher, B. 10, Cor
vallis Add.
Same to tame, B. 0. Corvallia Add
Same to same. B. 4, Corvallia Add
Same to same, B. 2, Corrallis Add.,
except part L. 4. 8. said R. 2
Wm- C. Bristol to Florence M. Bristol.
L. 1. 2. and N. 40 ft. L. 3. B. 20.
King's 2d Add.
Title afc Trust Co. to Agnes W. Lively.
L. "F." B. 18, Park rose
Ole E. Kjobeth snd(wtfe to Beuia M.
Fjerstad. U 80. 31. B. 17. Uu
Tabor Villa
A. M. Eason and wife to Geo. G. Rundall,
I.. 7. 10. Eason s Sub. of B. 1.
North St. Johns Add. to St. Johns
Albert Rash and wife to A. Bramwell.
L. 7. 10, Esson's Sub. B. 19, North
St. Johns Add. to St. Johns
Geo. G. Rundall to A. Bramwell, L. 10,
Esson's Sub. B. 10, North St. Johns
Add. to St. Johns
A. Bramwell and wife to Geo. i. Run
dall. L. 7, Esson's Sub. R. 10. North
BU Johns Add. to Bt. Johns
Mrs. Nickersan Repair rauklenca. 466 Chi
cago, between WUlia and Portland boulevard.
Mursca Hardware company, builder, 6140.
D. Spier Repair reside nee. 888 Garfield,
between Failing and Sharer, M urges Hardwara
company, builder, 8176. .
Adolph Pfelfer Erect csrsge, 1053 East
Seventeenth street. between Alberta end
Wygant, builder lame. 850.
E, 8. Thomas Erect garage. 661 East Flan
ders, between East Thirty-first and East Thirty
second street. K. A. Graf builder, 8833.
Mrs. E. Hirscb Estate Erect shop. 203
Fourth street, between Taylor end Salmon. T
A. Stephens, builder. 876.
E. K. Oout Erect garage, 6S5 East Fifty
third street, between Siskiyou and Klickitat
John Green builder. 375. .
' Mrs. Dorratha 8c hade Repair it ore, 343
First street, between Main and ifarfts. Vaa
derboof Brothers, bulkier. 6176.
W. E. Lcey Erect garage. lt Mata ave
nue, builder asms. 835.
I A. Leonard Erect garage. 676 Nehalem.
between Thirtaenth and F-teentk street, build
er, same, 860.
1. F. Ouigley Erect garage. 1072 East
Twenty-first North, between Alberta and Sum
ner, builder same. 866.
Ibna Odeane Erect garage. 481 Webater.
between East Seventh and Last Ninth, builder
same, 840.
A. R. Conrad Erect residence. 468 Loo
belaeen Ninth and Seventh, builder aasae. 810O0
Gworgu F. McCHntock Erect garage, 261
East Thirty second, between Hawthorn and
Main, tmOder aasve. 350. - -
A. T. Kent Repair residence. 60S East
Market, between Seeeaty-ninth sad Eightieth.
Hawthorne Sheet Metal works, builder. 8176.
1. M. Keaaey Erect sarage. 766 Tkiimiuiis.
a TwMty-tMrd aad Taty-forta. U K.
I Raitey enntpaar, buildar. I4O0. .
! aln. Block Repair natdmet. 48 sod 40
Marshall. btwM Thirtaaat sad , ftoaitMeta.
H. K. Dohartjr. atktor. Sia. . - -
For 'Quick Sale
My 1918 .
Chalmers 6
(-passenger. Run very little.
Big discount. Phone Tabor 1575.
Carrnualal acaaion Uaaonte Tarn
pta. Waat Park and Tamhill atrcata.
Monday Tnin. May 37. Buainaaa
awfon noon. Monday. Applicartoaa
iiat b in baadf of areratary by that tint
Rand concart at T SO p. n. Candldataa wUI
rvport to aaeratary promptly at 7 : p. m.
I'arvaionial aaka atarta promptly ? " p. m.
