THE- OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORT LAND, SUNDAY MORNING. .MAY .19. 1918. 24; TOH BALE HOUSES Look These Up WE MENTION BARGAINS ONLY ' 300 wh. 6 room cottage in Portland, Je cIom in. price Sozvw. - 260 eaah. room house on E. $d and Broadway, close in, Price 92500. 300 cash, t room cottage, E. Bnnuida and Oth at Price 11800. :v Alt than ara eottagsa, ara modem and pin b rood hanaa and food investments to tba lucky buyers. - C. W. BABBINGEB. 348 Srsrk at. - Phona Main 2858. FOB HALE TU only way you can tell a bar gala la to coma and will abow yon: ft room house on paved rtrwt, 81650. -. 8 room hntua on paved street 1600. ' 8 room bonsa on pared atraet. $1750. T room batialow, lot 100x100, lota of fruit. 11700. room bungalow, furnished complete, for only $2500., m All new furniture and modern. Ton can t beat these. We hare Iota more good bnya at ' low price and term to milt. Call Monday and aeo aa. New Turk Laad Co.. -381 K. Mor- K. - FOB WALE HOUSES ' 1 4 830 WELL built 4 room bungalow on E. 7th at ISO down, balance caay. (2250 Beautiful modem 4 room borne; desir i able location, E. 23d; f Ireplaoe ; every con venience. , Can add 3 rooms in attic. 1560 down, f 20 month. $1325 each; Two 4 room homes, E. 21st st, 1 near Ledd are. Lira in one; rest the ' other. No down payment for nearly a year. : Paymenta 20 month and int 8000 -A atrictly tint class home on E. Salmon at, near 17th. 0 roonu. Terms. $3750 Went aide home of 10 rooms; carved and pressed woodwork, newly and elegantly, f finished inside; paved atraet and sidewalk; 0x150 lot Charming and extended view of landscape, city, river and mountains. $20O0 down. COOK. 0i Stock Exchange bide. Main 95$. Ronu home. 1005 E. Washington at. Hard- surface .treet and everything paid for. $SOO0. Two 4 room house. 1581 and 1583 E. Oth at Sellwood rar. Rented for $10 and $12.60 each. Price of both. $2000. It room rotuge. 2174 E. Glissn st. with 100x100 lot. for $1,500. AU of the above proper'! are clear of debt HEN RI J, COVEK. 84 Union avj. "" ROSE CITT'PARK BABOAIN ' II room modern bungalow, hardwood floor, bulltin buffet, all large rooms, fireplace, foil cement basement, furnace. Can give imme diate possession. Price $5500. St. imp. In and paid for. Term. $500 down, bsl. $30 per ' mo., inrhiding Interest. ). V. H. MORTGAGE A INV. CO., SOT Teen bklg. Main 2418. LOTA RLE, extra fine, handsomely designed, well - located bnnaalow. 5 rightly arranged, tinted room, bathroom. Concrete full basement. Bulltin buffet cabinet kitchen, eostly electric and plumb- ' tng fixture, sliades, linoleum: gas. electricity. Choice large lot. iu high class district, near can. Immediate. possession. Only $2350. $1350 down. 4310 62d ava. Woodstock car. Coma afternoon. SUNNYSipE HAWTHORNE - $300O . Can your husband s attention to this one. By Georgs, it's awelll Five room with hard wood floors in every room, fireplace, built-in writing desk,, massive buffet, beamed ceiling in dining room, large Dutch, kitchen with everything built m, , beautiful fixtures, built-in dresser fat one bed room, largo closets with windows. 2 large tinea closets, broom closet and clothes chute in paaa ball, large attic, full cement basement with fruit room, furnace, wash trays, etc All street improve ments in and Mid. Beat car service. - Very easy terms. Yon, who . have been - looking around, have you found anything like that for $3000? Wa'va dona our part the next step la up to you, Bemember the story about the early bird? A. G. TKEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 35 1. ON THE CAB LINE ROSE CITY PARK $500 DOWN " Southeast corner Sandy Blvd. and Slst at Door open today only. Six rooms, sleeping Doreh. full cement basement. If you are in. te rested, call today at our branch office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. J. L HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, Main 208. A 2050. CLOSE IN BARGAIN $2850 Including Improvements. A beautiful bun galow of 5 rooms, finished in old Ivory, fire place, ' beautiful buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, with canopy over range. You would expect to pay $3.00 or more. Ixirated on 224 at Price $28.-iO. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 244 Stark St.. near 8d. Main 3518. 1 GOOD-INVESTMENT -Have room house In Groveland park. 1H blocks from Hawthorne car. This place will rent for $80 which is Indicative of iu appearance and worth.' Will fell equity for cost. Takes $1500 cash to handle. For further information call Tabor S971 or 445 E. 65th. 1 block north of Irtvlslon, HUM KM ALL PARTS CITY ON EASY TERMS $000; Vernon; 4 room bungalow. $1400; liosa City; 4 room bungalow. 2500; ' Hawthorne district: modern. " r $8500; iAurelhurst; modern 7 rorra home. THAN HIMH.KK A I'd . 22 8 Henry bklg. $5500 8 room modern house. 850 E. Wth N., near Broadway. Oarage and all modern conveniences. Good neighborhood. Can give immediate pos session. A bargain at the price. J. J. OEDER. Orand ave. at E. Ankeny ft. UN NIHIDE $ 1 Oinr Located on 35th. near rar, 8 rooms; street improvements in and paid for. Requires .$500 cash. Mind you. $1850 la total price. -Lot alone worth nearly that amount Perfect title or no sale. A. O. TEEPE CO., 284 Stark St.. near 8d. Main 3516. BCY' FBOll OWNEti Modern 7 room house. on Grand ava.. near Frooott or will exchange for Multnomah or Clarke county ranch. Also irrigated ranch in Western Colorado for Oregon ranch or residence. Call or address 467 E. Taylor It $T260 MODERN 6 BOOM HOUSE SURELY HOME BARGAIN 8 room and entrance hall, newly painted in Choice Home 6 room modern bungalow, fireplace, paved st : 1 block car. extra good location, $2800; $500 cash: this Is an extra bargain, see it and be convinced. R, M, Gatewood & Co,, 165 1-2 4th St, PIEDMONT HOUSE BARGAINS Seven rooms, modern and up-to-date in every detail, in center of this choice district. Price $4800. This is $1200 below ita actual cash value. Owner moving east. Must sail at once. Seven rooms, California bungalow. One of the claaaiest things of ita typo in Portland. On corner 100x100. Owner has moved to the country and will give somebody a good bargain. Get particulars. Neilan As' Parkhill, 210 Lumbermen s bldg., 5th and Stark. yon WALE HOUSE 81 . Some Gilt Edge. Bargains Half acre, highly Improved, good house, close to 2 linen $1650. Term. New house, eo-t 81600 to build. tt acre. $1260 takes it all. 8 rooms, comer lot, street improvement an paid, house alone cost $3000. 82500 takes it Hawthorne district 1000 on easy ternu buys nice cottage on E. 89th and Franklin. ' 200 down, easy term, trays house and 2 lota. Tremont Price 1400. . . Strictly modern Alberta home, furnished, garage, etc. Easy terms. Snap. We have the best buys in home of every sixe on the asunaat possible terms in every part of Portland. Consult us before buying. We'll save you money. Buy now. Real estate ia go ing up. ' J. BRUCE GODDABD. TREADING BEALTOR, 502 COUCH BLDG. - OWN YOUR HOME -HOOYERIZE FOB YOUBSELF. 11508 room house, good plnmbimf, plastered, clean, ready to occupy. 2 50 Liberty Bonds 1st payment.! 10 and Int mtnly. Near 63d ava. $1500 S room house, newly tinted, vacant, fine corner lot with trees. 1 block to W. W. car and Gladstone ave. $150 Liberty Bonds O. K. 1st payment Boom to build another house on corner. $1950 5 room cottage furnished, discount with out furniture; Alberta car. bmau pay nest down. 2550 5 room bungalow Hawthorne district close to car. vacant, neat ana attractive. 1450 cash and mthlv. naymenta. $46008 room Irvine-ton home, completely modern, vacant $500 cash. $1000 bar gain at this price. GEO. F. ENGLEHART. Main 7286. 624 Henry Bldg. FOB gALT!--l,OT9 1 $200 Gearhart. lot 40x100. Good Jooation. River, beach. -.- Journal ; " t - ACREAGE , 6 Acres, 6 Miles Out Ton ahonkt boy me. rot located right on ear line, with hard surfaced road right in front of my gate. I embrace 8 acrea. and aa rich land aa can possibly be found around Portland. New house, well with pwmp en back porch: good barn, outbuildings: bearing orchard and beriiea. Jnmp in my agent's ear and run oat and look me over. Just 8 mile from city limits; tine, level read all the way. 1 11 abow yon how te reduce, the high coat of living. Price, with soma personal. $2350. 1200 down, balance per cent Hargrove Bealty Co. , 122 North 8th at Broadway 4381. 20 Acres at HillsbOro We defy any one to beat this little farm for the price, in Washington county, 4 miles rroaa HiUsboro. Milk route, R. F. D., etc; 20 aeraa, an in cultivation but one acre. A perfect lay ing tract No. better soil anywhere, 12 acrei in clover. 4 room house, good large barn. large chicken house, fruit and berries. Price 3500. We have some exceptionally choice buys in tract from IO to 40 acres. HARGROVE BEALTY CO.. 122 North 6th at Broadway 4881 5 BOOM BUNGALOW IRYINGTON DISTBICT. 