A THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, MONDAY. MAY 20, 1918. ' 11 I. OJ OF. DEDICATES NEW ADDITION TO ITS HOLGATE-ST. HOWIE Delegates From Lodge From' All Parts of State on Way I to Seaside. Seven hundred members of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows and Ita later fraternity, the ' Rebekaha. assem bled" Sunday afternoon at the I. O. O. V. home. v Holgate and Thirty-seventh treeU, to witness the dedication of the new addition which has cost over 130,000 and duplicates the original main building. Robert' Andrews, past grand master and president Of the board of trustees, presided. The grand officers of the lodge, of the encampment and the Re bekah assembly made brief talks. Past Grand Master W. T. Williamson, form erly a member bf the board, delivered an address. The inspection of the new building and the home in general brought forth many compliments for the ' trustees and the matron in charge, Mrs. Charlotte Woodman. The I. O. O. V. home was begun over 20 years ago, and In 1900 a building was purchased consisting of a commodious residence, which was soon over-croWded. In 1903 a second cottage was built and In 1907 the main building of the present home with over 85 rooms and modern accessory accommodations was built at a cost of $40,000. The value of the land has Increased and is now worth prob ably as must as the buildings. The new . building of 37 rooms Is not yet filled, but as was ; pointed out In the address of Past Grand Master Williamson, the Oregon I. O. O. P may be called upon tb care for some of Its members return ing incapaclated from the war, and if so the Oregon Odd Fellows will not be found unprepared. The tract of nearly seven-acres will furnish plenty of room . for any enlargement of quarters that . may be desired. The . guests at the dedication were largely delegates ' to the grand lodge, the grand encampment and the grarld assembly of the Odd Fellows, Encamp ment I. O. O. F. and- the Rebekaha. Representatives ware present from nearly all of the 221 I. O. O. F. lodges and a large number of the 200 local as semblies of the Rebekaha. They will at tend the sessions of the grand lodge and associated grand bodies in Seaside, this week. N Bandits in Kansas Kill Three Sunday Kansas City. Mo.. May 20. (I. N. S.) Bandits In Kansas City killed three persons within 12 hours from midnight Saturday night to noon Sunday and all escaped. Two of the murders occurred when the club rooms of the Theatrical Me chanics association was held up early Sunday morning, the victims being James Blake, manager of the club, and D. I'. Ilargrave of Chanute, Kan., a visitor. ' Jimea Mhtn, a bartender employed In a saloon In West Twenty-fourth. street, was shot and killed late Satur dsy night by two Mexicans who at tempted to hold up the place. Park to Be Opnred to Autos Seattle. May 20 (I. N. S. Rainier National park, the government-owned playground of the Pacific Northwest will he open to automobiles through to Ntsqually glacier by next Saturday or Sunday, according to announcement re ceived here today from D. L. Reaburn uperlntendent of the park. BVILDIXO PERMITS ' Pranees N. Rurdick. erect garage. 2922 52d at. H. E,, between 'Jntb ave. S. K. and 31st axe. B. T..: L. K. Rurdkk. builder: $160. Mary Zimmerman, erect reeidence. 1598 Vir ginla. between Nevada and . Miles; Wm. Steele builder: 11 800. . Fred Polsky, erert garage, 228 Sheridan, be tween Jt and 3d: builder, same; S30. M. V. Zimmerman, repair residence. 1871 MrKenna are., between HoutOTi and Hudson bulkier same, tnn. J. . M. Atterbury. erert garage, 311 Deliurm ave., between Rodney apd Cleveland; builder Mine : 05. t'harles M. Marshall, erect tenthnnse, 98 Ixim bard, between Campbell ajid Patton; builder, Same ; Its. i Charles Brown, repair residence, 10R2 Mil waukte ave.. cnr. Inslev: builder, name: 10. I W. 8. Belt, erect residence. 1414 Montana between Iekum and Portland blvd. ; builder game: oui. Iel Pantalio A re no, repair residence, 1122 nendersnn ave., between 36th and 37th'; builder, i; siou. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW , 7thK BAKER Aocfloil HouVeTTasonio Temple bids.. Xamhill and W. Park ata. Sale at 10 a. an. . MEKTINO TOTICKS 41 T - - ' - WASHINGTON Commendery No. ' 1.1. K T. A Prinri of tne Order of Malta will be convened at 7:3 (tomorrow) Tuesday eveniniz for tha nunm.. of con ferring the order ire full and elaborate form by past commanders and- grand commandery nf f trial. All KnlghU of this order courteously invited. By order of the K. Trior. R. MAmTYN. , , " Reorder. HAKMoNY Ilge No. 12. A. F. A A. M. Masonic Temple, communication this (Monday) evening. 7:80 o'clock; work in E. A A M. M. degrees; visit ore wel come. By order of W. M. - RL'FUS R. BALL. Hec. Pro Tem. COSMOPOLITAN LODGE NO. 100, K. P., meets every Monday evening. Alisky bldg Entrance on Sri St., Just off Morrion. Komething doingr A. G- Thompson. k. of R. A S. ItANHOE LODGE No. 1. Knight of Pytblaa. meets every Tuesday evening fa ita eaitle hall. 11th and; Alder its. Visiting Knights are welcome. E. M. Lane. K. R. S. FARKaTSitR -oT America,. Court Mt. "Hood. No" 1. will meet at 128 4th St. at 8 o'clock. Tuesday evening. Class Initiation. totting brother invited. L. F. Snyder. Rec. Sec. kMRLEat Jewwry a ec1 Ity; bunoua, pin. charm Jaeeev Bros . 181-188 Sth st, BUSINESS CARDS Wedding Announcements W. G. tmlth A To. 811 Vnraarl nntldlna 'DKEHS St 118 tor rent, all sia Unique Tat lorinc Co . SAft' Stark at. VIM statistics matriagts.Blrtbs. Deaths. DEATHS. AND FUN ERA LS ' 78 MUFF In this city at hW late residence. 665 , Kemolds St.. I May 20. Winfleld Scott Huff. aged 65 year. I Tha funeral will be held Tues day. Mae 21 at 1 t. m. at tha residence estab- lishment of J. P. Vinley A Son. Montgomery at 8th; Friends tnvrted AKERS -Mav "It. at 6723 67tb ave. S. E. Emmett M. Aker. aawi 4T years. Fnneral notice later. Remain at the funeral parlor of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. 5802-04 92d at. H. K.. I lt.i ' i ' W'A'iN Eft Tlie funeral service of the late Charlea Wagner will be held today, Monday. May 0, at 9 11 M. from tha chapel of Miller- A Traas) . otarnient .iutaxr lew canister.., DEATH A7TB PTrNrRALf 76 ilVKES At Salem. Or.. May 19. 1918. on el rant to her daughter, Mr. BLsncn Irwin. Mrs. Etta Mjere. age 73 years 10 months and a - i. - n it 1 411 ("reTls? motr erElm Bak.lT of 0. Geo. Neb.. Fred Baker of Water. Idaho. Mrs. Blanch Irwin of Salem. Or.. Mabel C and Maud Mrert of Portland, and iteomother of Mm. O. a. Kaiia ana airs. x. w. Masters oi i-orauo, v aw U - . at b - . . a I and Mia. F. C Embre of Mama, Neb. Funeral services will be hld Tuesday. Ma 21. at 2 p. m. from R. T, Byrnes' residasoa parlors, 061 v. . vvniiam ave. at Mason at. Th Interment will . saav Place in lusa njnw oeoHurr. snewu kic il Invited to attend. " " CRAST n th hnma of hit osneht.r Un. I era W. E. Bailey. May 19. George At-snur Grant, aged 67 years, husband of Mrs. JoAphine Grant, father of Mrs. W. E, Bailey. The funeral serf- tee. will 1 be held at the conserratory chapel of ;.8, "Stv Ino- 41i ?U 5 6th ' a- M- orrow (Tuaday. FneBda Invited. Interment ML Scott Park cemetery. PHr.r.pR t m. Mt, . hi. i,f... -3204 WtlUaane avenue. - May 19, James 1 WAREHOUSE trucker.; steady position, in LeRoy Phelps, aged 21 years, son of Mr. and J aide work. Saturday afternoon off. 88.26 airs. J. rneipt. The funeral services will I be held Tuesday. May 21. at 2:80 p. m. at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son, j Montgomery at tilth. Friends invited. Inter- mem, now cemetery. i In this city at his late reaidenca. T92 Hancock street. Man 19. Philin Neu. aced I 84 yean, husband of Mrs. - Frederick Neu. t work, permanent position and 8ood PWu father of Adolph Neu. this city, and Philin Sen tion for right man. Call 10 a. m., 612 Royal Jr. of the United States srmy, San Diego. Cat bids- Morrison and Broadway. lie remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. 