Rrtac your IBIS nnibarhip card and arear yoar
In and Grotto arafka. Hy order of monarch.
It. K. Fulton, an-ratary.
O. X. U. 8. Statad aaarion
Saturday. May 2i. at p. m..
M tannic TrmpU. Vt Park and
Tamhill U. Bortal and ratar
tainmant after buainea aewian.
Vieitinc nob lea cordially larltad.
By onWr of the Potentate
HVfili J. BOTD. Recorder.
OHEOOX iJOltr.K No. 101. A
K. and A. M. Special com
municatton tomorrow ( Saturday)
erenrnt. at 7 :8Q o'clock. Work
in tha M. M. decree. Vkilinc
brethren ronlullv m.ttvl u.
order of the W. M
LESLIE M PARK Kit. Secretary
WTtl. W
. will
meet in tbeir hall. Wi East Sth a:.,
ereninc. Mat 24. and hold nnminn in Kn...,
of the Hon. I. I. Hoak, bead ronMll of tha W.
. W. AH members of tha V. O. W. are
cordially inrited.
l.ii HI. KM
jewelry a aperiaitv. buttooa, pins.
Jaecer Bros.. 1S1 ISS 6th at.
Vital statistics
7TlatTigts.BIrtbs, Deaths.
Orral N. I'lawaon. SO. Vancouver liar. Waoh.,
and Alice U Wiltshire. 22. 204 Whitaker street.
t lay Taylor, lecal. 25 H rlr.t street, and
Ruth M. Mock, lecal. 1007 Uretham street.
J. H. lss Voider. 21. S0 Lorejoy street, and
Zoe t; rem wood. IB, S80 Iorloy street.
JiJm T. Wacer. 23. 62S Rhine street, and
"-eariiey, -a. t.. I OU1 street.
Wedding Announcements
W. Bmlth A Co.. 11 Morgan bMc.
DUESH SCITS for rent, all sixes. Inique Tai
Inrinc Co.. S09 Stark at.
10 .
1 M HARD to Mr. and Mr. Harold Keith
Richard. Bt. John. Or.. May 17. a son
10 SOI VEGMEH To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Source
nier S3 H E. 80th at . May 16. twins (son
and daughter).
10 PATTERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Parte r
, .,,n....,,85 Grand ave.. May 14. a dauchter.
10 j TEHAWAGA To Mr. and Mrs. Sl.mirl. Tera
, n ' .T","' -nH Erecett. May S. a daughter.
10 ; FOLKS To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Edw. Foles.
J ,..M4 Marguerite are.. May 11. a daughter.
10 I JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson.
j 7232 Foster road. May IS. a son.
10 PALMERTON To Mr. and Mrv Claude !L
i Palmerton. S5 8herrett ave.. May 20. a son.
10 TAILOR To Mr. and Mrv Wm Lord Tailor
Scott Mills May 17. a daughter.
.. ! KK,yV J Mr- Mrs. Charles R. K.lley.
10 i 1077 E. Salmon. May IS. a son.
I WALL To Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Wall. 1140
10 j fc. 10th. May IS. a dauchter.
I a . EN AN To Mr. and Mrs. lister W. Keeaaa.
10 , 1224 Belmont. May IS. a son.
! MEN DEN HALL To Mr. and Mr-, Kester L.
10 : Mendenhau. 785 E. Main. May II. a sun.
! STEPHENS To Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Sepbena,
10 : 431 E. Ash. May 20. s son. .
HARVEY To Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Harvey. 405
! E. Davia. May 18. c son.
900 I TEMPLE To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Temple.
! oSS H Vancouver ave.. May 16. a son.
10, FROST To Mr. and Mrs. John Wm. Trust.
I Itorinc. Or.. May 20. a son.
10 ;
i xvi7CTl city' J" 31 raaret Mary
I Wills WUUburc road and East 30th sr..