3000. (1000 down, will handle this coxy little home, on Multnomah street T 6 room bun galow, hardwood floors, furnace, garage; lot 60x 100; street improvements all in and paid very nice bearing fruit and berries; price only $3000. HARGROVE BEALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th st. Phone Broadway 4381. 2050 Nearly new 6 room bungalow. Haa not been occupied yet Donble constructed and well built; hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled dining room, beam ceiling, buffet bookcase, electric fixture, Dutch kitchen, fuU basement piped for furnace, street' Improvement paid. A good location. Call after 4 p. m. 227 W. Sumner. Woodlawn 6480. 0 ROOM HOUSE FOB $1600. Certainly a splendid buy for any one with large family; 9 rooms, bath, light, etc. ; lot 80x100; on E. 67th st; nice fruit garden, ber ries and shrubbery; side walks in and paid. Price $1600, $500 down. 1 HARGROVE BEALTY CO., 122 N. 6th st. Phone Broadway 4381. Only $2750 HAWTHORNE WAY FORECLOSURE PRICE Bungalow, well built 0 roomed, fireplace, ample kitchen, white enaif;led, bulltin con veniences, basement, paved street, block to car, full lot; other bargains all parts of Portland, E. E. DARING, Union Safe Dep. & Tr. Co.. 884 Oak. ROSE CITY PABK , 6-BOOM BUNGALOW GARAGE . $3250 Just what you are looking for. Beautiful 5 room bungalow with big living room, fire place, bookcases, furnace, hardwood floors, attic; full lot; garage; 200 feet from Sandy Bivw. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516. 9 rooms Alameda . . 7 rooms, Alameda . . 7 rooms, Irvington . 6 rooms. Mt Tabor 6 rooms, Hawthorne 8 room, corner . . . 6 rooms, corner . . . 6 rooms, Hawthorne ZIMMERMAN. . .$8000 . . 4750 6500 5000 FOR SALE $3850. Fine new modern 7 room home. First class in all respects;, lot 67 Hx 100, near Alameda park. Fine roses, lawn, shade, cherry tree. $1600 cash handles it Also a o room bungalow. Has not water heat; beauti ful lawn and shade, rosea. No arent. Call Sun day. Broadway car. 956 Glenn ave. north, near i-rescou. A HOME FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE Six rooms, built-in conveniences, hardwood hoofs aownstairs, lull cement basement, furnace, fireplace, good garage, nice lawn, shrubbery, and in best of condition; B. C. Park district Price $3500, terms. E. A. LINDGBEN, Savon Land Co:, 985 N. W. Bank Bldg. VEST PBETTY 7 BOOM BUNGALOW. On improved thoroughfare. 1 hlnrk to rar- a exceptionally well improved lots; nice hedge. 111UOW17, Deanng truil, Dernes; grape arbors; 7 room bungalow; fireplace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, etc. Price onlv $3750. tUKUKUVK KEALTY CO. CHEAP ACREAGE. 6 acres. 1250. 1A down. 15 ner month. buys 5 acre of land between Portland and Cen tral!, on the main line of S railroads. 1 H miles from a town of 800 population, sawmill and shingle mills, some partly cleared and some all cleared, runnins stream, soma bottom and soma bench; can give yon any kind of a piece yon want. Fr.1,1 It EAT, KSTATK I.. 818 Railway Exchange bldg. ACREAGE PRICE SLASHED ACBEAGE Am eoine east account sickness: I'll sell 14 H sere 1- mile north Canbv that cost me S6500 for S4250; all under cult. deep, ncn Discs garden soil; B r. plastered bungalow, well, cis tern, barn, chicken house. 1 V a. bearing or chard. 2 aerae strawherriea ; nrettieat little acre age in the country; adjoining acreage held at 760 per acre; take $2500 cash, balance terms; buy thla and make money. H. C. Barr, Main 1189, 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BBTANT ACRES AT OSWEGO LAKE 200 for an acre tract; lies level, open see ond growth, cloe to station. B ACRES ONLY $1000 Only ft milea from courthouse; good, level land, fine for chickens, berries, garden: very easy term. See owner, 600 Concord bldg. BTJBUBBAX HOME Tt Garden Home ACre Homes ONLY IS MINUTES ON OREGOX ELECTRIC To COMMUTATION FA BE GAS. WATER. PHONES, ELECTRIC LIGHTS 7 rxa. modem honse, nearly new, ana tine cultivated acre. Sacrifice at 2800. easy tersaa. Worth $$600. Strictly medana B n. beams wtth 1 H acre. highly improved. Full basement, large fireplace, bath, etc AU city eonvenienoaa, Only 93750 cash. Cheap at $4600. Nice euiti rated acre with fair 4 rxa. bouse. Fruit fat bearing. Price onry $L250. easiest term. Worth $1$00. Cultivated aeraa. without buildings, soma In bearing fruit and orchard. Price $0 to 1600. Tour own tersaa, Garden Home property will double In value in the next three years. Investigate this faat rowing West (tide district An acre for the price of dty lot Will meet you at station. Phone appointment MoCormie. Main 9318. " VIEW HOME SITE ONLY $400 On 9e eonunntatioa fare, eloa to station; fine view of Mt Hood, overlooking nice body of water; swimming, boating, fishing, dogwood and cedar grove. Lights, phone, water. Can you beat it? Easy terms. Call at 600 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. FOB SALE OB TBADE 1 0 am, all cleared: wood orchard, small fruits and good room house, barn and chicken house, cloae in. S49 Wheeler at Phone E-6404. FOB HALF. FARM'S 17 Can't Beat This Quarter Sec ' tion for the Money You csn't beat this farm buy if you look an summer. Nota the description and the value of fered for the money: 180 acres. 70 acres in cultivation, balance good pasture and very easy to clear; aU the very beat of dark, rich, mal low loam soil; living water; bearing orchard; good 7 room bouse. 2 good barns, outbuilding. Price, with stock and equipment, only $ 10.OO0. $3600 cash, balance, your own time; 0 per cent interest; located good county road, milea to town. 40 milea out Hargrove Realty Co. 122 North Oth st Broadway 4381. BEAL FARM BARGAIN 120 ACRES. "ALFALFA ' RANCH. 8UBE 2.8 ACRES. 1 mile from city limit. 10c ear fare, all in cultivation; some fruit; on good road; advantage of the country and conven iences of the city. Modern 5 -room bungalow, cement basement electricity, gas and . phone. Close to school and church. Thla fine home for $2750; terms on part Neal Brown, 207 Panama Bldg. COLUMBL. HIGHWAY BUU.DING 8ITES Thompson Villa acre tracts, on highway and Sandy river, between Troutdale and Automobile club, from $100 to $000 per acre, on easy term. Office open on tract on Sunday. GBU8SI & DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade bldg. Main 74 S2. priH SAT.R OR KXCHANGE 15 aerea fine 8 year old bearing orchard, 'well located. Low price, easy term. Will consider city property, part or full payment Purchaser can also have cash income for care of adjoining orchard. D. L. McLeod. 204 Porter St. 122 N. 6th st Phone Brosdway 4381. a KWM FURNISHED BUNGALOW $2000 This ia an especially nice home, lot 4 Ox io, one DlocK from car. 5 room tninralow ; 3000 I path, full basement many built-in conven- . 3150 ! inces. Price, including aU' furniture, only , 275v-i -u0. This is a bargain. 2 ACRES, all in cultivation, near hard aurfsce road; coxy 5 room bungalow, fireplace; built in buffet white cabinet kitchen: garage, chicken house, barn; terms, or will exchange for de sirable property in city. Owner, Tabor 868. WHY PAY BENTt You can "buy an acre for $200, only $75 cash, $5 per month. 20 minutes' ride from the shipyard on S. P. Electric Get off at Jean, one block from station. Ask for Bennett 311 Board of Trade. 1350 NEAR ST. JOHNS CAR WORTH $3500 NOW $2700 A wonderfully well built home of 7 rooms splendid condition, newly painted; near HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 North 6th at Phone Broadway 4381. "? ..U,!n ',eCtrlC ,Dd ;" etaS to V. If 'ycTniocSS gas. full lot 60x100. $450 cash. A. 1L AKEIt.HUN. 606 Stock Exch. bldt LtUHELrtritSt DISTRICT. SIX ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. E. EVERETT. NEAR 2D. HARD SURFACE, FRUIT AND FLOWERS. EASY TERMS OH DISCOUNT FOR CASH. CALL TAUOR 2075. 8NA1' for lUlll). but muse me au offer for my T room house, 60x100 lot, near Brooklyn school,. 631 Karl t Call Sunday or Monday. Tarm given. Street paved and paid for, at 1700. LOOK at 673 E. Bth at. from outside. If Interested call at 408 Swetland bldg. This modem, 6 room, beautiful home will be sold for 2850. Im-ludinir the furniture, with street rtmprnvement paid. Term given. for a real bargain, by all means see this. Easy terms. A. O. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark St, near 3d. Main 3516. $100 Down 2 blocks denot at St Johns, fair It r. hnnu good lot, $1800. G, C. Goldenberg S 15-16 Ablngton bldg. Main 4803. FURNISHED HOUSE, CLOSE IN. NEAR WILLIAMS 5-room cottage, sightly lot, fruit, flowers, nice electric fixtures, gas. well furnished. Price $2850. $500 cash, balance $25 a month. Mr. Thoma-v 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Msin 7102. ' 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $1600 A very cozy little home, comer lot on Im proved street. 