1nley A Bon. Montgomery at Fifth. wotice or jtnoeral nerealter, DRAKE May 18, at 1018 47th are.. S. E.. Charles R. Drake, aged 90 years. The fu neral service will be conducted today, (Mon day) at 2 p. m . in the Lents Friends church. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah ceme tery. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co., 6802-4 92d St. S. ., in taenia. I:rPERLY The funeral of the late SaBne itepperly. aged 74 years, will be conducted today (Monday) at 8:80 p. m. in the mortuary I cnapel ot A. v. Kenwortby A Co., 6802-4 92d st. H. E.. in Lenta. Friends invited. Inter- ment in Multnomah cemetery. I w . ... .... I svaivsv in una c ny. May is. Anna. aane.. age ni years, oeiovea motner ot Mrs. Mary I Ontk will 1. th. h.n.i uiii., . Z r:j.. V r", .r" to Blessed Sacrament church, Maryland ave. and Binders st., wnere mass will be offered at an A. M. FLORISTS JAPAN FLORIST. P. D. NUhlo. 198 4th at., near Yamhill, W. Side. All kinds of BEDDING and VEGK- table plants, banging baskets and I Jarjenese tub. cardan slants, etc special sale price, extra bargains. kllSTIM a. HVBDva STh m-mt-m 111 YST..f. Main 209, A-1269. Flow ear for aU ooca- atonn artistically arranged. CLARK BROS.. Florl-.U. 287 Mcrrtaon street. Main or A-180B. Fine flowers and floral de- atans. No branch etorea. PEOPLES F. ORAL SHOP, 240 Alder, design. ana aecoranona. piione Msr-hnll B922. l.t HLi.NKK. Portland Hotel. S JH Mornaon." MAX M. SMITH. Floret, MIS tb as. FUNEUAL DiHECrOBS Holman Undertaking. Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon streets, Main 607. A-1B1L - Lady Assistant. J. P. FIN LEY & SON, Progressive Funeral Directors. PBFVATH DRIVE Women Atteadanta Monte omerv at Fifth. Main 9. A-1S99. WILSON &. ROSS East 64. Lady AssUtanL C-8168 Multnoaah at B. Seventh at. n..nni V. K-r Linaertaaers UUIIIIIII (V, IVIUrlli.CC Moderate every detail, isroadway and Pine eta. Pnoae Broadway 480, A-4008. Lady assistant. F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Bule Undertaken. 414 B. Alder at. Phone East B2. B-8223 A. D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor B267. 8802 92d St.. Leirhv Tabor 68 9 B, onto fx. ana router mad. Arleta. B-188S. LERCH- sirs. Lerca Assistant Cndertaksra. E. It Hi snd Hawt borne MILLER A TRACEY. lnaeuendent Funeral Di rectors. Prices as. low as (20, 840, 360. wasmngton at Ella. Main 2691, A-7885. A, R. Zeller Co. A 92 Williams ave East 1U88. C-1088 HAMILTON 1978 B. Gbsan St. Fu neral eervtces. Tahv 4 1 S Qveic.- JP. Cnnnlf Belmont . at Sata 24rt. Tabor 125l OI..,,,.. Undertaking Co. Main la. OKRVVPS A-2821 Comer 8d ind Clar Wilson & Wilsonwd1i44uTc-iis R.. T. BYRNES. Dev. residence establwnmeai 991 WflMama ave. Woodlawn 220. C-194S CHAMBbUav-KKSWORTHV CO.. If 11 Kerbv t. . Wnodlawn 88'ifl. (V11S8 MONUMENTS "dlaesing granite Li ,- ZG7- 3RD. 5T. AT MAD I SONi PORTLAND MARBLE WORKM, ZU4-gue 4tn St.. opposite city hall. Main 6864. Philip KniM for meroorials. LOST AND FOUND 81 THE following articles have been, found on cars of the fprtland Railway. Light A. Power Co. : May 18. 1918 1 purse. 1 pr. gloves,- 1 irrpe. 1 book. 6 packaxes. 2 lunch boxes. 1 handbag. 3 suitcases. 1 roll music, 1 coat, 17 umbrellas. Slay 19, 1818 2 purses. 1 pin, 8 pr. v utc, i BitiwwtCT, uHveiiiiB oagK, i musie rase, i pr. modern, i coat. 1 nat. 1 lantern, 7 umbrellas, 1 curtain. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets station. LOST Wallet, in. First National bank. taining a' 8300 certificate. Finder please re turn to tne bang or wooaard. ciarse Co. LOST Airedale dog license No. 2602. An- swers to name of Pete. Reward. 1289 E. 6th N. Wdln. 8662. LtJST Willamette Iron A Steel Worka blank pay cneca ao.-ii7 witn a buncb of keys; no Tame oniy to owner, t'none Kast 6282. LOST At Sunset theatre, on May 8. iarku of photo, addressed, readv for mailini He- r""t " I.t)RT Medium aiaed handbag in Meier A rranaa store oaiurnay netween 11:30 and I-' a. hi.: reward. ranor alen. r""u nuutii oiaca purse on Hoiiaday car - nne. siam osoo. , LOST Boston bnndle--bttHdwg. Main 6339; reward. LOST May 1, gold pin, rose buds and leaves. TeL Woodlawn 6530. Reward. LOST A white fox fur at the Y. W. fL A. i.inerai rewara. labor 481. LOST A watch fob with initials "C. A. a. Finder return to 92 1st t and receive reward IFRING8 are returned to 400 hi E. BurrtsTde no questions asked. Reward. HELP WANTKIl M A I K OXY ACETYLENE -welder, fast, neat operator on steel: best wages. I'lioue East 7728 fur apixiintment. U'AVTKIl J.i,.n. ho foe unn;i . v . j" uantnman: steadv ioh. 175 nee month u. dress Hawking' restanrant. Walla, Walla, Wash, Wanted At Ptltat. all roll Mil nrinta mA Unotyper, . country man preferred, steadv ioh. with good wages. Wire the 'Observer. Delia. Or SHOE cutters wanted. Steady work and rood waaea guaranteed to experienced men. y.im- merman-Degen Shoe Co.. Seattle Wash. WANTED Salesman and collector for city work: must be able to furnish bond. Call A. at sua v sauingioa n. WANTED Man for private watch beat. Call ! 144U js. evsreu or labor 0917 todav ba- i ween anu o p. su.:. GOVERNMENT wants stenographers and typists! jc.urnu now a i . Bucrioca li an road bcaool Worcester bldg. WANTED Young man with wheel good pay and chance for advancement. 616 Morgan Bldg. WANTED Energetic young man for stock room. permanent. Apply Firestone Tire . A Rubber Co. 63 N. Park st. , .-. , - W ANTED Man with auto truck to take eon- tract baulina lumber.. -For-oarticulara writ . r. pox si, Htayton, ur. - REIJABLE youag single man lor inside ' and outside grocery work; no floater need apply; good wage to right party. H-in 8493. - WANTED A StaDlemaii. CaU J, Cohen. 646 front ST. W ANTKU Muter ana all around dairy man in I Tie cil J , .WHl wiicj. ssuiu. xi.i. WANTED A .good gardener, C-2073, East 3208. WANTED Men to work en river boats, 660 and up. Apply wasiungron doct. RELIABLE boy to worg ou chicken ranch, j P-654, -Journal -. . BLAt'kbMITH wantarTJpuon MaU 1346. HELP WAITED MAXB S. VERNMENT ERTLOYSfEST 8EB- VICE. 17 DAVIS STREET. Common laborers urgently Beaded fa shtp- Tarda. , Good wages. Iminediato employment. w" ....u...v. Mil J aiy4ia teVlaaaV: Ta,a MSMaAtlll ' J -- s . ,, ,-- , , , , - :.tC77. f! '! ."ti"" .1" I YeDalrtaav Should has soma experience. Living apartment in building. Cell at fc. 24th and Holiaday. Kan in attendance, including Sunday. - - - WANTED, Chinese or Japanese man for cook a family of 4. to'go to beach for summers best waces; none but competent cook need ap- pi,, pbone Bdwy. 8611 or call at apt. 8, Wickeraham spin., 18th and Flanders. a nay. .apply to axersuaii- eua w.. Kearney. WANTED Young man or young woman to help care for school rooms outside of study bours, in exenange lor business cuurs courses ni 1 a. Ba4- T.l 111 Jntirnsl "" "" " ' .. ;r FAMILY man tinderstaneHhg borsea .ana larm MAN to take charge of billing dept. wholesale grocery. Btate aU parucuiara luuy. u-io. I Journal. . EXPERIENCED delivery man for White car. Inquire 187 North Third street. HELP WASTED MISC. 49 HAWTHORNE Ai TO 8CHtM)L 462 HAWTHORNE AVENUE ICWUHYTHINO MECHANICAL AND ELEC TRICAL, UNLIMITED; PRACTICAL REPAIR FXPERIEXCEi M V4UKR XULSU WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prepare for telegraph service to help fill vacancies eansea by