10 i "Fla-S.' I.. I days: neloved wife
of Wl uam E. WUIa Friends invited to attend
10 ; funeral services, which will be held at tbe
I "rtland crematorium at 2 p. m tomorrow
(SaUirday). May 25. Take Sell wood car for
10 crematorium. Kerns ins are at Uolman'a funeral
prlor ""t'1 1 P- m Saturday
aged 15 years, husband of Mrs. Florence T. Mr
Wuaw. The funeral servires will be held Sat
. - 7 - . onn r. acuoiKI
VV' 1 o clock n. m . at the
residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A SorT
Montgomery at 6th. Friends Invited Inter
ment at Mount Scott Park cemetery.
LAI- EIn tbta '.ity- M,T 2- Un- J"'" Lelne.
age 28 years, late of 248 Holladay ave be
lovrd wife of William Laine. neral -rVl
' w'" be conducted tomorrow (Saturday). May
' l t Pi'i frora ,IrOT undertaking par-
T j : "" "" vuion sve. riienda in
vited. Interment Multnomah remf.e.
MITCHELL In this city. Mar 21 j-s.- u
wuf'beid V.J0 W7 r"l tnr!L
a"nd' Salmon '. 'ATf '1"
(Saturday). Ms, 25 Friends' Inrl, i "
termrnt Itot,cemrt,rV
: ANDERSON The funersl riin1hr U,'.
lw.Ro..K.,'rr".I heW 8.,'ra.,
j r.UblUhm.nt- o J P Fin, 'i 'son'"?
10 ! ftVuV iLH. Inr-enrii
I KERR May 23. James Kerr!
age 4 7 years.
10 1 srjif '-Her;
60 ! " ""tl Inter-
vary cemetery
A''riIChVir:,JlL.b UtJU "l'c.. .61 M Ean
, . aerTice wiu be held at tha reaidenna
tomorrow (Saturday). May 25, at 2 p a,
10 rsngernenta tn charge of p. I.. Lei,
1 Ml.?.1 " "" 68tl. are. tnA T,h .,-
Bltf afU. 57 IMri' tal-itU l-I
3.701 I CICK Fnrf CUck. 8820 64ti Ma, -1 si
1,870, years; lobar Pneumonia 7 84
2.783 ;G,22-or.!Ucttr,iiU- "8
I CAPLES Captain Ramh F.
1 . SaniUrium. May 21. 4 2 iwr,- n!,,T
10 j HA T.N IE James If. Haynie Ht VlZ-P.
10 HtklMar. I? PneTm,.
'"rlbrirL 79,h' 2'
"VMTy '.T 2?, J!
KAAE"T.Ann K"n- -3 WilUmette bl
mette bird.. May
i ii i x-v- .. " lemure.
'."Il-P' rar; rrartur of nerk f f,
t.iiiie nav Allen B :
! ho-rntal U.. to ta . "a."nn
T I' EN-
' jr; nemnnTue
hln I, it.; l-r".. -
yesr: lobar nnramo-i. ' "-
CROWN ER Samuel Crowner. St Vincents bo
nit. i vi. oa a. 'ncenia nos-
Pital. Msy 20. 60 year.; tew,"
UN-1, ,xm- 2H Fmiit, May 2(1
' . . , 7 tuveTruioaav
Japan florist.
T- "whin.
17. 5 ' hill. w. Skto
All kinds of Irnruv.i . ir, .
aV JABL pJ"t- hancinc baskets and
Spcs1 "ale price, extri 'bar
. .," Howera for all occ-
slons artistically arranced. . ""
CLARK BROS.. FWWts. 28 J " Morriao. U.iZ
N., r.n" noral dag
. . asaraaau SS2Z,
H B LINER. Portland hotrC3?8 MorrisoV
sMiTifTrw-t. iu eth a
East 781.
Mrs. Lercb
nil anu Hawthorne
MILLER A TRACZT. Independent mnaral D,"
rectoa. Prices aa krw as 626. 846 SCO
-. i sri vi. i TTT awu.
- -- n s um.
A. R.ZellerCo ;t taVF
w I jt-J u "aefiivr
B-2646. Tsborl2&8.
rraVrtakias Cm. Mala 4162.