5 rooms, plastered, hot and cold water, bath, etc., convenient to Hawthorne car. Price $1600. $600 down, balance montMy. HARGROVE -REALTY CO. 122 North 6th st Phone Broadway 4381. $1850 JSEAR FRANKLIN HIGH .1 M 1 at : 1 i at 11 a. a corner lot 50100, beautiful roses and shrub- - Lumhermen s bldg. bsry.. L block to car. Terra. A. H. AKER80N, 606 Stock Exsh. bldg. BARGAIN HOUSE LIST " 2 lots, small house, $850. 5 rooms, large lot, (1500. 6 rooms, good condition, $1750. 5 rooms, near Laurelburst, $2000. 2 lots. 2 houses (snap), $2100. IVKiUAN PARKHILL 5th and Stark St. $1850 MODERN BUNGALOW IRVINGTON PARK 5 rooms, fireplace, full basement, fine view. 60x100 lot. Terms. Phone Eat 2489, or see A H. Akerson. 500 Stock Exch. bldg. 2660 8 Euoui home, completely furnished, - hard aurfsce t . full lot 100 feet from St Johns car. Terms, $500 cash, balance monthly payment, q per cent interest. Janus D. Og den. 107 Shsver st Wdln. 202. . $100 CASH $16 MONTH 4 room eottsse. $850. Nice fruit tree. Cement walk. Near Alberta car. Sea this if Main 7102. you want a bargain. Akerson, 606 Stock Exch. bldg. FTTfNiTURE of 4 room house complete THIS WAS TAKEN OVER ON MORTGAGE 80x100. 2 blocks from Arleta sta. 7 rooms, toilets, bath, full basement, with inside and outside entrances, well built in everv restwot; dandy assortment of fruit and berries in abun dance; nice chicken house, large garden grounds. Only $2200, with attractive terms. Farmer & Fisher, 408 Stock Exchange. 7-ROOM HOU8E HAWTHORNE Full cement basement and floor retention hall and 8. rooms down. 4 rooms and bath im- stairs. 2 toilets; attractive electric fixtures and gas; newly tinted and painted ; m good ahape. Price $2850; $500 down. $25 a month. Mr. Thorn, 332 Chamber of Commerce Rid. 3 good stove: must sell today, hnuee has been KM. Call 1027 E. 15th t N. ; A-B car. Phona Woodlawn 4 271. ' '$2M0O bungalow. Rose City l'ark. Modern, rooms, sleeping porch, fireplsce. street Im provement 4id. Term. CHAB. RINOI.KR A CO . 228 Henry bldg 2300 BUNGALOW. W sere ground, close to school and ear; fruit trees, garden, etc; big bargain.' CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 228 Henry bldg. . 7 ROOMS $2500 T rooms, modern, 60x100 lot, full basement wash trays, etc. $500 cash, bal. easy. R. J. McOUlHE. 645 Union ave. N. ALBERTA ST. BARGAIN On of the best house in Alberta district large rooms, garage, fruit and roses, 705 Alberta st Bee this Sunday. Owner. STRICTLA modern 5 room house, full lot, hardwood floor, fireplace, furnace. Cheap. 1200 down, balance terms. Call 400 Ali- ky bklg. T 1 ... ! r . run balk at ureys uroaxing, 7 room house, ground 80x100, price $1700. 4 room house. ground 40x100. price T5: miis'I navraent Laurelhurst 4800 CHOICE LOCATION 4800 Don't miss inspecting this gorzeous home: 6 r.. S. P. breakfast room, furnace, fireplace; terms to suit. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. $100 $100 $100 CASH $100 $100 1875. 75x100. Modern 5 room buncalow. near Reed college. Act quickly. U. C. GOLDENBERG. A burnt on bldir. "S5 Years in Portland." Main 4803. A REAL cute bungalow with one acre of land on tna car line, close In. with all modem con veniences. This bungalow contains four rooms witn large sleeping porch and the land is ex cellent soil. Thla place can be boiurht for a I sacrifice; 82800; $800 cash, the balance can stand. M. J. CLOHES8Y, 415 Abington. 2750 Modern 5 room bungalow, electric lights, gas. Bull Run water. t4 acre, all Kinds or small fruits, nice young fruit trees. most excellent garden all in. chicken house. cement walks, 6 blocks to electric station; 5c .are imo city. 111,111 down, balance easy. A and eairy terms. 814 Lumber Exl Msin 8908. dandy. Farmer St Fisher. 408 Stock Ruhann FOR SALE 6 room modern hou iu Irving ' ton. Price $5000. Will tske small bunga low in good district as firtt payment, balance i easy terms. 814 ..umber Ex. Milg. Msin 3!08 , SEVEN room house in Alberts district, clone r' to tehool antt carline. Small payment down and balance like rent Aim 5 room house in I Woodlawn di-trM. Woodlwn 8X32. I U. S. MORTGAGE ft INVESTMENT CO.. 607 i Yaon bldg , specislixe in modern bungalows na residences. LAURELHURST FORECLOSURE BARGAIN $4500 Taken in on morteaze. See this heaotlfni 6-room bungalow with every modern built-in convenience: garage; street improvements all in ana paia ; easy terms. A. u. I KEFE CO., 264 jisra at., near jsa. Alain B.1. OWNER JUST HAS "TOSELL 2500 Five rooms and sleeDina- norch. heantifnl fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement Sm.u n.,n.nt. Anm, i,.t "replace, millet, irate am-a like rent. Main " m casement, turnsce, etc. t ouie. see this, and vw TOii.iiinru aa iia raiue. A. ittf c. . . MSW o room sttractive house, lot 160x120; CO.. water, go ana electricity, l'nce only SI70O , J $250 cash; balance $15 a month. M. E. Lee. . io i oroeci DKig. - I 6 ROOM modern house, garage. Half block from carline. Price only $2150. $300 tion. casn, naiance io a montn. M. E. le, 605 j . f oroett omg. 264 Starknear Sd. Main 3516. HAWTHORNE BUN AGLOW, opposite Ml Tabor park, reservoirs and near Franklin high school: 5 immense room, with space to finish- 4 mors upstairs. Lot 60x114, hard surfaced street garage, etc Will sell $1350 under actual cost Further particulars see owner, 410 E. 60th st. KENTON KENTON KENTON Just like an apartment, with 60x100 lot. 4 rooms and bath, furnace, linoleum and gas heater, gas range, disappearing bed In living room. J. A, Wickinan Co., 314 Stark St Main 683. WAGE EARNER! Homes to suit. your purse and taste at your price and terms. UOLDSCHUIDT'S AGENCY, 205 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. 400 CASH, (25 month. 92650; beautiful Hawthorne ave. bungalow, fireplace, book cases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cooler, oak floors; a good buy. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 North western Bank bldg. 40 ACRES of good agricultural land at Oyster ville, easy reach to Newport, summer resort and Yaquina bay. Ideal place to live. Great activity in this district Price only $500. W. H. Burley, 685 Irving Ht Mar. x3. 10 V ACRES fine soil, close to Vancouver shipyards, half mile from atraet car; gooa opportunity for ship workers. Call Tabor 7807. B-955, Journal BY OWNER,- 1 acre, Vancouver, 1H miles from shipyard. 3 blocks 8., P. 8. car shops; $2500. 260 Stout t. Portland. Mar shall 4220. CLOSE TO POBTLAND 2 acres. 6 room house, all cultl., fenced, close to electric line: snap $2100. $300 down. $15 per month. F. E. Seachrest. 248 Stark st CBOP. LOCATION: IN FAMOUS "EAGLE VAL LEY." BAKEK COUNTY (SFAK K1CHLANU) .uiim.i.v nr nut-coS KOR HEALTHFUL, PROFITABLE, DIVERSIFIED FARMING.) Va." A U I V" lllll 11'Hr M I 1 l"t II . .11 . flUK rJ-V Ai ww v ' " .T. e.T tVTV I'vvi-rn Fim Hr ii.iu.Mtn. ruri.. i i r r. w bli a n - - - - . " ... . iniiti SOFT WATEIt 200 WUKM STOCK FOlt IHKIIAT1U.. rsua e- " ai'HR (ITU WORTH flOO) ij ,!... - - ...... 1 a Td kd CROP. OR $83 IJitLLUL l wir, f iv-i, rnrniMMT 1,3 TO hm CASH. . .vr. i..av tVuih IN ACCOUNT IU ?v OHI1P.EU TO 8ELU ADDRESS OWNER. P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. IDEAL STOCK FARM PRICED BIGHT 163 acres. Washougal. Washington: 78 acres under plow. 40 acres timber and P"": acre good prune and other varieties, A I black soil, all fenced. S wire; 4 miles to " t. pct office. church. 1 mile to school; B, F. D. 27 miles to Portland: loU of spring. 1 reek, 1 well, 2 -story 8 room bouse, partly plastered. 2 big bum, chicken house, milk ho use. aynng water running through. If looking for a stock opportunity this can t be beaten. Price $14,000. $7000 cash, balance 5 year. 8 per cent Watch our ads. We get result. A. G. BENDER. BITTER. LOWE Ac CO , 208-5-7 Board of Trade ' TOR W A I. It TAW MB , ' It SAMPLES OP FARM PROPERTY FOB ivLX BT THOMPSON 8 WAN, tih and Mais St. Vancouver. Waah. 18-ACBE PRUNE ORCHARD ' Situated milea from tntetatate bndea. overlook log Coraaabta. tvwr. large rvune tWv, bam, 7 room how, etty wmtee- Fine erow esi this place this year If yow are lookiac feeu good Inveetaaeot both a boas and spatarteai do not fatt te see this prerwvty. Price 7800. DAIRY BANCH . ltl craa, about IS under plow, attout 2 aerea mora that can be plowed. Bal ace tu ea eefWnt pasture, wstetwd by atreasa. fasaQy orchard In fuU bearing, t rooae bouae oarry. all - entbwildiBaww. dairy barn 80sT0. are silo: 1 mile frosa good Colombia riser town, rnwA tnanHuln. 3ft carwa. all rural advantages, IS aukva frawa Vaaor Te gwther with 36 eeava, three year old helfste. four a-ywar-oMa, 1 bull, ft nana awrasa. 1 avoga. S doaen ehiekana. S set hamesa. 