we ornxing or men ioi was. for particulars call or write Telegraph Depart saent. Room zis. ttaiiway Exenange onnoing lan A 1 . V . au oK.WM egn U'.sco at. corner Bnion ave. ..n rita a rhm East 744 B about tree .V"?.. write or p p one uas ! e a aoous tree tnu otter. uey ana mm ewwee. MISS DECKER'S BU8INESB COLLEGE Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeographing. Eng lish spelling Alisky bldg.. d snd Morrion LEARN illustrating and cartooning and how to market same easy, profitable, spare time home study. For interview write Incoracb. Uta. C. Portland. WANTED Men and women under 05 and boys 16. or over to work as laborers and helpers in stores of S. P. R. R. Co., at. Brooklyn shops, steady work. Store Keeper. atEHNKE-WALKER, biggest business eoUege be- eanae best: enroll any time: tree catalogue HELP WASTED FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATORS Our rapidly growing business affords an unusual opportunity at this time for young women who desire to take up telephone work. We do not require previous experience, but will instrucf you and pay you from the beginning. Many young women in Portland are now engaged in this interesting work. They find it pleasant and profitable. Salariea are good and advancement rapid. We suggest that you come and talk the mat ter over with Misa Thomas at the employment office between 8:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, SIXTH FLOOR ROOM 601. PARK AND OAK STREETS GIRLS FOR BINDERY WORK Those having previous experience preferred. Busuong x Co.. 91 Park at. . GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good waxes. Apply Troy LaJnury to.. & lutn ana Pine. ' MULTIGRAPH (electric) operator. Must be exoert. Good salary to competent person. Write giving references, etc. B-U31. Journal. GIRLS wanted, steady work, good pay. Apply in person. Crystal Laundry Co., 21st and Sandy Road. COMPTOMETER operator: must be firrt cli state age, experience, reterence and pnone number. U-797. Journal. GIRL with experience for clerical work, whole- sale house; gnust be quick wun figures.- V- 984, Journal. V IDOWER with two children, on farm, wishes elderly woman tor uouaueepu. nam name. HXdHJ, Journal. ' - STRONG, reliable woman for cooking in potato chip factory, forenoons only. 371 Grand ave. N. near 'Broadway. GIRL or woman to assist wtth liouwwork; girl from country preferred: good wages. 4 61 llassalo St., rortianox ur: GIRL. Steady position, good wages, experience not necessary, not otltc work. 4:i Broad FEEDERS and folders for the mangle. Apply Palace Laundry, 10th and E. fcrerett. WANTED, waitress, alw 1 chambermaid. New Western hotel, 382 unan sl YOUNG lady to work in jewelry store. In- quire 831 Morrison st. WANTED Experienced girl to work in gro cery and delicatessen, awj 3d st. A GIRL to assist with houiework; no cooking, iio washing. Apply 099 Marshall st. EXPERIENCED premier, wage (15 a week. Laurelhnrst Cleaners, lho Belmont. UK LP WANTED MALE A1 FEMALE 29 100 MEN and women to learn Tne barber trade. shortage aU over Ue country; mg wages. You can earn your way through the acbooL n..4.. 1131 Urdu Itarhar enllere 234 I frin. Ft. TWO pairs of mares, harness and wagon. Am replacing them with truck, murt sell. Fuel yanW 72d and Sandy' road, J. H. Barbbury. Tabo 7823. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; posinsn guaranteed, uregon Barber College, 288 Madison. J , PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Teachea men and women the barber trade free, pay while learning. 284 Conch. B'wav 2483 SITUATIONS MALE I WANT "to do plowing and dicing in the valley with a tractor. 831 E. jsverett. raet 7(I3 after A o. m. hiiMKM AN8HIP on ranch or farm : . experi enced, expert Irrigator, heft euccew handling I men. H. t ... Oregon ( 111. irr. . en. nei. J.AIVTINrt. tintine. nenerlianaina bv experienced I workman. Kstimates lurnisiiea. aiarsnau Mt, Evenings Main ROOF work, reshlngllng. . atcliing and paint ing. Bearham. 1'none Marmiau on, A-l CARPENTER, builds and repair cheap by contract. Call Wdln. 128. HOUSE and garden work. Broadway 2894. SITUATIONS VT.M tl.K PRACTICAL nurse. Call East 552. FURN1SHEH ROOMS ' TtlTTTK HOTEL. N. 6th and Davis at. 1 1 muwam hnm for 'tnechanice and business I mn- Renovated. Redecoreted. Hot, cold water rnrongnouu ouue i.ri.i iu.. or week, reasonable. I Mlt.TON hotel . 226 Vi Madison St.. nice liaht t . airr room, newly tinted, steam heat, hot and cold running water in all rooms: rate by week or month; transient trade solicited. SAN MARCO HOTEL. MODERN ROOMS. BATHS. PHONES ; 2 AND IP; THAN 81ENT, 60e UP. 422 hi WASHINGTON. , UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princes hotel, E. 3d and Burnside.. 50c day x t'i week an, East 171. LARGE, desirable modern rooms, 827 6th st. FURNISHED BOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 76 NICELY furnished room for gentleman,' at earn beat and bath, witn private family. Harrison between 10th and 11th.- Marshall 5645. TWO furnished aleeping rooms modem, home privileges, suitable for gentlemen. 293 Wil- name av. East ai84. - A LARGE, cheerful furnished room and entailer 1 room, all modern convenience. East 324. i 874 fc. Coucb st. . I FURNISIIED rooms in fin location, very rea- aonable. 7Q9 flsnaers st. 1 IjIRCR room in a modern -home. 431 Weat Park.- Marshall 44 lo. PR"ETTjr white enameled room ia Rose City -4arh liome. Tabor 1176. FOR RENT. ' furnished room, near Rose City I carline; gentlemen pre T erred. Tabor 2562. I I'VTJVCUt-fl luiitulMniM 'mwiA .Im.,!.. mo mt I 202 hi Jeflerson ana rront st. fFTjRNISHED room for rent. 12 E. 24th et. ELEGANT rooms and location, Marshall 61887 ROOMS AND HOA RO 15 iHE HAZEie A real room'' hotel at ra- . tonable ratea. Horn cooking." . 886 X1 at, HEMANTOn. 261 1 3 tb -Pleasant. Both double; and einfl room with good board- ' - BOOMS ACT) BOARD TUB Martha Washington, 880 10th. for bnaV vesa girla and students. Marshall 1281. ROOM with oa without board. 96.S0 per week, at 628 E. Morrison. Phono East 2522. BOOMS AND BOABD 71 PRIVATE FAMILY NEATLY furnished front room, three if de aired ; also single room with good board. 84 Columbia, cor. 10th. Main 2b64. BOOM and board in private, family, on Lorejoy st. Phone Marshall 8880. CHILDREN to board in prirate home. Phone Eaat 2446. ' HOrSEKEEPISG BOOMS 6 FCRMSHEI AKD V1TFCRN IHHED 3 Ft'RN. housekeeping rooms with gas and water, suitable for 2 bachelors, 812 per month. 421 H E. Pine at., corner 6th. Call Sunday forenoon." TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms, very reasonable, close In, half block Mississippi car. 98 Knott st. Phone Eat 8872. TWO front rooms, furniabed for housekeeping. good brick boildina. for 812 per month. rnone Wdln 3707. at Otf H Williams ave. UuDKkN ' ruom h. k auite. everrthina fur- Dished, rates reasonable. 18M Waahington at uta. UOl'SEKEEPIN'G rooms. . 650 Couch su. block from 16th and Washington. S3 np. - SINGLE furnished rooms, $1 per week. 341 front, near Market. NEWLY furnished apartments reasonable. 27: Montgomery, corner of 4th. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 71 FCRMSHED AND U5FCRM8HED PRIVATE FAMILY FURNISHED II- K. rooms, walking distance, 105 E. 11th st. near city library. ONE furnished front room with telephone and bath. 259 E. 31st. near Hawthorne. HOT.78F.KEEPING room for rent. 151 17Ui st? FOR RENT HOUSES UK P U RKISHEP II MODERN 7 room house, corner Albina ava. and Monroe st. 1 block from Mississippi ave. car. A. J. Clark, 93 Bortnwica. 8 ROOM house. 