A-2321. f emet t4 and Oar.
Wilson & Wilson
1167 Kerbv at.
Wdln. 4640, C-l 166
B. T. BTRNES. nee
ncn eaf'V-bment.
wa 22V. C-1S43.
61 Will- ara. WexxUa
Holman Undertaking Co.
. Funeral Directors .
C4sVIMm4 llt.
Tairo ami Waltao atravta.
Ma Hi let. A-ltlt.
Lady Aatat.
Tt null Fsaaral TNraetxf.
PBITATK DRIVE Vian Aruradaeta.
Maeisoiary St Fifth.
Mala t.
; A
East 4 lAj Aaaiatant. CI Hi
Mahnemab at S- Maeentb at.
reary detail. Broadway and Plave ata.
Broadaay 4 SO. A-4SSS. ldy amtetant.
F. S. Dunning, Inc.
The fieldea Bala t'ndeeUaar.
414 E. Akirr at. rixae KaM aj. R SJ2S.
A. D, Kenworthy Co.
Tahor, 1T. BSSI ld at. Inta. I
Tabor ftt. SSth at. and rver road. ArWta.
1111 Kerby at. WToodlaan SSSS. CIlSS.
4 0,J5T, AT MAni"-
at., opooatta city halL
Mata S544. PUUp
Nea Horn for Btemortaav
lot Ayr vnvnn
THE foUosrinc artlclea bate bean found an cars
of tha Portland RaUway. Usbt Power Co..
May 2S. 11H: I pairs stores. I ie. 1 bac. '
1 latter. 4 books. T parkacao. 1 saw. 1 sbeael. 1 r
neck piece, 1 slicker. 1 raincoat. S luncb baiaa, 1
4 auitcasea. 1 hand ha a. 1 aaon wnnaer. 1 2 was- '
i bretlaa. Owners may obtain property at 1st and
Aiaer ata. a:ata j
LOST A $100 Liberty bond of tha 2d Uawrty
roan, between Jmrpk and r art land, about :
March IB or 20. ISIS. Pindar wiU oira-e re '
turn to tha nndersianed and rceelre liberal Te I
ward II. B. Clark, bo I 204). Joeeph. Or. !
LIBERAL REWARD tost, porketboofe ronlsta i
ins draft on Canadian bank of Commerce, j
Delia. Alberta: also S in currency. If found i
notify L. V. Jenkina, 641 Marguerite see
LOST Between Ureaham and Portland, erer- !
coat, keys fn pocket, valuable only to ewaer j
Reward. S-SA2. JournaL
LOST ldy'a tan left drlrtnc C'o'e. Broadway '
and William". Monday. II 1 a TeL East i
4176. Reward
LOST Earelopa eonUinlnc ISO. Wed needs r j
ereninc inaer p lease return to svs j let
it. S-ft reward.
!XST AlrcUle doc. license No. 2S02
swera to name of Pete.
128 E.
Sth S. Wdln. SSS2.
LtkST l .old watch, leatuer rial band and
monocram "R. M.," on Rojsl coon. Call
Tabor 422.
ia.ii niaca bacc-atrap
puree m
WedneMtaw mrmmimm
Wdln. 1SS4.
to Journal office.
-Key ring
with 2 keys. Call Journal.
LOST Ou eat side, brooch act with ai
i anond. E. H074. Reward.
IA.HS r LnamotMl ring and ear droit.
Pbone Bnadway 270.
LOST Auto robe. C. 50th and Madiaoa. Finder
return. Reward. Tabor 484.
Lost 1
a elewvelre sweater downtown da.
Reward. Broadway 8423.
LOST Purse witA rectstratioa card and amoaey.
Reward. G. f. Markee. 3SOS S4tb at.
LOST Red-brown Jersey cow, fresh 6 weeks.
Call Mil-sukte 67X.
taturalmaowei raiDer. Fisaler
to John Kalaa. 427 Staatoa.