2 wegons, 3 plows, 3 horsee, S cultivators, avlaaaat new sen . H . .li utn aUk eens. and cooler, sman too'la Price 29.0OO. Half eaah. Thia la one of the vary beat dairies ou the Columbia river. nivvRirrr.r farm 110 aerea. 80 aeraa under eultHatloa. slt- natarf a aailaa f nw, rlTaa ami railroad tOWB In thLFkle mmnA loralirv. rkiaa to acbooi aau church, good room howae. stone dairy, barn oOiKH vntb suo and au otner nirary mi building. Personal property consists of thrss horse. 10 eowa. 2 waaon. hack, binder, mower rake, harrow, nlerwa. dise. drill, gasoline en gine and feed grinder, ensilage cutter and ether small tool. Place all under crop, which t In cluded In the very low price of $11,600. fteovv raab. balance can stand S te 5 year. HOW would you like to own one of the very best farms in Oregon? There are better Im provement on some farm, but no better laud In the atate: 20 miles from Poctland. in Wash ington county. 2 Vt mikr from HUkboro, on rock road, phone, mail and milk route; 92 acre. 66 cultivated and mostly in crop. 10 good timber. 15 creek bottom, part be Tenia ai and in cultivation; fences are good, splendid well and running water; house Is fair. fine, large barn, good (tables fur bones and eowa, gran ary, implement shed and chicken house; 4 horses. 11 good eowa. 8 heifer. 60 hens: milk check averaged $200 a month all winter; 2 as cods, 2 set harness, new hack, mower, rake, drill, plow, harrow, milk cans and all farm tool. Price for all. 17.000. Good term, no trada. If you want a cheap farm cheap, doa't bather with this. If you want a lint ciaas farm at a reasonable price, look this up. Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg. 127 ACRES 1 mile to railroad poatoffire and school. 80 mile from Portland up the Colum bia on North Bank railroad, at Home Valley, Wash. Good stock or dairy, outrange. IS aerea cleared, OO In pasture, mostly seeded; gooa barn, bar nark, room for 20 bead of stock common house, spring piped to house and barn; good family orchard: water to irrigate S or 6 acres if needed. This land lies rolling and ia very fertile; soma beaverdam land; mortgage 1500 In farm loan bank. Interest a per cent. runs S3 years. This property was appraised at 4 0OO by the farm loan anpraiaera. price. In- luding good . mare and colt, wagon, harness. mowing machine, other small tool, 38 per acre; glOOO will handle this; terms ou bal ance. Possession given sir' once. This is on coun ty road, mile to state road: reason for sell ing am unable to work. A. B. Hutchison. Horns si ley, mud. FOB SAL'STABUS II Paying rStocic Ranch- Away . : Down SOT acres in one of the oast stack districts In Grant seuaty. Ovagwn. ltft aerea beatean laaat, aU raltireted, asoKry tlsaothy. Beloosa ateeea- aary. awt can irrigate wben flilraj. Balance beat bunch gnass pasture feared tut 8 field. Weil w terra ana oaa rs ne range, IHy asaU. near gtiamsri. school, stare, rtc Fair betU taga,' Price $12.6U0, $7SOO saeh. bal. 6. Akaa put ta following peraoael: hoeara. 40 call am. run sat msrkmsry. stacking outfit, ceaa Plata blacksmith snap, etc Owner Imaaeiauy bis te twUre, aad offer you Uua sure avians te wealth at very attract! r price. Hargrove Realty Co. 112 W. 8th at Broadway 431. rvOVESTEAT)! HOHtATtAD locsuW One aaM each. Bet ram Ma, pnoae Kaat 2. 4t Jiff. f mOm (rasa Ce TIMBKB CLOSE TO PORTLAND la rich Taalatni vJiy: aa eacwasiioaaUy ftae farm af 116 acres; boy have same is war; full svmipsaeat ho rasa. caws, yweng stork. 200 "hirkeaa. binder, asower. rake, drill and all other aaachiaeryi aerea, hhrbly raitl rated; timber far tnel. balance la paatura; fend bea very well; part boUoaa, part upland; creta aU aa. firat class farm house, lare bar: eU bos eod and Bubrk auto go; $188 aa acre. arme as deairabia a thai sad a ctoae-ta aaualry for $2 WO an acre care. Seemg wlU con vince yon. D. McChesney. 3 Chamber of tomnvrree bklg. Main 71tl2. ATTENTION ! I SAWMIU. MEN. GBEAT BABOAIN. so vrnxioN fitet bed and white FIR I LITTLE CEDAR). ACRES lltOS ACRE FIN K BVLL FOB STOCK BANCH). WANT OFFER ON WHOLE. LIBERAL TERMS. OB. WANT SAWMLI. TO tlT O STlMPAGrl BENTON ttI"NTY, BKAB KING VAIXET AND BLODGKTT B. B. SEE OB ADDKEH8 OREGON BOND ek MOBTGAUB tH, 0 BELLING BLDG. THREE sasall tracts 4 nth' Ue aa4 7w tuaber aaar NaU and Eiaaira, aa 8. P. By. 8U timber atona ar nun kaad Iswladwd, H. A. Cat. MuWaasaib. Or. 8'Ar FO& t'AAU 0 aerea encase pitta aad Ue timber. S mOea from R R. Crwa 3.SO.0w ft $84t Addrva Boa 24. Blarndaa. Or. FOB RALE tO.irOa ran. sawaull. la peofHahle I ocarratMa. a thrtrtaat tost a asar Pwnlaaat Better aee tt UK. Bayuaaru. 413 Fsai.a SMAL1. luaT TO FABM BUYERS. To you farm seeker of buying mind. We will tell you where to go end tind. Just such a farm you want to buy. But of which moat realtor ara hy. Come to N. W. Bank bldg. to ninth floor. For your own good, don't pass our door. But walk right in. you here will find. Farms, stocked and cqutpied. of every kind. That our prices are lowest of low. We are ready and willing to prove and show. We have farms and ranches of different sixes. Before buying ehewhere. get our prices. E. A. LINDGREN. SAVON LAND CO.. 935 N. W. Bank bldg HIGH CLASS SUBURBAN HOME. Thia beautiful view home site. )ut SO min ute irom 1". u. witn machine on Capitol biali way, overlooking beautiful Tualatin Valley and me mountaina; 28 acre of land, all in culti vation except one small patch of native tr. has beautiful 8 -room home new) . a good barn, nice young family orchard: a permanent spring located so you could create a fine trout mere. Renumber, this is a picture spot and the best land in the Willamette Valley. Thia property coat me 13.000. Am forced to leave the el ley and will sacrifice this property for $400 ptr acre, on term. G. A. Series. 404 North western Rank Bklg. (500 10 ACRE8; acre cleared: small house, running water. Call 222 W. Sumner. Phone Woodlawn 3488. 4 BEAUTIFUL cleared acre, city limits New berg. $1800. Call or write 1911 E. Irving st.. Portland. WEST SIDE IMPROVED ACREAGE, WATER, GAS. NEAR CAR. CHEAP; EASY. TERMS. DUBOIS. 728 CHAMBEB OF COMMERCE. CRANBERRY bog partly improved, small house, splendid location, near town in producing dia- trict; sell orVxchsngc. N-748. Journal. 1 1 miles out ou Base FOR SALE 9.3 acres, Line road. 2 block to 2 carline. Mar. 321. 288 W. 17th st CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN ranches near Portland: S. 8. 10 acre tracts.- $65 to S200 per sere. McFarland. AOS Yeon bids., Portland. SUBURBAN ACREAGE f8 80TH AND E. COUCH $2000; $250 CASH: SNAP 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. '35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. $50 cash, $20 month, $2250; 6 room house. lota of bearing fruit trees, berries, grapes, cur rants, roes. flowers, lot 100x100; fine gar den soiL You can buy it like rent Johnson- Dodson Co., 634 Northwestern Bank bldg. $1900 FIXE. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGA- LOW; NEAR ALBEBTA CAR; TERMS. DU BOIS, 723 CHAMBER COMMERCE. MAIN 1434. 5-BOOM bungalow, nearly new; 50x100 lot: in Altamead: built-in conveniences, and a splen did buy at $1900. J. R. Wolff. 618 C. of C. bldg. $1650 NEAT 4 room cottage and bath, full basement; lot 50x100; plenty of fruit; East 30th and Bnrnside. The lot alone is worth the money. E. B. Holmes Co., Main 8051. i home see No. 845 - A nice little four 100 cash. tlO per IF YOU are looking for E. Stark st Monday, room cottage for $1150. month. (Owner). 2450 MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. CLOSE HAWTHOBNE AVENUE. J250 DOWN. DUBOIS, 723 CHAMBEB COMMERCE. $750 CASH $750 4 room modern bungalow, all built-in con veniences, full set plumbing. Terms on balance. Price $1600. Owner, 1141 E. 19th N. MONTAVILLA Full lot and old 5 room hou.e and outbuilding. Fine orchard and all kinds of berries. $650 cash. 202 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill sta. . BARGAIN- Modern 5-11. bungalow, elegant bath room, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, large lot. Rose City Park: cost $3500. only $2800. $803 cash. Call 824 E. 73d st N. A GKEAT bargain, more than 4 acres of land, higly improved, with house, barn and chicken house: all kinda of bearing fruit; a small creek running through the place; close to the station at Tigard: this place, i a snap for (3000. You can buy it with a small amount of cash and easy payments. M. . J.Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. A FINE suburban boms, 4 acres, highly im proved, at Jennings Lodge; all hjpnds of fruit and berries; will trade for modern bungalow. 200 acre homestead, house and outbuildings; nearly all fenced. 50 acres seeded to timothy and clover; will trade or sell cheap for cash; terms. 