389 Front st., bet. Harrison and Montzomery. nandy to shiprsroj. uali 885 Front Rt. ROOM modem house, 2 84 Hamilton ave.. South Portland. Phone Columbia 265. ONE acre, 6 rooms, 6c fare, Lents. $8. Ta- bor 8135. (27.50 Wet side 6 room house. 591 Uash- ington st. . 6-ROOM house near Broadway bridge, reason able rent. Owner, Main 3910. SIX pleasant rooms at Kern Park, 17 per month. Tabor 4090. MODERN 5 room house. Marshall 6976. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR HALE sa 300 Furniture of 5 room modern bouse, two dozen chickens; fine chicken house, two lota, lawn, garden, extra lot in spuds; limine rent reasonable. 1025 Height ave., near Alberta st FURNITURE of 7 rooms for sale, clearing ex- pen.-e. modern house, price (425485 Aider. Broadway 2591. 11 ROOM liou,e for rent, turnif.ije for ale: all housekeeping room; walking dit- 151 17th. FURNISHED HOUSES' 86 WILL rent my home, modem. 7 large rooms. completely lurm-ilied. waDy i.ranu piano. mahogany furniture, etc. Phone Sellwood 2U67, or Woodstock cer. 4235 4Stn ave. B. r.. WIDOW lady, alone, would like to rent part of her modem borne, witn use oi aiicnen. to man and wife; some garden space. Call at 610 Liberty t.. Woodlawn ELEGANTLY furnished 7 room home in Irring ton. Breakfast room, hleeping and large porch with flower boxes' Garage. Every con venience. Keferences reouireu. r.asi auwi. FIVE room furnished Iioumi, piano, bath, gas; 5c fare; Oregon Electric; (20. Marshall 1874. COM PLETELY furnished 7-8 room house with 2 garages. Rent (65. Main 1257. 255 North 21st ft. FURNISHED rooms for working men, (2 per week, 241 H. comer Union ave. and Main. UP-TO-DATE furnished bungalow, car. 600 E. 32d st. South. Richmond FOUR or 5 room furnished house (or summer, June 1; adults. References. Woodln. 2388. APARTMENTS 48 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED "TRTNG albertapts. V.b ?nft room Timise. 2 and 8 "room house keeping apartment, furnished or unfurnished; elevator snd hardwood floors. 385 11th at. PARTY leaving city desires to sublet 6 room furnished ant. for summer. Phone Bdwy. 8611 or call at Wickeraham apt, 18tU and Flanler. THE JEFFERY New 2 room apartments. Cor ner Russell and Kcrby, between Misa. ana Williams ave. tliMLOf HALL. K 8 til and Hawtborne. Mod ern 1. 2 and 8 room apt.; (12.50 np; walking dltsnce. CalUEast 882. FURNISHED 3 room aiwirtment, every room liaht. all conveniences, walking distance. Broadway 4f76. THE STAN FIELD, 204 Porter st. Shipyards, modern - 2-room apts. completely furnished, reasonsb'.c. Phone Main 7392. NEATLY furnished room and kitchenette, heat. light, water. Oiie or 2 adults, 10 snontn. lone 448 Clay near 1 2 thj . Mir.vm.lA APTS.. East 2d and Belmont modem 1 and 2 room apts.. gl.OU per weea np. Bleeping rooms. E.ast giz. PENINSULA apts.. 1135 H Albina ave.; con crete building: 2. 3. 4 rooms, gia up. HOUSEKEEPING apartments. 2 and 3 rooms 8 month. 380 tli street. NEW YORK Apts., 441 Vi Belmont and 7th, FOR RENT FLTS 13 5 ROOM lower flat, unfurniehed." or will fur- nih to suit tenant ; very central, west side. 440 Taylor st. 4-ROOM lower flat, strictly clean and modern adults. Call East 1908.. 5 ROJ )M modern flat, gas, heat, sleeping porch. 85 E. 34tli St., corner WafhfngUin. KURNISHED FLATS 69 FOR RENT 8 . furnished room, light house keeping, cheap; adults only. 679 E. 2 1st st. Brooklyn car. , HOTELS 84 ROOMS 32.50 per week up; transient 50e, 75e, 8 1 : rooms by day. week or month. 293 hi Union ave., cor. Clay. FOR SALE, trade or rent by owner; established beach hotel. Z-4 80. Journal. STORES AND OFFICES II OFFICE FOR RENT. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OFFICE. 116 3d st. ' STORE. '34x100. in brick building. 5th st. near Burnsidr. with balcony, basement and sidewalk elevator. Apply 3N6 Flanders. 3 to 5 p. m GROUND floor desk room for specilaty man, Pittock tdock. at 884 Stark st. REAL" ESTATE office tor rent, furniture for sale: A-l location; reasonable. B-9 6 4, JournaL WANTED TO RENT 3 ROOM furiished airiment, on west ade. dress, T-770. Journal. Ad- WANT to rent a 5 or 6 room modern bunga low with a garden spot. J 691. Journal. SMALL ranch, or house with garden and truit, N-778. Journal. ' TWO acres close in: no buildings. Main 4 547. SUMMERRESORTS 86 8-ROOM furnished bungalow, fireplace in large livina room, phonograph and records, cen trally located. Address Mr. W. L. Morgan. Oearhari. Or. . - - . MODERN .7 room house for rent at Seaside. Completely famished. Ocean view. Wood- Uwn 2834. FURNISHED cabin In mountains on trout stream, easy transportation. J-693, Journal or A-5237. BEACH PROPERTY 48 FOR SALE By owner, attractive 7 froom cor tege at Sea Vie. Faces east on boulevam. Lot 50x100. Price $1200, terms. Tabor 8273 FOR SALE. BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 FOR SALE 100x100. corner 3d and vEverett eta. By owner. K-730. JournaL FOR SALE HOUSES 61 2 LOTS, small house, on corner lot, 1 block from carline, reasonable. SelL SB. 1 AAA mil.. en.t tnT tt a art hnm. . K... loo feet square goes grans, uwner, slain r23 61600 BUYS a 43000 lot in Ladd's addition; . . , , .a. . i terms. Moma, 481 chamber of Commerce. CHOICE 7 room bom in heart of Irvington. Kast 4 sow RiRf;tT-a r -"t n-rtygt bmea Call np East 1S47. MODERN 5-room bungalow, aheap; terms; by owner. - Sellwood 8038. 7ROOM modern. 10bx2l0, beaouful borne. near Oil lard ave. isnor tiia. FINE 6 room bungalow in the beet part of Jjrington, by owner. B2S E. I9tb. N. 61 SEE IF L TO BUT TOCR HOME VERY EASY PAYMENTS $ goo Neat cottage on 47th ave. at 68th at.; 1 block to ear. 8 800 4-room plastered house. 41st ave. nr. 68th at.; goad value. - 8 804 Small cot tare, fine lot, on Bur rage st. at Killingsworth oa Pens. 81000 4-room house, Michigan ave., adj. car barns, handy shipyards. : 81000 Good 4-room house, large lot in garden, nr. Franklin High. 81260 4-room cottage E. 79th at Glisan 11800 7 room, full Jot, Woodlawn. 31550 4-room mod. bungalow, cor. lot, adj. Franklin High; your terms. 81760 S-room attractive bungalow, 75x 100 corner adj. Reed college. $1975 5-room house, furnace, F. C basement, elect, and gas. ate, view, Bancroft are. Many of these house can be handled on 8100 down. See my list and photo graphs. Will help you on first payment if necessary. See FRANK U McGCIRE. ABLNGTON BLDG. To buy your home. Main 1068. FOR SALE The only way you can tell a bar- gain Is to coma and we wiu snow you: tt room house on paved street. 81650. 6 room house on paved atreet. 81600. 8 room house on paved street. (1760. 7 room bungalow, lot 100x100, lota of fruit. 81700. 5 room bungalow, furnished complete, for only (2600. All new furniture and modem. You can't beat these. We have lots more good buys at low price and terms to suit. Call Monday and see us. New York Land Co., 881 E. XI or rison st. WEST SIDE COTTAGE. (100 CASH. Good 4 room plastered cottage. elecL. bath 2 bedrooms. lot 48x116. on Macadam near Bancroft ave. Price (1200. 3100 cash. 01 6 per cent. A real snap.- ORUSSI & DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 81600 6 toomj S acre. Lenta. 2250 5 rooms, Hawthorne district. (26006 rooms, modern; a bargain. D 37000 8 room. 60x1 OA on Tsrlo? . west aide, between 16th and 17th; a snap. Plenty or money to loan on city real otate at reasonable rates. M. Billings, 509 Mc Kay bldg. 6 ROOM COTTAGE. (200 CASH. Good B room cottase. ' bath, cement basement : lot 60x100; on Minnesota ave. near Preacott. Price 31700, 8200 cash. 815 per month, 6 per cent. UK13SI DOWNEY, 816 Board of Trade. Main 7462. HOUSE AND FURNITURE 4 room house, plastered, electric llahts and bath. 2 lots, on good street. Price (1700. 'forms (100 cash, balance (20 per month. In cluding interest. Williams Really Co.. Gray Crowing. Tabor 4934. FOR SALE Beautiful home In Irvington. 