T-ra. ,v I a
or two h 1-4 line young aalaaaaea for mty work.
Only riaaa cut. earn eat, bardworklng. asshMtwus
caape Bead apply. Prefer aaaa wit- pre nova
aellinc etperkence, but rf you keek sood ta as
and caa furuiab ceod referenea wo wul uko you
without esperWeas. Tea sauat be wtlling
wmmiMm ,mi eaiwwa sw awsse aasexi. Btra WSII SUI- i
ary, mode rate te start, but asure as fast as you
are worts it. osiuoa
an excellent future ta tha
right a. ore. fuU
i. anarriod er Mncia.
O ua at eipeneace
w u w saiPVTavKw, saw, as mea or aaia,
nferencea. sad Aoa't forest sour pboaa Baas-
ber. tf you want to be
considered. Addn
L-V84. Journal.
Do yoa wan! to work all summer at
3S0 a mouth t Good, clean, healthful
work. Ara you over 16 and nave you
s wheel ? It so. we have an opening
and caa place yoa. Apply Cud-fir or
Batlei. 266 Oak st.
Common laborers urgently i
yards. Oeod wages. Immediata larirraill
ova oppurtuouiaa ler trui
WEST LINN strike stiil on. No expenenc
needed. Come and see free eantorment wf.
fico acroaa
river from Oregon On. Lowes
wace 66.36 for aigtit hours. OperaUac
lull ,
WAVIED Aa epener i
ace. on saaouae
rig Uagaa 64 s day ami
Mast be good tool dreeaer.
ivc a loos ueai i as nan ne goou tool areeaer.
oive age aaas espenewos. Aoureaa pus II, lee-
d let on. Or.
WANTED loung mas or yuuag womaa to
belp car for school rooeas uutde erf study
hours, ta exchange for bin lines eaUaco teursa
Pbona Mdwy. 1S21. or write T-740, Journal.
WANTED Good steady aaaa to work on extrae
tor: steady position, good pay. Apply to
parsoa. vrys i lauauii ta., m- 4ist at. ana
; Samly blvd.
1 W-T lr nalsjmsa ana a uectot lar cite aort
; . . . . . . . . . . . . "
BSUM Da BDM to jurua a-a
Cail A. M-.
i vasninctow m. ;
WANTED A lathe sua: good wsges. ataady
work , Wentworth Irwin. 200 26 ac
. i u.ln nil
W ANTED Maelan tot for lathe work. Steady
wor.V" roa4-
way and Handera.
VANTED City planing mills, saab sad 4W
machine nn, cabinet sis k era. 607 Orecea
NKiHT aaaa for StaaigrT caraga . mwat aader-
stand now in run ana
Bteaicer. loth and Couch.
waab can. Paul
WANTED Fir.t ckasa autonaobUe paiaiera.
For tafui matiou writ C. A. Land berg. 806-
306 E. Market et., Aberdeen, wash.
kECUANlC. auteasob-as; goad pay." atesdy week ;
aa witb exvenenae on wverhead vsjve
preferred. Oakland. 844 Bum-da.
GOVERNMENT wants atenograpere sad trait.
Ear ara st Sbevtocfc'g JtaUread S.buj.
Worcester kldg.
WANTED Ex per weed I ruck dneer fee mug
route. ta- in a matte uairy. 4tl t
sea. N. .
W ANTED Repair ssaa and amc shjppiag cWk;
must nave naernanirei am ivy.
Orapbophone Ca. 479 Weebtpgtou at.
few algbt sklft im aC
vanlsins p st;
steady sssrk: tuna and ta,
Sundays sad overtime. 14th and Love)y. '
WANT Hard candy Baa cad cream
Tocaa Candy Ce.
WANTED Man for nickt work. RuaaeU 'ac
Carsge. Eat -128.
iMlY snusta-. Apyay A en Drac stare. 22i
ft. th ee-
At'TO painters wanted. Paul Staicer e Co..
Hh end Cnuch au.