10 acres at Vancouver: trade and assume. Arnold, 620 Henry bldg. 8CAPPOOSK FARM RTOCKKQ 35.21 acres; 13 acres bottom land. 8 acres cultivation, 22 aerea level. 1 acre lashed, some outrange, nearly all fenced; -mile from railroad, 18 miles to Portland, near potoffice, church and school: R. F. D. and telephone: 4 springs snd 3 creeks: paved road; Al soil; smsll house, barn aox4U, tooinouse J sx-u. woou hed and chicken house: personal property, plow, cultivator, wagon, liarrow, all small tools, cream separator; four eowa, Jersey, Guernsey and Ayr shire, one horse. Price $4750. $2500 cash, balance, terms. Watch our ads. We get results. A. G. BENDER BITTER, LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. HIGHLY IMPROVED 110 ACRE TUALATIN RIVER BOTTOM FABM. AU in cultivation, and grain land: is tiled; prospect, for big yield, every foot the best of soil; family orchard; farm front on hard sur face road; water piped to good 7 room honse; big barn, t lawn and pasture; ran have electric lights; 20 mile from Portland, half mile from city of S000; 20 electric trains a day to Port land; fine auto road. Price S1H.700. good term. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman com pany. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bklg., 4th and Stark sts. MONEY MAKING FARM FROM START. 4 l acres, v-ao acre now in runiTtuun, it acres slashed, balance pasture and timber, about 1200 cords; on county rued; 2 creeks oo the place; new 6 room bouse, good large barn, 2 old houses for pigs and chickens, 9 young Jer sey cows, all milking; team of hones, wagons, harness, implements and tools; cream check $100 per month, l'nce $0000; best of term. Only 5 mile from Oregon City. E. A. LINDGBEN. SAVON LAND CXI.. 935 N. W. Bank bldg GOOD FARM BARGAIN mil Una oi tlwe near Hotbrooa. Akas aklUTajd alia sua Parker. 412 S Washlagten st SONS in army. aU,wdin 4... m"iL2 " TT'. "Tli VV"" roi'iraU.. anew. Jj, JZ. i tare, Hee Vf J? ra : -BaT buttons, osm third goad shot clay, one tMrd 1 WANT 40.000 aearnuil aad timber, a gaaag timber cruising aver AvoO eorda; 76 scree uadvr i prosmaitUMa. Ileal wnh ewaera aaly. M-78S. Plow. 80 acres pasture; large flowing stream: 1 Jarwal fmw atwina, mmttwr pipes! 18 BUWa. aaa HSra; ' llr stantial 10-rooas house, good barn 4x5: rreaaa. collect aailk dailx: mikt cilaaaia: aad acoooi. cburetoaa; great bargain. 1 ft, WOO. S cash. S. Marrow. I'hoenls I mm Hark, Pne. land. Or. 24 ACBE WnEAT BANCH CBOP AND AJlirlfc.vr .o AN ACBE. 4 30 aerea in rattirafinai Ion t 60 acres summer (allow ; T5 arras pasture, good water, saiail hnasa. located in rood art ma oi Eastern Oregon wheat belt: StftOO cash, baj- BO croo root See Haas Mw af X I. Hartman company. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg . 4th and Stark t WANT St.utHI euutftped asarrauag ana mill, la- rtuding timber. Ileal wtth owners aaly. ly. 846. Journal. illVT to lei c-ontrart to rot luaalver furnath mill aad Iocs, bklg. f7a Bayaaare. 413 Few tan 5 ACRES Bear Silverhm. 18 arrea caluvawd; dark loam aofl: 1 a imw- it Haa B. F. D. aad cream route; 2 miles to B. B. aaa scnoot; wru and Bitflag water. I bouse, barn and outbuilding. Place is wiia wire: i a. orchard-, a anea i . t calf, 2 yearllnga. farm Imi.amJit, .iin- ugnu in Douse. Prieu S4600 la-S RALPH ACKLEY IJtND CO. i 210 Rot be hi Id b Id I "OB a few days looger'l have the option on 880 """a ocasaiy wneat ranch at $40 per! i 10 go ia war. t lose to It ' EXCHANGE BKAL ESTATE 1$ QUICK -EASY-MONEY. 280 ACBES. GRAIN BANCH. FALL SEEDED (BUMPEB CBOP IN HUiHT). NO BUILDINGS. OA 8 II TALIS 20.O0O. MTG. $0VO. ICAN RENEW $7Mo. LONG TIME). MAKE OFFER Ft IK EQUITY $I1.(H0). TU AVOID IXHg tip OTHER PROPERTY WILL "ELL OB TBADB FA) I IT Y XU HALF VALUE $aftOI CASH. LIBERTY BON DM. MKHCHANDIK OR ClTl? PRtlptRTT AND AM8UMK. 8EK TUTS; A,ABGj,IX- MAKK OFr'EB- CALli INCLUDES 1 OF CROP.) LOCATION SPLENDID. NEAR B. B, CREEK. HK.H WAY. ETC. LANK COUNTY. AIKKKM W. F. EPINGEB. P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. HIGH CLASS CBAIX BANCH acre. R S00 la aummer fallow wheat will make f a au au. per acre. wrtnin B month eaah will handle water. ' fitheTrt .." i v I "i"Vfc I'H... -.. ETC. er acre. Irernt crop will aril j J ttumi v far 15.000 at least. $00 i I IE tXIC VT Y1 7 ACBES. ABOUT 550 IN CBOP (OATS ll Jl NCTION CITY iJkYS FINE roht TiBatM. THhOl GH TUB PLACE. Moore. S17 Board of Trade. a v , . a YEARS CROP. AT 81 fin ai-uv u . , A FINE COUNT BT HOME. j CAHH PAYMENT. BALANCE LONO TIME 0 acre, first-elaaa building, en-hard 200 j CX'fDEB STOCK MERCHANDISE (WITH FOB trees, atrictly modern house, furnace, hot and ! LITTLE CASH) OR HALF TBAHiE cold water, all conveaiencea. garage, fine large barn, water piped In; land firt-claaa; stream borders place; 6 acres In cultivation and pea tnre. balance Umber; milea to Oregon City, on cream route. B. F. D. ; phone ia; all stork and farm took. At 200 per acre. Take good, desirable city property. JX-67I. Journal. 71 ACRES. 4H milea from Foreat Grove oa r"'" ' .rHETI. TH18 IS POSI- iliiins-an"" rM,V- Sl'BMfT OFFER. 1 0 acres aaar rock barn. wheat 6 aerea in oat. 7 arras vetch. baL clover, j I acres line prune ore nam. fine norae. Jersey cow, all Term tools aad machiaery to barn and spring nap Pnce M60O cash. baL to suit. FOB SALE 210 a. farm a mile from Corval- j SMALL FABM FOB h6U8ET llbe lTon. 1 lai.aeevad. practically alj cultivated, part la r lever: a fiaa road. 43 aerea la ml., new house, new i no farm; price. $00; trade for aosase u te 25 acres bottom land. 23 acre In fine I '"U value. t.UEDPEMANN COM PANT. IS Chamber of Commerce. aad anachiaery: waser prpwd 10 ACRES at Raed rilaT God i" roo to pipe U. bos; this to a ! S chicken luwnsm. bam. good wallTi ?,.'r. "Ti',n- 0' j -t of soU. Trsde. c vrtU saaTT bi . 41 1 Henry bklg J ra B aale, and store; 130 a. cultivatioa. balance place apea and timber, pasture : about 40 acres good 7 roam house, barn, aew silo, mall cottage aad other outbuilding. piped to bouse and barn, hi through place; here's your chance to buy a well located farm at the ngbt price. Write for full information. Bog 86. Corvalli. Or. 20 ACRES GRAIN OR STOCK RANCH rooea bouse aad 2 lota to trade for faraa. ARNOLD. 620 Henry bid fir timber; 1$0 ACRES la ad. Mar Waaaougai witJTT raaary. j 000 ft. timber. Furnish cruks. $27l' ""''' i t Csn take clear property ia $2000. bal m running or terms, 81. 10 miles eat of Madras Or., oa county road. 44 tt acres of land, 23 acres under cultiva- 2 amall bouses, barn. 2 sella. 2 spring. 278 Beautiful Acres $700 Each Streets graded, water piped, close to 2 elec tric lines, auto road. Easy terms. Worth double price asked. J. BRI CK GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. 2 ACRE snap on the Pacific highway, between Multnomah station and Tigardville; command ing a fine view of Tualatin valley: best of soil, aU in cultivstion; fair buildings. E. B. Holmes Co. Msin 8051. 5 ACRES, adjoining Capitol Hill, with a good house and hind nicely improved, at a paei tive sacrifice. Inquire about this, M. J. Clo heasf7415 Abington bldg. 20 ACRES. 6 milea from city limits of Port land, S. E. ; unimproved: about 300 cord of wood on place. Price, $1000, term. U-601, Journal. BEAUTIFUL 6 room cottage, west side, well located, H block to car line. Price $3000, $200 cash, bal. $25 per month. 248 Stark st. C. W. Harringer, phone Main' 2558. FUBNISHED HOUSE ALBERTA Six rooms, cement basement and walks, nrett electric fixtures, gas, well painted. All rooms newly tinted, everything in fine condi tion. Pries $2600: $500 down. $20 a month. Mr. Thomas, 832 Chamber of Commerce Htdg. Msin 7102. ONE of the best snd most attractive bun? low in the city, garage, quarter . block, right up to the minute. Mr Moore, owner. Main 8667. MODERN 6 liouse, attractive neighbor hood; doss in. on main thoroughfare; $3400. part cash. Phone Tabor 2494. I HERE'S A SNAP , -. Widow will sacrifice home. 6 room cottage i n. i-orrisiKi, near smiiysrd. I'hona Mar. 881 room go ft $2500 MISSISSIPPI. 7 ROOMS Thia is a neat home, inside and out well located, sightly lot, beautiful flowers snd shrub bery: streets improved and paid; price $2500; " sown, naiance easy. Mr. Thomas. 332 Main 7102. . WEST SlflK Kvm VSaa Mwtm tfnS In, 1 iv. , I Chamber of Commerce Bide I ruainees center: a.o: isellan es rarkhlll 219 l $3650 ROSE CITY $3650 I l.nmoermens nmg.. am snd Otarkv -I 4 2d and Sandy. No better location. Com . WEST SIDE ansp. r $3250, term. 9 room I rlete with all conveniences, large room. Bank tkltPK. corner, on Varehn at TM. ,hn..l.l I loreclosure, V-IOOO cash. Worth Xa.inn I sell quick. Netihansen A Co., N. W. Bank bMg. I G. C. liOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. I BARGAIN on 5 room ..w.ri t. ., i.t' 1 at PortUnd." Main 4803. A. . - - - " rr I ruit and rose. By owner. Call Sundays or evening, mil wwtn st.