7 room and bath, 2 toilet. All built-in cabinet; beam ceil ings in living and dining room: fireplace, gar age, truit trees; lot OUxlOO feet. All aas-mlaj paid, buy irom owner and save commission 892 Tillamook. (30 DOWN 8675 8-room house, corner 43h ava. and 06th st.. Lenta. (950 t-room cottage. 90x100. 8022 4 l.t ave. near 80th st. WATT. 633 C. OF C. Main 2061. or Marshall 4569. HAWTHORNE ave. district, by owner. 5-room bungalow, . entirely modern, furnace, fireplace. bookcase, buffet, hardwood floors, Dutch en ameled' kitchen, woodhft. large attic: price (3100;. (500 to (SOU cub, balance easy terms. 3Ui E. -4 2d St. Phone Tabor 8408. OWNER leaving city, luifet sell 4 room mod ern bungalow. Hawthorne district. 1 block from carline. Price (2000. including hard- surtace street and all improvements. $1000 rash, balance term. Apply 910 E. 14th' st. N. woodlawn 694. BARGAIN 8 One 8" room home, (4000, cor ner lot; one corner, tax two, h rooms and garage. (6P50; one 9 room, (3300; one 8 room, (tWiOO, garage; one corner, 8 rooms. 6U500. garage. . All close-in, Irvington. East 3.- BY -OWNER -5 room bungalow, shade and, .fruit trees, choice location. If you want a home see this and get price. Cloee to. gram mar and high schools. Albina add.. 1228 Mis souri ave. FOR SALE looxloo. 4 room house in Lent district. Good location. (1500. 50x 100, 806 Ex Irving rt., 5 room house, good condition. (2000, easy paymenta. Owner. Main 8508. 8200 CASH 6 room modern bungalow, hardwood floor. built-in bookcase, wriUng desk, buffet. Dutch kitchen. 4 block from Mis, or William ave. or R. 8. car. (2000. Owner., C-2803. 6-ROOM modern bungalow with aleeping porch; fine cherries, fruit and berries; on E. 44th at. between 8unnyside and Hawthorne carline; close to achooL A bargain at (2000; terms. Phone owner. D-1110. WALKING-distance, 6 room " house' furnished. and garage for 2 machines, on lot 50x125. with bearing trees, at 890 Tillamook, near Union ave.; 84500; half cash and balance terms. East 2136. (10.000 HOUSE FtR (7000 FOR SALE BY OWNER Willamette Heights, 380 Rugby st. corner Franklin. Modern, fine view, all hardwood floors. Phone Main 4672. 32550 6 room home, completely furnished, hard surfsce st.. full lot. 100 feet from ML Johns car. Terms. 3500 cash, balance monlhly Itayments, 6 ier cent interest. James D. tig den. 107 Sharer st. Wdln. 202. ALBERTA ST. ItARCAIN One of the best houses in Alberta district, 6 large rooms, garage, fruit and rosea. 705 Alberta at. See this Sunday. Owner. 82300 3 ROOMTTolseTfireilce. hardwood ' floors, built-in buffet and Dutch kitchen; modern. Kenton carline. Part cash. 1308 Minnesota. 8 ROOM house. 10th and A ins worth ave.; 7 room house. Hamilton are.. South Portland. 5 room ' ungalow, Annabel, station. Mount Scott line. All modem, by owner. Col. 265. MODERN 6 room house, all convrnienceH, 2 blocks from carttne. uim. (100 down and (20 per month. 617 Chamber of Com merce. Mar. 24 32. (2050 Fine thoroushly modern 6-room bun galow, 1 block from car on E. 67th et.: a buy. Hart, 910 Cb. of Com. TeL Marshall 1585. ROOM modern home, E. Yamhill, near SltLh. 32600. 5 room cottaae. E. 45th at Van.. hill, only 81750; cash payment (250; terms. Phone Tabor 386. Speer A Co.. 1000 Belmont. 31 500 Coxy 4 room modern bungalow close to carline. Anabrl station. Nice vend and plenty of frnit on place. Terms to suit. Tag- garx. ein namner or commerce. IF YOU are looking for a home so No. 845 K. stark st, Monday. A nice little four room cottage for (1150. 8100 cash. 810 per month. ( Owner Lj BARGAIN Modem 5-R. bunaalow. elegant hath- room. fireplac. Initch kitclien. large lot. Hoe City Park; cost (3500. only (2800. (809 cash. Call 824 E. 78d L N. WILL sell S room modem house, lots of fruit. lawn and beautiful roses: 1 lots 100x1041: Ryan Plae. Oregon Electric. 2 blocks from station. Will sell cheap. Geo. Hill. MrshL 8502. Going away; will sacrifice modem 6 room house. 8 lota: must be Been to be atmre- ciated; walking distance. 651 M isniastppi ave. (4 5H0 Easy terms, modem 8 room house and 2 lota, and one of the best corners in 8L Johns. 203 Y.. 84th. FOR. SALE Boa City . Park, modern 4 - room bungalow, nardwood floors throughout and a garage: on car line. 443 E. 42d at, N. ILAWTHORNE (2700 takes 5 room modern bungalow, fin, condition, paved street, paid, on Urant, No agent. Tabor 6441. FOR SALE Small 6 room bouse. SeUwuod garden: lot 160x30: electric lights and tree; terms Phone East 7974. BARGAIN Waeerly addition. 6-room modern bungalow, lot 60x100; atreet improvementa paid for. 891 Woodward ave., near 2th. MODERN 6-room bungalow, also 3-room cottage, tss. water, aortheaat,' reasonable. 1331 or 1325 Caanpbell st. . 754 DAVIS ST.. old baua with 50x100 lot. excellent location; bard surface atreet. only 82DOO. Main 123. .-' ' 4 ROOM1 house for aale. (900; lot 100x108 Fruit tree, berriew. chicken house. Terms to suit buyer. Call Tabor , THAT beautiful borne plae at com Vanooa ver and Alberta ata. Look IX Bp. 244 AJ- berta at. - - kv a P Oood 6" room houe. eloa t m,j Woodlawn districL 81300.' Texma, L-880. Journal. rns KALE r'ive room and attle. on block' from car, 81700. 6600 first payment. Pbon Tabor B99Q. - - K 1 V K N room lkoue. 2 lots. (1880. S3UO cash" ft room cottage, 1 Jot, 81250. 8250 cash. Tabor 2840. Owner.- MODERN " room bungalow, beat bur "Tn Brooklyn. 2 block. asst of Sellwood car. 733 E. ..14th t.' - . ... i at .. FINE k t with 3 room shark oa good Inert "on. il. C ooulwn-I738. . for FOB SALE HOCSES 61 TWO BUNGALOW BARGAINS" One T room, hardwood Ooore. . fall" base meat, 'fireplace, built-in eanvraisbtei, hard surfs cad streets. 82700. 8800 cash, (23 par month. One. 6 room, modern. 82400. 8200 eaah. 820 per month. ' R. r. FEEMSTER. 309 Abtngtoa bMg. FOR SALE LOTS ' ' 18 80x120 LOT. Improved. Ideal building ait. Young trait tree and null troll. Mapuwooa (Portland suburb), on Oregon Electric. Good buy. Mr. C. R. Greiaen, Maplewood, Or. TOBTSaLTJ Lota 89 and 40. block 8. Gregory Heighta. J. Wargowsky. 403 Front sC. Har rison hotel. FOR SALE Choice Laurelhnrst lot, or trade for acreage. L-850. Journal. ACREAGE 2 ACRES, all in cultivation, near hard aurfaea road: coxy B room bungalow, ftreplaoa; Dturo- in buffet, white cabinet kitchen: garage, chicken house, barn; terms, or wiu exchange for de sirable property in city. Owner. Tabor 858. BY OWNER. 1 acre. Vancouver. 1 V rail from shipyard. 8 block n.. P. aY S. car ahop; (2500. 260 Stout at.. Portland. Mar- thai! 4220. WEST SIDE IMPROVED ACREAGE. WA TFH UAH VKAR CAR: CHEAP. EASY TERMS. DUBOIS. 728 CHAMBER OP COM MERCE. ' 1500 10 ACRES: acre cleared: email house, running water. Call 222 W. Sumner. Phone woodlawn Bias. CRANBERRY bog partly improved, small house. splendid location. , near town in producing dis trict ; sell or exchange. N-748. JournaL CMli-KRN KHUIT. GARDEN ranch Portland: 8. 5. 10 sere tracts. 865 t 6200 per acre. MrFarland. 60S Teoa bldg . Port Is nd. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 FOR SALE Suburban home. Oregon City line. near Gladstone; 8 acres, nearly all in cultiva tion; good black Boil; 25 bearing fruit tree: all kinds of berries; 6 room cottage and good outside building; 6 minute walk from Hero- ford t. Inquire. C. J. Johnson. WE have several choice suburban home for aale at very attractive price. M. BiUings. B09 McKay bldg. FOR SALE At I eke Grove on Boone Ferry road, comer acre, 3 room rustic house; Ugbta, water. F-758, Journal. . FOR WAI.F FARMS 17 4-ACRES 32 aerea In cultivation, balance m ( nnn- rich loam soil: Hiring stream through I place, famny orchard, all kinda of berries and small fruita. 