MAN ta take charaw af bine rms. rawlanel
Fumrrnre to.. 7e Maendam. '
OLD nr young nai to do drafttnfoirbos a
c-netrac-on cosapaar. PVatie East 1661.
wTNflLMaa tn wwrk on rivwr UsU. 147
. sad up- Apply W as hingta m dewk.
ittOko-O iai
STXAWBERBT Hrlm aaata . Wfctta Balam
auawwrry 4rkt aaam will tkMt
Jona 1. A tars aaaibar af lUm a ad rarft-
ata Ha n
aaaiptes avtnta. Unu for farUM mforaMUoe.
Apply ie tha Wba Batata VaUry orawara
aiaciaH , Wait Salaoe, Haas.
; " ';" eau or wma Teh-frmpa Iwrwr-
- ". aaay Kirhaaa naMn
. -. aoener t mon .ea '
pbe liAi abovt free
trial offer Pay and mtmt rlasaea.
. trU er.ioe, dictaphoaa enerattne. lortKaa4.
tyrewrit'na. baokaeeptrt. miaMeraohlnc. Kna
ha epellma Anaky bade.. Sd and Mrrwa.
WANTl Uea atkd oeaaa nnder Ik and boye
l. or e to work a laboreea and betpara
ia atoraa af a. P. R, R. Co.. at RrookUia abopa.
H lliutrmuia. cartuauna a Mi rte,ienn a
aae bow to aaarket or wra. may. ear . aiare
riaaa noane atady. Wnta for tntemew. lacorera.
Statkoai f. Port Mod
SEH.N kX-WALKLRTb(aM bwLnaTrotieTTa
caex bet ; enroll any tiaae. free oatakajwa.
nr.i.f 'tMf r b. MAI.K
Our rapidly crasrlnc buainaaa sffarea
sa anuaual opportuauty at thla tiasa few
you a i women wno deal re ta las up
lesepboaat work. We Ao not rwaaue
prerioua aapeneaea. but wui uvatruau
Ksnd pay you from tbe beajismtas.
y younc woman ka fori la ad are now
encased In this laierretius-work. Tney
ftad it pleasant and profitable. Bala nee
are Coed and cutanea mant raput. We
success (bat ou cutne and taia (no mat
ter oeer wr.h Miss inoasas at ike
emp!osBeat mi ace between J a as.
aawt k p. as.
llAfH rLuuk 1UMJM set.
WANTED Lady demooatrator fot porasiar
! eelUnc bowaebold articie. stnrUy Mora vMsrk,
j must have bad eipenenre. '.ne inforasatkaai
' and phone number in own bamiwrttinc. IV-
i CSS. JournaL
I HA.Mtl tim eta as exirrteiKird asaaaiady Ie
docoods and ready to wear department; wiU 1
pay ui ta 620 per weak (alary. Biaaoew, I
and Alder a
W ANTED MKka-aa- wuuaai esaptue4 part
et j. to look alter 3 It. K. ranaaa l-r
rosea awd board far as n wortinc aubt shift.
Very Wttas to do. H 1K2. Journal
SCHOOL girl to do rook lag and housework.
mail house. Mrs. R W Blubba. East 74 41.
WANTED A ywunc lady as aaautant bonk
beeyer; must be accurate and fast on detail
work . Cotusnbrn Graptiophone Co. . 42S W awk.
WANTKIv Competent crl or ossan foe lig-t
I heusewwn. family ot iwo: i
I Pca fee right party. Vdtn 61 IT
MIDDLE AGED ssdy for drnlnc room vot In
escbance for babad a Sao own wan awu
ii, Sl Savter.
I j
frieaxi aiej'ly ta like
tai )-, Armr Raerae House. 32 I 16t
at. J . r libewe East ISS.
w"frt " h-pS
Write cirtac referewc ea. ete. W-SS1. Ceetfwai
j - . . i r
WOMEN ta do light housework and care log 3
children. '
Tabor 6116
ta work ewot tunes.