- w. t; i ACRE ground. 6 room bungalow, fruit, liaw thorn Hne. Take small house as part Owner. k K-744. Journal. VOn SALE 5 room bungs low in Albina. I - Walking distance. Price $1700. Easy ternu. an I .urn ner r.t. mi. Main apos. FOR SALE, by oWner, fine modern home, with garage, in choicest Irvine too location. Phone 1 F.S't 711 or call 450 E. 22d N. ACRE for sale cheap. 3 room bouse, water, chicken yard and 14 fruit trees on property. F-ast 6077. ' ," fBYINGTO house, 8 rooms snd sleeping , . porch. Improvement all In, paid, fins home. . Term right Write Jamison. 682 Main st ' "MODERN . room bungalow. . best buy in Brooklyn. 2 block ea-t of Sell wood car. 735 ". K. 14th st . - I 8 BOOM modern house, 60x100. block from ! B. C. car at 72d. $1500 rash. btl. $750 . mtg,, . due In 192Q. H-909. Journa,!. ! 3 BOOM dandy bungalow, fireplace; .large lot; i - price $1000, $100 down, balance $15 a w"wth', K- 809 Corhett bldg. ,' tlJlOO-BLOCK ROSE CITY PARK CARLINE Nice, modern 4 room ; bungalow; terms. ' Hurry I ' Tabor 8559. - t 2500 KILL1NGSWORTH AVE. Originally had morUr.g on same for $2250 Now sell for $2500. $1000 cash. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington bldg. "35 Years In Portland." Main 4R03. o.e. BlAitK from Hawthorne ave., a good 7-room house with lot 50x100 feet between 14 th and 15th streets. Thia property is cheap cuuuau u no wants it tor 83800; M. 3. CLOHESSY. 415 Abington. con n - l.r. a room mortem him.. u 75x100; fruit trees snd berries. 2tt blocks from St Johns car. bet Mears and Olvmnia on oregonian ave.. E. St Johns. Phone Co- umnia vol. FINE tot with 8 room shack on good location, for sale. Call Woodlawn 175S. GOOD- 8 room house iu Irvingtou. Close in. Price 760. F-787. Journsl. JB-VINGTON. well built modern 7 room house. Urgain. East 28SS. ONLY J2800 Do you want to make 50O in fi. t Se 97 E. 18th N, Irrington car to Prescott v.wner win explain, tmen Sunday afternoon. " awn nouse. plenty of ground space, with some fruit: cement walk, tr Near carline. Part terms. CaU Tabor 2165 on ouiius7 a. in. laoor i i. ALMOST hew 4 room modern bungalow, 1 block ak hoot car. amnu. Easy terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. 212 Lumbermen bldg. M)I)ERN 6 room house, all conveniences, 2 uiocaa irom canine, sooo. 8100 down wr mourn, oi t vnamber of Com merce. Mar. 2432. C t l l- M t net , ... . Cement basement, 3 lot, fruit trees, berries' ATI IU W M.Vnrafl- MO olita jm A Ck a aS, ya, aw , . . . '"'" i erms. reuhau sen ft.. Co., 838 N. W. Bank bldg 7 BOOMS modern. 100x200. beautiful home anM., VUlm Of. AaOOr OiOO, - FOB SALE Rosa City Park, modern 6 room bungalow, nardwooa noon throughout and: a garage; on car line. 445 E. 4 2d st N. BELOW HALF PRICE FOR CASH 2 tt blocks to S carline. 7 rooms, nearly modern, 48x115, gizau. Tabor 2034. MODERN 5 room bungalow, or 6 room dandy house for sale at Bargain. woodlawn 434. LIKE paying rent 425 month 6 room good house. 28th and Clackamas. East 1843. A BEAUTIFUL lilQe home and 1 acre; excep- tional bargain. (11 30, terms. East 1843 S ROOMS and bath, etc.. (1500, good terms. good district Kaoor gnat. FOB SALE LOTS 18 ONE HALF ACRE FOB $1250. He CARLINE Bia-ht near good school, facing on Improved street just few blocks from car; one half acre ground, bouse, barn, outnuiiaings, lots fruit Price only $1250. HARGROVE BEAUTY CO. 122 North Oth st Phone Broadway 4381. FOR 8A1.K Lot 29 and 30. block 4. Ports mouth Villa extended. House and fruit trees. 550 cash. Write JOHN R. CLARK. TIT N. B St.. Aberdeen. Wash, SUBURBAN HOMES 7 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN 33 ACBE HOME City water, electric lights, gas, phone, modern 9 room house, barn, other outbuildings, in fine condition, the best of soil, all in cultivation, splendid orchard, part in city limits of a thriv ing town of SO0O: only I'O miles Irom fort- land, with 20 electric train a day to city; fine auto road. Sea photos at office. Price 16,000. See Sam Hewey at J. L- HAKTXAM CO.. .No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208 A-2050. 3600 ACBE EQUIPPED STOCK BANCH (10 AN ACRE 200 acres in cultivstion. 80 seres alfalfa, balance good pasture. 400 acres open pine tim ber, extra well watered; 2 creek, number of springs, good buildings, water m house. Per sonal. 15 good horses, wagons, harness, com plete 'act at farm implements; an Meal stock ranch, away below it real value; located in Gilliam county. Or. Part cash, term on bal ance 6 per cent See Sam Hewey st J. L. Hartman comjany, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. Msin 208. A-2050. 63 ACBE DAIRY RANCH INCOME ABOUT 1800 A YEAR ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY Quarter mile from R. B. station, south of Portland; 60 seres in crop, clover, vetch, oats, fine soil, no rocks; level bottom land, creek on farm; 7 room liouse, in nice oak grove; big barn; other outbuildings, in good condition; fine well, family orchard: 10 good cows, big team of horses. s!l farm Implements, 150 chickens. Price $7500, part cash; terms on balance. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman company. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4 th and 8tark sts. Msin 208. A-2050. 20 ACBES 9 MILES OUT Not a prettier lying tract in Oregon, nor a better piece of land, located 9 milea east from the city limits of Portland. All In a high state of cultivation. Good 7 room bouse, barn, out buildings. Jots fruit and Berries. Personal: Very line i earn, a cow, wagon, nacg. ouggy, cmckena. Dinaer and au tarm implements; price 15000 tt cash. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 North 6th at Broadway 4381 WHY CLEAR LAND WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE BEST TUALATIN RIVER BOTTOM LAND AU. IN CULTIVATION AND IN GRAIN FOR $150 AN ACRE? Only 20 mile from Portland. 1 tt mile from city of 8000; 20 electric trains a day to I'ort Jand; fine auto road; can sell from 40 to 300 seres to suit purchaser; good terms See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman company. No. 7 Cham ber or tommerce bldg., 4th and Stark st. tion and in crop, car building close to place, school, church and (tore about S blocks from place, fine road, team, harnew. wagon, buggy, mower, disc, plows, barrow and numerous other tools, cream separator, 4 eowa, about loo chick ens. Price $0000. Terms $3300 cash, bal ance lung time. WILLIAMS KEALTT CO. Grays Crossing. Tsbor 4934. 000 ACRE stock farm in well developed ac tion of Willsmetle valley. 4 tt milea from good town, 3 mile Irom railroad, on good auto road, school at corner of place, all good soil. 700 acres tillable. Soo cultivated and aeoetly in crop, some fin timber, lot of good pasture. ell fenced and watered; very good buiM- Ings, good orchard, well stocked and equipped with at least $10,000 worth of personal goaa with place. Price lor all $6w,000. tali or write for full particulars. Neal Brown, 207 Panama Bldg. 50 ACRES 25 in wheat, oats, potatoes and corn. 25 in good timber, near aaatmll. 4 -room house, good barn. Price $3300; giooo rssn. DSL terms. 29 ACRES 6 acres In wheat and other crop, balance un cleared. 5-room bouse, barn 24x32. Price $1500; $750 cash. baL term. DILLMAN A HOWLASD. 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. acres ready to plow. HO acre la cultivatioa; all fenced; in well settled community. Will con sider a small farm or good Portland property in trade. Prk-e $15 per acre. E. A LIXDGHKN. SXVON LAND CXI. 015 N. W. Bank bldg XEWBEUGI'ARM FOR EXCHAM.E 180 aerea, about 70 aerea In crop, balance timber and open pasture; fine never failing stream and several spring; 6 room house, barn and outbuildings; on good gravel rued; milk route and K. F. D. Price $16,000; easy term, or will trade for rity income. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 210 Bothcwld bldg. 187 ACBES Bear Astoria. $4 Soo. $w A, ia cult. SO A. alaahed. soma 20 years ago; 4 seres of orchard, poor buildings, three mDa Irom railroad. 13 miles from Astoria. miick cow. 1 heifer. 2 yearling heifers. 1 buu. a boras. 1 young sow, wsgua, plow, eic; unlimited outrange. This is the biggest soap ka the coast country. Photos at office as Frsd W. 7S2 V German Co.. 1MB, of Com. WOLFF, 818 C. of C bMg. MEAT market la toe a af 3000. aaar Port land. doing $0 te (10 per day. Also T room aaodera bouae. large lot $Soow for bath, or will arU separately, or etrhange for Port kind property ar ranch. ? Lumber Ex. STOCK BANCH 1080 arreaTgoodlleanra. build. inga. paid ap water right for SOO acre. ao aerea raa be cultivated: lots of owlrange. Lo cated cloae to transportation. Price 20.0w0. Owner. John Ferguson. gpw Cerlinger bklg. A8 A I" 1 $ acre on dun Uro W aanT: sell or trade for PorUaad property, good room bouse, outbuildings: $ arrwa cleared. 