4 room house. barn p0x4O equipped with hay fork: all neceesary outbuUd Ing together with 3 cow. 2 heifer, registered bull, mower, rake, manure preeder, plow, bar row and disc, hay tedder and drill, wagon and hernesa. separator, feed cutter: mile from school. 6 hi mile from R. B. station, town; in thickly aettlad community; sll rural ad'sntagee and ideal country noma. Price. 83760. half cash, balance terms. . ,, 18 acres, all tillabal. wood for family uae; fine loam soil; 7 acres 'in cultivation; all fenced and croa fenced: watered by spring, family or chard ot applea and waluuta, and other fruit. 4 room house, good bam, wood shed, cellar, to gether with team, hameae and wagon: fine Jer sey cow; all farm implementa. crot and house hold furniture: 3 miles from R. H- Btatlon; In thickly settled and prosperous community. rice. (2s50. cash (120. bslanee terms. THOMPSON A SWAN. 6th and Main sts Vancouver. Wash. GOOD FARM BARGAIN 44 aerea of land. 25 acre under cultiva tion and in crop, car building close to place, school, church and store about 3 block from place, fine road. team, harness. wgon. buggy, mower, di. plow, harrow and numerou other toola. cream separator. cowa. about 100 .chk ena. Price (6000. Terms (3500 cash, bal ance long time. WILLIAMS REALTY CO Grave Crowing. Tabor 4634. FOR SALE OR TRADE A 5 acre poultry farm, well improved, one mile from Craw- tordsville. Or. . , 6 V acres unimproved near Portland. Four lots in Portland. Or. ai . inn,,1 farm in Valley county. v.kr..i. U'hii have vou to offer? Write owner for particulars. Wm. Krall. Crawfords- ville. Linn county, Oregon. DRAFTED Must sacrifice fine dairy ranch ron ...i.,, ,.f eres with fnll set of build ings well. etc.. Willamette valley near Port land Price (2325. terms; will consider Liberty bonds on first jyment. Bdwy. 131. Mrshl. 24. $l5 PER ACRE. 80 miles from Portland, near town, river and "! mu; no iuiu. 820 160 timber, loo open. icrms. C-929. Journal. l.o icdi- rfi,.n..ri Oreaon farm. IS acres fall wheat. 3 orchard. Electricity in house; splendid roads; market: school. Price (.500 half cash. R-718, Journal. EOUfPPED stork ranch. 60 miles southweet of Portland. (14 80. Good Improvements and erope. 70 beef cattle. Land. (25. Terms. Owner. D-9S7, Joumsl. 67 acre ranch. 8 acres cleared. 6000 cord wood 1 V miles to station. 1 8 mile Port land' price (7 500. Will take Liberty bonds. Owner. 1295 Hood sc. Portland. WASHINGTON wheat land. (10 and acre: 2 good quarter sections; no incumbrance: part trade or easy terms. Owner. A. J. Kiler. Gresham, Or. ALBERTA WHEAT FARMS Wheat, oats, flag and barley, the beat there i. iv, it Claude Cole. Warner. Alberta. e icu vm f roiatT machinerv. stock; (low pet acre: terms. Gravity water: Pacific bign war. K. 2. bo 185. Albany. Or. BEAUTIFUL OOO acre farm on Hauviee Island for sale tneap. ou aice-aj TIM DEC N6TKE"lTF-8ALE"OF GOVERNMENT fiSP BER ;eneral Ind Office. Washington. D. C May 11 191 Notice ia lie re by given that siibiert to the conditions and limitations of the rirf June 9. 1916 (39 Stat- 216). and tha instruction of the Secretary of the Interior, of September 13. 1917. the timber on the foL lowing lands will be sold June 26. 1918. at 111 o'clock a. m. at puniic .wura -s v. United Ktatea land office at Portland. r.. to th highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, aale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an addi tional aum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sal ia not approved, other we pater will issue for the timber, which ran-t be removed within ten Tears. Bills will be received from citizena of the United States, associations of such citisen snd corporations organised under the law of the United States ot any state, territory or .i,.r.f only lnnn aiHMicatJon or a nri.aur the timber or any legal sub division will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a'isreer unit Town ship 4 8 . K- 2 E.. Se. 21: NEW NWli, red fir 915 M.: not to be sold at 1-e than 81.5A per M T 4 H. R. 3 E. Sec. 83: NK 14 NEW. red' fir llisli M. ; SW' NEIa. red fir 1045 M.. Sdar 10 M: NES4 NWV.. red fir 4 on M., cedlJ 25 ill NWii NWW. red fir 285 M.. cedar 15 M. ; none of the red fir or cedar to be W for le tln 81.30 per M T 10 S . R. 8 E Sec. 3. W SF.'A. IVmgla fir 848 M KK V SE1. Donglas fir 747 M. ; hem lock 114 H ; SEU NVsi. Douglas fir 1815 M mine of Oi Douelaa fir to be sold for leas than (1 per M . and none of the hemlock to be sold for less than fOo per M. Hec 6. SWli NE'. Douglas fir 1692 M. hemlock 168 M : lot 4 or HW14 KW4, Douglas fir 1754 M: MV's NWW. .Patubts fir 139 M ; SEW NWW. Jiougla fir 1-483 M.; NEW WWW. lKwgliir 1411 M.; SEW 8WW. lKtaa fir 1036 M. 8-c T. NEW NP.W. Ihsugla fir BOO M. Sec 11. NEW NEW. rcllow fir -660 31.. hemlock 60 M.; NWW NEW. yellow fir 11S5 M., bemlork 65 M : NEW NWW. yellow fir 1650 M., hemlock 90 M : NWW !WW. swuow nr xiov a., m lock 103 M t none of the iMmglaa fir or yei- and lion of tlie hemlock to be sold lor tesa low fir to be sold lor leas man ei.nu per flian 50c ir M. (Signed) CUy Tallman, Com mbaioner i.eneral Ind Office. NuTlCk? u Sal of 0rnsaent Time. Nmbss la hereby siven that aubjeet to th condition and B saltation of tb Act af June 8, 1916 (89 Stat-. 21),. ana in lnstraeuae of th Secretary of tb Interior of September is 1917. db timber oa tb foJJowtng lead trill be (old May 88. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. aa. at public aocuoat at th tailed State laad f- lios at Portland. Oregon, to th highest bidder t not lem than th appraised vara aa etaowa by tbi nut lea, ml to b eubteet to tb ap proval of tb Secretary of tb tatertoc. Th HtthsM prios, with aa addition! an f os ftfth of oa per seat thereof, belag ammlasions allowed, must b deposited at Um e sate, moaey to b rctarned if al ia not approved, otherwise paieat wui mvu for th timber, whteh aaust kw removed wiihia tea years. Kids will h reeetved from aitmene of th United htataa, tt tiona tt sweh cttlaaa Bad eorperatiows essinind aader tb law of th United aUats M a aiat. territory or district thereof oau. Upon apvllcario af a aualifiaa pure baser, the timber oa aay krgsl aubdivMsoa anU kw offered arparately bior being ncindd la say e(er otilarer anil. T.4 N . R. 3 W.. he. S3; bVW. SV m. red fir 640 M.; NK14. S W W . red fir 660 U SEtk, NWW. red fir 44a M., hthi. NWW. yellow fir 38B M. dead fir 23 M ; (WH. NWW. yelkrw fir 36 M. NWW wu. eallow lir 105O hC. Btliaa 33 M: KK W . 8EW. ylKW r 298 M-, atead fky 66 L. odar 10 M.: NWW, SEW. red fir 1 M.I Uow fir 296 kC: paling SO M-; IW. . red fir 116 M. raUosf fir (O M pUing ilit M.. aw; w. SEW. yeiloav fir 283 M, dead fir SO M-. piling 10 M : bom of which I to b aohl Tr'JL isu B1.00 net M. I. 4 3,. R. 2 K.. Bee. 11: NEW. NWW. red Or 68V kL. awdar 93 lad; SWW. NWW. red fir 1U4 kil aMCW. NWWV red fir 666 M. : NEW. KBW. re4 fir 640 ML: NWW, NEW. red fir 330 kL. a,dar SO M.t awm eg wnaca t. n boss lot kern thaa 81.60 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, Ciwnsntsaionsrt ueawraj iaa cniio. S11IPKNEES. pUing. bewn Use; will buy 'was her if right Price. It. 3. jiaaaJat, aaaamfa tursr. Horn ouic. pertlaad j Camp Bart a. Or. FOR SALE HOUSES - TIMBER 88 THREE small' tract ot piling lie and eaw timber , am Natl and Clmlna. oa PL P S Sell timber alone or wtth land tnclnded. H. A. cox. Mult no ma b. or. SNAP FOR CASH 80 aerea choice piling and tie timber. 3 mllea from R. R- Cruiae 2.800.000 ft. 61600. Addreaa Boa 264. Sheridan, Or. SMALL togging, milling or cord wood proposi tion near Holbraok. Ala shipyard ska. Bee Parker. 