WANT ED Girl to work
and? store. 1373
ABAIMIAM' bow-aaewt-r larsa. wchs-u un
der g-id hoeae F. 742. Journal
WANTEts A ciri Ceneral towaework : M
waablnc wr Irantnc- Pnor- Mam 722Q.
I VAN ttflt borolate dipiwr. also packet.
ogsa Candy .
UTFD Eiirin.:d"'ma-L" Hotel l-nwoc
AS 1
THOROrCHLT rirrWvK-d eoenbinaUoa
keeper 'cr,'"hrm- .T TV"" pe-tloos. good aalanaw; 1S efu-:
eiiwrvmce. refsrencea and pbona addresa. W-44S,
tee MEN and woes a to learn the earner iraoa.
.hortage all over the rountri; big "sgea.
Tern ran earn your way u.rocn wa -stroadwar
1781. Mosrr Barber CoUcce.
Hurie at- . -
WOMEN. learn barber trade irea. wagaw
-k'iu fis: pwsttiosi swarautaod.
Ores as
pirber CoUesje. 228 MedMon.
Teaches aaea and woeaen tbe barber trade
free, rev whHe learnins. 234 Couch. B way 242
! silTi:ATIO -MALE t
i 1 WANT t. Ao pbrwiac .jd J
vaUey wltb a tractor. 81 a tferetu a t
67Q3. after 6 p. us.
PAINTING, usual. paa toaoginc by rr
nced work ma a Estimates furnsUwd. l-bo-e
Marahall IS: evenlna-. Maiwe7
F.,-1. I Lave new caV. wUI tesic- "".
as ! 63; satiafacuraii gs-rautaad.
! tn i aeorwrnA Udla. 440S.
J .i.i-,v.,, ,-r v.,r and UnUns y
I 1 8 ." san
tract. Pbone w i uiw. i
orkreahincHnc. Itehlnc and paiaunc
l. petel
' " ; -
, W ANTED- Rosrfs to
pa in if
Call'Taboe 4717
t reiereacea.
event nee
WASHER wauta p-HlMw,
717. JoumaU
HOL sK sad sards- work.
Broadway 264.
irr A-riiiNH f FT (LR 4
U'AN'Tf.D Poattiou by younc Udy suarJial
flcaraa. expertrereo mm cwrm --.
ve bad 2 years' experiere teavrbhss rural,
i ..... w.
-hi weal, rowecsemvoua. enercetsc
ss net
- have mm s ta orrerr at. mmw
uAffli wractk-eJ Bursa st Old I sop -a
j H-. F-et 5S ' ,
j F t'S I! r D BOOS8
gtTONhe72"26 HMadtaw at-, nie BcnT
j " ,, .-.), tiated. steam awat. at and
' runwlac wstac In all roosns: tales by seeA
. mamtb; traHiut tmAa aeltevied. p
! TENT for reert. cood. clean bed. elect re Lgbt.
: f batli and pbona tn next bens a. 666
ciisaa near 16th.
trinna Hetrl. E 34 and -uxua-la. 0e ey
Up 63 wee no. F st 171.
rr.xisi.ED ioomi
nsodera. both ttiaeaa.
sbba. 141 J. 1 1 rn.
rt'RNlSHED rwa-sa in una
aanabm. 766 F-nAers et.
LLati.ANf rwosaa mi teeatmi
lafaaU 61 a
TUB tnsrtna Waabt-gten. 8 SO lntv few bi
Mae grria swd etodita. laaraa-S 1 1 1.
il bAAtL A real . -mmmm ' kote. at '
snung, san ne atv
I RXi K fra-t rmmm aadtaMn foe 1 w m
daaired; a e single tee; goad boar.
C-hambes. ewe. let-. Main 3664.
ROOM and heard to aCIaanUy prtrUacea, waik
sng 4anen. 77t Hoyt sC Main 1627.
CLEAN, ey tnisna by 'nay. week oi
.444 Taylor.
Tie 3 fumiiaed houaekeoptxai
tn. near a-ipyama . am 1st at.
7" . tCea-aaca es TeUewUf Tft)