20 baanag fruit tre-s. berrua. particular. Main 1691. or Tabor 691$ $$ Taylor at. U!r JT.U J ,r1 st onre. su arras R heal 11 Co.. Wash., Portland lot 2 Seaside. Or. Iota, all clear; will aeU right ar trade for Michigan rjjoperty I caa aaa. U. A. Johnaoa. Edgeita, FOU EXCHANGE Two 4 re.aa ' a pen axe U and neat 4 room eottag oo auxlOu. value, including furniture, all ranted $$$ aaa. Income. Trada for small farm or bouse la city. 4 08 WwetUnd bldg. CLEAR, nice dwelling hou. brae lot, good garden. Vaacouvev. Waah, Exchange (or country ntara near Porilaarf T -r aa I HoOaaaa are., Portland. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE A 6 tt acre poultry farm, well Improved, one mu irom iraw- fordaville. Or. 6 tt acres unimproved near Portland. Four lot in Portland. Or. 160 acres improved farm la Valley county, Nebraska. What hava you to offer Write owner for tortirular. Wm. Krall. Crawforda- ville, linn county, Oregon. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED-FARM. 235 acres in Willamette valley, near station; 125 in cultivation, balance oak timber: good anil; new 8 room liouse, barn, silo and other build ings: all stock snd machinery included. Price. 15.000; take some trade. I.UEDDEMANN COMPANT. 91S Chamber of Commerce. 240-ACRE WHEAT EAR VI tlROO 240 acres, 4 miles from North Bank road; , 1$0 ACRES. 146 la cultivatioa fl " good bulldlnga. with wster piped to them; 200, buildings. 6 room bou with water aystesal seres in grain lair goes) ; ii nog ano "im . stocked and squh-ped; $785; will arc! trade machinery; everything for 83800; n takea town , at right value, timmeraaan. til Board of Trade, caisn. nuinca noriasir, uies ,nr ever Ducrati. I.UEDDEMANN COMPANT. 918 Chamber of Commerce. !4 ACRES. A REAL BARGAIN OF 1 Only half mils from Harrisburg. Or., on coun ty road: 120 acre uader cultivatioa: fenced, cross fenced snd the very beat of soil. I on shier smsll Portland house aa part payateat Price 190 per acre. E. A. LINDGBEN. SAVON LAND CXI. 9(5 N. W. Bank bldg. 72 ACBES WITH STfH K (7300. 12 cows, young stork: good heavy team. all 21 ACRES with 14 aerea la bearing eomaaeraiol archard; esrhaage for city property: akas 29 acre ra eigbt of PorUsad; aaMnprovad; la ex ebange. ti. L Webb. 41 F. Stark st, THal.l.- HUifl V 1-T h,r. 2 lots 12 mta. from Mt. arott car Price 2500. for unproved senega or farm. WlU aa susao. P-4.16, Joarnsl WII,L take good lot or aaaali hern la good dial trw-t aa art paynaeat oa aaodera 8 rooea hou-e wtth sleeping porch, furnace, tar ajar, cloae In. A real home Pboae owner. Kaac 141k. kind bnidemeuts; land hea rift ngbt to farm; ' fcX'HAN.K honse aad lot rented at S18 fh I crota look fine; good 3 room house, new barn. ' nrtlt (or 1910 Ford or Chevrolet Sunder family truit. 1 tt mikae to town, good neigh- morning at property, asi Marion at ar waua bora; term, are good. il. Met. besney. t2 - ev-nnrta. u nta at. Cnamber of Commerce bldg. FOR 8ALE OB TBADE 10 sere apple orchard, near White Salmon. Wash. 5 aerea with 6 year eld tree. Sottaen berg and Newtown. Community interest In tools and house. A bargain at 85000. Will take Southern California property in trade. F. F. Carpenter. 1'aaadena. Cat $20 DOWN. 10 MONTH. Buys 40 aerea of lofted off land, located be tween Portland and Centralis. 1 tt (Silas from main line of S railroads; fine for dairy or chicken ranch; plenty of outrange: price $30 an acta. BELL BEAL MTATE CO.. 318 Bailway Exchange Max, ACRE and new modern 8 -room bungalow; full basement fireplace. Dutch kitchen, built- in buffet and book cases; small barn and chicken house; all nicely fenced and in high state of cul tivation: garden planted:- young family orcnara; plenty of small fruit, roses and shrubbery, near school, church, atltion and paved road: 25 min utes' ride on Oregon Electric and only 9e fare. Must sell quick: am leaving. L. R. MINOR. Metxger. Or., Owner. WHO want an up-to-date 6 room bungalow with 1-3 acre of land aU in garden? Thia bunga low ia located on the Capitol highway, a paved street all the way into the city; it t good value for $3500. Who wants it for $2850? $500 cash, balance monthly paymenta. M. J. Clohessy, 4 15 Abington bldg. . FOR SALE Suburban home, Oregdn City line, near Gladstone; 3 acres, nearly all In cultiva tion; good black soil: 23 bearing fruit trees; sll kinds of berries; 6 room cottage and good outside buildings; 6 minutea' walk from Here ford st Inquire. C. J. Johnson. $850 E. 26th, near Clinton, full lot on car line, all improvements in. and paid for. Ore gon Inv. A Mt Co., 202 Stock Exch. bldg.. 3d and Temniu.- jaar. 80x120 LOT, improved. . Meal building site. - Young fruit tree and small fruit Maplewood (Portland suburb), on Oregon! Electric Good buy. Mrs. C. B. Greisen. Maplewood. Or. FOB SALE :Lota89 and 40. block 3. Gregory Heights. wargowsay, ue iron ., nir- rison hotel. 1 tViti RAI.E Lot 8. block 72. Irvington Park, $400. Phone owner. Tabor 6909. evenings or Bundsys. 1911 E. NICE lota, 60x100. $260 caalu, Irvine st. M. V. car. FOR SALE -Chotre La lire. hurst lot. or trade for acreage, lwao. journal. FOUR Iota on'carhne togathef or separate. (325 -each, East zwim. , , . 20 MINUTES from Northwest Steel shipyard. 1 acre in fruit and berries, 6 room house. 1 block to car. Dandy place for man with fam ily. Good terms to responsible party. Apply Westwood, Barstnsv station, Oregon rjecine. FOR SALE By owner, attractive 5-room mod ern bungalow, with all ctty convenience; acre land on the main street between ear tine and river. tt hour ride to p. -O. of Portland. O. Nelson. Oak Grove, Sundays or evening. BEAUTIFUL country home, terrible low price avefl thia week: new buildings, pa vert road. 40 mtnntea from down town: S block to car; run ning stream, fine spring, nice shade; 8 acres or more. Owner, 218 Alisky bldg. SOME great bargain In modern up-lo-date homes with 1 tt acre and 2 aerea of land on paved streets, near the carline at Oak Grove. Inquire about thsae place. M. J. Clohessy. 418 Abing ton bid. FOB BENT Smsll country place, about five acres, house, chicken bouse, big barn, is milea out on 8. P. electric, near Oswego lake. Call A. Carter, Tel. B. 1S1. Waluen. or. WE have several choice suburban home for sale at very attractive prices. M. Billings, 609 McKay bldg. . FOR SALE ar rent, house, partly furnished. Acre garden and fruit Grrahara. B. A, Box 120. Pleasant Home. FOR S A LE -A t Tak s Grove on Boonea Ferry road, corner acre. 8 room rustle house; lights. water, jr-ibo, Journal. - . . 117 ACRES. NEAR SALEM $N0u6 40 aerea. cultivated. 58 acre level, dark Inam soil, nearly all bottom land; watered by well and river. S miles to B. B. station, half miles to school; 4 horses, 11 cows, 60 chickens, tt room house, barn 40x70 teet, outbuildings. Place is sll fenced, 2 tt acres bearing orchard : farm implements. 69-8 KALPH ACKLET LAND CO.. 210 Botbchlld bklg. GOING FARM NEAR 8ALEMI 87 acres. S9000: 10 head registered Jersey eowa; all other stock and Implements; most of the land under cultivatioa. balance good pas ture; some eaah. kmc time on the balance. Main 9313. CHARLES L WHEELEB CO.. 617 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $50OO WORTH MOKE r .,va, ui lis tum.iiwu, lau uiws, nin, well and fenced; 1 mile from a good Wil lamette valley town, 7 milea from Portland; rented; 1-3 of crop goes with the farm. E. A. LINDGHEN. BATON f AND CO., 9S5 N. W. Bank bldg. 40 ACBES of good soil, rock road, near Mo lalla ; about 25 acres In cultlvatnn and crop, 1-8 of crop goes wtth place, all tillable; httle Umber; (2000 take it; term. J. B. WOLFF. 618 Cham, of Com, bldg. 12,000 ACRES, several thousand tillsble; all klmia of watjir 111 mILa f ......... kniMiu. miles good road to railroad Pnce tie per acre. $12,000- cash, balance 10 years at' 8 per cent Zimmerman. 811 Board of Trade. GOOD farm (or sale. I K., nwt r. for sale, good prospect for crop; some ranches stocked with cattle. Write now if you want a ranch or farm to G. J. BibeHn. real estate dealer. Mitchell. Wheeler Co., Oregon. STOCKMAN'S PARADISE. 2000 acraa, upper Columbia valley. Stt i1'" 'r"'?,;,S2 foot waterfall; 75 per eeat tillable lend: 804) acres practically clear; grow anything; .heavy pea Tine and wild gre; 10 mile to R- R town: fine golf link; $8 per acre, terms. Zim mermsn A Co.. Sll Board of Trade. 40 ACHES. 80 irrigated. SO alfalfa, bslano. i. .ii ,nl- Wutldtn: 7 miles to tcVn. good roads: price S5OO0. $1000 cash, balance ton. time at 6 per cent Zimmerman. Sll Board of Trade. lStt ACRES Umbert cherry orchard. H yean old; good house, barn snd farm tools; 10 atand bees- all first class condition: tt anil tesUorTn Marion count,: aril cOworr. C W M ea d . 32 E M adlsoa at-. Portland. Or FARM FOR SALE 154 A close to Sheridan. 