432 Washington . HOMESTEADS 47 O. A C. GRANT iJtNDr Only 160 out of about 2500 claims open for filing filed upon op to May 1 6 ; time a las oat an. Maps showing exact location beat claims (I. Excellent opportunity. Bargains in reltauuteb ment. Open Sunday 1 to 4. Anderson. 431 Chamber of Commeroe. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 Willamette Valley Farm 40 acre cultivated, good house. 140 aerea fine pasture with running stream; will trade for Portland property. W. IL ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg.. Portland. Or. ' BEAUTIFUL VIEW Will sell or trade our bona ia Corbett Ter race. 15 mln. on O. .. Be fare, or 20 aalnuta on Rlverview car, modern bungalow beautifully unisbed. 6 room, urge attic; price 83300; will accept half trade, balance 816 month and interest. Marshall 4988. U-979. Journal. STOCK RANCH 1080 acres, good fence, build? inga. paid up water right for 300 acre. 800 acre can be cultivated; lota ot outrange. Lo cated cloee to transportation. Trice (20.000. uwner, John Ferguson, B09 GerUnger bldg. A SNAP IB acre on Gray harbor. WaTn-; seu or ireae for roruand protierty; good a room house, outbuilding; 6 acre cleared. 2l bearing fruit tree, berriee. Particulars. Main i"i, or is nor osia. o3S Tsylor st. CLEAR, nice dwelling bouse. 8 ktrae lots, good aruen. ancouver. Wean. x-xchange lor country place near Portland. T. Treagea. 60V Hoffman are.. Portland. Or. 21 ACRES with 14 acre In bearing commercuT orchard; exchange for city property; also 20 aerea in sight of Portland; unimproved; to ex- change ti. U Webb. 414 E. Stark at. WILL take good lot or mail boos In good dia- trict aa part payment on modem 6 room house with aleeping porch, furnace, corner, close in. A real home. Phone owner. Fan 1515X bHEEP ranch. 600 acres, lor small place; coun- try hardware: residence property, or what have m" oeiaii um letter. 1 Will an- wr " "X oo. Brownvville. Or. WK HAVE h acre aixi 5 room house, clear. and 81500 eaah for 4 a to Bll ar . isr. out. Miuerstup. 431 Chamber of merce. FOR sale or rent, 100 aerea, stork and Iniple menta: eroo in. He own.r j u sr. Route 4. Vancouver, Wash. FLORIDA and Kansas property and fine launch for Portland or Vinmui.r unait. E-788. eourumt. BROOKLYN 6 room modern bouse, basement, nantrv. batb aaa .WM.w , w for 6-room modern cottage. Z-484. Journal. 340 000 WHEAT ranch. eUaa of IwaahMiiM m income property ana aasnme. P. O. Box 809 OWNER wUl eiulianae new brick block and luvtaorne borne for farm Umber or mer- ehandise. 914 Journal bide 4 ROOM bungalow In Milwaukie. Or.; price 8150O; want small farm in Lincoln C. R p. Miller. (1st near Washington t., Milwaukie. FORD car and cash wanted for pert payment on 4asu una Dungaiow, 41SO 5 2d ave.. near Woodstock cars Come afternoon. WANTED To rxclnge city property for 60 to 1 million ft. of timber. H-698, JoornaL SOME trade Beautiful country home, close in". acre or more. box it. Irak (irove. WANTED REAL F.STATK 81 SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Mast be N. K. and priced right. W have numerous buyer waiting. Fred W. O Co.. 732 Cham, of Cham. N liS EitiTTTLi ETftTTTolT SHACKS AND HMALL HOLMES. "35 Year in Portland." Main 4803. O. C. GOLDEN BERO, ARINOTON BIJXI iiAMLll I room mslern bunaaluw. It C Park or other good darlrict. U. J. MeGuire. ai union ave. . W A T 4 or 5 room house in the Monta villa district on easy terms; want divert from owner Morris. 481. Chamber of Com merce WANTED Cheep bwi on easy terms. R. J. MC.uire. 54 3 Union are V IOH RCbULTS list yoar property wilh the Re! aetata stxenange. 201 id st.. Portland. ROOMING HOUSES U Here Is Is 19 room rooming hooae; heart of West Side; II on one floor; corner, large, licht romps; cheap rent: turns away 20 people daily. Prire (395 for all: terms. Peters. 15 N. Bth st. MODERN bouse, steam Ueat'4 4 rwTm.T'good furniture, low rent, long leas. Hons ia elearinc big money, owner is sirs and must quit; (300Q rash. Fr-d 8. Williams. 91 1st. EU;i(T II. K. rnnma, ah fumblsed. income-per month 848, and one room left for landlord; for sal cheap for cash. 286 hi Uarruoa et., bet, 4 th and 6th sts. 80 "ROOMS, part li. K., doing a fin buinaa , lesA with reasonable rent. Price 65O00. Fred 8 WtUjema. slHJit st. 10 ROOMS in the W'blte TenTpl district, very gmd furniture. Interested buyers only. 440 Tsylor st. 10 ROflM house, only (800; right down town. Fred M Williams. 92 W 1st st. NICELY furnished 9 room; csn make rant; half expense nd more. Call Main 6766. J V VOX R IIT ! ".TilMJ ! 6 FOR HAIJi Jorit buaines. 2 xreen houses. 20x100. 12K0. 2 room dweHing brnis snd 1 acre, corner 7th st. and 46th ave. S K , close to Multnomah cemetery: price. (2800. Inquire 824 E. 4 0th it- and Hawthorne ave., or at greenhouse a. , FOR BALK Hardware store, beet arraesjad stock in Oregon. Cleanest and beet chosen staple line of hardware. Location unearpaaeed. A lid res this of I la (or farther tafoTakfrtwm, UX 970. JournL A M?Wy"TIaker Grocery in (artery district with living room In rear: no competition: fresh stork of goods; cheap rent. A bar sain for cash. No agrnta need apply. N-773. Journal. ME A T"M A R K ETSell at cost f fi store, doing good buainea. old established; consider renting or tran. i.u Main .ill evenings, or T 713. JnnrnaL ONE of tne beat equipped small Uundne la Oregon, doing over (20O per week. It H a bargain that will pay yoo to investigate. KX- 737. Journal. GROCERY, candy aad confectionery, old eateb- lisbed. near a large school, doing a cood busi es; owner aick. leaving for California : will sell with property, reasonable. Tabor 72H3. PARTNER oa wheel ranch. Practical farmer preferred. Boas capital required. M-770 Journal. 3 BOO Nice clean stork of groceries, confec tionery, are cream. 8 nice livina. rooms. Kent (12. 2n gtth. A SMALL, well eateblaslMMi reataarant and lunch counter. B. M. tenard. 92t Cham, her of Commerce. ;ood OKOoetuait for a live ou: rami. I required 33000. for partnerahtn In estsbliahed furniture manr g. corporation. J-SNQ, Jnuraal UONT WORRY I can eeQ or trade anythuu anrwhara. L snan. n xvrosnway. GROCERY and mereliandM; invoice about (3itO: witn po tot Ikr netting (30 a moatl. Hnx o. itofbrook. or. (2000 BUYS a good hoteirfally"eoaitjed: eood location: two lota 30180; good bmliimas Kellis iHrtel, Scott Ml US, in. iivfPYARlt rewtearaut, cheap for cash. 800 K. Washington st- STORE, with roowa. shove, and lot. vary cbaap lir raen. lurar s V WW, SEED potato furnished; ret era at d.gging wm. .van, in nenry Oklg MEAT MARKET"" for sal; mrnrgYaway" aonreae iis. vantovivev. teasn. BLACKSMITH shop tr sale ov rent. Tt.a only anop in teww. a. rirowa. 1 acort. Wash. 8256 Kaetenrant. cheap reut. (ood loratiorZ iswana, Bll tienry Ckla. BAKERY aad grocery, doing good bwines. aacnfic. tit s ashingto et., ewe. 1 7th. WllX trade good patent for real estate; my toas jour gans. an rasv, . MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 1230. 8350. 8400. (J0O, (4o. 8730. (11H and larger amowata at current re tea. tjairk aruoa. rl w. .errma Co.. 7(3 ham. Crew M lLl'lNG 1 i aa city -r auburwaa pmporty Bsooey advafered as worn pmer i s. v . I Berk. 218 and 21 S Palling hldg. Main 847 (2(o TO .00."EVEN. refund old gaga: lower totereet. Ward. 407 HpaldUag SKIg- MONEY to loaa la a of 810O to 63000 oa city property. - A. II. BE BELL. 301 Orllnger bldg. 30A TO 89000 to loaa. city a farm mort gage; bo eommtosiow, P. O. box S7(. MORTGAGE loans ind mortgage and tracts amgtH. Fred S. WtUiama. 92 W let. ..wt.-sw 1 it-1-wire OS Co., Belling IHf. CaH- lor aaurtgag. loans, contracts. F. H. Iwis, rweea 4, Lewis bsdg. Main a a H 32700 to kau. on farm at per cent. li. J MrOwlre. 4 3 I ntoa av. J 6100 -l6 (1800; essn.uiar -aaea, K. H.)Dvwung, 617 Chamber of Cowsmerca. MarshaU Z43A 0ET TO LOAK REAL ESTATE tt OCR iastallaseait plan, ia tha beat A4 auras aaevbod M paytng a loan. ((3.2 per moauA for 36 821.84 for 60 aalathe. or 816.1T for 96 aaoatba. mn 81006) loan sad interest. Other amonata ia peopertioa. W loaa on improved city property. . i Or for building purposes . - No eoenuiaMon chareed. EQUITABLE SA VINOS A LOAM ASSOCIATION 84 2 Star . Portland. Or. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES ESrT XoaSS CLau-1 WE LOAN MONET On abort notice to astarird or working gaeai am tnsor own notes. weekly, swmi-moeithly eg monthly paymenta. Each tranaaetioa airletl'. confidential. . NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES : ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household f am tare, piaaoa. etc. without reaaovaL i CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CUMPAKT. . LICENSED. 817 Fading bMg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persona oa salary of fixed tn- come, on household furniture, piaaoa, diamonds and other personal preperty. legal rstaa. Ssas neea confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, ' IJcenaed 806-807 Dekam bldg. POR orVj-and remedial LoaX AkfiN. " , lUhed by Portland buainea man te protmt Estab borrower. s C MYERS HERMAN, Mgr. 894 STARK IT. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, - LOANS WANTED 86 . LOAN your muii, 111 peg cant inter, aa ' improved Portland real aetata. Wa aaa I place aum of 6100 up. Ceilar-Muttoa Cv. 7-'tk fiasco Hide. i HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. I j. AUCTION ACCTION , Every Tuesday and Friday at 10s. a, vs.. af 1 horse, barn, wagons and cattle. Bring; e 1 your stock to seO. The beet of ret. ran lis. If . you want a horse or wagon, or have oa tat sail see us. Columbia comsnmioa aaa Aueueai citable. 802 Front St. SPAN mares, 2800 lot., sound in every particu lar, true in all harness, S2zo; team geidinga. 4VO lb., aound. true anywhere. 8125; 1 1IIMI lb. all around gelding. 8s3. RaaeaU St. Traaa- fer. 26S Mussel! t. 1 GOOD TEAM and ham This teamk and fat: work auicl or double. WL 3460: I lao 14 in. plow. 5886 82d d ,r;U also 14 in. plow. Cheap for eaah. 8886 634 I 8 kit. HcoU car. - B HEAD of bursa just arrived; rasw fraaa I a an m axon a e . . ... . - 1 8 to 10 yean old; weigh 140O each; goana- teed aa represented. Sbtf Front, oomar Meat- f (ornery. I'hil Sueller. 1 WAGONS lor sale cheap; 20 wagon ail la first class condition, eultabla for almost aaythiaa: I will take one tenth of actual vaiae: no further i us for them; all hand made. Call 268 Mas- I st. A F1UST CLAMS, farm team, weight 2600; ai) a good family fww lor aale eery cheap, wood- fork car to 26 ill. 3 biotas east to S96 Powell - valley i OR SALE One team of horses, about 830. lb., fine oondttioa; broke for city and farm work Phone Sellwood 1788 daytime. 1783 E 17th at. TWO pair of mare, haxneaa and wagons; am replacing them with truck; must sell. Fuel '. yard. 7 2d and Sandy road. Tabor 7823. J. I H. Berbbory. - For sale or trade lauo in. bor, g7 ! for driving, fin on farm, perfect la avars ' way. SelL 8401. . toll SALE fcpau of aaaraa, 6 and 10 yean I old, work any plaoe yow put them, wtgM i S3UO fba. 680 take them. S76 K. 88th ! FOR HALE 29 head of (arming. espraasTe j lugguig horsea. 360 Froat, eor. Mewdaaa- I ery PhU Huetter. . ? GENTLE young aorrell aaare. rid, onve; esagoa, I barneas, rubber tirea. top buggy at a bar- I gain. 146 E Slst N. Moatavilia car. , . GhikETeCK wagon fot al'or trade or for. 7S E. 29th N. I LEAD hone and auimala hauled, away free. CaU I ssiieww v. i-orisano wenaenng (. . i.l-B ... n. V ' ' . "l -i s le isiv m wwv-Mh hww, nffj SK1 111 I . (gty for quick aale; j, mole cheep. East 161. HEAD HORSES takea; caati paldTTda4nr ' Phone callgjaid. MUwaakie HI. . EoHHE aadwaaea. 61.23 day; 3 boralod wagon. (2.60. s.e6 Fmeit. ' Main 2306. FoR RENT Barn and atella. 637 Jefleraow. ' Kma .ID, Ixi H bALi. Hmall team. No rwaaunebl sitae ' refund. O. Jtaoey. 887 Sandy blvd. GCfciD htU team, harness and 680 top apriai wagon: all for (125 cash. 263 Roaaell at. 400-I.B. TEAM with trne. 3111. 40B5. ' . TlfiifLH. MARK with ha nd essea. 84A 251 Mead at. Take kWuth Peeiaad car. WANTED A bora and tianwwa. Call K iT LIVESTOCK .88 . rX)R HALE 6 large young fresh Ho let sia sows . . with calves by tbsdr sldaa. All are heevy ' milker. C. W. II vd. eor. 4 th I tain end BU. 4 John road. Viisvufrf, Wash. PVon (-J. FOUH good milch cow. ! Will U or trade fot . dry cows. Also fin aaddi fa. 2S7 Kv ! 6 th st. I EX1 KA fin cow. fresh la two weafca, guars- I teed to give 7 gallons. laqulre at S94V Powell Valley road. " ' LAK'.E young ti aL lrliam 4 year HobteiaT ' 3 year Jersey HoWtetn, gentle family oe-wa. I 830; seversl fresh Jeraeya cheep. 7(1 a- aZT I FINE big cow eeeains freslTJoly 1, giiaTT.aU i Ions when fresh. 619 l Joha at. SL Job a. ' GOD Durham-Jersey, , rTcti milker. IVSI , Iwvadon st. ' i , WANTED 'aula to l suture, pno tmauoSiZ" I rnww rseirwoou .zai. ' YoVn 1 f r.liooVr 1 6 LT-- I et li ' JEHSF.Y cow; sl- horse for sale. Uii k 'lh.' j POULTRY, PIGEONS. PET STOCK (7 I WIIITK LEgTIoR. baby chick a Bow ready lor I delirery. We have aie of th beet bfwedwrs ! In th west. All from lioanlad heavy egg- ' einsin. rawswi oa free range rune: there- .' for w caa tiroduro babe ebieSa ah.. i. JJiW In aia. vie or and health. SchneUa-r'g ' ponimTor" ' "tv l9tm MAiUIRES IIABY IHK'U ! O .A. C. Ilarred llorka aad R. L Red, 620 1 r IO0: Whit or hr... i.k sia V t 100: heavy lay In tei.iM. Maaiaa mm. , i non better, ls for heu-hiag J. at. Magwira. ' i i im-pis at, intone r.mmi 1S0S. 1 10O .TUoltiU OHUKED JZZZi White 'aasT 1 Brown Iahrna. Iter red Unra Il,i. r.i.4 . . Reda. Ileaiy layera. Reasonable. 148 K. aiat. N. Monfanfla car. f EA COMB WHITE LEGUOkl fros aaraol egga 63 per 16. peepas; IB chirk raaraa- vro. uniuawi ey Taylor. Wash. Circular f ne. R C. WHITE lJX.H0R.sj babe akicAa bealtby free rang hearr laetna at nek Siegier. 124 E. 83d at, Ixssnal, car, 2 blorks north. CHICKS. White Igborn, tie miag. trap assstas loausdatioa etnrh. Master larubator Co., li Jeaswp at.. Portlaad. T. Wessdiawa 4844 WANTED OO or 65 egg lacubator. V-ftlTv JourrssL FOR SALE Leg Wn" aao Is. Red ckicke. "C3 Tsb.rt- 317. TllilMPrWlS'H Ringlet Barred Rock LateEIa-. eggs. (1.23 a BtOng. Tshoe 48 FK MALE 6 MUeVnil ducaa. 1H kV asm see. DOGS. SISDS. FETS. ETC, 66 1 FOR SACEfAvveeliya male aWTl ' ysssr'rid ; 4 eery etaaarh and In bwntee. eolor Mack t and white. Ptv 616. 1 a. b.. 4ab. Caere ! Henrtkaea. K. F. li. 2. Awroes. Or. THtilloT'GliBRED rabbi a), ,hs eeUavg mstnte tor mie. m loea or. zsd et. ear. 1 FEDK.RKEri Aiiedai aapa far aale, pis (WO wood TTiCROCoTTBaLtn Llewsslya Better. ar U tlat en. T Z 4 Wandatweh av. ACTOMOBILf.S ACCESSORIES 66! AlT6raiW tor aale. cbaap. East 43737 ' eon gargo a. : Ft J R MA LK 6 paener ISIS Feed.' SeO ' Freeit. eor. Mow is uisry. Phil Soaviee. 1912 6 PASS, liad-wx. ia aaod taaaiaa) a dVr. S23S. TIB Uaaart aaa. t Fun alir w.t . .i . el 1111 laoaVlay. IIS Firaf, I 59 73 bOIUK kwodliahu, pvoat tank. hfscAc. ' fm f..r track. Phoa Feet SSSZ sz. 1916 FORD tesi nag Call at 643 Maxtea" sc. SeUwood. 173 WaakmXas SIGN Sad auto painter. nam k I WANT ea lor my Ford car today, tail Iti- hne 0787. - - - ( vi ltX sail my 1617 Maxwell louring ear. C3 . asswausj . BBAKD asrw 1 91 h litdu cycl. eissMXl qwlppasL isU Tsesse S(. riTT-MlTw rLLT Ua W stcM.'i7a: Marshall 737. WILLwU mj 1917 Maxwell sheas. A-7T7, ' JowrnaU ' V ML HT. aril my 1916 UagweU tostrtag ear pt i eews. A-778, JaamaL tCwSLUsad 1 eUawlSf Par) 1