75 A. cultl. House, barn. well, spring, some timber. aH good land: snap st 835 per acre; terms. F. E. Seecbrest. 24 8 Btarkst $850 4 tt' acre, fronts oa bay. 1 mile from w w mnm furnished houar. barn. chicken house and run all fenced, plenty of naatura for .row; 6 minute from poatoffiee snd boat wharf. Owner. 271 Market st FOR SALE 20 seres near Portland. Im proved. $4000; will take good 7 -passenger esr lor sll or part of any $2000 equity. V ISO Journal. $10 PER ACRE. 30 milea from Port la ad. near town, river and good roads; no stump land. 820 160 timber. 100 open. Term. Owner. ' o- JnurnaL 40 (ACRE diversified Oregon farm. 13 acre fall a nreharfl KlectriCTir UI BOWSe anlendid' roads; markets: school. Price (2300; half cash. B-718. Journal. EQUIPPED atock raacb. 60 mile southeast of Portland. Ilisv. wro in,"" " ma TO beef cattle. Land. (28. T Owner. I87 , Journal. 7 aeo ranch. 8 acres cleared. 80O0 wood. 1 tt rafle to station. 1 8 miles Port land; price 876WO. Will take Liberty bond. Owner. 1298 Hood St.. Portland 240 ACBES. J65 In cultivatioa. 69 free irriaa- tkm. 28 prunes: good building, good roads, stocked, equipped: bargain price. Zlmaaeraaaa. Sll Board of Trade. Main 712 ' 4 BOOM bouse, eleeplaa porch, bath, bsi.saiat. garage, for sale or esrbeage for 10 arras n ruiuvarma near rortland. Win au irun ai-.oo To rhrla eaaawle Wadlliutna I! 1 In cultivatioa cultivatioa around the stauu. family orchard ! wner. 7635 Foster road. S years old. 5 room bouse, large barn, root ' SHEEP ranch. 600 acres, (or aaaali aiare- cawavT house, chicken bouse; 85VO cash. 2ww yearly. try hardware; residence property eg waat hava lty work hi i vlrialty. Fred W. Garaaaa'your i.rve fail dJTflr-t MteV I Co.. 73 Chaaa. of Corn. ,or. Tt 1. Mox 06. RiwwaartlW Or 10 ACHES. NEAR DONALD $5voT AU colli ra led; lift claas black acraa bearing orchard; good barn 24x28 feet outboUdiDg Portland- will trade for larger farm and Sara ax. HalDb AcXUr Land Co.. 210 Rnik. child bldg. 72 S IN BEAUTIFUL CHELATCHIK PRAIiUa; 40 acraa, SO acres in cnltivatkas, new 6 rooea bouae, large bara. email orchard. 2 creeks. 1 Vt mile from 2 creameriaa. Thai valley la ta tlie most arolifVt part of Clarke county. Price 3S950. 150o down, balance 6 yea re. Frsd W. Cer mi Co. . 7S2 Chamber of Cciaaerre. 2S9 ACRES good wheat land; 20 s. raa broke baiaace buacbgraaa aad sagebrush; kiya hiiy" . i LOT Commbta park, near sKlpyarda." far Hack kaam mmJ; S sale or trade for lot In Boas Ctty park er 4 room bungalow, Beaumont or a first payment aa a knags In a ig: 28 mtlee ta , ll-52. Journal. Trades Trades Trades We have tbn. Any tiling you want. THE HI-8TI.KR.- 8nj COUCH HI. DO F'xU TBADE 189 acre with 4 mOUoa ft al traber. saostly white cedar. Coos coaaty. Pre fer Port I ad property. P 6J9. Jos raa I MODERN $ "room- hows I rented), exehaaga for land Give price aad full details. Owner. K-743. J own at I. mostly north slope; fenced, and a good drill ! L,K,.,,A Ksa-a pr.arty aad fine laaarb weU aa place; 8 miles Irom Gsteway-. 7 from! , tor Portland er taacouver property. K-TSS. Meadows; price 820 per Sera, H la trade. Box 189. Bedmond. Or. , WILL esrhaage Urge 9 room Imaa' worth MTi FOR SALE Alfalfa and bee ranch. 20 aerea. j . tar ,aallr place aad aosae cash. 1 III, 100 eotonias bees, supplies, 20 eWchena; j harre aad buggy: l a, lu alialfa. A a. on-nerd. j TBADE my sqeity la 9 rouaa boaae, walk lag mitZ iow wmwm, w.rauaan., . o. ,. , ujj - wm. toa svi i .u, tor tsrm; wtu noma aaa uacoase, aavw. an iji, nvnao- : aat aovi. ton, or. STOCK FARM FOR SMALL 1 A RM 070 acres, law euHivaaed. good beildiBga, plenty water, aU fenced. Price $40 per acre. Waat small place up to si ".BOO. B. J. MeHUIRK. 646 I nton ave N. BEAL farm out en the Cornell road, of 100 acraa. mostly under cultivatioa. best soil; stocked and equipped, fine buildings; $14.0On. but reasonably worth $20,000. 20i Stock Exchange. 3d and Yarn hill. VHAT YOU-A BE UxK.lSJii 12 tt acres In raitl ration Honas. barn, farm Imptrsseata. horse, wagwa, 2 eowa. 2 hoc. MO chick ens. mUk separator, tt aUle ta town. Mala 68S1. BROOKLYN 8 room saodera hows., ba laisC paatry, bath. g9k, elertnclty. cwraer: e-icaaaae foe 6-room aaodera cottage. S-4S4.. Jearwal. CLOSE-IN cottaa to trade la aa bamaalasat Woodlawn SS20. tit FOB SALE 420 aerea bast gram term la Wit lamstta 1 valley, all la cultivation. 680 per acre. Part cash. Own tiaee oa bal. 6 per eeat latersst I -.. JournaL 40 ACBES on electrie line. 12 mlkea from PorUaad. It acraa ia raltlvatioa: land aill grew anything; all fenced; will eell at a aacrl fiee. Pbene Marshall 981. Boom SOS. ENGLISH WALNUT BANCH. A nice 20-acre English walnut ranch, close to Portland, bearing; for sale at 50e on the dollar of original cost. 319 Bailway Exchange bldg. 1S6 ACRES", 100 acraa In crop; good build ings, 8100 per acre, some trade. 2 acres. roomhouse near Oregon City. Wolfrtein. 114 1st FOB SALE 320 acres of land tn Northern Lake county, nice and level. Inquire 788 Bead st 240 ACBES Eastern Oregon wheat land, all under fence. $12.60 per sera. You will have to hurry to get till. Call Marshall 1686. VERY cheap, well Improved 60 acre ranch; 20 acres bearing psera; stock snd crop go with place; sny term. Phillip. Cottage Grove. Or. ONLY S10 par acre. SO aerea 8250 eaah, balance easy, ar trada for small Bouse. , Phone Wdla 2488. vivieT too acre farm. Katseede rlear: modern ong-, oa am, an ia rns, 17,500; term. Oregon In vast meat A Mort gage Co.. 179 3d st WASHINGTON whsat land. S10 aad acre; 3 good quarter sections; no kaenmbranoe; part trade or easy term. Owner. A. J. Kiler. Graaham, Or. FA BMw vTANTEP BF.BT OB BUT t WE CAN SELL YOUB FABkL Wo hovo enatnmsm for eoed liisa In Wffiasa. oa acraa ntte valley, priced right. U you waat ta write av LUEDDEMANN COMPABT. 91S Chamber of Csmmirrs. ALBERTA WHEAT FARMS Wheat, oat, flax and barley, the best there to. Write Ctswdo Cole. Wsraer. Alberta. hiaery. atock jfl Oil t water: Paeifie hlga- lal ACRES Crops, ner acre: teraaa. Gravity way. R. 2. bo I $5. Albany, Or. 0 ACBES. half ha cultivation, an eawnty mad. $50 down, long time tpa baiaace. See Dra- per. 401 isoarq ox iraaa. HtVE valley laras 20 to lOOV acraa; aeane eery Highly Improved and at prtras that are jtiX. Nasi Brow a. 207 Panama bldg. BEAUf IFUL 000 aero fsrxa oa Saaviaa lalaad for sale cheap. 609 McKay bide rOB BrtT--F A BMW 14 FOB BENT r sale ha whole ar part, ausaaaer raaort farm bouse botal aad lOw sera graa. hag faraa. in Tillamook county ; farm soluble (or sheep or gaata. Owner, room 19. lSStt 4th. HOMFSTEAP 'k C. Gal A NT f ANDS ' 4? Onlv ISO out af shout 2604) claims open for fihwc filed pea op to May 16; tiaaa aliwoat up. Map ahsssing exact lacetJoa baot cUtme tl.00. Excellent eenmftanrity. Bargalas in raonqulshL.enta. Open Saaday 1 ta 4. Aa Screen, 441 Chamber Coanaaema. WANTED Two partias who wUI take each a hoaaeatead aad timber claim and buy my assdast tiaaber elahai horn sat eada lean; all Ma; aggregate stumpege. 4,20w.004; large creek an oa timber claim; 8 mitae from railroad. H-0941. Journal. TWO fine forest taisrva homestsao adjoining. - 2 60S 48th st 8, E. Pbeos B-1S$; eveaiaga ta w raised under 6SS00. E. 12th ac M. NICE little home. luwxISS. la enitivaUoa. aob- urna, to iraoe lor in ta 20 bowv O 689. Journal. OWNER Ha rheodW will rxchaaae aew prwk block aa3 a asms l rarsa. Umber or air 14 Journal bldg BOOM bouse la crater af town of Ea esebangr for Pert land prntamr. er Want hava you? 104THaawkst,. Portend. 80 ACB1M imlt and alfalfa on river. inaprawW! Will take lata av srraago; alao lerxa. phona evening. Tabor 49T4. Owner. 38$ E. 60th. HAVE 120 acraa aaar Portland. Win ea- rbaago esmliy far aomstlilng elae. Msimsis 412 Fentoa bldg. EoUlf? moos bungalow, fc-aaaoaxj. cTmr lot, laaralharat, for glaar hrm; win aeU. Tabor 41 $9. 4 rUXlM buagalow la Miloaakas. Or.; pTww ltr; wan aaaali farm mi Llaoala Co. E. P. MilWr. Slat near Wsahiagtoe stL Mllwaukla. TBADE 8 acraa. nar " Pwyalhia. Wash. Valae looO. Waat PorUaad eaoarbaa antuaa C-928. Journal. rr rooea hsan. faat ad aad ia ACBE. S frait oa O. E.. far " dletrv-t Owner. Woodaiam SK06. FORD ear aad eaah ---f r-t .a' $239 fine bungalow. 4SI9 $2d ava.. aaar Weodrtoek car. Coaae afternoon. FOB BALE or trade. 3 Ivan asm late in IS Pali. Add. A Hetalar. Dufur. WANTED Ta rschansa city property for ' 14 to 1 amTfloa ft of tleabar. U 111 Il VlNE acre ka flsas.ula tor a FordT Can Calonv Ma zo. TWO good lots for Feed class condition. Brest be In flnaV IL SchabM, 1T1 24 st 49 ACRES, clear. auuaajeoved, ia wheat belli far aayt)rtng hero. 0-860. japrwol, SOME trade Beautiful country Iwwae. eioae tn. 3 acvws ar asor. Bog IT. Oak Grovsc EXCHANGE Mt, Tskor acre. Take saaail louae and lot a part Oobt. - L-8$l. JowraaL - 20 AC&ES freK bad. Haoi River, exdasaga tat Buncalow. A-7 18. Journal.